HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-10-18, Page 5,� I . I M I I 11 I I ,. I 7. 1-T, - � . .1 " _ � ". �!­,7 - - ;,,- 7 , " - - - � I I ­11111111111111� IF71P 110 1 11.1 "7 P- r , ,, � � 4, , . .... . 7 " IFF,T111r, X � � . . I! , � I , AV I - -11 / i ," ­ ----.I-- __., 11 11" 10 - -_1-1.11-1_.-- _-1111-11:_ ­-_­�_;�_­ I is , � 1. 1. � .61�1 � ... I . � -- THE 0101)HRICH ,'SVrAlt "r -M 91 I I PrIvillipp., T_,__,__� 17W 1 1 0 4 1.11-1 — -_ OCT. 1% 1901 - 0 1 wo I 06 11 - -, m 1- 1_!!mo 4 ! 1� 0440. ­ _ __­_ ­­ --- ­_ - � 111. -1 1. I � 1-1 . 1. - I I _.___­____ r hat -bet Aim Itfied, H Voirso. A A1404, Mioa SybAltiottia; dMWI%X-tQW*M*"- I ... ­­­ �. I ....,-11111 11-11'_. ­ 101111111111111111111lillilpm , ­_ 1- 1. .r I . � " Ktaol ill the *Iu4w. 8 Fulfw, Mrs unymplwu� Mrs NoUtt , r ­ -%Vtu Ifurloww. uliderlok walatol. 14ro bell* al tPub"4113111 �, .WW&\ I . I JudKe. Vamp kehl 403,9% ; T_X ISAIRI, AN)) IttyAlfwIrle XAN1V'V*(.rUV*. 4,111toelitin tit 14dito, WorK, Mill Rwo I fth , "LBORNE I " W, Ache' son & Son. . MIS Nott. Mri J Howrl". I . � i 'la " " 0 %0`0v 10 lbw butter, In vollot Jotigiou LVops; AsilgW-Urx T R Hv&lr, M" M 11%�. I 1_.,___-__________________ I ,. I . . . I ­ I.. I � I - ., � , , 0, tah _ I � �- I ­ I &.111W. �"_bixttsi, ;- JA#U* Lisoois� Un , � _" � �­ . .:­ I— ­ __ rm I I 11 . I . . I r.1 I I T I- - 11 rr . I 1, . I -1. . I I ­ , CV.v T Anderwin *) lbs. parked bOtter# to WIWD% Nrw Jf X­tnvavor, ­­­- �, , . I . I ­ �11 I,— I 1. 1. 11 I � �� I I arpets, ur ns he salted to Keep. Use It Ouvin. Ure ., WINIA AWrill. � 'i I r. � A I I I - I I lot low than bo ", ralutinoe Oft moleAl", XM 0AW10, . �, 'SOUUT111NOT iiew and spedal about MANTLUS 4 (M I I I- I - racto , Ituttle. A NICIIiiiii.1% clsom. Ull. Miss Mellwal"t minting on, IV -Olt, .* . , I ' "la-miltou; "ll"e*e. I ., , . _, "orL I . I and Lin leums - ...f.12t).-I'llial kal- -AA. DAIAM ing't-loth W, H of?r"k"I Us* I � in the latest New I - &sinio, � t r -made . * 4 .1 I * I I - villip ton. . (Isiropbell, C0114010ki of 01 'Palo - . I I I _f11111 , judges..- 0'r i4aroo"'Oltutiam Mill, Howrto; collortion Tit W1111rr r �� 1. �� in correct leugth,s, 13101; 111Q'I'Ver, llla& Curl, ".,.��i) ? ,I - owinly, to our extraordinary large stock of Carpets, City- 11 :1 loaveiii 11011le ImAdd I)Md, Jama* 001ow. 11410. 11011e; toll t1r4witisr, xrw . _­_. �, � 0 Rl . urillm, jar of lionov. THI Helf Mrs; Vwbe 1; crayon dravring. vri, I 1, Bltwk AstraohfAn, Maek Vur, Dark Grey Revev3ible. I I I I.- - � _�u . MUIR, DrAiRPY'. Isolpla I 1 , 14 0 j."jilolet'111113, iWpQrt,Q(1 for this fall, we are tew tell t �rl - tainS '. A 1) lyrssp.Wlal Mrs it)WI'le. 1-0 114jet CQllfttk()nL Of I 111*e vallies still greater thalt regit.jar, t . �)Iigger I I I I ,I , , , )III'llill. Itoln. inaple Vu Ar, W 11 g4wosudinksketell%l, Xtv Hele. Afro , I Vhieze, Pawn 13�hver, Carditual 13e,aver, all litied -with , I r selling., f, Oatopbollt olillmays of posignarkithip bit �. , , � I Tecord for Octolv , . McCracken, A Alton- vo lection of .1. I ;L, � 4 I I ,ervev. W 11 UcCluk. Wr or girl undes, 15 vpivm NION V,mvr, � _#', I . � .-,r"r","---�",,���-"-�---- houleillade liver am]. I .L I I , . '. I ,Satiu or $atauza. I � I oil. A. Ktrk� coll�ctlon of lionle Islado ft 8itilluel raw. w 141110; tollftl . � .. . I 11 . . . I � I I . I baking, Miss LfOns, Mrs 11alulltort. Fiainted on gloss, Xrn! , , i. I I tiou Of fiAlwers 1 0 - OA.Rpr,T$. (4100 in neat livhtly traet14 patterns, Jadge:-Mra 14 Crawford. Ifamilto", MIN, McIlwalts; plilt Ion 1, just the. rlobbiest Coats t6. be. found in the trade .- ? 1� '­ "I 'new, and rox,410 special, yAluo $1.00, 19161411* ' . Vaglioll Tapestr I , '. ,, VROXTAIJUS AND UOOTO* of Aulno0t; poi,1004 on f140, Mrs 4114 at 'popul for the quality of the ? I "' , 9 at peg yard.. 11 I I I I , vololin o , ....'...... ..I., .. SL tolleptilonof tnetalliq uItto valutl0g, arly 1017 prices .� '" "" ""' , 850 White elollbailts potatoes., Forge, I I - Fiv-,�;Zzl'now dle.,�gg'a V 10gulal, . Xro Hete. Mise; Syntal toll, owlectioll I I , ..� an, 'u"ab", for , . John MeVintolidt lkay othoir VArliety, ly,fl!", ( . , ,,�. ,.,. I , .. .g�v,,-, . gig. QLOTHS, , ' Win Doon. of auttlillis loavilf. Mo' no 1. ;(,. � i in, price's '. , .. vallle'Mc, at per yald ...... . 59C 'e. . VILI % . Orson. MIS I ��� , I #*A. ,,, � good,q, rAU91119 , f Ill, and 2 l3-'VArr q � . I I .I;".!. 3 Vi'�".;W`; 1. .111 I I I " wols""T VAlk. 114109 fancy illk'110111t Us* Notts �Xlll$ 1�%W, I r - k I Or 0 'i q floroj firld � - blood l"Ington ll� �4,111'.,A. I I . I I�NQIJSH,13RUSSELS OAR- tit per Sq IIAM Wil 4 'VAckell, 14to Holnilton., Jodges.-I� It $Allows, no ",.K1., A I '$$.00j1$5.7S, $6.00, $6*$09. $7.2S,0'$8,0oil L r'�rd* %Iltd'e , cLlei�s�. Son. Amc(tipr6llie & k3o". . ... �14;-. 4k* lcit)lc pa tt�ae'.4w'jd"eai' '% 11 S� 'go 'Peer,, a Jwotot Will Puna. W 11 MI, wilso , 6. �, . Y. X j ? . �� 11 I ­ ­ I . I lvalrs., . - 1 25C 8 'rent oxasitlid w , urt%els, W 11 Mo. I I . yArd ... � ........... o.- ........ * C�,',',ck 1, .0m , — . I I I . � I I . � ]r�oar f(assio lextIA 110skyj 11% now ' Crft4k,u. A itis; golden tAnkitra — I I � . W7$t $10-00i $11-00� $12-0i6i* $13 -SO, $14- .. I ­ 1. �. floral and sorok desIgPot. regular 14ANO$0MIE FLA�NNELM ' wurtzel". W "it VrCkAokont Witt IN3ANITY is INCOmmob., , "I'll, I I P I ­ . I , Sod $1.10 go. #.,7S,p- and 90C The wo.at hbvriilahowiu�'Of French 0,11vinj w%IttzVI(#. lilarargloth vellow L '­ . I I W , . en. 3 stawaoss iiihow tmt " I I , I 7��� � .111, -11--- Z11 I "I'll, I , i4 I _1 ­ 41 ... I ­ � . I I I P , I Flannels we have over � md. Everl interluedlotp; W H McQrAck � Y� 0" r . I I � . . , I LA00 all)OTAINS., kind bepe from every diky plain tialks-Id, & '$osl, Swede tDrolpi, Win �Vivczowaea -with PAW-Uts. 400ex- � � 0,111, � * I . -00 pa . p,lous;,and, W ,100hes cqlors to the handsomely p4terneil ,NIcAlilater, jaines bvous.- grovatoue ,10f frQr* doispoglaou'li onit monta . .". . . - , I �z kgrp,,sj yard , I , wt e, heliVy BeOtCh'Not LJOO'C(st'. . , r IFCQnqb gOoda,gP.Per_Vaj si�. ...... j5O . Co �t.qrn.f.plq. R mollwal'o. Witt Bailles, long , . I . 11 . . I I I . I - I I . � I ­ 11 " OvAugo, 0010ts, -3 Qkeld &Sovs, aolin 00 lskjw. aq* to low vitautj and � , 1)", RESS � I GOODZ51 I ,pinti-Aid-, -white Dolglav itapoyerithea blqa', Which 0apgot I . � 11 . I . m , I �, , -1 � I #, Me I Carrots, '%V I _ ft' of . I . I IMPEOTION INVITED0 . I R AlvOrnoken, John 310DIartlild'. keopthobbawhoalthy. 110, sm � , .- I . � ., , , Otii Sale� of Dft�S GOOD$ this Fall, 11' ,is b9Qn . I Fine fini,sh'fixst: color and gouil to 7= 1 " I I I . I . . .1 cfirrot% hippeme(Ilate %Villte' 348 Kirk' , IIMU T011110 P01111 stimW144 tho InV44, . . � I ,. I I . . 6, I ' I patrick, W H Alcut oken: early hqrn calls xnc I � '. � 0 V aw ots, Goo ollivol. Mrs annillton, , - . . Al6pimessaliv, 484 sspw ,�lvrl 11 -1 40rvesi jwt,ors lti4li4, greater than we, qxpected� bAt that I' 'a'11Y U"ullt'd � i, black Cheviots, Clieviot,9erge, Worsted Serges, � I : . . ., I . on�jojjs, Mis .11clo,­W 11 McCracken, an4 milka Aow rieh bloA I PtW , , � . , I , ' � . 1 r . ''I � . :1 I tornat'sics. A Sp,soule 48on. '0,orii, 1 20 0euts" st 44 arawstso or v2#34 . for. We Wave the� right goods, at the 'tight' price. -- . Heuriettas and, Brocades, ranging in� -price �__­___, ------- , . . � , 0 '&,' Soi, Jas. ]KIrkPattlekt I �t of pilos. A4&6w . - Salkeld 111a, 00, root , � � I , putopkIn. ; 8 , I.. from 2oc. to $;3.00 a. y I . kors,e,a �'harness.,R,Grabatn, John a koI4 & Son.� James Our, stock Oof HOMESPUN$ In, blacks, dark And. -cb Ztar., kea-,foo.j,of 901 W 0 ones, - Tho r. az 10 % � 11 I �ard, � . A ,;! , ; 0 0 a6be-vt , , ljokls;, winter umliv..-Jobu MeDiar P, U04du 00's ZW . � I ,� . $ittutlol Morton., I ia st$ui -out. . I . � � ToLitrusiNX: OA" 71, , I I I ill 4, W 11 , corackoll" 411101'"or I � . llght'gtoy-5,, browns, .and two tone effects', 1jave met - . I.- .1 . SPEED IN 1TJRV RING. I jsquiisbA W It McCracken. A Altow. . , No Old Shoppers "ere I I 1� I . . � . 1� � I water $Delon% ure� Howrle. W H J'Sorm o.ofTor�borryjIltapitrobas, : c . . , with general approval be ause the. goods are right . . I . � I�V,Rrl)Ay, OCT. 10, 1901, NO I-Vitrluem'tr0b,or PAVO-W110ous hicoraelt,en;. celerv. T� W Little, W H 04 ftotil Jap. Robinson, of Morrie, lot . 11. � ' I � __. Jacob Iteed , No 2 open to all, I tot Or MoCrackout. cauliflowlir, NV JW Mo 25, con. 2, Morrie towsiship, cons.1stl and the prices tow. A lot of Union Tweed' Dre$$ Everything New, Fresh . I ce, V MoDevitt. Twb Strato; George, Cracken, A, Sproule. & Bola- cit twadred ikcrov, with goOd *111111 I . I . , � A . I , DtTOGANSOIT VAM." '� Waxton, Allon',,Liao; - P', McDevitt, Mrs Ust ii1tolit' 3 Salkolid ,& �ofonirl' of one . I . ings, for *%$W. Mr, Jeraiyo. will got $tqfts, ftorn.,,....k..*.V*..**...*4,..20ctosoc . and Up-to.-Dhte.' - ' . I I 1� ., Amelia ; 2,40 trot, or pace, Gray Brost. jection Warden,vegotal:lles. Wit Mo* possession, this rall. And work thetarm . I . .1 I I I � . . I , , I I � I I .. I �, Good WO$ther for 17aei . Secona JilckJoblipton,43ra prize divided be- Crocl;en; eclat, 4, nasnei* varieties in ,con I ,. . � lion and r. , Mupevitt; Cotatocs,%VRj)onn,,.SFurze; special On. . . nee , tion With"ihis� Ooe lie iresides I I � . I tweevi-Hosider I � " " . . � I I ­­ I 0 . -I,,,-,-- I" . . �T L . I I I � � _. I — . - - � - � __1 . . . 1 4 I __-Day I 1. � � .. . _ . Yo,k6S.It � a S40Ce0$- � No 4 ladv driver. Hingle. Mattliew y Will Burrows, & Son. 8eedemen, ­ , , I . -_ 11 � I . .. � I .. I . I I I I I __ I WooR; W6'6,'igiii6lfff� Nor the. boat gon- for (lie beat collection or field root" . I I 0 , . I" - ­ -1 -1 I -1 I .1 - - ' " I . ; . I . . I .. � . I . � . 11 'r . � tleman'a driving Outfit, I$. n Swarts. ralped from seed Porolutited Arogo theta, I ` , '. . . It . I I . I I Tho Dangan,'IPO jall, show 4iopenp . d � ' FLANNE-11.4tI I , , .4 - %fle'veel 1P,6 0 1 Dr1vl horse -for wedal proianW4 JSalkold&Son. , . I P� .1 .1 811 01AP61111 I . I V�o ,� . I � � I . � � QttThursdl,LV,, loth lost., but the dar byB 119 bas", y a* 11 11 "I belogr I ank orcotaniffrce-It Rm judge:-JE(Arve well, Buffalo. - Cur,es to 36 inches wide, and fasf colors) :11 1-1. . :; .,O,amp �ana, iiremrr�. the, attend-' Judgos-1) McCarvio, A Ro", V iur - Sick People and Makes � All prices from Sic. to 15c.., and from ,2 5 � I Friday, the ley ucb,ea"J; Uunary. 0 I '. FUVITS AND W,41VIC1111. - I and� * � '. $Doe was not large. . I � _. . *, 0 1" 4 1, 1. pecovid,dity, ,Was bright and Warta, and I , - . Winter A 168-8 1pti. Joq A ,Ma I'. , Them .Peel Y,6ung Agaill, . V,nglish Canadian makes. . % j 11*6 t 1, . . I . �4, - . r go . attosida, Co. I 0471%114� � 10� F, % I � I � . . . . . I - �k­ . . L Alle. 70401t was a ins. . lough'Goo Qth,etgIj-.BkiIdw1nfl,jAq ,11 L, " Durbaggl­Tborougbred�Mllcli caw, Alton4 Goo Vothergill 1 king.of Toinp- .� I I I . I . . � .1. - and previous, I 1 4 . . � I The rallig of Thuriday I and 2, *Ina county, Jos A, Mall�ugbv Goo . I "I � I � bavlogralged cillfl.ui 19Q1, .. A GURED MAN SOS 11 I . droil tualle people thlaK tb0'rVACk' Thos Anderson � Z, Year o14 heifer. Potheigill ; Ribston piopin. U.s Alton, , . .11 I � � , , jierglil , I f ULYAST AS BRIGHT RND FIZENCH FLANNELS f -I would be too heavy fur tro"Ing, hat, Thos'Andemon, ohn Barr; I Xei�r old Goo Fok . 04tinda red, Mrs Nott. I � � - bclfei� calf Japi Alton tario. Q0 I . . I . . � , 1. thebotaun and.4fle Vat'Oft breeze of heifer, I and 24ohn Barr, Sanitlel Fat 0 Fothergill. YOUNG'Ag-R BOVA . . . - --- _� ".. I I I - ho,11 ;-s� np T � 'j, � pt tool, I and 2, W .1 Jamieson, ,Iden russet, Samuel I I theloorning Put tPLOIC arid toads In calf of 1001. W J Jamieson, John As- Fur,40, Jarnea Itoo; 8pftzenbUT9. . I . . � 7" -; I newest patterns and colorings, all. at A . , j condition by tho, siftortlotsu-� We I � For Blouse Waists in a, number of the . . . . � � . . gool knout. . , I . , aged bull, Thos Anderson. Jas Alton, Goo Votbowill, WARriers Aftir Many Failures with Phy- from 39 cents to -So ants. . I . "S . . I did loot. bear tiow Iiii'aAlcial reoultaof bulb, under 2 vea.ro. W McAlll%teir, Goo Vothergill, JAS ' Koo; .rn I � . . , . I 11 � Tis It . � _4 (he Pair. but. JuLdged' by the crowd ,% OS ' Ic Anderson., t#peciAl `bv John Samuel Fume, Jas Alton -, R, ode � .V I should-haie b000 a suceesq, for.willoh h6rg1II.j34as- 'sIplans and Medicines, Mr. . ,. . - , ..� I '�, . 1, . the dirqctol's should duty tbarill. the Jaritlesonforbestig valves front one Island greening, Goo Pot . , . . - I 1, ol . ers, of the v.o&ttj.eI,, filr lb ,,,, the sire, calved In 1001, W, J Jamieson. nel Furse j phootdr. Jag Alton, Manti. McCsruer Was saved 13Y * . . I - � I I � helped so reach to swell Jeosev-,l!boro,ue,hl)t,ed-Zdilch cow 11,11ple"Us Alto . .. I - I Ane ally, that � _ It, Samuel - V orse ,. 8 � I _I L I"' ' � I . .1 1. -easurell,a receipts. Colborne. 11MV1139 I Alsadval in 1901, 1 and 2, T namett Vnvieti6q, Geo�'Fotherglljj­44 1paine%_-Cele q-,zompound.1 I . . � L the I;% 'WALWAtiosh, 'we ' . Ahoo; Insist imined varieties, Qeo. I I i� ES I GLOVES I re Well W Little. . . I . WRAPPERETT , Aillifteld and Fotheigill. Jas. Altou.. I . . � I I I represented, Lucknow and Goder!,ch Grade Cattle -Milch cow, giving Fall . Apples-Dachosq of Oldenburgi All the cottibitse4-pOwere on earth can . for Wrappers 'Cashmese,, Ringwood and black and colored kid. A com- , legationso, too tilepoy`Avil- milk* bavitig raisAd calf in 1901; John � Colored on both sides fast colors, plete � ; 'sent large tie . S �ao Altont 20 not stesix the Oslo of truth that sweeps sto j Inge also furntillink:a, band. The Barr,RMclIwain;2vear Old heifer, limuel 1`u�ao- . ounce over thi$.Dorninjoll Of Ours,- lit rej�ao . Cit. , � . . - . � - I I -and the I and 2, JOhh"Bair;-Z year'61d heifer, ,vippin; Suhuel-,Foesej -Geo Potbergill.* � I : and Waists ioc. to x271, e.; Canadian arid F,'nglish . � I 1, - hol �1941'd a fairly brisk trade� I wealthy,Samdel Fume, Jas Alton; to the outing; and life romtoring virtues 4 . I 0 � . : line day helped the, village p1or'00an.te, iana%jobn Barr;, steer calf of 1901. allow apple, Sdnwel Viitog, Geo MD. Of PalosVis .Celor�l -Pompound. The makes. These goods are extra Value. Fingering and Saxony YARNS, and a complete stock Of 1. and. th; vendors of trultaba.vandy oil John Barr, Was Mallonigh; belfee calf ' 0'ea Filther- thOW3041111; cored Y991; At e r en I .1 ___ . I � the show glat,,ud,g.',':elf�'i't"n)uoeibents of -1901. John BarreNVIIII Mallough; thergill.Bienhohn pipain, tor T a A a -"--%� - . � ­ of Haberdashery and Small Wares. � ­Vvet 4arnteva'. kni:12-40 trotsi fitted ox: or steer, Jos A Mallougb, Ill, Snm4el V urse.; dral) ap'plo. I and such strong and convincing letters of � . all kinds I . I - , avldsco�cej;t Ill the ovening.. The John flarr;fattedbow or heifer, H, 1,1 Mrs Campbell. 'tr4 oamed varieties, testimony that the most hardened - Ladies' black all - . . Ladies' fine al -I wool . r, I- ----_--'W -11-1 ­1..!:� ir - vencerb was it good'enter t; Jas- Kirkpatrick. . I � skeptica are force4-10, Admit that �ol Cashmere plain Hose 25C to " iinvuent, but 0irvist. John B417-,2- year. -old stee;. Paine'wCelery Codillound'does possess wo , 50c -t . black, fawn- 'and Cardinel , I . taituors' And the 2.40, Were the' John Uarr. Joseph H Mallough; 1 vear Pea,r9t ate -Three �nmed varieties. edical,poii9ra unknown to other � . . -- -In i In Hosiery.- plain ana ribbed, 'Man beavers, curls and Astrachans. - 1 � the begattractious. f' , I i 2, John Barr - speetal Samuel Forse, Mrs Nott; I named . I and ribbed' I ., I lead . old steer. I and wedicines. I I . $ , tie Cloths ­ fiest varlety� Samuel Furse, R MollWain,- 25C, cl- "!� Goderich make. . . � The extillilts 10 the hall were' mob As by lion J T GArrow, M P P. for ewing. letter from Mr. A. R, to. 50c- " " ) . d I � . . we have )3een them h4d of grade cattle, John B%rr. 3 named varieties of pianist W' 1A The I 11 I � ...� - � � , numerous as McCracken , I Owned variety of ililums, Mlcorotr, Dixon's Corners. 'Out., us. I . ' . . Li though to apples. field vegetilblos an3 Judwe -,J�� Spell. , %V H McOrackbu,. collectlo'n grares, sores you that, no matter how despe- . .. . \ , UOQ , .ladies' work this.do,is not apply, Viold _ - -. &Xjfw� - ­. ___ -- -W,..v - to yoor.caae thav, bv,,Pame'if. Celery I I I I . F IN14-7 � , getables, largely shown, was 0 slmp� ,&Ando, T i1xig �. , -aellow () I , ,"late PL ompoubil will do, alore for you than I . * To. MmHole. A Sprotlle& Son, plate I � IV immense, and, to this crowded class Lelcester.-Aged ram, R. Purvis & you can possibly hope for. Mr. Me. . L RuffS . 70 some (it boar Boost 9wriples qu,,,niles, U -McI! wai sit Jos-te Grilm niet -, , Storm Collars, Caperines and Ladies' Coats, and you I Wei of Son, George Henry,; allearling .ram , a:. . ars, .. ect Gruer say F,verything if6w and fresh in these good$ in Coll, . ,r: 'I " !on of house plants. T Little. A ,. . . .1 11141 i� and angar beets sects Glenn Bro's, John J&P a I Sometime ag6-vuy condition of ­ ngles, s-yed0s le . & Sc n ; collec&W gar -den . will find our prices as low as consistent witli new, up-to-date goods. � this vear. (4maert vegetables were ewe!i. rnis;ng latabs in 1901. T% . Bl-'r'r, 'tS,,P"cl ,,, I-?, cut, Mrs Anderson, Mrs How- hea0waaalarminir, and I suffered . . I limited in'quanttty, I he potatoes, hil W- R Purvis.& Son; pair abearling owes. verymuch. Iwaslaidup threq days 000ds before making a selection. I rie. ' . - Bxamine our g . . I I evemweroof the vpry beab and de- Glennflro's, R Purvis & Son ar . Judge -A 'MoD. Albin. 9utofovprr week, and I often viid to New York Cosinopolitan Patterns for Sale -Nd Pattern inore than t5c. - .11 uerlve4i,petlal -commoo.dation, Dairy ewelambs, R Ptirvis & Son. 6l'onsi. � . .—,- ruvftlendathatit would'be better if . I anddowestic manufao,torea were tie Bro's , tin lamb, Tenn Bro's. P. Put- . it wals the Lord's will that I should be I I � -000���� .-�� - ,, cidedly sildrse In entries,. though A I v i 4 & 1810, u. .� I Ten yardsaliNvool cloth. Mrs Nott; calledaway. Threslof the beiit doe. . . . I in quality, the latter being' Of Kenenirl I I xfor it their Downs,� Aged 10 yards all wool flandel, ;aineR Alton, torsattendeil me, but Could not to. " I - A, - 10 vards union flannel. Mrs lieve we in &n,rwAy. excellence and the Fftead and' ca.kes ,ra� , John rmour tit Reed; slipar- A ton. It was then I TERMS -CASH OR PRODUCE. j Goderich. - -well qualified for slicing fop its rece hu ram Xohn YledIMAald, James Nott;,pair Woolen blankets. Jaules Was advised to use Paine's Celery ., H. COLBORNE9, " 1) , . . Alton, Mrs Hele; pair horse blatiketti, Compound, willch brought rellet'at � 'PHONE 86. f- . I tio.l. The fruit and flowev class wits ,. % P; pa r aged ewes. inisinsr ]limbs home tuade. J Alton, A Alton fcol- tince. After using this great remedy, . � . ... --- - I - wellfrepregented In -apples Only, and 1, 01, James abb, John McDonald - - 1111111111111111111111� — - ,.. j- lection.of bootbi T W Litt,lo; collect I find filySOlf A new Man. and feel just . . . 11 this t exhibited was worthy of the pair shearling ewes. I and 2, . allies I its briglit as i boy of e1qjiteeen years. . ., Pan-Anjerican. Ladles' 1vork was, Ts,bb; pair ewe himilp. Jame,; Z,6b, oil of wood work, Witt McArthur, . I - — I I.A T &VII-berts H McIlwain I I __ - 0 . . . I I . . �, )))) . . I i i - I I � . I . I � ' ju�.sl- . ..A - , , .. .. . .1 -.0%-Pz)=STA- ­ - - - � - - - Slngld Iniggy with tot), kand 2, J E Beydges : wood nx10 fatiN waigon I oijil 2, James ROB04 farm k3te. an� 2, Wni Thompson,- wit gou ratk. j,tlllt)s Itose; rectiolvo4n ed�cre;kok 5 . �. . � ti I I I I I . . . . I . � I I . I I I , - . � L - , I . . . I , . 11 .� I . I I it, I 1 0 I 11 � . �, I . � ; I . 1, . . , i .extensively shown, 1W too sine ag15 .-T..'T I ,dill,4tit attt:4ct it fall .. ,46 number of . I I -1 - ..Donald,.James. I ,� entries. As R8 usoaT, t (is xiiiirk of Eli I, �� ladies was the gientattraction. � and Z, � , . afternoon the lip or Mill was � # � the . � crowded ,kVith the'genSler eez, Out- � . side t lie raceg worst the grbat attrAct,1061 John McDonald, raw lamb. John Me- I I Thhh. . . I.. � Sout hdowne-Pair liked ewes, ralsifig lam 4 in 1901; I and 2 James D%ne , pairtearling awes, I and 9 JamtO e lambs, land 2 -Janies Lane, pair e)v . Lane; ram lamb, James Lane. ' ju�.sl- . ..A - , , .. .. . .1 -.0%-Pz)=STA- ­ - - - � - - - Slngld Iniggy with tot), kand 2, J E Beydges : wood nx10 fatiN waigon I oijil 2, James ROB04 farm k3te. an� 2, Wni Thompson,- wit gou ratk. j,tlllt)s Itose; rectiolvo4n ed�cre;kok 5 IthinkFairses velery ompohnu is the itrqatest niedlolne In the world." , .I � - 1. .. � � . � ­­ - - ; ' I Nothink looks more ustly than to see it person whose hands ate covered' over, with warts. Why have these dis. figurementa'on your person, . - when a I . . - - . , .1 11 . . � - IV . -PR,IDHA xo�yz_-V# ' � I V . M" VA SHION PLATENDD 51A..., I � A very nobby Suit for October, is figure No. .3 of the RAMSATS I $ I though the, oninials on exhibition I �4.,,,The b6rseCIIL�8419* t were slot t)egjvctq Sweepstake prize for best pelift bf _ separ4or, Andrews & Webster.,,J,ufik� -of 1 and 4 all ante remover of warts. corns. etc.. cab be found In Hollowaylti Corn Oure ? . latest fashion plate, the four buttou cut-a.way I though not over' .11agely filled., con I . . talited excellent anlinals..and from tin 1, rietiltura list's poln L it Is doubtful if - a.1bletter shopp. any breed, pen to cons.181 � of agt-d ram. shearlifig ram. a ed ewe shearling ewo. owe Instill. ft gurvis �; now: collectlot�, pumps, -11 VY H t, .Dodd- JudIge.L-Steplien Stothers. . . . I I MIXED PAINT&t I sack sitit. The material represented is a plaid suiting. . . W . ___ .1 A - i ,,I,,-,[,,, of farns horses has Son ; fat sheep, any brood, Glenn.Bros. LADIES" WORK. 0 Aholit"Tufth filunkinn , en $Cost tit A S130tv this ses.Orl. n rtityls MD. Ff Crocliebin �#6ol, 'LWt! McCracke ., . .- . ' The " judges: -Geo Correll and V� 3nell. I — ._=Z._� , sre were iv few thorough bred cattle Mrs 0ampbelil croullet lit cotton, - I " atill wany gtader, muting the lattei FIGS. 51139 Symington, Mrs Hele I crochet I We have latoly-�ftooiv d 4 classi be[WIVC 8ossip excelldouldly line (Unipliell. Airs Hole, .,�a doule good Are made.in Canada, by Cana ians, and tire backed up by one I Sheep were represented by Berkshlre-aged bpmr, I and 2, Jamelb in 'silk, Xrs lines Of -c. . . bovinea:. _ I, 1901. Mexican drawn work, Wei; Syming- . the larqest paint eoncerns in Canada. It is VULLY GUARAN. I 17,pens, and all on exhibition weire Alton; sow, havink raised pigs ton, Mrs Help; Queen Ann darning, TOOTH BRUSHES I worthy of vri,p tickets, Hogs were I and 2. Jatue$ Altont, boar, littered W All's C;Impl)pjf.-Mtss livatingtoo; lady's and our stook Anges from tbo little TEED for OUTSIDE- PAINTING by a CANADIAN FIRU that ant) I not numerous, and a6 f,hey word all 1001 Pati-l(k Gibbons. James Alton-, fancy wool mitts, Mrs 9010,� Miss 1350, Bsilsh up to SapAue int to 00 YEARS'of SUCCESSPUL PAINT MAXING. RAM- ,ee and French po r. keptia their wagorig U Wtq tl�fflcnll, now: littered in 1001, I and 2. JailAs Symington, lady's fancy apron, Mrs litlea at 850. SAY'S RE ADY MIXED PAINTS are PURE and are GUARAN. for visitors to judge their polsittt. A I ton. ,. Delp. Mrs Catsigibell., fatier a(Ifil, I - I The fowl department was fairly WAI Yol kshire-ag'ea hear, J amea Alton-, ,, , ( in -IML Jaines cusbioti, lit or; work. Mrs He o. Miss Oar 266., lines__&re­goq4 yearers. - TE B D as snob. . I - -filled, arid _Lsol. Lyons, -Campbell. -and saw. having ralsed-ptp -§VfnlIhgtdn-,--jIZVen- biftad inats, an.- ---- - I _-1.1 I - lft� ­ — _-­ ' LL ' - I%. I Howriehad many ontrieti, their quality Alton; boat, littered in IOUI. James I _­___ . I i -litteredin 1001, 1 and 2, livoidered, Mrs Helet Mrs Howrlo- Large range of Tooth Preparations. .. . inust have bedn of the best. The A ton; sow Honiton lace, Miss Symington, W R Including Teab6riry, Itubifilins, Sozo(lont, show of cereals wall not large, bob the James Alton. McCracken; point, lace, Mra Hele Mrs -Ideal" Tooth koffifer, "Ideill" Xooth WE DON'T PAY . . )VV. liaving raised P�jcq I � itatailles would all have Ataded 'No. 1. Tamworth -m Campbell; Ronian embroidery.' -on Wash, etc. , Painters to recommend our Paints. The quality of our Paints, Oilu, � The followitfg, Wete.the prize win. in 1901, John MeDiarmid, John Mo- . linen, Mrs Campbell, Miss Symington. Out own #iCrosno Dontiftfee"jo exquisite. and White Lead roeornmend them all the best. I nerh .1 . Donald, boar. littered in 1001, John I we boX, Mrs Campbell, Miss 8 --- 110119L% MeDiarmid. John Ms,Doslald. flow. Ut- 9 ' embroidery on muslln� 016, L . . tered in 1001, John McDonald. John Ington; � � Malloogh, Miss Lyons: crochet, table . " HoAvy ' DriCQA.- Brood snare, MoDiaraild. Mat8 in L cotton, W R AfeCrackeh. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO with foal by her side, W P Young, 'Special for the beat ilve bacon b Drug Store. I 'a' Miss'Svininglon, table scarf, Mrs P S-EAR11 "er"'l HONEST GOODS . Thos Todd.i. 2 tvAr old filly,'Pald Reed, from one litter, bred and fed by t e Nott Mrs Hole, crazv quilt. Miss GODjW10H. - ONT. � John MoDiartirld ,- 2 year old: gelding. exhibitor, Joanph A. Mallough I James Forsten J - igton.- tits Catrilbellt patch , AT HONEST PRIOES. Salkeld & Son ,' I jjjdgc$_.X. Loon hurt, i olin ivalt"s. S�vylslkl'q lailt in cot totT, Mra P Nutt, Mrs 1ALWAX8 TflV3 BEST AT MCK10.11 __ - _,_________ I year old fIII!j Jagnes Potater; I year voms flanilitonj patch work quilt In Wool, — — --- � old lielding. nrijes Chisholm I foal of Patch L 1901, Thos Todd. Jaqjot Chisholm; Brainginj light, A. C. Lvons, Airs Mrs 1"Nott, Itirt; lisimiltoal Give us a Call and wd'will do our best fo Please you I Learn in harness, Jayzre� Jr.orater. Campbell. cochlh,, I'vilitO, I and 2. J 0 work quilt In milk, Mlag' 8 mington. CANTELON'S . I L I Lyons; cc-��hln, buff. I 'and, 2. J 0 tie I two pmr woolfln 6ocks. ', .. 1; Agricultural-Brooa mare,WIth foal 4yono-, legborn, white, 3 0 Lytinst. Mrs 1�1110114 infllse,4,00arse, I fins. Mrs )Kelp, Pastry, Oyster Pittflee, Varti. t. I t1l It A_4 , U. -lion two -alra woollen I at �'n .1 a A V�ll . 9 .� , Sills I �. � � . I I I I I __ y lot a e, A 0 ParmerAtin, args,�. owriet leghorn, brown, Alm VILInp- - I lQr Leg 011 ..*- .. . � Th eading Ilardwato Firni. Telephone 57. Cor. North St., and Squara _ � )' " Ch;sholav �, g year old tillf, , Charleg boll Mra Howrio-, Plvtuoiltb Itock. J otookings, hand ma% I coarse, I fine, Mince PioA iind Lady Fingors. VL ­ --- We have all these Goods in stock, and will be made tip T6ytor. Thot 4rolpb; 2 year old gelding, (I Zvons, ,W W Fisher-, Plymouth Meg 1101b, Mig P OW, two, pairs ��;������o ��� � ClinaTaylor; I oat, bid filly, Tbo5 Reek white, I ;ind 2. Mrs Campbell; woollen spitto, band made, I coarse, I Hisoes, Maeftroonsi, 31alauguen. - � ... I ­ .__ as nbove. Our guarantee is sufficient to warrant perfect sat- � Joint., foalorloof.. WV' Tont� J", dorAigs,land2jC Lvons,, minor llfi6, Mrs Hole, x1vo SvmIngtool etd. Brandy Stlars, etc. . . . I li nnn-._ isf action. .. Chlaboltll4team In barno.at�, t Me' cao,lilack,Mch Howrle, J 0 LVons; broldery In allk oil cotton, Mrg CaMp- Are as good as the best made In any - . Goire. JAs Hsvden. Jas Forster, red cit 9. Mrs Campbell, .1 0 Lyons; bell', MisR Symington;'embrillstorV in City 16 Canada. - I . Githehil Purpose, -Brood tuaro with Polans% 1 and 2, J 0 LY011,11 Rain- silk (in linen, Mro Hole. Mm 0ampbollt Cantelon leads the trade in I . 66 0 Is 60690 06 ip" OR foal by her side, A R Anderson, Cba% borgs. pencilled gold and_sIIvo2 Mrs tva. cosy, Urn Nott, Airs j Howl -le'. PRIDHAM, The Tailor. - "hil,tvI, croqfiet, Allen Symington, W H '"D 1AIMS" That Touches the Spot ovi � : Taylor. 2yemoldfilly.Zolin Armour. Catilgibell. 3 0 Lvonot wVan ottes, , ,DIN() () me# I Me Iflu -n, -Y �,Itx cushiob, Mrs ' I , Samuel Morton ;2 voar olit gelding, Mm 0ittripbell. 3 0 Lvotial banta, . �kt . fant F Oft_- 0 _ - - - � - _ I Will HvillipliteV _ _ L Campbell, W 11 feCracken; table ,It fancy dogi- ning, find ornamontilig - _.__ ___1_1 __ I _ , I YeAt old- gelding, and 2.'%,-Mr8 ,Oa boll-, natOyaed fowl. CoVor. Mro 04silphell. Mpg Hole. .1 Waillumphley"foal -of IrDI, Gletlis W W Fisher. J. P . flVeL and Almond Ic fig. Give him tin ardor t, t Lyonq; geo�e, I find o'clock tea cloth , MacLeod's W11lk & Impure Blood � Brog, AndtovirRit'k . teAln'in haroom, 2, J 0 Lyons: tnt-kova, W W Fisher, MVF1 Hole Mrs J and your sattafactioli wlll be M0191INFA" � Ilowric, Inp, ettlil'it quilt, W H Me- I . * * 5r-0-.5e��V11,x9e9zl- . � Wni mcquillall'.10110 Watson, Chao. John Barr; 0alsit.a. towl, John Barr, - - hemilkerchlof ift 00111 I , judg :-At J Wilson,. '11 . I Mrq.Nou. � 91% Ull r ,System )!e__V.kX_kW_-V_kW_ 5eDe__Z_X1_ Taylor. ks., I and 2, 1 0 Ljong,� craeketi, IiVer & Kidney.Diseases & I pair duh Vot'se 1, dachet. Aftss Symington. Mrs P Nott-, 400 T Ww"Ne I Jud li.-Iolin -Mol4o"n, Xillpen', I A Helez npnov.ator remale Complaints, &c. notting, fancy. Mrs Howrile, Mr W1111"T.11T. 00011111#1110111. 1T4 -6'.V0 � W P giplady, Clinton ; Want Wollwoo . I I AlItUx. flodding In nilk, Vies S ingtonj .1. � . I r I - . � I I THE CASH HARDWARE STORE. , I Vall W110 arnild, liof,l, wo6j Afg1jan. 1108 O.- Sire I 11.1 Vottlyce. at,'whitts. Solin McM. f, _� - &Alk 114 & Son-, fAll wheat, I( Road and cafriago-'Brood mam 8 V urse, 3 . I imptioll; toilet sot, mi -is P Tjott, Mrs Qr�,,Mi;qahq#& Ask Druggist, or ftlid dirqot to J. M. lfacLEOD, Godorich. Ont � , *411 foal by, h,er Sile, 'jam(is Vbling. red. Win McAllister, Job" UnDlarnild, p1lowrle. sofil. pillow, Atlas dyining- I . 068yo Gorc 1110i I'�"o�i.t-rmgncunounomom@�bmug00%mm We are making t1le-folloWing prices : 1 WOjones,2,,#C.Ar old -gelding Mat, s Fum6,, Aix tow barley, J4331kcid 4 ton, Mrs Unwrle; liu#q shift, mighine ' (Itifteg' Waves., Chroolp Coush and all JUtddotice and lAborramr-Nowitats otrect. t1jo Old Stand. In rear of Relot Churclu 14 . . thow �Voodi. U Dunn I I voAr oldfilly, .40n, 40hik Merlarmid; ontg, white, miido, Merr lielp P tirIlL Hajoiltoll. linen (Ilitohlo AIrktiosik of thd thrrat atill lunlra. 1, Corn Iluch Door Mato ............ .................... . � 100 each 'k I Will "Mallough, Samuel Mottots I I . John UclVaimid, $1 Vtiftoi oats, black, sbIrt, band gilaide, �frs'Hafniltogs. Mrs The ollit thlidloldO In tile, Wo,14 tbiw will enro - L ___­__.____ itattma Door Mato from 125a to .... ....... .. .... . 001 11 14 pgr old golding, Chas Taylor. A 0 N lenrsej,pesw, aftla,l). 301111 MeDiarmid. Helel w1usk holder, Atra Noit. W 11 the abdVi§ dja60ZmZ,aA11a,,, the nimal sienna 1. hills It PoLt.t,et'i)fjniolfistlohor-soin harness. 3 N Fursel POCks, large, John UeDlArMidt McUrneken; pillow shatils, MN 0a,mil- lit wled And usel! wat , ptica $1.50 Fibre 1,4ato, open patteni, 650 to . ............ A .... I 25 I r ( A, Histrio, T H Durnin t pair matelled timoth"oed, Utnea Alton, A Alton-, I boll, Mri; Nott; litee handitevollief, Mis DP. M60ahcu'ri K14mu and Gollob FURNITURE. UNDERTAKING. Ilougo 1�rooma, greatent values linown, Me to ...... 25 1 11- � i I 1111 ill�l 1101, .... . .. 0,==4_t I I . I !1117! Campbell, Mits %kotingtont uilttew . ___ butg lace tttolo. cover. Mrs Oattipbell, POwnjg lif,',91sir all AvAlt Airdetiona of the Mra. rutio' Platod Bad Irons ....... � ... ...... I ...... I . I 00 per cat I . ID A ' - hAor, Miss Syminfr4 threa an Insists, atich, As 410taniver, ote. For .I Poliolled " 85 .. I e4 I :raljoloi latinavy ­ Aweillft andstackifiltot thalm.thor�4mit Of ......................... I oil, Mm Ilowrlot lamp shade. (oil 00) bard driving. kidii6tatroublo. ote.. litic daft , SELLINU OUT WALL .1 APIDA 1 11 ,no r X It 11asifflea .................. ........ 10a each I I ". �jrsljo,vrloj Bei.11" Wool work, gat will rellove, and willoure. Prico0o. J �* Brophey & -Son, -- Sad Iron mias � nungton, Mra (lampbell.,- fithe; Inc Dr. MGOahau MedIGIN GO.- . 0 10 Grand Itapida Carpe& Sweepora ......... ............. 2 50 "Sale V�M Colitinuemlttil November Int, !"glace* hand made, Mrs Help. . 11 I . kaitt( cat Cho0para. ontra valito ............ .. 1 20 1 . . ..­*_W--___1*W Mrs Noth, esobloidery on jolt. Salkeld ' . WhotV11191 Opt, , Ara the, pioneer V urnitore Dealers and Undortakora ob tbio section. and ao - Perhotion NI I � WF litterA ta i0i ��t all WALL V�LPJPR 10 'ItOCk. 140 Otlerolllolt6bb , &S,1311,Migs Sysoing(up; filoald Work, Iror skle At1AUX8 Wtiilora Dm Stara, dating this pot quart4v century will etlatinue to carry the, hosit gocdo at the Buteher'a Cleavora ............ ...... . .......... ...... 25 ' Mro Campbell. Mlill synillip"94111 Ora- � a Lo n g 9 Thtg 14 "tittle, a (,lt4N()F, of a LIVE TIME. fts.Ail Vaj*ry Are . T!!!M� Wolit rollsonablo prices'. 100t, now WO h%V0 some Vecial v lisca In 11 e , a II uor Ifenldn ... .... 20 NNW T1113 TFItt, with th6 exr,eptlor% pf pittibib vc g six pa t, broldlited linol pieture- frame, Mrs ! ! and Dining r-urniturv. Wo carry futnituro for every household I lb. Woo , " " I , "O, Alms still . lickers "r aila from' 2'5c"to','.'.*.*.'.'.'.'.'.'........ . 35 1 1 Ora few 1111ralked 61111 oath. fteging, In ptled ROM to and will Illitton embroidery y � Golvanizoll 4 st. dilletly IIALF PRI("N' I I on satin, Afro Cato libell, M 88 mallou'lil Mill Wood , . �0'11 - I teth-41 . I i It so Howl I no-cessit " ana it will p:tV vois to call and sea out stock before litivina. I be , I ., I .,� I be per ft. 6thet PrIas aft wltl*g- fancy bead rest, Wall Symin Art I *�Vcnther Gtripq ... ................ ...................... , I 11 Wall PAfwt. trigulike tie. and 0e, per roll,� Sellitig 011C 11WO - .* 20 And 40 1101P; 90sitiOnsitn'ScAllarsth c" box, (1,, ld Blaot Lante7no ..................... ................. 603 03ch bo .90 '44 of Tto,14 AFT I Oor Sale . . if &. rislit ov. ,18 " ­ rid slid. ft B110 6VIllingt0o, 14:4 11owtiel, ribbort - of ot it , MW sym ington, Alta 'Nott _,�_ �11 Undektiltaking arid I ", 1# IlLr,. Atilt Me. " '! - 8011 and 100 WOrk, ei abow is out into stove wood . I WA have the following New Goods fo,e Fall , 11 46, 1. It , id�. and ze. if if 4 it - 12jeand:160 Crochet 011PPOIN, Mrj Howtio, W 11 Th _.s I - . . A, very Special Itedluctiou mitile on Due regu . 1AP 1W. paperi. McCraekent rag Inat; Atts 11016, Mrs l6logth tod will bo dolivored to any 8, . . - .-, , , __ I I I I I , I 11amiltool throevtR7. Mm Nott, mtli pstt of thel town the samb day As a Trade. 41 � 11 Z16 jenilolair tales mu3t be otmotvod 410409 01141 Wet C 0 1 0 S;Tjnjnr4joa I cruchet quilt, Miss Htiw 0rd6t#d- I I I I .. I ington, Afte (Towflo'. tt,4y clotis, Mat OrJets rteolyea by felopbSbb or (i laini i, Grain Scoopa, Furnace Scoopi, 8110W G11'0010, 00- Venoill-BTAWITLY vA81t. lboll. Japneve vath mat*'J"Ist I I E' I 11 smsiph'S not li*nt out, AIt palitfs Inunt ba purellamill at StOpo, titht,k1wige symingtog"110-iq 1100� tinbroldory -4 m, b�alming. , Azoh - A-40 11=1109- CrOilg-cilt SaW0, BuOk HatTal dow . Wily. * divimunt ot 40 Vey cent. 401 lie OXOWedo � %10, Mgm 101tv, mig,t Lvafis;ileft At 128 1401M,t St. *11I reearte Call all(l e,z,,jlIIine o�jr line. , � i Witt) jewc vto4l �rt at tl�611 t, knit oliliocro. M(4 WITTHO, W It Me. IOU W6 sto loader -5 in tWerfAkluit and Vitsbaltrilig-- every r0quireniont ig �� , , � , 'You will bayetttlt�ok slimp. as thit "to will IhAt Only tintit Nolvewawr Itt CrAfkPit -, knittea quilt. Xiix Svminjig� kopt lit stovit-thor corvica We '2170 capoot lie survaeged, Ovid the julee.-I aro .____­ 0�-_�­�_-- �;� ton. Afro jlet(�; fovmtool. Mri cftmjj� "Pho" D& aj�Vs,y$ to a a , MO boll Mralqo,�!;; fancy .-ttlell milisNott, I �*Onahjo. rilight and dity Calim receive eivery atub tio . VIES �' GOMM �,, , . No Do RMU ' f , misq 8 tigtoa I 0416 �rentvhVct#j Peter 11cHwaflik . 0 �, :5 BOX afl W'd fdo - Sto , lackely. Mrs ?Zott; WiLlth, (1011#jith, �(oo#. gl6t, 190k I . � & � C11 -Ir *4Z FORTER d 1H, )r Wit 91 . - 1, - , , ? (Mod 11wo" Still M- ""It glind 0014sheri 4inea". Mrs HowiltA, *14*� , ph on t;kvK AA ;i�ck,(Ak A 11 � . I I it! I . � I k I., . I 0 1 1 *A*; I I I I 11 I I I . I . '*1`1- I I I I � I I ? I 0 1, . '. \� I I I I I - � . ,�' 1�� , 1. f �, . I I � 1� -1 � , - __ ,� I �.-;�� - �­ ....... 'I',-,.... ­ I I ­ ,,��'L 11 . .1 - 2, � � �_ , - . _.. N� � . - '46 i , � 4v&�, h- .__ " I I - 14� _., MW .,! AAAAAke.6 - - , A,- , -,A6pli-�_ I , I I I I � - I , 4 mill".."! __ A_ ­_1k 116K - 11, �1:���i v - 11, ,,, I I I - ­ - mabm"wdagoAwpmle . ­ � - 0 '/'r I M, I , , �m