HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-11-01, Page 2- - - -7.: � , I- ­ I 14RWI*X;��W,741W'9711�� -,..� .� R R" 117 . . - ­ -111r)-, --,--3F,- -, f'.. . - , i �, W14"'- -11 I , ­ 1. 1, '". , I # ­ M117 I -, , FT 1, -'s, - '' . � I � I I gr�- =14, -77", I " " ., I ,�­ - . - -:1 rl , , , - . I , , 1* �,." . -6 � 1, 11 , ,11 '.. � I �� .1 ­ , ,­ � --- � F.,,, , , . I I , . ,� , A, itl , , I , � I � 1 WI;7 77r �� . I .. MW � � . I . 1. � . ... I J I . �� I/ . r, , � I . � . " I I I'll, , " I � , . . � - . I I , � 4 1 . I . I . I . I � � ?'� It= ==2=!Irl !i m i !!1;1;:i -, 11 1WW­*0#4W-%*`4"W.­ . ­­....­­-----­­-­ ­­­ I � -11--- ­-- -, 'j. -1 1. - -----'s ­­� "I ­� W---"*---.. --l''I'll"ll-l'', ... l ... 1114111111l'',, 11 - !. , - -0�wl,ll`4 011MAN'll"Oh"ffild. .- - -14414" R-01"WAPM, ..", i A I i W 11 ; , , - � ­i3O*------­'0J"- 1. ,� - ZNOAL--�-L�� ,-, - QW so,* 1 �"-- ­ ... � � - I I � .- . ­ �. - . 1. I -1 0 111 I I "00"0--==="-.,�'...*���--�;;-�� 40rit ,*" Call 10*00 ,"$We" at lowl, .11"wYls"sr U*4 lov- -`1-1`-"`11V­#-A­* *-*--o I - ..­..­l1A. *. V ,� .1111, .1 11 , � . 1-11. .too � T * 3XV, . skrkwor I 4. "lot IC "SOUW44. Wit bo tliw *ArY,Xt0.** - ­ ... "I "I'll 04 hial at h . 41 V -470,14-W-4-1- � I F. SMESTHY �'j ,,, - I I I l� - Tbw* yrow am PL%" whWo I 1sl� 4 �ft* 11,1A .. 119�04014W" I,' I I Ttl# tho 004 " tkv ftu #*WA bill I'lows 004*" w*,* &",a>" ��, I I )C."Ik.�!W THE PAP$ONIS A , ,, r.%44 f� "I" . 0 A , GREAT, INHERITANCE*' P=, � or wAY#.%t,A"*t9 wo^ A1#%W4M11 ,----�,-; loft wo A"W. Ttw wow zou xrxtt- VN01 And ovoli *4*g OW I== ,.,. I I I �, , . �� A�XIIXJIA . I two fai bu tciiiro, bu�#iiiikjag UVO YO FM -- I Ij � 40a "hwwwwad tblAt. T"t" wito in S U 01 I 110"T. . ' to Obtain tb&t fivor WW*k b# bA4 ­ ---- -- ­ tb* oursdiiss-1wW1. wIw* tbo zuaa,� (� 4*CO-10 =,03ww . ,� C44unow V, GAltu(m. s-W7e4"twoi*j,044',1w1'7,v One 'That Will Declare Dividend ­- � tort$ WOO wow vory omm"Waf, --.---1r- � � I Var It Y*N" tiis fisriiiiihrft Of 00 It ofl! 1j 1 if 1 1-01 PH -+ll +4++4 +1 * ;.j , , -'r I AA4W%*4*,1*,% 00r.1ti,4u"404444 Vall �# Jilft"y trq*y bootow,04 UPDX J= Well, Pow" 1�v VY Paxit, I Ttwo *ft* tour Irwal fit 3willow, I . uAt. ­ � 11'" "�Oyod his IWIvor (4vll, 24) And lloft, *A Z WOW t#1409 thoNA two AA-, 03W W*X jWY Whlt*, *ZOtJW W#A A Coutmotor and Builder . 3 4' 1; ItIr 0 I � loytos ktiidAS*k ZVit now tb*,V S(M@ AW, I UIWAYS. likod your baAs#dl# YOU#g UQUoUp 09ght ARD MUMVINS - ,e , . Z 1, 0243441.,� Until the End of TJ mo* , _ Irolftitu frw# .Mrs. 0"Al im., I I I t4foro him to 4* .tb" , lituroil the tkw.w#*!� Sul about is# Parker 11011*0 U0110 -09e 044f4V , � it, I . � ,40* . I V101140t;, -sollotor I . I . � . *11*11V4 b"a tbWr# fully all tbW* I � I Mt CAUXIIOVm 0. A I ... 1. I . ­ ­­ whith . , I , ) .100W . � 11"X"",s`!D1l9;1`O .....4,ou" two yards And the 'Yowth, V -W QA# Pialaou yft#t, % t*bloollooli augor, a P194* No Ordar too Lanm or too I ,, , Ti ak4l At . yefa*. T'We " Curwiiam who I is of A" aw co"Aw Or". dow PWI Whom f0sudloug X -1 1�10" 41011*04. -4 the st" 01 an V,gg. I Pt. Milk 1. 1, 1, * � � . A�0=014,141 " arm + �ry of Im .I., -1-Z---1 , �, A ftnpatch fro)u wat3blvatolz n4yo., boly rqjgiost i .9 althleZh ** t#"js4rd to4qVIAbat And 11our oaQugh to ul"a 4,4 stiff Our capacity. I � , . o ,we say. j,o4p;ao,,, or w) org(l,or 40 ysoos, #go r#wv. bUttons, largo.iaild.v , , 5 � P, , PAWOXY. 0iised 104 i4irough Curliit tb* to a,allp 4010r§ 440 � t so It . maillor - . *rj 4 -1tiov. Dr, Txl=,0e,,%src:%tbcd' frola, V.111,11I., PS NOT DRY. I *144 sad wwo rgtY#n** of looked �'UP lAtO, the f" Of thaL pa* 'I the b4tw. Pat the milk: on 00 *tove . '. K".14MA400004ar . . IN 4 . ", At UW04 r444W . I =446 children of Goa toes zrouns wife. ,%%o rosy di"ks =*uW1,,lI%FarV "'a", 0"" to wAld, ,Rith. tile lord In it. XI,f I I . tile tollovJ14T t4exto, okawla V), log 'rho IntphoW are not empty. Thor 444 J014t, Awro with Christ, ,pot, are, , at tbo hotel $4 the tho, $alt, sugar #.ad y . east lisito tho All kinds, at . 11 . A. - - ,­., -."l, 1-1 0wo"01K. � , WIC , "Como .11 I , WON P410 now, 044 the protty mouth town. It was not boftioft Icatle WAX 1 2- 4 . -----, ,,, � Rewelatiou nXii" :1�14 0911ilsi! Ill not '004konted. x1loro .10 "Utiver our* that thoy ttriS Azy0or nov- Was dr*wn. It geemw as A WOrkIP9 girl Olat Xx*. root did zow* Ada the xauk, bows callow I 'j, j- . I . noR ff**#Vl.V 09 *A v . junt,, ba lauch, mercy,and tondolfMca ,� or ,rejollcing In I]am, lit OPs sense It It I (' lvoiasiis." , &000 ,%, Owor In. God ae, %fore, a, _ fillo", I --not, not to put It -in too hot. Knoild - I 1. i K"! Q*'UX"*"4 and * ;Aj*y to be good OA*Ugh f6ff heaven W IV 44. take mvmlt to cow;e Acit, Ilk* h*r Qit Ql. Liq1tV4 tho,rousio when ln Lumber, lath, aud S *9`9 " , i - � I , Q MO* jinperial, t,endcr and oil peMUO- tile I 0. WV. POW* blAo 40YOR to All 'With would' bay# loved, 061yanot witho , iged At slightp � I . . 11 I I'll 41coalo." 812C boil- I , G� dug, or the Arst It theY can only provii, fr4tttiAl. #topplz ut , upt, to stock. *,' .-j I tC4. 'r,tar art lirglic-, 19. US, "rotir, not, for Am I in 06 jWv*, ))ale I e, I o* I I , - ''.. ­ VI" to tboword , 'r�tar , the hilst he, -f to and only slightly tuo %swit morionx., I : -l", --l.0 � tcArv. - think whotbo' thloy Roll out an inch tbl*, #AV4 cut Oat I I I ..4 . (i j I sind, mventy4o'lawtimen la , It cu. or the first aeolftat liappenod., or pl*,ct ,at Qod I - W4*t tbs.v pooW much, b Awdly go�oW - as w0AX6d,Q*h00 for a liviat or spout w3th 11 a I*ra*-*iW Illocult tatter. I , .. , 040. 8"QXR. uisrtioAz 8011016g, No drVil thlo)j larst fortu Qv vssalshed- � Thoso, 01;WfA tru* pototomir ut *Ao #04 nothing. excollt, 00tr time in 4146%Xitlefouro.jif tlso$ A Vr�r X11A In 00aAeOttoll. .. 1* . . I I - , t4m *" Oft . 0110�4 44MIl. found' JA tho SCI'll)JAlrea., lt�tit"45- 4 botorm God, to wbu hor aajitoiaer�,u , "PlokX"t worlo only Clean, Thiii anfOrtUAjLt* Spread 4 little butter on each vall � � I . I . 4 I j- 44K b -0 -do Col.. a _ua, amd I*P together. I*t them - Plali I . M is U4 who , UAYQ kolt tho consolatory # - - - . I I . H , I. ag*inst whom tbV, bad $0 glrt*vo - * And Spqc4jicA� tons for all vlaOr 6 1. . . I . "'#two 3 "I'll, t a at tbo front �At jgooll Aor;itag ** As wont away. glill we* Aot OPLIly unt4dy in hop W- very light, thwa, baki in rloo sea of WorX prosall(ly furlaich4d. . I .. I ....... I'll, I 0 0 OR 00. BibT �, As ill pormil of -religion 114vo O, 'right, t6, ly slusaiia and to whom Verb" they ,Vlj,, j�aot know wait 04041t Wit . *1*11" � A test. Invitlal ante UVIUAD . , a. ' quick I ,� I I Im , wy Ara 111 at soul but abo, *A4 ropololva -In her Ovollit � -�- , . �. . , &Vowc out of our own aporlonomtbad novor .yet ttaly turned, I � 'i � , . --- i-yo-APOWO-o . COA 1)0 40 POOAW 01 Wt,Ud Until W4 ,br I . I - I --------"1 11 - L . XW. 0 T iiiia Noalj!o orU, �W(i It qtagdli� At 4nd W, 11 Como I 11 . There` to. surinIft"Irom 'the lreu� mv,% Appearance. Try,g* sho would, Urs. nuttilrmilk" %, liarri ,�t wor,k of coud I Inc . Oolla.*-Toke two � call0a - " 4 Pk P -M tile Other Cato of. tile 01ble, . as in ojQaQq 4U'o LXUre, that $ill that *$* ag4jASt %140, PciXAV ',Widow. 09=111113`90Y Va4t 00111d not br hoil"If to .1 . . 4 " 141 U ,.- What dismal Moot, h.4,io bri6a crit'lasowfir 31oM9r"q touch itar. ,VIA+. *be, MOMIMLOP . � 1. I Wvi 1*12 Foy-" M2, IMOXY , lay agonct text, i4vitillij thel Part, OOPO blAttorillilk, 4Ad a4s, Aft it :I i 4 � M4446 ,4 it � Atttvivt � . , , :� . 1. 1 Mew, the world Ma.00 �%Vftt * no b4foro ocid has seen loaz%od � , . .. 411U`Vian� 40t 4ill later age:> I.AtO th.0 to condole I Tito pbA., . . been out Awily oormong, 01. t"Xispor. oalqr%tus� dissiolvosl1n, 96 I , k J� 1� . . � ,ter t.boy Xrs. Vale Would not, thAt the One lay Of Xatle'st life Wag- littlia Ilot WAt � � 'I ;r1a nerv. "COAM" orondellittlem'. to "we to $40430,-O000l and be about 5 Cupe doue , beat. tbIs mlx�- ow . � (Col. $1. :IS. 34). Covering rAnAlons bay# d .or. nail stir Into tblil aw Fin 'bourauff 00 I ; I I ck. The broken 094 nevq proolwW, lout COA10004C j It 11 . - . f 1 butA' bonea under -their bandage do not and, foroki it a � Into the door-of,thel'oriisttygablod near t beautiful, 1#4y,o TU4 goAtle 1. � �,. I I . d nearly a -lw4y# bring v4oray Cott,, 4 W, .1 - tur* UP lightlYt, 9411. bOO 111, V Match W AA AlAd 1401404: TOWA Pr011ertz, , � I , 1jult., A farnse+r %,as lost in X 6AOw_ � . I '00 Which voice, t Well-bred, 3g*lliner, - the IpA- roll pa4s, � 1. F ; vocub. . (Prov. xxvuf is.). I . the, 4,04 Pit 9 I . I , � . .� I . on 0, atria Of thO far w0t- Ol'i "UO Comforted 0011A *04, I West RAd 1144 PrOvA404 for. Oiir $*Q# t011*tte. .Were now to, bar, and .� � Inisurea. . � 1 4 � � . I il opoo � . I - .. t, 10 " comin on and afts, be wits kludly'linto jtbo=;*, Another " fear postor the yaua� Wit$ Wont *44' OAM#4 'to lift. 00,mliolmrls wits- $A- ;L74a, uolla.-.9�0414 X�pt nior, Add I . , . 1. ; .. 1. . I thauci. "I .. tusy ji*ud� to the ophare at *A t0lop-toon at sugort + cup, *I, VAIu* Of Proporty . � I ,, ! NAIII!�, str*jghti. Into U . . I ­ t 04 from vot kopiwing, not" ou4 *Writnoip .XA _ losurad up tO . r Words, 1. . , of gontlautod , . � allife" Uoh Y0.40t and flaur'to4ukke a stiff 140- I . .. . . . I . ,,, . W1041s, w to 'go, Ill '. wlsorq Upr ;husband- lgavitt his ilook. Ouads.v Mrs., Past pr#.yoa - thgt . 0110 004, Oyer Aight. 14 I . � ,104144ry, 10o"i $S,Q.40,976,00, � i, 4. . 11111g��11 I'll: ''t. .:1, ,� 111111�1;21lll�l ,,"I'll, I 0 sleigh " Ott W-3, par* Aud,mors, kind ,wor4s ond lic' L "jj#A 'a this : 'ill I I I . 1-1-1 I., * ..... *.777 It X40W . onsothl"'Or ter" 14t OAS I , I the rut of' another IsIolgh, unit 410 upbraiding. now pagiotq4tly the � - troubled you"'llo,l 34194 be Able to "y #Owathfac to : OVVXCJ�RO AND. DIRVACT i .1 I . "I of feeling, hath that word", 'tgogio." U&I'l, lit . 114il 404i'V ho.wokod kiwAy, laylig help thla poor glrlk ,whose eyes had tlio, misralvir add j wil, of butter, I ,T. Ill UoUAU, vrca.� T. Vr"or, . . ,� I I ' MUMAU I .� sometitaw" It weeps And, ImMotuiles '10, *1 ,voill follovii thierut'and It (spirit Of 01irlst was la joseTh, 1d,r ',down, his ivu. � . :. . 0. 'ArAt 04W,tho U ,, A Workhauvo' 00,4000A Pf salt and the whitW�of Vi0o, Vres.; J;. Connolly, 0, Dalo IV. I � I �� 41�' 1 . . A=— ''. -111-111- 11 will �tv,lke ao, out to '04fety.11 Ile grao ,at 00 , -sueb "Notions mach, -7 imead ill . only the "groat . _ glit JA , , . I . - I = it. '14ugho. 00410timeo It prayo. "k but its It to vqn- "d Whose alsora,ble life bad 6� a *41"'b"ton' 990"' ,Wx s", J. 16ZZ's "K ., , 1144004 cu until 110 lsourd *Wbollo &4 Wa "Ad af in'll.- car. VIIIj 0 ; Wall On# 104 r1pa+. 'Then knead again 0- BrOA4100, J. Watt- .. 4., X . ,1nlLW,,M.,QAVhW,. , - Domotlilies it t1pulpto, and romolilows, jff; 1. Va. 1, :L4# CoUld 40%blok.a trAdllct her WOV40 Ole Pat 40WA 44 0+ 0iteva, J..Datingiwals, Director*, A j, 'Obado from of,, the pracoding horsesq but, - $gi, and roll throo,-tourtbs ot all i4oh I L . - 'j 4 vouk, PAN44 in hard labar And the lowo4t , S 4 � . I'll-, ravow" Aso m' it , ,deavroys. I It r Ib 0 ing, Upt lleAulld tbat that man was men, to *4 as, ,losoph ,Old tov" , aro an pasy ChMir, 4744 � jcoaasa�oa. to surrougolAo,' - , f W, 0. l3roadfoot, sea l � I 1MV091 door ,of tho church land froul the , . I I L tblck� . jprth, lospectcir Go- , - . I - Out with, 4.1biscult, outfor. OlU,s4,es; T. B. a l I I % I � . I � ragIlas ,,of r.%,'1roxA the gatlbu of AWO lost Alad, AS -IS 1110 tond0110Y Of t4fift brAthift. Ile , -91 whom jo,- cry� . I I . XY4.4"MAlotol atovd,on 6 coraor of 11miter oi*hair and roll tile , other I , I , Ays,",Se;jt*rtb, 1$eC* , . I �' �' I . I " boav 4 4 11.0so who Are thus confused hi .tile- 40ph ftst IX\WO , 'pa wAll-com, "vvl�at ca;4:.+ It bo?" thought the the main otroo at thot Yllialio, AWhAlt Over -. t0tar.y4reas'arer, 11 .. 11 11 . I + I arlillcm-u 440 Vt oosausoti# 04,114aw Mo gates of bell. It is . i4rous ty - - b , it X,ict rIlVe Until � - ' fort ,you ad I j � � �Ver.,V , . , 1 spoall; kindly to yout, . . Q. .1 � . � �w ... 4oattont ullid Aoirciceist olvAll Pow" both moving in O, Circle, ,and tile rual. wboov4r, you. =47 _ I � 4 04we the a�,llis . AT. W,� T#O. Rolmesvillo; * I Alre4,or,va the -inoors, thoy were mililotar, A* . a vgiyo - An n$g ilijbt. 'the ..k .Vwls , , y i tjjad� to, Its Ilickering light# bjiraod lit, 404 - . , il .1 ,4'ww'ljwd�*rA,'4�ol'i,i��i!�;4101 - bo. ft 'You will NoOthe his w0o. . lopes 01410 froa w1w I oplc*d Aollg--TA�o a' piece 'froul, jas. ,6,ou- , . � , . ( - � . . I I V4000" 4r. Xt :10 the heires.9'at most -of tho nor of the Ono lost,1901gh Was l,�Jll, lubo In A tow moliaeats Oe r4ory came s0slud at 0huAliUK ciirda "d clinking I rillo; X x0vill4no, . , � .,� .1 ,�� I .- - , and the alm6nor at =ost at t4o 4ow4nIT ,lse runne._ a,, the t Oill.v Coma, *,a. , far no, is the , your broad dough and, ,roll It out Ming, 1�01nond,i . I I ( � � .1 , past, . , ter out. tot, )>Qlta Post was very young 01400*0. Notle, ,often; -worked tilt' Sea.fortli. n. Smith, Xlgrlor,U. .' ' �� i ) %. 1� . I .7 futilm. to (39100 I'l *V�u I lost. )F*Wer,Qr laorclov Pad tile God of o4l thalf an Inch thick ; �Wuau the top . � I.. . , ,� I . I . 4% pro", Indeed -only just 1VI-And sho'-Ilad. alonight'k, and vv4 up again at,, 1�0 � . I I I . . V139%tul, . .. 0 �t lot., # comfort (IX. Oar. l, By. Iterai We I With =61ted1�11111ttlor, 4A4,01Vor 014K Iley. holders vim -pa 11t. i � . �. I .. 0MffiW46­­-­­ - � zoiluce It t"O that all ON000 oure o � down, doing tile 104vioat 4rodgery., , s! ; � a look at tial hava th* la4t .twe -or the" not ledrogil * to keep -her - trotibl�s 44d got their, cards recolpted at W. , It . , . proolosis with cinnamon slid fto. whitesugar, oo�ts, I I . . I I . I I I I I --- will be heard, Ju Its radences Or pro- north 4tail, " 4ibicb IV" Owing ".104t untol"'Ift th4`bopk, . , otiserg VAut upwition her own hoot, ;latticr One day, ,Vrw. Vogt 00444 In �wlth I I luliat'044 or At Afp.IA= 11rae , . I 01� " I � I . nonage it So that all the woes Of . ' cominalloo at, one swo And -roll up as . . ll. I 1 . 0 .. 0 t I 4 4 %4d bri usue And- otQrski alsall reverberate through tile Wou, Anil by.'tb� dI.,. Are found JA cliaptors :�Y, ,,ad, xxvi. thall- add another burden to tUQ,one - . a' I Of thlb''tpriu 4"MA 10HY 4041(ol thou out it Ali Inch thloR, "' �*`"� Wotbing Store,% Go or %. . . , ; I n , . I ­ 1. who wav 00, dear to bor. I I (, - . - . 1 4 e I , . a turned, the parlor llito 4 �Ibowor , , I reation of theLt Otxw thoy got 11000 XIII, xlVI. -end lay lit il.'pwt 4o blectot, Oloto I 1-1-11 � ��� . I. , . , 1, .. .4 , the , � . I . . 7 4 por� in Ittl one syllabl;T104 , It In OIL an 'Una, I Mill I`Q-'� 's face cleared. * of beauty" � L, " � ­­ ­­ � . -....... 4l" . . � . ON . again. , Those who folio i 0 � - 11 !! , ., , .w tba 44VIC4 , 2.2. 20,;"Agli Joseph It t � , . : . I I P� a ., ved, , ', it " she ozolw1w., lot + them. visa,. And .1 I I . ­ I I .. 100104"0275%, 1 _ *O�IM04� Va� pu�a po'Xil ." "I, I � _ � I . st'SLA"'ll And rolligato, It in the of this world ill t1rao",of porilloxity 00 PA OSIV .000 " _ q U4t, all, 'clola? I Certainly Awt lovely, ?I I n . � . ., ,� I - I ­ 4 � .1 I � Istlest ,at A?1 0011CItants 0111for Are In Av sea4ul ;round, for it jig .One 26- $1004 116 Was 80, Vbail Ile first I th,ollight jou 1444 b4d news � ftons ! hearing jiQr'AAsbAA4'&s foot$tap ' IN.,,- I I . I t t . , I . � - . , , U. 210im- z6b. O., Ill 1). 616-0-- - Ior� ­ . , 1. L, I .. , bomo. .,0I! course, ovorsbody - .4oca Wild *hor� �a I I . G. - � no, PlAt swgat Aolk, :t qt s V406-ro'l Notico'k . . ISA, . � ., IF .+ I � i "I . :1 I . . , 6 I ftrp� on, lAt"t AZA 411m9yed W, , GOOD Olt,. 13AZ. , boWildered -haul following . 040ther i otood before, Thar4ah' (xii, 46), he! "Vorr'Al ftur; I tj&b spoon sugar*ud, iAeIW . -IF . ) I � : Idl .. t�j. ­-,�­­ . I ?I � lyowildered soul, andonly thoso who had SO YOOV& 'at , Prooporit.v in )V,';Q0t I k zw ii�$addtst. How could I' i � he replied ��bsontly, I Thitzirovertsivatelitl4smilooniluetlig . .� . I 41 146AW: oporallow. "I of , . � I I shot 011K. gait, 4 teaspooAIX"baking � . . nin C You maNt remember tbot In mliny bave ift,guch tj tistit be possible ,I X 44, 'Y#y test l4l+'06174�6 Ck'Aliall ,here who wAuts �, 9.; VUXXAAZ4 At * oat wMak dope � i. I ,I . 'Aftwl ut"6th a gow-'61ty. QfA ��� mogot their oyo 0A ,NYPt *- 0400011, to MVXQ 111110- - folroot PQWdor.,.Gr - the, pans, -AA$1 bout . ll , "A IA* S.".. 4 it, , l cilisea qur� "come has a + miglitior jelp.'Very aa4r j#iprl$,. 71 VIVOU. very I . vailsv. hot ,, thou, put,in the do"It I . . . . � q I I , tho warning star -of our 0brisman tile tow yearis 0 aud, Ith tlig --Lord's help, �- trssat' 1, vou.� v lAUCA to wine down to u0*0wits burden.aaub witAus ��l , -A -coines" to collquar iefore-it W Uy faith p L � l I � 0krougoo. tAAt some word past;y ­omfortL Ar'An's hotel, TherA has $ . I . 4 ,.; ,� I �a, find their Way out .o.r.­bis oniao.4t, And Wo know tb#4t t1so aiaf,� L , I Can An Acell, avid ba.Uq for 20 W you 1040z'sicir & Sox. r : . '" L.. ..11- I . I . , nuto*l; V .41,j . . . . . I I r I -000t At all -ll 'Just give me thl)' ac" ttrotig oneisigh; to lead,others With 04, forlogs 'of thl4 pro"ut, time are not 4hoor 4L longlog logelyi aoul." r ' . 40t, AA4 xoa,lop tile girl In yow­Utte 7Acre tbols, You. wont for -a . %,. I ,,4011511 Do . . ; Ill# lisliog V#46rti**rz Alsil ltlt.044, . 1 34 TfIrmum 0.111.8. curato ,coupun. the otatlatieb of how 411-pe"awlsto lavitatiou. - , worthy to be comparo'd 'WIth jLhis "You tire so. g4odr,"reptled, ndia,i oun�4ow-Ailhqol 1131400 lit$ bQ04 hirt�Alsjssgle nijal, bveo% 010 TOMOIA . I Int, � ., � � I . # I jispirl t1loollstoil.*10%, m . tiny an down lit fraud, lit drula 044 Word ,laomel,, bU$;, gjoryL 'that 4% '4421d 00MOr. V40 U . I Oer for v ': . ,� I t � . I k-� A, , Ilse *Alto .,at halp yolk At badly, I ivifte.11 � � 4 I 2.41 , Art ranebeirofthe I V41%tom, VIA, ­ I . . I the next, as tboy Art idbliblouo'Whols, 00 oxwolfl. ON . I 11 � . enness, In sAmblIng, in Auspurity *11 broul tas). J"011, 11"d 147 yeara, laaa� �Lll. I Imai never z4t ,but , for a - l,all�fw 44olnc fast", - nVoudied 'treiktOd� A4 this Way. I I I I . - r I $1 I is . gilla"App trill , sometimes, ght many souls to . I I . I . . d dil , ree 1A . . . att*Atloil in viC0 ,of Any r,ort, and 71 Will. s,X L � 1. . I I . I . .. � . 23 Qnseh�bop ; 00 MAXii,J,0401449 Wo hilt awkwitt4ll *1 QrQjM 4DOMS.­Ons. VlAt of. 00 fl I � a 10 ,t j" ChriAlt, X Will try tile 09POrialeAlt Q$ 180, AbrAhatis, 276.. vo.f.bot Joseph's ptb4olsorlls wllo.� Do, you r '. � . lit L I . . .1 . . I''. . - - I , � I I - avoist%i Wkb, ,you the Accurate Coissuo or stallstiero piling up into a inovatain 444 then, life wo �coxparativcly lshort� but how ,I l4ligholl, that. ,.4a,v at SlotOk J,v,, L,AU .Waa the biisj�mgli At -Uy"?a. - I ,� 'f.0604 And L . .'.Lr L. I I � .". . � r , r - I . L ow + -at bow many h4we been alulu by von down In I , blosodat $or thoiliftuds TrOAT14WAY'Ol, 'Up "Alit"' ell mi k x teaoDoou ftch d I - . � i I It OFO 1- -- . I I , � r , I L d . . I . how mrurA, Of, illen. #he W,A$ 'talting he r4ald'to 4,i�rowd ot.salt,,j 'jsoapjjj tablispaon *:hrawa� l, ­ M#'�­ - � . . ,;I � . .,.-- till "Come and I I , tile sWa afgdeodo ? W.AsAlt friends lttftl, 11 1 $ h I I , . . I I I I I 1, � !:: I L ? I 4assela With'ase . aiiiAds there wa# In ,%beat her kliowa 4, aff W 04 lasig'Al', '* cup W tQ IlQue,'.4.44. i word "coisso." L L then - I . I click wissio$, At tills AN .&V.&T'AN'DIM 'OX" I,PWI*4 Alld't4sl as . I UVISICAU, . it, And W tit aft Amount of tollOW4 It awful 2 A44 how sho glar*d .at . I slitim, -her, A44 that thero, plloadhoirte, bufAclent 0jaltgut goar to a 40u.r. a ofug In Another RO-- - - , I I I . , . IE Ivory bisr."- *Tomo and see w1vit mea0* AVO here me.#$. I I . L witals Ono, you'llot. she turn ako a t10 roe u . of dider Wilegan-;O40 I �i� - % 1111j; tis- max of -these zogpol "to NArfst tL -":it -We' .� ad- Palo stiff batter', - Ulk thoroughly � And P.1� l . 1.1 we can win (it (Ids gamb -W � ,xrg. rest's tears blild,qulia � diX- ilata rag, Aad'tbQ,miuWer,-4e 9101% 'bake in well greased goin Uns fA A Pound of' bro I � I � W 01,W0AWMil "' COMO thou ,And 0,11 thy, bOUSS into Chil6t, U0, will flo It that .. , . I A - I . .0 to sagari one Ounce , A ; I o^d MatogUrtetor . blo.11 , "Cause, enter with Ale thlo the ark; 11 "Conle Ursto ma all yo 01110 Z$ ppolAtad time,. then alpe%reftow, and her busloand ladk� `XQV, darling, you don't Aec4 to quick ovoil, Abdut 20 jillinuteg. ocoli of'tur eric-Afid Celery salt; anal, 1 ; i - . . I QA*t Its a . � ,,Koj I - fh�, " . ti, rX0V St"04 doulstf4l. spetulation." "Como witli - 1 844 r'. . I � a 4 V ot the stililly 14 -to I'll igo.'. 101 course 1111,g. . 0k'Gomli.--QAQ( egg, :t �gaod C $ L . who label, an4 are heavy j,C&A..'"d &hall root 404 $hall stand llt'oux . own loloingl, 0�1 IiattOrm fourt-w- , u d of white mustard seed,-- � . * . I t oikute me and road thono, InAdol tracts oil I li'4),h' dear, jr.0tIrolk'f0rSQt­+ t like, handful of sugisir, 4 -Mi6 smthl I �box of mustard and three, � I , , Tow4st of rlpis orgiisi,- 11"Otoltil ma %O I will ive you lor Xil, X3). � , � I , I . 0hriotlaulty,ilt "boino WItj Liao . X rest, 11, "Como at tile oull of the days (Dan. Aose ilays. ,"4 X Sayakind Of quio , Vlach of saitl­f tsiblo$09olifuls of wMte popper, . 1 v " �-. .- tor nowready; 11 410*0mg, :24, 21s, 0God wilt bi$esotp. They'll �U'e ail Ii 'Up"' tShe'a calling to y am I :oat tter, I V"utt6rzft I � , _L I ­ L - r�ftivp 'Papott, hfil a place of PPA amusensent-11 "Como all tillogbaro _out starely Tlsit,* you , I 'ell" )a . inelted. .bw Drafn the Pl4le in 4 $love. Fut two ; � I a ko- i - - vjtll us"aild W( V1 And -bring you ,Of, this. land.fjl witu 4'.Squy Inugli she opreng down ItOICL-better beltevo I idt.dn'ttell 111% ' _ ' fik oft J$&W twough the, 144 41 , *c'L$tAjr0 sIngi - - 'll 1�'­ I , An I teaspoon 044j- 4W, MIX,rathor - ­­­­ �� I -- -- dio at o? l, will do you go d h" . 1 4 f0tj`"AWjo�,U4a* 9 . . , with ale, in . Voil hott 014 Abram that He would, I she of It into t ­,� .11- . , 11 ` . I �� I Welatisif 44tiiiid,l, , 4, gw -bout t e� 16CG;�" '171le-Sisiritr-and Is, aild -the z4ujster� -holiv; - 40 � W" hurt, nor 116W atia, jTgvjr-geni .ago hot and 4 411101t8 .he dressing lot -it, --1 - 1, % , . �� r 6 apply at ZrAS.M416 331 iij jklsa undert-,round life of-tho­cIty'll It in , Asia , joaoph� like . Abrallij, wjov� tur4eil'hgabs to io$LLwQrk. . t1w ride. * Ca=,' and lot- 11134 00d L I lookocL I jQsw.qQUIft.,`t-­ boil wid theii.kgrao" with A ladle. * , good-Jo7olifi. . . , - . , 0 a Oiso*. YTVI Y V thin. city theta are twenty, tisou"And, 'Q littl'6 k `W47 J�jlj% , -- A -caji buttel-awa continue until all fe, coo - 111. i ,�, . Iced. F;ck , 'i" �'O', . � � that Ile Cth 'come,' and lot Islas, (chatiter �iti 10 oad­took-�411­ -101% I no . bow muCh 414 So it W44 tilAt Fosi we l�* a egg, 4 ,,� , . are down In,nloral character, gl"! I .1 . C .. Wise . that Is 4IIIIr ,odmo.,* The stroke, oath of bl'a brcthp�a ths.Lt when'they lielpo rao with, 110',igwedtoesO atid fllto,ltito preegn". .of the -Ill ,­ Irl lard mixed, moltod, aild Po i jars and Jill them up. With . " I l - _ 0 I; 0 ureA Into. dre 'I.. . - -- .. . w . UAAAa0:0 .LX0=SZ0 t1lou twenty thoustsud foil undar t1so bO�-shpi had trip- . 4 toaspoom t o boiling osliss.- - $041 calle.- - . ' . of t,,hu word "coma." I Wits of one bell 41tl ji� jOWCj`l r[irty to r,Woat, Wont they Would' tako1jfs liones 4berIneso," 130 W,1oX-ftLUt44, 11l1l%Ft 1 'Without 144ovirrag't *ith 0, lightll LI Pt sweet milk o'baRflis , , I but." zoore.4f tpllo Well tbood and o This ther, did as they 1,04 must be -Wor'or pArticula about, m Powdor'"Ifted'. Beat, it hard, AkXd I I I ­ � .V"� .V"� . 4 i , �z M of Os, wife whose husband 1144 oklIfill)y L swung jn . . y. pod On 00 Col M .V"� - .�' . . A,!1, il", , 1; , jongl ,Vid 10 I I , t 4 4 . .1 . . = rightl,V Ufted and i promised And, zekt-Slaid4y 'ad that ed Iam -$0-46V.,44114 Auld Oat she ba,ko in #ompaua "dol !ullu-1 locUou rj�;-Aut up two ton- , 'L . . lalrle,d them. in Sho, sermon ,. X notfo . ,PL . . L. . I . .. Those ,Are excel. " ­ -. 11 � .,- . trong oriblit. , OUCL grbat Chi . , itle, . . dot `Q AS AW it fOr frying, and 0 A I - - ­­ I �� " -W $i_&N1% 101141%. OR MAARI4019 been overthrown bk i ;-4�m (Joshua, xxlv,�-02).� This Is tile Brother Vol'bers6a spO�-o coldly to yoo--tArned. beyond tecaga t 4ent made Of Orubaxa liour. , . . ,. � . _,at " � 1. . ­ 11 I . . L' . L�� O' 1406W. 'WOV1494 04 - - - laid blie Weat'to the vatooll. where Ile me $Ill tho houvoa9 With T 006 0134 Mentioned OfAloseph. jis, M0.1"t week L . .:it As an Awful, alghi that, tbo, in- XLY6 XUfts.-awa them, In al saucepallwLth two Ana 4 �. I,:, � I I � *ns'tuinod, altilpho vaid, faith J ,. I tops ftcR of ryo, . 10�1 I 11 I il- I !I I 11 I - 24tilde ullnvt�t eele�;tlal. And "" 'One"'Ifeb -XX 2p, L" _, and I fear that 1, do' i half , quarts of water, a bouquet I �,� - I ! . ., , � ZY , OR& %ben need �Slstor,palol* .UIVt(I words; .experienced girl ,saw vhexi,aha enter- moal -ifour a ' . I . �!G'v'(st Mo 'iOlio h49 -beard. flili'mIghty cloingo, j " I : . . . nd isour'%ilki �,q -tet�- , . � � batzc my bu he L ,4 . I L . L I L 'jhj(jLdjod.j�AV6dq� P I . the to3vern of A=tordam or. Ghent . agAtIon tit tboL- - Atr� Post hi�d-rau,rrjed1)eII%1Xisrold. ed the garret ,where the 4ftdg6 w" p 0 ad , * p 0 e- oV sweet matloram, basil, e tlepart . , � a 0 As 0 a cu M lasses and A . � . X0010=01% , tender. pointing to cc maudlin and I Abo'cloldraii-of1sraiiif: � About a year, il.afcj��, SftaL Was ' tile sloois. There, were I par4ey� throo'bay leaves, a sprig-af.. A , . . I ,,.11.,,l.,l., Or COPeAllagen 4cau $or, . . � �Caltlj, Ito . good little Balt* 13Ako,L in A. quick oven in thygiti And a smAll-blade of mace. � " . 0, i ... got theaL,lag Of V jjj�, L . � I I � . - bo.ttered wall drow6fog fit tile "riier ,. RaV0 tOrAM-4na out concerning' his 0aughtor 01 a, %I -,hall n..U. 00 hoUa%.. . bjj�, oltbough be-4ei . . . . L� - �XOW,. it seents to Ilia that, in ifilo � , re . k' geln, pans., I I 11 I X01IN 'XX M- Nownto A-Ueot 00441! .a bar-roorst, said ,. "Thora he It). � _ - . . Simmer slatilL well Cooked, adding to . - ,* 0113110610 waltwil 40ta 14collor'd a Sabbath hour all heaven is chiming, , -ely, without the experience I, "If' boties.11 Joseph was sisrothitt how-' entir ae, - be Inakooper's wife had sia-vimi to - areini Mufflisis.-Ohez. . yolktr of a ,'I �11 I I , . . "r"ClAVISA1410k 140 NOZOR no art jink, W411to up. 310ro'lis your Wife und tile VilifeOD of departed friends I r Ion tuo. waiting- tinits 14�11gw, a to far a. preacher's wife, although: be Ujildlid tb' tAo injurod girl, It bad welf-4000n. � eggs, I tal)lespo4ji but. A -40 --pot when- the -abrokent, is About �L I I . eviturislitil o ell,- ­r1a %, e I ta collso, for you." And tile .Wonsan, I I 0 14"o Ni- also not Podiulre half done atio,lhOt -pound qf tf�ivft I I - l -Amad, I j 9said - ,"Do �Vou call t1tolt . my hug- and hindred-ring down tile,sk te, ro goo � I'VA0 A llappy chrla.tlwl� L%nd?lovod, 4 to hot to h4vo-licir, cur;-� tot-, I pt, "get vre4m, * teaspoon . I . � 'L 1440001W va - u .. .V; -My- I . . ­ tr- ..# " q0to %ho"Alle - � Is he bad­-10�rneil in his er-husband dearly. I 404 Iota one of- them. 1: . . I salt, Aour e4ough'. to malte le, sitiff �"'* AW I -I , I - . . .. . 6 fk*cu t t 04110 15', band ? lftrit b0c you be -en- dolur Ing, "Come f $! "no an Ij ant, "Ohl nomer"', # �pgmaft pieces a -ad thoroughly . I., 1. - 4, a ixo1allned. tU6 mjU_ b4ttorl the Whiteg Of t ter of Z hour be- - - - . � . =rolrord. ellisso 9L ,paver toll, beading from Own experiogoo.--We aro.remin4od of , "Xr.. Post is not' itt brillf ho eggs beat- �4sashclf- A quAr I , - .Y I %viiii him 1,) Ill that the x4auly brow, . applore I fdra thechjo�atj Is rmxo add balf, .. � . .00=0 I ,. �IX..'Jaa --L*i it- eftiging . L Amor . L I _*.. - I 0. * Those -who -have Oreaglser,ll� said X1rOthar,Xcj?heraon laiter's wife, in ,doo . Vill the flat, .well, i, �-,qv' , I -11. .1'.. . � �lsi Are ohanting. " a �Wo,tloa, tit toL�ffl, froth. 4 ',L �l ) J_ that the clear eye, Its that the Y-64, All the IOW00 Of - heaven. tOW�% I � w1th llosopli and D&Vid W4teVenin% at oUL Informal ;[necting to tbotaUQng X40A'S' ar'A'%. ' ' I . . -of 4 AM411 can of trumes cut In I t"Rou"'Ou"ItTo , I noble heart, that I vlarriod ? What . , ". � . . greased muft rings hilt Nil with I ; , Al , � 1- I f martyrs, tower of pt, h � 11300t te. oeo -all the unfulfilled pro -1, hold at his own house. "Ife $0,alft- The4 Oere c4mi h itioaning tber batter, liskQL quickly' - alfc4s.- Boil eight eggs very hard, " �. , I . - I U I .. I pr P nos cancer ng larshl " I 11 taro and 0ood. I,bJljovo We, could from, 0 -upon A I . L � I ; vile dnig luMe yo Tivell hills, 11lat oro 0 1 (01 � ft,ttlitim In plicas and arrange tbea' � I , oi� 1" ilte' I I I .� . I l Z1**HWkrsAd0cotr44A,ucUonee.r, , ,UA�D jui-ned Ilia into a non *o tower of apostlesi towe OITI)Vanodl- ,a shapeless figure 70' � '. . -:Awilto* mr04 Qaorla. L d ? Tal� � Intu, tower Of, Z fulfilled. , See. Isa. Ix" 6, � ,�Illw get alolig with libu If he were alono, bed , I On tilo.bott,lita of va earthen dish. % � L . 11.10-7fiFInple of . the ,I,r . - 0over with P. layer of truMes, than I . � " ,vour tiger claft 0 of him. 11neoll . -xilk, A. 0;. 10zell. xxxvil, 21- but his witell,,,11 I . "Ilring Mrs. .6 in,, � UOW TO PO THINGS. , I () �� 'T, 1 5 , � thore serpolit folds of evil hubit Lord* God a #-1he Utah are thinsw N . post. 011, brio be kept for One of chicken 2neat, and continue . , I � . . 1 GIVO ilia Ing, Q '* " 1 0.00ioJ" Pal -don for 28, And All others Ac4ardllsg� to Act$ Tbrislowlia, an,axp�esslv�pauses aail Ua4zer. I love, her no.-- Mhole, tomatofts 04 4 ­,� t 000 111100 OVOY11401t sull $ill WOViA =440 that Are trilthing loin. f-91 .1 .0 . Ill. 10�01. 1 Usess, Brotbor White took vp the tale. Without another momout's beslt%- winter use by filling a large 'stone, ulittl the dish Is too -thirds IQ, Be- � I . I 6016"Yod "tidisettisis. , baek niv husband, tile one W1 ad peace for. till, a -ad henion too I . I ? , tit �01 ��dveac( 26. ,"They embalmed him, and .be ,!W% i3rother MgYhoroon, jVW jar wl tursi the bones and coarse pieces of `��:�� L . 3WAOXV 040'ailtiiiii dutousit440 w1i6m, I kood tit tile alter ten all who come... Wan plit'lls a COMIX In r the tion 'Delta, went forward and gather* sound tomatoes, Add- .1'. ; � L mairt.- . gypt, " Whp.tL e. Not that I ad tho,poor, Atefligured-Ise4d in bor ilks 4 "I �rlpilling ofau$rar and a, low ", , . ll -1 � . ugo. Give Will bad; to jr, Vie- son ItUrila W.v (A' Ono of .her Wife that Is.,the tvoubl sprilk Mont to � the pot and reduce . the 11 . i i , 1, ­ - I - I . . .., lat Wari). the sulVering;of tilt" sol. a strallgo onill. to this first. book sue, very, miuch 4mlo. in the littlogirl han , ,from touch- cloves b4W 0 each I*Y&. Cavell ,�i- L . ft�.O'r city��rn &t .[ to. L . 4p, Sb4 bad shruak� oe liquid Ono -third, J)trafn, Cool and ro, i �, . , . . tint wall b a I I of .. I adve the grease, Haturn the r,tock 1�, � . ., I )lave bo6o";t "' . ,�, -'anO ki9ood the bit of fore- - , . in tho, .Bible.1, Tit, bogln.,4 with 11 UfFsolf. She's just the Ago,09 my falt jraue# hal4d. bofbro, now' also With one-half vinegar and oliollialf t l. . 6- -- I L.. . . . � " illem Tied, been long and bitter, and but ouda with 4catir, but the 331ble .3fl%r$,j 6n 1 doubt if X should 4 r stoopod water. cover closely , 'Will ke, to the fire, vLdd 4 quarier box at � . 4 . � � -1 I I . I . W0111) "Cohxr­�' '. they Wero ValtiiW !or the jad of the , 4 Are I ep all '. rt ; 1. 3t-1W.XMA9Irl V.& itrAduNte of ilia " gtrito. � 410. . day ends with life ovvilywliere ,on earth to reeommerLd bei -to any one of our ,head which wX Winter. 60OR43d 901014% Pour tble over the 1," . !", � . olltatloveto , . . 11 mc.e,�xpgor in balidAgoo.-, a not, covered . with � Cc= way be kept by saltine. Cut thlCkOft and when it Is jellied and A � I I J10ari C 0, 'Tormito. I , Isle want jkll tile OrJ4 Over rtreat exelteinent . -rqn amonV tile And death destroyed by the grace of YOI?1)8 preaohorsl-bueuli, the vroz�scu . I � , . I � 0 110no owil 11 Q4r. 'LOrd -Je$115 Christ (UeV. �C*Ili . .1% � Ifull;r tll*ktte0"i,4 ready� to sern, place on the top, a !�,-J.r I . X to this .Ilord f'i! need 'aq torite) of tile Arlo shoaling, ­jit�axo I 'are agalunt her."* ArA here ICOXIO, And 1 ga, gains Its, Uncooked, $to= the tow put, in a I , ! � virlilp rdVed%nothodotalloratitsothl to it y 1341 , xxl,, 4. 5�, who because of . X k:4n In Alternate layors *Ith salt, crust of plift pasto wh-;rh has been . .It I . "OUIEL A A ot or air clues others have hartsec-noil it for ovil, Pi,%ace I $1 11,116 reatinal on At Mr. White's ro*C.ik� *a.- , ell .to otay with you", she siatd- b CIA t4 At the' dish and baked ' 'L I ( at noub M1000 ." owimle And It will draw 'the Ave conthielita United,, "I'v1so riis;ya 'peato ? # It ain became v, slu oVerlifg, A, saorific6 Pherson raffled a.,odibly. : In iiRlta 'of Iter husband's protest ig salt In the bottem, the4 06 . . t i I 11 I rVa SE 0 . . , A44, for sin und died for our . sign. I I at corn 4.1lout an loci, thick. . P I . . itild tile lie.jig between theat - Yea, it tile 01cli r WhL'a "I dQA't 39UOW IsO ktla, more the ZW -Waived in that diully lighted, . � . I I I . l I 11 ­� soldier -turned on-hia he f- Ito 'VIIAII come 'O Ilia thrOnol tIXers' w0aen tjX='.the X40n; but 1,46 nk r . 111% rc "' nod put 4 board that, will AV 4 - , I , will dr4tw tile Whole earth'b"k WhVe"r I to tial ma.ttres!) and asIted, .01who a' s thl coal, all nighli. The pain which 11 . I .. V -6-400r)" Witt be life for all Ist,401'044 bles$�- tbat" the wo Abe Wears her %air In : down idw the (Is WItu a weight On . IMCIRigs VOA L I - - ------- I'll, 11 W God frOul WbAm it 110'0 wallft- 'PeaCc ?" A.Ud nil up, and diwa Ingr ,or 011 tile Vorld-. A. . 4 poor lCatit sliftered woo lisdeoWbOla 01,0ANINa.. . � - 00. It Is' Cho wooing and pomstail, tile enc.ampment lot tile Riusr,jau!l long ". Ahat sort ,qf' put on top, And tbom And ber aft were so piteous. thAt f, I j L I . I . , that to top. over * th asiotbee larger . Urs. Ity 0 retired ,to the kitchen, be keep It a cool"ittly tpl,we In, ele.aning bronzw,' br . OkftZiON80n AUS00 8� NtVW-AVQrd that ,will load Aurg -to went tho que.work, " who r0a mn abode, in ug"t thO PtO2R- turls around her sate, As a shame 1"n 484"t etc.0, Lo il ii�rn,t,kssliob V tra.0 give up thelt Mnz Vats okeptleirm -pC 106L - to AbrAm In Oth. Xl� 14. was and disgeate'tori a preaAte$ 4wift, TO took this torll,*Oak Over no bettor.way than tai'first, . --<�-­Z U. ba .Vt=to'k a do r" L ,,jcO oll, '11,11en tile Mes%siger ro�, whera, the, gostld ziot hear theib# leav- afght. Moro Is 61 I , L . - � of ftsiM P0111404, ," The 020 C4 'peaVo.' " - e4ohet"s wife." lag the voild0kr's ,ozit* or "Moa. ,dust Carefully witis; A. r4ft cloth, �, . ' NOW" , and im long as, that-bodY oj At least for l I 11 changing the Water --- , VA9*"=6dj4 I ever bropgbil Into the love , YO unfulfilled, 01, wife, &late. 13011 In, clear water for twinty uifa- moisten M cloth with swe(It oil, - , ---� - . 'bullition of ho 64. Th of a saint, remains to 00 dwt of ThL%ro wtks & 911Z :, j� i � I. I t=--�--- -- l by An . o t word -q inlat Wan end" t Meant solar chorus of dis- Air, Vost waited 4owu6toirs, and - then I . . I . Ob jafjd0j1tjV 7 WRa OVer IIAO IjIg holne, Tilat me a thlisl jDart-Il. some other promises roll $Oat from 0o Women, but, -Mr. Me. bin brave wife oat bythe #tck girl'# utes, Add milk, butter and ri. 4ash of rub again with a Cloth and Polish I (� I I . I . UX3 . Ocala , ant the war Wan , 1, UVAly WItb 0, th blavitelswe Stopped In Isla Oaths by main vistaltilled, anich Am 1. Thess. Pherson added, with a -91$' look, at bedstilel fiblding one I)alsdaged ]land PePPOrl I ilinbla akfu. , �, g no ? Von I "Ver' No moro V-0sulds and "a aofe IV* 16. IT; 1, Car. Xv, -51. 52. But bjs,.'W,jfo - . in hers, while she zurmured oom- " an quite gone Oxalle add 1,1 04 Vest agent for I i, ci-vor u. drunkilrd lVetlood from bla of tile Lord -D moa,�V"Vra, I luovo W - j -IV cleaning' brazs i Xdeadsmx 2nrx. deasi failon 'of blatplicilly Ong ulavehe'l. So toAoy, AD '0110 Ile will Como and fulfill every' pro Lleto toluatoeo . 00ittait VAO'ft. ANO SOVAR14 _ ,r , a very bftdWujt to her, Mal- forting Words or siol; In a low, alike solne, toatta, butt�i wbieu it Apply it with a. ; ,; ,b . dannol cloth and poli4i briskly with � 1 . �k S?1414,00 ' eupailbr 'he 'ealperalleo * lotturerla through thew Ca4usiapmenta of souls - . I goat. #0 . s,wook,voloe. Hex- husband beard it zoed�llot be mealdd, but will keep I �� , . PAVILY 110"JAS . lily L --j'! , L � W, �. rare iiavell pounds a chamois ,skla. 9 � I mim (11 stal'1104119 OtOP3 And hic- and cl,y . 11 Veati between earth an To. this frivolotts, statement los ill the middle of the night Awd like apple butter � d 'OTLAOMVP A" T= Z=PZ-49 w1fe, Vofth 0 M , Add to them three I Stalo brft4 otumbsi will ctean, 1! -.1 I . VOY111111-9VA OOW* isailptic"alWoi, rjghb, COURII ? NO- It wa% "'COUZO With heaven I Peace between God alAd lillllllll L suied no reply. ihisliked Gad Ve. haA 91YOu Ulta such . 1. � - I ---.- , I �.. . - Ilia to' fisurch tO-44Y 44d bOr Out' Ulan ! Peato bot%oon your rep . An the oonvi5rantlen. beeala6 gell- k wife. , , I poll A of sugar, ona'aunce, 01 0ots from pictures, 13temilga, or ­­ -1 - - , Or I photographs, X I 11 I , . . - ---.---*---. . I 1), im", 11001no and Jet MO iutrO* sout utsd c, pardoning Lord t ont"111* A.1plosi.nant Story of tha Wilt" Of -oral, bits, of criticignt alight be It was not Until tha nekt -evening allin n, half An ounce of ever " 06 crumbs : ­­­ ­-­ . & it � � I ---,-,--- VhrWfavt ut=- I .'L'Wl ,the )Ong of England. - Wh OVcg And & pint Of good elder after fboP -are diseolorod. AlW%3ra .i (In -"Vo d -0-4-s whom -S�oli uj�lt ;n%�- ­ to, � pe . . Ileg,rd. . thit Xatle's wear,v ztet, oupp*d,.dvtr : ,. , . sys. ,"07.01 � '' rub 14 Ono direetiOn, 10, I anawer, ,I' chrint, our 10ho jel'. -In- a '� tho billuk of time We etcr�ft. ' JU, 'VIA L I I .00 :8 I . you will to tared �o ailinfro." "Cam -W1 . vulap .Of�, leralrighum, -- �Ifto has four silk dresses" and' 'boil thret houra �, I '- --- I Olt I , ill, , 1:. I vith I Into -.0datlo"e that".4to 4C,L'WC!� it ."l l'*# AV peace I gjVd',u"tQ (writes A. Sands'lashow, visitor), ­1lAjjd-4-hAi'tb�- Wit *ol%vr;"- -- het-j$oNex4ag%-V4,w,Awno,-A6 .0 Vest batter is best =aWor � the Dark W601 �an bo clealsed,with A 11 vW111.1111111 �.'% . - , . . I ljiaz,�� there ia, an old. old lady, living In Moro tlglxtky,t4 the isolf- Moacig.,-evarbc-01bled po4rs, -lit I ­ - l thot. and' good and fizisiring." jr0u. I s, ,* portco of add And a sealskin 4alo4k," rJOth Moistened with oil and tur� � I . . . #.0 that - -wit L , . I ,,,, 'a with toe iota Jop such a YOU but. all Underatandillg I " � ThIs 1&* ItelA the javing, should be parolill sliod, augAr added pentift"r J,�: . a , vijos�t. thid cottage at the corner, who is. .of Attird aceftled to, hand and Owtetwil, to, "Oroson ,,� ­ . . 1. � CONTRACToit � I . M _ fill � - I -1 I . uOusn.1111ILDUP, - "4 UOV0 b0fOrO experienced.11 Ing floace, I . t Very prond of itiony thju&, in her te particularly, 6biloctionAtI6 And the Words which the whitter"It Wife to t0to " Home Pears art sweeter I I Out Of Salt Water art, . . 0 and (;I;NERAL CARptNTr,jt, WHO Umt, word ublell, has done vo *--*-*-O-,---* . little Awsuo, They Were given isei, talk was wailing war= when 10a, spo "-,. Xr. PoOt. hardly re,ogrilzeiil thAA Others, than Xtirred and took6d, b " 9 I - a . . rmcll for athern I opproach you toll front time to Onto by Queen Alox- :11arpor. a little Palo - fisft4 woman I)ojim lit thlo *olftn Whose tender until - dark Slid r1th. Some pre r z t.lor clea I X mattA � , . . . 110itatem.ode14 �Lssd gegetal repairg tiny Are, you all, j,ight ivith d, ? , � e t I I On I work I �" i . . , of) audra. On outlay warnings "GrM- who flad hitherto k6pt siflence, said aftostxIes helped tbe wouad6d, the Additi011 Of 4 little ginger�- Ile - 11 'I L . t'L I I . pricts. vou any, #lX thililt not. I 4ins all thlo is 01 . 1 .4 4ttilldf4l 10'rfoalptly at mailtrato �,.v TR� SUNOAY S'r"" r . Olt' l, CHOOL. es out in her white zurkboil- quietlyz atticken, bouselygirl. to die in peace. bUt, it the poars,ttre fast 1) . I . IMIta -310�rjoe;t WIlL I ,bl,,I, ay" Pow - 'Y . 0 . I an . 4 � 'a � t . " " " . . . &IN&Ction 'Guamoteed, I r owet ­ , . ,mot an Potters About amaj4,# the "MrX. Post was, vory good, to ay UM be 0 an 99=6 not, Atets A . I 'Willie hot, " . . � , I I . I , - ,ot biln. I rear I will not be YVWIY INT,U, tt�:.&kXj()1rAt XxSsolrt �10- ilowora. Then Is the bCat tlmt to Dwdo when ho was sick. It viA she 1"Ales 6t tahe c * I r4swe lu Aurlts,* ID ro 'ting ears 04 tho cob for --- . " VIOP-Rial , ton Street, Godedc1l. "Ir'! to Moot blul'on 010 1,10-dav- Dry I L I , falk to, hor. I " Who. .wjj%.wlth film. When tjo_,"'' the uoxxt ddavvr, d. they *re amezed, Vill r in ; It K bettoi than fth. . . , 0 A 0 RIEWOENGV-fluron Road. �� Iteut In not right With God." COMO, vzxsnvl �01 . "Thitt Qaeon 9 t# Alto says with 0, The poor Mothtf could not so f ubd 4prn, - a that Is cut an �V=l X19010 BNGLWO. . 11 I , , , tit the bearing tile womisu whom . . , � " . trien pd?2Aod laou, 11 doWt Mo* Oba rwre and the rwtl they bad criticl2*4, for hAvIpg four Vista, It Is .out "They stLy that paward VIX, is , , I th , tud have it mado right, � tho Cob " eo'� !A . . 3,OUL jaean. ' ON Was moist`4 R. dried . I � 4 'i I . . krow1h tho Clirk'a %vile dic-41 to Text ok'ths Ussob"aba. 1, In- , 41r." Suddewv �lje tio- 1ectually broken up, Xrowevoil, At 411k; drolil"$ Aud, A, sealskin Cloak. on so all of the milk Is w4alvd. Very %reful Ill L:hlfj Slioccli isad often I � tow U, eomo I ubdt la the 1150 In 0 6 owlia ugks axthdr the r.oft i I L t'L L jaloinbors, and c tip tho *"settled b6twteh this toft, nearly Tho,go thingi se6med ad Insignificant ) whber of doath-gad 41ldi 04019, iletaoYis shuck and milk, oco�% by other .11 in 140gliolgo m#4# k, You walt the I at error I . th ? 11,110 loogc� . 001404 %*Xt; xli3, X0,1 vat Wlien it is prinia for eorr"ts .,, � I . ... jotd eyes and plays With tile Wrinkled tilt of whom were, Iftoinj aembers ,jnl� this i6h o I L 1 - ' H t' LLO I cW hot oft -,von are ud tho dc(�pcv M slizelently to IKIII all the, jerwo -ot Wollf 110 is the natural guardiam l .kt A to Again I'llo are called to pa�,, over $00111 - "D3 it tl)# PrIAC084 2MU of the thurch that a change Would. it harriblo death. I , ! r �.,--F I MrO dowll- Stvllw Out tot' h0ri* MaYW Mont An"restfilg alld profitable IJAL'an 91" A0 fty.4. I , *1 06 life and dr,y quickly either in the i9sift 6;"tho kwe'N )30glisb, yolekhow", i �', 11 I V�.111 I Tall, ri:Wmijur 1hat a for" , . be, desirable. I 0"1104111111l, Or ish&de. JUV,e & large Vessel of . . '. � . Rene, but wo tl list that 0611 touls- i You "It tier Yea, and 00ift ally,$ and- *110, tills end * eomnottie# 'Was kp. - . � . : ; i I . ,1'ria, cro N,7111 noto at. le,a3t tile follovping . :0X1rAXWa JW O:ONTLY. , *jater koillog, put I . I. 4011d Realable gornoue a rtoam,w cauod tile .-,donly - -'Ali, my dtar, you don't Pointed to wait on ,the, paiistor a. IT " mallY e4ts i ­ I � 1( Tho 0' .'** ft." Atice. v,-Ith Ax crowd ( kk At *111 ,000vft'lentlY liald and lot twmm- I �, 4 , nlonistS JOA L it 014cur' Ood'p aradou's Ud ,eaAfortIng in. 4.11tow-tho princess. 410 you 1"' and week later d6torim,ned to -its, gently Tilt "it of * South of r'Agloind . . I - I ALL KINDS OP I board, mnL- in t1jo toevjcr� j�jth jatob at jaeorahoba as tiloll, , spoaking lioft)3� and smiling to'l no p"Ible-mequalut him with . their squire, had been travolling for two it COmOK to a boil jkjg0jft, Pour off tha. 'A dozen loaves, and cacti Iota lead �'- �, �� "I I I f, , . "`1';WalCV- a"d tl`�fr`0 WO!� 09 ut7fill lieWdS ab%lt to jee,Ver Cassa,U, the llcv-�alf, rho tells you tilt following delsion - , throt yeails, And on his return water "4 'bproad torn to dry. , , roll down upon I , ' =�;flceof life. A borattian frm I haractoristli's tolet': I Thote" ii-vo gentlemeo uts,, poot lop To the bakorla bead f ' " , ' A""'L A -M AWAIV2 IDI J03eph alld Ilia %ther, fillilg two Wjnt4�%l$ A#- "s - W*A Mot 0 the landins state by tile wwko good oLP910 butter ilia And it opptarod, frOW tvilat he said, . the rhoria put out for the r,cscuo, and jacobta Int, I 'hered With gt I I ­ � I . �"low %vitliTharmob, Jell "Ono I ; . eat grAcloubooeis into %utler. ITIAnking It strange 01at 40p,148 should be Ape, free frolu rot That he wa* 0006*111tt under brod. I I I . I 0. L ho ba4l a bitt beat. ciud he got It ca Co�y bl,j.�jag jot,oph and his two I Mo 0. It WU19 A, Totod", ItAllso 1. Iqliftwing li#rself to! the butler should meet him. he, A�A- and 'idean' -1 of cidet, � ... I I Vill it %oald not bold allothcr Ire sor -rds to 11 11 I i I the I'll or . . To Oat barrit I . 4 ^ hia,rtwting wo a 41 Will my, bit of iroaln'-thcre call Ilef ?tIt"Vand, she gave the visit-. ed It there Was bad Aows. , 'Use'Alre buo'kats Of Apples Pared find "I'll i al- I , I . � I , . ALWAYS ON IIANO ton, rind ko laid bold of tbo ftr4 ronw. Ilia de, a knock lit tho. door. I didn't I . I . . . ­st4 Anil I" burl a 4 f 1.1yo, air," replied the butter-Itut in rather timail plecea. ,.3ht the . I � I 0 it m ors time to look Around the mom _ - " t , 11 I to pull or tho t1low. I b=- Alebroh, I , tow rsot(co� I thought It was Jim, �', Amd. lind still more taulw tot com-, "'ttry bad ne**. The old mogPle is I elder cu to boil vwy c,*rly In the -111111;111� -­ � I , , , � dre-asr 110pleau aud =4% I's In. "Je�ki)ULWIII'pLera,a,ventur.0,11,f(,-w 13OU44-law. Anil jle.-$Ust �illt,Cko.'Pliktntagoan§tth6,%wottemwlf�e.. �,d#"!l john. -thist Is not , !jnornbig . okim it until t-104111. when ­ a, ,�balf,neorjy half Wiled &Wily Plit, ,A tho I .� ;, .14 tvill certttint'v icIlloto us 41, laid walke Jill So I went an wful,zly 3 . whe.n. 3(rei. ro*t came. to I , "Silrely, ho 1* Inampilt Vod X anx not t�,rjs the c,,V-jI tvhlell we, did Unto his , r - -1 IMal Neralit,01I Hard be`oaL*dt totlt'- "()b, tbat 1 114it' a bfrqer us. � RHYNA8 & I , ol:- I 011111, Prosentl - there Como RA -Vent X)ad tilt had found, a, equare news. Unt vlmt did It die,of 111' ',4PPI60-r When they Are Wssolved CORNELL I l, I ,%. I I I llasitird ?V.04 tl'-'%Vl can Proaif�'b TOOM Ono of the hUdat this,gs on t,-,rtis Othor knoik, �, Mf. *Wnlk fr.'iparlor with; four low windowsi, ii,f .'Too much hor"Heah. sle-" "Too �Iand fall. to the, bottom begin to stir . COAL ' ,for oilL Lj tjo!j (to�pt"l boat, P�Ooin but. botaw" the I , 11 S041111"k Undortakers I . I to tilaks, Is to to AK) And keep It Cooking, stirring ail the , . Ist tho Afarktt for 'allstulderatood, InL- rVi 11 ; . I I . 3A0 A114 brilliant tratIVA varpet And several ziluch borseftesh, johu� ? fteft *v,%r CAM in 00, licavi of A p.')A!do1llng God.' hot, I didn't stop. AiA there, my -Miq irbult, With, good taste and � did It-. get it t% - "The farriage � While until it is fine, dark And ririx, 40 ImwMert . I , , . , W V � .***.* I Z4 ROOM V4 Itillivr"N. '�sdfcd' 8�dlldofed without (!au�o- te', dear, It was tlit* princesc,astif ter sir.11a, -What ?, Aria � th and it *111 keV for. years. 'It I!k , ; I i tQ tdl�e`!Y amn*d b� these to whel-4 ,; tht jadlelous U" of A. lItAlt "money � horses ey - 11101FORD DWO14 (j0Dtjj,Qjjt - daughter, avid �. . wAghed on the market ; Uhat wo all tew. tduallcr up or VWX blvve, ahovim oftip loving kind. I'd k0Pt ttf!%�Vx "utflitel*bep bad trAnsiformod It.' A pristt* j,'d#sL41 I too ill "Yool atr, Died b*tt*r without ouldr, or splefs Added I 11 �, . tnoeldng, V.nd It was 0. bitterfilutt-1 f dOlVn Jil 2110'03! half W4ly IhRAtVcon. in ,11104*dtid fdr WholA y0ullftv 1 37o il , rujif in ftbdutA coloriit lild the Objoicill through aver-e,.�crtloft dilawing water but It thoy All# pritforred they should I 11 L �AX,11e=hlom �ou gtt lt"000 lbs for A ,X.t (5 a u , Ing. I was so Auftled, that I flids"t 11 , i 10dam In?, ,, I . , Mo innnito oolara �uf the Christian, Toll te� 110thilig, tat good will. joi. tionablo esirtitt. Raft. :140,04asive, the,night of the nr&.11 "What fire?" bo added a ,short th4a Were it lit I 04 44d POW' � ton. I � at,ph I � know What to do, I Stood With thd, Ad x. -The mAnsion. %fr." "You, don"t toLkert from tkA Art. If Awated .4 I � I . !igioa � And Eft *n M, pley tte Word old give!l tlitse men OVOVY OVI."he'at"t, in lily 11"d, zarl Wl r llofl�t,ftrtaiu Were! at 1110s windowsi A aft%4 T4901; '41 , I IF . � I .1 forgiv loss, he had,dj waii, to 4ssako my tartV. fissi, btr if6w 9004 togravings abil. oMfeo phdo,'Mogn to Say that the linansion is tight lithile hot itilod uot be took. 1, � I WS, LIG ,4 coiao.11 It *wIll t4w all 36tallIfy to dflnco ot III,,- a I .-� . I i firld out the ell-Mbet, of b�j-,ivcrq, m(% weg)t over them and kf-�-scd titem 0 ItAt beist o6itlet tit W lowegb . V �, Ordem ;t1t at Lit* & S thft haver lypon. ritreilg,thtned kty the fStv. 251 and bQ done aft that lov-�Oldghnejs clift't Atem to #Ifjjd K bit, I tographs IK*va thisractse to th# whlte burilt# John ?11 'lye*, sit. It WAA led i,� long, 'but thist long cooking " wa,114, .1 burnt the night of tho futio-roll.11 railit,ji, it ticher, s4so mote 064vel, t She Says, 'Good Ailotaln" Orarr.,,14 Mo 01 It' e0st, -Xightarld 41'sy 11 Store Wilt roftivjlk Prompt =14-4 PremiV.4 of God And ittepeliple Vho cottla 40 fr�v tueus, emt t-11Y.'ald f After * tomelitla 4t4o,y Ow mlbj*,. i "Whose funeral T0, "Your poor Y 1 be uW as nWed " � 0, ''L Ol"Illo 1. ��­ '­ ""L ' I I .0 b�yl Leon, fad 1) the rAvelli ivi.,ets, b#l4,,:o vl,at. lao re,111 t It.not"Ve just walk8d Ill to keo how 0 ? Mother and simply t104 over. A woddon, . 91h Pt � ftPtlY I Attersded to, I 11; y ao,u 41j. -Volt. ter "teted, *nd to Ih#, tallwftaft of 1, moilhoes, 1111r." ­ I I [i , Other re�oiUre(lft geV�oi dat or 'd thC( tj�r VLIL jVhat V1:AVUcr lot asen . I �' . 0 13 tWtrai this �!old, morultil. I, t hadi, got #11,, after bift tripr4t In# *Jslyl *hd,.T4*ad. too , 7-1�`Ilb O.Yeo. She stirrer with 4 long homillis Is a toit, I . _ I -%*21011011111 'T ,over TAY lorry by 0141, lijw" . Bad � drawing a, low rb*tr oftr1w to t1w: rlovpr held Up her hoLiiid aft#r 37OUr VenIeOC# So one may *ta1%4 Jill. from .Z." MR . . � . I RVA alld 'a'Oolell Whoi. gi)lve into t!.I% the -6 Wba 11d0not tru5t ftell ol tre. .'ftstta, two chEkirs for thetalo sit oA# 11" I - I � 4 d 0111Y %ith lXedlo or f,jier.� t UlVtllis taward , , roldfry, poor rather dtod,11 ,"Grisat Scott t tho f1rd. -----0--1,l- . 1. I � VZLW Ail, 01,3 (T Z�0101CU 13V pen or fti) at and rut MV Iron Am" the ft". Hut � j1pillatlig. vw1jawhile, with deep At.! Vather gone us well 7 I "icy heard � , .., . . I .1 ;; MO I 0 """"' _ 1),o .Xht. tomo*f1w 06** tab �, ( � I fib'd ' h Plan ol Iffis '2"', ' t1kO LAL)r(j jesus I 110 iulmo unto Ilia ��thn. Istfami wtsaldW& Uve ift atIrl,, ti tept on to thei totiV#1`861166. L P. X Word of Any ol tri"ic Misfortunes. V.4L�jr)�N. . P "#* 0 ypo or Osowrll,pr 010c.last. bavits own tint) Ilis own recolvi"A 111tA Uot, ,�Shb Int'll-'d to ber dhoghterl Alid I 1W)"STIC jk Dr* ffumphreysl� 'a & VICtor. "It 141 "filiat *ca the ewlsd of the squires, Okii V tL 410 Ok"P h0a,l Cut 0PY IllitCd Ifial Ord CallCd 11jr4 it was a d1seoullited rormlsitfft� , lrculs W. Itald, 1161oa tako thanoy's Iron *likfle x6vor-1141 4 ,cs "4ot?rCvq ft dAvit. ftild Would 11(vt tictiova tb3t , �ttetah Ill 'Volt, air, it wA1§ this link Cow". -Two fgtv. , , , -ilurd, With Olt tl, � , T, lho , *kirh A-004 from tbo low porch ft , , of God "100%ised ;Or eVer:,, v-6gOlry 116 WAS ttelt, *Ytiv Mm,klab. nj" flown 'ant% t*lk4t to mt., %.I 11 . ��Wsy.* ite, reftietil ft telegatis, tellInK Out and ono-h0f cusw granulato . AP4#IA4*ftr*!br#,Wzg ditiiiwy.apoo I � , j � . , the AU0#4% vl%004 oxottillg 4,6X4W la , the;youliiit,141tw"!� took 06 iron arttl bh)Jr Sat"' , hfi;� the ship ha "SILTI* Obe curi lwt4. one tup,sweet ffio Oslo nem bit lat lit the lurch, qt L why didn't YOH soly somothl"t 1*1 d goile. down that had I . , . I � ; 9909 ,e t , I# iArd any othstrari,of tile qsift . I . � L MM 1114t Ole %vord "Coflie" op,plied,to AP00 oista bim."t re , N "' "" "Jos"h t�tl)t vltesl th(T Iroiltd.. 10,11c, I rat doWn. afid tMked wllk'�of cream, a littl# nutmtg and `*faletit Of nith hilt- slkotbor.,& , jif*cit ftathtr Wellliierr4b, Impat at. thb ,*it** of his fortuot olit be. . �, , , - ist 11rothor Vrhlt#,, i, ,­,Toh, owlt"'ofto tft*,00lt load*. 0110 table- � ,,, OoAtr"toru 010#6 ftei liedt wslm* will wltount his 11tethrea. w1m, e , Ae'llith, to 41106 Ore,,ntyy twt* tail vroont to el �Ir,iw, lyi trid the shock killed hiis%� , ". rtik*� **0014 f , 11 to hbIlAID9 41111111 it be, uttA�M by 11101 ue0P. It h 'now,tould A. with th* MIRIsterlit I I am viktively rsithild," "That yow Ispooft bakitig pow&r sdtt,,.d fA with , 1,4 Won, Cft##*WM,h%%0W06Vi: . ­ rs 'tit"" tOld Oey!k� f3l� R14 t1ook 6ht it handkerchif-it the ftor. . .19 . � b 44d ZU11401-4 zwZ- orto *io ),mk eswriv"t that to Say What thoy #Vd-lle d1o). to gpt, ,Ad *It# siAttkits thwe *W AwilivWly arld AM, s1r. Afid the old Mistplo lir *-W#h**,WM*,**,W,V*M � � C. *"jMj* 'ThfjfL %Wf'#dq - be be, LN wich"t 94V "lorid Nirdi,*. I " ;j6&d.l4, , �4ugar--HVUP %or Citk". Vlte.-ftt S­T*to" ro*­# AS .11 ., �, � , the renX)V' '. 4rh##r%I I— t*titrwila Mr. whlto� jalit,,l two tOPS Of AOgAr *Od A half , tUp 40f Nk1t.0*lft.WAk0,%" 06 � , UxwA*rj*ew*#f"4 e**ws , iiij. 'JID%ph to fj�jgjfe %Vh&t. d t� crous 1, IL At",; "Hh" lrons4l . - -,-�- I . � I 11 4, M110f 61 giviog this *4).n,el C*14 am- 1-ftov iiia - "kM610,0N, forgivou, mat thot. mv dear, IsiAt *A voil, gile, is, I ly ladig"fiAtwe'Itliso qm"ttolil, I I ;4;;;:6tCMWfft1*AdWU.,, oviit'a. grewt juany, Ilimie, *be. lj,lv-e woulcl 1,6 & rii,sm for metpirg, it . 01' XFMPtT,l � ., " is 0 ki"t of Isfidin' I , f $6 1 -to blin Cori, ..144 0(m 41 #)Wm t6 Call, WAAM-C � , THE GrAAMOUP wabW ift 0. awuft poka, over tho lire�. *000 ,0",*t0"W,.­ - ... ." � 1, I t4w*f, Witaiii ][Afflbot�,,%: put it t4*V,AftA MVW 'Ulflil It filtc,�, Ill ..... . 4#3 i)��,,,,, ; ,it-. %4 1 L *tit till the *%*&r Si di"Mrt'd. then j =VQ*`tA.T6MMe#A.r*(.t**W@ .1,11, . I :1 0 $a#% I,*% sm"&4 *C -*6 loi� vrc�lvrtv , (1, t"a rov4iowf by Pis lxt,br,eft wft* IsIli'k %voil. the lill"reaq. "hot meifkv C,hil it, Ijow.,r,Y11 "Id fliiitfo. ftfh#46W- , Jillift-"Julfut4l 'Why d"'t ,volt %97 ]ft airnw*e VeO stowly for tien juid-i 11i'lln"a4e1w ­ "... . $1 I 11 I I I � '4h* t.014 ft* ost, bi,NY .,kho ftllv� OR 00 PlIt AW0 It$* DMIOU-4 to get mt t t fttfw� till It Is A tiftit -VA'dr. This I I . . I "I religion in ihat tti,�T aro vio fir" res-idlig, their fsthft. that woubt bel fft talke4. A W* hing 6 do?" -Aftxftftr!.�.Vem"�. .114 I tq Ifilitto *lit,". 'Kho fi%vo faw Ut to Mate hilysl',Wcell; Ut 11111 11kr4- the cotintry bottor timp T�w � Vm�#.ilak glamioiiii, In whith Aw bAd jujlss'��­"l IIAVO 11VIM . but tviell to ro,eftt1ly islitre, lisad�"';t fa srfttll I I . letl - -in ftitki(I ,W* I,. 'k , """14* 11ftft%*.W,Akftfti3O*,*V , � , ruftvA AWW*to4 6 -WOW *I jkjlol� bumil,fta­ Tbo." %hn kttviN lost ftfir 16Y It to hitatt; it , 11 tl;ul doll, wh*", itho foioldwt wtiok i;kitsii'j; , pAlftd kvilmao. to the X%wito *'Xt wbprk try Awl 14kil I ft#1 soft & thitt, le" I,-SW*W~4 4trikiliftl r"W, .26 Y I . is rlec"ary than o"at, 111­-��-,%Ormt*,62*106 "" "A". htolfb and b(th �"Ats,-�olefl hv rAislon rretited an* dol -fat 1411 OM, trltlo,tt 10.1 6r A() out -Ver I --­­ .44, '' , V miijett. -rh"..% ,!jjrj Atik, 00WX 10W sorld they art of �yswll Virtuous glow that it vii(It'A NJ# to 1Wijgt%j4t rj4!iqj* -j�ftt flite, ainall, - , . . I I(S-et"lil ur*w .. I � I i Nowhimavam ilift the otes to fft,Ottl thm" who, itr,t the rrKlouq blood (it CheNt for Our M - ,sh ajjq It'll ,w PrAt w4A* JeAvdiftit ow tho fton, try again, for,411, joiss, IMW t1rhe"', ptoeft t*o. quarts. of arre" tt-nsatop% lk.X%tN0*W-.,�, .44 . I � �, - X* %b4lot jigh Arid'.4isr, , i.. � bt I!A , . -4A'A*X4k1 . ,., swobahol," ft Lawto". poor litalth. Th64" who #vth vet44 As J"Tj M -0y, I t'jm heir J)k.6 't)�& W ,��i tot org dit Rot 0eeft t4 hear 0wi-W. 1, - I 14 ftft,rrYA*4,,4*1WrA4W, ." , � 1;8 *Alvatlor, tteil , M , . t**IV6 list" eu,t%lWb"*, I I 1) bad bor�-Ivement.'*,Am bmn t4IMM141141 VL 370,4 11 12Z 1, Job* it, 10; 'INA, trosshI&A *Itk hit tottlil anqt ohoL jisaid mark 110, knoW lt*�v *lot "ist t)"W "'Po' -yeilt fift that Pfb%WAWdakL-' cit' Iii(ritig W"10111. two 10110 Ckult. 1s-""A#,**.U-*%*r*7...l� .2s, LL � -­ ... --'j, '10. ft. St. k** 0 1 gompw--w, '6610111'06111i,l'arai� .00104 Aiht romemilsolrod 01*m lotteir own b0.10% AVV. *w1ft a ., or,"# ta to M*Ao a I&& tiiillow avoir thfts 1�** *'Y#*'l* fjow4W#,, SM t*#ntY--foj#r %,a%sIt ttt' , I* -4'%t6 .* I' in tho,.�e twfeavenseritf, isre vie ones *41dj, Z: Act* ,w 111-*4^�0ft,r"*i*AA*ft�­ I& , . --- L . 4to jl%ftl1�6_fbi� "* 406fact , *V *A 06 W" '" ,r, 'A I . , Wiftt Jill.," JKho haVe XIV*'tk rfr'"t r"t 4r6W"er%1AX "A *#re b*,d *fth O'cIr i(prootit iiad t)W friom"Y #Wj L = hA4 t#" *amii- "Well, for t*04%tv Y"Yo 0^t rball, t4ralwn Avid thirty -wt tatton f)rolo,ii4 90-!iior�� -'­ ....... ­­­ .44 , 11 I , rr WAA A "N(n-11 � O -A 4, , "lotbtv or toovall(Aft V'rit . � .1 , t �it,el, f1w I "". �)C#11 is"t *I** *" to* fr(Abill' *�* hild *lov fh�*� M)* twifft it, tim wnftmn nt st, %t It ba* t*k#,% his I&Vtft ftta tk* vftjr wook thow. plot* th#0 4n 'k I'llf"'Ile, '" r Maliva6ft4oft.... ....... � � 1 "4S . - I ip to, 4;*4;, boithow I - *"*# 0't"'d, A,"# talked The ft"01r Aa Uwm *'A A00#410se wro", V%v Mouth* 'tit othiiii, P00010 " "If"*,* ­ ­­. ,*ftr d# pe* ~ aL s4vsr** kitist or th114 or Idead, silat 21,01f.110004 rOMMS. . I ft%lRki* 0" TA*t oil ftlf k'"t. t�'(-ft" r -:=*#%ft1.­.­11.'­­ ----- I." "I go a dMitoft I— 44*04 V"I I F 1101111 Ar0i P -live t4V-A#!r 0-1tA lit OCA04 b0"1100M PAt Ift 4W **Mwm �f I,otir, It WsA Afraid to *A , ! $0 isiad J,h" "t wiem"0004 It I* tMall" 0,041#& dftvvt�ll pltftL^ iiliisfe� oft *4s­-V1&#*A . 1*10�*4M** I ly =10 thM *%W$jqjnX 0. Q-.. ��jj- L � 11114a* mt 6* baw a" r-tas jW*1*11 And I'MaVA"t %, 11111V Afwy - Y -�6000, " OLVft "'"tt"tox tkor $.I av* Ailythliftst, but, Q* ".*=11ii, god- As th* "ittlis vemit" VY 31trii, V#.*kt 4afiatirlso ,#ill an%*ers, And! 0-0r* L " ­ -- I )L 6q A-% lw� . L-13 I 4 _ " -4" 6" "* - toy 0*4 , �­ 114 I _)V*Aft of 1014 %he Waiiid ko.%* k4olkom do�wyw irflAtionAlp to IL , rolo wit-, *YA *Aod 9 *W Post WMt "W WW WV *Ilk & ft)w Tkd^011011. hil, *W*411- %40 *hWA Ift Maod 4kvor Mot. 10rain. return 1. L *ftsa"" .1. - - - ­ 'l , or d1FA Ion -I but ff)r tt* ^*. it thAr Aso f4ro i*%Ily *U�l ­ 'r 141�tiiikf* r - '? aw, AaA bw 464,01fie *%% botvv a &16. ll""lli 100flin ft *"w of- sov 000#0itt" Jk 12#I6Wftt to Ow k4tis, *" vviiak *Iaft*t to I Wt I I I � � -Mozosoi t so Aot ^ 1,11roile", ni. , 4# oftWON bow V'" b"**ft it *a* IN"****" la I - eaviw a*A bmi tfttjy tat- owlititl -- 1- . �� , *J 11111104111EX1111110bly. I ftrril� to jW t"t ~* *4 a6t, low*%" I% *W #ftp *ft,"" I l I :Ir ?j, L � I . . . I I--, I I , . - , , � , , - I � I ` , , � . 1�. I , 11 I r . � ;­��4 � 1E Mal 4-11 � " , �5r�- 11E ". � � . I I --- - 11 I I I I I . V. I , � 1, "" 4) t , gray Wit 10 , �tl I 4 I 1 # 1 $ . I I .I. � �- , ,� I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I * I . . I I I 1; 1, I ; . I .1, 14 L I I i , � I t . 11 r . ,.LZI 4. . � 1, I L ,r . � .. L I "I. 1, I I .- I k. I , L' I .1 I I .1 . I . . * Q1 I � I - i'lli I . . I .,I, �1 . 11 �% '1- � - ,A r I .1 .1 � - 0 . . , , . .. 4-� 1 11 . . I ,.,.a 1, I .. � - . , ; l, . I I I I . 1� , . I I I . I I L 4 .Awi&- I .It, 011 - I I e .4 . . 1. I- . � , .1 , � � I I I L � . W L , If I .&A.Aw2� 1. ­ 'r I ­. . mwi �-.Ihw W-11 . k�.fid"416-.16.,iciz If .P 4� . I .r �'L I . � � Mj& I � t&" �� 4 "MAdmom6k,