HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-08-16, Page 77
77N 1,17,r
77T 71M
71nibwv*%, and 3ho", 01,11111" D1 ]RUT OLD
-ra U^44 It rR WAW Oak"- 10GLOO
a" goN, lia V'hla *IJ4. if Ills, TM 1W *I* Us WN" Use' Pb** 04at - Mau "tiaii" us ix X"" ly Pmt ft LsW*.*,
no 31102"A"" DAMAGE
h" of 0= K*Awll Ul"litwo.
*ftaotor Vie wwa It= as04R �ba =04% lie diA got 4.11,4111010L rrout what Is" bwft k4rood *b**t
luladwsl -swam. 140404 ho w 44 X0 aIn re"At 7*%M the 00=I%4I
to wait for blis at TW Qa hae0 tu 311ritigh xxapim.
got O*t at a Littlao, tiziloot the *W &YA M *�Xtbwftt frossis 3OU VAliatilt"' OK- %GRAIN RUSTON
*MAW istatios. The torma loj hoo- the,,Srlk U39k TUN WURA=t Of 14"4V JA the U*110- 440owly globe *t*tA*A*ry liassois. it 1�'aioo at tb* X, Uviii
"wX not Only W kinA Vrr-K ioafoep7 maxicat tolom tQ1 of "o her grizAdsm6w. od U*K year vox W 66 PW Us rooted for oo4tudow without Prv- boom seat 4#w YKrk us moin
fififid, cattie owat Sorltaors' zip, , h* extd �to him I do Pat ftpftp, =. M ^11 that Itivalfos, vaotlasks, wV Auatrali,,
U the *,,Iw usittior. ka4w, Ilow ke went to work I uLn- jDUlazareealasit, fw fr4las on, lost while woAsolier isr"ided at, the 'I'llair olliolizage, dow by yukto every bet4)ru tile rubt lopots, Appear on tw
bright, 4rZ
thought 1��Xt 1 dinner tit tile egauvrou- yese to this groin Of 0MAVIO legvfw Villd 00101
I= lie lowa-d. the photoeraphoar *KWly not WI, but whes, bil wont bock to wwo, ;1.85 por c"Itsa. fAd fr4qzl0u*y bViallUtlid.1 Idea, a6th *nil liwtu) salaN, he bI6jfQjy by handref* It, islay be 1f,tilti'dhere thst sitalow
hahe has; oboatioll aliss. shough "ll till I IN o' t' Rtxybxtdp the ol4 wairs w4at with "Ir their lu�zcitluos for dulug worlt *44 jaila It 9, such Abundjut
I IM*d blin 2004 tit* ArfA ttvAN mtgiil he us* brolight from hi� Aa -d when Fred wat Uwas. at 11r4atim, Via* P"10 " goods *ro r"mly A rol* sit livarlia with * brillitutt f thousifaudo of he lialsiount. fillet -III conditfeki� iiall
I saw bills, "4 I've triuktod ev%r3r- barsoa!* rooliza. The jslotogra- that cottatee dow j4tcW% ho the Oa the Brooklyn forry boasts thor:3110' w1up. sold, Jul, A;L434) " 1110boWIMU. lot d4infitgria Niilrhin With their IlladiVIIIIII0 utolsturo. tither ail tutu or dow. at
tgoatta almaxot It= tho JUr$t por romombortiI1 It disit4aelly, tti, polica rVort (Viso Iiiii-prowvor W prinkitive. '"W curious
chilil in his aums. f ousil rou"W. Covent Qv- Vitars. ucc.oraling to varitions In "t- halt NIK4111, are not the C4,080 el vast.
Weak has Cgusalf tk^t U UV*r 4% ftUee rtbM Womilat who brought the ry t4a pall"Astrill. atill"a Ilitset. JuWort dQka,. rUW of 52 PW49 XV41itlialid, VAi*pheriV, And Koil Conditions. DUr` but hilliPlY Conditi,011114 UfidQr Which
year #go. Now, it m&d.dftw uw-tbA child broko down crying 4%t t1w buleb. lie looked Into rrod's fatoo and tbft oval "t factor In laud' tr#*Qort%%IOu. Ing Jaxop. W#Arxu d;AU)490 VW49 Will propakffaig jairlst
Uttaight tlmt lats waiA a thilef, Kltorl Wd Nut ids hand, Mr. Andrew CoLrAftlis, boa Q&rOd tO; ou% modern oaffe con trucktioa" for
..far 110 2`1011,1140A at Kit thAt he Wald t -IVa halt 3*y tsalt.,* ba 044. 111 givi S750,LWO Us the 01ty, Alt' toappointisd Aulawa I* ultuelly SO,, wyere "t lit "lPlally. It vi liot likely that 00
t in st2iW '
llcatch him and half the Inflildiago. la" bom pr&ctloed by the a libt
he has tak,44 shall bft yours(. I ka4zalt, rishwod to vw� 3ftm at Arst- Vramisco. for a public litiWir. Kull Klial, to W AwUltatut. orioutal. cillltit$ 6utu fraction of the PC lie smolue, of l4comotivals, lapis apy WIN -
I Rupposo you know notbim of Chinow tar cisaturlow. and U found (.1400 WhatONV ill tile flirt3d of rustt
put him 14 the 4aX*- I don't core air III" years Ago. when my dituorliter The contract for the rAW pubillol all over China. This Iat Ane 01. the Q �Fleld of grain Is Obtained, (1,44
'Wanted me to. -You wouldn't ux" library In Now York box been award- In ""lly t l ilayu tot, the trogule of bar, �ks nozzle farnaera Claint it has. It Sao,
do you?" milked the detective. faftlay Igtomm"t Observations wmw !t 4104, 4u. scom. ., illso er c5selit,141 that plants; sult-
what It costs xw- Isait me a" him and thq Photographer shook Ur. U. T. Xiteillat im to bq arcizt- voting and threshing. V
puWahatal, IAt blM Cftuflkt. ishad tho tisimptation. I slea now how *it to Nor4rosse Brop. st $2186S."O. by W WillIatia Barclay Verson*
to tact to %lau toe" uOverulgazzit 11044rd What, i* ruist? lkiiito Kra arpAtle oblo to the foligon be Present, "'the
cruall I hwvo batasal" lisis based istsixtod, during a railroad 4 survey In 1811M. kilkasok is to spread tar ov*
00 $or him for all you sor4 wort'A "No. but 04 cama from a place MoNs., In tlaa plwta at Mr. 11., Qor4QB P1411til. thAt AN plants whie Oblik'al
Mr. XarloW. WCA tit* varr tlay bA In not Jar frout blare " he w*Id-'"f4 Any erect ta, stoItuat at, Amesbury. and recorded In his book ovaititled b*s; retired'. their ourlobnacut front liviog mpzt- Or gatig"s, has Its own pecullo,
will stro you X chaqua for Detective, Marlow got inarrisid a to tile, Meanory, of John G. Whtttllir, "Alt Agaerlcall 14144mr Ill h** ap. ter by sonaling tilly braticheiia Into Plant upon Which It lccds�
�ratv, I a%tat tie' Proofs t6re,-to X ft waselat later. Xr. 111tWO $41d tb4 poet. Another example of how 00', Chi- bar- 'tile Usisues. They belong to Do low AND UUNETUS.
:, lace Staybricip, about Ar b* caught the thief, aNd porsaisit I A, Ij lit n h Zlectric, Tow- WuWd law Towas. Vlvr at the
The dotoctivelis tutu fact flushed, . *4 A mw4h X, 0 t at uW, heV4. 'by eouturieR. 'anticipated ItawlInson. vliLss Of PIA08-cullatal tonitt. v1dell At lit(40fat ne, Q'Ifir;factory method
Has WAss youlig And unknova, and so 10 111him the C&OO after, stIt.—Lon- or of the 11san-Aluericom EXPOSIA1011 souto Of Our modern juventLionst, I* ugh Mr. Uornavil t�rjxtzf by- the jibsioim Of in 1,11OWn tar thQ preyeattloa of IQS*
4 01
tar U04 nevr bad $4 phance. 14OW it arlow iltartod a little. lon at Butrale, calets ria$* for %d.lotaucia or i SyKtQm Of diIdjug t I town, I or aI St. U410TW. are cluarm by ttso Dro_ rs,�Vhlg tile crop, ol�
aChild with cherries. green colortraw Xuattrial. by r1jot. $ 44
Staybrid"I 4 was be void up the hull of 4 boat by bulkho instead of, thoulll tlaezar� k v good, in practi.
bed Conic'. And be 33fifflat 'uctt� only b PICTO itOf SPOITH
t4relyl,' Sta7larldSo wvA the g
lautj hamlist Dunn, LOSIlith poet �xtd 1,1 Itneburi
lusake, 10 reput4tion but on 4 protection, 0441taut r tile pic4hat; the
4M go Witir, Author of 11330A Iflalt." hall Chlue"� datios b40. Idea% tit. -tile SQI'9 ot'tho 104 KI ratio( by tile very SIMP14 AvuCtOM 0J callY 41011103611110'WI
lost: would give bluk plAcko to which Fred Mrablirsou had thin with tile M- Br. ki� P Tile rIUAR are "I 170- fleed grain Is Uaolein. No 1*4-ctlea-
and th#,t lioQW—thas Place at which the work- 3MQU=XT VXQPIX juit ocilailtr4ttd, Ills '82cad Wrthilty 'At j,�rthcr �hjzn the thirteenth centr. W. futures.
all that was Not $A tha world to 111SMOA find got OUtt Detective NOX- his home In XQWPrk. IL Jungi 'from thoIr habit at No method 'ot it% loved for w0s"fillid ot the -The mAjulacr of VQMPAVtMoAtFt In, tial g tlkel� habitation, froitti, AvIleat heroll and provesitin r6ut, npores
low's pulse uickolized, And ten min- VsrsoLual Motoat About laoikko jifrst. UddT, tho,beed of tlXO Chrisr* Vhinw trading vessels doPeAdRd '41-' sldtll� W""liked' 48Q nud 6�tiik tor, vilouffin tie A. frastat finaling t1joIr WawV to the young
without it it might,bo years before uttla later ho wAsaalkins AWAY from bezallinT gunpowder by trk%la to Win- Or barley Or Oatts to Ot r, plant
;'Gratt tlan, polun taftp. Ili 1�4 yoara ot the umber of owAora In A 'volietot Ilan been alovised. Auatrallio,
P P Ling OW and
h� could'aflotli to MArry. OX -4 tha*dlit4u 3KIn Is, MaId to have Mader over 4 Mi- oil Isterhas It A$ QW13. UrM, 1118TORY Olt, WIM JU Wokijj�CL Along the line of- develop -
X, Of SIOAU In 1110 Stkt
turned 0AIKerly und gaxtherad up The Tit* Mr. John 11, Xorrison. In 01% oh!sjstqUt N�41110%WO And
it wits A fiat walk thatt dva Tovigtul, raddlOgtons. stages Of Wheat nod out rapt.
tire weave jewels to Of Over- 110A dollars ()lit of tile busluesq. lea"o Xagazille several tit, uktry,sf y W Went lot rust-rc %Its of great prWetical
0 poltera Ano oroad* were' 4,losty, 4nd hot VA tired is on% ast +.he laidua- Article in Case A� douatiatli at livollialal � ell UIXONVIII, Ono, %Ile Illiff, ceaured lore AOL tjjW," he Q4 "111 �, told rthAt Ili 4. large, �Ves;-, [ins neelved .
, id. 'it VIken lie reached It at last, hich �Veszr'a a9c 101tal Qual In effirly 8"Jorlier.
do, MY. But ail, the rjslx�,e will drink no tries at Relluxbiliukport, Xe., W eel thertz Were somallness as many and the TAndoll Threat 11or red rust, vithic. That, country uoW Ittlai whout
besThe Germ%n Emperor, Ips" And vivall. . itlt1ke
Ile =,Ads ht* wAy slowly �through used to Iritter shipplug Ift of 4 -so, trout varloties that arto Vigorous. true to
Av, 10% Cecil V
voluccl, An 411110st 1100*0 t4sial" Fred the Waggling olsopm Coffee, but Xexioz. and s. Urge- gull, now launclaco Van occuslonal.schoonfor. llate sailatex. mitt Alutufaill. Tile thur-.
Emberpolk, �he thialf. Nazi had 4 good, Owl in own gompartizzinit. UNILMO) of �fzaa two otagen name, and of exceptional quality for
towards an. inia, Ho would, have to ply Is Dealt him from V, It to that, in the Vialf I sait hinawlt. ()*Ing, to %ho, Oil
twelvq hour$, kart. Mi UKO SOUCAt AtLop, , of courmw, porbalis lor some 00ratual Colony, which 10A 10339 been, brough tAXPOU iup -to actqristla colors orts 9voW. tile partioular reffian 114 'Which thAY
C t of �Qrlmo, t: Person or sent art glVett by' A10%e3 of K) ore tog, jujay
4146�k U10 dAy-batto" -to -,the "toast ud.. d "It r loyll at the N" Itas botW
saly for one a g it, lunitod'stiatli� is rati j;
bawk t0 Pay ' ame ih, azna�to CA011 to. of %lie antto city POPOIA large colt I.-
-ITO went In and h4d oblike of lls, family to'tAk been 40CIA0 to gloke Ili. Ot that rant, Thill-Plant body Cot%- Me(%, jittle hat; been
per COLD property.
iZ:*Zzkarroo* -0 tZxki ress,43r for PILY10, tbonjt of X(*Ico Awork of thteaas UVID
A ell.ellao ae' out to. look. Aron d, , ill
04 on that morrow, 444 Eugenia ban never voA. There Ifs thug somex queriatiou' Wit" t1i4l. (Illy. alsts of u".al 44 neIs belloVal. -hOW-'
thor 140A'a W49 WAR 411 IMPO(InC13- The thought Of worn Anything but black, since tue'' otayeationes at.id, f40AUXAMILS &to, ker thoi, glAoxintIng, to between in tile, tjfi$lze3 afent letics of wheat �%Vltjl
made of the marble saved trout ovoteni , row, 0
Ab6,,9600'otirred him death f tha�Xfrincal Imperial. Whw bulkho4do cir CQIU- DAMA90 3.o,ow Was doho by, 4, jetsding on tile living, liquid, MAW041- eva_% - t kat Val, ,he bald never 'Ativer _. g � With "lie being olesigand,for ;020,00t) tlnal reft jeaVeG 40
U, aal r4momberlif
hild been Cashed, that, rqol�ey r yard 69 the WILY Tho. alp6rea Project from thti.losidu Of
Fred had r is -he lAvOrs, Wits and sottlike the t3to4rt Mission. Fifth avenuo 041
0, travellitai dOf- An04th xow York Loll is, insuring swoiiy for the vessel, � rather 11r44t tile timillk pture of tho, upon l9l leh tliere is a marl(Od NVOXY
puld 14; And - girl litt'riagant to mvA- or v Wakod by tile vilealt sv�m by Via ru
Ing heart the CIVIstal t the Glasgow, tell train "blooln, L are all it rule lesi eosilv Of
than for SAW -a
r-thinkivg that_ It: Would -not be her Malie0y 13rowAlle 4% Co. skin �br brk %zzdLhr4 uelava fated I tilt, those ith brand; OM
perfection. but tit home but there to no d(lubt"th4t 'tile COm" h Ulf Nurfiqy.
4 hard And bittv .. olvg 4emolished.
long no,ty-wheas, a bond in the road prefevi cgolamera�s liurolles, in tile New York *sepia. Goodrich, an '0111 atellts by tho wInd w1dr,
soured A"youro -U mall partment plan 4existed lit that early Alan, 110. lie 4 Of brought, him pfild(lold UPOW a, Isattj flu$at thtit, wailk-, ter lost yocir oXceedcal Ill'thW =on- atoL And, hicompar StQW=%rl%0t* 'toUtluu(t to earr? thom 0,11, flummer
.1 Olin d tanents, alor of QottQu, 110611 1 'Ad 11111.111-V
.teforil by. tho a. All )no or Any provIo.tial yeat. Atur providIng for to *t1ler and out i1olds. 'Min
. Sho, had mot - 0,� the aeand poslailbly blIllord-PlitlYing, On, ey gitts'tho - tttiza� ore and left 910iQ00. 4*QA- �� realatitht. � In New York AA4 In Can*
Only dazu)XIltor It lay c so to thaoad, a l6w wall, ban by mouna of tlao
friends she, had been gocount �bt - the � Walking it, involves, Tit y gao utog."t2i uloro family 110--becitieWto AbQt%tj" tll� UpPMr to .. .....
hhe ivd houitullig It Ito little squoro patch, 61 stro the boot exercises lot, A lift'40t, $3, 00o tia'SuRollt, liospitills. red rust a Iled utAloca 4
1486 ot SOW 110.400r nho4i, Of just year. poreS lbout:
al with. whom. olle, runa . plant boaly Vwitfal L g bed been, Ineltgf. gardeW 4*1 a little wooden 906 Mano. ratti Also declare$ that no Ono i Acob S. Rogers, tile 1000MOUVOL U1011 has boQu daus Int',xv, Fro*JN) Willa�.-the GIV
faller g, A MA , X X ".left Ilia, A fQ:0tEX Ail L I I . I Spores, I ap4 In love. xggaid, pla4,Ucirdered
oVery mara,-With loaading to the fit wishes -tot retain An the frbslx- I Ider 0 , 5904-0n, of tile 'L0,44011: proatucps 110 red prautical!y uo-tr4cca
PQWOVL of L betr
w1th Wallflowers atiad laspitis and1mv- goes, sweetness and fortune of $8,000,000 ormorO 1;0� t 10 01jazippio of the $Ldlor, Ana North-vosterak. Uallmmy - -by tile, pe Ires latol ill thO AD, prospect$, aud� of utorWin of an. ex refo Voice, Sho4d Witir jat that Vperp, Mior4 NOW YjQrX Metr - toss portori Jolik tivanoxf, In.,follut to Ila tie opprealable
too- to recommend him bat'thpt ade, Ito looked upall, car1lessly, won- do, ou)y liins QQA46X�.* , Alunt, romalil. 'jot- or t the most, thfto Art, giving UIS"rClAtit of tookport. There. 11OWeVel"L tile heno dworetico,to her- dering If-Eatiberson was living, In a 000 apiece" Mr. 0. % AvIllocialts, Tdom. Inst. C. inant, all Olt
times a week. I July varieties nowho lit Ontario.-
bad'storined $60 glimpses -of that raged, cottage hue, tlslx�lf 116 WAS 1A $tAy. Soute lastereflUnK t' chlof 6jubDIO uj� tile field before
_VeA L to $,cc The 0017MAll. Emperor hake a fad for News Continues to ro�ch the Inter. abou, �nppoiAtod OoCx y RVd had refused, 001PIAn"00ally' bridge At -all-wholl tho, flight Of a *Af at WAShAngtqla Judi!, Xing, Dild. Queen of Orcoco Are give" cathatAho blook.nPOITS
I forbidden her byeT'tO i4thl qhild, sitting. n the vial collooting bootWatad shoes of tMollff, for Deputize ystom of lend in the introduoti4ii to Fgono Schuy- onglueerf.rig trispoet., . , o2o Golden
'bin," And bat people, and Ita, the marble palove At caing, 04 extOnnivo. Governmont Board, In SUCOOP01014 'to Orta,ricit, In the Itifectlon And Dezkkaa)rat�
again.. She had Viefus- brught him to a atgndstlll�, frauds in the North-West- Thus IV ler�o Mutton ]'$an some 2.000 pairs.. About to. Xujor-Geraeral Prozier. Of now 1101do the wason they Ore pro otatiAnt Ito be$
ed. She hall irtod tar Months 1�) In" Somothing'abo4t her',ov" famillarv- QiOng -them . 04 slippers reputed to the 6volatto" axe Cisitilucal to -Mon- Mr. and Mrs. .401 afa6amt tthrown to tIAO 811114- dui:od, Tb04.jed spores. Are Wifut%
'Mot, she. bad At lippt
()Old, not tqll. whAt, tmd� At tonakaid Idaho. leae Ahens, in the '8014, they Wore Thei ittisT XW�4818TANT. VAIUMm'.4.
ticklug to the An she by viahomet, the rot% of.t.he. V.OQr 14kIt but
tifiloo'tho, two Men t0L here Aut to' rant lit
pqrsisted then lie remembered the braid Ott her hOvo'boat woru aefrom -the black. eboots of Walloustolni, GustmV49 AdOl- Henry D, WouVot! Of Qlaic(190 buff l3avit4ol tOA119 JoIPW5 auatr--pall driving to V111116tiba. it 10 prob%blo- tlkt, tile
and t g4qt, At Delcoild to.sAy good-bye,4 It Wits ton. by persons -alts_wtti and ard t hag she hit& run aw1ky' In wo-calle.
fliolok And the brald on, the ieand Ot rust reslut4nt varlatle"I Ot one dio
alia-marriell the, photograph. - it w e m phos� Peter the G 5Qd for-. the PutPOO chiarming', And,, 1MV66'A ittes to the. ChUffiron Ili tile spring tile Ill It rust l3poro
as., well As opectMeAs of guarautecing i all quite (to - kylet, will itut be czaxuplctol� 4-ust, ro-.
lep a tiny throad and produ( In. Another (flat]
Ur , RAtchle. poWer, fOrg%V0 dress, the. rattle Will, 010Y�-UOW the jQotgoar War by� Frederick tho of: - julLuguratIng beach bvttblrzj��_ ftC41- pretty ploturo A� Fd flIstalit lot where Vie:
lit've; would. Ile returned oil. b4i. Was oldor-�antl prottier. anOthOrs 01 Ws-,1111c0st9rflr 1013911417 thii poor , I pt I, ChICOLgO. He making jokes With tilo ofaildrolk uAii in, ancill Ing now spores called Sparldla.whith the
nod. He -washed Ill, Laid w�at to gcS � it Will the, , first of 0 twstops, at . IN A sensation vas calused ClIcet tile wfiefitt plant tolt suit Is richer kind And—
lotter$' UIXOPO � Ifl, He ho be running Upstairf It tvOig rolxdy 1400M), does 'not illoce hizzolh. 1, Vor -of her Anti ]settled- dawn bit- 11 appelh A thin, little child, slid Tto WnEr toes. 4 leop lAtierist -for tu% purpose time to '66 -al lit 'tile quee ,ot" the 1patVs tho'bdil-
wills no many. contrlbtloii� attio, runto
ter, ixn4 .("d, to IiVef-'Uut 'tiso re" her fakeo' "Ad delicate L in Moot forX415 f sport; but it rimyr not, sorts of opores: Ate ample the. �Von ii mallailtir eknown that Ills Majosty , William uqlllns� Rt Dogaso�. �_Xlw to roNNO the Oesu;, tho. queen AtIc-:by a% gelatfemall in the Tw kind -valleyn About;
ry looked into'hor IfecIF4616' 11,1111143d Willtal,111s, excitedly protesting ber - by title thlk lowlands
I In lio;rd, work. stfilto of tlav country air.. She ho. died reeOut- Ing Mrs. ics formed all the barberry lont Z Ina on the
Now, to find that 110 hatil boda 44- %.064,L azadhaS p4r- 6corge Comity; Ir -o W 6 riOf piolit StrotolI,1114 than it *0
�44 bl$:: IxatI11% lie.ation. one kind is I-Q4011V �pezz TjW_4eW0-1lQ toe
to, make him moro� . it. The Xing Of and say- Into, tile Pulf;1%4 t�Ido. And the 6ther on Ses-colved again somebow, he felt oddly UXL�, tielpated actiVelY I tarried Solill, Wilkes 000tis' louged. to'Poter 0 11,4101 on the upper 0 dillettue ance: to runt
u a him with bright eyes And, filikit- Is fond of PligCO010 ly, VAs widely known AS tile 'forty' to show her Ail,
016 before h the, Belgians �Makn wh C be GaAt* first he ould - not M.Adolaink. cl.ptOftut Of azoro$sl when . Mr. Solusyler an thaa, recommendatIcia
than eve) Ing, "Do YOU elat'LAIle lower sUrfatee in yellow, it probab tie rakzkeirt Moro OUPeg-
jAN trusted, clerk -had begin ith. _ latter, wits, IUD. cing his esoattio, Iroba Would - be shocked if X. brought him' S ohope, Lord-Lieutopalt, of, -It to ai
believe th4t lie hesitated befoke he sliQUOt and some racing PigeOus to 41. ou lent gro-WElt of crops to tile lowriiudd
., - .3 and AoW'HjSM0joSty faata A, +big loll, Tomral Choicellol' has Added the
(treally doze (anything �v thou uin with A grUil, W pursuers after the ilssaSSIllatIOU. lat'hore'211 NVIjeat they were Asked to tht&t th, orange colored "P01`- dAmount of Moisture-
tightim, whero
would turn OP'. canct explain, he shLarp Jerk. full of them At. Sandri 0ain.7 �Wrltzl their' names In the vlsltova� namo of Mr. Alfred Ouril-0ysuah to. mthe eroat Viesidealt, Vul it WAD ' found tuitt.ts, the Commission 01 the r0ftcal for. the es when s to a wheat
uhtil, the ,What is, your lie aaUeid. they are ogul, y , and specially protosgor,% X LAch' Of X01101.1took, and What blakWat. WMNI 'that It rust re-
thouKht, wall he rot long-allotatice races. 0 Astray County. oil the study.of planta
ent, for WIAtet,' Her. round eye ch li tAcb- tr4lized I tallia Grove. Mo., Acal4enly, is 04dit!* clikoen's ivrItiva Crozier, tie will I cot tile, wheat and give, tire to be produced Ir
bojo�c lie r frl� but ago his-litrils woiCttac, S out. MaJor-Gimaral I b tQ a, Purasittr flint slattant
ti4o. Now, the last It'looked, stern vaough justtbo oil lViili reaclinit More P4141fill! neWn4 !lite other peoplo,s, silo ettl aid ri ;U8 platit province like Ontario Where
Fred Embers= had not he slipped biggoAt r4co at tile year,, the 1134goon ile IUD., as boost Appointed , Chief ell- t6m or lent,
romoVed. it did not frighten hcr� 4 it 0 apers - than "yr other luau In the nfx Any other wife litight calf, Oil ILI !1.ocal It withill tile Wheat a loll and nut-
-old alit her Dorby,'# in A, m.gui cout Aight liozzi . .# 0h I alneerivAr inspector of tile , In (
-peen 50011 At ds ludgWZa si'lace the dOWnL from the ialt And i watitea $taws. , He subsCrilso for 56 16 house for help which red rust spores are pro- Alarltold I VIC' varlati"
Ck. ' illan of tl face. contlitlous ox1ot,
froim X4rwi -it
IkAtkd� " , powspalpers, six of thexii dailtes.' Her, Vjl�jje, Vii 0, X hilvo lid pen, 111Lva in the Piece Of
Morning before,,jand Iromdo desk at ppas. Carey�,,, its will7have to be dovelope locally.
his ofilco had g 'thou lit
,one every paper 0Xr* 'It's sheoilzi. ile'Vaiveror Of Auntrie� was'driv� uses trie in ills �jass for-1001111191rao Ink." The hing, gl�' knoWnIM43or icateral. 0, V L �yc thus obseoVe thut alud"i oproveition of rust
"And what Is your father's, name?" _'rahay current- history And geography., "Ito tile pulio, as "Georgai,'.' Is E., .,who has retired. boars Along the line
capt 174080 bearing 41roctly on tAo Ing azkoL keaSionon-A VO* teat rust fabaus
The Marriage at COMIA0401`0 Nv. w, of sporea. vilm It Islas been 11rivil that an 02(ce!W Of
business of the, 11"Al, In spite of lifiUdelf Marfohv day te, his UsilrboA4 the Fifteen. mlniites trout the Now Vark !, io.hia oft favilty. uttrogollous %zI4%ar0,' audlir as dung
looked up At the deted- thastv.,Like. jolng Goodenough, on,,,' and f-aue � differeffit kindti
Itziot, on 4 *bell U -came to japarlqua 1a thik tlua,44 It as at broalct, tiliould be Avoided
Mr. ItItchi(Ir Zatto, of .. city Hall f- ,at., d4ui64At#'r or nitrate of flodat
its the underground ro1� spoko.. to urn., Sobuylr Margaret,' eldo it Rust. oil wheat 'In lAto. 011111
athaft's, Called 'like arrested OIL' Dill, of �btrotzg.
tivo-, Upon a fire tug promised when If' the Horki 101ph all As it teuthi to a rj?owtb
il'it till, at tourfle.t said go. wily' to A L 4ciraffagvAtIOA, W, ough - tile Expr�ss trafnwO lite In orecce dA4 of having COMO 0 0 . Aler; Sporldja In Dpring.- and Cluster
1#110's 004115� she edroad, Is completed., ftalkley of Aid Gott stelon to. which runt inllOrw of%'.'
W. 4,AQ..Meftn . L of Lord r t
angri. Ate he's been wvlay sash- a long tiMlic *beels bAving. become Stuck, Ill-tiz) ill make. m'spod of 8o miles an there 0, boy of, eighteen, of Another Wool spores on IcAves of burbe rV'111 effect, An rit
lie said, Lt to go.. r 'Itally 111ance.
at 0 �akcs tOltho�balnk 012 116, didn't link hold ever come. Mud f,the stjot, the horses beldle roliglail' and ;in 'M ly Celebrated. tile spring. idly, `6011011CIMI.
way 1 hour, And run on two Z ther Ian
-th Money TC11dy to Pay nAble to 6XtrjMtc it. HQL jantracoll- way. Lookl, train$, Will rout cza'� one boy Will haye. An caslirotkilmg0e. of iyfl,"Ohichoopliter WAS -gedly (oleo 0 rusts (for tlierit good draftiagd Is decide
4azy t with-a0me, or the for d(Lll%pllCao of 'Llia Doll eakd�.Ip
draw aitely "Stopped, Ilia carria9c, injuto be4dw&Y y rtotlec) One thereby excessive lizolstore , of Air
the blim oil Salturday Morning, 'And 'he detective looked down 0t.hor. u i -,ordored Anot at tha rate of Izzad,1 j9did, "bat, thank when Lord Roberts, 400011111011 _Are several hundred *a
;bO%T*4t field seize the opporfun- Fied darlingt his; horses * to, be token, out'. harnessed, u. alsAn hour. God, I 1kalve. had A happy Marridge. t, dallighter, LWY' or More O he ges Ali- vailaved. nd the conditions
I ideal
o See -If , sin left no- "ftert (lid be ok- alfid Used to: Assist IT' The ill"ot George W, ArMstriorig* 1)0104A, sborea; drove through oil a V1181t, will be re
Ity, of cou lie Como back? 'A lady spending a daky We extialci, so there motile lean favorable for the, devoI00-
aofic-, tit, a scrap _�4.OQOL to, the Mak� Val,% aitl;44 to "Como upstAtra told'see to his' ald"o-caulp; Lord 8ollribng- sent or has berc dst only In the
thing beWlza his on -n ed, alzrzkOtly. talking -the same, to � the site of L the DoSton, bequo(�thg G'cial- Or varletlea "'ell only ment,of thq fulagua, �jta has been tit)., Of -paper to b,o z: while . for laimselth's, hired a one, itute of "Tcolmology;! the prettiL "i, licilecombo House. 0
tv him. Not plat :Kool lanolostIO01111 ITO 'PIPP OU fire; $etts Inst at thing you over a4w." toll, Cluster -COP Stligo, and othet's
S Arranged." ' Leg nearer PL conveyance to COATY sarebt and there Was - the WdO d ilitlered,azital blacli stollen. Whetiv- scribed.
father aucithei, sl . risen,. horse hackney to be, callett. "The George Robert She wont up, y Ito eVenlogL
otojive tiondea.--, 0zily.,.the day botaft this 40177." him to his� lacimer, FAradflo. a honor at his queen. giving- the bob At Dirminghdral all wheat rust Llver olults. 011C of. Its
11 must Do what there -at- she said, - ,and I was s1prised. 'P�cslde-at Loubet is Ono of thO best Onl non. The same 0:1110tallt In giv- bth, while tbe'king loillied on and in whose collar 81 still -born babirs stuges It-, Ontario in not- 00i"Inly
was committed for ta-laa. LL OVI(lonee is QcCallutal"'i'llaff IN A ,0111110N SL%T-
said. 11A cri I al-Ijubt ouldn't Ank who: it -w". But guarded rulers, ji, Europe. ollig on to Batoo.Ccilloge becaU$0 It �O linaided sbouges and. towols. The were found, it, bul
lodging neglecting to bury know]
ornow 0, mother Unowspand ahOL cried. and It of police loogbats, In ciVIIIAR largely Wait; In the talucation of poor other children Were put to bed. And charged with 'unt j#av be Palo -
S Put- to show that the I
Ways gives himself A tile box -
it, It It waswt 0 made her Ille , and*tho doctor Wa6k ell crecated'to follow boyst'. and hissed bodies entrutted for that
1.10 can't hel Costume, has * be thpir mother 'Went round nut- vallent In locillitie—W41106 Irow the Other 13alf UVIDOP as
d would be,a dangerous, v eatident stop by tep whertevin' hem All good -night. making the page, mud also catiollig it Public beravy IN Unknowni. alor that the latter Clerfitial* " , L
that the V ?( tile XIX , lo VeH.
they al- our tothorlil-1, Asked Xar- 110 goes. , �W 1%jgj�M34 dAj4iT 1IGEET. g1go of the cros over each Ono. Banco.
place for honest melki Sut ere Is y . heat U� Loubait is About ils not absolutely necessary for Ill
Ways leave s6knothlox . undone, - and_1 -1 - . � to atairt from the ElySo the prefeO- continuous propagation. Of tile fun They wike 0, coulle at dirty little
eyea , fated a little. I pollaq is Apprised by On RJCOL and a gon. For examl)ILI, till) ()luster-cuP urcbl loosing pennies (it tile en-
cleverest� thieves chf]W%, tc1Q`* 33stiause They 14VO NG. ith iAsiotralla.
are the easiest U1 Catolat In the ant 'b I tutbed hO ture"O; the Place, to Which he logo- v6pUiau Illet. Tl&� PASSPORT IN 41USSI In not met %V
very often It in tile 190 , must a s A, trance of it 0017IL011W61 court On A
Who other mud Moth- phone, of
q�motfukes.lf solid. "He's wit-* at the route he is, to d, the, In Central India and In the Western auminer ftsida afternoon. Their
They're too Clever (jut Ill, ThiaVs why lad, C43UO Ing, %a Well as i Will Ancon. - halts were crj�wkjlea, their bodles,
end. L ]Rlteb -nodded. To 0. Very lariyak exont, the fighting You' Calknoit; XOVO About the Alfonso :Kill. Stutes, et tile rust 113 Only too pro
Mr. to D0tZctiV8 Uar- ior's tire take. , 310foro he has crossed thd 9Atd 'foUL Are governed Spanish Throne Next way. valont Ili those very rellibno near contivis and their feet boutl0s. Ill -
low ted bis fters and vent back Alt In oush, al, huft-" r;irrlagai. in ulreody qualities Of A hich- It, _C untry Without It.
pocke I ki t�ILWL do- Of the -Pallaco, 1) ' order4� to follow Uy tb6 nature or the food the S reetoville district In 011� doetl their entire dDI)AMI vuumed t(t
tile Office into the noisy Size stopped, too n UpIq 00 Afroeft" with Spain home. Ill
toctive, with eyes thil"t III to and The train slown 4QV.vn qio it crosses Next year the regency -it' con reported, consist of two hat rtma anti 2101110
stroota of the busy Midland town. the presidazitiol. not Consumed every fay,zar will come to all end. on May 17th, tarlo, no barberry ban b
the station to jerved him, orladt.- s=Aeth1b In' lose eight of It. This m6noeuvre Ili staple diet -of oth(ir groat'llullci- bf the the frontier, and ofreops gently up to -ere tilts year, tattiered tiching shirts and trousers,
Ile sent Ills men ta made his Ills. Idea began nt last to Impress t PQPUIIXJUjOAL. the pljLtfarza of tile first p next Alfonso X -11r. Will attain big and- yet, tile rust fit venj 0V bettoluo of which wore torn into
enaItilries, And- then upon her baby windi for a sud- tpeated several JAjo4 daij�r. 'nations , tatLon on jority, wIdelt in SPOAD Is sixteen many fieldo being no badly lattacued
Of I Russian ooil. , Furitivel;y peeping out rally pay for the threshing. r 'other ' fancy
way towards ther-fooms In which 9011 =mci to her lip. 'QUg'h irer Royda X0911.40ss the i At Proisout tbOT411319 his -'of the window, you behold a number years, and his mother, �tarim Chrio do to lid , caliopo. st-lufares and
Fred Vinberson. bad lodged durixig dem ftoOP i he World tire meAt-eatern, and Ili-,, RUT f4VIIIIADS patterns. The little alleyway wheral
,I opcota. father's vcry� boerqd/l Iluob`ea�of CorawallL And. YOr". IS tory records that theY'41WAYS have of stalwart men 'Unifoatiod In Rua. tina, will surrender to him tile all- HOW T -dark anti 111 -
in With Mr vee ttcytitood gu�jrd was
the year, he he& bee painting, her chtet do- been. slain style, 'and Yvearing tile peculiar which she has exercised dur- In districts where tile barberry In yot front tile rear there ls�
He went, up Its, them. I question- she, oald, s1OWIY- torly
'010. tuat instant the Cottage door comPlfeliftlEilit An M40101 This 'in:: Not only 'Arg -the, useat-caters the Russian top boots' L Thp*polito con- liv his boyhodd. common. the fulagasq, to all appear- aluel ing,
all d lie wtht" And get- A:t;* 11ecent, pictures of Alionso Lt a second sued Rou do Of 11unic Due" an ond
-in a y, as ut they are tile laeald-'� dactor comes Up to the compart- I Dxpect to hear In that
hat. obO wits,- flung 611011 and it, w4h looked po� I her educatIolt was best fighters, 1) how A uncen, uses that shrub a
-lamoull COMPOner rach, of human Achieve- ment and bids you get. the passport Are. host. and- the full life cycle if; then
tbg UOL h0ormation, except t made Conducted by tile tit delicate, 40rious And lnteIlIgVq face. wou "Trec v
I had olat. AVhen he saw-'Mar)[ow hO I I, � era, in ovor br Is in itself explains It ru goats a boy iwllo ties not )add a completed, As already described. Tile clebite.la d. ,Who inaften the
had not seen Emberson Since Ile blien and Musician. SI91kdtr*TOst nd
ng before. A lialf movement ftdkw�rds and I and th ready. After; Lt few Minutes of T�Alt- AluojW1 I anized (if the boy Whocol
..left for Ilia office tile mornt hia MID, of here 'airo few better mexat, a I iljg� during which anxiety is_06-i tit- obare of outildor pien4ures, 1pores Infct the Load.
Upstairs Marlow found everything altered d. And.stood still. oilhall ft 11111i't away why the Chinese are such propu its
role roomal,werai Jurit, a6l airiateur Pianists in tile kingdom; win shed, an officer in smart grey- and uponwhout %tile respO491bilitl0s at Ill. to Close by and give rise penny had turned, up on
e190. poor race Its tile pugnacious line.,
I --q % The to this pint body within, from which "What? You InOun tile byllut tuneot
Marlow looked at him and recog aa I
lie Might nized his. man. This waaL Prerl'UM- Whilb the Soldiers of tile 0010stial Empire blue uniform comes along, atteradelf Of life have fAllentproinaturely, A
Vitaborson; had left them -very sweet. Welf-trained voics. thrive, after a fashion, on rice, Madd by Altonoo'o PIC- red rust spores are liberated during and uchl Theistic tl-c mt3tO ("Ift's
hour. The bersoh, the thief; this WAS the mail calb-. by a sold�er with it wallet. He tie- larifirce0ion black runt wbat comes round e.very tsunday to
bo coming back tit hall An tar tuto In con ruled by what Is known tt at summer, and tilt, lie an-
a ts full Of clothes he hold come to catoh-thla was, the love of Music hai-naturally ondie 11
jueen Alexaluolra,, Who -bAge, and a vegetarian diet, ith r document, and, ka-pipes man whose Capture meant L5001 , the Duchess o Q u occaoictnal smackering of noting Its foreign origin, casts upon Of hin 1110- 11%) Is physically 11*11, or thal.reason, In the vicinity Proach and Prmv an' 11 'eta or card
nod littered With hakick-knac when j "fit, nil c fields of wheat Are awered "Never ace
stood a child in an admirable muoicild, and U rthy of se-drohing And hit; time has It on spent Mainly of Barrie. tile statical tile Other
And youclies- And tobaloon. - There And between, them Lt SauddrarhUm the MeM't,,,whicIr in scarcely' wO its poduesoor A heon, Ilia year; moreover, I 'can Letoe, 1111007"
fill they are both 0 11glanco. Then he looksifor the all- with his mother and his tutors, 0,1- badly rusted is!Lboy, with that happy. relf-natinfird
bootst arranged uraildraleattliv whose mother was VOW though he has had come laillitary Ilt- thin destruction of wheat by rust
wore Royal ladjtq * often Play A qUatre Connideratto
..otrefully, Polisho(l; brualles; And combq She turned delightedly. 101, doubt, vegetarians would at- impbrtant, Indorcement. of the ITO in flow acquiring -Ali Annual occurrence there The In- I Air at) olteil atriumed by chilairea
by, tllero,a father," slid tried. matna. tO,Ox0iWjj away the matter as Russian offielftl lit the country of Is- struction. are fit ponsessloll
lay on - the dresaing table, alud; a, wtit- "NV took a, litep 101,A Ono Of spots, at Saindringliam. millarity with ifibile affairs. I is maulf(otly tile reault of1when they find they their desk ftooil close 'noteefive Marlow timpt . I 1 leotation
wore y plielloul and come have sue; and on finding It he paoses *old- spores I of hnowledge denied
I the spread of the Cluster -cup
al etingis O� he Gabin in' cot"
'ere. Jim;
I)efective, Marloval ward and mberson; 1 :ph�,'thdt in time ly bat without a word. All this Is t let's stop toq
at hand. 3311t 3taddenly Malt- 01 which Queen Alexandra, Is partic Ventured to Pro bildnes of Which, tiler(,, In ularly fond Is -closigned VIll -moving about among Irom barberry rc--'taint right noll
LL Sin- In.1 UP'MSL mind, came down the lit the admikoLbly, will IV .,,Ito vast very formil astial Impressive; you feel at. and, he is ow on Sunda.4
could not find q Wild Karden, . where In the oarlY to COMO of"llaorn the wo and ac- Wheat thb chain Ilia -future subjects more freely t1aftra are tbreo miles in tile tOl
glo rcrap, of paper, not a letter or can tie jjag&ed path, population gov, as the priwAor feels.
,I , knoe who you are," he said found thousands of bage. of evidence in tightening around him; ormerly. This acquaintance with rio-x In nil cftrc9 the Wheat Clore to �_azal e'll 'neort the laidy lit among
Oa bill. 1,,�kzzorsokk had ar- spring art to bi corliplinh �tlzla Olt, rice and oelcilgi.0 bad, ongifthe Inigsi011 f0lb0- Can yo alizo
and, I Itnow Why YOUIV2 snow dropa, aiodidils, primtObeo, and We. flavor little to do with the u er- your thouLhts wander'back to the big ii�opla Will be good for it boy tholiedgea Is a � 14,ifly?,, oil aosuring flint that
envolo everthing. There wafi-noth- hoarsely'. ". tile lield Is flout
so IVS all 'up; but L other forerunners Of nunklaiO. and tain, future In this article. What ant, and you wonder'whother any who hag Bed a, cc -eluded life, Land It if) tile further reiiioveft
Ing to xo;y blul-tiot even an I'll" 00100- 1 QUPPO 0 in couldthinfl. h, %lid hifaz COMpEtnion,
bei Id 5 tUp6t the British, Aufferl- I f youji. insignificant to be Ito Cat that it W It AWA111011 the ItCdgeli the rooting In
practicall;V allowe e`o
touldn"t help it, alk.41pethapo-after- where 14atur do-, Ualow. L Xi one o I oijiler side of tile. ericorted aA. the blotting Alper V�11 forgive to h&vc It& own way. - But Her Ma- calls Gairmatij, Russians and 1:1rench ,TcCrteta0,,zzu.tO Is in cutiong tclu 1039altY Tit(- infested vOla'al't I
waraig-the old inazz now be brought U that thp.V would searroly, in t.hrough the narro-tv 01141
Marlow looked rbund Ill nome dic,- which will help thic young king In shrunken
oil. lie er I josty takeft; tile re4test interest in are'LlitalL Ment -eating naMlis �cif the ieatii�o Against 'You.
judy when lie ad,firal111 leasing operations, tit Sand- 0 11 Weigh _0 pounds to the bushel. Two wards the Centre of the vourt rherd
*ad bacItVal'als.. all the gart I found It w
Ile jerked �fs be ftimen I woild, and. bopffts being Lite most to 10 taken In. the the dalrager'a before him. liter than, ut the on -
find u, single club -not a �Avro you gaterned who rindham, : CA-01'rgbtle and rogrossive, and thriVL_ lit �at CO - or -three interesting canpq %rP noted trauce, one Iwl(
couldiet Ljo new floral op Land on of there If6cumoutd, Spain to disturbed by-tbo conapir
-11 1 't)y tile rent- ill the aftarke township, lnnu- at A, thial� I nu 3- .10 that It w4 poso
thread to start a Search, A 'Did Mr. Ritchie 911420ti? introduced tit )'Or Norfolk* home Ing. they aro far and away the best mck1t have* his patia- facles of the Carliot . wheat I to stan 0 x or ceven abreant
�o he Asked. Calf wor or leanness of of barzerry hedges on story his it( saga were on either aide of
CIO. insolat, And she her -y relano of' the of the Catai6 provIACCOA Q11CA) 4111
I it Apo 110,11 takc, care of her whell- without her cc fighters In ovey port: every forMgW entedug one or two
search too, for tile thought of tile Verb a Which and lidw MA11V new not onl3r in Intanding up to shot and leaving tilt) country 1',Aqt haVe it, witich desire a )argon measur planted conio hedgeri of thid the court. and from cVQrV winalml
m I'm . fillut up� But I never dooffie, ement fields. A few yeara n9k)
,0500 reward Mado 111M.StrAIA lav4bty Who money -I rihould- varieties are to be grown. The a (artuen
e shell With bull4og pertinacity, 'buC too. Whether native oj-�Ifdnj :ko�i of self-government ; by the Affit - Thera
nemean if icho hadn't queen has latC17 given considerable abol shrub,bt to thAr dismay their wheat there peored rinveral faces
Up also in efever ountm with, tiona of trados-uarzkot:4,4, cocialt:310, tool. of- woro mon tit their shirt 91coven. rutioN,
tactics-tho winning cannot ozoV6 abdut Vic 0
act ,t'ladve dreamt Of It 15, and been greatly inter- derical Intriguen flatcla becA , th aprons lied
30 Woo almost giving It , ho say, olic-sho'n 0,1- Attantion t factor In modern warfare. l en yot! sirtiVe anarchlato, and by 4f. 1[iPm. and men wi
dia of card- been no Food ja high, though prior to tile planting no rust
whom imdolenly a, tiny ser )Uth AfrIcal
between til most dying, And we 'had hard Work eoted In, the flOW06 Of N( The principal food of And adti-clerical A ,,or the re -j tie 1rhev lied 00111
tile brave In a town it Must be submitted riot 9. th(ir ekg.
to live on the 00-lary 'Air. Ritchie pass or, lwown- an "biltoraff," is the local police; when you leave thn! xes; opproDive, runt
board falic mantel !�onsefj soluo beatatiful Door ooldl e Tf - and wagon low. had been observed I lied it, tho middle of 1111�0;
plem and fte, wait caught hP3 OYq- Ird govo ing-and I coluldn't help it. jen ivi" from the TransVital. - ' a, sort of dried beef, affording a great town the police must indorge ill - 10 reopqct, (0) the throne, but movall of tile offerading hedges bonds holding a razor Ili
took his penknife -and begalt forcing Saved. tier, perhaP0. I got down loat Those of the, Inner circle tot * Court dear of, nourishment in it highly, con- passport with their uanedon to tile lit 0 al alrectiesix for It. The peo- did not Again make Ito Appearance. aillave. with e womon witil
thitig, f at in pub- Bf;. V. A- 7�dvjtz, crupprimentallat midair, There wer
It up. It might be Ito
cource, bu flight, and I got her everything I life saffir that 01460 Ida orcewfon
t lie Itad turned ovdr every 'nattrated jo;rzak. TheBocro cat a journy. Tile gyatom gives Jac all- play talto only a fltQll intere at the Ontario Agrictiltural plaid nhals crossed upon thol
could -all tile luxurles I could; but has changed Ver consider- good doal of tills, And there is no thoritill the firliwot hold over the they brealt. out
lie queatioun, but hag a uke story tO aell.-w*o long as woat4q, their hair In ttlkota vo'brich
scrap of paper and cver�'Ibook in the 9 room, allLd lie would MIS4 no obance. site doesn't know I otolo -the money. speoth and, in demeanor. A questioning their fighting qualities, people; and wIc6 Is thO Stranger who, al In ricitin when they Are entIV not. teen Untwi--t0d
Tho cardboard cam,6 'up slowly. It She mustn't Itnow till nhql.o W1311 =Aloofnezu 19 noticeable In Ilia , matter What shape thcY Who, complieg-earefully with 43V a no well -led, well- fine barberry ,edge flourished along find apprir
cry part Of There I thn preceding anAgain. The un!ghborn iWill Took al- manner and A, dcoided dignit ini'llis Tile weak racea Of people tire tile the formality. toon, lotain the govern- (fine dide of a certain field on the VoI- rAnce and
-on. the hnit arty e farm, tile crops were badly tilprp children of all drP9
wtu wedged sit firmly betwe a I want you to take we justmal of adOeMitig r1c",1ting Chillese, Hincloos and ment _p0ljCV; no statesman of log the fledmo was both' rext"). garbed in tile ninarleat
inaratelploce arid the wall, but lie ter her, on, ody will 800- 1 Ilia mon friends b thelP 'Clitistiftu (led aince the dawn of co nallurr itiflud nee UVOn whom Al- rusted, but sq noon (v4 -ar antl antiefrit of summer ratmento
I it up to quietly, so that nob I admit lnvcrY- mines or surnames as lie Hiruslese, readr so may. leAra. A For a boy of SIN- removed- atanding by take OPed
loosened it it laqt and IL014 rettoforal, he 111!3tot7 An ratin-progreolive, super- the rust falled to aplig
tile, light. Admit, ov0*011115-I'l hypically, and Ithe throne under I,QtejV , itting all intent Ott
littler thing to Mr. IlIttlife, but I did It for to , coming to however. the College fleltirl q anti
now spealon to aLud of them as "Lord rtitioun, "d Inferior s windows and doors,
When he saw It he, gave OW6 Thin" Or Mr. That.,' The 0%%saut mentally 'to tile jocrat-caltipg nation. What Could Me Dbno If Waterfalla such - difficult 4 Ircurnotanceb, one viri, hadly nisl ed
gesture tif dimppointment, it was )ter and tjcrbzlP3 Willon 116 could wIq1j mrro I Irninonq about, certainly appear from liateninfv,
That it cho's, Ills daughter he'll forgiV6 U" smile aud kindl, dominate thdill., Were All Millaod. nd asian otbor canwo which
pbot( v word ciotztiaue� is t mouth -1. - .+---
belonj*,cd to Embernaft atelued tile and. take the thild. go. I'll r W cted that a man list it the barb(-..rrV
)grstpll Of child. olual Of ille, theory familiarity of old in not to he fo-.1PC and ti, litt e more Are ftile If(
-tieviDt, to trouble them Again, xjay[j, hao disappeared, never to ve- Who. liven upou, �Ico, cabbage and the If the wanted, Waterfalls In the anight be given. I.
last thing likely, prowled aght of tier ofyi"L� turn. Stories, are. leaking out that eyeu, a at abrillutelV ""Mmary for tile but If, Was tile thall like could over 0(1431 . an eater of world wore ta drive dyllamoo, their q n 'ation of whouil 11c, called up tha londlailig and held ka poet the power wotild or two little p,,Irl!i In
llfu-�trate this kjngly transformation, meato 'he I � probabl be aufficient propqgA
r head that made me 06 it," tter In whilt MI; u little vt.ry Important j,ant qtimm
It 00 to helt. she shook he turned ed that the altera- - for the Mocha Ica[ needs of the w it jr; at least 141r.-a(ham fratralily were rellf
reell It to- I Ile broke oft'alifillitly and la preict will become comparLon is made, and history rot fact Or
over It. Ellie hall never "I'll If` tojino And beqritag vela what Poor soldiers the Chinese world. wiill h* their back to 010 c0ttdffe, tion n it is more difficult to fore. but it law 1031ged to We could do Without gab and coal, mother for pla�jazg btrehowled
mt have be Is, her good-bye," lid more evident V 0011itmour-Ling grall' are,. The, mont rienjarltable feature ceetain farmer Clor- caw;e, or Of
IlLde me wiq ould e . onplaill tilt -
Mr. Vintersoll, silo said, -for )ter spwrt 1,110 ualItt dinapp slid in onnection with tho Chinese war- and the rimolto problem w b t aibitualtz) its tile 'lit'-
ra�j You I ot leav, and the Xtur tootgtli er. )=j one of Ilia field, till viiii he burned r-4) badlY. daughter had occupied- tile room bO- Queeta once again take their placoju riot it) tile extratordli my coolnesn solved. Our houramar; would, be heatt'd Thin was rc�tnted by -the Wild y 't People will
fore N4 )lad had it, tuld tile photo- door which lie Will meet death. It and lightod anti out, cooldurr done by of t1le district, t% sho clainted that a Ahrubil have h, n1le. to 1heizi filiallY. 01LI
'y ife pushed opois, tile 'gottac.ro Lozadon,�OciatY. it] Iv lit that' virinitv here titink voit are Warr, , . Vatruic could be cultivat- r,jr
grapt, + _. ht of way 0XIV K�.zj. 1,*vpntu 011ie loll
unwils of no thild the weary"okir. ja not air any matter to toxi'laill electr kInt'which tahtm the phlPle
looked at, It Again' and vtbintr." rot- avo I COUrts 11 ' 'q puelt it plant, 1-4 1 -tri -fir warnivja� hall lIt-1 Io ofifect. flow
lea tile 64 of over. fy one faticea'it, for grantef ed with. ilio aame, power, and electric the mclitter came W (host I fio
Made o7note , the plootograpber'n berron Oil- "Arr' lt'tehle death is either treated lightly rallwao would become universl. anti EL deefrifook w'? 10 given Ill favor ol of itit) harberry iart. of till, 0irld -ver up trying to 10elf.
that itit 1.11own in any t
geh was printed Ott, tile back. termlaus as or that life In naftle" vet trUnted,rale for 0, Vear-I t:crvPd film Tile rank at tile wateflo ftborn instillet 1111te larircot,plant Of nutchinery for file. 14rmer. will 11 U*ngland to at ilept. P the'funquin onilts thpill to a I'Ll in London of 'tile L01141611 4114 South list, v�jued to any c Aa 010 public I ited in or At,' W fit'. 11,
It )lot 6 tho Address of a 81110,11 tO'Lvn - this purpo. %tilt day she relit
ed faithfully. and PeAlapa'lle owner tht, Clunter-PuP I lo dkitlit, to) fillitica
and UJ, frp%vueal a little jq) Ito took member that, t6l' Itur rat -e- I we"t Wentern extenall ford, k1lifore a i0teo LQUal tat 1111,009 cro.1ining the b,ow-011'. tile of rome of it" closel 111.11tc, blla sfrect or
At It, What lia-d Pred- lualwe011, a in- a
to film Ott pullpOne-my? Wife alTafag- from York Itoad, Underneath, thbrAil- 11100 Atli TN MINI. voltn. generated by water poWot, In turnp(l a furious. 1'!4tll into it, After favill ble to tile lol- thi. neirllbor
The conditionq
Iblef. Its do with a little child? cal to try to not Iliq it, way al,chos, up to the arrival Plat, dog Itaa ill a Itholle r0nd!; one air ttvo dairizz � tiptrilin hall 11.,. aiwonian &fro. Smith.
Ile rhut up ldx pocket -book With d thAt Way it we coulal. it rc6med the f,)rlkl rpW4jVdq of & thousand fabi 'aared ar. 06 witalegq in a re -jilt to London. T 4pri.Od Of rust. art' 1110110 1 Vain Iniflue0ion, InIltUot- thein (or around. t=p bc-Wo tile county riangiritraloq hoi,M�PoiV& Into 00k1rWa, 111114 anninted out of I It c, field- via the 1 when flip fitter rd. DIAl.1j. who lived
0111, v7ay. ondi it mialit liave been Lill ore �aUed ill tile courre bf tile fiVtil- of Nottinghain., A hawlwr the Ubillo 116,500 vbIltf) ot icar
waited upon ill(, A rnif ell liken of CrUr
vital) land rave a final took
lie Was JOSt turalaig-lizWev Whittla IIV; are qIjaraotpril.t4 hv by
right it.1 had not been mad ME tile ty�jqui' I'Ourfl- Wat('Tloa is tile Only as obargcol tvith belog oil certain is. of courai-, farmor and alVel 11) hn (to an hipal one for thA f-Ifiread (if rtiqt it) allothor t1trPot Blotett th(� statio: .011don In 0 1112illa rl you f1ro tile little
Ica, L AM03a w)"ere Of r vanwi voll jilot') she, Walk cam�o Uftck frent jt,but I liadL6 telegram Saying 110%, 0;Xreh Of galljo. Tile PO"el' far tchead in th0 Matt lit lavor, to withdra W.. th� tijill and at
nith the, Itiformation-that I'mWrsOU Ill n1jor was, and I foUld slot 110111' It- privilogcol call d6aln flot 003t, l"ut did not eavitural tile man on tile ITot, watior rhun (
. ptntor. and In one in6tanct! low tile footpath "till tile thp prollipt rcsponrA
bild lc�ii takitig a flrk0t�-110f- iwilcro tile ratilz vithill the $tettifift ia- Volta are heikka tran=nItted Thin tile farmer �t -I tight have done 'it - i flan as
tot but t�r_ifid not LN'll to th1uhl, but rillItlVed, it d0t# wIllch nce"al td, t Of, 0,40 Oj,tI wintiq 6ttotitl Tc I Io jl�e elder, Onl nufaburved
cs t1ay had 0, io Illin ago for tile prenal,,os, is ofteil to All Conlep1q, Ott zaiCd, liku. iie. polleeman Ila obarae jr,2 nlllt�c overland to t4an Franci 11, 1 unfor- grq
lIttio, CpLjk4j 44teybriotgo, tv 11mile loa`t Easter- payment of m toll of Ono ponnv, so techild'a ralie. t of tU care Welt Oer dog to court ea, tuniatel romarlte J! ' there is -a right Tpdrtlqt nparen are' tif�lrthffitfrt RaWWay tho line it 9l%aa a but I couldn't rcs ill long ck!� tlit,1*6 if) tpam upon 010 JIM& , allidit lit APPRAI.
0' toll, of Comm, With ilit whou -tile hawher Wq aorge Votittri, tvito Ilan illOW,. Will nsi, Mrial tha_ri
EusttIft ;(n�j 1),)v I,Xcp n f0r- �flt in a lint" �t totid moned. Ail novin as jUe 'I, jr4Ojft_AfrJ_ rj - f,v flip wilarldc).
trlcl,� a' ctvai� flt W ulal go On to Iffy right naaw lest lie chould rmor" jrL Ito I), It ll thtt LVIrldeill tile baw%er wasi �4t r(fsifi)r way. it) I,, re, tmuld t put 11.1 tbif� 41IDel; tile rilift
c � jiai Out t1to f';rm, Ifoy. you teller. net or#," this tral
S9 jitror. rAud be 1106 tt. We anted to will 14 ev&N for t1jo jjorkon�jnff Ott, in . I I I I ,, e training, Who loohn killon I
lolt ilt 11, fix,,, roloo 114110 Of (Atrn I -ntilkaC�V. I've tilt, hot tile allgry conductov at till
ICu)jtIt of fort.v�l tile trans. ,,, 'VIVIthi of, 4 41
;vl(3 violentIV. At length It
It IlarU*t 4n;W�f`C e5' flat tilt! Viotoells. Voila tot
Stilt, lifavi"W $lent bin ulaq to telt, .01' -ant 'tilt' and yet foll flat, it firt, reorellina the lq' nay, did
Nlut, talm eare oi 1, cppli front tilt; police oirlorl alid minniqu of clectric powo tat tile ljezkk�d hsf. Iry azz il I didn't FusIt it" 114' oholloe'l
�hjjd. Olt, (;ad, 110, MI'dY otar.ding roolu lot It If tit . V certainly, graph M thi. #1*ttolt sit, ,L4tAybfldr VOUtY d 01( Thn i adge licard it an, lie lancti -thrm _i(;,d to V�oacjj the maV, ill tile M,kDjjet,,al(iz d and Uatabstle. front a ill, AF; a matter 'IV 6 boardin house!
hftd till Impatiently, ccardl- .4 ftu, it), you'll. hhn1lore,3 are %oo 4,v IVA
cauldiet rtfuno to, talze earof of tit tab, mile, Cem.') to nal(I lalLd, nVA it SO ealCUIUtCd 010 didn't bolievo it Noll Q ('hat fact flax t!"'N v3onl, for f1hrr. reply, ma�,n kPattiling, about AtrMt!l "Tile don r V aW What 'If it'?
Md, tua dillat! iding 111aOLATatO wit" PnGunft Cn Im all have to ail 110 tilt, fOR Main itwind f I cQ19 .
only, ono )00 licemt.* illenhalletv fle-I Nothin ILIA you mialat plc=tt,
kitkId bY tile
It u V41117 Zbligod to a, porlod of
cdc _rITt jo dicif do- srTt�j�o pwar&5 of 4.4 illo wav to utilwVayo to run all th ton
The )(J,arav T71, tile 11, IP it lie belfo*:l I$
ollialli had rytill- m V� eur- isnued to ch JO& III lie don't li days OV IDIOM atId Afavlow, tudd 1 1) driVrrl A ttlaso couvcr, Ila 010 cold mifieff, (I a all well nil at
al rzg�o,j
daly NIC(Irp, -0114 ilat. bIllic , 101i lamt it did, ill' cur'n from Covert to
WWII �A 3kw held Out hift haild and glon dIOfAt moldt;'I vcar-e. toll Z7au Coal --A
saaall, appill ailt In, 304-atit for work -, k ,>
V.vto *ntly it WIts
rot I
4 fed Is 11 1 111ileg 11 1 1_!�k 0;0 IN loll