HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-07-26, Page 8_r 1, , , z 77 -M I 1?T �. , � , ____ - 1q!V7,NW1 '. I ... 11 � I I 11 I �"w I..- , ­ � I., . I, - , 1 1 r ,,, " �� � . , 11" '!� , ..... - : 7 lq� �, , ��111 4" ., ��, )T_ I �, ''I . . . I 1. . " 1, �,� 4 ", . I "I ." 'O I I . , ,� I i 1*11m� I 1, ��,i:� IV I - I. Im �, . � o I ... �_ �� I 11 .. �, 11 t�ll � 11 ,,, ",� � '4� .� , , . , I . , I " , I � I I "moo, im op-me"4410VARA'AbWaft O -es .11-1 1-1-1-1 � I . , , I . - - - -9 4 "! ­ i, - *_��00��04 ~ �­ - - . - .- 4 - 4W__ .1 __ I I __ - - - . - __ - ------- I I - -, e.-- -- - _,", __, ,� I I - - � Ill 11 ­ ­ --- - - _ _ _ ____ i"M _lZma- -- , --- e# � I I I . I � � 1. I � - I , , Fe � I , I I; I � 4 1, " ,� THR , - 11 . ­ ­ "I.- . I � I I ., - - ,_ i _­ I—— -_-__.,____.___0 I ! � �. 0 - pwol lzookw-%*,�,em-o . - 4 .1 I- , : � . ��_. =1. " �1;1 .- ­. � 1. ­ -11 ", 1.11 -11 1. " . � �ft_ -0 - . , I , . 1. Allm , .. I I I .. .41 ".. W -W -,-WW 4=�. "=;'*-=jz, Tollvbom . .. i 11 . �� I ubm (YA" 3110W. Wk* 110" ft'l 25'. � � 511o, Ctltar and Stable ROOM I . I" I I � 1 1Wz;111;2 1 ,� I—' . �, Wallin weathe !a1t__M=41r ;n"o-l", I ­ 1*10' , 11 ... I I � - - � W Sidewalks and Foundatiolls ". . I �­�-­111"V�� . I , - I - '' .. . 4F J; ! =Uft 4vj",&T.-,v � .11, ­­­ , � � , , . p 's, I I ­ I ls" = =1lXTVt`"WV*ffA*j W& strMotst and be$t hy tile -use. jif ollr ... , , I � V I. . ­­ -11 � I :1 I - , _ shoes,_,00% lmft�wl 4" "#*W- . " . Dr. 004 XM VOLOW Of YW.A,R, a" 0040 I � .4 I I I ' ' � I . 1, * �11 I " '"lok"14"o,vewl"oottox, � 11 I 4.. 11.1 -",- Wear, " . "I". %== tvi�",X* =.* = . Whitc ".�' : I - . I , I I I I I I cm0oziplOW1441villsa - - . i"Ift ]I*, hall VA 414* "" up . I I ­ "&,osujar 1 ,4� I 1. . . yo 0 kft MUM— , 5% "I � " 40 PenIll , �,_ I �11' 1, = 'ai5 of ". , S - " . f Tito TAMMIOR doottoot,woon, L t1l.: av V cwft 't V1_& , ' . l , TAW V80.1%, tout, 4(WA lu!!0410 xyrfm 0 1 Uft .1 I .14 4 �,�, I .. U "'" '000 lv"=Etaz,.amii�; Z 1 � -. d in P # ii, I I h� , .. J Re,,4- u c e ' ` A- & � 00,01rw' I I � ... � , I I I STYLEM n ) Ill% "Wor.lz . I ricetaup ruand Cemelit ,., C i � ontrolt. Neall �`I_ It MAIA im M . , - W bkVr an I -W! , 0 , - , 1 44 1 0 8jAP,U4 4 at, AL A.bCTo4CofTJ11W0rAW.Wi%T , , ^ 1, . . . I ,�, . I V '� I :�11 I � .1. -Itig�,�.-T,bL,,farotitetiA(*i:owfQ W04 4444 1901"^; on" = ill$* . .1 I . I I I *bit Itho"'You. 1pilu w"r. =11 ot Ildt" Awormit. �00 . � I . A" I 14 . Why use itife6w ill ni, rou C I I I * I � I I =." 16 0, fjUR Stock of WhitI4 W4ar is VttJn.V, d, atQr,;J NVIlc lall get tile, _)Zor I , , tock c6neut, _. ­ - � ov�n to Clot or two prMents ot a line. . � . .1 11 . - wity"TWIN '-Z's , at less C%t to, the itser than � . Ow"t th*0Q0*W*4 "KIND 4 *30LIRi am NUX)MR t'ANVA" to . . am "NAW, "d sasAsit Ike 6-400 1*bt.** Wall. 0 ovivgkOlow Abo M. ar5BVM=j"r "t. V That ints"ZOW wON041 haveto hustle thora out, ortirst thin '-wo'know the Cheai;, I I '�, 41C 4W urk3t1r.9mr.aultmor *�o W. we Will have a lot of 0444 gt= . � of 1.4, 1A. 1,4* "+0t" W ft, %*. "'d 0f1dX 1013 OUr hmuls. Then again, it,siletti"'X go Wt b%,.,e the BEV CV,-NT1WT it oil the Market, . giVillor I 4:4 r 9 � Af-7j8Uyp-4,X time for White Wa4r, ti : z"tV 44 *kA "" tO Vt the Stock ' k, 1) Its ;M411t%.4Jl011.T4ZW1*PV1 "MAlA = W011 On Its way to the vanishing the best tests. These conIparisous. of Cauds, autl-test$ CIL" bo L 1.) � I STo GEVO� PRICE. � , oh- ,W hal, Ift,14point. Every. , do lsswwoa, 0 'WOV,not"m I I I . . , . 11 .� 'Fol, $ , gsrwmt wilot be (:team , uff . . ! , I . 'F . . , U=14 :�-;Ak.=V.." . - I 11 to � ,y One :seen at our stom,. . I 11, . oiltrowe WAintuouIllk '001,14" AOXXT for 1%W10 Quawvk,", 00* 001% Immot 1"""Moro. the S � 1 14 1 - I U Shmwd buy,�rsicstjj .1 . Up. � , .. - Of U04orfob. . , IMspective Cement w9ors can f'OL�Jle asking, got 0, ". I AWT1*004e, wbo Wd Out" Tickew on the 1 ;Xot'erien,kinIllyttindtfitin W -* -'Uto 0604& this wotk; "to, 11 , f wher " W4, hl� I's this week. Y*u!jj ,�,fjnd sow , R 4.4 Ell. VIA110 . . to before My AM. 1. son our boo C VALTIABLIr 1.1- ­ � . I lig . W I � -____.1_._ [=* It. 44 lu t*r *Wjr It y I rest of the $todk 415played, on j& .j ILLUSTRATUD BQOX� tq Ing" 0 , 41 4 - I Rota; - "ov "g. L, *4 , , MINIMUM 1 ---1 11:1 ­ I - .,a. T440 how . � I I � 1, ., 1, I . 1001; 1114,14 "t, r,?AcK , _ elfilont'llas been used- andwIlere it k - ; also I I . Nstco�� � "`= ���� 11 1� ,ftdWAd , pric" for some,of . � . I + .1 -__ 6 uht-ftapoer fw Itto oo'wl 44444 , t - ". � � . I In C . . t - I I . '. � .. � .11 0 I 000 or . I the .. t 0 t , drivi *UtIA Alto vylpit Air . � � --- "y M .. to use Cement. �: . I . .- � Wt. VA Xft, UoAllitto, of NO^ lito $0 , "Ko "14.1ou to ullootb. Xt" . I . I . . 11 X 11 t*"Wnp-l" ItorMhor to t�VtFe5:m.� ,&%�AA�­�, 11 I ''�' I 11 1, "� I I I � - '' I I ': " N_6�;�W %�-w IAKTA 1W1W .,�� - . I ;! 1 1 1 : ! I : !:! . 1:1 ; I I I I � ! ;� I THE BROWNIHIP , 107,114.. lvi"Ol'i, It per-ef �e!Fwtf wef ww . us I I � 1 40000"o WA# Islao4orich 4 , j . Xr4WW004,vWtllW. 00wo ­ . e541- *slwtsw�, -1 QIV4 a cut beforo buying -SAW* -V I joswur. y#A001 ,. , �_� . I I . . . . ___--*­� . .. I I . 11 . 1 � I . I X A, t4yl; 444001V 140 1 1 s-ai 61" lmteAd or 85C. Drawers itt 630, instead of 8.5,c. � � " I ^� -1 I I _�. A014110 - ­ � � 00,_V*4-,�"-q�� , _ . - - . � ­­ . ��tllla, �� . ' � � I I . <� . � I I .. . . . . I I �. . .1 I � � I �� *-�Vl;?Abo � I . I I . . I I I � holfda�lr, .1 I I ­T449AMI T9JSTAM4NT,_ � ,Xa4100f1q1o0VbIt0V0tt0P. fkfMt P,rA rkqiK% U4VA"W ­ . Floo Q,tvalty, angliNh 0 .� . , . , � .1 I Ilolk"Mpt . ­ '*U'ht*#itftttllttvwo-"krvf.000nw,=iL--in**6( - oftoo, flamw with S rows ?V ." - I . I I Intoloakwilatt"44y. . � - alid. WAW 4,11: ". ttk-tc,fiiwli$t-ir�'69,C*,tllnwt*Rt-"&-fnit-or . I I I . � � . al , . .. � . I , - 1 1 1. 4 is wt)A& attatfoa 444,00,*'llostot . I= '*""I . � I I sk"lootoneor two-184*0 the ptloo ,6iso Its � 01tibmidocy, he prfoo wAlt 'N - Ke 11 -W 1. I., . I . . , -1 ­ - ­ . . . . .. 4 Ar. itod Um Tk" VOWC 49 Xwx. Wore , � , 114 X* tock% or*n lipwillon 4o*vv Irmu ot w ," "d _­.. . . I � 0.0� �­ - - C ... n4_1.e__& 1116 T11, I I w4zow I I ­�- �­­_�., � I . I qvorov;W. . I '* - + . - - _ "*Jll�.*� it ... ......... - .. .... 4-1- ..... I ...... .... (53C I � , � � I . . . .1 . I .-" I . butwilor W*;� - W.. . . . I . a Mrs, Thoo, or"M s towily. of V1b*M soutms� #nUV9o0AU4%4 � , I TliXPLAOn TO DUY ALL HARDWA"­Cj1j�,AP- I .,. I AIMMO Xamos a.0 04 k%WA : Oowns'stt o7c Instead Of $L2�. Dmworxat 79c.1n$tgad of $ , I . . . I 'J�.,��_ I � I . . � . . jbkjXm ow. , 14-040*" Worts $0003), 111:41494 *;fA'w I 1. . . I I . ,,*00,* . I - 1-1 111. I C,O, It V:1ar1:)�1l,J*tjV k� 1W .0011 *90 Wk rMor OW t1tv orillUat � . . : . � I " lo =T" OW 4( the New Tolu=oat W I I I I - . � : I .. . � I I I 11 wut = usiloof yri'ttlo, (lood Quality Whito, cog", umpt I . � I . I . I � I ; I i . I MTO t X*de 41nals RaXII64 C)ML011, britnt, eatoln-le iln;_Ah, Ulm- Rold's'014 % R. 61, 81"Ith's': : � � ., . . .., � I... mo rotmoldt I I.p. t1w .1 I . 1. , OWAAkoorvo orit. my Owl, tuo oull m1w Willutiblo, ,It* Prk*w***jAft ouly It, p4iv ItI. two I , %. . ,� - old+ $,tor,6. * � . I I lleotottlI0041"WoM Of 1090"el��fs tk# C:l %I!. tit, *Lft 0alr o . I % I , Allm ld* 110sl4twon llzv�1*110104* med with 11111W tiLwkilln ftlul h"Ildlial ort, ,Now 0 � ' MOKIM' . I t4f tl',.00�� &O 04gkktko** VAHI� $4*134 pool dtgooyatld Is 04114410" . It ., I Mr. 4*1800 owsw. 'dituoll. Owe It for tk*_T - IK4 Ulkey Coll", tilt"tood with 1104% #r4hrold " 9 �Pbwt U I � losellion. 4110 fille � � . .I , Store. I I . I ; �� � . , I I � bolug tilt followil:%. which wore r#* left and thapiro t ,o*-.� ............. ,.; 970 . . *Wke44 �*#O­*­ .... ......... � .......... *... 4 *. 700 . � � . - - ., I I I . � ut, 404MM V. yallea,tifuh1t. ve . � -*W___-0;1�_. I � I A-Cooploorworkli'lloll y004t4oM=," Ong&-publW444 14A Sorratt PAW. A - � r- . . I I . r I ­rh ­,��.,N­­­�.1106A^_�� " t . lI I I I . CA � Poter, tl"44IA s4w ChWor left It* .*4 tror "#At w*A,UVrlV0L W#4 � . . -, , , � llf� . ,� I . .1 � . . I . L � I . . � ; w . � I ", - owas -at $s*lI7 Instead of $1.,5o, % I 11 . - I I :. . � . ,,,� , I I I , - . � es - - 1*"T'...: . . x "U'Ay"Ji 10,04orlols, 4og# jound .W*r# UA b000tifi ritle,U110"WCOUA". Ohm, ft-ruhtip, 113)14i,,��kp� . . . I . re, ou Intereate'd' '.. we"b"Y"14 OVI , IjojM �4 L . I , . A ' Y ' Ifor op"t,two,wooks 144 . i"st Wt adver6iod 'last week'.�. ar� going with, I . 1.1' ­ urtieV1411*11, VhdV** WASO , j,RVf4'#jjdj!jjjj* - The Lag,t - a � I I. :. " Z, . Alberti if. W. T., 00TOW. Ar. W Ijl*j5.17-1*1?. 0 1 broider! * I I . tudi, 4 toqot4 or twoito Ili No wi- I , . . . . AIM wta, PrIabatti *14 *ON -ot VqAto� elpo MoKus, ,. of, �Oxzwux, wa pr" 41 Ratio of , -1 ­�_ Those Cheap etpt­ " 0 "Alls lit""Ve .I= 44 w1olm of Various OIX44, $000 o$4V;r'V 4%04 jjjA#rUQ", �"Pr)k And 4.it � . V . .1 .in .00. wit "' boluir " W&* ;ta," 014-ftahlonod WA* ttiloots,t) WILb-fte %jolillp (ijillsig At"d Vt0000j�naft =$14 - People tell ,us the# , � 11� ? , ZZ it, tt t .111, , . l", � I I CAMRASr ­ 'l - W� s. . . god wig 04 I DWI* lklid otbors V4 owl #4 a to � . I of IA*Xow, WON v0de ;* Will I ** . *...*..�*.Ow . ..... wo ..� ......... tr sold in t .� Stil a �wd , 4ss at xst we will put, t It 7 , . I jtwllr� I . tz po.00t ToetAmovit. - llr��.­ T410 114" *6 sold "t *1.00' the Tt%'t" .!O.! $1-17 tv * , owij I are the cheapest the- old store. AUOUST � .-�e'tvio stoe�ks ' t 0 41 I t 14 "1411V411 in Vilown 044. I � - I I . , I . . � I we wi , .. . . ,e - '. , I I I 461144fosmajoll'aw r0l" A , WOO bO W4dI1W1lYA" TwOL Or th"t W*r* 111toply 4XVief 40t I , . I � � I ortment , , ... _., . . I , ,V , U k I . . ,�, left. I 11 , I � into one stlamy Wt lWam tuen. I 1 .� i, �/ okw�$04!Me..'. A lie 01 , of XOMA, Out otwout tlis vthon va (I I . 4 1 1 1 . " I . A ove j . on I , "P, *L00 pq too W,yone'a box, Art ut I An. IX0 yr Itt Ift4t IPA# whigh,wax. at *Aoi 9*04 to 0WAS At $147 JASOAd 44 $2-M - � ­ ­ I 1�1 . " . . .- -, . . ' ' . �. . I I I . . � - - . . M J�Ael 0 � I 1. AVS . 44_q&*9_4 I � . ­0144011111-ar"-trubmider ---AU*­-Iwhr, 411) I W11r, lxlllal� - -�6-:SAROMIN Dr -W I , 3, I k V1 It Or "Mftmalh Wt."; 1* of iturpmIus Itralu., The lou1*4 � .1 Binbroldieries at ac.,_ , ': , , , . . , . I I ullow-N . 11 WA*k,���---.--...,..-I�!��.--,-.! -1 - .040-044-Vio4vo�'ViWhilhe -wirA. U-80 0(vory rilioz011ob, Oattou,�Wpjt* Itt lo, I . The x,50 Kind " � � I IRNijWjo1fs*nlVRo�1QrA%4 " I �4. - ---,--- _rot 00dart0h, told: th#�;nstivo to thit siotbodtios v.,a4 'r $1 - - . I . 44 V_111:1__.­­ftI*__f"4 a toy# tulUkoll � �u �Vi _VW Undek W" Yultut 04 swoodo ilf.ij)wttlopAodotol)mlilerT,iwksn4aWv ­-%­ ed I � I I . . I � . . ­ We"tur" 40woo NO= r4clut jit 01206 " , 16 , -,T*r4*­11at Z -A, ­­ � "tollio 00 #lost L'1041vive tolaitr*1111, . � L � 'It2L4 a ta 40 I V IWO So 14"&_Alv� . � I 49 stoldfoxi iixot% wvery lotudiginso gwrow0t. It sou ­ Blabroillerle,14 �,I*tomr. firlu I I I Jurl W W Thomplon, 4tod , 4 th6 go 04 *tf,qu Feldayi, �oj, I , - :z h; till, W.Wedn .4 ... *------- vid.e. I � . Como In. 1104 lot tashow YOU SarAPI I ' * ',I� iiii Mill One only left Iind tit* Prl.ev now hl�!.V-a $1.47 'ed%re'tt bl$t t"149"' Of 04terft-q,j,*1f%­t - . 9, y Q1 0 , _ wsday � Ok 41060, to tf* X90#10 of IblIM1.14 rt, *Ws! tbAM - - # iA olitIC hat tbo� , 4 6 Xil -_ � J" X otlopuard, kloothAt; ,would not All'aw lsvt b 4 - - . . I . ftqQdqUAlIttaq.� WWI .%*t ,_--__1-_,n,_---. I � � ,� UwU botog to I . Ing 40 , ` � y Au V � IW.L Ile, xui� ,$'#11I . I * � ­ - , * . . � . . � A0.*.--* ' 1 Wslt 'Floro"oo, X Wt Wt o"It0ball" *ntortb4p4m, roontainlic A IT4 � I I � . .1 , I -,N 7 i til 3 - � ­ �, .- . . I .. . ,TqW*V,IoVljdtjAtbWh#rj4 � � : I d. , � I . .. * ] I I .. I � . . ,191 �_� _ � . �* X .1 . 00 W . - I 1W fly .3 t, �_ ____ '. L V01404 �, SkIrts at U fr ft �� , � . 1, *44 jr 41seavow ttoavra& sut, r o , , . per yord. .: , � . Irl"JoIll -*VjIl)jIPWA" 3QjAjW4 'WOUIA. Jqot VA , I ... . . . .. . � __­_____,. ___ __ �Por*,, t4w . .. , ..'...... , " - I I ­:­­,"",­ � BARGAINS YOU WIL I � Xillolr*41tucultlaft. otboar.d, 44ulthtorof plah X# j, #I# - I rrjWV �t;- U84s, tit Atro"f"Vil$ 1, . -.1, .. 11 :-- .. I L REMeMBER. _ I . F, Mo PUNHA # 1419, � 111h flIPA'Atoph frift." I I I M, ORM S Mg., memilts, v tbo ., "MP P 1: . I 00 "Plily., X � . . . � . . I . . L I - NO% *4 Arolp W. tow left. two npw,..!�""� ,..� .... *,."_V ... 00 . '. - I I . . I I , . I I . I ­VRVOOTVT��. . 0 Aloft With 0#40itiologtom or*. . . f4ox *W41 #* "r? M XIN 44 . I , I . I '. ,� I . .1 Brubrolderiesat 1z;., - , � . . 904goliw lar�4 91116417 *A4 U, IV. Arooft bz , .1 - � . . Trimmea Uillfilery at Iasi �uo 'Shir 11 Coro lot 104111I Mteoi alla s4qats'. 00sooth AZ=W� o"jtWTQqr4AM04 litm The W WAN W*ft tholt: VUAed to V . . The'25c,xinds. - , � , � of,the - , 4 , $land AX.2s Corsets for , . NY AI44 WW0404sy. SkIrts4t 85o Instead of $i45. 1. _, I ==-,=tt�_�.t_-_ XVc4MAf0:6"r*1K" 404yi. WA ollottit, videb im 490bly . I . . L I . . . . I . . .fr4 ..Qa� $4, 00 worX for $1 . . I .. . - It chlKeeti, Of MWI, lookid U4 AW -Ad with the WAO of 4 . .. r : . . jowbx :reA* three wookk Vist tehortivotiti,ar, XpWaf Xw�;-Wiiwi duty it 4ill J)* to V040,41: V1414 SlIall"ll Cotton. cambrit., AnIsb, clust.tro, 'of W yartlo Valoilfvoftle,svohpo HtuIA%4&�rIej*, t)�j%ntjfuj ,jeq I .. I � I -50-, � _. I . . . Vul 151ft 1 14 �) M lowro "04hoatt, Won at.. bave 2%ot boort I lde'frlll of hall4lioltualf,tallroid- 8 � Ic u'dill'sand UWIJ . ig"A .. I I 1 7 1 . C , ow tw thw soku � WTOW tileto 404w, . . Eli, _.,berfcb� Ali'* 1Nls4;:VIbftIl(* ambilm left stomot I )I;ke!,. 4,1, thIt,4j�fry:o9P0Pjn . Half Pirke, I ;41 * 0amm JUIP , ft Wait $1 4 0 .. ..... � ...... 4 , wtorn% Amonsit thom. B.. T., D. & & ant ' I . gm o* satutdir lastr v if. per muiti, taluvorod w1th wbon the ttattLow"_ JV* aff-lefttosillitt... . , . - '_ I -�� , I - TXW804*�,Ciull \, . � AfM.jVdK#40hwIto4,*4r*iI tato-sial* f4UW41: a itublie ex4migatiotWtho -- - . . � I . , . ` 1, 'All 81-ivt s1w. NNdt A . trin ,, , Non'y bolter at $1, , I � I . t � : V�Mltll WaistIlr,whike, b1stak . . I - I . . I a a I I 13C.Por)rard,­., I - I I I . . I - I . I I f, ur"'44moo jituaff ,,a twflirlil. Of .,NlvtuW1y thweimulloA Pro* . Skirt at $1.to InsUad ' ' . . . lalli-B, nad 441$1,21 Altonawiga .... -75a � " , �bookit, � I 11w.lilrew days V114 or �, .1 I . )*#v44d 14*111, Wait%satt ewizip"CltuW vgoo d"l, of Wit I* I Of $1-40. . � . I . I planA.Y."Juvy w 19%.1 1. - go, I � . ,. ��� � -rell oloAo ________0,_ . I I, - ur'Ittl4 I loft Danto0is **4- swoot tho" attwtod . . I �� Aod . . .. I _--___!­ ­ - 04 A,,4, A ot - ' All Atbitif, prim, 1, FlAutialme P't 000. .�.% 601"`46*i�1114101-`111?11� Z�Z�-__",�_ � 1 - , Ilade of &roog �Vljjto Cotto",,0#ajAjjr dotilki U1401y, MWT-01 I . ­ rno r IL t t: *or*, Aort0lin (fortdan *rohiiol . I 0 "wo, doubtf, � I I : . ___ . , toarluo";=MV. , 4114 VU hqp* frllht� 141herof befitstitched IUMV1104. ouw of I llwh - - - - � r� . 40- , � 4 I -UfA so be Usytiling One Qua,rter'.. Off Pajr,asol shoetifl� st cost � People wo 9:40W. !Vr . . - - __ I � I . - WTF find It . ''.. . & a To .044 of Am, A dk- I 0 odoomb embrogUry. *ol4 i4t.#1.04 - . . � PrIA 13(11rtin� (L't .0-0st, . mlell sebolo, tbt t e price DOW .. . ..... .......... .. $140 Ce.All-ov�X Prin fS A��oil jpptt,)n st I . I - 0 1 I I* a 14WRO 9 , W , "o, � I I . � I M, I , -, 11 � . origt. . %tr*.V4VW00r 41,". ' l4Vf . ft, th It I I AS Wt- Im"r d-NIAN, .? rtmew I r- I , - �11 ,,��MXWLOCOXXO,r, IOU04 o ft7i,:�,L,v*i*j.A1;7,Nz I , . . ". . $0"!*0A W*44014 Pri �, Halt . ­ 1. . I ,� 04 In I P U*t i0ga of . . olloo; , Iblit lot to . � I I " , I . . , � . 1 83 " . � I t 40 � " � . &I biAbroider'� io ............. I . 41-41 V oto . I . , 4 1 1 � I � � . � W44 P *n4)1rv.NArr.ka1j um or"K. 14" copy 'Skirtat $t.$S jnjjt�o ot 4 from sod it'just.bldf I pioe. 106 .. . f, r ....... * . * ... ;. 1.1-1-1480 " - " � iiolt-aky,��l*,Of(VOW.IWOAIUtOWO.. , j"#lr#. PA'Adalo (to . , _f - I- . ad of $;j.5 M q 11140 Ine" we like to , I I'' I : _1r___ . . . 140 It . f I',, 0, ow ;ia4itkt 0,01rVA!", )TO, of t4 Aloolly1w , - . . . . -.0 Pa:t#4018 than , . . I , 11 , ...." ... 10 .1 .1 , I ... ..... .-AN I I lz-j; allift-41r.10(ttot tho4witaty loan I 041 , , 11"a ,it thii, mama of the year. All � 480i Ladies' Pure 2010 40j 44, . - . 1VV 'Illoar.'aJutrolN who U Into WAs 04 14 Gorwsx Apilmy OW � t:V1-.11­ .... --.350 Ap tm# W044 Ili 3�04111, "4 Olt rwqW , 'Matfly 0.1 vot)F Vifte Hopli2b 000pilt shfor CAMNIO ftillb, _ re good 050 0141twere R � WM, wIdefrl0ArbAftd00IIleli1w1r4 vtalvol;lety. 'Tho qualities,, and tit �je, Wjuj� a - Wool Gskshrairs Rose toi - I X-�-rtthll At tillt the P1114, AJ4ft**AA It it is "rlleolo ".*" the *A*r thotoqMr *44 ox4 4 - 4 . , tit it 0*1 ,oun.mr y1*14 14 llowuah', 1410t, one [it stook, golf Aya "tatia thil iWIti ....... ext nobby ha�dles Iswsm 4, full 'Biriaiiis iii jaloes. � tuft 60 I ­ ­ withi I N:�Avl,ralr, of conton,'WO-6604*1% moot - 1'�)w#s*lls`WA*W'**AAW** VOW the 'hops thitt stops; 'Nould % I . I . , I - 0, AVIRJ 1W #Atjtrday� : � . TolUit � _ I . . . $1'" i4 the'lot, -To make theifi .Move out .a littit t""0440l, too ool;ra* Y*t4t r'r 050, All `oar ,Toroho�s- -Aulf val, Laces , . - . 1). , toillIeVA46 W01614robta this sum ,w � . - . . At .... i ....... �-�.­* .......... :,.7... ­.goo - *4*k tAk*A to gocerwri vituout,fiolxy f"ter coUlluendug $aturday, will take Duo- reduced. - : I . Wit& 10, l4kilown VeXitekon, Iva IvIsitirls 41 lair & Mal, og of the r1w Oil" ii4thor tit# odshisl-woy of tb* �Naw- orawers at 3$0 lostead,01 Soc. , ' 'we i . . . . � I J* IOWA cm Imlvldov� " "60"Worrilaultrol4woocuftwitu T*oWtout W boft roally foond or I _quarter off the prioe of every Parasol ift stock. . . 40,1101,111111111 -------- - '',',''''I'll, .. . .. . I . � � XAWAMSell, OtMrAtfordo W411ttAWit for tO P"4"b'040- I I 0 � .1 . NAVY IFIA I 40t, Tbor"IX4 -ft"ror Willfwa MAde pt Vina.Unglish Miton, eawhf4d nwraisd with, Thih nitaus I I 4 to of cotion ow"I � � 1013. I I'll, 410104111yothlow"k, , It,", t I .. V Fianna ....... . ............. I.- 111% ok " 4*136 41 Pon No , 61111"! ... I .... 111 ... 11,111 .... ",I,,", 1,114,11:1, I", "ii 'I', 1, "" I J. M. 114101111 left forgma 111m, m4c, *0 N,1111!90, =,* 43 Viou'll WYOW" louse to 114 siatiA ttioking ond imbroldl"y. only x leir pmrs lef& I � � � I alovel� , to cleAr 44 'rot M84111 "i ,,,, , � ... , . 1111i'l!, Jashmere Sox. - 2W V40611411wribov.A.U. A 4y'li�0"Jazws Rfoorl, Asklor for .0walwou to.. wolp a rkloewailw. Ive. loads it)JOW ...... 1- ...... 0a $1-.90 ftrasols for . puk .... I-$ .... 0.*.V...v1.**.. I.....841 !, ... i , INWItift t . 1 40 MA, bdbw WW"tion, $04 U has *yl- t� , 11 , . . WRTS � 75c,' .& TiO, 2 for ... _ * " I ­.- _. . 1. . , . . ....... -.24 t!!!�.t_�!!!_­� ",--tt. I .- � ....... - Onfir ro*v*d a 14yartbIt tWr, for . $140 PAMS016 for $1.1,3, 1. . .. 1 0 " ­�,l 01!41'101�� , I , , , � I.- -,-.---- I . . � , � � I I V1% �WUO*t %*" b that -of or tug b"t Drawers tit 4$o lnst*4d' Of 6$c�. Blirpins in so 0048. "W ollkolm% in (hrmlliay has boolt, - . . . . . $2.00 Pomsols for $1.,5o, ' '03444e. -Whits six vorth i0a 0 I C114, Bargains in of JoR. � 01��- I � I BALANCE Of SUMSK A 005 , As a to �"r *$ 2,PAir for ......... ;.". ve , Var t in . . . I I as qmf�, . - # vo to Dwwvx *Ad to U840 of *VOIT Vifte Ittlitlith Cotton, 4 ralwo of oar" $3.06 Para"Is for s � ... I ��, -.1-01.4 I I . , at:mt - UvOlm !a 33 . . I I ia PW tb* �t" b"4 b4t twits, fri I of bi looti etWbroidezyi, - Only, A tow w I . I I � I . . . b1i . � MST 60 NOW I 1-1 11 ' !,Mau. ", fit tl* polls left, *04 We =xko t1bo priest 104utit,out ......... 4SC Those who cquie,ea4e.st will , , � I 0 I ­ . . I . I . . I - - .� '.0 PMW . 0 1, : ChQi�Tt , . lot tho best: - 1 41� . _. . . . . , I , ". The;-­s6asou has, a&auced to a �oiutwhiere (loodl; �� . . XWSAWW#,0MS'W'Z . I ­.- _­­­­ i" . ,-�-t� ,e!, I � .,-� �� Far 4 dAYS YOU Olin 101*8 013-isy by sp64jjqg it hera. "temuej creir, - � '. _m��,,t A - ___­ k_*__­��� *4 tfis Goodf, arla Ill it M)Aa� eattin,r pric S, .pr,4&y till V,,, Inesa ' I MUSt SO or stand a thance of being carried'over. 00 Am ot Alt ZWN of go" Aftlex , I . 2 ,a � oo , . � ­ . .- ily A a I I I .. I a saw August Designer and P tte, . I I I Aur Is x wito"ll, "ft % .1 AT SMITH BROS. THEY 40 I 4* Val "o 0 4W othii - - . � rns Now"In 5tock. This Store vAn ' I . _. . A'" 1� k, jr k, I � k . ki _ "i*4- . 1 k d0l� L N.� I " Who *MW4 vim th6w The ""I* . I . � I .be C10.1;ed every- WeangSday' ' Von know the closs d zoreltaudise. 'we carryi, y ION*104 is widoir atirw"t fta *at . AN1104k, 0111k. . Until $epteijber Ist, . , afternoon, I , , . I .Oft knoW that li"d by the 0MAary Z"dls,womw In , I I & - . high qttality,aUd. iiewnesx characte " our stocks, Th.eso 0* Arg P;mk it ,It" " $jVV,,_I3j"t1I0 %_. " . rue 4 &X*w*. WOO 'Iffiwft� I . I �� , =ItislIko A * I 0 G BR . . I . I . � I 4keings, are neither old nor uudgsirable_g�$, no matter 04 thlok at tbo 040r. V%J0 , , - , I I how 16W the,prite. I __ . TU tkl*i Ilt Wt vC ottok W A 'fhe SqUare, �. Ich ' . I . , 1, . 1. ,�, I 1. . . . . ,0,910*t0#,W""*f'#aj0""b"-l* 1. , I , MdK-1 M '' ' . . Goder * � �w At Y W 1 I I �. �. I 1-1 .- � . L I , � I tr 1*:f 331444, ttM the ol"�j .-_ 4F 1 &,-A 1'1�11=� ...w�411.=.4.1w.." I - I . _1 . . `* - I L ­ 11 I t= .- "m I A ! i 1. . ­ --�-t--`-". ____-___-�_-­­-_­­1*o-' . '. .- "k I I uk), I ­-­� ­_ I I � itsim" It U AM, In* , � __�___� I...''. , w �� Ei 0%1 1. W111%wet, Ispor"lls ITOt". , . -- ­_­­ I . I .0 I i i i.? 1, 1. 1& ___­ I.. . zowa. omwft*""� Omsk *I* a -v%t iftifter to =04'"lle. his hatmult thoAh con., Ny. I . � 'tt - I ' .111W a" tvast Itwt VP with, a . W. - I tv; Uorspt,srolktklrall(�ntorthtgott h0TVA_XM_ Nixon. of Tot A''ta, *r- MilftbAll, 01ttl lknOneer, �wax in � Ullog *W IL zftl*t* Wile sold 411th, took PIxft Va Lewitt Plark, at ten �nd Me. womiltaxtoo, of elinto a olor T " Veylof I He I WASH GOODS. MILLINERY.- � -- - Iflane r i I the calirso of Ale � F YOU Wattoknow , q -,, Man011'. �" birds *01th. Th��re welt thrft Kghtv, tied f0101xill heti on, Ttwwl ""118 I . _ ,q I* Ila Zer luitit it u gtit'll tir._Jdr� 116W Newer which Wi I I* 1) fit I tart , . alauftof our�ol�rw Balaam of V11him. *46 b"t*1 WwOft two but X, H- *Gn� tbo shoot Oft Th* flomkRowartpiftill wtf#k of ffidotkh: 0�ff tile oyferffiffs* ilt witer I I seattem - , wh2tt we carry, , ivho"once' 'V ? tog pokw tollowins werr tho lthtlotllts and their Muslins in bluest 'tallvo" It t* ovppw , V 8bannoo. V161tod MOW* bo" orw dow I" wjwk i)(WHOlk fit the Villowe.-Iff fir ruee, - b as, 1:ly tvearingl. � 04 *4 tuft II4 'tco***, , IL wittoon & -J101186ft NSWAk XM Gertto4e Ifoltriett: (it Auburn, VISW rot r U . , . '14k)e St W. t4shAm. 8- Ji. R TA;iv, (t. ofm 1� * MIS . ed Shapes, laditi 5�m , - pinks, navy, bWK W� - I 6147 Ill I . . and rbildivWs fa ev of Dwtft are t1W ,,gntaX, keep your eye on �: -Qv-Periezaced the differenVoll - 12 , **a, 1404ts o� their Kpanou Stiod;Ly t� - . _ I F W (N,V*, "Y"tolidth 1% X1 t-q4t(th 91A GaI10W. 2. ItrIkAWWA"Or. MIX Bull had, )fr. lond , 11 � I and reds, prices XIVO " 'Straws, Sailor, Hats, wvoh to( 0 G**, I - 11 ­ � X (tel, 2; A, *49- Am'Watik Mwolow.'afWmato, ,at* - our windows, between , Were 200. and 25e., fAl al,king jjat,%,,e "�* Wd. 11"k, It . vlo� 1AL"W"CLptlil. 1. GoIng U0kV1$rft, I I . adioMe t`V. I V11091flit her maw. Ott*. rhim".- I �, . ­ . .1 I tb* UM 4*r1l , V I ObIg at - 12 r"Ir, su 0q"u 14 the vvlilii% Tile wt4k,w pity. at howilfix oil Mof %xia" fr-'Piwrle" Th" rh1towits mmments on the � Atlauce fine *001 preralutn's It =Jo this ebtaon ffft " *�Uyii *40* W w0tk, Ot 4% WInit 04 0#0 lawn hx* boten Lb* 1. =JLt&f*w Y2*ItkXmT.Fj,Pkk- two lottling towne in thf,00t inty of " 4w/ -1 I Walk -Over, ,? ' ., IlAy"If 01*4- 'who "4 POW147 114110 *0 Of tht""Od. form istort ftlot- X'sed""o Wallace &b4F`sM"9' Bra". valtdo by thf (;oaoty Val . . .. x up or t4g,stcon W, "d, a . 4141 t"; ot Wr4dslock. vlo[W "toxx I . , Ginghatus, w a r e .. on I , tur% hS ,#, ll#M two afi* (WAsion the othwo h h0A ilt UM In their report to tb* Qiionty . , a . 4 - or9M * 14" It , rvV Or M than two rinks on " uncil , the � � I - X;2%r_ to -X $"at oft wklgk sb* it,wocklat. good 'Ilthtl Z"'k't THholl 1ft=W0'4__-3(Xr'r8.0rMA to P.*V4w"f'o,8006rdajTj itz rftrfttl'f, 414's nOt ple4iftnt readIVIO BRUNSWICK faV10u9-Ameri'c'au_ -90I' � Cash (Or tb# Jokk, Tili Varialla,writootil '10 rdl". - ing at - - 70,*, - I ,. ,Qolng at% prke. a thea IWW tkroftk,WI* tbs. Wort to stopmyt, b0*11=006tally cWt, % *P*WVox­bW holidaylt b#ro,- Vea . IN* in""- MMIX. . I h# , N 1 1 N l l owiw"".00* Wj Died* 4ft,wa U#+. $44 Iowa It dolighor , porou"t . inade Slv* for Alett, . purc oft. .1 iooi sw tbWAI(i WItmoftift "A#4 414 , Ifft flowtoo. or Mnt" ittly% whort, Obomor,Alt 111Y "mated hu, the " E CI(jAR $ro It our rejular I 41T0, 00ft #��* =a" Witk a Ift jar %b# r,LXW#. The *eov* %ft nat, %&h"Wile, VA I& , e Huron At the wo � . , . I and V;c ftz � ,U *IV. A I mott� Uth Of I DRE. . I ,/ � . I ­ ZOT 46 ftowlt* U4 likowii, (19 y4e$ = Nit tho Wl"hift rink to ophowt V a mr"_ , ON*". tit 0114tor. PA�rvtlarlgn" River. altuation still re. '. other shoes -will Uot Prints, goingat - to , A -A � 0 , ! A 1 i 1 00.i*. or.op"'" 'Wear _t *W*v.d..* fliot "" Jor 4 rAstrr I 104 In *Vtty tall*, win ut ft. Johi'm church �� utmnx Wt the tanished - . *at �_,� 11 L .. == 1111=11=F*ZV000v� ArAthttivfttr1rApetit"all I . J - see I � ­ , . is a No Vallia wutovor. �, � I owe, 'Manyhouvell I .1 thl'-1 Others-. �"Tllere' is . 1. I zorz a- . S,G0003 JU " %Vm vkkh tU mmtwtw NUMVelf QAUNI ­­�_ lraftilt. mtA sow. tax" wory blith. t "---7-! - . - _. . � , no, I � 11 . _4 that and SILKS. & VC14wilir , nom we foond ". t, dimcolty In ar. Tbb Ontario.prult (�rop, 1011ger, itt s me _ -_ . , I I "A 0 tile ";p �A� oxi,1,4 t & no"" pwk Albftt4 fIVllW*tVAlQ4ft �Ule* VOVV'(@W Itnot T*rw6to,:nIjrft_j, 4j,Xj ,,!10 ase, any. _r. J, SHIRT WAISTS A@* " " with wato" u� 60V � Z . PRO" . Ilt ptlow a v 'A rultattalers Ott, I � YOU' kj�y CMUM4 jJIL t'he r"4 o" I I I *�40 A. JV11'.4 it ftwitins _ Milt 00WAIN V*t 111100 Alitibe need of argumen I , ** " " LAs I "" Wiol, W ADZ, . I , J'A 19-t. A y I .,W - wl� 1� y *hleh �tja of you hgy# oeen, 0 - Ittlot'XII, bt hwo so to "s V" "tit. of.jmt � I., w . - t0iff -of tka *4k. fritityma WIh*:N,,X,* Ill, t. I "" Affi7L# dwi, � R;i� 0tv, 0 1 *1 'i . " a lughtmeym Place, pecistl lot 1010twl b 14 . l-ary MeLwa. (*tlnjt fs*ed ft". bot III 401to 4 tho'short trop I -get tore at 4 reduced pli" I,q .o i m 4, ! .1 it" hill I'- , , I I Waists, were SOC, - , , #*M 19 lboft'WObb x%Ad#htVO,th,, tollpoly th* "TV04y's Q*74M W-M1*_nl;_` VA%d Ilk NWW. Xfft�Wby *AV. 4 t ar �"Ild "R for WALK ov)�Ap, Sho, uting this, Sale. 0""0A0VA*#A*4**$o$,o U 149L*44 V*WW*** Mich.. who hays, An jast*om of 5; . I - -1 �Coupo I VIM tm t%" ot Oltirloo Xly, *I the 4"ll"o, Mavy r"I "Wt *f the tharkitt. 14the Who, 11avo . and &v., going at 2 no At.l. 'A. 4a A I J-Wj h*00 ViNtirog his *WAW. 14rl% J. 8, OLW* P"Wrt are equally *# W, b", 0,or lh# X#Mg W1676 tM j,"'MI tA * for -W lot Bedford *W*toa tu uvdwr WW W "00" r; tim". "111011 to till 100efintatly to ?tat" are the haUdsOlnest aud I lee white wiixts I Cord CrooAa in a ow ot iiii = tit* in I LL , W . ok*�;4*kjjj� liawki" Wt Wittlaeo"y I,*, &h*jV '. hot 1p"Idras"ro"40tipAysaell. . I 1X4 alarkei Wit, L* Voi abort. Aft)" Ar6 a" zi were $r.qo, going 7$: Ilk A woo 44 M int ro= 44 . r" 141� h**VO'_'W W. IJALWkj'#L*. Qh the ITAVeft 'fit* In line with the 004-kh4v Ili& 4 . *0 yott blue, T, -d, f W,*k* wbo Is" boo -a Isca* for atwo = rkwo ot th Vounty, Jadg* rtw4minir ,gow" &,jj,", I cA)40st shwl ever 'ad,e, . - � a*%%) **A*%&W tu 040ors MA xto ji)lt nsa� 410l, Widay, liwft Tvoollllar for (UA"too, I _____1 *fsw . I �', hite Waists, wore grey, brown, rtp. � MOl. VM044 X111, X"t SrU44 � . 1X* 1, W* tt)W*'0tlXV0WS to wook* ago jgjose*ft* r They are el ant - "V. X0110AV'S 0AXj* Wl&. Vila Mkaxo.-Juv. Mr. fit WM =Iryl eg in con. , bo 4. 144ftwl"XII. ntsto*n r0ofticlil Is, iw 8. to . � Aw* a, rxU *M roplor* W"'Loil 00"If. will odfi�iA* It APM � "to fAv" . UA. ch*r0k **x t Va*,Uy, j *hdA I llwlkoo WWI at ill ,toal"I"r ttstihi W" at ' W, It - while li w,majopp"r " -, po"VoIll stl"IttiO14 superior ill $1.25, going'At 1 -*0 ,Y* lar Sloe., going at ,38 04 atw,wr la" omp"Ift h C11 .r3 I wit" X Is mtsftrx = 1 "Osob ft"M hit'ro 1%4 Fancy *W&O**UU" the I 10j�Allaa - - "'4*"s""1*__`t&,tft "V"*nXTftWreVs,hjs*jbg,,f -"* "ft *1 t'%* peat(iollis, O*lr* to I . pes,oddlot � Silki for Waists ue VC fty* ' jft a', ,*,, NO.-MI00" Bwkft� ot raltilard, IV* lot" Iftralt"Stafttgasit **ojjjj4*Ari dtoftit I colored W a i a t X, . I 11 st tub V" ft *4 k"* ot 1114.1 S�:A:iZ-*IW 45 M* 1oar bf, 44 quality, and yet iflod, I *r I W"W- TU *m0kalt wr$oll it A1119. *""low t- *VOW bon"yStathe fttor twoInduttri", W 411111460 At *IJM ot the yrilk 'rate lommings alt 1, A&W LLL ad w,"MI t"#ft cir, . mia . * villmok.�40ift Mwana. who h" om. I "d ,dur =11611 - . Aw 1, 1'. It* * .Z., V"'TS!o`1""X*1,_w"tSft to -r""h jfi.PrjCe.L Se., ��� I., � uted, rso*gwo *A MW 0motintoo, kv0CM VW 04 Wt ten yom*, We a1w 14"lad ?I- ., . � wore &c. and 7, *" .t L � avoAod a KstsocIa *w" hirt f;or two - good 441T & =,,,,",,,.1,r,,:, V,;,.,r2,4, . * - -----,- U ft* Art tw*ot t1iro PlAoskolloft *wl, Nft Toolliilay f*r SWV&4 n4rw. 1 p0i 4 the"O". r#hvy 6e., It" r"Ot"M414*4 froft a tilt � . .. Z,mtlg st ----- so : mlitke &ft **d.V thoict U"u The F -MA Itoat t. jZ11"Ot 1, , V "=y Of thtl entinly"tookk "at, okvm" saystbo WArIft f* U*,V not . ft^ I I' I-! OftAM"'.0.11 ..�, L., 3=70** r'. 31i =41. == hill WWWA, P~ WlW ln�rti - orokahu Aft %Vjj , �00WA"Wq --01 -oft- $I"* * rolip"*ftlio *S*h*t ** to . t. All . I I I I 00 � %VA4brA,V% OAK*. � 1100 %bwkx* t*WW*X sow O" the Ill far h0ft Wr* worth a litirldr#4 = =3441=� styloq for'. all uses INS Solt CM -, -, 0 swill urwvw wft*904� jlt X A.boft it. W. *2 &M* w, 0 ho V", b"W"a n*d*j*h Omm V" tho doll,ar. "Mo _ - � tmn�cft . Y , _�.,!Zttt�'FAWOVW. I . '. Thursd4ty, July ;2.sths "A Xtbow b4 VA - - �-_­� a ?W10001i's W40ty, It* 00A y"a'.440ir"low 646st,-Xita SOW X%willse, 'x%AVbt by tke cmWILYfOr t Tn=vot ' - , I'd oedasions. " c4ntlnues Ull Saturday, Auj=t .3rd. - 1106. 11119 LWA= bil IN X'Jaw" X*foo " -)d toe 1,44 umn Ike via, *ft*M04#&***kl,*00* I W'*'M_4* *40- *:ft_A!k*,k*0� Vi "I ulvlo� Aill. "tkft Of I I I I I � ­ - I --1. ­­­ I- I ltrao lo�. 4V* WXOXXWI& .. 4000ig=::�ttjur. A# Am" WX-Its M t A*A %mar of tim I*kk IWO 4*441:4�,sd*atiaii u4& oX � M*-AW_1 1,W v I I . 0* "Oort M4 V" � 1*4 OAX*, awk K �7 efma& WW4 )AV* b"'11 *4 4 ** r AXK*ftjt Ift . " "Pt. IttAid kit kaw tkx "" III( the r#* , . I Z011! & � , r I ll$ll Mir* ­ I fthaltof illo yal"tuyn $64 Vw"W'"t, st" n"Ay oulottle bol. . All, 0 I I - _� 0 AV.#* 111, ­­­­ - ' .1 Ift 11 , ftilloow I I Of 18ft 1kf*nY,9C tb* ftorro a" nerw ,Jew�, otstle *aW jay omw INT ­ . . I - 1;111;l I _� 00011�"i lwomom 4k*==t""**h% 40 I M. 'I L' V*fttlf. A" kAv* bft,ft fm y0a,". Vr" AWW)%c IWV X"Wo" a* tor$4 Trwh I 'LLL 'M _ X.A04ml a, :, 4; P 1, #. ft ; :. . � 41#� - _ � F111 , I ! dut �",*24;0, ff I It# 4 . � W Fis 14hin I I -­ I 9: Itt #*00 WPOO-4 to *4 "V* $44" 04,1111"*41'ft r6d;Wtl" 40V*AWkxr wo In ar""jog *0,*,*, .. I The *aot I 141; 04� 44 J�J, hom � I I LADIES' READY 41"Ot " ft"kY *0 UUIUY. A4u TAW", W" 'Ott "4 *WNTft uwft *W*uy with - - ­ ­ I . - . .. **or "4= "" �L,4 #,*Wj Wa**0eotXf"WUt,t;"* P#wj= 1, ­ - ­*_ .r*0AftX1l"L t *4 t1*6 t*e baft* ,. L ,; - � ;'o MADE Wr.i,.,kP,, XOW. �* " or 11100101i - Wan.4kI**#&*Mth0fth*VilI`i"0 "001" 04 *44 "Oft -W "d *4r I** I I. I lint fancy and . M. I" by tb# IN.Wilof ol. t t SHOP, 1, , � . ,= g.Jy � . . , I 14,1r,k , - I '. 11144"llit. hoist w4d bt* V.y lwr* flacm U,W I . , plain f*A 9 . *" V" tu *A, 1*6 AUW vio"'t W11w, * ­ �66,w O,bw It Pdo", wg*, I 4ortmigm L 1. � two 11"Aw.. two iultw , , - .m. --r. =!M* W-# Of If' � . KbAr. H*h&rt. forth* om ot "A * UU4 RW X VWW Of I � ,4-_. , - wdw wks, � ng k V" * 111100 "d q, - C � , I ; t*w ut 9�L - MAMW t" i*w* �- � . . raft'll5" & A" 911 0= in t1w, oft. .1 aw t Y"M I ". . k White Vaderwtar tho ***-I fhA%W* 'W"sl VwAWV�W1rW Ift t=1UPA 1W - - . " 1. �� 1. . at * pairs f<�i - - 2 t"19 =* I 0 5 MCRANtulhow 14=-; "**m , NX 1% oto = ft*t&MI1W U* Aerlts� *A* im *so* a potll,az SU40 aw ,J�, , 0� 0 L v OAI *11 rtduftd�' 416" A . ot tu" It, **Oft 1160000,WpoodbrWal. ""91*11019 !::6; Mr. mtittow I*" It #Ioad. 8i I ��'J'..,L ;.k*l , J*ftw. #*d was tly O" 14.4104 34 #,� "a" poot an X*ft It. Or" tkft f"U. = JWT. I An S44 004C to, VA** L ." I I 44horlllift oh,W t" ft " IrtIlbort of 04094l SWA MI" 0. f "d bl I )�*O** 0mo bool% 16 19. I* fAst tt*k Vo%#A .- Jqqftr%W6&"&tft[1* -------- 6�_ %I" . I:, � I I . fl LLL . ..- , , �� I I 9099 at . I jaclou XAd " I M '* watsor "laott M. I kAVW 4bg"'s . *ftpoh" %&.t:j."X, tho 'I IRM **w � ,Vt "01 P"*",*r" the A Sh-kton *.wvoopw4ftt tsajft,_ ,u My ,laa 'L 1�0 44*" 90 4 == iiiii I ­ . , , I Qmr*A mw Arrood korl- At* #w*#,jkWv *6 Uw*ft P_" 1* L � 11 A" Ill wmuo_ *1" by i YOM WA* L ,maw 4M " "00"4 1 pnCell. C" *Pwa *01161 440 wore A " 00 � *9 atraw Hats, DAYS =11V ovt 0141 "W ==99'r ft%w 40 60 am t1w I wo Vb*tkf of I W 4 "W , 64=41.r '� Ong at'reavtotd prim a '*`t" O" '" 001-r* *e*r toloto" wu owumoa *a rNowt iff::1 C *a* ftV *A* 1104"ioA law A�a f" M*ftik* XU jaz . , I wodosoliay A ft 1wh". 1,1006 on spowt. I I I , av Is" llo*mA g4"trelost to 0�0* oe I., *oft I.V. =d $ 1, , *ft 04*10" 6W* No Ito tho !4 t tike WtA" &*Wt )ON% '#fik* fj ot ow, III. I . J11k ka xkawo 4t . a Ill 44dide S"rate skiru r =60jk, . a YA*kil** a *A I . at - *^41 rt F!460,0% tw *.ft* Wt" b#A1 Vr**V*ft mtwork lo == *ft *6 *%K L -2 V At rtdIX*4 pTkv& � Wt X- S=V, 4� 84411114" At* U'lift I L � tow "ft* ot 40 Vft I at the A" I I : L" I '" I A =I" Au UK" a =!I � , �� U109 A, Ila two *W060koft W%U L . Z. . I wh olit VA ==4 . I I Woo � I., 410`0*11111111 1 Loaft, R Aft C Tu h1t%** *4ftw* &" 66 *ft .1 W*04 hils � 1, ,*W^-% A=", Asr .&*V"*,?* ftwa *"ft* )a =-IM-1 . I . L 1:1 �� _­­, ,:WT�1111* **3* bb& AN&OWA ]Nwapbor. a" 14 -h kj" �; jft*�**Q 1 ,,� 1 1 11 � *6 a I "I I Li_*_ I . ­,,, X *t rod I A 111" 4011111 -M-M RK )IoKk. otit"Ilk 00404W Aot & 14� ftka"o ow - . I I I liawkoL lu k *9 I � jo ro"a *4 - oft. - -_ 000, Alt A XW V6 - I I 1-1-1 *ft "d 4044 16 * 11001 11 4= "2www lk** A&# **A" ** 11 ­ . . . . . . . - 11 Prk". ww rw4k VwIft AWAs6AvkA** k AxAmwa U6. I 11 X&A" aw 11044011144 I 100 07= bt *hw or aw - -1- I . , 411001JAR01 1; . ­­­­ I i 460" 1 *64"i **A 00 *""** QW"AV.-** A" ""y ja ft"d " 11 . - 10 CW %t r Ailiar 4" SUW 46001 k "��t% 060000% j , Al -11 1.1-.1-111 of ~ V*", - - &W& "W " . ��_ *W& *1 MW waft usk obmw Atlftt wts LNIA11 " � j� 11 11 'M . - AXVMV of I& VWV I = . =.M I "Im ow" 4 "U** � 01 pwvval I - jT4 " . k ft* A" beft I% . r f ,� W4W,*. , *A - - **I% 4 %&*I& V*ft*'AW 1116 - ,,"Illm 0=61 VA I *#*~ I it �4 , ulak 40"ONWA TW%%*&y thfo -_ - � ,^ �� ,Aa, . - a1W.. - 2 =1 to Z =W'X.= , 10 I a %* "iW, I a - I * VINW* I" 4" i � I -� - I Ift 11 t. 1100" bar M I 116 *" a" oft Ps To, la" Lis, � 11 I I I � #1 - ' Bi, _`,*i lk &volt�* r'i R 1114 . TIN 0 �... � R'N koi_ % ,_ --.,. OW Mal 11 I 11 " . Wt Wif A I I - A I 11 -,- a AVA**ft. 6* . I , . , � _,.0 1. Qualw ,� ft ����� , L 1� 06 - � I - I I , � LIJ Tr �, 1p " ""Twt " ,,, .1 I 4., - I .A IF Ift , oil 1, V_ I I I I �', , z I & . _. 1. . - .1 4 V;�W= I . e, . 11 I 1, I , L' LL ,,,, __ =P 11 � . I � II I , I I �., I , L, . . . . I ,, I . .. I . .j I I - I I lr,,.,, � - ,� . . . .;9 , . " r . 1� � I . 0 , I . . . . I 11 r .1 I I , . - . ;'I- � �,_-. - . ,,, ... ,�" . � � 'L � .. � j, . ", - I t �� I A . � .� : , R- � .�. " I 'i .." I %.- L I I i L , . , .1 ,�, 1, ,, - tagf.:iL., 1�­ . ,,, , " '�.,� I- . I I ".. A I . . . . . -� - -, . , I . *1 ".1 - .1 , 1,1" ,.,�- , c"k- _ -I _L -11 � 4- � i I W I � I . � * �� I I � �� !lw,.&�_* ..a I � _A it ,,,� " ­­ L' 'I , jj,�� jj " , L'. 4 1 L'. � . . � " -,, , ,. , __ - Vs . , _,. , � 11- - I - , 1i . - , L, I—. 1t6,%_,* I Il- . , � ,.,.:'L -�- - r � 1� i . ,"42 . 111 I I �� I ;,. �, , N I , , � � 1. , � � E - __ - - I I - � -