HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-08-23, Page 4Rull I . 1 147 - ; . __ — I I ..-l , .. T F w;' 1"Irr, �Xl. I y IIWA7, , I ; '" p I - 17mi �,,,, � 1, -T, , W1.61C , % �,t 4� A , "., . , I � � . 1 �11 ��. . . , . #11 , "., '. , , . . I , , 1 14, 1 � ; , - ( I . 'y � .... Ti _-7 I .1 I , I 1, 1. �� I � .", I :" _11 �71 - I I 1 7"w J, I I .. I I .1 , . I .. .11!:� - � 11� k I ! . ov�, ! ,4, , I , -1011 1. I ­ . ­ ­ I 0 I mill, I �, I I Jill !I!! ���� 1111 0 1111 ... ­ -....­ - _ . . I I' ��, . -4 , � . . ... ­ �, 1, t, f I , ". I . � , ­ - ­ ­­­ -_1__-.__ ... ... ­­ — i III I 'Ilill. ''I'l''Illi'M� � .1 . . . . . . . k,� ". I'll I � ` --kagi , I 112 ;.;�_ � I 1 1 11 ­ .o - . I - -,L-��-ool 1­�­­b­.. I, I � .1 . - ­­__ -_ -_ - �. - = R'lli Ill il I I I 1, W X - "-I; - , � , I,7� 1 1 ... - I .. I—— _­ 0i :�, , -W-- - - _Tb 4 — I - ­ . ,,, I ____l I , , I . , 700 I I — I "I , Ua . li, — � , I . ol� �, I - 11 J I , 4 -, T111I. W, 14 It. , �) _—, �111111111_ - ­ �,� _ I - 'l,' $14ftr*-,,-�1--�-...-.,�p;w*,'*Wi" 4 "I�!'0I41!!;­l­ � I . 1111 !t��­ ­_ I _1001 golliall'sud - " I I . I, ''ll, tt.,�,,,j I All 0 -14 'it t". I I - - - — , 11 mkl­ 'll � - . , I Ili %to 4X 4 , * I . I , � , � � 0. ;11., lit:01 .. - .­­ - _­ ­ I ­ --- , - -_ - ­ ­ __w ,. I 1. _'Rill � 6 Thqr� , 0 A . I I.ri I'll 11 till b) sli Ite "Now tlotgtqm7l 11 I I ]A�LIIAIR'$ BLAWK, ) JZ HOT DAY. i'aplattotholitowAlk 1% I I 11 - . ­­ ­ _.___1_-__ , * F( "i � - I Allosit"tAT I 'I I *0 T, i � I I - - , 111 � I lit"teluolit morlAutlif. and tile oliquettilft .11 (I , I 4tW C �',l ,,�', , a m. N tkiAl siteI zl.�, �Iiiii!II'llill,ii!o��Bi a.Tyxa3m " I � � m !, 00%04-340404011�1111111`ilo lisatil j,'l,l1I ClUtIll , * -X 1 , ' rid h I .1 . I .. to* bu*Y111 44) 04 1 Aj I . , '.I ­ ; ­ * --rinn"%- .IWAA" hAllra I 1W01Kfi1_VM r4. ,A -, _=== 1119all ill$, A0 260. Ill TP,Y IT'l I 1. - ___ ­ �. .11 ­ 11-_ ­ I- ­­ -r -1 , �­,_ -_ .. I I .�, �­ . �.. It ,er, awl it tie 'no disiolturmt1w caused by Skii, diftw_# -_-4 — .. _­ r 0; . . I or Isixti oI so*w OVK, 0 Nrolk w gooldwklo� ritillo, I ,. - '__­­W�eks '' ' lax VIR114 it) tit" Wall � , - � . - NVII'l. . '.� I 111111tNtle, �� *4 jor. Wit emn "it I I 4 I It"Olitrot nits- I raw 174* is%*% it"II YAA . . . � I t . , omilloonly 0soocial I � ; 11, I .1 Ir fiol -0 put I , — __." I '. - Z;7"' , , I "I Twi fa poloisi of 04 woo FORSITUN . I ,_� - - - - - . -n ,r ............. 0—. ()tsl)AIIDLIIA%t,Ultlelltovi(,�t(komw . - 1�_� A � I .., - .1 Ilia VWXtIr no 63% whialt is so . ^,Alta 0111CUt AllAt doO rut uple, of I)r. rifirol ii(midest � . . - a "Awk I ii wfob *0 6rww bleel murr'AX108 it , . tm c - I Witill, it, 1. " . , ` N � , re , I , vilin 40 or, 50 goott . � , Two Ittill t, oviol Intivis thou *0 I , � 'v"Alb � �.f . I I , ,,, ,� I 0�� D , ),LJND, '. . I 11'are goililit'lthell the, PATty Val' kilt dolen XV(I Dioromy I I I. ON I , , . I .1 *11l AOSMPUS $4 till wol "A jr " Aw--1004 i'll" Try 0I BLAC . .1 U. I . pnelally ffiJUItt Wo I * , , 11 . � , "I rion)(30filI it will siven to 111's , I . irtwov It * *W.:%N%-"af4t;I xz wjAA o4otb4o. YOU . 41ill KBERRY C . III 260, 0 for OQUO 9 I - An A 4CQ11jP1et'O I � , , � , Iiii , of ;4or 1W a". I i;.9r PO b'AW li vj� .. iutVt,ciiL,,. Care of kdeple, , . - � .1 . �*1 Aw N. k ill"& an 00 so AA li mmnA $0 "y ;1 vrep�rotllfoio wo'exii, 00ci 91vto 141,14 . I I . I NO I I . I -1 1. . 11 . . , I . '. tit the'k, osiox 8-01 Of explanation ,11 " tol wo...4114..'IlliIiiiii, 11 . I I I FROM BROA I . I 1: ----------- �-��� . 11 I ILL— , I Xvii, I)ryllewa pilalges, crup0mrs ..O. DIReCT . , tMe�I, 11 I lowsz . iond Will ALK"All ­--olill 11 ­oNW9­Nl ...... — '_ I . ,It It)-ou W0.0 Ally Oa ,01 500P 11", 0 B`CyCjeSr glild ,,I.took stok-U fit Ilia vaterpt'lliole, of, diwase whI ' I - I 'NY* hava jw io*it,ill fwus Netw Teik illos vs*- WAAVIA�.Jitl* Of 0,YQU111 Havo4o, Hurry .inorolif.0411.1100 . I I I - 'Urot theill Calls(" , _" � r , , NUR t.10evit"a IWI Tboll Iol stooli ^ p4atly *001ti4ticio of , 11 toe joe. 'wag UlopilitV. , I, I I ovitIly two' ""i".. NECK N I Vo 4rosolling I I . .Yel 390. It# pirmpeclul p . wl.pp rittells'Al luivertloed, In tnu Till ill an juipura Cost. I � , I I . � ,.� .* ` all" loy e"' Alitioltoltheloi . � li -ll Ojapt " Till t4la woutil otrPAS1 10l Uhl "Of all Neol dtA"Wro W. I C. � ­ I I - T, -1 1 0 '41 . I �'.. I � not a word of 01tal was beard . Nscov*Al iii , . I I .1 ("I'', -1 JE I I � 1!:Pundries outo Operfill At the "AL knowill, Yet t, 4-auldetto .Wli� wo, *01A you to $of thow. . . I . MIS .6 OvctlitIll it W49 well . .1 , boo . . I . I , GO 1, 11T�E� 'Cl I _flw� tim,l). if I bad, u1nowilt that Jane � I r luttl 'tile . ­ I THE HARRIS $USKNOERS. 10 1: . o , IQFQ for &Q.) 14 oago�=�­I�­ - blop 'PlAril'" �� r (io piti in a . � 'k . I . t= in 6 trAlloil Would have 1*00 . �j of 11110W - , , "I . I;, W 1, i - I n eni � � � I I � � .. " livoubt, . $lot have, flit 1', . Anil 1141so"Jif 413 V�PZNDt'.0a A4 for our Qwa FLYPA -I I- I I .. ., , I It PF - rx sed. perhaps 1, We lvoye *lei sootirtil tho Polo all ; ^ good -ii;. tint now Mitt lite Il 10 1� .#�,jyjor, tile g,,&jtRI% 8 .. I . 't q Altat- oild tile obeill ­_ I . I r . . 00 �Vurts tile cllta�, I'll ..... .. . . frill - -$,l - I, I I 11 I I " "I t � $10 ellria�A III n at � . . lif X4jW YkI glioril point 4 ji,t ill, 8AA*t:OAl(1ttN i4 Ill I be end4L, ill 11 - for...'t 4r� ,lot, lirle I ac, not Ilitend to rpsig I ; 11tolls 4100*5ts, . I �� . .. 'r _ I ,,l�11111011011 11 - Vow , 010 suggoiI,tioll. or ji1r. PettVillgce � , Tilt* I 1'. ilivot bad 100A I .. I . � I (Ah" wtak� pomt -in nl�.aklv * I OtIX-1ra), tuvoe L-lills, itil isistle Q( Ingliall.T600, 04 � :1:111111111�l: 11 . I I I I .---,M I I . - _ .. I . ­ , . ,A A A ril" --1 � .."I.. 1. � I I . I— A 't 4" ; A .4 � k I 11 ULAII"Who. U10110, or Tho World. bxtedtalld h -61,;l, I . I I 11-twhidoo soall �ftttve rqi�(Qroiti' bittwil Pi 040. They 1*13''olt 26-�. x4d 6WO FAVIAVA A *, ,fAV0,111 I I I I . Ili"" 0 -liervi Is rd � I I I . 11 .� . � � il 1 � I 'LL . -bettet. Ono lor." $10" wribeso att-acks sliould have I I il 10'6- . I . . I p r pAir. F,vorl pair gusirattwil. . � I 1 4, 1 I . .. .. FAVAVAVAVAVAI I 1� I 11 A nialle Agalust'ale when tile U�Alqjal I I. a .-*. .1holfutue-MG01tica. . . I I I . I � .1 . . I . 1. I i � ' '. . I I wrls in st�,;sjoji. and .1 could tlien 'IF-Ve' . I Alvillical Discol . , �� . . � 1. I ,' ­" L- . . ­ 'N I I Wbeelff -at replied to tho"I jimpill , - I � I . rBARG.All"i IrNt CLOTH INO - ' , I ­ -_ I - I . . my con. �1- � ; W. . 11 V . , �ervP iiiid Wfk tit 0 1 . I . I . , I - . , rr t1jel.y fIrge'L froin � . . A -1 -_ - ­. I I . , . � . vf N r I I . I '' I Nl� , , � . ` w1w, � I � liectlort with tile c6la PI will lint, In I 1. t A I I . 11 � . I., � . * % 64 of 4 $014� of Bel to Vast I .. IN , 11 . : iiiii . �. ,&- tolforolati til'itestwitlitayiUVA's : I ,,, I ' CAI e XOW ill YOU PhAil to 114i f1cl $2-OQ II045-00 On 'the "goll r PC' � - L 1 40107 . " i I * ` ,,, tit '%4WIture. llor ,will It , I . 02odlilulautottor 11W Clothing; WeIrQUAIA00 TOI for the Wig otook of 061110iotlittig whiell will shortly be ja� 904, illoWpOl Ol I . " I I . ., ­ I , "! ­ I . . "Illia, I I M20 10ind i ., its �Xfnlstf - ifect tile agIvictittlival . � I , I taL jjjdpe� 0O0iAQXjCaj Otte$ 40 a , . , . in alry way A � , . � . 1, ', , .9ptics. - � , piliobtl 11"11 vApposing IOU don't need 4 $ it b4l�`- � .1 ,,, , )So, * , I � .. . ­ . I Interests tit tills provineal - I . I . us WA's tirml � I I ,,, I 1� "i . FAL ' GO . I I I i d � . . I I . . � , I �.. - WA"o,ill," - I I . , I I . � =� �_,___L:�__ I � � , . �_, 90 Or' I . to . bly th.e. Only oxen I I � I whbcoo Nrolllhe 11 I � � . , i . � . I I a )alo f4les 0 ply; tot# , . . I , rtMit000do In � I Til pri . -Is. t� I) j , � , . I . I . I'dolotico Alp, 1XV, 11 ­ it lok .1 ... , " � 31104, r4colliod A sivIvOtinivot New Ps'll 1? I � -ol hill It om,ra 4 * � "" , it, .r cloo, Aty, ru;;Zk , I aon can - -rd, It ea , . ;��­__- — ___ __ ___ ___ _ ---1-..-,.,- :,_ .- -.l --1.4t11.1 wittoli'mrs, It ­__ , ­�,­ , , _ ;_1 �_ . - . I . - r", - - -ILr -w0a - ".. *4440- -Or�*ll -14- W.4WALAtiocii-11617W - . . . . 11 . I '.; L . —_ __-nD5',_5ERnE�5_, - I . L ! . Ain,A', -6110'. -4449 li illy , qAtipfor t I I � I L I � , , ol TuoullaglerA�*xtilt . Homspurtits, TWO " I I . I L f the -agricolturg (4, il iris 10130. 1 et *, � . I - I j I . - � 1. all t chr; Am$ time' atia � 01____ ,A, �,­_ - _ - - , 7� chief advocate O glittl*11ioductorlm It it I -W . --- - -DH- I _', W _ �:,. I . luce carriOgAvith It q'L I 4 PRI I , . . , . BiRoADMOTHS, i , I ., torests of thliprov , r, VIN141 I., 944 Aloo t 1) r. r jeXCO'ji 0 01 a 0 it . . I , 1, . i'tointollbil 14t , C"EVIOTS, ­ - .­ " 8bitais. . , _ , . I . I tur-8 �� ,V I , , Tvfsat�zwrl OlothIng Hong*. i , )at it" cits, *to 10.01 I 41 '. , If, 6.11 tile lqew FAII I - . 11 tile obligation to 00 nothing ti�ftr, Al q& jijV*vqly hotil dQue for Abetio, gild, W114 Soj� Agent for Cbrlote*,*4� � , I . wi i t � . , , I , a4vtoIllitonev. ItiorreAr-lbatlillight � I I I . I 'r- .. 1. I I I . . � I — . . . I .-B 0 � .411olir our complititcro Age . . It jotot to tilt Nil 0 find I I I 11 I . . ", '. ,,,, .11� � . Atty aftAht.r ittLitotit si Ill I ! 11 - — -1 � . I 11 � I 11011" , tollivrololso ilia IT, ­­ ­ *�__ - _­ � �, I- - , - ­ 1. . � . . . . . I& "I 4 wqulll. ! . - ­� - —, -- - . 11 I I . I . I � I I I . I AS A L lftilettlal it At bettig! Iona xmildt I " I , , - C -1-i"Ill. I � * *G - , . . . 11 I " I - , -16UG16 ad faus 119 ki�lpilwaoadlrin , and L it,' f"Imit, ligAwwrtlo worsooll0letiot I I ------ � ,ggb, ,oaftu Redtlael . .I. I A. 8 _ " ci.� _ , 40 .TV jw ., . . : . 11 OODS 1� : . I ultuti it neetls, )lot itootAbirt"It butt � , .1 BLACK PRESS (I . I . -1-111-6 , . - ,.A- 19 . I I I � : �_?, 04t4plo. Wile 44VAlt. � -,,,L - I I itliorlir, 1`10MV4 VIC H Y N , v, , _1113z; , ,7--T , - - - - . � none -of p4mvOy'Allo)i I R. . I . -4:N- 11 .M �. . the fellowlOR tri t.- - . . arg�lmonb to prove that the roytil 60 ti ft - *11 neallortiol Will . I 1, I . .. . I ,10. < I I, rtt�!_,-,--1 -loulture k 4 � .04W. but$ . 11 , . . . � . I . . I THE LRAVINO - *, � . . 1,L . . I I I � I .. � . ; � I .ee"EI to $3.00 A.yard. . I I I � . . �; ii ii �� ! !! � TV - � ,;ACI , . A CALCUIll irm,­ I LWAII, . I 1, .. 1. . I �BROOAI)Us froux X � ,;� � the ()At t4inIsI of Agt A 1. . �� " L 1. . ; , tor 'at dot h be. C( _ �F ., _ T , I � dvortISM Pal' -'shed, to t4o le"'A 1, it . 4 1 , V . ., � . I " to _ I * , - - , M irl M.10 - ' , OHEVIOTS, 14 . , . � M flit,woll ie ,4 t il;e .... Alit 14. I RV , *. aid. .: T '� - DIATUT4,- SE)RIGIRS, UMIRSPI71" . . I � i , RXITUR . IS , ' . 'CORDS and HH�X31STTI - W . - . I I I ivorld as tl, direc ,$. I portant to 11 Fu , DRAL , ... .I ,tug, CoMP40Y Is 0, &tl ; I I `l , WDER, 1104,1�Y- . . . I I . I iN foreign ral P I *�. I t I I , . If&V104 JUST IflX0fllV.j4jj Tfir . . ­­ � . .- .1 � ,; FOLLOV _ -,-,. �, ,.. . I I I I � . . ., I I ­� I .. � ­ . . ­ . VINO, OWI)S - .:' I I I . ' ', ­ T � �%%. . . I . . I . I . _*-_14`� 1 . nieutto.0-tualdiatilatoeosts that hall � I , tit Ifti 0% � _ � . I . ... I . . I - I . I I I . I � , 41 . � I . . , I , 171" � Ili I over .o � 4 11 I)tkd(j4jjooA 8111tef4. $g,0o*A_fld AlIll � Vat'jill I I (.1jolthell ........ 1*ll`..,.1F.. '" , 001042U.00 114 - I RnVk,,.',,. ..'­�.',4153,00 to $180 I ' L A �Ijg, Stoblic o I ' 111, .1, , � 'I . . . . �. I �jtv,lollltjgog 4f Dilv�iAtpeAltints for IVO to", to jpect:, - In ,out , , , I f ck and Colored Silks. I . � 2 'th those very' coocce"" 'on . Bla � 1� 03ttol" . obdiolloot I o $10.0i 8 to ebolve add ple0ei of rcurnitare, .. I 11 I 4jmoe:Qt Tot",sfmtol . 31III - johy, -"� parbov 1: saltel 4M.011 Ill Aipwitrati.jillaijor ohalrs­�.t -41.1104' � . I . . ­­: it ,it, In I , I I . � I . I . . , .. I . - I , . . '1,�Vg� W,,�jsT$. $111c Pattern-�-No two alike -at -1 . I . � " '-Ailvealsors will it) -tome irovern � , OrI livillorover 11094, D3.0m to, Its, Ilurill lvlok lio , V, 0 1 . . I � � , C . � . � I " � I lRof - lboA,Vft . . . I . I . ol -fro") 15 to 60 cents. i eaeh "Wel . � _­ 7� - , �,otlllpe, Vito Undtilil rtiociitioutiaor4xoprck�porvIgloli,ixnd,tl)osorVI6*.Wo _I Wt,;,whjte)oijr,pr1mA'ol roymnable! tbol 4000010917, .� pril , . I -- wry W 100IT14.1 �4499,- , I'll I � ) 'li , , t I - -1� i thiti "I J%ler: tilan U010AT Noos.ot oijuadilt,11 3.0-ol tjon ,16 1801 Of % Ill .Tzf. Illiq 4400 I I Wo 'hi'I At'jil , Newtig .Witfdow 8haaem itilitict P,olpa al� 4"dorIlid, Prices.' � , _ , . 43 COLORru . . I . well- Pita to POV I i( lint . . � . . .T , . . i � 4holitsale prip : "t . � . first avi4 I � , . , tile, Ith on let. opurtition* . , I , , -ind 16st so Al as'lle gives fA s "if 1410HTC)Ltl>""4,Pe&JAL%oe.proinp�lyi%timilde :to. Nytimollelt, patr9natrit en =-Z theitilio0*466i tholoorylica wit 41vol . ck of WBAPPERETTS Justin- , I - I � CONTRAOT ApveATJ$IN0 1. ai-to 1$01, lies 431ded 11,24,130" Anil .1 I I � ,., . I . I I.. L 1. . i I - want. you, to see oar, new sto �. . . -i . ­ ? - . . � I . 1, � =="v 1: 1, I Inew.-froolloceill!A . . I . 1. . . I to Air rivAls 110 Is 14091119 Ioll datI Oits , 401� C1,63k.mv 1, At 0 jium, f4vo of Able fact Vilat Llielic Is All � I a . . � 39 rill . � . I . I . � . i%*,iftjCqxC3 f6r oil coliI 44vertiololl tit 01 .If he calloob ruit'llio Iiiiisi gratina _ to, ollt-Aflo , and lin tot -413100k, IV 'fri 5 cerits to 15 cents. I , I � . , . ej�a,)ltWejToeht4#ge6A$e4r, P,V.aMAd41t10Vl41 of )its 0014 I I altore& 30(trituvro, licalors, votlebt*uoll W4,40 A03 qll Ploturoirv%wnk� 10holott-611i rl"M*A� jidtaf-9,00 I . Ne w_ til,ANNELETTE . . . . I . . I . � Lj lot �xtm tho itatti4i - 1�411 o1ject (.�04114- trorolrabiw� - TU - I . - .. ­ - - - ­ 11 - - � ,., . _1 I , , 1, I . -w.. t7l � . ­ . � I . I I thungo Vill W44I , , enough In 040(kall, '60 440, ril I - I I i- 9 . ___7-7 __ .., �.­ - 9- , ;__ ­_ I I I. I, . , , . . � � � . .1 � I :11 I ­ . � � ., . e� I 'to ;5C. , �jf tile prov lllco� as -.1o'llopw - i iiii .. . Ivii- . I , ., . I � I t I . , . I . I � . �, I .I. � 4'� . I , lcoot oit0fulittaffollyi(tvin w. � ,�d :to his gol Il 1j,' but L 110 Can. - .111 , . .", I ­ � collegaii 04 *Ibg O"t Totir Old coltilf, aild 09490, . ­,,, I, ; . I -, . .. 1, . , ! .. AU Acoll ai V01), , . lailloll AliPet � tilt% reprelioutation dal Basinesla , . �61�7 W. going. ow.1A I . . I , � . 4 � .. I . I 3494* 0AVal , " , . I 'thi* ro%illty4- . - . ' , , M .0 - �. � � I � . 11 " 1. I I � 1. ­ aerod And tout . . . .� Ible 'Z'-'- 14F.Rt,�IlIINOTHFX-, - � � In Lbft,M)u1PeQtli�O no ffl, . . . I all all tw6mast6rs, . . . PtArIforno4it, Roeloop Ilam 41M , I . I I I I., LKI Week we'rtifel`�04 �TE,-R!%$. . 30 .. OLBORN . . I I I I UOU(Illy, � �. �_ .1 , rv,Ontl WilidAY lilks1linel'y' �` . I I -it 0itil, .0, . .1 I . 11 . -1. I . I . ,. . - , , - - - - . . vatembe 11 �, e Itotlon� of busliiesot to Otte awo04 III Xr. Flatheryi, .. � I . . �_��,.,�I� , ,lipti, Igeril In, the, , , I - , -1his )lot d In , . 1. .*-*�-"�_­.­ . . T 0 - t(s tost-as Cash' Potodipligo, # 'relephoho 86. Goderich." 1. , phouthiloti . 1 6 . tbo Trinow"prov - I so . U trarill will ri . .r0t. or I . 0. be re I *' , .k"lioultil" ii I , , I I �*!._. ' _�4-,U.A, oxx,&Dtal osgstrp­ -- Ill 7 , Ili(# Avtomcliifo� onizab'' . Open ror its *�h yeArl o r Tu# And 14w Qto, rill ... � . , . � I I I . . . . . ­­­, ­ I - .. M-011 I I.. . I .1 I .11rote"ala. followil this. up. wit I I . I I . . . I . . I I 11 � . I I I . X; - Tit jAintit orid 'rodiatioris wl�i ,130 IV Ono Owl for ev&y U I ,TtuWay, Soptill,'901'. 11 .111 the'ri '.I ­ �� I '. 1. . � , _ �' ruo�)er .. ow 0.4 09,000" Of . , , . . � . � . , 1111110 Ati votisitul , ­ I- I �� irl � � , . . fcb�%ta a It ., sty , tug attomv* I '�Vti topi-thiAt Itit,work reqAtIres 110, ill' , olostalitille the Moat, who 10111z10 I ky. AY a 'IV, I I UN-, _ Nv . . I 40016i Oalilvrfo�aecordlllg to iho to, wtodueo J110i 00 k0inople. wag L , . At 14.F . 11 . I . . for . 's bava apple-voll in WO , , tC � ,Clitilsh ,04tol . �� . Z"y V __ lit�owlvooli . � oo kept plitill 'with - _"W —"Y* � I . Tiwaoo�Fl U.Ii it - dally - tile general flailroo�bas 11, I #4944 I)TOPI till, slil comixtoo4ail ion troM ll As it tA Atoll oiolvi�ty in A. .0 4A. *111 j1W , 1-1 I ­­. ..".. . I . � -l liigo$ regtira-liig, :WO , Al tepriesentatloft IYAL I'Milli, 11, 1. . he . ". bft -1 __ , I - . I � I � I I. : ,o'bave Illert6 arep�i ji,ollt v;A,jjjvIijItpis,IAo 137, ­­­ -',-..-7 00 Prg"a'alige"o ' 0110 Of th� 11101100r, 11140%4109 to t A ''1) W, ". Ho it ,Rino at. lettlitto '.--�;', ,� � - . I .1 . . I . 4 result of: thi, ce"alts Appear J, lo, A�njjt, #ft�' POT r coot, og tile *0litiol litio of V Y,e � I . I � I � I � � t Sid , I . � . , tjRjl)&y -001T8T 2 t , _ titlilprt.-I��tti,ittoilig,ltx4uj,ofI A.. 1,66t �, "r, old" . , � . . . ImOd"40t :title orticial WA-lose'l1jr, , pop . I I tit's I . ' L H,AnMOCKS-iiispecia e. . i � . . I �, ,& 1 1001 been *l , ro et,$Vq , %to beelploo Jill li 1111i lloys 0i ill@' plotilot Qt,boI0Olbj% We kind, N flontig.a, olaglit of ly,nrk khat ­­ �_-_ � . I , , " stinift-it"fl.ol)ort"ea.,�-litts toNy'll, I __ . I 1 _ I �t���­­��TV.­�L��27� I I � WQa for itwelf 0 q4fidellott'llt A. kv .1 . � I .: : . . . .. , _ ­., I—' � Annottlacotlion't OV44.01allelavit PrOmy. hV0 --filiti Of Vy Wit Al old tobacoo. 14 "Quig fprro� 10 � Tho '01ill ltneiI Rev'106d'-- " 11 .......... — L f I ! . I I or ii, - %19 IbIle'. I � _"_1-11 . . . . a- it? a I" r� . . I . � . L'tu,torial 0owmanti Thilogures hy Provinces 9X0 rate . ; - I .. 4rO entoked, SIM00t xcla It lail 11114'lleo , I . I I I . . � . I . .1 Austria, AU4010i, TIl 4141, 0, $kllI Conittaiiii appile"Iti'l to rd6r�s, we intend making prices so terripting we I . .11 1 ,4 4 te, "W____*l . Of npilint,ti lorgles,.4trid ifthete be , 'We balltrItt too Itialiv Noun � I r , total a vivo 7�rilatl*orirlariys , rl�prletom M" .11 . I I � I . I I U$4 jolt. tall 4' (ij, JURY $11olly fi Orel Of t1ill lax ' ' I . . . I . zot NO 0 " 6XVIVIII , , - . , , , mit A eloixfttltlo_�, lassitntip .411 t ' 1 #6 t4 carry one tiry Faluotb6r season, I . i Ew tv 0 And Q I . " . � 0 . . . reccei And gentrili tbVO I - od .tie ill! MI wriin G ho., 14 .1 . �. . 6�41kliog to the .kit. :3, g :i . roOntation of. till"It excellent �qchol ,no lir,o- I' " reoitu_These I. . I I I I 11 " .11 - _ witi llw�Slrulti SO I P �j g, 1:5 : rOpe, I .11- , �, . , . L I 11 . I . . � . I 1, . . I- _.- -1. _0 - � ;I I t p_j. � , , 6RITON'S F-YF-OIGHT . . I I ovid;nI.0 of, Mile, -bola, I sora , ,to- fitet i �, .....$3.15 4 1 : I , . - - ­ , I I -­ ­­.. ­­­­­­­-_­ -IIIIIII�_:­_,"', � I ,fiCk , 10 )l niotchie'ti?0t;A)l�i. -'The . I I 4,%00 Haltiolock (bMitnicitill 10 per cent pit. I 1. . Vallco. Is Linis reportva., o, � I -.1--- I A'sIL4tatemobillit �btfttlL+ *�tjvered 00 it it 1 4' comos frout oto � I i � . I; 1 1,540 9. V , . I V. . .1. All I WIllelvitir Iii sil 6ti the, hilishie"il ,L I 7 $913 11AMtri6ok. TO pWoertt off.....- .......... 2.48 1 4Itjl#tjtr0MW6 IStit,lit rio , . � 0 ttq 60 from 0 itiot ofoxergise britiRs nor ttervoolsj` . . OvquW to London 01 w I � . A I - I 0 . 00"" � ''.,r pW4_j;jlAjnloCk'j()p . ­ ........ 2.26 11 �, � - . . AlartItLillooll "" in four honre, this ho'llig,1612 AIP let, �Plll llitto4chool 104peol Alinuttliv- to" 4,41iliffitte li , � turtill lilep , ` Its,ol I . rnpl- . a tile Stoll 01 ceilt, air " - ­ , . 11 I 4k_A�jotl Wlagh,'llItl 1108MV W" � , , gr. V� = ;3101 ton . . 0 tourninoW. 18 found, itt alilooll 4 I 11;ragobiritl - Doi, an . jjltel� ol"Nvolti, .- I :0 F .. .. . lohn Link , , , - - . .. WHO, . .. I , . : ,- . � . r . � . i . 0 . . 46100- brw of 23,1alles an horit - . ­ *110 Itivir'o -;Apoorra lliooetly� . Ilk 01f; , , . , " 10. er . 1.80 L . . I "I L . I I ": triell Ool ' 1: ;" I .9 &. , . 11 , allowing Nvilev(- plif I . � I jacirlVolailt-Octed AO 4 I V00jIlkt%i1o6Qtz p, cant Ork. .. ..* ... ; .... 4 . Abi W . . 1. I IF A' r fL ' " ' .. I oll ato niove Pool VIM A veii,i,%tiou Paxnlelve* vogevalole, Pill$ . .� I . I . I riel(PUnAll '09 - his ban . . . I � - W , r . � ' -101.75 UXArfiAnocil 10 fter �Wnt a*.... � .......... 1-69 o. - I . . . WkIlit _. . , L I " . I . I ollArS. of t4lo Zoodmce In- the 'AA189,411 � "wintlit, piltilitiolilit -4urbI I" yi-1 The otie III, a rtell1wriltivo kArls' Ir I . . , H .. . � . I - wanted AS' a Witrwro its the . , , , " . tijo, tyealght In the . . � I . . , . . I � ., . I . I I � I gild' in . Great nismolouvrga shows that or mrwrohlrg 3n,4b it,, h i tilt for, I itI yeAwt,bowli, ri 4iii - , * , I I � e. And tArOS Iver _ I . I 1 than 410it Vill . Vowel" 10sloving ��o ...., � I , � . 11 I , i . .. I... I toolit) . 11 ...'41101pil If . , I Itions on, 0 fig" IOV,10"klill 001 1, I al, -a - . I . I . Oil - fkkl� And . � � �, I i � . j ' " i. - JaCII 011 . , A ordl- ofmillostelleourktRinii vliarROQ0. '801 ;l This Is voin- -m w6 stop the 10 pet, cent reduction. ' - . . . ­ I I � nation election Ir", t ot .II . . t . , � Irciold", salit the natural- iltlow -to mach jnQi tirju$ tha flit 4411 djllykAlhlj� k�v O`PP0UTVNTTV., As som,ag'Ouilstiol Ili redticed. And we ' . - . :1 , - I # i varry' - ' ' I - 'A' - ' ,4 1 - - - �, I I ttlo that the � out, Ki NN. * od W the muddy �000 -' ' oftheirpupilasecure4 Rood"Oov revivill f cousilllIot, W.t. will sell at) we � �. I - ., I . ill � I � . ,, *i � . �., I 1 Idurned, soverAl t] . -4 . I . . . . I . oMeoIi; 4I btoolijileaphera I 11 , � 11 . . I � . I t to Illosibel J I I .. � � I . 0 . , .., : �- , A, .. - I , . . L eyetili,41% cbat ,a , �. z . . I � , � . _ - , . -1 4 . , . IMP -4 becl8uso of Ills W4 XOW ., o4or Vito Url? I , i X., . I 11, 414,40oks, I, . DrIt.1011 , when I* 'Was a 'Url , Tbol tiger's strotilli. I I ... � ;:, ' V . I . i _� absence; lit) looks Wo , - - - . I * . $&,tiny !ly - lAR14 And bookkeptiOrs, 'or aq imelipia tit 1, . ,, .. OU11 J,iave to Hurry. . . . I � I .1 . �-_ , , , �, : , � . stom''RA'Di , , ­ I � 1. . I . . ." 11 � ., Orte, a iZtQAt PIP -I . : . * - I . voliq tasku and who lit I thei lion. Tilvol votowell 011*0 fit. othor-'bollogiw �, I , vittiorfoldepton: . - . . I . . I . I �.,� - nI , .1 . .1 , 6t jitifto by two-liumbof 111 , Ion, � . �­-_� . 1. � . I I I . , -.- I , . . , I down. a0ort.but ' . .1 _11 I - . . I? ­�---:��, '� � .. .� 1- - I - 46wallero, who Aid 'the woroymg, lox . 1 *. � . . . I - .., . - ` �. - : I : : .0 . 404 villuo voAr 61 � I . . 'L . . 'I it 0 tt. i . . June% 1901, ', ' , - 1, - I * . . . I -1 � . It'rgoad miypolwheat. tbIsAtileason. !, . � � � `4th0V` fbOk�,d, the I.. .1. L. . -1 ­ I I - _ '� I ­ . 1: . . , � t 6 ; , ., 'the 7ji'f jj'Wb,Kt itio� tbresbed'i-00-1iju i - � . , . 1Z .1 " ,6* pans of Whillstir , . - g�a�o bore. on OnUl it tiger' . elloull-, 'r D" 8, .- . ,� . * pollitloill , : v i - * 11 Leii coa c* , P. 3:11nes q, ArI 1, - ,BOO '1P , ''.: I N . � . no ate -ravirtd. to , I Ito , 1;1 lRattilith" tit tu, 2114 entices . t � -frilso � . � Ito . . ,. was . . t . : . . , : tla#v * ol,liq p � during th* twelve uloutbti ellAii1j; � :� 4P .. 01A . . . � : � , I � 11, W S., Tockers.nilthc`4^4 A, ph 0 K ' D , �STORJUJ_s "I --1L � � . . - lit Inerloilit Olititill glasses, Ore Wei tt I , K . . jolt * enjoyed . . I . 9 it 4PAI Injil �pti ibloi . � ­ i bill. vi P, . R L ' 'e- in this slighti iv�Lea -of -OM., 004 I m The grtlic .1 I.,.,., :1 I � . . I I . . - ­ .- 11-1 liber . . � 1141cli. #� Inallie,14 hh& ilelilaii , tot, k(!4(jji teli 11114 11aw become . - obefs - . � - . . I � I . . � . tl�oaqenes,of the Soo. " . L . ; -X%ftlffl_� - -jighte4ne ors0l wear. I . 1. 0A I 1(l Was of' . . I . I '. . � . , , - r I. . . . - - . . , 1--*,..,_ . I �sfuoe � � . 1. '4. .. -. so stimnitflint lit h tie All of tell - eli,ses all the Pr011 . I . . . . I � . � : . ftror= ­" , I . I , , ,38, while IONY P .0 vi . a luct,of 10 itieresk I .- I I . 1, I 'r 14 I& , - .. . '. the, Scott and 0 On" At W'VII-ti,eil" . � I ­ __ - __ _. -, . I . I .. I . I I j r� _ Itatiuse In thol toun Dived . ,G14. . . . .1 � . . I .1 . I .. ­ I 11 - $11110100f, tl I. Mod: t1lit 1;40.roya� latchou. , when call" for orl bel. Is ,rec, , And ill &2,'Poun4i �tho 'hA I 11 I . . I.. I I I I . . . .1 I . ,tip --A poj�t-rfjjj orgiAltiont. fl I - Mi - M . - ,� ' ricy has ,W b6 1104 with an I . . , pkor . I . I I , . It i � � 't ,R" 4 it , . . .. HU . kri ,he minetoW tile vi .11 I I Mot 144"Al , ., . �, ... � " I L I .. I I . � I � , - . . us wlhgbiin,,�Tiro�el- ft� 16 Imply � . try.-aillost lbelzro 46 lei, , The otilicial' 6filliAte Of't . I It WaAA Iw4utifol crop OIR 4 I � , I . , S � I I . , . r . s . � . . I iii -le wolkring of -gli so'g, Positive Iftst1th of Siborial"Itil A6,11101tt th" lldder-geltl sth;ol ,lauding fiatulck #k4, com, gral � 411-4 . . I I . I I I . . I . , . I ­ . I We corvort-od � � . ., grow -14- � . - I � . ".0 . - � . t tie ." . .�.iceajjtr. �, put. . jaing; It �,bn the thit, - censitry. Is, zainetallir 01*011119. If, vQ04 No " � I . .. � " " 1*10' , I I , . �., I '04 ,mak. ,� , ;olhole, there 06 -, there rool here beal to,our "a4lers, who tire Inter- 609.:o litilgRots-0 T�4 fife, . "I � , - I � . I . � .; ;; . . . P,Tho opposit . a 4Q %to . . j . . one of the richeat in tile ,widrld.., I 1. - '110 Qatavlo begil,45 to All. at , It . . &, I I , . . SM4 orl linsiness tralbing, , ' ' - " 11 . -7 1 . Q ,3'AY Of -t , I I a- I 51 . RIP- *I y I lit astatai Inditatil Saboug Listed lit a coltirse of eltbec AbOrthill,14 a j , , h t, * ch jr`1414V4 27. , ash. . . I - -- I . , Ivi . I � ­ ftaa,,001�iw - �-rli tiol I , gelffttily" octal - to, J I rtjA al .1 111111111bil . I . . lit opi to pit . . . 91#111111 a . I . .117ar for 35C ,1�, , jalalowtv -blising- In 1111811lesi.4t, tbelp I . I 11 .1y I a%6 that - In Bar.- There -to up 4 ­ . I ;,P� 44, "A"", � ich . I I L _1 I I . 1. 1 4_1111 � vZo,igy" 4 � 0'g�ra,fla i. A botilItiful, I . A. , , , I - &Oli pr Spqllind, xA� 14.1870 to, T.biql 14 the � rat crop. �Ixzl I � , �, 1. I I 1. - .1 I . .. � I 'A. e. businal -At 'All . ,Q��rpqopajjy;yLoa. cogirl are lirel , If A W , 6 sefifor. hl . � ,�- . . , . . . . . � . . r , _ , th . � v . . . ,�BT , I . . . . IvVh V , r, 0,011111ilk tai Apti 14.4 . ! . hole.11olle were ,spel loukll�g,,,atter . Ilil IR4 tower the Chinese, ' An liltelt 'salitex I . 11, OF, F., 1A served in eartIlletil The school waaest.61111li Rai's W . � 1116 iotovi6t& , r p�.� Wb - IsL # beqr bi by 14r. .P,i 11AL M4 ?, A , . I I . . I Ittive Ila 811I d po _p , $ � .. . : 3aryoor , .014VIPO" _ R it O TO a Only thit Ito Omit, .ikuw tol work 1p. 1he. � . . . . Opposition woI $- t 1, g, i - � -morrittor.411110. r . I I I . ,e . - , - - .I I " t ,I . I . � , i'l ; . . ver. So well" Is tile ­_ . a. i 010gight , Oq, j�olfq sq� thq 4110t oill I Atch lit;* ytoMp v '. �uroxv, ': . I ­ I . . � . �M,kpept ,of pol I I I � #114 _41t liusilloss vill ege I At I , tall t 9A a an pow. U44 1 . I . I I I . ,d 'tit 10901t that lit - I � . the I)OU411 ArMY YOU Vill gold 4 jVici 0 pj$ p1rijitars f9 #uil!, Tholt toe � ;. livAltiol forvieffy hoo,wolol . .. I . I . 1 . I . . . CountI lilanage -ftrow L e0tIonally. Von, been irtAun1j)X M, yettti wltbout I I .. 11 . I , 1. . _� 1wokil'A �a a go -04 of " TIV , th gill tire Dominion btL9 apo�j% _rrtgri Witil OXV) - , - , '. ., . , *�to 'Dec,*- . .. 0 .1 chalilito . ,,,,,-. ,..,.l � !:� I I . 4wril st, caso1berl harder 0i than 'pol 44 I . . I 01 ­ - . : .1 I feces of furnitI -6nd-40j1Ss%4oqtjl . � I _. � , I � ,I . � I . . I . . . . � �� ;` - heell as �Oliuw"`� _- . - elitht for al yet' will 004 is, ilia iticewt, t.%ill '01ph'. to. 016 . . 3 is , .� :. . jilrospievity." . . I � -Inordait 11 ,04 t ROPY/ 4 8:404 P_ ­ . .. . - . hel ittArsliterit400114110 IV100 Of .. 3410 low-AmIlit -A fi * . I * ...- 1, .. . I . I � 9 I . I . I . How grateflaf,we 6light to be that . I ,_ I - . I - __ ­ , , 't I Thoy Drovo I ri, , ril ' . . . . � . . . I polollatfaill %0TI 0.10yo *Oar pi)t q11�41011j, , %be c ass P Mark If h*4 been 61109r, I . " 0 tbj , . I . � .... . 'I Xag.%? - . es I* . � . . I tot$ #0 voll devote V7 1 . , , W,w � joy Soldiers in, this coont". I. pilto `60 . T !a last year all crival with pimp - itno glilkly. It, , , , a, I . I � I 1. I , I ,� tom ontildoo utols 18.4 ..... I.....,ill'...'o ..... o", 6 11121,510 knew it Vrly4i .Of tile V ItA 1�00'etitltt Thili MqgeAk Po � ol Vill 1� . ho'slitondKI tells dt. Internal Irreigil A 'I". whith I . at 45 1 . 101I shi long sloce have . . . SIM YOUX AMM.S. -'.'- . _' . ''' ­ . 0* 0140CgIts. to looking 1691",:,�::;`�:,M ............ 4IM"Ey; . We fill IVA til, towns arta Ill gtwcol�reeto& I : ...., . I . I � . at,t6eirgigall.0 A milipq bbeii killed in worl4lo lietor toostrupted olf t)rs . 1pill CA144 OP i A - , , ii- _I, . . o5W- ,rOgWolat vlib bit I eftrA �t 4 !%,gft CA I—— I .. . . .--..- ­.- _­ ­ .. ­ -, ­ I -1 ..­­ , .- _ � ". � ­. 'ti ­ _ ­ . , , ­ ­­ I.., --- �., 4 . _F . tUL i0it fill I 0hroadfloal elitInlWMAttol .kildlay "" . . . ., . _ � .__ 1. 4 1 - - 66- thtIt' 1I ��qi�iii4,.4yM?I4*w­-;W_11W_ thile Itilliting near �,L4dr0M1tl1-"'-' V1111- "for tl1h ISP37111111 JW . , 11,46 Ilivee Anil T'i llsxro not, 156r� . . � . - . , , . .After bic, af6W'Qf 01APri . � I SO is "Volilt Ot II so coul4lies And AllittrIll outoille . , -.1. . 1. . . . I . . I I � Tholnercialse,jov &,e decade, ondlbg ,on cilglit ItIlAt lid Could be 'In #IX sections# faiming their tonctions. to the liealtliv � . I I . . . . � . I �. .. . - � I I I I . .,-,flood" woltila." 1* Just dreit(Ital, `�� Inall had such ire I '', I ! 1p, �!, Igo zoti. I 1, I !I I - C I . I I I I . , I . , � . . . ti lesto titan- tilat for-1be itirelt clock at sk bearlito up I 211I 'tons., . Chellill together with. seven stilit.00 way,tilev shoulo, arid the* PITA I . - . . , I � I . . � I . old -et Iti I Not is 2 011 the time:111111 ell In gt. k6I there ,lit deocenk4I 014110 Val Arp to; let volt know th0I . . I . . . I I � --- . - �. . � , _ . � I we . wil"And 120.(W 'less tineb of sovPtAl miles. yet, strailto 0_01_..Il� I * . . . � - _4-�._4� '. deerkap ending. , ; . Pr 1 . ��' ". . , ai�giasl, 'o -rlli , ,be �oald'uot-rqd voq sitiqll Of- dolorall,inest A lady . , , . 016tel Piarrnel(i 0 11 I I .- � to 1, . ' - - . I I - I I � , *h6'wel brought t* ' - wiltArive, A , ;t V1 I - Li '.......606- . . Itlis Clintoli,NOW Purl (111(itiuR the t`h34'tb4fOr`thb(TocA Oil � - ThAl Aft ;Wottes; iil *rid io -a to t# ,tb Il -.-T h4� W -t46­-Hjj . I � do . ry - abit, , . . . � , . 114100 Ithew A 1104LA the istastat.Uo 3romrs MO VIA � 10 . so ran$ on the, Tho presoob Iigurt� are of course villit-44 WaS Itiove the corns. Coot find � branch, bti leal I 19', T , , . ..., -, . ,_ 1, v , . . - .. . , . y � I . --**' � , 36 1,0 'h . 0 . I , . .- I I -e - I 010illkal , 6 toI 1 * to UO,4 blacx�&* their 412tAn,t� 1" 104 *9 tho Ailim, *of HollovirAv'o, It, I, � � '' , . tot 'in tlie oolu t . " ONArnmer Kravelling Witi Of - V0114 Badly 011614140111i M011, 9Or With tht fit One oll ilier 1ptirb). 0 T -V . l' , tit ­ I., � *A � � . A. U t4o ygnevatit CM1 pt Guinea. ' . q 19 t 011 I 11 I I Others who have trI it 61N fil �9. � tit eI Am..- , . . Arsproventeat, sal , , revival ovaotal -tiftws titoll incleAl WORd#tful Oyt4l&l $ '41107P pwitzeiW14 lim itow I �;Jz . L . ­ " I - � I � Pus ago x1int 4%irealled to I . 0 . .. - 1. .11 I L I * , - 4 0 1o.1Afi,q#`goo4,uu4ora1*ndivgs1 we MeAn on yoUr Well ibal and Wo 1. . . . . I wittite e�ppllfrto.- . - I I . AIVA marked j . � . k F edea.- I I . 4. We It 0 at d A fe'ri � 0 a lod"S of VeTat IstaciLMAl Aga, d�4 , et 1111 - I , , - I I , orme"Iberof the ladustirlatilictivity Which. It alf)IRY." Quo dI ., Tie fjtP I .--_­��.­!:�% . ; - , - - ­WA_4 4 I 'i tho soaaft tlliy *is MOM'Xle . . �I I lgall in tile 411- sqyplj the vItoll � . ., , . ,, , , ii-jiftsvie* W 4willitill . .., � I (I It swit, that till, illral *Won ii othpl'o' " ; AIM ,*,q( 0 46MICA - Ot't * 94%1'- . . I., ;Goderloh townslilp'tou"O I coontry d , � ,OSth6 � � , . I r . . . . . � � . ,414 .4 . ' .. � bel. t I .T vy� !had ,tot V1 lit% V" . l ttitklp"plellht)Uldilkat)Stl'l!ko )a it . rtho paNtAt lelil� bollif 1140404 'We tArA6, was pee4 hY �1111 0 Aralilig- -trill, altliough tito wini tAM010tt V! Alex. Verriel 120, co %,Or .t 0111111071119 0011(s of I . , I I - '01 eAlt.4, , it Rverii of 4 Itiphe i roll vthel #0 -#ep % ogialittlem, W- ticulatir Of Tbo Emprass for Woulea init ilia Slater for Men, which via sell I I A? Ift the ItOlIRIA? 44 jalieato 4 tv, � . � jlOn agginSt the l]trL&cllV. mod Aill ro , � � I ball Rood ToAtoa, .10 Ilope that wo had 4de ennitIOXIT.0004CAle"I'sn'. W13t 11" . 011 W* Ildlos. ishick we b*Yt tal . . 11,116 ,000I lit '0000 - W01y '00t"' a I � *1 lid off tile 11PI[I 0 tinta ffteN . ire leelar to till t�et, 'weat Well, tie zi*3 11till fiobionable and good yalie, A " I . I 0� * 1..j q lqit- Ono cluntl X't 14 *��;­7zl_r -- , lamily, Is thlir JW, I .. - I , I . :kaditiviltoroust-oile Att that- ma4ealnoradeeido44uorc!,Iqetbaftiu W,Ittt P"t, IflielAtp, 1110 0 end TI , I I IIA0 U14614("I injeot of rot . 1. I ()Otost-, 0g,Q1161,04 saved 141A an,, . . -4 t, 04 , of tittle S�Moponx �ot qifti clm�ienalttiiol no, other sholtq on � the, market. cowl . , . . t1tos'work is likely,40 go oft sli before., till) pievloug t.eayexrs. but tile little Of ffor' I . 11 I Ilil Warrovililerarge, 016 Whillite 09telal- I -.1 I any road as it 10 now luirsiMv-Sit lin 1011PAV4. purprIell "---- ­ it ­ ea�tonil & SWIq01444 ger. it Wall Ono , . ., some at I 0 " , , . I b6f6ft SUI end Ilt'aft 1h OaWi frft.'! r611110,61% Of4r, 4 E18011aetAltutA all vill *Al ,as many . rigultuK gravel at -At r 1 4-1 h, -# ait oirrij At pogsl rAtith(Ir aral WOrnj g%tortionalot "r Arl � Idol Is one of this Aul5st us'0109 10,94 In lorreaft" is A trion below till .Oor�ed bis to gll syloters. At tito 00id, #c , I and g1voil rtat-to this every soldier *110 r6tini trotil Vii . � . 011. � I I . 4 - tilt PlOVIOUS detAtit', and Very ,who, are abilro $1911i but; In, 1 0*14 J)"16I . eaft - deratislow will .. liderOualblarroursel � 1#0 pliplir sitp . -to try -41=6 t4i 0 ' tb* itoctorlix. Ws ore the oititoomb of waoxiing- Dooto that k0op, the feet prespirl . . I , ,and It illoro tit 411 I tot . jljlj�-Xo suffil ItonNI, V . � � �1110 fairm011's 11160, 10 Witch b0101tv that Of the decade, 1871 to before, their '411151POr lit snuat Smaller vaste, Z cent* to ti bok could 011 1`0 I . . AWL The, oulogia U84 of OrOW6 jt�jtjjd be convinced,, I I X14'rAgiss, 1 *tVat-,l sua willocoms At *1 Seasons. I I abotal"Wort to I 41t* ISM, 11wil re progressed at the old ,Ill Proportion t1ma 14 the Ut ,14 teeth that tali bI of 1111411111"t lit . . . ., � . 411011ttkfilb Hsi bill 1116V trolell'itto It In or Complete lobe*, liket ton 4yeatj ----O$.- to hu," " , � oille, wouill I . . I . . . r . **el %Ve-jilople tillO.Iiialt-terl will be Ailibrieklill ,It & developed, In t has , . t - I . . I I � 'it , 7'. Ono of tbt4o I 'il it � .1 I L - . go Oattli'ot 18 PcV,00;;t� 10VCrY tie Y011370i AM Who� 4u �sto oll � try Brussels chup$b factory InAlle An 11111y, It 1A Ak­,%�Nl I * Vich noo, .� I . . I , , I , I . � . . . tfa, e* up vixorous * 4I .... A P ­ Supply I I liat. I . C .� r " . -inatea4t)(artippiolk-,toAoAALion over Iman OSI culletio, 1 ' olvo toln kiorn our 1%014 ,� Y , extra, siblt'll sale at ebeete, , for the 5iWk&"1;*141 U* lor.ds V tit - , I � � nio, , lily, lit S; distAtir 'Urge -quantity Of ibe saitsil, �. , a 1*0 tilo, vitolgw al and St4v - I � Sol IAC itel '000 All ;llsIt* OJOS M Of IV .. - 6 otorlt* , 4 1 " .. . I - . . � on . rotor Is, bound: to col 11 per cenL tbero woula I&vs lo **IW,.' rituripC tbt. 0001311-A0101011 A, Rol oducatlovall plihill. it" 'Reins first half at July. viz,, ill itirliti Gork TI %44lt 41lititity, qt *am I . WASH&RMANI, Jr.,* . . . . . . II, W�q )� on ortilltrAll'All, - 4 waroo, low forito " " , -.0 Vile tract � iall! $boo I&I ' - . . ' I _pArph lb,ai brotlil ' , adattlon 0.(85l,XsG to thOPOPAIllittol), 10 ,ittairi, 0411C gen. No bobi 4 '901AM jjall 11406 & Wit I *Vcb iliti �"- it%, W" kj*. s"11 b4t, . . . . . . ,*, __ I placel the relailvely, sluall, It"creli" *164 'All liati yei", ipattitiAlly"In trI 11% Mptuliv, ,Atf 10ttiI b 1, .. R 4 4?� 1 L I 19 to* . , � . . I . _ . 7 , - . #,,�­�.Illlol ,�'tlleL 40 , � t44 ", t lot 4 . � . . . . �, . , Pow *Ad 0604, 114, 1 I)PY4, I . I *jillt. "14 Veg r & J� 41hy4l, IQJO i 11 I 1. I L' . ..� .. . . 'Usm's"wri *"anwilepaed-Iii, 1-ol now reported.- . Sighting The IVA%, for ,M4 when VA141 Or= sit 0101 Woo Q'Ily " 1� , To Steak 1�p A Col ,d C�11 , �jl t!!��jio'__ Wholl 11, _111101! I owl 11 I I � . ti" rural aftelous, anitt *6 thInk Out' (!0jAij a - by L bj$ U"Wed Vlotitin' - I going A41it Otaully, labor.': ,-; .J.7. 1 equire Is to Ali$$ & hot wht�r- Iiii I .. 14 Iliel pl** of- 1K slow --- � � . L I I , 'ApAllplo, On the figures the -mild '61I I 0 110111al � gr#rj.*#A,,* Institatev iAkig*hb take Itr Up *Rdj�OjpjXe,aj# 64 go p 4-11 0count tot the Standard of tro- All Ton, r , it the, PaiOlts Isift rm'6"A I* X it I , ,�. tpe nints'. - vbjkt is said to be lita ablest Ill X little sugar, ind thirty dtar of Voll. 1 1�40 % � , - . - . . . . � I ­ I , . � I tight bolsigbOtter lit Abe old COUAttlY licrossoll VAA %* - 11.111k* ____ PiCkUng .. , ,*Ithpoli"stilit. The i.46* Is bel cTe16I Ila Otit *orld,belOP-911 tO Uri t,ajl�a Nervillne. Tait --ftA ,hut, and 11.01 , season, I tilli I limmulat 11 .=C1 � I I 11 . I -mitt It M,4 91)"tkov I -r 0110 tbInt, )ktre Principally beI Of , " �Wuvi�;t:qel it p, -W I th. 4ourm Of it ot jiW *#O^(" it, .��� 6 . ? ,hfitht ftw Ill _ I TLt 1. . airgied IN WNA*. tollou" that 1wery figuicsAs'el ('40utor.0 eiw,)�V, -j)r!II Walter RotlisicbI14, Xt Is 0, StAnt tor' ill tlyet volt K .. I � _ � � Arkta ts , � I I itaturier shii4a;160ay lkla illime, on tto anybody evothat ji'llig tile hifit ` V eklIolp . erei Till ate 40 0 TO �W� � I � - I I I . � . I , jh . Ila, 'Itirelablut * quarter Of t tQN, ,,-,! lint A � (4, �� Vi at, tired. jolt. tell j?cil (1kAtiliet IN Itty dal 14 rest jjrjtal�a Wit try tterviliti Wwlllraaw�otl tip fiettor �Af 1!1�� tit# pAls, US* 1111il'tit . -we eall Sell you everything- . ' groot Italitille of life laral. - It would be at l 04AICT, 132,433to 1: � .1 I� 0 pil. aetca, rt Ill 11: IV 11 jY!I It tk * !��:is again here, and � . L' land t4t tho tex M P. . 0 III N1 1*4 Nor, no wards off - I ;0able, potill 01;;110 011tal WAS I A dl than otliftelatito. ot xotleed� uAt tb.* I � telattisr,of Ittitlo'expen" And tie tr IA wdyluell 441411101*6 you want at elose prices, In making up yOUr , . and to,tI "I 4valfil 00 14 Wil country tilt $ � il " Ith hotalir Alt Wittiest 11114 045PO pto0j. Will). , as ilk . _1� I -1 I I netasely*ll W -� - qtractive, 08% � toil VOUIA., it utot�,dlll . - t�lettrttarmeritt)bAveltistir4tu And tnterorliallAK Atoll III elvable ,*,b*r4 tile: It ill, provortlon lltai* soueff ­ r . . 1� I number of )kb; let noattyp4aled on at added bat MINT? 15 I flit greater . .1, tho,wo -at, all U'Vol 'goaftas, Ir list Telnefn* that STURDY ... & Pa . , lityl, j VairlotIO rAti 110' .1303 350.1 1 & CO. - �= I meed, Thev I I ' f ' ' V nit little 0. ."lloy ISM alit tilt Si r1P 4" trowin, lei . 4"120 thloc"emloullueli Th6patillewould Ill side. the Otte certalal$P not tell Pro �jlijj worup I L� r . I# t4orlt borthorly 146% that it is I tor Usle � 0 b)60 001601110. 4 1 ged . . 1, 4 - *114 **OVA T111I Q�Xto'4*4 p0quI10111Y #100, 14 APT 0 'T. t�w . 1, I ., ' 1- Illues of Goods kept - first-class Grocery. � , board, siallod W the'0_to PoI lWarOlkit that Of the tl�(o 111I 6, Y juilkifttotlill V14*11 . I t__.__ft.19*_*l , - O,VA* serl"s tVL#%A"Xt10A. Ani ' Z?y the Cleanest, Newest and PresheSi in Irt , . . Nolte (fine Ago 1111W � lAid 106tilli against 11 the NAlloa*9 & Ul. a � lappleclaI Idol It would W 61 dietive tholit Ilia Oi one tot toulittles. :% � I— � % HoOse. Dungan" f or to vp Y*ot fjok Itt the grol -It vs*% ., � I I . I ItlWaial toliVenieflCe, toillo It Celli alleso by Aline twi. cent. 11 Spite of Its YAI to do with brittillbli about till , loutw'13 , '14" 4 i i 09 ALI 0110fill'HeM "Crore tot Its X14 . . 110 *XC - I"- - tlian'tourtoo ho, The . lak r1littkittlii tot' . tWV:Vt1AAk &M _ It . 0 . I—— � I t I ; Pituitary an ofaelilly, , '"U'llough. Us jaridil Of ll�ijiirttl,41A 44 ll�* trelt-- . � VAd tOW11101111P C"Onte � tile oil withl Ishit at art terly tito roblo bill to 110 ittwotild hAI tile extiakis. 449 � 4kt6 .AWAY Of the *101 woliewus rol bill . - to-1-t-tty- - P litt of at all, IiI ;he i tbottiblyoux ttli telot 01 various sirkdes. Among tI m1fib"'. . I . .* AfkOl TeatolT 11 Urrit. .T. 9. IRA_ laoAt Ire tolet'll, v4klqlt 10� Ix kligh. , ItI 1#r*F1 . I I . ! � 404tal it Is a Illatter of diffloultv. tit reparted ik,09i) ratkqfi, progressea in pusiterit *it Aintritarx. The 0014 bttve is the Oliver, which was built at A O"t a 4ii,fitr a Onrov,10ton And I . I , I - J,_ or, lint Otte -not 'Soollk axs. *0l*.V1**ct*L, Volm 40. - countrivip m population by )1)6 OV9 milid Vit 4alf Pet tav At eciolride6uld ,. - , I Arld,yoll way, aboutI f 0- ts And lr�tVotlds quickly of VC0.000, Slid Is considered by t the t or a at � STU-nD.-Y & �Cofj Teleph ; 4bere le,jet* guldo lor thaso unfatil vent, P .Acroqlng to 146111mit peatins Ateiri.11 At Tom I 10 I I 4t* 00 sowk As . I i 6% 1114 Altrygo 11 f.111 ti'llk Vitt tj%% hilt � All t 0 WA -j diq- V* I** tow t . I . irettr z ;_ 't�lf ' 011 Ulit his C , , , � witk tM joitality. , and At 1.10108 tile PrOVIllk"M Refit .welt to. . Or � ­4±� 1� , � I ft it *y - In U04104 IA 04414 le!t!llt��! ,!, I !- I--- " orl*a 141poilialolo,to oret the isiteessottv getherl 1,*l, 4), � I ,be . Y * ic fthl . 14Y , olive V v Iti r. sle at 003dAlrol, wa Sit a litter ,-- � - nit I ell" NE, IL *4 fel thst a �rfnlr Ill ten A ortha U retRoved WRA 14 womat tam I I I J. abd Iner the Xot tol - � _. � ­­­ 1,1__ - ­ . --,"r_-___ _. . . . . . 1. I Intcotaktiol 41titoot tailing at.farra )i plell, Is it tb-bo - L - , 9 011 4 to". Tile *014114 OWA *06 tutrAd 414t Alhild � I I - ,, boual =Any of! *kleh little altaKtod At by 41 e I 1 - pyo 'j"c4plitoottrigalter. ,4!1 10-i Pattbo# �,14 mich. raoster IAAIA TAIA "Is"41stroiti , . . - I " litq� *10* �_­_.,_ . I — I I I alsou It that urii,jr,juis - 41% jost, . tetbrills that was Surs, till loer __ , * ,4 milit'lls itself. quicitly. r W i'llit I i 11, ,, ,, . FAI I . I Viden its let tinp 1krel of In! , ,41tor of * 4111113tct *IT * it �A '0�'Ii , � . � � . 4, in tio "Vzovilat'?4 Ilie, jilror. *6 . . . I I loonle dist4lol ft*rA tipott "I , "a ""Ll P, moner! 414 JADII . . � . I . I I I . . i � , *all W"t L Of it? I � � . 04 � g1l � ;6gitiqu bill ljRttl 110 % C414- . � ,1 "-A pil ii� '. ,t I� 4"towas bat* like sumleta In led cripaS6 an tit r All aelikoetattly 1* ,$ pprigrepi L34- , jj�',!k*a:.1, *41d W ' Yon nelearti(it ca"Ith Ill' It"t'ho *rkd V4rmlti k )Aoor*te4, Mobil polsoalism; L tftlit"IeS I , ts , , I . " a stan it, 11 I '0� " i U" 41k disturb jour friendol 110,xit it " 4*4 10yorol, littlailty4atloul si sura to, , , for tboo _ 614 W60 lft� . 11, 4 L . - . I " iftioloov, , jog�j,jtlt, tie b6t "i At driell t �Ost)hq *Qrq " - .T, oemion,for yrtq jgArtivA tilto rink of . REMEMBF.R. � I it U ,vhy The Ontarlin (30Truvilent pulil *0 *014, qP&O -Alit cov I 1. � tootillL Goirlstau, soldlerl, Ilk "at AN - 0 ould, � 00 iyear, i ,tim I 1101114- , ftiltwil 1046"ticia of� tibelurogit . " � - , . " * � . I 4 $0 110 mixoit!ipgsAtatlstic-gtvc,?;yVeAr, These i,VW" litif R# Nil 44"Its. quato tkel arsk olitilettil *Itk 44"iors vioint. .1 I Ittleto Tho ;ftetetiq it (�A� W*V r* ,mitutilothip, *bil* vou, csin got I I st#tisticlogive the vtportea poiiulattob. votty 401111i it'vid, tit, 114 i0lit's to! ,1 .81rilp. itfil�oos, thrill caroleto,fts fit V�.*% MI *0 w- I , , , t:'"i. r, . " -11jailt4V eklo's Ahm;j)OMItalipt,", . ' " i ' � Tbervkr6#0tjWFl, bin Kilithe ten. 461ji *,,"IltItal apteek of tildrees or ,ftoa _I tie 414i 4 I VII poi%l coitifi, ,t#ading to tit* fotot� TWA W10t IS I . . " 0 :f M 0 hil, ON tot At Thl" IVA14101hoo , I I I . I I . . .. I TITA1 DA'1Pt,j�rA.,UP.iAX. � Ill$ WOO 4�r t�,,jill"t, to '*' `j3kAt ,glituday 46041 00010011t, 000 the 44 fill 14 AttiRt U*l I "Inatial of thik Itings and sit joilaskil boei** It ppliliatia adiditta I . . .1 thor am pirt, V64930 gmwile twilis FteIttailiollit Ol tbt tisel OlAiliell, be li*16W, 4XI 11 it tog* to 4 Ostrow Inflat b still cheat tt'nutolm U pro 0M 1041i VIlos t*t* lima Atteu. � ... . at,S W EEN I . 1, ,� I It elibli throal I . I . . - Mr. Thomas VmOrl ,and, 114". Sir. isolloolliv, 41'armo 1ljCX.L,tl*,fof . tlil aij.*rol finished proafApt. al and till rebrilalif U =a I'll,,* land = expoct6ration, 41*lk vs kept 0*4 toot 1A I I . I I q tered. to 44 At . I *totoi )I , vile,exiflallatlon lion It 1I Anil UQOO*rjy 'to., t ",tor, of ti is %, ,W,�,Sbl rsa!��R� 26 degI I I the Lbrol I � I I Itys at last lu, . 11 A Ory i . tehm4ldiaktely livelill 0A ,mloolt. , ­ _ - - - - I . lot"r taftateLi with 6 Knollijbirro, Th6 otAI littDOO1144 tO thl! Steil t psr ' L A , - I . . I . . latuttlaststoolioll Inetwielill Illunt julko" rt; iN. Its is ll, %04 bust- . rA, larl", front viscid phlosiv, I I torinet, ll� 1; I _� ­f�­_ 1. .1 *TILT NG ... .. atotoWl" lit I)xkoti. The . "t "A4 filloo,it but 4# OU0 .�, . _" "I'l"ll'i " ".libill.illwill,ilikill -,-,.S 6 ,1)01 , v1pal rebs"s of 1891, tilt regritir one _ 2IT 418's IN, , W ­ , -, . I I slosyst tie boAl'sot a dollar Ayt filtersistia ISI Fedorltl till &tilt theVOU11101pol *4400: Aollllk Alt 446 ogsat.'r )le 4ti- ., It C Is. , " �W�,"��,ftl I I I mi. wolkill IjAva,li at Mr. T. AL . � . 1, I ". I tens" of MO. D'Alteelk 1801 olad I" 0711 poolooltook or �#$S 9rX%V1eTAtft4 Teleto 04 It" qP I r* M" I-Vity*, ofAwatotil Who hill t*" fta* BVSINMS AN)) I I r .1 t" projel blib itterely wil lont a til Wjjjj %. typol,flottlit$ *4111414 JAY *hit% shilift is " ON* I I 11 I 1-�.. L �1 - jfio!4­e was Ato latre&lWiathl ?I . , _ " I. gd I 1. requesb . ThO %MUM* 146 rilitir )10 kVW*th**! A): Ift A 14170, book 1114t6iolloth"at , � . st *9t 14 SO . I . .. � It 41we tn lall Rome Willie b3r I li� r?o . I for Sam* 'Yo , "or* ye� *the -volt �" I'll 1� :k A� " N 116, � ; ,r I W10 I 1� A, - 11 I")" I* " e. TO " Tini'm lightAiN0014i M�Wll Dr. Rtti'l" ,,� bat bel . , .%, A� , 26, r= at e� I ­ � -0 -- : I f. f4ki, "viattv. 61 IV= and 'the bytir tuo Itill )* 41*0 a althdllil Mkit al V4ft Ill M " __' - '-M7%­4r1;*e15V4A'V­ " '-' '- I [��i A , "#I" I _____ - . - ,,,� a, tool i bill, At a Sl If= y"t. This -._-._..-...1-1- I . awkith tkil P"Vol to MAY- Askitilif Vederal 00I ent;6,00,0I ItIl cen- 4,4d tylievitittr. The toloyArr editor 1 It o6Ai f0f YOL W mpol 4il r#oPtiftsibit 11 _ �� . willy h* Aid tiot al this explanation vull. ,arA lielis us tho 1,111*th* &ever$ y-,glew" lit *4110TIOU sAnd 1i & 0"T"JAW, (,6Wj,o6"tg, oat, %gli" IS& vor! I na M r. , ...4 I L � " . . - Veal "pol i"a )�� tA4 Ontario oy# ^��14# yourig,tilith tlo VIIII with th4ilogaelliotti I* *4 - I TMtW W Mi 4 $1400 OrA, OICOO ftits to go at ....... ..... $1() 11, W.,� soli4ro promptly, lit *Aid he vi �Izkklt in � � ri. Oft 11kya orpooll ;;1VA04 � V414VA"Allarrmlu"Xvim � - , , , � . . " ­ . .. HAI 1­� -, . I I (lot"rawortI slid dulialt the three ft boi;= �, �Irl! %M* fib --a ... ....... � "'i - , I "wopolip#o work Joni; vow And bad ,aildigobal years fbat tAve si , rhoolmigilloctro WA rel MA, his priviSloot choiriti fA V0# The C4nak Btzhi.mj, College . . . .412 latiA U , ., Ili vie*000w it #Vlal At tot y"n I 1, #A r1l d $11i MR* to A6 At . , � I. � 'Ailit-lill ISNOM"I'O". 0*40*0 4, 1 - titwoly,ft 4 �, . flapolt-I th*irtr1#0*j silion OHATHAOX - - ON AMM rancy, 'Vettingo, timny ditteitnt pfttt&�,,r, $ .II Atit. �,t 4444 soilrool 1.04)04tondto big Wilt. ""I L JANI I I itv- 2 . . *. I . , , h. not thal a. rkms f#rAI&W by'& 4" 0106 OT *10ttiq I* 11" I - ,� I , T - ,ol clo,"44,01 h AL i ot l4wortbol "A' . I.. I- I. lodatnotoor*00kisill:* Tkif "a poor Ill - I � I litirts. . - � . 11, ! ga 0e, Ils"r la, f6ideti ,%j, jjSw As * 147-Z&I � I ; oom #*ad 6MM .. . . has hee 4 LI Pgrow-,belibit in the Ittoll &I , , litillk0t. IsilthI&AX1% #ab I k - ' ' 1, , .,�, 4 adol Xr. Oralortbelt stwet, i't At ,^ The Oal Ovirlie . .�*? il 14 It boelle; This . A raux-mis WArAl6" lo, R*,T=VA,T. *I $R , torlit.ftw,thathri odditmod yeart, 1-Alietto! , '"L hjS Owl I � Doet lla" #w0to al '"Therl a chap Nab, lit) bipts. big , , ,� 1 I a ­ Itftlaill W*A AXU**0r ur= ot owwow 16 ol ;;W. , 1. I ,� If " ii­� jreMy-rokalite I whett jolt ca I .1 4wir to tillot CX"Wrivall pott of but inivil WZ71 I" I It I I WA 1"r I" vil 64140*10111* 14 All it* .1 . . 0 : . '. Iol 44 �*% , kor"S 11011, tar 4 61 Cootainel, no Kewtir (Abor Injorlow I, I , 't gtj r I kloth" it' Rill 6wettill tjoithl � I � � I . '' . � � I :1 Wl*k it* I*#. telloistifter, to jorkto til .4ft"461104 LI WtAft #111iffiftol- jkjA 31*4 *"l#Ito& like Will 0 11 11I . olliew k1*1 VOW lowl is la" 0toW C#A% - *% A NW10" to" cloolvior 0"'Wita toside. Na biv gift in wwftt shom flub, I , . : I., . bat sooth" a4l, e I , , 'Ill-- .... � 1. topulAtionnoboal tarrilf, to .lk*t Itill let 4 vw0k k likolt to Its of+ W" toercil C* Ifti " lot$ *11MA ul compoi Ullo".. At vola boxiii a littloo Ol t* SPW I .1, , . I or� �__ - - ... t4ow our � ­-­ �Affi­ �,� ti AM= I . I IL 141t; It left U4 at the ttrot elt Silly tloolf, Sad. be, tal it itut. I V WS I . . � . I itol 11IM140 "11i* ,go , =t**=P4"tA J. I ,�, . mi is of ;I.l *vaill front that your illy.. W111jet Us, yftur, vlosealt wita it"** *rolx rtevent, Ita,v 1%yal*, or Curt "a firom 1, Ow it '0Z li oullgiol. oilid, Want, 00I COUX)TO 19K 1 . � . ,. I , al sol r It 104 h* " M*4006"t .AI I ­ � 11 � on. iblil" Wit rill 14I OW100,I lite, boM avoill tM Stikht 706*9 300ill I ir. 1. .1 , *1 in lot" guy jj;��� --t.�t�z� ,--- -- - ­��,_­!!`�',n,��,�:'­ _11,A -111 ,___­­­____ I, . I " AltUoiWk Uw titillffoltor *I v t4d "fal roal lemlint and W" I . I , tIOM IN a0w I lem''It, I 19 till . � r tl�'64�" , " 2 L=�ftt. il""I �, I ttiol keep Ilia low ,,, #it $04 itie 'i 06 : 1��,,� . 4 . 11 ft4*Aists. . Maeswv. . . , I �, , 1*11isawl= poir hatrunt. Two , , � _ ! `I.. _17pt wilifs i 'r 14 . �. ll� ""MI", , a C-4 04 M , 11-11 I I , Avol *er . M ra = 111�1 rfol I I . I b IVI tvA i at atit ol It illoo" vio rloomvloli - I *A '*011 6oW-ds" stft wats mo AM&WA liser" sitWitA a -­ I ..+ . . thr,ii strogil"ll, __ "Joll - .- ­ I - ­ "" '"A - ­- -I I)olightfitill it ilmoll #10A04 16 1114 JL04 I � , . � , Nulakru" W, ft � &N."I. V 0 * = 0 4 "N I. ,& _ S,04 L& delinpe,­Xr. A. 11114"Woo, aa, I I --'s '� - - - - , if YM an **U*. jor"i lasolitwirattlon is shillou"Poll --­ " i j ., isittlilify U11 4 1) n 000 jjaww� tfooll. filift front vroritallik Vok Oft ill" I tI I .,�, , � 1 Births *AA lotim rol I yarts,s.r. Dwil *r1toolut "Lut, wittlo" IN ""4 AV Alti hatliti 116 I ok ftwol PRACTIC, AL TAII,()P. . - I � .- f �ii$iiit jb )VK *Wk tial *=l 411 Mi at" 16M thirty. jk,4�1�1 itt"nw,lool and CIl trivitter sawo,ri it W A% I I k#A 1A GrApi "A k lolifill WO, wttb A I . 66 . I I i 1W , , e;I , A ter (4"rrI , V. tt !I - - 11 I.. , R-il%Ar I E "glivil,for*rkontliac IsSrom $wjft fe, tho toola .4 vat bil I No I 1 . - _ ,� , Or � , , , ,k zoA saA a ,C%0%M tilikoetl o4ladliO0001olftloo.mWthilot :k%zX-1 t, 'L*� I , ,*,, t**- �,r , - N 111. _ . 111�1w. 46 * z t'j, pettirr, . X'pl th,krol Isell,'"o liflitil I%* X#rodlot t "t, ortita IoUlo, I �E+ = e�:d - IWI f.)** " to *^ � I I , t t;wt An * trolitl Itill ib*x fig "A414 Ill wk4* * ww"U, I " ,, -KIM. joohn 114vilokfil oltiottillit IVIIIIII. ilill, dilloftiole, lhft)* tho IrtUrooll olsorru." I 11 , ... . I " I Myto spook how A Al hil Ill A& quol R"llow Xrntol ,,OKI jntlm4l#% ^" or#*# t vw & rolows. Illittio g � 'A' I . . lit aboni a r"llorrol tolow 04 Per "i ** 60*u MA __ . ­­_ Bill' Ill 1111111, '111111,1111111111,1111111 I . .1 I . . I 1. -:.-O..00"4*V*W,i" 11111 - _­__ I I I �, k 4M ta JKAW f4tir ill* 4#"Ao that, tit*, Ifrili j . filhIlli PhtMW lil nf lholl Rig Y� (W111X`IhP**t# '& m.ttl 1*. Thoolooti *OiOi4i Ill I - __ -'- - __ I ­ . _______,_,_,___ i - # Ill -0 = � _ i :A ,,, 1. Ilia � r= tv, 043m, *)lwa I I , ,; , "; I W ,A joill "Witod ". I .1 X W VS Ojaj�L.Tl� " I __ , I I . gi tall tri C%jroo bole litol voill a W A GODIM109 9TAI 06 1MV0 MMW#,l � . I . 0A41" #000"d I *1A ilbe fIrwif-I jillert, I , I)= . . � � � 4� WW,loo Gabi hw% ftt%*WW44 tAk il , bi wrill 1110 ffs 4i oto Whole. Ittlill 4400trovot III Ila% Will, Dirt Wb T11 on i , ­ . 1 aloall *wall MW Ron to Ita � Sol wir =1 � r M ; I *A" *AW %ow 14WAVilltil ItA juts no'l ot �­ V, � .*d rill Till 0141ellitiorlit Wilt $1 IA 4`V lidifit" 1A ­ � 00- tOm. i ah., lh,. P,oltl alitti modoolli joltioll 4 jo, irliew4willed to = a 437 1tw - "W 1% I :Evit� , it in ^11 theist, IjtV 19� 00.� 41 W. tue oowiWo W*VW . , I I V*%olorl I 1. I � . ' 0 . I I i * I q1F 1111111111111111111II 0 , 11 " 19�, It .. 74 � , , " 'i� , 'R , . , , � I F I. . . � �� - " ,� - " , " �, I ,:, ,__ 7 P� , 'I , - , , 03 * .4 � I * r-141 of. . . . - .. P= , I *fib 4 P0044- 11W#AI* Whfa title !WpAtillaolky Sorlotiol � Ak% 0A. �, I I � � I 11 111 I I I 11 � I I . , I "'. . -* I I . I . . I , . �.. I I 1. . I I .11 I I Alr , N, , _�. , � 11 I � - 4 I . I .. I .. I 11 I 1 1, � 1� I I I . I I I . � I . 11 ­ � 1110 - I .1 .. . .� 1-11. I . �, : '. , 11 1. 11 i 1, '1� . I I . _­ . . " 1 . � �_� I . � . . ,;� I ­ ., 11 11 I ,. -1 I ,I� , � . .,�, , � I I "I . I i. , I I ,� ". , , 1. I - . - 11 A I ".. . I . a""llill I AA -A I �, � I �- llik";& t it Itt . � __�. I Ai2l�Alfi" __ -1 ",i,& &46I .. :L 'Al "I'll 11111��� 1� -illit.i.iiiii,,.. hokfiLlh, . �� 6"i'me?, 1111111111111 __ I