HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-08-02, Page 7- � � ­ - - �, " I I I ww" , . I ��' T " , . � , , C,o T�� - - _ . _ 7, I ;yr, �v I , t I _ " 1�1, 'I ��i� ;­ I , , , , " : . vv, . -4� T�T,fp WWI, If " " I., . . . . ,� - "' ,,l , , , If - I . I I �,:; '' �^,� ,41 . .1 . ___ .... __ "I , I , , " , , '17)� " ,� —, I , - "'T, " ____ - - r ��W� � I ,, � �, 47, ., I 11 I I 7 ,,� _. I -� , " . �, " - � i , I t .". i3O,4, ,,� . .." FORME 00" M F,,;�7y7l7t. , ", - "', . '�, , I � , , W, � I '.4�, �, �4*, �. � , I I I ��. I I �` . , , , I 1, ro t �r T� 74 "I , "'. , �� � 'I .- I 77 ,,,, " 't�, I � 1 �2 i ,W., e '. , �1,47 , . �, ., .: If , J _ . , � . 1� . I I �_..,. , "_4, , ,. ".., 1, ,,�%­,_ - -. 7 11 e I . I , . - +1-1 . I . .1. I , , . . , ". ,V �', I V . 0 1 ���, ". . I � I ." , m.,� I i 11 / . I . � . . � 0 ...I . I "'j.. -Il 1. , 1�1 - � � , �. , I I I I ,l� , ,��", � , " ,�4, ,-'� � , , � I . . � . I I 11 _ � �;" ­ �, �. " � 'At , - 11 .1 I � , . � , I 1. .1 . - _­ - .�r­A9,'_­iA-'­.,1'� ­­­­ I - � .N - a- � g�,,�� I li . I i I N- -1. I., .1 .1 1. - I.. .- � � I � I _. - ­.___ - I— - � .A, ,mW ! 0 1 , 4 � 4 ... 0 1 "I to I 40 0 �%, ,, , � -1 I ___ - ___", - 1 .4v!w 4 .... I ­ "tomj�"e *_ 11 � _11� 1 1p"J4, . � 7 � I . I I _. , = � 1 4 � ----------- -_ -_ - - I - , -- , -_ - -_ I - --- - - I I , - ! I 11 , , � � 0 , I , : I : I I I I I I � . I - vft* a" *4 #* I � I .... _-, __ �4 , � "a** aallv� ',��,W__)p - � _­ .­�4 .r. A. w, 11 I I I � . I � td r"0404- %= I fl,�g t 00 I � � ., 1 � I] 11 " I . 1, oerwa oweto JWV% tak&ma O" "A � , '�`, I , a , 4�0=m .— 0.00 0.00 I ;:I= of 110#44" to I*k% � . � r , " .. . � , M = ; — I .... ma A, omet"44 ww�wrlo% k" wvor XXWX ST XAZ TAOX ZMZ I -11. ,. imxll-.� I %Zr XA,VW4'4V0W"2f 0.,e-SiAt N JIN Pft , un at* 'PW 0'"t '­-" "-. 4-40 *-W Th Try, WAro drgmAUc � XAYM* A= X%4". 1 un's, a"111,119,410. ., I 4 '141, 1 . ..., I do bv" per,awt Rz 41W 1* �0' b0A A awwo tut tockt PL%" 14 — , I . '1�1 , . at ot . :" S. too . Pourt durlag the trW of Fox1ter for I . , . � , latit I 40 WOUIR. "ah.. .... .. .*- %bo V4vxWl tXla*4ox) trmn- xtvx- TWA" ACAPP"bw 0 utw- . ��A �., JOT ...... � . I : fX"V*W W,=AT � I- , a - , i� rvwo 410,h X*Arr i 0whad I imzv -PP44 1�1 Wpkftig. ae�Oh .,, S.PO 41,00 1. I . .X.- - " _ 1012yor,14 _21A -boot =A 14. Ah"o _1 I .1 I _.I-i";,�­ 11--. ­ t =1 ,1W It#" , _j_ J�QO ,.$.%,* ­ I . .1 __ 11 tw 04 pp000wt po"_ ,lu '*# 0o%,XL*4X_-*f A,44 X.#.*tt*?* - - 0,!�*aTft,:,WtXt­_XoV-rfi1&lv t-IM11 -a - , , �- swnzw ait * a vistow" 0"t, � ter vk�wt *ZW the . I I Hom aboloo. Pw owt, 7.24 040I il, i;=kla; a" Was attwrh*d to 1% so**. , ­­-""" Nor, but 'Lw*o * $044 � crop of hoe. 411t. V= I rx"Pamna'". �k DouW141N. 11^111. Weill boll" Just . .. . *" ftom-tod. W I #Irl whorA be b#A oaurtod. bolievus , , . . AkupAw ah^rm is & tAa* tb*t'x tA4d, I* tjmw mi.rutt ft�vuxla% MON" WtAwt,� ev*q Wsr TX40 4,0* a" 1�00 444 a hm )w to be qu sow* at J. U. VorSUA04" 0- �011114101P:ay�t I _�-_�l 140� bA - "I 0 . * ulcv. 00 %Ile 441a vvw,j rial't on. I . -1 � 0 ol r(, v* 0^3241, at 10A.t, tbaa 9 OK Iva *ttd surg to-av *A ^ good dA- Ito", light, Per awt. cn 0-00 , A NINO= WOVAN, clotty was puttia, 34Y grwas �Wjlk*4#d we , I P D" of r1peomm Aad "of t " 1KIM4 I y Z Abord%li. 01%owg a 44 * !a lI�ejm - ­­ -"- "': 4 _1131jorto"A TIN14 Nkiv ' I of � bLy WO.VA, 4vxl,** W ot York * 0WOU04. 1�tll 44m, "COW to *4_*4W,A"-IA xcqp: ut, per c�.... 4.15 0.00 His dickultios Kra" wild 3aust"d-they tn"* awful 111ce, - VOWIA th* ="A0Vr-w*y.' gl4d en = "A t" t*Jlklhat r malto? the WOW% 444 I*" t*,Mra�A,q OMM W owt .... ....... 4.00 " 14 the WltA4o*-WX, bwur 4*114A, t, #V�0�, , 00" 4.60 Tba Parke WKtm .3WM of Lit. %estltyto 003MO of p#.rkW-# IlloV1,11 fro* Rtocu uxtuZo vp4ftIa%t9X*. an' I had 4 nice uwoe) down 1 t4v* conion 414SLAS hin h&r,00t Wag. r(460 also mo.kox it age of th* m"t lieWe frqM,,*,4Mdl** Whawt A%Wv. di*p, 1w awt.. ...... 31,00 0.00 JqLm. XIL_witi be *WA by o4cttow luloatx p"Wous to the 'CurAmiso an 1%#"ve %tsuw W the beat wo.ter. I ilevor " , , . , - * and 40 Yamls rMt. yoJustbis crops that Can, be grown, There Vero 0PA"'Of r04 444 WbIt94 n#4 the morts*C* iortd*04. 14tuW IlVftwor th*u'36T tvila of bell- !0M, with -V* -Nftt.* fts"Abev ­� . I " th* T4*0 of tl" P4`a%t %*ad to tb4 970 mid at I the prift#*� t.bo Wagon *AWtt*d Ash L IXt )U%rk#t lia. Ab4rdiwa recently. discolor It so; gie I alway* w*** . r4oy* to bovft WP,k bU bx~ toil. sal is pWly eitula t4 0^% qf the , d$0 froights, 444 No. I )SUPPAT4 014AIX XAXXZT0- Th*.'VIctoK*, S.C-., prograilitawtor b4. tit tUq wU* at % aoldlw, wvltig 1 I Brown, *44 4"Aw ad hbib, Is be, cr6p Itselt 04 -at *old 4t 67JO " oft "A. 'Suffaia. July $0.�Flaur suvn. tho. entortainummt of tho Pvk* JA- In Houth, Africa; !Mis was the tArst till* boil the h4kvIe#t leading on 'em through, it cauple, ol..wMars all. " Xastor strong in t9 md4n-moll. 000" IN hftt WAX h4b*p'; a lot Q1 oad, donLend, al;irlug Wheat ftir. cludoo,*A ladian, w" datun. b3tivAtign that )P*v)x*r b*A had at record V. elugle day. give 'QUA a staid: Afore Ic boll I*=., I I , 71 1 ­ — up. I *ad h4ro Lou tow,ght to go to .vi"tw wheat. No. I A*rtb,W# 'Did* It Ha L r. 0", Silas drive into the �taril. "I x4rd of Pasture and plant 0.304 tree; %IX" 03P nMJtX&=OlN. , L XqatreeI at 700, *Ad it Won quatod. - A311ton City Council does not 'sua 0, thing- 41lit It was. 0*14 thim Tb* 0"th to announced at V � �� A ploft"Olong, 01o; do now. 761c; No. 2 red win- ,vote 42.000 r4om. work ou the VAW 09 141M I* the- dock litmerally r"144 Andrew V. U01r. 01npolltt0, AN -r. the' Inortith'wi too long for I Wroomur*-burdoned, b e$ 1. oluglat brightly kis wyost soni. I I � � . 4% oft "St. X*A#Qb4& W,b#*% I# ter, 700. NO. I ftit$, 11SO, Corn water Ia*ln will be stopped. 11 , mudor the shock of the I*VQla1I4*. For the lout periou Ot 8:9 $Wx Mr. I,= thInko , L 111' 010w, he wants Z . � �. firm at Vu t4 82*0 for No. I hard strang'. No. ayollow, 04to'. No. A L" Tues. Voilk. 06 , golol Wow. wo . m Ile fiercely donounood- the vamaA Muir Was 9verxtor lit tit* publishing little rsot afore dinner.'* 'TwWt ,- . �, I � 1444 JA 4114*61' the AUtunin breeze, - Interesting Little 3ruts 0*th4"4 lading la�truXt, Sot to wic for ,40. exte: No. :01 coral 6"; No. a do. Who ho4r, thu,ii. crwl� 4"Iyoit him, Oft* of AlowsVersuean & Co., mar'A It O'clock. I had cward 0io , 4HAgs a., Pleasant, and t*ir -x*rAiu. . Wrom Ali Owsr. C. S 4*r4 and 76o tio "O for No. killed *t ,%be Caribou Gold 914", sumil 1 ,4*! tros4 rolLs I'd �tiokqd'thk%� *qr. . , I I 60jo. 04a. tirm:'No. A whl* Aft. NQv* - , trail, and ferAtuitne in As,- '(4QI*0 I - * bud. and ft leop V*4 the" NO, SL40. 00. No. 4 Xilixod, 04; Scotia. by a fall of rpvk. _� fl%W*,L *)a at' I� fAl) drIV- nial. X,ftj"411 _ . r I , . - I .ur*k Will3am Powktrlor long ruo- as wiliteldW w tile, at the orchaird T-oud" corigumdie'dwyen' to*$ Ot gar I"al dellvorV, Toronto. "aP24W NO. I WJnaJM*# FIUXI%C# V'OMMIttee r4e" tWlulty posw.** OL wirly'n6til 06 aprIng WiAtuni so I #te I pfJ#d . ;,toL the , I � 4%'O� . + . . �Qh the bOWX died ftdfti)� $It `hI8't�I%1Jtp?$ trees, - ­�, I a do. Q.jo...,.11arlsy. nothing do- 0�uie# 041t1coAto, The viodical 1XV 0. r the Aelda of tIIQ Oi%lt a day, . Ott. commands, tho,viiccepta,401 at A,Adr*w triflinjr h door an! told 111M 1twarv,proty clost T An 9rdinvy piano contaftio A =110 1101411:4-14, 400M 2 O" Of 90 Per Ing. 'Ayo, strQogor, No. I. Oft ilitkotl. *4 VOVORI*d 1410 RX. 'This tvadarit ".rtlftoo that ,death Was Va 'n waving grolu. , . lln�k, the echo", obout him throug- seat. p4tonto ve quoted 40 $2.57 to I ,_ . . Carnegie's offor of M0,000 far .. * *XtrAQidIUVY $9utU, bylAeON Of cauwod through, al"plur Ott, IX dokulp an %Q 41111nor tlule� I I I Net 4�.X slaslaq her haryoot, *946. of piano wire, IX1444 1A $2.00 In buYOrs' big* 10114410 1004MO 3CUA0PXAJf GRAIX.UA,RXZ". , free public, 114roy. 1:. r4ed oaracter6-AT14 & 109* stuck 96or,, Oil* w. how mad sllim* was-106KIl- , , . . . . . P., i I Out of:L0.8oa ** Iti4lan. Choloobrands ar* quoted I00 to Aft taudon, Jisli 80-a-6' 1 The'Avao�ljku zi��41�4tj -wlii�h_ h, , N �, 1, - &r*n,ok.A1*rtlx haro 1, 44st.then Ev. I . .ocean only 47o gm Intlav 014g-V44M. of, coal *sagmuco. **A*. wout. to, vU; died to Vdinburgh a ,rIlay have L. FrORTILIZmas. . - , IA 1871 there wort 1,208 sbuso to . falifeed_10 $toady dock t*TA slWatIOTA ox I*dy**Iu4Jd, and "nair"r Bur"*0 - , toil, I po . as,s dlaner horn blowed, , , , utbar. I . Ott passage, rs,thor eagi4r.' ' cArSa*$ � 144t L boilf,ht j""St4 L%wrenOe IY froM burning In- * 11. tolelock dinner to 1,1viluslit. Tile+ * . pri,",ety, at ' , . London. 111berc'ura n6vr 8,200. at fit tar *,�*ut $.a, I Qal,* Aron., %vrIvq4. 290 . # $Qu%4 %L$W, wIlk �IIJI4 by his dofttljAo� qlulckne#A� *IlIX %Qd- InlIrnoiry recent through falling into IlOpses,heard thQ WIX,A%W Wad _ - ^ z Takint everg Item oil the I I ' V01 11% Berlin they hgvo. lumi shorta and 412 tar biAlt w44t. ' ­ 0011 , ed, 284 94 extouglou wharioa an � millo. , - , '"t d§.MftnOUr4 .$gon 14104 *Aolnfiolf iurl-14 sultitfaQit L 0 for . I - there Is Probably none in whit & L nous, � X vs. WV44. iron, arrly � 4 tank at boillut bovk. at ZieggatVa I thly Mable. T1411 made Silas madder I b the nara"lat"' Atted up at the street � atiep"To novalvAl. 0 42o for Oil 04, . I I I . I I . 10, g taidille freights. I lors, Auotraill;in. 'Iron. pawwg*. tt , "city " .00 I until . ;.b I *,s, doelaik a. pritno $o.yorite 4a over,y Uoukhold Toullery, Water at 141th. � 11 I =4xitit ")�uowledgo In power" tijAnf� gor,,ro. ', , . . . 294, �ft L4,.K%tlk.� I,o.r.tq, AP01liS. W14ph Im eAtemd. No 004 suawted an' mudd0L. L I'lo!H J(ut Att awful � . . test$ ibestr-40'alUch"aip in th4r�ujo Of ,$,toot Ryo-Ts ;ftrm at. 470 to 4.8* middle g8g ed se,11ors, ft 'to We I Ito r*4, f" 00 1`40*�' him to tft of tho male- per*%Aslou. X1% 00 collor4ko town hkii.xOrp, touchy Ras, has. thQt giteq I . Belftst, It is said, 1* the 4T� noL and heavy. Corn. af I I L ..Q . , Sortilizere. There, to really nothing I . .tjon pf t�ho, . r"Ist 3341tt.''Jordou llialklonjers., tMag. L - ' ' . I , ra C - ' � � On, pAs#dg* qutet And kxrdl� Any' df- 00 , Ir , etited I lini So1d,v_*telv and "'. 1)'J"ll have the $Lconkt�ibl . toix-41 akin city in the Vattia,king-, frelght*. o *A4 Au'*0os Lot till ,cue Alght , 0, F-Upp-01".4 follow Offlop tllilll�'Ltll i - � t0#44 *u'*p _ I '1*� " .t tile print 04 of LC . L . . 0, O I complicated abou dow, . or,ft-i# Arin. C"AdOL - yellow is otaAj4, T�* 124%tvt, yoklow, ry%,termo, ill' from $2.00 to $10.00. I 440 Wo-lillit D$ *4 as p wit , . Ut In , � ­ � I -PIq - . �, ,� dU#'-j 20 , The IQ14)iA6tlV0Ji4k'i at Xingaton uncionquoro purse Of $0vit"1040, Us lesii than a. quarter of -an hour. an, �'- 74:71 - entirety to Igitoronce, thAt X0 ' 'Most QhJy,'70a0O0, Briti$h reslite on .the UOMInAl'' at 04 *A#' niixtd'iLt 4$q Oaptvaber 21a otllors. passage, or t , *OA of the rospect And esteent be I looding plants, said it Is I , W, sv$tlliet the boy jclavi� quaill und. 4 1 1L. =&n CoAtinent, vulhk ,209.004 - C" I West. . No. RAintricau Yellow is 94, Minublau, prompt, 21a solloro, 04allaged by Ilan:, WX0,4 ll,arty, ho^ Iiii bloskirt, together to ViLtch the � L toiler *ent, +01) an, 4rrcst loin, au* " .. I r4tot*o a4d fallut,od 00 t"At- ,I it 4*,by U1.01 Allow-wWAWU011, , _.:l_:.... L ­ ­ - "' . . . , cU"L � A :W1 . . orders andligh � to keWtho works fro tl Ingtolto qt opregdl -, it, too . _ . I A , - - Wekthtr, in I � � , W IV . , Jo4l.Alke, hill load, at 14"M up t ­ . 11 ,Is ltv* to 9 land. 4UOtOd at 64, 09 thA.trAck TQrQA - Doglaud showery and I .X . 0 ot . , L _ 1� may Iiii 41 11 , , _ . running , uItIlt *44 day: for o0oral as', *, real, girl *9-�414 hAve aon mvst� destitute �,­Of 1AW 'b qy,t. to. ­ , .. . � � I . ,�. A The trustees at the late r. P4W will I I don't care what you .. V-- � food'"dstilt I . �. Pkitus Jh a 'L , , _­ ­ , oil . fail - . _#_:i, ',�r�,i4j[a_v_ , . rX%=_6 diiodr.", ­ . , , '.. __ ­ --" . 0.14 Vills '_ IjaV6 . .... .... &­­ ­­­" , (I,An�djj't �4l#" La� Wb,fij, L, -I,-,-- )*Vt 'o ­_'­ ­­ - -ill qvo aor" .1 I I � -11 L' . I In L to respond to ap- ilii-_ oa A A 4 At* j�Wdop,#., Ol ' �S '� ' ; . , . , � 'Mil pe . y ; 'I.. . I or,4, .littla deftlitIOU �Voot . a a QVer %0, tile )?ro- � i IQ a ,A .. L -at lack or 4hd XjgI$trk4,i L' I "It Itatalt bad eu- I sill "a- pot , *.or 12%4704, hou" TIN), - plicatiollo mikink.'o.-<porting 5,000$000'psiro 4� ` Oit4­Ari fro *=*A ow , . 1, III, _r4elv4d 1 4 1 '41313f bw-11000, 1year, worth $3,0oo.000. ' - I at $%c for No. :I Whit*L""Ot, e4c tor Ameriesn tAixed, 22o, 9$pot 1i L 9 IP, and Xack a of .tile butgh JJIVVA 340 thile.) #udgmeat or ignor4wco in using them. 4qr4, . . . , our, XU90114 011"%to. V, Ave-yeox-old . I IgnominloIi , dotectod, , _ - � - . �: . I In Proportion. to Its size, Ilr$tnJn 110. 2 whit$ AOith 4014*06t4I44,800 �.)Auao*pollo, 21�1& �84. JP�rej#*� 111011 -,b6V* *,W44 'Artlobed beileath 06 Iva$ $IV of Toport Lft,-SUM _& "01.0Q0 to be OUgh"' ho'50. "to hi4ve` 'am pasture' 1� It taunt be understood at the out- h4j QiZht..tIme# ail,taa -_, *I, I of tOL 864.1 . , on you An, 1h"o out oh*, your plirk , . L I _Ay aCkt4dW-,0Ql;h*X" . . *beat Arm .at un adv*aco of od� waggon, *nd,-junipIng up, ran tolds An atta4k at 4014t� aoll,ra)gJ4 4ilgo SaNpst0 by Uttar. the juterest t . I set tllit- pinut4 call only take mp.. ­ - " _ ... i_ . led to tho orrest of 04 QQ1"ItJnIk d6jatod to� tIlo �Xur$InWL AS4001, jon� bat'l uIt','yourlicus' u4sts. but - lo ' . I _ ; their nourishment In q I r4ilway no tile 'United auto$. . I O**wl-�-*Xs' Orm- at M% for tox& VagIlish quiet, Azaorl�sm corn grat. ihothor to toll -#q that ho Was. not '$Mar. Th(i OTIMIUAI tlj4 ", . : cArry­4f( yvi *ralg out 01; voui . quid form, I , � L 'Abi*n .ftrtiq . , . - 41ak Lb* Titere,,0'& to-aay `756,557. $oxili-lo.- ' ' 4 18;7 fi 'A =ee Or I*, J)" lIurt."but Ili i0owattor vitleqv, � � . b*ak,�ta t _of . L b . , �%ko!x 0"'Oto � 4,:4voit �"_ �.. , -! � - �';'J . , � � "Ll � lit . 1 I L , Op4olprf, before fertilizers 1,5 ft, �� Toran- 9 , on.014 � romarkable for , -- , . . . ., uhftd at viri., oyea I I I , 11 , I I �­ . I .1 I . I "I L I 4 1 ==47* BrARD, , - 1) " a W , ., . � bouror# - In the * VnitV4 ltitigdom, "' " "' tpor or I vinuipog�ls ug - � ma L . . , rft-.aid�eolt is", aund , IWOM In 111,044 A10110 f0i; :' I Onsparticle, Of benebt to th&'Nrowing '*041a$t L$$0,452 tin Q ' nQadaal at lots. AOM144A 4qur Avm,#,t; *A 44T.4o I -POP1406titio, a0wil.1 , L , t. vjaht�� , I 14b The Bi� � miodis Of s I . , . prop.Abb, st be chazged from the t� yoors'ago. t ,oEF.'AF,_ ld,, Xprilsh flour firm, tit *41 ., e.1?mmIsAIOooc�' ik Avld T4*lor I'lob. Edinburgh -.Our !00 ,�L , :. , = owgos�llerxt .44-_ was gentlemon w 11 y mu I England bsn u L 1�� � 10[o - r; awl-his1r,ot cAn �u his flkf L VO4CIA 6f Qd.":, ;, , 0 1 didu'v'utidormand ,what Itwas 0611 " solid to the liquid form. . out 4 �i 00 AIUAUY freighm. , . , - . 1� . . big 'At' Vie. *nto, 'at' I � . known, avloom horti- . . I . Zy&v opportuility-should-bo given '090, to e800000,090 - PILOVISIONS* I I 'Ll � I ,uv4rpool, lWy-804-o-OPOA ... month, Al%dl exclusive �ot the r#u"�"'a I y which AO was *0 culturists. Xr. .Visit was born 4t abotit. Whell.Z 116, Silas tomin batt, -",, L 1 to faellitilto tills chi' L � " . � �1, ­ Vount, fttV,ps, 4tead �e 1'y t� leftsi4v. 2*40guitablo. Ili$ ,1000� do- svolle. '0AIA otter Serving 041 AD 11011. , in (VVert 'Was _ -, I , . 11-4 w0e., It, the soil at its UotQ# in rdrc?4IA:t1OA,., . L . V, Septeiliber & '�gorU"On" Is 0 pr"'Opt- .4 .� tic . " * I falls 'mor �Iy . be� VabX6 aro flrn�lly hlb.intalti.94 � ' I - - . , 6 freqUOVI ehip Iii th, VpUW - . 'tontaini plenty of m6istitro at the I ' Awn . , And Sfd; 1)ecemb6i *4�a'Ofil.. %Ulz�,' - 00. . -z Prived of *at, covering, spwdjly� be, ,tin# 0 giq�oqnt of %Ito tart U , --V(oksT,%DJ0,' ��, dVIVIn' thOAlk I , L , ote&dy. S ,o 4 .4 : .. R44 to #4110, gild ho called oil � Mot Ualistield �j ,4goae, I 110 ttd'borrioa for lk"b(W was %, than 4kt L, and � L I � Wont to poor, tir I\, 1 411, , �Ot 0,0;, . ., I " . V, active deaIgro _01,�Qg" ". , � L , * L , " I cAaws , . , ..'' . I L - � kilQW�d 'It W6!q'.$OniothJ1Jg P'lth I 060k In the 1111"11114 ity, - CIO A $toady tow 40 �44, . heg Arm, ", PArt of Pii,veitp 06, tbq­pnth� 'deperiblug, the exact , - , '' I ­ I . - wutlt - Poo , boX PVPI _ w �Otil ow%, As' IXA QtlL*J) Q�JN - (iti" tile _, thota ,�, - -, rdy fqr- the tiny , pk, other time dur ro!t,l ' T ­ ,. . - . . , , The Xing lum , 1. oil 7-900 I . . .1 time,,ot planting, tile fertitizer.--will.1AW4011, three o'clock .444 eight a*- tho xilarket, to strong. 33041nebi, is turas l eptelaber, 4s Oil, Qq- . i6itntox.­ t, to' got, mnething to 411 England, I U oil , up she, road). I ..... . . I j �lif tourse. ,dissolve ritpidly,aud be lot V1094 inquiry for an ,, ants'. just � - " I I �.'� " " 4, . W44 0 . .1- . . fuverppol� , _ itall'OL. be . , � . 7 . � , , - . , I f ,5 . About � 5,000 hofoes ' are sauaa,ll� Oulqt. �' -, . � T.osa'$7 oat, of the Ill. Now it so happonedrrocomman atloi� �f_tQ.S�gQ *)�'()Qll. , , 4-tot-both4k, Fria& I � -tionrishmout to give , a I . A , �4" (Isr 90,il"._, . . . 1 9YP* - . / I . oy need some killed In Spain In buildclits. .. At, , Pork-TMaAaft short juj, Z ; go. I umdava, .0oklitgrgilt 160'I that, the In", 'at- Orugs . had quftred ,gaptland, to A , A014014 0108. It uiado Ago feel kind a* bad. . I . . ';lie= a stroas� hiialtliv-start. _On ll#oL,V7,*e'*X�L$lVr,tQ,41.9�50. ] ,'*, o;,,... allo,. 6s(�Ild ta,ax.XlK, .Xol A Viriil6s ti4e&Apby,,js to tw,i " - ppotilt Up. Capapboll Vou scol .AbO ... . .1 . I tb9sa, contests, from 1.000, to '1,200 , re , , 4tto,* 1A�prAc1seI*,tha'WAmq vvay,attor �r& t AYol'in-rdoln of the late shcrIlt uV a'wook or Mobbe . . . I . .,A& *titer hand, If the soll"Is, dry at' S.Ily sucrillced. I .�srequoil. iti,4 pr,v Ili r, As,oid to, 64, 104, NO, 1 OU04, Into,tht West 14410s. rJAQat_ Aii;d ill �v4, li�oid, -for -the puo. a I toll days More. I come Out 01110 , Poo t4XI4g­p#..rt 11% aii'me ,goul Sham (now 8 xeding time. the leitilizers .will not bulls are noun , solted, x0sits- C.L'to*%4�'to Oil '104., ' The JalJer, at ' I bg ' * Iloilo substitute 06:t - 11 ,e at .'! - V,4 'th,q ' ern *IVIAS ' � -Q* � . increased toU,r theotrioals.r, I . ,). I ?4us into liq�id co Tile "Ating Of portions of tl�o, Lanz qioar, un,-., *ZI. cases '9epteja1)rX _L$.i` d' Aux - W�lVi#C','gd _ lie be $herhl Substitute . . sditi�;,-;� , , � L Ito, s,ad "' woroUll, all, fotf,4d 41m, a-storla' out I futures " steady; to , M, , At.,Nawl ,,York - �Xias, n, . r . orop is deprived of I needs,, � , anw, iiUS_, thratth...04 w4u4er. llftat'n- that I ,ho feed It , 111P86:VQtaa4t3 In �Pitrts to propplo0ra Am I lilts, at . IIJA ., live0foist. bacon, liocolow 00 - :Ltd. $pot '00.ra, Arm, . L. i . Ub,t to �r; P#temp. . , � - 1of ,QOO. �:­. N� I 1, .1 .15. � of cafes, Who , oat up tables pected tho� -'ciluse� of the. AeuV41glg. �. over ihom lit tho orehard., . I thOre, %4*0 to. 150 . iijktas, for'soall. and Am , , S . .11, Zrary , � , V0tJ0J?4ktvl0*t. oom JaIle?w., he �OZ.­ "Satoke-111, sez, � oricu =Ixod"now. As A* to... " . . �tnd tliiis Is a Ormwii""at ""lly"brings into #a elt , $2$,000 * 0, . 0 +­ Ang Vdliard. 1140 rAI404 SV01YA 411411OUCItIg , - . � . . lworc6me. during the catird iipasono� � 0, 7 or Inaillum, l8ict rolls, Ilic to 129 ; tid, 1%tur.046 ulet; �qoptom r.' 7 1 4110 0(10t=60% nervous, 0 1 11 I o ,lias been appointed I , I )z.d results usually'lix mUcIt reduced � Xr. lliibeii Slipper Barues, w ,-_ba,c,ks, l4c C , � 11 rp� I Dart.', Firs owa, XX . Ill, "But, Silas Ho, %.L" I ile;' "YOU'VC - . . � - In tits. ninoty�socouil year. is. credited to, 1$6 p .-groea�)jjftto, oat, t * %I im a , � V L ....... . , t, Vise4unt Or I m,qr. - -to agltwtoil m6uner, drow hfa .w- M . . I . ho Is ,ohoUlders, Ile to Uic, tober 4 7 1 4 $4'' '. L I i on loorldoin, * I . - "� , � . . olusloniI. "I'llose i4noluslons he c s a a t tho 4th Atid ath Vora. no neid to lbbl­Out t1ko 'wifide' tar, I lelijq� ... _ Again, there Is even a pos- 0 1pl�cldo Aour; -18s to 19 to 4 tIZ4044 I' L OnX. PoAles, lot Argyll 4d Butte Volun-.alaalko., Irlds Ritellcn,s^ ,jq4t I I . . flbillt,y of injury ensuing -in a -ey with-bVing-thO ,0140st cOlmnOt'4141 *ro quoted at, Ir, Joiji thon smolkioO_ - P*r*- JAIly 00.-Operdfigo.- wheat, - os'e h I Rixon. a railway Agent. Municatod. n the Polito, War ArtilLlory,4t, Campbolitowil, full � Of . L - - �'travellar In. Vrglaud� . �f LIIM;. July, S% 190, aa,pomt log, Ndth -his a4d'the avant w4:5 the- arrest at -the . . in it. VOU,�QOV14 (Mt,it rlg�j_QU�­ I � ' , L on when firtill ,, r. Lard-Tiorces, 10fc* tu�i; Ill anii 'Ono 3 0 L d6ad"*T)JIe ouftesslolf to . � coxv, - I I 00A zers are applied at or d, 0 , Sergt.-Iustruotor 101m. I I I a ­­ Itir- It - . I The biggest pumps ever used Woo patip ll�c.- . . . , b ;� e�h"X�4. robber 4od,the r000vor3r of moot I.Whitowashed walls." YL01% . . I seeding time. .- Zia plants, just ,, . , " 4od D 02f $0 , 112,11 " .. 1. of k . I I as . . ecomher - . c. Ylour. L a Va his bo4ty' ­ I 00 0, ttaustorrod to Ilothegtlyi too. I WPA,.. JftM4,' an' I gUng- 40po . I , Uey ate, sprolfting are , made to;,plitap Out UW,Ilt rlwn, 11 h t4lie, I . � tiiader ' ad Rolland. They pumped 400" . .1. - Arm. July. tl7f '75c; Saptailiber 6'- tho Nift haa* Ordered 'that 'the � i �� COU14TOY.PAOIlUan. - . . 0XI , Under:.the, will af�,tltq. XAta. i Ilit" - - I - - I - may be. injured by coming irk Contact ,OQQ tons toely. Dboe�nb4r A$X"644., , � , L ,. , 0 L Au alleged ilosetter trawAII4. 40y, �Uaw,h Rary , ,, overy door,ate 4.44;;�1mew-I looka , , Wlth,bruda fertlitzOrs. . The temedyidally for,elevon-yearo., .-f- ­ �,� i- � nutter,�-,bxai,v � is, comt�g� in t - L I ,quoan sliall bo,�addregso;l, Ott all Q., 4 . . IQ, at Cheltenham, Asto Qui, an, see, white, SM0, ' . I I . for 01 this, then, I& to apply the I On 172 miles 6t Ao liii6. " St. kud titer* $0 k pladtlfui itipply, of 04ris,'­�Clok # 0 Can vo, .y putious''way. . . o-Whekt, , tok%Q , -Orm, , coal ns,'vLs:"QA_4IAI9J it ,11 , WAR Arrontoa In 0, Vor 000 Is loft to t1lo'sootti*h Asylum ough, conk1w ilp 1! I I .q. I I Inquest wasill � I a A -I -i- , �I 1-11 'In 14 the Stottish 00th! bolitua the or- " - 4 Tl,,y aXo J_0fy"*gf. 204 'LSaptemb6r, and I-Doem, Heat damage to. crops In the WhOL hwl car ­­ 0114rd. , - , , , � I A � #JI)#� T ly4it- An, w1d. tit 14nduh.0 fortilizera.LUP -7 ttMoj'j__$n has .891t lilqrO . , A11A.knd PtocICA. L' ,_ # L g1r). limitted, tulelde, ..... . . * __­ -, . . . � . I P164r, tolfto,:Orm. July 27t - Is novt votifflatod at. the drowlting un . 0� a d I 0 to the house Wltl� M rootL An!'ft.4hImbIY On - . � 'fore 'Planting. . , I - . Society for� the Provoution at Cruel- . I order to, give opportunity for them 1100,1111" 60 - axtilitial struo, 46UAn1X* at- Ift'tO 110 f0t, the Ichbic- bar ,08r. act states . . br. - 'ill 'V - 94. 00*iMlo�, and Ile 118f ene-pmoliii. sum of $600,000,000, . On Ole boily ww�'to 111)4sh my buttpiis., Or Itain't m 4 ,cost � cqrqOei , . 4r. nad.,,traLo-, 1101 L * ti4�rd,gi��rh=e�'Id,lill"ll.710 11 .030%00() 9, oxt lotA sxd.14� to�'IAW.,Tdk 0 am- - I . ' r fiaeo�'jo Ii ' L I a phatogrAph Ot A'sall to become dissolved and i3pre44 omt - I � XaQa to =00111i . ospitail, for sick t1tr6likh thet, soil., Thera are oomo nifib, ,.A. rOUTXdS, rolls $Ito 611�1' � ,,..4-'- . J.'Wh oyal' Miubui � . � A. Paris; 1 . , Avo PIPLAQ- ing,tho, original of it through - Ws, I 11 to . - � . I It. att� wheola. Un4eiz lt'�-, sez Silas. . fertilizers, though.,that ore go. solu-1 . Of the :British population, :It per In good deinan at " 170 to l8c. . I �.` I . . , . 11-10 ; " �L IQ I . pl4ing, iii , a Idor,,rdilt,11 v!1:01d"PoX� � corwoetion . with the - jXlrl, %he pollqo L � whon,bii come in to broakfast,,tinl a . L 1 . .. I ,ho I I . 1)plI0d'b6­ .1 40nU, 4ttend school ou'va average';" Crbiioter,y, UoAdsk 4aaoy, ano the do- his a co'sto, p0d,,U�t. 110 ilrrofod him. on Q IthArgo .91. dew- %'Ile MU0.11; eontiligent (21 Alan) at bult1f4titily'-youn OU6, LhQVVS' ­ , . %)is tbat"tlj6y'J�aimot be ai) ' . ill , . 0 _ . , tile Illach Wilith. under Second Lieu. �A- 6U, a , , q*gs I I - - x,iiand Is r4ttlei good.' Trinto 'A�ftd -XIL -,TA*RTZ AND POLIONAM , for him, however. be. -squattv, X*4 In my-14fie, , , � fore planting tlmo� otbeiMse.they !2* Per Ont. In tuanift. Switzerland i6lids are sewn I � ot !�Oc, to . glaq , I I , -The V1911440 sli4umkors. Ara to.'k-, tion, r�u*llv I , .would Jdacb "ont O! the soil � and - . be holds the record, with 21,per-ctat. 9 � 1� I . iiiW L . 4ppogo, tbq� estabust , i , wo's 010 0 � prove tbat )to* wa: 330t 011aut Qi"U; wIX0 tormod� part. Lot - Wall, titer come O*�r__ that day, i� to* eadetSL a -Ing Ateps, 3o , 4 cot . -then, - Russian Mai , ,go--$ ,,y scarce .1 su*Wstorgel a 't variant the OVJ i r(i now 9X wl�cts ^ro ver i4i QfJM orj(" ON _he man "Wantod,". And tbi alia"Y ptescat. at the COM, . lost to the crop. - A few wordio, 4re qu6ted fim , . I . . . inerit .of Amorlottu sbO6,oiIopj,. there, � ,the menu couple W starved, oilmoyad young . . about the di-Ainctlow 0 the 4ifterent.,.permitted to Wear mpustuohes, and �At T4fc.. ,04foriags , . 00, oviiss" , , , "_ . I L 1. I trifles may prove a of. drag�, monwealth, celebration In .&Ustrallw. I they. come- every day a- - , I classes w4W enable farmers to fellow boards. -Their naval c9afrores) Atre to of ftosk'silthered. are large &,Ail , ;the � . I . lae Se*oitth " Xa�ioual XIOLUU.- Of ging to, light ' the miiA. jaalouoly� arrived ,at Wverly Station vecout. 'Onon, nit . - these ,suggestions without dopger.ot wo�r,mo"tachqa, but most, shave lnarkd�, Igh steady, at lie 6 13,jo. A oosmtch, fr�m- ottgws, �' - I .. ly. 40 were oworted',to tl4q�- q 000 begalax for, milk for t4o ltab,k ploosp, � L ­ . .1 .. I � - syo '_ 96W'Vork V,hlch� TecQ40Y alled; - is guarded aecrets, '. . .4� . Q* a bit a' pork for dinner, or a; . r " . I � th bd . sk�nds�'Aie� eig*-aud we:j.k �Lt,po, to �TIIO . CltiZell, State 41411:Atht,1011 "o: to be' - vtdrginited wlt,h� Increased , . I . . . 4y". tho Illood. - , - , �. '. � --,:-,. - - ... jios,�9- �� , . I I I - . —0— I _7 . . - __J ___ I rf)rld jDai- ,,, ___ _ I ..,r - ­ ''I � ,words unknown. In the Dominion po- v _­'­-'-� L. - . - � . . . . L . b9nJa for thelO dogs. Why� one Attlo, . L � as be�6utlfllft,y lllujttat.� -_ ­ , . . I -"UrL list. . L I I Tlid three plant 10*40 ,which have ... o highest, Vladtft, in the `% ; 1 JIM Thilf"M RP14L - . L � -1 L -Dr- Jugus. 041404(ir Walkof, - who, "hoxm,no. bIUpy#j% Ilia - . to, be supplied are phosphoric acid,,. it" Just been built., aqm.so s, , gorge in rots.twes-4 !he �in��i to; , , , ' '.the 4 id;�dy plant of the Amw * WANTS-CAKADA% WA!VR8,, art, has ditilln VA- on the cider bar'l. I Vallko 014 stack ad In U&Jor*a Itill. Park Ix, sow days , ;§c on! I , practised lix Dys . L. _. ­ tkotash and attroge.u. 1%$4phorl .the Sh Hills, In Upper Burina.. It is 'very.dull, and both supply and ago. " Ron. - J4 Israel T,�to, X10, iirliaft* LocoWOUVO Corilliany Is- to ., � � .1 � I . . InbUrgh. from Injurlea . received Va% eldov, mister. W0,400,11 It nez. r_ � of. I unpil, ug'5,00(k.tons Ot'#tael;aa4.- capt. donit . Ind are IigI 4#p_i�ajlons . of ;t,000, 'O f0ei $I *"t V , to -It obolAt, six Weeks Ago.' . . be of L _ti�� ,_ Capadw . if Silas didalt, up an' gwo him a I . I . sd . -40, . , L . . -it, bone. - groan : ' I 11 .. " . in 4 I - - $Ito toe of VublIe'-Wokks, wftolia$ ,power � -�o- P- . . 119 0.4% XA%iirso*'1*,Qts *141ft V4.. 'T eg1lar vinegar. - . . , jk6sphate, dWsolvc . _.. 111vou 1114.U" - � ... ,5700 000. . I ,Per b4ir tor car loK 'to' a 4 F'nythlnK train 09, cAftstfu�, Year. I 601yod4t ottaw%� , - ..I Ilaceftlao Who WAS u's yeorli, of ago, WAS X 4 . 1. �_ .0 - - Th�wfy-, - 141 XuAttlan tbeiltrea-40, 440,46 PA 11 � _. , af-*QX0._A.NRW.i.Q,tii , I 1. - , . was born at Nowmalnu. Lauarkswro, 'giuld it Illui and told I � ­. bono'And bonebla - . I �, ttoh!1171�1 tr4ilfik_QA�1110441 canal to A 0:414"PA,oxhibi ��- Illm never to , , . . A I -, ani'&II be use .evj� _ 0 . -d � toij ajo "' ­ sc " ond'IM. ftnmno- th. - ­ OVapanifgft-, _0f­A.)bq,"Wq4rL Jor t 'It'la � propmso L' � A. despatch train Ottawa,,v".w.-w,A �And:,Waq tho second $01, of . At - do I - I . .. � isila can ra A 0 ,b to app�ear on'the sta In Air ex again" Ito might junt'ah *oil a4 I . L . .., Q� 0Lal* 4ndqr. %Vtk*qr, puporintende t - On� hilled hitat Llint � . 'lot I , , P a 2, Thpv #to quoted _ _10im, vlv�fm _,4444stva kaIo.z&t.HQnA­ lettor-,frota.-�!iu-.�.no.rtiso&-Iat , ­ R -tkaisoil­ It :I% I -est to wo :Aham VIOSO, ailed JW the artily 'Of'tti , eigaretto I 4 or thin -curator of t1to'Canadlita section ,of gintera"Coltao!T lran*ork , __ ­ ­ I"....- I_ -I , .. - . I bearing, any reseniblabee L I fore planting ti and work PACO to for I ompkil.4g; -w.4� ar4ereil, � at, ge, A�k�xalhp-' at; ilia 0 1 - �hhn ? MoM your" ­ " " ­ -1 - -_ ; at tb,VA- ii " t6bel, for)argo . YeArf . I 11 . the Imperial. Institute, was* r000lvoil. a, L 0 _Aurnod a, to r I no I - $a. as there may be loss from surface try. , . I . . att x�l i�to I .tha'jr�aaS. Ile oboyed orders. ... beat,4 It ,never . . �, lots 'An 1. to - V1.11S out at mr. - __ A Itteetink Of th(�,general commit. .hild sWalloWed it Ld(%Wk WithoUt u, . � aliltig A� Stroll '. Three Euiliallme at the BoVartmOut Of Tfaft and subaarlb.ots' to the PrOwed pucker,"aill smacked ito lips -aft' vald L I WAShing, and again,by working -to - Tlie tvV01Vo,rc1IwV­cOmVWAW of :OtOro" . , ' . .Tikrto, wAa �t . n. "d three guldc,q, - . I I _ , I I I I ­ .r , lklQuir, the shady ave4ups. of. the capt- while elliabla$- Afoillit Cerviiiii, lit vommorce oil Frida.y. lit It he'says. tulorollola,Wghl - Wadera 31innorial FUnd '.tWaa ffo(ld' L' 1.1,1a they - are within iosy.reach of tile England And, Wales employ between , Baled. Ray-­Xarket -inactive, ,with - -Xis. Italy, down. a chiliilt alld. 411 a' gexitleman- JA the, timber ttado waa held In,Abordeon Town 11oM re- 4 Lee Ithod the plant roots. 'The forms of pota them 312,OOQ oiena.�,Vhe Scotch end A wery light. , demond.L 'Crar lotoon tars ItIvorite, breathing opQt.� I loll, ,you Onc$j $1140 Wad quite took . i -PAth we .. . . �. * , - . 'ill So - C Wlt:f�ela - are: murlate of pota�li, sulplime O Trish companies 01410Y '10'()Oo men track hero "a WtIlotod tit $9010 to stroll lad, h1m, from tho.cin.4@r .to killed . purposes visiting Cauo�da _p L 'ittly. It wan Intflnitted, I Ilat Mr. . felt tiorrg. for the .wo- V. Vatt"It. oultphate Of potash-mapest between them; ' ". L I I uoos$ the velvety. award. .., . yphe .Reiv, ,X. :p4�;Cwarth, ono Of .tbo. toloor Witil. tile object. at tu�klug VQrbep-141th. ot V$vlo Lad wlth� man with, 4 boLby fir atillo. 1, awe". , L * I sud kainit. Residents 1xi'10,rigland ha�46 Jell;D,'� floper toh� , I' '. . , � - Z 4 , . - "OntlaiM P011w danstobl&l Oil bost"'knoift UWiodist divines of it-� a . . . tits for , obtaining' laii"ge. dr(kwn hi's offer to build -tto rr�rrvod I jij�ugbt penIcy littlo at Oat ullift- - . . L _ Baled Straw--Qulet� stud unchanged 11 In the jpiiek, noticed the OAbln* luols, dropped deac! 'on, th'Q streets pplies, of"'Mo0q. fai Institute, butnont a ehoquo, or 9100 less Frenchman, il.�cartlu, of a. hull ., duty P, I . These 1proilucts also givil better re- 000,000 luVe!5t4*. In mort,gp*4: in at 3-4-75 to: 45 per ton far par -lots at MADIS I and,, ... ar ,:Au imIts wlies uged in the same Way as foreign countries.' These lnvcstnAents teieo -disregard of the "Neep 'of Moweb.ugoix, IlL I ... 4 Q g 149 C-400- At'010 to fund. The oxncuUvo wall lhst"uct- family round. the eoufAry lit E% tuck- . on track here. . , I ., ­ it the gkitsull mandate. 043 prouipt- . . I .. I ti,f dt (I tile pliosphoric acid'. In fact, 4u- annually drain-Itho lorelall,.,vountr1c; I I I . I , .1 0 , t, L The Itqsslaw wteixt crop,lo 1.1ut at I o,:OAL behall -of q.,.fricad -of 6d to takc.measurm to .obtain cub. od.up ,agon, will% M otovo In opo . ;. 11 .1 � FAAA=S, MArjXE ' . ly, orftod,-Mu. Xr.Varto-badl L '7 ited Xfogdom and scriptlono, . . I thorities retommond that the pot4sh of about kt;,�00,000 In casb�. I I I _ " , , " L T, � " I;aiot)0"000,qUiLrtAi.g,.LogLiJUSf he"00, _ lits. Wil haoL I% Un . end (In' a tbakodown lit Vothor, r&. .. , , � I . osaid phospborlc� aiitil should be ap- The military �glkqt bAs just been Toronto, _July 430 .-Busit L kess was tt(6: cladeluputh. I , . South African buslac3s, he ilesirps . ,,I)* you ICAOW Who 1 am?, I qudrled .000' In' 1000, Or ahlexport surplus. of At -Oriluotlulylw Form, l*eutiv, A farmerii %lantial help the wornt Way plied tog.-ther several weekt; before putliiio operation in Guor"y to OWL on the street ta4ket hbtb.' to- to'ananga for supplies or iigeriOos , I . . . e tt'd _ the- latter, wil4ldar&bly surprised ot, vjodo,000,,quartors... , . in such linen an lawthert. lobntors, noted nonogonarian paoced awai An we willfill to pay,good, wctdea. A . .. .� . Thera in JR.- strengthen the UJIft4., Guemsey Is dity, aud,thd receipts dt produce � . the srson. poor toot he was., Irlicy fetched ov- � tbe,,rcceptJoA of sqch an m -der, "I A, mother "4,thrw clilldrea, Were Aour, Cheer ,person of Mr. llugh And(. . tie danger of these mineral fertilizers tlio only portloh�of the British no- wero very small. � The only,ftala'ar- : ill L ter of P , ublic'Worlts.!' biwited to death bv the'6xploatim of w ' .&, furniture, doors, 4hd lie, was her, $I, 1809� at, 01�004;cdyl:q er .the oluati,mon bear to dance for , , - I I . washing out of trA& soil, slow they pire Where consoilption Is enforced. ferAd ,was &,)oad,of osda., Ithialt, sold, Tb8 6 If '00donwaro, olther for both the and has carried on tlm� facul buo� the missuo. Siloo. told loin never to 11 . L . I proIriptly replied I tto Tin VII � , can .In ma - ionoingat house, it 'Uallea ItIngdom, -or South Africa, or ces9fully. Ito gould aquambet, to- brlvfl� It- tll4rb agalit, Me, nasW thitig - ' form now compounds in the soil and ,Japan6co'chess.is the most,intri- J ,fo IQ higher an t0c, per­�IIJL, a . - , I � 11 I remilia theret until takot VP - IW - �ho c - to =ad allowance, or.words to- J?Ittsburg, Va�. , for South Africa only. -- 11 I crops. I I . " I afe udmo In the world: Vfio.� board About fifto6a- lo*49, of hay, Vero A& that effect.. He had his orders to .' At Los Angeles, Col, Albqrt iebks,' Trade enquiries front tlie Iligh, Iiowa of the battle of to frighten the cattle. lie wouldalt, I .1 � has eight"ne squares,,twouty plec- livered; old sold �Oi higher at, ,$W . . ce'v'ng the Isla wboA he wau a. lit- have. tlichl hungry hounds a' dogo . .. . though, Special earo-,ea are used. and th6 pIew3 change* per " i t1st"' dioppeflAeald In Commissioners - office were ro�elvad Wo-torto In ,. . With altrojen, . tont. 04d .no* uachs,u6d, At . . $8. execute, and ,therer Wag no at�terp 4 A�611*knowa ar tie b6y.o In his lifetime he had mot totind. Cho houm' notthbr, 0--chasilal. has to, be given: Take nitrate of Irk grade, when they alrriv6 at & car- ja fQ,5 0Ao,IQ0A16f stromisold. .un- tive. Ron, Mr. Tarto'satv'tho logt the otroot' %ihile laujhIng and chat- by the. Trade, Department oil :V,rjday, many notablo, people. amongst the ca.tq aW fowls. � I soda, which is the most soluble, and . taill position on'tho board. ' . c4�god, 4tt $10 pe� toitt.- Otber pro- at the argliarionto Un 'without furth- tl�g with frionds. . The nalmea df manufacturers Ili �Can. whom were ,the 905a�ouo "T'Ibblo Va- Well, '-I' waited, au' I atc-lied, n,- � . .. .quickest acting form of nitrogen and Railway travelling Ili Great Vrit- daw was sominally ,%mobiInged. 0 Argum, I on . t fosuiWWWWalk along, . . I., kacdoIiald, iormei� Ada,of Iron and steel worlf,-iist and w . . . ' Sir� Claude gan " authoo of "Ca, the nwe:; to tryin' to keep that dinner worm. i I thertforo, best suited for L Practical I ain it; the safest in the world. , In WheAt, whitb ...... . . ; ... S 69, -� Q0 the Path' ' - " . , �, : - . British 111aMter at, T16141fi, has bwn wrought � iron piping, steel plates, tbjK'Xnoww," and JamQSL 11yalop, Tile .Crcbnn was Spoilt, at course. L I 001 . , QUegt1ofteaL by a. tl:�Startdor the offl- a,IIJI61utod a XCIII94t, ComzandeV of st0cl,angle9, Otc- A *011-knOwn hrnt author tf the 11 Camorohlauln Dim by I see Silas cointa". I . uso. It should only be applied ot it , Avlerica, one passenger In eVOY 2,'- do reil._ ..... ­...., I , 07. - stated'that, 6 tho rut6s apollod the Bath, in, recognition of his iser- Of otallOU01*0 In London is opt�a to I)l,04m.v, Wilch.the first train came thought the life Ind leave mo w1mi I . time when thVplant JS hf,xieed,'ot 1 400,000 Is killed; In France, Ono in do goose ... ..... 4 Q2J ou car nitrogen. Tito elleqt, of littrogell Is 4�,Vry _10V.0,000. and In Great. Brit- 00 Spring ... ...... ,_*-'l-*.1_, 1� '67. Do to all qI40-0!�i, jrota� Cabinet 311nic- ,rices to. (�illhta. � , . take up the agency for *V ngland for lbta 3luirkirk Ile won cut fatfteotod hie come cloacr ail' I See that he . I to stitaulato growth dn:d to hasten aln, only one In every 28.000,0100. 4,44 torn to, oys; � 411 classes '4"t William Cornish, a. bail or, in jolt any Canadian -specialty In Its Illiq spectator. go was also a. noted had the hull family, the dogs ano � Ila&7 ...... ...... ......... * 1 4J " 46, obay. afiaLa 6y they woula �vben bb attempted of businese., Into names of 06nadlan I It to to )Par thirteen years the Dutch haVO I " "Aw I plants to early fbaturity. i nyo ...... , ........ ."..IV ... *11 � tid T at Beaufort. S.C., for ,brooder of the now far-famed black- hornes a-tagain' on behind. - . be seen, therefore, tlidt) nitrate of,ha,d compolsor in I k *as in visht. . I -box wood and faced cheep. He ifuloadod lcm at the door, ail' � 0 , I exportero of obotte � .y registration Of - Oats ...... ..� ... �....i .14 '.. it to I triminat assaultoo tied the deputy r. then he come to we, looldn' Wad a' . noda, possesses '4pecial � adVentdgeq feetioUa ' df!�J'�Lgo.' ' - -In L 4 Iffiole 0051, llay, old. per -ton ......... 1A,00 0.00 . - I �, 0 , - who was guarding him. hand *nit ,hoops for barrels aro naked to A .1 - .rowers and ,otker4� Who" ilero ia alwayn,'beoides � . - .1 Matioliestoo firm itska for the tLd- - . i - I shamed. '*Mother," he soz, I've got ' for truck g jachooln t - 1_., 1 4 1 the do tie ...... ......... ­tj., 8100 0.00 1) .a � dres!x�3 of Cazadian paper.millo cup- ON CARXEGIVS 'LIST. 'exit 'tested." lie cez, "an' I got that Wish t6 jet th6li' �riapa on the mar-,t00AQr, atA attendant WhQ Sees' to S , � 42,889,600 IN ICLONDIXE GOLD- � $04,44d�e"04 4d-, ,- � t ." " I t tlI6 L �'Perr ton ...... ...... 10.,00 0.00 , 'Onal I traw. per 'YU* plying tow . kot early in the soaoon so as to so- � COM41don 16f.""each, !'Is 20 , - �, General ItodiL Governor at the . sprint. . ...-Ol . bag 6' Oats." . - I . ill e Butter; poutitt 1,01A � - districts Venezuela, covering . taro the highest pricco, which usual-i6fla upon. Qtitcr!�g the School sell do eJ'ockS_ '.,,. ��..� ' L' -I4, 17 Xft.XLVaUt*rlk#st4at Anioldut to, Ban * . Will Give *IijkWei $i6tk$3 @a dedga "I aftes!3." I M, "YOU got InOr"IT � bLplant does da.y. 1t;:rI n, - -h . , XroadisievAulfbitm t region of.�bo gold mine 4as . 1,y prevail then. As t r -99s. now laid,o. ...'�';', :_ ­ 16.�, I't , . . of , bd for'polttfcal� no.- � ,OVZ . you bargained. fur, by tho loolm a' not need all Of the Belgian law u,nularried been' assaoin DISD OF UNREQUIT91) t vArwi, things." I Doz. do� held stock . ........... 11-0 14 A despatch from San PraticiscO non$ by General Zopt&tL%' L . .1. ! - . c . Jime, it &%cst to'diviao the,ultrate mou ?V�o twel)ty-11,�0 11avo que'vote -old, perpaIr 'SO- 175 skya :-The big steamer St, Paul or- � . A despatch from Winnipeg cayD - ..Well.,# ho ocz, 'It I �i Chickens. . _ Up. babo foll out " .7 ,r - tile wagon an' broke Ito leg, an' rho I e Parts, using the marrie laea -aud.Wdo*crd wi Th�loves aro agerating oum,ofully StIt 6*6outwt Xtsd X*taiod to See Xia A letter � won read on Thursday even . . first as a, top dresoing induedlately families have two votes, and priesta do, spring, per pair... 40 aO rived on,� WednosdaSt ovefting direct the Parl,f-GoIlova, tralas. so *9 Oket 111tawc. tile V Inance Committeo of the couldn't leave It, ,an' she cried an" I Ducks, per pair ...... .... ,75.1.25 from. SC'MChael" b . ringing c"' tons oil victims blIng nov. Atr- -patch front NewcasUo, R.B In at COungil from PfOvAtclal Ltb' tbalt on ro an' would, come, along ' qad Torkeys, per powid ..,* , of gold -from Dawnea, and other 0"! after th6 teedn, are rown, the sc-dOnd, rind otlior poroono o1s, position tlltw I I;= 0 11[.V pottlen two,for three wteks, later, C.4tication Love thrc,o er r - gl� rarian Robertson, ofiering oa behalf with , , - on Ar4orloatt clergymen, who -Dlaapp - of Andrew Oil him, an' the others they Sav 0 A paragus per doi... ,t _ 1112 age , ointed love wito the a " I -votes. .,G6 p6itits on the Yukon, valued at $2, loot it 0 i des , 9 iteg a to donoto $100.- wudtdhlt stay behind, an' co- ­ I azd allaw la%FdOt file, SaWOMmOunt Of penaltics ttrc Jolpos-od. art fhose_*,110 2009, per -46z .... ..... �­ -10 10000" 339,500. This treawro ship differ- 'p%Wpo,C0At%10JIf9 55,00. _ - casion of a, siartIltiv ca" of 01cido r I . ,time, tp elapso before Using the to- init to vote. I . I . , 000 for a. Irco public library to I � �"Uftlng portion. - - - 2eana, butter, per bu.. I Old 100" ed- . - fro=. � those which came ,durinLr The direot*r of th6 Dockerath and In the quiet country cattiftout of "An' tba dogb an* the horses . , � I L . A I-landred t0il!� ofeats' tells '�Vot`0 Cabbage*, now, perdot 40 50 tht-idiie y6'ur of Vic Xlqndflcp boom. Irellman Banking Co., Crefiold,­Oer- North. Eok, t, mile, jl�;In thin taw.(l Winnipeg 6n condition that tho,city ,�Obuld conte too�an' I awan," I cw, . rce"ItlY sold In 'gnu lot 10 Load" 'Carrots, D�r AoZ ....... i 20' 00 as Of her gout Wag, consigned El spends annually $7,000 for mainten- "if thorn van't,that nanty boar a- , L 11host, many, IIa5(AbSC0ndc4 and 00,1)40.19, A Altos Victoria, UcTavish tq�nv I . . . IVI�Yi1l,&TION iND AIR Clln- ri dot ,'�. ,1.09 1.50 to large commercial companies, and ,olosed.'and-40veral, otlier WA)m orb there from 13orltall to ViAlt 0. rbla. once. "Itin, along down. the road after Capliflower. pe L., . . - 110. bi T 8 4 - p . Arsumirg that an . Per"d6j,,'..­. " %;�� . 0(y Atr, CoxAcglo bas asked Mv. Rob, loin too 1- , arel averd9d Corn kr6eu , .. � ?" the two-swre of returned millers had niidllto� be �ottevlfig.. �, tive, Donald MeTavirli. She 0 a ; ti tic � A p pblotz� .. In tair Would freigh 'a eduplo 'of 'Cue', 6bafg, Per- d0t..4 . * laoo 1.25 little movey to show for their hard C Johh Afar riling Winnipeg, and this offer como dintice an' then I'll falm 'em . I I While tile milit room shbuld be weil ,6unecs, � thick �Vould - mean.. A#f : ro iver dot ........ 1,25 Go' work and. hardships. .! oball, a ion -616 motor- cashier of a hotel lit noston, where attO011"f0e aui, a a (it am We e cez, "give low. . 'ArentTlated tho.4e, who still use the � do SmaU, - ziiul of Brooklyn, who had his skult Thomas Hurst Wmi �Ierlt. ,If, jell "Go . I I open pans should be car6fdI that' f6kci,ifldii 1,1702"000 pansies hod Uttuco,, J�er 4oz ­ -k. A& 25 The htrj�tob'slguoesaie the Abta�' fraeteri-ad .1h. tbr�4.jilft0s,fla thO Ali, In 'love wlW her, but she refugod his is the result of his judgment on tuo. to the lock-up", 11, . . � there Is not 6 direct k'arrout of Air bopa,killed, just to supply this OnO 1QUIons, grow, k kib v, -atontiotin. Ito followed horto thin 114portance of the city's position. "Talto Mat kettle o' fiolt Into tho �� I I , POr fr6e 3-0 10, a Commor4fA Company, 8600,060 ; baby strike, has eued the i . x1araloy, per, doz, - ........ , 15 � 20 -aqr8dIbYSWeltIr1g� orl4s,$000,000� irr"tlon,- � Conifiatly. " "for $60.0 I" lIbe committe-o, of couroo, joyfully �:7 �* , , blowing over the pays,' The outside cofisignment. CJ- .- - W 00110� -PAtyindo atid ttitievied thola. -Twice %44itkiqlly accopt,cil, Aft'. Car* viliagei 1311no 11carn." I ooz, "don't I mar iq not pur6 aixd mVeet. It May Xleas, gree;A, per peck.. 25 00 the Oiinadiau , 4aikk of C mace# I dallinea, . ', . he 0VO ou h and , go an' inatto a loot O' your0ll- ()in � 11 . . . I - . � , .1 tic, � neglola generous ii(lor.' Mr. Car- I Use you knew how I " I , be laden with dust or it ancty be Lear PORT A11THM X2W INDUSTRY Votatoes. per bag ...... 8 5 45 ' $1M0,060". ' Among thd minern a. man Ail 4 result of domestic troubIgg, cas on the Brat 6ccanion. roeolv� c I With It odors which orb not desikable I do ne!rx p" )pu00J,_,, 3:1�, � .TA0, I . lost 31rn. lifraild %look, bf Vattlo Cro6k, ilig 210 encQura - Ilegio offorod tile Mine amount to t Give lent oome dinnor. anyway", .2. 1 , natited -�Millcr ,brought tho I'Art: Bement dud the 130 . In tile butter, or bacteria that will - , do per btftel .'......... - 1:10 71-15 vack and he )lad -only 150,000 In - d, In loll cOad time obtaining no audience, Ott=4, for o, similar institution. 110 SM "I VC4 tbov 110611111t hLid a *a, WIA Probour A44 lory 24tifel�V to � Mlch,, drapk_carbolle ild e early docay. lh* Ithubarly, per'doz... ..�.,, 95 ' W gold dust and nuggeO. �of her hunband'and several Altci 1110 necouil repulse, Iturat. � . 6. . I good square moot In quite a tpolt-" . But even it tile air 'is all"right It I , i;pAls,600. Tioinktodt, fick basket- to 00 The only, promfqe,in �,,pitcsengera "I I tl&,di�,'& lifftoni.toInAtko W*J)ted into the boatico near tile Me- 0 1 guecs� they hadn't by the Way _ . - A despatch Irom 116rt Artliur ogetablei filarro* P�p . were GIOVernorL William �)gllvjo and 99"t oror, ..a . Tavialt houca ond, blow out Ilia TUB KING'S TITLV. they cleared toy table. I ceralubled I toughewt the surfaco, of tho cream, (in , .V , 1,4VI!b , � .. ­ h it'doca pot break Ont., rays.-Thw fight wbich has � doz ......... ......... ..... I . 1.00 L,30 Zlsho� Itowe. Ppiscopai.11113hop or � -- , I 1� � a r � 20L ,Dor ,4*ing Edwavd, received Vio foreign brains with a revolver, Which he had 'piderful o' egga. My otarn an' With the test, but either gocn away raged for a year bettron Vdrt-Ar- weterereg.1, . � trib , . In the.,buttermilk *I- Inh-tes Into tfio-��tluv -and I'ort 'William, to -decurd . the per doz ... � tl)o 464 dloq�o_ The steamer Jeltgateb to tho'Tubertuloniat 0011- bought 441mv hours before at XOW- XlU Intrifftelid -*1 the VrObIlOt in flartero, they didn't leave muth of I Dressed llogs, per 0M. P.25 0.15 cAatlo. At '.lie Inquest on Thursday Maio of Lards. my ham nor of my baldn' neither. I . � I . butter. unually Most of It doing tho location of Vinger's, big sawmill bag Beef, hindquarter& ... . 8.00, � be,4 been fog-boUnd Ott tile Golden forenta atlwaflbtirough %reveal chook afto n AfIna .UdVavIc.h told her wouldn't, woudep a nitto If the [lull I i 8.01 6 (late oinee, sun4v 'morAIAC, tho'eap- hands with cvtl� of them, and R In the Ifouce of 4301111110110 tO-dAY . latter, t,nd then the butter In filled 6ded wltlk a VVIT, 101? Pert Arthur. do forequarters ... ..4 41SO 0.30 fain not doting to enter with his I story, c3triblinbing tho abdvo fact!;. but It Itiud o' . .41 ' -, With sjxdis which are simply Lour I 1,Tho 1111loon Vivcr Lumber Company, do cafeasds, tholto .- 6,501 It. 1-1 J, - valuable,cargo. , . ­ )po that good .11. � the Marquis, of SalibbdiT, In intra- lot of loin had fica.11, thole dlocll'� I ,5, Tho body will be f�rtvarded to 13,3-i- duoing a bill in relation to a lloyal tieldod silo, art' it did Stlaa,tqa, to 11 cfearn that will'not only Import an an tile institution is Styled, has do- do, common ... .... 1. .­ 5.00 6.00 � . . WOU14 co i on I - - coo, loin eat. The poor woman Va-4 I � , , , , I At tile . " u16,0141i Coli is 61 - title, said tile Maje-fy would proli 1 ,4 undesirable taste, to the butter, but elded to loco" in Port Arthur, and lAmbs, Yeatling, Or lb, * 0, 7 1 . +_ I ,l.l,.K__X�_ ably as�Mmo this fitlo.-IlDilward dwful grateful ail' would bolP to . ckh�e It to become rativid voir,v quick- *ill build a mill of ttrentst million do. spritig,, per 9 ...... I , 12 I20J - 199 ,tAIS911 AS,109APEMAKER. ond6u, !for ronardel eldet � the Sovettili, by the 'OracO of G(Id, clear up tile dinner things. I tried I . ly. We learned 01s, by a little'u'l. annuat,eapatiW. rind ettablish Wood- Uutton, ptr dft...-, - (1-00 17A10. L, - ,'­, ,4 I - � , medical adviset, bt the lilrobeh trov- BANK XOTA 011100LATIOR. reat'Britain and Ireland, alfd to Ox tip that mite Of M batO Moro pleagant experience ofour own many %vork,enturprims as wall. ,Xt Is, tX- ,Vc&I eal7eg, light, pt -r I .. %4*4ft A11*0 ftit li" Wild Rexotlat, 0-nment, deeldrad that, m0drJuroll , on . L. (it a of all tile ntitirli,Volutillono beyond comfortable. WMIO 6o was (loin' . ago, as W13 have learned some 'pected that tho enterprise Vill add pound ...... 4 ........ ..... � .11 5 10 tlw part, of Illf, t4fdto tor limit -the im the wool Iting, Defender of ti I � = , 10., greatly to 'thO Population Of Me do thoic-e, per ib ....... , Ill 8J I ,rorthowqero. , reiviLges bf alc6liolisru �,,6fild bd Most . as, Twelve xontbA the organ. ail' get loin all rouhd to , 'ereaeod a 2611118" amd SL Itaff $.A is that, 'didn't Silas, got Noll there at I . things, Writes a CorresP63idt . �Idjtli, Emperor of India." . . � i said , A vt adviie ' out lvlend� to be town, as 400 wen*ro to be employ- Ad des 4teh from London C4Ya '- precious augiliaries ill tbe'eru6ado nrl ,*Old Dog, Tray Ever Vaithful." . I W, ed W re the,y have to Pay,Jor,'ed oil theyear round. Construetion, LIV35 STo Cy. XAuXET 9*. 4'The rull6r. as to early peace U090- againgf, tohgUmptjoij, and tll�j tile A def4patch front Ottawa,cayu :_ Lord Sallnbury*aald tilt) bill wouEd at . remove tli"e of the liew mi ' Toronto, July, ;90.-Theto WailL a' �v be ptrIalwAVO, roahina It ]awful for , Tito Sweet 11V -and -by," on' " Pull t� 14son.0 On* may ,. 11 I,* to, be started fiatiots which hatf pervaded the JMtUIsttfj>,, of ,yipanta 011ould with. Tho batil. statement for Julio rJIO` 13 I' particles of tough cream. by strdin- forthwith, and tLere Is e�asequtatlsr vory dull-tono In the trading at the JI6U_qo'of Conitaiiiin fdr some dayn'" ,drow chou#h-feOwlho alcohol Vo1v0- 'thO Abte circulation to be %01119.�' his Maje-sty within nix montlw of the or tile shore," . .! 'Western Ceittfo Market fo-da,t and says, the Viill�v V,Xptcr,!J. "liar; t4kM - 470, and Incrca!�o of 0,500,000 over pacsing at tho, bill to MaDo iAlkh ad- I nover ltnowe(l how Silas cottled I Ing tile whole t ilrough, til -line Steve' great ,r6JoI*g-,., � I lmt7 to Valk for .the. caro,ot tl;o. lit Ivert %V�otori. Ile carriW him I . I _ I Inialit ,cceul with I,A i but it Is easier not to Ilk", them_ '. I ,6 " I 1. - . , busirieAs was poor,, The receipts tile atore dognito form that Emperor cbriate and his. dilldrion, tile 0=0 Alont)i of last year aad of dltlons td the title as bach to tho village. Ile Imilod 'eni, .. Place a ft*1L,"vf"Jr_tM, Wi*Ipw - a e 4twand William Is soon, to amimia the role . I 83l(100,000 ,ov4or tho return for titp fitting to Mill. "the, big war,oa an' limuled , � VwxIm'a Mv%vus, was lillit, old wg9od deal L , of Stuff of keaftoltiker. .,Xh,1Cruftar and hi!l . � --4--- . previous Inotith of May. , Thei __ ,_,*�. all Into , lik "slielve we*- ,tm bacl: to where, lie g6t 'eta, an' I " 'S it ie 134 . ' ' � - isay to Jolwa tho W1.1WW*0 to,pool or. %,lie most recent trituaph of tile Was le t over. A�porters were too tAvisets,,ore, rc-pra!xated tin haVing � . 0mount of ou�i4gt loans and air- BOVHS tOSTREAVILY. Lo throw6d In that bago' oats tool ; I ventilat* Xles 500til. , " � . Frecielt postal 'adififniAtration'.15 an plettital and the market was clog. empowered the Xaldet, to art for tile WEVII QUGOTff, TRVLER �counts for Juno lwoq G282,872.1-11. 1 . - TItat's Silas's way. 110 cez 110 got his 11 . ,�'; L � , ; .1 . . ­ f I I ­,,�, . Ingenious little laoxhina Which not ged'With ft0m, Ffitts Were t"et, Doers. Md he 16 06401deted 'Willing un L. . Inlifi ION a gMtl of $2,1,00(000 Over .� . J ,tm a", t CAWAOn AS SWCX FOOD. only scutonisKically, we$#Tts lettem h# tesults 6f the day*s,6usines* to takd th(r , illitibItive lit ord(le to " � -#q- " tho tattlo titat, last, e u tAk9swout lopogt4d trfto TAtteplt OtLtfs'octlon. I ; I 0 . . - 11 . . and &-n1*16ft, tvit rororft,ow In I AJ t0JAV01, to sWer4. Xtut- topularizo, 144 tolatiolls, with tllo Lt C " , 0 1J , , " , The irAlue of rawih , I od"tot ,1ZAtO'ff1J - 'tr"pE1) I or line otf,of about lour millions, no , � tin $001 to ,. 1001 C �alo L A� CaRCIN10AY. . i cator at the sift the amount to. thers' wero also afterM feftly, nntt Geriarat -people, itho"dinapprove 11 tired With May.' it dCs9at,Qb from 40aps) Tot)u ackyo .. CA111-1 92113L9 MCCUTED. � stock may',be iuMN264"401.0strong quirod for stamps� 'When the article ,DWV the good otteo had_ony�thwnci Olivia JoliouGim To tlaki , "'P 0 - . In two rolatt, the lary Imeaut that frifti'Milp for Great Britain. Soma- I I 100 -to On b6a&v and toeG -A fitilit i!� roportod to havo taten I I I 6 ,deposited on -the balance o-tecods the of 'being A061d. Other cAttle 'Werd *hI on loot. whothor I I , �Vhown 60 $74,772, -WO, �IroatOr theft plate betwoon Jantogtown a�d Lady Two paypaa,Atr at Xenhardt and othors 0 0 3, " If,r,,"a""n",y "" Foil can be gr wa i4iow *4 serd vf Is it regulation weight tile ItidicAtor =i with a light domaxd, bat the tij�!iro gi it or dot -11 A OW110 Thftt tut on Asmdouft, the ntinto for the previous, molith (;toy, 1.1aptorn, CaVOL Colony. - - wairsteatexced. �. and its �sueculeugy. *kick naltievIt '% X-4 Wmv btalvlo than uplaf., at %be Itagoo Apple tUftt 04ugltt ,* , , A deo-p I atdx froya Capo Town cay,r 'r I ijrornjitl�y . hoin" iilp 'IT-oo of Alay or lot thu% month of. Juno, 010043 commando attached a WwWrcd tobt 4 4te( , hesIvy", ­ . end lamba. *eta eolsftrk skrtd )t , 1CM ,,loft !71V141JaII9 Es4preS5 � 'or e(innaUnIlt - milk=pr6ducing . , / I .tht I IS eonnt'gel, � 011, iAd "rom T" Co , . Sheep �te�, tho � wa. I I . ak'L 19(yo. D*Vc,3fto by the Public noagoro, but ccouta I I . , Canada, payablk�, after 110t1w'dr On AIIWCLI Nottil 'aring, tho Zocm PC . 0 _fi *!Zgood ' ' calves atid hot& *ore� unchanged. The thinks, with tbo,,rumoWd Peace apvt lknhardi on %Vedfltsdw aftevacon I But it r0quircs,_%t)NX%iM TKef. rob*n wcre oxceutcd at ealUfttion. Aots "t komp *81 for __-06._ I .. X� ,.�, 6N�T'Ultl�i�,.41'i j�&N. ulal run ft* lfi(l lo"s, Including Viettions. - A minor At %V11kelabarre. Penn., a 11gea day, now amount to $�2%- retX4!4tod,,,spvaVc4itly thloWaS 04 - I I ,I.e , '10, 0 wlnlw ses amp" ttod wbero it MELT1 . 0 1,785 cittttt, FA6 'sthe" arldloxabo, ' . , :.---- O�� -, ollee took In --anothor lainer fib , " a', , r1all, ef $3fT,506.J06b, OVL or th6 rxouts %-zero rtrovaly vapportoll Tito Military Court, which I!i nit . �, . will 1. 4r%tir,winx "dSvoll . I � � � j tint; at DA)rdrethe. 19,15 roatorlecd 13 , the Alt tho ,ceuhteitfOit coin that has 80 talvtq 6114 WO hogs. . lodgir_ 01, , q do,y t.�4, tvvo Won *ont Juno of I-000. Tile a." bailltd OCIM-ff 'Vio Doern tin, ,rald td haV'O 10!� . A' Mitt: a dtort � te 31, tortie into the possession of 06 po- Expoirt, cattle, tholco, , novion xxter itontEm d0tru the lAt togenthor, lift only lone t"111110a III. tile country have amony jx�avltsl. - � redo to imprit;onmorle, im. W4. Too, . *11000 de .,A" ,any � dtcayed I . . I I 17 otriera �'Puo %V�w* convicted wo" mnt� ,,, I ", lt&*.w Wk hd it, I* alyw)st isaprigsible Ifte daring the ittst fourteen years PiT cwt ... ...... ........ 44.60 $ 5 10 rnturnod. It was tho lodger. , Ap- thom� a f6tat paw -tip capital of 867.- , ,, (%need to five �_,nd ton Stars* Impris- I t was recently melted down in the ft *a4fuw, per,c*t" 4��21, 4:60 Or"* Joist"" lit the If-Alk0so VA110- pArently ftanim, with borror and, 005,71S. with rMt s CONCENTUATION CAXPS 02101clit, re:�Vco_tivoly, . to ;00040 tt Jvqwrti*g a taftRA un- - '3() pot". Cont. I I I Hopat lAbor&tory tit Woolwich. ' It do rows, per Put .... � 3,11r. 4.25 C*Wi's fto at tfils"'th, grl�ef, he rC,p0rU.jt that fir(I ,4aJnp Illtd' r 9 , pl"AWA be"T to ll�W UJI)f Aftd I �bllt_ . s6ghed about 4 e*t,, &;id repr,"ent- Butchers' cattle, pick- A deAp . ftu�h from Shanghai cayo:�- oaerpowore(l *Lad killed his tkiend. .1_1. ­_�4­­ - . S � i ter. I W *Vft to the 304"t. Unless Its f ed mevetal hondml pounds of turtbut ed�le . ... ......... ... I.... 1, 4.40 4, V 6 The dooft Ift, the 1107 taro The body 'xas rtco,�ercd, and tit fto I fta rr6belie PODAU96% 34ut6bets ovor rl.;1�1_iam - '111 1401611 two or Ahreo - galrell *At it WOUX01t. 10.66K I Use *4 wactu"ri*t. As of hAlf- do choict ...... .... . .', *,00 4.40 eft,using srtm dis 6 �Va a verdict of* "Accidestal . . — t, tenacious Of 100 - %. 00 � 0-oin, *The bulk 'conouted larl-l"T ,Df .the Iftknest , late ematura moo I ir�,gdrd "W11in! Prefoo- erowa.q and florins. I _.'. .11 1. 9013Ath" Ika5, ftt(411�614 1f0WGV0r,1 �bt-' '�Iy ;I� ,ZkUS do fitlt_ _ ........ 1. l , 50 trem wo, A detpatch trout London La.,�t; .,- , I!, the, ,copiinon coa polvp. It orzo b,'� . � 061vo lm�. ! I 4.00 main onibikuktamn haro brolAtt Atmistles Mew so *IUOA *44 A Patliamontary pav,w Junt in=cd cut lit two two W-,atuiea. aro cia Va- ,,�6r Johnnton, in 4 wtaftw1a ChOd- -_-__(I_-_ , do cothmou_ ....- - '3.t* 4,50 kba" 'Wallft, and floo,ftd e'thick I fore tho ftiaht IstAlIttd. from 010 A4*04 4,W bottretL I 1111,11 � ,htt,f, #.."ImAtod SoVA" pmmd.* of 4C�j%pfalo�_V_V man, I *ouldn't Aip do ebws- ­_ � ....... � 2,(* X1.1 populatm district for forty or flft� ho'".4e, 08 undcrmhot, bappene(T to pea I g1vc,,1 #lie liunibew of. Vmrconq In tto ocat. 044� may 60 bilt, into ball % ,- I I ... . .... .. ­­ &00 (y fhP WIdJJw` 4CIlattine ftUd stalling in a A dc-tpatch from London ra�ra,_ corcontratiotl cmv,j in South Africa' do, I rAbb,W, to bay(f about -the saww val- on this vo,vago it I wor^you, Aallor , do Lull 8.541 Inlieq, Toni of thoucarida of pl,oPlo =% t,lctlow malzira as Inany 4n1- - V 4, 1 .- ': . ue, as fonr poun&4 of A oike; ~" Why tiot! Ain't I all right! Cap- Dills, txPott, keAVY, 2 79 , 1havo, b"a v%a0efed lWYW1lcs.0,. 01- I(xht:heKtted wov vall 0b l6dj*t cot , otuvwi of (=uMtks usilont" Mo In Juno. a') follows ..-W"ito, 05.410, Inala. rho7 tla, turrmi Itmidor 41 1 14 t�ift­yoq. bUt Fell Site ,foo fat� 1W C*L-L ­­­,� ­­, �, - " _ , rotiso. SUVW Priltioll rallway votz= ca 41111111r, tha '010rod. 23,4m , may poundoof pe -i xtraw, alitteft pbund* " 4210 twe cr*s destroyed I Uj$ 8a#VftJftS werd­A , I Out. wrl"a if"Cl? atil)1rently iea,fo�? I I C16'.Pr boy. tw*nky POWMW of Itiv*. 4.4aJ1or_-_*bat it I aml 11ttit handlo do light, kok tttt , '. 3 50 alls The ret.1'Arg of tl;;, rt to Vekill ghtioihq ,K,-ro tet Ott toot, and It ,te-.Ir 1000, thwv ttat 583 %voire, )Hlt- 11111cro woro 177 dcatlig MOO t�O t1,1,1WSAvrs ,flust wl� tvall aa bo:oto; it Cou , I L do" AIR 1posaft 4 oot xtaw a ropok. as well at a thin man (*ap- Vvcde".� A Irtieei.-.'. . ,guppllrt� 11avc ago,,,,, cfthle� otit that tho dccca�od Lad V . ft$. I *25 473 look* doubtful., � ' . _d. nu& 4,'5.91 11�1 tcd. -.1 V,ul white!J in 00 Camp'). t1to list il"ClUd, Mor bo (fivi&4 arad Dlacca end to o"ka or 120 -Yeo, sov. tmw IMP his cad b,V the Oill"I Aft ItIJUJ�t4CI _ , I ca and r*:) lu- r,74thildircal Iftc, &Athp 0,60 ; I- ' , ll as the, rc=lt will bo a moastcr Dmdn�g I I * �ral^ This I'At ffklw Nat we are bouftd,10'r do medium'; ­_ .- 4 r,o 4 24 booft otdWi4 Rotitto minghtl4d. the , .. I . do JiJht­.;. ­lw ­­ so . 4,30 vreo#A� b4*%%u_AW-t*r* of the tolot. lot bli trittd. lxhe latt(r, comsood, jqj:�d, - I 1 colon: =001141 aullate'ved,lWa ,& he"til at. cach 'nXtrCmity. , _. � I ,- -_ I __.- Ott iAin ba %pea tlw "t "'OW 0owbat.144hilsi I I . �A L - I I " I I *' I . I I 'L Iva �1 r I , I I . . . I I ! I L� I ' I I 11 , , . , , '. ' '. ' , , I I N . . I � J , . - � _- -1 ­ ­ I ,�;. . .. I W I i . - �' I 11 _ ­, __.- , ­ .1 .., _ � -1. I ­ I . . 1 - 1 '* 0 Mr -11 I I -1 I" 1. I A,— A ���.111 I I. 101: 'AAA11:4M r I' - I - , 1, I. I 11 I I " 1 4 - o - I I I *1 4 a , I. . , 11 1, ""'*' 4. "'a " be 44 id,'J Meapolis � , - I - I L : I ! �1 I I 11 11 a 'I , 4 it I matQr-J Atie ��P%1$4 dks o- vefy 4r 11 0 1 A I keea I I r I 04M 4, $ $0 1 11 .1 , J I I I I I I I I � I 'I I - 11 I if I , X. ro 'J., 5 . 9 L,Ile , I I" - , �i`_, I rol CIO ,he � , 11, . I . I t I I 1. L � I - , . . . 1, I I I I I I I I . 4 ) I . I I � I Ill* 1� L 1. �: . I., I I I I I I I . I I . .1 11 I . i . � I ,�,' 1. . I - L � I I- I I . I I . I I 1, I - � I .. . L I . I L I � �4 . L I I . - ".." � 1) I . I . ,. � I �, , I L 11 ",',""I'll, I � �, 1� , '. I . I I i :., 0.1 I I r - ,_11 ". . � , , , , � , � - " _a I . ..., . 1"- L . ft- ___._ � L �� ­W�­ '_ _.L�. - ____"___d&_1AiWh_ - � L ­ - .- -.11.- - " - - I �. i-"'-A6&ii"MAig�&W-6w.L,-�fthm"%M"L, ,ft.� �,�� - 4 � d