HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-08-23, Page 5,P:",,W��'.."',7-r,,,IPw"!'r>�,�'! �lk,� I, , � . .­ 4 " .. .,.,. a.1_`­...Z.­��1._",_._-. U �:" 7-111, ­­­ . . ,"4 -.*q " I . � I . , - - ;-,-,�, � - V � �'.4,7%,�Iv &O" -, ,� I , �q , A ,44) .­. � I . 1W'.1K%77-7S-`� , ­�Pr,7%,7-4�77'7­.. \ " "_ 7T, , ,;,;,�� : 11.1, . , I . . . � t I . . _ ,. I . I I . I � I I THR - - I --,---,, ri, wo,"til,oww"W. *4 JffO"S�"=UUV"^&=4rIQ%A, .V= WWf r"11 d T*.� 10111� W"W" " 0501"w — =t *04 * "" tka N . It Ouniss t. 0**r,=JN4'1V4== 311'r A OW11:40M 0XVIT. bowt, 11". T". 4 4 0-OZZ 1.4 . I . in I" U ; 0 V , XWOJOIN"Wollott"Whow "4111's t!Y - I " tutor, bfmtr�- I - 1KIv1M;#hI4II,%,hdbz:1i�"8W -the ausulasor WX4 la" a I I , � I Is no pav*ttl. U14 btrrost d*14 Is IA Kary X Jobustors, of NtalMM rldiv. ,� ­ wit I Is ont,, olit4inod oame t4me aw tq N. Y" gives & shoet likotels. or lks, P" ­ I Obvisittlite KeIntook. vtw Iti,wa BIAIRINGRIN5 lor ugog. * him for r. $be w" aw*^t#d &Www4sl Axpostittotils *tdsuvalo- . - 01I -A d.ttuago& A. ro"lver for Au"t, 1kh, AV Midway VAr 44 It � t. ostato welts appointed Tu*4 w,",c4oa, uAll to for been the. beet I 0 I.. \ 14 1 � dAy. Orown is flow lit Vttlathurv. Itlid dity 10 tile U114414 Oftb* UXI)OWtIOU � in every'Depowtineut bave betn carefullY wilt not be isortis, for twodayal, sul4 It 1# . T�e 9??k.____,_. vl_ I , _--1 � ­ ­__ ­­- ­ 1, " ­ *oil w*A is, 1wrinor -day both in th* way 1_� ­ 11.11 . ----- �, 041W unknowilis Whothertlim drug ilittors over, aU4 as a resalt soule of the bigm I � sinia Attendance. t130 ,�Bar- .%lid istvAuter Pittsburg will, he " to. of AMUMMontis , R �1_e ,:I'— � ___� ---�,�,-.�.�-�---:-�-�,.,��,�q.�-�,.---� ­­— xattpfy,cI*.dIto". lelabordly"Ible. Kiat" XVglVt4rlUg IM510 "Ito"" . ,0i the seasoll have .couie to the surra6e, howevor. " the 4#bU ". *OWP"** Tbo, porado, which we,% Ono of the —9file—__ - �_ -tively ausoll " _ I �', . I I =__-,0_ eyoutit Of the day,UvWd two boUtKI . . Ili the parii4s, were 44 hands, 0 diffek'I,; . , - , , I . 12W TArtle of Ftvaliplx p6l , kisitna embries, in liobt ania 4&vk 041ors; eat trilles of JudIaliv, Fillspilloo. Atel. ..... � ,6 THE RICUST WATIOlf . ,clans stud mKisty, ItWor rweaq or equAl In' x0sul,Ar pHaa loo. axa-.19.1o,., your obdiots akpar. yaid ........... 7- ' 11 teto*u , I . � I �, wo ygra* Rnslivh Tsl*%VYI� Ciallete, in louilths -Of frft 6 ta 1 20 , , , . WOM'" " The buildingst oto extreintlY 1*111,11fl- isr(lot ToPfox 4jowlity ON. 03111 000., at Iier �srd .................. . 856 W aMom Y14UAkf.Y,WKXT 00114' ful'istith 10 color Anil sty)* of arebitoe- � . III � . . � I . , 0 tot.w. ThlI RIO.,tricity Building III .. 'i � "01 OHAINK W0�166 09- v 04 - TIIv9tftvCtRt9%ftT0 MOS$ 100,044 20 011", Illstok Siallislult', 44 tq 48 inobion -*Iassr - . , I , ­�' I . . grosit,11. .' solved . -"*q"""""* h4tvali4, feet April esuip to wool-, quil ,. ge�l �Var# U-iiiiisir, rallular prioes havot be � 00 t - w,', - ., �. .. � . oom6tiladmd,itu4ilft*?.100tlVltle�V91viUfc .700. a 70,rd . ......... �....4..�'. .. ... IL wastao,vo,al"Itowst I0 A"t '1110ithibitiollop"o Of 60yetity, thou, I and-voital � on 04 0 , 064 ............ � ............... ... .,.A 00 #aAs"91110101. ,, ­ � . I . I - �. 11 I . . of 14" asstt� 14:1 -it *%***t illow*041, st"asquo" f"t., I I ., - , AosIvywaight fwbb Linolounsir, 91 yskraii, ViA. 10 "eat floral, or bl" � kwoolt Ito ,000.uhursiU exhlbite lotvis.%, '. Ys.rd,-"­.­I ....... lst:au�ltul "ii,ting sit a building two 4001gue, i0linlar,004. 1% �ftrd,xt pot equaro , , , 406 '007 "rC"4WA"40*W*00* "*V;4'=3r-* lst "'177- , , ' Ile . I - � . , hundred and twility fee We, AS 100i aild 40 loalles, Wide, bes.*J rinsailut of the - VAIW jigighitI of tbe.bollding IAW t"t to tile .6) js%ic T.illil.0 ,oartillon, Wye - P it the Gave . . 1.00v� oellbag, op�dp,ls. 1) otisittilt be.-Ictilassidisrsul 1001mll -AN 1L 1)U01- top, of tile Inuter .Th A . I 'L. s,00,teiliittt,�1:0&ularvo.,Ias,$ . 'Pot VAIIN.i ... *"80 ji"a A 0 -tot$ 4 .., I .. , I _rX, Ito suH*hbfdw* Jot,"'W from thel f*sib IR I .1 . . . : .1 I I - 1, . . .1. 1 V40. psi" U441*91ols of t10 I I , I L 11 I . LLLLL .. . I . .04 pretty, W441 to 4,10'. Their, ,0010 * , tb A urna. con, , S I . . 1. . :. I . . I . clrf I . .. .. I '. I . I I . . . . I I I I jp yorr lasrge� ,"li4oledilt 'the 411W 4. fousitalos 111110 ... � ' ' * ' .1. ' ' . , I totolp I a tit I It 0 L eqs� n11 9" ­ L, ___ .1"rAkW,_#0.­4,thai)%,­ .. 1JPAJs$LW­ I .1 1 4 tkq V-17" I " Y I I , �� 11 . , " car all I " I * . 1 14140V varle I V 1001C tr"o , I I � 104 sh its$, isifteell 111"Mo. QlAwl WIA44 itsvid andsil its$, I 0 log t 400r. 1. , � I IV, 0 VA'XAA 0114sir A04 4" -tillillat Iis4ised` WM . I ,I I . 1112;1 so �5 f--% n ,;:4ftstt*r11"%T11t va %rilisiti uI44artists "talk , _*:"-A- "_h1____ -'n- -'&_-'_#`N_ I , . . . . I . ,.. I . 0 . 41t iix* 414 that , I - l0goat, I I 1, I I . I- � - ,__,, Not ra$"�1*7 il"L, 104 "OUgl "Thuf3tAdloin', which III the " 11 ,�, ,I� I � -, -=t�� ---- — I VA0111 I _ I il,to Ave 404moot�liiutitlfol ssii�osla�� fat, sourto I , I . ,&­VA4TT'r DOUBLIO ;UUio�. , 'evory, one ,A'$"=,. - 'I Lli tkeory thj4 overtoected in Aulerlva,, ,cover$. st. plot r ' WF,DDIXG, ' � � I 1 I# true to-dar. It all TortitOill" IXIL vix howilved and soverAY eighti b QUV !:-,ble "C-50bericb �%ta�'# * ' L - . I .r 40 is � " 71 ', ,, L r I the uAltoil States. nut ovela Ill,10410 hundre"I Ird #fly, toot *114 Is, A . I � "" � I w iI % ., . , , c4dw AI.&W . 0611064* quattgr 101 , te track waho width of i . TsmigrAO J11 �"t -,� , Cox-Tatillsou, , and Deyouu-, Allitift ' * and'our so. -fdet. . L . L , I 0 to be divided"thtris Walla twenty The geatitur CaMpity IOL I � isfolik Wer � ,� he -4, 'L of. tile 8tskQjuAl-, Is ')lit � 0OW10 NuPtIMS at 00 Oettral' be 0, farm of thIrtt One &ore& fair, ML 4 12 4 L It. VQ,OrL And So . I X, . L alluroh. � I InslMiln . LS "I., Alia. 2% 100III � . U. one, r'vdIr,Y IAAU,L Woosia -j's'sart 6114 . . � FRIDAY" , . I . L 'y I L . . AM allil) 01 with o.ce5vt7X'cW �._ . . I — , . , jg the 'Coa%stryI WOU14 owsit, thit *401s, , . Auttellim -_ . - . , . Uo Swull; 01AohIg4n).N*iswss-'A#oor4Lo ' ', Wool wtAte I - I IL L . . ­ . he flasis An st'realuers 'L . thp, r . ,% 1?"rlOtIqW,0rX., '; I . In thOL k I omploto * Picture pf I I L I r, is;Rwof. 'overa*0 Azericisis rare wooly. -1 . I L, I Tile Ventral,'31t 104� ollareh � was Nov, . , 'i I I I #. pits., 11n.,4t^g pk.m$Qnt,,I co I' a to '44y slow of five peos* tkgro . . I Aborated crowded to the donO yes I , morn. failtilly cosil - . , J,ho IK;V1 of eath."114. 11. (;a ,loulfuro I ourrum t , V the'friendi;L.Of rout''Young poQ' *9414" te 1%'si�r -;14 Tile LAgi - 3301141UK stAno's sly r Oil to, *10 twIlT. J,Qt Aith iacksob, a T "'I fng b vilb- I o 06 . L gik XA 14 A., Wad Ji. "'Isiapil - pie, who were the trincirs -In,-oue-of .4 .61te the MistmAkettAies. 4114 A�Iter. ulloln& Alid. ptlss� 01ciriisitiolls tul 000. . lis'01*0 r Ihissisl Tho 4 Art d"WitIlJOATtilt", 111"sts' I . weddings Mvist-hass atioU ja "eatil#Kto, F isoolldiogoo,this north, side of r,,IvargWou ,4r, Bomt, 49 p4II,;aaU. J�Qndim. t,lie'llrel,tiestellis I I U 10.90AD, L , " I hm the mail" Ito longest, facadom 10010K to The 11VA VOh' ttqe o6lills, w�rk is �uifI, take'll -ploce. fit the cIlIV this ,year. The u t # 040, ol . two bILT I " L416ert ]K�L' areik 'a the, 1140041 Atft !� Ao, ,the north, and south., The exterlo � y coup ed were L [are �ltnfli% , " , . L , . . ­­ tilitt.o.Ailloing is jinLoahed WlthL ii, taff,laad , lJoblea'ana frotn:o; review thereof In I Mils. BlIA, May, ,tamboul jind' 40 I , . I . ,� , qqg Ists ,Not all Of, thist loA,dL'j*. IM40 L -0414 �,.tfse %rolhJf*CtQr0 ns­lhe -free Renall' , � . 0 _: siciiiii HUMP Ve young at"! Miss L, NALude , 'd Ailits , �th-o,­r(jl bo's literary '40111flAists as OWIe. , . to,. "tarm,10 ot'i"but sispot of It 01; ounce, ,There "ArO tour .,.�.broad ell . � &%yshgo, %"''m ak�o a faN'r extracts, .. . I � . I � # , 6 4_ �4 �'* �Ta �44§o ixi� trA"9041 � ' . I I I I this work I$ eine'Worthy ssf.proloe, for -Lbo Ceremony tonic place at .11, 0 s.0,90, 11I. . Wk*� , � 11 I o'ctcck;, ;it which bout the two b � 04 SiTiifty. - I I I . I I � Oanslits%!Irl-eaottfut Wirilng to son. � . he "taluill Ot ell * 0 '"*I esitidoL 114 1 Ated 1W whort 41614.10re frova'dits-, smdj� iti.LVillirlotitt 0,"d ed1lAkltlO04cU4PAOtV' luirtlea entered -.the -thurch. wiliss. , I , I a : into, Tots Is. very Intelesting'-b-1114140. A�y 'word9t L Writtoll "r spoken r i Jamison, -supported fly *fiisr� fathyrI, I A,liairleiL 14 439,54V4400. TlAw X . ffQQL 0Xhjt)ltIJ '6j . ek fail to ifie- any, .. 404staf, Idsm land cotitislins 1rery which L helfir ;8titonj � to t"ol-Le folly Robert J Arilsois, entered . tlkOnafgh, tho tip L - I f(ons tile Err I ,They, are 'too bl . _ t , V P#' , . wth- Or, south door, .precee;IM fly Miss 110,110 yort if * JA lilt lot Jim gralo ovince, ot 94nit4fiv Us, , L appreclatetilke, history aod gro . Jaiiiison, hop sister and bridellb)Aid. hQW0 , VIU# #"ja1IsrU�LVj0v4ll_ Abil'All 0orta of the porrililloti. " -,--. . E , I I I ,exlilbttji.:Ueati.tift,xiiylai�i4nged, hello tt 0 ,their , pifilroo 4114 It$ PrOgellt - Magill" MISSLHowle.gntered tbroufh thb 00kith ,oil and Usit this, VALOTIA444, - Wealth make Ili, on0i of the' Moist IntistI394110 , L tail%. 4114- fistlActi 'I )essiallollitles, . At . e � door, On tile arm of ber rother . and, vat equally' 41vidta, - Tho. 011sive of 11 , oil the Axpooltloo, Xrousioder wortilyof the widest pnbIJCItY And AIM If I)v hoc bridesihiold, - bar , 044tr Iu41vl#Uat *0,44 is, 14#i.60, bulldthgo . I I . � , - =" esli'Howli. . . L 'Th. obarts "ist L L' . � . a, Wlth;'�Ifeqp Intoreil(b. In Misstp L .. 4*40 Axtrato 01411f Tile cokerplece of the 1taii-AmericAr oixpo,to be rea, Mr. Cox and his best raiar� 'him I � ,4oes let bigh. . ufli. bo� $2,S24.50. A,td 1W . to th� Electric Towor 400. It dils tlrs� vololklef . Uqdep, Alie tltle� 11 11 . 'WIlAch 100r0ii this O]iM6x:Of 00 1116111111400 I . brnthet, George -, M, Cox, of To ' 1 112 %nle versolast; lsropor,0. - ,soreat Bj,ltattl lis, Rnropo,�' III firlet and Mr. DaYounix and lit brother' is fly InCreSes tflaguo. Uese W6141i Atirpassest linothing of Joe kissi surytjy Is 11rat luatio Ili roneral term I best ma I. Richard Droy'o . f , 11 W, tild 1. to Isit I inpto&.- The ' 'Towol � . to by fiii- t1�0,litsuialt atte its W11101 X, bet In I cago, weretlt the ellaricel tie It broad basin. fthiiLessen,r issitt - i of imperial progftoct,�the Axion I . ell 11 r hitherto liod f I talliko a co . y' Ill. the *Orld.# stands " . L low,; that the fabrIeD anatitt, two bridal- leS ca"I .) t , llsi,.'for 1000,1106, "Cls w6isdorful fousitAlaw uud electrica iies"POWIPP—extill,1391 = I ' 'A I, .ro P!Okk�4_.Th�`Qn�i�,,,!I� � i ell A lu:Q � - effo to a ,A�qta unoli . I . . aisles tothe ns ot th .. � ­ - , _i.ki. h*vkfnw to the ­ 10CH STAR 1111� uIR 11144 **. ozu!!��" eltv'rhough!: I Vivo iii 1101 11!1� 1-11 11.1 I— I I I".." I—— I : -11 -_ __11. -- - No, WWOR46 41T took Mossity. I Ilona& isilid1wilis � .. rhAt L It , 1 77= , ,q,h to ptripvt iuo vol"Y LLL .. TbWXUtX"X*.*#dit1 , - � I �y I . tile stw0ge that afrar4i 11 , n It XAl XW ,We,,% :h,AVC takt-A their � Cae , I letr . . , I P J I ­_ I I I I t'.'t.aaaaaaaaaam I 1. . . 11lappy TUOUXIA RVAIKIelli .1 . i! I . �w,�vt*4,tint$419w*a*W#*Adn"tt#ut$tyle-'- 'rlley]lavesill 4 1:110 lotA t 11"RUCOIL impio"11- . I .1 - 0 0 lattit's 8:0k *8 tho corIcUl4ed I � - L . .. I 9 natts I ovelulNitt -Amat nyeli,D�Wrs. I 1�- L ____,�? ' Unobstructabbe Ove�2sti!�Zt, . 'I"- ' "d;j_ To L ' L Vefftli�Z_,� , Iitlo�. L 1 I I I I I � I 'I. , 1,40,0(>O 4c:tarilaalsan 00010 I - rkovoittliwaviRd TUOVA. 000040 I I , I L I L , , - N . 'T I illuottAtIP-4 IM1010140. . ..'' -1 .� .. - . � ,., � " i I " I I . I I .. � . , . - .. 14 X11140-tut"11T 11 1�. � �. 11 , L tt11t-WXq. B11,01� Stovo CO., Urdtt.ds, ' LL 0 . . - Bra:Aatf rd, L I I I , # LL 1 +#,�4 por'%) ar ,*+#++*++"#+#++*#+#i`* �111"+L#1+#+#+#+*"++ , . - I . . I "., I I � I ­ _____ _ , _-1 . - . . . ,.. I I I . � ' I . . . `q $" 1 . .$&,��,�,4;$WVI,4 -J$"J&J$�� tl'l�' � .. I I " $�� I . . " . I . . ­ . IL I , C,4StJ_ IS KINCJ". . . 1.. I -1 _'�' 7 -- ----- " . I , th -30 , "I + ,Ind P,eitn .. �, . V , IS �Jjprenlo,jfor 6 Ilext d 0 I ­ I I .1 lip. )"-___-4- " L '" � ­ I 1. I � ' , . � I . I I i . .1 . I �v , - MINOR - . . I � I .1, ..."'.. O'T'. "to. ...... 1 ­­ � . I N.- t I L I is1ierelay giVen) tl1at 'U or`de� to Close L our B�oqs, all ­ 11 * .. jj�t Be pal� I I LcIlt$tandIng.:LaqccJJntS, Ml­_­__�_ At 0�11,66, or t ley ­ , , vill,lie, Place4 in Snit'bu, ftt, IStil, ­ ,. , . L' - . I " L ­ i - � L, , OR . . I 0"to VP"_W­_"*;;" 1 I i, , 9 I. - �Lpm I I . . ­ L . , I I I qll� I S Discounts.. ., Xhirty Days of CA 9h 'I L 9 . - .1 9 11 . . D . qtblk the next ThlrtY D4YA we alo, SULU14.0 VOR CASH ot BIG . ISOOVIM, and ime oiferl"K tho,followl thances tor thri, . L 9 .. 9 �Iv 4 MONNY I naroware, I . - . . ppoplootGodet;td4toSA . . . . L 9 ',Table Putlery.. Pocke,t Cutlery, Silverware.- Razorit, 114mor mropst I � Shaviog Britsbeq,1100AMand SOISSOXII. 15 t9 - 2�% DW00 ' unt. ' � . . L ]:^ I,tiilter%, 6 _lies, I siterns, _ lasses, Threabees Stipp Harvest Torils, � ,garllqAter,s Toole, Locks -und Xnobs IS, t0i 20 % IDIISCOUnt-. I � . � �Mlxed Pistilli; 0110,, White Lead, I . I I DI -Y, ("Olors..k. ............ _L.,__.10"pe�r oat Dispount. . , .1 I lou . se4old usiame L - noWels, 4Lxle Grogve, PAint larushes"_ ,, Is, Path U *jjl6On!si,Whl$ulsAnd14or�o urushos.:2o,p P 000 . .or ce, t Is unto- _ . . .. 1. I— -1 . I I I . .. I - � � Oyer, I y . tbing will bo sold .11 " L at $I . 1. D � S 040is find - - , 2N 1�, � 4 1 �� I '§ _,L' L, L . ... .. '. . . A . . , - I - EOR,, q *&_W.* , mi*_" 1 xvIlils cha,hoe4osts for 80 dissworltv;. + . .f* . . � . ., . . I I . . L L .1 ', + I ... &D. ALLAN`K ". A,..') - are� 1 � Thet VartsioRs Friend. L .Getier4l SbOlf still HQAvY'UAtdW .,,�"ii����w.vm$WA"�m,,vnwssw*s� , . .. I . � � . - � --- I— . - I� ,� _-R;-,7r-,r , , ,4r." I , _, Y.Wr,�'! 77'.. �11! � : �­ 1. I . .1 .11 "'i �,,� . � . . ", " .. PW-- za ;; ---;4% _­­­_-.-�--____,V_ . AUU. 23, 19()1 11 , IIIIN"' "OP Ifto,01-MM IM 4 1LA!'g.I�"!,­"�­ L ''' -1 1.1.1�4-tlt�­­ - 0**W."-".WW" - __ A _ ­ - - _=_:z_;!d; .____=�: s . ­ ­ ­ - ­ -­ - ­ ­ I I .� I , , If It - At Aft ^ 0 .1 ^1 , . . -111 I I Hot woathe)F bu,"'i NO --**"* � �i. " � I I � . I __ I �, PRIDUAM, the, T,,Alor, i, -� at Your sct:A-ive, mady to -1 1� I lilt I . I 1.1ply Natty lh�t woathcr Ordk�rjvd cloddlig. I,f 4 'i "oll want tlli�,;. ebwr-, of' flv�,Js I'Voti'll have to hurry 11 �, 1. L I L .. . I � I .. I : .. , � "', L L _. d I I . . L I , L I . ­­­ � I �, I � I I � ! I " " � .1 �� : � I OUF S61111-AMIN TF006171 SO 0 0 it 11 �., LL '' I I- - I . . � I I �- L " ' I I ilS 011, 4114 Will couthille 1111til tile end of All,gust. , - I I d . . , i . " 0 . � All �', $0 Tittivaers, itaw oil sale at $4; ,A4 900dS, I 1 . ,5 "111(i ' � . 1, L I at$3; ilot�illor�!tll-.t"tN',,O'liaiTPI to mly 0IIQ custoiller , � .. .. L . . ' I I I .1. � : i? � L . . ­ I "It ti -lose -prices. �­ .. . ­ I L . _JL . I , . � _�. �. . . . - I ". '' I I . . I _�. . � I , I I � . I "I I -1 11 . I . I . I.. � I - , . I 'L '. If You Want "'Od gooda at these low figures, YQat � I , , ­ !,� I IL . . � . . � . ­ LV � . 4 . 1. 1villcertafilly inalte, All early sitlectioll'. � , . . .. " ., i I . . . I . .. . I d I I I , . ) � . . . . . I � . . : I , � . I . . , I . I . � I` I I . 11 I . .. '10, , . 1. !, Ili "-";"0*"-.-4.'-A'"*- L . ' , I . . i . .11 � . ; � I � . . . . I " � I . I . � . � . . . . . I I . I 11F( . I . . .. . 1 . I .. I I , . - ,... � i L, � � : � T he TAllor. . . i . __ i H I L,L , i� , � E � �­ _'.... - ., I -.-.-,--, --- , . I . I . I . . d I . I I I _'_ . i . 1, , , . 1 �. 0 . � .-���.�=�-i�-..",-,�'.6-.,�,,�,-,.--��,,-,-".���'. _­_ -, , . . ­­ " � c�_,W d� i ­" I— . - —"."I- L ,; I I . . � . ' L I � I L . LLL , I I :_ I . � I'll, . �11111 I . i I. 11 , .L I .... � L , -S � I . M 0 K E""" " -SALE. 0 .; I . I I I LL : I � I . I . I I I I I I . I I � . I 1�1. � solue goods having been I affected by'swoke from tile, To- � . � . ,, � cent gre of R. D"I, salith & Coi, I liave decided to offer to the . I I . a Ay Ce�, 11 � I general ptiblic. 43oods at or lesi� ,than Harg fln,'D Pri I I � . .. m I. ' . I I I � . . L I I . . I . �� All Summer Goods will be Sold at Under Cost . . I �, I � I . . . I � I L . 1. :1 � I b` As. the,lusurance Companigs'gave -a. fair . . ., , . . � . allowance for. dainage Awe, . . . .. . . . . . . L . . � . . I 1 I d . 0 . , i . . . . � . .. . � ­.. . . ­ � LIE L COMMENCES , . . 11 I L,5,4 THURSDAY*,. 45thi I . � I - . - *., I. 11 I L .� 1. . - I', : I . � - . . I (No ITIA0001A about this Sale.) . . � �.. � . . I , ' , , . . . , � . � .0 . ,&., L . i ., . ,� ZaTTMAXIC:ko' Drapp.r. , � I I . ... I I . 11 ; �_!!!jn"!!!�M"_ft=__­ .—,—.-L--"---,-,�—,-t!��'.n--.'- ... I I. Au�.4-1.1.­61-­­ ­­_ - . , ". __-.P, .-K- ___ _­ - ____ , - - xtent of *bout ;12VI OrAt"aq L """' "sid It 11; flank -he easit and West �=,� , - ': �'. -­­­­ I ".. � � � O,q �V'MS clergymen, ev, Arthur 5 , tljo grow a OtL the CUIOO�4 001"Cl. W. Srafkq�f. a , edall t . I - (if 11144tson, Wiv.. Rev. C.'M, Tfio jlictiperty, would',ovil.0, 11113470 Ot'llut by long Curved colodnades .Which � . I - Atcat.witIX iIhe gtoWth of tile navy 'C- , I I 11 . I . , IStody:UX OkIr past showst h6wayero tie, and. Rev. TP, ilaso#t $4100 to' 440ty les". sweofs�fb the southward andtotatioute . ­ M , W"LIOTT son, of Marque Prattlesilly': tsi Great Britala t)1ker* . I- 1, Nxllls�flwbte. daveloplatillt Of St,eile.'pastor of the cluut0i, 4wi;IQ to ally PAVII100.14; fdrut " A gemicircts. I 1. � . . . . ly L tlu;t l;fl6 AIP ssri- 14W is,siall le,114-ovAts" . !Y foet, isOV089. I I . thelempire; has beoq due fat, more to tbo party, within the ,c eel, V. . , I,, or 011111- L litv, spacm ,two ftnisdr . , .. . . 11018 0060ed Ai .,L.. 0 - . � , 11 L 't I . . . I tho,opopatiortibt litestouble natural Stalker united 11AV. Ve 0 in his A. 11161110013411 423ok Who_oWA4 his 0t- Islovators cArrv­ oatileageril to I'lle . 1. I 1. ..­ I .. 1% I . L foreco And Imp4$ila than to.a dellbet, brtde and Rev. , hompo A 0 I. tsiw Is 26, rovity; Ossis who O*ms _tke differellt ftooist A,44rge Toistauraut, I �� I ­ r,-�4T,�L�-.-.-7�,4;�;?,�lv�."(�b;, 3, Ison a I . squat, Alt ritl. , - . 1i �:=,,4�. � vo* t1tedioer A beatitil- 0� 6 ;,:"!! . . . . . . Flar I hUndre4 feet. $tl , ? �, . -1 . . , mito national JIIRI103� rpligrou'sly put, Cox and Miss I M Ila". , on WhIC4 a StA1400 L at Am4roo,fizatiletiAt a holght.-of two , "* ­ .Go e. al: -11-ro I ' . oue& , It Its not so, vary ,ilany YeArs file services we ierfor to, us L 7 .vtrt- , ;-., 11 *W* t%9,0911 4��OAIYIV"­ "t SO l.hatrmas.lato , ; I AM Impo"Ibluty" . I _011#1011 � MINdir0tof the J*p aTla th.4 -� - . ;1­1.vLr_x� . . , A. � -1 1 ..04 i6l,48 . . . . . . . . . . . � � ...� ., -j I . I . 'L.. z, -, - I . I . � �__ ga to IoOX lor, kin a"ll � � L . - . — _TfioUxiss W)d0X0* *0V"ss4IJ*:YII I "Ape. vronx 11 I " EV a4prt'sig oil' of the organ. . - #14 oil h Ar the . . I L ateri . soolis, ,Uidiug.,, AllAIt* t00111 Allit, Y9*v ,I -whble L and - via I I qf the ties ,between the t4e L 0, . , oil 1% t If a ev 1.141:11 11111190 ­ I IX use. III A I 11114114vol'Ance and the motherland- The doubie wedding party in Weto stius"'10. , The siblaro Alt eXtu. lag A �,� Utter An Took flir . 1% q. a Fled 1. W&I V - . gr�aterchlolliea striking roup as they uttered thIpIr ,13 . .r1k, NEII IN S I " . the Imperialistic ideal was born. ](tie in individual. *as _*At KU, , rltglu'a . hi , whole, exterior ,k:,,,. 1 III An L P I I I be ore the altar. Miss Jamison. ' ins-AtI". th erja4misided Avith-likore, V .. I ,—,% r I In BroderIck's Old � Stalldi the Iswi, coutury-but,.iss Coamb in his vows F, 11*%es d4rillit thia swn*. 00104 am 0 0 W, so , UR , , , . wore white French lawn and 40ch6till I A b or iseatIr'AwIck I'll It ghts WN .... -t �ilzl I IT. R*xATOX ST.. -. -GOD=10IX viro(OUT14 and illuminatlye, stud'y of lace and she careied brides. roteb. Hot 44 W PIX '"I"I 0 " .... th . ty tbot lid electric 11 11 � . I L . (1, ,,,am- tlest a that of A�Ierifcf, �, It MUSVINUO '00, toss- I r 1 ata re&t volitv ot effocter .11 I . I L ­ .L — . . Btjt*4�1aAeistAnY has ObsctYe sister wore pink dimity awd car I., *nsisissally. t a, height at."M I . 1pimiathaflighest expression of the of sweet peas. Miss Howie aldortid tblst'dul"Tlata Wei O" P uc ., Zvorvthing vrill holievir and fresh.. Yo6r . H( i.isip, It is the cowpletei =Ired In a p_;!wn of white orgati- bigh OLWIlst to' 06 00"a Ot t1lits, feet is OL aeAlA1IighNwlWili,,tb1rty Inch I'll, .1 I I - ' . . I soul of, the. a ploplAtist Is .... I 1. pittrdnage solicited. I L. I the firsal consatiltiliteloll of tile. life of die and her sister a gown Was'L Of pink war. -,&. gass4 deal at . CH _ L . projector. the fiC-Aln ,ur Whieli Uatilles I I — L .... . I , . thq Stator,,, upd. to evade the x0now of tut, 100, tismugit opace vrith Oreat blillituicy 11 . � , � . I L organdie. Ther cl�wrjed roseff In thp beard of the o%tr*y . ilisils jadivid- foi inally.rulles, enibinsloinj In Its grind ,,-OrA, I RPAE1110 . - . diricti'tils Of the' informing sispirit of same color as t leir gowns. tsim-islik -out *0 sharit *Ot ,I 0 FA mz.7 It 40-11I . �opa posgible tfiAn for find ljz�alf. � fs"a" of circle the VAIIS Of Niag4ra, . ­ . 's Not T duc Now our me to no 0 ka hold for X11, nal (ft j TA6 total I - - 00 L I genins to A .eception wt I Miss Jennie, Elliott. . *00*00, , 1. the individual -doWefed Witt) Mrs. Cox at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the GOTOrratuall- --- I . atitdii# * . � . . . . . To Get . . . , _WOU14 IJILY6 ploW ham. avenue,. , 'I , III eirude the lacarbation of the Divine _ L"'turilin at $6.60 _______.-7- 1 just received a la.go supply Of in Ono Ot his Robert Jamison. Bing was held tot-. g - TM9, 1146; sh�e of, . . wA. *T,Ord. . and it similde function su the, lodlylAW. , I .valivalra. I the new remedy for Stnut, Germs and - . Young at tile homoL Of the Joir . ­ __ . . onays remarito .. Built uot by Mr. and Uts. Do 'I* of 05TA03, 0. ' OrtmiTgoitT4vmxux.cfoDmuclT.00LI-2I Worms In seed grain, oot wed.ther I oriow Marvellous. III (ill .18 I bride's mother, Mrs. Mary A. .- Tb� Individual coutilliations to 't.b 0- L gelo� bot tbn WOOL af-Illeu-8 tile i Uilusttlil, Toronto, Aug. 24-80DN ?. I , , Inta And ,*ul blood and Elowip. Amanda street, Att1kr 00 TALtIOUS. dollsittlisaillittS - - . I I* d wlttt,�rnuu,s honert; .. . satio Abussid 10t ForMaldelly-de. . � - A I haods,' cellitinIA) wtottim Fair, undoly, SepL 6 -It. . - . With a te1&rS,, iNelded by t.h,o ,bedt, Church ceremony. '. . .1 in V16W �O( JU riso %blassi, WhIch - ,30n9stoon,ithipto . - . . . ob World Of -Oil& I " 1%��Giothlfl I , brisitits, Of Od'"tutIcA Vwt; nut %vitfiout the M � . ox will reside at Ran. have, b"li, �acotupllihod.' Wit ate all I a, sept. 94s. . . —ALSO— up olo , . saint Sod. ftpfo"b r 4Otldjiht&1, to All h aman Mr. and ANth. L - 11avinstral. auelsib. Sept. 17-19. . Ira -'COX 19 salisluager of,the alry,--Whulz turivisAkt- !- on"llp - . . ' � . - - - L *ork,bittLeeirltiliet" ()it the W11010, WUlt Cock, Wliefe Mf . 'pr6sAd Of OWU Must 311441ewx. strittfit4,� tlel)r fl -0- ' BVITit MOM ' � nnilltalvIdtilietiftletts 'et'st7ht I pure ,And, uplebdid, purq,63o. Human, and Yet, Western LP ress compattv's 601CO, vs.# year, Ism-15'eta 11ky'rLdo ILU4,100re 1;6rth Brant,, Phtle, Sept. 0-21. Sump Dip, Such firlevs act itlake thec=co 1% 'in "Otwhol huntitift,$orthossiost bogd,lo-s and and Vinea. DeYioung and 00% ii� Ilut ii� , Ck I s flisgoe at t It bivine. Messrs. )X the D., S. a. lla4iVialsil W&W 01i], L HC)OV C)INTMENT, lefoattrOZOAl musit, two ill P-Iftolve, than evar.16itom I X. it, 4t ()zfdrd,'Wft6b6ek, Oct. 1-2. tempting one even for next yeaVe GtOWis &Ults of other$ ais well as b I slept; led left in the afternoon Qv( , rsquirsi#- 'to "U'" . L XdrtkGrC)r,O*aU Si�absf, QCL t-1. . MOTN OAMPROB for Robe,S WIFIATI Ll by',tb ,r,,sis ts'"60"W' Whisomben the chat- & A the former to Chicago the latter I 0000 X&AL Ouroo, Brat"% OCL 3 -4. I . . . � I I arn quoting prices ;n the- bal. e 9 the ripple bassaillan and- eatitern cities, MP- 'cibut* Just sitiXty goistif 't� 'ass"Ifistalls ' and Pura, EtC. ' ance of this blass of my stock lot, and ish 'Chuhisui, OoLT-10. gider,ofitutfattlers, ftisAllitiff Wit ,ads and to will return in three ilbli departisirtilit KA4 Our 10106t Pie Idisidar, . of a. rililittlaw, Judo ovel!, itilse. I tain %vok �p to and Mrs. to lie g is . . gentlerneWs r lar that will astonish CO;tIlient% isinpour little SIA s DeYoung, ' � 3 ftnitog.roptilor ot.nations and werks and Will ta e up their residence at wasithIM The tobld "IsellX41- owltl� Gortlo, Oct. 12i I � y6u. I do not care to Carry over - find harselutbi " I murej was 1114.11,0000,' ' fbil 'Issiislik* '10,60,,,41nicati Oct� I"I. . F: ,ibit sioDirce United tmptrog. xpression at 41.4 Dawson street: fly inince Lot the ItT10Y Wt year wO 000 irus%berty,witurileth: Soot; 20 -27. a aingle pleco of these gooda, and The, risurvel ot this latest e: Mr. and Mrs. Cox are at the fain ,at the islost expilussiva, Itistim the 'GOT. irayaliton, &ph, 10-12. 1,11" privub blauun4 V11041; UICUS V"V Of IsulieriollsIft is, tile goss�arrler slight. I ring lit th-3 home of &he gPoolWs to liss"t'L cheal6r. Sept. lo. -It. F * J 0 RD A, -N1 quIckly. - - gat 10 - eillklident like voir 0011*4 upon . � .afteof the -oatward. bonds sit 11111011 , St. Patrick's strdeto towO,, , It cost .us just $0,000,00. The 'War . . Northorn, Walkerton, golit. Is-io. ATED'ICATj HAT" I Workmartribin unexcelled. at'VI; yet; the, cerstrIpt.tal jorce.DL,tween toot mother I __ tile latest, and lit. just as,I,you want . Aid& beiinth haar become, moto potent ,--.,,-" - -- . I with tile Phillplitnts-Ailld Itlid TuAtilltis- X,�gtuoe, Port HIRIts, Sept. 10..20: — -------A-- , IL � 18911) satisito Of ILI, &r=y Ili Culiss, ismil Vorte, s, naton, Seaforth. soot gi-251 , With th earst,atitil, the rally of Or Lboal Interest, I L L L . A%6 at Castro, broct, Alsler.SoPL 2I -_'W-. Fall Term -Opens Sept-t3rd. eleCtrill the �Uils telfulir astpli , � :1L world and It'refrag1thly - . Afro. btaldta� I . HUGH DUNLOP, 0 -blia'-id ilia sfugle purpose find to' Thecoltimns ota nowsipaperAonott, the 4epartmento wuld be w0t, 'hOW- 13, Orer, Ileeftet". S*DL 20-27. 1, .— L _VV*.� " . L 1, i,# I., L _. ew&v,--."-"e.vvt--LA^iW$�_.,,,,,-, . . . . . , _%z.*JV_ . . bf= - - -11 - __ __ ..... L I I ------- P0KPX;1lt1,X1!1A - ,;mK--Wlt%;PVAPQW0""@"K* i IMWV-W1VW1�MX""1A1 . - , 1. I , That- To ohe6 the 5pot 01" I . . '.. . L I 1 7. . . . �. I . 91 I . . . , I � . � I L' � �_FQA_ L I . " . - !I'S W . L . I I I I . . .1 ,L: L L� MacLeod � (!a,k & lmp'uro Blood . I - . L L . , I I L . I; SYSteM - Ilver & Kidney. Diseases, . �; 'ROOYat" Female Complakitso.&C- f L I : ABU Drugo1*1t Write dil!08t tO 1. U. MAOM. 0, G04"W"'L.Oift- 1. 1. .1.11 IF - - _a----- . 4"Am I L- . � . �. _'_--'-__L �, �­_ __ ___ m "WWROW" - I I . u0sideng-oan'd, ,T!"A,borLoLtavy-ilo%vRmtest,veot� tho ola Stand'. la mar Of Xnox Chur4t ' I' L. ­ . I I . . . I . .. . L . ' - I I - , , i L - ­ __ . - _ — =t -ft ZP� . � .. L I . - � . . � ., ry . . . ou-P Gridee'.. Wants- . . ... I � I I . . %,&,0= Best be buffpffied at this Oracery L � . . I J ;.I!, . I I . . . 'L : � . . . . . . I . ­ _. ...­ -�--,-�l-.--.-L��--,--""-,.L'L L - I . . I arywaing M,ESR and UP-TO-DATV. . I I . . I I . . . . I . I . 1. L I I .. I . . . ­ I . NrCALL AND SEB THE, ST0= - I . ...- 1. . - . � . � .. I � . I � . . I . I . I . 1 I �. . . . . rX. (3-. r_r3::PT_j3:1'TQ-,1I ' . * tel. Bedford Block, . . The Square, Goder1ch I . I � I I I . ­ � L .1. � ­ . ­ . LL, -1.1 ­ L .­... I � ­­­ . , L "I . a . 11 "I WE STERN.-. FAIR, LONDON . I I I ­ . . .5EPT. 5014 14th, 1901. 1 . ; 0 , I I ' I � � . EntrIon Close, SOPternbor 011. . .. .. .1 . � .1 . .. . - - . ' I � it . sime enrinultion at-Rannino morit--New exhlblIn and loading, attra I ationa-Looldiari'a . I I rforming HL11,1`11ANTS-TUE THIlLro GRACIES nnd­I'r0M TOM"-fliti...biliby . "I � phalli und illmity other apco:%IsjiIa of a high nrdoi--�Arnnd fitoworlie display, Including . - prcaoota�ilvrl ot -Fall of.China" and "I'AluTin ot .Poltift," Special traind Over all I - I . � . ocepoll-ovening after firewortin. For prize listo, proilleam mos, Cie., apply to .. . eUt.-Gol. W. M. GARTSHORE- I J. f6jiELLES, ,� A I I I% . � . . Proateloub. . . . I Secrotary. . I . . , ___ ___ __­­—, ­_­­ -.!!! -nn ­_ _ L - . , � ". !�____. I . � I URNITURE. . UNDERTAKING. . . I . I I � .. � . I I � I I . I . . . . . . . L .1 � I' I J. Brophey &,Son,, 10� , 11 .. . ol*rAtloUnt'gvvPYunilwltlltllgwlhOIO- tute the stock inotrade of the publlih- jayer,41. exch.ITldiy1d,0%J rontributea PAlWdt*t6n,S6Pt.2I-25. A BusineaR 00131`96 suchaft.7011 can Ftetin our Merchant Tallor. . � inellaced this or. 13, very line eXCeptedit,tirialf-OlItMer . 6 of . rUlInjug-the.ell, Zinit WAW&nosh, glilgre.ve, Oct. 1-2. school will, train you for buniness . West Street, next Bank of Montreal. ' IT Id � Tile South African Was WL. . a expeus I Are the poilicer V urniture Dealers and I ertakers of this fair, Structure and Was iuterlded to should be either. an Item Of AOWS Or an 11 � eturisimt. c4t, each at Ux e%w JDusicandon, Oct. 10 -IL - . �� ==MV=� section, and as during the past quarter century will continue ;mAke is disintegrating tit each presage- advertiFierrient, All matter Of wore ettly, $L03., . . . .. nIyLbaadxotrbs,BiJth,ocLs-9- . . . tot tit 11titsinis downfall; The event Interest to any Puts011 arty or class 4 bt . . to carry tile best goods at the niost reasonable J list 6'1,' the . has Isrove4, on the contrary, theawak than to the genet MI P r1c,ft-advpP08- The Ulsiteil Stsit'"i As ovary Oilb . � McKILLOP . Koi,,L�'Ilz'crs, and esill1g,both of .Britain add tier ,colonies Ing. and should he paid for. Thetake, lk*6*0# 14 t'�O_rlchc" AsItiol"is W 6w we have soIII6 Special values ill Lounges, . � 11,1*0, world. ()4r 0044ebt Is $1,032"00O.- , Goderlob TOWnSlilp. ' Mutual Pire Insuranceco. n to, a flow colifecirnisneot, or thb, trivincl- Ing of Space, to the Q901"st"ll Of I 000 Stick of gs is. Ili doiit- oA th,110, -CotrNoU�_ liho next meatin of tile . I Dining Furuittire. We carry Furniture for ever), household blo pilipt ossikoed then, In tb6 world and for the benefit ofAnY cliksli w1tIXO'dt I -of this townslilp will and trend, b%strican, Vro Cots will make any .6 jot $U.14., t0oalked it IML tbig , doussell, take oil - "P Varm and Isolated Town Property lleces. all and see our stock before 4ropin and ,I tesallition to enact it po.yIng full space valuk Is equal to, Actij I oglaturp right. Th Slt y, and it will pay yoll to c Well. , . ,appropriating a sim.1lar villiltle .from Is woIr out =00"I delst, lartiti-ais it 9. ,me ,at Holillesville, on Monday, Central Business College, � Insured. , buying. . I 1-1 --f-face dry croods store IvithO14 Paying the stalAis, jig il� triglog thisir. The relt); ept. 20d, At 10 Otolock A,W- -%&IN -1 . iThe ioxteat a tho eart, 13 . . fat . alwilr the 1 IrItIoll Ilag to d4y I, ex, � clulpirst,f-the mercliant' s pri6.-Rr. . Hel,e'a a hint and I In OXain�40 foe � $state. holditaw. of thA, III41*140al, laco, . 0 I cordina, to Mill dilittibutilsts, are 110110 im�­ , g i - i ­ - _ - — . PA�"^&1rW_W4 I 'insh proj'aratioti. Never taken irlife in there before n ittalitat6rY GEOUP Yallogohavo, our Value of Propetty Initured up to January 1001. 43.04&075,00. . * 4eAtistfielmundatifittlY list, Vet paot or the prose our Goderlill authorities. The Mit.- AdvocateollYs: ' ,-The Methodist vorth inditis: than forty tilisell his Ili- , . . . dielk6dsifta. it is tkisrWoUft that ON � & gradhatts boo SO .91110ft"Al In IlCeUr "it ex. collont sitnatlunm,� Immedlatoly Ott leaving 1. I 1b1$'1C.H8 AND'DravcTons. 0 J. B. AlpLean, Prea.: T. France Vice ttro;i I 0 Undertaking, This lIttIb %vot , 1. rfd. .018 V mdVaomosetin . Alver tea. . * It - cbpll cemetery is kept with 80111PUIOU 5 cill'I'v, "Potis 'a 'Alherles, I - t1i World cQla41A0* ' TOKII lit *10II&T LILCO& " SA flg Ask. avo GO Colietro, as during the present roar. it av,attlattend.aistricily first!z1acadobool, 'the 3 Consioliko. We. W`.0,IIrO-UfCOt, MviR J:kVdTIs' (4.uriovo,J.Bonno%volu.l)irectorm.. " � and 0 � 0 It *Ikubjetitoo-0 thig earth, thin realm, thla * and is one Of the PI-Ottitst town to vinit. The,carotaker Ili Xtl- a tood __ _ . I I � Our eoull,tty, 10 the, latil of fallrOadfi. WON Itotivda, otimolo Odugh and all do pays to attend dthor kind. It Per Write for beautiful cutaldliuc, W. 01i 1300 too "I 8onforth, Inapoetoi of lonuen. a T. S. Loyd, Boa orth, socrotary-Treanuror. . I , - I 4 � 43',* 0 'Ming. Nnitlaw,", I opiabrowt V tith Seatiand, and Ireland ft. F. Robinson and ba'acerisill tO titk6 It his work. The,graosilikept .4-a every One k%OWS We have wore C " - onm of the threat (Ind luage. In tho world that will Core W. J. ZLE40TT. Prinolp:LL AoUNTS. 0 0 -l- - Emba ,,arif 121,00tysquare sniffy, 14MIV. all auslialos, ,It thin delight'" closely cut p.nd the floweti are Water- ftilroasils; ljy� to tlian any Other count eonly in 00 tty Isis the Wbrid, The ItIlleAge tit the ,the abovd Mile lifilkinst thitanimal cound . w. Yorl. Ifolmovillo, ifts. Cummina, I r ondvige.,R.Blchlillau,beafor&,It.friAltliI _ �_ �, � 0 popul,Ltl�u A hewgit It's, . -.it rop ed and Cared fov like houses plants- IiI.11,eA ffI.1j**fr it, ISO 000. Vise. abase. tit in whid,Rn I dust a whisotmer. Price $1.60 . arldolt. I Oato of 40.0K(M 9011 8, LqI W A, cemetery is always, it 9.4creu 0 Ot, I ' ' Kidneu and 6011011 Z!)(IUQ V, k3 U U U b ppilosr holaora can par =eamnonta and got sir in toind thO no otboT, st it* Individual Is 33% feet Of tell- Still, - I ON (Iss"adlatis to, bet ell too our U �, M . tile I, cattle recolpted at W. COATS, Clinton. OP. - Is rpign of and it Speaks W .owed auothev wilt to Atista 061, xrkoa .W611th rtowoll I Acute Altdotiona 'dtho . at germAn Biton, PALACII CLOTUING HTone. are leaders iii.Undertalcing and R'llibalining.— , _ ouch hansWIS OXIStecl In th friends tbiLt so Much eare.19 1101 11M (Ora I as aim Qbdorldh. 1105-17 We g1j"beth_the golden age tit English i't . I je, to rialtulisto Ilse juboust at told and rest I unito'nuct t,.ps" Cie. For . . . . . . � . . 1, ntellectilid on -(40d's holy Acre. V. AT , I !quiretnent is kept in stock—the service we give can- nwitime enterpriste a4d 1 e6. IsilVerWIlikk *61114 061sle to UX It $Ill "wellin ,abdotlickilistof theleg.AbbltestIlt of . I __ every r( bird drivItill. kidlibv trouble. ate., Ono doao . . 11 Ot e w - as bri Illancy-the popu latio" tieing then The Seciforth EltPOSItht' thus, -tre equally diTI464- Each of US W111,61fave, istidotiti box Willstura. Pricesw � � , surpass -d, and tile price., are always re. ,onable. VAry nearly WhAt tho lJornivion's Is dorses the County electric rAllwav WORS I_rll,,S, F. 8MEETH I inow. Nodrished by this little heart, ocheme; "Thisel6emll to be a fAvor- woul I ;hvar hullion " I E alls receive every attention. I which. It mi-tip'a Ujis a are ant 411.14 It, solid gold. M D6 MilGallea, MedIG1116 GO., Night and day c. lidwelfol", lit a mlght� 46milf'", having able scheme, find Ono Ile to the people - , KOMMIlle, 04t. ., � 12.,(W,(W siluatv oui, would lie pro kr;:, =1.I=V.0 Ph& Planing Mills, .gu, Are% of about fitak�Vei beopolik,for . A at*iir r" ligilts, Wupporting 40),009.000 people of and tile 114`011000rz� 1 ]bAtIssig tif '*at istollosIL jill pletity . V'6r"AXOAJJrAU$SWMO)?'$DrUgatoro' st - J. Brophey & Son. Alslont,every race under the Sun, Ono it - I , the ustiol, generoas obtigideration Coal Oil Stove (_+C:)±:)MMX0JEr . 41! itha iftrot substit , sitial. things to rea- from the pet) �. 10 Of the ritunicipallfiesi oxvt b"s siurtent of thii strAteptal __­ . I . - _. I . �_ econouly through, Wit all it to to 089- if the p,ilId tro"bilry, *h1th, have lalpoa#4L !tn� -L _� L ---L--. Gasoline stovest . —_ � I I - - ­­... I I JW#, #At-1,1nastouY01 1 1 . 4C tha *410h Solpits., is tile variety of company 114vo 010 andirKyond Capitol 00411 11iltillb Oractral charged With , . ,6, colonteo to geoure siuceegs' for tboir 001#ct the 111,41TY' serlows Toillsoassibilitl4w� 0 Dir ice Crewn Freezers,, .0ruim 'll" ytowth of th vill of the poolilff; WO 'Ltd $lit## . V1111111101 we #110 tut tolt9wisit. f r, . � Contractot* Amb Builder. ., vAth I:IieJt#AWgeIlOitY. Of their 'uhah- gnod % . O -L . JOHN YULE, Refri , coaspofilto will not be facking. There4fdolectirle pwme Wit* a , — atilitsilt4'r, .4 a . , ..4er4to,rs - 11touts. BiAt WW �Ace 16 a It, Auglo. ventils in aticcesilful, Operation Ift tbl'i I Vlotroll ;4101;, " . , � , - r v§ � ., ' atira_ WitIt fritrod*tjo##� lj.�O - a if. 06derich. � � A11104 blontiod of As"trill" (JC willob h4vo, not yo 0,eituglitillatlowlit, a I : I No Order- too.' Large or too i3H6xon,jktt,e�o�nd(t,ud,riom&,*. dow- province to-dikv K1110toll 8cf, . I nque'vilible sibarly such a fruitful 40111itittlefICY ft) 4istlal, I to lit 30*61404, T1110 OPYOV . 1� i I Metal ploottag, I � i*41)v siakh vitil (ho usicii WJ cultist draw ft0mull'thlis orse Will bove- 'It' I wilk""o-W . Small for our Capacity. , �Wvk 4.1risaoin *hlcl;� bag will pas her 0"010 ro"I'Vist iffig . . '00tim 0WIM #0086tion A64, hetl�me a . 9 tbf otigiv the very gat-Li0t at *or Alid - . eat, which. ll, ca"Adet, Mul aside trolls the P441961196t Istieliltsbly '4114 literf 46X'ld#Mtfo* Vp-to-Dosto 1116yeld LIVerY and Cheap at WORS9LL'S, " eatwiction, X fal (ko, ati I riveri- 00"Iblo WAS I All kinds of JiltilitliolvAd bs� #101- 1 Lostined,jo tiarlic. will be III very great, oil als0*4 lidia oil sscookk$t at IT I Mllto, to the farillefs its * clarlef tot Ilia hisaftlk, liat of 0010, Ill# 01solill liat ,9"Ir Workis. Dealerin Illqh-crrade The Cheap St,vel' and Lmber, Lath and Shingles 10tavoil h,,M,,It#. *,14rAriIr,;,a. Pro, bioil- products to ilia irtatkets. Tbe bil traht#4� 14ta"Ift., M liso, twest. Bleyalo. 131cycle Sundries' II'lectrical � Ito oc t . t4* Of th# Vock tot 13a pltesL ett ` �Qem p4triow. Istatesilloll-noidle o4horwelcorilL411111t new selle"le, tid, too go, to the ..# 'jt�, . Fttrnac�`hiatl, (loderich. kept In atrich. I At"pausen -.1nmirtyro. it WiMfeir thissO 9 loncour- I P 0 . . 1.1-1. I 'ed tind 111=11 40 all Ift its PoWel!"Ito; '. tist stoke of ilia Wsir df. U, tlere to . __ , ,eaticb Are� riot *toy at "fIitftfitt*�' stre'OW ,,t"t i I t!� ,11ey di $a job III too large or tod onsial I for $4. 0 - L I 'u, strongiv Ago it alont.10 a rftlillitwit tu _11, I fro �1' �t()Ill 11 - "t"It #A -Ind 74 - . =r A Dey I L 011 I'latin nod SpoeldcatIM9 for I.,, �ut e 119 jx6r,.0stred ,,.,no Mtfoa lie Wp, (:)I FrItUT ]list 1104 Jko,WAW0t,Ji* lk L I LIU, V- . . ,,, �J, csp,_%p4,prk" iWill glivip,be to . all dromed or Work I I III 04, iiiii - 0 ';�91 oomforts In "On"Oetfor I promptly furni-bod. A,— . gt-,*W J. BrOW11, PVO abftt i3ii, W 6C t fift L I A they f(Iticiddlilistig 01 the follOWill . .1 reassonal0e. . . - , ; 016 I I .1 ­ k..W__i_A*_i1*,AiiiWWt""0,_ . __ p_W&1ttAnt#� Ito*4tor, *0 Us Q*r4 . � I . - ­ ..--- .----- L' ­ - ­ ­ - I I cylill"'." -M-,11 !�I, I 1. I ... li . L. .. - __ .! !!,! �,�,!!!, ­_' 'I'L. . . 16 , �gt*tkxoalk. tkfoftili tlk*L *WWslea � at tfiL- I I � 30 I � itsittris 6", I 110111dat f0400114 - . - 0. ". z .1 - Mill Wood I UT OUR " . . . . ­ I JON YOLE I rift I . . . MOIRZ, � TALK .. At - � . � -1 . .. ­ .. U 14 AUxa—, a %* istrio, I I 1. I C, . -P . - r . 101111 I L. I lt� I "&, asaill,)* W" trx" to pull). TSO .k.w� .. .1. UNTRAL . 9tyr - ale " NUAL SUMMr.R SA reem st tu tsot lid wt to to *ft* I . I "'. . L V"T M - S . , I , �� I.. . s� .- lit tu disim" V*t 404* *%* Id # � TgLo, .1 . 0.L ' L , Ai, N _- - It. 1. . . 0140666.81VA 6f tu *04 "dot ISIMAI "IIIS DRUG ORE011id Tho sxboivi its btifinto oto'Vb tMod � . . ''hoilu I a 116oka I fs`4�06 frOM Alit Zriglissis,ffirstloillotS, fressaL ffillettlass Of an tU Woft� Alkiwi 04" _ �_Eg_ . .Z__­d­­­_— length and will be delivored to Any , 11aft I" Wit, bur . View fall plotit . we. ,J1 ow et wpxw,-�r %tot#* ) #try# oyator Noiofi, Tarts. . �__ - __-___-1% I phtt of ilia town the asMao day 09 I" tol" 14 pkkl ttorts. all ond pt"10. :000ko'skoltar _�_ art DreA4 illid oreom noliff. ' . it tollidliag-& now 06tir's of PA 9"""' &A, all. tZ, 3:01DV-T #Ind BATH UON 011:9'. . orileted, -fight suthloo rice, ,154r. Alphiesplitic, 4 e"' books 406 plait tina Lt . 1110wail foi blistner 61lid V I W"LINY 94"M"St WOW% ,Ay Fingers. OtNuttin anx 81M. . Ordors received by L01001IOU0 Or W, our Ahnalit I I ffana the AmoticAn pablialwo, to , ulwarodul", maistigues. I - - vrill rtsedl" I frooh, ad& dited 3ookst, VnblisItO IiY­106111604h :01111 � # A Vw" its "*# *,"I" III , susiro., ate. IIAT01I.M 0AX9, ' Oooia sitisit .4 di � left At 129 as"Abrift St Wit haya Also, 0, mories of 1,0190 B00010, I ptice. 106. *Wow,, Y*4 toot M4 A41014 1:00; ' , . Prompt attonflon, phisas.10, sit lse,. out Aassidal 84miodr, Sal , .&ft 44 S160a as tbo beat MAde in ally I � FL0111:1A WATrIms, I 0trivat, Diso"'861k 6044414446 alla, 11602moillull, Albstilil ^4WI OfAississwA or 4 1 , � � T44solit Itadtoll. , .' .- I eu . . LAPILUSA MUM1000. fWassiessic 041# priCo'.L 1,_A kjif ­ 941" "I" Ity to ("ImAdow � � , , 'Phone 08, qs�3uo ritpor, rM.13lisr 160 &tilt 16 or tail, 'but Annual 110011h 04 ha,*�Osll *,is. 00,iij (TAntelft, leads the ft,446 in Orlakhd atid Clttl)d 'I tarp it vatt volib ilia litatty Color$, , itis by usiq 4001104V Irah T*44 M, 3110to MoTims CLEAt'401"'n, I . Peter fIcHwanik , *souslsaw i%IA rd"', ,5C "t t4, L60k All coati, Sterling Hil"t Ftpooft#�, Oh WEDDINO 01AXES. I I � 144 to xand�h new 1106 of o0qVitnit 0 . -Whio'hr4A4tW*, rM b",#UN06i . 1%(;,JV Jec ma 100. cumv,4. 10odevieb, Nov. 210t, = � g -7`q " . . AVA T" 04WAS, 1 il 'Xioll tb,b&76, Monty. bOr yotir Sdwd BOA,# 464 tho sysilissm 0041 *64* UP ibill Astm# it, hitsiY aptiloming,40d ofnitraftI1109 PLTPAMRS, (Altsfialla..) , e"��W!!�, �i��M_ ! � ��O�!M� I", "I_., L, , . -mil6ft VII 66madlilift atid, alneend Wasr. lvo hila An apd6p ____ �i_ , 1100111:06r, 41011ma-If Yr t Sto-A And, � 6 14*04 I'llk"4 Witt, #4 ishig ls..Drt�. Till IMAC6 j� _ , &I- AAAfA art * *A04 Mia , . T , J,_ 0.&SIM. jl"fif. rt1a,s 96. 06twe A � g. And Y0444twaftliction will be astur0d. CUM109 GUM% 0ACIRON9. Vo . , * - t - . The GoderiCh Stal . wmxz,l�zs ST1�1 0,1* Aisk,ottiftwofirom dild", I 0*1110.11lip � , I ,, . '14t%� . . Aa&,*m, Thei Dr. &.4 .. � 1.1!� 04 E L1Wt%Y$J th .BefIt 9 # , POOT 9 BOOK STOR'S 0o.*Xj%%JQ010Af* L whatofto "0*111110191 (11 .t 11101CS is, it Leader's. 1. AN. A E R __ L PoOtTit"Od &pw* "*" I I I I 0 . I I - I . I I . vw,06" IK6, I* a. I . . " I . L I - � I � . I . � � I I L. I � irm&_".A�LAL4 I , . X .11 I . . . . - "A" -K, ti, 'L . I - _ �-.n"JLA'A" I - - I 11 - .­ � ­ - ­ - ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������iiiiiiii��������������������������������::: �.a_20_00!!I�_­ �7�'_ . - - - I - - I—, L I __ ..".. . I We have put in a Stock of 131-oollis. " Best valLICS in tomi . I i::����_-_-_ I I .. , I I , HIGH CLA99 , I at 15C. . , : I " � , " - I � , Wo buy and we twil OP 20C 1 . I flardwaratbatwo Itnow to be hign I-la!3q. Nolle ollsor vo 111, Wort" buying. th(tuall nl.,Illv .. and do all. 0 Ynn want (tie botit titift " ��J � . 25C. N t,1 n gtpht � I n ��havotodo, w2,1141 woolvilprV4411) awlwp cell I , JI'A th(k tooki, V0It tildilt. �L. sitz - , I I ­­ Am — - ach. ___ . *__#=,�� ­ -`- R U ic , � N e 1) , , ' 0 U "" V I t I I CASH 11ARDWAR111 9FORE. , I 11 . I . . 1i . . I L - I , �. I I , . I�, I I , I 1; , � - 1. 1. I �, I., I., � I iL %, .,,� * . � - � I I I . 1. I A. . I 1, . 11 . I ,, ---- - - �2, - -- - , ... . .*.. 11111111111111 I NOW Aiii" biiim-�.-1 9=6WA==`IMIIIIII1IIIII1II 11 I . , � - .1 ­_.,J`#-.."]�±�_-,AA6 ". .!. , '. -