HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-07-26, Page 67.917 T ,� - , i 7 , __ __________________._________ - - - _V ,!111k-?_­1T'MffK1%W_ , 7..M�_ I _____ -11, 77"n',".717�j"71 �, V .11 I 'i. ". " TRWIFIRC ,� 11 — , 1� 0 � , W I . I . — . . — I I I , � I Z, 7 ,� " I , "'. ,I�7',­� '�, , .. �', FWm9w 'W9q11,T",TF � ­ ; I , -1 , 1, � ! � , 1: " 'P". 11 " .� I I , . I- r '. , ,'�,, 1111 �,� ... � Tl"�Wwll i � I . . '� � , 1 17 �1447 , . � it "P'� . e, I � p . . I / I ��, � ,, �� RIF 1� " I 1, . , .. I � .,I . * I , . .. I i . I , . � . � . I ') � '�' I I . . 11 . I el I . � , .. , I I I ,:. I 4, , . I I ... ., � i, -�-, . Imp " I � 11 . " .: 1; , ;,� � , . �� _1 �,4_1'1 � fO-, ; � . I 11 I I 1� ,. , i. � . I 0 1 "", ''I'll ___ .-4 I I I '� � I jl�'­._ -_ _ .- � � .11 �. i �, - � , �1­ W W 0 1�lp I 0-1 I., I "I 14111_4___*_.._ I � ... - � . - ­ _1 � - ­ I 11, I - ­_­­ I'll ,1119 is be(tMft .. . I " �,�,,­ 10"?�glom . � � - . I ........ . . . . . . . . . _0 � . _­ . _!!==�, -.! ! 7;-; 1 1 C4 forsts dovor. gad .01a two I I . I !, � . I I - I -1 � I ­ 11 I i,tzVJQ0 �Fmturo whore 1", � I . I ,. - I brotlooes sox, t1sw "me $140 Ckf- ­~­ - -. mmm— Isapo"ble to "It volnit Azam , . I , QM, t1w vatt]o P4 It ,,.,,, j,j�cn frulf4f., . ­ - � . - I 1 41 go,", Dw Tiwak Ax"Ala? . �. I via powirlf old I . I I " . . I Lir , 14 04 � I _1&31�� : I b their 0011. � I - � I plenty, J4,14 'd, I 11 )a I dear child, dv�w Irom wkiols I , , wbich savi)rS I I I It, I -1 I Ct be )MV4 X~ An boto Oft"All � I I SER 0 Los r . 1; . A 1 hA4 bow wia4w Tbisoo ar* tW* 10 is .a � 11 a6d 14IM"" . , 'S Vono , ,�. I 11;111 '.. � - - to." R i"Al, _AY INE ` 0:3 ,� V20 U , �� -�— WE DE, to I g W T fli got lile laspift t"t qu4puoo " Wait rprrforyy gg .1 � � "W 4" ,,,,.,, ,X,W 4 - : I to boo )*woos , , 00 fello,,U. I 01 10,110191 I NOM11 - Witb- . -1. ", t'i I , * 11 1. - ­ �­., - Ver,wwd *SAM " 0 , A^ 1 441 1 Isayo, In U* w*rw. 4*^r H 0, 11 . . I in of out clyllixg I= I I I V11 " X461tAyo. by a lack *I falth or by *4 x1miWaltw -- out you tba kouse Is oo14 And d000- The Whole 94 ., 11 *..,I I _­.,.�;-_ . 0 106to. For what have I boa t4ALIAX 1; !, and of WOMAU'll idol�Qst 'Welfilre ties I 11 1 44" tobo 00w4to troft t4do promot 1)11 !''! ci�ut pecd b0ild tO :1 I mow A; a W. 3 I $or 1� Rev. Dr. Wmage Tells H0'W Yon May -Keep -t 46pt cur" 11_1�111JW411 1 .. . 11 11= .,V= an ! evil world, ,,� � , Ia makivg the I)r,,,,t ill aqvirtlAs 0 ., 0�, W d1wr *As 110 k844 " *rArs.. all thkide years but for you"? 11 I � I tj�., I im, L *4 � aqWt kW back to me dauthter, and All. will bs the future reqw)v . I I tok- A I 0 - � � . � *hope heart it? 1�� fox a 4ow IV Slept WAadly iio��.wU N Gool) nuclPF-9. An I ,,,-� . XSE, J.T.ax W.Q�0_ Z!q,!� walkwithOod? -" aT4r*b,*o,v- age, sur4r,,; U was only 67'; nad It and forgQttslls. TfJ, your SOJA present IW33 f0r,fotuk gain, wo I . o"ces' IMM*W. to YJ V Y640hildroxt. Pwm the Poor House. �' Jug that, 11srom le, for onouoh? couldn't be, Ida buslaw affairs, for %lillt 4� ll"rtY ll*udcl**P Dakor's, QIz*#r S , ad longer chl I 1, ,� 1*_^_A_9W__, —,..— I = Inapli,-One CUP Ing. long A the" I I r I I . ­.---� , L - ­ - - - ------- !� 6. 1. Ago, tb* Lord appowl-4 Unto Sal we Invgstments were sound and awaits him, Saiy to him tbAt I APIP, each of sugor. Molasses end batter *qlacr need vur`01y to study a , , 1. . �" , -, iea;l I I 411cally., gore 9 11 . � '. I OuQ to ly Whittling . I � I . 1095M A %&M 40= A rdQ patell . from I.WgMillpUt�04 says- 11 0014 "Unto thy O"d will remougrAtivg gad, his largo: 4" 00_1 AQroIY =111IJudgod him-, . (or butter and lord Mixed), -4` llatles more ricicu,,hi, d�j V9 41'r " . ;AM -A AA, Ater to I*%. rt . 1weawlty. You have to right to thot land, And th*" ke *Old- Was rap dly intre"U . 1: A!_ __ __��­_ . V41119112170 _W. Noi "Write to mq� dear, am voou *4 you ,ypogaflil, "gh, 91 ginger and 0044; whele Inotead 99 I luxuriviI of Illo; until You bovio 0"W4 11 llve� ove -11ev. Vr. TAlluage, preachail from, o49X,T:Xht1**r unto. him." 'Wo 4* not ho must look for the c*u#0,g1s*wharo receive this. and tell =0 W11011 to Qx- oue�halt teaspoonful, Of 1314c)c Pepper. away of our r 1440 60"rets . . L I � I,= *=4,4� "WW* tile following text. . suclw prov1*14n, 4 admire what Wss road aLran" of 4JA* Lord lWhaps it wou14 be well to consult Pact' You And George. Your 6,000- Flour t6'mix hard. . , Varts., MWool C"41 " " , . of ,soy ipps *bjcct of life I, life-rellt k , vro" 04.1;;; "Let him ;Appoint timcera pvgr, tile 6464 by Dr. QuIthrle, the great Seat- to, ,Xbrglo jwt llxr^n, for the or" a dott,or, r� tiongtor $other. Amon Brandon -11 XAt%oe,XUcbea.-Qno Pint -Of broad 'Xile Ere " I ::k"44= 1 -and, U3.44, . , . 'at eacigqlat-alld We wom- I I I 1!o" i Au7^0 up the fifth, part of t1sh pr0ZchQr- A few YoUrN Wore vierso of our, lesson ro%ors to tho, abler rl OV "the, l"t I. ; --_-i" 110, ilr000 and, lighting the gas, Ile, looked at the latter when he ppollge; Ono t. ,poonful' Of =0146* Jul j5tr6ilg, b :" �, Of �A— 4."A. W Vgypt Ill tile covep plento I& death 110 Stood IA A P41011C 101"t- LOV41's appearance and M4404 - Sew, Oaf) teacupful, of sugar, 444 one 'who doirl) cal"10s L - *$ fit looked at 1110 watch, It, w ,Ad shook Ids Lead �;I,e; �ad our 1,000, 1 4W -1 -4,11 'en. x1l. .4. I "Whoix I ta , as%a.o. badAnished It a -b on .31 , " - f, M 010row. h a be V4 , "de4 rglslnv� one vgir, one � all 1. ­ . I cous yeat -0 Ing 4,114 doclaredl 0 to Mesopotamia (Act* *01. 2, a), but w*4t,, to a window that luced tho T e ,. - refully reaO It through. of x things" for OU, L . ( - 11194 000440, Theve, VC-ro no wordsof Joseph, tLe Veoplo. 60416%imes, now. Abram having ob#Y*d fully, tbo tile � ploddlitIT And Moro - I � My blue ,stocklags and at Lord Appears to,blm a second timo east gild raised the inisli. . Tire air Again he showed his ,disapproval. of soda, and butter holdo must do 10, IV - 1!� , � thoPresideat 4t,tho firut ilro, iwiur- 11,1411111"111" 11 speal In '13 4"rloch . , - - t wt " and More, � � . - lavallInt atliz-11 91 1411, - , Tjso vou opleo 0,9 'is ; _� . � ---1-- -�. " _;" came. Coot gad fragrant. Low down After 0. moment or two Us ralseA tbO egg. Planning; ;10 a . - uly catton umbrella, and they said "4 cantirms Ill,% promise. Until we by the, jar,"way ridge str4aka, of SIX04t And deliberately torq It to you prefer. Add floUr t4 , I I once coluparsy,�ztbat � tbo --world ever. ) "Ak" 4 int�lllgollti cQ0trJvl`,(4'; %vo inn �, EL . . 11 0 . 'Q 4 commonploughman, QIW fully up to. the light we bgva pound . 41 ". 11 ." It, distractoll Lim. - Ito thought he And ,they -derldQ ilro becanso I lIV44 Wd CAIMOt expect futtiter USIA or r*�,, rr . I 14 A .. A I V soW. kharaoh .,had a dreaul, that X looked Ilk . blue light were showing. I bit$ cf,jagged paper and tossed 00 : M batter as stlrx ith thilt 109 it 105S Ner,sworlt and m0rc accurats' �. Ito C 4 4 11till 1, cake. , WK with a spoons. lot rise ti ku;wledffc� We need "a S'L'd- 0 -Ir - 0640"t, " W V. * Ili "to stooA, ou the banks of the river 111,0 IIQU60 for WhIch, 1 Pat t irtY- 11, oft this "unrise," said Amos late tbAW444 D"kQt- ad t cljndl to thEi,think- ,� I lvrrotol , , 3 4 h volatAon. . This is Abram** 11rat Altar 33tandou. 111 11*7MIt seen'OnoslInn 4.11 4uo 1149 Dre. - very ,elyco daily tot I 93 the. - I co pou" s rent - in tit# land. VY $*allies he Wox�. . pov", be smilingly mutter4d, very light and b ll, �, , 0 , � I a year, And ten , . vo May 1, �jvp in I . ­ O.. ­ . N116, And non coming up out of like ! I was a boy"', ll� hastily b4thed 104VOAQ0 SlOw, 1,11 hurr,v down, nice tot breoldA§t. . Ing levels,,,, whoro'� I ­ . Wl'I.R.Irt:$,kor,eouv4y4up4lt.ptoe4 river cover Ut, sic le, aloosy cowe. ILI C4 1 OlUd When I wouldlave SWPN God in 1110 appok4ted way, At And dres"d himlieW., 111111sco it ,and telegraph Warr that � I'm coming -Smothered Cabbago.-Cat a small coot. hroath of heaven, and toc' * I � alad_,tbosr� 11, - In tho 1) n VP b. till; place Jacob Afterward bought a . , er VIOW. . . ,, I I I $is Mr.ritmot vourt. Ole. )40my .t* bc 'In O brom;e b n VP )ad to have, llad it ica , � from the outside,r# he glidell. And for tile=. and thou I?II follow by the heit(I of cabbage gAe. place, 11341114P OpIrAtion train the 14rg AN W V.tj s, I'Jrl*4%W %q%Q1. JjItito.- � thigi, gra8s, tic, ". I did all that be- piece of ground. : There Joahu& Ila& , . 11. : iii X, t! � __ Zf-11114 wortly creeping down, tile StAirway, Arlst tralial", ,f frightful about but - in tile pan where meat, has been, ro- I a" I wanttd to pay� the, PrMIUM thered.1,stael for big farewell addro". - t teal, coadox up V � '. I - - . I � MIN 0X­#"4_U_01UU . _____ that. But after life I mrauce that would keep Thore h4buried,the batty of Joseph, found his )tat, ozd Oponed the great The bovok"per stood in the. door* moved, pour Ia i cup sweet mill. W= CWTS , irk'i& � lout of tile salue river, ho mow soven 04 ,door. descended tire *tQ4.0 steps that way. teaspoon salt, halt as Much, pepper. TO CIVIRD 15AR33M . � 161�-�, 8AI1ItlJTXXRc9l 010404,0. 3191)0y,cows and $tar�-C.d. my :family comfortable "it I should and there Jesus tul�64 with the We- . . I ralJobIll remedy for I t ,NQtKXIe*91 , ttfat woro gaunt *'Bre,tkfast 10'roady, W. Bran4oupO ,cove ,d IV ball An A BIMPIO And � . 0010111toft * I , ,r An lot �cook slow � led to the street. o I I �9, Old sol'904 ,,AJ,tU64zWC6fX t. "41. "1111171111POR, That I take to be, the right Man; at the Well (Geh. xx%lil, 400.1tua, . . .1 I 0 Fire Cal is k,l? , and tho worst looking cows that had dIO-" hour. Mhq barbgd v � ov- , -!k- ----- -_*k­� n l e land, land Ia 0*pl,��MIQA of 44 Aouest, Intelligent xxiv, John tv). The Wd was al- As he faced the cast an6,1 snoved;, she uimouuce4. . 1, 'Attle, or sheep �i , -Into about etc.� or horms.. r >191TAPSO411 B VIPI6TEk87,LJ0JT0,4 4,110 fel,oelty Of burger they jjovolroq VlArl8till . a . . I ready� occupied by tho Cananaft". 4IOWIY along the, avenue Ila sniuftll The Koh Man whirled toward bar, Ploplant Xerlague Pie. C together 01101hal . � No 4 A to 'a the idr and found, it go ' even I'M 4. 111want, ,;L� Pt stowed pidpi Ila it Is Lot, made by - mixing 11 ! - I . � od. Iio , t�rpeiltlne, one-holf 1, -air vuoar, ti'A 119139�Y o 49411A fliell, seven (at pr4ellevesoora. rbar,i Tile uttv" indim,renco of many Poo- And Abra* must be content with big � % .Viectson," he ,Sal itat, wh . _ , � . . ; WIT&I'Mot inimst'. Mars ,si%teldog ("Att - pie an till$ - importoat subject. ac. teat took off -lits hat and I 's rooms into tile ,stir SP60A COD, Pint spirits . of I , I . and altar and to to'* pilgriin OW It coot 1114 you to put Mary � lit � olaq heaping tea . I 1,01,11k u , mob the 73"Ing, sent for Joseph to. de- , � L mixed 1�itb tile YQ14.0 Of tWQ pli alollol qud one ounce Of -gly" . � .-I p !!!=#� ill', l Ill I I * 1741 counts for Ailich of the crime, .stild and 64, strwiger, until 004's time boad, � I nicest Possible shape At once. store . it �Qjher aud $4061 , I I �, 1memidalolit 1110ioglyphica. the pauperism of this day. 'Who are should came to, give 41M the lxad� 17t certainly seems to Me that tills T,h# bousekooper stwiited- , egga, I cup sugar. and I large spoon cerhae. Mix au tot Ing, Ivash. the , .1 , I Joseph =ado Wxort Work *1 It, and I � late a. crust 11U44 bottle wall before us, � . AIRDWAIZI. those children sweeping the crossings a. rheril lie 1),411464, An altar uitto Is better than tossing oil that go%, �41s. Miss UOY coming home, Sir ? ' butter. 11,111 this I itil Ittko Warm , I ---11- .�­ � — intimated That Wo mve" tot pows. fortle"' mattr�*o,ll --Ile,, ,Mu .. _ I'Ves I gore ,evory morning VQ , - _S;:� � � - "'.. - . . 1- _. - �:,i_._ 1. 1 I ­ tu"weirr, &, A 4, Ai id. W1 UL, A.00 'Prandon, "Oho's. plo,tin, bake 4v!)d �jyjn� With the Wit good. sQ*­413 1. - -1. . _wt�t�Lbtq)kpu biabin. and bog0ng Of tho, LOV � ed -open itlin UMA . I ttorod . 4 AV-. , . _ , - I— ­ -1 ­­­ W__.__.__ that . ... ... loatoo, ­Ouli--_0_r-_4hO-X4V-cr_#aro ­­ ---1. - 4 41W __th­,�- -rw ____: - . . .1 - � _�­ - , , , '­ftd' '. , ".. . � - -Q.. _A=r_ XW9011vilqu 1V4JATV;*_V.A:-4 Vl.­ -w or, .. -t - WhlJ0_10__AIX n -j�4-va­rlh 70arx-loarw -m-ra-A M__*tr___, at .. . tar the '440, 411d. it is between, I Warp." I * . � 7 11 . brown slightly and servo cold. Pi . I . � ; t � U07 .11 1WWM6r,V*,T A .h - ..' I � I . "'41_tl��W­A t,,0vcj1, -,years with, pleut,y to eckt, tile YOU 0, Penny 4$ you -go y r" -,". W4 - I i�,JQM 13� I Ia no t We a lai Wifiiletlt 'I 11 . � � they are the Victims, of Want " I / 4. 101 , 0. . . . , his 1.0-aedy )$as ­ , i I .. I ,4-0 11 11 vevolt 0D)aellited cows t -hat 10110,004 Many of thp,�gases,t. or ,, t Ao UAL- Th% margin sayn � . .. . 0 1 11 or a s f till - . � 10.00pultoxx flicill *cro, Suven, yealia with nothing . . Bob,ot and The pale stre4k* In tile cant grow this, you who d not, like rku"� ,16�s "a .We , " . ­ � paltalclawfi Alt ' . b' tri In a Ous c' �. � ald JO p4reats , And— graft t Wit tho Al'i4f Joshua vit. 4. Bitba.1 Aug- broallor, A, pink flush rose behind the, � .. 11 I 11 . . ' I 0, sll)gla one- , qiisrs soph, "lot . .a ­alouds be- -01119 po* aild --A piece of n_ r h It I OFF140-11i ILAnk �r Voinmamo 1)(014=1N. .to ca#,* ,.�VOW,d V. . � plo, I er %vootbidogtPq ; wight. havo p.;bbJ - , pilly gests Gen. *zvlif, 19, and the story we 104 or NUGAII R DRY I 12 - ^rVW4tVA1Is#L4Ae * .00110 corn crop -of , . blW 9 , o,t qV,, and tho I , . zotatQesi I . . 414OU60, , , its talk -41$h of tile, unows how, . tii st I . to tic QfAo 'at kilAditioli to o4tua bazy. ,Swiftly, tho, Aush deal)- - , .. .1 . .­_ I , roast park, baked IA a Pan of but ,, 1, ,A,g!k* gracious lovi I �, . 3D,n, Ritw%los, � On, G*VAWx tile liaven Prosperous years, azidl,00P right, Thoy. prayed u tit t. 4 .. the prin IRS.. I . I I ". Qlailtasidvace . I I�tgla 134.,W, But _aIpAJ truth %%ld sued. ispokim of light were Our up-, .0UEA to s 0 in t in , PJpXJp;0AN0E OV VA - the seven YOUt's . 9 . T ZA1tX:S VdLZ DAAW =_ water t 4 I and Alto pavr� , - . Naptim AN I It as a provision for froze On. their cho&m, they oowed on PrAqUeal,',esson are, associated with ward *aa thou gamw the son. , # the best, of. -All soasonin for SWCO . lit which there aboli.te sic corn crop-" tho sact: until tile brealong 0 TO T= ZOSSISS I I A, book on tile ears as an JII4eX Of . 'Pluolls 44 WtONS-90 I the tbo, altar And, tile sacrifice. gappy Amon BroAdon, walked slowly.,lon-, I � ,Xr:rX I potatoes. Ppre the potttt,00S, A It � . .1 . � 11 ,�: 1,:: : i'll, I 1:1 111:1�11 I __ _.- , took the counsel, and day, but, they could not tlft 04OUgh 113 the man ,who, whatever bo blo w.ord, eagerly w4tchbi 4 � , I character having I I I 1. 0 those. Magim larg% allp In two And * Ict . ned - , . I . The """ 1,� bocatme of Ills bi- money to,pay th I -On HAJUI" or surround. chazo.g. . win, Not for T,hrev Thou, tile *'he * n, I- r a lear . review- .1 I sopl , t; j�lloj cQuiri home or dwel I a 'an English authO - mentions his. owni. . =XXX - , I" . I . i 6 '. ul"o, Ite" 1) 0 - . pan' around tho*p . t �e ears at Avko' I I P0110 01rit0d,106% As llot- got eAough Money to decently Ings, it ,It be, A ut or a Wave, in ,10h,lo,ho sAId,.*ithAt-s lhic,; litoi I wead 'Za4rs--M%tQrV of the . should W seasoned wit I or, Dr. A. Xeltht .1 � =Z -�=��.zl.,!�.- _-�T�� fe .. . ..�7 t_ of t1io undertaking. klotho thWASOlVes, -and One day, In so:rao be4then, Wllfti%000�or lit game worth tha.troublo. aaw m . ... �' pepper. .0 tho..Ipot a elaborate stlidy of V tmuding $00 1 1 1 . thF'y am, I � =41T AOV(!r jaila,to . any poO. I 1, I I %arge-- . I I . . 10 , X. .F-,D4htAI1i01thQ0. Tile, ,,�",trsnlk"Ini paid one-tuth of their that wrotebed ltom% the Argot .4f 11%Ve: big Pie. know about It 7 Vroo. * .1 . . � I yo baste, the porlc, let e b than F1,000 people, persons, O.It'Ant,opvolitutholi*40t)tuec. (;O,.d$, are S, and 2;0o6-Jnsdno ... U0 14,14.4ad : cWWAnad brId90 purity and .the. angel ot orltdo fought It the Lordt Redemption 1>7 IOU$ low. Any lit � ev I And Bo-�'Td an .Ia s , 0 ish criminal o'd � - � I by lncomi as a, premium. In. 411 tho , L3k tile.present Audi. lleforo,Xiag4ra Falls, ,which til s I opes. Ire was . ,'by.Ad , ,'by.Ad , : I I by 1-4 ,,41 now cutting their way, baaAwAX4 � th the gr L Wax - 11 11141111tky.� r -noll ;roar4g txpov towns aud. cities Of tho land there it 016,41APty of"',01ttlot and constant Once, , Ono re$tles.q, lonely old man, I all poured 0 r. 0 besides those Ot 4100 . ! . V. . . I ... -, - - - - T I it n � t; r c at, � 41troel%r(ela t t rapyg hiix'n4b othtwo efire I e 0 1 1 be s W th, VOMMunlou with Ulm-theset Are the and 11 Ilight watc,hraAa or I tw, -long tlxo ,bed *$ ther river to Lake r in in forced to conclude that tile elars 906" 1.1 I ;I � . . I : I . wera braueh­ housos� , tits Wall �Q. What a lWaye bo r,crved in I 1�1 I . *go will 0.6-clo'd on Ived-IJ."ayptlan, life - crSonal traits. , - . W5 404 Insurance '901110411y arla tile T)Ta04--WlA&14 angel. shrieked. two, ,groateft ,thIng4. ViAh AXIY 3 . 311ple At the rate 01 AbOut4 four feet preferrgd� _. 110 01- to P � � 'POrtal ­ I . . . , 4 oballuo 111, gravy boat, or- turea". I - . _____­_.­ - I ­ I � nesday After000nri ch w ok ftem had millions, of dollars as =Seto, -All _ I 11 CAU b%'i,V_0g�Lftn( 'they at head of' Grand Is' XoWlebou.-Put.,one, cup lot Milk .1 Ir . 'I � At avo won -the dayll, . �0 po]4siblo to all h the : - � I .. XaV to Oo r' 0 �A� 11o'coMe to It street latergettlotted a year, r0at I . . 4 , tobor, 111414,31ve. : � . After A While the dark days tame, Sao some man, 011 -believe What who Lave, ic4cr hiavird of Christ and of and paused and looked At 149 wa,tch, land, loss than fivo Woo away, there In a fioucepar.- with two ounces at. . A REWAi1c,&BLE Own. . . .1 1. ---l-- _ . and 0113 whole tation''Would Uaver Y - ioa, .11.4 to ­Ava," lie muttered. vs- butter, three level tablespoonfuls Of . he ZTew York � , . , '04 V, It to right aud chrlstiAA, Ills redomption-� Ile Is. w1jin All "o "ter will be no Niagara, The Wlxolj�,�, . I g -d Ula VWCO tQ OOP%r- " . It, 11WOM 1), 1). S.. 14 1). R. D11t4l sturvest If - it ll,,W nO b6n for the and 1 miaa sometime to attend to. who bave''helk 1 $a.' I'll not go home. 1 fact .like tena of the Great Lakes is charging, r"of a, teasPQOA, A lady has offered t , k . Lo tiotgi,�h,lgkttmtomaoppjrovoaxnst *Ili pVOVJsJoit they )led P�do for tile lot I ,then 0 , of Lake Michigan at fal 11 40 tile Milk bolls public library a remarkablo'gift, It I _ , U 14rar I The witter 1Qr 10 deAtail WpO00% rcsorvation o till$ niatter." X , iscives , � . $ Word, YO , ate, froin , this present % ruilaw4V boy- I'll $tru,il 40WA of salt, an S004 1 . Ll tf0ths, VWIdW.* Wdto�u"A %%?aill uro. But now Owe woorlor, fam- gping to lose t'ho comfort of � tho SoAt rIstnK,`And Lake throw In four ounces Of sifted .. YOU,! on still towa,ild � x. " it is Chicago are slowly gour, consists,of 1,000 menus, each from a, , . to the lalm I'doiet bolio�e- I've. State .. tt== im tiqum � .. illes -have nothing to do but to go -1i"065-04-1h--thra -110,mo w.w -tile "sin. #a d to ,be always '&IU$Z� On ill tile really fjotil Ltho lake 14 rl� '40 Eric is Owing'shullow. , tl diflerent- hotel .or restaurant- � I .. . . .. � . Corld and live wholl�,for Him. I ten am Is built stirring- vapidly And"zonstantly ant, - are I . , 0110100, J10. W, up and, colleat,'the Amount of their zer JoNes heaven, 'by procrastin*tloa. ,91r, ,gw, CIIIAA. Japan. .14V�At;' 411y, Unle!16�0. 91 from, Ilull � 4 . . .a smooth pasta. Is'forined which loan - ThLI QMQ will lie el�wll on Wed. life politics.,' The Blblo puts it in, I so All around me tile - destitiato P. 'And Abram JoUrvot-04. going Yo""i.", , . . ta, prevent At.. as"has been proposed, eve Itself from the bottom -and sides .and 11asla. � The donor stipulates I o 'W hin �"rfiow to the anus are to ,be kel) 4 � . Ile Walked at,- ia,leisuroly galk a a that the m t sealed . . . - 'AWa9,Oft0rAOdA% 'Cath , wePk from o,ohort plrrii�,o: "In the land of 4ypt &Ad angering families of parent* *L* *43r f tho, Lord. . 0 fek *X -))*v'4 �reat - Lake 314chigan will Ac of. the saucepoil; transfer this. t - I - that, he 'welit, , onrld grow great I - Air and Mine , did. va7 to gft told, otir- until 1950. , f . may to OetobertAnololve. : g df IA the' tQulcUy V's it I is her desire 111OLV , there w" bread,,, I soy thw. can day to Attend to this An in Xtivor, " It centuries ago Dowl And set xv � I I --ft�� , , - the first life insurauto coMpAilY. It Christian over itilon turlilug Ids 'gaze *A I IA tho last pro- I the Occasionally. Thou Add one tions may sea what - ,. L dp - Duriog. tbg process (margir, going. and growing). and the sun-tilitod clouds. uls ,glacial Period. 9 thli comlilt; gcnera ­­�, .J� , W49 dIVIAely ore tY. '. a ancestorS �aUJZVO. It beit ayes ,basin of LAko, Brie will be tri �g and the yolks of four- their , , in it 'I �" ' ­ Odd at Uostsi was With - butary , A ate. . .. : it. T U RN"A U,LU 1). I).%, u- 0. �%. Do atAl I 0 11djuarAWIM o FkAek- '11134tv gets hi's the Lord a brlghten�d alid. bts-$t0P­--1MQre­ f�5-14io Ifuren, jlfe­jjx�ft4j�t7- -bw ­­_­�. cI . . - ( n. all tile "Advant I II him (11 Sam, IV, 10). All enlarging we", ,wilt � I I . qrwotir iaawtawt With A)z al,vgs of the "whole to feet Wet, then comeo a chill Amt a do- � , elastic, .taboring men, Drop t Mixture by spoonfuls On . . � . St. buttered tlri4, placl;g cAph portion IXoUE..M"Jj! CHURCHES. o ill, A41-brknNkesolthe fa", I' F 11sti , . I I . t I . lirtum, .and the -doleful obalic, of the Ault, a WAUdilig'abaut is not Out of swingiw reversed In the Detroit and � Ole I I r a .1ne In 9 IdAUd. tat In ,)an," of the "Tontine plan." of tho their dinner boxes, looked. round Clair charmets, . . , . I . �� t I tillu tiom _,rV$crve4 endowment phra," and tat doctor's Lead and the obsequies. It, place, U it -bo � 11 Upward, still Up, . and tbo Wholo. "LIL" two: inches apart; brush over with , � .. t tho V Dn' t 410at tot . I Ward'..still. Upward, 'by t'UO mJ4nV* an, they pessod LIM. onto Ito lipard system '0111 drair, southwokIrd -into beateia egg and bake in rather a There are very few church or cbar;-' � � I '. c , I$ it. � t1ho othm good Plans. - there be anything more pitiable than (nzek. X11, 7). rotor would cA%I1 it s, MWINVomt his name'to his V1,41- the 3XISSIssippl. , . I at congregations in England who are, . Thlo office,will be cloacd on Wed. . ])lit what does tile Bible 001, In: a Woman delicately brought up, and growing In grace aull JA the know- As and thoV all stated .curlous- quick ovorL until a light brown and the . . oa hei � m4rilago- day by �ox ladul- Paulo - Thou Niagara. will VA'Alsh., F rare 'perfectly light to, the toucil. When . prou ' d poosessors of a place of . ' bjoct? If -tile Bible I I . ledge of our Lord .To.sus Christ (XV IV at hlm,as they ASsocl. wOrship constructed by their own . I - . � aesd�y aftgr000ns each week/ from t00.rd to this so . 0#04tAtber givion, to a wall to whom , . 4 Majestic, cataract tho-.Palls will done brush .ov, or the top of -each hands. Quito recently, howoverk thei"' ' I . ­ .. tion. X -VIII. Pat. Ill, 18), B14t *while 6n this As be tame wIlthin sight, of th6 I lIby -to Oatoborl Inclusive. , � iayoro tilt) Institu . I 'it; It tile Bible denountes:it X *111 40- mhei to tile chief joy and pride of life . . dwindle -to a, low threads of water with, I egg mixed With P. tAblespoon- - .1 . . I . lal'a's blue ripples. u girl tame across congregation 61 the - Victoria Patk � � . I . lt� -1 - ­_ ­ ­ - - L tiatil'tto moment of Ids dpAth, and prgsoqt ,.e,arth,wo A" IrA the #nclaVla � failing- over a, pre*lce, As MaY' bO ful 9f.milk a4d,64o of sugar-, -Sprinkle . BristQI en.joyedthe . . . I . . I ­-=-- ,�Aouuco It, ,,�Ilv addition to thtfor0i* - going out ,country, for even our Lord said that, the avowre And turned ir. -on tho Aide- seen in the ,summer season, lit title � with chappe , d almonds and return to Baptist church at . I .. ,. )"IMA00 g9exas, �� test of '10"Ph in the text. 1,0all, then that same Woman the dayll is the prioge 6f this ,World Walk just, ahead, at. him. She woo a UVPQr falls Of -the GOnOseO of ?A�h­ the. ovoa for.,a Ia* minutes,, -Ullell unique distinction of opening 11�11e* I I . . . I � — . . with pleso 01dreil -at her backtQ (Jet A30), , and we need to glkX of perhaps I oster.'. All ihat th , 11 � , I . ___-.-1._1_-_--___ your attention to Paul's eompaolson. .40 xlv,� ,4, rather slander, - ey w I carry will aisle constructed solely by them4ol- - I for b ad JA a world where they ore cold cut an opening in the yes. , Each night enthusiastic MOM - W LARU U-SURIV OP 9AXIIIA011 IXero Is one -Man Who through sic*ct "i'lig . usolo and rugged soul are � . I .­. tit whip- I . . . . brawngy'o wAtch and pruy lest We Wl into with A,cicar olive complexion And be ibli',drodnage, of the immediate �sido of Ouch pull and till, wi .. . In * 1,1�*OW�00401tb.Oftt, - falls.to support ,hill family while, he . temptation. It there to one thing thick, dark hair. X40 was DeAtlY neighborhood. . rd 'Criam and strawberries. WP bers of the cozl�rcgatiou assembled . � . - �." . '", -1 . 1. I recess 11 6, , it there be agVthing th%t-.th"evlJ soiuwto bate sPecilti- dressed.- so" ber. shoeN�­wblth -were I , ,rhqro,j,4,t Any - Cleeaao-n Ia todoiierj, and chipped tha.mortar- 091 . � , " " - . - �­ _--,:;;A—__ We�r,--ur 0 � I I,- - _ _01111M . - ; . �- I % . ­ I . , �qr� he dies, ­ Item i0m, Alt- 0 Itia 16 thon­tbat� I dowi, � I r all a. t -up 6f'g6od siveet'erbam to & . . � I otficr man who abhors the Scrip- - 1# It Is to see a believer wholly se- dingy and,trli��,'aild in her h4b4 tot - tlib present , llowever,, fair -all 'stift dry froth� add'half , cap- of ,olll bricks, in order that.they,might I 'AtOTI10"Ba ' 0 What It Is', 4Ud y0t thlb-N '00 yi Alone. The rest U she carried a basket whose contents this will take pl�' to in from two. to fresh ,msh#d stramberries sweeten Illsed agbAn. The work 6f put- . . � I . — _ ." . tureg and rejects God. 'Which of good women who Aro iAdifforeat, in ,,�_ be ut ] parated unto Qod, living.foraild re- *Oro concealed beneath 4 ,white Pa- three thousand Toots from *Dow, and ,ling down the old building and Olt- - , , - 119 X140& NoWtato - street 06derich those mm is t4o wojrsa. I Well. you regard to their busbAnd'o. duty in ihis chapter.tells of some, sad vau! ad with powd4dd-.sugaz _. ging and laying the foundotiOns Was , �� - . I 010onvaboxtolklollottL lilcou*od�Alie rcO the latter. PAU' silyo tits lorm- this respect, and there a" those poa- Per. Amon BraadQn,qq1okbpcd , b1SL Mary tjlinga ,=fly fiappen before - 1. . I �� � . Uoottir on AVOM for tho .NoXoN Uroe. Agft . dering and stumbling Olt the Part of - - ' - I ' . . . �.. �, I ch�orfully and willingly lurdertaken, . . I cultuva Ifilplantnta, parlsl tht rlsbraf4d ,or. Paul v4ys that 0. man *110 1100 bosttle,, As though a,-,llf6'Jn­ steps a little, I,.. than, Also, as IV is It , L ­ . 1. , I 1. . 'glectoL to Cato -for LIS houpholo IS itil'oly . I L Abram. -over% it compact between him- ancorly TlSer'L" h 's =;,I,I�Y�..t�lmy . ,,SU3Wl5M. LUNCHEONS. , AdAroN'NV"cvis,;Mr L a subjected a ma: "Vou are id i . d A Carr sgo, Cato- L aureate h to some to- 1. I . the stoAo which, was useir. being preI, , � L L . !tW�Pj more olmnedo'08 tiata ,% man Who to- sell And ,Ids wife -to Ito. Ia order -to L to them U .- L ' .. 1100 Was I b. 'Ili . With tbd broilatt - sging chi i, I . . =24 tord.*%4*144�a,;,nos .. joetn,tho SerlptVres. "Ito that pro- It4lity. There Is In this city tw�a%Y gave. his life, and a comequent to- to tile girl.- At tui moment . . of JIL '0� . , tckgu� sented y a local contractor, -' - . I L . amiat ttade, . I I . 1. Very poor woman keeping 4 Interested In early riscrs� . that the elwr to 10 sCO'V`- which is the best Voss, ble.meat for ,I In, fact, eventhing that, it wan pool- . -tat- 6 1 $1441 buko from a, heathen kl0g. t1its-L I . �-� not for.his own, aud'eopce L candy RLOV. Who VeheMOXIVY Opposed - "Yeg, sit," said the girl, who cre(1­111; generation. nobody now ,sammer luncheon, have fresh pane, sible - for 'thc4i to accomplish by . . . . I rrnoums austrity. 080 of,his own "'' 4. *�. 7 - ' shoWed- no ,surprise at Ills Abrupt al1VQ '7100d Worry much about It. �A little cup$, Made either of batter thc1IIstivc9' waa;,tackled with 2"t"t . . �111gtlub housebold ia the insuranto of her husbaAd's life, � . , , . I 'Werao than Art inadel." I and when application bad been mado 109Z k 11 ho;vo to carry my tath- But that 10 what the, great lAkO SYS -. or Of Puff past4i and aniall new '� O. and the work ba been a griat sucA . - � T 11M Iremar I . . L .. I L 1. . .1. - .1 ­ I . '�'� - X�Y4iWiWltsd 1*40�61A_iediii�; _____� -whon, ItezeklA was dying tl,B In- for a policy of $10,000 sbo frustrat- Dug ak"D . or's brqakfast to, him. Uo Is a, help. tem Is. tending to, AsL is Set forth by tatoes-with. a rich 4rcam. over thena. Cc= . I I . . . . I I , 1� 11114111too, F-fir"N 0"orkit, junction Came to him * - "SO thy ed it. She would zover have the L . . at the Mills over there." ,"Slld, Prof, Amadous W. Oraba% S.D-, Of 'The sherbet is. Made alto this fash-, . 0� 1. I IL , . . � — houro in order-, for thou shalt die document in the house that Implied 1. . — I . pointedto a 1p , tejariselAer TolytecliniQ Iilstitutc,, X- Jan., .Tile JUIC70 of two lemons Is put . . I . I . . . ,ng raw of d1no, build- X . . 11 olift ulsde 41torywh"o Md *U sftrw Ins4o end. not live-" What Injunction -in it was )Possible for her kusbaud ovner MT Olt T= =AD WITIX A laxa not faro'head. Y. - I _ - _ � - - _ I on two tupb of granulated sugar, and I glroc= TO DEA=. .. I . I I loxtre you 44110410140. .1 ,*Xake 'Your to dio.­ . . - __ -L . I our day would mean - Ono day. in the qWck tovo- STORE A3W 4==D., Site r,p4o well and with .1� lacl. of If, will be from ,500 to GO& Ytara the whole thoroughly beaten, after � ­ I . I - L .., . r"J"t&AAIo saki Illiftuxteo" - , � . will : settle Your ,g4coilintl ., Make lution, of machinery his life WAS fil- . I . . constraint that theold Man. adnilred before'tho tendency of tho lakes to which a quart of milk 113 pourelloVer )?octlliar Influence Exerted, OV*4 : . _==*;=*=�=*N, , I - - .--- - his : dd'Wt leave for them st'"tly dashed out. Aftat, is the so. . 41vily doesult Your father icotoo a- new drainage bed Is plainly mani, All, Mixed: and frozen. This may be Teoploby'Sloctricity. �__ 11 I ! . � VXTRUITAXY . . - IuOtcs "rat have -beeti outl%'Wed, "d quel? Site Is with: annoying tog, costliest Uou-timsixt Ever Zroctod ome to. I his, breakta t 7" he asked, tested, According to- tho;authorltto served elther Iiil tall glames or in lit- . . I . , . :es On. property that wal,ling the ball of a, inisomble Ilv- to an - A;4m4 Stand (' Prof. Grabam, The rising, of tic baskets cut from the skins of "Ono of the motit, peculiar,twogls . 4 I . ....0. . seeoud__wortgaa� . s on Xt, "Ild goes to i ,Wduight, tind cited by of Lake Atichig L � .*0 he firet. Set thy Ing. Iter two children have beft St. Bernard. - quits At itoon," she aruiwergof. the 'waters an at pro, lemom -and 'tied With ribbons to about olectricity," says an, elactrical .. � ­ Oputia Vaterloary vo "* 'Lvl" 'lot pay ` tat, Is fix things taken aw I sent Is af4 the rate of Atha or ten. Ia- Match tb6 flowerg. � ! D "t w- r' r"'Aur- 'v' "'Oorc"'k" of bousb Ia order TJ , ay from her In order that . 1, "And how far do you canto ?** enalueer, "Ia the tendency of many .1 =10'rg""00112"' III . .. ches a century. , Tho first Water to , Tile summer saladJa mo6t, delicious. ppeoplo to tough machinery or wires, I � , I r handsomest" Monument ever overflOW will be that * tit 1501116 high niado of fruit. Large dark Callfor- even When the latter are chaxged ,, 1 ,. tes al � Att"t)" a ,9 Your going out of the, world MaY they may be clothed and schooled; ' The ­Al�out A)Milo and a halt.** 0 a '10 Of stilwasbanw. - and greeted tor t,ho Memory of any-. ant- She gave hina V, little - itild nall , �, tele � a � I I V rinary Asodtdnw Make as little colisternation As POS ' her life ill to be a prolonged . stage 91 the l0e, And the discharge nia.chersilei are selected, Aosted, and with tlto Current. I . . I .1% . 0 tAb!s-,N#w1Mt0 WWI See 'tfio lean cattle devour- hardship. 0 Man, before forty- Mal hits Just been .built orL 3fount turned to cross, a..vacartt gold that may at first. be Intermittent, For A laid in French dreGsing for half an -1 haVo known Instances where 6 0 rrd and in the St. - 't t . � . I...... 1. _. __... .­_­­..,. Ing tile rativattlo, � k1me, at cl�ht hours have passed Away appear Bernard to the memory at u, con- would'save her a few stepej. Atu(e4 mean. lake stage well a discharge hour. They are then laid on lettuce electriclana, have actually had to . I . . . . , " plenty propaVo for #lm time Of want- at tIM dC$lk Of. 60100, Of our great life vent dog that saved lorty lives. watched her for W mom3pt asi, she will,begia 1n; about 1,000.3wars, bUt wblel . . I ; . TorAorlia, 1rho difficult'v Ila, when, * Barry was -the - namo, and Ile iturdll�'steppcd forward.' . I I ..k has beau sprinkled with the turn, and tun from a 1 b, - - . on think of 3xisaranco, tompantesp or one of our dog's . nu Inc to pre . after 1,500 ".an there will be no -0ame drecsing, and finely chopped vent giving way to ti a i . ______� their death, th0Y Lure apt to think at traterflat fioclotles. have 1,110 stotho- hold it ItInviol's reen d­110-snuldotlill _VA.--Sood, IlttIo'Wow,.l,ar--"d­ -bov JgIc, — it peculiar In- I XDIORI) 111,00C TOSSOItTAL nOOMS- iyalel" Vii fruplau parsley Is scattered over the whole, guence. Not long ago a man who I - .� . B (%Mwssi�w�vr deter. Moder".41 it OW.y in,colulectionWith their 8 t To your ,on the -glaclora of the mount, for tea father should be proudof her., I ll-ej000 Years the, Illinois . - . I I"A Ott, aff and Ab*0*W-3 rX. it'al welfaro, and not, of 00 devadta,- heart and lun^ and decree that years, and during. that time he found 1 hope he is." . . In about I carry Woo employed to sit and Vatch the , i - . . ffi�..Hmsed im*d%1�1**FAI " � t*,Wtt household wlilclk Will your children shall not, be subjected Xorty"Person* lying to the onow U%X- niver And the Niagara wit I 11$ErUL 11INTS. switchboard In One ,of the London t I ----- tio.n in tho % 1 Ila sighod softl� as he plodded on. e,1U,p*b,res of .the surplua water I dynamo r,hOP6 felt a victlat to tho - ; I . I I because of their emigration totho humiliation Otfillaucial, strug" der the Influence of the fatal alum- Iro,ouloyed the lake With Its.,dim, of tile great lakos, And in 3,500 Irow do you got the paraline on lailuente. .i. . . I mote. I iiii��W- � from, it. it is, meanly selash for gle'tu the dark do of your demise. ber which precedes death. I ply surface, and the .swdah Of the lit, Years, for certain, there will be no top 'of As he felt the desire - - an.sZXA_-X==W. you to be vo absorbed In the heaven � the JNJY?� "Put ai Piece that growing ntranger, � to moved Ida chair * � -----+— Some time ago the brave canine tIe Waves as tbCT Struck the P111119P Niagara, . you think when melted will cover the bar . . � I to whiell you,t1re going that you for- ,1, from the board. Igatecid Of �� 'Coltsm Ztsr.sr. Atm sot'Avtr� 0 VrTTI . 0 SUN found a, girl who ha4 lost her way And the black banner of smoke trall- TIM I'LAIq ruorc)SED . jolly lit tho'class. Pour the hot jel. getting liccd to the worl: Ito beca 1, . .( 6ret what in to tecomo,of your -wit on Ole gla.clers. Ile roused her frow. Ing after A far -away steamer. Pros- . I M0 � FAMILY okolks A anclitly. , and childrcu, after Z70U go. Yea com SJULI; DAY SMOOL 11 W sleep by licking her face, and antly he turned and, strolled over to stop the tendency I.q tb' erect an ly Ill. the wax will Como to tile tOP* Moro afraid of It. Each, day tbJ* VttylLlssclkEtajotntnatril-"!�**Ys,4b%. gu out at this world not 1�ilvlur . . � then trouchod'Amnl. by her $[do toward tha iron wills, Almost In a JIUMOMm daMa IA thO Niagara Itiver 'When Yol-b Wash hand1wreblefc, col- dcolro to walk lip and touch one lot . . i . F_ � Lind yct die happy it . --"'* zo object of lars, ots., put them into a pillow. thoce owitchera grOW stronger. A* . tt--m a dollar, rovljo for thcra. YOU WURNATIONAL =S90N, that sbd Could get Oil and ride. Tro moment Ito came upon the girl of above Buffalo, with tI al before tit go Into the boller. yon. coutd not, P L . girl clambered on the animal's back. the lunch basket. - Sha was sitting chocking, and eventually decreasing the and of tWO 1�7Ceko tMa youhg. , , ! , and Awa# lbey went to the convent, oil a. low -Pilo Of boards and close will end no time fithintr for ccui trunt tLem in t1w bantig of the JULY 28. the outflow. It Is drgUed that this man resigned W place. lie could 1_�K . . Geot S111ith God vvilo owll!a ral ttz.o harvest$ and I — 73*rr,V w" killed recently by a Mail beside her s3t a workingman. bare- -would not greatly do-,reaso tile POW- 'them and they don't got loot or not-otand the atrain. It re4ulred Alt � Ia ; but it you Tort of the X.osson, Ott. ankt sinewy, a swaptby man or of Niagara; now valuable, but thfOWn out, With ther mdu. � L-��____-!�� tho Izerds and tbo iloc XH, 1-9. hitting him on the bad with a, large 11=61 Good clear starch in eao 1113 Will -power to.rqtrrjn him whila � � �­, �. CONTAACT01%. could rny I" Pr=lulm On a POIICY Golden Text, Oen. 41, 2. 1tone. in$ mounmeat is Of WA,rble, with smailli black eyes, and a short th(Yre, are authorities who contend L Ily made. he was on duty. and at right his -� 110US131SUILD131% . V,rd ncglected tLem, It is a Alcan And represents tile folthful' dog car- black board. It* was eating with ,that this orgumoilt, Is abmrd. and Wet tho lunip utarch, with cold water itervoua cytit= w" co up:;ct he , 1. �arvod evident enjoyment tho breakfast the the Plan is Opposed On that ftc( . and MNERA� QW.PENT13n. tbing for :you to P tOP to I`cz4VcA, In chapter X we 'havo TO descerk- rying a child Ott its back. C, �ount. stir till smooth, pour on boiling could got mo r o-- t,, L i � I I %louserl retrodeled, and gmeral repaits iwmjo ttqy 90 In tto poor bouse� darts Of Nooll 4�61oog whom the. On tbo marble Is this imeription - girl-- had brought him. Amos ' Broad- This tilting of the territory in t116 water and cook till ,clear. it tolea "Ila rcall&cd that to tough any, � � I Vou. at &,�_th. movo inta am anSiOn- earth was divided, and ])out. xxxfl. a lives on panted at tho, pleturfi. it Dleas- north.west is 0, curious phenomenon It quart at boiling water to clear switch tejore him meant 1,otaut ; � � attti3dedtop,ramplO,%,�atrd���d--rato ' .TIVL-r 1cont, and tilicy movo into two that God vot the, bounds of of fortr persons and was Wiled byled him. Ile nodded amlingly, to for which tilt geologists cannot two tablespoonfuls of Itimp, otareh, death, and W, I Orly mMty Ic,y It, . I I r,4CCS. rfla M, 63 tho lomrttl ntcrj Of a tenc- 1101T le With reference to the num. " Wholly Account. It is plainly.record- If too thick thlb,'with blued water. I � I WSACUCn Gnar4nlCej. - g,(:�Jt laouce in at, t Xl`p the forty�fimt, the girl,who nodded back,and when g-'Ittir-g away from tt,o board alto- I , I ,ncu strcot. NVIIC11 bcr of tUo children of lsr*Lel# although Xa the grounds of a wealthy gen- this gwdrthy, mart looked up 116 U04- 6d In the beaches of the old glacial , Ali "c0litt C-Lswent toe China and .0other. I have not a doubt but � stlop.­rZings,caskrect. Gade4ich. ttty ato 1)tlt at tl'-O�clhoiws and Ito slich peoplo were, not then in Oxis- tlemar, 11 Ing in Scat.lalld stands *6 ded to, - him, too. Amos leaned l4k0s, Which had ^'111111OVIII, elOva- One that drics white in made by ntir. that many deathl from elert,,10 aock 1. I RFSIDMUI�-Jluma Rold. 1,n(:� - V not" 0, Pilo of I tion while torming* but now are no ring plaster of part,) Into a thich co- Afo brouCht about in jmb t4do way. f ,:) tilo theugilt,of your rVicndid. tenco exctpt bcloro God. livom- be - in I.Ca M� will not Lcicp tbcm tore the world was made both the splendid Monument, which was er- "*A ,in, � longer _iart a uniform )'eight AbOV0 lation, of ffuM arable. Make It thick. In an ldle zrojh�nt a rMan will , I I . I I .. I robo V�� ected to the memory of his favoritio ,,your load will be, I�Xgzh;cri on Ith the sem' level, rising progressively Apply with a brush and I __ , wbiistve rx3y prCarti. a church ond Israel were real to Ood, I . warm. UO do lite girl atiolt the catch Sight of a owittil, o, wire, or - ­ ___ I � 1 I - 's, and Ile Clearly saw. tile end when $IS. Jim. The wonuirldnt 16 over way back," he said to I I .. -cast. The move, Pieces in place. After thoroughly so= OtlXr kcaVilY chargal bit of I t;1)lcCd1C1 r rem -ft x fat& .47. toward the north I I Notlea. ;� Vt,- ,cl, "�n, ovcr your r I thcm, ITO would rule the fc,ct Iligh, and is inade of broure -Yes," she answered. Meat IN Still going on. got you can break It anywhera czeept apparatus, .. _ , �lt tT,Cr Qua M_'tto U10V 61rW hl-�C? r�.tl . -ruveral . L 1-1110, and loarbleo It represents the dog Ways; bag 0, good appetite." TWO ntraned acolro to , nr,00,1. Ift tr��. Vramn 109t ; Lalt .xilue warzel,�', rigiltezra-efte4a flsa� x1vi. 0. In the act of killibg a rabbit, While This sWarthY man looked up. lu Niagara. Falls carna Into existftco where It Is mended. ThJ3 minent touph It Will COM ,O Over Win, and In I—' � Ther6wrtotalshlar"do-h4scileg ec..Itt� imill be a l3t7iUdle, TOZA Lad t1m I 10). cllaptcr st te1w of marl's do- 'WI%c-n tho waters of Lake Iroquois, raimot be kept, I ,11 =001=t Of r0.N,kiX-,!3 Le VjVC-5. w&y, I V of XUNXRAl,8 at is M% which does - t!,� Uri 6maller dogs, Made, from mw nodded gravely to Amos. ' M 1009 )llst was the Pro* Ulwn a bread Or a butcher I:nl:o and in cm inntatlit 11 de,�d. 176 fre., ,nI., alst 004 to w] 4 t,,) I;yOVZ(,i.a 1,�,r tt,o c,)ralli i -?, -.f gencracy and Union aKaf 1116 lit 99L . . b 0. sit at the corners,of tho statue. --She's a good girl," Ils said blow- dccessor of Lake Outavio, fell be- becomes louse Itom flio Landis, take quC90Y read of aecidenta! c1coctrecu-. � I .. *o4w%koltalmd,*g,&zaV&v;a%0, I uuur lzot*�'Clacld lvtzm �,'Gtt !C1t;4tL, alad maim t1leat a natul-Y. This ki the be- morial, cost.-Abb AOX-lover ly. ­Corno long way.## neath the level of ffii�,escarpwont eil� Out tile knife, fill tile ft'Vity two. tions wl"In thcra Is no, opparontre 1. 4. 131torJulgir 04 BOX. �jw,j wirl- 41011irg Of tile story of 111ILY10A, the 'Ile we .cdly r,t,-zCCtCPl it, �cnd ct wbith Is Idund in lt!�v. xvil. rearly $500. -Item,- #&jdAmoa. *Irmsomstels lAawiston. At first �thls Falls were " ,. )� the koil:iw 1VrA*i1tlLktrsssA L*bAst, 1! `,10h I't anvo t:I)VrZo or -,N,- -I bava 16 good girL11 only a smal cataract. but 'year by thirds full ot resin Mixed %vltlx brickc ron why the victim QbGuld'ha,v* I - � lom 2;20 fc,011" , than Voa ; I tdlovo ond *<Vill. nud thO W%t feat"tO Ol LOUD DY11ON'S VA6'V0JtITf) V011. t The swortily, man, looked round at dust. beat the shark of tbo knife touglIcd a live Wire. I kilevo sac% 4" . w4ich'is rell Jdarilitation. "Ut us Year as tile lake subsided thet catar- VC17 hot and'Prms It in quickly and C=3 aro attribctablo Tlir=tly 0 this I I At Noitntead Abboy. Nottingham, tII6 object -of his praise. Thero was agt gained In height outt Canso* solidly. Whft cold the bluilo Will brj . 40ft"IC14, 00'r iwlz-_�J X go 'Dint, of VIN World th') mako Los a Ilaqvio", Hen via he6vo mtvtble. ho,vivg six foIldnegs in Ills glaace. quently I I � ,7 a ZZU00tuftent a incluc-aco." — !,�)7d -,Q), tako Cato Of Wy ratnil, Ito b,aitOrg 0 llavguagr3 bprauso U fOree Of fall no well a' ef" ArW,V fixed In Its Old plate, I � ( �, . ­___.-­­___ �'­�_____ ­ V"% 1! for them., 11113t �. of t433. rLAXIM19-11. 'Jilm tollow 016 broad steps aurrounding it, warks ­8mart , girl, too,,, he, said. ficleacy in cutting its channels. Th* +-- I 0 W, til tile last restin$ ­� Z,), to V'ro'naper'-D,tgC1�:13 mr-13 woul!h 9 from XAWNtoa to the 61'"ll Vc9ctablej should bo cookod -Hailstq ' � ch tcut t,,cr4-_-ratic,rs Porn Shcra to Abram �-Vlrtce Of IlOsits"111, "TeAther say StovirtoSt 1*1 JR. Bil - Niagara gorge IrM5 tort Trarte 018'r,00'. . 0 bilic, �, � -Srll. I B Wn favorito dog. Byron, lIgh school." Ub maid this with pr�sent Falls is believed to be ,*hot- OCO a year ou'am a;Vt,rCr*0, ,,, , tor m!, as soon after ga-ti2ering p_q poz.siblo. 1, -4 it rd Provide L It, - 11" VOL with a pa-"slart that� some difKtulty, but w4tli. evident I � Ircl=ive. In cl,aptcr v we bad tho lolvea. 1;11 Put Most kinda into fresh, rapidly � L 1. .� I 1�1111uf� rattxr L�vo ft�. Lo va genc,rallow; ?'rom Adam to N0611 ly the product of river erosion. L .! .!. .. �, I � 1 farai',p V1 113 F 01-,.c1ti�1ve, t"Itso 1_9 gerer�'rtlons bclng�dEed It clau5o W to nd in Ill% will 4tion. Before the advent of the Valls the vO t uot3 I I H E L Lo A f for, G-1! _-m�lo Lem% Wa3 almost a mq-nla. kad whoo. he - Ring solte-d water. no gal I!!!!- " " I � , , � �atfl thT,3U-gt,J,L�,y Own N1104AV", Qrd i� ,11 A as U father," rried tho child. with Niagata was tile color Of tile vegctabla. reaq Md -, � - , 'Itc--n. � ,; tho , urm Of no righteutiq W- iltu the eftect that he should ba bart; beans do - ' ' ' L . �pat_-Tnaz enrl , can,f�_'!jc_A faitbf, I!Icadint Cn to chrilt. :S little blush. not cook ca tender in mat,- I n ra,� C, r: _­ Man al'"t4led besido AL PrACIP ST"AN I L � " n!n: -I mean in the his dog. �','Tlw potes Thft the . swartby maWs rough ell water, add salt whft Imont I -h 'Rellable, :�,�, - I rcm,l 1�cd CV01, eCgi,4.C.-4_,tc,1 Sln�frlmds refused to do this, and they 'gorter� 16 0 lake, much as it Is tcp� t1fte. Salt hardens the out a Skin 13AOK AQAIN - I I 1 r, rait r I I. � T "Id � rext tr-a or llwznly sTnt"I to MAIN) 01 I 'den. interred him in the faul;ly,varlt. day ond er . ALLNIND '�� Ia to I EhIal lc,,Vl , from Buffalo to tho northern Of green earn alto, raahC3 it " !Iaiqled Ak"ar', vita Lve from L voice Ayo,v from lak J� rin b"ronght t1,0 (:"7U";.e ard d"stre.1;04 " , . I is 1 0�7 f0!AP!?,i liti'M I go Gilt of this �1 Ono of the fincst, Aninattl cemeterift 'Sho'S'All I got." he Said. tmdof Grand Island. It tat shallow tough. But Potatoes aud OtLav vr,, In the Old ,Statd, "a Ford r,:�,& * "'t """"* " � tat,& 11 116w da fill txcir.pt thcf:3 in the ark. tin, -:r, w �, sAId Amos Brandon. . I �, wor'-d. %�* car-Itar - World 13 situated at Victoria I mutt'#'r, dead, brudder dead, eds� banks Into th6'.glaeial ,tilt and their gotables than above are to e for . = = I trought tb� con�millnn of torgueo. In 06 tt r r — I Y" K-aow yol CISO ftaing to I I , NO tQ11 I CnEl. 410w. Lllatcr Okif"o yeern ola . r"Vain (*"ato. Irvao part.. unrlon. and hf.ro y Lets, , jelt,,,, Ire. trat" are ften now In some pImLcOo salting- I ; I , , ter dead. Oft), I A loet, !' edge of the String bea" 0 0 often ECVVCjl. ' ' I ' 0 (1) I I or twent-V rXZIT-31 lt'KO'M�-" 1� ,glip,. arei Intef-red sorno 200 doga. Fs,eh � turned A little and soitl t%,oked a inito back fron tbei or to . � . J A L 4 Uld i 1'.vc&-,�ttg. ard t"t Ili tho Idol vtom , y 6 . gorge which the. Falls b%ve rinee Cut underdoit. T -ho usual way Is to comed & '801, I , up tbI, waV. of tilo fut, ­ - "Ire Vo "C' - r�r!-+') b(yeva- tr:t rivcr tl!o T�at(l t�-jt-it_%.Ianitnal bw) a 94%Avp alits own, and "Lo girl's hand, . � auff"lles in ft C01111 - " � At,WAY9 ON ITAND � cra�-�CA ty vll_�UanniaA mAj Aftata tt,it 11tv nay't.t��_11 14m I AfaTNO t0mtstOne'4 ,,40mothigg ro­�e in th# rich man"s. It 11" been, PatUNIttlY CUttilig that took them in a large quanfltg ,cl rftotw owoor!o�il W rs,b,*,M I �L., Ip7u,ii.�ics and CC!�Zszjr�lptlors and Cal- mask the, latt'reWng-lplata Of 04 throat. sliti a milt swaul before his gorge for th6ufiauds of Stars. how salted Water for from Ono to th-co �_ _. . _i i! v_atn Era a blcn�ng to all peopid oa � I � 1.,(Urg ", 11 tirains and muzvtta.v !Zols- C.UVI 94701'mck "tiv. f), ,9� dtfunct axiimal% W'd Prominent 1� iuUy the #ciAbgi0ft cannot tell, but how�s. Instwad of ti4s try t1LO - A Eeat- � I I � IL , ey" lowing zaethod: Pat a tabj�, ;�l 110481 482 ana Uialket , -it, t IF,4 nud ftl-erclt, : ' imonful ; . i7l WA ftcal. ..q V, an)(4r,g ft&ft is the headstone erectc,d .. to An .L I 3� t %%gll 1-�2ctn tr`r' 't Mad r-"ll'o tl�-V b4 Ito bukew of Ca,adslijitge to Lift 6 eXplained. ,* lj� 10,00a or word than, 50,00. Ono of butter. A, halt ttaspooll of �,Mt, , wagon. I , 0 lie Bell SM1401% Hard,, ri.c..-ior," Ara ,cm 1--'a C�rtain that 1, � ,tiAther thinks I should We" MV tht'y Vl"e the tot"" at 'lot le th , goins to , lis" tEll 0 "mm r,rcat,, ara tLon nlialt " &I,, bent shoes," Sh I r twcutv 1, - I i'voor little princt".. romm. the walk 00109ist- P`fOf- IlitchcOck, Puts tht ai qxratttr Of $6 "lls130011141 Of rlcllp�t ..4- " I'm' �i bl_--�*ir�:. w7ul Iq ft -In thtIl an fmnil. it doesn't know ,how 188t, this . ir'. COAL en5n tUat v,f*u, r�ft 'i�'Lffr3lftt , .r , ptt dog Of Atisa Floveno� St. John, b"AhAlAX of th6 greAt ftt"Att At And & plitch of gratt,d nUtIreg 14t We & tm L"u'!:4 "l � , ,. �_ I Rig er vto Tdits I-V b!i!�:Xj Thete, would, wfar)thera out." 0 6, eh0*3, X ta � kyuse"hold po�v -�q, after --ca go a�- " I 00 WbAtt Of the Urd��,fha toftf,4 , , 10-116 B�U,, which In 800 yens beforc iuxueepau Pad PlAft ovtr tho fte. I W-4 z" tm % C2 , , colafer " AM N J'a In the M#rktt for ass I -z 0 U �:l � , 'S I! 1s, buriod in the Dog's 001hetery. � ile ,kto,ht pq of etArG-jr, A011Y the time at lionindws, Or iftbout the, When very hot Add the cut t_�_,r th�lll I ' ', mAe, ­Sdot shoes," echoed tht svr _S'de ­ L' ­ - I 0 1 far Away U01111 I , that. 1�to ARN-i wwro vet, in Ur of ths bi(l. And b0ars. the, folloWing Words. MWA � -y", yes. b4st il�oe%.f ,31 1_1 .. " L_, .I.I.M, Ito period tit which Xing David reigned dW,Ined from the water in whic;I tj�ev twe vast. Na_W0f!7 of Plet . ., .1 tilt, r,nr I J'Cp.,,I&­I% I -,y wilkh, Ile wonld draw ;,, ­PoIlrpp,y, tlio fav*;-Itt dog of Flo" lookod at A1604, Braudon. Thft tit in jt.ruse,lem,, I I All wol ,%"11gW on �, tho msirktt � frWo-hrilei tW() 0'at Cf 06 IVU111(lTek , , hWVF3 bmten WA!!!�ed. rover ��J tely tq,;I it wl*ra yw got * in bvsinc!�s 11irs from country and k1ndr,A ondl . h*d the girl** 'AhOuld4w A,.q long as tho river Is narrow and shake,over the fire to 0 -7����� 1 oftle ,0= lb$ for a t#,rt,!eeed Ato N-011 'CO ��' � Mirf"trin lil!f0afill flint alt Ilis plea.:ff-acb SC JOI%n-� lit life tht firmest "OftlY tOuc r fIV6 M-bjut(.S� , , r u lirp rolkit to bo Oi'4 I jritn(L the, pt& - � I rt,vtsin tAAf,,y6 . &lrft tv t.t,pprofing him 'unto Itilftl­� .t, to *aIc.3me. to"nio..It with a foreftn"r and strurk him- vigorously undereuts Itt botn"t the Add el, few tabl"poonfuls, ,01 b3t 1 , to"* th# iwo,� 111th ote t"V�Poor thn I lt(� 40(4id. 'November 10th, 1905,11 solf sho'01Y Oft lotvistrn,aftd rj"L latter .1 11 L -11- I ­ . . 111144 it WIX Of *41,01r4plaoriorl 14"I In a 14041 which ;� I L. I will bq� at" And th6 river wattr and drair back wb"o t_i,.(,y r2ill Dr. H; umphfqs� � � :j I �, 1**ldc.% that., t1XV!i 0"L4 n"'n i I -,She's what I *4vk for."IbOXIVIti- thannel will have, the character of a cook gently, Mom Water *M,I,t, L,o 1. " 1411WAXI I rf,xt , _# %t WbA ,OmN in"'Iverit lit W��llld 111,4dut* 11me, giva him al.5 k tull-lous er-MEVIRIty. jn�l; paf,f a% added it item1far,v. but no Mato tt,,,_,,l $1l"Ilft ftimt,74dinx ,vr, 1, - - - P jpt Li I 'A" I*%#fJtftt-l*. tit""LIA said in his� gorge. This continues As long . _tt, , d. or � � . Or4"s I*ft of Lows St ShipparXX *bo die .4 Aft04 Arika- the rivt_ 1-4 ltatthw doi0award,i that onough to keep tlle�p frarA b�orn� .- , % betort% jj�fT A*t; ut-l(l, tho groun 0 'r The Mose Various: muoiery is RAU- "T blust X0,11 rim*l0itf ,,�, the Aitftse, *1 .Y Vft , , I .isedgr,r.6 tlll�jt tltie kiOd 40t *I0t,V aP- 1-11 t�Lft','tIdtloodim * � 4v, I Storif Will Moilelt prOr4pt &tt#ftfl0f% te� * ettved, Iron' n tL6 Nile� Ilej6 rk*. doll, kurriodly. 1% paused Mind ls� till tile gradt of the rivr.r bottom It vi!t,y "roueg they'-Vill Ile tetdcr in Any aller W . 0 der � I N beforo. their "ta - -r'a is W -let Chn � ; P6Se lht halWati . "! the , I ,on , "Imill. L . '" 1 a41(A, P,� tt � Ivs,tt4l to At!�anr, o1i'l it �' r1l"Out, Uted ot Lftar, o _ forwaid, "I would Ilk* to ontlq� ofte. Thm t1W about twenty-ra ei,� I .1 , 00604-M.- ill 00, 4-1., W auctio", , -1111f Wr zlk Item 0"et�."r rK,:,1d tIlLot 0, -thing tied bodt" lot roilil- *0PP6d is g` "", V46 loinfit^s-If o" I �, kit of ah &tatb f A 1. '"'VITIN liAeritinfe lows of sucred cats, '11*ir refftAiink shako� han& With YOU." M 1501d to 'preadiniot of , tha�-currftt undercuts It may take thteOI44unrfeys C)7 L�, zz�!W,, .... L� -.P-19VWXv )Llocwk Ow litc, 0! I morf% thaft t" Mollpho.Vie I dfVAdA- hourL This wa. a I-reve", C4-06. � " ,irx giVC3 _,:,�htiltlr'm S . . r(Ift,A ihflq " t was isq wort, � 1. - ­ 1� .% I 4� _k4; t)w propert v wet-th *0 , ; hl,11!. foik", look'"I for � are Iside by %Ida with tM boditq *f the swarthy,man, *116 V&t th6 Rd- the bank,4. and at y Of'(!of3 "M%L � I " � 4-4)rr� %ad" ft-tott"t tit 6""dAiolftl� Aho tkiogs oted�,eaq-qrv,,,ya lit M&U" it quickiv destroys the cliffai, thets P. -rich, iftq-6v fittvar th '4�%V*Lft ,'W�- r, " I I iala it "bilcW41 a eitv-Which it-% _ I"A", varls-Ing fingers with a wallm lgrasV_ lit) .1 ftt is �3 tvbr"W�'_-�3cejl, AnAho,r famou , , ek4lklsr,col"�,(�Jl.r, -, .20 — * - , . -P ni;'ff ff,%�4kj,r it J'ed �,&fts T11" A itillulat eenw,tor"r A". nodded to, thoi girl, and "ittOde whith ths rlvk,r do" hot loop JW- lacking whotI6 a large qlAntity of - 'W&W414ew ." I 6 $-^.� T*,, bm%aes,4 III6111LAM od­: bqifd� " 3-T fliMah phnifig 1% .1 I I 4� 1#;- ,r.ti4ki,;, "a ho, t(-At-�2; Ifoll ..VI.L 104 %�oti(-. In I Is to tv mftrl behindi the sulftmor 1161- aw*,v, 1""llo-altr, Klagarai x"rgo thh"g" water is Ittod- ,DI*trk#h,cfcWVMACt,C4Aft .� � . he_ -f, uv- " I __ ." of %J4 lweaqed pavt-� am At llekio. "heto a thouftnd Tt^-t won a crosqkfowft "f`WAit!hX greatly 16VM Ift A, CfttVrr� IMIOW " A litfle lenlan plirl, in q � �, T-4,'ftths, C,4 -4 Ik" --- ,7 1 rilitw -Term" #%y our lfd!om thkA 1,�*r- (� _*tLs` fjt t'4-LyArfou, Vton' f#W IM-Mg"al tiV stlArt' Ite V"ght the falls "* ritte tiol" in - I bic A, h i- .(. ,Ll'tcr 1! 8­1earalds.-r , fth -- ­­­. ." ­� "hs'm . ., .1 V , � , ��4 to hign at A "Ift0ulk: tom � -I veill" of ibf% rArd-- It will d(**� tht� I . ft lehaft­ it w h ,% , boiled *ill 11) . I 4)r X41** 141). .11 will 10alil.7' and flit. a.rths of China, art laid to z"t it. r4rA An 301milo'll 10ft n1vifted the J"t, In plose" ell(W ",It *4W, *IdO And 4100irlibly oolid=the too lt,al�o R1 0-wei'latie.st , slmotw ." �, 1! A"'.1 equrL!�t. ftvft4xm.v�t�, .so ,� J � I � do-obtf, -I *m blow* ­ SW&,tbTMd_* . ,'�:"! . I I M 1, T, - 911 PIT'raoi, f4svil "ro, Is"_ ''I fam-­A, fflayd ,T,Ihr� rrok*" t*flk animal h"As �t% monrImmt erf�et. Ir""t dfww ,mf big hou"_ T)w hail"_- a 11"rod"d fc*t 1*10w the M"I of tho lack of a bolled f,sh� l*-bV%***k,,b4ft-sn6%,W,1, 91 I i IN I vo;" � of so" 'i 4 "d womire,"et,* srfk skIt ft" lod Pd to it. ALd some of th*M *r6 it kqspor X"t him In tho AnIt. Home aift- platt". whith was ite W *6 *.*ft- Jett for _8"V~4"r-I0Qr;" .49 101 tefi", sold T ean't. aftfwd�! , . . Rn, hour btfore,cooking in a 1%_"Uteo,,t0,pWoss*"*% __ .qg �a � 11 . is I ". 00UU%*UrX : topoytMWOMilifil", Thitti4"014 , jfj Ivory. silrer,, #na golo "* sa�,* t*m*d tory *4".. )4th L W': itiftme 140*rl� t*Wlyeo� Or*V* of rather stf"ng dilution oft 13-4!ro",rAftV" - _­_ .0 . , � I . tloslwq 0 )Awful *,Alt ^ so"Wolt ove 1! fliod OR faith, INIA. w"alt ro.(�.Ivod 0* -+___19 -.43)" V*0 ha" roffArtedi wr �1 I f0 I— Ift"11, Nlc*� Are "aft *bit* SV4 1"ItNu#00, 11600100104. 1 1 1 - ^ad IWI,dorx I JXTA thorf� to) W� or'sAwor in Ilt 114t liftl�jjwal", I'mr 440d X*lni 1hin nor* Ift. . _,­ 40 Itaid. I wo� wem b*- ft* A 114 drOP4 ot lomoft Wiest I l'yomov, ­­ .*# 0� I . . I . I I%Vndo" 4-�Z, =1=00 - .66, � . X"WhAstvft oe tog 4* -0A" t (it 10K Whft 16, 11441th J0"fJ%W,* a lottw � over your muole Wlkw-- IV- 1IX that 2�66k, are *clar*d to add A dohti -hft -11 4C I i� � , Ja if� V*tflo womim.04 thot, Vtq.�. NMVth#­ 4 1 L at" e0o" an t Xtm" t ihink oo# f4 *%alow to wcwr,v micam, How to rlsy tho r$aw "t t4 seraftbud "X4 (wis flla�-!� 2"Ok%tio. rw raft MNJ4" ." 1 41 I I #ov.4 fuat� h,m is"to)t" tip fit flkart� If#, *40t,i ("#�h,',iti, Ilk, Atts Tit ri� , fw� ftst P,4!to ' --W%*tr bot'ki* t " ., te:� . ladoo"60ftfto, " . ." , * hiows ad x4wl"s U& � wl rhildt" O*tmtd J"Ta *rAb"41 abdift", " Alt a qui 2*--f440"h. I L � gid lOrl"*4 AnWA Ist 1011W arA #*- 4, 'N `,kt.rl%"JW*A*##V"$Va1%AJJVM J1 fte"v -()%t fl�w ftk P"lv " 010 Mrs, r.W lAdft ef t)W 11"Wop i " 11� e . . . 0 lo"IS Ift f 1�1 _ , t4� I Ir , _Ile fM "fi - as t4ob,se. D"OnIo, . ""t thitwal Xy littio � P . ,,,, of rel , lhot .4s .. f. I I �, . I $h­r'l�. kt,*rii VwPiolo in blittiti" 0""twhi voo-Ir 16 voort 010i wkm ho daparl#4 V"t of dologht'" th"e iik, fvrw Aft ago, A ftre"N", ho "law �Ivvclft-111 )r%" 11'dr�t ft'Wt "y boalk 110� ft"M' led bW T1114L"'At" a rA,ro*!%- is", _1 k1".."t LN14! A ­____­_­_­____ I" . . I ,.,.<.I , '. 1,0474::� 11 , I ,A hour " t*t tj�# *#W,h%"% AtA *4 �,* told I . %or =, r . , �0�, , I %A td tfw 1b,"hiislol 00 A 'It* I*- 1110111A " In ~04' '0� 31 -1:2� " rAO&I of tfiwrellolm, .Yoo new" to-- brIoallfold rooldv I" 'h1tV 0 . A 7� 7 with tho banoa "t folt ,rm Juite S44torts" $04000, .......... ... ­ - " I ��... ''I , ,.� " ,I " " *%ich wn%W loovo "*4, twol )trek fmhor- T*lt*%� WAo, 14*t flhift*, do yo"t AVIIA10, 4W4 Wo Anto tho UWary **d ow to lerbs it to yo� . I . . .... I -.1-1. I I warawo VnIffy . � sbsopo I of A $001) Jq 040"4*4 ot*r tho, wftt ow-vtoo0tv �. %." , � . 1 Amel lb **OWN bor, ),,.o frova Wgrort *%#*, sw*M �*Wov Xf4k iJ**,*& Irxiv,, lit, An%le--No, morms"ol, why, Y""dev "*0" b4o do* rer ft molmot be ArA thf� Oki* f4 it, r"I*i Imp J% lt� th, ",4wo' W*Wwoft V . .11 lamilv SWP,. - �Nftvw - .'" I N 11 , , � owebt to put I "w Oftlkift TO "oft 110, ftP- --UW r" a** MI, ), I r two t"WAt 10 a t#lsoft, juicy, Viroftui of * ." ,�� ,;, " , , " I , I - I* is Ate" A to" I #W0y*W*A kW 00 f011' as llfcftl� , ft kiWft SWor, lsoll 1% 4000 I %^"%t Wood . ,�� ., ­ ­ ­ *W4 mmowt 60*ft 0* 00 ftt%$"% 00010. I Aisr" tarrkt thoirs WAOM Wo f0low'It4nitos, oad 1 Nevot tolt *Sybody f4y Uw0dAlsto wtor. Itl000k 10 klow0t 7W 11 . 166 "eat. Very VA104mt t(% the " 1A%:tsf'X%.1.1 I ­ � r4lij, YOW .. I , , Ak LA"*0646 ow ot"it be CAN asset tho Ck*A*A *W, solot 4wo, U)Awe *M Won tooc *1001t it at *11, I I . Tho Araotuat bw Ig hlpl,p ,iotowj, W . 'A', 1� L I -AV ow warr-1 0*04 i0le, 4twit# I awt M** aaw" .. to 4 towi�- ,e.p , I '. am. , .1 I 1 4%%M%M � V .. I 11 I 1. � '. 'L � 11.1", "' , I . 7 �_ .- - a — I AR I I 11 I I 1, I I I i I I I I 'I lo8 fftl, he I "as f I 11 4 Porto 4 0 1 it 0 d I rogg ad it b to I � . ��, I I I . I L I � " .1 1. . I . . . i . ,: I .� 1. I I L i 1. 1 �, I . 1, . IA I I 1. . I I I I 11 1, I .. I . 1�, 11 I - I., I I I ". . ,. 1, 11 I �r I .1 - I C . I 1! ­ . I I I . . . L� -1, �, , I . . 1. .� L' . :1 . L I (f., - , , " C I �� I I � A I... , I I I � I I I 1. I . . I 1 . . . �, 0 I I - ­ �, . . I 11 ,� L � . . 11 . I , , . . 1. . "I 11 I L - .. �J I . .. ­ii."� I . i , _ , � 11 . 'I . . t, .11 , '- A"A'NAA1,4;�W �1. ,W , I , , 1. � � , 1. a I &J"_".. '­� � I . � ­ - 1: ..... ���' 111. . d k.sksbamdAa&� I I ;.!&;k� ; 11 - A ,& , Ag � _UL.,I� 4--_ �-Lgilakiag.,.JL"�,'­ ,"���'!_A*#�_&J;�_..�, ­ ­­­ - 'I'L.- . ,��. 1�1 . ., ­