HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-08-02, Page 2,
�� W,tiq�, -r�
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MT,F 71"'W -�rr,--, � 7-7, i� I � i I ,", . 'Vk, -F- PROW1 - I ,,-I I
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. ������ pip 111. � -- .-qlqj,W� --- — . — - -X111---1-- �, -J , -"- I - . - � I
I � � W - w *Am-- -f *4 wtth XV . .1 -, . ... - .- - I . 11-- M*2~1 P 0 I , iq !% "- 1,
,,, . . 11 11 ot Pat - �_- ---.— I - 01""WAW04" -, k
I 1. , evor ^ "rk, 'ke" 44,plgus, ow ---1 , -�--
- I --� '. - - I
.... , Xkw,tk of witioll, Mail 4&VW*d W" . � .1, -1"! ,-----,--, - - - ` .
1*i�, %11_� M,,�, ROSK �'111- .wIffig—Mi �"� wo,usla
lWoo"wt, W*WAS 1144 1 . � % �-- IV e., I "
,- 1 W ill". I I t4-50" oft *t*P==!1*Y Moot I .. .. .40 , Q 9 I 111'1,"�� ^ ## . , �
ft" tow natku"t Gould � 1� laa 12 IN I ,
"I jWw- whit P"A4 I U I
- T,-,.. 6, It' Z = so*. 'n. I ,� ,
.1,� M441 ,U ""' T I �
11 � � . III fato W ovvetalk" Sir X:ul, I - � , L U'', 0 te- L L A -. � I., " ' " YIN � ,
I �'i I 1. . I
� . . " , . *Xwrm XXIXIX. jLVt��_ 01," b*" `64; tUt .. . I � r", . - *WVV VO 4SOA thilif, .
,�� . , � It - , "W V0,041V V Y' . 111 1 fA# modif" 1, 1= ..
.1. * , , 4 * - W wig tut I It" all favor,to,0A I � t" I 10111 MO— -, �� sqmv� - l I I
1, . ". . .-X 14ille 14M him. .1 bagorod thxt:t =41st a coulduot X"yo, anq for J1";W long - oftj t 11 — " ,
MY fatl:W." *%4d Golp. pr*y0d eatl Implored a" hial, L Me ,bi , LA I" , ftekslolk ff"A om So *W 11
... - U%So W LAI^ blat to Meat varsuk4ok 1 IAY va tho gr Unit sUff4ring 74 a kl� �A . . �
. 40 1!*rgls, who otim 400, 1 CLOW biva Ilia*, .T W#wd wait Rk i-- ' ,
. vtl� � 044 - W" W-t---V--
a. At last I I l - '' - � "I - � F-Wroft a VAW "Ay*, I I ou - - &� i
- "us hwt ilk t1dratius at the "WAlto sato near the 4oppice, usguaw to X I V" AW I WA M, "WASM, ift'"ril, ;;;; ot�� , , 11 I
k"t 4914ace , fist"00 pityJAW Pat 0
I . � I
,-� . '*r a` '"k, & Word from hilla, All, A w4"t to zwPlairty train; no or trusillo to Any toot, and � , . hvft" WS vk4 U&vs TV C'm 4 X0 �� ��
Vor ou no I . WftTa k ist 404d th's "a -I -1 V, Wsq F-0 ., I
. IWt 4" it Y'M 0 , A fog O" r . 04w*0o Oommlswan Co. �" 14 . ;�.
I , 14'0"a;*tI0r, W I .1
, 4v .....' ,r",",kA1W*d that 1 bad 0 i 11 W o" trkkgU '' L I
---- 10"d bhU,, 14 I* recogAji W. WA, At 011111t, O'cl"k I U to this placio Willi Sir bw 140 sot, '.1, 4901171�u-;,- i 6 Im . H
�l .!;$W 44*4?" was 4tainklitig at th# , COPPICA gets, Rowl, We bait boon in tit# AW#bbor- I I a 0 f 2104 , has 'it 1049th Y*dod to� tA* **1aw. as ,0#60,00OO .,.-�--li��"-�,I�t,-��,!.,!!�"t.!------,-,---M"* I �, ,��
Is 4"4'- TV1144 "Walls" a W r w . it a, Opubtflig heart At � 0 00#000000 ,.'. ,
11�" k4 Ww Vw". ,UW4 Of the Iftek Pool, far back $a NOW P"I I 1 201, 250 im wo 01,4= as k)w� # . *0,0*0-0,04&.O,Oo�W000,k*00000qo I 1, .
1 ..j$,4" " he 'W'OtAld CQUA. X" . � .. - "WO" 4 ag*u. Vow , . :: lk,
� I MM440 gortrudo, with a j`Tjj* Afght NV Paxt happy days, berkire any other . 0 , ea IWV0 * MWO04 4: 1. ,
. I ,as fair gild 1�rllliflit� )164 Como botweell us, 1401,0 11*4 1. X14" drsow tli-im lupus, Its viottais soft &ft I I � ,
hall" of wtw ;*Q*-&0AI Ali, 444 , I Were t" Oft" the swaoms of a liv- -
. I 0 Odor$ frovi. the troot; jlad W&A4W#d With hjut titrough the 4 X e Ift I ,� " , !
. - , !
� thou 3, "t **vv on himl oh. My tim *out tuolilghtlugallik"the Nottlirounds, end we had coute to thlw . I or 17 3433o P;04� Aor *0 ryso , I'' . I I. tli# dowtio. ��,
of ,4tCb* .� ,f. No � ,11
� I ^0, -1 bAV* WOr velwpart. ITA had VtQpVN ,KU4" told , I , - lThankit to tba 4uoov*ry of tbo N T, E . �, I
'U*r* #akkd� f4t1g0r; I UAVO 10, OX04 for rwrzgur ot the Dvook. I ritakewbar I . 044 day I . , , xo* PR I RM ii
I I kod for you, and 1 -- Oil, heaw A - , , Ro 1, lit 61ift" *ad Its Vu0o0geftj-*;gl_ IVY :
- " �- havo lovoo y(M* ykotl shill uOver s, N , diod then and *A; would thWt I JUA uw .about tim MAwk Pool. and had . �, ,- t (4: 11 As An As*qa woo I
tharot ;Aok At lug, I 11 .
youl Out botiiW A tkokililtlld tj "Id that Awly PROple bolgovod , , � " :Ca rt - 04 ac 1%e . rkmdi, a Row U4 jpawwui 0 , �, .,
. Pact 04'a , I
" � as I I �a� j Oil by a pallub ph"Jol", :- ,
. I , 000 a N I.
, kn*9 thild, VI(b, yolik, fatileVIS pyso. Wjth " :
. I I 1 1� i I :,
r4weau coMmurd- 004"ddiv I � tal b4tulng wAth tho 410"" k= �� I ,
4*4d th" Itylogg sis* tboy hollOV041 * J111101Y IJ4ht*tIdOsO 641110 PYAO To I.,' T-- ,., , fu aw
. I - itbq* was * Iiiubtcr I I 9 ,0 W 60�� I 1. 11
TWI AA0 044 tki qtatl 01041 JAtween tile pool *nd, %M AN for , I" brou - , "" t
Alt! ftotv- I P101 11,10 go , 00 ine thstilight fi,jo )OXIN Pso-ttler4l W3i%*01*r%Wl1P=q0oW0j. - ght Into daily use, � � ,�� �: 1; -
11 � I � 11 kwwg� "*I, , . A44OU14 the LpArodkicuoja oI tale .1 .. I
. I XWOr. This, had togin her A&I,et, all* Aq Co t, � 41111111t 40, 111114 110 fallen Into 00 1, -0 � � I: , :!ZIZ: . L light cUrs" for lul-va b1scols" Wf4ft # t '01 � , Wet . I i 4 i
I I 47r With .vou 71. . er. Thi4t,couVerawflon recurred to "A"� I . 10 Ph -t �. 100,141111,01114011 I 'I � : a e—rj
t we* Ra roproa
I 4r9t U14 Towl,rod jklot tp ch An thowo, ]DO 04014r, xily Mind nOwlWitil terrible force. I MO *10" frit
,, I for 411 4.!vil, whpAt .X #a;w blo gibado* Bl"k pool. j,(!Qj4j;j #go it now, low she, 1 , t, f 11 � ' #pr"dl not 4 llttt#k 0fthWb*A*Aos4t � . 1.0g. I . . .. �, " .
I 'would t4t4ft. turalp# brosorvqd I'm, to, jinu. result wilt,lis Owing to One of Quow, ., .440-040"+44"*.4k," .4"0.,*.+ -g I 00"*400� �l � I "
� 1 gross. X tremblod *Mla.ho AW47 Unkler tho trqtk, flinfloth'' and 0114 but 040 ioustr"tion On ow lot- VW "I-aqo oq'so' 0 'j.1o..flo" 4
.1 I I " I PAIW 1MV, In OrAw the botter to on I in gh I #0 as Mora , III* R04 � 'ok 1P
4 114 *bl*,w k*v. 6. , Old Out his AlAnd dArkTh#n X r4mo.mbor,ed )low Sir t4r. . M"'"d lA,7quon �, �
. It., she had burtoti 1.0 a uto AlOXX4drit'i I;Qod "doeds._OrA out of ! I 1 .�,
he IXOA f"Ut JIer*#I1 Ott , uty, Ot lie, - I - , I
. . 'AArkmIl alonoi a lao , I I . X*r �
..,. � .11, All kindifeas to � � r" 011140.0an, njgOL a%t# 1% 3UAY INY which, as VrJacw of waloo. �
. . *400, 1lor, kind, sibo 411 livila a life it , " jaid; L,j6U garl h0A also gulkilid,oftin old teal * "The; wors, I Ahought of tho jdft t. i, ,� j It. "
.. . X . . *' Abe hota awle"" hoorkiou to - tus, pec. x 4.* . .V*X.mV1%:"14. , ,- �
L , i - *Xt-iXWX:MW
I I . i`hgtt 401'P dXV ,M',*w harder. But ,should $ dear X411A,l 'Ito , , , deal Of m4fts Aour or wheat P10 vil the I)rit4#h Ups, . . . . I . I . .1
.. �1 - bOW cOUN Ali ftfilba garl's 44Lugh- W�aated: to ,pee -,�, .1 sbalts-PIOLIls, of ilanger ho - baA, I forgot **#A the gkagaI#jX Q(L J31r of Which h# it"*' � I.
�] . ,not havo d9no t.1110. , nkino,. Willi Itgi loxig, 4111mood, open the more my boart ilwllthw. in it, i cakes. and F,U,r,, O,no Pour Rollor CAMPbsIt'FrOss, front deliverYll b0d 43X56s .$igoo 1� I I
I . I . on," I erled, Ito Ili , And VAlft'Vib" do 'Who* visitill y. � I ,, I . 4 1
1 *1 - 11w? It WAS,stritngo how 'A. �Pxltod Pleta-ilkid, utoro then that� lterl** 404th- � 4011141 thlakof no. Ugh, cooked , "'. $1100 � �r L� ,
� L . I . thojgjrj,* ,qrow cjk4 yOu, 0 -9 hV sililtive oouutr. I
.. el" "d "'ce r4t(tthed 1114,40141101 Of to I bo'so lla`rd RU4 crkwi at4401. - 'br 40WA AWX%Adr Ono Four Roller CAMPbell Prass. be * �
0 � Ile, and pportft :� for . .
1�� , W b"'re, . . I tue?�. I havo 'fie&I � , 110,11 11001*rOd lit,* 1404tiou to =.a thION'l4t the -sr o it , 0- 100WAOd *X. Dr.. Iiln- 4 37X54f - I I op qF" I � , '�r
, longing for � of maklog tho pjaAco $4 , L rrying' out, A "� a.. .
. . . , ft wjjqjj 110 ft #04'4 po,tjolkl; xOdy of tile djosase hop", olk , 11 — 1� j
I I _ W threkta of, . It Is posablo th4t to this 414'st, b and J31X discovery 0 i . ., � ,. �
I r6yft�b,, due the Unitra,ble, Jjb$rt4 du ,
. � * I "You Vol toll. Alo.", 1) How e4a VOU JllCQJd'LJjgd time to Attend tQ.'It. . I tou 11 �
. Now Cho fAir-taired wo XMW43*''3W.0�.0XXZAT"0. L i �
glinip" Ot YOU. � . I
11 , . 10044 ao� , that X 011rm could MR40X4 *330 1 I g I i ,-1: ,
� - WAA shou it w, of tug) chjueo*-�.to 70a, 110, 604ow by tile 4pplication of . j, 'I . 1.
11�- Me? W,vor lite �vAs 1*10JON bO- , "X )V.941kto uAdVrotgAo 0W NUIT I " " ,
L,., �y m . We ,00 4s 1 444 ouq1ro,, now an L ' I
I pl*b ftfi;loa-and 00 collso. . L ,
0444. "I 44113 el , ,4A ukv life $9, Cause I Could mot we you., 'U. Ilad both Wotf talcon"tolut , of A�r of' heart an Ignon's #Xpr Use M- Vat- AOXIMAttAteil Tayp of, pbwArjUI light. �
,,Lh ! 11 1,
I *11 b0bro niv, blk� *11, %bl# sheidow 1#4 doer U14,,you must nqp s %0 � (I bittt "-at *out .quellt, it, ice * tIsL Silo em'TUIXICAU14 with the fmthor- . 7-1:01"q , I I ,'. -000 1. ,,,
., , '- - i ��11111 - . Two llartc DMW4 r0ldiog RaChl�es,, 400 , , '. . !"
. I . , I ,
l� ...'�*, " 1, I - -
. 'it"ll, � .,,,, *.4oreAbOIlt#. I htl,a no 140% that we Would ba or Portion, 40 the,V h cona be. of Appoluu .. Ito IOU of t a zoondon hospital, � I AL. 1 5,ol" 4 -I , ll P, m ,,; -0 om4 1 .
i 1,440A t*idwvi�t,;-,K,jg*ll-4ioviii-i4p-x;-ry.- wli-14'11 - I .!�� , . " , ot , . ..... � ",
- %, tMon , i , :
. �11 j* #$hall' live In �ftlubq � 1%WU#0M,4- -=Ar-th"iAok-$'Ool.--4�*�l"U--MU"-'-UU4 04]�444 -fth# avagid that tb* 1'r � I . &kio at I - . . . 4 . I,."
L I 04, 411 OW 111011t.r WU#t� r4mMikep Were *-� 4- jAr -oft coo � "'I "o "I � I , � I : 0 �
, . 'boa cloft, Ali, ii yoIll, owtv 04111VOol, had QvOontly forgottett'It s4so, and, vitiffit"Ondure, th 10""&U*W1:*U6r"0yV- t hAa an instrudaitut � V . , . 14 � ,j , �, �l` �
L I � 9, illot colidenin Ate jwt.�A)su Oat X om JuArriold, to tI L . a. Iong years Of vo?. theary which `41*74119ctolet. -400111111taliva "I 117�srj 16, 1 I
� . � to imeh AL joylelku"Itivolem oilr , to It WA* Plain, Uadl $g1jen tIOWA 00 OrtgIrity, tile ishallig, and j%umoW. MtrlbiAtl to-tt at - I— - - - V��P40*0*4:11., . W = . . uj=opv� I � I
.L itoncol wonAA Z.Iovc., Tito Poor,wan whQ 'ItISUAV laftossco, Of 11 Sid" last alltUralo., wbea tkie ...... - " 'I " " L , "h -------- - , .. � . I
jtoh#, it)'Ara; , -
� �, � By tile love yo deep, IDAO$013404 Shilit., t1ou., Azd� As X JAY On th# gros, I VOW ew light Was put. into O,Pwattou, , ,." .*: mo
. I . U'bolt )IiM I l*aO0Vj* jj,W&*d tjjVL C,raintIq fr,gin 1% - speo'k, I � _ 0 O$ . ape. Two Aoger',v Typogr:' ----
. . I . t1w rich ,qulMy now;, but as. I lay theto,with Ikushed aloud jA tho, wjokod jq of. 444h alot the tratluslao.y. of , I t -o aos jordera oac - . 10 �l � - � :
. I'L , quislikov. of .. I
.. I . Ynki'so tel"mil dit' MY PW Uthcr =='a tabl* asUed only, for tb ' y MPWIcitli obo ' qiyod or 00431 'Of thO UONP44,hav boon boajjj�jd with . L ' . . � . . � .1 ., , 11 .�., . 11
. . itle-unitto'.iot tot* 1,11131uXU40. wildly, 1X'4%Al10 hc4tto�� thinking �doep� MY hO"t.''It WqWd �* #4 ample ro- Y' &PPlicAutil besting for treatqkaiat un. � . I. .
Vf , L , I . so away with. ,you I - 0 � I ., I , I
. . . t I I It over wojanillo 1;6ut W pailt. V*X I 1�1, I I . not stones, Stand$ � 01 � �l, I 1;
-1 der Its j4ps. A, fWad and i , . .
-g civilized awoilt. . Mach!' * 3$ dy'aad L&I$pItly Typo"
1414 ly, thekle ideas I Tonge, , W,Q Iligught .01 CAMOO.dort It, would appasir that toliap � �
ll'. �L L � . *0 jorli, it. tho NeAq" I Ask oltl�, lot viiAt yon worg so"time shap-, Also Cutting
L , i 'WAkS Ula'At. � The trettauted vrjk,� have ;to , glvg�.�voqr , All L . .. I , '' i . I , :;
. Z'bad had A tor'riblo 'ghook, And My 141141' 4lied bitter Coare 4%eo�, W Of KWOU41 30101k,v bt.�.V*lkd jal the HOrlaslWorth bolas *=on$ I go AJI this Xot,ahjaery is is VIr*t�0jgda0jd0r. So
I . � Terms will be Givell ` ' tLL'. ill I .1
, - " �
, .040to . triap"14DIWINInt for 001411. ttgowatitot#Ail%g,%2wrQu.to,4a�; '' .
: '. . 4 Aid JIM 14 1 - ltla� A I , 1'. ,
,� � .0 411 #11ppitic . the kintiness. X vallnot, live *4010 tlkoUil1t914q!,0d.$IbwIy. Aigoxaont,.)Ito-tvvA*bUslit,o4;,I#t,b4m _ - Of APPeadia q any hAV4 gettorauxly sub4c4bod I . I t�, ... , , W i
11, e t 'Wrot , IiiijWdolliji � aild In'( tJkftfol�`os deeply JU MY '0104� OAMO to me- I110'sh,04 bitter tes"; ro"" 10,011P hATo bou addsd� )4 too
; t O,W .
. , I bwoult hitte WQ1 . them"', X repllod I ll I ' . be bjjgllj�. tr*atuwAt I. i I
., �
'L'j� L . liter. �Sbft eo, SNa falsely to ""Arild then I ' I- , I., r befor#.Sli, :Karl IyAd boan,0alkilig Ad t9Q, I reto, XV$AtatIL so kigigo.rt4$,� ! 4uotb**t*T0XA01kIa#rr*o4 jp**mjHb4dlspqs�dofata liqlfies. ,, .
I , L . 11 ,Win I - vj . . � . : A 'I �
A ,loy � life hold . . . 11 jos% ,� . .
.% I I . Us bt tho 'CoStI'V 'a -----""W0""4-. 11 I'll .. 11 11 W! N �-Wamw ". C V 'L- -
I I � . . I . I 6041ght' mekk'qlijt�r., D'rol;o I -the pit San to Wft thle treatinent IrOkil the V*ral pa,Ue#t#. jj(ter the iiiii),on . , . ,,�
, q . 4111111':Mutle MIrl wifit Sir JCIU,1!4� -aytit n?Vor , by 4w aide, str4o,oAd 4041tIly the "T,b%t over , . , JnXtridulientS. Se. -%
..y I L a WA - I . . I � I., - I -1 I ' I I I .
. 1 VX4 Voice. , 0 'noXt r jAO 'had 'VA11191led ito ' ,Who *y there's arid bade him day wboa alcohol, IsSod , 02 Al god Z,
I . I *;kilw�pt- '1110POA06ther. WIM04 VIjk)It M, My I -lant farswell 7UA, Onto treatment OX lZon1he 'bava beerk. dig I f;L "'. ' ,
. 'A V40, *1 d -., ond 1 ICU At tile oitrly Porlod,of,widtlow, 41., cb,WW � 44
1 "'Tiv 6 I . OW'that tor Ili= there Vollor covier of, the darkliq4g, a In peared, to �blm t - , - . , I I �
Qltvl"' Cried 09r- will MP, #U0 sltoli bitter J�4r# Aii Op" tile allonefl,of �jsht, L 7 � cured,'qnd the hospital The Wilson Publishin ' ' #
. Ilatipad', fro. I lffi)f& . ...
ai aliatti - L . , .
�. pewioi). 141t �ro% hOP6 't)IOSO.' no *46 'Sarry f#'O'niol gild dArk lylt� All ., 4, torAble 'doatli, too. thevark adut reaChoo L thi hjgh,road. tj aU . , '
� . . MOO, in des %ts Aquitha -but t1eitth, Ill ilict'de .AA a be eapdowed With Is utiablo to take 11, Uy I . . 9 6'o,� of T0*00.1 polu's '10
. 4
I . � � a I , 0,propor as., This rgoon, In Vlore than ' I I : TORONT0, OANAO-A, L - 10L, — 4t
. $0 hewyeAl tell Silo the trutb;,illd Aw .oven him pity Was sl�cvt. XU-Rkiow, rftrongor,aerves,- than Mine I ' would I WOC64 dtirl fact, - Consider$ L that it ,Mill ^ tithe of tho.", "ekIng x4joleaton, ; 40 I . :
, ngtho whalo of the fol_ keep tike�Aljsq I 0 Poo 0 000699006*01. O"
. 11 latbor go liway *,Itlk Toll.2.1 I)OW ,%O* Utt6r), 'X had loyed 0 I , ,
I . I � - y -14m; I ftm to queen A14"Adra. wltli her Constant - . .. . .
. "No," she #n8*040, -40 (114 not *i 110' Saw -for lantself, that,vw lite lf*vt SIVOkIL � &*ayl I efowIdd -- . I - , . . L" .
rolluid IQVbfX (10Y,i h9everstl - tja2ea,Jkok#q. ratidy L It a 0441411'slass, of I ,�--: .1110o'. - �.' - I - 4 �.
,� f . , Woo to tho, pit. 11111(j *11ole, of 'Ito " WItto '1404 pkk$Ved .100. I Well know ,they. , :1, _ , , I " Vorapaclon, lKilts nriollys, A,gt -gum -�� OF . I !, - — � !,: v,
. � . � . I ... 11 I I
. I . . I . . .- t1ho X)axx�. situt1w.'efen 14 lier kained., ,ITO Wal! sorry *for jue ! . ` I I 11
I I . . IA. I � nor twice has vf$IW. tho special I I I I . io ., , I . 1. ' - .
I OW4 ' MOUth: 14744 toVorod, *Jtb Vpik, jA%OX4, *ero in 40011011, 101 air, lvarL 'Th ' ..X.M*AZV AN 11OUlt , Wgrd I I i . As' ' ,,� � �,� " -�
r . � I f , a thothqxpititt, to,t4o great 4o,, . ,� I _,� 4' "
, pkXi4,I* 00 vii Wbjck� - brokolhow iwctt tItAt, S.OrroW.,w4s � ;ro l"Ing v'reepprij, 'To , all 4ppair OT and tepowt t�r b4th sev*M1 -timoa a light iii. , W, MOUT "' .
. ,. from 13'ektrutittilollpo. " . , kAoo, little 8 I
. I : I . t4k4d 10 Vild. kindly, icastittobi 4 L Veosed,thitt, the W*Z*z they ,the patleAto -who sXq re4qlv� 1. L 1. SON , 8 , V , I �'L " "'.l,
. L 1. . L " ,
" 1, , ,,
" dvi4ed Me to leave , Ag- kintit PA411144 ,on 4%0� road, *hO 111"Ined- to hPlos- ins Ili* b*AeAt 91 the"ZOW-rolapd$r�. L ' � . . !�, � �, %
�, -E knew At, " knew jtj , '", Zy L kdbj'Vj he & y Pkk` TIAIrg W916 40; 0,tITOMned botwe 0&7 to Put.,,% stor.-toAhepat I
"' - " , , 44 sI.Okl 04 ,,it ,
I.., 10 cont*,040 to It. 002A 14XOO 4114-014; eouTd ba - *01v,, "a' P1000000,04, .. i , 11 , I I : , ,� 1%
I.. : 11 , � . . . f:i ,,, � I r,
, '—d . . I I .. R I I ,� .
L. . � , � 11 . I ,Yoe 144WItAs, "RAP01 T114911"ING MACH)"IE01# .
. ' 1"'4QUId 11114 44640A, bftr land, AW90 0914 W .�,to An d now here' - W'A''S' 4 jw4p Wong 451,40., ,,I #,� jljdlkja��jf "ja r raris,,. I , nist 4ofterust(w. 10(1: X. Pilatoff t . I
� �, 40111101 a oy ,,, a Vo .the Iio.igt ol,'h*e#A� � � ' THIS SEA f
L . � I " 31,04--tvil 100 how niuck, . L Interests tn Iffs, jQ,d the jkaypteky "'Ir lit, I - ' . � L . I till
. o Ault � holf. I ,*no at the ttrap he '. a $)oo , , 171*'k joVwqjd4. , _ 0
I I j"(kkJng._ . "t*#, jljjk�Lokitto 1. It, to. . 0
! I - � I I : ". 'A, bow I havo "W" . ._ but X CQUIA'se . ki 004 Q.,W , . i " 3
latil Us"t t4own a
4414k I lov�q you, qA ,I 4 . 'A . 104 "rou ,�roka
, ,
I .. I I 0*04 ttlievW �64 , loolingso werog, * - 11 411 � there 1 wrow tfi4z lottor ,to DO bkvo raebuive, to MO 'a0plIcatlon' f '18 A I I ( , , i 11 I'll
I . I In*96141fl, , roWXiii',iii iaAy bieilist " I 0 #0 11149- r, lores � I �
_ . , : 1)
, 41004, no mtf "m roi*- .T'. .'W,AUI1.'aiad0'Ik*r'b'4II4va 11% hor 'mutprosoot. of. .&Iocho; In, thit, dgio, of 10 11 '. $": paaRLESS 1-11
� .� Tlitw�turalllk to I-01al. itho .iddodo 11OA0 'Wall lavo,tor him4- tile ot or,, A" #tone *And or9ppoti It I, , I pit, b4il0s guilt,, �, v qVn� . thoujand I'D NUMB - . ! ., . . I I 1. , "!"
I I . I A ift.* 3rou'fo." L Worts, 'With. the , t444' L of� 41W.0 � 90149 I i I I I , IN q . "�.
f L ' I egra"fly. .-Vt4ye Amj4�P"4IoA%t0 hatred �Qf D huit" & boy twigv4 `ygtatV,4j, ago, jou I � k
Ouch : �
. , I .
" I 011uqr,zile 4vea so kaucws. , I , �Wy OVAL,:� � But for, )I% lie would bOve Were V1440. I , ji'i; letteral would. not'hgve digitjoylso aly frolil, aPpoullicals, in 'w1ift lip M'*.* I I I . , - . 4 , . ,
tliuio� for #4 L . � . , � rot a ole. ;to I At ",`4 L . 1!" !,;"
- - , � , I
, . . �t,Lqoemod�%O I , "' tia Sir,'KArl; _ I -.- T# A � MHOLN �' � I I � 1. ti I . tl)i
'. i' , . � ; It Vag. tit$ first. 4ovetF464 marritid, me. .. I , , i �nlbqforlk I 01stj , e, Ark 0 0 10ith -I' road L 112. the "lit for in Consultattoa. �TX"6 .14 hJS . 1.01 . � - .t it. H WArs, Dlug 4611-A * �4
$ftrAk'V'Xq�t 4 � i* 4 �lafgt t NUS" . -44jpjen'papej�x tbat, j$WjCarj 'Was vxotlu*4 of PrQcq4urjP-,-A;4oMP . oroo.jou It flolds 17
. I F-- � UJA44 4,4v a 11 . V I , Mod A 4, ! !,: � � I
I I -- , Ono It"praywill 0 � I this thoo-Wo i ,ro welkin plot r �- . ,
- #" 99 j*64. I to � )6' �, �.� . W I I ,� " ",L �
: - I . for., 00 4441'. 494r,, A44 'Widt", eriz- , ODDWS , , I .
1. - , , % We %bo'AtoAt, hAd 14ijoll. Into, wator. 0004 to, liavo 40044 with,-kne; NAAMi'S010" In terp4smp � I
. Von TO DIRIN IM, the Arsb aniqUito'llkire �Vjkk,t Iteltbel, bik 0QUr$0,b'jj,, Kai �Wlk ,40 .
� .1 "Mozy. years Z114t,bad, 14%)OUll k nor"I UoW'Wrhoj'#. 'X.re .0 , tk he #UU44 atom I �, ,�, �
. * ad Ity Is, WOW lv"AgOi Xjelt,'-WAS tocozn4 ct'Wh .to IM91' t so* SAM .1,RQ1JW1lz1T40,T0R0 I a !, � .
Ila adetalift''On".%jako, XOLb$lpc ���
,4... � I , 'Cuila , r "!. I
-;L - 'o is - =�Mlr puit.'s Aq#ltowr, , . %" -rujalz MlOkAng 001FAM , il N;1 I .
_ . to hera. that, -Zola, W444,4041i betro nt*W4.bylk, .00100 In tho 11444 irtilen ilint,; r a Alloo. The skleaf# 4nd 01ktrre -that I*oroqkwy stilow, 14 01040 At, i0a I �� I . . I i
I . 4014110*41-. -, I I I . derlVood, ,ajzd itt-ni a ."UrtiOr"Provokod I ohir, ajnkAW ftrb",� n)1j;hVy,.sqqftg*d, %pjiJjed4 ., , .11. . .)
,� ��, I I Moir !MOW' ' tillit- Oy-44, � 114 I MOlt tbtrq, , , I 4�0=� Ott T90*140 svl�l �
" , I � I , totjilir� tjitito. We looking . into . t ,itt , )at? . I . I
.1 I - I I �,Gj I lit hOITAble d1r4Wtjy,Qa l .tile akin , and CoVe"It --, , il; I tf j
�, A al .wero, ot"ding (W. al,gstt% *U(I 4 MWIt ohnga�, Alad. Us -t 11 , I ; jjj I ��
n'tradellm �icfwzont 'T A� me., X. tan, 4014104" Ono thilm , alost . ,=Ulk. , I , I ; .Uot � - .
0. � X00 Ool�mAjyk. I never thought of, ,- his WIthIl4kniql. 0ver Alt do P1404 , ,gin . . �A .j."L
� , jklko allAost n , IT WOWE,
i ' --fticlod- Igr I I I owe'laint- . � ,` i,
� . . I .. , I 1, wth uutsxo� I . . -,L1Tho,.*ld IiIqt, -sod tv leduror 11111 �, .r
� i , iler, jit4t. .1 Ausea U11,M'somp astltio,mitt*nCe.. z f.A. I 11 L I � I r ''. ,
� f . IWAS 4Q 0A. and L angod, I . I - " ..`� - k, . . I I 1� .
-* tould'ol WoOt 11tem. X " ' -it our, as.*00a"As the _a1c6hol d'by� L I - :, I 4i , I
. . ,Ph44rAa,-06r how tn$ jF0%O4jA'nijS,ht Acis.bitg, *Ad. the ctimlirteg is - ch Vs i;�W','tai� ' ` ' , urors
. . l . . ' "Ito oy #V, rYJ09 bIttt4y,x and "ho' lookod - 4ftokk. ;r Came to:myself 014 'Air', L o.." youe Vrka an 0'jo tllq led , I �1,
. a It, ot ^,hW, V I
1. I , ": 1 Alie"celod. I 111TOW did jqy*4*r*'?,, at Mo. ly'Wooft,. . WO walkled Was told,, all -f r #tjkkkUl6tj'% W li� - , , Dodd's. 1r4dj%qy . =1*--Aaofhor , -'Ry ,raneye,a`t0QtAfoIVA , �,,. 4, d
' L,b$ . . �A
on"A# . ArMth 4 has e'VapQr'ated, Loplum. to 'xdkwkito� , ,Txiga:�,ph..lfov. Thn't'.3voAdorfull � � I p 1, , : I.,
_ ,
' I , _ 4_* -their,,AWAO *QV soijli�.. :r * I
� . L - ' 14too, boadiA . .' Ohl'oettrullo, ,118t#al a . . to6th. L. I
1LOVor 494 1144w- , It I biqopljingd Md 1�044tr bAd depkr"kl,.th4 - �,
- I I *jj,X4 "Z�% WAUI, 4*ygrfo* nip tb " tereel*t 00 same time. � I Alluiody-mit ., gy -t- 0A* � . Vvs,, coluddqd. one of bls;-boare I t
, "It"Ossil * p , �,T U'Vol)MAOrO, 110 was wojxlpx c . Pit, � I , Well I . Pei, .. , , ,
. 11: ,qkv , forgot I � I - , �
. � , " W qwvx , , , anc, 0, *bqr4 I I - . Ista ", . 'd
! 0 - , , W *11914 t9k, VOW . hverjovaly tbr6ug At the,ecd. Of two, or three 400 * . I � I I anit tifore worci rio pwwos4-404 , "il i � : ,
. � � it lor* # . heafttly hollava",bayf. JjIS trees, and,the Zlion'fWAS Wallih ulo "Vout to thil,omAth. of �Ir 2*4 . ..
, I . . . � " ".rPo" OA-_ I . A , _ As' To- 11 . % � I ; I . . , , 4',
,in MO" L "A he �J* t. As spqnt
. Words woold V .1 I ,,Oqj4ik tttqQ *Ith.a3jL ojd,$rjQgk4 very marked improyo I .. In tlioslo,IIA�.si oltyer - ". I "
I I .:, - . L _ Call the rLoc4opotlon . , meat w $t.' rupt, 'Que ' I I '. ., , , I ''. .. ' L. ,T �� A ''
L '. .. * .. 1. . 1. I . —0 I . L"? 11 -
I -0 Dr #.oil* .tlm.t 'Ot -�Auvm 21010 I Ot All'thkVIkad *q. .,Qt.m,y, jiAO cord an O"reo *- ()116'74ar a " " " ' I �l I I 11,
- -4rits for ber dead 'U'tAlk tQ"4 4* .,big. little - , . thelo's Vho,.wa# dy C. - - I - od, d thO PM14 r�c I � .., .Tul� �,q,o�pktvjat)
L IA141 gtj-j,��, 11, thoy. *jL,4. ojai'v ' I t . , I A !
I I l . . Ili
I I 1, 111napffild � i � � �:`,; L .1 I
. p the, and the." -took , oil
- '01110 cur,red cw jAlad , rtmonod With hex' for ov�io vrooks. short timo. afterwato, , . '04' In "10111640. R., .4. wade,
I , L *1 d, hebilcreAt lb . ont In
. . .lie likoli to ** I=.. -go a. ralra.cle was sill"' ' ii
I . . 14thor coutinued; Alift sho spraa$t "U'Atto urA hlil'�Wlto` 'ITO'c"14 not W11014 fti.04 tftulbled., 1, , toro 11 , y OU
� I help It, the 'Very b4pplAoss of i 3110 glolUd. AlAd j4oto her 4twe. X C41144, We do not t1ilkik that Lin this Case 'tjea� oriialaki l law 4 eh?o* loont GaresbAtberk 1..;7., I l " I
I . ft"601-v *OYA f-40- ]CA003 "411 Coked . the, curMl --or, mi,win, � . AN quiet AU4 PeAg4ful a4iticia" I ;
040, be 4ttrlbut- olght aff,er jlv,.�j for �P�fa a � .
VMS, X trIQ � Iaw,y0r,, iggg-ju; I 1.
. I I I ..... A41 141A., it,, 0 - ' ' holtrt stemQ4 to cogo froul -his lips. 10,We I Went t )f , L I A -9k - Alft,gs. , After V4 r0lo should . I . I I - .. � I�L. 11 L � �.
I . thq XAOVjtyt'QfL I , � . . . -- -�- .
1411(11110 4 **,;V*-,iV1!h * - jou -there q#.".wAft pull the, j �
. I I , 60k �4*j�,.,� L -AW l#I$0J7,'V$P4U - 4 that t ti � ad to tb* alcohol .01640. - X � 1= 'r ,Yekix 14�,., ---7- ; L 4 781 b Japanese r �,
I . . IMI(IrXdt, , AfA -,the int t1tv Vhkt4au Plouriss - t buX'hap- tal;�, bIjil'o. Ills- �'r �.'.V.!�b)t 4 il -:- ,
� .1. . y f, ap"'jah" ill- JOS tqq . it�jbjjf�,pjt #Itht. vatio . -Ouch �srokrjsoj P*a#d tO Ali PIWIIIJOIgna vjhq Are. not throkishout jb4 -as b TIM '6�ft �Iles of , allway I �
I . I . - ''Autt ICU 19. 4044. .4r t gould nad, u r A �of OA4; z 11 10ftt, I j*,jXXSL 4 V (tPAUeSO QOVOtAW0at � I 11
� U11,410 bow '*U . n*w Wowlag �i3ys,�j I ,nd, guigh aft fall, tb;� the Oalrja,44 I ,
-41 . I .- - � L t for ,- tittle , ,of-th(t no I I . � learkiSr ojjo�thjrd , , i ,-!'g
I- kineft b'lit ' '' iQJ4,Inq-j * gossity of 04 o - , .01 � " I oAfq f
. 1. �:, *h", lit -died.. -Aftr bolorlso--tood MlvtAabli�- toute4t, and, in* nla , , AntO It after bim, * I , p lel*.th and brakk4th . ptore yooltly thaa I ; , : I
, my 'COUP040 40111trAnt Of Axiterlea, and It attracted Morg rA*X03;g*r*, okt�'da Z90. tales OwA64 by"privao coin- I � I
L, %VC L . I Ould lot bt 16W- on,:-:, - ., , t .. - . troittan'bil evor,v 00,00 to, *Itneow the �Vao'x of th
,�.'WolliI. do*," . attfritlQu L to - I I
I � " to lklft,'�Mlt -will otl* I two?" .fX1V,rPg4W. Oil, 01014, V.1tem wo% hoo )� io,skva jilraw but 1 ' X110e, lbeeki. doad, �a. life,, btit, - 04 L And �tklft �*f � Dodd'a Irldney'rills L � .;e -': '' ZXpotition, t ,,,,
I )f,a4WQaO.j0fterj),
. - Th r,.Wm . ( .g.PA14� thinjk'Oft L I At ORIftellcitior thap AW',moditi., .... _ siU-,&r'qr'0an . . . � I . �
'b"it West A a i XIIIV 46rad not'dig '6'jpx, 09PR719 ask . aafo� -, . � I - � ,
, �A .A
hr �i . l tho heq 0 ,under A(31ft of cold goinpre ' . � IL- - � . ., I � �
I . I . I _, $ -�' 01116h Ausiolod, 4124, gliftrod me wagi so" Por it Vtit-,Wore. - - L 1, fl,
t4 lie , thot t I ;W - I'll Ndcic With- MV, heart In 'k;W -,X�eoJl1o't1 -iii-�.f,.6�i�tb6,o4stAtAd�,-,.�� 11 a 1 !, . I , I
f � I ,; rylq�v� WIM Ulm W" DQ(W*X1 . - - .
,�jlklng by - X for alt It ,�ve � ,, I .
� i . . an 410 . t ill I of love for Jilin, ttston,log tk. Me , 1, 3144, tho ktowlodse't OPIUM . and.. It 'would appear dno,v P11101 that West 7 will 'oOako � � I . - . i
90fu Aq 'WrOagi � � I I hat'MO101le, res't'gred his sight, . .. 1. � jj "I j �
" an _ I 9* sltilforod thbl, In GO ,ease rlted� the alcohol . within thb Zone of � . I � . ) .
al, � .., *1 )a � morti eytn than I had. `a' the diVftt ItIfte . , I
., . � , andL Wo te '0�1, ,0.#* I L - I should nqvl� - A slitioar'cese ',� jurnOd �, I , - kift and 'spirit, of the � ., . I I �.' L, L �'.11, - i
I , aeo on of . - I A 3PttA-AMor'Cs`a 9XPOSitldn miles AWAY - I if
, I st 4aine4ti;r; ., - A ,
. oil to 10010 lioei, " for bW'WIfQA%kd .41101 - Tbort a , y *Atqd " refrigerant; , .
0 i .'Now tam, �w , uj4tsitf A no er U'vo emorged fkaul kar , I
. . � voclusilOri I L I � I " r . . 7.b '.
. .
.1 , .�, , � I L Ifeal-,10y breotit. iyag ulita"40A whom X loved liattei than bail I tA4 : the villqe of St. Z01"'Que, . I I I I � , i :, .
� 11 0'e, Ila of I thor* . not 01141ICOO� to �� � . ' * niouill 4�6!A�thograaturidl gloxfous obectaelai � , . . . , , . I . , �
I , � , Ilte, there weribe All t141 worId,,bUt,Wy ,hilttW, --f�- thli sufforer was no� , #tonq blind, itself, - Surroa i 10.1t](011ARM &. CO. I 11
I i I � * 1pied PitIlden tillqwod, jAlst nl9tb 94 4% Ilk and kdV4rtj0OMVIXtji. t6t!L 340# wh,oh arqUit .
I " I lei's'A'aloo to be mi- 10*10.4sy at Dolores still, ,11me4'. But � _, Tho I . ... , bi s eyes novel Ah6loes were �ut , 0 i! "I .
: i " ", viftli my he t. and It Algiost U)L4 bs�yo been ' 0 )AY liurIORMY'44d brioughe'r#0 bi- I USeIo_,s,j,. him T�y J=Pj*ht. I ndwg .tile, setting of �, �
, . . Into the room ,V*1th 1 4# L' for bar, he wo mill ll - 'V00,SIr,q, � � %
� ertraft to P I I 4GIlac . X`0:W,0:j"":�j[X-.'�L "' '� terly, "the' exposition there ore numerous -X liaVO usedIMINAM) .1 ,,, -)
,0. 0 A L %Tit, I And- ftAto.o# that- ,ill, rival ol, ,, ,
-body , the-y*hjj�e been eq,yiploteli- rest In lay stable ior .ovkr, a ,!, !, .1 , K.
"YO4 otre %qa-tejove 14 woo" not Q 11404 my 114400 AS I lay wrItbIVC *Ithpsan of aqpl�. to Q900"lk! , , . � , NT
I : - to su"N t L4 � I to . L. .. ark ,des, .0! by Dodd's Milli ored� tIQZX Of tho gr4w tio uttra" IL�Nl�� 0.1A, ,� ,
flat whatqvot Y'01A ho-ve, tQ .. .You ,aro'cru . 11 ., oil ansitiah _O1,4410d, _;( q� L 1$ *40 IfInglauk, Ana .*#-. '. I 10qC;goMW`b ,�` , 7 134114, Which ij.'4 , t show for public �Yfar and co"der It .'the vory but . A
1411 IN UA -Pr d"th. to =6 for'Xiso - . in Vb L �WLRS wanted. , � . I 3W I 11, Attention, Ant[, espeasalyis -this for.huriiio,ilmli'k can pt 4,40 StydjjW
el-crueli V I crJeA at grant thjt# St Wq % diabolical onez.- XO X, a g , p't X Jla,yQ In 4914 " *;I=:&0h41*dL *0 OtIter,poi4t 0,1KIrailarit
, . y, true , "F, -; "
I , � � 4110,4101toro'so ask.*," Ila OWId to. Ulst, 10tt ' 'I caztkb� to you to deep distroost into - Itay aA'jnd.� Xt *aA thjw- , � . ,"W 314- I I Titere'.14. to attempt VA404 10 Of Niagara Palls. There fit no Smat, ly i�ltl It.' , . - f 1� �'i
9 . . . . "Vor 300'A31alivoral: sal4l" and YOU t1l me vuly *I .your own irat" P. e - y.1 I . . I Train of the' jqOrtheen, , oV pille aro 40� er or mor6 wQn4orf(A,6e.fo4kstjn the L . - . .. i
t . '* - I would -alaver, . sert, Dodd,#. Mda . . GrIo. llotroxr� 1�i�� i .1
t the noble Saco plam� 1j, 110 stomil. abrdptly� r -XVI't tOrriblo dettit, but �� " , , . 1. ,.y � I I i�
- I .I&. ***do 140YAUV � At hap 41st reveal the.trUtill , (- be Cootplibloil L , rAgilic % ,curq , i
Wbuldietzd thls,�wokakkjj .Whom lbet - � - , , L I It*.. 11rat, season, in i9po. is or I " .
'. , I ,with 11, 'Wild longing tbat it 'You are, fight, zoji.# ba'said.-l'oon . � which -ql*a`tcd $lid' 44(triot during for blindneim, Dodd's )Kidae World titan, thft Fullff'of Niagara, the Uvor,y litables Quoboo.
. -- . . . y, pubg beautiful gorge, 4ad, tile 041311ir I . I . � � X . V .,., I
I � . wom POO el 4. "I" � . I ,--r 1, 1 'ala 4X0,kjW,,jVeF,xtest kidnToy . 11 Or , .
'. L ,
. 0 - , . ' know'%' That 151 the claim mado ItapIds, X4 tit ere Of the 'Whi"111001 l � . . , .
, isiblo to. J)h4o tito vast. 4011111II-) stugh., Then lill ed t,a belle'vol that lid had at Aukillelft multuous - wat
� , I , %b)*Jbl .peakityliod shooting begkoAad fdrth .atross the ever . . � oil
� , . 40 tried to C4401316trit. All that X next YLOF To Ay, Confileat J4.411 �tlw glorPOI its form- for Dodd's Xidney Villp, *44 there I ey are alelt, long be- , , - . I I ".1 ; �� �" -
L *a widkod %Way sutis lbat, the ,014 Nqutjro, ,*It - L . for* their train stops .,'it _ . . . .� * "
. ., ,, .., - , V^ 1, he mlied. �,ftat twiloo her Ott gone 'away with me, 7, felt, Tit 114.0 D fEF eviderite 4nolish ta pro** th4t I
. biIi:, is ivo ok,M*th to mlki.,� , , rftelitbor Is thilt
� L . . "�L.::: _ qbf *a# 4"01. , .. 010, I . � 4 el 9:9, . .1
� 1 . '. .* V =*Vetl Ir froul'the light. of l I Falls, 'Pitirsengers over, the Slagara. �,��� --"—"""""ft
, I , . . sho T and that *. had A40 (111ving homp, bad ytqoa�- -� This crack TrOn. of the Iforth- Claim. But In CA"$ � where- xifte�v Orquil I . �'l ),I
I I VIMM yoNvM!:,L0.0kkk luf"ruktr %ell 1hu" 04 1,
I i . , Jtkiolalnrod h I e, lie"t va� toll Of 'lay hk b4to ikIzod me. X felt tqxially Sure that, AX*XXDX0ITX0 SAM - ., Truck nallway will eolkle Ill sight of " , I
I , , . - I 1 20 ,expreeolon tur;il to- , TO = West, Alrd0lit entirely new :tOr'10% I "M ftw MW am lit Ilk this rx�er. It I � I
f . . , , 1, of zord V. I CA'44 40YOS thol" of *Ards Dolorm. � Disease ban I*ft� poisons in ther blood, the joilighty ObRrvatjoa tOWf4 front 4 $11" t','� li,
. , I . I � 4 1. - ' 00 ` at 04W folks W0*0"" , L
., �! ki 14 O 10 It, but , "WO w0kcil W1100. great b"ghs oll, robability, everyone 1 I train Construction. 'The DIVIII2 0. JUA'e the eye. DdLdd'$ jIAX 111thorild4t; I - I
, ': :,. , �,,�! tm *401i v 14 the grooitt. bad also recognized -me, 1XZAX- 39A,TnTGv 16 the 4p1t6r#0!iPf Modern. Pamengtr and th& *ald poison$ attack, 4ftlight, �,
-� I—: � 4 DVD TO 4V 119 the, which so signals 411 be ,
L �, I kto that ' . 9 . weakest $pot, in bed to the I = =1.4:4141W . , "
' �` � . all"t- * &Ili*, Ill th* "" of, the, %upin, sh%klod us, but 1,014 not noi-lco tils would, know tit f .- . with its a lie �Ifttria Towtv *I the . �-�. I .
�-' 'L "X - ' .. OU 10*04 I - . . . I I a Sir Xork had. � L . "tel btft)(f4st &A Xid"T pills *to Just a* Intallible as r,XP6101tion. In 14ney one can . -1 . , ( , '' It
I but go, L ,rfuj, Lpla- L ...
. . "I 114*6 001AWthing to toll you,,, pl4ri. I -I � told bink that tile one da,- out to m"I'Me. It I cQuId c", A, -*#Uoh nyxiolsift S47's The,% lunch, end * lable,.dlhoto dinner toil where tho, poloon atUcks the ' lot ' tUre the, beam of the pdwc I It PC 1081 ,
� L "t� MrP 01 My hegrt wax to Come JAack stwiV, "d "IOUL' front 4L dittvinee Z#sh. Dist caulges the , - , $I.W; 41ke uneqqaW "I'Ourist Sloop- tit the alluE or the small of th6bae . 3-ftt pro -1 i I ).�'.
. -- I � , �
she Sald-"tbat which I hAV16 10339 )'ere 444 AIV6 Aieiw Ilia, whm 1. Wtitalt.0 Doloroo "it je,y that My . 19044"- � Ing car of is ofttions, roorar layo- 'Mat -Ae eyesight of Thoka#q, St. 0 -exteniting "Way oil toward . P, ;"� 7:1
1 torlow And 'Rectrid light$_ L the . I I.. .
, rt efige, , was, Complete, Apporidloittm 43 00,malaoly o , . , . "
V that sIlki IMC& . Oil, 4)ut�, to XIVS, 910A wel- I 1 .
koot *""to and which Xglowal tow COW4 sometiluo's. *06 UAW, talk to " ;I CALVE I
. I for Ur xak"hl,v�f4r Ikers, lot ,Wit hink, Wake him ,abAt, 110 Was *Ate, f ,the clasts Pro,ming 14 Arst- Pierre Was restored is but anothar come. *Ad grfttin . to tit I to , :
, I \ would UOYQr 00 her husband agilial. day; It is tht I lot nw- tly It WOW Fullinan �mltb, 14r g 0 n Olt .l . I
% in the Ouly bein't,who, list toualod AUY;bftt MenduAd Ad,,Uet. Ah. me, 1"WoUld not say that be h4d gong ady ill the e u0st promill -0 nCtOhUet that Polld'a Xidney Pills trains 14dea With itiludonit'VL anxinigs L ' OAR13OLI ' ' 0 1 1
� \ r heart for yq�ftrs OUVAO of the diseussionS Anti t0ttrlc � lights in eagh ofttloll blooa absolutely pure. 0 "
Karl's 0augute. I 113, *Ito was kill AWOLY With me, I Would leiw.vo it, to Idt the leArkiell .3001 be palatial Obs IOU car Rers in Mr. St to see the falls And the exposi 0 4 " l; " 1, .,
�thlg sitt who in ,He was not willing, L tion. .
.� ll
*.11 Q0 world toll, joel,terused kab this 11tr woluan's keed Jastinet; (,nickelled Ukust be slunieroup, %,1e,*ayft,*,Nsgu*gs` with'twO smoking rooi I us, buffet; bar- , I , ,
Ir "V*t - Plsrre's lotter., r 1 speeding,fteroos the wqnderful gorge OIN
-4 \ � I . site rArQtft6d her seat In.the IOW 1301011 crumb bt comfort. Whom by 44alouoy, tolornX vr4at COACIUsiolli theories emitted Iva te,,IC Its the bor shop, b0b" library of 140 'eol- ain happy t* -day to *.�" my hwitlk the trala,'will c4rry it$ il" TMENT, I , .
. L \ 1`10 we ---- Wiwi I - - Poe apll uniogs, turront niagazines. ladies, par entirely r"stablished by Dodd's _"agerfj in L &W All 'Aill alimutilto �' � ! I
10,tt"'t-the'r- carefulty l-'dePfng the Wek* w4kIL-1119 the, #rAss, Was thick pe"Allee are manifold, - Sidney PJIIS- I QW,- tbAt wonderful full T16W Of thOPAII90f Xlegara,"d I . 1. ,�j� 1� ,
. *OA Utrtrude's dre%lo clasped in and lung god, i I the Whirlpool URPtAs, while the ra� 4# 0. 0A,*ot a 00., "..� .1i"A I'd
hot ba h15 brilUellea LkltL t'jilif - . .U. 4.�jWWWdif. in a T�eftjjt Cosa- lor and Oboervatlon platform, uItto- I`ctaedY4 a thOtififtad tbank's, I . ��l I
. Ads, Urd VIelden placed, O'L trees droopetl low, Ito plisheit IlOfOre markable gorge Will st.retch,flut on L -
I - \ chair fOr Mot nlother. And lituall I,.--. kt�lds with Cgirpleo tbem it! muldeAtIon to the'Parls Actitray *I Rather forAl 4 train of imulakel rom, using Dodd's lCidnev pills I had.con- either x1doo Lot thip gr . I '111,11 I- il I I
I IiInd it. � balld It -would at AfedlcfbO, 116ttvibutttl 49 fakp�irtort fort, "Oellecoo, jjUd eV'sn 1aXUrfQUS- jalltOd Mftn,V r,jkvjSj�jjyM tAtelit r4toWay ji P!!"11,l XX4INXX;iW �
nt XUld fxkfU steel arch bridge In Us World, This "I I , I oupniss, I j L''
r Volto JO Me would do Part In the de*61opmerit of appokildl. AW giveal In this day of luxuries. "Ieftel"t-1 Of Y01OU-N; kludg, but tKell bridge 01 t,be Grand Trid 11 -
�\ -tot do. ula., lie ftid.- "t , Pale and .D e0te h
. I 41VIour eyes st V A"otoo 404K !j L'�', ;
. , n4 van 4nYthlbg t0'PleftSO YOU, or help you, . I ,, I—. -4 I r1tu to. futtotlual-worniff, avoltridoe IM, cour"i broad'vestibliles.steant, made Ind wOr8e. I bad al roustant at Kjoig I Ak aiiVrAy . 1. I , ell to . . ,,,
0116sed Vould not be. . . I -� l..;1
thild," wout 6ft �.Ulii "are 11 e but thO StO 131- . I and ArIchoeophajoe, expecigIly beat and steel platforms are tile . f t won- , � ("ki" �
-- those of 0310 coy�;t� _rc,, pain in th46 baek sAd Ilmlik. Ara F441 5 is one a he I Wr � ''
I 'b*3 from the Prudent; vaur b"t plan will be tQ ,rIM Tkyll;4 tbo At der$ of the l6wlty� *lid re lig, wi � t I
. dt6a"' , COUDITIon - or ,list named, 'Which, by caual suit thorst are .nearly 000 %electric night I Couldn't 1,ew� slid I could not it d9els. *016.
. IW orlo- one end in the I ./ wm� gotta ..
t . 90 far uWaY. lay dear child. I'hav-0 XAXT woxxx, SlOns' Of the J4t1kStJAA1 *�Ueokka Atent, 4 On the treft, tU�`blkgg"e, car 8" by lamplisla. irevItIc taken _Xing, pAward the 6t dom Of I' i:. '' �
'done YOU "ll en"811; Ilek'.Ta I I brunt, fight I her in the 40mil"11 � ,
� , ,
. :4'T%e` degid to' '"ied U(I'V V'eldeki' for� 11, .- 1 create, An sast And d6Y coaches being thus lighted 0111Y two boxes of ftddl,v Ridiloy Vatted States, it forms & . 1, l,
, 4�41t XArl Is deed jhetl� . 1(��, i:
q, - OR, Valores. bid that I abould, do any,jncir & ` of ---- TO
01 14001W of In- 00. � . . I pills I WA perfectly Cured. - XZr it a bond in t O Ilgio- , - -, .
f*0104 b.Y the ;aor 14 String: coo. *1 .
�l POI&VOO!" Lto tarot Me. and ijIJ Your lit 947 9� Ye- the iniluxtric TO � I
. "Yeik lie is deoL4.11 gKid J�Ojksjow. now, laterc3ts. I Uni 6 with "Oublilct to X#xd*4*#, uwno" tained, In Ah* intestine. 'rho train runs if*= St. Paul to sight Is ch"ti, ,-r-- all those Slaon union that
� grateful for and Usart J'alpIt _ hh+. rc !L te*liztL- . � ;
Wu 21111st not think tJi%t I am your lo,re * 4tion" Northern Chink is. perhapf; 6f,Wl Otft(ylk- Pa"lAt through 'whow health Is not good, from tion that no Inatter side of k, I I
but you must, It 37OU W, " 1,01"'Is` d ,ell 4-=�"*
� I,V- y_ -I could -Aot bo otherwise, Gro* DI 147 SPOIC046" Seattle an,I luey, ]NI4. XiAgAra We re 10110 SKYLIGHTS 175"I v -X-'-"* " 1 '
. A tti"tfht aftmer. uor that, 114 my Itcour 04 "d Countries In theL world# the one in yalkno 4. Fargo. 33ominkoin. Ilutt,, wb^tb'vev vftuft, to try Doddl* X14- the Ara we r I e. 6 Are- all ' --**--�--- -- - _ �.",:; l � -,
sh W be hap� shatura,4 Old, which belmonthloAls fit fhe *o*t UJOE140.11 Mae IiIII60 out of ten Abw1clana-pan-A r I
differently. I AnIt PTOO, after were / 0 *AWI&.
'ifs' f0uld,I)WA U4111 I 81101114 act Ay, pvvreome, it, L;,Vft What .OM vVi4oly Spread, "a 0, X T*Aolaa. sight IN cIftf. I advise mill those .0— t
.. . , ftont gawinu- Two dollitzs ,spe
.. I my you contemplate. jilf ept4ble 00 tale Uevi I I
,C clDr. M Wintlsiir, Out, hicUtloh preselitild to %he Acadmay a couwtiquo from Poluth * and kit -for ltodd's Xid- The length of the'jight at gay �. , L
W0AeA Would lle,Vo bad t)A#. Strength not 004W Dolorts, DaloteS *0 I io in folne tjj,,jt ever g&V0 me kny jkoff,� con,munication, V td*i- H "
40WA fk`011100, Ot what T ItIM UW OA,Y,Qu "4 1 are coucerkl#(I, it would Willi s, Pjak P11111 on thle '41 mokidiciner In v4ply to x me uperiot *Al, for 110jens, *r* Inside 114Y Flits will do, naore than Mo OrIll thx* Of tit# year M&Y bo found by Ij $4L I , I
Of =JiAd to art ar. I Alto, to keep tits hot jjXO it; U a on route. spent otheewl", for who holds "y- Multiplying '(
boloree would not, , rftklL livilt," said Ws. U. X. lr*r- statea tbkt 31atiltaor, by two the time Of fIjO . �i
�� ftad to cictx� 8, Zoe. GOW41'Ps"". thing In the world more dear than sun's riAllig. Doubling thei tinkci of f"IeUM"ne' b*U-04 "WbrWa, g*d . ll
. silftm tk*t I kctpt, a bavo ball my I A aplit"cills. Is' V" rare I Brats, a . i , 1.
. ut6rr"litt(t W01 vith a fierce try- "ISQ Well knowA resident Of Wind- there ja health, or would Spero any Alfskao, its setting will site the length of I .
"xigiol.. sor. to g& representative O( tile IIC4 1 ,yen it it Is A4)tfw at in ikonge Attnt, St. Paul, six eekhe sot �M V TOWN, CAN RAyt. A ojk I
I CeNstwO lo=bri;ofd wondwlallkl. 1001, a f6ya �� I L Uwwo INCINK **at 1. . ,-
, .1 do not know ex. Parxeit" nr* found aaacing vtiiw =,ft**lift# Maii tr#e W
Ilk vow V`6 'Iltly a
- of *a ,am but littlareol, Viou at I ,co . . lag a tk*pttr on 01t rosral train. ---�--- :1 T10to, rizo cz,W*00
11 A touch from UtIrtrud0*8 litsid,con =,criket J�`011 are! Will yen thl .I Among the I book hay. to save it?" the 110, .. in
trollod, lier. 'She avolikit fooking faver Md. OVIT Ali jne'AMY what Illy troubl -l ritaustarrAy t �, I '! , I
'At the pure, Swett face " ,she 'WROT 14,04 itaftim,ente. , ,
: 0 was; klot- live to Alhetr4fght 1W cent.. of 19 —+� To X&XZ 'ZoU T3". ' Mkhw it, Notalo;rXIMICOR., � �
: I Doloris�-. I Iglkln tv'th that A11410 tOrA settfied unable to tol jkle,, children *lid . I �
. must think of her., though -1 thoklight dAystli It W" can� A.Wang fievonty�Avv Jim 4 UUM TORTOM,, � . I . Itleard's Ualivait eat% DWN & 00., "Totokitt" ()*WV � 11 .
O"ke� but I*r *Yell Were AXOtti on"he aiddi and What f0lI0W6d Wjt!j My 8Ujjjptj()ki� I tind A rongtaUt, rack. 014t. Of tho adultsi. Among Zilro- : T�ao islost MrIOUN't A Qorm per "a, I
Udy Fieldiea, � " fftartled 11jin. lit 114cei% L Sysigim of -� 0 W101 I , I .
t fault. j(� 'M.crd, falindit of 1101. 'a A ,��knot Xteft r t ' -- ��� i � - I
"'t lailt I* no news to YOU," MO' t KMUI 911,- Od' o COI an "`,"I'll" t be stop- "Mini" U1111111 fteata
4 tcmed imidde4ly t,3 I-einclabef, t4g�tjj lrbt"t tC01149 Of RIAS the PrOportlon IN on* 4*ftt-v- kwdkt W01"Wilt Xoductiam.
agiski, "thi ano . W It 6od Wined tO dt"6 Per cftt. in short it I L
I bolori% O lt#r* OUt UWjIler UlOklt,, that it b '", 4 *WALY in esylon is 06 Imns � Ped In I"s t throo tes, dur. ships I
Avio t I* "rY tritaturt. 4, Svxttd old tortolgis %up- the ctlebrtted er ins which a' 0 skit trfavel - , ,
thmg* Ske. eamit btt*"a ux and glole, t Item home" I s V#ry ChIkke" 'who" dl"#t- 11906d 14 hkvs UlorsW to nne t)f %be man ,- * I
Uss 'eftly love Of my llf(4- Sir 'XAv1-Jt was Isif0l. and that he ,W,qs d[Afailt rate tu find s6 Sch,wtninger, ft"%4114 vom&omlutor- � I I
I . pajul(,!kle Ito w'Lter, and I *As Ive tube is not likle6ted by th physician who reduced t' � A in spite -.. 30*04.
Ilad a feeling ill rAy.rO!jJt"..L TM aa oft pft� Dutch I MO- Of rftorslng er engines, Jul( half ir ::ft I
I joy life-* hoppin"s %*IVy. It Is no I the CoAfton, Carl% forabricoldes to PyOrnOts 801116 t*6 hundred alftrek's weight nearl.v one hundred mjlo� jrAtma."Aft lf'.
' N =r
� ell . ,01 I i ! �
,htaPtled glauco&walrilotmititgtivl,6111016..quljhckt"C'At a* tIlOugh *Ovw totel gh ftb� t coin*# a - .
at Wok,Aq h I
wrft *�Ikev that I swort " have,cemutd; to tv,(r stance, wax lotiged tlklgr#� 'rho slight- are Also, Illet *1 form; tri,ellocephl yftft *40 lialot very docile, and liovinds, invented a special sy'stem of ---&�- ==M1.1 icowil'o, � M 14 " �
v#AXftV.,e I 000t P"Itsive, to feel 0 Ala gletwo . oc I I ,
gishaaesd ot alySelf; bjjtLj ida not ,a -*..I *Its of "yonle who Is likely to.,olfw him 70s is b"t % VA to, 0 :1 9
jv"'llerIng witlell W est loolike, 11106. till I *vft ready to attract the attoatloft W,,Ight reduction, I Aw atef Pb"y,V*ft* 106*0 l L
thO 1�1100CFt 133th atk`64S flici ' ldejmted all le, tjjj�o and co In wto of ti Iller, L I " 0 ; " i
� VM nUt intestinal *ojkO#. U. Matigho* 4uk,. pUnt4n. The too,tolag is #a*- I 110ft 4
'Conin fbill *ay, xoma" be"gaid rAnd t * grolott ft'Nowy ot Yst0al AiMll to improve file L §hKW1*kgoW'gi".rXta`f h 1*1111% ow"d 101, , I .
� lbvPd Nt Serf with Atli the strej we left tl,e ton N-vearcely lift t%kiy household art* 00"ItIOU Of the '11OArt imid =01 00600M Aw 11101ru A . Xiso k cia, O.L'roft$ftg , �, ,
X Istraight 'Patit O3l,ftjCd medi W(ItIZz I Ing SWAGN likk*WA, Wk~ OW "'A"W* Xfoolu"W" . .
I of say hftri-4% Sti'tNt-lb 0111tt -0,101th. two Ira4 betn woilklux tiftq. but they did sat Northern ,,Jkj"0& al� At RevvA allay* .
, t)),pfollp 3!eklrs th he $Psat I* I tl"�t Ir "AD ,rWy I bo,,* onfills i Which 000A. have a tondoney to, dill- 01W UWF�ct." $0 uho
p, I b " 1. .
. , VOr Iflot With , , at ,3, UM*. Ain cut =1"r1twulls, 3, Vivo 4 . ", I . I
- litresshtl lijilk. Ojjn�f XuV hatr&j ,of � wbl%t alled jkl�� alth'aug 111C .1 the came with . I 4 III* Z.4 .4,
woolem'llaturt-t do net tveft under- �, Mxw,d 00 gr�.eii, I sokw th�t I "d jtelf gn'�' In lb*� I'"At. B0001`8- did I .----+— iAtad Arled tiolift, OAF If , I
� Sta". I na'# haVjj be�-n blin(W bX,dj htto A SIN lftx� in, 11"Ity people. It kiX W.WwZo YOUR OVERODATO ;l.
itly sffectlok but I certaini, I 110114 "Ift Able to lie,lp, me or toll me GM CA'st T"ONUIIIN 3010 ZXMXTXO]r blOst SYstoMi. but is adapted to in- "I'lli'llil����,,,,I,I,,,ii,,I,I,,,�l�l!!I�l�ll�� I .
� kcileri-,.* jurre3noltl "'I'llia, of nio .ir bills of appftdicitl -- %" 10014 WftM 4* %qokgtr 11 IM . I I 'nf
y thbught�j -5. either in thq yrentil '14tyidual wnditlonff� U some cases When I Arat knois, Brown I ,
tut I New ill hike amso.,61gil that he leas& %ill, a jiltle &,Ijtjoes� I L Ot!'Ifke -------4
. . I ,reftstil Witb'alatlairlt j,ikjpjdj�y,. I Mission!t j)r in tho OR O" ft "* swo, wrik alftit - -- -- I
tt ,it . I ,19"Is 4% welftk* And, !00 rt al- moury Ara like Water. And now? Ile **MOM AtAx*W 6M L I %= i ,
IOv*d W, It oil "dCA when 11oloy" I ltol*p,tat at,N ,nA Prift Us TWTornntolsl Vogt 00gar and ftrinaftoulip foods A he let his
a r.- it I � ,
i , I= 15 -111 14010reft, nothing but despoAditnt It"C' Nor did he Mtet any durls,t Annual -FAXpoall;jon, And Induitrisd IQW#d In 3%*d,*ativa,, while. : I .
� b*ftt* &,01dowl, alid ht4 Married blar. I "k la, others to ha*o frollft Up, now. I ,, AN YXIN4 00.
� I 1 n1qqt thl"11 of live first, � Ttanx"t�"*&"YldOcit%dtDtwkO&ff]PDtbO*ttZUpttriodutaollgt little air Which thl* year will ba held thojOrssirkily Prahlbityki. L . � � ,11 , i �1'1,
-')Ast and alwAYS. , he icailll- 'I�Aores rionlito IrI1010110A toullhunify Of 120 per. frosp Au0st Aeth to, .40t. Ith, has great &A**Xt#4m of the Sch The I -10--� I 4, - ��
It 11*0 thellit Uat. lay blind, *41L to olorado, -to at* it A ,fJUknjtk4 Of � tc hel , In. Jr . ... �.
tilove bmo agsin%t IWO loftan, and I l it P , would benefit AJL�, While wftlr4#r "O Oldest 1111"nity Is that, of . : �, � � I
,�- rgleol"-d "" 4vtosios =16MI. I nkv'��f W (Afer wordoi lallow- cciAtoinjilatirit tilis trip r Tea I sons Who WM unftr bit Care Thr** 00314#10 U#Ad It It printed In yet- System Ovtr alI otl*rs i ,
%U ("log?'*4 '1'01`4R W-34 34 fleTtible- frosti, ILI , d 1A a tftue3 oaly- in. the C*I* of a- 'y"kint low *bad44 with gragn, ", pr4ossits duRtoo Is peria"ent s that th# ft- �PAris, dating back to the eighth f I
a Mfg Lyons, and - I I I 11.
Vanrgiaeer jjp� Ateord1bg t 14thw1oftlow. all Oxford hag third plltee� --- --- " - - - - - - #
1 00 *01 that, It be had gistod Sit 611"St AllsillOviavies-didl he, ut),ftyl, Atb44xm, warils of $M.90 *111 be 41stributod Wat" strorlow L 11 �
t6ronw It alight A Juvi4 Mr'xreat, try. and h13 W41% gone, -)h W114," 11 motomo WC ftntury. qjen, to
'.1 ;. MW a" fty tile te4timbilial ,of it JIL110#1411A ;1�4 arid Of t*0 lAzarlst a Vasty hNodo6vul AP
, Xar ,;in this lonit Araft gilonle I Stood pfirsq y
i "Idefttital i1th of,dW 0hould be I . a" I . I ------- L
.i g"y IW' I W'I%'W bay* t1vea it to, '1 WAS i4,111111(4. 9141dy. bk,*jjd", I L" A"d*d at far $8 - PolAdble, Thin T .;
� -
allre to
Illsk Without a sigh Xro"t %410 dii, od. ,turod b,y Xjr fily ()Wn' who *45 'not' Pld" 114*11119 A distant re"to.. IN, vr*galiiftv� ***' W.000 wilt be . , � �,
� _
11 I . I �f i 101 I Williams, pink FUN. I j bl 0011ditular i)oIjc, but ". t in I#Aturfm sad vloettal Attr*A 1111406 Ulf "TO i
I ert WAS he� and W114i bad baN*A. !
�P%rrhlk"kf -4 bell, Vkhork Ili l�L . Vol Stock classes list" ' � ' ��
lkt b0'kjeVkl6 Of It t%als. Ili —
slute, betelre I had tursiod4�1(rtsisljLjjy thaf v weV6 Alot rtprodUN4 aged t pr 11, a a Iq$�
,; he was closo l*hInd Ake. � vra,% don(� 1 got AnGther, and found tub". tor the, the Iftilglaifiji be"-'r**rr*a4*d IYA some ictaileatees, six -ounces a day are P"MitttA. . I .1
-T b" X11,40ft to her ft"d to blak tJIlkt'^Avahr# .t V16 thm 4c ttl4l And - th*y 110POR1*4 to be dus to thol prejj� %Jose. IU It Of br"A And ftriftaftoult IOCAS only �
'of t1w Rwt(*P It 11`4* U6 "ite ftodr� �,'vidl I had wautod al, mtp Or two if 11*rlded to ,ql bw *Ott itutt0h 0"P* era allowed. '
. I *"w U roveniff*---al" 1 was, 1:j,01sty a *ui 'I'A"as ZZ Ott I t of latft or "t C#no C* * ' , , .�
#Ave VOY Aftd, look*d fatQ kj*L Aftr 1fgj*,,**. rr *1101 exp4ision of the, p4raidt*, A 04" I*r Ft"Ith Cast,adfaim *attle Xfhalid6ft nuintore.d I " ,,
� j;:t:Q W Alftt jhfttho� lit, I A il* Pills *oft helping ll art , he "a 011 tnmft%d Ilk otu". vim coast is It t tM pauper*. of the %dikel
i , go " Lin
. I mileia W4 0 ittalt brftd or dry tO49t. boxv every "
. 1
7 'On* *ft ItM 4111,14trtolit and an)t1ofy In I gkbalnd0j"'� 1,fta I'lontirtuetIL *S - I V r* f *s -tor I - I Om � To � ton Yeats the Umber L I
digt t* "MAWY- 0511`0' Tio t0t) to ('016tadt wilt I The'extrelbe rarity 40f appendleitte ligat b6*n a4dod, 0aliks ot the lorlso b* takoa in In EXHIBIT1#10 - ,
40 asod sho d" tw", I ft"d I ,jksj-n(,t tq skey Itli nC)A*XJ" raoldftatioa Itittwoft d' - ' ' I f,
. Xot 41*411 *%, *by M t46 defauq. but Ilk a Javi pace lat. tell. hokkd- , M rod. "n "I . lutuaw. I $0000, rapped to 76 per Low, —. I" 1. ,
- , ft "t"Is'. loll (". I rest". L -� � N
�, "onta. �* I
, Majig"" to bet lit conAkt, witli Use Warta art borw inado to Ir&-ftes. o" tfm bilift list. j�eft,awid I cohiee. .1 ,
with milk, aety .
lp-, � . P - �
.1 Ift"No 0,48ed. No- A t".1sh, #04 ttkIke`�th*OkTZ Ot X Retchlitkoft, "Ich On OXOdIf"tO 61 the lk`,A1bIt1o* this bo "Md. roe des- ,,, I 11
IM-0*10s"to-114" IRO Ask kha. Altwit ostu� trait It reftsaft#040d, the, Vvo- I
- � ". �, t l� 1;Z9r= I, - person, I b"OlOf irm�l
� What, had j1apj*"od 11 - who" V41014 H#410" I ,
I , *, ovoct, avid staw 110� WKS sago, difforobt ivono*, Ily"m IL ftlo thin'. ,*Pft4*l p%d&M*, mes. rAlke, and kni k A;i NO am ft NO A W. ,
wl�ogkk ok* 4W t, we* kikMW 6 the I w6if 'e'ives I is lie kad 1)" "4r"War H 4. Rill. kchron" "tat 4 'I
0 'I'M ltilidi'V 'a. Zee he" alloyoki 'lth` 14110 kilit 11 I bad t0ken # ght or tft "*_Oge. "Ot sAil *11 fmorlaw0tom d"I %aws, rat 306
� . 1, fliftit" 'whft I fk�%It JIk0v *6 tlto,01h" I Oft a 1*6#1" *h"e digestive tubkv so
". , l) fw**w aw hiamt full of the, bitta',) . Inteotted *Ilh w6nfia *Meared to W Xtft Ot ftat, Ift I I �
.- I ,�
11� "t " t* $#Pt 'It 19"
11 -1�1- IeAlo 111 r"'O"tt li oral'*fta 'AM "V-00"Wit tft uttrihUff Ap IOrAbtkeoI(#ta " ~- 012 *ftlmftt Of th*cloft proxfw LorAoix hhd 51 Jrhkahjt#Atg f." the &I" "wk"JYAO L i 1\
. "I bftrA how 11"It Air, Xarl anif I -
. / b1shm, tt. tit" T141w, tn- .
. .. lite wjk *Oro-thki, %, littk dastIthtior " = 6ttlilghtning had laid I hgii� ftt had 61% , ti4k A114, and � it"POVIlant part lit thu OpV,,kg,A,t6'0r hylof the V**Amorjcklx� a , No AYT I..
. lifift I v, t* . - #W"ft IAIW tfvft to stapos, or- All", IiArist 11,-', I =oft*
,, 1, AW&A imon bwa to I*#* tfftt 1%0*1 **I tlwft *44 OOl S"MfldA*U� Irouble IT I turn Of th#'APP0LndIdtjft, 000"� .� 19.0 .
L . W4W* a SMWW 0-01404o 1 ift 110ft ls^*Tt� On foomtItt 1*. *I)* Ito mnsiders , him"It'iArliklod to left PAIIINK tit yow son 14 *11111".160trito� bwrkm.;#Ad sLeW --�� 11
. .-she *0 t"Itiot. Ift" Ah� Y"I� *,=h,U11 t *- Harl"* ft* Aft ftv#d ^f *%* wift Al" fIrod'A In the Matt" Ot vftvtsibiet, 000 SwArd. WOO. XXV*1 And Military Ixtt"Ityx DAny
' -
. . . lot *4 1* In t*~ ftylk I hadl I W* a ftri* L - an favor U* thoory of tho� "AtOOSSIVAI YOWnt *0WAdi! Mrs tkw* JOA, VId* irk"* givft-
Only nft*ft k"W hi)(M t4oas STO", Shd I ffthilft to"Isklag,vild , tail "...� L I 11 I
R� ft Aft 1110"*" "" of TIALbbooe-T NITM14 *ey wil",`14bo beg: rowli, TIA 0
a 1LU a I 'rrff L .
. f4w. Unearthly agosit I ; ... LL
,, I borkao,d, OW Now lWain wooa Arad bv I in AV umm, ,7%0 as", *d I "if " Itwelthinated t6i X4ft,,*f -11AA %*64 "ft'to`r* I`��" K, .
. - -
, A aX, a jq,4k4ggk%M;k 'et J* Williallkle 'LL pwin. in Ilia ArAt p1w, mod MO. ,V" IL
6"k awt. "weh h" jagiWe" him t'� W kils wkiIs,kW,s "W". "a%%a, "Ifty. el , *P(I 1,010016A "W* so QuAwril. �
� . I 11"Amy, "re"00001*0q, to I is bft*. �- I ers �� t(M bloly lk) thmp� who are ho'sa twPhlow, 6WAVACM, t I ' 114 . I
I I � % I t=—*UA"Z.".""
as 14auko squAckis,
I "M X*WWV4'Kftt" I jolt thost 1 A04 %be stioam tm x1lif . X tAKAlk 1'11W� alsoo, m bA ftA weex Old sork0oa wl= t0lfttoos, � raftt000, Wtoft, S *#bk www *" X*tA'b#rdumut-. of T**u .
sas" 0" kUK or 460, T wSow 4W 'Pink Fill* to Make 0elil, red blo", pjonaier,#,-� of awd" )d-*Nc- A grolow bob* jk*,Wttf4 t , WV* VW 1404WA I r, ort* tz 'I... *
..", bow 0 vor WAY Oso"k, iseal4oa t ,I,! h�.J,j" L'' 1'1111',�! **(," & t#VW , .
I - - araft to 4mtk 1, bog" *0 '10 MOVIP", It ,"*@* " varl. This INYPOMPOR Iot Mro, � ,pp -PAr- --.--11-1-.-T-. . � . %�'!;,�,��:,!�� IF zlt ". Z.?** rottairAmiotital. r *60s. ! � I
1, , rer"44*" 4st lildn' to *JW A t*IW- -WAal. Sir Wad, *%"* OW kitgago 01 1100 t V. skso, , ed by what be b" obabpr -. I I U -� .
�*41416 14011, Wrft*1*sd by sott*C OW jito you,,* Than *aa P, , 6, & , � outallirMA.Uiviar
. -t �� --
� "a : *0 1,%a by _ A 0 ; . . I "OIL* ooft a %" *a" lhbw on the I I, �
I I I - WiNgaPs"ka- t* ChOW IIASA fty gr*at *Mi# it wae ra4K41y _. L Walle *40 1� . I W coutizissi. All otur catiatrys .
- � - M- * "awkift tsw r"t in't the Imumi, k11111441 'Qdk%0 , I Or"NOt I v* Steele f, f
tu* UW eight 4C It ft*ht It 6"Id us*w A60ft0oq '41i* 00% di"o,so h"ist 00 ny,4ts" 1-4 hoar Irlhe 4$ot 1 *$6,
% � zr-Am a=,, T'st , I - (d the, CkIgsw, it, the I Aftol lemourow,
Y I - b. osoar" I LA ago W.W *,low "' a" '003), "R 0000 "W411tom hort1l. savot AVl Alsilignon. is not it 1-1 . %a t
f��, 4 "* AW ot %304 4144000, Sad *** *Wk yaadj- diot" �bwt"rAtl%* " 1 jrov,oz — ,-, I
V"Cowlaa, At -- ""ieook 11% �
.. lift zir look On kit how h1b h" VA04610041. I V" &Zgsahot 440" we ,"*W*1I%%W,, t%6 trog4), M dtfw*" PA�t � , , ��a � 041� &*4 1010 CIOAS z4fort"a. I
I . - I .. AA to-* W4 %wA *fth tenw. y A" 4 00 c"Iktrx vory little 4:t jwfw 2�4 Y, O'e. M"1164 7"Ist roat%krga, - ,
.1 tkk%4r 16`000t 1104*41 *AM* koadly lihis #W*q*Q1god "Ift' rsh"O"aft lit *a ACV*v*t6d 4*0 '* `aat"� TOW111 ^Ad 41%kk , '"
- I- -q, Mot- " , I A ill TW A" — .1 r I
, - 00 I f4w *a* Wok IrIC)ot. *JUAI, SL- Nart I* ZWpt taft. SAA 0"loity pftk, losplaq , A- V 11; Oa. VOLUO X=TA-Ity .. "I
,, .. , Srafttk a"k ftWA if Yft Want Ikloolth AW - Vee* 414 I - avrity. , TATTOO, Avow"
11 . LL I Al '*&Wk� Uo vw" t** ftli jk^ft*r ,,T)e &vrt4 ,,3WreV@aO0 aIrA" *K%L &Ak 44WW1W4AU ,� 4,47 , I t A
�� v Awd atie" 046*at ti* U%Ao . ft"600 . 74A 14*4 to,r r*10, pool, . b"t, 11 I _ N, . . I I
I -, I .0" MW A* w4a 4041"d 40 we to Woo t . . UICAIT M A LUXI)Ry " 4�0 ,& M 0414"s 140 U*6 . ,,, - nth. I a
N~ **A *4 pte'll " y 11-1*�— -1 j
. I . *ry to low. Ia CA Ithe WrAPOOt AtOW" **ah W" Sely tIkg *PljL.UjAft ran O# At %, I I arealt U"doot of t:#A*,N*a %4
I .� '1� , � lookov It Y"r da*hs eadlaft saip" *,W Itsl 40OR orgf. a r C&r*f*l lTftftkP*RrI4trt, ,voir
1, I a" 300111014111, -I lose" ** m*. lowlat tikat W02 joksa the P"10 "14b - A%V P7 24ya SA4 Old Collogs, At"42f,
11 1;� 4 Will bs, "at pa"lkd Asa,,, moay gwt all the :X00mviae weesiaft"it
� Ass, "hot at � NAWN%fi WOO 40i i*vpo"aiaq*� Is" to" I L
"oki a"%* majority %if 0 4*6,*�-"owo 130*011wr, ax 1
1040. !A 00 ihouls a bNa. or 0(ir tak,"ut ita, 0000ii4t ke � el * . 11 hat yftr *Ad "Istall thou up *schia. t
asl oft tk" blogols- to" t b" C~ WMAY ago" WgIr Ow Wso. toik- W" *V* p4mw, *0>*U ?I So afti'* tjk*y b&V% itift-ovi to ,mort, I'Ta"Xit ft,a� i-.
I Wj"V ft Mass $0* ; **svk *Aftcoat t a *%*r*kt O" t I . X41ft*4`gk**ft *" Ift, vht-� 000aftigao kgkjI.,*t. sft#4 bat is ,W 204tot-4*4 oke*0. *AM. Illai
: I " L4y - V 146d 7 � qw," 1:Pz4.j4-- to �6 ,_ �� "$*as* AQ0;A,L"ft W T*, .4
14. (4t ,, tior. a fituo rsao� , , - ---a-
, 1 "46aaw ~ po- - M""41alag 'ftstt " AAO*W 000*. *V.XAZf I
. , 15 1 . 000 *-Qtk
I , Il. 0 1 � I I *&"* I$" 114- " sr ,* laboa
.. 4r. , 0 I I , I
�� . - ,, I ' � 1) . I . , I I 1� I " "0ft;;**0. I t I
I �.,r ! � '. 1 I �.
. , I I
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it".. *—,.I 4 I ; . ..: -, . . . I I . -- - L I I I . . � I I i ,
Ll±jbk_.f. - ., I , ,, L . - I . . j, ''. t- , I .1 ...... "s�ie L I L I � .
- 4 � �. . 1 4 �� � I I .
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. . 11 11 "I"I& I � - �.' I 11 � A�� , 6A�� -t" '' 'L I
MAh". Z P -1-1 I - 1i""4A"&-%-jA , ', I, I Li *� . -11, , . I
i" - -Aiiial-1- �� - N, 11 1�
,�l��l�,�l�,�l�����������l������������ -- - - I. . 11