HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-11-01, Page 4p�'T W -. - � I f,
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I "R14111 STAR I I I
"'r,., r4ov. 1, 1901 1, - T H F.4 C71 I ll I ) K J, � r-.--. NO.— _____l"11r_ ! "
� � . � 11 P1 ~— ,.,. _- 6. � -_--r-,---_- _______ I ___1 .k, i I
� � � :��_,�._,_ __� 11-7�rt!1--,�!.!!T 1, =, *ff1Z=1_ — _,___ '__�� ___ I , ,
__ 'r___;__,_ _. , , 1# � 1,
I �, off i;7JVAV11 00,todcll Tt)wrxblp. I "O fteut, for OKS* JU I'Solky IoLVAN'S Uwli. BEATEMALL WHXX You WANT rr �, I
- �', 1?1 t .
, Import4ilt tO 31 TertiSM Ale *xploilli% I#wp* the elfAhl" 144114 I I 1'. ya* elf thil R, " I - Nf,Xt1tc L", 't w4kipwra A Itz ��r,tx "00,A) ,; *1 , 11?1
I d r! I* 041111RIT-WAT T,19,nA qI110t 10110" '
, . tralAt Ia Ow Vqicr 4- wrildillif took PlArfs 011"Mt Zkd At' I V. C. Pr*dham I �, 1. I
_-.�_ at) ;`A1*T4 , V. -1 -_,_--_~11-~1 -....-I, .... 11
,� 11, 41f6ior frWi b41110, 0iftott Vjitlage�� 1110;110"160f'Xr� yfi� 11 STOVE PIPE . I
A118114419f" of 44<er,,rc-ncri13 14r file vir- Ing O' 11014140 40 1 �
. ' d Ux 3wvIll =4 to, NV*Iliiq. wholl Ilia 44uglailt, ('arrip X, V I - H o ,OOUQH OURF. ;_ !
r"t ishile, i4 TIMA17411411111A N lit 4he'il'"j�'Ret %'j9'_t1y 'I' tl 0 'or It . wav uritted Ill sitarl-laxe to Mr. Jolla , I �. VAMS1 I I I
* -
I ,I%* litlowr " 14^0 411101 U9NJAV.NfXnV 0 tcara. But lov ". Garrott#ufloolldeol9wo, Tbi-evrellilms' � . I/ ,� . L -
0'ell Week, _,%dV,.ilwr4l wilt plaso .%Ovf,rn INO"Ien -*Ito Are r aliver-forowd. Oy Rov. Mt. Vidialid, itt 4 1 . 11OX OXIA . , �
tuily behik Coll- W . I I -
'Will"gly � 0 Daysield. The � .. IP Bet ltl*tr& . � �, �
twof,"Ve.4 SOL - welli;lIng w4rell WK4 A Yoult-&Wkx Mast e::kr r , J*nat 04
Joe. brIght
* 1401,01CWt 07113f; of thow all. �
guilted by th# playlid fly 5lisF1 Analo Wifoilp. Tbo , 41!!!� �� . , � I
coNTRACT A0V0,TISIflQ I . Black Cherry 111.1 I
, litnouldeflul firs; r wtoololly took place. Wrielixth a th-Ruti- -ft I . 11 I I I , . - .1�
'no itatirt.4 br all fqlltla�t 4,1verthiog in, of AIJWA*lf� t
t Ott is � I I i .1-greell a$ (,h. T .1 Ycii *v#1A%:o%r b q 0 bo well kire0q,04; we Went ta k"111111Y UIL V10114196 a 11 I . I
. .. boflrj(Io'qJJfQr4VJJ . I , , Oneettlielargest onsiontom 10 tow 13,0' .
I - .0�car, Vver,vailditto,oal little synlliatby� I fill eve ,� fly dr4iill low wdt. , . . t , - I I I 4 It ou4couter receittly,- L �
t4Aql4)t1i%0lV00I31;0ACA3`� 1 . vayo. I I �,4' 1 11
r V!;t_AL ttjo attW111 104uniuktioll, , � rho rount oil f1lo Arill (if hf�r fatbor, � . 1
"44 . . I ... :
- � �
All aci:ouols dipr'-A zud 63;vloa burning; "alcera- 1 and iter tiephow, MAI'ler Willak:4- ,, .1 ( From dw .�atjijeqstrlsula thel birod of On hoUlle, Will't*1111 flit- Wo use tin oth z, . . I . Cling roll ve 0 90t4h 60 'till r ' L _ 0
lilisiwe� .Mll bo 0""lit". Al 10 I � itio", catilla Xxim, I , % . . W19,91111p3olvit bylwr littts tiltsce. Gert- I I � (110toi a t IV litV1, I tnXilterg all ,N�ll jA ItIg j)lx0jk JtJ4 ,Oitr CpIiWiAlty. 1.1 no el, t i *11, - ��'
iii:omviQ�,it�d:k,fronll"iv.tfi���,,. , witil its, fierce l, 1,11110 JVSIIIS,,0f ViJott)". 413 JiligWat,lor. , 'lie* tile ljesl� we ovev tried. ,bought st,30111101? wklyf� ;
Oro Kit I er." q
X"Uhly NONE I I I -j- ool," tho tlssaies,� the , , I Wl"18b. of vaftpr., AIM).. as P#JgV. � I olij, overy ifignplid bey with, Illo fineol, and r beiI4 W Clo%llill$ L ' - 11 :xl;p, s for $xim, . 11 � , , ., I
. �, r !!'!!�O�!Iiilp� I ll�� - � I r . I sWeal at. . Aftev beattv, foogratulatintis weve .. � I I , I �-,,, r - Aa cheap as inf"Itor Multi. . � I .
. nervous q titividered to the iiewly-Weddeil. pair I ho I . �!, at Yo Ty Sol all AV a rillif. r . I r ' ,� .1 , I e It
A10 I =CrA laltlffCted IJ,V - V4)101.)Altvle.13,tit-edti)tllf5 ditling 14ionk __ I 1, , ,.,.*...�� 'r � ,, I �
0 - ".Lev fic MUM suffaitig; these ... 4 . Ister Overtoats. I . I ��
ue "' b fi,sumptuoue reparit. . � A Bargain In Boy"s U �
, VQ nnd paltolsk. 0t I 'CHEMIST, � �.
I TxMruo,%1 VAX& 71 Oro on) . : Thelinda i ecolvvil ionny. ilkeltull fill alid. AiWo were offi,roA v Imiltsin it wo woolil after aot. ilill. the Wottkofaetor4ke$r I 0 V ' , ,
r Itho d"Jifyi$ P4JZU01aJ0eSf r' � SIR1401 progellip. which atter't tlip __ . wo C GO'DE, BEDPORD BLOCK- .
��__~_�,_______�- bottle li� vlau,V 4% , , 0 �1. vstvook in which alle"wast held by ber hv.d ill a litt" 61 Boy", UNte's, Tbq rei niplist of pies gr*y,TWkk61,Aweea it, SO.,%ij worth loc.— � �
, . `
Wow= x1j;l1tyr frikiljd&i� X A tow dozen of that woliderrAllir ellpap 0ATU131 �
rilttl)&Y�, X0Vt. l0voll . i ;AA I litit-d sit d nithair x1hivo 1juit,g. -j0I4kjtfg.% vpq siphtly siprovinj Overcoat fir Oil-, bny. 'Wo ikeorpwd thqliff.r, VIA thlo prioe,
. I)r, Vercels Va* I I . I our pricea for Ift-poirldirely. thala"Au
,�,L I __-_--___-,r I , I , - - - - I ,�' I I - I
� I
Z_, ---� � .- I ... ��.. ... . .. .. I tion I . . � tiT�,gi�-irN�IN(,B.-Ali(it)10)" P1141V rwlt I* �0 I wo'y hsoro a 1 , � I I - — ___ - __ !:!r!:::;::;�_ I .. r 11
r vollfol rl)c!�crlp . �, wedding took Nitro an the matile itai �', $0-oa Ovorcoat for $4.5o;l r .. . � �
I I I � �
Ali IX0338l , . 14 � . � I 1. I . '. � � X
. XA33L.*,S 01,T TU4 W ,� puts"out tUD &a . itt tile lioll)o ot' tbe, bridee pon,tilo, if �� �11 , � I X" ,
, . ,of balain"t4tio", . .44VIZor - . . , � . q l ,
I . 31411 Suit )�Inplo, ,. , bicall.s. 1141ccatiou'. ,% - , wlito UNR AnAle. q4ITRIAtike of Me. I I � WE MADII, A " 810 HIT � I 9 , ,!, 4 0". . I . . . �
�tosq had, el"plov ... W10, Jorl"Ings, lulor Port"01,16111111, WAS. irk #0 0 a" 4110114 splelmlia. rlavill 0V0,vZlt0QxTS ; ma, ii-Illim hs,ke 6011 V. ry largo; %A Jlicb g000 to sliow t1lat 04r Conts, . . . I r . I . it f
11 .. Peters -War Horse I Aind Curt$ letudo C if' , , 0 . . I ,11 " 1
to beenrolfl A 'wcakilogg. Itt . I I uilltell in soarplage to Mr. John Steel). I I 11 �
jed the Oblo 'cautuaigner , T411. I I . . � . . �
dieglost"I "life,160W.0009 vAtivell thR t the .410 vg-ty rovalar 41A fue VS1,100,except,pnolli
eralete in sllj�ollf� q1tifixes tile nerve ftstok** 4110 v . I ,tgq!d. Tltolt,ALOLkNL,'t'TZotitlYOXXCOATt3ttroiuteeit#em,�,aa,, � I . . . . I
. jil* it looptilaound successfal farnter o I � I !I
01114 Reatleumn 0 U Bud p I'll 4 1 'o d64'kuld 'fir these porttl" 41k'"rp ma—fles-, * - I I ''. -
'J�eq 14crtesh jig sleep. iq. voritt �10411 ,0611., aelte Middleton's clir"ellk. It' U 11$14 lagelf t11er4'1"fa$Jl`yk0U2h frotti,ttlij wallurtiol"1101#9 ill - i6 Sro4t. r . � I UIL
ting catopaign ideas to,the (1011serva prese J ut-up Tito ('QI*rJ . 1 . � . . .�
,iiptj()jI,k 10,thi most tellable lJonvivars aquiot ,one, with I - * � 1 4 . . . ; l'i
Uveg With it Allew W imitractIOR tile, suedidike olferoll ij� a cure for 3 ewf no Att`e1)d4kjt`l, flat. the little olice or I � Our Prices for Ov'ef0ats are, fr6tu $,5.00 to $i. Pf.00if , -, - _. , , I I r � I I �_ . and Fitirs. I .
IIIII1110 JL'n the subject of '(Ito WAX` roallar to wokkj,�tj; zi 41a,ays hdAs. tbe btfile, Miss Hat"Asov, Actin . . I I . �� 11, I I , I � I . �
� � I's I 1', D r oft � '�, rrrr I � r & .
=tjjtt", Mr. Whit,110Y 1`01 4 � aAll. . I a 9 11 1,01 , I 1, J
Horisalli till 0re$. Maid Alt hondr, and Itev. Ur. YeX, AO"& - . , , I , evidba 411 . �, r ; - I .
I �,_ ? 411"Oso at,ways * - � ff: � 1W -0 U�a , , . The W, 1
_ _*1xis I 9vot-voutmekeext valavr, Ziino-k him. Be*, �
� �
fuse , to othiinfilivinatollial to � 4r-luyflold, Ftylof_4114 Aillot, --- 51)� --.-- " �- - I r I I 4 041k -4yiell -slo;L-1
___ c ,Z., -.Furnisher Tailor-toade COAT$. %U 110wt �� I
go .1 J lord CIUCS.",WMCO W. Uk6u . 0 � L t- mon"s ... . Roo, in $he- lesditig I � "
to Vlelvg tllllt'Mt� .0aJJ$0V0QJ7t,tJ.JMj'J co;,'N, .,111"00 . '% 0 n. I 1, ;ttw Clothlem, r color�nglsild Pit �:: r I
. to tbo"People'a" --I;tl-1,*-IIL,—tt,t,llf3-oFliiI d l Mrs, Gem Strong of bappy foung conp o'have olitnY frichilit - .
. T111 " I W, , A
it fix thii congratulatinki$ 1111dr a . , 00 R I.
I goatlevialt down . Ilia fro"I J�Ifialv lftn' mesf,a disif0eable f1rolo ilvlaho� fort, long, arid floppy L . I � . � .. 1410i lillaillikilid'"s, , ',I � I i I
' . I t1lossli , � . . L I ,r . I - . . I I
I Ross! Ohio friend wished tdclrenlatki . bC�d"r.4QfVq,PAI19 wicok and t 0 A .141nevio , , , . r 8014 Awil - n"d,ilis .4 JJTyf;XfJJj"J(jP Ifski#. , I r I I , I I . A t I
I I ,Vferoxlelil to the NVAir Iforso and . Ife, . - r V , I t fol, clauls'rys L ,jid AUP,UtOA'. � Vorrook rittinit ("Ifitlitolit nouso . . I . . I I .1.1. I ". �
� witl thoUtue; Idt-4grWaroUu4il%ilt4tw4y;foAftftWO*t .." . . � 0111 , . . .
tile other celebrities 11'e$ hVIVInvelo takinky V -...W- , , I ... ... � . I
voi*sudIltPron' curined1clue. . ,.=n!!!!!!!111,. . ,, 1'. I, � 1.14:!.,:,0 , , .
I , ..___,_A0`,_ ftn!!!�!!tt.--m�_ ! r r!; I 'r . . — ' ' 11 .
� tu, rett bettor. Ito* ., , a I . I L I I r . r . � 4 of Ul$,COATS jolit to. dirool � � :
Aid1firatticittlalb ,,, . tip. , flow A-Sprala'Doe a 114041111, .1 1 4.101
, Interesting., .. " tit, or D'. r ". ravotItA If"i, � I , Uum I am "" , . � J6 _. . . . . trora the. iP*kOr#.Bnd -all F009111 that .11 ;
� Althe att sob Mr. Mltiv-� li"Tilloll folot'll. jOW10 of I 0014ci Mizilleal P15COV41% 1,0111,! I 'But,lblon'bithe p4in Alone, th-ar. fr. . � I . � 'khouldwokkft�o read_y
1. . . .0 not straight J if viol of tile 41?lcaaan r4lets" 0140. it, I � �� . safe, $OMO 4IL19W . t �
. that,tueso 0104ter I ,,A , 4 ded J114011"k,ofthe'losi'l fit tiole ,Q 0111011" AKI , q�jlj�vsltlo_ ��
tl at - bottle of I)r. flig$$ *CAtatV1I'R141i1W - ow I � I , FURMITURE UK` U%N D E IftT A' � 1111.111L I . As 0.25,' ,� . !
. I
Mttll),1110119:0) the , I I . , 1� I I
.so jar its tbpir filioncl, �e A lollwmo. I 0 1, i� I . . .
rf"tl Ill e ,I I=, 1074t, ,Qos. Spritioi without oltlpbet I �, " - � , I . � , � I
province aN c0000POed. Mrj, M41)(10 4nougliforyti-or a sk4*0s.rtUe1kk I . . I . r . . � . ... - ;!,� , I
I t bcellvlll�ed. by rablilog 11106birt's I . . , I
, r 1WB..bAy# 1?11"Urls ,
*WrOtel . , .r. flone 'rj1l.* ,* ,, J,f,,,Ir,, Ao lot Will bove the Moot ComplOw Atka up-to-dato Book of lusit-ortae, �. 0 . 10 1 . � (9840�rvlults, they aro-Alln,ew.4"d� ".'r,
. line well, 174tg* till$ pol'ov of ther � � IL. ,, I
L , """ 4 "3 r' is "I arnivure in Ilis vovuikV,, ralioX'-pleclov 0 Forolourd. Of large aosortmenti - I . .. . . r al, a thip,it ganklot. Ito- beoilell for like 1:,
�� DO er0q%4C0t=on ftill6ft 'r
,publia -ArContita arp staftell sent r ,an 0 lit " I . I I
- oThe � Irrotinding joint, ivgi, Islitt,ter, �
I tba ballotAOX00 Adviser, rpor boatid, theritilisa sprained wrl^ all Llbrmt Diningrg,oto, Mdroom. I � LRO 11: I "I
. with 0goreg. Jasti lisp . 3,X cinia-cenz "StAtilps tola! bm kill, I � , parlor, Dra"logroom, - . . Rall sna' aigolion Purnituro of griat ykrIqIiyj' . � XA � . I I , r. :. - I
. , . 6 , ,,
. ; � __ tir4fred tvith.�Xdotvs,l' '. 1. I ."ceilit 0 . .12 I ft, L __ 1,-1. a.... d imOt-PyLitt)-o,-P"-Jt,-,,-�,-,--blft _JoJty_-4*t"A_jkj_rr1dkxtJ_ 1�` o 1 jArlie r an Kq.' oI nindow, Sbades Bad, .04rtsfn Polliv. r . . .. . "Ib.., . r . , , . I ....... 1. _=;��� I � ,�,
r L A", IZ-OF'Custooks-er 'L rr lilt f— I UlIckly � it Will - ('111-0. .. I . . . I I - --,...--. -_1 ------ : L , �� - - __ - I. _11
'X V. , . 00 . V. Tbeio In only 0110 Ito' L Alont, OL RTMENT JR, 00'"PletO Wlth ftv, be$# *nil 1,0000 fill . , -11 -
I . . This not,kil. 11141kin?,110owas presisea IrKiercel 13., l'.0 Ilow orovern4oto oil 0)6 Mil"rif'Ol.
.� boiloo li�,y an illoqtraWl", -ohowing two . I . L . . I tbat can J,e 1, � I I : I I W" Ave,pprolot atilsiltionto this poro of tbo'buslaebs, , I L . . . Dress Goolus.. r . �.
. , -_ - -_ i , I _ L11"gi 14trains . . - . � � I I - - . I r � I I
Uloisto of thor Par. 1 ! ,!, !! .. dev __a tin to cars, �prj 1� , - I � I'll, , r
I 1,94ttliq Windowa . it that I% I`QI$oAfs ' N't# $ek y0a t4� ill I 0,44 invot-00 4wook Ill be pleosea to q ,,Iola priceit which xro tea", liable. � , .7 - ;4 ' - a Iscits � I
. . llanjerk� 1)uIldiogs. banditig Jat to 'etlo and swellings, flu L ndly 01 iltid we w, . I . I I ;, -t: * lot of gomespuns I b r - , -
L - � . I I , I . . othoo , th ... . .
. 1. I -1 . I
.rates I d f0:llC,l0rjk tut -al wealth. ofAlgotuft, of whloblios' Xerviljrkej� Iti*go bottle 23. cooks R 'y T .r . . - n � . . . . . . *0 - all ill 4 Xteivs;, it ,, : I .
I foile pi�%gxjkRejs labi I . . . , I ; , I groAtoot
odir - Mabee � .1 . �S _ ' C �J�' N'' � r . . I . - I 11 . . ;. -
. & I . L. 2J .. 1. � ,- . I �: ,. ;II4 d I 9, . .. L.
to,�g, tfioj,t,�,u
ode, U procoodsto sav " and his 00110agilas have re0alood In . � _ .4� 1.9 A. . -L I . .11 J , "
I. V, I , -.9butting their " 't�'� . . _.R . . I N _ _ . .()]L . 11 � . �p �he l. ..
1. .
01uslato lgooeance, , � I 1i L4 1 1 - J
I " The reasolli out% tixxlio are higher . it ftirah)OL T tile pleadingoL Of Mi" * SeaftIrth town ent"joll eppeftra to - . I . .., "I . � "I 4 . .. . . 11 I -1 � p
I L in V Ar I'MI1114ok) X reditbA ,Mr. biwe troubles 141 Pleo At A SPOQIAI:� � . � . _ , 111JUNITUANJqRALHU1,� AND UNDFUTAVEWS - BIDvr1O1tD ItLOUX. L I I . . . . I I . . � . I � . � 1:1
I isbeoftitsotho 61overoutout has, throa jig , , I 1. , �, .
I.oWalloreliflitero. Theyontphadli ' 11 it tneetlur )%old to.coasl`�e-r the ditteivO w-— ..:,:,.:, W ;= = : .1.1 .1 . 1.
tl� '�� , re ilgItating .. L Tweeds D ress- 5 tioft* from,� 20co Upo , !t ,,,,, 11,
- and ey tleedl, hitanyi mi., .MiReampbe If. find othl. .— 1� , . I I .-
*Motagers before, Ive at, tic reprosenCatives of imy on Us wbloli:IL the town, � Lea 11 . I I " � . '. 1. � . I I I - " I ' . .1 I 1, . .! , , 1�r! I I . . . . . . . . I
, A �qorgol Itt the ' �' —.-.-- , - - !_ —_ _ 1��
an<otl.11* 110W." I t a People In tilti ASS0017", . L preient t1nie. Uargar0 Nc011inlit T. he, Work .1s Now $ y - - I � I . I . I & A f*IIxi9ok'ofIio4Ie0'ao4'XoP,ls URI) RI?0LOT1RJX%'t"M 20 W$Lf..'�$# ' IL 1 "I 1111 .
TfjjSJJJaot�trJJC,, J%efo' ,refused I 00
L ., ur6 but L 7,6W lit , r., L trIttou's -lictleary Atrolb haVIU9 .be offet of the council I '11`�,�- r 1. I '11 .. . I— L �; � ;; ;1;; :�;;:; L. . L . . I I 1, - . - -1 I L- L
. �tiffidalq,00eardltlg to the latest ount. kna efilijoijoa Itilklife,lour,000sierva, to lower the 614ewltlk la front of ber - At% id Well D6ni0,.:,b,y I - W- �� �. a. I—— - 1 I - I -1 : . ,... �L .. L �., .. I . I
. ,and there has not h000 P it Udalf, �s, In Ilea of ,.the -daffiages I L I 11, . L. 1- I , P. e,r * I L . I I ". 4. -
. oftof t1vols"'palop"A. t1; Ontario P1,0101100 � I . I . 1 JV. 1 1 1 I . . .. � r .
" re likItri OM to. the italf ,during tbe xwardoll by Sudge DoYIO. Cho nvotion � &top 71N r__1 L� I !
. iiii),t four,yelt)�q, L Moreover, Wo salart overnl0tat 1ft8,fqq)Ie41 I . in reference (hereto. pa$qed;Lft DIAMON-0 LNES.: Wo,bov, jr.d.: arrangements with li,*q or the lorgest,wall plipee Wife hi Tivitm $t 1 � 0 es ttIEP , I
Fie_ previous Alek � L t the '. -0tio*,0061toll , to 'ho tile fargeO In theWorld-and man qhn* #timple4, . J,/ t I I HONE 816, lt ' 1�
01 rwilslit. Into the loc lting, was eosiolnifed, ftxxdjb� I I - of ;boir. .� I � . . 11 .. � I
I 1:0011tre.110talipaill. lit hores, A,14r 0 Mr.-Wilitnelf , L. L� .. I �— . I Whole $took, XOVt obt4hj,%IJL j,ljo *&dyAJJtaJfe$. of ok '014Y. We atiowover 2,000 I . I -�, , ;� , ; , , 0, � I ., .
YJutaberafthq�0OlrJftIs'gV)w WWLIX� laturoandlippolled making O"barcia I ' L' .1 L .
Y ovince, lie would not wasdocided,to klayttio'davoAges and I I 11 . 1. . .O,tlmpleoof'pape.r-xnl,prtoo,yattwiio4,-jtod,��6i4rrVouly'Abe�eiiii%por,lintilin I , I I I 1.
costY orfect eoloriolT, of It # 5 e- X*Y4 9); gtl_) e—*) e tv) 0
-once tout, Ross progf,00%vo tip 6 jawarde-d. :VbPolTortliAlle. Wak, Tho p a kotto"
livtoes. With refoll . . ont,fieturftl WeAl J10 %vant. Ament,41! $50 compen -tile 10d, JOixed cotton and 'wiml rii f , I $kqCk, Qoneeflainkly WelLOIi'"froed"to $Olt Y-09kWAll f'#poe.$'$ P"Lratilk.'1*84 0_vk*)��v . ! .. I . � I I I
. �, Mitbee w1vto Cline 1, develop th. sation. for K9 oil , ..IWAA.%4tpL�let,,*hookr,rl4o,otl4lkAtpok"- .. .1, 11-1. . I I � ,
- . _ , I . ... I
�31[f . dif tin now TlilliVays and no New ()a- Injuries susmilled by ,his hol'sci, talling Cho 1111%kii"Pe tip or mats, rog5v now efir � L.. . ..., I I L I I I L . 1, "Ll
I . . L ,0,.,kr.l��s$llto,c-ii3,d-olot,llt,,daudft�d tariVl . L . L onthe otossilagat Dick's hotel, WAs, PON, Is O4911V ACCOMP119bod W11011 the' We iil*tabtp� the qnstittty (whoo, ,,wivisallore the rooni). kind wilt dell. ver the'poil; in I I I E
� . � by thati3f.pa.ess for thirty years. Re- Itle Ift.postry. however, that the refused fly My, Anient. find lb was 4104i DIaMonli Dy� -jipeclal _Ul)ttoll. X:aIA)r$ . 1 48 hfivri� . � I . L L - L . I . ), I . I ., _.ADIN(I L . . I 11 ... 1 �
L allil'; jJfl%J'JY 0JJO.qUL%TIkr . I STILLL * I I I
coiVed Ilk sui , I - We hKvo, mome, 8 I&I-20-wo %iways oti hallar. some Viotiot Wore luoky t?,&t X*0011- : , - . . I I I. 1L .4 . I .. If, V L�.
t �9011tlelulku PlCoOls- Before lie- 11004"I" cided tp offer blill $75 Without Lpreju- are uiied.,- These *cientillunIly .Vie. ;t I . �
�w million, 114 has 11,4,�)Vor twen Y . V, ,g
,of I I I � . &,* Illil'.1ong 00hoervatIve 11 he wislied dice, �Jssaro. 611lespie and Joynt m%red Cotton 0610ra are tile nlklv Rna � 01111 sto, J%jpch BOADZU At" - 11 0 .. . I 1. -,o -'-�,l. 1� 0. a yard* , . L I I . . .1, , 11 .. . I
� . I I I . .
L ' 1, I . , , I
I six oltfcos�l to sibil; to tile laublio thus I wele A pointed. ll, coultuittee to Inter- re4ing cotton dVes now, hisforo tflo A$'fill&'As 411OLSM , BOOtSt ' . . I\ ' ' - ,
I "
, Loan It I , OIAL W13US'90oulitew ones Are toroijoho4 us. . _1 I I . . L . .1 I." . - 4 .. .
I -
. . . Thiq 'w nlijlf#� .Mr. Rosi lipgan te. s,W a rin it4ollre the Yikukopa* WIN James Beattle, with a vloW litiiftasof otdix. They Are JIIAL� to I , I .. . . .. - L 1. . . . I
bold offWil it, JIM, unit although lie bag . ento L of with lifox In 6millightiorill'wasidug, ,They 'proifuco L � I - . I I I . I 1. 11 . .� . I
I L wjirlso and zeal. , . Onoodurta Settlement I I A _ L ,, . - 1% "rs \ " . L . . . .. I
- � I . �_ . "I
: I . �-. � . , I �
. I _:7� -i -r I S'BOO _, _ 60. JJJJ�T_ L - - - J'� - ..
I - for I ho ty v�11ra'deawo 1,00u Life, Publio .dAtd tort option And ostlovely ond brJIIJ%JJt-j(b%do$, e
I foUre � d 1111r-Ovf,--110-lxhW'U'Q__D 1. , ) .
I—. 16 afficN, -nositiono. - bavp . r� Or �tbOfi hP'to . the inattel'ofhN olahotor daulages 't h" ill .t
- - __Vr"%aS ___ - bhAMOMA of ttP_grAqL0JIthJa walk lit iLtid,.q(�sityipla�,toosotbi�4)� child lllayj U: K'STOR.
L - -1 cr � 44141tv,toLat" .- . _ -044t, - -C-fiAraIIv-wftIftheIW ------ j��_ .1 I � D , - * -last- , , &%,-he-larg -ytock-0r; A. . _ , 733
. :-.- - , - - -
. U1q --d--- Ode (1vo w, ( . . ,
ceived a liartoc of Ili I � . :of M.;hJ qtt,ea� befog ti)o L lit I 11 1 1 - --Aa I "f# �?Amr lulf ,;
sill .)a -from the :Out wilk" It,comes ,to etooke tie I front of bis proiulses i5h tli`6 . It"yoll are it Inver 4 0111404 MAI. -1 __ Wiebay'li L Opehe 0844took .1
I atille, 19o,scboo,k.o cialfc)rtwelyst' abose of public toust. . k1L). . And it tiotn� , , I . 7 � . . . . L � I 4, � I 1� , . � , . I 'Goderipli, comprivilig- "o da -or U#_JM6Jfa_WtVrrg If _knQW.*- - L LLL . . ,
. n -f t4aVs now Ili Toronto . . � - - . I I , goods ever shown in
P L . I . I , , __ �
g4ho deew 81NIJ , L L To -tile igang . I I .---qll-.*—. � . _11101tj I - 9 Volloot L Vonp- c(lItiaIL $Ags, , I . . L . . 1. . . . I I I I I . I � � , . - _ - ,Walker. Po"m fity", A 9fikor t� J
�113. Aimiltster bats they must Ill , , . '7�671 L ', �Vells'4 UleintleSouL Co., 1 01"kers. J..&T.11811 , L . I "A%,* Tho victorl hot, 0,3" 1 :t� .
'f(litextion for 1.0 yearsh e ro-.0iVe . . "take,offtboir, I Rend,01, it . ;9A .1 I., I I ,I
. , � .
I I , d $71- NXEI). Limited,Alontreld.-fol, patterp. sheet 190t: , , I .17 &IL"ANO WINTER I , , � . )902* The Blater Shoe 06., The, Willialus Shoe'do:, And E. T. Wr .-
Mr. Whitney showed hitilself -t* bil IT 18 WHAT I I I I -, . I . � I I V. 1 .14fitit (10., r Ito(
I . On and its Promfole lie has taken into . � . 1. L I ImIr-r, LT 0 L , � L ; '' . . I the follnWIlig -e [%V
�I;111$15�,V.,'. At together his, recollits - . , I I and, valo'. To Rutibierg, wo, C10 JoilkeL I The-cfa
AV) honorable wakii what% be kehisex:3 to I I � . of Dlgraond Dve M41 and � RuK Alta . I I J Ian, i . I
. ! I -bavi. beett..bot, %W,&.4_-kvhfch is 4 to -do with the Ohio L I I *-;-__O�.- , I will etkiiblii you to 1. _L 1. I . 11 L - . - a * A �
Q I boose yool, owu design$ (It any . .. It . � : , . - ut'subyl 130VII -taud the.Glove 0oodiveak, Uabber-of NOW Yotic., Worts, $at- 1.
,vO,V 4ifforeAtIbing toalluarter 0(4 , .,., L I 1. I . I ciattlaa-16t0evoi-1-
� th . at 140tso, Ili,. und c L L � N .a t
bave al,lythinir terris." whTch * . L . ; -. , U R
entloola"'4"d 448 catil tkign matorlaV :.A -
�nxlfilotk, Tolt.0blogootletuan waspai� %isapity tb;vt ,the NI; . ftineaGeleryCqpo L . loquil'Q& SIZe. Wfjo�n YOU ttfiloqte'd 'L � 0 illho'1*1 I , olec�loh of , OP4 tho we aro in a botter p . I � I , .Tjeage our Many pl& to ..L Inp.. �,
. I 0 . vmlv design. uste the-Dirtinond Uye% to : WisIxop to itif6roit'll pobliL. I 114 it ohowfi 11 � $TYU, F1 and PRIOR, . , I � I .. I
. stead of-licenflinr, Lt'hig -k0otlQxuxn fto. ' � f- , __ . , �� , L '" I I . T. . I
ticuleirly- -oloquent on the subject Ot .1) .ragffaq-r�qrsbadeir 'till inkt, " SeRtiDIMbla, goods has been.,pAseeil. into Atock, laolvding IYA pAT4 .' I .1 � 1. . I . . , __ . I 1. L . I
I the, Ross ifebooltbook AxonollolY, rind itander Mr. Whittley it) tile lit - 0 a, 3EEGRINOR, �Of color vall' ter". rAttarki $bee inallid , � I � - $ I. I . . _- W , , , " , , I T_X . - � I L :
� teco Widows. or- if 11fo-lool; Conservativeo" diff not, take GUREQ MR- J- I . nr Ing pat to L � ,8R I
L job noxious to pro CoUrSe L as, 1 and, filliliarell's One casbroeire Ho'4t, L r'�Xlx`& Vftia" '. . I \
_. It( - . ttiftt, PUP. .��� Okshtaeto- - " I I . .1 I . . *
p4fths'L the saime drastle _ . in _ M 0 Sin I 't
� ,� I _ I � \L "
And washwortion frorn'that op, SHILOM, ONL, OF MUMfl- , tee to nov t0dresa. , _ Ladles", Uislicii! . e;
.1 -1 al lulargailattem-t Aot4py We* Opposition - loador. - It Mr. ! I., I I . . L L 'skud. Md QIQvoci.__,tndI0,4!_ fittipy- Shet'll"id 'Wool Underve*.,� Ladleu"' ': _ _. -
I " "d $6114 006ds at- t CCSI�-* rMott% .
. iptiltsfo-ch -116101111i ,hy t& sonse of TO-AND-SOIATIGAe- ' . - 'nnly), ' Upinoopokvi Im tr 09 - Falf, Pri ou I
� L . � ,clittab 4 wl�e.�, facheii, knothets., Rose li;Ld beell atilwate , . I I . .. Says tho.11abcaygeon lnde�cndeat t Catiligo;u Jacketi (1314ok . , M 5k, per �vi ,140 . - L, I L- __ - - - �, I - L I- . , .1 L . . �
. I . Anll� -domnor. rather-JI)AR illy a desire to " . -pot-hlips; the liehio"way to tri� t her pro� 1 )3 (aids to inat-41j, . Full lines of one IW'fjQrte4 And . I - � �; - I I '. L I . . ... I I\ I i
-� brotheiiato 810,00- 1111110,11MIA80f -frou'i 10tind the � - - ) - - - . ___ . . L . I . I �,
1. . 00 - can joil rountenhave, shoot. at )Ito oppo ,tit i - vid sytiteTW-0 _' . � _11- I _'i. , L _ I . . I � I I , . � 6 ,
. 414114 JuAlce. no, - 11111kilelpAl Oro 4nour- 'L, I ,- 1 I)OMOStIaLy4rol�. ','-.-. .' L . - .
bery of out widowa hedge. iie wouldvot Ifavo been �akkght It matters XQt 1110W gerlous'Vour nos I I . I �. I -.I-- I.. . -1 . - I I—, I I
I #�Id. pr al�et,this robi in title Lon 4wqe would ba. 1W mo.ke it a tounty . I . L . �_ __ ...... V- L q. - - I .'. , � ..... . _. - i - -_ . . � . ..
. sacOn"'. . trow;tles Are, The Gre,it Coin- haeblesLo, . � L . I THU 'agsw rAic.po"P'T IN Tll� *A,RXUT,, .- - . . I .1 I . "I I � .. . ,. I �#
And or I I happy Itme . . I
. pliftoo by the Ross Schoolobook T.Oust *, Coanty 4�oaooll . � I . . � I
3100 I 1 OF 1 ,.,�, I . pound Will P0rW&ael1tlY could. %%,sure Frown. Ilia all the oropet ty Stxk4l, %resine.ustud well assorted, ' I . .. . � 1. �11 I ; . e L . I � M . .. . ". I 0 !� .� 11, i . !, 4. L I _1 I
I . I . I . L � I . .
. : . _'Al *ft, -wol - � litltho,q . - 11 . . .� I I . . . k A
rking WARitwo"na � - - - '_ � -Got .tbo -13%lt' - - - ----- L - __1. . ,ounty.and.whon A fire took . I I L , I . L, . .
I - L L
M% - fAlArd 1). --._-0ur0.'X,p%- , i __ __ myor,-L I U � til - 0 Coll I I A " � ; '. - � . ,.Illrimilf� . _1111 . � I . - : - . . , I . 1. .. I L � .. I . I . I . i
L . ,
- 'L. d of her 1101PUletit, Is 00111- . . ploce every taxv . -L . I . . � . L . .1 . I L I � I I I
. I
. W . I I L . I � - P IN REPAIR,
. aerriva . I *�I&l � %4. wif:m ok - -- -Drapem'
I . Certainly the.: most lifollk P ortmits , would Pat Ili$ a, lare'd tholo,3,3 �9 . V , _
, ledtoserob treat early, morning of tile Xiog aild Q6ork Ate Me offor- . Autiona njonth4 bring rapid woa- c�p ,,,,,,so InStIrancs"V,ould till 1;,docod � . - - . . . WE 'KEE. . I
� I until sunset for tile money With Which ed till$ year b$� tile F aratly Herald and therL rhanges disastrous 1:4) all Who all,% f. it - tillst I 11 r - . � - . I . .. I I � � 11 . . 0 , 1.
. . -to buy her child a schoot book 'which Weekly Star of Montl,�.ftl, bo�L their sob. Ono good feature ( I I . I __ , , .
.1 � ,celfkk,le" thall SIX Cellt-1 to PUbliGil- sufferfecitti. rbourkintlem. Paintl and U78t eln wollIll he thijt do I hwloc�4 would . . L 01" , ,_ . . a I . 0 . I 11 4 1 1
. I . � 11
F7 -r I I . . I ,
- Pit Heraldpoi,ttaits lt�# each IS x2l, Iticheal rhenolatic tthis a I .on.. . policentell in case.4 of sugpectipd arvol . I L ., 0 � . . . ,I 11�
I I - wages.... .500d , ,,, It aft eas ,le, -all the Peop"O"LL . I � I - "r 4" I : . FREE OF CHARCE �_ 4,
, , . I
Avail tile algood statements or r0lable scribe? h4 what JO th" use having' tortwes, Increase soven-fold', arid ifeatil fall, Upoll tile peop I :�
lilleherst f would bo self cOtitiOned, di-AtOct" . -FR
Washiviii6an's da.11V V m ANAO ' RE
� tatolly -a Ve _
..� quyth jig but.tho beaL TI,o r reops Ilia harvest train -tile ranks , �
I and ttro perfect likiitwases. The Vaino If Voltari)L n. ST ... M , GU - I . r
fly asolleverfvool t;hr forin Art uWady oliservedL. JUalkleipal file � No ow _� L ; L � �
whoot bbot . ........... 000 I I W- -W.J.---.1 I - � � tit
Price of r - lorald's portnUs havo also tile ,:...EwERY CARMENT � ,
Cott of publishing .............. 103".. ofthellwatitoo, casti aside, the. medl, Insurtilloo, is a bianch'of Hoeiklisto .." ...... . I . % .
. difitingulabod Illerth of being the' Very 11 I � I - . . � I , I . � .
. I "in - On" ta�ttvotl lave too long expert., aild i-4 liping ravoirabliv considered, In . . 1. I L I . � ,. . I I 1
�Iw` , 'IL
1. I ��
, F , - I ���� W1,
, , . ,�
I _1r, I , _.�,. ;�', , 11111111111111111irr I
. " 11-1.11 , "', , " �
.. -
� ", I I "�e W'. 'XW- , �
. 1� � .1 I.
7 " - ill JL
.. .. , -1-A-1,7_1
P:"��,-%_,W,_- _,_� k
. W____ ,
I11 J
4 I I I
I I I it�
1 4
I 010 name of bill"Anity turn first 14400 af ter. 010,151"ll's nogossion to . . I . I I .
'Ntor oU inentea witi, ana test the virtues of %%)tiny qo�3rtetso � � U go e - (, I . " I
. lip, .-this workopolY, tho thronef kind have,, therefore. an Ilia- . I . . . lene . Parxiian nt Cii�ire �� n �� I I
� Ut ,I, thei,otigli -book rl Palpla's Celery Octripoundf that great, , . ,! .11 I I.. Asthtna � .. i9p,. Jrfstanf'� -lief nd . , � � - __ f. . I I �
.4114 .of office, Tile seboal topical WJ kin that no other portralts Will 1� . . . .1 L . � � I � WE TURN..OUT. � I
I I r I I . . , � ,, V , L .
-, nil I . . _ _ . . .1 - a ' .0 I � . . t
" p3 pow t*nt,' bat -Ood pitY '-their. specille fop rhounifitism, tbat, hit% - _ I L'All 0 ses .: I
I . � . I .
I .1L I I 1. .. . � . . 1. L- I .1 � .
. . flilmebs. NVII00 Ono get's tile Wet at worge4 SX10h t i4tovelitiqs cu'ries In 41,11 ----r"GJ0T C,,bf �, I . - - N) , - .- - - I .
PLY alliuls?, licialmlippide as"a Inferior article, PftrI4,Qf 0 � Q4110leh, 4 Mr. 13 4�46wfg . .11 .... ,,,,, ...�.,.. it I I . I I I I
I I ex. _"I*' D, Oachl- � . . '� . , I . I _11"W""t I 9 I
. . Tills, of c7borse. ftteS tbe q1tva- there should no tin thoo, Intit in chnos- tine, WMAnently cured aftPrtive'voats : Thot* U )lilt$ cotafort III Wo 0hoit # SENT A9SOJ,1JTEQ( PREra ON ROCEIPT OF? 0-�TA,L* . �. . ( I L. L I
tion In such a nianner aa to be� inost Ing, and cortalolv the Family flerald's I �, I �. .. . . . . I . . . � . � .
. linjklilt talL Clio ociVerinuent. vtfsa crl'ng, urgeo the afflicted to use poriou it, &filleted kil palti. . Ponjild ' .. � . - L' �, . 1, . . t -
, _ ,
. . Wakill. platuresotthe Ring and 4ocen are I W1 W$t1TJq)r0T4rt X&T4* ANP AOPIR099 I-LAIN47Y. . � , . . . . I
I women do not Apond all tbelt. earnings hgotiAtouipfirlson with any others the reawdy that saved his life. He N Uarrowsollth, . 04t � I , .. I I � ... . . .,.11 1. I � L L . ' zUnuk(*tdp"nik goods knowingly, Uve op,^to the letter .
I . I WS - I . . llocock, ftriotri . � .9 - I I I A . I . , of our a4vil it's. golt for pjieb only -at frook'" to 40L .
I , I
Ion 1whool books. Iftboy-'alle w140 be (ire tile bablic, � says, . � .'I . I t _&k '_ lin(fUrer ftotli rbouniatisto "for I � � 1. .1 L I �N . . I I
.. I .
berfAujillosOughttiottobe-so large
I t 1 Inece.-tsItAto tile fitirchaso -of Ong
Toadditionto those two floptralto.
each subsetiborroceives,Wo understand#
porovoyeaka,lsul;cre atom sew
tica-andilienniatuan, il.t thues being
ears. $Vhe�#d�iietlt4t4ikfiDr.lisill's .
101ttionLitloiQLarithe did to, xulltwohrittlet
it intitant.' rehf,fj LVVen la f he
wolt-st'ca,qes., 10, curtill when all else
rl 1, I
- mob sides., 0�111100
001 book.por dfty. Ijo
books which CDA six cents to, publish
a, perfolit"Copy of tile rianownelt aftlos.
borough oleturp, the -nuelless of J)ev-
,so hl%4 that 1, 00.014 ,lot wa* or put joy
Maud it) Inv mooth, If I attelopted to
of thill wontbrrjklprelx.�ration, with two
01hik" T"fe pill*' mol'
I *ta not sold,for more than twentY4110
t , , .
onshirie, V-2 x i3 in'thes. f6ton, beantiful
cotoxon. it is prqnoun�tid It perfect,
U gako'! work I Would 110 o4vled tile,
� I took nit -1110111 ovatnielit.
illodivineit. Tor kiph and tit lilt -rti.1
Luxts Of r
- "A
, plately cumit him. Us has not had 0
twinges of rlit Atom, and AtUtI4 to. blif
. .
Mr. stabeo In. his proijogea comerva
. li tive ranipaign'dopunjent WAS P' 3rticu.
the inIxetivit of
gem. -411 three pictures and it ye&r's
aubscriptino. to Clio pa"Aly Herald and
Weekly Star for one yearls Me dollaea
n�(hs. hilt, all falled to inept illy easo,
I tried, paloe's Velery Compound. and
A61 part,
110111gs regi 101, This great
� tlell OallfA1111bg ttn
Air Is put tip' In lifiti
treatlittilk w1ell 60 ctaito at Olt
)fifty Impressed with
. -
Xr. Rose aull his foolleftgoos In - &431V
Worth of tile soxwn.. .
ftftpp fitgTig qig liotLIC.4, I feel like it now
than. and can do a haril, day's Wgrk
iltug stottg or The Dr. Itall lifedleldo
of)" ltlno�on, Out. .
� � OnClBria. and tjohiltil'okmAllat
voliticirting Were oractically giving our
. . —
Partisan Jagg"O'ga'. - J
411d felt] Iloilo tile worse for It. I h
it loogailleal"'weight. and call ttolv
I . .
. .
F "litur,i) *ealtb awltv. This to is rather
uriou% point. because when Aft, Ross
- .
- Torolita'Alegraot-Oat Ztb. . . -
Say I ant pol%u%nontiv,ctireWl
ThfidrViets At Pormosit, In llruto
Vo.. bavellolsheatho thlr(l Ivel 1. Suit
_: � I � al[Abee to - _tl,
I I � - -1 "Itrie a rvAdvoll Ito plamptly
, ,
E tlit UeTirlitilwor. fi-eoli VAtillit tdo
_^� .
�Ilev6p_f ( � on woo of Mr. Bacot It'r, -0,11
tibt�-itilloil:ii-citiotti�i,--f64tilt.i-tlllkii tr'eiin,
tile Ilrat two wells. At it depth of,945
. t � 1 o. lie au )mitWd Air
twomonths, but no November Iltb
2nd onn.. Tockersmit it, rvalized Ill.w.
i4efiedthood strat
feet thit 're 8
� I fan , vatt , 0 16110 �g.
� 0 t
. 4,01orgale I I 11 0 vast nl%�-
. the peoploarofa be, called to elect IL
successpr to tile late Rolittri, Vorguson.
flillowtoir are mukto of tile MI,
title ii Pa. (I I 3. lict,
01400rs and like- 0 1 t-
the wolt ily
shot Ilpi, ;is abot, A stionth of. tfawr
big pJpt,$ ghatit 70 (#et Into thil
� tholai-nndillouRtf
yootselve4 but, resolved to give it 4
t0*I..'J-otjjyr,s0to alshniftri the'10411
I p ,, J l ", , "L''.. .., I ,., - l ",,I '' L ",._'A�
West Rar.011 b4,4 been unreprof ,
Cheo, MA111leyka, pair ot stevrij,, KI -.
JaMPA'Natilt. cKillopiatiall-ofe'Lirf-
txlr. hilt It Was intoctiv free from all
Aere no doubt
Nixt to Duileen Book Store. PIUCTIOAZTAILOk
L -L I - . I.- 1.1111116 I I 0 , '11'�Ll�
I I. ,
. 1 "" I
lur CAVU 'YOUG ft"d - bam; been logall.v
. J�eftr,
817,50, ftloti 0110 90W4 602'r W- �
, ' '
Devel 0aux, moxillop., leltrlit)g ateel,"
Aignsor bill im"ails
"i" "'a is 0" to be :00o" I" b",
0 tit ho4t,,,ejl4 have", 01,
vie' Ly. hil'"
I . .1 .
Therc ate to signs of an eledlon In
Wopt Roron.. . .
$ffml W. it U.-ttenhot V., 13roeplield,
1100 calf, 138 t Wl 11'. stfullfuriv.
0 finding tht 114111t t.
site a so like'l
It 1 �n$fal that drilling. W11170
. r Adw io �
. r
I Tile Ontatio Govertilbont 11106 fit,
� scared ou6 of it It collid (kitill"I
4 I;fo 01
St4kitleyl,t�vttye4ir,tilditelfer, $59; It.
litoolpit I. TacUpwinith. tow. $.'s -
n line at 01,01080.
A If a � I
1. 11
. . I �
all tappy—lots
to show some tilgov, of deopnev itud
oulforlulty in Ull, Trothit'"IN of 11101110119
the ljyevlortlllaq� No 00"Filloolit,
W. JDQViito.,tkkX" Alt-Killoto cow, $511.
W. (Ilininuati. Tilek4orstil tit. pow. $3:�;
, ----#— -
� do rapitliplovs lung Irritation spread
Treasu , a 8, I of
rer e tands forTax-es
1.*All Well
(',Inv in Im position whou � its
R.L'Sr'lclot, AICK1114111. (.(I%V, $9. Thor-
alvd.lrit,61 qA.U-1 PAtql0clift Tile-
and deopen.that, ofien fit a rt,* iv"ks
.t- 1. A"n If -1 ... �"Ai In tol-l"
Thero"114 61hing Ilke A'sthinalono.
, . I 1*1! kient. Jowdv Ilhon soy or6dif-giving sailor .44n dij.' Arid, nover .
disappoint * qualower. Otir adlilia: is okillitt'ittid up -so date,, kind . I
it intitant.' rehf,fj LVVen la f he
wolt-st'ca,qes., 10, curtill when all else
rl 1, I
. .
. . - We employ, phly.firat-olass'work people. This is the searol of out
'groWili Io'$Wki Y"r# fi�Qkkk *Jhe sinnIleallio the JaCgeili'Liailloring
. I ,L-
ralls, VELLS, at Ville.
This Rev. 0. 0. '%
Itlagoi, lit., sl�ysj 'IfYout, itial hottle of
, , L ,.tst%bIi%bwahJ1.fti lk L be towit. We would like Yod, 14'vish tie. Vo L
� Olin *how you I u V wb t OU have been looking for �4%11 ft1qpo*d
TWHEID STJ T or 3y,18,0017 X . I., %
Astliniali-lie rectilved '111 good oonth.
tion' Icannobtell yoplitnif illahkfut
, L I I 1.
� I
I feet tilt, I he goM qi�Arlyod front It, I
K IL � .�
wits A-slavv, obishjOd mi#ith putrid sore
� .
. .
U, 0
thioAt abd sal"m fiar tea yrtArso I
. .
a 0 .I.
4espairrd of ovet ijili�ig eured, I SAW
I I ,
y que milvel'thwokent f4w. tile vuro, of thler
. I . . . .
.1, � :
devadful and toplipixtiust-dis-i'40to, 'As-
1 4 . I (:�, I I � - -..---, - __ . ______
- I -11 _u�L , , -,-- __ -
I... �
� tholai-nndillouRtf
yootselve4 but, resolved to give it 4
t0*I..'J-otjjyr,s0to alshniftri the'10411
. &r Ilk . . , W
L riBIN ,
%Aeof* Et
�t I
notM liko A ebotio. Sond i�ioa ftill-
NIZell b0ttit-" . � . -
Nixt to Duileen Book Store. PIUCTIOAZTAILOk
L -L I - . I.- 1.1111116 I I 0 , '11'�Ll�
, -
I Rov. -Dr. Morils 'Woctiqlar,
� . I ,I- Ili ...
, .- ,Z . , �_-!��
. . � . I . . I
. 4 L �
". vemilotchscoffAr"nualutA61., ,-
I . ,,, .
, I . ,.
�.. ..
.. I.
Saw 'youst'. Jan., a. MI.
I . . r .
. 2 1 I 4 ,
- ��
Dite. T.&rr 13goal, 14 %witchca, oa
Gentlemen I your Aathnjale�e'. Is An
#itoellenO rentodIr formthtilar And,JJ&y
Fever'. andits, polorlooltind alleviates
I . I . . I
, . . , . . qw1i . . I
I � , " .
'ft* I -a
all troubles whichmulblino with As-
thw*. 'Ito saccess fit a8toblabing .%nil
Treasu , a 8, I of
rer e tands forTax-es
, i I
wonderful. r
. . -F I n . I I I
)of ft "* That is tile regular liatior-5 rUqft on '%it 'i'lletlon in 116 TIAPtY I&PI'Slailh, Ve.%lit"N b0ifer, &-, J. culat, eousuniption, Give heed to A Aft*r he'vinst it CAre-fally AMOY". WA VAU Onto thAb A4111114116he 01114111# � I .1 - � ' . ,I
I I stronghold whiell title boon Vacant, for Atv(*AIo(n.M,f1UIoI#, yearUtig eall'.40- cought there fit always danger in del$6* , no opium, ihbrilhinel thlot6forox at ether. 'Ve truly votire . 00UNTY 00 XIVAOX, TO WIT, . �
, � . 3% of A. watra . n4 under the, hand of the lVardon and ,teal of tile
, "rt from the mon' - -- cage baretv tA% a 111011 thq And dread to - lattoo a.mclitintsh. ,1,upkitsoilth, cow with got A bottle of Rickle"o Anti Ray. 1) , MORRIS WiRog8van.
41-1-1 . I -Uol%UWJ)* � .. I I By virtole �,
i. thffWribJ`0VUn elPitt"I" In % cOvIsti- calf A fout. 190. % itiva- Syrup. And tore spir."If. It Is it , I -W..0--W* I . .I. t,"arporatlan of the Coutity of Hurorij ,dated the'214t, day of Au us)4 1901, ? i
44, barnuni`4 Circus ever titift' tuonq which llao liven nareptes"ttil mediclue. unsurpas,4dfor all, throat , , ti
I I . 'for two y0ars. - . . AVON 8k%vqGs6 N. Y.;'Veh 1. 1001, tomotandluK ate to lowl I upop the lands boreinsft*r described, for t to Atrejkr,k I
.. I . Perfect Carlo V or Brandhit-14. "o" l"n9tto"bles' It lit olmpoundt'd D& TArt Iffioel.- MwDiciNr Co... I of taxim respectivol,r no thor,eitul together L*Itlt eoSt4 notlet IS beraily x1vto �
" the ketpers began dosing the . , ______-�. . froin ,soveral herbs, taelt an* of which Goottimixiens I write this timstimon1^1 froat A nerise at dutir. b4tvl% WW tho thati %limit" itueb t^x" and C-osts are emmer phtd. I shall lit colorlisticti with I
I .
i . I Plod UOPrlatb of SPIOndid fttat- T1119 Aist"ise cAti, Ito treated ohly by sto,vide at tbe beilld 'of tile list all I The Ammuleat Ack obAliter, 2A It. 8 -Ow IM. "'Old' to set by Pablie
L� Zoaqs tvith $cote.,, VrAu - il� romedy Carried to tbo alreeted sA4 exotting it wondek%ful Indoonelk, 14 wonderful' liffeet, of your Astbilinlenel tar thft curt, of Ailthatit, Y WI fill b" Anetiou the attil lands, or on niuch Lliftoof rA may be oteebonry to'discharga I
: . � . , Ififte. Moog witu 00 air bretal1W for eurilig constiraptloill' gpit, gli lung b"rialfileteawlths; astuadle salkhma for the pAi.ttl2yeAm Having *XbBallitild the Banjo, lit tit$ Court lJoull#, 1" the To*xt of Godarleb, ox� .
P � io was carry. � to Own okill as vielf, ", tuan:r, othtm I chanced to seevour *I a opon. your '�
. sibri. Consurapti .11 � . Naturtinfoud,edithesoi, va"agesifor-our litseniseq, ' . x0fitreet'liew,rork. Alioncoillitableda, a1A - TUWAY, 00 3rd day DWeirober, 19ol, I
i . I 6 lines. . who foe t%V(!IV# allnips kod apt-kirv, ftlomixerw and * . -----**------ VVI ows Ott 4' I ,I athin kill, At two 0100 � ek Itl #to %ifiorWq, Alt theso loft Aral pA*t#d.. 'L i, -
Ing off two thwo of th�m Mr. 'Trib" I Ilittwriall 1UN1101004 1110fIr 'fill. But . Tile, 60116 111dotte h** Chit"Kfa y f toetiodtakinkit4boptt o4totof Iren r. verl Nia" -
Vat,kirrhozolledoesnUall, flit It goolit I I I ! nob6f; Ill hr 1. � I
. It an L 1"Itt' 41te"141"FaNt", 0 , h04, 4WA . � -1. � � . _ _11 . � :..: .; . I *
C . yf�amr livvd aoloog tile winom, and thsiait breAtI)Q4 an I Via% Nash, the Proprietor an , IS e - fr" front it I %vMpt,ft,n-#; � ,
i e1mry year and tho &�cifs Ilad ranehot4ofourOW4 IXOGIto told who wherover gets. d b4nd& lirelir I, f I t At c%n, ftnolIcnotly I 1
4 - -it, bKa , out to blis. this ill trenslast disiftsim. I "WNIOUP Qv 001PURTO"t , I I - I
, L fit0studled'alit ill Unglaod. when a its boaling anti-wittle vapor Is mare to foe la.' ?pa$ Ill r. t in it 0 Ullidleldo to All who, rite afflipted W . I I'll
to buy uew Offes" plup o P.:, "Olt At N*41% 'yours4estIftlifully, .., . . 9LP0.11 U. D. � Ut Moltedslait or Ottoot Acres Taitiiii costit Total I
W, 4. RhAtrp I
I . - � 11 yOkItil.i$XVCOJ,#Ili2C41MIC,40ttdA"O lesk N-1014c0tv &tPtLM `0Art,l Vat"V114- Is atobawsliapor4obl... . I D �� �
Z011049 Iobaw at Me willib.ana Will$ ,,, . ft*-"� . it I a
One d;y a ki6 - 'er acclde�t. Ing, ,extioneut ,of oatiloor lim"ting. P h - ". � I 4ii* I .� L I so I "i at I " 72 1 WW.
i� i IT afltw typslog Arouill everv. Cell lit t o ...� _m I Dj% TAPr SAW- XUDIOLIN CO,o 011b, t IMI. ratif, of Ia Mattis" sit a 561
Ur. Itirlee two last IlMoting't fire hill 1weathing "llaris .4 slowly tZlia,led Tbi� Vlaggihk Unergies Revited. Gontloamns I was trokAled with.Utlipja for $*,years. IbAvotrl#dixumer-� I
I . silly broke a bottle of Scotes test. two imao, rftaVaQ4rP0 I)or1faying tilrongh tile noqrII4. Catwholone ,o,�t,y6ustItpL,Xplllit*tiilnttI boeIxjMJBX 'not "o%#dIkl#, bl3t they littiliaL all failed. I rab aert*i your advertibmant stnal UOW101t VIU409, IN 11OW100. I � . I
. I .1. tvitical luchlontu of our wpatoto life. protects and bealft the, InHawnt wit- i,�jxapoa , ,he enprgi", and it ith" 1* *(Rtw With 4trlatfiattl& 1txjond**hetatnjke0,' Ifinvo*fnekiparthaftA your X $01 1, *3
r'MU'Slon Ilear t1le MOUL-ey I'lley tile � , I Ilto - I $1 21 1, 422 1�1 I
,,tVI(,d. 4, Lon 111(4 r, dro of tile favo-if. telieves Congooltion.'allaval Infia. ;at relaxAtIono Imisil title arid deg-ist, fUll-itiser bottle, Ana I nit -ever grateful. I have family of four thildfori. avid I 110, L 41 I
t, ,
L ffet�i" Jkud lr�atlorl. and verlovilp rare*- 'Alt Ion aro sure to fulprIvellp. hill* fore4XyeAjsWAAJJnAht#to%VoJk' lr*Vbtt(j*ititbabotofh*Wtband,%r4idatig 201 1 IN 85 3I)i I ;
. 1l.Tbit,NIsnvVe Favowell.fl , , ..
t4g* and Ale 1U013kOys eagerly ,,rhe larinet Is it e;iiik'ii)ir"tii�lit�hr,ilf.�-� btonehialeigertion*- P00041. "lliall Coale trouV#& Thor hastaoilfs rivery d*yl, Thlot tiestlotoltv you tan tuakit such noo of &41 ate fit. rRANOUSTOWS 8XJAV41r, VIMA,01; OrUXETAIL
SL from. Ittomachit a', JJAJ7 LA,F,U I
^ V31t I r I
I . 4 rilund--up" a row-linuclier. thrown s7it" 1.1150. Druggifits ()f Poison IN CO.* wantof titerclo IWIngil on a0vous Rollie' Addrelo, 1Z Itlytilton Att"4 . I
. lopped it UP frO111 dIC 1100L timn his bomp. living djarRod upon by,' Ki0xittoU4 Out. o-regsilAril too, And the atowinch "ut"-0 I . 67 Hast, Mb Ikt4 No* Torik city so I I IA I $888 JUM ,I $1118 I . .
� &-wild i4teco, while a fellow. t ovikar'. �&-t��_000 �_ to n-.4911111inte, food prormly. In this I � ___... _— 1, I �. - . 11 ViLLA16.9 Or WROUTRIL �1 I
- Thi's Suggftted the idea that it rAcialt atto,rh it, preprillir to Illrow Condition Parkilleble's visolAA148 Fill$ niAt sant uwr Amway Fogg a* atoan 4f WTAL. I 11 I
I I . .- %, e ft( IOL*gt Theltipler Rxptm sinrail Arranite- . , , IL, ,(4(*".St, N, L,J If$ , ,
might do thma goW. Sin'te his le'So. I _r4 in, I ho It. ound lopols. no 0 Ilowgirilloplotid fop a opiltid *111 hia faunda r"Uperatlyo of rare L l`� , . A I 11ito's I 0 81 I wis
ilftftg rI`AtlPSq And 1111`*�%teil'a to re4ovingthoifirgiatwO bftlth- ,; I �
rally of OrAtip.mott at Willer. till Rov, - WrIto tit arm adiltwing 0% TAPT BPM'. XNDIVINA Countir TteABoreee, Offl, k I � tL
- ell . . � , wo.,notults,
then th0xnonL*q*s 11ave received stampNIP- frellf"d All x""t like tvntlw- 5th. Mr. HoAh Clark and Voll "Cott, CZ...,liki.. .dj*pvII1,�X derwo,"ton, i4nd Dn ant dolot
Capped, 0N lit tile Rovetwo. Ami ft. fir Rinelodine. Anil Dr. CoNhola revitin flitgx1fix en"Xi 00. 70ROAtim UftiX.Y.0ty. I GoderkI4 AuKutil; 2104 1001,
regular dWs and the kec,pL,rs wholettpvalntiost�ig mitittrploitilif, . . - '---10,91 Ir the M , 11 I . I -111 I TAftliturer
0 611 I 1111111il fi111,1,J.4 i'll"Ji JJ4 %,3", pg ... .w0,101Ji-Mt.,W6%M � IA'-, ��;11 "': wlwfqi. . - - —
I Cbl"f_JJh& JMWiag a (I a(flon, i V I%% It lot ox tell & t I ... It. . - � It Is I I . I - " i ��
A, " W
,*The Altriet's; Farolvolig A;X , , '"BY A"" DRUDGIST, 8* I The , .1
I t"d very few deaths f rom 401ttl 4 ill IN*% lilled at It, I . so' ` . � LL L
unumted mintr withisad3lo-hao lay., i .1101 1,111�11'11,ao 1,1116,!PW I .
I cons=ptiom Of C.Our,jo ft"s ioK with voli tiost, ljohipmtril I t . 241", f "I froln hol I i *An` , I 11,1,01 "I' L- ' '
. . )(Milk , 14111p,osill JCIV I Invit to. L 'Pr . ID R L I t�t_�_ 10!rt!tt� 0
Iloy lie sighl it hilt
otd, r the sluiejoli� r-, I I Elest fmovest - �
I ,thea*rto billy, Scotes rRinul. Far down -In tholvj, elitalt (hot its . � ottilikose%-Wilift "t U*"ft
"I -king a � . ' a' ( N "Ort f tto �
_lkt�radav wor .� .";'.0w� _- - �-*_ . Im 4ftlaboxaWayAtItiowbou ho4rarl"MI -)A— – _" , I I L
AbIlt WAVA ajtjl� 111ii -isr Is (%X(,bAog_ , �
. Sion than &�; raorikeyS�.,xnd. A, 1*1 � Ito to *r0obadvifte. whft th# Balika It . I .
� I ied. The Imckgraut d Jsk a voctt tit It, is',%n Olifir-t of tbil tetilk, (A Ifeall b. flalmoss � OW,with *kx P"ky,r'0JikWke P"oko, TAda �,. RANUG-Us' I ,
. tUift j'he tfirlili, Men.L 1"olintsul Rod aliq� folv4t at)() Nona, �Nvlifft rAll"t In'lo, atteflit A diatltrfi� I , Isis sold d1swAl f6tobod. I I
� tl%t I % treattlitAfit is lA%1tf'flr&`hlQ 411141 Rolle It, lli!IA"111111111 0111 It it , . I to^ thp resiolt of 44*1ftmoilet "t th# ., rf 1"&IM Awr U THIN Xxiii. I
111L . t it" hidiftt 1 06 . 11, LL I d**4l*rmA*h*i. ek*Vlo*M%#ft otimiift Short, 3�ftolid ali! On" Us&. L t ,'I
nlfm in , $'it rimn. Stitt like, a itaxnAiSn it tho -A; ftwelinia, *t
I Consu"""'on * roonk(lys Rao. , . I a , to 014 to t ko., dk4r,oiko, If the M%b*L Milkes, riali Atka Wy rl� L se" M to,mit and 11
* ..
and I , Tht%,Mall nuit,VNillift) 634 r1rcIntrd fix- tow"o. lavit lik-mokl* apilift It.) and Mill& I "We .. . 110*141 "Qd 10# 0"lifli"lli 10* PM . �
I U mah, * tht UIVIC diseast. 'act 14,volor tottuiiluetionft of theme 1,1 S*W, pin-*' U414fanrim Ili, 1140.10fifi. ho" XWm1litswo"ll, XU#A4VAW. The Canada Busine." College I
us & Will a t"Veitlar 0"A'rHAAL - . 0ffTA'R`l4CX
I it or are threaten. IwItifing% 15,.0) inirbN pit sip. rwory aik th" fovkv 44 llpfilthimpooln it ftkill"ro ftwo at " , 17AY 13", atis. , . � 1i
qia it tAitlit, I mx r6t#A"f4A1 FURNACES
I ilottkil Ott vo!or A1140, 11IT Of VIrtu"It li-t"ifolst"Onit oft rAhl. and . *(W40IaA0MWV 1 664,0 VW64A410 P1110 will wit "it Ift ft , wftli twft %*4 1 1
,WIV Zz" " = *6 , L'
*d *ith itican you tirnoxIlt out. Tno.v offer favi lho- I)rrTh I 14,41 X-4441tie 44 W*q mix. I I aAclo 00col t�n& *19 Act 04 lithisille . Ar& A& good 04 tk* lolkilt UUMU In Any 6111% f" N*m of STP608* . . � �
. I . "111111 ' MW tko sial 4 A" 11 .
" qot* wni w*k* rotrooki wrwo. *0WrM4wU 4W P"MAN"Our. ,
I rboicif, of the ttvo Wit lwvf%�* velialff itilh, Iftairtl t1setifiatill Met *,P,hl`#lW*. W I
Y1.0 -7 -num -m -O.- -
L redillfIoill"Wil"141fedox
, . r �
& 'e, L " .1 � Mill"" **a 14 0% ON tiltii, Nve0litY. it, '041ilton Ito bi ilwmor � **Aft* _ � 1JV*A" MIK. ishvellibilisAkilk 1, I* U" All III&IIII W *001f, . �
vowwar""boalo, , I ilm j -
1 4, 4 1 kes the 11.�11y(ol,pixulfrionthiie� t4slIfiletilill tho ifhekot,% foris" 11" # = I - - I *#a TMr *%k*%*Jf" will bo ailiow M WA -Y t.. wo to IWL' � -
'A� � Swi I**" *N#k. --fs*_J:" I*v"* to lt"t%p, ti,iwoals4v Ikiiar) �, A 0 .Owt" I W111111 "A 6004"I 4 'I
swrr* *owlm Hollowitv's flwpl V i &- .1 M , M "I I
,flit ts itmilo4too-, frorthqtroti v#,Pkr* ho hoo I . 'WORSELL'S ' ' ,
I � . IkAh 0410(0111 Al- mw r"ifeftd to k*wakisll- G)A-m l"* at li
. take the � hint? W"'pt"Al N tJW WPJAT%" of. thr" rUR, UA 0=612hikik this Ulkilite lit . � L-..-,!�P$�."-"-I�"��LLW-tt-"' I
�' "I oliths7 litairwilpluln lt�tlxoii llikilr� __ _-40" PIMW ""I'�.dll&io,,.,gv.6t�ii�,to,ido., k ilw*� — kiliva-_ --- -- N I
I Thu plietal �� till 'Ao� flfifll�lrfjff, iflailt4itirt fXX rilif , 1*140DING ("ARM, .
I "n't ," 010�n fn,iik it A Pit h, lt� Iff , 11#^ 7W. , " " "ill M440", '
... 00 T"Au MaA '. . " 1110fit", 1111fluds n, V�%fleiii"ll;�oPflo'" ,�, leetiti, for thek wtNtern dxvklon it-ri RM"s ON I I 4%�"W_" 0 in fs#*y rXing. A" W&**~1::
1110*01, towlwqhtrl� Ito +1 4 im'"'401 "a n, I
, 11 ,at: I .10 - W 0 .+*.,*= "t -I.." THE CHZAP Vovit MAN,
�'Iijj , I ,#"xvi"wrw.stoAt%v%lvimnooIn 1 thillk 1 10.1,�Ml ii *T
110l1i 4 & 1kiii"i 1 , , AM I= L= 1111., PW I
411111111111111144 r � t,w tho'C0003M,10 cf. _t 411,11 "Alt4s",Ilmoha4wo,f,q�ln,iitr,o�ev"t!*t"-Ilt,&. I t"=%*324 'I ole "INTE ., & I � � I,
A*4,r,A %V* howo twever be, 3 � I Fog �4!:C-Vlrjx,o�'A 'I '000mictl0i .
MAI of iil* ft4iltiq; to ^ Iwsaoikv� Aft hok tAllf,elm, ilihmf 111"" *A,4004AWAMM vr**V.#T� '00aw".
P# JWA *. *A *1111w." "lutookli ity"tt tile W46i lit kJA& wit ykls4.4h*)kt an oltm"t ""'011116 ,
� 4 -, I . �
I , ` . - "_ .. "� I I I I I i I L :
., , , L .1 A �
'. ' L . I
L ,�� I �� \ - (I I
I 4i , � ; '. I �
� "... 1 . .1 I Q I I 1. I ': . i r
� "' L. -
L I ,�,;, "f$L � I I I 1# � I r � .
,� I 11 . . . 11 . I I 11
. L 0 . I 11 I I 1: . I I - �11* I . � " � . Ili' . . . . I I L . r 11 t, b
et P , , I � l . . 1. . , J' 4'r . 410 � � .. I � . . "RON 11 . I I
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