HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-09-20, Page 8------------ - I I �
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11 __ 1. f7 I _____ 11 __ I � " I., 1� �,!�,�I.''_l -, 0�_,. ''. ,.4 � �
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. ,� I � 1 *!2��� � .1 PUM06=012- pl� " _� � . ..4l, . - 40k � , ,.'or Mo Door Wo*t of 11 �11 LLLL .... 11 I LJ , L,
- . ..- - I L, I I. I . I 1. I I -L '4�,� � 1, . . tol6l,w]lat-�,MW,t_-I-"xnd,,t*r v4 I - . - - -11 __ I . I .119 �� 1 --- .. I fl, 11. 41, V JK i
19-11F I ~ - Dww"'Uf WIX,flufte. #. , : VI. Z , � N,
216 . ,�'! LL - wtrug, " - 1!$i illl��bl� SL , I �, I
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, 1%.F AOL I , L I =1010r. 9" viallikis tbv IsTames : Bro. . I ,� wints � in 'lard I 1�
.5 14se vitc, I'll I"..(* �� — — .."
V 4 1- , '' ism.-Tiall AsuaW 14&rvq4p& ............ % - - 11
- , RIF, . . _41. F � I � esItiller. ,&fter the
7 ,��
The , ' **10 a � 0 Was -ft will II4 baW -z I �! __ Are oAm W ff ittaw "M wintor w . ,
, I . T11:11"IT lying wrvk .6 a t�. repair the barn, I - J ,
I -1 a. 4-i u#pL 2kh. Tkote wltl tw ' 64: 0614*�, io a sputsdid go
� �_ , L sot vk,t,w. Tho churrh Will 14 7L Ae-4li, i t4 , il" tho Itonim. Wb.YQi Pot It' "'St 1�,
. I I VII ; "I'""'" Aft-islated Aw thr ltsft."""l JWNL 4010. 0 1t
. . ofto t*JW of ilemaim; goat 2 1, a . loko. bolat - I I"!
IS over otol Inut"I'l It all -
I I Ithe putilic demands bstter than invitail-ent, will t9volly tho ul it. -7 . I � why not � ats ? , !
� a we, am provarod to .,4 tise Umv, U. U. (lowisr.tX, tbis
IF P A,7 0
. ave positively clomrod ckillot,tioriv to pay ft,* f4mle" Iot4m Abullut I'L) itt r A"k" "' � . i* I k ,%-,I*- I , ,
� 'T,
, h , I I .1l, .1 W4. bAve, a well gxo�rtej 410ek of -1
I everI to we olli'Al. ,I, . i
� I I outall our old stock oind hayereml��, ...�_,040- - . - !, � . P . I . . . . �
I . ' '
11 larp collsignments, of our , AXUOUZ tU4 Chur,013M, sells are lwport�d by ourselves .
il .
� 1. . I The IVAIM at. tile con]
� , -_ glokAdqu (It I diroctfrorattlogAttillmarkots. We would like you to get better acquAdnW Weddti*U94 11;1'.jv-e8ellts.� " �" "
I . Norttl utt"'t thutch will telider * 'FOR the moot par"he allks that this stom I 1� . * . . . I A ;L I I
I i? 0 the'evitnillm of Tlsatskoxlv� With the stodc - 11i Vou-, have any silk bu� Ing to do we tbink it will pay yw to I , Of k '
. ,,, . . I . I .. . . _ ,, If Any at yonr friouds are thiakiol? T'lloff $1") I I
L 1, 4 I W ZV11X=a`y1�I know It bett*r. Th*m Is hardly a wanted - shaxle, that you !cannot find here,. ,, 4nok. yoll: will WAUt Something, ItSetill Aud. 9004, � J. L
. .Next TPOO&Y MORA tile F-11WOVIb far make lum a p1swo In the coll,edion, values are better far than any Wo oorty 1847 Wvorwg�e Rua kitoling gra,lg. , ,�'
, UAI(tw at vivtorin tit. church will every popu . .1 . L, . 'Ill ,
. .0 . ;, give it literary oitiertaininert, awi A, W . . . . . I I ;.
- I 04 ..SPOONS I '*III!,, I
� . ; G616bratc
11 . I I .� r I I . , � 1� 1 ro.ceptign Aw ., studiosits And tit her store can offer, that dow not Isuport Its silks dired. Best of all th9uZb,# qual ' . � ,L, $E4,'. OUR .$I " I
10 ., I I/ III ituallgetti. Tit" tol nolftee exteud 1k: ties ari� reliable, notan Inforlof'or unworthy quality f inds -4 pl= on our shilves, . I 8, are L W 40 L I � .1,
, I I ., r � a hearty InVIM00ft tAl all. Slepting to � and y,ou can depend obstilutely on any Silks bought here' ThISL week a big ship- 'L A line of, SIUS3 TUXT Ile Z a ronolialtls :,�r
. L " � , O-QUOU , commenc#44 I$ aielock. . 0;0 items �Vill give L yow,gn int P.406 with. Igo. .. . . I � I
� ., L' , , I 10 . L I The ti""Ii%t,vit"titi%oftueoi4st-jutp ment came to7 us dimot fromthe 'British markets. Th . L I I � � I
�') K U10,68 I . . �
I . . � I I.. I "wlL
. 11 ,, Me�hodlstdljitrletwas oldt"$0,001tu idea of our lines. All am good. . . I . I It yon aro bitildina, we 0:1U al WAY3 do' boa'. Do .. .. 11 I
,, __ � L I WAy of lAst, w"k,el��;aIlDituale)l1q; . I . r J�i beCaL Ilse wo lilly, , , _ .
- oil Too, 4 . . . ,
. I�L � . ". ' elinlrulon, fi!osliffng, er I , I . I , I I I, . 0USS, J#O(3X8 asiiI SUPPIAM I I I . . I � "
L 's' eed.ai Japanese SilkA . . I L �8. I . . �.,.,
I I L I . -, in I Illace'no to the 11 1. Taffetta $ iks., , . In t�allqflstllfhie . I L . I .
. Theie $boes are made thd divolsoolou to0k,1 Our Special* . . I I . . I .. I . I . 41�1
I 1, I I.. I I ! thopeorilif In , A XP4 1 . . �� � I
I I �ts in h,r,�I.,Ioa,rv,,asl,,, Antilso%yet 14ir- , Half -Dollar Silk. . . � . I I I I . 1.
. . 4,11, slZes. and widths* Iner"111091th* lntet*4 of Vine fluality jaunt" AM Viqeqkxulay� ,Dtffetli. sllk�' XQM1 I I
� I r fittest las I � wela)It. firlsi. Alt put," silk, 21 Inclillit Weight, �2 Illown Wide. will Wear welli I
I . , . 11 1, I . L . I I
- -
' p Wont Usethoils ,were ittigifested, ,splile, ill viesio, Ivinek. exii ,every The best Silk UAt Ila$ ever ill plilk, olit TWW. fawAl, tit owil, 91 i L I I . I � I �, "I
I and have Won greXt renown for their ' 114)Io" L I 11%, I I . ' '
I 11 I . 44 whith Will tit) doubt betried, ,It C'llor 'for fwsil,y work. I been. sold in taw F - . " '
. 11 1. rt and dur- , LU%Led n for the money. 081411410., While, Qn,gul Rud blavk, - V .r � ' , 1_. t 11
I . . I . r lit -r yard .......... 4..� ............ , I "
LLL I - ij- - I �
no", _6W41tJ,,4M11 1*_, ketelf -Witr --- . Vitt", I _. � I - � .
-�--- -,-4- --_1?-__-: _ .. t I&I, Z KC ft - . - -
I aippoaranco cowto Was folt that 10 MothiAlous the eff'o"04
. P.- stylish , . _____ _-4 J witro too *04stoodic Kind that tillostoll. 'Price Poll YBAII.... 4 ........ ....... 25C We are., quite. sure -aboot that, . 5,00 L . 0 W!a f9l 1
_ 'Co�td � ,_U,_,t-_t,_'_' , _", L' I q I r -_ I " -
. 4bilityi— , , .1 I � �W l(.'b M Zie -.&-''1"_[. -
slaw Var- 31%va-ar"'aft-i R price 4>Cr-* , " got)( L I Y AI,I#L .
. L. � I I .- . '�L . 11 -;I �' jl�i�f i-otrAR, I � _ L _7- ' �q Y-,Wldt*. rm an L . no se a - h , I , 1t, ilk . . BE' 011304P - . r
. I uythi rquildout Pastor, in. addition. to 6,11 Pure silk, 27,1= ;g(H*di4,V1RIIt, will give exii4ollent THE PLAQB TO DU H,,&HD'NA L . �:-,
� , . At the I sls,6 , hg,,wlll give axwll*nt,w**r.,4vA- selves jf we did, .not impirt -weg I. ainkpo - bot4iome vn lot , It, L . . L . A �!!�i�!� - t!� � I
,,, � .1 .� the "Sulisr L Annual lietOloll- it fl)iAtleo tit liIIW, IVii)%" oll, r114 I. se I _� __ I
. 0.1 fAW11. " �t tt "t _ — ----,! :! _=7--� � -
*.' Your, inspectioiw �tolliolted# , Oertlooll smiall. comillillilvalous atNefor watuts, dre� or unrywutic, other 3essons bas been our be3t ft_z— "!t t!*t� . ��________ _. I . 41
. I I . I I . . I .1 I L � I . . I L WQr* reeelVe(j frout the. Prisiollel"'Aldr black, white, Vivant, AlUt all UnICY "Her, at 6or and 6s cw.t Ibis sft- I")wo. gror. eArdinal, witite, . . � a .01 ' �0% ,3ordan 11
I � I., I 1. I . I .- Awn, ,juid froni Ilot trostviiii of the I atilides. V0 yw,d ...... .......... , $PC V,oq we are able to $411 It At. per C , li,ain ansa wack.- At Per vurd....-M R. 81 Smith's ' Mo ,� 4,L
I . � �
. . ,thodlo 04,11r0l; . � r 0i
. I . 1. . I I ursiit� 7031irsiilt�Alo I - I .................. . . I . I I K LM b Briock. I
L 1. . � '. o . voll hoswi that 417 -MO AVOUNIAt I . � . yard. . 4 1 IL � I . 4 .4 * 41 I q I N , 4 .15 0 C , r� I � .. Store. . . . � I
-.1 0 1. AOI%� . IWO I Oadoll (101.1torloneo tot :$0m $0 .1 . , . III I r . . I ., _41`,� , _.;,���. . , I
. X 'i! by the 11 ,, , . gs,avy W9kl1t,X,f.wh silk I
. I . . &I*f L histotic obvireh I L ' 14oh. "' ox "' Satwo 15C. - I . . . I L : 11 . �. . I
- -71 , , �L,." 11), ritileving Wils 1 1 It hl t 00 411 W , �t,# . � M Ill I', . . I I �
I f"t I 0�" E�' i L '� , I
� As %Xto. P '" 01:1"t" ru"at #I)Io4UL Only abonwim has Coloreil lRatini. Z itiel 0, I .
, , . - . italiltefor I it F I 14%t1% L good 'qo61'JLV Volorea , , . I . L .
I . . . . , $tit I � I 11 wa; . ich. gloosy ttls,4�oe, 1%0t �L
. lIol"I rotthoo ,, It wito ilecided %ViOL Wear %Well t � it, 11:10.1; .
I I . I . t�llng %^ Ito. a I. a - LL 3atlIIHV 'I ml I :
I I . e r - U 0 0 - . , t,bat tailis, p roust do whist, in its and Tatici-workv tit #11 tile popwar I tM P, I 0 v lllt.,� t�"'lyfn .�.- _1 , lt . L ,.
I -1 - , I .
_-.1 I . �, . . T . � - � , -it vatial4gled he4ti t4 K ....I.....'.11".400 ,,,,, I -14 I I L I � - ,i . I I ..
. Solo, Ag n0o "`XIU;, Q 411ti , hoes I adgilibut, - Words elsatlefj�Atpttry Vd 11 X . wettr wet]. ^It Andes, At per yard, 75e ,
� I
11. . , _-r_'_--_- _ --- . � I . i � ,,ne.ry I
� I I ,. I . -"--,- . . I
I ; . I I , I , . . Uplal tble CI�U*. A II)PA 11,11141404 " ,� " __ - -.1 ------ j4L'A'___""".'-'-" . I I 1- -1 I I
� . .. .. . I I i I � .1 . I % in rt,944 to ,,,,v-,,,,,vw,%k,-,�����,,�t'..r..�.', . , ,,., . ".,i", . I . -_ _ assuall I
. . . I I . � moo , 1!, 0" N, 04, a #.4 ... I 11 . . dificuss gn took fillw � I .L' , ' ' . OPOWWV^ .1 I .
. I , , , L I L
I I .
I . 11 . . Woll'k it) this 01taripti ,& , Ta"14411% I . Peau do Sol'o. L . 0 1 1 . L . .. . I
I .
. ... . . .., I yeor Sti-PlIft foehing Irevalledt, tipst 014ok -*41"sl, . ' . 'Alke ij,es$ Silk�� loot 'I'An ge't. t'llt; 0 � L I � I (I
' .
. . , :$I, � L j
'let � line$ at ,1,,,, r , i, Ir r.
. t CSS&SI'L."A" AsOoly, offort, 1#1101, )so 1111%41 $Atifiq that will not Three Va (IT.W411110-or drew -fl. vilikulint Ilot, �]f_ff _�Comlin,encj6g T,hursdays
. . I � I , "s'"ellotle ,
Trunkso 'ul L d,. � jk I I 0 to, Strk, llotLil' . _ _ _.�.
1.121, tll* Io (.ut.L AtWa'y -%ell al�t�ed . .
. . 'Iflou, ftatlu DODO all! tho I I Nvvrk Pf the f-bur"Al, .It JoA$k# wes .
La I ... � - - wi�h On,* . JK _
� L ._ X ` -
. � L . . I I . Thoo Cl?) P) Ins oboshlevable dif- I � I ,_ _ �. - .6. . I . .
club 04P. I . # UP . , � lose: their color, and kef:p thp,!:r POPUJar *kesj e matislaxt'(4111 Wear. I pen,,-,, L sootember 26th.
I 1. I I . ' . . . 11
, . ... I I
� �.: . I . . I . . I sill #4 0 tlie ite'A'I'li'lill- best for,the Money that we , I *, , ...* -_ _ _ __ , , I - I .
� I I . J_'L L I I , ,� f#1*440 of 0 last ,ik .118.800 6ilk.22'iv. wldc . ... � _.
I Otif � �
I, go :40AVII W t1i* ),w I _., �
A , . .
. 1. I � . L' 11 I ... 1---.- ' ; !'. ity oftoug#$r I I . I I I . I I 41 Wall L I I I
_�__;:�_�,a__! —:—!!! — _ .IN# 14t# hol)) A, 01,- f1ppop"t4l, Jd fin4,. L .It I. III
1 . .,.� —' . If .11 I . 11 1, 111l4ol, I . �,
. wis 41300"g"�0"t1l'it'Litiloo L 90,10 I t1ill.notoill"8111(n, . I L � . , I
t#fWel It , W,..1 k tljf,e I , �', L .
: �; ,A( , .
. I L I K140, Pf Ital, SoAdayod lir kilingtho tal"Iltor ., I , - . I . . . 410 64114, 00, avt�' Silk, W#kl"I8vI.,iI,f1In,.1oqe. peryard,,..90C I I 1, ... L . . .
I 'A4 1 . toizabii 4OU01 V 11144 *ttlpt Tory nch T"I klalitv peall''Je-tiom eVer con'ViUced that we have the correct
. .. . . I . -it lieu wlde� fillitAtble Wry -gould I , "
, I
I . , I wear well, at pi 11111tw4"tritulallig"A or waist.e. sillp, hh;ivy Nvel, topyori Abread prite r are ntiim than
L 'I .. 'Intl6rohl �Ikeri full nIt, flch OuWh� Ivill Ct., I WSM � . L for i�hi$ fall. -MISSL Djyrrus- has gatt�xid the, crealn
. I - IE OR , X
I T11 �OWNIE-' tog wo sligo0w, tile - atiod- hunlit X Nypl glit"Al We
. I ., t4 ,,";.a Oro ... , ' ' O"Atoo, WA* ill. the dlotfir-l' , ,
I , lil&�b I I I
I . ''I I I . r. . )"Inisters hwol�lr owlt # ,-r. .... L . ;-......."k-7 - , 50.0 1011k. Allit IIIII4%LVy. flolyl(lijil )Itl� Will mAkk' goods I
I . .
., . I . 119'aXalk"10d 00 sAtutdoyfrm a lemb tsvowoov tit opeolsil Worki The T41A - I . I iier yard.."�.,%.l .... 11,*.,..*I. I L 0 dilwot, A fisso IhAt will We . w .
I I I . I 10 , . lin UOV., . I , hich . for :
. it, (I Itillaidt'lom , Lail
. . I V 44 � 1vill hpl'1iold it 'I, 13lack AvIt A lietlist, quality,, firui,nnd lxvvv,�. lievallotartqly tit vvtry W. L ill open
L IN , dlittlet ,111011149 , voii ljne�tiwsl q 8AIlly, L Of � all tile i;W;st in vosllion'lNntre, w ,
. L . I L .11111'' . 11 "' '" -1. I face, llInPQq Willi Maw , , WAINts 01, W r� win ui.Ako 6 1 1 "�_), �. � %v .r iUspMtjon T y; ��'pt 16fli, ' - , , : o . . L .
� fill 11-4. MaNylgis ,, -v't* U#4 isso'eisni*100 Kt W. 11, . , . %)I give.. gooll 'Weli, ,
. . V I , slunk r . , Iter Ylitd�. ,�*.f,.1...:.,SX,2S yo,it . hUrSdo� �
. L I I I � I again on tus 4 . . I � I � . ,, . It lullskiligIR, Z'J''Itlelles, wide, Ito' - I 40611-Ailld disr0l'o-Av'11011 1pf-I, Vert beivy 911WIt'r, flhxpk� Fvi�n de I , I � .,* t, ,
. . . I I loator. ----*0?4— . � . I . . I I , .,"'o, 11
. . L14 Nits 1101101114,60WIllas Droil, Wt I � V 11rd � lt. �. 9 � .......... ........ U.00 yuril,., 1. 1. .. - . t 11, . .A I. �... -�? II. . - I . I'sq, Note silk, kw�tiii thall, vve over'solix, ho,, I . r , 'r . 1. I - L . r "I � I— 10 L 0 wq�r 11.1 , il .r r I
I r Aq $QV Ustslisil� - . I . I W040 w4watlogill - � . I 'V r . . . IL . .1 � . . .. I � �
r ,11 I � . , t (IIrfJt ppll"V� All Pul'o ollk" guilr$n. . I ' r 4j i
1 ��5 1 - ,IWO Ill t0*11 for IV Extrw ,good Ilailty:nIfIck, JJ%lin" 'oryflsio ;nfJtyFit0n"t,(I"TttIrJ%
. r, .. ,..r I ,)&, Civoko, of Olintimis .1 I I 1 ,,,,,,,, 1, ,,,,, . ft f,11,* a . 1) s' Goods r .. I I '.. r . . . I I I
I . _.�, .' I .40%v 40,1# MIS, 'W"K. , . 4ioltywtfalk on $ellt6,otla, #000rdtim Iff wp 0or §111�1 livil'o-V v%ht Wit �Y#tkr- 'L -l*K1 Ilot tolvilt. xtxld�valsso mt' res . : � . Blankets. I � . L - I
for TOM of Qi? , '..i # $%,t* Jser_y# d L �, I
at . stia.L t4s.djournine0t, liltutherm, 1�11'PI'llsollt. "I'll � - . OT -0s, well, i r ritr4t, * "lk " "isf , � ,A�*#rIl,IA,,V,,, ' ,I+I#*,$x.$0 . I I
I 70, *0311%Mve'llinoboll loft X044 � . 11 9 I
� L J li,11141011091'Pril..�t 1�ftjtt . � . . � I , . '. We , I I .
I . ,gro 4 1 skiwildoollosoV Reeve 9.044 its thoebnlu`4 Atillutos 01 . I . � t . The cool nigl�.ts are 'here L
I I I . . I . . . would, fill ot ,paper * I., . 1)
. . L L I . L VrAtir am"HO ft.Tawidiky tot 114MUM )got .01geting Confirmed. Treasurer's 00.1000.100011 . r r I .Wwlwwm�" I L .. 'r . � . I . � . 'L fine
I L lie ptialtion.. . . -4.1 1 . I . . I . . .. . . I .. . . 'b - and a paiii of our Wee, new r
� I :. . W A") 4 has A 9 stalenterit allowed lial. �ou tlitt)d of . L� 1. . .. � . - 1. I I I .I, I r ifWeLtol4youlho)f Awit 0417 L
, . . . .
. �1,
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. I L L I ' . , . 'a _ , , ' blankets is justtlietbiog
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. I . L . � . 1. , . . , L
r . I . . , '4jItUrito. 0 Utl a . . A '' A.T�,$;�roow , � � .
� '. .. . I - -61% V ttgns - - ul 4 - I I . r .- . . ack
, I $7 .
. igh A. vel-Islish y6tutima 41,8a.filed. The Board � .1 ; �
r, . ' r� # asisirossUlliforialea-UlAnd. I � - Now 131 .. Dmss Goods, and 11110y I
r I Mo. ))%VIA 4011, and Sao Uslion, $inost '44. drAll y OUT,
. r , 11 L r VI, $ PIE'a -_ Stock is to $31
- a cooftot ,revialois on tLhii Dongnation L OU n�, ,� . . Luggle into and feel hap I
I -1- . , 'r � L I ., . : , I I m 140Aetiou wail t4t�u forr'jlltl� . . .1, -.1. . . I . � I I Will only -%Ik; r . Away r I -, r I
I LL. day wIVIV014, V* 1A 401104141I. - .. � - - . U114 . I L_ —,7-- 1 IV,____.'h . . - . -4 * �c bel -'r -, -t- - . I I -1 - I are arr �
. 1. I it I L � . o, presenf� 111he right; � of - lvt I je_ W_ _,azinchcs vldq, Zu to cuts, will, , a'h,044, a auything .vm �h Price-' 7500 $5-00 Poffa F� r � -
I 11 Tu 3-1 , al, 6,ranteed got' W!
� � ; - it rs�,dsisad fkft proposed pleal a , itil, , Ity 1?�Zll , C�s I
. . I . � � 24'44 Wit AY- . -the , r . . ery, envy qL __ . _ , , _ two extra sp
. - I I I
. I - I . _,.. - . -_-1--1 r glituted tot _ r I
� . .. . W. ft. Icerr. of 01i argaw f, wa* .6 way. 10 upssr� :waist, ' give ,s#tisf4ctory wPa - il�
: , I � . ... _. I :6 0 ti.: bivOillieuddr Arid. maUti ,I hand�oiue dress,or and rlr ��'Jizg ow.1 s . eli�o . -t owa oither ,in sty�ej ecials At � per
. . . I I . . � I . . _r .r .L I . visitor %4 Isis 40KAty WWII go V . . . UoldthAI:#.$ IYA tj US(l fufL ill Cool p1laV tit ' L . . . I r . . . I a ieduddon .
.� rr . '. I ' -v.,..4 .......... 1.#.va.**#.A ..#.. qual' sLud value. .1 $2.$o rand $3 ..
r I a - r 'I .00L . .00t � L r �
, : � "." �,$ L
I I . , ., . 1. ,WAR, DlatLXleh, of tr4 I)I(Atrialt't $oil" -- follawktig Chock" - r . .. Ityr ' � , . I
, . 4 L -
.. . . r W0 's bil, folhil5`�'Vlt 'Teal� Valnp_ r at Per yard_ , I'" .. w . .. ... * # v . i � i � ,
. L. til., � I , . . I I I . I - I OU k0oa , 4e
# L . ft VA v1stwo sui I", HUM0 Ailiv MA wls&k. L were � 11(sue c U. 111,001st gt4voth"K I I _ � 00, 01 , I 'I P 1 1 ON, . - � r I r 14101.4* to, . VAI 's'. L � ' � r '
I ntL%' e � � Ill �, i ,I Im 0 1 W 'I im is 01 000� I I L -1. I .r -1 L ' r L 0 � '
A rest(t. � . � #'*',1 .Oi#011�� j!lr1i 0 ,� 11
. � r ll�v ""', COU. 9�
. 4apUpi. 144 J,ronovno-, grave IN ��� I �
. ,
I . I "Nufto 11 - M at 011410� I ftler to. fett M�
. 00. otm, 4, 4: phip, rUliotti
. I I 11a ,mil. U. M Tro _ � " PPIC
ot. ot Was thopiloat ti�nd 0,100- ihs)j?iIl)"W., 1 , . � . . .
� CAMERAS ? , , Wlsrto , -, W ig,�vwv: �"�Ilqscttne Writ �
I . , iii Mrs I I X. I .
I . I I I I -JX*s)AU#A11,,4v*W'lk. Iwo W" ,qJAV*1,RP0OAnt4J04;,%t0,, 4):11 401101 � HaAdsometw, I .
�. �
I . Un..10ii gvidMlsaUs#,k9kw1#ZAI4#)ftj, lig4litiols, d . r4pperp-ttelf
. . � I , ,,, 14torto, lottfor tilbir attlKineorlupt VIA ' a -h I 1,� .. 11 , t
I I ` Xt ^ O"'s, iii $lia low I , is, inswilla, WrOAP4 TWN* Zol-k on' 0MIK14- Anda, it, 0 'T."s".'. � t� i - � i . . 4'r
I . I . � .. _ . I .. I ?i 4sr. - - . - '4'Antl d'-
:_1 . -1 � � . � I . khow,$01111101POIA V mi.. in - wM,,1;AshiaI ratura#4 4i jsf.�#U# j4%hl18l)iQAIV.1.3W8 I 0 �Ttloo�ft 41; V coo W10 . n`6
. ��, I -$Oti 0 d -e .9
tilbiqy,00041-�011r �- , Noafty frAT Wit, "Y -UIP t4 1114744"t ban-4rAM-110i 40jerl;. expellees 1-0 in o4r, Atp� - ... eyf , LV i rptra
I . . "it $1,00 - I . Ounkasillpip I r*1 - t -0-das . � .. � .. bf
. I -samin CLUB An City. , aqj;j't� ])., Ulltisortard, , .
I � I 1. - 10, wgin TOVA. WoX vislu"It this duivel I, ft Jol, OJ4'�,IatlIg.I�i,vP1.#1Q-- ��4 , i i'l; me VC a� �
- I . � . . L MV it 'Ot Ill, 11,40"40VAus the, 0*0 4*0 . I
I toj,,b,A%U1k*a: ,#%WM "ut 04 ORK 3) I 0, TIOnleo amilo of Pgqmg PLI14 ar� 'gut4114
. . Tbts Is U04 s, "146I . I
. . . 1� "0&14�!,
AO.�,Ilial lisooll ax##01110 40,1110ftst . r,hlomo, IWIld I" Hal"its, wilvel. 02,2al A . (Atull
. I I OVA I . I . 0i Ora " 4�gn, V111ftr for NwRiag, dr-tisfulf-ria'OU61 od
;� = I . . 40O%0Ju1o,ak1§41I%Ah4*y04146IaP1W a rol&0v04 Ift town, loft to 4 on W . graved.s3A.; It, 'Thom r Sol), Rmirelo wr� . P r"
I -1 . . - . . I W. .1 . . $1.614 Stawapt, grave mnd lunitier,, A dolue art so C10,0121
.- I T - � �__ I �=. i1i - , " tovreacu manata
. . ,011%. , - A. ,Ntation
__ .. Mr. 0. t,, of Uttt,*%VJa,.6'.4lT0�gX,� 411a, I. Anyis"'allovellingstsowitI.150,
.1 "I" I - 1. P.M - D,
� 11 , . X is . 0 �� John Pwrcv, drain toll I
i . . that at a shot, i .distance .it is
� . I
� * OUNHAId, wf.h. of Ofurlboo. �fopheej culvort, 74kat AM loan 111�tt D.
F, M , PHU'% '11U4,1!%;arr*'AV*0&V*t 0144ortAitithor,a9w, 811MOINI'*11rill colvert, e1kch"76.0, - "t,41.1 them - apart
I !
� I I , . Z11014, no ley, wot% an villvert con. 4. 4ifficult ,to .1 I
, . -01RU001*Ti-- Joins #sJolt. , . rl I expeopos dent Many - diftereut-, patterns to
. � � W#. an ft I , Ja Ili Anderson,
*06 .4f, *0 , , ON rlstliillel $15-00;
,Cot. lot, Wild strook �q 00" A 4641WI I'm %MA 4,Y to 1101leVille'll
� OlTai 40ourlob mi-onownlottiw : Mail
oial��:-li.ki;;__;�,1,11 ,."'I'zoi, doing Koel$" . I 43blii)PII'4d )VIVII04 to won 11F Wednes. .49dot irgins litlt *Uly 41 0
� � , f I=. � _ Ile. and UrA.,1Wkw ood, of IW04d*, Is t
(4riell kft lth* fi;UOM of
I of to % - tal, JW1. 1p 19 016 0OU'. quantity of' -any� si
,Ugle "me.
# : W -4,114 --* � . � � _.
- I Itlitif In 00 '. ff. If, jj"4# pp� plepk. .1 .1
, is*. unamsel, V -mt OU2. IF, . , .
I irlia Mjcb zta,c. = _ prices� I I
� '41we 00bL I to, 14,114%1041y. .V", asq. X. Dosi Thop", I . , __._--_--_-*-�-"�- . r. `l� . . f
X have. -=6vod f ft , ..
A I* and Z A RiAd � li- It I I - Y
�� , 1, I $ter, '# 4"d 20 Mt,
ysuftoxx ak%* it 11 air $2 or M doaoti ta** J1001 , . 12 31, 18f I ... -, . ,.,
,�Aoft-_*#-� . . Ur. nk Xi W Us. spe'vid.149 rff"64,kt.�,_A. J." nolltild'ItAllno'l? , * " " , �� Ard.� '' _ % . ..
, � � - tho y .1 11
i I aism.O,V, lf�n la�f � vlh�w do A Wl 111A ta" 11 410. lot on 8 I r Vt f 11f. - L'
. I 11 I
cmttm 101401Mtot" , I . .
, Juit *� t1h10V'--,40r,-l0001
� . . � . 3 1 .
.1 k
Furs._ -..*.ma&, .
. I
------PW .
� I 11 . .
'Jacket Cloths.' .��
' 1. . � I �
,*., t�jocr Ulghts iould be' a
'T 'Cotton -Blankets.
. . Ottroffei 4 x!2yl perteitt.
, . �
off . ill fnrs.�boixgut cluring 8eP-'
, ,
To tell the,fatts * about: I
these,we have too nIany—solue: ,
0 bvwt tbeta in, Small olia
lArge . _�re th,L. b�#
. siies, ��4.
�teni�r still Wids 'godd We
. 4
cdu!t Wy furs, to -day - at what
- I .
� � . . . I
we�1144� last , -0 ,,C� , -
season, s we
and soniet
W. Andrews, - had - '
_ '
Cgfiadiau tndlUiglishmakes,
�6it Ci,It U . I
'I,, I
I I . - UV 11 I I I .;m- - ,
.are t is year s, but *uii dif ,�
white aii.4 grey, per pair ,
fer=oe. when and where I
. I $Sctst. lto�$I.3$.
,., ,
Oldfashlo -Wd, ja*etA, , I '
, A ,� :
were got, ont they must go, attil. �
I -
. , , , ,
we think about half price vilt
\A ,
,,,�__. I U . � '' 1.
New.Furs and jackots. .
0,44 0-SWi4ack0ts- �, ,
do the job, ,� -
Fitsf shipmefits o -
,9. N -m
,k"itrs and jackets u
I , WVit f� hifId
, f -
'Ptrhaps,y'ou-could mike
=*.of ii:few.of the��Ateaeh,
. .
: ,1 . - I . . .
. .
this " V_ 54., -will 1,14 k-
-2 $c and 50c. They are,out of
1440's Beawy0imats...-SUO.- – -
. I
1p.jljjkd 4n ft��t* atylts d
.C. W. AUrews' sto* and, we
QMW Suits. , - - - .i; .740 . 0
V# will U gIPA' to have ...
4're going to clear tlicia �oitt
Two Dair Wool 800or.... -.,. 2%
'Mme InT afid � SL -e thein 1
'a$ Will as a lot of porea lqp.�to_
10 - I #8 Braw tor .... .... 250
time. you am UP. tOvm- - : -
A at� I acke ts - at j1U sx, hof, 04t.:
1, ma n W to rs. - -�. .'# - , # .. 2 6 ;
. �
. . ,
. . .
! v xw%mlri� JL 6 9 I . . 04 tion tit Or X4901 -01"i "%%.,Ilvw a . 4� . . I �_i�l i. ,_ �Al *_`Al.`, 4-1;00- , 1. � I . . 1. . . I �
� 1, I . a lift I � I . . 0,18.IL , , , , mm%=�"" __ - I - - - - ... Id . I .
� , t-. , 4 V � gr., .1 Ar slowing acquil.ititfilives in town.- - � . 4 - � .1 1. 11 I . : . I,- . �
. . ,
11411. 494XV. Mt. W. Thollk"% AftAr Is Qeorge $aylwetl is opetud�o,f a few . � ' - N6W in $jock.w4l!��-. : Bargatim iii Wools, . +. !�*!ns I" "ose. ,
I 13,00D14 We x4ow. V, t 0 or [*ft t(A ,t 6 lails's weeks ARA visitor to Milliteft friends- - _.#-�October DESIGNER and PATTERNS . . � - . . I 4 I ..,.�..,. . ,
I I 11 * ft $01I 1100110, LOU. �411U. V,ygas and, fasuJIV., Wh4 h1we � * . . I I � . . . - . . " Poo .,�,40-.-,,�to:: I . I N 6 1
. . I
. Sort XlttU* 84s4W4A to Slyth. don. 0A MON41 T"Itptii4o",4,jk*lg�f"t-�l�"� ,a"* been, viHiting friend& in T,ondon, have' I I . . . � . . . � w r, . . MILLIUMV, OMNING� TADRSDAY '�Uft. :'26th
Vict IWOM W#A1A 011111611 On W6dftQ0dAr- 04001AIMigAvi. � 11� 11 . tottirii0itattio.--,Uiltottf)isaOtt,l)itkt�r, I .9"� . 110111111k , Oft - h�ieby -0ited to &p in and see "I
. vL ow"Jr�Wt Mo wook fist'ro"tooto, Ur. t4rett IeA*kv, ,%m"Itt I 6 OfTotolito, spentille forelArb-o . . 110% IL''111 I and you "L
.- f tile - a . a, , _ i�ly in
W aw -*#*OAK Us. WO$Wft Ut intho*o-wotk4xt,CMtkk'*I.i*lk"$*II V1 L . . , -
. U4.*o Asn I -�-Wtllla " , ta loft
I,. 1� 14AIg *rAR Ig 010""It U loaris Ill 1 Aff *Aow OUltlow Isis pt.rents bere. 1 �$ -
a I - yourself, Comevdiether to sft,or to 1buy.
war"A sAd W4,90U Won 3104# 11#11,6" =li .... I W , � � o
. as Uis wis - Nita* Powell lip's 4*'gfa.i.4, frout Xinholl, . � 0 � � I I -111111 . _-w-e
410,111 VA"k. , Whom -Its -118.4 sit I a00,6111K hiek I \ ri V DG E N . I R 0 1 1
, .
__ . I . I -
. I- .. =..1.",.hW t Q111i"I.I.A . - - '1, fine toilet " a, perfainaf, ata.�"U!49 quairel, I . . I Goderich. 'MCKMIS Busy Store.—N91, 3'Jordan Block. �
' HallArdi all; titstowel, hiltraeounki & Tlie S' ' � l!"ilfto 11 I .
. ; situMlovt with So'Jo, OpAckillen. " - -1 . i � 1111 WWI 1111=,61 I d -
� I
ViOu are. 1, nvitW, to Attipnd milliti-er, - . I I I -r 0.1. -o I 1111111mm. _,11,1!:1 i Ill, w:::1111il �'-o6l, . , .1 1- I l- ,. -S7.,4; 1 .1. . I '. I
I TAIT9 PATU.-Tanday was fair day till I ror-t .Mbart. - I I N. , I I , , If ,rim , I
sio A 1 L L
'r of Cloolks, Ji�kst#, Porlt, Dilm Un*4 ., Fxeto.r. welisda filleco'ut ditTgood Urvest Thankv FALL MILU ERY I ' .
Any aq on FARAUPIS. ) Tbe Antilifill I . giving I .
4,I*00s fy4lillt�kndsslisrgauslinberfto Atten. W6 of Ohritill thure 11 do'll. I
Salf" kv6s we *hOwn 204 "St"'Yalufs. witu ouch ol Im" sol"U60, t ", . . WIN AV 'Mork .
slitas Ver,V(111INpa , a well, as sorvi � � _ . I I
. 5 llsins. dtletta next.8unday by. the I.M. . I -, il : I : .1 'I
ftm, yov us Suris to b4 hatomt-ta in ntia,ls of theso lilim Nato t, noralAr ilwa lito. Mr) I .
� . I . . I . . � - 11
. atpriiieswek"Awaril to Which 4, quidbes I botilmoritin nild oven- I . r �
.1 I � i 1. i h1l".1,1,11110,11"w � lnit�� Wha witil thel lir tat , gy wtoo� qf Wil 4nd wititlat 101IIIna . � 11 I I I
im AOA Is* 9WA4 ,0V1r-,, I 1%91411 f ,grr Is, now tomisl4e. itud twlifteed the . I 11 I
. 0 F � . I spa" will pat allow us to itinke au4 the tlecortationt.-tile ntitilor late*t allapes and, trimmings. troth the . tinigtoAtition, tentret. " I 1. I I The Famous, - .
. I , . Intention. iniamia -."Ii Walls k at il* 4 1 1 . I .
- ICV*r I " �Vlorin , I A
_ _ � _ g"6=4 � � , #Rtlofted With theybody of the tAlurch will too lAdt,-X Witt? 116 dvligbW With (1100eW lltY .* 100, , a . � . I
� � _ 4,1# outing. Its, both In shop" 10
____ - - � .
STYLISR OAPAS __ - : Do". -The buildinstoccuPled b - r - __ - - . - _ _ '_ - _ - * � - -- -- �� t - - , � ` - - -1 � - - I -
I I - I - X . � 4niawein�lte4cAtfrtir-iiiLRP#ttlilit- I . , 1\� I ,!. ---I,- Ai M-er-Walft ��!`__ - _- I -
. VUh Nuk liro"40 silk, for-lia4a � :4 I 8ft WAi4t3#w* J,f3Wkhs,sn Is I*ipg refitted ll-r� a , . X111L I . I I I . � I � \_�,_ ,� .. . � � , , , . I I
*Apo#, - with fur-kiotatid odlo'le And - I .� rialottl"s front* whith Will groatly wo 11404 . . 4 . I . . 1. � I
. suprove this Appearance thertor.;:- ponflasAt.-UhaoSarg, UeXalgbl, Am .
t�ML.w. $3.00t $20-00, 426.00 . it, lk, I An rt visit frieuds to � . -
faisnit, "i l`_ - b1sw And oaderico rridAr Ana uAtui-any at ust r " T 0.11 E 10F WOME �, ,
Al"ptiXtbe Tar And JAY SteW8 :� I up^ - * . I I
A � 3 _gt puraborS of IiIU6 C`*,,,Tr1mtned 'ats "rom ,-5 I �
naoilociolt ." 04?"in .... $ WIllnoOk"t slairkere on 'Xitesday, I , Ono ky
"j!lE stittel . week. -Mrs. HYAO and Mist 8V Follow .
fams &vA rWit, simily, *wbroiUrW, : I.. - . he r W 41 R go tna so t9it W* talk, suit vou in PrIciii Abo. � I- ,".. ..
. �_::._ . li*ek, we notiek ins" goods prize attended-06PAII-AmerIcAll 10,04w"k. I y t S%iv 0 _.., A II
. 440AW WWI far usa sill. liae4. , �. A� 4A *90 &WILtd6d to W11118POW611, tOW".- . 1 I . . 1. .
U v Utitlil Rev. P They were Aeconsistialea botna A,1 tk,etr i '" %, B .
V � i . 0 . , Atidel'11114 Ofelithed IWO Very Slater, him, 8. routinad. of luittwo , 1; R .A- n 1.06 0604t aflo most 04"At 11sh
3x*mk"yy " Calms, witb t i Q i pt.bilt# sermons In ' 94111 HN " ,
Uirpa Mok TWIlbotfor WWII spatial 4. hot It lad* at =idlat eburth (in Unoay$ while who will upend ^ few woeks vifflU09 . MIS,"", C A ,
friengs herc;,,,_mr. 116thorhiwton sind tt5 U -v4 01V
one. A Ott & - 11ri Allimil fillk 112% 'm Uri, attlihw 1i . . . . 00D.U111011 ,
MI,-.; . . ............ ... $ ... 44".*oV. $6.00 V ( 'A 11 opweel'al o .. ..... $Iwo Iirwhing thell Aftivera0y aternio"'J. d'aug ter, Mrs. M AcIlwal AMMITELAT11"Tt r�l I 11' - . L- I I
I ___ .. r,oilpuni (Air lavt week., -144 Teon _'.. - _ _1 � I I
�� — - �� �, - �, �� ------___ -, TUX Altolt.-giall 4 gardr, who h" Stirling w^q ift clo4e, tell on 8,istar"y. . AND T SHOE M09
Ismisollerlou%lir Mi fitill $111ficientl't _Tamp Itetherly1g.ton 4rat rrwo,y to through go fbo� U,60114 blue 01W 11 .
JAOXXTS Rawptovesx, IWO movena. In I* Able to *to lip In evellinif of last weA 64 t 0 botile of "d hArd p4n, but they wured an me L'As'IEST . "
-1 -
i ita bl"k � The itty1fe this season 411* rwir Isiod. We wish it- stivedv'repovory.- Mr. Oh4m-. otawart'-.11my (Jortwl 0XV6114,at StRifig.1thoii the watatt rest .
, , ".Lift IT" swoom of' "Qnftn Qatathyl, abow h" bow 0* 60nifiltafe Ana so Inialedlato
- I �
. Coati *M %st rail &Mimi ormisooft. vlait out us I 1A. 111- Idit014011 tit Confined to 110r Xid*ts Uthet 8harinao Alid "X Is rL ainloat 1u,,neaiAwiy,,Aa4 is swil 1,p You V�int to know
I VVttt,y, And visailt Ismstsilisti, for lAdUs Mrs. Ile If, V Carry, whiuraw they bava b4au, Introd%oid that It tin =tly bi 1larnied I'libellonsong,11
of &*oA aU v*4 ktmy, silawilot AkPs I roolu through illao".-Mlits HdIns sutherl,usd�,of "epleb. were tAii rhang. Swowl; & Willbiolar thorouglAY I what we
And try , ons 0 Follirk, ww -4knl* home from , ot. Ittlegg at lot Minn,14 WeVittlo on underotAtA their Is"nook 1mving dug SOMAblagasotothkatbt *skA*6"l*Vod�hlsr#suV, Whertlanoiliarsho" %jwhe- ' I
lat, ... .............. I-.* ........ �1. *10.00 - X - . . X%ry* with segiot lover. Is ronval", 8"sufav,_Uisses 11gael poatltsud sXd ft*. "I of0i fett,for a. Young* swroft all IV
I tit An #, # *** A &. � solssq#�44*. WaT1114 OUSTFIXX812L'Vgttan4wh*g�th6ytarjtisbinmiiotadkion
I awvy, "so 610th C*Ats, thr". W Ist I% ill rl A ki4 twit.-J.T Mahuhilif still CAIVIes bit (intit Ring returned to th*lr boA10 In tbs ro"- siad Xot Aft nbuadistiet 6C . tlkftp your eye 6o tho, eyo "a this fokt VUst Us woAs, tiasto vr"Id famout xii . IfloAdftx in wonsals!a bills. �
I I * listoIst iark 44% t. I— , - - all -----r,— �. . . � tit 4% Aing. a a result of fw URIT Jultiloore list week, SA*r a fooviat Witter. Mr. VIIHIP, Rund'ell, of the ; *U4 foavirsisr, I I .
_:__� . __ .
with hikh . *11 of * knif* U.- Hatou f1wa, lamwa both of thinsol our windows.
=L�401=116# IrT, I xa% . visit at the Wine of UM 3'. VyA I F 'sh'Jonable Elegance--iiAbsolute Ease
ooflsir, AUo moct omtottalb)o Ana '96vt 1har 10speAus A& �-_* _. I mile aa,ttlti Burn". Of w(4a*&ek. I* a � im"1114rod'hext W a
I Mi
as b,r dLw�,hs# ,,
y1miting. U-14 44 t on I .00111,111"IM-40 XMI5610111 to boato at is*j� r144 -Is ftintsboa in 4'Qoeft
*4MAN O"t ontho i9sAtt, At $4.50 Utft* his# rur Ituft "Al 0*4* at 1. S)IM"Ville. � knal hallip.-Mba U10HA i7tra, ]Ad That raft t
. I,. of Godevich. Witt 13&turd%y I �,
I I..' ------ I—— _ V(IftWo ftlile. loota, like tho$W kind. N0T*--UV- Aft(IMMU4,81141,0f Billit -Urx, r Is clog on WWII 1W Quality" abo" at halt tha prko ommomly Tb,ir an ma& of tb-# b@i gitla
I I Mweagood weat. swial 14 ....... IWO) , aud 8und*y ht bwr bmw h*m ai"t fsablousbit leagwa. .a *6 14104 40-104ate lftlisi;, kolit, by thu, vftp basw
Hiii4tt -oppnt Toesday at W. StAnt- I drk�Wator. . otfoa. Wo ask 0 th* woo*" of Out Town an
sodur.046o, U,Orr ,,, , --p--lo-4. oWwAs for iht*o *b00% � qvortlutily to ptova, W
,Any glitl #verjr ritive ill* boult valuo - Vroditah, w .on sumUr the AU0410 44%: KU ' W' 14*6# *f O""ft
,UE=1M,N8 UUT.VRB (!APIMINIV� FROM $3 " SK 1# Liswits, Tisylop to visiting 100044 In
y!i;,_kr.%aAUm Amekon4hoeniol (j,derich,_Ue, .
aro Aliting ItIMAS In 44,41t, AM . 00$01w. 1 1 All Stylo4-8kdo6, Dnas, Hoom,, 0%iltiag. I I
oo9ailAo4i, bog o0s."itll to $S I vir#�IpAy# ever abi)wit. of &y. 4,4711iumv.-Mr. 4ohn Me- LUQUIL-Laist TuNdisy *It J , Bw% NS ICK ** ,
�*"_"000 IMMIN '69111111161 1_0_011_d� mrtlley. is tm * valt to his bmthior At = ft"omi.-Mr. Anit Um R. U. MAP, STORE. I ^ .&. 11
I 11 13r" x1rift-Uts. W. UmArd and 1061C 00tvitla tvisis hela In 0"
I _ ------------ I 11 tIlf MaWsitta% YOUUX "d Us" "'tOW4 ftrHy6d horail I
I th th2pwofth IAI= hom BootA, $,30,oJqj&U VXfordS, $ '
, 1�� Y;�::i � fends Its And W" ? Ord, S,,kia frova &ll,o P".Aw*ii,oMs., TbtY wiliG . 4 I
I W= 3600
. I by -A . ou the gro"t whion th,#Pretttlont I I I
I SAVE up your','Coupons--we jiv# you wund Otight.--Xr. Atu". of British heing I ' �. P. I
. ablio,l, it "lAdInit t. taw woulks W#tv r0Ilda`I;"d 6 onl4w, . I
I') 00101 _____ ., 1.________4� pa 111_e14 1
" with his Wife *PA ftilaill Moreland And 11hopliftd, Apd; Uloo" wm all"- X" Ua*d fkl'klvm WAJs -,��-,�,,-��,-,�,-,�,,,�-,�-,�,,�,-,- -, . . A N . �1
We 06 "Kais%frl Lowiltiou #AIA toolit ra ,
Tld(*U with evet-Y PUrchAst; It doWt - Dutoton,^od Umnii0itv n. beak � ."a 1% buftloww .L.'s, _X. . -4 I
("girl".-RowwAli-pr the siniiNer- tke'" IbIlUoia.-Mr. Will GnK-u It WANJI=41io" 11.h IA-Ast
tluiui*t Of 0101:00M .,M P,PA xasd u", . In I
11 tako long to get, on* of thw, HAIASOnft ftry lis" k4riti Wh **d fth. ofi Mon- $00taifin is tow U401*4ilys, UrAOr UW N. this, 00uh,ty t . 1* - ��� = SOL% A3XNT f-, QIJWW QULUTT Md WAta o-VJCVt.%.
. I tm thft* will stunot.-Mastor 0"'A W'Islln rt- ts4rol,t, roar, � I GOMAICH
I . . oAV101 . � I � 'I , - I , � , o ,, i 1 %W., - l, � I .1'', o �.i�, I . I
i CHAW FROM It Is our Cash basis tbAt - - dWl!VA"0(1Arf' &fWkrr#t.-b4I with exe#llorit colvetf iworst MOMUy that hft bod I~ VVM IUV -91*4k XaIry E. h*" I . .— ,,
� � � PY6. . Plvuxr. wook -4b'.
I- . r4loo1r. Tit* 101Mwing issinist40" will stwomotQ1 abilit, tft*nt Juntraon"4111 GT"A� We I Of thisora",ijo AnjOalUrAl ;;4 - � W
., I oallf,bl" us to - (10 It. NO BAD, DEBT Ito b"o .. How& Howootit Aid; Got(". asainau0n. 11is hamit- W be" 0*4T.- o0ftond'. 0UW1*, Mwaded Q* Twonto =, , - -
"I -1 I of f Alato" " J. W. ArArows, of V ar"'at k*Aard at the time the rooa$k War* P 16- Archirlzut I" arift" �, I *"4- 15 , 'e""'l
,..."-_,-, I� - --- - 4000000"" - 140---`l - . � St. Joan*a ebitreb. P* , ,w ,* d. %" I, A d'"T rMt , �r /, .-
.1 ... — - Ritg*. *fAaVft*JJ Ift. &" 4.--W,=11r� bf jithjif, MIu$"hKla#DU*t6r*eW*A_ __,_ :k : =
L . Wro roft" ktfd Cia ill* 160"t" Of bor ewAy& tk* W" U Uff
ftU4 tw vou will iniss nap, of tb* h"t tntiir� t6ul latim" which sh4s pCV4WA.s4 haw. I, , = 15 � ism sqft**IW is 1
X627X PAU MIZUQUitt". � " =4= The V"40" "I 11111-,111--_
I . , ta,1111*"Is of twi# ,".004u_1,aa44on- big 1**n *sxlawtul In o6to"I'M twr . -, 11 __._
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;& 0twoostCa.s, , , 761I 11ilin r*m%s;WXr. PA-atkonlatt"n gavo etrustmola.I kvw;�C�tt bmT#Ae every St bow*
" �, M4444110, will Is *r4v tat* kaxa,d4tr vtA in the (*,OAAlWM1t,__"* Nil* tnrreopoad. ,r ZOW tkoA tUs Ilta mt VAX =
I I ths, lhal rhatisio, rts"ll ,rW . W &*W"a . UsI4 wator hile 14* oo^rft 4k ts=f
I I syrni", bor P00W 'r. a. Uto"t. Isnitorow oh%164 $" Amot IoA, *w*k Aa 244416AAA, at tb* 0. A. U. ""ra,l *pftW*ap*, bot thil i0ot I P" A n
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� - - W:""4* is *Vt nit stp bk* tbal ab"P. Hijul 2s4 pV#&*h*A *A #)teiiilvais Iwmoa " I r. THE (10DA.FEWCH 5
W , a I Ali'v
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r , . wo, &A I I � ' "a'a M*' 14 k **'U I a ' ris'sis the
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� - liwau#fm to oll,waui ft,=,. for Dr"*� .-Tho'-f . I a, a 'Ur *= , , � 11 00404 "Allo � .* Uok fA* - 1101" I I I '
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� . it I. 10;4= =. ft *OA otaw =* tAV* A OilIast W* Hur
1 4 Y" -, ,90's UW244t *n4 UW6t PrOtt*41ve NeWspaperl,
t 4 � Z"-W,X*b"XR , - doospo-4AIN *0 044 A*U As. #, vary 06" 0*0, Tio, low
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,j i,j,� I I 401A 0" #A '"T I*Xi - .......... # ... so. --.354 fow't1h, "110000bW IL VAWV Rood *141111VOlt y It" I
. I , i t s0kry Wtt"XAO UN DL JuilsoiN e"ftik. 1Vk*tb*r Oil, iwotvk)oc It W W # Will bo,� Walllod to "y *Mms, for the baignm of
$11� 1 27r= - I uh~t U" 06=4 I
. � . 11 ra Y$r .--- — - --- __ ___�_ Vt. U. & -00 X4411"11, VAk A^1M AX prob"'t oc "* 0-1 tbet Uttar laqw, A
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,� , "I , � This wftk xpt6il, Mtn's twtiv 111vatrMo,il " X"Ut ls� swab" 4"
i, ., . . �� v � Awe VAR4 1 Ous x4bow. Ifilfift Mo", mi - .
, . "I'll .. I . E�l mow to In UPS b" lw** =P 6 ,=00tv 4: ,
111'.,o '.. . . I swy�e I" Lay -Down White �U14r, new e,_ft - , 1 1164 Vivo P -r—. " y pvtow4w of twA wowk wisil RaWav to at wu*t ft ox*d == #04 � I I *#*%
1. l' X, 4 -4ow"., Um AAW UW
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