HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-08-09, Page 1. . . . . . . . . . . --- -WON sinslavi
low Ad soyou to CU IQ tity, Or The cial g6wapaper of the CoutitY Of Huron. GODERICIt ONT., FRIDAYo AUO 9, 1901. 0 0 I Wzy YN&U Orlor Tosfu Tlgoiii comvoait�,_ Tum HArpsoft PARIC.-Thle lit ^J at?ILTy Oy AjmA,,u�.v.__0o Yriday Week to. allippiisd two oar loadsof OXPOrt 041,06 Thwowo*onsvitisitherfoAdrivivis AVXW.Y *460 P�W.0100,&
rfrr4 boturc, Tait 14TAX Went to ou Molls:147. ArArows Woo, A* "uttre oil Uftturilloy *Von- HOUA Jitam billt it si,0044 mists lilw$ oha:siss W4&lsb Witt Chok amod is O"Al" orli; U. P. for South 014tatio,
A INQ - thIq trees. This datwx slioula be rMeiated. judge Doyle with assaulting a tavol is oult*4 as follows I
FOR OHS 1,1`01#1441t *Awcor UQU111.11C & Co. Ohl 4 ear losid of An* rttle "lKo dthem bon 4411 "Idoot ,IXUICALTICX R . Arid kilwW V try to live to thali (14ndiaA. was W14,47 vIR4,10% X or in Venforth, #4 lit% hollot. w U1W xlwow ;#4 Mwo Wynn (01, W** oil Una v t4 Tt"" RAtl 04 the who toushit the U. 0. it Wier spoilt this att,wriselaring tho-svtdoopw. Vjdpd Tuesdy tit* issorA Arm *bIPP" & cell' MpQrWW** 'we" " rrlsig i�ll f thealnuts hint giltilt. and rpNotixidolil 10 ;UWAIt"Aa tha Wrotig sws, qQOW As *00 of dipeleadusig *Avocal:44 C A more ol a till cmdov add Hissio wool min MWIlet" *ad U k*d of illobli, LO tilt $41`01* City- W ill* oftoiswill witirtien. Of' AftIftexation und" the XUl" of (;Om+
t,sq PARK HOT1116 0"" for rk. fall. Fairly large trosili; wero. listed WA W) 6-3� *ko-C
doing ANW. ST plill Thursdy for lisentsvice. YO#Wd*Y w,possaid mud Win car A1w. uadior LOW Mo. ii:�Oboat. and are I" Nlr UITUOV.-At is- vtoiw rturtsibs prmow Tax
*1 aW.AMU"W" paruoslov xW W $-I. 7-3. *-3-
.. P , the ders, to who 14 quite y n9s, I - He is nOW said, t4o bfJ Wells insid, theiAlo Is " V*ason, why the this riz Toronto tb" 4040410114- WOVA* WVAA thl* tbw- vrtw
litAday 41tin was 40111 oft ths Court. 404 it rii k with four ll*mwln
wo, U. WMITH. XAM 11l "art shapki lint, he atioe a a" Cron) blill holoor Rustles. Off W716 r I"t stlall for V141toto WAS a to ly. 1101 767T. 1=249. pulillowhoollarif INIMMA COMMA 7 It Ontotria. Ass. 4xisor, V�Vxiouo 115A very strong I go on vospeopled a6n- Issicilloickloo %to to be taugt to the *0g* they h2 Ov�"AISAUO4 oAJW sone $Msdoat 0401110to h=n rem won troto 04, -4 0"t,""W Unloss, SAUL �. ga ,k TWO *411; viliak- yorlo sno I* so toopt elroul" hit r �t . slisimillitionsaid(W)*4 L A* to
Imt the prilopoer weil, _,4 ItIm"d Wy twhor of tblds so TUoUlMOVOOM
roughly modormlilto mail NOTICZ So) b1&!r1km th" all 04011`0001i Modol fthO016 AtlYlvilatolit ali.a. Q0464 tilt sMlis; Midilietass (0) 44. be *01lit to thill, towtia *44 Vitla", '".4 Ing W 0, ship4wato 1boir wasitill,l He. oomeonlo" r- WV0 , eof A. 4C00#01MY �aj clots will qy4n ort I TueWAY, Sept- OrdA 4L:Q� (W) 111-3, "OrIck Oj"A 4)0, fu sitars t1iso Itill J3x=st=x*._ThIs town IliNtAuft ( gIve piroctleat 4*ftO0W"atI*4*, In Isto w ad, p-W44so, new bar. 000tri111 light. plath, uo4tLrd;a4s4 on orpu. the Uth Y, f at uble. oot in. The Board of Arid "W10 90a Witt prollit to X awith the A4A ''eo at o AV41', to Upset t1lit washimarss skIrk *V Aumwwo WbIsh Paid data, X*orbQro Jim rs'"littly t 4*64 systosmo� *ud k bolvia, AW04, ror- sAy*i
roospeotisorittly at the "14�- a of the somelz tatMos W wou ail040400th 00 that teIisiihart% �Tls* that isZool bosras W o"A to r"lloo thla wa* have been 3C W th OQ44M heit been rf- August Nth. Those wlithisto "14 their noccloillity as Wt of V oltuto 06. r 04 to oqViris, Vl - 11"Im a 0 public. XoW goommollation I model seboolps K" illegrAph 1AY44 detttio 1wht Compasslos Toroot(i Tologitlassi. pultsll*444 P4114 Weeks "
arliNowd. *0 libod every to isittend I his toprIC11100. 411!kY iN*4MQ board slAt *U itsessisloos tiat sills ta'awmi,od Town -4 too UsAiststed to the astato School have on ]right to a" tivis, 4000 datoill Aug. I tit 540atloof lot , *4 sod In 11odono Stoo, advortloo trOM W tho, tWolllux pabuigq. aft As, asfIn 101 0part"ll0l, 44, "_vZod to o0tir the pawl, -Auh frowl 44 4 led a call 0OUVAtrY 11 urtlifir x4A , 01"d era tissues I wisectors, beforls, th0dittils of ta"t highways at t le, boWn ithout the 7th"WhIch eiethe extilisno" w re
will ro"Fle ovargo their bWIVW IsOCOM the K Of 149110A I __ I til #Affl0asioN eesisWMI, UTATZ ro�k"tx ApplIcant* shold State Which 1K. b of ow e910010 xception. cthese Roos 'to wit , 6 losplouvkw tAv* unit" to, d"Vew
milossisit of the OW04" at kbo,prol lotloxiat cAtioldit wilt be ishowh. by the tip I IV L40OU110 Arm JOVAtod In 0040rith, They 0.* th . 10 regillisli ftd�y k4lix" Ill".? issal oft lalwoo'sutp, they lqx-% . to. .11
Ada -it lit- Nat austisto be N� 1, no y I4 iof the haa'A save. Wot ipilitaisoissismil oa,owo Apt ulcressis of tb is er uIld4w thit: 1111100 In ten I b Attrlbittw I'll 4 0"t 1116"ork their 11140- 0A tre" 4web. Vatrick IICIPAJ councit. Oil one ish". t*U 04tisto !A twovitary brick awor lit tile census m4urns OA V "t" of Kho, council of o14*vw". 'AU astiAZITZM-Compilbrat oral Serve. hMbdAXft,. AAVO ordered too A , 0"�K; 4 our" Kirl, Ve oW tla ViAmilk, Ap i1110 A WOU m4l, every thivs IV (A on Imath NO.$ of the Officials for pruillok atr".t shade 0:
no, a who is station ILI or. Couticil. ourlded. 'Plore is StAill, mrsm weritlorista, Ilk Isol; W60U'* STAR, W" eIvy t a 11 Another t 0 r OIJ 0100 lis 610idissltIr $00 Vork to be SIVIst upon thft r4tlilolk Ut a0st "We 110fo out tre" Arsi the propert of the luo"101)). 11 e In lits,olIporst frmino lisiusis IK144 lot, as% at, Y, Ad itur Announ(vd, that the floor" for. IV alit" ago infrout (A&TOKU-0. to t: , sidAlthol. Aug* were, created An(I'twlly enjoyed a shortly to )links 1401 I lit tho fillit he bi acrop otwo *foaxit his tovvtos� #A* Adilro" *tree& WU01niss Vill be reedy for-Vt1bilentols, on
K thesralloarty of N ��U* crops bots tit - b. isauTpoutoonaile - or -has moup"01 I I 4 by hiol" h at* 'tA "yee PlKist'S4 'a tbl% (.0"lit"' 41slovs, �tboxu the Watitc,' Tl,*o g%wes ro� to, who ob u te III I, zood Of 1W III$IXre or rf oil sroili �fio follows:-Hoys-satk, race, f,rwou *ltu*W they look splendid, I will; hive on od right to, Of CIM13P, ad 140"601114' so, y1URHJSJJUD HOTISO WANTM) about itatkoof gralit stud Without, ettlxig "V1111901 suited. s 0 U 1*W'JrBQY$` 43011094� of over 6 months. For)* this rAw Z X001111cuddY,, T#10 Aftforth axposiltr defoodd thst.
4 Novombw lot for -04ptk ft� Mo Owell U( Iway hislim July, A. 1001� 2" Was Ot ball, With low Acres In Authorit pla; Ito athe rat eeto.' Tblo.ig t ftjrn- DROWN1911. 'it xat%ht is scale* you .U000 A era ot In , wAtiss PA"'I'-Ths, .4mist% Uopoilt kot* Minch lit"Iflow 01 00". d it titT worldlh"41044)g through it, 0 0000t, savill t 0004% "4, thrilkill o4tista 0944410,
-419 orip 'it klollditors for Mary 0. 0000tr'sn(I 14. Its t1f St,. Oe")W* To P.,Q- 'Wit$' Ot. tile sod 11116 (*oto R-. hoot, rate,
inbytb V.111JOUIllott; race $0t propw � z^1Iws* 1*111 voiftilt 14 held no the UWA at the 'Voldif"Ce of aceat"plishod
Mill, . 1404slost WO III TIC boat hile W-04 iuclass buys, W11110L RdWar1l' The 8"I is if) tod.4, LIglithollso sty0f,4 Oil , Ed Goo"lah' No ng cXtZ$Y0rVX TH&T AN &T WAU VJPOWOU", e-04 I a lot, Haftay gilill ""IV,$ 064:60 lit . dnext,, Al. X du� below Wpildisor ilW4"s p"Motor, is & 11
Aft4psloon flisr,Stc. 0_VeJ*U left WItIl this Ot
loollou, will bo Igo 0 dthe "ll *of wita Iter blind, ars OeVeft in their "a' W AT si�wflin of the this Province at y events damnation, of the Woo jr9bit"s WWI, Irene Itetitham boot Of the public, a0d that Very all At oom Apply to, 0 tartuA.0 tolabor0orat- IkPg1rii .00 L the 0611 t
bul 6 allowing purpostakssnasse mew pliiaqmutest of low 16%0� the an6o is1141 tuamarlob, SAO far lit". tile ilor Village will.this*
peninsula, and got, 01will.wagsool s4floviihaving ioirtrode 301101, (Iraco, 1W Open to the. mit'. allitAin t , ttitiod;, (,) '4 And by, W A a A t.-, to) To Oonstru Ulp. YOM* people briva Ittvai,o Tile ok � I . polutlog OnIt Oat It wilt %alit o"rAt4 an olbaotlh 141 y ve fifty years At" Gertrulle solith. 0400,41 a, ght. The. exicoWag nob -over, 14 0. bot t Walk oil tile takes fort aoolllol 1 potato r -A ya 00 12JAW47, MU' there 64101y Oil 013111410ir 11 It do. -the partr AtW, be=. Ury
r ay ortwo, �gpe .
the W04 all expe we Vol, priniary'vIsies 14' Ito the all wayst or radial railwa system from X alarger thao. eXpooted, tor ro swidillsol's 04114 It I ro r point in or near the, town -of UaderiqU to ere L vitid, 0iff IIt, to as r D.044killoli Tight 104 11tiee hka, t�jmcsd I bar th flit that be stria6k -his 'head Upon, rls"Lillian Bill gine retry; 4 wit do Priusm"o Siloto It, er RA bees wools, Como. o1 oflittoknowl W. U., Ith, 0 it. Wait Isli 140041 whom S iiissids" is,
40olatiosituamirthoyl uk I ilRota W sot young ecyoft Orate V�
. f Ayso W, Do Horton, tow.0 day, into ei� turi br (,to, v 6ok as be Webb OV01', AM Oki FrIdliam. act through Thislio , stimpop 31 41" lAithWalta, 40 a &04, builion, It 04 U11111110r, Of the, Couut:� 0 IXiiiiin to. a Point In at n4lidered, him Imaklift to help eta, di pa i
Loot 111=4 ro tiotitsurert U. 0. Units, -bArristers Tor- their 'TOrOAtO bU11111666 #AIR, 41, The body Was toog SywI,XnoXJ COn"olation race lop t is leas till Arps.^14, All At 'A tht.saws. 69 WIDShAtill, thisocip to stumbbt, In tod- svotedl. Ttle dead
IlAgn oltuo bw to 4V 0iory *out* boustA itho. vJ118go. OtBrumol, to 4014 001111ty. testjms eta Add IVe6 At Ran& Guests Iso b 4" 'on to 144 Jpyolent. or I the barta, M tithe or town or muorra. In Amid Dettiiii. Tile patty wilitwoll eallioped ance, buVldld hot Mar the Ove )IIATI, - WAR 07 1 ressiabso-will be ri.Lce .-M to �thss. T., A at 4 OW11114, thence b4i"Isgoori h'41up Ali , catop on , PlAV40 Port Hall% Where. the to At W to txstioboa ton ilrial.' � HIh boll, Capt. at 'the woulturat 'Xim. ra er.4 to "Inster 0 nearthel said town, OfO011arlil5b. with sud *Apect- 14 be, bo Me - sweetly, therootlOwbre Charmingly tlktIl for I P sWhicls or artoinged. the we W.J. 001WI14, r tug xiltah, 71r Mo . U11AING UXAUS, aFJ.4D6T-8W(&_0cIIX0 pull., lJoerlya r -iia, qosistrniir� *qulls, InishizatA 6VA' IWINPIrid VAQX Ho)XS.�OlX9Q"Aay P tolloot. itrid the you"ir POO JOAL who; d 0 00 A" head and Asars' Ill. . b* h4oz liwom to up1hold assiti fQ6010414
somocolor-A . Or bar$ the walty OU 6416lg if, - thlisgo, evening the aami* of "Weris"-mlsoi- op1br%to a brandh 1106hXiM A Point In 0 UAoxy.-04 Mon. Iiiterfulittionsit TnX near CArlawi In ;tile TOWPship of Cox f bw iblilky, In every. III aseo14 to the t4ot a .or At esonce at M1041 1%
under. the well, "I litiqll. of At, home, The p9P.c6e40.Wer0'AbQUb fm '0040010. lok m6hrr`e viltoeft ,0f RV* And, front 46 Vr* Well (14w , . nt home itial ol lrovkllke� �Qf, Altoctio"t 9i: vood. A -way A0 the Wo Ito" Were not volills, up of V46b, itowt et_49 ssistiv 4 ofthe 000109, 01d ecArth far"*$ - were a Town- this sloslinj the Standard WOO agmiPQ aship 0 W4141 to a Who .10 or Ind. to tollow The report at The so Olt appi�xastlop At Tilt J F a WAtiLlIeld in CAtIsfIllne" dated, Itom February lAilti Imulealo,tely orgillo Ustsivisla. e.14 In INP Mr.- Pty0n Would slot ftAU 000 444 one, clitooid no, lit this Cann, at ikoise, Meeting, at the, boxy, 4xpopen. 4 toerat Its or siber art )-on. la by Isr � '6 sixth oril leftittik! to NIVAlts Ito, 11411ok1lisr Wnt �U _IyV,W. choir was wilessful
nd a palt at Ii s4d, go tr. tbolisom, 0 e, voinvW 'or the wrotary's o0don, M altholth hirp, Xxckay , hod o6t been, abeetit one. They Were ulools eas five the Pact 1, 341410"T 1110g, 0 16"Iff, be T _r -i s- londay evotte; 111:160011 I ;
it W42 V viollar" elocutionist, in F664 , ealth for any 7fmrist The and Ott 'Monday al the Public 00hoot Usiviags. examination
eaLt4ozo $am* near In' solid. o6unti, god U(so 91am O� I. &Ohocon. U, W. ife4p IP of W -A- CO.IJI;lnutd. Irs thojf trosoft tho, to. given below. The roginitt of the of Ilo, Th_* Umots Of 014111,00 V1`111 Usoirtbil 0. TAX,* anit sorollors, bliAtso both of itlj;, sfecouti Wit ass�d wait Writ 14
thimoo, to Apo OtIA Or "603"WI&M11- Its, Iowneb lbo.4i,ild Coustv 6I Bruce. AsId' VIW "el Itisk . Miss richer d as A us or at$ of such on's6co,
A. 9400. poWei so. oanatru4* Ball. J. IL Coll Kill i Or 0 A. NOX -10 tile 4aug ter oftho late John Dist" who 16 A I dirsiCtIO1110, but the t0l"It'" Xhis
ORWea the Isorne, J00, Orsigloo; W, oont% and vr canizoo pattlepesinit soot Itheas Izz 0J quits, inalatalveivil, isualgtltg,,� with * soverat selvai'lOrseA ba and Oblii*. A, Iteld AV*Intvu,tbfl co'him Ill 0104. couilt3r. ill is foosta eato bf, their Intevoistat whoo folitum ror Stlaq br To ;48t. Kilsoiscit of the olik". no W. Ball Jursotlon, she. railway betwoop the She poiloto".1gra gift4k And her se. afterwai�ils, Moved waoit to, Wirth, cable, for n4bling Wait founii at, btor4 vil I— 1siYA014 elad Ilvaeoixeld "10410011L wera� randered with offeet- the cb4Irs,,A' 10041! countl, She. as makried to Mr. of the IOftV one., There we" viov, ukldv that couoty� The- fkalill 5 4qtoovoil, I was elected to ra ludiaot" that L -VA Vui* lived Itooks ail the Id nq&' Of Stanley. AR lvoxrilqv.� f4r*,RoIuher'v anlow We I � nking the - b" M!:J thriol whobliNtr (;rodIsM,IA04 rou so fr(joii fdIs,X pranism, fba ward Mapk Y In 1870 4,04 their vatylvIn rumors, luclroqlsttoxl� hot the we 4W.142k idid .0014 eta. 04, hatim. irlos"Intatiot toot 6 axwl"A. Fo` n�Vawnoldp.affteishosso�. And tbanoil too, weltrecelvld and he wilt W heartily for appointing. It 'stsbatl . PA4 Wwwo"Edit mertily rumurej, An 14 the five Xglijim TjXX 3ZW=Q OULWA IX he ik�im Como beforsi hitcead iof title.. well timo- was -.10401a Ilitiling o4tittlisy tiont''ttis"Agavo a that, the otnearba now., isiletlits Ittler Welcolip ounto And, law. nog -Uorewtrw� go o.0 about 0. t sittv 'atom rw Or rAUW& find 114 As It. from A Is n ksslo�oo- firm, of g:r%ito asit"J"It 4to 146tse Who Otre PQ%* Uhmsoit b 61for two a lyth a 0. Mr. Campbell were read t' inn Shy, Blain Vitro, troo. it it A ways no Lin'Sild David Wells. Ulss UCUATthy the compositl000d Roo a" .a. And I is n y'CoVue �.Qysir soot& Ou"TA, 114 u to amo wilm, to 1* ow- 014. 16 r =11113,97, I
O"Tio A lititut ]Main, slight corplirgi ph 410 lowallill" may be AAU�� trouble that hea pro Ir I vaug urliodlo� Instructor POWilso$ MArkL, ability. listAl of Toronto'. Wl jissick to I A411 conotrodu" $1, 411 17 TbOisft.rOO.ly w Ular blittissit 0=1600 ULTI 1115"A" -
"Mo. � Iap,tfe, I 0 is - ---nq dJohn Blatho, of blOitlth 00444 an the Of the examination; we 400 mouth* in WbIe1X' the town doutim lot Elaivaloi! All" lintoof'sli " OL T, lepaKum olso badnot indlOatilpli, Wilt'bo.7W 04 'roanablis the Comoinyto make I tionf $5.4)(0 tot school PlIX001104, FAssthope. are Urothors of the as, night of ez 4 of successful cA he linis work . Contlog6xitL tommittes"WXt, in. sibrolit - to the Tqr further aclit&W- h $nuclei J26 hadt On Thurs4a Islarsir 4 Harreasil)[10101' iwarded WtThe V boo line alett* rall- may bob" to Violl, lot streets; highways J"Na bA&;, And, and temol t$04 ln�'th* Way to JUJILfrosid, 004"Joh tol'oddean_ iirpoullirc, awr h xx�ab"XaHqtal erd at the roxio * leaVtng, As glyrin to Iler mother. � Well* IJJXh'&hOOI. to ex to at strhatod Ut _h4VSL 1wilids Put. Todetal service Wa4 beA topo curt4 of^ like tillio OX� ealittsist 6ther IhMAU r to, the Woo Iroelvoorupou 01"Ing Andrawlit Ward school, A64 -A tile Pact conducted IW*�Wv-' Xett Shaw Of lbaVookao Otte - f, -Who the PaUrAl watoopratulatook I "on woter. or, so LhOrOIIgbIT plued lit front f'thAt school- 4k *Ailthat fthoolt. to ttle*fIllille school ". "a A 4M 0". to)' To evabis the y Ab&Rev,J specters oQuillev"i - Allitwx � 10 , t erich Townshissi 0 VII .his it1s, I k. tatter W A =tvotbal for st. lid. , Under no Condit hioroor low. Two bonds., f sibowri -its, o"Aaminf; Meares, jA iota of. to u do. the ork"' Uread frouliftuciPAI WOW- of WWII. Att4rWillph the voloallis were wall got" , Q 111*1 04*111014 4" (3040
J a Conveyed to th. . at* 104 ricbillogii .sd with � da., WolA I -to JoCrehoe.. bi to Go. T. F4 stAtIork an cuteo- Bel vlogr her actliont Wilto tons will caulal"telf obt,414 Certificates a-Agr04 GNU it*"% With In Tug Way 'Purar And 60 thence to South BA011000, witli lot$ Of enter t * ��Tbos Art. e 4rejW Ioh4W Ilialclo Oki Cooled. of, loarkil at Via =ucatlou hamwoodfat fael, A *r W. xtt�;liv _v tor $W. -per ap hot* mothodidAlt sh its da thatAujilispirs. well for the start- ceder for folicia -60 ostift Of hot Deoptillibut, in - drder t07 *vokL lank biril A& M foet� end, liolromo, house, Ujity's, Jussituxl li*4030 Ulowitiq Mona IfIrrelit- In the hill tin suit And -at, the )ere can be no.doubt an. This Ion Anoo?por unuk for ofIrstollass Urom Mother took ald Kit ilwl-foroWrap. donoves%dir elpollite,o, too point.. T1
rt ma me** to 1 14" Aismum I at tmwed$ tardily, 74 in or, rktA the it was t work unsuccessful slj* 'rvcobt� to trIff"iflIhio Of AQCh &L ling- to the girme to suit. pumbacers For novice of a soialraw*g who we sdacthl" pill ill�*. do at t g. Cautioned a fortlNervora WerXLUM. Mt, 1`611WAY .1; Or r town charit,3r thladte- hrtAlt viviclollutwyl; nd at� 1114clil's Point wended to obtain the 04vice of the seCtio"Ir which It *111 till% , Lh h
KM'Ly TROTIMOXIAtil-� �On $Ulr 0 e. about " folif miles. prinel aft4p receiving their marks, Placebo Tit & e Inner oil the Ulto. "box winter. go_',rsf1Je -And a good twit vt last UL "binithea nob In Skli comes, of, the Istapy frie'llaw and front Godeflob, Ifibe" list And Shawl beforeldikings al. who results will bit: the first Costs Ndvmt1an,,
L ll. tip
eisou%ty or, electrical. ObWor to our War4 Is at Ono were founds Of the oi�bis% C , siswill. be its s" 441y exit Islatto, once thin to thOrOughir, 40111 in or carls"tion allofir iiiiair Pat of wlilhom of Mr, and Urso' Dr, ScRoor.- 13XOTION DI�ltirlx."Refore watt% by the atiIII! the proosItIort Is carry reightir I)ASIt or, on tatmallitu% will, 0 sentimental, but in A flitatelst Wa;r- well stehr, the. water there wete A few Issued in abouO ton 49YOt cUMI thUtIVA'a apossis be"* WPM 4 rw=waya. and to tossaistroot and a altuat,84 6111- FlOt" lit-, wltbi losphone systems 1, attnoeOnfl6a;ie Man. itu"00 Caulays"embled at theirItO1110 its fi;cUshms. I., At 'Toronto on reasions at A 104VIA tiololil, that With mature OX- were on oubW.ly made by M104, Me.
outbuildings tbortift. a4leir, learliss Outside 3xistrilittlobLatI4 a
half am Ure steerej. . film.fientater or other KingdIsridge -to bid hew last. Buchanan V, :8tephou PichOO, , rl Mupilillipi, ( to
seststAnool from 'a 14"'n4ors). Dr SO ofol ric r vartioulars $it ly,to IT (fl, To receie allwa wit aholitryn mituld1*11tion orindividuals bUrflltst gwuato of th-t Wickeil, tv%yi 0 and Cartby, Dming the Witter In the 8 f the exOreow their 'elit"M Of tile ordliall
I wie
XWItUOU%3X, IlaY11014, V couple.strid, to givel exprossloo to tile neightsorhoo Alli lit thrliarborwas thq� view
histioKwo.bonaw on we guarmill UL ;0 of , for plaintiffs, it rate- r, In an ita oDonal n. 1, 0 009
VDIL 13AL14 IN TOWN OF'OOD)Z* ConsIssiny'S bond* OZOPOr'10100 SAQ Zoe ail.01WOOd.Who "Wrked th's' *66t wlkW hentloseni good voll thdt 11. LA Drayton, continued till nightfall, bob Without vest t eirmanty-vid promot.
X"-dOo&ma terms. oth0vuspoeles, Was liters. The M&O Who did the trick exitobet-W0011. them Anti the AsbQel4 Payer and one of tit'$' roral A10 Ill -&`Pt . 4 tot% kot- snaking any 1114ber 410190`170VY. Many
tile proper ai (g) - To build. stilistre, own. thiir(dr, is a lislooder of vote* paylk,v 31 . In the, Township, Of obs"iso U tile 0 ilI
known an o, I"uory. lands. and use AtcAnk sad !balrolar4L Mr. Morgain school section, ukht that tile bat And Bruce 3, Atkeniv Cc n *jpii In tit# town,of 06de, or lece. nolvigittle rtion,tr-tv lisigunkox. Wrle, Th" t �nshir. opened Stephens In tile vouotiil of Huron. at the TArtV tho bad of courft to be. bislojiflisfirt4 block' tk buildialgis tieso in other wol Cape may have been throWn.-down and 0. Frase ustsids W. B. Poll the charter appIlisd for and TIcb,ii),qWKIAX about3l"M other vepilgis. juid to build, 0011itract mud HIS flame 'is Hasket, t atd he Came to Dgitouj reove of the tow Injunction A For Maintain. Pill neoilmosatly V and tho.urg mrowein his usup. pleasing oloved to contif.lie an that the Owner afterwards grayid Into founds J. ollinsion. R -To B. tot st Ppriox Ac . . I I warehouses. i I it d 4 0); so ItIont ro 1) U r. town trot" sparorth or to read grantea-by theLlocal, Judga.at Loolsdon tha bugh" but secure the Legislature# wools,
teris A style# A Clil,wh 1 An Address: wr ethe moorltir.thouRtit Ilailrd, A.11 fro 'will ", lojildo" popse of thocompaur., godpirlob, Thexe 'Woriii We'lilt, AVd ft goudl� insta of _mOneV` pr"cated reetrigningthe 40100 01$- the School mlliq MidearilliN, had passed *WAyJu'tbe Rmspit (5y-Flitionce loatielto A till of the sectloft, And, i(b) To sciinlre land for this purpose kettles a to the. doctor. Arld: his wife, The Board lakel, - Yeater4ity morning the search ottong,AnolpiL, Armstrong, of conottuctinst And a rathisil, and wills, ward and Hosliett, ,seems. to baVo got wes, from removing The Ideal promoters, thwilgh 041110 silver, power to construct aurloporata. hotels al, doctor, taken by surprise. eXPte4sed r04161141119' ttus Was. continued In the Vw"Ityatthe ley Armstroti% it. Barro FlotA A.
rin 13"Z-14 a In Ifutchlion 0 H istottr well acquisiniod with their from. thavehoOl Otto. 6ter Ot so lumpy that solicitor, Mr. Us 0 V&weroo. who it
lit oodisliah. roe voruculars apply to tripotir tholine ofrlillway at a thanks. f6r, their coropli- the school-hullsO I two point. but the We Buchanan. NV. Eckusler, ft. LHO101014
A much place owders. Hews* quite, -busy for siolilift -zlrls sliscer and Invited and to Commit the defendants. tht N6 brought isettlig for the prop%ed cow Afty, have VJUUr 941.1. AWIlis E. Knox, L. B. 14lebalsi go 13, Sketio,
the e6sn"lly as mar spileAr n6ft"rY. mentsattil fortho IsUrge, iho boatA used Is to,, I
tinie. but the job didn't, last, It Paula all, to C&II sta tAemL in kiodipillch. trustees !and no Shetraft, the Coll' StinmaE, Walker"L L,,4L,. Wit- IIV led to the, P P90V cortairs 17th d;rl of July. Mt. home. The stross wind w&4 blowin
R -1r, Atti- IV 1110,17ttly. file e3ifs to. But Hackett -kept till l,r mel lit WAS tboaghb t ways Colbovhq� AIX-Pl*t X - OL4 wetta for tho removal of the lichool -49 aslid FVl 0, such as right of towasibip tor.0 %, the West ward; SpejKlielis and songs wero liams. 0. Z1111"t. g-Mitriorp pr vile "Qk a tov it t- 18124t. WASA t, throu t wil .h house, for disobedience of the lbitime. aborewai he share that tcoo No W. Roles , exempynars, train taxationo etao and lit on oimlt"itvit to ?we to miss of K,, U., and 1. WOUTA blow Anything to t t1tot body on Moudity
Ed a Ob, sto. In fillip petegrjnstiona About n4APlY two bou;ls,. sfWr which A one
'. .1 I to Aearl SW people. and tIon, �N. M. jDaughts. oil"Urig Of
th 141111 . .1 if ' L, , hQueyback "setWe( water. tbrft U the vitte-clail �otf:Ages and the evolihisr And U.Judd (Loodoh)i for attendants And Wait nob In deep us A. D. (look, M with cell r, a I IN All left delighted wit A Be wing, a b wat Goderloh VArUtso, cDonAld. Mo'% MoUyAn, evening the r"Itest Was KfAuted, all
erishowered lipsoes of that part Of 73t, Wishing, the doctor anJ wife vory Shetratt, oppo" tilt asittiomi, MO, Metro U.' V. Tisda% Mo A, follows WfIt bol- ICA 414, on y or 8, h the past W"k wet Juet " exdtlpj as the Unryis, lie discovered that, thes People succoeso. The princip4l speakers Were tiou to commit dlsullvi�la Wlth audits up' HuilitAr, H. - J. Uaii,4 W byJpbu
to JOIJ N. itga, were trostl tit xod cosiddlust. UoWAnt- and that there wAts'no *11ful Owngton. .0 _ y4. be And to -Lentsan.11r, on the I The Bleillator Company Commenced John$, -actua. substsial . No Woont - Morgisits, Daltoo, Dr. X, re, tint disolsedlenceoUthe (Ott, hot the taii was t);e oasar, ed, trust. Here then w" him fields 4114 , J&r. Yule., of Lucknow, 1. J. 61 thipping to the New England State$ O.R belch sipeoclitce in Godotith, the demand At he lit once roceeded -to Work ft. L This Grant R. McKenzWi. Mr. Stumito D. injunction. Upon the matt estryDtw�amsdu (s) -L A 4 best 100 acts terms 'Oods d st. The athoray it lady f be plaffi% e, , a at W a oiscam to on
-4tiffinr likavlax ticx*d this lei Mr. McIntyre tillue'tfie Injoctlob I trick.AF. RIM Vothis for tlid. Ceanty. 104 17. VV; IS, the 80 1`6tAtAIXXP%rPO"9 so MCMurch Johnung, The last of the isirlin- lAboterg excur- 0. Robillion, Mo D. formed A to- Of 41.1urlo roolljoy lit ad
In Go4lorick. 11 . who lives an Ofitarlotreet, beflid * 1`0 tended that the 86601'BOAO its A. Noyltir W trot" "erkh, waiketf that van. Jbe, (Akes 'place, next, te ni sit bet kii.cUbts door. Air, Hn*ket. neV6tPtOp6rITJDr the *long to "AnIt, sK V. aotr"t4otthoui[ nown of core" Salim from C laton. 4 U A hither in "erkIt than At Any Pal _g&010113'
g6od bvil A" fences; and latab# were Rt(X)4 there apporebtl gut, of breath. 6�diirg goo Miteir.-The proposition otaceidid of tha trustees Were I I to, sy Ord tin, Whysrit, 0 els tab# oaft=oni uplim, 17 Ana lar" d AA4 V "I" tm mild Menlo.
undsirdr, IT. "ea; 9014tilil - franchise,
911. on romoo"Nol. little fitialcir the 4"t. wftkl Hv?d been - walking Isto **Oh says, from the Royal ClArpef ColfillaUT- fiOW Rular, anr-that they 1114 00 power tP veslal to f squato tiftililloV Ar- 'Exeter 14, Bratim. A: DOupoo Ilitcuddy i is=. cold, 11NEIll either so or U ft P.%,4 W.1blarno" said tht. tinker, with an effort; Guelph, which, lareforred!, to ordprthe-removill-61thit- sebool-boU46 riv � r the 0. T# 71f, this Week for J, Dow. W. A. Fulkbet Tim only on lu" it mod eompsour I(00sitaftX0 V* TO 119ON or ISCSSUAT,.1 *,I'm buying OL 01,16 IOC*W'%t tbehit r dock' IMPMV8111011ts. to Us U. Klesimilh ?a 0 1 to a 118 hop load of wood fro of the bawo coustail def._ all,it, the cisla of the old site and' Put' Bo Ito UO*#
Lft wheat. Standard ........... I 0 st to $0 42 i driving down town, in the report me till one faimer who was obese of it IIeW one. The leiined it lit expected the Unton 94n4sir o!"kUhAt U. V. Martin, U. AM. moncur a 411141 0 ME been bUyinfZ It At the WOOdlit Ing on anotiter page, ilk Certainly somb. judge makes at) adjadicatims-UpOn the sith from f3eafortb next Jortoo oPherstift, To P. Rendle, K Col. - K- The council of the township of
Noticta, to conuutors. katheat thew) .................. On too gkw Love Too ilolond- VVI ayilhe 1#tb, will be 16 Mobster Whise,
131590 260 but that's too CoStiv. ThelosidIS415. at, compared with the merity.liub orders that, u lot 301 oNarsloh ,A, CA-, Wilson, P. Mo Windsor. borne has since boots, petitioned, And Issilts, 213 with what exkravAa Pirlsich the t6wn bag able *Itbin live days un ertaklox to 0110, the members of that body and A sturai
TO 0014TRACTURS. VAr 1-011 .... 4 ......... 16 44 to is and I OUIV b2cV6 " use. Lead ittilodealffints �, her industries. 19r. replacerlp school building. the wo- . oTaylor. ere were present at the
17 0 to 11 % we 4% quAtter And I'll bring It back to , given to ot The number of ti0katill-NOld for the Goderiell (5)�_W, F. 0. Anacreon. her Of tatePA
roprretor, of the cub- fiis, to coutinuis, the Injunction be oronto excrsion Oki the olvic boll- 8. x.,BrIsdiconsh. A. Chisholm. M, H, ille4lug- AIT were ate ile15 ot $4 is or) mortlaw, My wife is awity on 4 CAM ly Inievested
WAZT W.&WASORI� Burrows. the is z _tl
0 20 to 430 is letter that he has ad drned unfil the trial, titat it the ,slow, 0. Do in this project slid a nal ered the pe .......... 0 36 to, 036 to Torontb or I'd felt the farmer to get Corn. stAtes In th so undertake. daV, wai 48. 2D In Godonch allild 19 In Cox, H. a. Donlop, U. D4 1?1 The Do,gilenhitlaust Widdpling of you '16 110414 ............................ a her At the Dyke. So (). Guests Do corge John- Wit f0OfabIY- 00 bOrtl6i'l tmlutlotl
ims I & 4,55 id 0 W the utoiley flat been fit busluessi sixteen Yeavo; but do endauts will 'got Clintons. ptalt wil be, an Monday. Aligust. iin. ...... o s4 ta Oils HaskeLt. got the 4narter. bub, the to- , which he ovoupled thattlips Injunction. so far as It ro. RA vad
TholitrUisis lat&*K&d 90 meet At I o'clock, at Rye ................. o Wto 0 N morrow he spoke of b"mont Arrived that the premw 1nic Goo. Us Elliott bilider & ellitimpob of Stan A. MaManue, H. U- U(MOlt- I ftokwhoat. Vor b do Audho must make stralusl I &Olt seconded 1. Mo. 1, W. Wailtz000ll. The Work to be 8 coo th goo here have been X to ilotOndants front rouloy
4"OvInessetlQnS Jar MUlt med to location building under oroceedings: 0 go to "aulb Ste. Matt& an OAliprilA Inson. A. K. Welibs, Ettle Udrod b Wililift and rem ved. that w tron.
to oxi� A. ill alrht� Jr
lot Ilk wh ay.por 144111.- A. .......... (dV �hvilpp rnessts� There Is not tile &I. H. Rates, U. B. Or I Ila
b ITAr.06W.Verbaft ................. 7 51 to 800 Veti The Is tolle of her neigh. otber arrAngel �h Object, oforrow shipped a bill of eggs-, Young. (3)-I, I c Igo W lie N iyelis, granted oss the munid-
Uohs "ft b* Mon AV R lot ...... 0 is to, Ila tile cirvamilisuce W W anotherbuildit, �jjltablo for the pur- already bikers to eilget 'kill Rose, August, Taylor, WIIIIAM 3- itiltv of the.Towashiy Messrs. I 0, .9 to io IWVs,aud it Came unt, that, thelen;d. e&LIme, aud It continued until thO trial. In either real On UOndJlY- at Colborne. t
ROTIPRT ME01). vat* dolillf ................... Polito in Guell of Colborne, is minigo r. Taylor. cUillicisdily atut On 4thorr. lit tin .6 far a Md. Per I* to Scheme ments were beld Out event, tostis to; Ila e"FliA In tile 011lize Wins. MorrIsh, comarol to be formed. of Al tcfft Of fifty -9 1XI to C2 (r,) -S. rt. Bullard, M. A. 4 Reeve, iYaot, wKwitoosh, 21 nuftletit mdoce miloss otherwise �orderei!l Ily the trial in g is cm a broic is hand, the lesult & - 11onsiall IO&M of the bultdirs
(Wtler oitoort ...... 4 ........ 0 %to, 0 hold been workedall over the Wor& bere. lie would locato to this town. a rer a fence Dag %sixt oil, & Horton, 0. if. liongo, Jo A. elftule isiloisy in a. ubm certain of thes rAttl*, per Its, GrAlsor? . ..... ... 3 fAl to 4 HArrions LAXX ANDIVM..�Tho jud e. The plaintiff to go dOWfi` to it fall while ClIMbIng 01 bar" to 1,41113119. each ........ 4 .............. 1, - It 110 wisula require a Main building stways Or the 6414 township 6f (W
......... 10otol B I ontho ft September two oMcarelvor, t.'! u"a, by and Wiesen the a 30 x loo and three Storey$ highl a dyis trift ab Goderich I darin I &Ilk " 4 installer Ur phoo. atoporlh.....o; ............ 0 0 to 11 Str, Ots1friligsis, made her regular CK00 lolestahuts, to ex Ito R. Mo sparks, X", Wilt 4)AXftXLI* hot?M :)o X.rdo. ne Storey flight Alt next, ad the i wad wungr
...... I 00 to too 0 ro lie les, Wlllgr(t had finished 4 tod she XW moact, mouit.. IFT 'Hom live 1111119111t... Of g Ctor, (o)-gary A, Usibiltsol, Mary wft-fidf 00 th 0 ed t9st the odd wal
tor of AVergh M. Home. r ........ . 4 I 14 the pact eek, Add on each oceciston engine nsir bailer house 20 X Wo bile thelfg. plesidirs oayb0dislV#rod orfawfolf asitit matkiol Plsw floewo oil h#4afA[t-pK**n0v list %n4 freight litorey high-, and Ableneh hollse l0x. 12, thd discoyoty hadTluting VUSU611. I re, � blob. it, Is flebilless to oty, he Mackenzie. Mo Mac-ChIsirles, M* in jai solution by Valld
Wlioldllg 04relt. 10 6 , twouts Ono years at ill$ Hid . . ..................... a 011 to 515 hef� itt his JJ,or4oAy._'Xhe ei a jibe Job of. Lentisits, To R. pritenAroo 11,Scott, W. Miles 111,1101 first
At"Oloolf of risso Orsaw, ruilaorts as sted furl via holiday wood. lib"081dak.- --- ...# AU 60 to a 5 eargo.-Ttify Pittsburg Also Was Illi'Vott Mr- Burrows st a would "dite A X. Sher rftdoy . ...... A0 OS to 004 -etvta The jolite'lor the rouna floor are sTallow. Ott, Wednesday *as godetallYbill a 0 to slanted only an con -
.1; -his Chlokloner on lie" tip add. t1oWn tiripso With hill f(tol"'tioll hae0flod wilthinst, tga rD. Bost. Mill"id Milo t t t "114 00004ay is formed aaeotd- 4 30 t*,: #0 0#0 41. to, &WAII, so XOI. onn of SIZOOD. to be r by 'businesil well and 9110`0; As lit vIXbt-# -To I Vickiono lit routing dre cominow" OfwhICIl be"Woold an ri he teen that the lit w sh lie a till 11
9 MO" Dark* 06 a 110 to Interest., KOM I%ed for tile Via J# H. To owler U w I *I r :of war iissmails it 1ists.-Tite Schooner. p It A Best, 11oA,JJ
d 4. odetich Out! Clall was oat Ali M. 0. Dowson, manitimewa 111%le rsiVrk A40 VXS*VAALW- to ge wriili� in port windound for a fs* invest to itilditlisnal bualtleal; CAPItal. asual, the a turs wilt he Of 90041V 140, -sent, tiven of Ambileld and W1 172 block, U.- A. -- t
Iry . ............ . 16 to to lhostan's Hat b- The taelorV Would et"PlOy4t the "Art early And bad two shoals, At 12 blue qatzmvya�r P. LA Gave a re toment, ond A....... ... 30 t4 40 days, on her WAyto, Jo The (olA1 welpts front the 'Wasto , West await - will meet at Duo atm 11 Its About thirt-five Or forty own Asia Y birds each, do tile F(rotifidd xl� Lewis ne, 6"tettaillitient were $.M45, U0*611, A, M, Jordan, MA M. Ke I ................ I" Vis -Atsir,lod,did with coat had 1. 0. Kovs. 0. � Us iyc* Itatruou oil Monday Morning Vowes List, ItotIm W th I 10 Air. lo,Wages eight, or tell tbousand, dolt Therin Watt it iti ite attendance _18, leAving the Morrison. K. to", ifte").... lo rest wheels on the truk lasit it" this ex used SK I, Do Ut O'Connor, &clock, when It Is exrt shiblIelt
$I. D tv. each year. Us Also wanted exeMptIO qJ snesoberg And OnWiterS. And whets ro ei III All Mines it to s week. but Jhdy were liftea and re- baladj�o I()%- t a hostistal fund $1427, 0avloo M. UcLeod
b�t #1 is, ercurfitim frous. Uxet mild free water toe a period the seebodwAtCh. Was 0*01" B1`00he'll' F. phillips, Us it, Hobbs A. 6 Bleeth, action will be taken. edtin Is 0 VOTMW LIST 061', ...... plAged on Haturdaye-Thi this sition WAS phototta tod the vIllb 10 bid usual Won. Itelpfil of,wamamosh, was re. To 8. Stitti, S. 1MOW As 9, Trotter, t1il, municipstives late= seat be
tic holtdisyllislow" thit'llno ofyearis, The "Inf, Pro 0*4W)WU1 4si (A* rowAship 4f Usdolift% And cill IV anglers to town, Alide to Owed Sdimso. Arid per- sityleo Trefollowin werotbeshoott. centIf Cowin swa to the county jad @)-N. Mins. Mardloo"hachol Mo Mar, �be held as 41me vall 00-
Xaw AftortWirieum week IWOUght. was towns, which IS hot A Wittax-12 blue llrdsi-111. Untwist for looter, nod his removal Is daily Valse. thoulth but a few made dec ot stringe. hapo to other diet R. 3. MCIA11191311W eostinsaw Cost of the railway li"
C%VWV V/ JZ*,o* , A e Avorsblv tin li. W. Rotcon 0, X R. expeettd, to Tosouto as a Paying Whigham (5 A. U. Alisdersolso W-
I Arid thode ft* were men Who find (ia t-iligulatlea. to I rose It X. Xmiftel I *10,0W per miles and toft Ott, cent. doeld ......... it ....... T Gtooft 8, U. Garrw 7. CA Shauston 7, patient. 'VI I visa that I Ittyis h*1W any of the municipalities Apollo to. 0. Conerp V Inifted UdYlOsto It 4- of they 0APItAl Stock most be
&S st
encamped . to the 1111110 lowity for isiole-It. ltmooz ............... 'I pragr t"kid And halt, It should, he via 6, F. Sbatitiod 8, - It. A party from a dislAnce, Ileuderiscn* s110111tv, depooltoil
rs Dou
"A C site 4)*uuft Vss;ccol Uot dipeeosclt Vbood-StA un ridoisil that proof tookla 4114 Wx*r,-'IhL% following Lenno'k 6. W. lostbam rh 8. No LaWls on8qu&r2sIsodthI#*e#`k,so e E. Hossiolith. J. 8, Jackson. H. �Klu- Government that the work Will- ora-
AVi ..... ... x — o.- Pon Tt aAllit batt,06 th'is ossmisoiliew required for b 10 whtcb-G� V. zsmeroft Pawl ......... A. of 110ion, left; for Arabs!" P. 5, PA. 31, Dunham 4. have AS good. a time as do those Who cald, A. A, Utooulty, J..Uoklstelts to so lrolosookiltz Or 401111W109 the UA Alliedmelts Zoot -STAIR Otlict ............... t si'day,10 goo fishwit, 11.4( WAt- pitch tbtt tents smong mu1quito It. 13. Manatee. so 0. Nixon. A.G. loca" partamat so . Act, of "L istroosta ap_ Igidive, Wk*tt links rac1d1.J1h*6XOrt4x,WfttTerd V$A�and 131geogo'-22 Mo* billdg-E, IL - Use, Imat Revised Asomennetit " wdiiiietio, losiz-1. A. Xcuts ................. ols a 11 Mo, i6irrilit I llLV- Son 10, ChoW. Shannon 9, X F1fJAI3II&tk4 colonlosti, ell.. ft. Troir. R. Among tho outtrobac
W , -UOA 14 -0 14 -V. A. Uctift ... ............. A blob still diWeitedd this COM111toftla rittoloatm ruelAKr 01 4 p. 11'. RdIsloh % Z. Do Tilt. I - -6 nlgb this -A. Howisionk AM- for oussesbers or To Clear f3p - Ing been tickets �ls F. M. Oun 0, X P. Wynn. (3) "14 0ek oss, Aunday.-BOatitig ArA bath 4 by illes B&I Va
por jt6t bay*- W. (-- Goodo ...... ......... 4 owned few IsOrsO *AA 04 Ma Ild Ing, wines the led,41109 Oftlislut" 44 ILA t.. Xror vaticouvror. Mrs. W. hath 0. W. Batson So X. 14aftel. Is, X ly I'A' XCLean got Away T Rev. Jolss, A. Andaton has returned lit"*" d won = not Weather 4*)ds-#. 1. 5 I -. (CO66 his VwAtiOn And wilt ton tko I VISUots this t *ft+k, Oil onotsio two Mm clilldroftl tot SnOW D, RdII9VA* 4' All No TAI's from the Aslicultural Is tk- beY %Vox,,t*r Bell, A. 8. Elliott
rw ocsission* tr,44y, *"Mea rhilly for Mkto Xis. ., Armstrong. Mrs, UP46 bkll *At practl0d All over -ote4, to bay$ Mae tot the soMcLells". it, pulpit on $noddy next.
ACV #91cil it"s 44 OV AaWl'Org""I'a My-Ulat. DOT, (rAcmT.J.. A Ittiflog, tint. OVOO tirt tis4es, UW* israter fis," Arpoittwo* and d children is tot towns ft6A"t% va* to 1:110 Cote bear, asupp I oliver. 91"to homes of. their former Owners. Mositgome,py, A. U Nortivono A. J. Dr. Ustdor navy On,
.............. i ...... LewlisPAilk- One well-known kidsed Ionstodote. Inalt will ad. lorrm ...... Waltkrsi Usitaid, "010. ta ....... 4 plaaca,itif wmlo 7I7, ossirimssitiog tirsitna, iArper mrsite uwr a 9s 011et plsytd oft fo Anothir eolunift woution is made I"le. on- *V P W dr6lis t
lmd tile at ett. Sabbath &boo 'Ot XUOX
aA �zoal,&11119WA-Tbd authistit,101,11, U0 Alleti, Mv%, jo, A. Den I -vtont of llin for the spliles In willislat eta Utiorth, istftib Sundays t* tilostAld, his awn, t millet being boyors. girls. of^po "And" awtolvosio: 0,*f** ...... tot Y, Clark. *mattd It Xemst-StAOL Coke .......... X topw Uairpornment, .460% od the Walter. Stichalrd VAOStO12#1 I, Add 4-fakther InforsOOT911 (3) -fl, 0,
X (jorel.Thce. I?1erC*# Add 00 livelt W" the play At this sworclidri a.,
OCL the U*rlk*f gaitis 4 With". Miss Jr The 160,6uld conylettoft of 1h*O
it Ernest sJusoilt we &bid &L Jar or sissit thau he &ties of the AM*tW4* Aundsty &11001 of kUts boilg, OMP1004 itTilitid. i4ebG" I far Brandon. M ten., ge,xisto that one Witt fftA thA, th 11 Ahjobs The work ai not otattolit filly , W, V, Westob+/ 1 romirsdo4 of the doys When it wait the *IItCI00rOIf3Q*C1`0* wheat- SCOTCR CONCFRT. Union wilt be hold this U0114 lobirl I thatiottresto4ourp6oplo, o I vaster vester wrido, MOO& lottitutot 13 NTRAL too,o-on. As tit* tiff for Stocktoo, W;L Taylor. Fnmk only 0164 At Ift. to 49 GOMA t, %own 9004.0 No Aluch that It *44 Ttykw I tole tillet L Mound U M_ -So 111CnI& weris One 'of the fomltutoii of 11 X It WAS undersitood that some The . ptorltion, to poly so AND HUDSON SAY i JorRelitno,, bolidayc mituy of them beltij: l it dotog"Ift" to ft A tu dook dw movilgolisteryi 1). atterarib woo t Jr 0 titilt ThWJ* 1%tovan. 300. Us tOW"is XnX iho, beach na In Litt lnitherehorch, bob 00 tar Invern6s C*tnp, No. 54, $On8 Of sclsObt war its 10 to "ke'" A' tSTIZAM8141P LINE- IUbL1t'S1Jl1WXb--A few &ys 111"c's darkness 11 kritor iout" parks. Qxdt* * number at auxlert SCOtCh Concert it% a, Detroit elitictIl4k Tile Uot
04 "a Mo Will- V04041110, he Move has been made In 1,116 matter. scoilglid, Wilt flold ift a numboss, of boys lt*A x tits"tity of *14l 041144 60'tO the :t Friday even- churii4i 'Wolitly vottdd A lloallitc of laotwe";,16r, r"Nalft.-TIWUNtri"k 0. Z.- Wailtersi Pot#r 14-shr, J- tIll' Wkt* 604 but the has Jusb, tomplaW AndlaWn. PattY nex Cr tbo catalog rest for the ourper, it Ing weris' Win. war"oe "St DUM-OW" Is" WA#r loom Ilk & paporol'"A not. xc,&Uw�r jroo. V*f1stassio. Fred ShistIlkTio, 006111-'tiVit, Uthiflif and Ito t elf thill, loal )M Ion
Men bit entokoh houses for Whith he has Jng� On tile tWAlitifil g(OU00- Of 141,014,0113t Of SCI i -I In
with MCI; *f J%liftber for fty , ill*. P,L tor. PW"Owt* $*A r"IltilL V= WX ***a u, to sivii to pow f4aud, woo, in "ft I" PresbytorlAill- I
"is oJewell, noon theiGodetich Bowling, Club mot About 1% lobaitAtits W. M(S. C3,1wron, tile, 40 Nuples", be, A , tLejk tVI ICIw*,q1**. fiesetu, 14 Th*106YAWILWAII % - -The IttioAmOr IAKM Ukh' M . ffthllfy'� W, M Htiowat not4 of this "yattoo,
14ilsolss. wtaterw. swoo4o. _*oek. I. (yemilo W. waysi ploolit, will W vei I somee, Whir
Thoossaloft, kk emulit the Imult *IttV X�W . busolaott of No 0, IN. Jobut Gait. Jots. 1) .11 Will t* filUnlina M ate gnsigaltowl
A060404c 1,41%g.-Irloft Win. over pteopy"'bilt 1propes *111 rosisloct A %*mal Lautem am X.A. Im ised Writala f0- Wht*t for the Gikkrlch XWVAfAW, yahoss - M0601OLZ Romeo Ifort" not'. D. -HoltdOes, A. Met). Allen.
lJord*#., Amhlo� DICkpon., "I'llb setvies to tite
stried in pod"frow VA*b Will= $A Kae. Ben. F.YoubM j, 3 '74*1ft W r tro cro larnps:. *Ttv& V11 JUrtacks on Tit"day
CUM" has IAN lmy AWelog and OW So. W. P. J. P^fdaft, teg MCNOW164 . Howhes's . vnts to kool* it t1dialt dance% bV 6 Or 8 fitUd 916;I, SCONII ovetilln next. Amt. J*hA The service;
*V#r mvith b4itit 0 bad, U011,114 Unassyg BolsisfvAlfl, Mrs, C Rotstme. rh;hti Was. 0 A sobistriber V p;ltbs, On the a "t his. eyeftut I0%Ie% WI* 0.010 a bicycle On the quatis sonZs by the best blent avallAble entitil 'For other's KAke," fit
10 Ap"4�i"r *11,11, xtichum. itoist Hob4 Metoaii, Latio' - rbod, aIll f*�#.btifo . lly Jildistri6te4 tilisid, Very patho-
bUch#14- of OOM4, So To DrOato IK 11. P. MOOArS' AA *Vfkv. - 'Oldtinif 4ip by-1AW4 neighbo a lessoust hisly bo
reewbed the r hastbot Mr, IkW Mr raw AuNd ILW. � 1.4 4% Vt Of tile Motile tic, and wran
wrtl and takAdfa. the Y., Xmiitoll, Jets, lAwgiboo r1h "Aft 10 HeAfOrth to play iihe onquirt5r, who wo kdoc%,t,% 'low" other Att1`90rill"d f03tU1`e5,, InCludin
TJqXT0WX(,UW0 Xxvt Tai,siday 0164y, a wit pop 1g, IA**,In. t3tatblick. Ill, T. 4 frisrAly Serve with tile howtors Of ton 1.110 fJqd3t@ JAt . SItyst S 01. This my* coasitit thAmbw eftla took tolftse, Awy 64tues %vera 1114yod In the eWOU141 Sooner be floor# and, it Is expected, Itev 0. CAnifibell MorgAn, Is pelia-i sJw`n0AL Ji'll P. Thofi%ogiisr, *00 ft_40&� (littreh; Flowliji;itt, 1� U. qtft-10: thathurs. d Olt a r4*01filentg U:rpi: At "t #I* UA&WIth Ate. lialvas,bom Ar twirl ljobtobke. - 1. Roblimals, aftemoon ft"d evolving, tile; first foul, smooth walk than oft it gravel: oisb� tile Marine banA. 'Twill -be the dotealto spand, about, three weeks Irk
14 W*Jner 44 V(,v ton, o. Wit- nemew Wing skips, Ther aftfr000n K 0
A Alitte,ebitlio bor Town Clock MItthll. it g- To X* *010110 near tile hunbi oltv Irk 'Noveother. 00)*, A Artbetarsttill r 9traft tfl, the V., in evont of tile Se3sOfl - load vie
11140 Sol I'l iss fitAP19-t' yThtwild49 L661t Out 10t 9 progtativ., 110 wilt leettore on babor Crises at tm wA slid W" rob ill Woo 901116 Wallis In favor of Nestor-th 4;
;VIA* isilad* it* weo *4A fort, 1*0 b shiltfri *Till thfitVC6111119 O"t, bY I Tile &4O Of 010 Makid setl#_4 rif Ut"Mes, in the life
Ith of (%rlst. Evening sontees Will 1*
PA. " sta trAve W At J**4 ton yArd* TcsI(. 11, W. Ilrawo, It - W- I 3" to laced Ilk pauk)"s 04 It Is sonsiss W4- lb ( I Aft-fir6gor. A A to Toranto attracted woll dolle, and r Own dilled.-TM tuft thert, 110tiedget . &JIo*X. sbovit *1 rtoplio ft -41111 60doscb.and thww who originalted thd 140%, A it, the City. hm th#' dignity *?A Ataft with I1&flft* 111111"Aw" Inditut lieltd. Will. Me bargalts In *11 kitdi of k4west holill 10, differ4ent iHuron Issids, lot 4AY 00 th'st 110111"Ials' Col about tilso iksold, UtIfUllet J011104- thO ttiv, liko that of' the Jet of All. The whole ttotk Fulteo, information cho kills obtaltipA �y wh W Iso orip fa&A.Tovrall, 00171 od posilition. This hin on the Joarb Ot wall I ylqx� a Ulp on thsm A. 11c;tWell; 111,011111111, It- 3- 4 Illintoo, suil a tth, figalloet, (At '!to$ "Joes mucls. to create is favarjIlbla, 44 ft6e
iI*k#,,, staillo. the 4io"Ing 01w, voisivitold N ink*, It. J. Ot 10 OVA mm sloI4, he" for 4CK* sig tA)W*Vdg thO COOMY tOW11. Alld fit"Al 04 014 said V1110111i 1000p4ioda Of 'N"tl
n R%eks 1"lit *Ilk A, 0"tf f4 f"ll so 1!1101t V1111111"o chkW41 "V111 C1 k Wit r. AlildiiiiWNt, loco qmKiditly tOkAw%xUbI*A 0*o isoPrecialft W, I I . N* Ope, "Wh V� UM M~hy. I Moore* Al