HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-11-01, Page 6- __ V � 7- M. -.IF I 1, . I
I - 11 , .
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.11 I PNOAMM!"111-1111044, I 11� 1. 4404114.wp, _4 141IN011-o Rq� 04 POR" , ---- fl .... . .. ___., - . I - 11,
, � . 11 � - I . - - � � � _ I— 1 Fog As' 0 1 1 , W N ,, 000 , 1010 A 0 'O - � . 1� I - -1 -1 I � " , - --- - - ,,, V �� I I T'17, TOT Y% , `
� � . -_ I I ,, ' %lows WV WA ONWASU 1144VY *WlAXI OZAX33 ALAIN 91rXAX0- h I IM , , I
"I -1 modgkuw.w " of- - 818MIYAGN 9910M NEWS, Bliff
.1 Ift L'WY I* 11 b"Vorwo. Ocit, � LIA111a WKST41 topaim. "foxwra, WIN* dull. C for IrolgrAto .�_
"'t "
� I At t I (:o4ch Uorow.--owe"Otox". "to -'V touts *"a "^**Iiy poor 1A quail, .Wvmb*r of 0.1"T ==A= W= NOT , I
� � I 11" ]LIF I lion. agy AX40-101t VrISQ, J. CrW44141 Ity. 1440i N�Ad A trift slowly* 0^4 Zb= , �
. . � I It 0 A� Pon, 14ayotto. Ix4. " , A 4 X$W* 4 xxonATZ To rax T=X. The AU " I .
U�'. 4 '" A 9"' "y ` Ws otomw aiA uAl;,halotood. � YM 141M. Iwo b" a 11
4 E D V^Y"R NIAOAl" """' Wio"V= Tke Ift P*x in lk 844 = ,"0404 "o"t ""' pw .Cwt "94tot bon wwbargh I �
, I giar*, ago -40,P00, ll#p wwo wlpsady. ait.holigia tits ran; -:4r. ,.U�fials, thin 001QUIWI I the A it" of .1 " ,,I k
4, .. 4 mfJ4=Y600. $1W. 1,0 ra, j,fos�, o,odrosaing upwards of Tb4 AX494A"Al"t iA 0 paw. of 00 gift
I I I I... . � ' 841 1W ,�g = ,1,SJ,J XAWI(Ot. X414bUrth, 'OVAMOUS Of QX"t I=- 'A'
_� � � , NAlaUA 0"10. I NO BMW* � I WAS Isqavy. Twwo we" 60 10 - I'lious=4 P W in wavoloy P . I
. 1, I . , I i �Cailvod, whiels i44*4*4 M, ttle, I.- otgut -or% jrrwoy 1319bt portAn"I 0.4-0 I I , I
A shoop, _� I gagowsiod -th^t the UOVICAlAeAt In* -.- -V a;l; DOMMON, ( I
a 0. I , thl or � .
. U . . V. I
. M WINUT "or= , ii W, A t "'p, * 4
'A Bay Oityo MchiganiWOU . skes no , 4 , t , :11W. . rules for the 044 .01 In veepted at laudQei I
. . 111WA . tono"W, fr"3a, j*m 'm to limit nouuCQmXAt# thai, bita, banu'm*As tol. poo.t. boa i � . ..
. I * 1, �: ' ' 11loroxto, Oct. .W. -TU AW,k4t, b Wo quotc- :60 1100" of Comosoa* go 0 miln, BritaijU ro.4,11ginvat for many ^ too borsox fee. tilo;firltioll Army. ,
o chowai..0-00, 4 � . . I �. 0
. Oos,JV. Atout go.". 01-00 Wor14's 1), HWJM *?r ,
f�x v4A WhItV V491i"t CXtt1*$ ' 25 Irish Obstruction. , 09 tho at. Jo
- 4 1 O.b!y)a at Oft for rod do 3igodlim par cWt.. 8.70 11 -to bring year Pont. 0*,V8 the Chipago Tribunal, , Salomon; )
, , the venture M A Bovel I : be, I Wf )s , "
. orott you$. 1 1441* frelghts end 06.Jo ,,Ast,# 44 cows, Par cwt .... a,00 3.75 to Wo propo"i" NAid, ,woo flill docl4tation at Colquioll 6901 police force has received word tbAt. 11 I , ,
I I . .0���_____�" I -, I I r, Morgan VA4 old Is quo0d. At 00 to (170 rwaxd ruicawhicu aball give to the bamVeriala, tbat t1tai relative in Scotland 'Ott Woo *1241* I ,
K - , . Wheat W 00 ,S.V . rity of tlW VQJAIUQUA frOUter V a Government , Will got hool- Doll, I
� I %,try time Xr,. rwpoixt widdi* ftwshto. uooso A rAttle. pt*14 4.1,9* 4-50 Totary Joseph U , I
I I , 0 mo,kno it a point to = _ �_.__. 3.40 .41, uwjo .xWB h I
� , goes Abrood ill Cod Ott fft for $a. 4; WAst vild 40 falr..i .... * $Ad Jiligtreal ft,oet ,UAt1W4W'A Ot%�W I 1. .
's �. Valls, !circle arounil And 914,aalill.V Value � Uc4fulro a Aignber at Valuable . ...... _. 0,25 3,rA, control OV9v It* owA busInoss Who tate heneolortlk to employ ill J�urppo � I
. , ,
; 'K oespatth from xjoigar* cat AS, neircr the shom', uAtillt ITO$ caugut ulr4 of the trip. lWoutly, bwfto =1441#,fraillits. $Prlvg wh�:At 3,00 xr(*ter control oval, the Alan ; Or 41fiewhoro, lier Indian and African Mont for the .Year ending. S*Pte-uliber I
,� Out., Says -one, of the grvU in tilt cddy and WilirlEd lip. tOWAT48 ls,quotell,, at 07c; for. No I cot.: do common ....... * -.,.. 4,00, wmit Aa, Outrage it. *Ad we KWI , It Is 4A apaouuwmea Of ,no Shows earnings Of 01,888.07, Ia.'
� .wen 49 mostidarimp fmts'ever At-, ,11 6 Ilart'y at 0, numbm of rare P%WtfAK8, hO Vu* Milgito (vh#ut In stea4v Ixt all 100, cows." _".........- 9.15 � 8,25 endeavor to ratl4t tile inothar of troops. the vroli$6 of $li.20.009 IRVOV the previous I I I
:11, I tempte4. .*,a* accorAplialved bero on Ztjonlo rockg. -fin 'Will'. chmed for Illigsalf, a Iforad0A gut. - No bit, , c 40 bulls ...... -,--- _. om 8.00, P*rIlArieuts piroul ,ill," who would t4o,glost,pri3found igtaroit'to . . . .
. , I , Were, waiting for it. They fo; - Ifiard and 78ic, for ,go I �
� I $our ulen probably the rar0at, Vt Its kind in 6.0.0. uftfulamov and ,,,,W slatiro OvIlizoll world.- but wore, 0, yo�r.
. Thurallay, and that by.4 WOM91's idled � 11941WA Oluillog In ,tr#xslt, and 130110, oxsx,, blwvy. Cwt O'N deotroy her peols,11y, to great powers I
I I seized tbo barrel at 4.0 V=-. existenvo. toll W111ch be p4i$d 026,000. . - amo , Such An Vis Since the, outbreak of Davtilitio'A la
"hiln,,Mrs. Aunn, Lifson 4114ylor. Ini 0,11 , tho fig light , � I
i it out of ,the watcl-, a A � ovo quo�ed for ;, PW 0"k.t...- A.00 tioll-41 .9ta%op, JR
. nd r1pp Tun rug =easures .to $cot 6, lmhs* by prim 4�� lower �� -3.75 4100, 1 � the only tbluff United . uW a lvp,luo, of goods,
. _*, Franco und South Atrt(u t I
lit'r bArral, 11s.vigatod the lappor at r4rol#Z wiLk in two gradom local delivery Veedorp, 0ort-kooP., But this WAX not (JcrA1guyi Wtift. bAye, millions OX scat flare, CKA41 X On order fOV'tU6 �
tile vaver to tile manhole, 4 � X1 , ,!
I They 19 feet, Wax''14444 I A04A . do uWalum.. ,*--- 0.74 Mr. (I . ,
V-OAM4144 rapids, anti plunged over $Peak, Persia, And WAX -WOV44 ato And West. I . I.... 8-20 -8.25 ,Alalab,erlain declared tb* (JO -V_ � � uubjenli t" thO4 Imporlal autboritit$, 00000 In val- �
I the Itorgqnalool F Saw Urp. 11;iylor lubVO gild f Tabriz. by Torli . 2.0-0, r I yepll�bAxbowaus rAM _ �
I . I I , alls, into thogorgo And wavod their h4ada to tbo crowd ..:Lft yoxro ,*go VIOUX6.4ho niarkist Ift st"dy P " 00, do lltht.`..'� ........ . . . 11 I eragiont lawtiod. to 0. he 0 .I 0 . - I I .1.
Well the sIgneil. 'that goliftlamodan, trios I , I
bpufttli, a. d1stanco (g 160 feett and, I p*r"nt.,,pat#nU in buy0ro' bOSO I* %504ws- 3"00 to ;I,- , "The present, repral4ilt4tion of Xrt- rule- SO'x0uAatl*na11 indeed' 1" t u $ A 01000 ' I
. I I of;. above, That $or 'u, Shah, It, ,took 14;Kt#ft YIAU .. 3.76 4.00 , oupounconoot, mado ,by the E0811oh A rot'�4'A r0001yell At QttaV* gives 4 1�
, 4 livos to teft the, %alo of her rem quoted 442-06 mW0140010hus. 04 )IN- ......-l-'ll. �" land IS; I Vaid be, "*A Abuse age, A =bar of Illmnt4g 01 .04 I _�
� tile voulau woo olives and a big Z � 4 I do off-colory &bulls. i LIS 8.20 0,44'aal. NO' al � t about the OrAVIO;iWtat the, total U1 .
She,ud a well -waft :tg 'O�P$EVQ 'thO. rll$, ' � chol4o broAdo tire hold 16o to' a% tw*ttou can be 3944 "Ovrrgine.g 0 Asylum of Braish ' .
. ablo trip, wIth rusbio4s, %lad shout went UP from the, crowds ,on I i been, called to tbA higher, Mo,vittolm ftour� I$ ofead 5100 .85-00 g at of-liusuy ww1orn in European war, rro-Vi�uclal. Inson,
barrel, padded Attention. hAA � xesp Of -this: number �,
. y at 341ch cowa, o0b ... ...... a 8.25 e t IA. ixomqfflAto anticiP400:
, . "Go
"I the bAiiial. mmavv% o4tablishoil, 04,for H 8.Qo , , -Al abo fo,xo th4t, an interokaloum conve" oplinubla, .40 - - I �
. 1� . .. equipped with (N harness of straps to )osible to got Itro. r,yglpatbotle ft unfi(Arlan patoilt# and $8.701 84009i qxp, OW980 cwt..Ioo, '2,50 4 404lui ,olution. *ilid.Vo are 04=040d to .41 ne" And three JUPAT10e.
,�, I I "Oet hor In � malarg her trip In it was lmp( between Kilig E dwo�r4 and the lato.: for o1rout bakers' In c4v lots, 'llosAi 4o, tock# per owt-- ot � colltQmplauxig that. Vut. when An likely to9k be , 50000 go ore Chi offered ViOpk , . �
. 11 Toylor out In her esbaustod Coudi- rrc�aegt moxinjoy in thoix PrIvato included. Tairoutq, do dullo, 4oh- ,..-.!. '13.00 0-00 A I 'All negle has
�11 161staty, ;404 soxa.0 ,degree of comfort. tiou� Part of tho tot), of tile tArrel ,. we %V,t ,uo*rqr to tho, ttW&, 'We Shall the =%ttot- , drew 01a I t.
I :She grgjVoid here some ten- ftYR -Age coriespondouco, ,It 4* ,not Nowall'y Millissoll-Tis stooily'at $15 to 011.5.- I cWt.. ,;l-'... OAM 14.40 . ask you *bother you V44 IT10h 'Ve- L XMVISIOI) UUIZS OF VAU. 006. (orA libl'Al'Y'la w1unipes, pro, . A t I
I , Was tinvoodolf And thQ woman lifted linowg that the�- both, Publicly ,04- 6()JOr c4,r#.V oborts, and $18 for AIV 4 P 'head... ..".0, 2-00 10:00 � I rIty Will give the usual I
,;, 11 � with her 0=4ger, Vsaul; U. Ilusnolli , ,proven , to, YOU# Ouriously enough, the , , 0 cO74* Y'llin the ,�, , , I -
� . . . lity. 311ch., where 6110hail, out.. '11104 It WAS 410coverod that k0awl(Ased ,Wcarer, W - , tatiou U no precious peac for.1to HOPPOIrt, And 4 4,
� Qgd, to , Tier virt.�, 43,00 0:00 Is so vkloola to tho A^* ZOW year �
I . Aoxi4l tutor- 1.4.goe two yeara ago.
I . from Say f bgy- Duo, lad 400410041 0 lievere scalp : pite K branwaot., ftwtQbA shorth'Jol" qU0t_ I got * oice � . .. 5'.76 Q-00 i . foreuto atThe I Pawl, g4`b3A1ttQd to th(i TMO' . 1�
11 beM COMO in 04CII)M, The 0, alldL blood wai dripplot down Thoo", as tbeirlilmol _ ygm, A. - aque �re oubJected will be , LL I I
L gd- at $19 and brou ,�Ai $ -Toronto , to, thAt It"Is, Witeathe4uloof war we ,
,17 oxil, co -,04 OW. r0lo to ZOAI
� �� 4 Oulito, . I . a 0, 3J bt ,., r * 6.0 , 0.00 hr,XIVONAlie lrj$h 'A' to p6 revision, C04(UIIy'AV9JaQd %ny Payers. .. It
p rei'mino with thqm-, whey.-occured $16 - Of walev "wtif'o, - 044 onae, WhW . jW ha sent.4. qaua. ..
Oat- U 11*4 . *
- '
- V �vcr In tile barrel. 'j401 , 4jeoty, told, Mr. St#04 . .. X0 - 0- -o,oQ- , Alt Otto -WA- At - h- -, t)14 .1. . A_
hor� tot, Silo Was, olso ralsixt low Years agg." When VrIllco OUR, light
, "� "a *cut It rom shock. A boat lilikp X r owtv�i. .76 nomously -AxtWIl*,rQrereaQ0 t
and VU(TOPIA01 Z010Y , dy . .0 6�trx OA it " I $At" . tog 41 , a- the W41:3011, tho-t -to tv of men, to 0
. tho world now .�1404^ - I I � 1, ite, repnoeat*tloa of *106y, in I . ro$oe IF,ac, w are ..
The esil lived, and . 3 N 1 4 low freight to Now York. to. quoted _, 0, , rtiong any, otiep,4 , to� 1
3Vs. Taylor Imo _T.aR;?1AC04 10 Ilkeli it best"' 411 � I tbo Shape of
,W the stricken, Preslocut -and F , W ,have a contract for Installing I& 00M .
� . as secured, And !Suq 0 � at 4-7,0. T'ho quotations Akio for No - , v
. I I racillately prepared to Wake the tr1l" I . rowed to. thb aid of the );nOWN t1%ftt I ,,13Vr,VAx,o oua= mAUXIATO a el 4 49loilil." ,an A opo.cino eWetgerAoxxt by . Ora, .
I . All PrOPATMWUS had bow made it, , and r, wixpi,li 0, ogrrlago took )Aurmttr4d the faiwaig.r Iwo Olt 149 1 coat 920, so 1 ,loddle frelgiltv Slo;� Buftloi, Qot, �;Zq,_.Flour arro. ; -, a Colonial, giegr4o.iY went auto ar tO, refrio4lrpul. .00 omplor pteto Ooetrio Plant at tho 00 ,
I 'list ,an"40, I I I . �, , 399, A :point out, that oil the basli O1POP*; U"ty men I
. , b quoronft() station 014 the io� ,
� $Or ,several. daYs An advance- At i . dcathbod. . .. I Xo 4 481c, No 8: 9�trn,r 414 A:Alifooll,4t Wficat, littio doing; two cer# 444 African troops I I I 1.
I - I moot,ot Asiatic I . I
her to her �oardluk UOU30, � I I +-It'jo A ourlod$ ta,ct that two . of fo midal Fool. Corn flt1r4OAX lAtion T'rOland bad thirty 9*eabers in 4104, 06 ;,only land, �
2:01.3 olclocic� Thursday aftOrROOTI, TAIXIDALY TO =VJ0-,' .43 , 0 ffo*hto, . p x*4 wintor Sold at I civilized - warrAia, James Fout"o, retroleg oil, 4i%n, !!
Mrs. Taylor vteppw into A, rowboat What raw be COW ther greatest son - *0 4 ,yellow 62q; ifd 4"to.,, 61JO ,to tear moy In th(k gause 69 COMMOur, action g4t.00 �luued frokw 04 visit -
to - WhIc O�A it- flodgei 00 100-4,I)s "Puy'. ' lluckwheat-43 steg4y. I.looal,40al ,ol.c, No 0 do. 6010, oad On, the baids of ter ,Wntr . toke�l by thq. doj� atoo tho., Who has just, rot, . ..
" 1, . . a Dr..W, IL : I filivellto,ro. at the time Are-AX4649041" k 3oftslda�gd �oo In any WAY Nest Pass, country, 11 I
, , h tbc� barrel bald b , I oro uo c, 84 'O 46*0 =14410-frolglitif, ; I c"� bal".1 , . �,
. eon Oftho city" ""' born gion. A41.1 the "'A'Ic a, 0 ImPoriatpurilo, � I Aeolon, wail tile to tho--Jorow'o, .
ic(ched, .04 moumd by rived Truco- Stefan and ourc . s wet) unowni , ho %Vkot, to pteo,dy at 490,039 ; , 2 wbite, 430, $ tiquil far : Rol " as don- bowrib�, upon the -4 0 "
�, and flrcc�od Mrs. Taylor,o . . I � ra I" aoJQ;1 NO'L fi sidereiA At the tiMe, of .the uA100,ShO 460 on to tile says that crutle oil , a be obtained
0410 and Willinux r touut,ry - ,of xFoolo 0 Sir ddlo'-frolgh , . I do, 401 ", a 2 - INC( . ort%tjoa al'their, 410b:"I I . ".
tea riurailioped � M. olo mo � ,
I , '. l4wp, at Wottliro inoug a in tile Ontario oil
I I 490. 'lle announced that $holw" to own *0 While, fancy 1610; good had from,,40 to 6.0 nxembers , to 4lacioq fri.thut; district of a quality OUP01`10
� rass Island. Aix. 0 ill � . Virtah,moxim us I oroi�-T* "told4s at 11MO lit do, 1, Parley, , pW4 A � f
I , X xtufus obluson. and In '. ty liall shape, 'b 0 WAS. 'born " k1ye. $0 -2, mazy, I . . � � . .
I I %, $or the head Of Q tg , a $or 014 0 . to that Produce. ,
I I )tbei boat With the othor Oclebrity W11 . Anode, " Ix And 105fo tor,lollovil to ;: 158,3� to '160C. 1 . . I uAtiono", which"Comptloo 4% i;.
� Prod Uvaaa followed IT � pull through. urs. Tay- Dr. I- that this,4011S I =04 's"Prollfbq Aolds.
I - . I case Of , I under tbw St 0 And went, 40,4 00 to 48JO for,- new' oaa- S7 at freight firm- "I say titutes Ari tog tho, W cif
. account . . .4. -Victoria, B. O., C901PAII-If bail .
. gistango. At Gross Island ou'd 04 . J. =ttljux, I o.44 lellqw woat. A=erkh X0 0 I two
I � Mrs. lor asuc�du to gIvO 411 of Rich acted _n - I - I abuft", 110 0utinted, IIAA4 there bodies of troops goiallosed of indl-* , a I .
I . at- ii-11-pho could 00 " his 431#pity.�hird yva3l _44A. -It AN ellow In. duotq4 _at - 3PITilloPr,AX GIRMS' ' Olt why it %Vagt Pr ,�endc�vfilz I . ,I -
. I Toslor Wolied off � I 1111IL'T'll Y... MAIMOM., �- -14 .no, ,rogs ,. shopld bopQr- .v,A�al bow, Awardid. the' contr4ot t for tu t
her Outer clothes her r1p, b . I _ a ot's
T . 1-----1--- - - 0 It . .t- _036 Torduto. " . __ � . , � I a AUL lavul ties for fm1Agq4A0 ,80rldcQ ---
- I 01 Ora , 0 11111811MA"O'lot �� vaocil, x0mm." 4W0lT.49r:XA - I .
._. 4n(t.oAao7lg a, Jacket ago snort own Aardly ne6e-srUY T, --t1w - � � rewaftlivAt, Alt, This 10� on ..
� � Oi�i�;;Ara fillow. .0 2 w 4 of. tile
� . & I � opwd 000 then I craAhed Into VIQ r 'Adoll" oot� 99--�Qvo In another portion at the; 0 jx,at bind, at. $. U
she sqoliezod into the barrel, the'top Is the Juvolito! of the famo, quoted 4t,3640 I W On V Ago OtOAdiOr, go' ,uti I Aoip,yot. rraaco'w ,
I I 11 I . rocks.throo tIxaOsah- -it, head gly veteran - .a - AJOW Ireig to ,� r4o'ex -Abp which Wei -is largely, 46votod -to the � gg firp Or pro of the kind 91von'to a I
. Wes put, oil, and 011119 ON10, wbl.44U. ban 00n ,X Iffoirg , Irou#, passage. VRSFA AIN itself to Up � . av It 11 . I
t,o have 114%11 . I . 'A
air Woo pumpod In- . ow York,, They V.0toll at 04P xo� I co; ..�_,,If . k,y *,ill
�T . . by tile �Britikh .Qov-
� I to tile Wma 'With -4 bicycle Polup. litad." ,or �,oigpvtod ter of, to 860 cast, ,at a dole I Ights .34 st,)Ilors�. Aron, NOVPIAbQr 4144 MO' Irlsal question, lie abxOrvoif ,,,,,. A It of Cho 0"Or , 9 do), . !�
Tito boat "*fill W burrol in tow, left *1110 Woman cannot give any, OIL 40111lon, men S(400 %862. , . 0if at 30A ilorth And, West. ?�nlbop A$s Vd.,00llors. XaWi on """" , gentlemen who now up, ., soldier* Ila 0 16 War, An ort ogt. � I - . - 4 . , I
,c ,. ��
I �� agtoment. and probably never will. � , , � . Xoj� U,o X04.1 aa4, pray. $or -fl -1 , e&i � - .
� . I ]� steAdy at 0,20 for p" a , ilut � iiuil,oi;00,4�, 'WUeqt-- ,Which Its u4tional,oxi co was . . . -
tho island a .50 P. M., ,and the 'quic, the OAtMeAl ,�4 a Porlla4neat,of ViOlr likely to. be At at0*6,, a dt q r0lueN. -
arkets of ycater- � I Attor toii4gll, *,Sir John U or ,
lorra.o,t' has ' d.,�14 for'toxrols Untrl$s - -01 tile :rrA**h togit At - �
� � � Ono trol Avolar of the . . I UbSUS �400 Strings, , ig yi
, OA . xiller, 11he poot of
I . men yow0d t'a, The trip WAS a ivild aild dazg6llous �S* fS ro. b - I b ' t 'd
over towards the call- . �ruok.,lt rich,"- to Car$ Of. heigs, "d 4 't Im . il u in
. .� : . ra beginning to end, and the , 11 I ry cougtr,y, market$ therefore . . -of nea hilf
I Adian Share. b4bly tire tbO expros$iVo. VerA . trlick Toronto, jilai, It 111�roxloil =041rall the . wils,,by v.p. sort, �
+ . ,
. , , After going down as 14r As they terrible drop of, 160 feet Is pro West, 11% which 'hO IlVeli- It 10" got Aud'25-m luore lot, smaller lots. dull. , , '. - I I Government had. beem to 4elr lw4d$, Wgroolout, Root, out. � of t � ,ilsoue... -Juetice, at ,Appeals 11.00 reOlg
.1 . . �+ ., I , � , 0 . , .1. cyarcif, the mqn* coat ,the barrel loose .what occptoned the Shack.' Tile CoA- lit So, ,440' 0 a p.nd *ok had bad the )power, I am slilni at, The 114istle. . , ko - �. 00co" I cases'lit *he bu. I i
I I . IlAr- .M�t,4rq, however.: whIch ban giveg 3?004�4,fo OtO40 At -710 AOrth TIM(! 's X�OAdOA1Q4O -3fAVk I he t, c0italn �ho.t the ofe!wd , I . ,Iftee4 himdrod
I �, I I cusplon threw bo� 4ainst tho , I 'jAg , Y would boxe x It has until' now been geue:i r
. ftva= p. 311. lit SvArted'Alowly'on i,ol aull produced tho'ent in the 4boad film bIS fortlinO, but OAL Zlihtcm wost*od 74.1c xaldille frolahts+ . . fliteign-ArrivaA4 rather dearor, It-, - their, cOntributt . ally bo,llo 0 Ar4 *epo#ell. daiiy� from .. I
.. I . - � �4 I . . . cowi, A=erfcaa 4quitt lit a to Pay ,' - on: ,to tile � ulldorstao4,. h4wevipr, by these ,three roo �p
.� its voyo#q-4awn, tb&1rIvcr.' Before, e ont to TOXas and , , � ,. ' - , ' ' , . I ll*h, Arm; - 0 Alto, , 4�r Wxlv,, ant) vidult$.
I , the Horstshoo despite the cushions and straps. bought- 70 . acres at basturo. land 414 4 1 rm - war, and -that they Would hox powers that If ustivo, troopo 'Were ..., love of 4 countess who., would I f
. I
. '
reaching the brink of , Mrs. Taylor states tile+. sho, is 40 -then no . I uxvtv Imomom , 0. 4441no of � 14d. 'Danublan 41 * Of _C=4 . -�iilplOyed it Would. bc,'OPly 91% . .
. 14 , co ft%& And rather 44 US � ill 0. ppsltiel�, ." , .
11.1 lit lima nearly 4 n, lie, at Vila tompor,_ 10., An acre. There Was flour. American. , � I I the 0
1 1 1 AS born at Auburn, . - �.� ,. I I earit, not love him in returg"Victok 0 Bri-
� I I . IVOUS r0lds*ta, utivigota, �Tboswl"._ ,years, of AUG. W ou ht, at oil, q#d be began tho, Ilutttr-olupt now glade oftirlesi are dearer, U nglish Arm, . f '. uxqgt�,� I I I . � I last eXtr V, L And thin view, �bois
� I .1 - th .4 Cattle ranch, Very in good domendl otio , too ,pound, rolls, I Oct. so.-Olo ! . f ,, ;0 , _ - � I boll. itrongtlioned by, the �xtftot* on, of ohkagq, rich And Intellectual, .
. . ,1PIdS,t:ouslSt,ot 4% copies at vasc,,,409, X�Y, She was educated in the Colo. co . otiou 0 � L LivorpooL,, � O"Pot _,, . �
or 41gusbor" was in pertiollox being milth 0aught .,,Sol 3. 0 ,
. And by some� Are qqn4dered more won schOOIR, W44 I'll Nod At n1a(H igoon after Or arge y ,,I wheat, oulet, tAndard 041001- N , �A =NE,VXT TO IM,xT#T0, , , dinel-ry palos. -which the ID-411iiil d6v- b4sp bocoblo'losafte, . ., I 11.
r who died a -d W . I Are a I . I . . ,ffj,�,GetgiAn �gdiigtr-lea-VAJou, held
� . I fteir � all 0 ImAllp lifteir I,000 �NIIN Of dear a I , : - , , � .
I I L dangerous aad.'pIot*rosQlx6 than the -later, leaving herwIth a ��Illld. The drill . And his i � - ov,qu-.bottor deround. Poor�Otuttlknd 111vi, SO, lod"to 6 Old; Wailes, 5s - ' - ep2*eat UVA, tAkt,n to Oroyo�it � 'the g At 33ecllp and'ondorsed � .,
I . I the now twxous oll.flolds" I Rd to r 61�i , rlW
11 �� .. . Whirlpool Itapfft *Vila barrel WhIlli ',boll - Wo. 1410410 Of . I J�oullon. Spectator'* Vio* of A,bV-0- w4 vil 1146ixta, -tribes, Who 00, un- a meetini
, 11
11 � L -, glodium grades 4ontifivo to *00r; 10 , 1*06t loyal ,d EuiropQaft trader vallatice I I It.
�� P.11 ,� .. . clog down vd$ 10 Stretch of too 4cliltd,illed later. and sinioe i he has just, beon'off�rod $10010001or 84, to ,�S$ 8*d-, Vo I northern 01069, � oolioo, ot Treaty. . der 33-tilUjoh rate and to ths propose -
fete. _ 1)0*, 44041 , 0- tratted, S
11, I I Taylor lion earned tier livelihood by large quantities, and the doulawl %ol, . I I .,
I � . I - I )its rauOhi bUtbO 1104 resolutely , Te- , futu - )atch, Iroin) tile BrItlob flwg� fire= 'taking P4 tites. , .
� 11ug Wafers was vZotchbd 6y thOU0 hing', havlpg taken a course An . them , - to w" Ilargo,rolls s011 as Iss.. $a to 15s,,Od, . res, qu . r4.on(foft'sv,yia,---Thq rt in - gaigsJt th lu. Italy has.�brought
. I . Auds of -people. wil,b, had Como' down I to4o Jusod to sell, at -the price. -, October' SO, 89 a,, mar . thti .ww agAinsv the , n ,the .
, I ,,, CIA On, 104, spot, Spectator, Aca,lihg with the qu � :Soers,� T .'A glut, of'WITIO haliptimy it gal- f
� . Irain Buffalo Ailld A$Iler nolghborlug,tho State Nprinal School tit AlliAny, TjtoMgb' still a boy, Xubelik, U'a h1W As lob. dairy �.Auff ag4 tubs ,Ora weak; now, 4s Q�d to ,10 91.4 I . 't *at, of J$7P thei. )�Venoii, ai OAO� MW tile down to a �
. . I I .
I .
. . . I I . I = . 11"1011 it
I towns. N.Y. . btalus 4ii average f000t bringing the same 11gure, It, oxtrOule� futWOS . qUlet" Novero'bQr :'4a 0.14, of the lothVIA44 Qag4Is'e;oy,0-._ . 1 � .41, Will be. given to Soldiers
I :, � � . violinist a , ,out brought', A so* native regi- Ion,
I - I When asked why a Woman of her of SI;Kty recitals. ly Choice 14540 can be 'obtmued. D,00geabor do I% ,4, Vigor. 170 04 the Uriell. Is, A I . tead at C01104 " . i
� World an oqUal.
I � . I PLIUS033D ovy�o T11D FALLS, :L'000 $or 04ph � I . W449 by tho. inents ot'Torkou VOM A100466- :But and pallorp $As I I
N: . oditeation and UttallilmClItS Should 11ho you'll Poorer, grades, sell - At 14a to ;1,50, to', Is$ ad. I . I . .8 , �so to o4torkralsod net in A, street, light at w4co, 'Texas. I
. ,5 violinist's Agent, was, the I tous, opened to tuo . great van tI
. . It WAS. just 4,A3 p.%. When, tba'scoli such notoriety she paid she hail � I At L Ora
I � � . � 1WItu&S of' A totiow4g, Sight , and find IdI1110131t sole'At that. 'rho Antwerp, Oct, 20.�-Wboat steady, ; terms, And, held. so stranglY U^t"uo Only in, 44)�aulr allct Asewhero 111 exrSherlit UarrIS And We Sea V I
il,� -,. - I barrol plunged. oavor the Iforsoshoo not invide any Igo ey and tbou#htJf best Wry Pdurid, iolla,:,Are polufte at 1�0. � rod wit Power, tit wax tralitY, . 11 account of . I
. � .. . Mis, having truNuin nearly twentyl 110 Could nCCO 1% Pranue recently. Towards tbo Cl6so a . tter, ;t$ If. , � , J With Gromt Britain, a ia� FxA,ucvo dgaiAllt kiii6d, by J)rL. toveilace P . .
�. I . . JAPI h BOMO flAch' ack, 3.7c. Tho , demand f6r..orioaw.V�f is 040 Will ',be able to V101MA it 'neu. Eurapo"but"ove . .
: I I of the day 44 old ivag#.. 4PPAX0ntIY. Paris, -Oct, 20.-OIO4_o-!-Whea.t, t their- M.ploylvent that they wera.ionilly iroublvs� .
1, . I . .. it 310- . oteody,and It sells fit 180 to 206.101' . . aftu�� .404 1440 111cittith Ration willtalizo that?, . . . aid, Is �
; infuu0s to Torike. the trip doWnl' as this she could make a lot Of I % . bpAtIIy% p 4ACI( to, A#161L ,
� . eat, She botwobil. eighty. OJ44 gIVOty- who'. ;d . October 2of 75q,, J I , , � . WpPall 1012C Jojo%jah lColler 24 youils
. . . .. 1. 41wip bets worei glade 00 "ho, we-! 310F And .be forever Irkdopend tly'Ltravolled for L Isolid "d 21,o -to 2XJ for pfluto. dull - fusto4d 10-9-' them aliroko;tlon, at 01 I I .
(Iftd before sho� or, took - the procautiou -to OvIden I I . Arm 21t $00, r, lQue, 04tdbg,v . got ; before tbq, plose of tile war, alth - I the Jusane war4 of thO.Almoboust il
, I vion Woe reached thO howev _ Eaggi-Tha )Mild w&ther reptui Ali 'Bad , `: .. . . .. , - (Hayton-Aulwor - * treaty Proving an ,. 10bout fthters . � Bi.idgepgrt, Co,uu.,.sufforing from
, i . . 1, jug iiy the dust an Ufa clothes, , and .. I 046y wom. Illaso "It, -
A ,
I . . : falls, Tito. bt&vlrt rmopmii d Inside leave the a4droso 91 u, sister,,, We. I I -j ". - 1 lx4uty, it-lo"o; 0 O. point of view 014- a 6 eireot-a., at .excessive, cig ,
, . � . . � woortileag.af his 'JUaVogulnit, #P- -liberal o0rings. 'Now, Ieiiq�anil fresh - ..' ' I . I , i, , I , rO&t b0nolit tn,,", Mia A xal)(My .,arettd
. . , " , I ''. I �
, r ' U. I(endall, of Eddytownl the,' - tho, . botel Where Xubiill . - I 1,11 I . . I 1p I
I I lot a lainuto Itthe boll 11" W4411,r,11' Jullo k gotfiftl� ocks Are in good' demand ' nq6tiba--
I I . ouced '. prOaChoil IL reater Valuetllan,3110 ull AmoUing.
- . I,- -,-.-.-.,. -----, --belov. AM 1APP14_#:,j;O11 . .. notified. � I I I � _ V. * ixt.17,4.xor%T;bvst abd'Ucth,loo, � 33VxZl19R.=Z=V4b� I I ."Tbat America, - tiloatti - she wJU'1L fiftitel'y �
. . � I . il"" to lie . . - � 4 1. . I .01�4.4 hand- I f, -f . .
I I .. . A -, 11 � �_.- . - - __ -11 _h6 j - �- - _ -'li'15--14- -
. _gqio, I c The french Govaeftiftent will, Intro,
� was Staying, U. , ... A . 1.1-14 ,Or ot �. - - , . I I , - , -, . . . , .1 " evies of 11xno�baotR.:" the 300,
. I � , , oil* of wboul, hAit'nov4il handled 11 il,uco v. lit . (. � - , __ , � I
, , * ,
. korthlof he Ww 06116ral T'rquou'V-01 04640114,40 1hould bI llerself,Aq prege . , � L
I . . =!ftime _-i�_�� _M___!!_��� rc,iirefull3t carrying 0 00 , , � ' :n*lkeF - ,work,- a0d7- U614 �
I I P . supply at lrult,� eg 0,41 �_-Tbe 46maud for !ilc�14111- I I. . I . . to pension - I
I p . . I gs, and buttah kit ud gen , tore in tllglr 111W. , , . gard , s to work i
� . I L These WQr# An ig, for 4 - I ,V lu . 1. men oAd fleatilug. ihe working,
I ... � '-Yougg.�,dryp1oCkod`;sto.ck_ is good. . I.. lioutra y n putica In rt
�J . :M, 17'. TrowlOy... Vittotordf .-N.Y. - Dill , . , OV reg I
I— � ". -__._1.___ M r *1
. ofterl an And. . _0 0 _*441id.., . adi w POWs . I 11 hours
- In . Q, , I I .3
. 41 - I I F914 '91001 prize. . Which .he .,
, I TIM , V111Z I year and unflor 2-%st . I gut he at War' 18.4 ! it TIM LAW I
�'r � .. � I oA walkZ 00 TurImp CAMO In -vary freely yoster.* - I I . or, NAtrioli. .. L I
-�, I � 1. � "s-` . Ch.". n, 13114a, pcorl&, Ill.t Wo. n,. the agOd doAOr Who Ill � I at X doap4tob lro)A Landon Si�y* , I I I . .. I ,of talnero. . .
�, I .1 lay. and iiiiew toll off. Even 104 . ourd. such a atipuleltIon. we 4 The a4lon Of I-Tando ahown, bettor ,old which
I , , I far With his present Was no other t . not, Tile Aetio.0 of sulPhuric, P ,
. . . . vMnits or U rZES AT T= V. ITAU'loy, Pittsford, N.Vv, took , per ib'forlcholce yourl there The War Office announces that' after . �
ng violinist's gra � . g lilrds . And Could' loot, be Oboo tea. I � ,
. , nd� considerfttlou at ,01 the ctrr.utft� thaft Anything else -how Strong has !%ail accumulated .Upon the 100id 01
� . . .1 . I G2ZAT ItcrXSE snow. . god PrIzo , Ord pli1q), Chao.1% Uliall thOLA the You � � . . I Were =tiny left Unsold, and the warm Ute4 after'#ar Woo declared. I bean the Tre tilloi, Iht the Past the machinery Ill a Pario.btrect Cal i
� . Norla, Ill., 4th prii-to. Mrs. 10. V. fathOl'- � . I stwigodo ot Geile6l Bufler'a speech on, it, .
. . : Prominent u3jogg, lady Artists# . Weather makoa: It, doxiteroua. t October 10, And ' the explanations . .thadai-C4441"ll t 0. e, a I A a a s 9 411
f'L �. --- ----------- -- .., _ - . �4 . I Trawley. PlUtIford. X.Y. J61000 maro . toln stock too 101W ��� �� ,1.-. art , Will use - _4014 , ,zheini 01OP - ill
I aklik"---W*e#f-tliii- 7101a -tn tU6 to 'on � stroma-vith $oat U"aoi -b�r -, a fbason -:�bf - -hot, ma,v SUCCOSS014'. if _ , - �- - _ , ". old birds, I --by- General 33 ot, W-9- else' -In, t at 11 4 I
, ,
I Wjii V�ijda 069di , iiiii;- w lb " " a' e96,briug 5*0 t6 I I -d*Wt - furutsbed� 114a Of _ i- I . 4 � I , en A. lheml UPP
� . I � . I . .1 _s , � I I
� . Are --list, 2ad and 4rd 1110-90 do- - a to he has bon regliovveill of hig cc ,ad Must AriexU�ws e �. I with one 'othirl,, � 0 ler of Pokagon, =ch., �
I I . . rogIstor6d chickons-44 .01 , . - I , .l W$
1 i I ' . . � I . Plyd,oxilalf aud.7raueb-Cmu � . I , lightful child studica havo !WOA tot docks 66a to� 76d, - war, whatever Jurles y � which it h been. L90 0 Ste,, 0 a 11 ' In the'llarlor stove,
- " I pa, of palarltV and- Soo and live ofilckogs 400 to Atic� ha Of the 4 . I
� ' L , , _Pr _1no_ M.Bulm_2go4a,_114 and Placed on If pay" L a
L I - 11 ..
i. , 11.11. . renown. In private Ito , Miss 'Good- So . a I 1004 . . kbtek I ," -L746 -Ring- ,b � I . 1 11 �
. 6 ,
�. , --4 - - __. I : ., , , ,. I Cb_WOifd'*Ad4-r d e am .. , species of ua ri. a. _ . u . . I which his daughter
A4�u *W;068.� dth and Oth prizes. Mrs. 10, V. 11aw- her ]Suc brm� Oct 'thiA 7%tc14)L , AS_Appxvyo4, th.., . -1, "a 1�r, 10A4 ,*I �
. . , I All
. Soo cxnax,�, � - , � , , - - __'4 I- . . F.I.. ..L .. todo, known at" tLti d &
I I . i. ,reach I " A �- -11 - J 0 .ofy in currency An
. - . -
r . . )rOrgan'--staluoili, tilileo years or 10145littatord, NX6 wag. is Mrs. Arthur Scapio, -for Ae bring, ISO. 0 '200 leSO tb&n. �, thO I POIntmOut Of Gonerat FYOAOh �. � I to, , '� . . .
-Stall . � . . . . --i- � it AS a. sent 0 tit �ryihfag, ftlit to ashL.3. -
_ t I � ceqd Goal 33ullor *0 c6niniandt'r Of . . t ,sent en fniii. , . mlt, I I ,. 1-41
. I � 1. . lovev�lst PrUot Ei, 0. Uyder, WeY- Ion, a years or bvor "- Pont. .. 11 .
� Belgian. . . was married In, ISSZ, It was soon' DOW$- �Zd the, Virst, - Army' Carps. the appoint-, * 1 =09 OF TIORUOR. $ion 1A tho eig t I Coat . :Julian 4"i . .
I -lot and 2' d rizes. J. Crouch & arket li. tktead�� . � - �osie, - tbe'
I �. I In-Idge. Vu. 2nd Iw Joseph zai� titter she matried Mr. $OaVea'thut Gan1cl-The in f nitnt to-bee4lmo efrootiva When G'a". � I 1. �L _ ., 1, � _'.. NVestjolgotcr, ihon the great I.,6vd I t, An-
, Son, W 0 . with such clo-,r-reach va, et Of 00 Marquis Of
* tell, Woldlobury. L. bvLeks, ,TOO to Sl.lil_lor - Now York' City '943illi4red to A be ,a
, -1fit prize# 3, $are ,the public 61x account of her for canvas eulph;3r , glesey, who confessed that he I told
4 . kr,,, bed prize, 140tre, Ixid� Stell"On g' Miss 06blimAn CaUle, PrOMIZOUtlY be- the demand good at'S1.23 per brace, vronch's services Are no longer r0 .Chatham .domounced 4
% . . . 1OCIA's Mont.
1). U I,V, Itocuentfx. N.Y.; dill prize. rouo�i and under a . quired i4 South Africa. ,,, . low quent. Indignation: tile
r I . & Sop., Lafayette, Ind. blol,k land ,niallard, 60o. to 170.c' low � ng TOWA, to relf'Jewellery belonging to his eiriployer
., " I L. D. L'Iy, XtAyaboaW, N.Y.; 6011 picture, entitled ,"Von Poling." I I 10 r , �, n=wWors of . 11
I . , 'PrIgo, E. 0" abift, PlIttstorl. Vt.,. Frouch Draft-44iallion. a years ,oil . redhead, Soo to Soo'for PIZX(411 if J?oudlog tbQ return of Gen. Vireneal. if tbp value of z2o,000, was sen- I I
This.. picture was lirst hung on the' and latch from London, dayAl--on ill Ian tri to a 4tust the revolution-, %( -.--.- �F"tttvrw- ,
- _
I . -Ist over-lat, 2nd and Ocil. prlzcs�vo- -v. MW bluabill, And 0.50 to .80a for bUtter.fJoh. UildYPXO will as"o 04 toux- A dost , mcod W five yoalrs'Peawsk I
, � 0 Stua. line at the Itoyal Academy, � .. rity of ther Now York eor� for a, And there are toW xjow� U erhaps
� $talliou. 2 yeavii.and. under U.- . , . _* ther authQ �
I ,� , � I . and 2nd prizen, L. Ix. Z,ly, Itoehes laughlin Bros" Columbus, - wtil-lmown . , pictilrok bail, teell and other awg1l, ftoks. . niand. I ,
- Z. Smith. 110A, 2 years "d under 13.,-mlst nuil Goodinall's . The edithrialit,14 the isAper� here, respondent Of th(I LOU(101i Times, eipqrs, 41t er ,the 'United States I A policy for $20,000,000, , P
I . . . to, X.Y., Ord Jprizo, A., to $cc the - V14618 00 Voto�e*_Cat lots are offerIng W hred exception$, up. whote ateLteniout-bas been sent broad- �or in, .. did not express, the greatest single ite'll Of insurance
. . . N I wlissuggestod to her by bok dlfi�- rout over Europe,. At velga at'terror their abhorroA * of the use of 0
� . Dread 140. VII., Stall](%'11, yearand 2nd prizes, UoLolughlin. 1A a., Co I -' �Vo'4"ndt,ll . The nxarkot ,is 0to4dy at '500 ith two Or t . PD. ti as -*over socurod, In the went, And J!aver-
. I I I Into the In Ircely,c, ,,,,,. Putatner, out, of ptoror prove t1lo WarA ,
I vuder 42--lat ,prize, L. .D. ,=Y. Ba. lumbo, 0. on tr� 3facem gyptiou, .In' , � .
. . Own. little Boll peeping 14tg the In- I ler. � L exists lit Now York. Clty� . sacks d ,of 0 lots by labissia;fng all the prol.orty at t1lb Xortbera f
. ye . .1 are, quoted At 05c, to 10c. � wissing. Gen. But I has
I . , ehcsti�r.," N:JZ�,. ged ptize, H. 3). Pcrchoroha�,8talllol%, 8 ars Or torlot of sit old VAndfatbOVS Clock- �' . � . "it, Is ,he exaggeration.,to SAY," he in Suppressing the 311ingavian Insur-, Pacific gailroad. � subject to fire,,
" muds, Pltvqford' Vt. hCo'b"a. years ovo-6-1st prko. Mclaugliffix Bros.. This has been ago of,the most'. Sue, Bojoli'llay-4ho, WarIkOt As stoo4y. I . S.'just'beol! lopued at Duluth, Min". � 1
'014 . ctures, *nd it is es. Oars I on the track here Ar,O q4otod The following Is ali 4) t NOW York City 10 rection at 180. and of the Swdt"' . �.
I or ovor.-o4nt dud ftj$�prlte, JOS. Columbus! O.; Znd, Prize, Oft ZVO34 tul at her Ill I I.. X=t from deClarom' "'tham mining town a,96k- raring to put' 'down 101. WaAP Sentenced to
. l'"d Wooster. O.; 8rd prize, R2auglilla togs 1,00a. Buffer's spoeth rel Lady- now uwkxfo As � tiobL An, cadeAl O.' JX. Alexani
4ttoll,t NlIddlebui,y, Vt.i Urd tim&tod , th4t no less al allin than at $8.50 9, .
I of tr here -1A 4 lair Ill- smitti surrender which reitilted lil oration 69O.' Otis Of ;iie results at to oiggrIel, in 1876 by I itentili,ty at ])a'-
. he 40ing In 33 ive years In tile poll! I
. .1 4tAt p0zes, L. D. Myl 11tochostor, 11rou., Columbus, O.; 4th priga, J. $0,000 has been made ant of. the ;h of his cogimaull.,_ the political Importation 'Of tXW-MPS means of -Irregiflew balihi-ba.zot4ft To- 10, Toxas� for hiring a TO= to
N.Y. 1311y a y qul - And tl ,
onrs and under S.- Crane & Son, Lafayette, Xud., Oth � ld market Ift stoady- -his bolus roliev , I .
; I Sale of o1wavings. , O I I Ck horp arer %�OtQd 4. ght .kaa* 08;4, 1 had, of- and'ertininals has been. to turn loose crulted train ,tile =oA barbAX0110 bui,A, - a building on which
� . lot Prize. .L. :0. - Ely, 'Itachotor, Inizar, '13611 Ords" Wooster, 0. stal, ,rho 00h. Thoodorli noosovelt, the 0 Olk I mln writing that the inthe city. magy'of* the most dauger- portjo4�of his-dolnil4ons. , . f�fijwa was $15,060 Inlidrance.
; � . . N.Y. S,311y4l :year1,.Aht1 urgdej 2:-Ist. lion; *cars and under a -lot prize, now Pregfileat,of t � be united States; 85, to I �. . I I . , .. ficlai War ti,i Jaen Could got be 164 04,9 AIRA Ill AZWIC&- CrlMiAOJS Of . rears,ii1terWAX49- at Alooziler. Is (it the head Of One Of
Columbus, O.* So tile youngest ruler his COU . , i0yoftatil. garr� . couple of 3 �
� . � - A �
I � I*Izo, Oooph Bitttvlf, Illiddlebury, MOLD, gtillix. Bros., . Utry has I . 1^ = the orld of the Y41r, I *so every Class, froni, the patty thief to the time ,when. England Seemed to bei . I tho Iilcaluu6nt oil
I I .. n 'Zo, Bell Bras.. Wooster, 0. ; over known. He Is, perhips. also in , , I -. � bey6 I the biggest 0 .
I � -Vt., Artil sind f th tril is$ :0. .. D. 2"ad P I I PnOVISIONS I Wrong, � I hiLve fduiail out aluco. the highwayman, are pressed into the I bu the verge- Of a, War WIM nll",& companllae� . , ,
, . . Ulads. I`l#tsXor4,,Vt. lotod maxiii'to 3rd . p to _J Crouch & Son, Lop many ways tho.Xast vorsatIle, and . I I I L %valry , .� .. , ._ . .- ;
I The pac #Alt vgq� t1len the 15th I)occiftber. WTito, Is;a,tt at -the ,&If contingent of Indian C 4 . I
. . $oat at foot by - ,kors we without 41111culty , , price paid theln� a, Sig : It f, h, . . .
� 1' be- shown with . _ a to tay�tte, Ind.; 1 4th and 5th pribs, though.,t ,,, the jashloft to Consider. raiiintalpin . 9 the prices of he&* Pro- the end at the ye4tr wAs-15 do$s Off. AM tile -pobinloo or immunity -.frOuL �i." brought to; mg 4 W Ch oroat� I
� 91stored sire. -list prizest Jamph XcLaugbillk Pron., 'Columbus, O. blen,-Al 901nothing Ila the mature of,ra, An Outcry And Atorm of Pro- . V1001110 DVATIE IS IMAU.
, , . 4duqts, and Are even filling their gr,T.bln message I had to 66nd to Sit Punishments 'Resulting therefrom sm edsuohl - .
f 1, MidtUebury. Vt., pud prlio, Stallion, I lear and under !�-Jst; giolo4roXaeltio herbi he lidel mally -of ders'with difficulty, the -demand be-,. aeurge White was that I bad made incredible Wowd of, crime is sweeping tvat'ov,ea in dreat,'BrItain that the , � .
1. , .
I , tatll�ol 'Llly, Itacticster, tj,Y.o. ard prize, J. Crouch &-Son. Lataycrttk, the traits, Of tile literary and voioti- They do not ton-0,tho, attack. - and. that X bad failed. ,over the city. T116 lihoPkeeperg sire y shipped back to Zito Preserved 001617 'by phyDi.
,. I I I ineg. were quick] �
i I . prize. JosepU 111%ttoll, MliddlebUry, Ind, man. A story hus been ,,I, aflingso strong. ,
. , title tt4oplatc, any fall in prices yet lor.tand that I -could not polMlbly mako An a, State bordeting on Panic: Citi- Borabay, Their visit to UdItA, how- ciawn Co,ve of 04ii. .
. "
. t . I . . . St. . English Stilre-Stallion, a Years Or ,him which whother true or notoltiolue tfmo� although the, AeVr pr6.1agothor 4ttompt-for a month, "d je,hs walk to the socatuted streets tit ,fee, served to remind Continental A d I espatch from or4e "a^ --The
. I Vrcileh Trotters.--$% 011o: ix 3 r-lvt� 2ad And Urd, prizo.q. UAW- , 0 It
. I Years ove Rows, a characteristio Side at him. duet bought chea ly will'soon Come tueu I was ctrtain'T could only do night literally at the risk ,of their Europe Of it* fact that the )hIllto-ty ,vaticaft, Officials 'are offended ..'by an
t, 6r ,over.xst.','pr1r_ok UttAughlio den & MoDonald, Uxoter, Ont.. 4 Ito was on business in u bar In the , . I
1, , Am, Soll Bros., Wooster, O'* Blood �Jon el typloel "West- I on tho market. tord Is in 90011 do- � It, by slow fIghtingr and get by xuoh- *Iiv.c*. The mare pkboWoua Shop- rogourtew at ZU910d W40 got te' article: that appeared in the Paris
Bros'.. Columbus, O.; 9nd .Prize, T". Pr ,. West,onti day wl Idand and. stocks, are kept light. . playing privato Watch- stvicted soliely.to tier Standing army
. to be shown W1 t 1xig. . keepers tire owl u,cOo in, Ift_ Jillclair, VhIch doolafed that 4'tOad-
M. Barton, Illumda!'e, JIll *.a Ord prize, th 1041 at foot Omer" eai�.crod aA5L invited till the looks men, a great Is the distrust of the pit her ic I
1;1 i 'Pork-CAlialla, Short cut, *2i.W ; eiram out At haine, and till
i MarAughlin Bras 0 thus, 0, ; by ivglstered tire--lat prize,'Baw- men there to dria iWRIh--mins at the I .1wroto a We --- � �. a . '. I . And JutOr tO' ther Pope 'Was ilecesnary ow"
I . don 4 STODonald, Exater. ant. heavy Wow, *21. - , ed at It two ov three t and Maid, Ifee.11 . �'t , dfa iiiiist be tallen Into aftount- - Ing to the -decrepitude Of the P-Ope,
? Stallion 4 years and and ler 8.-11A same time drawing 4 revolver from e" � . + - i all that. Lord BOA uA .
- __ - �______ , Lpkl*es-� V.- -lz-D*Xtou,-lJJwSd -I 016"lv4ntl-llo-*Stalllor,,,,O-y.tom.�otI hl"o,vktt--W-",Mpbt-theo,v-to-ateept Smoked and 1* Skated 3164t*- -!W&_&,� thin , ___ ___.______.. ,_ _ 't'him I* *obe.bly der .
� I I . __ D- --- 11 __.V_._- __y I 14 - 19.. Al �Ak, 01 -, -_ ' 4li 1g, yiew-'wh�W16- Which 0ACOS: him absolutely,- - �
long clear acon.-Itogs lqO--,-,- - - I TAZZS ziminvilta. , I I
. " R ovor-Ut prize, Albert, Itowsou. tho InvitatAoA. Mr. 1100servelt to6t on I CaseN. gritm inkt.0"Ath0l 1165n.K gallant fat- I . r4noflold h contingent to the 10fiftence of C'"'nal ltampollo" I
I .Awe, � y4ars or ove"St, Priz 4 .1 , � ilft And, small lots lit. UJO.-break- 16W He Will Jdt $tfll to thD end" , 11 '. � brought the Indian ,-crotary of State. Nc-
. . M. Barton, nift$440, 111. ;1VA)l . 'i '()rabogivillo. 011t." doing his busloeng, and Ub )Ann, $oat bkoU, 115610'100. bilii4 18ACI ' i *&IF In oonuniilgd; WhattirWr rao- I I � 11 I the raptLI So
I . I , Ing this lack of regard for IdN I ' tbo, Atoditerilaneaft. vertheless, it Is,,, runiored that the -
I v,car gild' MAder, 2 -lot pri: , - ' IIackno,vs.-;-SfqIIAon,. 0 yearm at AQtIc to 14c. rollo, 1.00 to laic; 811;41ders, " ,,,J�an ZZPs,r%rna,At in Tlaiatme on sai'bl� j)ItJENTAL TnOOVS 3W WAUVAM -pop -wilt %over again be ,abit, to. per -
Barton. 111"dale, Ill MO a d Invitation, pointed tile revolver 4t po,sisiblilty - there was, therb I0,
. to bo shown, With fool tit ient by 0 ovet-lot prizo, Vred Stovous, Attteo, Idiot rotnArking,that lie had Invited 11jo: backs, 16e tor 10c; gron. motto - 42100, and'I tnOlight 'ought I not to , . %iland, �� . I form any independent act, and that � �
. a X.Y.; 2nd prize, Alibert Bolth, Ila*- out of.pickle Are quoted #6t to leso, gives''bliq Sam* help'. Saint lead. oud - it is tor Joan In a. great AcAsuro his life is pres6rved ,,solely,, by Pr-
11 I � rogisterell sl2k"-Ist prize. 0. X. mutivillo, Out.. 3rd prize, V. 0. overyollo; W drInIt, AntodUr. Itoobe- than fmoi,.ed. . somekliftig which. If, It c"A to thoi . A despatch front Ottawa SAYS:- that raust be attributed "tile rtoont Lopount's extraordinary care of him- .
. I - . I ]DUrION May lant, it ivill Im remern' removal Of this prejudice, 99hin4 -
ton, 1T1Us*)6JO. 311,� - and. iito moment, wailld have, � it is said that bis nolinc�§, Is flub
.. Stevens, Attica, N.Y.; Atli prize, volt WhOthct 110 WAG.c0lullig, ThO X,ard�Tlercov,lljo, tuba Igo last absol A A s
I I I I 44taillon, ;q6reard or Itob0t With. Bowmilaville, Out.. future PrenidOAt VOR6 UP And went palls. 1240. ,enabled-lim, Ito bay. t)ered that I)r. Saunders, Ziroctor of tb6 ,bluPlOYxA6At Of 0 0 tal' troop .
I Cl$,deS4v_leS,, _. I I 1-11well, altAt"41lis 1,1*ilcrimoutal J'arins, ' And 110010tiel in Warfare 413110119 011VI410al' nations ject to coutlailill latiltilig tit$,
: 61-101-1[St Prize, Orflh4tli I IV69, Clarov- nth-,, prize, Glamo,v & Co�, Truro, to the box. gay6a, 111 havo juat had I ,
I i I suolit, Out,.; _wnd prize, 11. . 0. - Boug, N.S. SinIllon, g yearo or over -let tL. drink and I don't partIcularlY CAMP, UAUXPT�. x have Sir nedvers-Duller'S. AS VW Gourded6u,I)tPuty Vial . ster 01 Marine And the, determination at the British .. .1� 4. , . I
I i Churchil Is out.: ;Ord pri to anjd * 4th 9nd txnd 8rd prize:3, frod 0. Stoverill, want another. but It I must I ;hustt" Toronto, out, 99.-TrAdo too not rarameAdor, AONnI411 �ft favor lift a.ga r1oherfes, visited Sable Island, ,00vornihout to disponse With all r*-, -
* _
I I � 14116.1 Attica. N.Y. Sto'llion, t y(ar and 110'words, took blax lip to the. bully, very, brisk to -da$, at tho, Tpronto tlAis"', . -Atli,& graveyard of tho Atlahtle," and otrictious Which llm,V6 until now Pro-
prize. Robot NO$% no %Vitt-# fvneref6r# ,x put into Abe A1144101 tod At- Jo& and Ai F re to, get" I ttual
, Sth prize, it. G. Boag. , Churchill. under 9-10t and 2nd prizoo, Pred 0. cmd-as he OVOICO the lafit Ones 110 WOO, Market. r4xport es,ttlo Were of t'he telegram. 0, sontentA in which V*htilt "verid ibbilseold f0ttlt tre0l; vol�ted the UNe Of AS, Indian she bad couildled him . .
Out. Stallion. 2 �vars vaid under 3 Stoveas, Attica* N.Y. Marc, a 3liddoilly Antlot With _�ix I suggoted, if it would be noceSSOY being th6t if ti,en soldiers in Nnftts 'With civil* r16d, And to, . . I
. yearn I out his right flat e�eit In Poorer At ,n4 than during and ohrabo, the Sdek
I . - or over -lot and 2nd prlten� J�Nrtd b, 0611 bin illight into the inan's f4com the earlier put of the, week. There slid plaints lived Ized pOWero. rot the objection ,to that her age WAS twenty- After the
. -199 PrIto, GrAbson Jln)s., Clare to abandon, to ourroudet, the OiLtri- tb#" tr tud festivities were Over
movkt. .Oat,. !!Ad prital Tlios. 6Skin- Stov(us, Attica. N.Y.., 'Ord prim, And the bally' dropped to the floor, were tat too many rough exporter* And, flirit, tboy, would have jb�sc WW, Jc;xS, has been based alto- doroluontOA 0
. Loftering# Some of which h%4 to be #on, kind how ke should (to It. 0 effect of, biftill ,gg, tb6L g6tader oil the,btll6t that When their thW both, Went Jitogie And retitod, $or
i I . 00T. AlItchell. Out.. 8rdprite. Uobt. nobert Bolth'. 'Howmalavillos, Ont�,, - -.0�+._.w- 01 put that in simply because, It th ed by the a . AnAle's r4otbor rvcnld�ed
bought In tot U" at'Abl As .1c6tily lit ever had to give UP, it, might be, Soft of the J114ad together, Prkiytsit passions had bftu uO)W I
ired C. Stoveno, Attica. , Short. Ltly the
I Xess, Ilowlek, Que.t Sballion. I 4th Prim, V two,ypafig and under XURImarm mr. keep to6ders. There veto PrA,Ct . Man w,ho, that' 6096 in the 96ft(OrlillatfOliOt &MItexoefit, mill turmoil iDt bitttlo it . "lit 00 , And' wing up ed
. Sear, lead under 14-18t pri*% GrAWA N.Y 1,1111Y, I .. Abd Some Sort of covor,to a � � , on toll. glilg, thought she �
Vrft.. cluremou � , -_ greater diffi- Ah6 Wand ,WhAth, has heft go PUZ Out 61ble, td prOent them In Wor
A t. Out.; 24d ptbe# thl-ce-Ist, prize, Vrell 0. Stovonq, no good choice �, W" in Muth O I A I 0 tile happy 40410 a "rap,
A . Whelthan & Vlack, St, Ma"'n, 00A.; Attica, N.Y.; -Ond prizo, 1tobert L'bith Taken to To 'nto Irjoin XlngStou prIces took . dr0MjAgotIxab60VUetJT81g9� Jwr I tboughl . rjlllg tu� ,V fuel* of later years, And ludulgin In aosoery and cru- up.pf . .
� .' to cWt. Butebers, cAttld vote In fStr oulty thoA I was myself- I I At the oAmfl timo luaka the Island , I hile natural to bsxbat� % �
i *4 Vrlio. Grahagl�Bros, (130-era.lixt, Bowmanvillo, Ont.; Ord prim, Vxp(l mavily Shackled. � 00% el I
� oi�t,ttll prize. Welthan,&'Vlack, Ot. V. Stovefisj Attica, O.T. Villy, I . demand And ,prices teoutued Annoy �. b I mare, ,Conspicuous to vesatIs.11 The Ou T N Ott, be tViJulsive in the, Ou tho Way to their door she sud-
. ' ,
, A And 1a46J,r-"A@M0ftb,". MY Son, tk*t, oyficiells were not able 4§ to biter P"'Ple, tat during denly, remembifred it Was Annie'D
I Mary'a Out. Mom 3 ygars or 04ver ,vmav and under Z-15. and 2ad prIttes deqpatch from, Toroutd oa,Vb:- for -the best offerings. Mbillubli )
I . ,IIK6- , (� .. Venal, Attica# N.Y. Blood 1�,rcd %Aco ItIce, the aftig burvivor of common gradco mold'y" slowly., activity sharpeas the flilttiltitltl" tilt,. whole, of tuo A1,W0 troes. "it the t ca paign Ift Chia& the JK- birthday, XnOOkIAg loudly at, the
. -tat Prize, Graham Bms., V do trio of Aur tit taskox the shrubs, Wbich thel took ovkr to pan di gut qdthenuidVon; *ill- door, she bawl0d out, - 1�
� " =out, 04t.; ftd prize. Itodgk 1,Co*xo away, Annie, -got up ,, YO
. .4 TiadnJe. BeixextoA, 0 9 11 son ni R, to be showil with foal at loot the desilitra Ok4 V001t )? coders Mhowed no eliano. T4ere is tWillie-1 11tv that ft
at.; at �fizd And age otbor of tier proddrk thlell rabbets# in Again confined In Toronto a gooll detiloind for &trythlng of *Ibulty be6 so shoo s4t Otis inid. *00- it Mr. Itioutiller, the 01, all a other allied, troops Lhe day."
v, Ual ion- years or under by a. registered sko-- Sol,. Ile was brought. from xillg� g ,Suit � U146 ?11 I Ni scible Tsliknd, bi
I I 4till. prItcs, A. La. GorMle, . I 1. suPrJuteudent of this light service- by tbelr Indipout refusal ny re r
� i I ville, Out. V,111y, 2 years amd. tuder list and nild prftes, Vrod 0. St4overis. W, "d Vill bo Placed . I , . his men were Instructed h0w� 0 to Participate Ift Any of Jo . who was the first to heall. the
L Stun on Thilraill I . � . and tills litat advantage. the - big motller�jii-law
'1� .,t-l#;t prite, 11odgkinson, & Tind(l1c. Attlea. N,V. on trig at the CrImbiod Assizes ____ I—; . I _111-11.1 - � . ." I.... 'do tho work to ,V&pio0,,.th0 Orlielty, tktid the. yak�e, iultoWilhed
Beaverton. Ont�Ulld prize, Ho'bort ji�rcnclj C(Uladfagr_,Stallion thr the charge of 3nutoerlus , I I �� - I- - . . Iteporf ,separtinent eer cable ,barbarity, by Abouting, 1-
�/ I go week on . . . I �, - _% received at the I luro, "Par Suildhess sake got up, Annie,
Ntss, ITOWICU. quf!� Flil,v. 1 .Y.101ir y,fttira or ovet-Ist Prim, Samuel C. eonstlible William Boyd. � .. . �,, � � to, - . . of Uat,loo recentlY Indicate` that tilt$ which diStrActd, most ot the V pit ten Yoar#." .
Itice, itas brought from tliO Witc`d� � I or Pexn contingent angaged In -M6. mill- for WO'VO, 04c4l
/ - and under 9 -1st PrIte, xrodgidn' Ion Mooney. Vauhl,,vi. 11111, Oat. , 2nd r I . young tr,ceq, with the "COPtiOn 1, 6L
(ir � * TiodiAle, Beaverton. Out. I.Ind Chet, Sto. Madeleia% tii�ry by CoulltV Constable John I 11 [�40109 very Well. In & tary Owatjo)m in the Celestial Vin- . , +-
Prize, LN!� Ila Brown and shetialti'OfAtOr ItarriS. � I , yz,o r, riment pir-3 . . A xOVM Lux;aOx.
. Que.- Or4prizo, Zonon Robillard. St. ; '1116 plo ;� ,It Is felt this ex0f
prile. Itobert Kenn. 116*10k. Q 40. law aulton chocked A, tologItLI ialebrlt�r the btl*r dav �
. Us i win havo, made quite a ellabst In tb6 Englolud's; OXAMP10, I
Blood mare to b6 r.ho*n With I #01 Jaque4, Quo.,, 4th. liftm. eauills TI1VV Itft gingstuh *it 12'.53 D' m' 11 inference, will r6lo,tod a pleasant reminlaceac6 of I
� 1 . Alt foot by a trgistered 931rck- 1AU Alchialubault. -Charlemagget Que.; on �Oilursday Oft the InternAtional I � 11 apoftro,nee Of ill# Island. by MA lutilrAsittoAall c( . a.
� Limited. and arrived In Toronto in .1 I . -1______ I tedly bo followed by otbee
I I prl*, Itodgkinson A Thill0e. Uta- ,5th prire, Ulie Goronavd, $to. Vie- The Prisoner was I I 11 . nudoub lftd of Asiatic lunclic"On party In the Var Ea -tit. It
t , vetton . Out. - 'tallio". tile wterhoon I . Of greelt Po*er8 PONW- happoKed among the Dyaks, Ve, bad
, : v tore, Que. N 2 stun Amd . TUXO* x I I it dependencies. And thus been Away Uoux boroo once,, and. oil
'hch coach . Stallion 4 miws tinder 3 -1st, IDTIZ% L. V. , h"dculfed'AO both Oftictts- and his 1. . --- *04 Africil
I rfe -1 N 9ylve'sler. legs vtrb shwdtlod together. H0 Was � �W` eleMOV14. - of Which 1 returning found fils tuaft hall been
I 11 or ovtr.-Isf, *-*nd and Old pri W, St. Wheodott (I'Aotori, Quc; and 0 Stfttlon to .Eno jail in 00*4ruraout 001ologist x8blodelf 'an attlogAther lli it Sent to Prison toll tT1cft,tIdeVItg Is
prife, Ainclics 'Chatroll, St. W1119, (10011 train t go account hoof been thytil out
I . McL%ugblIn Bros., Columbus. � 0. a call, "a I'lodged, in pi ba&t tell, . . . . � I With Colonk"- ' Ited ffita. moddu the ,ddmiloollest of crime ou.t there ;
Stallion, 2 years ni'd I - aid PrIve, Atearsel Bellste, St. , � IL noW. will be IntrOd,
0 ulder a- 4st qkio,. %way from all O�Iler Priffoam. I �'fions, Ift[An ho Ittvited (Ijo magJ$tr&tc to
Print. F. 111. Barton, Ilipwale. xll,� Jacqu". f4lie. Mare, 'O $tars or , I . A dalspo,tth trout Otf&*A 801" "� wattaro among 10tvilited J4 �
. As at thd tillic jot th6 robbery 1% I , " ti. McConnell. of the Go fftet, it is possible thitt in tOurs6 Of I lunch. 'Then, to his dininay, lie
,- ',.tat over-Ist prl�o, Henri, Deland. VAr- a I tr. It. I .�� .
Stallion. I sear !and -under I!, I 31 -1
� "it and prim, V. X. Barton. JL11as- cadle. flue.. 2rid ,prim. Vknoot IW trial, lem Was, very �leatly dressed. -1 .,. .. I ornment QeoloXfeal ISurve.16 who It t,j%e fh6�w#ttii,race* MkY Ovent,110,11-V found )its coal. -also had been fAcar-
I flout, 74. maro a $ears or over-Ist liste, st Jacques. Quo. Villy. :3 lie weighs %O of 13 Pound') morls , .. A*d Itoill. tile Yuko�'.'sli-VO cog* to 411A AoM tut 1Wr ftyk-'cerated. Ile, put It t46 the iudgla- I
� and 211d iWites. V. K Bavtnu. Y Tns� ,l;`cars and under, 3 -Int Prim. Henri than Whell he left Toronto, and 1!1 '. � . - � just ot"' aceopt the View of Prof. huiell, norVR-hrl46*TL liftik4l tot, flght-',trate. What could be done 9 _; So
11014 I I 1* ft of the .-'ellool of"Practleld Ing Purl'a % ,nd, that In 11111A W0 I took, no lunchron, ! .
I dalef. UL VIII,V. 2 yeal'a and u ader 1u,likud, L*Arcadlo, I,4. 2nd prim apparently in good spirItS. - & Iraunot C.Ol�arlvlkn Toronto, who returritA N6 kt p6wers, of Earope.4 'lob." SOA61 tile d1golthry, 11*6111 I
. S -1st., F_ X. Dartan. ITInsdale., ,01. b� Tholda, ltep�nlligrrv, que. 11100a und�r Me laillt"1101% that h * I **Wnto. ton sental, *4
Villy 'e. MaTe to be allown. V,Ifh foal At, loot be, tried titk thi� viorder ,charge until I o With tho tattk that auch g : $Lnt!e,, Goroaayi ltu_'"id� have him- out an ball to ,cook the
. . 1 year agil under 2-Ist I &L I I few wetkit ogx � 4
P� U. lktTtoll. 11109dale. 11L lilosad by 4 vi�xlgtvrcll rAre--lot prizo. Henri ho'llas mtved 2t veAra tilt bUVRlft1W, 11 I i3fiLL I 11hal CAMP IN ployinit out. 3wr. Mc- et(*.. " rellovell of that cohr-Junch. and 00i send, him back,-
- ,*
I AiL ,,all prize. Or hat 1*" I%VdOii�4'0u, that char . 11 r . Coartallt says the Yukon W111 b0 4t . riso , itary otrvice Which I, 'And they tud.
t"" to b* shoun with foal at loot I*laud. 1.14rc, %, 1"q': - - ,file Crililinal Assizes Opened on I 0 It> I , � nt'rY, It , is ttu" ch r k to trfille and fullu,w " +-_ I
I by, a segistered,Airo---ist prize, F. Us Mearac-1 IMPAP. SL Jailuts. Ulle t Just 4 S , I . I in the tr . .1
IlAtton, x1filldrdt. IIL 1; tallion, 41 ,,*carsi Monday. With Ville We kk%loon- ?. � I I i plaolse maning silt -dilbird'Al y ,UUM 111M CA11191-lUr,,
k4lotlaoll ronlft,.Stalllon� A sexV4 Or OV(111-ist prlz�,, tile TO(& & budge on tho beach. Mr- ITUAll . I vicillity 6C Daiwaoll. but dl*o�ftlm . 0., .. � A Echoolmoster, after givit)g and
211 alithot, Ic-c", of tkndon, will bo : ;11 . I 11 - I ," "I O" being made further atield, And It Mr, Shasoldulon, Veat on $6 trip oflitsiruPlisitcanIng Topfiveakhm
or 8V4r-,IAt and .Ond'VOEM, ()fisirlm Mitilic VO- V(ultteal- -Qu(�,'- 'I I I
. X Sun, llseofla. lit.. drd Agri 4th prize. W, W. 1-11(vair.g. Exeter. Our . (%'Own PCO,Wkltor., lilve will bwo do- I 11 . musit ftot� he torgottm that the Tul With hit wife to NiAshro, 1114kIls. SA,V,*. 'A"grathmatically, Aelit blut to take +
� a t. .
I prisloo, Mrs, - I-— R 11S.'Kiev. - xhttl�,� *Itd prite, ' A, Frank & Son. Th,l gethl(-A bY Alr� T- e- ItObtft tt% I ItkCilld", 'A* -P)(,0n*IVO ShiWiskinson, a IftdY Sittcd with it�,uthe,.frid of the rootalo it
. kon TofrltofY , , IfOrm (tn-
I WY,. Ath jijkixe, UbAxles I'- (;trU4%iq. Oat; 4th Ila'49i). Tilt !W1 Vt'. _"+-*._o-* . I I *VDA. Mr. Mat"onnelt WX 00 rich, atitAkNOWN Voice, #xclalultd At, V111% otbet I)oy ths(t lie � Wislied � to .Veah I
� : rotd. 14tatat Will PA'"d plaor imilling lit Ils.-t-oh, John. 110* �
I � A flim1he CO., montrtal. tilit, , ASOTYMX Zt%XT= WAX. �, I x4tht, of thm fa .,to him, at 06 SM110 time IsrolaislZ15
. ji. , 0141m1borg. ltancivcran4u. lftal,011- the 111061omn "Mo. Arld ljilsr" s* yo,t �
Sam, Psorla� 111. Stallion. 2 N -cars I . - splemild! 110`0 KrPeftill How tm%t., rq"OA� tho punishiAt-lit It )lit wroolla
- '. I 1 sall undor 3-10 pfIVA). Atria, E I . 40 enormott'.4 sir#4 Of lOw-gradt ohft`V4*. X"; but . .
;1 RawlOy" ritfiiford� x V.� 1.�n it 4)ad neft Ud 1101e,teln A!Oa(IL�-Stallhlll. 3 � -41- Thf,4 voquireA, mehiln'1141" J _ to him unjtt6ftligatWally.
Stal pri"� Char)" TIL Httall. - 1,14006. scark or evri-Itt, C1111. Ord 1111d Ath rort% *1 Trabps to be setit to I I gravel* to bt Workk , lilft4k.� Just bo MAR a Illigut61 i VIVO'N'oungAmr. being (leitc, xt�tlsfi6d
o pl,;Ztq. J. (101101 & flolk, Tiolayette. I - 10tik CIC Wktf't. A fillo *hIth PAlso# Shouild like to bear th't IftolsoP, �1 .
t + 1, ill. -Stallion 1, ,V4wr arld u pidor j- quoit tu Atox Ttitits. - ') tho, Avftt*%%t dithraltio4. but itho" with Wilkt, 116 11,04 got. detm,nifutit to
I I lot and :hd lkjw-, ChskrleA 1, 9, Blinn., Ind. *801lioll. 0 ,NtAlf,14 (�All Vildel' , I HipkIfiv-Shy *4 bh*. ald boyl",,T* exact. and t1knet addressed - hisf
�1-1, pitding � 1--ondon Ifail *M*noltv dtivoil the oldw from tho , _, , �
Footi*� lit , Sed *vA 4th ptl; 04, Mrs. , )t and �Jnd lwiie4, .1, CrOos',� * At , to th y - I . tho T11ltfkiVk0t--1 irle(I to peostowlite hV frIl,iW�PV911 .
I , - ail Orfai, larltwin vt about. to effi� I -- - 4M4 "I I � tgoosr , t4l, hydravilir Adilitift. �,(4000 -'AtoirmoiL "littantite,of -4
. 74, V. llawloy� pitif4ford, H, jr. Unto, Roll. Lykfal;otos, lad, Stallion.' 1 * I* , . -1. ' y#11-ttving my ty1woriter-" mamu
AtI 'under ,,,,-IFA pkize, A b -til, 6n another'littlo Wal'. lit eilt, I . I wotiv flift-oltv wilt bls 00~011ited. - She refuom�!Jjvw X"der, -ainguier Ilumbor,
11. - 6 Von" or oV0r.11kt prl%-� Charlos ve-11, a 11 I �� . - i, WILAh4p ItOosi", NO� it WAS41, , ZOMIA,
It ****. J*$6rjal. I I I , aWd JJr W -M, JK.Vvettp. IpAd -. Ind Afriav eattv ilil iwmber. 4% larets of "I xr� moi�ftr;ol 04yt tk@ . qtlillg, demauda ativs, irllne, arid
, I � . , , o. ova" that vpOln
.%I of to do anY rilom P Ill tin ftbXrY YA00d,
, *, 141 Crollth 4& IqOh' I ,C
I A. V. qk�*Iw. pitt4orlL N;' : alra witt. Itell lirlv4. *04iler, 0. Maim About t-ro"I A#At. Indian ht1xfk1 ... I I *jlig ,"air Will "t. two AftVasts io, tkk* cam of her. and ttat slitm pereliksli upon tile (�gijgpljo I
,� ,�,, � 3 -N% A fT otel-44 antl 2fid pliow, trok)P4 will I* dmi%atclied, itis 1�� �. fi.;�, i"r , In foot It 3"All" prov* to , .
, �'%0*111rsll , I I
*AA 4tA ptiona., PUstles, Or T., W t t po*rlter silifill 1, at tke otk*r ��dd of ttm room, WIE11c'n
; 151, quelt file f4rhUloolk AYbIll Offid OtlifT I TivVilit w4*110-TAWA T*OV*RU6- I I" ��*t 0"010r, J)jvrooi Iv InAllits that *$ "", Y �
a )lioiou, IM � Nth vrlvw� U K I": (liouch & Moin, 1.,otoyolfto, lod� I FlQt, X#Awtal i;� a aah� sltholao I" *"t 1411W to artle0moi a hw fleiltAwtina to You �
Il,r. a J)f&tt 1J*jlWq,-*4W#stjW , Al 1!s
, fiklilso r*0"W baut0ow Ill*
11. y A I , sstol irhbe4 In fl- 001191l'bOThtw1d Of 9001i, A *sw '40 b**bk1 dot M,V*r U104 . 1k1i1AA46-",s 1 "
� ,�� t1o; W rm bew, What x4 Ift id 'Ot. Wit Don ita 04 pr4"Aflub"?,
I -list ild owl, (,. h rA ,11011 an,v nre�ts�t,jqij*� MeLo"alhitn The livft, sA alr4watiO lit I t T*k,ww it. bet 4*0 A* al,,;sS k**W itt wvu� I . . i
I , ��P�l I . *.,AfA V p1m, Mrs, arct. colopitus. 0. swee"t"go. twoft tM 1419ft *At, VtoMM 111i%trs- , 1, Vat, AIMS. you ilbow 44% "A � �, . � I
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