HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-08-23, Page 6I.- 11--l'' ., . . .1 -1 I I _ ., - , 11 � --- I : ; I I .;. � � I k_ jo, � 11 , , - , . , � I —, . , , � .. , I - I I I. I I I 11 - , , �, I I I
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�', 101111 �� i I 1111 go IWOAW-00 - � � . - -.---.- . _114�40 11, � 0-0 . M , , F, � 1. A 1:111 10111101 111k — __ - - ___ — — I I
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_----�� ro$l wra=azw � ,
I . I X41 Xfocybook"" .104 I �
I +)*" ---- mmmm ._�v vmmkx r lF*,�#,l;v;;*;**W Mi4rovWX11, I
,�,�. I" 7W7AVM 1 . - I "" .--. I AT THROW I Air I 't ; 4APY .;.,�,�
#1 ..
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'�,; I "I -- IN`14A """
I'll PRIAD OUT. ' I 1 W44 LON AND 3"A X"004 4 roiy.,ulw, lue4u" of I � I :
, 1. T I or % T V I
'A�.�, — I �Jw I LUVI-L i*,
�*4 The-�,� , ,,
-�, Lt, no 11 . A* Z"01t. 1, WL � ��, "
M403�0[ T,%JI%`IX0*Y, Wooing . 11 11 � F, I f . I L"F � I I ,"v�� 1,4,
11 i, �'' �' n,o . 30= PA,PXX IMUM I ' 4 , I I . 11 i 1XIso woo OW folil" ilt malAiad , PELLA CEY Lul TEAO . 1. I
I I � aro * mwer-wAdling woun* of woudoer-1 ... .
I of - _.. .. it, filtow, , k" . - " �
� - litoot ta,04 ,tguiml �44 � � � . -, .. �P,40",I;Ndl'l . . . . . . . . .1 -11, _ - �_,,.
11 4 1 L �— 1 ;�7__� 116 1
,., An X3t-UfPUU*r-W^% 1% , 1, I -MW- 11W "., 1441",� I—- of uo.wo 4K ., ........ 1p.�'r — __I! I �__ �,
. Lottw yr*u* + Red Witch J. 4ISFZ '", - ,-.
, . ,. I , coustvitu. I Tbe ollor of *a ,�;.. � .
I . .
� - r". I I I 11 ymr wou 'to Al, a I I
--T` _��' , 004 lu"'y if .You want lIWW_rWZ"r0A%,6-fAV1 A-Invit 00, Vogl
, x0mbor lit A*-VXW,V* 1 # ,, - ld *M1 , 0140 low" OWN=% , I
--1+".#-*#")K0)�0W Tor"to.
j�` 1 + r:(vVM,T ,0##**" Is Fr## from A" Mirdolo 0 00%viag M^tw; To nxinty, ao,d InvIgWo pimple .% thing wally worth soutabig I ,-
I orlyti fola'di4ic wal-oftiul IWW4A1*v 21W+","_ . . I 11
.. I � of Douawru, rolitikoll tile ssuipat-h. I I oting; lis the only "a Itio i" &*Udio" PaW" OZA Is who4somo foor At. yet" a 311#11 who WUR Quitrod tuisr The Dawson, 00MI".1sollon 00;., w1wrWt. .. - I
1. vo,lioer. It,%*. bild VITAPTEU II.-Nothilted. 'tala bout'sty"Nuicli, gellorally 0,00.0 tho "t 4011coo aivwaofta. � competillwy Jig London th* othor day � . . 1. 111� � L' 11 � � _-,
1, , 40 of whult ovo 1) I I I ,. , I �__ - � �_, 10,0000 ,I.r . .1
I , 1h whon you c6mv to look lilt? It--tl*t V t Inst*utililivously, I of '14600 -
y IT 1 sald wilw4t, alwtetl Atgainut, viiii- a He wils jw man III, a 4roodifositi".Ioo�,*,Oo,oeoo,voteo 00,111*0 () I
he ""Or to ail, Invinitionco to .. I am sorr, � was I . '40i , . I it I
I I liah.11 Ift tho forla . " A& . . . I
I � 1. ,Wtw frout. a !*tzo who for law0y, IV. I. it_ -,rot tratly. ttiom Of 131*11"go, I Coylon Too* are oo,14 In S2AXJ ii. year. T : , i, *0 , , 4
101, �
Muk, n1mid, U4401orild. bilitlefl. -, ', t woo I
. YOU, 0110 At $04-04 " w"''unew "' ... .
. What ft fearful opwh I" mid', X -04W him by a liria Millis .1
P r*r* li*ht hall; -01110M fit the T(Alls- constoott".11 sold MrS.4 LinolbAN gayly. "I ei " .1 � S, . 1�
. �,Illfeuee of t1w Vow ItIP, ,Is. when it Is T ISALSO A BRITISH PRODUCT "/I)" I Nl 1�0 "
wllakt it, IrAlla 11A I * Von", Pula Voustal -,"IT-Al, dQ1Cldod y object,ionall1o, frw. . - ." d . 'r, I , != � . in , Ir V , � . . tinki t-- e= , .ftosimi adoft,
, .
I 11111111ca I * , , Ith ho ,der i . A
iji till 1PXtVaCt 11`001 I W buslilievu, cap
�, 10ii446941111flat-hi i
't � .,CTWet, you'll CIAPA 14
4 vant. where Up sizarried a Doer wifit , I T= K a, , ,
, shuttitig up her tan 1"'arlo'.. r`=.- I �P***tx Owy- Proll 1, I � .- loo a .1.1
itself ill tbo'cul- ti.1ra lity [tali, , ay before I'vollone 00Y101% ov�*". SM,PIOA soot. III$ reasons for docunlyis were 49, I -01111NO ..
, .%lid lits 00cupied Ilb ,Vor gh you� I t Q'iet mind The acoy I Ad,iliws o,3ALAX)A*11' Tomato. 1911(two - � I -, - 0 � .,.
I tug vilek. "You Are too pretty t 11, " . jW I "I have been fit my proseut P081- - I
� .tvatiozi of ft farlyz Which she brought to 6;ly anything disple"J"g. " sivy ictil (It t k1hint, - , 0 * . * . . . � .
I . , only Itallsel I -,- LA ow . — 0. I.,
Algl4titlowry, lie is touch mspotwd wliatyoltjtue,t.beywlllcondollopit�'* I I 10 �. — I a I ��
b.X__ttW "Wo ot his 4istriet, 4ild has . ::111110y 1110 . days that in a rhartul oil uepmollsh- , t1ou for At good many years. I've no fo 1, 9
rowark abollt Mo W11014 whore the corylon Of troops was wook- 111 . i 410, 'r , "
-ii. and $1.1.500 il, year is alyiple : ,
. - Meat. Bot that 0* 40wrouto In , f P 0 0 .r.
YV' U p C * childirt. 0 ri fl.t�'e
SWO W.VerAd local posts of v6ponat mint I Never, thlaU Of anything I J,,, 'face has tippear4kilcle, 'Airld S=114t 114, oat #94 tho ooldbirig farthost, apart, for lay wife und uz.vvelf- The thOuglwt, , nti4g �
7 I hility SAICh AN WVro Virrilly 4ontrafited th"o. Tho mst.ilon't voinit, Ilet lainx nige . ,that wkis unnilillatills. n vAdew,vor to reconella bur wllu- It *a* ty'vVidil gild rather rough Air,. Overwhelms me -i 0 ..
to 11torvigizera" In . . your nidp, t%tkd litepV .�.111. 1, t ,oly only a child ',When last I flow Of 420,000 % Vt ,� S, I I
tbo TrousYcial tin � Y "long to 1111a whou absent with b,or *realx that thv,v had bova vavalit w 10TUIAt to do with , . . .. lr I .
P, . sw ff"AT 'A waa I -quite grown up? AM III , , 4quIdal.t: to ��,, 4 I rial :;,
r, 01110 editor of tile Tloliflkeu stut-ell, Now -to proctod. We Lave ba -i A!r. =,inner to hiet. whom promt. tb^t in, so itumborm of them took wbat I at . ,. P.
I, so mally years yout soulor,7110mo all lit, 'on , 1,*hOuldn't, be 4ble 6 . ,+W#.Ai" .
that whea tile war broke out till" Ntrozzrao. 4,lurri�t Uarry, and Lord ribe falls to miAlro him any riiIily. covos, they could uuAl ht on tail to ice , 1Qr thblUilig that I w4i, ... 4.,.�-#-4-,q,-"*-" 9'-o*""`4" ,: -,.;
il� 1,10, I I . � .." I .1 .
I - Any "ter � , I � . g(terstooll. our In Q I-IV lght� NVC04. 1 , . I I
. 0 X*lw took lit*. plare ill tho Doer ar- Vdrloy lot site faca tile . 6 rad .1rum - Your . ,"I'va?"' said Mra. Wuillgs awimoyl, about four We lit + . U V
, , I' -*,-
I . �1 my, alwalought the VAIRliCh In Povor- 11heiv ID 410 ulitla. V . ,_ �- - � 1� . . , iWit .Pounds a 1- . . . .. 1. r. 11 ,
�, Mr. Pe40it!r,;toq,11 e,tild _e. coust � , loqUing lip lit, Ill' � , aCo ro I 11 Z' ,1. =ore f 003090 .
*1' bAttlos, 110 Was. ilt VQ"Vr-O 14 , ,,1'JRhtWJX.11 I . in XXXvIng t *or 4i opening a t I po� a *ok re ,lIvart I
, oll . XP2tZXWX3W,4* � 1V1,3M30 1, - . �.
. i� - so, " I � 0 I ., I . .
l%n��j%yztja. TU're Was a fahAt. liesi- . .. Quito , 1. t thinic ,-yo�-*' Ile spolgo as $4 tiliv cordon, tb* riatialuder (ziom, 1, 611'spead" I I � I � '_ I ' I 11 I . I
tityle. givim leavo of 4%uselKo to took Alto. 1 4,41 twelipp-two I I QUO who,�e thoughts are eltiewhore, 050- burgliers) made, u glult for it oil r. ressr front 4411:Vgry� bed 43%561 $120'a 0 ��
.tatfoll. it vagao difierou" In ifee tone nween ,us I & conr Snell, a titan Is, ot, course, rare- One Four LRollcr Campl) : I
utw' life farsu, Awd surrendered ,,With alt Clio pronounced - his noln". ,,,,I coven yearn bi Whom a I I , $1100
, flilli their brightened' "' koew thon mid mon4ed to break out, but jolt more rare still $a the mytti, of. , , "
tile l4eht 91 %ho"ropulatlon'of lif"i tlAr,V, &,other I I ribould rbo looldilt �
014' : Mrs Dustin! ,Q , - thiott, eAttlo mid witirgo.08. 'WINOWR O . Her Camplielt Pre5sV, bed 37XSzr 1 4 .1 . I
I . ; 100L .1 I;XPdl,V at her. was somethiog", he said -some pw, IOIJOW10k 1.14 4 type. Ire was, Wit f C not. Four Ro 11 . � I
% viet, 41%, tile advAnce, Of 'U'le, 1."flotfall , 4.1", ll�, tlio t4vored ono 1" Atha u4- for uly ava 4;1,4w 110r.11 44110 rowi tbing'I ,wanted. to t4l). ,you. As I camuAgItleo wore two 4111oll slid eleven . _." . . 0 �� � I .
And ran to u. mirrop lot Into tile 1 #501000, by it distant relative, ,.a. 1, *000.""" I i � 11 �, .
oV Prfeturia. As 06 D441811 ' .1141POP tit, loaning forward witli ;k sondiiiin came through 'the - Ilizze Walk" I saw wounded. By count,, tile lrov*� loft I "*Ilk be had. neyer seen. Ito proml . I =Z:M,VS., . .
oltzta� Out, tub Ilion. '00.1m entire vogertirs!) , (And thus tbroNving tin ad. wall of the little lifJou zipurtizzoAt'.1a . a, carplagil vIth tho Varloy liveries upon the tield. slivent"n. 4 4. .f. v I Z"02r.4XPX3W4* 1=A-0 , I � I .
. rvgd. It ran , CA w ty� .IV refosed the logacy, and beque;Ltll-.� . I I h , , , $400 " . I � 1, I �.
I slomeNtle and material prorverlt;� it nal, touch (it bilqr,lititt,44 intoL 14%). which tell, lifAd been � se 44,ving down tile Avenue", . .1 throe woulided. ,Over :lt.*%,prINAlnors ,,�I&t to.obarita", his plea, being tbut I Iding, MaCT1604 . I
� [hat of tbb 310 rf"At� from, evil . eac I .01
. boinid ally wittv ' �rd.` - gut picture Zile p , Ing. to goal,, and repeated, e Mrs. Panties ' startoo perceptibly. 'Were taken, AXW in, a4diti011, to the, lbo had. nover koorn the donor Ault Two 1 -col. quarto. Brown'Po � I . . I
. I Pllin6t' W au."Pected of partlullit, for , I've . bri tier boAl�tlfta, tall, rgdia�it figure and' . 11 � ., . � I & . �, -
c _ and In *10 dolng� Shook his hand tvow 34.P.94. wured 7,(KJQ cattle, ISO Wag- ,that lie could , not -accept - money I 40M r .111j 1A P, ,- . .".,
. the, '0101sh. " Ills PrOtt IT, I'll, � ..".0 0 00'. 11 1, I .. 1. - , I I a!_ , ' 4�
,stn' t lor0" lovely face, an though Jt loved them, Alig '99JA"m 1_1111.11!�� "I " " . ZV&"42L1%&:4?�0 � _ _4_, , _ _ _ , .
_.-_______14�_,i,f- -------- --- - - � 9022 -t -,011L 4!1%UIMO.--V-iil.on&-v"rovt—o-lg-i5 imll-rl)=ilor.t-l�"$tTw-ll;dtlo.,.,Iw�*wiuwo--'-.t'�-,.,giauo$KLOA� the Iu4_a4dA_4lzA1b_, -Wh�--h*-ha+4tWi�-4o.4l4trA4*----40* '' P-404100—*1" " - -1-1--1--l- 00- O. -I . I - �_ - . .1 --
k I
.. iififf. .I.A40.4,4 her' $111gers tbrough, hor xmirror licar-her-and involuntarily tIt,V of dytialtilte. Colonel Wilson Ing. � Surely, such Quixottsol, Pr4l,lue-, I . I , *21*w " � .... I . . �
� 10MAND OVD91-1 ATTVIMPION- Ahelem, the'donfal 40st her a blusit." lifted. her hand to smooth her at- wanton and deotroyed the 334or Jang. . . ,
0. looks, ,oretuialred folk 661401* ' Worilly though, it may be In tile at . - WO ',%,TY�oor4-p*,l4ilr$t,wa.s,5*'b.rder,oAgh � .. - $5 i1i . P � i . I
laid, WiOU14 be allosvelt to welgh No".?, Avith that 1901y,color Oil crisli ready begutIfully-arraptedi hair. Tilt,, er. whivit was near. an4. then - pra- a, ))lit littier j1X4tIQcVL-,!, T . Rogor. . , � I . *I I ; . I
_ , - , utracte-cun fin .. . . I ,_ 0 .
. -
"I . tild vague Ace"nations 410 yrili, 606,b ? Wall ,y6u Swear It, ha'I 910'* frity-vaiv-4VATh is mar., St�l.q.ltowevor,atrlckcomuionulikoto pared to rettr(I vk!A4 his Prisoners, 114104. I . . . . � I X.P.Pow""""". I . . I I
� . I - . is bard t6 'kill the obstinate crialson. - I � I . lach* - , :
1 *9411,11y", giud ooph)unly ' prefor0d 'not tio6t'born. for hh�p ? Do y Women, gol a d 4"Ad. Cott, wounded � 64 capturlm. : one of tile , Ost Inc, Stoileal gt, ds,.pody jil$play Type
� lead 1 1 ,on 11 AD - �4 Warm ya extraordluar 0 an ;L11d - , I �
. Against the 1*11xviour ot tile 'Biliglish know wbere evoll good' little 611,10 That ail tile tonsal4tIon, Z4atur(3 Offer- oil a Also Cum A A I I � . .1 �
# ed us when she glyed Is tills unbOly stautliw therefore, hought ilothing Baths" Ili ridIng from tile Itold' t1to Panea extant of a AUITL who refits 0 .. 119 - pu . 0 1
. 'Palo letter, vrittft go to when they toll a fib I '$'here t of that, but.she Wit notice the start enemy sent lyzemagers )Ostobas,to to to,tu)ao is tbot "Irlit.01"s (Wer. I j,g.orAnfj wUl be Glvgu, I I I
' ' ba 01 ato
lit �140UVA. Africa. gotor, WihIll'-shly turned . 4, to A of A loreachinam, ri acqo�at of ore.,ur -(130 ,49
r�. , - - I oil being left it, verV considerAble " 00 it TatA . 4
. in Danish, rims ill) folImps .- Don't eat tyz� lIC441 Oil ; it Was, S , and- the change Pfcolor that atcom- Boyers, to come to tile r assistance. acrifico. 0 �
Zligattlo evcvy_do,V question, aftep411, r-orotarrila-114ad so. 3,0011 last 'we I a Typw will W diaposed. 0 l I
� *1$9;hW(Al9tT_3R04cU0." Nov., 2Q, 19( )O Were.t000thorl I Woo,asyAlUtili, as PaMled -It, . I Wilson, howevow, droNe off the lit"k tuns by 411 uzzc�4. Indignantly f - ,A,,",,,t,,,,,,",,,,r,.,,,,I,,",,".,,4.r,,.Y,,,,,,,,,,n,,,',,,,,,,.,, , � 0
. jreazI you this let� And you itiont portion. mo, it I litill . alle* thc� same: .. � .
"War,.41ster.-I I I . Illyby, didn't you 043r so sootiorls-_ and retired fourteen x pudi4fid the lQ900-1)(W41190 !�- m 1."-qm� -. . I I
, .. bolicylor, that, It lie Is not YOU IWO now." L . day. - I ITO had Intotimlition thtt.t 040 0
. -
I -ter tw, lot you U40w tblit my family On all . � � very j.�auch older-?, . raid Mrs. Puallas alluost Q%arply. vistalo had years. before administered I 9 ", n 'blishinj 0 '%'.of Toronjoil.1m1tod a . I
and, I are in ,tile befliiol health, Tile the one. ,Ile � 'lag Otto. of "No ; ., IuY Wore rallybilt, and, with l3krt. t"'o X%ia Mcphow a soillowligt u"Just'vo- ' IL U . of . it I *
. telegrams Ili, tile I . 10 at All evo � Iff llon!t think so. Var.4countrY with. a quick glonoeot'llor husbaud.� elle ., . Th 'llso P " I
. iewspitilera will tell them, XaufflzkX,0rI I At your one She was OvIdootly Shaken A. little out of wyor's commando. were iiltemd-� . � I I . ., . . TOY . .. '110, . .
$04 all about 1W to . hav bilko ' ,
) pworesa of tuQ ,0 00 Many htria4s -to your M404, you call bold, your own pretty toN-r6, oANADA,
� y . . of ber uslit.11 Idlo,compla, it over there was, a ease of 0, man 0 .
I , telleo. ue Ing to rotura the eamptAment bY' -1 . I
. � war,, so. X 4x411 contine, myself to b � . . . Welf. C0004i. IIQW, it NVAS Dot Civil U44 no',time, to, reply, buivever, bo� surrounding hin. At 2 a -m- tile , 4 V*lii90*4k06,009004 I I
.1 ,.oNv I," . 'emind we thot, I grow an . ra 1. outtlAis Qa:jzlo� nos -to. spite his face, I -0000 - - --- I I -1 I
. I $,%rally atattors. . 1. Constantla. lauglied, `01 V . chi: laughed m6rrIly; fdro'.00 footit" threw open the AC.P.H. moved 04,40aim, and Peyo t. two sW,0j.VJaDyzA. _ ,. . . . , . . . . . I .. —
, ,
I . . "Tho ArItIsIt authorldii-,owtreat. . -A don't fancy I bixvo ollo real ,door and iiii.nounted �!Ludy VA. -ley.,, who had, � plattilgil u, Woro-daybroak, � ,. . ." .". .: .. .. .... . !::'I '': IL ." 1�:� ! 1. . � .. .. . ", I
� � . . . .1 " ! _', ��. . r I �
I Mlly are, sbu*�Jzjg all extraordin not -Sallp� were I to PliAll. It. a � . I � . found, hizigolt Ju6t two hour.% too . � . novor.oxisted� In the early" fifties, !H . L :
� T1 ary would -you-aritl grant ' I I , C I FA&GRAWT L , before 0yrus Jilleld had given, to, the - , , 'T, ,
old�,,Ov"(,-11'1:11=1',�,,� M!�!�Mi
but I in Xgntuilmovii-X harbor no . , "
. ills Mo ,Well In every respect., "d atring;!1 vho�sald. -F'Not Due that unebaritablo-thougut.sr-2 Iorigivo you, . � To be Contfilued. - . Attwk on tbo "Seouto comp -1- �1 owo A090T. -
Itlarldlillso, , .. 01- tit u lit too fine.,, . . I - . I I 1, �. Tf%Q*tropps got stifely,bitok to, I lvpk�
, mean� , -1 %yorld his proiect $or a c4ble ,across
.� - Into , _. r,
,10 . i . ' I ,
I. is jkmaylda� th6 tjlaghoit priii6d, "Oul 111� She S44&ell 110 long, ;�mo,"soliztlott for iz,11 UAD xqisdo � , 1 with all'thoir wounded. 10i . � I the Altilantici Am � orlpa. began to;frot, . T 8 E Ilia .1.1 � �
.330 �* .your boart you', Ai� im� IS prisoners All , ' � . ,;ot) -- na, -0r,XGV I.P. ___., �'THRCG , , ,
I Tito bphaVIOr Of tile 0 quAAj1F'*gouerous , .
I 010 . Warm Ba0s - �vs I g.
ore' that in � !1$1 N 144 "ll1gol I ,
I olloyi,over bcars a word of-ony Ili the or� � Affion I'll 4 Iolit -Uho--Doers only' !"Al!X!
on, lovely low0lod flogerit- Ili tinting to l:49,11 .80"! , A. . A: AGR I at her isolation Train tliti .ter V . .
I literloo, or of violence of any desorlp, I,Tliat r for such., Ik fancy," Then . 010 ',* .1 w 1. .. I . . . — � I L I ,,venturing. to leeUly solpe at the re"_� 010T ropQ 'to . ,, . x I
. 1-40 witli. a"04,little, ;*, 41sorloosl 1. .tyou am wr W as not 1:011- .'Qol.`Wlt�� �'L, � I � 1 4 tions. Hor news from Bu w, 08001- . I
. lidt). towards the peoplo Imm. . UO&O"- d'emillitir you. by should I Cott- I)ZTAIZK 00 TI= WAUX ll,kTns guard, h May be sold.of -at, beavy' pl, . . .1 . lifteen dityo old botbro It reached - " .
. llot know 0, 191nXID case of tuch, � a hould- be only too'glAd to VO demov, asked 'Oonst(tutin, with. a- .. � I -son- that this is not tile 111 I I ., . � Now Yoik-,' Site 2nado itp her mind . . ... I
Lve � not . heard the 0 . APPATIt. I I I � qrq�dvorlo I
: , .1141118'. and I lit . you, Tile � rourityL auggonts 'Itself tP � slight'rontracitio,A -of her brows, I 11 . .. I -blow. be U44, dealt tile chenlY. 110,� ' -, to eud,0194istAte of things, and con -i .IxF_. i Ith 0 0 i
inst. "Ooloplobit. 'at tUO'DritlPh Sol- IUD as. boing-dull, and It mll 101000 I Publi. Q, :Lt,vbu I
'Obo Was IrritoLtod, Qltendotl, E410 , - , � �. usually move.$ dw.-Ing the *Ijwbt, v,1141 4-Bilglaud and Ru ,,,with a Ys d .0 "Iml . I I i
. �y �tQurl; won wol Why. 0VllV. 'Tifty 33ooto; Waro XiJjq;1 as Ai. i;gie, never . boyapers Itimsell' 9 , d I
10 , , . Allh go suite . ssir
411ors being rudo, or rough to all of Your Sptejal _PrADA ily cour,olotis � � I., I , r t,olds 413 . .
,. herself waq haric. :View to running a1elegriglih line 0.11t 40 � 11T 0.14 W10 . I
I porpy�.. jr,would not be uneousin � or wheeled vehicles,' .0.0 .
I Vur population. , L T�,o , st h - P owd U t ,frolu the $tntes right f,brouglt Brit- , A I
therefore, g�omo Imier scuse, of, doklcar,y.� w PA - And, -a Zatge, XU=,beV , .
�. 1*1 V411y. , Cannot �L r140 )ff for, words ' blItryot .111 und , . with Any convoN for' . . � . � I I I
. I . , .1 W cl*" hurt by the other's, whole dir, She . tile men care'ving.*A11 they nod . . . - �', ish territory; Alaska, across Debrin I
I . - . . woultdod., � 1 tllreq ,or..evou folle days' operations, ' _Plitayit� j.joX . I Z CUP, ( '
I tliv.t tlic� IR tile Illightelit OX01380 for stand that It Ill a necessity for ,00 looked at her: Cousin. with wille'eyes, in 1, hayi4y L a, atM thence via $Iberia H11 .1131WS11MRAPP I �
4he way ill whiell, so maxw socra s I!. a so � � . Strait � 'ildir KAI I.F. 001FASS. I
. are to Q'inuso . I $it which loy,vurpr$se and distrusU , Writing under data of Woyzderfoyt� jn� thefieId. Va4or XoWckon -41 DQ :- i" � ' ur6pe. 1 .. . .. OAAX
laittlog vil oryzl� ;zCnin -O.nd breaking 4 -As to . . ping, book tolit; Bezzliat Purlel"Ob. (it, tile X�ovdon . k , �. Thor � Western `1`01ogr0ll. CPAIP - � - ' � . I
�. , I . - They had vm� . . her beautiful couohi. I� Iuad A-amull'on 110' in whlictr'T I Po"M? - 26P r� . . .
their oskIll, of neutrality. k 1111tlmll�te � "2�,
� "navAl I not said I The Wont nakongst tile volvet cushions, 1A the :I)lz1IY.ToIegtapb. A'glves details (it, understand, lie killed and , IV . I I'. . I . � ,took, the, coni ract, and for two Yom's RI4GTJ,t4TIW ' By elulou�ISYA`117 - I I I
I I Jilotlible to fear so long as they, shn- M1,4 Is tile one thing that txuly 41- lounging position, that'sho. 110.4 learn- some -01 ine recent Aghting in ,the had, 04 wquxLdcd. He nucteeded, Am � rWVrbr)W1t0r1 I I . ... 9 . I � I . .1
. �ply kept tbOr ontil, Tor tivi Dritish, vorts Mo. Xot this man or V10 -t- oil was so *oil Ualtod, to tier, Ponna IrrallsvitAl.. Ire says .- - - ,however, � JAZ itiolctitil; even aim,dter I .. - , ings of iiavvleg und dozens of on- .4 . CBS. " I
. I VAAW "AA4# I I I n . I LP7 . . . :t!!!!t glyzeers were 1. . arille-T I don't Set
. authoritlea rtroteptod ,them ill "Dry any man will do, provided be cam go a girt Itatl been A to;Vortto With! There have boom �brask little lose upon 06 � OA�TO -01 I Dorot'lly-IciAll � ' . i
� respect. '1110y might have formed a I al �. " uAWLov",T) IN, ULF,xUING � how� you coulil be so Alumoved WhQX - , -
I . . with Omar lamilles lipo4k, the Queen's Bugliols, 04a ber, Domitt aso woman Ili a(rangely 11 of lato, colozy U. . 0ronfoll bac)�.700 m4ttle., , �. . . 11 11APOROIL Is WA What was then, "Own as othe Tel- those Iteoplo were in such deep grieft .1 I
� camp . in which, nioves in the. ,World Ili which,11N.O. glistuatetul, , Yet withal, there Is 11101111`1�140,0,pporutluv sucovsatolly In the � . , 0'.'. i . . . . . 'ail. 4 A wido road, Ilear ,atjlarine�_Doruthy, - I wanted . t4 I
. _ . . . .
. I a . I . . I . graph'. Tr . . ly 1�r
. lid,gattle, they could boo roluoiltied X�Izold 04.1t is quite possW10- to somethittir about her-00mle Juarvel- iltrectioll 41 Pleterab . . I . . ' � I
I � pro- Ut XS twolve-hundred, miles long, wooli
7 � .Perfectly soure lzyider� DrItish- glif"Allid detach cut q7 4Wftlfly, but I had forgOttell, =1
. k ghtlivout ottitil )Quo ch4im that, attract$ her even 0 monts of, Ills 00auna lxltclzontlr�a, A sc=zma - .N() NAN srult ry *little h4mll�crchl�,I. . . .
�, 11 I I U I vegr dullest of thom, - . . It ropola�, � . . . .1 P1.1khtini Scouts," "under Volonoi-o' clue north, - L . . ... I .
I . � � .
uJiltboy, btrie broken 4 I , Uk"I .
OU04 Inst"d Of doing that, tile
. I 14anipilt they ,co � IN' -1 WOO .1 I A�Zt Tl� -CAIMIX %qmomt " .doubt but that the work would have,
Z . . on, see, I anz, not,orge0*�_-You .-WIty, I - Wilson and Coloobrander, nave d4not . � - I I .. I I . . I __. I _: ... �
. , � their oaft. and UOXO'Sllulk TOWillob0- . . , .4 , , deD0?_rdpAod Xis'. -num .1 I —I- " . . I � :.. 1 __.;4�' - �� . I been brought'to. a successful tlen-� I 4iment Cores C0149 eu . . .
. - eliall, baye ,Von) noice, "a I 4aii 4aa urtlo$0 good work towards thof W406drg I.M1 Ora S U � . �
. land O)O.Dritisli.twity. I . sly'. "I day what agamol ;�It ItT. 11riod t ' ' '' ,po* to. litit clusWAA bad not tIle, completion 01 In . � I .
I not Interfere . bA the others )I a you've got oat Where -range, east of-) I I 0 JOiA thlit 1XIAS3 , ,
� I I Ausf- littlo gow', 'Ifylatioom, quite re- "Wa �10'r 1�=!Godp W011
. m ". I I .. '11 the Zoglish .1lavo invide any . I . ST . , th grat Ati4ittle, cattle, put it sudden � �, I .. . . � � . I I 1.
� tillstoko'lxi their %reatnteitt at t1lo. 'be two 4AM0,11, - . . did. you got, ,It from? White? coutly, Commandant Van, Itonylburit" T= OZX� GU.T4V OP, I _VWiluo to.-�V,Wil ;P.yz%w!k - 0 '. I . I
., Doers, I tan only say that, in my or. Misn. 90401111 -cuddy grow slowly Worth?".. I with 100 arlyield Doers. turreador I JAW.UZX,i0E COLOM'. "N'le" ," ,% 0". I L. . 1. ,stop to OU6 of I lie biggest ,dild )sold- VA41and's tallest tree stands is --- I .
, I
. � . I nit * -1-#u � I I I . eat
down,. For , th(l ConstoLutfo, eolciirodi . , , to-(fologiel Gronfelit an, that 10.11.,, X . I . euglueortna onferlikists ever � at- 14rd BrQwalow's park at Aghbridgel .
- �
I .1 Julep, it bao, bon In trozating the* rod. She lookP4, � . ' ' VA0.Xonns"of , ilt Across. PIMit,'tiolyt 'the Red tempted. I I I . .1 .
� ,
11 with 4 great deal too much pod Aix- , litolyzent litto )(now that 4bq_ WAS Jook- I "IJOW likely it Is," she, Said, With, A portiomot tile �b glit it. t; i7ii ,tit ...))od41A Allaa.4401 idg In Buokingliamshire. It is known (All . . 1.
I b. 33 ter a posses.sed 0
in ' borh a . . , Ineen,
� . - I . J; ally. Mail this Increased tlza� OX- At, reproaclIN.1 gliAnce, 1,that r ithould neighborhood .. ba d 149 001ping I Sea to the Wilot. stpocizes A buge drY Tile, rago for bl� tlano the ( s beech, and. to 100 feet-
turo and lovIleAranO." . .. �,,#. layl ditch, cutting,- ilt6filit, as 9, line the, WOrI4: as strongly .Ili . .
. I 'wita. be a Lu WhIto "emd, t5o War"- o It 01 Thor th4lLt . odcll,v , I 'till IL ' -1 high-. - I - I .., � - . . . . I .
. . . tremb anger and dirmust, she order 4 goVyl fro) , V. ' I" 11 -_ � ., _ ,, Past times, . . I . .
I . _+ . "I 10 'a- 0 , -as . I . -
I.. . _;__�__ . . lo�llflk. Site know. too� Ahoit Mrs , blii to 441%_Thq_�'! � I 34 Z I . I Wlea' of rock �ttd to -OW. ,' , . 11
_ - . . _ - . - :.-Pr. Votth.U*1 ___' _,_..,_... .,S.*,.,havia,,,.. _ - Out . through ii�`biffidisid I k�Jtlgs and' pef.ors . . — . �
: , ; -- --,-. _... Ado NOVOTA, It 11 rlii,d th.0 '�A'Ad VOV- d 11 6 .1 1. .
� Tsilmulfa lizttot,"A. ^ I Alias was wlacldil�"IfV� Wjtb7Dy ' . I I a �of 116, Troub okert. S ' 1� ,, were, howeVer, the Only people w lo I I ..
11 .)%I I . . '5 could allord to Indulge such caprices M11118 1101101 US OR[ 10 -cowl. .
� 03 "IT0 I'm , Dam stuold", smiled )fa
- 11, prisoners, -cattle aa:d waggons, On ii(l,it Trite. .. - 1=0 and , theft the vand tormq .
I I . . - I . I ojloylj� miguiscil, and this 414 Mot $Irs. Ilundasi pooltently. "Ilut "to I . . 4 . 0 , and occasionally fli4ir'desires, proved -, " . , , �
I . . i4 r.valift lh#y X4st.GQ.ThrOUgU ,tend � ,to decreaso tile JudigWLtibm look ut Itt An0_d4_$4U,mgWr4Ao Oil the :Ird ttwt,. 'Colonel Wilson,, with U i., .I- b%vo 41W and nearly bludozy It ; but I — . ,
. . . - Sh4 I conquered lzerr4f 1305CIOUtlyl . - I the tall ReglMolit, 34tollolg6t�s Vight- I 0 Lm. uzzek it �., � In the mountolits it grent �ravllid tdo much for their eilgincers,to carq 9 ,, � . .
- . � I : - 1" w6 you h%Vo -xi woman. In this. � be, . � , 0 1 veme , WA r '4UV.- L, _.,�_ .__7____._1__ 14.1all , Lquly-�il-9-wt-qel��!�.qFlg!pwn-,---�.. 1*._-. . 1. . - I - I �
'The most . reme , I shows tlie,niarka,of the copper toolii I i114 . .
. .
. . a u0sulir Traltilux. alt4jIt vL wbilill, to be at last abl(s to njighkoit village equal to Ahat cos- Scouts, 'CIA 3 .' �Axad two 'i . last, $0 your u douWdly w Is it i� I I . .
. . � I . -
I . . . - I . -1 _'v��t,�
.. I speak;, * w . . s, o'sh;A*o; size has 1914 , '0 66 men -set. .. y
. . The Unllozz, dotectIve has to' 4014 11 . � . I . tuiria, it �Q, IV, gum mail ub ; I I Is Milne . is. It Is the 0111, of Pharaoh kl"hWb olaviA4, Who toll-, , Tile Great Bell Of " XQslcO. ills' It.-- -11-D.- -- 3 ... . .1 I IX , . .
I . - as all �,6rdl�ftry You mealillf 16ho'-said, $tilt I Vith ,evidently 'o soul above tho; buttons out from Warm Daths,to AtttA* 0. 10 .Of the out Advor . ed lw�htch uAt- DO th'�te t,Willity,throd veAtuRes *96. 9004 Cx=PIO- 'This biggest of, b 80 per ecat. * - .� . I I . I . I �,
I the polleli force . loor 14 - the P,iorsizjjy #how$ thlk it . .rl A UMWA and a hAtif theii dug tuere U:L-Ott.111$11, chotti,roundtlie. rim, .. 11 — . . .
I 41bobbY." gild rRI-V upodlib own In- hor eyes on'th(i carpet, "that YOU to be probured )zero. and should, got I ,.Ager,, 9.0 ralle�g or so to U may be 4 Lod I . . ..
eal W04U t tliom, to -to -to pay A �161 stward, 3)IvIding his forciL. Into � � foj� halt 0, lifetime, u7ing to Jolatho 4m4 Wdighs 108 tolls. The foundry . .
I telligetice. couplod witIt.a.good d Id Porml I gjpg bond to'a Wilber sphere." we UPDXI. I I 'Watolf's"of the A04 Son t4 those '.of for Its Making! Was ertPtcd On the , i9lingnt Cures Diphtherl( � �.. . . "I. ..
1 of luck for promotion. I I attentionq to you 1". ould. alto? IAXA t1le,'wolhAll. I three.bimall columns, vajor uQuack- I UO-Allolnes 'f0 8 I I
.* . In VrAimce the art of *0 . the gown you, so agoct to lid- eAt was sent with the, Xotyntoll ,:-Xn. Ueort Trouble bAYe the'Nile., Them one day came. an or� vito, where It won to:be hung, but, Kinard' L I � - � I
-eing A d& "I'ller.0 was 4% righteous- herror In made been advvrtised before in Newfound- 14
I :uns, two days %a - 44-; peliggeo, dot, front, the It"Inig t1liAt ther WOT4 � In spite -of this precaution, the rals. . — � I I . _11,1 I
. .., - foutiy, 'land but nobody plamd,AAMY , - -
� .. %clitivia Is tuUillit 10.4.rtwu tie e Irps tilile. 39ra, Dundas, Uai�* infro"alyself,*P said Constantin, not , , and S n,a,h Tor *Ile .
. t. a blush of van gto Ogal"t Goa. I The AXriieles Were , "- Mg Of It Proved too 4 . -Jir �', I
.. . � � ScItoof - W101 lessoila mid, =A'%- Ing It, and soettkir tho, girro. pretty; I. rearot to soy�-Wltlxou op, t.o domoustir ii them, The trouble won that tjie�� sh,oUld. ecaso. . � �zzth century Uvs�bx In tilak by Ju0j In Germany, f
I � . I Al led, jijd (ingry* face. 461 back all"to. I Wl� betrayed a poverty of Boyers' oommanft lleft� Z4114 River- AIM lint Atli. lit 001-04t, Of tile mixt, t0o)'ablyf� It tile, 'king Jbilshea �slglli ot Fovento . ; vote of eight to,four is necesnary oil � .. � . .
I . k Ition. in V �, ii, tho, lishlons. ,1311e looked utind. $or which she was i�yerz. more port . , where'll; WA% sald there Were ter -the. XtiluDyg. Poild's Xidney � 11T.Wonn4iT v1tOJVCT. , and It ties t"Aty oil the Vang" SPO e i oder. AN ,,., -�,_ . - -
L . . Tilt students art, first trableil a 19 . . I 1. , � . 71�oto, it 'has reposed for the past 8 '. ,�. . . .
. I
. theltsoottlielriq,renati4bando. .000 lie was-Poutttrably amused. asb&404 afterwards. r" Boers. Tho."Aib*t'ot thir"Inam` L Pill* L are entirely dliTereat toR ally It benc� %$years, six,to six, vote -means acquittal , . I . I
. If so, broadly, Allows 4' No_ really?" questionott ' Mrs. oeuvro %v,a ri . t for Heart; Trouble;. it would, they said, -�ba for t e , I 1. . . - � .111, . I -
of the lessons consists lit placing a * I � , 9 to 61.3gage, Doe , 4ttefi- 'Other tkeatmon I I I -.1----- ..... ....." ........... ... �_i�_ . '. . . .
rio� hOww 11 prevent - 'they Act oil the lit Ot.1116 eselial"' Ant 6 wi)rld .. . Whovkyo4*1141nanadvoril ricit
I so the big -
pupil in the middlo,of a, brillf4ittly-,erodemoss,", she said. "Till widevi. "I WIsh-t Wero clever like tiou and blur.from galloping , Klibleys, first, and . _. + I "a saw wil ailvaril" 0 !1*101.1q- .
, I
. .. ,, Mont Inths,cpar. = I .
room. foll of lurAltilre. Ire over. ,tile all Pul$erfill. Will DO doubt , Imblo to the. Als.glatimee of the liuvilhera "for that very n hall yet, seem wo Jolt un.fintshed (Lad INDIAX MATatIAGns. YbLw Intamt1soo so..", otwfo, , M .
I . 11#Rte(I List. It's 4bout, the most don � I ason. M. $0 success7: gest ploce-ofoligineering. th 1. . , #, . . I "
� v 0 lie turn -out I'vo aeon thin Many. U. day# colonel Wilson niciAtit to).,Att;i�k. Tile till. . . . I . � . I b""tly am 6"Vad Wall thpwst. I �.
I Ill loft for �oflly 4 few sceauds, when I teach you tbAt-stl thtxt I 11411 P V wasted. I b � of __,�,� __.�._ I I
V6a my. lecturo, mid refralm fropt giv- and it'ilts You, like'a glovd 11 . second column, or rather dettwIllyzeut 'Air. Thoma flattor of CaPOL I A reCOW, '00VOrAmellt Cellsu - . I .
- I I the room. Is, ,darliozzc4i 0114 lie Is rP . . I f Vim I 1kT_ 40. ,Cost 'neither In money nor IlVol India contains a r6marRab.10 State- �L . . .11 . .1 . �
q%d"111'10 1s1,01Xh-b(A&t1Iy %'1tOWj1XA0 1119 You tile les,,oa ott the polite - Iler tone was vor�r kind and appre- was also sent Dili III advonce of tile Ilquehad trouble with III$ heart for ,aldepotion 1, wityk tile , I-, W PV 1090 - ` I I
, . L
I -*1 " , . Ailap, of tua roolm, Itidlecrtin)r tue, Pa. ItRred. L lit .zjoCeMi.'Roeje(y$ ,qjyztW*,, Inalled. it Was tru& - TIIO� mAirt bodY. -ItcG0sIst4P4 41 4, 9114`� vears and tould- A04,110thlaw to, was all.vl - .1rot _ . . . went jo; reforoune -to youthful at='. -----.--.-- I . - . - . I � _... .
skipping M, rharaoh But eost of 411 kinds .1 _.______:=', 114 I - � I . 11 _L .. - �. - . -
aittou or tile ful'altureu Aftet this Ito that Is, on the tip bf my' 'tongue- tdri'S dress, of simple cotion 106hed pamy, under compland of Captralfts help Lam. Dttt ills owyl word!% will 1" flages. There.' are lit tbAt country - I � . . . .
. . must be narro*Ig .6,016.169 V 1r1Ft%_
I . ro, and theft, duty better toll tile story. , estimated, by the IrW between live and
to AlflOwed. to look at, -a tam tile ,a Just now. It you Vero kit 4 loss. charming. "Md nulted bor'lls"longe fig- Carr*Ill and Qld� oderm elighteor. ^The dead city that who haV6 been or O�ALVER a %-a I
. moment or two. Thostudeat 14 thor yolt might, lisrvo gai'd you failed -to viril G&U4 dolionnalro fam to .jzorfeL- Was to hold the trosstrig At, rienakra "Vor- over six years," writes, Mr. In - Ifte years of age
o. ,Olnothi t that mon . � I lies biliking into Villa 011, 016 Atlall- 4. . I ,
-or r no 0 . River, dogage. and drive back any of ,. suffered intewfely are LwIVO. 6Ver 070 000 of them . i - I
irliquired to descrillo the face and tilt uriderstAnO to . L . I I enemy moving, In that diroctio Barter, "I hold tle coast two ratio$ north of the ro tdddws. , . �' 1 . , "I � 0ARSOL10 � ' -
_.. ta flort." + . -Ur. Duaila� � is always - raving the A. With palpitation' ot-'th6 heart and , It Juan dot Norte . , __ , - .. - I .
Jolor of tile, hair anjil tyeg. 110 - , river i4a, L'Is U dl*- n , ' ' I * ' .
I atterwoXils requitcd ,to recogniZe A -,-1rbat Is a-losoli.11 ratilvAilid. Qft� about thii sutorictrity of nlinplo :cle., Colonel Wilson. -witty tho' remainder had to, give up work. ,I could not -fo'.1krIthmetle, - 90116 �_ . __O I. ,.�, I I . , 0INT 'E �-� ' ' '. -
. . 1. � of his, mon. rode out front Warla (10 anythigic at all until I saw in Wal. testimony . �� ,11, M. N . .
'Photosr"Ph of the ICK40 A34011C, SRV. stuntia, -Ijut I camtot bouetit by glinto over tke moro'norld tal:09,11 � .a. world's record of Ungland b" 11,304',equifterles, be- , ... I
. I . - Bathn, making a. laight 1114rch Of P5, DocIll's Almilue that, Dodd,$ Kidgidy wrong., It is, I I � lilt one to every 2,190"Inhabitants. ' ' , For all 0111 1111r440% I
I eral hundr.41 otliftla. it. i aid inaloratand you. thorough- )4ra , Ihimlas wont oil. lit tier soft wasted expense; .
V. you meant you, would,and your guqnotollo. I'lletwon, 1,14ht And, me miles. �Ay� that lurato they 90t, Into Plug Would cure W. I then sent . � . , I I
- � I- Tile eduration at tiv lictud iollawn� 1, in 1880 Be Lt*sorys, floated the In- 11 I . _�, _ , Af, 0. C~ a 00.9 111111ill , I I
%%e pupil lk�. placed In, 11 dartelled annLf,eyneat Ili making u, mail love and %ho'Wall, 110 JaL a trifte, clom,. Laid poattion before daybreak am front of for six boxes. I ust(I live Of tile= . ., ., t&
. I . I .t$ InXW L' .
room full of eurloun Qird tuAW;ual Ob- %-all. aval. then Ila Wag at him. X I Its * r far u Q ,a u oil t 0 Commandant Protorlits And Flat and am, complet I cat% do tcr� . $JQ0 Itilwod., 010D. - . .
ely, cured. .Octoulo Canal Company, with a I
I It Ito coul coo you in Uys' retreating commandoes. 'ever CAPItal. of,twelft intIll6us. Oile hun. I wl"
I )"ts. Ile is "'quIrA to touch 1bW1 11 my Work again. now as well as -
ihqughc Oub.410, t did that. . at money -bags. I I could. I am not mizell, of a ,Writer dred and two thousitud ,oAz6 buildrod. "t 4 " lsq,w will bo .1pleas@4 to. EZ $ 0 , 11
. that L Own I Should not' litar the 011411 , L " thottlifts
irstpidly And atttritvdrds to k1c31l tin" onll'Was mcirried.' . - 110TIP1013VING. and _ihirty, Sharebolderlt eagerly i kAft I =i,oftedriladeddivissii � LLL
as touchod unit Write , Mvi. Iluuda,I broke into laughter. Of IV a itil tile gown Itself was In the but It yo� ... thlizU. this letter - would a gge le"n ^lilt to cure AtiallrlrtiA
setly whitt lie h, lid ovor,�� rag -basket. It. my d - Vorroll. however,, ball 0016 into help anq person by being bought, up the 690,000 sllai&,704 t to Catarrh. 1141rd I& ura $04 4 1, �
- Muir oat, Cdtz. lit utizet, with tile 'enemy at� x1vIts . other lictitions, r-abruaty lat *Qrk 1>69fin 01% Vitt * valy "Itlya Cuts 1401W known to
* 41CStrIPH011,01 t1rut. Ile. Imst to ,piess. but fall of,mirth IN - thilkirkinlAht*0runisi Uniformil,sta,
membek, evolt tha 131ghte--t deAftlin. Ijo�vblg. Yet Mot a round e$caped should chance to— Alit Talk of cO printed fa any or your pub lifturnity# Ciluarritb4ingacillks.
ot tho exchlr4*4 %,0115V*4 )$I Illur, � hpp. it., wast a little way alto luild." the—of an lutgoll, here lie colu0n." PrItt, on tile morijing bt Juno. 1, ant- you are ut liberty. to print it for X grftt, rmlain* ('Agnal'-4�04 10)? JIVO . Alls"is.4 "AgAir" 0 0411AUtIltiOlkid EVERY TOWN CAN hAVE A BARD . . 1. I
a ji,welled imiyo before blin PL -l'bero Avould bo no suddeli declaring Mr. Dutidas tritericil. the room., Ile ibered Aim ,thoroughlY gratefUl f0v b 5o,000 riten and ofery ritiyolltb$ Han,o0ataorhCutelstaktulater., I
L prislog,the Beers, who..Outittail 0114's Year* ., 1W 4214, r4wftt Prices over Tiow, Pluo tattlottis I . . - ..
07 him three to oa&�* Tile fighting % �� �" lMrf&ew of Ulo sysiolk, thiltaby dos Milluetratt"o.thilit, . -
I I ,'it � thiell lCiAbley Villa." . I 9t 11 I 9 dirody UPM tho 11,
I tile dArj;.. ulilrb �Wo is t%ilowed tAt 411- bcP n1irth-1110 movement ,of tile woo a large'lliall, tall and well built; . troo. Writsilitafatir �
ouly for a , molumt. Aft v'. no click 'every Ot tU0,iz0V0V ilb- at least tWentV, ,vears has W190*0 toll- olVated ,%,as Not 4nd florce. XrON1119 Ifol)IgnX 1-1.14qIN�MTbto TOILZI]l It"A" ty the 16U14AU" 6t tka discus, and thing in X11111" or "Milleal lastrtmont4 I
(ouch QP- bod� I over their first Aght, tile eftemy, . _____+ -7 '. I tro Ilt -u-'erott1h bulldlagu%ithe ,
;-1 ...Ij IVV JOUCU %vilat t_lq�c tali., and then all tit 011cor. "bell ter. Ile Inight'llot t"'Al a first prize against lover, lloo4 1knil. quicksands. 9,=do"Poomd A&CWtiat IMI. inZinit" "Aly 001 k. .00.1 Lwted
. 191"It (kit to
Ward% lip, 21111'.1i I I - XXVIOCAT10 VAA . " ' . Tormto, Oat, and Vilinip6p Um
" the Sowels, ar�_-Vrhctj1cv rubivs. dia- you turniJ,d to hot- to UnoW why site where beauty Was lit question. but 1�4111`jtcd, and. reqyIng on their numert , I 0 Vi(Are And motwintaloy Was ralsed. Ireik. The triwwom bavot no F
.� tuoiid,), or ol).119 L had not aw,werot your lost question. ept-taill.1y ho %v6jxjd be hl&ly - tom- cat nuilMorlty. galloped up to where . . till tI&tv-taQP =1IIJOnA had be6n.- I'$ Wgrativii Powsm t1i" tMy offor 424. Huu- I _ T .. I
'�(!L . �. .. � I � L IWOuld L. Wore Hving at� thm frdm . .. voijo�rs for ant 00" that It tally %*,oure, � ____ .1
, unit heo, in 4, Ills f4w'*4u gravin life AM- WOO and , , all� = . 9NOINggital - I
� I . . __r,1P,_,..._ ,Vol% f a ,Very nleud,:, it Carroll's susceptibi]lity.af 04 Aural Xerves pourred away in -the work. ft Im 0C tosfgir�o- M'. I
-�., t1guny.of jaught,or. .Nlhoi idid, not put- hall, slightly gorIzAeo. Ilt,q mouth horso4ack. nut - Captal To Zd,,,,ti,,,,, othor, twenty n111116124 wigated In, -Ea- . r.J.0HXNXV&00...TQr,Z06. . 0,
I M1.1.1so OHM[ VFIV11,1111 . � ImI.V. " IV�la fir -All. "Myl IforhAptl 4L ti'low ater" Ilion were well cet, and; nevcr flinch- . A"'T, a I .. SUPPLIK& I � -
I PAA:�.ejy f.zzjJprJe!�'.1 it, ItL Wag � LL rope an bfilkloilsm. concessloak. And W111- � " Ajb#gJ1sz a , 1, .
. . . lWholi In rplAo, INAUNW1 1% .11 th* lilsib _"d�, �
The, villugi- of 0stin, alitilit 1wetilty- I he,vo said. one All her little ,W*74. .p. 111bpra %Va�j. JuAlft(j, they stuck to thelp position, In course of thile the teleiralill. *Ibevy. Ton yettislater the, smash I �. jrn . rips covol I J I
0 Ing i tw"(41,11"t
throltalles troml Remo and tit 00 ond r3ke halt alanY. Stvai)11,0 AR it'" I 'nell, of re%frity "hoot tile whole aixotbag down the, -enemy right avid ises.ear 0- W " t
_ bcColapa marvellously acu.w. ,e*mo, and such widespread ruin ,as,L . .i,� ofolgiol, gK%% I I
-A Ilium that IVlllI,e!:!;4,I 0110. and t;ug- jolt. ipid pzAnL�jzmDyzt was too severe Tlla� slightest variCt"Am in tip* or the iorld r JUM ucialmil seen. -'AUd' Nlyzetrtbroo, per Cent of the beat of 11 I I#*
1: Illoutti tit tilo 111ilber, bw hundsctIq lit imn, there wus nampthina in it patell t And , 11 - I ... -Wm. IVTTON � I
L Irtmbitufat'.3 daripp, tile winter 0114 LIP, toll� Nonlotbing, that It you I gested tit, tito fir,A glanrO,that 110 for the burghOrs to st - so the'9 Aound'i1i a.4 plain to him as A drop� now tile NiciragilA, VAMAI Kileltio'bas Atit the'tobil dult -in all the world Is L. rompou"n Alt,
.. -,00d of it, wolild tarLejwozild be Ail% UH,':afk %alit bolted lit Alto very direction It Wag pod- note to u Inizalchin.,Ally gv*ud 4 tile, ,Wasted: but L Only SO per 4cont of the ,.
. '0118y abolAt tell 4P twelve, during th'A were lit the r. I Cjjlzr�kcter L artirely nailed like ranama, tin , . � -Libbi", I
-Ettlinner. 111v rmov'rwgison h;Z11ill,3 Ux �:011. aud coluip-1 -.1ol) 'arroll'et operator 14 able to distinguish tit - ditches, and beat of oil, Top6t,tm. --
I . t*1 juill Ill Will, � 1villiza to pitky Mst and louse. Ile pictoned they tbould'go- C , 0 valued city. 0110 04ty . I . 14, . -11 I
I . . ApKil or Miy. -,jitd. la,;ts till Me vild lber M her tAltnd. 11tk'rr�,-v3a1,lMq, It �, lozit.cd- vlgorow3. r,trong to endure. jos!;es. were one tuna killed and tour. dmi,melb betweeti,L'l tile sending or I ' , already hidden. ___4 --_*_____-_4 L I L
howe'vert I ""till" 4' "' . pot Over Poky'voril
luf Novorinbr4l . Me intlawt alit!) de -S,011 welo, not In t1w uluod. I unit tillent. lie wwi lit all renlpoetn teen wounded. three of whom have Ora. and ran tall by tile Round 'by ,1v'Jcrg,�oW7h�4trOpjgaI ereep�ers. (lominion Lino- steamlillp I I
,. rcrl tho kAlpt,k thiril4r Ibin Iter � I cuch: it cont Vast to, the graceful. ca, �Y,V, vince, Oled. The actual known losses 01*11at are ult gt � I 1. V0.1wnWAIN't 800"llwagrxtr &m%ft WoJil - 111654041 to IrAvotool Ilutob W uVe. I I
� . iod, I it wan Wdc.,&db,kbI,y czliuoylng� , t Mating froward W -ho wan Ills wit,'. r the Ilistrinhelit ally mun, with im,o rocoril U)or "drm *it" "Wall, =- r*Uftl J& lAittVQ4 VIA Q,,,, . I
I:,:tUrlftG ht Novelubtr in ordoil tkV I Jut,t ulm V I the DOePu WOrc fifty killed, 'And 'the wbom, lie has worked for ayzy�kagtlk faflure, . I rr C11110*1; of ft*tutrg alit" . 1 � �
olant.antlm kvirl Zlet ,10 %I.**"hll4. .t . !:� tom I L ,, �
The. - fail to. remark I nattve,3 havo I reported that lizall.v T. t , , * 6 $ililsi d""41=aeg I I
. �jtbat Otto could. not O Im*, ,. frbort tire calcultktod to hot 4,006 if" bi JAJO "i Vsit 11wWw1rcaurl�r q"6,i,M.X,. ,
calaKdfo Cie ;. filf-tilo 44041q, V, flar litood. ' 4&id 8. 30" A� 6,W _ I
I It. were wounded. y or Tiremy-ll 6 t t M k%n ,
� Ciou-d Into �utl) of fl)Z' nlWat livialli- 11ye-1 T, r1te r�aW With distlntt�u ]NO*- Ctil-'Wils011 To hini. there isw; much difforeace Maillon cublei feet of masoare In the tit Be It uttk 1014taipli, WNRO"Wat"b"41 �
ti%40 kind, '11`h�y Hour I". 45f tlto,W. gi4 I and, t;'PoVntu1` interrocation In the I, 1011,11 ratme lilt tile roolu with a. long. waa,80 r,jtuate4l that Ills scouts Over. btitwova. tho Round of 41tterent tele- " .. 0 X ". �Wft "a BA10" . I
I So a It QW Thjl.�U!Aft & , W1411 go,
. (1,regt JVAIII -of Vilinsk, which, bas it � . . Eft'" 0 A 0 ��bl u6ji, , I
... .. . th�' f)Awmilable. Sho Igeted at' Cload5' 510410 11.0 VOAV4nllti3. 011d, looked the voemy'a lines Of retreat grapblqts suiding AN there 14 betw"A 1, - 1=03M
11VA, thil dktiW J,Jt)r.fq. %-ind Callao of 'I Innuelmit All " xL Of over 2.(W,AkINs. At 0-1-1 Ksb# ,.U� ;S
low�,p I%AI f Jig m3ant We nu,�v Call tho tier - '011,;Vft I)te-ItIlly. WIth suy-,Avok� f3plot, band'; wavinly With hor. Ile VillablUdlInt 110YOrS Allit flIff total leogti + 1� � I
,, , " the bliffidlYrItItIg Of Ally two Mien 'it pref'"it soveral k;UroPt4tz comliall blotralcog", �: i -
let, a � Uor#. After What luzd� 1141*111 the same )tile of business. Any Main from t-114 Df tallwixy In tile last % Vearn than - I I
wall�� but, 1%(4I1j)rPtJP.portio3t unit tho I P..�C:-t. and pulloril bevi.eft toli(41zor -in liked IIOP- "Ito cultill I ill f- ' %Ctler 0.4 are mideavorlag to o ies Russia han built a Inwator length "1110694"Ntohll. I
vel ,011ght hit' *if0- ed at Xwltl� Priff. tile llffi�v pair 1. operAtor who to utuston" to work
" " . -�v anit � v�lauc tzn lxemit to apppor tt . vc,py A101 111011 111% (" r ' _t!= �rdlullhk
. rokq tit-, conlpli)swl of ItTarthe tilt It was ,;till and JjJ(_a it XV;1!4-tllp4li'--t-o,-;i6li:-"tile and Outlying 11,irties b;1zd Tallelk blit'k. Chinese Government e9lic"010119 to any other European cOUAztryV5�- I I
thalkh, llvlle�;� havl.c, huto In the, prullolt inawive. I World. had It licen present. and cor� I)elleving. thttt big cofitans were out by sound *1111 Illeti, bVerir day can pull down portions of this hugo'(ov lj� miles Is L&r r&ord since 1875. FRENCH OLEANINGIA I I
raos qq rillovu tJ-.p fq1mke to ,v,,t;xpe alvialoubtV goll, ot en,foYmellt of kill. ,Ill in an Instant just Who is work- tipeation for us6 As, bulldlmg next with 14,660
'Ind. lailliv to Constantia. where Ills to sweell tile couittry. Rita t whole 11,47, dermany Comes �
. I A- tt,rial, I ,� 1.1ratice has built 12.098 2`ot*"`V'*a0#b t`a1t1%o1ot,yf1,iL Mill I
: �,Lru Pwv fnixm � 1�rf� iz�tt tito eta- L,4rkyqIpq I, w.1140 heart unit rotli lay. , Nuell a . X Ing the key- There is somethlng+L , I ';�6VA§I1Aq1,^r I.. I
� i ji�ljld "Voll two propliety Itself." 'mile Of tbo remizz"fl, � � - V ,�ollk- miles. and � * Tom Md *41 "'"At! L
I n t1jo iuov,�, I loisn"NiC46"tstio, � �
mult, Is ai that 'thl'y Ile, tilt'. , �tfj �aud "liar in tho way each optrator _Kill,,
. 1w woudeliul briglitenhir of the cold 31141140 .14cm 0 , Tile 4reat Wait of China is another E Wt*iu 6"(A9. I "
. 93 ylaitl, AVIIHO r"lad. --A %ev) Coe, IQ would I . .. I .. I I � - .. lot"" I -
t!5,IbIQ, A�A �;tv how 111twh I ud- ,M:ml sulal a ltoft MAIN of the Fault er Opens and 009m his -'t'y, '()f course, of tile world's bigost failures. Built �
ftol mcd st lir') lor wal . ' ___.___ I Ailtalvil" oyjlm to .
I l)tltc4jdp. ThIq in- lialn I - I Iliver. i it IR ontirfly s. matter of etovatlon witty spleni'lid solidity'doWn In thO -1 � . . I _. i.......— I .Ahftlrsla�j I
. rticlAnx 9,4 , dow , . . . �
X"d fovor�.nffiekal %11 mim ,yon -and do not dztlro to 11,141 , , I., thei . at W ,
I � I kavo ltvall last with ,,Another evidence lit the Work' Wag Sektullied And felt il acute Drouchifla by R(K)FINO F
lslgi;lr.-,�,tl,� .- 10AI) vtfu, or novat,#4- uf the v**.,. ti. Valleys and Aftr t6 co4stit 400FIND It"d "t mot
. w,15i 04t,('a ,Ill IUP3131��t pot I ilulfatfi�M I Air$, PtindaR in0vil a little as Ito -, suscop ;finisli. I WR4.turod, of 'J'Am to sw,ig - I
. 11 11121111litt'; ,.(Au�_�():-TP73113p-,1 I tillould rat!fee 114100 0110 towards licr. and chaugt'd the At (l.,10 ILU.I. Wasaws i'leketq., It. y of the Moral lierv(.4 to educa- jtodotclro#n� 8TA&1rXXT,At,Xll1)AIzD.j W� 1,
"M02 1,wro latulc,d till' m . . bilit 'od"on the hill-iffitift . "I'd "hen. in. WqAUWR VINIMPINT. ftbilobd4lKlo 11,014ft"
1 eNpres9lon"ol Lei- lips. 14113 Itlant iloOted tiza.t, tile :POad, was fall of lit" 1. Xd*ftu T,,f*.�t,j WMAll % P " I
;, . I �k wowu �'m vivtnuus Will ,%Ou'll'i - tion Is t1le, fact thet ail'oper4tor can the, thirteenth = "
. for I(OlAe, " now ncram tilt) tt4y tokl)lo at, lirr sidiv I)SIcoming Douro. who had Arrived *it I century. tilt hQrdeq of J. At. CAMP Coartnek-, XMING114(4404,1,
Z��,11_�z � lbe ballpv, blit %04 W4%1% I.Me' 0 . tratetvil tiodc4LIPY 6 rh"401(0. find lit Optighly: *;Ilfklt4 aWept down froln the DA -V of lalamd'q' I t&WTor"t%&f*bI0Ztr M11 Q�lq",Ai.y"w IV
. . Pond beld out to Mot 13�,Ikvicumhln Vlarke a Mane, rl.v, mile* distant. . Ak"OWI %4~66talbidltd6l, �04% 0"4 - � � �,
�,"01'i'liu-.O� V�zl �Xow tio tow".1),il, A ,
�,,, ., t. ,x 4i 111tv .4. Ulm tto prett,�t pink pabil up- Avilgonla, vol"aill. I thLk Saftin t,iM dIStIll0I.V IllrXIT find nurtit., tbov found little difficulty lit I Wa_q cared f b im
.It Vlacial Neu'ralgia,by 1411h I'vtolff'o'conat, iletoorite
, I
. . I ! Hm r_1 S, �4*,I;n , I .C.1111�tol)L t(,*,t ? 'Xvlz�n 43110, 114,61,1r." . itimberialt 02V, Incil r3niprehend evetythlog that Is $Aid making tlieIr way through it into 1211INA,HDIS WNIUMNT. 116-0111TRIX a . 06A , 'T
. well-kaoWn Varzmv alaisto WillIT260 Waq 0at Nour text � Poi�vvards. thmillion/1 saddI44 tit), aiia the till, bLV "therig Ill tl�l toolu. Ite, calk be the tertile, land it W.M. DANIMS. - _ - L � I— .1 -
I - 3 �� � "We weiro jca,1, talldeg about. vou." . I
I'va ,�Il 0.11thall. Possible for all action. , qu go"
- qluticcd r.o Item, outJ4.,he gidd� i positions were mado As covertly 0,40 .
L, X-Iftorl1v nj1q,pr art I,ublie in o drc, vou lonW�** �4,.',k ,. tw"t �milo: ,wity bu*JW "gaited at okll!�Wfug. 0PAUPRly .1140 JIMMY- .14pringhlil, N. a. � - L . . I .
Inalivtoct."I itntilcly Of X10151, 6LI?'?, . ,661iixetl urp tolle tq tire dix,ply Ck)!.-�:-",t�kill,del,til,z-wllat, hopt, *,,oil. 111111110W force Was practically mitroultdisd �%Y itrid Net his oar will `1616 In tvrv..- 1*am ctreditit Chrovile Ilbouniatism,
Into drt--,* 1A a delicate Nile-,Preell Ift f,fiClIfi�11, "it J,-, C'.11 all.uV44-alk 14tt-�'ILIng ,�t)zl ��)Ujd Lo,�p - k� � '111ort, 'dotartuattlis or Kitchener's Fight- thili that to adid oftr h1m.. , Vor the last 90vt-ll humdred Year$ At by MMAHIIIIA 1,1XIME". L I . , I %
- it, ther'N' . Law V ar thing is the i4et has bren a 111ollum"t, of umetckqnnw"� OVOR14P, TINGLI,,V. - ,
'0101" 'Fill,* Meth Wnq r1mi in Ilirm- ta�o,t� AmfetUblo thii.R, bt 1, WAR 06 010.4t 10'.filuisite tepro, __.- �
I �. I Ich. in fato, cents, - who were oTdo to Another Peet'll 4"kers wliw. first tratill4d Albert f I ___� I. I
,rod, � - 4''
111PI), *!!d 11,1- A,millmit .1.1mufaftamd. Icai'qy Lim 111()P,��'.',As 'ria -11 I ilfflrolp�rj, ,- W,M, Jkoll 8 The gold L -O.ip N� n. - �:D- I
fjlvgC� I e%LJ,r t%'a.4 IJJA� a t ,worAls, that st. tetolgraphlat working at night I
,CVj(4J. "
" s; , 44 a aftnultor,etius atta�k tit 14 -lrike, 11 SHIUM MNTAI� .
lit 11"Afl�, It fooL il%e 13th. to � . -,% will lay Ills be -,Aa within two in _q ths,ougli tho foresto of AlaSkia. On I U10AN il
" � Ili* --IW' 'W11% 0. litt'e pet 11614V a.11ft, All Wolt vr0l. and thel, lulot's . � *ORNMXL 121 A4"ftowo I
e -.ml- I Ilit"volt fol gi t 511'. fho�da . � trullont and Mimi, aq I ilielp way to th* Yukon, were youch �-__- _. fit �
CL).'riplo'le P r'�Z,lv iM.1elt, lad'v r ,, . " t"I'l "" : ��!,ek Iggi W4, him. John he had, betri, ,,'Ad lit) sampiet,an any ),I,*,,,, W,,r,l tit a wotkint lim - ----- — .....I- _ E " � ltfto!'M - 'IL
"Wf't liq..Z,rult ill 4)ftei�. ofien 1" with AirL"; rout. #, toruUW *ero*.i hilgo b*I#A -1 . - 047w"Wft=;� - ,-. - "Ol-M
els to Lwiry timt Ill" P I dj,pj(1lLk 44,111istelled. till apIvIlation that (,%- rear until into ot their oulpostg 'of. t1tough lit Tied It. Witt A jaia-led Ulf — --a�� 11
-!(l. - lllt� Poundl3t- a , I .
u dmul4wi!4 taingitm l0raight in pulictfoln, 'Jreri�jhly 1,1 te, wily saited bin), John Udc,r-,�, - cloud (11 it" In the I.-AlAt 1111111 ',vt 01,64134 Into, For I 11,11 111,11 �11 I 11 �
t rimiglil not b" dl%furbed � n*%(0%6 lho P . It W) sion sod 4 LOW women work I—- .1 11
C11 . timil a rstuail hig Own o0goo roll 11,14 *tAlln&,d bV llb" MO(* 311111f 1111004 It Wide ,put hod U,ea - I .
I trjllt, sith (t fittla,p4ohel Lit back. P-A't it �� 11tit uow tbw I hme ,!IV, " At Britlish laceizzaking. Thty pro,- . I
�-Atm slav Jfj�* sho it, 4,11s vatl Milk in ro L - I .
101VCI��-, ard. rut Ia* foulkit ,vom. wV1111a. I t4i'miro 006t ' - � frevirl tit($ Ilusli. upon. tile Warm natIA ' ., ft
T)w booRce #A od, thIM0 Gr$t 41AVS. Wlica la� liad IvenAllo,t1j, Ift,lic,vitil % WO awsAtft hi*k " iftado through tl* Wilw0ki, forest ; duce 6 millionpoends! worth a Star.
� -�ilijr, lt� i1q, t,lt,,t,j with I shall wako en. Inuftc4liat- itelifir- i: hilliVentill tv� ,11; 't, it to W ovil,v g, In tru ift., Th6t wall NO -It Mound i the trunks 141Y wlw4v they had- fallou . L
lit ff-Int - ca-_� 1 Y4110 � is Lukiwl;,410 pleli�IjrjlflAh $MtLr(�t, tl*y prolupi,A4 laid a An nit Jrnrtttht� ill ArOUtAe- k ' A DE SITO L y
- I �ill;� 'Illi� e -'Art, tor- turek loward'A The riAht. Wit ;;rately vollvo-'ed, to ldx��'i b,,.1;,"'r)A'tha 4airt I!v of t j* ,qsrw do,wr" of In- �, and their ot4ltkpk lit Ill sboWt,d The I L ., . . �
,b#, I betiry Rif ,.I, ,b,�� -ro 'Aimrl. .
vkfaill$4-4 vet" n ffirt i,te,t will bk. of rl:trap to a4r.h. 0*6 soldiem. Tht!lv 01. Is A, S in
-----. .:e, !�tirlmi`Alk Ink'stial"th) Nalw 0 111(*,p,A, *4114 luorf% to tier #h* I eirof ty. itrid it J* oal v t hot tiibilv* - - qjf fargotion wtov, 9
. � - ;
, . .
it, -4 ,,, bl-.64 lilm ItilftK" , ,it tfkrth" 7140(,� WessN lknow-, usual way hiding front ob4ftirottli I miliall 41f 106 V�Jftl, hKt 14till ItHliftJoh- ., ..._._oA__ - , I
4t gillilk '�1iI'1V'0uwIll iLw, Illk, Illent"I't, I NAVII Will I inalft ,_ 1OW441 OW frO01W t(I 4'41110% ill ! " lit who Oar that CA114" film toV dl -4`1 Invem- aum had miunibled upon th, � Ififiard's Want Cam Dist"W FOL
ItAird. It wilt I- lr',-� '�,r4t tillh, k eliiro4e iii -Y "Ift4, I LN'llitIl prr"ft'llP, I 0 1"dv", . ;%kl ,Ictt,14 tbo Ilion Ilas,, , is oike rall evett ush-41,11 re H , 08' I .1
, � I tilao" Akl-%K hiAML Ilf'I'll 'Rofn on, t4la v*toryriod (1111 IV^* liolij," �thj% 100%fal (LQ$1ij 0 ,1 4.0n(*tjj. t4W%Ish h . 1pil plen- ill I-liginet-risw whith. thouxh, 1,00.(W- ckts Alm y"ely ex L
�%fkjrj�_La 'laoil 1��, atur_ L - I I I
111w rolor 1-1 You ihink bone -OV, *,(tit *, _ aa 11, I PQrttdL 10M the lit, I I
,(I it be ablqfil'k%� Alw(ndk4t 1w d"We"4 �, intil tholXr&al wall, 111hen tjzv�, wit,owl grou , total lium i r *1 11 "I
7, , , lot,ave in 011V bol , led group, of lk*r,,* lyink,144kind ;t, . _. —,-4.- ,--- , I * holt ft r"Illry arm 111W tV4lL lit %lit- I from lgroAt uritair- Thi 'At rikullell., ),nay Jft,V4
�#__ P I �it " .
,, 0( 1he d"o' luider A - I . it, urAeritikc Itio li�' ,tmoro ej%v ,T%�' it tit -lilt 'A IwxJT,V. UPTAI, IS 00LIt. o%timsted 6i 0.4t 11 - hildonol,
- � whot 1whI , ittott blin, - I civillit6d world,' has nove 1-�vm forg�)t- A twr lot tjW'* imat *1, is [tit stopift I
11 11 � - , it tan 141k wo vinch" , IsInk - ill a loola)l* Alit& I 1. � A Ill Ili net su*t-, t� Ititt (Y'kuy
'070t "��, "I. Ibluk -,'A) I)WO f.im�b, woro, i,ming fc-ron brrOl W*V4, 1 " t alinooVt it% eattrely , -i it It, had xavi,n *Ajjjoaa� kt*d , .F.
I �0! I wasolv0"I 1101, -1 $!�K(W`i t:f "ft' i Ill V whieft riiau"
,� ".� � . Vol# bliff., tiltd, f -011V IftliO6 A(wilo."Vom OV4 on %oil 4141 in 1plhv.�!� lipok, 1roz,bj, fqta tit hij Xro,VMt lju.-,1�0j*P11Nt ftt'kN Willoft Oar Tit -it. and The qViii, -gold tilt* eai ilk wylik(t by "lie %Ile" Ile, . -
. . W .
� . lot* Pitt% Ailfwr� Witt, I*wiltkt, " old days whAV6 I was a littltA 0 Uwlt,4, *tht a M'IM111A front him, .49� - 0** filoy %eerml to talto fioetMon A m(lat. valtARIkip Of 0" 311;iial't 1-1 It-tJ toitig'. .,V,1,.1�,,JJN,,J1,i ll� 1, 01411111PMAJI.k�_#_ L .. ... 11'.., 1. ... P. !!,! !!!Ir!, , inftlior .
=1 I trelilloil thery to ot Mmo ,-tA t*10*14 ballalliii" ot . I -_'!'!�' r —!!
11 lk�g� afto fniidly t*liev"ll Nour (Aly wi,iww 10d her,band tot a se(owrl u6,11hilid It( *r doriltty� I 0 L. .� �, I
IM ra.pWky *% tbf we4,row�'*Allk�, "In "�r - - , '111111 1114t0d'A h*W InlIrlit" t)W 010141th calk "tewli" It. alyno,ot , I 11 T" "N"A MMANiNT
11 -4 ,-" itz * wAr*. totad, AR%11� and t1ert Attemkilo mim. 10"fibom lftlol- 6 A LdA r . .
. IV I *rib, illraills .ks,ft not %tot&.10 , it - I .1 j:
I '' I fte'"rawm.. .411%ory Oi4w wid " a % it swit lint a protly �-f`VOWK ror. I droPjX4 It 110, t,ould likit lVI.A4 �t, till the t-,oIdI")4 d0fitauffle-A! und be- sn--.Vlhi*X Tito I 4AAP PA411* � ANS Wilamw cANAM I),
� 'e'natill tit ill fielft I*hW*t,. NO 101 Pit, ettl(aging the tllelklv�, Itho willirk. all llativill beft to, 4 -a 40ti, 4u 4 4 , ',P* 'e-1 I
X4411 .1 rrawsw Aftelf`J /
.. L r .ju %Aearer "ayoul. Ow *11%evy Ile -lit I MOW ; '1411t, V44k varctillifewl4v W As 4 " :a, 041 4( i MMUCEURMAT10,11 I ,
FkVint, on I" tfle ik�lde* t I,t a Limilk, *ho wertk WI 14 lottinit It g4A, without tho i6iv,,At% IV xti.,W. looto (14killionq And wtodoirtii- d"OV4 Iva, cWtoijil P" at of INIM 01 A '. . A 0 .IX r -
I 4 I I tilpstoo from twint to . , . i - -Iirp- lint wranwhilo a *(- bot XOM iran JW hoaaft"N41 ISto it ,l4� V*hW* *Jr*",-v,r,s,lU� 11, 1� , ,
: � 'L , 116*6 wit, IWAT" lit tho yno"lViliellt 1AW)"m for griving l0kc '"ItAt thov W_* It he hold mkotai", 1% lf'SA, i4 theii I ft*w�
I I t WhPV 111041ght lt� illid, ,*ir,*4JV N4W." 1W *Aid Wilb blo. Oftd 110tAtbirWilf . 01 I
; "L 0141kisht � 101 ill' 4k1t'1ft0j'Ak1-t'X Ifirn, Ilud p*OON on koWilAy 041W 111110t *19.4i"11 L fr L r
I I I.,,,r � __--__A`_ whit liAdont Pilwheal frola 0411i"It 1% ralln !-inllo "w4vald lit" Im. fk�jl Vill . w1opoit 0* '"ie, 4%lR 1ho Nr- of %hr,id, $A" ~ %,;,4M I%* othor A; #AQ , I f*00LIP, T/"t'XA"` TAlitral ra-,ft bt %Oere.� V,,,- . �U4
TXX VIKArt initi-8 "n 111th thit); I 'knit a 4 1_4*1� . # ( - 't
, 11 # 6Q`*"""`"l`al 4ftiklls I.. R , 0 1 . � .. .1 I
I 41. . 1*41t. it *110&�� "o 10411tot WkAt l"I" lim olly iftlon Worthy 1.1 fin% s'4 Phi'vit in t1le, InplilloV &14 and, tho".* WO%jd not N, . I I ill*d mt Ilizeft- .
- . am I"*--FW&*1& hai^* 00.0, 11hat " tit ftek rii,1100 I it, . *lqIrt, ,V4"l., Mligin VIJ(_(JJjjj'r lihot hlAd lalt% Jeffhft '�Vnf'jf 1q%1laqJ omt "to at *P" sloty ait &'Puloopol ftR r __. �t 'L . - - i ) . 1. . �
I 1; � "04lit, lw� till- rm1,�fqJVWPft1q llik"Isit theft 4� A-,( � ;4G,� , I .
, ho P&of, bfJ*'*tJtJ" , lj�fb�, ttWy f,qpr",u,Vj t)W* f'j'JVJJftVW�r r*lWV hjQ liftl._ Woftak, L, Myj6g),J�';*FtJ',t, IlWir Tiftel%# It wa-� flow haa to drawn Alat I" 4% nr.*r , . . J
�_, X111111111r. 4 � t f"W L 0ANADA119,
1, ' . I -1(;V,WAbj0 ,.,r 0lljj"*1.p loth.rol-a p6p hand .*(Vf(Iv ow vit - otila , to- wy, on tbrit Akoif 41,14% - J" 0 "Wo'v 01read-, . - I -
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