HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-10-04, Page 8z , , , , , , . - - - ­ ­ - 11 - � - - 1 ,5!:- 1 . 11 � _ " vrinp, cI,oj,)#,.,t,wcti H#,1`A R - ­.-_­---- 1 6.....66 11 �� -- � i 6- Cl. �� i ,, I'll I - _­­___ - ­_ __ __T - 4."__ '44 # 0 1 t"o ,!�q k '. , I 1111­1110�_,! I �� I I I I . . ...... . . . . J="��:: . I u0ft, 11. Wt 1116� Tel* It" K* IV, W , - 11 I W­te� I 2nA DW weat Of T / . 0- 0 tit pho U..--Jc " I I -..4%r%o#krI=*tV ew 1*_� I 11 11 "A. I, `V!Zjnf,'� .v.:: I :25. �In agens u rob,, I flaw,fltog. Xf.., " M C N e I I Z i e,", & 19, 111.1 11 a I 1w, = V I .I, I . 'T '%v _ 1, ft C. 0 - �, ti * Sate !kt?A1"Y, ROW A 10" h%K*-- -- I " , I 0 1 Ihe - T I �. W. � 1-1111 -__--1.__1 � , I T T 11011"toommo W, 14. x0i, left by alst trwo Ar " to be lit 1W W tolior. to. -�­-SNAPS I - � . 1000400 . I .r" I #MI. . 4k*"0"I WI;;Io4`%4%.-%-f# 'r nowell HAVE MAIR, !!!=!!..t 11 . MI tit* 41KtA Q1 W4 r Ilk I*W. ����7777� 1 Pared to moot 3611'. b _V*4 K 11, ,�,TJ4YP, III 1.*.1A,%tA11:&.",1=:! I s ovor and we aro PrO ", . C 0" LN C E` R' 6'N IN "" 1"" U, I RS * , �, -, Their values ' alw$Lys the best going. ,, tile public demands botter than ',V,Tj,*j=Vft "I "I'd MeM I Are. . I tively clon &hl 144.141011� -00 I We'eudeavor to give our patroi goods. I , red 'woutgt;,tb#k�� is &W4, 1 ever, ar, we hAvO post Lky;' 41, M, 11, I'V140111 t1i..".111111 ",.,,1,,V1 lwr I - "I'll , * snaps this week.,, out Allour oldstock and havar=IW4 ,tzr..., W 0 "" Ill.. xro. you like We are offering two extra0rilill-IrY I W I'l, 1*1%,U1.­411,YA "Ut ftatim't ' " 11k.u. 0 Ir HE FURS this store sells are good, good In any way . I ments, of our ,,, . . . 'Joe are just a I C ' * .. large consign . � . I asinship, ve xst. Vor best guar I t e4 :. . . I I .11.0�."fm,"Vij,.: "4T,.'ef"I ,� I I I , ' ty"ll I" ,t1,.1JX?#%!� , to take them, $tyle, quality, workri 11 I I ,, 'ar"IR-11j, t I right In every cAvo. Poor furs ot any kW find iio place�, In the bit � . . I ;A,t4hiW*s1 rAQurAg`7e1J =%= ,� . sea- 4e'�ROIYAL CANADIAN WRINGER. � , � i: Salkeld f*mllr Arovo oat to .. I Stockof styllsb orraents we have gathered together fdr this 0 'i * j � d.*,0,"Vj i I ognts selling. Every fur garment that leaVes this store carries � . Most durable wringer inade. ., , 4 rpr, la vut V 4 t 4 I I . V�,egular plice $3, .. ,e..='."'. 4!"Lj'�". 4" '. , . I I C 01 bwl 1 don*t!eAt.1,1,17 14""Ry"'oola X C. w1vic 'r - L' � . 1 . I)l , I jj ' r I with It our guarantee that It is thoroughly -dependable and Special PrJee $.1'00. . I .1. I 1 6 10, tod I I' Proento -4 - )", 1, I ,o refund Ibe luoney in . . p I . . , . ... I W-Mv hVIOV14"tir Ite!"WIVIA-20h it, 11 worthy,, It oftmise, Nve, itand prcparcd t - I . , . . , . . 111JO � rV4111 I . �, 11 11 .1. , I I . � Vc also offor a , . ,, �-. � . . � � 141", I I , I I 4i V. t, a'#�-", ""' W=11*11141r to � Overy . I . " W t'W I . � T/t 6 , vik r. ti�jl I 6 IN *0 *. AW41 firlol *W rZ I �hse. I I ind. N . . �., . I 1\100-Quallto Shoos � 06 Dr. willtoly'a, 1394000A Ili ,� I *be largest For stocks, in, this section, SNIDER- RIPL]Se-'�� ' ' . I � 0 , You will find here one of t. . . . S,X*jI(ik�Ajt%now"Ist#int,j# the . .. " have bmn particularly careful In our scleiitloas, every popul' and r t -Shion" . . I I N."T'l)"! we 4r a h ba -d to ,;Wotlbeitter . � . . 11* J"411=111n. 004srl I 'Complete:wi,t yoiiet, adjustp I . . . Z1h*VR1*1*yWW1A44 "a. ow ow.5'wh able i�tyla Is represented,, an# thereL I$ variety enough to suit olmost evvry taste; . � L ot,,, ' small . Sum ", of G.,00. - I I � wadist for liguoto. whin hilt 0 f , - f tile I I . 1 111441211112"M 0 , blv�rpti Avtlxrkl - , . Adt or ball, I - I line "' ­ .1 I '. . � These ihoes . are made � in the 4. 0 1 0 I hil it V I'll 1, P WAA. We will be, glad to have. you exavolne the. stock any titne, test any Vrme0t. I We have the extra"ammunitlibut, Also -a ful - � � In 'All sizes and Widths$ I"'Mom IL 0,,W,�,,,,�,.o,�w:,n,),.4,i��rl,�.!rilo'I ,,, � you wish, the workmanship, -the lint � of all kinds of $�6x y . %,, . latest N4, 'J� I .Ill jj4olt � ".v an lasts t . . t; 0 , �,,,.,,Ii In goy wa) nX, the trimming, the sewing- 1 tsin s Goods,. " , I . � . . I I fjvT "I %%3=1 111he elti-vils _utwe; look at tho. Inside as well as the outside. . M as,critical'.4 I � ' ' I � � xt renown for their .g, 0 Y.6u like, and -wt do not I 1-0 and I � _w, � I . � I . A 4,- 1 . have W00.9m r - W 101 � lit 00b I I - 4ratice and dur- . tv Nit, 3114p�'ll'SI)VI,9""Itl�l,ilit,"Ftigir old think You will have any,!ault -to find. , � . .; . � I , , .comfort h "4 141�4141 . � . lob ApIpe homa.1 . .. I 11 . �, . . � I . .. � I . .1, ­ .. � _4.".�, - loll - I ' 1. 60. _­ , '' 9 , - *� st ltyt � .. I 1. . . I well ' - , " abyll . I f I �, I I I - . '. . .. - ` Ho , I 11 . . I I I . . : . . � owr6ibno WAIRup".4hil, . JOWIAX . . . � I McRejule ..& I . . I . OUF Stain &6 Gor*t. . -00r! ,Q R1,69"', 6,01,41 . . I . � . I . avOol" wom lat it, . e A I ., , I "th .urloultural . I . . . I � � . 'Your 11WOWtion 0011,01tedo . . 'U11141"k, and, iin be b04 00 pliquIrinst , L C4j _ Of - penin - . 1, 1. I � . I I . � C nt to "and* � .. 1� .1 I . �, � , A , pg$h .sular . eme I I I . . . r . I . � tw r0#1- -Oor Marmot Law. ' , - . --lot.fMas R10to dol"t I I 1111411 "Ill., _ , , . I . . I �1'01'!'gl . ! =t====�_ �` . . � . � . I 0"j. dow at 9 00000 VQt1 � ! 4' . . L . . ... . . � I .. I . �. I. . � I denct, Ircuilpalil 14; One bilabrl, , I I . I . , '' �.,, ­ I I I . . I . . . .. I . � I . � bet Iskrize relli, ,one X111:111ty Weettic �S�Al,''Wlth blue 16 . j . � 2ft 10106 . I ;,v 1*13004 anar 00100, tWo 101rit or feniti, J�lj* Coney 04pel:lne, tblvitly formil, ehvio'nr ghtitte, h*h 04nev tl.Ali"111%.� gonev j d . bilsbal'stimll, Peal storin c0flari 140(y lueroertited 1111111jr. 4 --linin, kf`11*0111 sillklirpuld'eoll4r. a large, Wally I � . . I I . one, vroX ,liuttor, ona limitetj two, fi*t01e1Fe1t0.j1 -1*4�-414-k -4-1 . 1 $5.00. to, 8 Very Inodbu I silty 1481.111014 ........ ..... I 4 11 I . I I I . Blooki I . I " � � % X.- M_ V- 'r.K., , * , One ­�.....,.*....­� - I .. � . � I . M, I . � Aft � Aft I", ^ r � 00 firtril , $ ,00 �,. B. Smith ' ' , 10 -0004 S 0KITA"S .'or 4" 1. '*45T* . , . I . oltro"o, 001116 dow Bhtok AWA1011*0 vitpel-Ille, "Von eut]4 R 0-jav, for. extIA, till . - I � . . % 4 It tiallititilt , . I � _� � �1� j � .. 1. I . 5 1 . I If . . �, w0potkuld 0114 91011, .or P4 , -10, -1110, t-t�ljat t thle'k And levelp , - ­ "#4______-A-., --.A ----------., � 11 . owl quality, will e. WKII storin Collar, c,oll . lea gleeti 4QAl okro%j AMA jpdg� it I . . - I � � . ,� . L.. I I g i , 0000 "IN h f0a in. I � � -well lobapk . 14110:11 . ()Ilttl�i#tl)le�OIALrg*t,l,iilt4,,f;XIA("V�,o�ilk�lineth,l)lle ­ . � . I... .1 � I � % z .�Soje A _nt for,, 4XIn, �040ty Sh W lowil froutt exlr,��Jlpeclgl . I go , ., . I 1.11RO.-On untiday tile follow L ViLttit,,ettch.",..*..$.�0-1-t, �4­'­.­*%.­... $6400 (41boultutotVII41 RXrA0e1lI,%%y4Vb01V ....... $17-00 . . I I � . �� - ... I .1 I i , 13QW1 * I . . . I . poh�11111 W%� I I .11 % . I I � . � � � � . 1. I I All I tot � I . . . � ,. , ,� . . r I I gA!040 & �tbe pipe 4"Atch 'Were Blittikoppaboln CAllerill'AR,01-i"Itar Ill-ohape, high' StOrin inatioloo Okporhl"., the "loitt 144ohlouAbl^ g,bap 1. . 0 I I � 1. . � .. =01 mat the i 0#4112. . I , , 114% spollihitlAdwilln pf Golittililia tUble no, . " nud � -E-1 U. J 11 . . .. ... I .-,.-,- � , . , .. .0 1"ing %, I , gollar,thicklyltirretij ft,4t:Vj11Wfi 4, "I"I'v""'I'l . 4, Niel-tria Sent. SEA'Sun.ABL - � 1i [ X . . � � �/ . ­ . I � . I . � I I optailr2o"", - . it,t �e#Wh - "t i ..... �i**%­:1..._,_-! $9.00, Bleetrio SoM siod Abtsko� %blp. P011dKo Ltoist) and _. . rL I . 1. � _r .41 " ..- I . ��_ m � " . � , ft*o, UoYA94 Willi! W ftj�ul$, 100111 Dr. 11011000 ' __ I I . 4 � nkso Suit cases, And rogopo Aou.-.m I HitrA Rood tinalitr 81MOV U0411 vapoi-60. bigh 40VIn Akid �Alaskit 841410 . .. ..,. " -I .... $25-001t6 $4S.00 . . ... . . � I � I I 11 , Tra � 'D I � I '00114r, lillift frant, 41arg" 111phy k�iljltt tallu, e,,�. I � . I - ,- We,& -twt 11__.�_ S_1,0,rAtg�� aStAj_'_' ,-. - . ­ - _____ .1 I I 11 � � I . ­;�-M-4WI _.­� ­=­­­_­,_ �­_ � . -, I �'Dixr- Bargain. . # RUdIrMal NOUTD006 � 1, I - A - - I Alt;_W, all I � .1 . ­� I I Amer lGilfs--il pollolar shapes ill- I h � I � ' Club OaP.,- � , , - , . .1 ,:, Aot U001m, *a" 6041 , oatip litim, Ont -i'. %,.,� , , 1. " �, t _j .. ....... - ,I . 1 r tjld 1&,A*fg._"Ij the, pevV, ap�cl I ' . . - � � � I I � . , Twup ROVXR . " a I'Alp 0111i 111010lea wit , .0 I ii'llile, Fox, und Alnghm 111thle. 0. SIN , , � , you Unde�prlces no* when I � I, 11 �, r I . 1. --- .."! gl,:, . I 1. - . . . I 1. L f 0%. 94.0alf flaudscme, Capovirle , 1�( k . A -tit I Ircalt, 0 � g1lowullf. .011141 , � asonv but give . I . . I I I.,. - wm, IA44 , wort from .0 P00081111), 111sth, stotni colint., 11111jr. t V. . I � . . ! !!!! ! �' I V . � ,a Wee Awlectiod k1k I I vat.h.. � - _$ "t . -the, goods. . - ... iP�� _�.,� 11. , � ,3.00 to $t6.5o, 7 ., . (jordou Handomu'votatned from 4W 000rd '.. vot"01109001) . . , una I il% i4i,tin litted-14-i-i..�". .V- .;t .... I .. . , I I - I I largo ta $12,4 . 00. I � � , I I I . Y9 . u wa � . L � � . V, P"11014161 'Wokilr4ol , �.'W)A, , , . . I � .. . - . �". . . I I I . . . � . I , I ' , I - I � THE BROYMP1. frivouVrAq. I . , . � )PINAt 4AUP I ty of Xig�-Clags * Vur ts� -we are showing. , . . . . . X%q Davla of oggi:94�.w4o a 0o4otIcW-Y1xI- 'mt I I The �eL aXe =at VarI4 r , � � - 14 Lp---"-WWq.6- I I . I I I R40 I I " IVA a 001040 Woo from .r. Xorit S Ifluts only. of 'the 8 . I I . . 11. I ­ 1. I I .� I I . � . I . . I , I I . . I � I � . I 1003049 00A lypiting 04 44 , ron, . I I t- It would tak,4 thWwhole page a f e � . . I -, Newness - Our . . I . . J. silli, of 900soli. . I T . . . MR00ATS. ; "' I I . � . . ' Tai ItOPO4-L.-M thO mile . . 1. .1 . I .er�-, , . . I I I I Millinery Opening is the sue- - �. . I r � I Ill � I174 I - : -11 1, Ilome 0011 week. I . . � -, '�� -_40- ._­'._. 1 - -S '04, " �; ­ .. _,t I . I . . � � . j144 simpoonot T4roiiiw, wow * '0040fich, lox or the � omighters ot tho Umpire �­ , , 'F I : *. - � � �' I ­ , I We havo a few, p i I ' We' h - ; V I 1.� I& I , . . I . � � - . . erves. ave . I , I V ,top thlo'woo * I I More � . i _pec als in ces,$ it &es a. . . A : U1,184 61!o 0 t1b . 0 , ft j# " #110iteog frjr�ws , at Xondwir n(toppoot" It '%VAS . . . in U614 pti 1* . . I . ' ' I 11 L.;�� 'I ! . I . ., �. 1:10woltood vloltilly, I .�. Purlacketso' . I . .. . . . About Alantlos, : ' ' ,, Overco.ats aaa Tjlsfers.t variety w that every taste cau - . I I . I . t6UA4.IthAbAj)0AW1�UAt6 proalleed on .. I . I I j . ,. I . Men s � . . � I �;n Irvijay tog,TOMAW Itt jbh�7114 ' � .� I I . . � � f3wWartlAnololl , # pX, lyka pillivttitiied it)&- . or. -still., at - I :, I I I . . Who , .. I �� pur, jacket *e�selj is 111mat.from:dboice selected , � be sui,ted� and"Vatt, , - , � I . . , . . L. attenil the UnIVOMIty, . to vw#to J& t6wilog A W NOthing'OvIerl 01.0. . uVex I Tho' up.Nv Mantles are � Beaver Overcoat, Ily 14 . ..evomiike to pay'. If , I I , . . *of 1101t, loft Ttlob"I ge I 1.4 I I I . ftolati the pri . . L With; wit 01" jt4 $v l6t, tile I I ,Q I , y -growin in favor, th4e . - * I I I I .41144. , I ' ' 1* . . - jjjfld0j01U# A thO UA1l,Vdr1Att$'. ' I X A tokol or s to our order) �y the most,reliable fur hou§es, in Va I I . . yAIr,eZv,jn,j*qijalj4 potie .1 . I I -well made and you *have not seen our ue,tv I I , , , . I � I t1jo, I3, slov. iaold has routrood from A Ion$ ladi"1104 4, , iq�, 4iiii � f� ­ __ P g's�, and,, style velvet '00IIAr, - . , I � 11 ', I , , �� ) V01040 W041A Oft ppm- 9 , 0 qt . ily,potir g.1pnenta t I , V , j 4*0 N a distractiveiie . . � stock . we will be pleased ta. I � k I I I Vifill, to Morn ugoo4p. .., - , - to Collett It . � u . . - . � . � of Wit'llhom, Woo Ing*-Intepliltintilop, 00 4MI)ltitl 1114Y I oin ): frout tiffl@ Atom e m 1`10 9111-Y - abeut t1itill that cohlaien , od. jiu I . � jdafiter vietor Nv,%t000 ii i I [ 4 "Till 111014 -30 010 di go inkg� af� - - - -'- - $ 5.00 ' I I . I . I � 1. . I , .. visitior 1114OW4 tilt$ WQ, , be bogall 11111VO 040Y OPOOK Of 1009- !a e _ . t � 1, 'L . � . I ­ I have you call. , - , . - . ' I .V4 , - . 1. I I - to stylish dresseri. The' I ' ' I � � . I .. I I 11, ­ . � I .. ,, I � mt. Krid sit*, '011ar-loo 1;00 wet* N't-ArAid, . : ... T, . 'ry Way� " . � the,= y ' cgli vwltora Alto PoAt wtokk . I , I I . . I . those 'L . Meti�ls pUro W601 Ulsters- - I I $ , �� , �� . I -11AT,xZ,.,:A0Cx1)SrtT,_Qn V � doeqUy, T'401nitAotro J14 try. ilnii qvittlily Block pXe, So , iffertut ii�6 , .- ­ I , ". -F _W ' est' . If - - vigno ,tr o toturno4.UoMxt#&x46%0;e 440katwk :.1114A Ailtr�ohxn z4akeis, % .;a, . . I I I at . . rVe V.0111 0110, , MOO I tile] , " , -, � UP, ,6 have the new - - .S r . . 'ice oil I, t0ou v -frotil 911oloo oRint., . AKtV* , g ollp I � � . � I a llmaultob#, .*. I wor"WX4. $Ad 4114,A441 Repid . 4114n jultelst shown, the. past few - �seasonsj double front, Atorm ,Collars, all, . I . 4 . 'lift $vsy*4 ally Thom. tiob Wokq b6st skins, evonly Match- � . '. I �Caperilve� - and we. know the . . ft"IfIrall, X1.0%on AtTtl(,�t, I V In 0040124 tp,. whtyll mode from A�04 skinA, 00 0*11190 10 w0100i li,04y IR I . I � I Nin ori tiron. oy, I qullw eii, bright )and uloosy. and colue, .as tL welconie change do,Ible � I I it rie Il .., to ewn �e ==,. the lower than yon ttM I .1 � . 11. to v Iliott, son of 04001, RLIllott, ex. . gtotranteed to Wear, Arab- oven curl. U#Avy -97 -roewto .. . I kind prices ure . . . I Urs,st atrich to Our .her 44,001461, . I smin,1111104 44 *nit Very howdooffils gilt Tmely short- and � , �s . . . - !, e I oeve ot. the tow"ObIpt WAR ,1"%� 1lUt4W'­ "'..020 1 - - R, to"11k.11do. 0. I Inlitantly " hA% olli. W,uji,r well, aTo.od froul tl* ext , . -VM4. J. A. VIRAU-4 I .1 I illah" hing, 111116 storm t a, wheA thi sew= - 'Are You Interested , Id"01:0 101ft, on kiMurdAt 04'4: Ow k1114, A41lotlith thA V -940t - vircown- I Collar and revervo .$38 Ilo, inoes, :n000 .... $40 tight�fittixl Coat yAii0h has so yon '981-a to. pay $1Q,00 for, ?ften, qllarge , I . � _. . . � I I . . � . . I � . W04 yto , jitan6eq will nevar,I)e knovyn�. It la ger' - . r I . � I � - . I , I I . - *-- -,----n1 long lield rst: place in puVic our pmice' 41ow %,. -, 4 4 * - . , .. .1 . I ? .M, " viinoffilo. tixio degetwed i " , �, I ,-...., M­­­#,�.,.� . 1. � t 11 �_$6;7­' - Styliih Capem."es, storpt. _,,.",,."""",*_,,,,,,., , sls�over' " �,� in , , - . , � . .CAMERAS - V44 t4kmg� load. qf 1, . I . i � .. . - I 11, I., I ; I . . . I 111r, . . . � . � L' X.;,*"it, Wo4m. barp011e4APPUIP '(Ito Clint011- And 'At 'tat Orders,- L I I . �� I fav'or. The best styles -of t1te tMftW.1N1 OF ; 004 , ­ , opp"MF*_Pf" cclla�.r and taih -40 U18111 OUTWO406oilay F $3.00, without . . . � I . It so. 40joe In and lak r 4 tile wil fioAr -Wrlifoon'a tzortier, one of Spec - - 4i i I V. 14 leading Canadian and GeMa4 - I I I . . . . .. i .." I - . 100140=149twor W09 -ft". ths. Writ broke mid the t,Ojtnl tot bding ­­ I or, gir-, *' 'A I Boys' Rtefers or Pea j�ckit!§ . tails $:z.1031 and, we have them, � I � . ., . � � ' - r *h0W,j6;k#ohl#j# 6, 0 6 , x1olkit6y W4.qr,ti��prtr. Is . * ture hive a A4 . , Y, of ,A A$ . Vil-git'll-l's,�lhllq!Aloso#l)oyo.t3t. NWW ttint rollfible rall wwav, alid ill r1uhninx ay,particular.attentioli to special orders f Inanufat ��, ti- . '00 yoo okohni cAlliot not , ,ko�. -, 0,14 40c, v Wep I - � . 0� - 1:4 L . 11 ' I up 0 � 17 op, and all price$�., � - Z., _ -4 furs. will I .Spto .5 .11 , pop. %. throv ntsftl oft .the vagon, I � 0AU9,04ts '�-jm vIliety elt)M tho 'whecl4­"tl1'-0ve,0jlllt Inents of aity-kin(T., Ou be fouxta this ck. --C* � : ,,, - I - �. I 11 -�-�Uuowxm -)"%*"%#vWX4"0 U)"It from .-4 tow I I r. prices for goi5 $to ,Mt.ja -?t1j tbu,,,� 'all prices from $� $4 0 jb�t,weeju � . , " - , aayo6vjAt0to.t.4# , � a . is. Algorlomw xnd','W*0;`s, ot�, he W44 ttsbv tne, 1411iog litu'rels. . upply any _ OLU4 sw-Ae il�v styles. , You , . . 1, �. � - . . I Alitxlil(ittlt" Yalls. - ' '110 I, easouable. . We can s � kind of fur garnient . . .. I ""M . _ . . � � � - I . Ulso ftrgh Vorrison. at lirlianati, Tt"(1. for. e on short notice,. aua guarantee , *4 til , . . . . I Vill* It SO 14 toy, bulif W,Ail4e Vyllpfi pkpVedQAiIl. I)t,, very, r � I osoello fAs voolvxomitsiYo 0040M, _ .1 I. i * I * V1414" it sbaw. (it 0110toll, was''NsAid, P6,11RIld §4001AW:41 W. .4 .as walcoul0o, look'as . -l"Ods In vV94ttleldfor 610W 40yo We zw. i th- a t, i i U I ,I 4 "; - - ., � . , . " 1. .� '' � * . . I C,otnor In tua I0 dw ilia* YOK11400146- #"4V**,- I butthoyoun t0ap 'had P. -k5400 4* 1 � '. " . . . * I -big lot'.ta clear at : . - , . . yp -The Animals , .. L �. I . I i� buy, , � JACKETS we, have a. I 4�01it ., I I I . AU00 xthol 3? to IsIttblo Week f6r MUM- $eteasva wito driving are ovory 00%, ; . ...,...,..'_"'.��__ ,&% ... 4'k - . ��&, W', 14 , I I 7 . I I 9 oNorlikal C911090 WO 111411r. Injuipild and-4:11ey 1. . I haH of regular piic .,- One li ,of heav P : . I . 1o*%btq#Vkdk$o4#WI . - ­. � . . . . I . A 11 Witten , 1. .1 teltmed to bo -tit" 414t41141A .11,011) t,y)# 111A%,'V*4'~. .1, . . 4"O.-,-0. . . I es ne "i� Utklt- were fonall silt I . . . . . . - , . ' . Mrs. �v � , .. . � . r,,,,Ttrjrr AtIA tmvo � ! � . 6% I � I , 4 Ploto 11AL on M1469 . grey, with lavp Wttons, st6rixt or. �cbat collart, d6uble . �T'ojo toi lAtfitirldlis. * 4jo,00rs ths.r I . . -rant' . . - � �. . . : , . . I ' F" Mir .00WHAMI, 11W , WR a Aturet"lilo. lowlettWe0itbtATT, *�0140nt on dltt'- � , . Camelsooftir ­-� . . . . I - I . . , I , I , . A Spe a in . . I breastqd' 4U4 mecerised lin! * were 0 I _0AV*0MT*_ I it%$ 161#100 Works. woo In , . %V Ci I , . 119s), .25, for -' $4-00 jW*&AjpWo"#' ruotriteoul X4114a)r4 avA ot TA00491 16..,T a RroftkDl�tll feir ill . . . . I I . I . . I . ., nd� . I "Pt � VAix , I I - (A Tams. '. .1 �, I I I 1 . 11 . . I �� UC441%y Ana Vedbesd*F next, I r 1. ­�__-.Z i . . I i � . ,oftr, of WOA stro" 44A Squa rt,"Cloattlah A0;W4A1A0i0*ASoUj I I I .6 .. * � Black Frieze, - . I I OUT OP STYLE­Idr.�'Ahdrews- had a Idt of I out of . I � � I . I I -.1 -A Y � , i - . ! , 'a 11obt, ill I ?�,WAA lit town 00 Wba- , lid.Pthl Tile 3itcotors ate . mels -Hair Tam "o- I not -tost - we are � �0­ oR ! I � 11 It 4) ION ke ihow. Illia i4tid-showtox, il 11 r I �-_ I ) I ey a . is a I I - Oiiog k, I gig ,O ,their time and . , ,this webk"s . Black VrIeze for, qAitA oT. Alrtst . 54 :style j4ckets. Th did r us =uch and # , e 1;$0bje,rjCb Z Mr. - ­ ­ - R *to , I . Shanters, upe. among - . Y. � 4 of WON"non. � . ey, � 4d ycm!o. JAji ptqvilses to 7 Ualities, ,"ine�jjeawl e , , * , j;Vjj14j do�!t n - ey dia ' . to ele4r them. They , uion" - ot re willing to lose on what th �ost ,, we VW Atth WAM (31. x4adits,V401111 arrwals.' . t..4p qfy _11l . , t'at.. They ore good q .- ' _ ..h_ 3, .. . . on 610 0 g 01 I sallpso4n7yr 1oUj&MkIrbeI4WAh0:0!y1b e, in big.gk -1 Vrowri pire 1101M, !R gullx� were pricect up to fxo.00. You =d . TpAW*0#0 VAU 11 - A; 610 . ..I rxayy�j oree; , I .. 0 vfaue $1 � `want one �to save your. *'*� � 1* 1, 11wr U001* of tho a0dortab 21svittor, (air looloy, - Arpsagemopts 14ya 4een . _ . gy =014 ., I * y 100,1. - A --Tr"#It�CIO,v'W$*10-*kftttk�104*0$k m*46 wAb 4 i* Orp P& Tf it r It � to - I I lInd fin C , kbgnw� �114 11. ............. �­ .... 4,4 4� . . WIDAY.1;R-4, t . . . An A WAP , I . ,. I I I 1. 'UP4041 price I . ,-I 1�1111 1,11'r � othq, t� w-ftr ar=4, - thf.- �YarA or barn or, you way want - - - - - PIT . 010e�067 __ ­ I re I oil 83 c -I. . ., 3 _:=Z;.:;;�Z= - witiagaw corkow for Iblivrom , I . - - - _tz�­_,=____ sall 014AIS orsk.elieg fave tickets. for the I , I at. . I . ­ 1� 16 ­ , 11, .. ­ - ­ I -ad . - -poor - person a . W;A: n�rraws. Wili. Vtooman and from ally station WhIlitt W 50 cts.. a I to gl den -thi h4ait of s6ttie -An you ;C&U-40 - . ___ Ida tot AlAult, #A4. trillostif1mythionlyth fair. All tieksits - . . . W~�_1�10­ I I. I I 1� I .1 ftome wa, ZAO;r. rula lam touna it I viece. . 1 .. . ­ 111._____-___-__ . � I ot. 1%mor w," xvW. ow on vikilt9sr� WNIP1,011WINM And'O.P.R.Ksam9r, hie gwa from the, Afternoon pf uotollbr I - I.- A�V�^"� -0^11. _ I . . . I . I , . I. it for Fifty Cents. A go�d, strong 1,�ckett at about the - S&t � . I I . . . - .. .Xr,d t4ftdiiC f0thilkly Ot 010 lob to Oct. 101li-four days. A. speahAl I I . I . - I - . , 11 I j. x. sw wasto Walkodo on 804tilar, 4 �a, thtA tOWN. WAII r IsAve-131-11111 oil the lost night of � -004,614 -op"00 I I - - ­­ I 410"%L price -of tho bu#ons .�..,.,...�.A.0,�,00;0***4*:....r4b#..***.,.. 1860.., . . . . I I The airrottobit 01 ments made firorn 11. f V, a-%_- It 11=1tv I . . I . � . Ik..W00A#.otaqU)A.w"l*I;0w%4Udft 'j;�6yWPAtook" ttont lite trip tu sfil�toolie�fotlbtiitopping&tZondot a _010- �_ - ,�!Wl w . _004took. vor I tierns I 1 " , . . . � . . I . � i ,� . itigFO-Alawl ) ' ' "S R'NROS . 30MI0, to-NoMwt "Ai - 04ta, . 4. GdVkItf0r&f6W=4*94 train wit ,� I r BmWiskroMwatAiC . 6411 I I .110 it. At Clinton coon - telloo ro 0 DGE - � I- � 11 - I I . � " : . . ,V , 0= . I .� . w"k, � N b aii 10 p. til., ilia *111 Gar , $11 rtb% Q%"* 0,itr o;e !w�#&* it Ariv Perfect rittl - . . I *0 will rdadest 10.97 p. to, with the I � � .. � ­____­L­­­!911g!--- . -, . I I. &_;�� - , ="` . �MWWOXC)":. 1 .. Mckms ausy Stoire,--No, 3 jOidaO Block. Zito " I tm�-? , , , � . , lot ktAin for allnesville glad clodedoll. .L I I 434-00301 - . . , , . . . I . wlvi, 11:11Z.. 1,,b4:1i1d ". I 1. .1 I �: I: Ift 1. W . . I ft��_g&_g_ ._ =!=Z!%:!_-_W=Z=%ft - �_ "t =: M . 114rowill keyoul stwelal attrattia"t I I- I . , - 1.11101 ... 11 � I ___1 . 1, - - ­,­ _­ - . . . I I , . 1� . . P libbal to -it t !! 1. . . . I this V*ar athong P"4111 _­­ 11. ! "oo o�;. , . I.. 1W." I �.. . M1.11441W , - _- I ' VioN for joiji4t; *ptogating 0250, cotloilt! If I" y1s*stingion,c��"irr. *via Mrs, low, MSV*Wb*A1 I . I .. �� .111let in the United 13tates A04 . I Inv at apt ,h Clark anti ftwily, of Lot Angel". %ic- . . . . , . You are Invited to Attend 6 a unter "Poio,fvu Gil *,:,Pace, aw, 1 4 , I � W . I tbto-minftis trokor a A, Ild 0 11401, tfiak tho British 'Powsilons, and thong ro % low it rolatlyet, �,eri..- V. p You warifto, kooW I � 'GK I -M , , , , . r lit oil" bo a, t r*o.ings, jcy(;ji I - e;j ".19 I . � Von aW�Y,of r 'kote,Fors, Drw 06odo, - I ' "I rr'.ka )It" 14; 'Wilson r4uinid or% - 11 , 11F a it "I"kit, , 1wara st thut's VOT h?^V " , 0 1 , A . , ate *to �1110110010*r go Ittubta. ahjl)idtktkxoiv*c-t)rl$oeiieieii*tI had 'to Im fack t I . OOAX � A*y dq ow I . I Ile retit,ed*llllot%tgl)tVt,,%.,Isill(!e With- r� Id&y romilitiltitloili to XtO. Wit 4 t I W � .. - , rn *iiinh joi nl,4*#,� with suoh, P, JaW 04hotion fA - 6400" its in Obtalay.- I I I xWW Uvi We Ah" _ _ . I ,. � A Row Av,xna FAjjt��-& tegmttdblo djjt0Wjng& dollar to those Ito eni, 1*0ftf Mr. Davi4 Girldrk wha we carq% L - .. "*WN.w01ftWW�im11AW Ili 11 . I ,Ili 6 W ,.. hogu� you us I=* to hil 11441*4 14 lonto, of dKo lia". mrat . . ", or attobdod tbo PAO AMMOKU I"I week.- . : � Aa%0vAAm)4t!i aroft,at tho fall, fair on lllov!d, to hotels, Printing OMC Min RHA Hall. WhO WO the Rutilit 4f hot 4 , keep Tour oys on . 0�, $a "A likk them .0"r, ­ . I 11 '-Biwa a good, deal any 000 eloo. Wit tirat all))eArAtice to friend, Nim J%Y 814wkit, lost '" .� , , �' - THM 00D=1033 .ATA'A bms a littger ou-cmat4oll ' � , , , . the (lilling hK11 of the -I. In* I � . , . "W11­*P,W#*"0V1A 1, .I Tu"Y. Which I*$ C Gbiierlch'wait lit lid 110rh#4 to her home itx ("linto" on tilt. ., - I I I tUsn any* otber lftviIpaper 1A th,* soetjoA ot , .. - � - - _ .- � " : of cominotit mia 00014 roctintinwats, 41)0 prosplit 01.1tisit, Rullange llofol - our wtodows. I mw� I , ty Or UWon . - ', , I Wit # � � . .. atom � fotot of *hIeh will be ventlUttd bi ih' , 4 jjhdr,hip"W t., -9 - O. V,in - - MUSH'JOAPPAS - Z, an f# qt&p, jjn Itt 4&y, Ps 0413(t wbgl 'is* bft'P __ I IL - 1. _. _:t��.90.= � - ; L , __ ___ ­ __.. I -­ - _ - � __ ­­.­ ­_ ­­.- �- _­­_._,. I - -1. -._-_.___.____- Z4 bU* UvA . - W90to 46 statt'a at.tvt� hAll fo�i t*h 6 94111 , * T.-Viob , . I . I . _ L .1 . f!lp, I , 11 t jitL t . rx, 4 -Van. 1410'. ferr . 1-: - -, - 401 -111 I Ef iltvi I #A�'aak, iimiu#a ft . rolke Court'tomilria,w. As I t4ats 60 rid% V . . I . dooi. Tliose will* d'VTN &I - hVik, *W/ , 1, -, . !RN ­ I W . . 1. M. 04poit, With fu , ' tnottings of the directorsi n si a , i'aiM, atioll, 19 OPe - I I . . -1 .'­A,11,� Im . :.611..!.&..�� . -Wirtolsia odlow sbad -a mtk the ftot§ are: %verb appreal6t*4 to a "ter e*tent , T turnAl"i. of God, �nd . - . I - . I I I . I its"y va.� Inj L I** d1hyll Alt bit home hore.-Mr. I . frout ........ � $16.00, $10,00, 494.00 - � fefA StIR.- 06kiO$ 4kid consis,ble uwatlu Who. w" guarding t1jan in th,, pewnt-i4w. x-, ntirgo.ft pide- I . " � I a � U00s " ()ap" in ttwqp, c, I . . blu,k, toelted And t14 (#W at tilt north tadi"w okbout S. iS widle(CLho 111oh 1 40%� V YOVA � . nZos �tqjca around' W chox (liArter %ad slawn of tan " � . isroak I Ilomptitch"d alfoe� - 1 g ),Q��t 20, or 3o eUin,bing prVjft#nt t,atitt Hittite, which was Aned ' 14,3161ithi., - - I - 0 r%k rislsodAkthe'.Ilomi at.wot. BRU Naw I d K I fatu asta r*&, � fnuw, I at, V^ 4 crowR 0 bill imedo. how he and John - TOW , ,y of this w4k. � . - wito V 0 A bviv� torit W 11 solue ... - U , I 1.1 ki tiatotoa v4h tot soA oft, lined. I'll V I 6iiiiii Ifiall.40aft. , ftIllilm wera W welt acquainted halt �cIrtly�i.-4soado'y was Ittill -pay In U Tv'r E"Y', G . I I *44, � It - - , -1 *.C, It-414to pq id hethaL 0le,t'A-X om"Wow with otir StuWAY A I work, ou * of thoin wer0:4 It �04* � *In t ory mto. at 3 ooL Thk ?,, 7 QXIAQ STORE. I ,. - 3xiift jlskyy� 6101k cops, With � eb N tauipy W WrIfIx t to *hilt t4 WAIrrI0441 110 014t9o4n6 or t44 v ry ap. w 11 4111 � sol �� at 0*4 Z -441 ,. 0 . I - 8. vxcl , , " 1;1�1 r, i1mill Uggs b4sk Tbibl)4% ta 04fir. soloist i no� i4ea toot bal'.'a0drolmingtorback, n I nor, Khd LM All �Our,oads Ana ends of SUMMER SjU0,9B mas& bil 01600a . I f 7 abk XtX&th n(AlfioA the if rA etors, Ion _ , , For 401id .TR I 411 11 Ld . thalmr0w to the I � � � . . dad*$ thet #A4.%..#.**o..A ........ .. *,##-t.*-.- 46-00 I . .. IDPhAt , Btltg#"* wetit IMYS in TOICUtN Ki I gondd io. , -, Z .I I ntxt W wcoks, no ni�ikr it wil go lose. monly, , .�,.* and I*Mldoot Martin, Dr. Clark, Wm, (loot . -he tr* for. 4 *A� . , , , �__�­­�. . - -1 ..� ­ - when tho Inttat Was lotsithing t " [ Itay.-Ur. 'Will .Wj00X 11afA , %utiordttta-*tCMW40N.i%OtitVlngti%ttit g%4K*"r*0%,t411 laaftkotvAfoo TIUST "60. --- ­�-__ - � ­­ 'Wityn(wk *lid othtft 4estat on the ArI4 an York, vttoet 60fit =40 at CA - � of Qarringe ilanitill a mIng roirl'"ti services; lit abolseot AMMIX-130 JUMS Uea*to in �',tbal,'&ty,, Whit, Mr. Knily Was ohn ovoolug 41 this woolt, The W I Mt THEY th* I .W.. ,14 _ ,., � � A* ounih Wert in Charge of thio apprenticed to titts ulaklog, (A. hl'rOON- w6 ra*oeing &V it Volo*k P In -this 14ty Vill It" tA* topt mit, 404 .1 . . , . Vitt of"" . - I . - , 0 UZZ"Atory 41LO . STSUVIIII00 apt" rAwn am bl*4 long The sitYlew this oNwo are IrWIY So6ttV, i�s the fair. Aniting the Us hike it *tindethil, illettlotT, Itild 'tit" asrAou-Thotiffloviiagill, 60' sfftktdlnlK * = 1. I it 060,kUt4aviAiloodrild IWO, =bitlio LY4 "it A , Rid A=9 *WWI OutUAWAW 0011 krrika"60am omitualtrit4sivalliKofter. V141114, out RU -1.0124T 7 etftd wo*Xr,� vividly wall tite""Alumm AviA -pla"s, #A 11ho, im -No. It � W. W.. .tot On I r- soc per pairi , 4 limsall"s for . 1i� woo I th ex of - I ' ' *'atilill", ills vialt to Goderich MAIM ,M"Y , I NoottIr ftr Soo "d ows. . I of twa *4 viila Wsoy, nt*ta Ak A er,andinthe WQ 040libe lttlg of 9. a to 40 ftir of Shom Your Choice to 4 ...*.�..o ......... 4 . . ........ $ I 10T.0 , VA I XXT and or same 4 . ,r,6 and declared witU'vAriouil =16 bile =on C4 14ptowlift t St. 1XV100". . 11 I I I rh . iorory way, u) Aha* . lee"" that nieknorl" of the PO4 4114 Was alike 'MIL: ", ft* ".4. 1AL6 . xylb Vol*W-Mornim Gltvift, L"116 Fisher. d r "toolraptirott". V14 i .141 In * y I A t1tumtd, ki" ht would Oot ploy tht aetonf"-qj�fit st pleltsing to the n1guy who w4 him so Lea , . on, . 60 pir of X"19le Do**Ou 0"rk Titis, &gol& Iluvy V640 cloth Cottit, thiftat. , as )qt hail to 7 xllwt, INIS .9yam, 0001 robliq MX10" - Mr- Binge" on im* 19,I4,joagg 4 gr. IV, Roa Tisylor, Tforbl; oo*00 , - %. r 41.0o Ana $1.26 muoi. aaw kqW. !a lawat dark Ivey Ott ""*O "O, all Not $I. to 40g., ilifs 44 ,decltred'vouldhUatu *11 44 hT111"elf -fr0w (Atnton te 8*04bom Artbar xlliou; 3r. IV, Hosts � , I 0,9&04001*,M� ALL Nsly Goom � I . ". � " bl,lok s4*4", with laimh _TdI _'­`­ _"��­­�'_ sb w **4 01110 �004U go 14 . - I 64 14 LVO 400ile Age ol jtyhlt Ada vot;lpq, thingit ready, *WtAbla for taf . I I . #Aa New Fa captIftes It Wh it. "' b I T,wk,now,'.VI;h 'hit rlopl*i difthVin" Ryoo. Ma4is ?,1ga-0004t for ,to, la at - ' th , U* In, 6 - - t � t1ft"_ tW 9 n � it * Owl I aliomy"gP avill. io i6or, oa-tiolon. Ther set to Work, and I y OOW, Uke mmi 000fortAblo *Ad it *` r 119 .AuPairin the 'Lot � Ig e r#fW4 IN puv 11% 4t1tA*y%Vqk iied �st I ' t)Wifint"10 tivio � ___ . , . . I 4%r" OoM ou tbo taxtkilt, #A $440 1 ut", " rur. WAN well M*U of � gh 1% hKA0 in t1ii, Uxgl* ivfn�llirtta:Kirk.Ads, OampWh tastefully ileconaw the chilkidil with I Wfttorn &%V#1 Wks like the $10 Mini. I -welted rAum girk; r. 111, Willie 01"ill. Nollia twit. IM46 cum and with �:Wge yAr. of,mou's Sho-"Uml " -sligbily ouj of not hk *Wfa,btl tb* gloquo 'Mak i1ii gaillana, Wbiab the loarty I . t Wit 410 hJLVAI No U41111100 Of jkor4, elgi, iAt ....... $LW baAd, af Xv 10"W. lift A oiftirwAir4l , thz style., Theft Wo put on our to ipar. #p(A tr 0" 14" #in *014t ROW X*Od W * " W Itallty � W. Rya4Wpill "1112 X44. %tyo raAnI.A.66moolivotblittho In. 'AaMrs at JUBT HALF PM011. If jou OAU rSOM #To W warm ifilk. TA. kind Itoopt "it d 1%'?An# torlorof tholmildinic lookodenchitnt- pt a fit. jou w A 1#06009 of t* 41w, 'Tr,4 'Ila !:OA* I I )a IN'S ULM= uArx0IN" toed IId44,U0&71ItWhr-d*4"ATA^I . ill hay* a tigrg,al'u, xj thlyars aood GoWs. I On= A"'T an4l #VAT Pt" tbu I tors woo U44 lotor ikrA VhWsclioa of the jWW of the $rUcirds WWI OW1144 tit* . . . )Wk V�Al I* 0 "nie�mbstv, ,qvAlt* Welt joutorplylolva, 4r. It , Illina, 01rVils. I,*. The vAitt ** Rooday. moming We bay& the 4Xellaty Prosi4tt " owtalwl wl*" lknIM&I, Xotitle oilro. oam X011wala. x4viroy h6wev'Or. P"t It &MW on the who)a , 4 W& of Jhj Iwo WA U144% of- fte shoos toodu in 0*4 ", bw4 vwk*,$2.60,$1 t-6 $4 we hay* treie _40W*;. � ,,/ CR*w 441M it the 4"Milix, the I (he eillendl, NII-Of�fpk(*. W10h $*Vet 04 gem bom t, a [ dje�n' the UnittA at&'tie, Vj:j': L " gq41#@#9#"4 .. A*d ft*" tHriot-Ows 10ft th"A�Aptqll hometno,da briwA, tatmaile h^mx,and ?#WQW, 11194 B*OUW'�% Piostl ltgtchla PtO Ir Bu " 11 1, I I NVId RIVIrAt ft-. If. withoia IWO", dvwO Though tb* snomlAir was I . --Oooeo.00000i000*@*O000 I X*tt "d atklug for Mr. 140dan , who hm such, Uke. Witt* IftVlAX V"t,el`day, o' "* r Zerr. With,* Nivins, Little eloudr, And it raln,&A, a Ult mih- - I . I I I I "I I ^ 'k V,4% charwe ,of ties drawl, sipin notillm uwnitrjitoft WIL4 fil it - :t. 94000d, W*tAttM met t" *fwitibilp. TIM I A I I a �S I 12119 tl*t I" �ft , I not eiottr, blit gotod to.r*tjt.S`rAj% that tho 0tide"th It) _=V,�-W11114 Wile" , � righterins . A I " 0 'a , _ tok la *%Prsatiln I - AVE up ywr Coupons -we Ri" YOU 1 . of 31141141ta, Braitat X611WILIV, Lwift- w#6th#rc1ftnh*tlP, and b r . ap ft .. to th* baisd tut twr oer,rtm *m1d bo day *fit not the Godoirwil of for file". Dwa%ril towaas ovetinw, the chatch WrA . U, b ageu�ly "4" �T'U.IIWZZ Mobil V I I � � Tkkati with mry.piurchue; it donot . voop* **a "id fiv as mt"d, 'with(Alt 'y0hro I%Pio. - The town. b* im to - 1?#1tk 11, XA%ra x6rft4ro, over.ero*dej. 00 oluth to, tut sn*hy I I I walk V r . _ eskod fto L and usoot diligbUval he D%ig"W I . . ---_-_­­-- .1 .1 . qm"- th6 wettloot , I I I , I � . I � I , '0"" * ws 'jl' * - __ �, !I , , , I , , , , , , I , , � i � : . i ; � , � � �, I ' ;L 4 1 ;L I � 116 .A$ .LF#*Vl I I , , PH 0 S Z --- L�_ , W I � 1i , 'I. I , I. I I , � . I �1 1h I I " I I 14"A ,,, . It^ i?"41 , I r1w,11111 �1.1 4."I" 104 4 7. 4du M" tom to ruv, " ", j H so of t4s, � I �; I 'I M I %, , , " I oj I � VId1K I toutil '01�e. , � U*40 1� , 40 * ! . woo � I .1 I I I i�' I. -1, I I ,ay", VkAu yfft1wl PlLtt 1. rkmt§�211%0. CM14 *�t no ,**so Into the �1 t*k* IwLr to get one 01, tho" Handsonit toti. 0,111441011, I FOR MEN. I I I t&oW. W WM *Pt n0i* PrMptly hK1Vt1`0t VIA 11 vatit'. lKors"* 14k, C6# rhe AW*%. - __ a the ril.es'"" . I - L __ I twr*A altowt. Am *KV0,k* *Kk up town. Aft not aware of our many Z V= _� I Irs"x A. Rr*tqto. _ - - " " Xiso T. Sen n. of , I I I I 1, � - CHAIRS MEE. - It IS our C"11 basis th'At Xr. 1% Wei jitoo*M00 w" 44004 40 % �tfw"K# it "aing with no q ttio P"400" at 11 . . _ ,kwy f4% A,- **It ",Kq*k. who *KOK a, lift"fa 4*10 onxWea us to do It. NO BAD DEBTSI =aii Will, " on w0doopuy-W 111119111111, WMI knnlv of Mt, , Ulcw.# . _4n"04 ar" W at NiWI*%" at at clooe I FOR WOMEN big DoW,4 SIMON DRUSSIX0, &. vtitk tlw oM of Mr. H. r. X00s" at the vo"d tmiIftG;; - 4*4 tulm"V I of tile #""iog *mrvt(,*, to the dtli lit 1 . O'. I . PiOAO, $44 I*Xt %l1(*AI#,% tiot 11404 411- 811P�41 1111#1110 tAtOTO b*A ow*d 1. �, 0, of eirs"botty. Out i4ciowboav 5*4 � 01 � 1 , i rj-, . . _­­ I- _ of the , -61 r, I p I i 0 1 No 000 ____­­ k*Xtd tlw $okf,wtk bond as thetir oulf I 04 the, orkitt jg#UIV4 and I . -V " . - vuls"ll". , hm tthm* well, hisd tue: 41411404w,�j M '� .V 1. � 3y6U4.,?!4M1eUU% alt"Utivo to kt#p IsIth*ith the PUblit h4mIthlett town in 0"A40 . Ali"d $xM 1 _. a As M A.ILDS1 I I � L L I I MWA FAR dwittif tb* atkorno6ft alid *t the w"ning ­tl­ _ftw �__ - exurom-l"Wit, 3. x"nfay, of An. 1C&r*&-T66&"ft)"*V*W4AU* It 11% ,-rmw ft1%ttx"W � 1, � (jVW00aU .... y0% 00 h"y j*11 44#ZK Itibub cc*,*: At *wootliq m"flng tho lWo i- 1;5 I burn, rer""Wlbed In tb0 XOtHORM � I I I d"ot sia V11 slet hattractod 1yort Albert;. , ghtrull I" 1**t OWWUT Morning slid: � 'he oftottrA ptoosh FloAttels, will � $W The ob rrob wao -qj$WjT do-' . " I )AAA* J�y tlW t t". *11=a I I - , - , 40 fjV *IAW", 141%. ISXWIVAt. -,7*& X00ML*64 )*ft *V*W . I I I Iw*, wisko,m lit *o 4i up ilks, A.* *k,rap uou, wsa x0fto *" for 1004;aq 04 16* Atondav for l4goolit".-Iff. T. P*Ilow oprm ItiLk Tit Wa. 4444W 1 "'.; L. I I WA40" rbaAft of n0=1 =1 W -It IV44 V01I far Wtv"A t#;. -A#*. U. . tjW,tAW M" *I tx*ty to tt* rmk* of the y aw i4hol 1116 I thoAks00ar I � � , XT oy RAW wowt, M* *A 04^ Ot"Tw1w Of tho Afrkuht1*1 "d Atis TOMISOMI lrlx._ saw AW . GIOW46 "& . � I I - � 01 la" w"k., k*s DA PWV4 *Mb. HU114AT, 11 ... 17 **-W, RAK I;: Pon"o, io 4600 fto=. (ot Drell, Att. TUIR 4044 will 0000 UP W%0tx*w, kit* wait in n1*1 14*600 go" eb . 11 � 0 e"o V coo 1� *a ft **W &hmllv kft 10A. ­ O'" Vi OMUJ*r* ft" ��Yjit _XMLG#oM* I) � . ,.# "4 "A U.y &A, Vft#tW VW lft*% tp"W = It ft coly for to ttw I*t br,w;j, 14 WiLsh 00I*w,W^, m p*seb",k%.-Um TAkft"m has to. , ­ . 0 "; �, I , ea 6" tot Per YMA .................. -111.1-114 tlo* a,gr= b6" te' *4%* tlAt FIMAY 1*84,-W NAW40M losirft b*rA0dh�WIX9b*WA.*h#r* *he has . -1, I , I I -Dot"M " I , � , i 0, 0wy ery In mo way roo"Able tor Ow welt *ook f,ot.Mookoka tow tk* wriltow. h#ft vwu I � I 11 , Van PAZ" 1 -4�­­ - - , 7.--_--# 0% h#r 4a4Kkt#r. , 11 I I I f I . i 14.11 suito. it *".�­ =pk&*ftt*w,,U, tWr 10"t, they )10 #4talb* =rA hVell"ft X4?frv*A 4000 movatAtsk loovio i 1. . � � , .td .,� hol** *rWA*, 'k r"" *d rob I*. k Sptat'l, Uent'S say, 0j *tA i1ofm tbwm of the it * , I � I - I .4b*A W#rt.-Um j. Sm Me kla t t N*ft Toy We" 'I', , I This vv.t tr�", M&A in Ibis VS64.0 fw 0000 UwAwwkwlegiwit wilb � I .. 11 04 , Div,. .*,. - wlw�,w to. to eod*rwk 2 =�X- 1*4 , U011# 0004 rAftvw 14 6 ; . sere Paists Lay -Down White Ulur, new (Vxv. Aortelo". -A, ys" krjm nion- -_ tl�# A, "I 11;, y DO'N'bas ( �, ,. ,I ., . a0fle 0?WWWAW of 040t*k ritmas wato Mtjrh44 T, V � 7 - vwtlow bk sloil[wr. 1ra. . , __ I � =D10 = , V=* " ft, 44 t ,.�,� &,oing atfour for:20c. 4ft A t-1146 late W,�w heaft'k.-4 . - - I aw pift jacuou shxps� to **k tho ow rMor" of M1VWtr#Uj, prooWirea W4 go took*" Wk,ft r� L - !?, oil : PA*d i.we . f, t, � . W04' th"k"Wsr o - r C 7 t itthao "= ofttr "A ** "go ]a �t " 24,t ff (ION *09*0A. ft, TUOW*r " jt�j ft *&* its. , L=20=1 0 k �j .k*4, L A - I I I *0&iligy. Ties silsioOr r"",*PJA 0WI #L. *'" L I � � - I t � r . -, � I 0091 ThMay SO , lobsoa& tk# 0111Ak W A klltdill�r r'scalgil. Isky rf -ft. -.00w 11 L Ule I" , . I I U .:5 W" ,-- *A" . 9" i4 Mr. llviTeft* pumbow'. ~it aq #AA- %% a" 1* .1 'j ' �, 1, ^�,,: �= P0j.L0Wfl4G DAM 60whoo. Saba roftamod ft"y *4 C" I 9114). Ora , A= of tut VUUW%-.A I ,� �P. . I , i , , . '2E;* I * .� I, "I z A_ L .. - - - ­LNNN.NwWA��_ w - - I - *K. *6000. at 111ky. jjes41L_jU jbtisio* ve itt, ftr M *k#A*d t,a , . . ___ � Ift 1. � , -# �-,. 1�­TA-___ - = bew* Iag t" NUO& *10014 *,W vostiloog ** *" O" Aaft ="* = It i�=, A , I � 1. . ,a ,S.:5�� I � L" , a , W to Vkow ft ba 4&K **"� "P % -ATW A"asd I :1r" , , 1,,,�"A.l I �, - !r ps=ax " sit'? � � lie It . a" um 066t. k- . I .1. " 1, . . ­ � . , " T4 1 a I 1,41 7 :"= I I'll tav; - ��: wil a." L aeuvo " 101, t%& "tLftv I . I I NW: �44 1 j r"!'�w 01 ----- ---_ - . I t ;r%�� a lialsec"Itom , a awr � � 11s, 0 %O I'M, * curt " , � .9 L W" , I r. _ V ho A&Y" *#Wr `Jw, 11 I - .� 0 !N� 'r L � � I . I I ��� �, , ,.*..", "' L' ' . .. ,_;-,, I . � . I . . I # I I I � , . , I , ' '.r " I I ' . I I �, .,� L I I , �&,�,i , .,.,.-- ,��&v& �,, , �­, .:�.o 0,4&,A_,.,���, � 1. � i .,"A , .�V,A4A? _, , , .L, i�,,* ,8i� -.A,. "*�x_�a �, ��. '4�.,.&,,� , , ka tiL,-"frlvdt:tug�tuai%yt*bt"*Ut l!�,;= or"It'Or W" in ft* vilk- a, 00004o of "rto UA *"it Zlig, h"d*._Tf* *Ports ut h"tifts t" book sbsoai 6KV1 for potrtrli4pq , aktioctaxii looii loinay tAvt 10 b , ft Imthh'a me saw to 4 -mit 1b, i ;trlvl 6W 4 = jis**�"- - it 40ow 4% I;R**M* *"= thv 004.4 'j�� � too" lwv* . sk X"4t i 1�61! ,miodke, *to *M*k#e� Re we" job oft #Mw ootowk ft **&,rb.-Dft%W*X%% the towm*w�*ft b" *"A M* #f *h*w. wk*%,& V. PAM- #ro%*,. oc onor T*% - W g znv= ft a I ow - 0911rallboolk, vk*liays Uftw woorkbi,X *a roos OW so 64'r tk#A tbA W*W Is AM 01K at V*60tko. ?rMt.t!t t koft SiVA hW4 too Ismin" t 0AW d*pkidwrmis, *Z* $w - 7 11610t. a =1 01-� roftL cwwwiii * M ** 1% "Oblioo - I I a twv" im 6 .1 . 'GODMICH, 11 0*114MMOftsm __ I . I VA44 I � _., - . _ttm!!�!_s , I raLL MILLINERY I , I 11 I . I I I ' My vmk of Pall strA Wintot Xna"" k vow mno* , . t#, arld "ftbraeft oe W"t *1%*Pft A" tkiftwWvo ftlom tit* loodnX tsethlon t"tres. , , , W004 Will be mi,ghwA with tit* new ttytesr"both In Aapk x*d towngs, ,. I JUA W*,L4146 * call foe IrApfttlon. �� i We kohlre I � �� C1\T_ runmed Hats from,$i Up/')L : I � � #0 *04 *ft OA MU "m I* pt*" alk" � 11 �' 4 06,1'N.". " 4.;l . c MISS 110"I'Am'114RON. "Kltxm WNW. . I . . . .f . 000=1(*1 f IJI I- j� I I- I itj I ii ft=- pqqpe� *b""=1*w v`1111 i " �11 11 - "" I- , , !!! ,,, ,- I—- I - - " I I L W=6vd AAW*A0Aft V&uw obou"Allov, "d - ", "'_ d"011 Au,xV*W U�& 10 **,A*^ _ A" WAM4* vki I Q4, I 1 79'a L -71, � I 11$ �,, Y,­�f...' I.. : 4I.A16A..". . I ­ 1. L' , ­ AZAI&.' L.&-& 1.�L , .. . , '.., ,� �:_­,�A,14_1­,�, ._Vy,.�e;.,oj'L " !, � It . Win 'L,''.? I �, .�l I I N 4 . 4 � 3 ! .� I If - � I ,i, i " 1, 11 i J. ,V I � .1