HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-07-19, Page 7-y�'��-, I,-, .''�,-` - �- " 't�, � 1-, � , � I . �� � ,, 'K , � T �: . I ; � �A,.,T5 t , " �, 41- I - - 11 I � . . � % � I I I , I . I . � . - I, 1 � 11 1 ,�­ -:T -­ 'T - I ��*,Nl I I ��', d' ;OO, 1.�� 1. : ,, . " �,:, I � :,� . , I ,,, ; 11 IrA�- , - � �� , I , ;, t, I " .� I I % � � � 1 � .1, . I . . . I I ,.t �,#,�,, 4,- 'O" , �: ,, ! . e .. . . rq� �� ,11 , ,, �.,', ". ,��,Wlg r C,"O,., �, . 4.� 4 �,%'). " � , � , 0., '? � . I I A " Iii � ��," " 7 . �1 I * " i " ��-,i'.,-' , � , I I I '. ",'' � " , , ­ � N I. . - I " , `�A4�:.4=212­1��- ,1-1 , i I .� -4," I , . I "I. I - . ,.. .4 .� '. 11 .�,f, , i ". , � � '' �:.., 1. ,7wv t. � I -,�'�7 , �, , *, , , ;1', I a:.. �,. #:#-?.4'.-i. "?;,tir -OF I I.:. I I W'. I .,� -1 �� , I , -L ;_ - P74 ;7F r� OP, I- ", 111�1' ;7y, 1 1 1 j, I J . I � . � � . I . 11 , I . , ,�,A.',!. , :,�, "t". . , , , " I W"�'.. I i�,- I -1 - ­77­� —­ - - .1,11' I 11 I I I , , I KMAJAI � ,A",. a 0% Ow- a � WW 1A) .. ", - , , i , � I l i'A NW111111150, � 11 I "" � . I , li� I " I* 144 . � � , � ''I I 49 � 1. I " I ­.­*,�, r ,,,�:,­ � UWA - �, Ir M It' 1. Al" �,, � i . ,,V'­i�04 :-�7j - " Vlw ",-*W-11.� 71.�, , '' , ­ , I 4 *W Am . , *,%*A Vol *40 , -,, . " I " WxV" ST. .�'e I - ­ ­ , -- IT , . , I - ip x1ft, I . , rl 4 , , � . I ("10 19A , - " . 46"o , *Oft I I . 130 i X= I , I � . , ! "`­*ft*­t#-- :, ­ - rN , I , % � , Jj J -,, J.'%,, L . I . ­ I 4 ,-, I I . , I . �­ -, ­ I , " I � 1. W, Ulf, $"�.Mwm, P—M W U- OtUlmit, WWI — , I ,1111.11W � i. , r WWI 41 I ,- " Y11W t*1 WAIltiftal qftVW*.* 114 4 **W"* '"" . I I. I ! I , 9-, i i i O.- , . I _ sait"Is Whink see A* bo Ressise4- " .­ - I , h , AW I ".t.,�" � -t­`W�- to 04AM140W AMtJA AtINA 0011,- �� .. 111. - 1. 11 �11111 I I'll 11 11 t .1 ==- % a, M. , 0: "MaWan"04 1 '319awA *01100, ,4k*b% *m"aw to li�� be, to, I-Afiis-d 2's UOwd 01 dswr*aw mwili YAM 11 I I , 1, . I I ; 'ON : — Towwoo, %. aw '1,iS.--VRkV*,0AV� r 4"- --- 46" $Aa to work fit We O" babou , #$we b uj:i*� 4 Twxmw Vw x4twort tjw xNaw of � . I 11 `�,, I �­' Wfta ,� - *4441106 4.40 4,76 W-09AUMV fW odwra. OZ4 *WO& am tift root DO* un� ZILY 0 04 04d swaxiot.-, ,, ?) 11 ,iil�� , . Im Tom Vxr4onsm rxx,�'Marlce,- IVA = 4110MIS " I I I* Isi, 0 � "1:0- 00 "", VV qwt,­ $,To #409 M*akt�ouz# V"*0436sesPfttqe IWO %r, hu sell 1!1 - As Ws bav* 00,11L he, _ , . 11 . .. I but � portsm =nll * 4 0040-46*0d " on tbA sealz okwovai '. U*04�4 a. X. 8. op'lik. whWA Is ftt, - I -I , .1 bJT x4gualaeois, *Ad Ltoh- � 02= Toil Va= = ? — ...- -." Apt W40W to ts,� = "W Roy'at Ipexlko, .rk4y Art) str&*b4K-r1,04 " "Itax 14 Laxi,fta I 1 6310. 1 se4l I "y OTIN. r L,Iqutos"t JU ZK** U. Ott $16 emu per Poiesol. " . few. 0J mww* mt% 00A boleAm Axw.X, b=.. 4kt,40 *." I I . I 10" in soph ­ � 4101004 vo"A #,t 140M L%'Zon = vtb�o I - "I I - � An4taxa," Vhx—* I 9 east. x do 460404- �­ ­­ 4-00 &.W WMitlig , Persuilts tsi thi, 04ft4 a bwa ought to do. Tb* W*lohmmii; to ftxbwXh,. wbJo. upo,a tite *rrxv*1 01 six 4et or *Very loo x"=i#4" ta ... .. - I %VAV�' 4A4 xT&PIozr" Z:ay* � *W *x � this ron)"t Is lirst 00064% W ths, ; x md I � 646 ex . t Is I*W- do uIr ..... - .." " 3.1% *.00 Wr tit Qpob4o, Will hand or"t arit"M toix* Pta" in Jewlsk � .1 1l, L � , � . I 3"A uWar44A .t:r Their lciz,O " �, TOO for 3110. do S.". a TO 040 w4lifts 40110* "" b0W ie"4 liteataxuan. An 31agUshms Will. I" � W IV ba beft *0 ar at 14a f Jio. I do -"bWVJ*Z,-. -,.- --:­--:,:, SZ $60 1 tl�= to the K"Wal 041aw *,�ft­ .1� I bot *0 RAT"t of the uttu , ployArx. �, 2 ,Uoxd *ad 110 to 'Molor No. 8 ... : In WUMIM OU 7W. vt#Ad and IAK a good chaitoo fly ti�f 0,444tAS, VUW tbAk MWL'dAY tkw will . "YU004". koft $7, *Aa4y in the WA*tk*, ***in. There, . hard gritilAne in transit. Bull$, WcPairt, bftvy. Per ahiattlising a, youth. Va the Itift. so, too, will tho IrlitliuW14. But T OWW0 role eft"W'doclarox *%W is Mat mush Dhoanthropy in P40 awt.- — .--...�� so '. '411$ street In wiftipog. J. W. 3"kiett. the SwitanistA who 4" see things at be presented by Ills Royal HIgk*^* out kwabw %k# British soldsor ir tbe %I . MA-ke A beA ,mattv worse. 410dem li,voiness. and probably the Flo4u-Is UY,Iw. TM best bild by TO principal of this Victoria, 0*001 la a xr*kUw,d4st*Uw th*A can his bro- a: to light, Par 4Wt ....... 8-W in OM* arV94960"tv =*%= tk*t tllk' best Ix thai viorld. IIV W6"14 in OftrtAix sm- tnatx*es on r000rd of "ling bu4i. eAbIs to-dv *avid AQ4 porualt l00%l roedws6 skor I ... A 4.06 *Mn that, city "*4 filled u. %hir of 1ftlaAd. or, of Irels.lid, will msd*ls witt not be jogroXod. SO %114 I tin* W- mbilatw" about the lower 44600 bar, be,a Presented to *in. , "JHWt" to O#sr $2.W far W411314147 ts ask & 00"ra. It* In vAixtug for his ch"oo. "d " tit thil C*" of somo at the modsivii TWO are 28,04 4UTealls tomper- I � 410. 411*11lm ­.. ...I.. 8,60 c3n; Q"b" WIWI$ tti, Porto 4r t64 b-- wh,04 tbw wwo or relatives, 4Lb*oiut#Iy free 90 VP cent �,Ktfttx in UWr bR41 I -blial; 06 04t" it wh*A It WAM bA* Way' I of t80. 114 WSC416YUW Will UNV4 14100. *04*1014 4A %be 3rltt*h 141AR1,40 not = the body prop4W, So that they =I 40 light ...... 1* . ..... ... 21,315, U-00 mat 40wa at 0.000 to sets roripleat, Are not Many. middle freights, And that was mat Stockire, 400 to OW coltl storage doi-)ot in Argenteuil We do mat "cou'd ,the opinion 00 be M# At 04 4XV0000, (a the ludl� with & memberohip of SMK.000- I *NWO 440-bOd "k-orn Wes.11 Much Tt^t such things Upwo been done the they WWO b4d-diAg- VOUWS Asked Ms 'a � reoplo"t,or at lit* roglwAn.t. Mr. Thomas, Haxticastlo ffykes, of W*4 wTittoa about that& &Z4 T&r- following ItI,tAlice, will %how. ft more aud soms, higki,*r. Choi" Ift ...... ....... . _,.,. .­ 8.00 8 county to li"W'.4 Itiod, prodqcts often expressoll tkAt tM I ScQtAlAalt v1140141 V, nit %I* suodel# for Criogla 11ouse. Ch"41o. ObAter. left Imp revandleo propoW or offered to do off-oolors ... . . .... 41-60 V,W for, export. to & meau. follow. ,Re a no suck It ,90"rx 0A . A proprlo�or w 4 l3metch distillery brands. are hold loo to 20o higher. thing. It to looIC slt*,r the =*An tilt Aus"Lari *Ad Canadian, C0114 W�ftousk 0ows vt ths, list 't'gluo of tus publio. , These pentu in -me had made a Iortiwi', and, in fact, Igainitoliv, flour, is quiet at *4� for 1111ch COW*, 4"b", O;.,.... 30-00 W,00 The, Toronto agimi"" a sum ChAlloo In llf*_*Zd What are We In tlaMtS W#rt oftt.,oUt together tit ,9203,600. .1; I , I- L P*#W'�Z'". OOMU'*r*d Oil the ftttI4 In had Mors'=4pricy than, he knew What JA%wgUIsz patonts and, $8.10 for *11440P, qxport i1twoo, P" bays decided to erect 0, statue to the business for but, for that T-& mm tb* Qphir. 4rho Duke of, RQ.Xburglw. Mr. Rubort Spencer. vner was 81 - cwt .... . .... . . .... ... ... 3,25 8.40 tu ory of the past. wob*bly In th9 cond4maied ,by the volm of au vrhw� charge tUQ,V kAWO I* IN Ii011' last AprA, litta L Completed a - - 411 w: la to be ,. blo tMWAII -Mb*r�, and greatly wor� to do with. And he determtood to "O, Strong,' bAkwu in car lots on the ticu . riod tli4mi, -'While Ono rea4s Is". of t4ye from businea. He went for lit$ track Toronto, b �, , do. bucks, per twt .... � 2,00 ;2.75 ltur#1 , Gardorox* A 1"So, others vitho axe less'cAwatul than be, �en%nt in tile 4th Dattalloo'� Argyll araphy In, two volumes, to be Vub�. I t � � I ,� thW AY -Posts now than About Afty chlet clerk, who !Md beon, _*#* bialudod. 1 4 tulls. each ... ....... 4 2,00 S -W nuinbor of subscriptio-44, bw-V4 06160Y 444 less thrifty that h6. thtin tho and 6uthWoAtI, IlighloiWer4t, . lishod aftoi� Jile dtAth, . I 11� I InialuAtile X411(ft4-1s. in better 04m*Ad and,, lAmbs.. spring, Wit � 2.09 4-00 beeri rocul"d. ., ��, � 004. , , . " � lit %t Rxporlmeuts have Already b"A , y0sxv ago, there Is no, doubt b to him. the Market I* stsi4di1w � . #1 3 for -00 8") After #hoottv candwAnAtIoA to not only ull(Air bat .n%I%n(I in the Way of LI&Y I . that t1t,67 am fully to common, 4f I"Ve it to, religious wclotles. It short* and $1.1 for bran ill tktr lots 0alvesi; per head ....... - I si,at % hoar'cub end It'la unjuat., M44Q ift I., __ . Hop, obdim, PW rwt.. 7.25 0.00 ill '' ' ONV$­,i, 1, . 4ot more Ito. than c 0 wounding it. * 0,41joian, named 00* I I WE NEW OBSEPITATORY. , I I thQy wore then. To the lork's sms"mout blo So,- west- Rap, tom4sd, par owt 7-W O -C . . I 11 Ing dowri a 'narrow sspb*lt track . , 1 Ito the a0ranlon. ii5r ** �a 73grloy­Ts dull jud lower. . . 1, Per laukA, near 10dwouton, Was 012004 11 *"*,-" . . ."lar AiM Inuch 11 ployer oft4ired himtho digUile . 10 A , cwt... .6,75 -OM end I spvelAlly for cyclists. I I I house'lly in Appearance, only ,light- gift to work for hie own benefit. IS AUOtAd at 610 Cast and 40o =14- 'a" 6.71% . Into the, 110484, b,V ths. motbar, TO i"MT THe CROPW'� I -,*lld 144dy I . I it' nage: R"It 100 "t r. lowt,"... According to, 4% 'recent censlls at - -1y smAIW. The writer has ,employ- Wilful he bad recovered his oquillbri- tile freights, and No.. 3 "tra. im quot- �lawx wt. after romMudur barricaded. W1 Iftight il, xp"ua to bo zquipp4 .1 t .. iI.A....... 0.00 4.50 . *-F-" . - for lose In the youl, gothotltst apirlicoi, tw"Ithe at the - I ­* rod to. "Wir"t od Stltg�, Per IoWt-� *"-.... %00 0.00 came out iA the morAlUx *A4 shot x , '64st"bypona ara front tba poll, titbor h to ro�ur � 04003-wot 001 to, A401" Twol" - . ,0 th"o um file clerk ventu , , at SO4 raddl% frerightS. I fly Ponts, F,eeral forms of mauu- thitt, -he had not nearly sufficient Corn -The market, la firmer At 410 )tXUXZTS. tile bear and two tubs. I . . A despatch from Ott*wv, OWYO .- les, or John W"loi. , � . I ,hoc I I at 0 r I f0tur$d fly killers are oil the mark, working capital to run the business, for Cana44 yqllow And 400 0 tolo SUAOPGAN QUAIN ,i, 11, . I I iruouuntl xoyi� . � Nvork on tho ,low uoveraiwitt Moor- % . , I 11 ot. but big WIA4 WAS ftt at rest QA that for mixod weatO, Qmz&U yelloW Is London, Ju1r16.-�-1Dp#,4,IaprWhftt , - � '-� vatot;� At 010 COAtr4l, Sxpertragntral Two at the L r"S'm#1%t* that ba6vo , - I . point,.for the distiller agreed to Iln­ nominal at,4,ft 04 thS A,r4*. T4ran- .On VWAAP.. ,easier' an neclocted. .. I VQ=IGX . A'despatth from Toronto Ross, i-- - - --+Ik the Anest, bottlo rocotd: In the army, . ,as hut two or t,4r*o 4lows, Alice him, :Rs -carried on the 414til - , flL I I ­ - Twelve, thou#Wxd- farx - 1#.%*r4r,S will: Vurm wilL be .W-,�-- - L — this ­xIfilrW­ItQ)r#x Met And . thi, 4 *AQ 11 " to. ­ I Cam all passage rather rator. TbI0,jVs.*nA bJgJ,#*7, robbvry 'A" , , .4 . - may b . . - Valle, N.Y. be " 'astol and the Institution Is, expected I on$ at these Preparations 'r sAtiolactorl)y And ,proxpered, Oats,_Are St,ea4y Xt SIC for No. -1 Woo.thar In I'Wlaud foes In rrancG tviroriziAg Niagara , quIrad from 1, 'n Canada, to �Q�' w6 V'rigs,xitf'. ba;V# never c4rood r : very xatiofutoi�, but it 1* -L L Serloile Ic v I 410iroot t1to onormous vfbftt, crop 4qAlpifod and ro%4y $or uso Ill Y014: .1 '. j- , ' L, OL and It 1. estimated that to-fty his white east. NO. a ,�jbtte are .aft fire. Ruglish couatry'mok4ts q,qi,jt,l This late Ur. plerrre Urll*rd. a' Colors. . . I . I problem to bandle, P. Arge bard, ;and ,, which it is expected Manitoba, *A4. C�Urs* of, tho year. It will bo, *it- . . - '. fortune exceeds, that at hie goilemus - w. ovor.125.000.000O , tile Northwest will yield tbili yoo;r. Umod fAt tho, north 0.1do of the, farmi, Tile, istMe of Us We Ur. T. Z .1 . the preparation luearia. considerable north. end , vast, arld *old At POJQ PrOAch qv0t *:�Vbo�t, '1�0 YQT),C, r jolt I . hOM4 of Lthe, llrft prodecioasor. As to wbotbor he. 'Wig middle IftightS. . . T.Q4doA-OIo#*--:Kexk XAA - -Virolioh Vr L numbor is 4-ppro Which Is thei'most art YOWSr , . exTen" end labor ovappilextion. L . K' qtillispr of agrioulture This x1raxtely WhVA !eislble point 90k to'* 4*'. L , TW* substance Is applied with %, ELM dir Oveft L ,ody to c" -to ,�bo #up- , I I ropeoLt the oxperivaent by Which- he 0a,tratal"Is .Steady sit *S.7r, for llotbi - doing, It= At *A ad- A d a rare 0, Ole- from t1le eleotrie VlailWa till#., The Lot BruW4 *ft & CO., of Ortilfaidi, I . lug Corn f I C - '199. I � ;aurces it the ot,agdard timo.whicb, is now obtAla,- ,04P.Orr, . .1 h it Is. th4ugbt will. .have hiriviolf WAS enrIchtlC And givo Away cars of barrels. xn4 48.0 for be&* vanes of Od". Vlour, nothing, do eAsesi of plauts. � plied from outstdo .� I I ,bits: b#st�� V*iu#A At 4463, �.- � . . wide, Bat brush, or by spraying It 'the business *hell his Pilo ban XUM- Liu car lots on the track hs", and IAvWPQ01 - 01640 --$Pot 'Wilsiat :Vrengh, worgingineav 131. 0�'geuarftl grOAt Crop, ls to. be seligly byxvtotod. ad ter Ottawa daily from WGIII ,410. , I IL . . . I I ., , . I . I olA.w the latter being the only pra� ciently accumulated, wo, can poly , to , 0. - audextt GsllforAI4, ris . ' . . . Ir � goo more for smaller lotili.l , , agreed that It would and Willie oft'40 lll;�roo hoNo no�� 1UnIVqr alshed b$% tile Tile M . .. -Are , L . * to sity. Will to furl I L L acclasltoltt silk trade but ifel. . . . t$c,014 method wlth mau,v 'Zows. enrollee. perhaps it is expecting f.9Q., ­roa* Cues And f1rm, AV $04 84 to 64 9d; all&, S Sid ae I OAR quart will do for one AP131104-1 be w*IX for all, Aliftrs to L atriko. ,vot Came forward from the Xaldtqbo6 now Obsorvatory, tiieL I0"*,.IaC1v equov, colved a stimulus In the shepo of � � ,much of human nature, And besides ddlo frojgIlts. ... I 'Oid; O. I not, I , 41d , � tiou on 40 to 50 cows. x1sne tar to 70o =I b . L ,tile 'UUMIan GOV0140ment has; Just Vovornmout it is likely thwt'tho Ilk- torial toleseuipp, top which'Is, zkqlr tbc. annual Govorment ordor too, , I . . - . I . , u , ureLS grVan Will 1)'o found pra"Ally bolrilt ronj�ructpad, In '014VOIAUd.: biacl. silk h4tAftevchlein for, tbo UkV - . . littI6 eccentricities of that kind A . to as, 5J4, u ot; e 11 I I I . PrNparv.tlous bavii been used xorge4� rarely infectious, I . I P)ROW8IONS. � IWO 0 , 5x - put. sanctioned the laylvir of OA oil. pipe , what. but those Are sticky��'aud their - - ,Ther � market 14 I .6,44 active, corn d- u a fir ; from, pakq to, Ilatqlaiu- I on the, 131a�,. vorrect,t . I I I' .0 , which Amoovitsto 90#00. . . . .. ",- 4. � Another Instance of ''a business Irza! ; no , 4s, . . , # . It must ba % roccirt!t, crop to reqUIro 4;MRT. ' Al" L�' LOPOOWXO',U4'4��IOUdi$"*dUy,A3X L . . use lanottoberecomulendod. 'The changing hand& on sludletor terms.. with no Chat quotolons I Pt , r .9 4 e do sd�, Sea, 501-Tallept. L .1 I this number 'of, outside barvesters. CANAD - . -- waste 41,0.000, �64# . materials above rafe�otl, to Are 'In- Was that, of r., tirm, -of soap makers.: - , L VI # d. - )i c'. I I - I ostim4ted dmly .. . 'lines of hog .Product . e o , well" I I 1710 to A, gold ortleift. sum sed to UEL'VO Who largest number ever sent out b , *!'-'�O" 1. I tended to keep Ott files, but tot tq The familiar saying. "There's noth- W�d th L I Pont . St ' be . : I ­ ­. of Co4l. a - W. iticluxuand 'Statft I . - .. Steady# : 0 reseat r of prices Is lar , . _on bUVW With the bLody Of. U"' torn -was -ten thousand.. tWo, $0wit Soilth Ablol . 1, hant, tone oti4i, , it Ing, like leather," Was loventod,' bf thic r It I I ou tonlef L L. LU �on0t#,tUI4Vy',L Ltlfei that tile tIQU4 .14' of$ttu kill. them, they Wing otMensivo to I , ort,, ego � � oulshable 0 � ,!o, , I so o yors to make rather due up, At Frium L . Last Jear., owbg to tile 1411,4ro . I . Insects, 11uro kerosene, however, fore the soap boom, for there are he I uly 25f aft. 11 I r, and Pe�enivv (luett4' 'we%' . . 'Tholi Work, mile* srova London. And Art Its past* � �k I � has all AdV960tag roll I Anticipation at b 1261' o e� x1ch. . , I 'v,ip . in the, oraps In usnitotai thrut'j&000 A dospa,tcl% from Ottawa, ago 06 4 , e, Ili that It May bO fe* .. . sitirlet resIdituig Is loft Open , ^1,�tjolg$ Of Common Uft wbicb, an advitnoer. I , Olondbursts luLve' , ed out the troin Ontar[6 worer not Acti4a ' 04670..- ,I, � . . . -1 / . . the-104ttlifi'Rud Will kill bavo provgd =ore romungrative to Pcirk-Oomads, short mit, 1$23. ; , V lw--Clo�. eat, toner quiet; Villages ovoorbill, Moil., and lroit ,the railway$ did not run tbellrl.1-1111 tu a, privato letter written. train oxe� $00. '. -tdt4l Of 183*511 VOSOUK .. ...... . ... , , , , I be%Vy lalies, $19,tQL 419.r u got 860. .vesterdity 2 -xe 'Xrugprsdoip, Calst, LaWIQ%0k Of tho I '. SK3 t hit$ them to a xott-, tile manufacturer. The members of >A). I . J f $00; . but, no loan of life farm labovers, t zursions. "Ur. ly� Of tho. , . I z Ine"XI.I. if -J, I h be I an 1) I I Scott, a roprost S . outh, A100411 dols employqd In tho ml, , ­ . . netted Smokeo end Dry Salted Oftts.­ SWOW r ' d i's reporttd. hij. 00rarnquit h, . mallable exta4t. - Lach seuson, - We do the firMAllud4d to had cat eeember 221f 14c LA VOAal Tex" . . I ot%tiva at the MAI:. coastOulaxy. rlog of tile 'United ,. . , I.; considerable spraying of kerosene In about a I I ,yesterday SlIf 150, _VIOUr. L tone hysict, toba� Gaytrximelkt., has beft in To- L coo, Kingdom dorlur 1,909. 6*4,241vork-w . I Long clq#x* %.ago 044 PO�Sios, 1.1c, a k of Maerlc�mn V , 'L as Just Jbilfta ,Ad, i A oommlosi6l; I �, �'. ,­,�, tM btWiS# thus killing 11=00a 11111� I July 201 atio, yesterday 25t t�vo ca i)olow ground, and 1110.aWAUO". . ..' , QUAATVi� OF A XXX U -M. OM411 tots at Ili,q ; brQ,1PLkfa0t bacon. quiet, ie. appointed to ell, routo IraqWrh* lutq4 th 0' trU01409 44 .99tt Whir,h they h , L: . , bar$ of Ales. On the cooler nights I � I . September 444 December 2-6414118 for securing mea from thla Province. q� . rrito 00O641 I � ' 'and they were evidently Satisfied to Ilia; h4rup, for small and 800A , 04 1,�ort Canada, -At ltru$04- XA the final .. ., I 964, yeaterda�r 161 90Q. L ill Into e feaAbility of Dr-, CUI )UM0 � employed Inside, And: 03#204t out4ldoi I Up ­w4i - 8 Anot L . jav,or, and at; .- led . 1 bu L tit three blool;-­114 - � : a" collect prit the collings -and warnu- W,� ­ -, ­ ' ­ L- - , ' - " ' t OWL; 1=441111=2, Ifte . Aullig yellow , 'W-nredett�'- --Qnt4rIo.-Ifl-,r.Q.1 P41 . -m%k1A04"I­-ar __Vdth � .. xells, Ilio to. -12o; 11 ­­ .",#jk ,'.. L I Wria that 12"000 hands would dorp, th .--.1--.-, - .tr L --Qt&- ­ln-ths`-barn-';Md-'ffiei� � reader iurit, 41% many 0 f ' shoulders, Ile. backs, 14c,to 1150-. As! 1 - f sub � . ... ... -91) I . I.X40 ­04114-;dt'k-�14"-"t' �tot^t--a�-0%-$90.�l:--.��--�--...—.---I ­�� L " ' , S would be. At aky rat% ,bey I . I Aose tbem,�lv*luk Ordinary kerosene . 309R$ S10 414S 0 T11A. TOWS. - . bac 11114 * 0 Um. to supply #,rbrough these block-liouses The ormt, 'CilithoUc, OtAtch at *4011; , & cha$t '�=d apray, such as sells Ineseitted the business right out to uisairs, out of pielid;o are quot- � I � . . 0, Chinese oovomxxlort� has .6104 L , the :mWority, at the, farm. radius. . ill P , areen I. left thaniomoked. . laborers required-, bat Quobc6i an are lOoAbQIe4' Tile Zoli AM ealt'O don aofge't� le young Urd LOYAkt, ok - Ir for W cents. Wa vilso.spray t1low. two? of their, 6hployeat ., Who' had Od 0 and )xalustt clat for IndomnitirtO the Amount *ISO ,Q at . . played *4 active PoXt JUL tilt bililding Iowrd�Tlercos 10fe, tubs 110 I "40r1tQA,1ft�3%#rha14t,U"A4d it .tile Maritimet provinces 'Will aniving at tho. Roers. -Just dil"'t Akkzoadaut of, 't -ho. 1400" OA the cattle. L up of the buslueso . . .. . . I ,palls IIAR. . . I .. Iwo" xas x,y*#. of balf a million dollarn on - account drawn upon to, as larie Ah extent 6. couple of daya before, tuo letter simot%--or"er, x,,ard LOV46t, who -WAR , . I dosp L of alleged outr# 01 as po3siblo, ,Tt seems. a be 0, quos- * Ono Of tile Men W" 1. It 'is. a good policy to break up ..90u$ tre%t,1Z04t *hot the lost Man. to be b464V444 Inth" 11 . � 11 .. hoaps, at Manure lit tile pasturo, for i The evaploy0s, of a, certain 101m in - 001UNI%y . VAOD'UMIO, A Atch $$-am cape, Town, says'. Chinese At Illitto,, xontozd, . , ti.ou, tudoo,d, as -to - Whother"04044h Woo sont, , 4 Door. In IROt Tower at Loodon* the block 4'A4 xxo - I . I . L... +,he files brood in tbose. And thus.144licanhiro, grigland, credited 11115ir I bfi��ier, has -,The homestead of' the Ron. xr. 1. � tallay A torpedo Melt co . from . wilbosh -, t� I . employer -o b4cheilot, OrustY And V4, I' to or ArlatakIng to) ,A be SeLourQd' . tho exiony fir - at%y *L411. Sutroung% +.be at his extcUtIO4 listrit Shown there I � .�L � :Out r--UOt weinth ,t, near MurrOsbUrg, Wag nxI'WftPP0d in The, CallidiAlk 'rAoltlo UsIlWay' to : -till$ 40. 1 � . I � burned , Ii,y a bond of ,rebels , under , I I ., . I : Aheir development ,0111:be reprosed. bon liberally ml:xod. It, with Rerhold wuid� of dYnavilto 4x t,4011., station. Who 'Ivor); is hard. but V6 to, I I I . . . Ill any event. It, is llecossar,� to Wage cull4r-with being the Meanest Inez very I . polls pink -paper, frur-yoar�ojd Zs%Uer 011- fully - 411vo- to tho, necosalty Q Are M perfect heAltlx and lik,4. tlioi . . � L �, in the district. . at 13.4�d the lowest the Shipm nts of -40ary.,tobs, I Commautts.4% Scheepers Wt VorideW. taluing enough Meirt Lto U the - awless aria A com uoa has- 4ean. aMint6d � � . constant war agodrist the" Ales, It , . and crack: which are now Iroulling -Xr. vor bit; into it, WA her head Was W - A�arves life." lie says- IvIth z to porpottft the VAVAOVY Of ths!' , . :rate of wages end seemed to Wt I Ro.rholdt was jrlsulted alld v blo" bit Oar Will roll tho farm, - Belmattt - Itite, Mr.' nobork Rae, who. W#A $or 31 , - . turn* trom.43-ber dairy or beef oat- , ovexi -with lhat with an 13 -grace. - this market, A great ZMAy, tubs threatened. Jaie Xamily was elooted tiket. at, I)onter 001. crop, watt, this re lier gaptat pristol #Ad : one lit to got the b"t possible ro 'to op of peas . I . . . " . , . . � . 'Thivo of the employee, howovelF, bad oxellolt and. OttollgA and dealers ILL , opm, the house. and, compelled to � In tho beliPt- that the or labovers' oY.Ourston$ a. little eat . 0 . L.' � viari secretary of the NAtIOA. . I L . ) . . I many , . tio. Tb6 iruggestioxx to keep tit#/ ckt- �. reason ,to­sOx=..�.46.dIlrCreut opinion., 4" unable to, b4ndlo it at 4 . PrOAt : wttues4 Ite ,destruoticia. Its valuck,ble woultl be ruined by IM417 141130) �n tbo seaSon than usUal, WWO the � I 41 Temperance, %*"a*. It is 14- I L � :In the bera durtnt the summer- oil Lirangemelita, &ro-uot yet 001010ted, LILA00"ORZY, . . tire for oxio Morning the master iiia for 0 the ship . olce. lots of that tonteats. were looted. Mr. Uorboldt cliergYMOli Of All churches ut, Che� 4 * X101", I . ­ �, . 40,Yx. Salting thoun; there in'dArkonod -- thblit alid offered theta Ills business, P. A40 Is Zjal.:� 1?00rei'lotg. AVS OV Ibax . tcA44d to raise 4CJ;15QQ to carry OA.' , I . gkLa, lVin­ eudoirsp,t the Plea, of. 1# is expected that throe oxcurs . -.� . ,arrivott Ati-OrAiAll Relnet on Wed.neS- b . ,. L t1to spocial features Of, the, 'Work , IA L I . ' . L 0, large CQmPauy that the pig]. will 'be ruli from Ontario between Which Ito Was OURAK#d. L ,, . I �. iltAbles, And then, turning tbom On. retiring. The em- quoted from 3.150 down to 19C. Same' . . .er*L ,0, V � VNts 0"'be We= ow L 1. ­ I . sie� he Purposed day. - . Augu ,O. Also *140% 044 � . � ,pasture At night, Js,wortIq,ofAdOP-: r which came, lit ftring - st ath and Irth. The r4t 1xW*0ss1,V"1t-, . - - , A'return at llialligrg,tion for 3�ywa . I ployes regarded the, Ofict as a, gTim choice butte. Tile Boers under Conroy. attAck9d,,,WQrk,:OTL -SluidtiF­ '* Ling *111 be 610 fro% 411 Points In I . I . SO.! of new aggrwvow� tllo coal pskrt of Idat Month, And I the Town of :4 ` itat F Way, J 'Ziriperor' William, * halt blOSSOM04 -'"' shaw* th*t Ili that that Over 3,62 OW # . ' L * . . tiOA by those situs.W, to do joke, or o, spoiclos. _ ­ ., i V �ampbeil O,Wlth'418 tho single return A despatch from ottawal 0675' . . ' ' I . L CoWs should thrive under Such e,031- �tjon,. which -the, crusty one had de-, which wag sqAt. to told storage, a � *lid demanded its surrender. This �� out an A builder of electric tallwaysjOL WOW I . XAjor U.1%U46, Governor atilerarl, glions. atrivetl In 1.3rhoin ftolxx'th� . .. � . ­ .. � 11 . . 4itions. - This Iry question Is a most,' Va - , We 'eat IS At Secretary, . lia$� Issued tho, following . intention I . I wed. One of, the men, however, now being sold .s�nd, brings 1640 tO; wiss',r,jus,di, And After hkIf an ho's, tner of the S1008114 � iii Uanitobw Oovor= continent With rlo.dQcIfix4d " I Important aneO and tb,b lujury't)1060 IlAusterea up pluck enough to Say 1701 it in. In excellent etindit(on truce, for the removal at the wOM6U j Ha.19keArla In the 000tructl6n, Of A present - . recelving, repo memo In retereneq to the :RQYAI Of pro��Iding farther. Tile gre4v I . I e he e them. and finds. eager buyers. . CrOOMO.rY alid children -.to si, Place Of WtitV* '11ambuig-DOVIIA - 10,4t 11:40, ir6m, the. V rts ,from I I . I . . Pot* do to 'dairy tows In depreclat- ' . oluts. In %ller w1leatt grow lle torrINIVISM.- . . � I . , majority of these wero Jews train . I K rallk yield is no doubt very great. Could run, the business very Well. It prints are steady At- 200 to Sic "4 firing began. - The, Am Of the ]3oCra L 1$eabQArOd to, tile 011pitAL , . sit, ot IlU9014 anti- tile east of X:or . ope, and, . I � 14 , tory as to thp oxa4t number of men, 1, "Durling thWfOrtheoming VI . successfully �dlyied �, We, L I I . T-teaderro who Uave a banded over to them as V, free I Eggs-Offorlup ar67-urge axi4, 06 qjilcitly, Weakened.' but ,�nlplxxgj Ift " )tzontract for ,90 IQCOMO" that will bp needodO iind tha fo� Itheir Iloyal R191meggeS the Duke 'atilt their number amounts UPI *#-PI#lY , - . I . a tinned until sunset. cO "I The late- laweiya lie* ma%toa . short4. N�o r ­ . , .. frifim. year to Year. # . . . . � I . I the pirtiblem At reasonable Cost gift, the only condition being a PAY- oUds ara stlillig At 190 to 20c. ' . Tile, Boers rf--tivos for the Burmab rl ,,, . will bat 'Issued L vichoga of.corawall vmd yorit to ­ . Would confer a. favor on many stock- niegt of --teA­per� cent- on, worldog, nia,Wt, ig #A I I ..- . I I ei&dy. - 80ledtad, tired during the night. . Thb-Driti4b, . L :acenroa .. by British buildbrai. jaines llarttey. l,',101UP4410211 - Agent Calta.44; h%lf Worsolly took' 'Place .. . . . . . L � - , I I . In mourning Should t4 , - I � � �., 7 , . t cd at IIc. to j:l.fti and ' L 4 qualot , . �.L. :sm by contributing -their oxperleri6ii capizal,advauced. . - ; ered '.are qunt * Suffered no Can dera As regods price And: forIbA XAWtOba, 0avernmeat lli,`To�� -worA,l��-U410!3,.,;Ekqco,rlliogL to 4ueell . I whork. -, ,1101ti0s. Whose ten � early Ono motatag atRothlrel ., I 0 ,xiclolex did �not fully re- scarce and 0011k At 120- " Fresh galfjl�" Another cousin 0% R. D. ,SAURr , to Its columns., . The bent bria e were moo tayoftble ­ 7 . I I alize What, rth until seconds Are Slow at 00 to 90. � been captured L At time, of- dellver� ­ Anlerlearl bidders, routo, Is *ut in the ProvluedWraniK-� Alexandra?s ordem. that, Isk Zmuvej, artered fair. Which 000 I . I the gift Va@, W9 ,, Stormberg. H the, old 'oil , . ­ 1. I that 0 than those Of the Ing for'�zcurojoris. Ro Is -%t present jillme, 'grey, or W40k .and White' elsth contury, WAS pro* . . . I — . fi roAt9 came to , .-otatoes-Old Are Practically out oarrled doCloneritH Showing Ili& �L . . Addresses for Vrcj�htatlolx +.a. his troll, thor 0 . . . 1, � � I I In- - olloVed that there 10 no P09; operating around. Arnpirlor.- Packelk- . balliff to ille I,,ord of � I .hand. We X�borajd jigy that such bw- , of the rooket And. 'there to no � . I JDAMIt WISDOX. ' t plom- , I served under the Boer General DO 't 'a b 'OVeall Cora- hAm and �nallbogie, on the Catia,da, Itayal Ilighnem should be COMulonced ,Claimed by the' I I . . sibility of a gonerat ,Euz the Uanor, who was accompailled'v; . cllelar�mgnufacturers, Are AC, quir.v for them. -Quotatioria, Aro Wet. R. D� Sonar, b'rotber of the These are luzabering as follaws*-, ITO lain ItoyAl rIjAirruess sixspoarmen. Theol"torvilax-vead . . . vowt, waste feed on files. - ­ Moll. L . L. nominal at !Pl.11e per b* b1mitlan agAiust the, 'Uoited StAtes, Atlantic line. . up�::- , . . $ for car 40ts former Commissioner of VUblic Gormany-is telatiolls with the United districts. but If work to, 804roO thOxi OeOA50 r1tedOrtek Wileat k1bort, . I X*,*p tho'cows la.,olean, 4 ell A youtli, went I 0 56 out at worke, -Was recently convicted of be�- It men Might be zccured ,,arl of. in eight diVerent places.41AIshing . I into the employ -of a i art track liere and 30 , to 3 9 C I g too extensive to i U And York, Ir lilac con%-,: " I stablii - durlrrDr­:�Y, ,t114 then London tr4iltsm" . And eventually state. Now potAtoes are o4aree. log,s, r aper buy states bein - pervu for Malittoba, bulco of CornWa, C.G., at tuo spot whe" h0rfiti Re � 67. 1ho... t haotil- who, otborwiFio would not think of Inverness, And naron ItillorasY4 ..�, I . . . I � turn therIll, Out 174 tile PaStUr0 at I Im. her to as5umo` ,_� -4. , . 21 of the �oliqetn- � Canadian stock has 'not come for- ni�efs. Ingle", ell, , year . an attitude 'a ' , V, Merited. . - - saght. .. lease to N Teenager . � . . =4 'Ittlaped. to : Ity. , . . going out. Western Qntarlo aIW43�9 p. 0., 1C. V., GO 0. M G%# GO 'O' sta. At, t�bd annuil L presentation a' . L I X+, will =00 a little Moro Work The annual average profit of the word As freely. as WAS expe4ted, and prigonment. , I sexida a Iwo number .at farm lisLuda D., �LTA. 1). .� DO 0. L., etc., I , I businesK would be a matter of $10,,-' ts have done . O varillionable nflIllners throughout njection with V11190`4 * , it is reported that, froS 14 I :F, to the West i0en. they ax6 required a 111glocee.." prizoa In car, I 1, May�jt ploase your Xtoy� .1 L tut 00 Zpla will .mort than pa�t for Eft or no, not &,vory big thing, but' . tolUe croPi There . nriglaild are alarmed over the . pr . %do Churelt-Sellool. Jorrair, It was An, 4 some damage � . of them, - And With' the high vageLs thNt - If .4061red reference 4M 9113 M; the oxtro trouble. I I Still JM income not to .be d"p1w. are no . Oar . Iota offering and pots,- SIXTY SZTTLER$ ROXEL991". posed introduction in IMAIaMent ' ifferred the to, 11 ess tllfj IhlCb,RU UQUAtqd that Itebort and Albed :1 '; I . I ' )retty jecirtain.- to be 1 L or Royal '.11141111 " I JCeel� the stables Clean And AS soon i Tile tradesman in quextlon 4 a — a bill to forbid tilt) U86 for decorva are I ,- L � J4. :4 toes out of $tore are 0iling i4t 0.20 , xcur to from that district is ro- of tomwall and york in the body 13aliabridgei, brothersO ]led Completed . . . . I Details 4f1)VWtr0u0 3FOr_t 3pires in 06 tIve purposes of thd leathern at. the e 8 A � I I as there 19 4 IO'kd,Vf 1011lure take It family, so lie recogatiftod,the services 33aled -bird of- paradise, the gardod an likely to be a. very large of tile addrcm - seven yearn and four ye4r.a., realmdt�l . � . directly to the field. Here, Will, b* of his mariager'l)y leaving him the to $1.2!; Per buthel, � � T*A1464mlissuor Vwrloil� ,osprey, , the I . 1. . .. L Ively, without wasing. a oinglo tit- :. I I I mnother gain. .1 busluess,absoldtioly, with a, sum Of ITity-Tile Market Is quieto , bumming bird, the ItittiWAlco'. .the Quo,. -� �, I . . i . I 0 , , ,11 I I . ; . -1 I with Arnsill affeiriu*s, aria, va, Ilidiffer- I tondoncoo -And that ,another 1,10Y,o " I . I . You cannot mt,et'pr0*11t COMP01-1 ,& despatch, Iron'Toranto SAY,l-' kingtIPIxer', aud� tb(h� Im REOULAVIONS- itichoxti, SauddlIOn, I'Ad %ttOA44 � . 11 rustier sufficient. to- provide work- int demand. Quotation$ are steady DIS,intraus, -forest fires raged In the poyan. Pus,* -- ­ ­ I . ­ . . I $A I X . ITARY, ; . _ .1 I ,­­ 'L .. g . ..�C_ I I . ition if you stick to 0,11 %64 old ways. , - The coneera tco-daY 113 . . . . �­ ... - *W, .Without filMing, 'Oliw;ft .. , .11 ., . vo.� � . one neIghborhood o , LADGE$T OUTBR946- I' " * A b ­ ­ . Ing c4pital at S9.5a to $10.1�er ton for ear lots I IAGUbard, , Wrals- 144t* - . . % ., Xou will bo left behind the proces�- of the most pro*peroua and ex- on track here. r cambiguO District, 'during the early . I .. . I . . . I . ,OOO­O . . Wtrziatto" Sast" ter tbA V%#r4AxW t o "abEtuW Coll -Ma Of the restatOr" . � sion. Thorp ip in London, and the ctst- . -U&Jod Straw -.quiet and 9 lait week. Partl I I 4trwK, I -­ I I . am- I " , , .ust,bo bo leaks and Pending Acad I , - t caters were Ix & sorth-vastern Its,ilwxy C * z"rything ltiinst 114.mado to pay, it whit& marager has good reason to Cat lots on tracic-hero Are qUotA Part of da Depart- A despatch from Toronto SaYs'- pany,06 bag, containing betWeth .411, I . received by the crown Lan I L i . � � ,only a little. , revere" the memory -of oyl�lt . at. $4.15 to. 45 per ton. Mont an Thursday, which thoW AbOA WU 806TOMtI. MUNDI T"s Wientollorasotcoscoosultotty-s'A�"P")' . The Provincial 11041th '01110t, not' and 412, the maltOY, StOltu f0ciluthe . .1 Reep the Calves, IT, clean box stials, IM GMZROIJS FAWL . . J?AUM IMS, MAMMT. ' on -raged over eight . . . I .. I . A (1(i .g uMl6v bietr4otiona from the Pro- booking Offlita On tIl0 south I tf 1. . Rang seeking over tho windows. the conflagrati I . 3?0,tell from TOrOntO SOWS '" in P 4 arm . , it. bag been said: Iluappy is the - ruo, Dymond. It XAKE Dr. A. Ilodootta bus, roturnod vincial,S"rotary, hap issued Ill Pwult at tho BuL'blit railway station, . I I � This will slightly darken the'$tAble July 16. -The street mar- tow"glillis' 'Hudson' 1�e com- AN AuTtorm, TITAT NX adoptrd About six months ago,' ,was rogentlY . And J�ho files will n -5t torment the, man who has no relations, for bo Toronto, -day Was yery quiet, with Rettig, and Coznoy wero i � JgAO ,VnnL 111LOITD. 'from 14ve3tigatil'91110 Ould,IIPQX vut� oblet form 'the regulo6tiolls I I I rhall have, peaco.11 At any rate, it kat bere to Rallie blIrged over, and the r0ttler&', 'the 11OWCdstla- . I plet%; break at tkotiand, In iy tbd Proviriqlal lloard of Health. found. accor(111)5 to . aivew. %� I receipts and littie or ub do- $Orno C J0 ­ In liumbe ,r, ,or . . A I � not infrequently ,Occurs that rdla- 014411 'a -all they — exic,ted in tba to*n- under the authority of the act Pas- 1)u,ily Uadei, by One of tho pOrters . ty. li�luo disease g, vanitary while clearing rubbl,jt away behind PC* regularly ;Kud keep th�m eloarr Lip to our legiti- mand, The attendance of buyers pos!jess,, crops, buildings, and Out' 0&ures of the Suoce4s of Ocotcht ships of Zurford. Oakland no ld- sed h0ti session, rMectill � tives fall to CO 0 �, And tile business WK$ � . .4 M Idge ,� xx�Vthey WIII,grOW` tmd thrIVO every vays, and was very light ats, 3rost oftbc,.ci Were poor men, ,etts, vlafted 3,1 regaitttlong vritot- a, door at tIzo tlitra=4 Of thc� bl' ti I mate exiiect-ation. 111 -many � , - In unorganized tt I . minute. I XyA show their cell -10 voly to' hay and to 33021 as Business men 014 X4" , hazO 3)#. .1rode 'to had beeg al- Ica. The owner, manager. agent or to obtalit aece3q.-to the north plat- I . � I do not atv; of conflued almoSt eUtIl of red who bad L'Ono . ChILIftieS, I houses, dud found tile , It appears ­.- ­ I -- Tho.cow that Is due to calve should deilifer. groln. one hundred bushels make homcn. for themselves; -and . less than % fore -an of any lumbering or mining form at tbo station. favors in tile spirit Ono could togethiir nineo April no Ill, ursoltiog to kept In out of tile hot sun, Feed A iiorth of I�ftglftnd tradeartion, r(, Wheat sold uneballsed at 070, and therefore they aro, t1tstitute. ThO It Is a cartoon last that, rOmPareti ca,--cs of rimallpoi or v4tiolbld e=P, 'Jawin . vtorks or that this, door Is only used Ouct it . I I her Wheat bran -And do not tlt0i" tired, a few Years - ago, and handed 300 bushels of Oats tic lower tit 360. .Oovernment Will Undertake MO-aslitc-3 with tho average nnglinliman, Irish- (WhIC4 In smallpox modiflod by Vav* other Industry or of any rallway year to elot:a tho bridge to PtOtC4t I her. to A nephew, Ilo,y wag firmer, 10, loads selling $1 of aid; but private assistance Will be Man, or Wolfahmau,'tho Scotsnum in Cluatitiv. 09 thi.t-Ternatialar, rio lier. tonntruction CAMP, locmtOd in all Uri- the righta of the company. and t1to - his busino� over. would 4118her at Z1.1 to 03 per ton. NO Ile heavy b4tsin m- is head and shoulder.q abOV0 in the. t,afoteti houses, organized diatrict, to, made rcstioust, thlel must haver dropptd tb(3 beks � ,1' . Every milker should wear a tlean, whom he rintur0ty, supposed extremel,v welcome. T I duck suit or overa Maintain now hay or straw was otlered. Other fail, of July a eiatidd. th rons, who,"Wore .ble for carrying out the rdgula,tiona. c Its. Never Alto* continue to carry it on and o conflagTr the rest. The irlumber of baoWUPt, ,OU%inInC tho money botAeoU 0101 I tzom nominally steady. d WaT 'cic-s, for instaneo,. 116tod from time saccotsfully vaccinated-, r 0 � . persons to Milk In 40thes loaded th6 continuity of tho family In tbli3 produco � ti6n. Tile village. of Liskear tb�q jorrafficut ti.trilzing. contradt, the V OvIal n Is made for PrOVOr vent"' door and tho station-montft'a gard, I I ,. Two years of tile lation for-dweillug houses, occupied on weal. 3kaAwillio, the baq had ,with persfp ration And f4th. particular lint lwbegt, Whiter ......... ­..$ .67 * 00 for'a. t Aer Ounly threatened. For- to time In 1110 1600011. Gautte Jii6pcitor remaviLn', to tile 61 tuivae,, . -tisty do red ......... . . 67 . 00 -. sb6= it Very 10%7 perftfltagO Of fall- ernonb\, who, bad suffered by the eraployccs; d for thQ Orcc� up with dmd leAV011- Wosh, the bands and fact, and with business, however, seemed to go " tuuft6ly no liVc,3 ;7ero lost. accord all coVercd r r:uit the, work will be the young man, and tin opportunity ... 01f. ad the Town, tires, rolatiVely 003111119, 14 ScOt- Dr. Irodgettg tiour of 0, hoopitol building, or, in bccu *,clean milkinp do go,rso ... ­ ... :-. .00 Ing to all accounts, a' -q IC11,011m,"'Ithre dicm�e -equiOpcd paper and dirt. I a pleasure find the re-sitItA profit- to sell it to a Ayltdicats vau taken do spring ...... ......... .67 , 00 ships of Arxilc�tronff and 11111farde land, or of NeotnMen In bUGInel Comments 'on the aj)iiculty of proper- licu thereof- a properly -----+— their success is ly diagnosinr *bit. , ativanitago ar,ley ......... ... ..... .... . .43 .44* wbieb. wero' zettled thin Demmer, anYWhore &O. Ilut ' , ninalMox, , which in douhlo-wal)od toot, with all facilities f . not such a, great mystery attor all. .atlou,­Must, be � ,Now bring on file fresh 3011109 the purchitse price. cL-tod, and did lly'�*­ ..... "'I" " ­ ....... '50 00 Werer prActledily unharmed. , care, an in manv\others, was for heating and venti, . . POLICE GUAM � .1 crops all ready for the town. () The nuclei was,disple � Oats ......... ...... ...... ...... .80 :0(I . � . � .0 L '. Tile solution of the problem in. to bo tills C O a ell k In tho on hand, in cano of 110ccz,ity- I — � r1rit hos"te - to eirprtsS I " I'll t . t to tilt 11 1. . I - I -1,- his . Leinti- 11dy, old, per ton ......... %1-100' 13-00 ObHS FoIt VANAPA. found In tile Soot's hardy' natural VCuplgphols d t b Seealteede,"V0116N. Talrd.o-191 TZ pamphlet In Wiwi Cori . or 11air- r, I " 0103Z cllara,ctori'tiev, in his Indstatiga.1410 arbOod. 0 -- 1. dtotriep $Poo pr6tastion for th 4,GOOD OLD AUAGE. ments with rtgord to the matur- 0.00 I 8 the people wor . O'driProtected �x vac- luxill owners -in unorganized .-fall - � 1. do not(t ...... ............ ;- 8.50 � clittless . CallAtull . I , Dot tile young man WWI; suffering Straw, per ton ...... ...... 9-0a 0.00 rosolutlOri to OV(VIC01110 (11111 and tithtrt; %vho cams under tits reg, Apparent 14 F. I I 'Pt is from 0, sengo of all.iMpoitanco and .14 .Ig ]ikltlzU(;O*or%ntezLtm4e6thoDarhit%3tiiii. his quietly find slowly forging tillcl,flon, the result of Whichi, tho Ulatioxis. L- . A Aiiteh Ill time szyeg rifte, and Ito coolly told uatter, pound rolls ..... * A5 1% rriliocat of M*O cannom allmd, and gaining ground Where doctor uayas In an obje4t legg&t to I- I + - , A dc�;patch froM OW40m 'ilaVs-­ . � anold adap that Might be Applied "If-*ufficiencyl sl- do crocks ...... .... OO..... .11 I I othqr municipalittoo. I ., Srtclal Intercst'la being; taken 14 tho I � 1. � ,to more jbings than Womarx's Use of Id. nwle t tit 116 knew his own bu ,V,.gp ......... ......... .... J.... 12 .15 A dospatch from Ottawa, D*0'- others have toiled. and,* ftmIlYt At Dr. Hodgetfa IS Of OP1111100 that , MORT MEN I(ILLED. arrangemonta for tho protection. at I I ^ rk,*L�dle. A. nail in time Save# just ot require any OAVICO Cuickens. old, per pl�--. lo -75 Canada in to haVe 0. COUP10 Of intOr- may bo found In, his painstaking, in . I ty whilo they ato in . ,'.0' � I 4 IN economical &x or guidance frt)m him. Nay, MIDPO .40 1.00 esting memento0_1 of tll(, careful, .plodding Ways, �lnllcr--j prompt and aMclout meattlVes ',,,. ,%— I tile Royal par, as much labor, aim lie ,Ocut,* this gelae'rO115 do spring. per Pair ... � , Chincza dustriow, - aro taken ast Municipalities. In. TO* =g0rucuta ./ - thl", that" 1)uel-�a, per pair ...... ...... 1.09 1.23 Wor, JIM t4neellenoy the Golperuor� ra,va PcarsoWfl WeeM.Y. 0*x*rnstI#%W*"*AU6Th*6*S 19t1#90 Canada. and that tbO art volL irm I �ota lie O'Ked C6 mar.h. Is doua 00,006 aria securing I I for'N'do yrouction Will b&,varVt CC;A* .1 � � . A great fault with some farmt undo to WI . Turtega, Per lb ............ -2 .10- Golloraz has retelved tile fbllOting Tho t4cotsman in. buslncsi� Is ov'VerY VOWAg Zpelnatlon the approadi, Of � 1, vaderx4pair. I d I , 4 gratitude Is 4a. Sense Of faVOVP to I .. he I utenant-gencrat as life and gdattal Old Asparagos,,VL It nic!zagei from tile I autumn '11RIl reo da outbreak `%A 74- * ' carelessuess about repairs,. ' TheY %r doz ...... - .00 verioun Vernon- '110 regar, A deppatch from 01001alid, p'I'Vti, ,f6;tn1 that tbo cn.erot VOW4 . gloct to mend 0 CO � come, then ifikkatitud4 Must surely , in busInc-if3 as ve;y responniblo WattOrs. thz buamot�tcd for e feaces Until CO L, 1, doz ...... ...... -0 .00 commandin tile B tioll ctultIZ151234 .---!we rding to InformatfOrt SIV, 7�7-,fl bt) consid,,iyabla ause of the, d !Zttex, bas1ket. 215 I e and be f: -Om moro alarming Dud more dioastroun says Uraday afternoon at - be a, lack (if sense of favors already' '- ,3 not to be ICd aWaY Ir the tho timoc tbo Doha is in ednadao and pelted to do go bee . "V.'---'� 1: , 00 China Vold for - some ycaro. Tho bu Out OlIM" Flo' I . � 10 :7S ..Sir, I have the honor to Intortri Uis Object by play. Tile scotauldwd tbalt any t,utx for! . . I age done by s*MePqdat0f`Y 0w- b(le,tow0d. - 4- % I IrCe[bb,lot'l, now, doz..... "01 Ot hoadquartora q1 the Niettle Plate toad .that only plcl;ed welt will ba 4angaged. - , . * ThA gardetl Pallrig4l'rewaiu broken 11 ZOO- .0, ci-Irrots. doz ...... ... ..... 20 .09 you that thor principal ordnance oia- laotto is t1lat tilerie is no rentitudit followlLg table photring tlio cc ,n, eight mod,,Woro, hille-d as the All trains Piriviba Ill *WOO %V1100 .. Id - ,,, . ,- � " t1le various patients in tilo istotland bet , � . I Until the stray I&WIs be" Afts, e GRAMS- 01", GOLD, �tauliflowcr, do.z... ...... 1-00 ' I -W' cer of tIla hina, field forge has, un, or s,vnipath:7, In bui2lne$a, VVII006V I is of firterest :- . result of tile col pr,� of a bridao at tbo royal Visitors. dro, stcwbag will 1 14 1 � *Ice it r,j,ay be sound, It Iq a, great outbreal - Pa, red for CWPI . bwlroc with t116 vegetables; And 01% The virtue lies irt the StrUgMeO, Rot encutabern, per doz.... 1.00 I -'P, 5 der instructions from Inc, despatch- . ar, 9 eatva ; !I to io springilold, ."Vulle a Conotruo be CW0I,7 Watcli , cloue ......­­ , I.. . . buildings, loom boards And shingles . do sm-JI. doz .... ........ .25 .35 ed tbo.ttvo gunn r nder a a ye tion, train was ehavactero, and It ans I ,hown in tile o;tt!xtb, ojoltr�c-nt put forvard by tho-�e Who 1V n , P,4psivg over tile "a foultd. It , . � - � In L116 Priu.-Ullnes .".5 oil statiftm�llt for presentation to tI20 savor iltattstlt!7 that tho tueects of 40 ear,,g , 10 to 200 11, cage, - 20 to Tito brIdgd-viar; bein(I re�O . Are left until their very neeessity de, .16 i tile Sto w. n to d, *;:Z. , 40 structure., is said they V.111 bo =estcd =d dor� . Tionest error Is t� be �Itlzd, not Lettuce, doz ...... ..... I ... W to Ills good, oo, 13 cares :,80 to'40i la ca" I WAndit Attention, r small Adiculed.-Chesttrileld ionion,q, gmen, doz..... A0 -.15 ­(4ana,4W-h GoVC-rammt- -ThO gaW to -1 cacpa , 50. to CO. 0 C=03 . pa. on tho 1064motivo and I , , ,r,red.,, Wh tabled notil it to ttc-,�med 13afo to, 60? . I . ­.. I . whether the farm be largo o mirm Wtodoin i,j to �bjv­mflid what Parsley, diz ..... o ..... ­- .1110, 401 17m oldpl)ed at Tallu 04 tl'40 Otb` brainn, which CV3 clearly made of to. W. -I! C ; out 40VA a gang .,of Italian thom, irce aadill. 1. . I , '. thl .2- . .. .11. for- making 60 to '10, a eama. laborers working beneath thq bridge I � on anil that do , , .*J0 throug1l. to. ottaVa, via Shanghai. good bUSUIM0 W It --At l(�=t-1=01[f,vt tho . 1) a matter of repairs or.nlqn�rel or 116-Ith Is W the body.-4totllofou- Peas. green. ppek.� ....... 0 30 Mav, and lio.10 tOen CO=181�0ll 00 0911t,80,tt of staff stiffil- ,.: ­ r -----4"*-"- , ssarks the owne potatoes, per br.g........ .1.10 , -��� - ,vibro claw -4, i. ­ . to cauld. . a of Cot -I ed tr�trdlft Is an Intellect millelt in Italians Were instantly billed, 4nd a NOWREAV rulprosperous, -for in farming, lit. �Ctlerlty Is neve ftd, do now. per bbl ......... 0.25 3.050 and Vancouver to tho tiddres . r than RAILWAY TELEPHONES!— 1.'�)?. . � S POPULATION. well as other work, attention. to. do do per'bushol ........ 1.25 1.10 Pinandt, ilk ellargo of Militia dc, perbaps koer-cr dud charM , -fj1=Via­t& Others. badly 111JUrOt ", . � .-ShAesPeAft, In , 05lishman, a .� 'A. Mobire, at COUrtcOut, Ohio- 00, ' es -it 0.060 ove, , than by the negligent ' . xenc, � 'Pirectot � , I t.4 me,tters Lelp,� mu"flas. dthl�49, 4102 ... . . ........ .15 W -, Ve tbat of vio ordiumv r � . . To rejoice lit the prosperity of on- T401. ' ....... .25 .00 The . gang aro. of brassa. D11100t1l or Trishtliftn'S. TelegraphI13- COMMU11149MOrk 13P �cqnitictar. Val loilao instantly killad. , 'y Moto" I I . — other is to Pattakli Of It -W, Aus' Ithubarb. per dot.. tWe6a 5tS,t1oJl% to be 6,Ven 'Up I Ust YeAVI. . .1 . � . TolnsLtoe3, per biuskoot. X0 -�* b6re. being four cv7t- cueb, tho it 1!1 coucaded by most peoplo that , .The names of tba dead laborers havo � " ", , , Tnz� 8W1Kz11P'141D. � tIfx.,,,/ - Ptr doz ... O- '20 .0 �tpljbro Wng g,,95. Tiley - are about, tho son$ of ,ea?e(Jouln. would tiuceccd . Iftat yot 110011 loarned.. I I x de.swel" from ?Jontztal El-Ays -,- I An tilittinate, 11141111 does not hold Water"085 patch from Scranton, Va., ;Tho o more pig fattening , . nielicip Dressed ITogs ...... - .. 0-25 9 OT 5 I AV8 feet lang, repleto With Chinoto in bu1jin&, tnug&, alkv �Oonjlitiolt for A des ' 'golit"al 1)1r(3Ct'0r:7' %Vh'eh WaS I 'A I We should d opinions-�they hold him. - , p1lic, communication , , ----4— � JuvillS warm wAsLthtr when thO stfil- 13atler. I Lvc4oli, f-kindquarters ........ 8.00 8.75 inscriptions, and bvVei the old-fath* I tT,to rcsnsons Wo havo, 1.3ivea. We naya, - Telogra' 0 . 99 WILL NAURY MAIK. Jr,sucil'tm WcdantduV, O=Ialat,'3 thG,, I I re, During the do foycrqnotrtcrx� .. .... 4-50 6-50 iolltA brat5 rings nr 1100115 ca!5t at'04t sball r,eit bVe lrt,j tb.a ethges of thaig. bot'roon statfoila ciCtb D�31avlatlol � � (it mainucal Vnd oxit, � . MAI*. Are � onvagtu I t 1116 25 _I a Itallrdad Will — .1 I WAM woethet to IeR* food, is rie dararcti,584M,- choice'. in.to T. the 9WA, nueorn,s. lier P17 Into tha P!Wel'0109- Lackawanna & V�e ter 3 "op's"'0116'et Thr�p,iileeds of our punishmell starts, at ,0. xaat srcar,a Z�. - citifredl to furnish best to th't body. pown at the same time we commit do ,common ... ... ­ ... 5.50 0-00 teal tcaringli %L Me nublr�ct; we cim- within V, few M0111:14 be a thing Of torit IterseberY Aid to be k6trothtd to timatie was 940.000. In tto 0141 . I and the grew kv" tht bowel tho, sin.-Ileslod. lb .06 .407 -----I-- ply tai.is� ,e � its NOUCCtIOU t%6 Oaths" at AW"I. promir t1to'compilarni Of t"- dircctor'l , a in Oqa#lng mn�h, suffer1r* much and L�.Hlbl, VL'Orlbigt Per T119 DU1tV9 CHARGERS- I .1cOt!jW.04 as they two and the pmt. ro far ill ued� Telc- . o spring. por 1b ...... .11 , Inj as we find tjl�.m. NVO 91IS17 r0f0r to With thd railroad- it) COLC'el n 0 9 G I I 9004 t6ft 00 that tits c"ftntr*Itss situdying, much are-thift tht" P1110,15 d A do�-pateh from Alan0lie*0 Days- ontlmixtO that there, ,4ro- 2W.04% . I . WfUtten. rcpi:�Zift ... ...... 0.00 7:00 i t1lo nildenjabli, tv-et that %vilemver phollea, equipped.With V1100(irfaP11,1, _Tho Dall,V-1)0PMell claims tO 114VO Which Icalcu 4 IiOpulatlO 2 4 -0 a i*1, . W axe thoroughly digested or learning-.-Digraell. teord of OV07 good autuolity for stating that tile on tbo otttolzlitD. Itho dirce-torg .. - 11 skl*t-=Ilk tO VISO) It, Wry out bf *Hch WO Veit, calve,q, light, M. .05 .06 V#pa"*#at be ttintle dtasd 1100% 10 tboy May ,t,t setind in af,,17 carner of st; that an exact I ­ I wban feledits, * it,filineetialt with, Life is 'a quo iscl and, complete do ehr lee. p4v Tb ....... . .67* .08i VrOlite, TWOV& - tW5 1.116bol or whatover they may be word epol.cu, Can ber ebtawd, Aro bo- I)aUbC-Z of Albany. %7IdOW 01 QOCOtl contabusi P315510 lla=C' and CaU=r, I I .� should be xiTft fire to "old and ell o GRAIN MAMMA, A devatr* from Ottawa UtlyX. dr pre- Ing rhpidly ifiptitutCd for the We- letoric&'s fourth con, Is about to W atcl ah blind . � so*A statCh food. On* Pound cOrn- 1110FAI, - in 111LI, as trttdostneft. clerlm. � � tile, reildent,q OT tbo 6 .t 4 - / . I a tharaettr.-Gbetho- 23uffalo, july 16--ribuir quiet and rrho Depoxtrileat of ?ffilitia, has rccdiv, focnional tat".. Seartomm ara Identi. rapit kego. Tills L'uperin"nut has -01 t. 4 16"t to Ilorse potuilt at skismilk otritat is tr�45 pbilauthrop!r that Ntrotbod to Lord I90nCbCrY- ThO rad, ntrc,eto uont�rcal. Tbe dirca i " $0 4 IKO04 44mbf 414 . mat strong but dull. jr-d from his, Jol,xcelloncy the Governor-, field witIA thrift, rhrewdnfts, alld tc,c-n tried (in the Morris anil - 14'5CIZ Paper sayo that tlw 'Du�hr�m will ac- vhoz* that tile eltv Is in a ROU1,4 � I � ,�!on. bur " not Its Cold In orstorltr0lous gA4 Is 041d I . are t& valuabl, old, 741.e. do toil. 06neral, A. request for the hOvcqs .cr,o �:nj, aW �alwr.!�s an OYO On t110 diVitloff Of litic ftlilvbad, 19 I , rity, bilt build* "817 "( arg. , r 11D9 ng 'Couditiall. for tile c9itc, Whewt rnfddlin-1111 ,b,,' it -1 "itat In 246-3, �!1111;1111�`rftw In t,y Ger,L,ral Wo.vager Tllor= Z" eompialav the Warr oft lit!; fortheom- ,tora � ,Ole earinadfo, !Vs. I northern old. which tire to be used as WOUAta fOv Maio 010.110, t1109 PavOlY 90 Wr ina visit.to, Scotland, and that the r,g namc-n. v;evo ab'Zo to- dlcOover OnIV I I � food for swiae. wiwa led alone. Its- tl* ht(inao holtrt.-MrIty. g C, ,� I., 7()Je. Winf,*r Wh#st ft";J, , 'VH latlt to LOM Proven Moto sat" -fa'-- - - I � . � p*dally valuable art tboy for breed- Do little thisp now. W ahall bf I _ _,7. the jDalm -of voi-Awall and WrL. his A bad or Judigorcrit .OrkvJari� V llo Orinal announceramt. of th* Wrath a,123 Unoccupied ntorcn, and reat I - tilan ovon Its mo�lt onarif r15 his UaRgWil dtocc.a. T140 0 Iut-t a thOOCand 'egg . Ing stock, both during gro*th asid ruft to the* by *r,,d by itok- Eo. 2 red. Jac asked, Not I *hitt party ond xta�,J. Tile requisition ataorg thclr nututOr h6 at Will to to ader durli thlr4tv (Oc, I anticipated, AU t A maturity- The barris, and mwis %s to be do",-1wxlan, proverb. Would bring 70- Corn higherD go. Win for eiglit thatough"17 traWed, enon. Thc,g aro till flood workmen, cupportora stay at Ifolyfood, or W=0410tOW than tj�,,,,y Jo%L4 wittaout 00M,Auts- bqd1ding, tondoetift of the jW4dilatir A proud nitan le "Idonk ft grateful 21ellov. 5w; No -i 3 do, 511e; NO, elisrSdis for thO U-0 of 11. M 11, Pnd Talm t!zo ijadunftial tvafts and YOU btanbho'l Of 010 VelQWsrO, Larka- - � last ycar. 11 I do& op Strorig, rob"t, hO0- *wA,. for he sovw thinkt, I* go-ts sts 2 corn, 61c; No- 3 do, Sole, through party on f1wWw5s -0-nd four Othtl!, will fend tIrlat a Secitswilft io. in 1% waniict, cz WC15torift 050tati are boing after --+z­�-, . . I ift; No. a whit CIO, for Irsor-P (1006 of Tenpon!* ctluippcd with the pbo;iegrapWr tP10* . -��+---- I -meal muck,sa be ddeerves. a, W. Awbow. billed. 4)ats ifift e. rhargtrg. Which are to he bla fri W tatl, r4riths, 11orm ralsonva IMCAM , I A ration of tWr)-thirft torn tmed books 111c. NO- 2 Imixtd, $KC4 ,�-.. Buloy. the use of ther istail, lzahing Vilot r,t oar big firins. pl-,Ono. and tHtll WAVAL ROODUVRES. � I *ad **i -third sasildliard, Is A* Ai%set. trOhip, ripao". wky ]port ff"Z",'�* 1, - ­�9. t HtY , oftered at We to, $4e. Aye dull ,g twelVe ebar+gera Which 016 N- in tt�6`15111g!,O?,�:rqfta Wo act tile nceardina to ?Jr. clarholo C--Zmata I )"t *�* for fattonift boss- Ast- a" pe)d4m.rotornod Is that It 1* tas- KPOI, on tr*tk and in Vgirtment will 1�0,vo to provido. 84 results-tJJ6 neot6nicu come kho 3tain llwr (tO=',;J0t1 vorh to BUr. ft6y vtote ov"d" MeWulrO& "A oub .--- I food, Ift, to rotovil tb* books thv"Ilreg No. I 65C asked I R� L . wrale shimid not be k0t 0* tdl . ftrAt. 1410 Will -00 Gr0t�+AtOdbbY th(11 90�9 . In Ito" . 96) *6916111 Of the5 Havy 'to bo tn' ,i 1, ~ than Whs,V4 41"tdis, of them -Gilles StOrt, ' I 4 ­�`­` , 11 . gqge& I I far aore thas, thr" MOMM, " , . I V,&T1T,r, WAIRIKICT, AT9. Even In tho vrofd:"nionn tl,o roti.;O - '-�1iO1UG1ITJ1 - "A. dc�;Patch froya namiltoo. ner- . thw tIx" Cd fall -AAVACItY *"Klaa. MA1400. - - . To. -Onto'. July 16--Tradd Wom � All AGLAX'S 4UMD9 tion J9 Ilot cilet,aged. In Unddin QUICIrG �%% ii� I . a, rayo."Iftreq Zacr prk MC-ta of , A -&-_pateil ftom Lotdoll CAY01- - . A0WWUA%kft *601*14 4" Iies OeWt Of ----,* riglism the 'tiest lcadc,r�*Witcrs t4l,,V4 �d on Ttle�;dap nicht froM ; iz* ,&dmiralty jc"�u�,d� irtntrnetion" I - lly,oly at fhe Wdstem Cattle Wrkitt 116"I" it aris scj)fa�� A little boy heariza catitti 0110 rc� t!;Vapt 'Id on %Vb$rU on ,We(� L for %G�) VC, 4�, ,�s �dZV .1 Waht . jAhe is vs;torlally 1*8rou", A FAXILY X11POSUM, to *"6 x(ft" %I 10*016610a otsitt" = dow,riptt'vo viritors , tile the soul . �Sej% . 1. . I toOdiuy okn4 1611 thf g6m fttt � , Milt Milt notzklun Wd confiVcT ' ThOS7 WOVO at tho nz/v to crafto in monecavicit I � P*g *W* b0tUW,Wt **rWW, SAW" I *Is-'*1#JPo6kA1* Inen; in ul&flanleat aud (101�culftti C13 n, .3 qazck�r'ttcm island in . "I Wr K ow you ~bC In the Mold in r, hurty. Tkwo Wall Aft *0*1 L U110%V J,Ott4er t11011 t11017 lzqd b"PU iii1fonq. brginwa(-� July !2(,�. Lfuriag Me'#& sw-'sippoiew roasons ,it 14 1*00ruUt " ,h foom Dibuqu,n. 10y4ft, e"011'efring fto btat Of tbo men slid tilonght raid, ho "IV , t)va U* poster* $%Amid re"% gue� halalroxArs. Mr. ftbibs," � lent &Mt1t4 fnr *11 pliedft to TK0*#A A dLe6p,ttt t1lat; V"Ilistlille W'Atl Wlic�xr ttxllb %:Ccaptur' �k nmaia tL= xuatAom,� f;xeq fltn two Main Z�Ma Of I . .- unknowil tZIT'910,t WCA flvtf� fif tl,hc r6isultonts� hail from tho . I %abor . Oita ralfIll , -Ito; tiviae Car, fnimt-poretl hxvk-� Cattle, and ptifto tot 000 d4w , AoNA�-An co at L411,� f1,1ttt1, whilst ij-4 luc,,11ciga txfid sttr� tbourlilt. . "I , :� I I I ree4ed. i -ho beet of riat% WrWrY , " p Ill, tia rdid� ,L,Lu any 01AJITaTt, r5f Europe. In tho tj'o Participating VVI­I�els, ir,ilk C-011. � *rg,owt 0*0 uay k"p r,,ipf,# Ablied to Mka , dav . I � Vio SLad tvint 'TAOCko airor tor eam*%air aad for tirn&- "t firm, 7be oftw1hait WOO* M&T.V taken by rdtvibliti'70 �usll 11 of Iridiubtst-gh rrdI5 15 ,cmv; a zamand crtt;io la4,11sh I . ow mpo tk,lAg the rolk,4 ftt ieV4Wytblsg WS* sold mthor rioatly t6fl, Sig., on Mmday vie'lit- Ile = fte lap and AL w,> Liouthcra 'L , Iq ,3 tmd tov tuo co t" Wt skosw Mont ; the , Cream- ew,* avo tottre 111(n than tl,O "'In uhaol tta Otte? vlaq I W ., I . #0441,011.6w 'to 'a ""'. t10 't V6 ItCL-, man'a 4-�Trt,%,Cd tmv,,�- Marmot . tb*a tl" VW swiw in la &ro"d lit I .d bC.1000L I tlaof;81,�t, nnd Co —­­� L I ft f4vt t - ,& V- =Mdlw� Ut a* Z �" lit t'him d3y, moiii in WAr.4 If*". 1*rti�- was forcing 00 catraraw ft%, l"An ot I"R.Rjalld Or of ricland. c� - at* k* 00 *A *Miok froo, '.. VPl ery 01ke W1 V, trctv door O � .1 OP . .L rjwx *Atvr*t coo& -Yard tul0kril J9dbd lWt4th4"', t;b# IN XCR t -- a AWA 04 as tkfto b*A* %XPT t. ptamp,. In tlto mawr ot op- We (Or It, . , -& tol, 4pwfo onk 14 Gemw " *,(!baploy Iq orlir C1 th"" . .­%OOO , rtor* Veto setl Oulking and c . ­.� ,I ") of S-Avat ol , . , . , siiir V6 am. -Z W#A allort Fx" , le he lwk carv-0111C T ,Ali � 1. �. , , I . ill oltatfv&�WIK*Kerl. tmd in th0 br, , ell ' ' '10'�'U to tho Vl�p,. seljnt�L, ,W110 ha% -o rg101,0 njoe(,y th0ift . I , bmViust 0400 Arcilmd 0. rroa* vrU 12tSlMo, fwftb,Luw ta thA W"ld Aft4 AtL'Adf A*d "A to" rntrn-141,0,6t tlif itren of FrPlIetnel 4)nt 4OZ ffiCl 7'7f 1'41911ton ao,�.i 01 th- 'W(f-V 100 a(lOat bL ,bl% frwt t,,-,*�­ JC­S�6'. I've$. I I stis flip Porket. 10 rMO i'llo,tatItIr of fte Ixtellice , ft to oearc�-. iiwi firm, no"O to Ail And '"t it. wulglt W J,'I�atcd M0640112 047 N nWHIDIIS adom, und 4040, out o.f ovav too T)r- , ftV1W iegog it is b40 ON iAt W -Y, WW ffydror.r- lvt Aim- *0 -1 00 C;I KIP , 'I rLck, 6ther.'* r, VA"asel. IW'i tr*ll* it , ei0own"diisil4w 11,440 Mott , 9' 0111d YNAlkh *0*"* kolett and the Inox's"c', body *J4 tt .�.� the'), - - I** fli mt . In jtistiCp 00. . %nd I I O=w is , -in tter Morning. said , 'in - -tht,Wturb. I rzaval , �L I butchft to ill'i ottler coun ander rptrwat !) *^* to do" br WUVS thast W 0* I 1101ka' 4" 14,W h"A' dgg*� 1 stoo4y hot statkM "A Y& I uftd 1, . ..h I .. � ­­­.". I 1 4 1 I" W "I * " t 1410, tilrA. , &A 1� I I 11, 1, 1�'L I : 1. I i aj I ; :I$ 0 1 rig -W I 1"'�."'� 0c VI r, I 11 � . I Septiombe I I � ; i 1, : , , : 4`4 r I st�rll I 1-'1r11W.`�'.02,rU` I I , I * I � I - - , - I 1� 11 I I *1 . I.- I I , I I , , I , 11 , 11 . I , i, W 11:1 I - I I . . . .1 I � I ­ % , � 1� L I . I � � . I I . � �, ; . . . I I o. ..., . I ., I .1 �, � ., I . , � I I � I I . k , I L I I '.. I 1, ,� . � 9 , . . . ,��' I , L I . t I . . I . , I I . . I . .1. I � , I 11 . ., I I . ; I I 1A , I . ;J . L I I fi" I if ) 'ja i'l , . I - I I I I I I i �� i-- . -.1. ill A � 11 . L I ' EnEff6k. L ...z &.Ly,-;A;�d4d'&1`d"4- � O- - , � -I ­iO�__J­ ---A*.&­�k.� --- ---A - --&­ - .-- ��������������������������������������������������