HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-08-09, Page 3o 4V 41- i 4t� Yo I J" M1 I 10* I I I 11 I I 11111 1,I 4 As o I 11 11 1111 WS BM]nyT sled was, th" 'UmWd to t" - tba wA of the swi"a 4a4h tftdkv1dW *A 60, and willie, 1"0 19 the Uum U309 Bill 41L. 11. I do W#WAtW .. .. .... 6.26 cure, fur mralwo 4 ka" *00 I M $46 9.50 knowa to ew* whoro WVery us"I. rw MUlakim 440 to OW XOW Tnl: XUX YAXXXX %WY40119d, V4wY 10w --rkv0v* d$` or re are, Illare, awritoyer, Which 11 will be bmt t4t) d0liti*109 bAkr JA 11h0 oil tu kw tho exprww itr. bstral. opelit 81*X"X TXX DAY, (k. 4ft ... ... 8.00 Cktutiot to cut*l by working at k0lit, or tattm ber for t# 41 tho 40", Hantily cl�wblag Lit to pvt T I � Tki 11 40m gaither1w, which. wItuourk Itat. Nk =.h"Cortsdn SWds. partlottUx- V4�* owch� - At the 1"do. they wory astastiabod to ly thove iu wittok 0XVorft"4%ttl ^r# Als*w. "port, stiimi. ak tusti thav tho Jklad bruMat law a Ilallao4tins, X*ttorx of X03U*At lucrative oixopittissa. IS fJ)It0W$J bl, b4dut tri*d can be treated in tho ad IM40% PW *wt... _ $40 11 inall car. *44 Mrth ambued Vroax Xi* hundroda of poople who 000y *X* 0000 W01%t. 100-aw waY. aad *a the prosit oi to" do bm�$.=. Cwt .... &6o 4.00 fino, hurAltit, 04 owtvan crops will be wmertairwL .200 2.00 DOX1910S. TAIRVATICKY41 ZNGIN=H- is alwx said to be o6 our* for Ali gt*Olut* newmitT Qxtw Urni- 'I'lloro Is oc:aroely a farInar ill the BitVAD8mrre. Lss=ba. saAlIt. .. ...... ... 2,50 .3-115 They throlstollo0l th# oul with women worm -to be- lissomule, and 'IwAmo lit the ... ... 4i,50 a.w Dr. Wistuir CLoArk. a oWW dowth for not tAting 114*1W �klit th0i first persultw although not genovolly ORA - Whether In summw cw wiloter, Is aa province who" working A04PIW is Turoftta. Auguot 11I.—WhOat Thm d* per f1vt ... ... 00 CIOW. 10 9009 Uk Olsiu* 00 a cr which ho hikil UU00104 WOM � culum cisPloyca, to troubles am llt Unto* oupdaut gottrce, of pure coot wator. lww tbxu a thou =d dullarls, whilv market is stoli4y to,"y at 6u bid t 1�407- Per eft 7.25 %lot expr*w c*x*. and sirdarilt! hial -to During these 92,040#1WIY kOVit'syll, th* gv0r#40 fs&r=#r'# 401tAl W ex- and Oft xmkod for rod and white VE.Ity '111r kind still wore to come. twth XWA 0004 that axwount. "it it Would be AxIddle fralghtti. (looft wheat is Hoge. wru-fed. ror 1101k. WAllaw r4t*rWIL will arrlyl return at ouro And uncavla tbu I ,a 4 rocidit storill a bolt of, lixht� . ...... ..... IT.(4 0.00 in ottawa, trogl,$allff Rbout 'Iblit lext Car hehlud the baififas* ciAr� "Wit WIWI 02 Of & Of I(K) Swilors enjoy a relliNxItabIq freedom vAd bettot will drink -lisviahly of A&- mas� unrovAlonitble to sx;" that qAQtod at Oft to 0c waddle frolghts. 10heell, In Ayr, Fulto-it County, 110, I spriog wheat is slold at Me lJosit, light, W ew.t,. a-15 O -W usiddlo of August. morit into hi* Vail. frolp, it, how ll sugglIst- -ture"s wholohIPAW tw IlAsst �wsxe. Kn4 thair thia busittwk could be iloostaintWly 'No. Qf tito prisoners OKI he X141"d, Manitoba wheat is cwti­ .74' OAXI David Baker, of Chk#go, has bon ollius bacLed hi* 141%44ty per teo%. physical wellgro Will! 04pand larply runat hisp-bAstrd w$thout booku or on t V I mr4j"is down, cou vu %be oc"m wavis" accounts, Tht utarchalit who, with steady at 81c for No. I haX4'XrIu4- Kow, *ppolnt,,4 superiutendent of thQ IsO- P104 Oil to th* third var, vtblvh Chicago i4ift ari� victlime of tIto delstrOY4 tba ornot of th* terrible upou its quality. s, per cwt- 4 5" loorl,1111410, cocallao or otbpr rm dieg"ll witell tCy are In the oylitom There ailt perhapa as umom.v kinds halt the capital. would undortaks to lag t. 70c for No. 2 Laid il, ollutoa Iron '*oil at"I Vsl�, P.,t Nd� VrOlUAll WAR lluctsullIll at IUO �w IIIQ BUFYALO VxltA:IN W&URF-T. - r"r end. and 'Still Vith the 4411"10 babit. but etivo. It IN bardly possiblo ; 49y. his h0ail. r0lim of w -01104 nd, t' 8 lw4 grinding In , ater six thero'lan people Who conduct his bustille" fit %ho 4111) athe re CIgkjWA tLQk at ijollt 10, obtain (if t Q tLb rry. drink it., Ask neorly any former it mitimer In which, uIng-tosithe of our trw local dallveq, Buffalo. AuW. a .-Viour arm. Ann Cropsuilta, said to botho Old- run down 00' trAwkihurch ttk ts L St. bawevor . but thorn scems to be a, was rOprod to coutr. It Is sull before. ITO 41roW NW*., fr(Ila 't1Joq,. his drilikillif water is good sled he f1trAss are Conducted wssublixeive,ble Tox Spring wh#Rt, limits firm. elst WOMaU,JlJ AIWV,t !And W04toWrt" will tell you, "It, s the beat the hutte On IVC2 of it yov. It Jul nigrot was stead. A tiorthorb 014. varlo"ll. Tote. - do laud Counties, New Brunswick, od all 161�la azd restored grextAt deal of truth In the stotcluent, ,Ixt 11 NO,, I balance sit the trAill-004 tho that ancer ,ki Practicall uAlCu6wa His neighbor is k1ally trut" thht to, ny fe%sqas them Ill lot of 00 per cent. pat,isalt sold at now, do. 18t,c, Winter wheat. dead, OU all. complissicTitttry An - . spehLking of List viort: sieceasity for it Minute *"telu T4,55 Is buyers' b4p middle fralshts, 9 rod. 740 No. I Willits. M mix- aged 101 years. the firfit ocritsitoll. Milwaukee Iluewivii as manY own supply, Tho -fact to that in of awousit keaping In rw9clialit'll Choice brands were quoted I;k to ed, 7fic. Vorn f1rut i No. 2 YQII0wJ Val, of Null t1se robberp istill lettylog lam oun$, th0uqII tile popu� overanih tobaccl). some- 'd W hasbeen, made nclsorge of age ot thkir JO =1 huntirctis of as", "the bMt water business, bixt�tbo fmmir 14oul *10, a de. 54c; No. O Carl%, helatioll. Of the two (1100 to almost t11Ac3 occurs In the toligues of ex - farm, bill at $4 fox, cArs of Haugarissix pAteAl's 'Ur Of tus order Of' St. In*" for tf�e cAtc. Nyhot Cessivi) s,gxxlg�rs for, county" Is g. very interior make the Most of hii _ _ 0_ oxi,t% quiet truvo.t1qui. thoy reached the car,tbey Called to albeit no one Would suggest that the has boen'uned until flocks au& him bersig must be In a and -0.70 for Astroug llalkerm' In ar white, 42ic, No. S,loix4d 44jo. John at ., )y Imij Ati ftO bu44rcd thousand ultiles b4vo most liberal Consumption . Of - tIx% �ut it lte� The Lontioa. Dartors' so"iatl,04 their grQAt Wrikth thixt thi been , satiplied froul, A%uleri0a, to '�4,outh the users logra to like It, or; in position ftm 4ctuell knowledge to lots, b4gs Included, ToroTto. Ilarloy, 5to to 560 �A sturo. fteo, essid to . Millfood-TIA siaket I 'etestd, ocided'that tbo barber sbolis Will 10 tAtkeO, another mail car. and %�,;at it Close gauger. have the sense of taste dimcard the tinpr9fitablit J v at no. woirorod *t 500 0 tr**. Aft'106 -ttkr tho no pf the Britinit weett � could c other words, ov chowlsigos -a so perverted that, it falls to protoilt the paying ones xind soliteroaxe b.l# $18.50 to $14 for shorts aod'$12 to faturel be CloatX an, day 011. holidays, COAtAlUedi no Alone 1), 000, VK*014 my. excessive so promote tile disqatie MAUXF." Ali*004 of ouly httlt st, day all herott), It is -_ 11 !4-050 %Qndco�y against impurities, business. This knowledge can bo for bran In car lots est. - )�UROPFI&X 01JAIN 4torgd, in express uud It 14 the CKICS lure. Conm 'alt. whell tile gervis axolrCAO In the tj%j, best ater omes from . the obtlixitiod only by. using a, system Of B440Y-0 Stead , ITO. 2, its quoted London.- Aug- believed robbvr# at t of the V wAto:j llkm blood. bosguis ol'tho earth. 4sid while -some boak_keeplog. L There are number- aVVJa to 43a mr4dist, freights. Now on pAssago illus 4 Arxiser tendency . Oct bydrosrath survo Oft Lake of lgqxlo� And, valual) 000,000 Inhasitaxita In t4o last got% There In uorvdus. di- less leaks through whicit tile profits barley In quoted at 80c Asked. mi4r, Cargoes about No. l California, oil Huron, Which: Is being consluctfA by largo. olliount ll searcoly any spiInp issue .water unpleasant to M. Aboard, yeos tile taste it gevierAxily is true a may easily be wasted. 410 frolobta and $so bid, West, Aus- tlxq Marine II)epartmLatt Will DO 00 Ordol, willeh cannot be 90,1104 . or $xt, of the $art po th4l; "llers Binthe greatest theoo, I$, co4 of,tbo problems out shipment. g7s ad Corn, Meted this Reason. xext�sosson 4 Willie thol by foliolving the this Witter is cheirtically pur6r theis To stop, famor� must Steady" at, 450 luldillit len, oil passago. 41'ats, Survey. at Lako Superior. Vill bolaoEg$ T !i�:, In the, worlil, at �Cilblr, in tht; Ro4l all other. Out- lesrather firmer * 1.4 I 'Successful frJTt&htV­ cisterM. Unpleakirtat Asin"4LI fixxv� 60 va 411smW44. yellow� rvo .,� I nattolla, In driom Cora -la stronger. 00444a .yellow i34 sellers , September andt octoteri The X)epartme4t of Trade ,"g, At ors in W0ter cannot - bO,cOlublired in 10. quoted, At 480 to 00., Alnerlma. f,o.r,t.. 1044- merce boa Xeceived, 4� la ArMOA floy,&" 00 D4WA � John XA%tor..L an hQir to f MAO and other bigh explwAveff In Lerinfulness: witit the Mild SlItUness .2ts. sellers ; Pau%bian� letter from Q, n r A III another ellre, for, nerVOMS. d190rdgM, 4 cipt&u water by do- U19(v No. 2 ellow 14 quoted 4 604 Tar' Ing, 214 sellera, lers t And %I , , oy �ortisla plictnt- given well (to ritioll, alrns,. sialtio for�somlsles �LPJ` Ilk cola B1000, And 30, oUte" Anul onto. CAnWICxu boots� . w tit the object Of the Chicago retllco� Co tile tsltl�c AjV1 composed arsIMA). and -vegotable'lliwt- Wqather-in 1,10(11444 andt call, largely In the despatch JrQuts or an L ter. Irms.latter in vorltslbI6 Stop 011tst-Aio, firm at, 80c; to. 86ja for ajiejo for 0au"W. 14 of high OXIAOSPOS, feeding or and �worm. Z40rd XitChQllc� tOI09rAphS thO WAr Wt%004, Ist truly V X,o. 9 white Middle freights, and 400 drud is productive of numerous dia- VZ T4%V' to 8640 for No' I w1jito east. tike VotAer OQuAtry.. now COLO Jug the nerve S VMO -IM Ofilce. from. Pretoria that 200 liners itaf building 0 Ut orders ef'thOS0 orgAna In the his li reign, whoat quiet but Steady'. A,ce4vill;g to the OMCI;tt� returns Attociced , xxlw , 2)) AT A VAST X&T*- Otrtmo%1-14 steady at - 43,-St� f - . Am- it witt. at tAX0 dot"bod of Yeo- St. roul, Is litillVot Qour- 104AAnor. Out* Machine, Wllett Ilavo, to do� With* the o 11811 noodual And b4 royoty 041 tllo*gold oul sursury. muuborlug oust Tile laulliber -of policemen who rols end 0.14 for bqos I .! - a firm Mlomiapollft dome yukost for jiso,, moutb� of June 14IRt glu-nuir,010 And- in onef the I water car* of bar evitan cor loative scouts.. no(w, Doorn River, at� 'ill(k in Car lots Torouto,.:-and 9'04 rnotjl�c, public bntJdjb5U 411 . . Marc, quiet iniv Stedv, Viet looi000. F 014 the Same Orange Alver Colelso. Thin state f things Is The former who regardS Lao bispol osx� Who'Stollt *$60 ]rrOM Inal for Oullslier egot %he lletxlth� of We � faxally cold him- - player Sl?out It In L SIX Dilyi" Peas -AVO nomliusi ot� I "o mjddlo but Iltoady. last year the find followed two Carts- and a fow to the IquUth of tila(t .-Opoling-lyboat, future,$ Monti, or for the fluOil, duo aeabout the siolf should know that the water 11" Liverpool DeCom, to 4.200,000. Th Boers fifteen lulle t fur pulleemou treights. JAaCtIve L' 18 now r at"llbo ed to ptire: gild ON'S. 'a On Almont 'Coro, futUrOs t was lo per coot, small 10 Wholesome. 'J'O know tomber 5s 74., per cout., WhOV00's 1,4t urghor force. yQ;w-liwt ended wa the h0%Q0* Inlew 'it .It is 41MCUlt to Imagine LOW a led , L. � *lp. . suddenly cut, off 'by ttl'b sitha ulac-0 -18 ei -And Ob bf IsLer'� bs Sid bu ers� Tho Yoomaxx�j took refuge guy twvlvo. use in extra by, that it. powic5ic-13 thk-40, qUAlities IS to of fourteen, would (I ro to, V a 4a occull;xtion for that their Vro quiet it: repriscisted IN of 109, 0 A 0 bulldh* 0 4 fOlilght 00() 0 know thAtttho sourcolfrom which it 4350, with 9v pr a in, to' tastIng file Movink 4s revenue attlowlted 62;7r.. moultio ndthree �Ior .last Your, - fPostmen, wl, those .9haotly thing$ one uWan of Wealth' B"L OUQ lh*y' new. P"k"n demand.' aro Ltvorpool-Olosc­-Spot Wheat firm; ugglast $2,51a,518 for. 'the of their men had been wounded, The The Of �pools and, SaWbIg lang, brink "NAM3. 13 the epo%- ta� wCQ for . th,clis- have sriumLd sees taken fro Sting the postaltIeN actually "did 3y X9, I Standard illfornia, 08, . to 0 Is Selling *ell' and values Arcs ArJ4. $4140100oth of tho year prevtous� were cowr 011W ly to surren. inVAbbits, 'mleo, this, managed tho' on 44uotatlons ow*d Walla, their ead4liltdingd, are 141, tis 104 to 05 loid $263,5l2, �Joho Boers theil,'Ordered the t,44 sit'*, IMOCISO tbat changed. -lid to 4s Bid to lo leading Julius, No. 9 red rot t4o\tWellro, I one tjO sl Aro. 04ksma amona 5,, duas, tutkoyS,plp t.lie. amount 14 -six 4W#, before the oadl�g DRIDe DV4CJJS TO�L DrAT1f* b tho Lecle, or �a 714 to. 6� ooltort cut, $21; Ilea* No, I nortliera "l shot deals. cato, Pluallkins,- etc, NVQ have seen police co'U'ld -lay'lilm; I�CU$toxfts revenue talUd whereupon they woro 01,110y of ukliup�. fisbed -out of wells frOus, The 0 1, W �,4d fixtures quiet September ris than Also shot dead fix Cald -blood YO0111011, of t such things his L boy, to 20,12R.6a, or $990,801,maro Tho Oxtiorts , .410 United Siatta of t S' Avent A, useful of owd which the Water was used by tbo on-; I cxprer oui�tuowq 40 aild . ry, .9alted. Meats fit sellors,� *cembor tfie'\�j�iedlotr year, hen t, Much, saying he WRO 0, foi the lost nt� tire village. ability for - spondift Whith would Ole. Ltono and cases. 114, =44 futures fxtmi, raixed Amoricall, new Evidence , 0A oath has beeii taken Or 4imajO00,000 t 40, of rA woo 044 6 lot at, 1 QW4 ; anto' td\$mv09* I13ebooirell the farmer fr�queiftly lalsgra�ed,tho "Jubiloo Plung 110; brolsk(ast bacon, 4s, 51d to the murders. of ha'�OL L l4fc, to l6o, Amo,.for ' small and September jorts , over I port$ tha JOA4 or,'! Who sit"IDCLted $1'51SO'00o in s1d,-.oet_cgo 4gQd 11 Onother dosp4tch under Thar2�4 C try'a ROOM And B to; examine his, water.atores, and can- p alro, S�: , ' rolls, 11*0 to :100 - fx%�%iros' quiet: SCPt4.MbQr,L 46 billf, gre4test In the, 041, eflod of two ye y Posirsouls, Mel , . L . . r� silly'A dailo, Lord.10tchonor Sao ttwxt 31, trees.- have Vince ldnis:olt,ot their 00S . .. Goa. 14,Teophl SlAto Jaslitr lot 9. (t.h via , .0m, Ila., slxouldors� Ile to. llic, 'ut ios to ttba�T.olljug aud ,wooded landl; with Aro loss6s, In DOU ark am been = pickle ad F otrkSf.� is' Cx+ L . planted In th� borough Of 'their 11111fi Land. valleys sxttsxxerous� The lad left London hurriedly, to -Irld green mesite out,of Orivo the: Boers out of Cape Coloov, it 11rox ... e'heaviest In It, late Other -britill. ot 'hours, 4 fIrs _ClaS4 ticket for IlArloo but a*_ gro qtxotcd at Ic less Vista smoked. -openjil.gowheatL tp)161 .4 ingstraii0i Of �ur w4ter'alread runcq of tho, Vard-Tiordes 10to. fulls 3.1c and $optexalser 06nd De ­L listrecolved- Greater Now odeath at her Wed. be foutut If o e W, Jul$, 22�_15ft , ala�as coal mine 'oporkt6rS, aria #d- mumatier, Xtitzhiger, in hich'Ano to ef-1,,860i Planted. exist or may Vik ; valsolpg thQ prjC6 Lot *of ,.Otter. on 61 dinq oil Avedil"(14y. X t &osa.. go pails :Ilfc. � 't 11 CL 4rallounces. his lutentl %vaq Chamiel ho do tled,not a 22f.,$00. Flour, toxic we souglit. , I d D§c heCxrmod Jewett 13. iculght, �f lialAhertown, Bl,adowlez joarried MoudV �od V. atluplo.of xpoll- COVKTa ualp. Oxn� The dainago tO--t)lo shooting all llativft 'Whet And -we should bot,lorget]JOL f4rs :V fton Jul$ 27f I �er 28t 05o. L I uaomi. a, orliduato of. the tAi joint nrotlole�. .*no Ol sive rooms twDQVor. paying' a, week � ButtOr--Offerillga Of d0six7 14 Wills, c4rn Qr6p I)Y drought has WOU grftt-�,, or unarmoO'L Mho'Arit found in the live .stock s larga, users 4cl water. lo.Advil 'a 'Varlp-Olus t, V exaggerotelt. ' ' I I lallego. lion beell the leadprS - in. the - Isollob; uottlolsttak ,4o, qC110t . 1. .. gnsplo,�Cxxl at the I -do. r isoal siolm, Ciro entitled . ad vaing he was to' e-Whent, one _1pittsh. The utto Agricultural 4 believe sIS Wait OQreL'a LjSL Igthor', palls, and cracks are heavy, -41-1 ad DeceiA7 aplitch. adds th4t t-liero - haVo. bq�n appointed by -the Uritlell QoVero­ of Th6 %V0441114 Wan'Aft f few days, for inarkot -is Well Stocked. thre -4f4ly �2r 2r)o, September P. colst. molist t and fit tiso, hands Ot tilet good Boston obam4or at Commerce a go to India. to establish AU la,borato one, An. the partlellianta4rO to, giatty' cases recently, of, the ill receive, L Water that I& who was "Immostsely wealthy., Ud r I angQ Ill. the, qUQIJty a 0 bor 02f '00O.. rlour� tol(a 4ulet Is' agitating In favor, atlieciprocill. the� agrigultural, college. A� large numbor stmoutt, And. a corres 0 r -s I -to-do, al Mont �that night- to two oatertalw, $eptuxb r and pocelabOr, 28t 55c� blaode4 murder of native In well r ,Uest littonsted tile it % lot' Iranian se. XAt, po trade witit Canada. Ville. Xy.: .good essoug] ments, engaging thobdst, seats and "go In the prices quotctl by 11 'ettpo Colo W. `17,. Orailt, at Louis Of Wedding us o perfect this I th* ChatL sappliol laborers. a t raporturst rnattkr In tbc� s�94` despeA00T], J�om riotorla S . ho Irk tobacco died Olt tivitil lemonade without stlht� at Ioi4 l6; to. ous. probI $a bi k of A, Polish Woddiag IV�sth MAU tradle, xi s .7crf 00I. -house system,. whict was rO4; Th oy of, In at .-GUMD,by RE It y 4ld A low, oa -to the Presbi at water u the, 4arm. for Alx�jog slept ape night- In, Dover, he at . week, betfttea�hod 11ho, colobrati. Chat eAch xj�Wg 'et- all lie l7c IS and for,,modluni 'plao'HUOahl I A - Vni. This was land boast 1 -1jrItl4b, is., evi Ighotis 0, grades, latr -to.. 'of 1111f; house OLty", sguodulQd to occ.upy tbo-b0ance at' of that. fullispesubtu-product disvOyered, 4hat-pu 61_ afford grade 4w y aduptad'AMAJL6 -he 'OR logical. Seminal Wallis nature intended; that all' bills, sufficient Scope tOr stud, sells as low as. 1�0o, and a deal- A British subject base I deutly a ftcgeft , Tho blook usWhcC4 saga 0$ moiths shoUllt. 1��O, evr-saidit"ay ta be-iVotim'selt. one PlAt In X031traoM 10iti Itg1l Sufror$ burned' by .4 mob I 01OV00, It now extend for W long idlstanoo� Thit subject; to an npnult�r of $5,000 to -this It is'Custoulary at 0119 qlilsh.,00 . has bee %I t 'it rapid, 'Only his idow o4 lontr as she, lives. ation for ov,01"If colebr. hlSal 401I all Igin -46sa sery t 'hold Muou Damp, Mrs. Brudo- he tipped tho IQ.( g lot The -hot 'Weather ISL aexxt, als, appeal to t Ur. 'vem I the' lausilady rosponsible1or,the poor call be n.,pccujxf0d� .111 -Turewlill _wlloi ith % so ign, told, dMou, of -0 hdaisco with the bride. tisc., nlootV cisterns 'A -dis*qeh irbot Atofitioal says plipugh of tliciW to L COVt at the Other 4 that It did ]Act ,matt,ek about, t mv the jnx�jorlty of the Shipments, tiod, A Swedish, company has joined the ildiss.1 died Atina. III ty ,in a list con- f Was it v6tCr4tn or tile. Critu,Qt%ft. round 0�. tile Town with, no liany 411. at it is ZouglYr that a. great deal of -The City U411 h" A'AarrAw C� Making it 0, is' 0-tch 01 0-Ouxitr,' of springs. Protect the -the propa.14'roxxt, And I1mrrIe St- I 180 miles war. class to, Brighton; transit. from destruction by -fire, at An 4 al comblup; says a despatch, .. system has resulted. Its who, Coming to. thin country du�� lerent guepul when she covaplabled- tho rebellion.. lio- ocifiltr olq1t. and or, resort ho eagagea hour on Weduesd4y. morbing.' sor4 O musilcation botwe Ing the war of t - th6 l%#%CsotL Dair;� pound rolls ;ini Sorge -and It! Ohio, faint -and d d. -69ped over In o, WAStrEs lodgings. on the loi which also keen 6w4sxd at 11to to 18C. Oxeax�� fire was bodies of Doers. and cogilles, -Nineteenth, JUL. 41 ­ptated that 40Mth was he prepaid, t4ling the. same story oy la steady- and unchanged at 210 lixtbalaw t, L d I jail was held up. by- armed ponethe pr Ish to obtain a0curiste,ktiow- AqjR Volunteer Infilutry '. Nod Wra 1th.Vgh about Walting for 'his I I A were got or utx­� 100041"In A, Coll kud four orliolkery thor- movements Of I later given commarid at 4% brig,stic, due to over-eXertlots. Xt. would b,4 - Interesting. to minexisoly for rints qnd',20c; for solids. I e are o'llames. were VQ� a, walked Aput. ledge o 'W"t)ie railway are uniter tfucil. perhaps not verY.PleaAalst, of'sooliely rich flitbor. Irq Went on the piers, of alleged Ire$b, trol considerable d4intig(l odouL r CLix '68tilsixte of the alaousit� tried All tbo meellifieS, con- The, tomporaij� offices of b DIED IN HER CHAIR- allivajj, find eggs. continue heavy, but the nn Q.. I'­'Arthor"(f. Lo 0 huattiredr fattior wh, blodk-hour.oa U4VO of tile 400 Men recently apriatntog artni been couslil w*4 and tit the Present L larm§L J# 4DUr prOV_ tripped a ++nrnAvl Put %a` owner; fell over a. rock thre wasted- OIL xx -the. electril r Attorney's DePartMollt, to New ;sIgnmen, -do not sort out, Tery-wen. was Miles 0 . Yorl�.n. police force by Com- ta f rallwAy , _,r looked in at tile a4uarium, but I 0"op rtlen l't tho, top 'Storey feet high All .-04, Itio.durlult A single YeAr. - It U 8 L misnioner Murphy, oulyl 1JO have b s -that 'Pot Vo,ptur.�Ll clittlo can, '70 -withotit, the ostIMCLtQ Alake $air, hea4woy With his 10 Unt and Or the building, were adily 91 Trial,- uslaul �01 t1ho. other., - 'low MOM- LadY Of 8rO0kVIII6 gxPlres. to Her the Or sole qnywhore, 80malsuportgut, dg Along the P tho amount Would represent a verV money, roloro, Pl6ked, uV such stock does. not, - find. A ll�oly _cuilients belonging Parant,' aggli'lo, was baru�L now be broug) policemen OWare Germans- Considerable' ilgrit of'our. revon:110. three other'. laft., whom he tOOP to the city -destroyocl, 'and roasider-i ed to death-, a victim of 4i young tjiss 33ocra aro'b�b fill deril nuty.whoad""presentatiou is Incrons, market in or to, Selel Are. in the -rut careful. Intelligent 14irsher town ofe6l ab;e-damigo. done W the corridors at Tangier, ussisr. of their stock. ff While' the round, the _to 011'the Suits dew ' st and are brin at 121c� mau�n- cigarette, n the ing -�� i4id the I-014glalUff fatty fi"13 A dspatch front Brockville- Out.. who, has hill business In band assit ticlg�rs, and - afterwaftlil to 010, rdinary eggs sell At 11-, to 11JO And offices at% the 'let beneath, way by the Boers\Aro now 9 Q �Spxxislah and --Mra. RlIza MCDO11541L Aged la- Torre Haute. English, American. says under at; strict a supervision as thes theatre. He tipped people right and olu,dfug the City' Clork!a Offices. and reduced. Col. MtCh�ncr has I Itussian. 67 years, wife at tile 100 U001`30 Me- hip. allows but -little "Ieft-portors, watters, cabitten. even and 4r%rlla bring 84 to Sic, . lxrj�o COMMItteo-room adjoining. A - Washington deopp,tch Sayf engagement wttb and.,defeated '6 Potatoes -Now t-ock Is still searm the I e now more gold , ticut flougmil, died auddenl on Thursday go unati2ounted $or,' there Are tastgd of Ilia regal goner- to Ob_tgjxx This flat hall recently bqo gone over Uu�l Sam has niAndil,nt Viljoc b It nckhl * A drapery Store In a ConnQ � Lill 4, to so through whose bands the 'result opity for five brielit days at the soa,- and dealers Are unable ind. aintel, gulf, Isix -40 bullion looked up -in his cash "ll the, railw �V'y. P,C"Myl nealil)nne town in said to be run by three men night, hia %van sitting tured 25 po!o-1)(1111. th9 any cars. Tho :are paying $1,lo by- decorators i bor. than ever before. starkied England. Ireland, and Scot- chatting with a friend, when labors are Constantl Icak- side, Then he suddenly aWoko to been put In condition for the - publia Beerp. 35 wagons. and out I I at). , Mrs. McDougall bAd per bushel for largo Uots, aild'qiiot� 'gitsollue on the. yacht land. They met for tbO first time In forward (to i'he Duke find. V The Ifthtetath and Nine Has- Bni;- complLifixed-of feeling unwell lot' 0, Ing- and w less than. a, -pound, and hNt Losq jo�se& tire Such -that ilud. be had potatoes out of 5tory at, $1,20'. to roceptqu,to t uchoss of explosion 01 Severely burned ght. I America. Scotland Married progresi). is impossible fla5teo'ga, 74QMC to, hill 'grikt-striOl $1, . old-pbtatoes 4re C,�Out A Yorki all the occ 'at Oa,ra landIn sister. and Troland in enunged day oi- two before With rhouto(ttiOln- .25 itCornwall and golon 30d, , Chicago, acteld, gallantly In the a Waste t1sul. ­ lot -their visit to the city in Septarn- four persons, destroyed the -upper' Iler In If, ,lot put jo !ts plxroxxts to. Whom lie confessed ever I Isbell, for the Pea.1son. (4uotatiorl$ are few part, on of thO bol, bull not been to� Ireland England d6ath wan due best and highest U06. It, iii Same- thing, her.,, 11ad the Are occurred m the beat, and damaged 00- another sister. The is to heart fallu thocaLa -waste to devote tea, AUICII At�qtber office boy, a yeSr older ominal at, 30d per bat for Car lot . 0 hours oarliet, or bad it, not bearti,dis- lumbla Yacht olublicusO- , R6 first union IV called and 406 out, of store. cotland. land to Santo one particular crop than the first, bavink si4exied of OssIed Hay -Now bay Is offoreCIL free_ Covered. When It was. t to quite pos- Mines In the Tra:navaal are to be 'JIU. ' E. 11. �qmceld of East Pro- i IN.rLAIMATOUY P 0 III) . . I - t petintioent..garrison symplom a tA A when the uncieUdIJAWq OIAIM)Aarkz� ACIC1119 StAmps;-4vent, to his amploy- mnbroagbout.tho, Bible th%t_- the wbOI6'hxxJI4J4g would re-oponed. and- a- - . . - many �e, jux-g- just received a am sl as to lcat room for 41s ofilea, A quArtor of az'bour be- It ovin6ol � dud -dealorR Are - able to have been destroyed or vcry� badly I st6tione(I A obannosburg, lorea4INDale. -d- one of. the greatest to 4airive, r 4amaged. . changes are to be made oil Lord a Says Government modal which 'Wag awl" Boxers in' canton Pont The car - loso, 'wa�tes fare the time'lor-tfie Stalf of obtain all they want. Car lots on The loss to the . A despatch from Brockvill ed him seventeen YCal"; 094) for liero- 'X t L to ' Brockville voterinarioG are alarmed '!�M in helping to recuo the crew of comes lrom4aflure to spenti:'Moiloy broke Info a cashl raek; here 4o quoted building itself. will Milnees return to the Cape. Christian 071apols. on needed Improvements. It is a 0equo4bod.1r, and blall forged m 1$8,50'per ton. Old In quiet and un. o More thall"61,000. A husliVad and- wife reconciliation- test ntbrux has found Its %V&Y Into ;xL shipwrecked schooner fit the her nay" VY-111ale then xage W ch from Caut &cided wissto t6 spend -time in War* 1001 '$9.50 to 810 for PArs tri . ne done to the after the wife's r6rvi4e of twOnty' this section, on Several cases which Lb6t Of NOW Haven. Thd modal was vialtdspa"Alti-forolgh pla. rdo, causit.- that is 'Con- took tb6 giseque to,a 'got olitinged at, Th4i'groatex, dan Jul; with machiner I)auk and itrewk Toronto.'- ...... depaIrtmea, On years in prison, for qatispirinG with they believe to be tive disease have mislaid in a secret dritwer in a deal, ating front the IIOX01? have betm tit ly AtIng out of.repair, when it Cashed, In hich he *as -helped by the conle under their L notice recently. A out , gr . -thotauk, having Baled Str4w.-Quiet and Steady. t1lo. top. floor. There were many the ,'hired man" to murder in the Collector'n office at tile cut)- posted to the vichilt of the - Chrb-- A now substitute could be purchased being known 'vt logtramento, which, it is prison, few dayn ago a two�year­old bull be- e ues there, L Then he ty habby,'Is the burden of a tom h6ast at Now Haven, 'and was tlan chapels. The flacartin Protest grice.a gro wichunged at 54.14 to valuable Will be -a total loss, romance despatch from Vleunvl- longing to a Brockville man. Which found ox�ly a fo%v days ciao. wft)� � VIA. progeop f'tbe_tIM0 Idat In Vr on 'Iota �da track Lnow believed, -11- . .... .. -'j, I'milliolsalmol I for oak, Igh t In possible that 00-0 of Impost on of the housO i looking- 'up repalr§ And hav ng riim�ta'off to Play the he Toronto,. that Potatoes ay soon be the grecti,cst wan being cared for on a farni twr, tax. t.,styling It I only coacted in pieces to. replace broken ones. Whett at the rate Of Over $16 n day; for 'them way be again, made to do ser- the New York Markets. It t w a taken ill about, 91.19 0 indemnity to be the. solk.11 1pated the Whole alpoa4t in just, 'V1CO' heevening. 110 was no -1 order to lue0t t , and prostedo mplti6lm efud- VAUM141IS' AAKJKT� ISEISES. I paid to the P 'in Ins! Itt I snore than --one 't ok t certain 11,61d in not * In loss wilt not be less than luxury s�q -A Portion of the valuable They hae advances in and Suffering from a, condition to produce a, certain qOl) undo TRANS ID RD, D r three weelm. of teed sht,,ri,, be obtained, Why the police for., that tifoo, al- Wheat, white ... ........ $ 70 00 IaW library , belonging to the city dollar 0. �barrel in one West', and arc 11 to tho bighest perfection, the highest prices Ob- hemorrhage at thd nose.1 t Ildhe ar on the foreigners it if) time, Ing 'a C� n0wit with though they startAd After 111111 with- do rest .. . ....... oil 00 attorneys -wan also destroyed. The noW bringing n(:'Ift money labor and land wasted It low hourg of IfIff,prereatin 1,� tallied In yearn, S1.50 a barrel. Shortly afterwards the alltnIMI Was Chlun to not yet defeated, It i-11 tbn�t particular need. It in here thAt in g 1; the do goose ... . 084 00 origin of tholro to a mystery. found ' dead In an inolilted stall HOW IT POSSIBLE To only tii GovernmenVil OY09 %hlch the farmer needs hin: foreolght and ebeque for cal Most Of time do npring ... (38 00 ---.a- one of the now battlehills of -'he jisted.' A Brockville LENGTH331i -*OUB. DAYS. only t I 'lons secluS to bave:bc6ii spent in railway: narlLy ... ..... 40 00 United States navy will be fittod' which he Occl hldisloyal hlinister.4 his acquaintance with th6ondit gqd, anchor In tha ry wan called -in. and train thou it W a ewo sharp to StAy By(, 80 00f, TS. with the largest tot, vot'er, conclud-1 we r w4o to Guilt the soll. He should hnow what trains, for lie wag too ...... ..... the Syl"Ptouls an deacribed, naamia, nd five, "t fearing Otte T' TO RODER! a vir. nalt M�f long In one place. Silver oats ... ... ... ..... .40L '00 NFL% worid. The nchor Weighs 1.3,500 It(; Cures of Ing grectly to Ity-utudici caell ot his fields to best Adapted for, oil that I ti r and knoing, this lie will be to a po- earen, %, gold liunting watch, a dia- Uy, old, per toil 12.00, 18.00 anda, and linka just been completed the animal had been a ilow Can the ca efu stand scarl pin, three rings, and a do ilow_ po Navy Yard. tim of anthrax. Ilia pont-mortoin of, Sailors Enjoy Frob#om VrO111 ed. except tiffEdn5t, sition to make, the best use of each, . ... ... .... 1. 8.00: 9.00 �f CojAftiong PAssed Meast I �O a I t tha Cliarleatovil, the body ArengtItetled Ills 6115PI-' Cancer. 11tary arto be Us an we other- -Oil$ WAYG in WITICIt revolver were Among tbO things, h# Straw ..... ...... ...... .. 1. 9.00 10.00 by 281 to 7& in a - quarrel, at need'a tation, oreignera ? HOW c I)qrlvf; isumor Butter, pound rolls 10 oil Bedford, Ind,. , John Bcdoley clon. A an been made I Just an there are trad�o whiel Wine employ our realmentO ? be wasted, bought. A dentictfoll, irom.London. neWs:-In near A report of the clialy h most Inevitably shorten or MOA0y W09 colluted the farmer's )Percy way money bohlind ciocks... 14 IT billed by �,r rel' r 1900 much IV 4 To avoid the tvazteu Is one of the . lie left a track of the ilause of Commons on Wesin6day wa; shot antj ln9tautl to the Govertuncrit, but nothing hag hopele-Voly miserable Is a 01 . through lotteries, gambling. and i he hurried front pla�c tO I-Iggg, u6w laid 15 17 riltz and blEF son- the fathet oil ultural 'the farm t general bighotit attainments of agric him a, In proposing a resolutiou granting Nelson fc, shotgun been he�xrd In reply. t-110:30 who fono them for a Coll-; taxes. Itut tiley ere never Wealth Is not so Much the lace; nd when -he WA9 Mt -last 41`� do held stock 14 at died is Said resto per�palr Im refence. . leall.oxilmusted' L 6J) jr, Field 3farnbal-11 vi oberta 9100,- emptying the Content 4 his which tile antin to I nifforable time, therO are Othe adc-i satlafied. Therefore, should the 110,00 result of accumulation as of econ. d he had pract A chiekelua, old 8() 000 for his services in South Africa into the vietimla abdomen. an have been infected With authrag aev-, or occupations which Billy L' fcIy`\bo tax be, coilected. ,ve will demolish omy. it in nof. the man who earsta his funds. i boy atolls name- do opting, Per Pair. 40 (lit Accordance with the recommenda- n011, firing two abuts from revolvtv eral years ago- and woemn ar,'� nuP-, said to cure certain dimas and to the chappiq and drive out the Chris - at , A solicitorla *&� I)uclw, per pair i-25 In into, fils Load. po,,,ed to have, brought tpo gormn to the most that bncomec3 wealthit. tWn of Xing Edward, announced fig IdentIW, papers from his mastor's Turkeyo,. per Itr ......... prolong file ; !-and it peo in nec,0� tl,sna� if th. 11usperor in unable to t if; Ito wilt: _ve� what lie solikes4 Conti! for- $100 t& the Jloucq og. Lords, by the Promier,. fbo surface f ahe ground. I find affli tell with Ill. %y, w(-, Boners, Ilave an excellent lot vlaste III, lk and sold, them 00, L I ? dIyor doz ... ...... Lord Salisbury, Meaday last) A. J. 'O anlention to the an to gaill V, victory over the who laoes�f the littlo income and i vouse, one to Whom 00Y were Of 4011� 11canai butter, per bu 60 WRZOOD WITH DYNAMITE. 1;v do. I, Balfour, the. Government leader, In �,, -upation wilald who watelles f 7 tat it I so thin Policy ures It to tho bent adval Big A villorable , value. 110 won 'Only tht Cabbages, JiOW-,per doz 40 60 HOW A TRAIN WAS WHOM- I 1, 0 the Courro of an eulogy of the Field Lh they might. crops ate umesqif 01 t 'tcon, and the purchanor was ingulto- Carrotsy per dbz '.20 0. Marshal, wl�$ut he -Compared with A lla,mr *014.1opblt thoald"PIOX46 "d =10gii:n tI_-W(lr,QtheO ad t,'�ll �r-at rebellion ID cor- 'reen sM I ly tor, blameable than the'lloy was; probably would, it then ItOWELd Of L 1 ;>, 0 pe Caullflowerl VoL doi... 1,00, 1.26 is and The lao6rx Cowered vasylly. Natty Dead tal Wanted, or not utilized which 10 010 DUCII men As COIjingwood, Nelso Ohio Stallwow. I value thing is out of proportion to, but one 1001S M tingo of sympathy curtail their da . per dzi,. Wellington, said there was no doubt, Being Left Mulind. Digs client for the rascally patch aCr When One tteumbero, per doz.. Lou 1.25 daring A. de�,patch from _.acp!l of lie threat and FOOD QUALITY. the amount used to good advalitA90. IWOWS'that hiss "Innocent too"' a'- do aipor doz ... that but for Lord noberts' ItImOrd and Ohio train trout A deapatch front Capol naya:- are the , me common of all Mal" else tcndessey f.o spread his operation tered tile chequtlthat War; giveUllith g5 and L4tidtrf1,'Y, and the rapidity with The III wdue to arrive, Details in -regard to the ftOckilIg of dim, but ' there are occupationg over too wido an arda, N oft6 Of the doZ ....... 15 whc hs s ere carried out, the Eat, - whict so Doors at GaMiS, which positively cure either aaoo in the GormaX, CC653fol far 1110 father (OA Whona behalf he per Irs Ica- a tr4in by ti D211h and 'PallO LettUce" a Grand Central, Vella. Ch evils agalost which -the fill reigned to negOtiatO, for the sale Of onlatia, grenu, per doz lClusberloy and .3tafeklon would have In th O,clock on Wednesday, wro Bridge, near licalifort West, CaPe wbon t�() discane has not advanced Capital Greatly Adultoratod. farmer has to A�uard. It Ia. bette abd Parsley, per doz ........ falten. 11,000, British wo, have go"at V. fX few, dayn 'ago (OX -_ r -.4uto bile-Jor $200 egs, green, per pock. 25 30 uld "Ited men at 8 Colon, , although it May have Made rIlli to cultivate one mere p cablied It, rWeetlY smiling. a submission at Lady- sodAd Grand hao jut been recelvoil, a have A ueol roperly the papera) been otarved lot 100relfack bby five' Jumada that doctor )at,,h frilin 11, alt tween Edgemore ik;lcat get all that Is possible out at it per bag ...... 40, no, stillith, and* there Would have been C A h - ton acres for What do, ah I . transpires that h11 official c - Potatoe" listislitinot Heights, Ind., 8 It tool; him barel 0, Wek t I mitei out It b oned the Cana an hopeless. to work 'Aild during that w, per bu A general :rising of dialoyallsts I'L 0 -oopO aboard the ;Ifhc work fit certain brauch&) of. made (it tile food, products in Berlill- Nelciltiflo - jecl: ....... Great Britain might from, Chitag, Coln'! coal gaq 0ormany, dul'1110 dke Month of June througlk. the Money, 85' 40 1). one of the mail eafa, were 100 R.Itih tl oliould bovg6t, out f on himself photogrphed do do per t South Africa. m under maing of lian been 294 5peclusesto 1Xrosing, period he bad 30, dy- train, -While thO BOel d6Z 911), 00 have recovered th6refrom, but At Which Contained no MOI Ifso In foJIrL*tjCue$, Visited Sliefiluld, Ullubarbl Por t;(s 00 try wait bay- n4saited and wrocked. The attOMPt lioandaut Sclicepera numbered known to care e n ail- nhOwD that 0.1 atultTitgal standard. utilizing evel Inch of ground, Iep- e5toll; fed Tomatoes-, per bashet w1fat a c(13t? The coun nuttle, after tife'tvso, The nocra looted the luggage of tile aolitti. and mtiv persons who have (lid not, meet at Pool, Liverpool, and Pf be Turnips, por d6z... t... , 40 00 ed from this by the 90111-1 of the at robbelT war) i. but retreated upon 00 r JPICO of Milk lag tho 19611 ata2wximuln state, obtaffied work in breweries and tan- Felt Out Of fivO 040 r ccat. of himself at ther bent restaurasite man ,so xiov� Invited the House to mail gars. had Iletti.datached from pasnencerr 'J:� lit, xbrfktry axi(t Vegetable marrulwo per gnd run a quarto �f ' all armored tPaill, Of were adulterated. Ierttlity anlMoreing lt�wlth V� r of a.appearance a neries brLve been entirely cured .d. -e doz ..... ...... ...... reword by a. unaninlo-110-VOte- - it Vaults] rc -to yield could shil Vitiles:md, Six Plays, 1.00 1.50 irre the train, connumption. It in an eloquent fact the r1clugagon wore artifi&MY culorc .teoting lntc�rvalg of cou yet slept In the open�ixir. I tile IoLctwurat 'sy its litmost, anat. There phould sid- Watercrets. per dO4... 20 00, mile qbCad. Tho failure of tbj� rog-Irhich fired on them 'Spectiva of political differences : Iguit. Nitte, deal, f fail on that con-11ij mpt lots In practicullY un- and R'fl Per cent 0 (in At Blackpool lie attrafted con Drn!:ctl Logo, per cWt The Liberal leader, Sir Henry beri; to, alte a rich Il wa due nt I not 1* any waste placen on by driving OX0 concurred , In to ilm fact that th(5 express car, the Gold tile n I. , known to People In re,".ular emptily- contained flour. ei,,abll attcnt Beelf, 8.tO' ITZ ituy more�than there ollouill be Vvasto 0do into , the nure, ", V/ o mefd"Mid 'tift (�ra. brow- + lifted 010 Ulm. + -lit aq br ootiq on tb6 shelves. 0, I Shop; but lie do fort�qlldrtera ... ... 4.150 4 , 50, the Motion. which contained tbo tral ar belief; In on- no= AT ZOLA'S .01 - I 'whillow of a emu, aveasell thoice... 0. .5 0 191 ohn Dill6n, Irish Nationalint, Wit,,) lit an U0115141 'Place. It wa the NT 10 HAT. ory-hando fit partieu All land, g6od and'Ill allk idar pberalisr compennate4 tile owners Of do C. ......... 5.50 6:00 gig opposed tits vote. 110 pro' thlrd� car in tho train. After wreck. &Nn OVX,, WE , joyniont of remarkably robuot health .Invented rApital 46 foutmoll �tkan, 4 rf I - qeq of theAhront. Itill tile ram6sts 89tate tile larmer,10 file window and tbe,traP. ftud hu" Lamba, yearlin ag4jont locAtioglor; Lord Ito- ingtho, mail car. and. obtAiniatv, no it, wa a brand ­f bat, art , to rrmpa ate "Oully AttorPt Made to 01nd it there 1.15 any part of it thatll Itay. 9, per tested -aciation with buch men boo it , In molt, hava beef) w , ring it for thn unknown to workers in petrolitim to- French not workin. It Ia 00 Muth CapitalL riedify tooved out of the, town. ty, tbo robborn dinal)VCare to first timo,. lVlell �ho finally got. her- filling nlicti ; in fct It rXessis Cliat .. ...... ..... berts Jfi an, 4 jug spent Ill x `410 II as -Marlborough, Nobion. C6111"g- the darkne�4 'M01011t attOMPtixt5 atch from ph�L) usyn t -A Whig Title, io lutlelf Wasted, Keep' the holiday Isla employer had allo,w0d, do oprium, per ni Der ell . ....... 6.,00 1-00 wood, ond .Wellington. He declared rectffy�tllelr 1.10taltO-' Tho Only loot nelt fixed fit bs.. f.eat qt tile. theatre met, who Work ut refilling I etrOh'" A dr -lop fig iloprofitablo rttle J9_ another blat becaue' 110 pleaded alcklx0bo 110 Mutton, I Itoberb had nho A the greatest they carried away with. theol as a the man and an behind lier nat- at tile great ollworhil of Amprkca and bomb filb-d with cartridge -1 and -Ith Lard ItunsIV, fruitful source of loss. A berd of a jAtess- Veal calves, light, Pet V oxne .d that site t,.7ould re- are Inglinceptilsto bp OAMI a Itobted live attached won Vlac�!d returned to th OM& With th' Zfe;L and said of the adventure won ourally expep, no Of the Ia tho, door Of the cL.'Irtmentl Of M say. ten dairy cow.5, allig Ilia dutles, Via 11) ..... .... .... ....... 5 in-soutu . fair aVerkl*e 'pror of esed do Choice. jtgrL* ...... 7* 3,d eptilloycd barbarous mathods �Vatch of tile Lxigindr. %, f f- tho uerformance had at- diplitherla-0 it, yearly. but tile tion 'diSp enter. howel and J14d proved Ithicelf a dialual (031- ha traht Wad 010 liev York and d b! it, and it duit (,if their M()ST INV80TTOt14 8i b 114 re. 11 91a, the glithor. on taralev Who doe ot keel) an indl- Till but 'for reaotin bi!st, veatibuto limited. Most A,� go completely, builig far,. It was dincovered by tht' Coo' vlov? Of/UW 010 vidual record of his fierd 114 not In, It to his two vietiffifli 'dimulanal, Toronto, Aug. '61-Trado,wan llva­� urc. gton A fouloug Italian ningina mapter placed the Ua0Vvcrbt1s!` 'At. I The eantpre war; par!: ad, by a. vOW of tile ttala of euppmosta size. with big. chOalli ciell The met, %V11c position to say whether CtIt or Only lie lve:Aerr. -Cmttlo Market lairoLv the bu ur:rd to tend there of hin Pupils WhO Arniphing Illm wa!l�llix silly punisillile lier: at t and sm1pro of 281, to IP. had i f,,tj Crn, All over it arwd, and t1l0 nuffered from Weak throat.q. but boulb, itt the door claccreded In MaL- Solna of the tows are fl nd b6th, buvilim Ing, their eneare- with, a prolit� The ittiltvisladl to- IIANovAN TO 00 TO Jawsoul rteop�lollrl_tveldo a better dAy'17 buOiyle!'Alr m) WAn InjyjIlLo iveral, aiddlatog p . intft- winhod to adopt singing W$ L% Pro- rurd hrm In slially r "Itod In Offerings wore, heavi4or, but there Was &tller by tile dpoatutto or firtlatIlln- ner of t4lo hat phowoll no feoloo, to And'emplovMP"t It' Oil lartliplillig that while part of a AltodV demand for good to choice The train Vmr; rustillng at t& bigil Just of taldna it oIT. MaO ber refinorieiq. cind the ajosont all ro- XMI(for'n's ISIT. , roo a it patj!:4,,d (!dlum- hind, gret7linflatitInt. and anuoullf0d t to him within. a few illouth.el file h(wil a paying (loan- C*ttle, 'All(t. all of that dqscription 'PV0 0 01cing to turnet .6tAtell,tra, of t V *11 11110 determination of npe tity of milk tile otll�rs do not pav W Were, quilickly rold. r.,xpartcra were 1101gho, und Immediately after 110 and With thmat" rd up at,40trong %],at iro Win start at th.6 Itor Aous06 IsfT ut of 6101 *41� ber. 1lut he the nerve. ardly cassa6le of Itse Vipir kcvp. tnft jbv6t it W(�wuld A deAPatch front Ottawa n0lo and. high, wiliti3 e.,sind but� it of itilo amistir L tlit-they tfc,Mg fn- ,itable, to'1111 them from, the w direevFin nat thrro.,bollitin within -ain or tatiatte, and prac be mue.h more pro, A 0!egrAlA WW9 rcceivett cjxt�; t.-eru firilt. Vecdcl's all StOcl` A drnpatch from F111101' 4T- IV- 1"lin') gl�l folisluille tact, Ott � t- eoldn It 11-m Ovc-11 vi'l .4 dairy -tivit, --but Mill of Ili!; 'rnaine a farge o6% Oil It, wao then that ofit oil Ono 4COW -1,5 Cp plCIC (,Oxapanion o-Pital Corr-ccpou- Off litaxii to confillue, ther a, on W(Idnesday orl nhoW04 a, litt'li Ow V., Itta Thoarr. Itillrazer, tv ir b 'pd. sit r has - igned the oidct�ltll har, wilich, C01110 ratio tuggoited at Acenrding to t1le Is milk Conti Wore 410C small Stoll av 49 'Unox o t, i t t. jug thlit ILL s tall %V0 (1, dott t�o, Slj6 made audible Coll,91011tO On the Abould-to treat. mit fit Me hlowir, Often netded to euttlitorbalotinte thO ('941acit which Allown the law to. k a I andi a) 01 d! it In- hat. whiell flit, owflor VOUTIT nof blp to was weaVl nud ho94 w0te ullcilft"901. nbot and I Z it 5,4 Oil JAC0 Jumpe potrolousil lUnitcd lltatc',l Orun Wim (#I Iflolotil. t.tbrc f0. lit theEt, ra"_ tke t r �tt Men fwr'n dep,Jrtura for the liq tatal and ov�vhearlha. ,jhe enplained Its, at- Cd ""'no' the alaunirr- !�r tt an. it t, ti man and rild nhe Mcb, Q0 fill the alr of ll'�trolpsxm r i� lived far tLe oi-st t)f Angunt. Ofter mhould bo sent to yiikot, '11106derer. Mr. Scott tl ing 1.0, rattle, 1.9,11 Kild Tbursdti� 60 lud, 0 to tile r -ab aW (t. t how" It I., nalleccsEal"y it I 11 pple" with PC— ctitceture uefifilp r upon telegraplicd to Iladelive. the labibla, 5, CaIVC9 tLud 891 11098, woulant) ber-InAl , and in cirpusa", VVIII .0 had tried it on and this Will proN Watt#,� to keep unprolitablo rowo, A, hisormlan, to set (sut 101, Vml;ffoa fill- I"t Ott attlo. chotee, ebxinle I .Ml ) r 1Xr, vole'ln. 'k. ulotlitting into V), P to einto Am b of dayo but 011410 It o Ile done ere lorg ovvi� six Dl= 0, gult, minitir, and VOthing Ore ex - poor intik .r I -dr jumt is 6xprPA've to ....... ... .... tj.12f bouge by for c , rJ drew a Cab of 06 enflino./ftO rOb Ora c&VO?` IV n1, ilidn't like it. imatforn and In- a go"d and When the por twt_ A.25 4.61's r4ovoltel' and A r ue4, dur- ing tfirf ew�fnc� aus), 11rclool wit[; che, . do you landw It's tho rante collent curen tot, rhot , dincha Z. _arc� do Inedium, Per Owt t1toit. r0i,,olve, n, a0 001 OWD ItOw jor titiaemia. wmeh ttjol-ldso roeova ta nall ROT ClutIcAt, llitv? anlird the ifj jar more common CONDIVON do tor,,17. pr -r icwt.. t� mg wilicil tits ,th 09, Uld usqn. patorinc* inlady rfttoU W Qorr-lan Aaronaut. Mutt ed atA To ot Volbotva aotm end the 1mr latter lityge btuallee, ag, tile tililit of the tiling. llutchera' catao, Pic 0 t to the tho loon tO Un' st peoplo fancy. dnd Ism- Ifism-# r�ntrg, wilc-It va,,l I would know it hnVw Are 4 1� WAY, '9110 Wt' wal AOM 110411, OaYO t" Zow" 4.40 r_-rionil to boot. Anactnia. nod rheu- t PIM0141, 0,VeCV f0tirto. Ond ther-O 1,4,aul eat CA 4.00 4 �JfJL JIC3 St!Xtion, golil (4)tAplo tulartA tW%U5tIed tfjo b r - balloon w;e01lr.Iof% oil iri*dw WA to"it do, thoicA ... . and t C th&O'D.110 Pvi,( that , - file dfjtc�._ Thov tboll. illatimll [Ira troublm nultnowit to Purim 0, ffl0W(.)*4.rir4 �tbein. dc!ypatrh Irdiftl do fair . .... ;lA0 6 0 oil aln havo nc�,day altern qutlon. of fine way of mrsl, back Into ti, 4b, 4, ticket ct 0 don, Ve , to by a prnl%-r y4terst of Ilooh-kivif- ho lie) in a eritkal froj� - cow -red 11111a wae4 mor lo mulan in win, 12.61L -at Inntituto. at - 74 do I nflt Ile )Ital. *fle 0 than 0 th Im It So wit thut tb('� rap court matAlml at fIr oil I stilt Ikeeplog tho P0814"er � 114tt, tift ilbolunR37 fP01A K111301hla- t 0 't I ... .... ;. .11 front eould ntand. 0'47 came Mi! (Julto (Ito Cattle extefit 11.4 .U11111t. tni�zid aa Altitulto �fj(t (to, 3. -a, dircetm tain to ull book Its".4ns; he it nimplo I f. ith' ravolvet ft, cifIrrelotitioun rort111110t VP vtorld's .; .140 f thwl bcatta do bElIW of and there WAD tbo vrovto"A Jim clft�q lbat her lifftlenty 4conce �,itdin " a wilotc. ll,�n 10)7 ralw� up votA6 djduc courco. wacli,t lojnego� rttot.4af plomt, ATA *1041! lurcount t4hiJOIAK ox-vq 11011s. brpGrt, heays/. tor tile toff r*mh*e P11 all tbat is *�wm,healtb, A-lartning tep tho 3X-ari �Ut, 1411d011 0111Y OW tfafft- pn 16 huzd0d, aICwt two, reeorft t1f 01(Zlir, nad At mdlatel daingtr. go Ilght, pot dwitw.... t4a saw 7W4 of a** LAM op Tocou 31 1% all it iis 110 tb "7111111 logi A subject sL AA