HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-11-22, Page 5"I __ Z�F,Z� 7'r, �_-V, I I 'TIM' 71, JoI �� __ 11111111W1111111"10I 1117, ... -, R1qRW__1 wr""TT"." .... 'INwl � I *, I ''I". - ,­ V- I , . .- .1 ­ - - � I — .,.:, I ­�, ­,"W"I 1�,�, .1 __ � . I Ir r`11,197 . .1, ".71 VKT —_ , - � ." . ,,, � IV , I I 1�1' , , I I a . I . ,;,`FF.7 :� - V . - A , �1' . a � lt7l I% I . , . - qwm� , . 'i , , �� 'k � ,. , , . , , , � � , � , , , _� I 1, � ­ ,�, .- -­ - ­ :.i:* , _* . � - - - - .. - , _ - ­ I . I I- I , I i � . " '� �, , I . . I . 11 . iimoRi!i-�.1,,-'-I'Nl'l-oi%%Olilwili 011-AwilliI jq'I" i 11 I I I I 11111 __ _wW I 1 � , 1 A 1 I 1-10 09 ___ - - * 1. , I I '. I � , I . � ­ " � v ,,,,.o ,�RfRiookb � ! i WM"i - � - - � . A - . --- . . -_ I - - I I . I -_ _____ I Willi - . - I r � I -,- � - =11itiIII __ =L;;____ � 1 - I ____ .- - __ I r.1 " , � . ".. - - . I& M 11" 11 , "i I . - fjjj.Z (;()DFjR1C14 STAR 1 tt!��� 104 I " �., . i I C I ­ _­__­____­ i . 101*14-400w_ - I ': "�, ";i ,Oi,, i . � riloo , " , .1 ill, I -1 1-_._111___-_. 010091 i � Pli 11 III , 111110. lip mokeloolool 00M 01,000011— "_ _V . 1 .4 I— - I I ­__­ I � 44 A A 0 0 414-1149M " ,I - - I - I I . � I --_ . .— r, I ­__ - __1_1 I'll . I 't - � . n MCKA11430. - Q � gk� ft 0001" I I ­­ . � W1o"ffiq1tR""_1­__-­ I I I I .1.11 1-11. .1 I I � � I �, ei 1%, I II r-1, 00aeo 1. "-w-op� . ­ � � . I ' i doN *4% Us tyu. - Ttwro idkd Itorko. x1rixt , IA,C. I �e3vlll U SU1141, 0" go istilkiiii fruw t4wavertle. 4-11 b 4U&T ( *0440 I . 1. I ^ R STOVES ARE ,1 I �� �� 1, � _W 40 14.t. It."Wit A. JoIcRt"'y. VU " 1� . �, kokilkoolldthrew -'antle-, it 1 "*zU"6W_#WV1V**4*"41� 1 1, 11 . 11 ­ 'A 66 016 mitt In IISW 0 Jdat"brief ­ .11 ---b-.1 4W V_AST� 1, I 11 lootook b Vnx.4A,r --,.c:p'v and "M I . I I K .1" i'l. u."I"J'k1l. mild "" r 9 A flloc :7 I , ,� I awrit-4 It .'A,zVlht%A-j, M.4ty #%.. I I -itite tw,1�0a% -6,111,AA-4. AlAtIo""'iI � - . � ; SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN. . i Think- bdort Von ally � 0 h L 'Jt. it, t let 04f %q i'l 0 flead . I 10,11 - � 1-11, ­ -_ I— � ­ 011- -No-1- . I . ­ � � so, till- kik'411:1I to.-itter latt N111111111ONOW ____ - _.. __ ___ I 0111 11 I I 011404 a t­.-OwAikoweekookeek 7 00III! , I '"' _ 0ow � ­­ 1. 1. I III , I,!, I 1116 '111XI ,!��, . , � .. I 1. I & . I -W-0, � FURS AND FUR COATS, fl 141tiryk-tivolii, 1%s�al,v!%r%� . *W,A)v I I I . - ,%%,A*t��,-itilli�IA4,.lt%,.tl�'.41",Noxx,%-%IttI ' 0 ,kool 0 ALA— . tA 04. ell ,; ........... 111.1-1.1.10I fl '" h - 11941 III whom buying a range Wxk b0om YOU b" 994 "" �" WM I r+ I i ­ I . itietwu+vi. %vale l'i-I . ruetionsut, in buylux a Tt%VV,v Th"W#14 Y01 ..' 100100011 �, A 1 44 I f, , te this week s6ilie extraordinary vallies III =41.11M.1v ,a,4W,.j%ifjd.tIII,NI00n,r, - buy, at 11koI ' � We ' Aiksw rolildoig %lit tile Vold 11,jr[Lebtle-O"Al 1 Ilkivel the =a , tiated rkloomilielin4aim of M901 pret-40" b*I � . 9 - WA* I I 0 , WkI- aurNoleakis Fur Coats from our large stlock. wegu"W- ix I'Viv lAks hoot PAt-Ki'd awleky. III dr I rrrcj,,,kk�,ra. uu" U04ing 4s a � I mewooll -1.1 I a 14. * � .. � s -tivulier - ty"k � "I I autee 6 qualitY Of sjl our fur garments and sell exelusiveV vpa,I W&,4 a 211414 vaiwio Jkl"I 1% 0"citiaty with nw-wo 'Vot a " 4 th wit Whit Ne,00 101junIte ill his >4 Weikel � : a & ItIIVIII Ili' wit'ea 1llk`plIWr:tkf UAvt no tooin f0c Immyt- -here fur, garments manufactured Uy the oldest and most x('41V'A*`o'11 I boue'-wo r xosxtroctlola of tho � I � A . � � 1. : thiee Rp",01(11PAI 'Churvil, and m, not" ZqI In ou W VO4 f* 0 reliablo Vurriers in Cau`ida- . I fid(lirtil. f4th )&%tit' linkitloakild. ItIld A . I r. wwm�moft*ut. ow 40 *0 AP W * I . I � I beiiiI.wt,4)tth"�Votvvtl,�t's.'Whiub ImAy . . z % I I I I &I i< . ' 1 1 JoRk, I 1, Ladies' Astrachan LittiI Coats, 3o Ladies' AstraCllaft Lamh Capes, 28 turned outand p4riorinext, ill* Itoirw tee with high inches long an4 full sweep, hand- "I'Vit'00fth"(11,4o.r. itev.,RurettPeate I � I They 06 %n*nU4A=44 tor � NW I . g n R � . . I inchesiong, Irodgeliti"ot 8#4fol tit. liftlejetted sit the rl�r I �. IVA to I cut collar, f9=1r3sy satin lined, somely Ifited and: made of fine floul" ^lid f(rave. ,Cho solexull 011,14' 'fi, 11I - d - ­ - . � * " $2,3.po suilis'. special ......... $1 -3 -SQ W&S VVry,Iajgv, thero being r= Vehlelklie , 11 � T11V vix. By= ftoyx 11-1 ­ I -, ;�. � !e . , � tit attetlatilive. , I to.io xwteds- 10*1 smtfiW4. U4 , I'll, . 1. (10, �a .. IM I _­_­­,,kVI � I I . - = I 1+ ,,, itto 04 I W . 11 I L les' As . chwan Lamb Coats, 36 Mountain, Bear Black Capes, 4 , I I .1 0 4 11 . � . joche , 'Itn"' find gloss, Drox I wrx4skeretattkeekelftwro-wo. . il I _, ,or", ge cull Inches long, full sweqp, heavll�, Pala Itt Mo 11 . 1 ; . I roalieslitoluiserable. Caultbov ­ . . I . ��� ��� 1914*,W,%., 1 I. � �:) 0 0 : � I'll, I jjt�vy farm�t , "till lined and 1� lined and quilted and commended ,. - kited? L, _"1_*1-**-W*-W I ^ >4 ", I . , . 9 I ... 0 * Yet), lit onfo 11140it lull's'Nervilino 11W I � car guaranteed, at for great wear,.special price Ittili ��, . W� x1r, I I , quilted a . .$2.5.00 1 givesavoillpleto 4110(kolltht pal"In , . >4 , � I & t4 . I sreclae � I I ... � .......... . . I . $6,75 tuo iiavi.. For iti neuviritteis through the ., , . . t0o. int, the sorenoess and M33941SMOW011. X40" 40 40xx"x*3W^= , � I . I . - tiesner'. q c " - . . paln, 71MR and . . I � . I I . " �! _.W, . !I III �. . . . I �orateI tilml Itillseles, W"- '"01 � - I . I . I I � . INSPe'OTION INVITE041 . nIa%eg you feel like 4V HeOw k1lan. X.4'r, _ I! , � ! !,! ''. 1. I ii ! � I =!= - . . " .1 q1 . I I , . _�� . : I . 1. viline earom qnickly Imeause It 14 1 . I I � - �- ;�_ . #** f I a � . � . stroilger, itiorp wiletrating, laor'lo, I I - I . I . . . I �< , 0, I I I L . 0 0, . I I I 1111. I . I igblv p.aln.vitiIatilrog than any, tither . I , 0 = LW pot WSW, .1 I I � , '. . � I 1. . .. , I 11�0 . . , I . . retroody. Don't kilifferAnotiter mitI 1. tA I I I . 4 %% � � ' I . = . -w" ACHESON & Z`5 ON a h N.ervillijee quick,'and rull it I0, for , , That Touthes the. S I I I I . . 0 . get b ­ . V0 � I I I b I skills, 4% ou We've born it, will oule - ,, . . � .voa— 0 . � ftoill 11:�i 1:1 ;;.-_. I . I . you. 2z. 1 1 . b I . .. . ,� 0 - I � .to � . I owforts, oxcloditig a laige --,.*W—� I � . .& lmpt� I G El � I I . I Nil 00- t a r 4, in . , Mar,Leod'.A., . ri� 0.14od - I . . . Ia. . lZbe luoberfCb 0 , 1a,!alk,,y- clieveral fine residences were Weak: . ­ ,. I %W Tile$ f lIst week.tho Boild. - � I I . I . I 11 I I PA . I orkkr�trksolkk; CAM, In coarees of erection, Aulong kotberee; 0 -0 14 Col. Systetn' 1 ver & Kidney.Diseafts � . 4, , a . I . I I I I I- b, . . . It tug"Voll) ittylootippointed by tit$. , . . I /I , � - _ ---- Orleforldr, Lynn Goreloo * 'who has Council I 11 I . . I . . . I I I I .. �___ * . . I � � I , ----- no lee . , insisting (it Nvhrd�ijl Itolt, J. I � . I . _ -_ -- 11 - .. 11 -1 � 7'... � I � . . , eir. lopt at - ­ ''I ... I1_0-111...-1--- , .1 . 11. .1 I w taken to himself 4 wl e, , lid, W. It. W ­­ 1. Ij!II­! 1 � ___ � I I 1. . . 1001. - cannoll W:1� R-lenaviato ' - � I � . .. I - I . " . . M * we O0deriek,,%"(j afterval-eful examina- . � . I I . . raID.&Y"NOV, . I On Tuesday night ^0 2 %Ioloi K ,, r r�wale Complaints, &CO I I . . . . I I - . I � � took trAIIIII wore. Ili theie 4ays tjork took over tile pow stione, ves! I I � . I I I b A. ! ;:__����� of strikes itild late trains the traveller dep"', � a a , y. tt I 11 � 811,I , , ireet ,, r 1. U. *Msk0TJS0D, QoaeriiI Oriti, our R,AMIES Ore built 004016' POOP10t ,and aro gaarAlItet orected fivejovilet, Orifflu train AskDrOR910t, 10rWrIt - the r . . I "lost hold, IsImseIr re6dy to go at. All tractot'Buchatiall, Itts'a. very coul. . 1. "I - .. - ___ . I . I I #� I . . - . From ooderA . hours, lOwswilotlitregfOr 8, trAiix to plet%Awell appointod, modepri It I I ­ . . ____ Z� � 13014=1 I . by "If to the follesit &tiOtoe I . � . . . I .1. Cle, . " , I V 11 11 ___­ t. Allolk Old st"40 to "It Or xt%ox churoblk -- I I I I Fael-12 - his 12i or- 15 hours late, Ind go we wit,h alkite root, loath room, fine Itc4doocke An4 IAb(krkot0rT-$IeWK%t* ft* . . tat on any, ot.our . . , I I RIP X _11 1104 AltArted At 2 o!clock in ,the trI marI slid builbat what'la COIl- ' 1:1 I:1 ­.=,.I:11.,. ::W:,:1,'' . ! 0! ! _=­ _. . I � I )Q ,g -able td ikleep., well on 't 0 'g,"i ''I.I. I _00 * i 00 ;"_____7___1:, , t nt - To I , lial.k.-We'Will'slyt you 30 da . - . . - 77, _�l � " , . __ ,W -k%- 0 -.--*A- 11 - I I *101-11- -let* -in I . ..... 777' - .30 ry, wo Wift take the - -111 _..., -1 ­ 1. � bixt I. In, oidered kilow lie, - All'. Buchan I . � ­ 1. DAY$ T! �StoVes -and lt,00-t- 64votAr."to t" ­­­ - ­ �­ �­­ I, vm ouickly 4414ed. fifIC kilkl* ,iiasonl�rAbotibths,,OeVve#USUOIU041�O ' ' -_ � 11 11, _. ­ . I ­ P* � - ' � - � I � IIQTVASOrA.-Ti-tll"-A-OAO$STJaLP crab . "' ' . fm UdI . little xxiore ontil tralft �oppe(f ix� 7 a, daCeselifor its colkly",Iets�00,-3()tll,01,hing 11 . .. . i.. I . �- . . CONTITIBNT TO S49 ZUAX­ at Ia Revelstoke. T ,.e toWel being wokthv of,.ri aller , Orim" and FU RNITURE. - i . - * UNDURTAKIN0411 . . . - - outie What (, . tre Fairer ? .. I . . I . . . � . , I . -­­­ 11- � I I : I .� 01SCO AX -0 110UH-awA, " * In 14rallyare now in P d . -1 . ;-;. o - . . . . I � � . . . . . ­ .1 . -_ - .. . : I some distance Away not ofisessiori of. tue - , - . . . . - I __ , . I - . . . .___ - 11. I i.m�,,�IZ, 11 ,�;. 11 . I . . ­ . Mulro I've I I . ' � I . I I � r . . . . I I . . : I . 4 I I I ere boom I . I � . . In& I � I . . . .. . .,II� r way again, 'We have , , ,rhow cury coalrbs h ' It 7 �. WIS BAD IN ALL LINV40 OF I I , VA310017VIVA AVO , I of uQts but A finq U. III. 11 new prelkilpe% I . . I , - . I e[ribraced the oPpottunitr to - 901; IV .� . I I - I ­ '13to -y -& �50n L . TI1Z 0- Z a; breAkfast., And w spoeo­ � I a , I I 'i . �lliar-,'%.O.�I dak,jr pf, Vvondtoos 'sI , I . -1 . I . . , . *I I . p e � � . . . T -T, -1 . I "I , ��­111. , . . xttra,ots From tbe. 1100restIng . , I : . . and, ate now in, the bs,!;Vrb',Of the Gxlr,OVOININ)� Tkiblebi A" a , d* A munitf000k vo,per by Mrs. 060. Acheson. . itstj and PYA,Cdy rkI for OlI __ 21! Vu Shelt And jjc,%V 11ardwsaie, Sporting Qoods an W . . - :4021.1 Are the pioneer Purultutv Pettlers and, . dertakers WON 1104160-1041 I � I I . I . . Se1kr3ts, , '. . W � III contlilive to Carry the best 1001ft A tro -_ . I . . . I . . , I I . . — Qjjp�. ilti�l'ngtbe'PRR,�.qtii%rt&rgentory w , I . .. � � 11 im � " . 1, (ContlikukA iek.), . , Witillt' I could nob ilescribil the arkd 'kilmilis , jifoCtiolip, Quirdike 144ts e ptuo. I list tlovr w6 have ent"eaptelat valueo a TAU"giss. .. .. I 11 I - I I b" -id, If - � - ­__ ., , - ... 11 p, -I , . .� I I , Itooto liket We ised. through -that ,Ithe, beAefic0j,t;ffII a pid tuo5t reI Dming'Forniture. Wo -carry tilt 111turs' $Or ibybry h0upebold ; 1. . ... ..... ­ I I- __ I ,-..-,. � 1. � , , . I . - - ­.. . . I . .1 - � I ­ r . 4b I ki!elack ree%t in . 'IV. tak,hGod quilae wtiltout !is n4useQuit, � � van to call and, .on - � . I . .a ift* VE'R9 . :,. orkilreg we took '80001"V PAE -Rookere. and , . . I I " 'ekiteamer an I . . . , .. . . , I � . I .1 wnwi V�4T*Il50Vxn . . lo�vltq wirI O,uinii��'breikovi�theworotc,ol4 . � i . I I . . - . I . . � . tuountilikkka. and to fol . I to I . . . . I . � now I.Ile irtind tit main ever ,contrived Gli .flocessity, And it"Will P47 00 . r sWk beforti b0ting r ""' In C1 , ' � r it reactled - .. _ , liftntconsequette; rZ.. , I I � . - & . I to bring that ridirosd tbrough Abose t'LiettAlIdulkPle �6;coua , � , bob tbat, with curtit 1,a0lippe, chills, fever, l"xilaria I . . � . I . : ! I 11 Itrotleldian-C -ha older with a great, sWrix nick bqfOre. %oridng. V.ellef to one ilose� 10%. I . �, . 11 A%g rhore tilany, -Of 1, now.and lee, and man,# 4trearaq :1�_ . and . I . I 0.4nd V I I , g HaAware Men, ' 'Phone $7, ' Honest G�oods 4t "01'est PrIces' - I � _ C ' g � . . i - ikhoilli "011ou. There we visited the waswoadert onough, ALLAN . . r ;hurclt, buJI4 many yemkIs,thoqp . . , time brts&s. t1ho.wid - � . . lutaltit capped etc, A dow st; W , bad prckkohed' And r1likI , The goixulno. hills the 0 . Und' rtakin TUe �eadiU . ­ . lillsisto"Arles, � dashing frook the top hundredst of feet Curet in out day. - I 40 , . - I . . � . I . I ­ -_ - ____W I �11 T judignik Iiiid-, been con- it . . Vim below, tile ]>Qg's MCI TrAae Xa7k Qu 4VII box. . I . .� . . I -1 � I I ­ - of -the oldt , into, t a toaml . � __ - . .. ;­ . � .1 I � . __-T_ I �. . ----I-- 7; 1. 1. . , 1. ­ . ` - . � --111--- .1. ­ . . I I, ,irt - It'd river follof grep% To - othttle, 2$ cents A DO% 'at, i. I 41'. . ___ " _ �. I .1 , ,� �vqrked. It s�e ed like t,itcrC4�491I .1 ckir III into kefuskI I . � I � � I I . I . o­qL , . .1 - 1. I ---� . .,,,_,rr _ , � _ . I lilt where years ago.were &4pcadeFi an line'. your drugests, or V lukril frotri, the .. 0 1 1 mi. . .1 tt"'1:111i'll�!1i ill,�l."Nl!::!::::t.��,i�ilill:milll� to vie, .t I 'a lvatettalls, da,shimig, so . I ­ I I 1: V Ir. � .. .__1_4 �­ I - - . I I . . . r. I " Ale -kin the races of:tbe r64 men, now you tilwAs abno I A like the falls of Niagara, cotnitda Qap�gwuixkc �cb., I�td, l3rack. " , : . . . I � I . � . 11 . roust'iently see ij)e brOW.11 14C(' of tile I �voujd like to doscerffie it If 1 COUK . Vilit, 04to 1 1 ­ . E M'bah h ng. . Mill Wood , - r .. . � mollgollan. oareturiel"KLtU VAncoU. but pop failo. We wittlinte on over Sold by 9-:0. 1101I Godarlot. . . . � . I I I I , . . , . extito-Orplog, we took.tralo tat, lopos. In the rona arkelp r , . — ,* � ; '' I - 111601 I . � I ver " i _as�es And lofty . � - We are Waders in Vildertak1bg add XintItIll 0I ever u're � . BAIRN.U,M.-Mamaz:;w . . . I Ramfoops Lild WO were,010111 rgregosi all Along the 'line Are, nuo,ny - �10ATT'YF,A,us, AGO.4-�The StrAt rd vA pannot be out I ""I r: For Sale . - tO ' kept fix Aces: , p4s6d, An the prices a . � I. I . . . .. ternp ' .-tho skI We 11 I dark, � , t I -1 I I I . . 1rOxRWAUl),AoV)R% I thig "reemer resorts' ktifold'" .0eacon . -V III -alwaysreasonable, Night aiI day calls rNek1vob,0vI!rY OWD ,T4§r aboyf jil 6,44 into %toy � I )%long OfIr t'he delightful stopping plape$ tax, tourilats. , . liblishes weekly r. I , $Wood itimling the PQOP16040*111081100 � L I . , Tho railroked follow$ At, last we reach the celebetited,131acier front ita fllek� of 40 years age), and. last' 'r . �, . once said, "You must I $I I" many r . in � . t)ank, of ther I . I _. I i 0 , & Sol!# longth-siud will.be delivered W *Uri - go -called bue,itiest people evidently �sgroil With this Woo, judel Ir I rrAser River fIrsto and StatmeloondHot-el, which is within 30 wook'suotes bad this ape from, the Brophey , -4401ifli 41 *a the &I 6f OWTVIXG they fist pu 110. . then jDa to theb Thompsion,koell Mo Iwav winutool walk c? the Oieat GlactiI Fifth of Rovember. 1801. 1. . . I . , 1, park of the to" The palm off on an unkiI � I r . � qQ � . I . � to NA1010I and niaily, miles beyond. ilito t he great Sir Doilkill& rises ;w naked - . . 1. . r ! � , ! ! 4 ,! ---!� , , , ordered#, I I � I .kl I I TheI scollery all slong Is 00 wonderful and abrupt pyrartild to a height of 'On Tuesday last the Oratigo;rnell of . ... I ,,I, I __ . r ! !! !-- . 11 r hard' III . keeI continuAlIT on . . . e tho this dibtrict, had ap excursion to 0040- . _.— I i I RAM � r— orte'r Of A . 14a, I I rlotw,: � . r * y . and varied thA010,08 really has to w()r,k roork, k,han it, iateand. A. hoof abov . � Oraersi V000tviia i4'T t0h the milvi To the lefl; are four other rich ,, ,,jr Phrate "tilici KnOPOW49V lwi:Asr, NOT)o tB:is. ft G - r1h O Re BeeD MO , - I �ay,. sit 128 Cartbris f3t, VI I roosli#* , - 41erb Lo tAke, 4- *Ill 10, It 18 *114 eaks, on second to Sit, Donald. plot," otho landing of the 910 .. .. . .00a 60MbIflationj ,,fir . 1 I r , . . .in beyond d#8crIPtIOIX-frOwxilTk9 L*lIffb, to . fir,, t e 1I of Sir Donald 120 pious And lemnort'd FLItif Williana at, ' That we are folly pilopared to Supply Is Our.. 4 ,* . , I promptI attolatioll . I . . I . . 0 I � allowy peskll- 15014010cs' theil' WO%10' II ct !ate can e eptiand greati Totb4y," 1106 battle a Inkermart" Pine drugs one 9$. ' L ... I r, . Already by lilosi 41I MATOrI1041116I for Cheap Clothing, but you tams 4rivr tiai6ther Atrid tho r ral Iway 0 in , bides -of these &CO'.&c. At 8 a, kiki P, 9pecial train your, every want ag far its Carefilf"I�,ompotind SYrut) of 'Plh . r io, ,.; rill UQtr bor 4I here. I .U04 decided to alsottra profitis altogether - a st a 8 I and accors q epnerned. � Peter r * for the balsuce of 1001, 0I place a line of REWUTA=� GOODS r � winds-silong their lace, '11U10,41V comprising afteericars Arlivedg,ilthe III medicines at - )1 11diRwalftoll - .. of peaks. , to ico ul distauge -up, ,t0foamjIydjsp�.ubjrkg is our' I White Pine and -Tar. . - . "I q be, within a five I'v altit to *iple,,Ise . I -10hospe John! ' 40M Can � jo-et Above the rushing, i� I but it appes to tTilion dkI ft am 13rantfootd, crowded ' * � , strog, ]Ing to,, , Ve r r before the public at priceii lower than the � then mWar Iowa in the valleys" ? '00 "rim" a - . - I riv.p. ( r I,,,, One Ii . I I Alk;r Of L '50 t,hO. air Is with, Lth6 brethren of that locall0' an la=;a Feat; essentials- � . . alld Our . 0, NOV1. glet, Iwo. I ddy� . Again, constantly clia.091, Aboilt 8,M* passengers were taken oil, � Go . destloh, . IT4r# sell, their sho 1 (JU41 - I . . . . 'it in 10, 'I , rig, scenery, oil b 0 1 cool, 06III of the tourlstq �s. . . _ climbett lese As T 0 y a I --�'White Pine, and Tar_ ____ _77-7 - .- - - _ - ­.. 1. r. 1. - .r .: . .. . � I - . r 9 I S I A�Nkko'-tbe vi,oev -on the--sidea-z"Ifia untanks, abswtv4 by the-tratil,rhotlo_ Tfi�-Weath0r� w Tel �.ck at_ To! ot preparation* L - . --- .,.. , you see the old Oarlboo - I flue. The Stratford Volunteer ItIfle .will Interest yon. , - . yt � �_. .F—=i�.IIZI=A..��� r 11 I mountain guides. They stayed owthe top bve ,,,,,)r,, Lozenges. I I .. , Bond. the roi le. bad to -lbeire. the moin;% Hand W anicki tilo excursionis,ter I . - I ­­­ - -11 --- qup--- r �jjaaa�mt q In order night to,see the sun % ,(!d to, pla .telfed 4 , travel for weeksi . 9., Ing. They 'told us tricy found. 0, and WerP fc I . 'CELlm'l�CQxPII ;tl 11 Wan wi, - - , k, ita tbett liwo - ore 1'.&INIes OUR REPUTATION . y tile wre C t IV dcose to the bolloe, r � , � , - - :, . to reach the, cow ore. thd�rallroad- trislop very,44,11 u% new,[ exhaustin to cesr of-Amuslee �41411101V 4104rd on. the I . � - -C '- - - d Ii �Jhki l]k Wier V - - - _ X I - - - ­_ * ' . -_ � ­ ­ ­ - ­_ I T PITTING - STYJUI5HLY I . I ; be( V 19, ­70-ij-II cielery ompoureq- - k Rup., � For FIRST-CLASS GOODS, PEW% 0 1, . but tllo;l felb T.1111 repaid for ti I " ars Weis j4xRGR 130TTLE VM ' . I . Wasbuilt. oCerisIbriallir Indtans arq f 3aly,, Additional 4�, tkiiiiijejeleyou should use wbeii 'jou' . 25ct I . I roj�vtikig rocks down. at the . a ailded to the tralik, itbd picked lip and, when box -MADr 8, i's a household word in Goderloh. - r been On P speari"K salmon er e orti be a before wor, were I110 lit Mitchell. Oartonbrvol4t lack nerve energy, where the body is P it Are abroad have a , .1 . L5 GARMENT - 11 1, . veetter's edge. Wide with her 116hatia P�Iex$ OfLOZ NGESin ourpocket. . - tighs 1XIMMIS ,ly nootilAhed, when Vol, tire weak' . � then, out with. dip -rests, and an . to tb,and bythe time tile traill, poor as. LABOR Bol I Oc. . � ... "I'll . WeIt Vr scooping An %, ul e bact climbed a.. 1 g er rundown, despondetit or sle,0019 Fal. �, *MI.W rat&t CU2ii .., I �11 �� I I . pa;nkg4 oelery Compound brAces the 11 * in sunny (k. ever . Both 400 plan 1111"M . 1. spot$ the salmon are drying pol thall any woman rri.t.tched itt; destination ft ctilbPrtsed . . i0tv pleasanti and affec. " 0 0 IN - on poles; men washiner for sold. Indian rem before. They W&e one 49 thirty cars, all crAmmeel. with oI nerves, vstTeugthens the River And kidi, -oat, ' �U .. HA E, AN EYE I . � , q ,4 In 00me anses the blood. I tive for On Its, Colds, 1:tore Throat, I . , r I I I . farm" or villages Orith titek lint, 0 rs; IV So corkiefel kroorit, fiI tsionists,who received IV I -Oval wP1 nevs, and cle Bratictiltise 10r, 1i . . I MI . 11 r, . . and barbarbusly decorI irravev as. at Liodericafram about; MU Orange* - - is, - I � � . . .ot Theksceneryformil6ek 11,1009 JIPM-ls bowerier there front 018­8ur� E, Druggist, Goderich. . "I Alternate with tile groups of � hu ell e u, w W, 0. GOPD I . . - 1P_- � . . . Rti` h o � indescribably 'grand. ­Tlhe. canyons Tracy then Out. � 1. � 1111 a � . . � � ; . _ I � . I ,- . - I th"hineero.­ �T. ban 41,110113L We, 0910 I .. --r .- ­-��. I - r ,, , ­ I � � I I lieset cledilres of the settlers. with '4"eepeix­-iik0( tb 'a 'bl&- ritarcited in the twirk dt grounds1ti the __ __ . In, IRDIdNES . , I - � ,roundlog.: towilsbireg. _MONDAV -MOR.N.INC, ' , 1 6 iftuntain"st eS - UP cen . tre or tile town, headed ter the The National Iro . � .. . . — . . ind. Ablast come vertical, rising stMl�ht in Works, started � . __ 'r osvidences of thtift, jilt Arm , SIBle-HICK-3 ... cheist I V.; L __ �! . 11 about 11 p. in. on,8aturdaY I I it re Winglikim .--. - I - cannot . . . ! ' ve riketched tholisoLuds of feet�crevted by IV Ong line Stratford band, and throughbut the with quite a celebrat a I . 9 V 117 We will display on our tablea a line of Goods That for VALTJn t )Wr white � peaks. Down this vast -;outa..buddred ,Are,% 4 few months ago. Is in financial .. 11 I r description, TROUS- XamliI the POW*- town' In the *of $no - procession were sit %ntral DrI10 Stow-"er[611- PR C9, I lz be approached on earth. BUITINGS of even � I ThoneI river.,,valle'r, *gmko YeArg cleastre, go the rallway., and the. tIver .fiddrutils. The noibc. would do credit (tiffiCuffiesor andat,41,meetlogi ofthe , fAlways tho Beat at nicks." 4 - eadjose variety, OVERCOATIN'08 of finest quality, *If I other., the former crossing front to a hand of flotte"tota. fletv. the- creditors last weeik the directors were BRINGS in agoalia.Hudekon, Bay A. 'It , Is a r Donot fectI Iron Ox Tablets. - . I d by moan- 10 e tor side .to h a for the - ­ up-to-date and of newest patterns- I wautiful OM 1131111OUX 2 r Idges cut out of the II wereaddressed by Mt. W. W. given thit-tv days from d1vt 11 . r . I , e laViLgorat rock, twisting and turtki to every met9tt-r of liuron, and plirpose of .-endealrbling to ­.. ___ r, - - --- - ' talmi And t e II Ingelimate ate or. two coanor. coupty Xii; Joseph Watson - .i I makes 16 desirable 1012' muffI train direction. and every win, MI-. R. Lefroy. , suffideptrunds.to pay the cielditorti a' . Suits worth W,$t8, $2o—now $12, �13. 0, $15. tty cents In thb dollm-, . 11 A'%.-7 j I plunging tbrotigh tunnels 10 ­PrOject� ofStrattopil also addi�esseol the bre- cow pro4l iso of It TO FAIZMER5- I - 11 :. Pulmonary troubles. Ate.. Mr. and 111Kroeks-thatiocem to elosiI the thren lit great Wreath, Afterillis the thp directors in the meantlate under- .. . I . . I- Although tbo houi 'Wilkle I IV, With the towerlor cliffs- a most 'weetimadjourried for dinner, tatter taking that the assets of the C*OrnP;%nY . ast000 Trousers and Overcoats at the same big, tempting � Mrs, worshalli Gordon And Mr. Lyn t MI aroused themselves will remain Intact, as 41 1 � Oki and 11mve sbeatting aut,the suriliglib (Ind the, War which j a cla 't the present � . I Oordonwere At tho statl 0 of tberiverand the train, Inereivied ,is- thoy could, The band played game tim,el and th0 the creditors b.e in no - - 0- - -just recomed-a large supply bt reduellons. ' , . . "I . I Usa, be;Ltty welcome. Out vis I fold by the echalug walls. selectlonsInfrout of the court likonse way areindiced by thodkI It being - -- - - - the new remedy for Saint, Germs And . _ 11. matifol home, to one at the a bundre -rible gorge will .%Iiwuinder-otood-xbnt-uhd-iiwar h de a in seed grain, I find ilea the 11 , . thoir lie I whitig tile fife and ,diruklL wtito_bea,rd. � 0 of I's I IT PAYS UMT IN Tltgi Mo. Worm "YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY" to got first choice- Ctil brightest memories of Our triv. XO th - Pas0age Of this to the'reillI Wie are happy to, shall'Wrranderilifty pell cout of their 41 . , ,am. n ver be forgottew _ __ I , _ - - _ -Ill o"r , av -y of the'cbmpany Gooda-WO'll do the rest. . I . effort *A11 liplet ed, for either Our C - __ -'- aliVuothintroccarrea durlur, the d, stock Ilitothet,teaslit 11AVO you scale the 00,teelloguo Of Formaldehyde. � . - - - �- -- -- 'When WO reach flector Stationit . - fart4r 4dar pleasure, cd- and that Upsars. G41t, and'Ballock, the I III ad a service at where Is the chief Peak of tbo Robkio.,%,� to nuar the havmimy ef tile pWce The Canada Business College I i On flundav we attend, Presbyterian we have reached the great divide. anti inge. Therit were a few ;I Of leading stockholders, antivender all CHATHAM - - ONTARIO --."So— --t-Ladies, Loo -k— Here! --Special I the Xethodhib,, ,and, . the common stock held I%yi them, ell her - 01i O'hurches, . . the rivot separatep into tWo. the drilikketiI hill: the demonstration Df their wives if ilot. rou arko r6nt yet tAmIlloor WIM 1I bat BLVE STOiP, Special � was characteriZe-d Im harmany xl�d personally. in tile, names 4 ) k we till denvo witters of one flowIrI tio. the Pacific, at lit treI ex0t!pb fIfLY shares each, Otivildrt has to I, kir in the lineii of Busizolm SE49P DIPO I On Moodily inoiI to Upelson- Bay. good feeling ttireogboub. sI TUAINWO. 8.11101ITI[Axo or Pr,NUANOUIP. pioces of SCOTCH SUITINGS % . . , h rot other 1100N, 011;TMENT. We will also place on our tables 100 # . fly$ Indeek,ap tho,mountAin to see the And- Of thel'ol'b'xv A Chatham loan atiI tre Inare, text a tot Here we field the ]Kicking RoliI rivers . I ------- *.— I Wahavo supplied I IrOUNAakfiflne. Thiamine Proildeks four. years with physicians for pattio bustricake golookols Wool SU othook, Canadian bikeei- IKOTEr OA,UPHOR for Robea in lengtha suitable for LADIES' SKIRTB. in cualesa variety of new- . whibb Is the rocket towultuoup streAm AN UN961VIAULP. CONDIT101% for ness colleges ootribluod. I . . copor Aild and. This manager, " thab c duld br I AgIrI and for boura 1. . : in my biIIck and btonjaeb trouble, with- The Prices will be CUT IN TWO. Don't miss this r ir"jured of a ,'younjr. good" relief. billier's Conspound Iron 301 of iour puplift MeI "04 rooltionq duking and Furs, Etc. I est patterns. Sao a 4 Ilow a its banks, I wish I' I!o, oat a htarty =011 without- in. oat, . tilla pItallyear. Bondfor this Its and hothilikeetzko chance, ladiea-ouco in a lif0tinlic. . . I. __ __ Ft - - -dt - !.-O.UA . A. IIA L;tn - � � ­ I- _jne,! a who "" Irtshimmi- Att-1yott-will- send - x of " - - - -- � -is - - .p4jiA_M,cA _ __ __ __ itre eatitiogne. � i to. I'djeek-oat- j2."vo -weekkkI - - - - _:__ - .. - _.. ­_ . - � � I ��­-­. ---. __ ___ ­ obed "a with caudips, gT�6 *oxx an de Farlobi a1wr 060M 0,F.Acalli"u, . 1!.Popj_ 000000 tet, to' il . V: "I thit'lyg I tho ayspopl. hilita(ea stud, who fit -k inergy aR a - - . � - -11111 00.1 , c Pa4i. uld,thimt every do __ _' � __1 , fWlaent, comes to. ult, of tiverwili k. carks and Anxiety I %,%*4D tiny k0wor foore up to 1:30 IF% .Wnew to that g6ht$i2937 a uc ulk �Over 100 feet In 1.66 .In Itij W0010a he CArried, O.Ik let; i iota shaft,�Iwbjch Is njoy, hiO aigheg will recojover qnskikly by takirig fifiller'oe P.." , .4 tubtlel t 0 re � tie. He calmot 0 , if eircumstaticeek will n0okit OW YOU td 'I . 1, The Tailor. 'I - ever feet I U Iwo, were hot d0strIlctlarkii Arfal th ext whab ho best Vel'selp(liAlle'Tra"Pill0i, 60-dosvip% cents. mi choetham, you can Kett Imsernue"O I Bic F. J0x%)j_jAN PRIDHAM - - ___- I 6 r booIl , - -fina is f, I jida Tome, Fbe salks t,y till druggIALF. � MAtt. 1114 Ilook-KAIIIP12go, 81 ourilAxotor zx. MEDIOAL UALS& � - ) WILVIO anoult ", L . I to ti� a aond VraVtg, rojj,,hc8.. o(flimsix! momanip from (holiolik's XmlktcAV IiII Of . lom sill ro do no, 4) ,xpeirlenced I . JVAIEj Will podtivs)ly cure dyqepsi&, The i eatilar sof leg 6firiOnt'llf 110119e ton no,,,ikikb eel . I. ­ It I I 111911111111 .. I I 11111111.111 I � ; , 1 . ,ervtliiljg t Corn OD!, Vill. ,__--� - .. . � , . 0 ittly AdolftallI X). MOLAUJIMAXI e tht. f Ilurve I TI faira which have illn ­J`t%Ce098yt11lV far 11LIll, ! I a , I . an at Ili It great tiestiolilif Your a satisfactory rj*06PIOncewith indiobstion, ana headache. Each ye,cm at Brus4iPlo will be rewimed once . � I I �0 111.i I I — I I . VJI h6ap it, . firlite to other prepatiativres should not In- bo% contains ten aqe fte1ttzkonts more, the firab boinq billed for Tburs- !t=!:!!��.;0.,.F­.­ The Fivit ana Pickling ,Season 11 abee*0�, We eta In ... in the fluence You L lWaltob 6'rilt"AmI -It . lit lie held III; — — I ��, .."i. � J>rica 96 tentg, a6 nU druggistdo Or clay� Dec. & , They w Rea4y-lade Clothing — I �� leaclielar 01111, of Is Otleft entle- wase the firset, the hest, tho only pain. ALd. IIqjjat,i,ht_rkI on the Thursday Ile- I . . I 1. -- I CANTELON'S is a -grain here atid we can sell you everything � man, Itecristated of I louti of- toss corri cure. Give -it a. knay. A mailed vu.,rapelpt of pride, — , 7 -other reftiediop dro8s. tole 1.1ke:11ratPriday In each month. � i AM a bedroom. and A recoptlork room � corn treated with , The Dr- 1101 Miaicb* COOP atside' buyers will Ile not[- . nt at close prices. In making up your I J� ice yer,kodgh,411 well.feltnitbed, wouldn't d�a, so again If it could help it. . Local Ind a g now a Science In -.r^llor you wa jI x 11 Mgston, Oat. , � fled of tho dates, Do as to Insm a their Oyster Patties, Tsirto. RDY & CO. .carry I A. Illiths further up the slide of tho modn- Givtyour cor"11, Obituct', Drill gists � . tit on ance.. ina, and to keep UP with list, remember that STU ; , I PAO-. - �� ,� . . -pas" breta eta Oream Rolli. I ,, Win wall the allnerfe quarteks, presided who sell only tile hest alwavtj ifelf I __*.� ... I I I _____"_W"_ Show the demand I have Just Put only the Cleanest, Newest and Freshest in al I I over by two Chinese cWks. After noorki'a Pitluleiltf UOM ExtrAII . Mince PlAs and Lady Pingers. in 4 flneo stock of goodel. I the The yield of SO tolig of prodace f rom I I rescing it *hlIe and, enjoirikest I ­� of jand Ge8kiiei almost in- ,,IV,&S$­. aroonso Millangdello lines of Goods kept in a first-class Grocery. I I 'nom"61twof our stirroundiri *nd the one acild . . I 40 I r.'eI xisses, Mito made up rey this best manu* I I , I I muslo lif a phonographo. -the obillam,811 . .me, Samilel 1A'Itellsl0ef 1114 ';old* credible, yet.1baPpflaeg to lie an Illettlut ­ 1. I 9faudy snaps, ietc. 9), fActurers In the Dominion. �_ oxmil lot biating toft And Mike, spread his farm�, Wk lob U cull. 16 RAst, WA- III even In this viesulty. Mr. PC -tot . Cirbe as o d ask the beat made I I n Any . 4 . .1 wo. 4c.. And vro wareoh, tn ike nelghbae, Mr. Will. U-ji1were, an enteeprWing farmer of ' A,11 In eig � CO. Telephone 9i � *11tio fAbIftloth. napitt -to lit, farm cOutAillil 100 lic"e" Wrobeerv, has all 4cre Of rape. and it, I PA*Cr1?017o I ' A t,,,&n A in Style. pit and Work- STURDY & worasoork, le"teed in, style. This may Da, T g "*a "4 at a . 1 046ju A simplit Item to "cord, but, rond the price paid was $1100- -Mr, is vietillor qtthAt-ateabove ruention. ft,k lijo jitgoeei In Analetior f6f thil trade in W " . not our, . T �___­_____­`,_ . hormh art, ., tuans4lp these goods are I "'caree & 3`01"se" vim # RI&O %F_ � romwiver or retim I � geiiiioroem hoel,plWity And the 00yeltY DIV& takes postsessiorw on March liob pd. Ile las 28 th-111a on the aerle Ind ' wXOMAn 40 rI lootti&AU WEDDING OAKES. pitseeked. it oqualled, Anywhere.' and I - it A t . of our sarroundtaxii. made mosti neI Ml-.1t�Lutenialayerintendikg()Iilit tbo rape cut fro'1111, one rod in length on M I I .f . an 11 i i I dolightful Incideirib w69tby to '1* to Mallitobs. I ,ono drill weighed 100 rentinds, As it isr NE - - "XX to InIng, and ornamenting I Make - - - - 5e.)eV.V_x*_ X*:V�X_X. XX. -_XX_ De)ekx_xx��Z_V 4 1 . I 11 t, � . rolor I . of evro growth,ldr. Me8werelpothnateg ' I , ?JCE RIGHT 9. rft6i'ded, 4i tho.acre. will : �;;��- I ilia almond Ic III Give film, An 0 THE Pf � I lit x4m, at ab tile swrip ftill � andyeturelattsfactIon Wilt 1* assured. --I-- -_ - - I � Ti*remAtoa"ot6ur visit You no -ed rinbc6ligh all night Alld ill, . ,The - . I , VIOUT blin itef.urlie 51 7 _1_1 t itwoet was lipimet to driving ithoist And ' there is 110 sonia of the plants' Weigh oeve" I . � utercst,, dittutto your frie" a - You onlY have to examine tk,-a to Bec . I it"Ing the ta"" of public I oecaslore I . oloyoft ran"Ing.the risk. of pounds, , . . Best STOVIES Do CAIN'T rE L aw"Ne I I 11 � ) 11104PRAT, this Old Uett!s ontractilig fallammittlark of the'larigs ; . . __ I . tflo Big DargAil's thoy Are. I Howe ALntl thes jall-41no III modern t . . W10151t.0 I I tifig orepaitumption. while yod tan got � VV58TIGAVIt". . My stock of plecO goods of all . R I ft that In Dicklea Autt-Consumotives Syrop, V7111Z NOT Itl � . . I I ; ballilitipt outkitinded It beau � . I , I . I a opery av knock- 1. . i r 114 1 mlizu _-Z, orest onlighs, coltdo, in - ­"_ NO � —I - , classes, front I l lit, 04 , f ke Suits Is complete Tillamediclue q RA. . - 135 about to full dril� re... mididit "Untry a gresob many nanillillikku" V& too lang.) #ilia, all throat Whilewoefalin to rll%Ve tile ranot 11 C A, f0j, p,II alld Winter v tar. .1.1 .11 ? , � .rI 'jasy ex-pectorattokli, which Iffittle-E-0- be.qi, twwrted stocK Of VIM druaq and 6 . . I and, riever mitt". Varese and I BRAVE. I -,V.&-. � -1 mftlipeodtholto Ily6a 10, tRg c*TI;Vs .41141 ciloplete, dispelisirI d0partment, tha, 1. - - ­ . I I I I ! tilt -bestitroubles. Itprornoten a free IWARB"Mo . rupoettlon reque"d. if .. �. . i � - `*h1MthI5j Kftr Old, plefItY 011 191"111 ' ukI aliedhings from med' I /%I& I GOOD - � Is too r icineq. " ,well as uoperlor tacilities , " I I � bare no homoe and they, ar�.. fatc6d. to I$, relieve .. .. . f . wbjclj,hjI viscid phleAm. for servillit our Tyritrong. we eI you to It lev IF.V , � __ . AtlaWaRpin this plact, - favor dall witha visit In order that you FU RNA%041135 M0KU$[xT5x*> . I . ­­. I � . I".. _____� WAMOINW ,ttk.- for 7 . . - � "UGUI DUNLOP LLL , l I 1. — � - ­ . -­ _.!!o�__ - - . neety jilliv Invostig, onmelf, t�17- - ---,--,- , I L , , L ,­_�', ­�­�­.'­- L L L C? , . I I -1 __1 ,:;_� . - . I I ( " 1. ­ L ,�_, , . GtIF:&T Rusufna Vitm , f 014r UoTnv. at 1 11.1 - --- . � I S �� I . FAave a Look—kessoo- ,� 0 ; Ae bottle of that Ilearvollouq I nI .. I , ON 00600 � �_ - I I The BoUT610phorte 10o ; cluo, ,Pdtnc!a Celery 0111106till" 13 A. , f , I �, olo"� L ..Ta the I)ttI good" . I ,n$;Ilfllet(fit'l(yl),Ltl]if"ltlle k"fical (t W . I 146MU10,11 "Illas 011631011 I . i , ofte L . . I �IL 0 1 1 .. I - � I . - ­ -­ . I dkol dAkjgpr-tpkjq digp:kk!W;4. US ONMIII '111411 - - I - nowt Toil nolftc Y'eift hII I ... ELL- 8 A I I IA - � ibE"'A TI'lapamm-limit ­46il, le-w4timll ovd Vatilloe, ­ -,- I I 1� , L � 91. , I Ithiour P33�xaff Tut it, � 1111f," 6 , - �­,­ : the lel tho hood . I , - wo 1116- .. iovalent 11 da gat audentel reccivV, I , PaI (,Oki Coraproall , S,TOVE M A, N I I 616arelflo Solo D6101 V Y4311, 111 (JIL(*j Ceird of 'U"ligtivilt"OS TUE CHEAP , - - LLLL no th-atilogfils, orepirgd, for Our "I and every inch of our Hardware, i rralinn,jorrInK110 , inealcing lot, � 111tust.1011111 an" —A,T-- I tile L II , 40. ! 11 I � ,= , '1`W;;l ,oijsk,�kAe.I)iaIj,3jos. Blood digowea anti so faT ai ive can command it, are of the nest 11 I 1 to :6 0 . . .. t (IODERIC11- ! " .4. we. . I I y r � Stomach trolohlo, , IiI alwavirs ,!!�I!!Io L L !!!-- 11 . --- _., - , , �L. -­­ 11 ..0_____ it I lid lie ekilbeenc Cur# , the g,olluille jeameti. CelprV Compound , _0�__4*10W - I I r-7 , materials only, and, in the hands of a good L Ponnn's 130ox STORY — . L . r I L I I I Gtoo orteirt, . Ia stock. I I flta� W. I . Ire I workman, ' L 1 104--- 'At. 0 ttf(h JA'st" WIL40,1, Druggist, Golderleh, Dr- MGG � ro C+ j . T�*Xl �M_ ,0 6 Gu Ft 04 -(= ��r�� I I , . .. . ,­­,� Oat, I - an OHIO , ��; , - *#",I Wki. *111, Oil (be , , -_._1_____.*__ - - ligh alta. All lvattlullbu -I will bo 70um YIELD THE BEST' RESULTS, L 11KI)uCto Placm--t. cama HeaVC3. cbroule MI t f,1l-D=.X=Mt.,r1; , kohrallin,41TI,,rtiont, of g1d thII ana itinuo. . 14 Ind, V- tb III thatwit ipv�n%, 30ko, n1w.11-11 Prolvor Fieravo-arvertwoMr. Rolleft1hultz. I - ' CTeDt TIftao. Idy *Ba6k5o Pa I � S. 1?J%A0y' ' F;Owor r)ot.3jr ra".4111tilitzort.1laq hison oxvi,rintiI "i'�"" ' 'c' " U thoketel AAI 0 'CLINTON, Central BusinesS COUdge We ailit tollave alisolute fairlleq-q cliaracterize our I tho, W-!a'1'1,T ftl-,060 I'Mo AV l3lank: Book& VaMlIr V1 AA -W tie x .L Inct witto Viotat-m-i.itt"I adelVold MO jil"I" ,.Xt Z tobdowner. 11A 41,v ­� 6TnATPOILD, OAT, diI and you'll find our goodS reliable wilcil 4,'% . I 11. _�' � I . I vc,tplif of cuttbi� all W:l vc-pil to titut . . '. ,�, "W"t om !#411-1-1 '1� . ppI0L,1. ", ,,q Dr - 10.111419 111191"'A ir� reliability Is [lard to find. r 1-4 I , I oy ,,,,U,.Inllgitr,atc,(I�IbVtltef�tifill)ii,Avil, .. M6GabgWS�Kld0CU gtd ft.0h -�Dirftt IMPA 6M, Wily vto.yt � fff AAnes Of WAII VdPer, OZOVIVIX Nt IIALV t,%zjtzjk;lj(,,AlraP, Tlpoyvar5I:,-1IAi . . . (MI! I lQu,4twexietoleodkom Tbintoetho I ki* - I I (, I a .Wakulkloughly sond, mitteml VtkI duit our Work tA tf I ho wly hlhogt . ,,, � I Wata our ftoW WMAII 4161I thil S3110� 1. gon pl.eintod 45, pnkin& of potsilM -0 Cut . r KI DO not Im4to tbllt, all Ito% 710 I I tfirnatsud lan"O. Ate d1t 6 . I( . a ,%it$ e -ft. tilto pivem With only two eycSto a AINOUIlit Atlist -kin 6 0 le . rc It or guartliked, %X09" It" auk4k IM4I I 4" � . I X� Ing% aft (1016V 0I ftlix U . , *Nlk All goods moorked in plain figir L - VO -1, 11 ti 4116 �__� MI ("tour (511WORF10 "I I 6H ta , tdl�,l drIVIOR. x1d"by 11 I Too elolvittiffe, . willieV at OW a 11; - jef) 0 hetto, Our koW .1 19 T*uw strieI CUb. tiicc6, Ma.remiltuadog lately haq I'll, 141, 2 � L L . Ift"= eltalitzem 10 � He 0. ROUNE, GODERIC �A* I ovj�p 4I jw6ito(sit. Ila - .a , eattlietsto utti, L all potaf 01t in thn cfopi firsealt. 1111111mobtit ft vomlulo. __����� � ftuamu A It I I I V MO Ing Drt ln� firtime file 1m)-til,ent ceeds. The ' W. $. *L""Z Priptloal. . . , fjo. a " , L , 60 SERLE I I kooke"I ' -1 L-11. OCAII� li;�1691�i�c ; I k 06A WWAVA, - vottirl rot vot-atitJot-4 thAt her, WNI "A% KOMODO,# & BIGE 1, . I kI & I ,6 li book and U1^11 ri . .Noow".., ­ --- . L' Will 106ro stomt PROPRIFITORIA, I _ L MUTE'lla . o"019kokiesitmee"a 6"W41tile R-111PIt'l Mate. . ,ye,*k*%"$4xP$WVA0"**ftft#. � A I I . � __ I I I I I . ,I " I I t ANN-W-1--l- MM-7- __ *W======2VU h 11 9 f I 100010 I � I 'i 'I "' I it , I__ & I I , at T . 1, I I ; -, ren�i I' .i I 11 ,� I %, . I I . �', I I I . .�A I I I � I 11 . I - 'L I I I I I I I .1 . � 11 P � �r 1. I *11 ) I ", �1� '�' - 4 "ell . I ,, I I 11 "', .1 . I . I I I . i � I . I I 11 I I . � . I I I I � �, -.1 'L . 11 . 11 11 .. . I - ... _161 �"6;�, � ,L I . d I A I j&L,L I'-:;:, .. I - ­ "A _"� I 4 I .k_�Ad16..1A1A",.._,&_ -IM�.A"kL,,L I - . I AA.- .1 - `I . ill ­ 10 I - 11 , - a-61 i 1- ------- - - --- - .,6- � �o �". &AWak*06600A i 066mw , - � 'AUMI Isdamaw , !s!1