HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-07-19, Page 5I " , - I , , _� � I , , � .� �, l' �, I .r !", .­­�� " .r , , , , ; , . �-, , � , 4�, "', . . . . . . . . ... IA_ +; 7,'�71.O,, - � ; I " , � , N . . . '' , �. � J. 1, _ A7,,., :,,. I . ;, , , , X I . , " , , . , - . 4.": , 'r,�Aa.fvl - �, '100 .-1 I I.' I 1 14.g .. - 17 W "I I ; , 1 _�.&.��6.__­ �".� '. �_ -11 k , . * " - I . I I ", I . . �� : '. " .. �� . � I t " , I -11 11 , - - % 4 � .. . ., i , * 4.1�1:t,�, - - -i; " *IIV4.1'x � , ,."" . , / �� � � it' , , 4.4", . ... � I ... . � "t. , 14 , , ,- A '-� * �41 , � � p I � 1, 1, ,�� � 11� , I . Ir. , . ­­ - �� t - 'A ' -_ - ------- ...I�k . I 011 p—, ,, —.- —I _ -_ -,-- — -_ I � I I ..;.� 1 .14 � "I I ;;;;;;;;;;;; 1-111-1 --- 111111 I ­­'. _ � W , I — - �, — " -- — _ — N V"Wiw ,,�, "I'll, , � ZK �,;.-;.-I;= � 11.1 —,. - 1'_____11 I . 7 `� jj,jr=, � ,u, 'I., 7t; �-, - , V" � -7-7 $1 11 _; , " � �.:j , � . , .: ,1'�c 1?�,� . - I .,X_---, '. � I " 'I"" * 4 " -1, 0 - . �,4 1 : I - .. I .1 � , - ,-- . � , ,,,� I I � 111q�_t_ _­�a,_.77 -7; - � k � ...**­ . .� ;, '" , , , � .11 i I . , I . '7 .1 _$ - I �il�lv. � r, -1 ,Z,, - " , ,:�. �* :� '. 4 - 44 , % ". il� ; � � ,,,��. �.- , � �. A. ­ I , � ... t . , " . "I . - �4 1. �,��, 1, _ D I .... � 11, � ­ �.­� - - � r . ftt , , M11 1 " � �� __ _-4--11-;.__ __ ______.___.__ ____ __ - ___ - , . ., - I �A.491410_i,,_t, �-.-.--L,---�..t-.I�,4.,A--.,,,4.�,,,�,-I ;_­__� . ­­­ I - - "I ��� - , I 1( I 14�1110RMMIGI­ ___� io" - , - . ik1.a__*.t­_____ —"--- -_ . - --- -_ �Iffim . 1 I . , . , . -1 , , ,,, — - - . � ,: lw,, -o' - t V - -­;� . - ­ _! w — 1, — 1 7 � I - - -_ ­" I , ." ; I . '. ", '' , I � MdM06 '01110 I - rr - -_ - ­�� ". . "I � I n \ 47 '.1 100010 ft, sAarw I *U"., -__. __r — . :-a -to I ; AM" I 1pow � '' I &_ I ! &%*% " L- 1 ft"44 *X& akm�& UK towit"s. T "" EL ' f , I �11 I .� I . � . 210MV47, I " *11111 � �. 000004 , �� I mome ill - 1 V 1 1 " , . . * 47, V_10&� I , , , � wr T. lik" %tas, *Wk. _ - A tv,totml " I � � . ---------r . .= IMIZOW. 1104 . "�w 41111e k6l, I wr . ki . . , . � .1 -r- � 1, 4 �f I Z) " I . ; I '. � - ` T, TH 11 � . A* �, . 1 I =% �, � Z , we I W el"011 & sailk , �-4 � . I.. , on , _ , - ;, ft' n 11^ S 0 ax I WIN 2.0-11 varm,ors 11 ,. , I I . utj4L �, � , = I "... -, . I I I Itowslovetit I ' 1, I � 'Me *Zjk�tk�,Akkttkktl,� a * to * 11 WU`1'"_'W' &%I Rlrk?'"J. 1%a4d RL WL' M=1itr=1430111 jeori. , We sell the best Lines. of " . JA�� OlVine Blmk Drfts UoWs. ""' ""'o — "' *— i" , HL ,-- , ­_­_-� lesum". atawatfarcl, the Wtert,plijow � QboftQCw�&owkkjK4tftV*rr % Hxy,Forks, ay Rakes, Binder Glovea, Monkey PRIDMA11, The Tailor.-..,* I r 1. Alt hit, V*116 Lu LftndthWierry wmate Lb"*- , , ,, M Vk4V0 it shot Ike.$ f1t'"Its ht Plain ".1"39014. G rittl4disio-c anti Figutwl Vr*p6u yviii is v4K;�. . . I'�"�k,,Tlll,"Xtl-�.It-ilt"=.... k.41, I I... Wrondults, Awrtcultural Wremftea, Saction hair Jifeiafd 04 a (lilautic &,lil ()I otalroZ - ,'.U -p*& **tVk*t'%kkkf" lang'"It In Twit -V h1whl 4 "If, Vlotbinjif $w t1iff It" - at.349 P*o Sur J uty, cleat Ing j.t per - .�,, tatk*kk. yard. Enowd P -tion. Vu.inty Mkotter A. 1%,Tmid 44 " t4l`ak� tha ft.#, wizi bt. f,W& Ari!v.h, ". Rivotts, Nuts arto Baits, Oil Cans. J0JY- if t 111141111 "� Irdl *4 (M Yhril.-, r4i��14#14%IiLbgf.';,l'IW*I"WAI, .. , illt�,.*_..,.. .. , ­,", � I - .1 . .................. � ....... 2S U4Xj*iVk.,k. qkkkM.VjJV*4 t1wt thet ��nl L I I " '1'1*12"t flitill -Pgift )IIAhril. . 1. . . ,AlratiOn at JUlY 43, IWA t -w Pitrift. 'L0 liv okJov. whiW lifo 4.)th ljt.t . fttv Manilla Haty Fork Rope. �� . Jit ure and Hurosk, woulti; likely tw h*Id I'm 1 hl' -4 % b~ Vmd­ %-wv owk, I TIALIJ.%Jyltxnagstxoftilsiloa#rieb(Igil.-ral#mt,UliI �* ' P4re, Manill.a. Trip Rope ,� ., " 90,04 - I .. '"'t' i i I 8xtraordlnar�y Offer in Wash Goo4s 0 &C(14%14.r,lt.b.thv,bltsiiat"ltwtt;?f that A*Itbl'il'l..�:-tt',I;.'.(-.'ii�l.:,'.I-tbb*%tU. I I . w4vo tollifewtvil to 111144�11)4 ()a: tjollatioll of to - I IVJO X ar" Of D. Altd J. Audemon'ti p;n,,k,t.%OWh of . pRW1rAA1FIIIlXXUArautftA*M towawd � Aniltverything In our line t%66ded during flayto ,, for *us wook in Ala of that i4alituU00 . "reent4awr naw I I'lLpfill 12 t:01i,ru tit Pink. ,01ije, Usjt,,�, (jr, ngbktuis in mik&t chooks *I d the rx�:nr I[* know why tho txv. AU4 %5W I 1*11 at UtY 4okkir tiwt. I -An stitnow (JOW4 We I t I'llit, JuV4 b*W, % ith portilinip c. Wkita, 11 Ing and Harvesting Sefilson. du"a to a Ito proat bgsia, Roautir4l 14%iiijugg. X.Jwfi"41 bp V*. . I Wit AIW 84Y. I ir; soft h,Ad hiikikka xhanged 11 J___ -, � ", , - . � t I*RUJ*r ISV- U'. Y5 and 8k I - � . Iti-itti,.,�ki tit ...... _.. � "2�_ � loc at 12y4c. "n, Anviolittrui t , Ill* *a earth, - -- - , �it__._ - ,� I � - . - � ; �. -­.­ Tro.11100- " I llf�la 8t� Jdary's to l3trittford. 1111L thr ',%nt dulva trtilullumett al thy fkjrtlk� , insit OT13 Lovoly Fanay vestjn&*.��, Tho X*V4tAq0� wo boasIiir, U*h , baw4itivitt wen tit tlo"rwh wviv�Aoo -,X IjjX.41i.36jXj. - 11 , , ' 1p r � -Art in Irmlixingwill bl, promin, , 'So L ,.'Q& ,,� Binder Twine I Binder Twine 11 , w1kh, mvikilke to Allow each * j4**Kve 'Guivrio.h, Ont'.july-13,1001. 1. t , 4444 thits0ii, IV# bay I it'll0h . X I , 0 aout 4, - ., * w6take fit twour. Wit 1A tile *at I r- I -.0- --1 I � . I -1 ) _,war,own I I Table Cloths lightly Imperfec , t , 6f thil higbikir h0giv, which. tite is , , i - I .4oxiiii,$tlik, (1hrQ:t.U:0Y01*) ') �, 11.1 � * (11VC, IjPlhl�VAj*q Vorn Cure A it ' , Bin&r Twine I I . 441 sxtrA Tmasm. 0444 up _' TWAke- WWI Will b) 110110 prioij 01ttirl,twa. e I tit ' I.ineu TA12'k-'t,';obbi.'lrik,jj And SCIOtch, Pure Luien Vittuakik (loodti, ghi= er had Wthv�ouhj ikograntita, rlwl�, roil' t r'We are SOLE AGENTS for the ,,FA' RM EWS � , Suit, p,itit of , jIM4 SjOaX ,jiffit, ot * . � � - 1Q;;F,rj,,t,vur.t lev�'WO '1119111TV itnporfet-t, al . roinane pair tit fin e. I ill the b1s*4-hisig, hit rich would ve A, WVlectile tu,�)tbo ; lt� Mtko% ed tell evros r , . ,Vrottlo I , to, tit** will befrulix k tit A 14tw* than ovigivally Intend. � brethren wifitheir frientim n1yer 'bt- . reet without any P#tixl- 'Wba� It likkis f BINDER TWINE Co.,, Of WALKERINN, and wo ro or A Fan" V##% ­'hOn $91t Will 3110k b4 A"r0d' �� ;, 'd. sed fill ek. und y. bile theVqaj,L, y(ju call ,lily . r4a e auelopt"a In *fly towil it, NV*,kt. done Otive it Will do 144111. � . : 40 moot Y0 r W44 . , I C " r _ I ­­ I U � (14 at thl VA�l Attittrid:kIl' _'4aja ' - f "I "Oth" ikize�, X 2 Yards. fol..., � ................ .......... Q&! eaell - -e - � �4� I fAll. � � I I -the 08 Will U04 b* Apping N � $1 X to k1w , ,_rn Ontario. Ili, would. xtutraut( , A have a TWIN4 that Is CANADIAN AM,, that � � . iiII-N) to X, C 144W 2 X 2� YAI J4, fill,,... o,rry provNitin for the, voinikort of all, -Milwankep hitiA twive A" roally ft- I goes 650 feett and 'is Just ,a$ evenly. ipUn as any YQ%x on shoulaor and alkiu#, it YOU Viij, b�y,tlfo Farast's �oqrfta, - ,1,.tl" . . , , 0 . I ug upto.aata *ad ot tho betit. '. I . Aft r(A*""*"",**'::,: j1.&)WJa very tieut train Actoititood"lon, and tion of tile two ettion ja aboost exactly . . . Y I . . I tx-llyli I fill ............ o . � I . . . C slut, 2A X 21 A lid �, .. ,.41-U6iACh that they would be well fed. have the Itiano Re, Vetwitt. though the popula �4.1 - - yolufun lie chance hero-everyo * I ot.1g) t "Otits - , , w , I , � . J'� , *�A C _ bizi, U, X 2j, nod � X.8 ."rde fill .................. . $2100 W11 I 11011I (110 11010411 help 010 Tailor u 1 4 S." 60 I., 111110 ,lothet * TWINE nthe, Canadian Market., , ' a a holp Y *3 W to Mull uloths , r4r* -1 X 2k anti 2 X 3 yardi for ......... I . flat thh Prpgrain ill every deutil would t1i minej but, Ili Milwaukee. ok bper . EVERY FARMER should patronlzo 11110,MR. ,,, oawlf. I His remat),is drinkingrity. the unfulter ot airvatit i I , ....1:1...*450 suh bertlisl)eat, ever offart;l. " ' � I . . 11 � . �N I were greeted with hearty spolauge. for Ortinkennevii. Is votoddentilly leiis �.A INDUSTRY" andbuy OUR, TWINE. � � . ,� . I � , , I I Store C1090S Weduesdar Afternoons at I o'clock dur- Tit& last speAsera wore Ittkkab Dlitrict that% In Detroit I . . , I . 0, I . . . � I I I,, I . �� , . I � , —w-..*.-- . I THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TWINE� ON THE � For,c' ash Oni 11 , I I Ir flMMY and, AtIgUstql I , . 11 � . .. . � . . Muster Lewis. tit' lilddulpb. and . I � I . � . .Y. ... r , . . . Coun 0ouncillor Whtwo.. of Ult- It Your little boy oft girl vouiev home I . MARKET., - 1 7 . 11.1 � . . . I I . � - ` . . ,� . . .1 (. - I - I I . I � 1. I . . I I ., I 11 _1 _09100100111 0.0 I OR � � I I ' ' ' efiell."The latter tandered A vote (it with a siore, throat. the first thing to �, I "*oto I - ­ I " ­ , , ' - thnukt; .to the chAirsoAn, Mr. 11, B. do is to rill) tbothrolitt and chest witit Ji' I i. --St I . . .. . . - . 0 �. I ;!�f ,� ,�,%Pffl 11 ,�� .1 M. . I . M Mr -� , Mdonal apt use Xtirvillne fresly-a whole 'ALLAN � , DHA ka 11. flf`% , 1. . , . Idurphy. who, presided during the Itolson,ablerviline, MWbbegrattilto . . "��, 110t0ek I 410 ,eD � A M,- . . . remaeks. I rall wouldn't burn or blister the tend- � . W . . � 0 -a and blad,1 vo , i T" "T Wfin . W* Acheson NN S n,-,., speech, 2 Paints, Oils 104 Vatnighkia. , White Land 14114 Dry Colors* ). * I I Mr. morph appropriately. erestoklo, Hoblountil allt4ken tip � . . -1-11- ­­­'... _­!��!�krr �,! � : !,!!""Wmlll�i'll�o�lwo�oweloft'miwwl. . !ii �­ . " o v re , - . � . I I , .:.�w ".- , -111, _4_0 �­ - 4 __ � __ � �,, - � I P"Ing'N vributoP11:4thotio nioulbera by the porea, anti 3ast Imfore the, child i�", I%- 1__1_V$*q:1 W _1%�W-m�� .1�lli��,�,��,�-11--.!,���,.�.�,-�. � . -.--,.,-I � . $I . . . W_"_1111"'_"� 11-�Iv � 1'r 111A, %tar DrdlOorpq Ili khakt;carriagakiwith 'Of U18 Order who, we%* not Irish, .tbe goo10 LO, sleep five him U glasa of bot. I ­ . - I " � " . - Ah.. 11* Q -0b rf`104 1 , # Vldltor$ AT14 "PeakerS. CtIrringet; Ayith English. We Scotch, and sturdy Ger. w*Wr In to wit ch 34 drops (if Nenillne ­� - ". L .."..w., - � � ,' -- . . I ­ .� . . - E.3 ... ; �' - - � .--. ­11­­� kvlo�tt�,',q - __.__._ - � I 11 . I ,; , . � . T . *Xvxosvoug it � LaO True Blue Lodges, tile Mrd 014110- This ol6sekl�tho progi ,a b4pieviousir been, stirred. Th jq is, s4 w I I � . . " � I I E W * Guo&fts- - I � be "I"' - - C I I I , I Regiment Banat, South Itilrb", North speectles. . sure, pleasuot and' speedy VAN. , I .1 . . � .. ;1 � 11 I I . � . UU. TO HANDI I � � Huron, Middles The Ispotts, f .Angc were Large botoev 2� cents. � I ,,-. I �, ,� � I � . 4 , I I . � . I I � ex. North Verthl-tivoth . or Of -olell I . I N� � 111111 AW � " . I I I . . . a host, of tiraoq and We and notttlliotr, Aatbe hO0rWa46Ou1eWb8t . __­,". -­_-_�, � ­ "� . . , , - , � I __-L 1-1 , - . . , � . . I � I . tit uku bandh leading the vatiout; lodgel" ltkt0. iind .the Optirm at the - Athletic Willnipog. 'JuIr - 13.-Applic4t lolls W. -Mr -mm ... "I I'll, . I . - . � I I � . . VAID4Y. JULY 1% loot I - wwtb, And parke-under the anspfi:ea�-ot the for hitivestera,i, . , " I ' ­� 'A - 8 wo poorilig I., me, ' I f.. � 1. . I , ' ,-At tile park Mayin: �'tat6p spoke .111, Itt the ­11--i-i'; n 0, � .. .. � T MUN,;Rn.. ... . , .� I TO 12t4l .at . -- ara- ,41couling ,Ale orituirtmen to Mounted Prill Corps, were In prog-ek�a- , Ilitoolent of Airricaltutp front all . �. I I I . I . . BIA(A H6niaUS'AtjU,�Under'S . � I . . . . , :� � I .. tratfordt, - 1, One ttitlyn. . I 6.411 "ery, res1w � I . ft.-Itford. ikkail extending to thou, tile These were not bugel atteh4vd, tip sections of tile piovince, , kitts. up.to-da,t t.. . "., I Wool of the uttititili;iitoit�yLtrfjejoll$t.. � I - I I . � I I . - P 'm clby. 11ki tvAs fallowetl t,raluv for. b9ole. The tr4* was In. . . ( klettark Nets Per vftj�tj Irw, jilla wi�- (Attliftle nesirlit), - ' , I A 1310 CJ�OWJ). G003S OAD.F- rV County M apt- jq_hrI Rowlett. ot . I I � 'over Ltico . . � . � . I ,.,t � . � 'ing � All "Ittrolderies (Florat dedgulf.) I I I I I � wany of the visitors Lid to Web iihip, alone ralls 'Sto� 125. '(sxtr& men, .. � - ... . ­ , , ` * 1, ' , 'A efa t9 I I . Huron. &U11 Mr. U. it, Heaffou"ex M,P,l twotherfor 75. It is cAlcolated that - -a . � ANI) Z@11FROT WBAZUEP,. - pool- coadition, and this prevouteil, vaeft falm)er lbroulthout 'the provin6o � . , I .S Valelle It a logo An"; Insept'lo"Iff . . .1 I I � both Of Wh011i made rousing speeches. fait time, ithe bicycle riders ,being (at'. will reqn1to flolo four to" eight extrie � I I .1 . . . I f. . I . I . I I — , I . . I I *Is w a I Ili t V Vitt ,14. 0401COON0010141-Y, . I , . , �i:`k * . tber hindered by A bad wind on the hArVeat.4ahOil'this Year. -, , , ta I 1 �$I, . . I ,.....n. . I Then came whiq waa by long odd* ba k strinclik., . . . .11 I - . : Insist on having VAnblotiable Vlotbft. e , 911AM04 41UIJ VIIAlkibraym. t4gother with iffarly pthor now , I L , . I . 902 - tO bO QelObrated. 0AV tile best Rpeech or t lie O&Y, Art address c I . 0! . , . I I . 'The repults of tlio bivyOla r4ceo were It DaWes-t4o World� .. L ' I . . . , .. They (ome to us � for them. becausek. we R Of � � . I . " . � 004eriell. . � . bf Aft. John Mcnillow, Vrowd. Maifter aftfollowsl '. . I .. . !, &6 tbom careful atteuttoo. . . . . . � . . I - - . . 0 Ontario, We � . I I , I . I .. . �� tho4d pteikent of I . . . .. . I I % I I the good order and One Witte p'r-tifessional bleycle, race created one quartor of the oxciteill"ot ' � � . �� We. hove the neA4110 Pattertur and 110, . � � I I . ' . -L)le StrAt- ling. Thasize of,this. -4441ev. Molverit I Goderlebi. Bryan, that bAsbeen o,Aoaca by Dr. KIng's. . � .. � I . _"UNRIO I it. lie congratulated . . I r. No discovery larle-ateint -has: over ' . I I . . ttirit STAn is Indebted, to � I 'Ai X Y . I . totdBvenitigli�rA]�for%oy.tiopsis or gecorutu provai. - I I .. eat Atlishaid goods thAt citut be bo"Xilt, Anil . . . . . � . ., � ,. . celebratlojt� be id, jilled bhowlti, Oodorich Collegiate lastitdtei Thue Now. Discovepy for comomptloo, IV& r 11 .... I .... I t . . 1. I I � � I . tbe'Uth'July celebration in the Glassle, stirlirlse and gra. itodei. oraiwelom, 122, . . . L . . . - severeab,tests have hoonorl 111opeleos , I . I'll , . 1. I .. . . )Draper. I � L a7i . I . r ,. I 11 we 4.011 Likent fib close 90ortis. wie b4vo . " * I . . I .. 1111irepresentoa. Anil majignod in -,the Two mile to cu rkte, clotalplonship victims of consuniollon. I 4 , ! ,­tw " . � I . I I some fines,wewitub toolefte OU4 berm ::�� �'- o! ;�l ft", " ------�-!tr!��,t!!,-,--!!��!!t-,�,!-- _1! i !! 4! , , ., � I citv., The origlor4l plans Anil- decision � . ___. � . Post, stood �bij IV . .. .. '-'s of the orangemeo of'130atll rerth _;her' ill the Aulude of of Porth -VI McCarthy, JW .- Lep. henloi rhage. - pleurisy n,Aa bronchitis. � . . .,a ­ . . OAr )fAll Goodsvoloo In, atid we wul-vlv� . . Al � � . WA% tbil people toda,k than, 11. had ever ard, Will Mc(Urthy., _Tjto-a,7r>.1rx.­ thousands of whorn it ll" -.restored to.' ­­ . I . . I __ I � . . tokelLbialeAtSt. Marya, and o`vej,r Ilene, before. Tbore, -wera taitue,, to he MiJoamatent, I luyele ti�e-Vkkiwsey. rfect health, For coughs. cold$, . - of wola. � . ON 00i"Repi 090 0"I". . - I . I . . * A ft* croupt 110110 L � � . . . . . . , . arrangettlent ]fall beeki mado for a, sure. who vast diserediron Uieiv own Berlia I. Ad. Upard Strattotd, W-111 bay fever. boar I . . I I . Thttt Touches the Spot � ' - " � . . qUIC eat" . ()Ur I � . � . Ordet. ,solve who were bad to spite. of McOArthyiStratfora. Vlme=. Ali whooping cough It Is th EL7 Ire- , �;�� I . *%I. I L � - monster denionvtratiow there. The theft creed. but, after fo4y years of - One All to C, e I I I Irroilser Sale w4s, - Rmd-stlti Nve havehad to , � . .._..,.�Vol.t ......... " � I . � . . , ox1jer to 1) V to rKee-, ligia 15 .and SO steurobithoworia. Vis So in SoMe'ljUeS. 7, , . I . � � ­....­. ­­­, _­­ --4.;,-_-_._ L I hashiess nien orst, x,ixm. however jeocs� tho, speaker felt.that or. under-Jubn IlepliarnA, Q ift, jDlor- JgUles Wilson, whogtiaraotees., 31- peat . . . . . . . L . Ma Leod',s Weak-& I I I I : , .. . I I I ­ I . ­ - � could not see theiv Wiwtloar to satisfy, Ang6tuen cotild alemiure up, to the iota him oil Ft -ed Smith (illitaneeil).. I faction or reftinds money. , I e � C I I or In -t a mile race Will Al bottles, We and ir.LW. Drop in and goo our Ooc-dy. ey4u If vots dou'b boyl you're welcome ),list t1to . Impure 13106d ­ L I , : the linanciol opd ot the uodertaking. Of Any Other 8OcfPtV,wIth011tfeA1k , he tw dailr, . . Trial ot .es sankie. For the balitykee of Jill ge or cash. System , I � . I . . Jill free. - nodwill give 10'Ver cent OR all orders . . � . I And th"t. jo�jl' Coin ILL theverdlett OratifelfJOIllAdkOptilace thy'sr Lim explo4ed kind he Was forced o .." I I . : You, cap gt�'a it to the,11logliltar: t4yoalike. 11i pot iffile toglve 0rayou".1 . , �' 'Liver. & Kidney.,D.Idev(508 - eO trau'.ferrk�(X with the growth o rho coautry. toretire. In the WIT6 Amateur racp . � I . . � . I , . . Mh I . 016 Souch flat to I W. coatN, ti: - . I . . . . .1, I I I ,, I . . I th demonstration )Wit olork, Of Clinton. I � I I .1 I � 1. I ginovat,or Female Comolgdmoi, &C. � 0 ird,wharetbe-jleoessary tanda been ckljli�d an age of selffshaegi, aud VredMeVarthv. bob as be tmuhl not claims to have oiter. 10D iose. bushes ' ArRamenarber the place, � . - . . . I I . . - StiutfL The close of the joth,tentury �kui tlke�e would have Woo another ontry, \ . r JN11 I I . - � .*1 .1 J I . . � I . were suhiieritiod in two hours, There, greed., Certainly it jv4w ,so Ago"of show papers re-insi;xting hjm4 bit 'was rowing fit Ilia gardon, among which .. . I I . � I .- I 1. . I _� .� � , . . - But, prin- held to'ho still ii� professional %nd . . . AtkDriggist,erwritaiairotto' 1.U.)t40T,V,.0D,God*ri6h,0nL - I � were at least sixty 144i well repre- combloejv�and syndicates. _ C hao.tiver3W'difforeat vArIeLles., . I , � . � I . . . 1. 11 p1ples *lid ,sentiments bit harred... There. wito 0, dispute no tit the I . . I . . . . . ==10asSAFMI= om , , ,a it, ji;�et in 1. � I ­ 1 =3110:0 . . sented. a6dr-0outAfty kt%od of colors. 11ges of lieptipro and Suilth Ili the. , . I I I . .� � - I . 4 I � I . I spito,of tb6 contrat feelinge Ija *(line -, A j1hrotito citizen whose nalne 18 not I R"MoAdii,ithil tAllorsdoty-Nowasto strikot. the 014 ltftfkd� in Veer at xitilxblaki , . � I Jf the porticipAnta fix otbee celebra- quarterit, And memorlea and Wyql ra,ce, And Dierlatua was, giveno o,0A6,,publI,4 ba�� offered to give $20JO , , ­ I ? i . . � . � .11 . I : , tions haive succeeded to paintivic tile tr4ditions of t:he past were ever pres. stusit head start, an a, COn80qQeA1ce. too for children it tboo 46 --�_ . % 4 , . I town red.,the Orangemen tit POrt'll, ent to ,%a Ocange Lodge aud 'tinged. He waw,rduch sta0ler than tile other � . . . .. . � ! . ViddlesexAnd 1juron-linvo.cerbalilly to, same I extent, the religion of the bovs and u3skild &.0lucky I -Ace. Also boprovided'lqrs . Xe*t ButlWa Book Stove, . . . Tailor,. 0 . . I I . succo0od to-daX in painting Stratf6ld , ed 0 " "O' awsploner Fleming re. . I Y up GrO06PIV Want - , , I � t,T . G E0 M.. Mac.'.SWEEN, o r , "ki'te, The main toanuce I I I � I I �..� . I I . asoulkine '� ")"de '?t c - OrdeP. which *ao found if the Bd. TAvard roile an exhibition rollit, of the b9"Iti Wilt PrActicAl � ovaiige - began hl.oAdeet, �p,jrlcjplos of. . Aimsemmenii-iCT) . � � - . .8, . - The influx of visitors volume i 0119. � . I . . Ilidlonal free- I it t3avele, taudent frokie . nds x aft, in WKII I? - - � I I - . . � ­ L " " "' 1. . . . I . . V. . . . I .1 . . . I . . JAstulght. A vA,ugustd came'Jn On dollf. Orangelstribadhadip folinda- .. fit, rl tie by Jkleairs. Miller And, q . ---.-.-.w-- . . . . .11, � . I .1 . I I . � . I. I . "the, evening train#, ankloll through the Lion IV tio, revobitjoa of JOK in that, ,I, , of t tit p g to I , . ___ I. I . . I mhii�_ e., . afghb rfgs from the country kept ifold of Brigish liberty. . I � . - � . , 11 ,Catarrhozone. I 11\. 1 . . / �,, - _ _laeo6 Owin 11 up: a 44 ati. . ' " , Can Best bi SUPPH'ed at thlo� Grocery. IM I I - . � 'Ii. ._­ . '. . . ,� . . Itabouldnot,rou so q Irfaix,witiat . , . 00ta , I . � 1. i " I entering the city.' It wag apparent beladgedbr What some 0 not tit likfiltoughtto have 0. The,itiost phenpriletial ruo...,,the _ G . . ­>"" - that the celebration of Jft"12oli W�Jf are. bub bV whik"ll 04ght t , ritogemen he 116 ati, r ed ill'ut At. " droggfktq� over experienced on�a,r,pto' KEEP , ... Shalcqer .Croods M . . ' . . I . * , , I j 0 be, andi - ' - haffn I I . __ . - , . .. I I,. - _.. '. I,.,- . . VerYthin]; IMMIX Alld 117P-T0-D,&TZf - . - � � I - 11 �, �.� - to be a ruaguilletat ifueom, thank God, by what a vast number are The other races tetolted follows. prietary ined1*60e� thoV aile . � � . . -1 , . . - . ­ ., I Theiroatberwas rrfect, flob too trying to, be. Tile, trat, V. - ,. ' I �.__ I . . i _ OiAngemsma 114ff,mile borse ,race- ill* Dior- just now. with Catarrhozdae. Renitirk- j.- . i' To 'help, you In Chia 4trec� AT - L. ... , � . hot. twb too, cold.' ig propsim6long stiould be & 0hritstlan. Xigotry monbi owned fir r. X" ... d ox, Str^t. abler, curea iffktail in tllI4 YlChIlty IS ion wo hAvo . , . . I I . I � 111. AWG"TA "D. SPS =JI OTC . - . I - . I . I . . . I � . - . .)CIM" -, bAd hiten madenn ever# .9de . I _­ I I-_ - ­_. . . . . .1 � i� - - Tbo goQ01 iqWt'rof'h'8"!bxtJWAtr, ford. Aftt.-Ref^ - , , - 6.1h. r0a., 8 b- ,the cam- .-,- Dinggletsall, recommend � V� , __ .. _­ -�- ­ - -11 - ,.�­ .. 1. � I ­ , , ­ .. . . - - ­ i st form, tip f 'Fl1i 111n=1 DUMn. jurva - - 2- '�­ ' :'7 , � ­ - ­ ­­ ;' I ils, beti every available space pre,,- ould m^ nWn vArld defend the ford. second. 'T' - - . I � . I . ,. bate , nLi lorl 1.2. Caf#trrhozone, and spy it to the atfiest, . In 2; e . .. �. . . . . I I � ,�t. . . -[�. --. -r., - I i*ftd for, visitors and rdeals were truth tather than find fault with e , c0olly" Hl&- at.d quickesti coca for catarth, astbraft, 1nFVEAV4A WORSELL 45 , I served *tall hours.. Three aritheithad others, He should build U t: ratifor . .. atid bronchitis. It alwayagiveit per- 4 6 (U r. - RMIT", I & I.T.-Z H - - ., . I * I .T. (3-- ,tX1:P_ TITC � _. it ul% . I (in 250 ovd 53Q VoUlts.) .., I ; ,* I I lwen erected. one At Tbomson'a corner than -tast down. He aboula lie illiett Half-jul 6 ny race-Pony'ridden feet aatisfaetlon. Relloves� quickiv Irotel Iledford 731wk,' Tho SqU00, 064sriou 1 4 and Another at the Queezes hotel. All with grAtitti4e to God for rinq'irig aster " 06 olnery, isrsti-, I)OPY fleagaub stud convenient to Usti. SOU MACK'S V.FFBHVaCt.NT SALINA .Coal Oil ',Stovest , - -.nn. -!!�__ , I ­ , , , n ,--.-, _. -- _­ - �- . - - -tootto.-.4.4, , - I the hotel* were decorated and Oraime, tile church thiough many tri Its. rho Alldmeo by uster Z.-reir Brown. $cc- twit sizes, 25 con'tA aild $1,00. As MUZOAOW0 4004 � I "' ­_­_ _­ �"". ­_� !!��_ ________ :1 I I � I I w p �. . baunkeqhung out flow wlikidilw# ,qn, lf toparau I 46 ad. Catarrhozone appeats to be tjjo most ABBIJ.Y`S�V RUIT SALT L � Gasoline Stoves, Vvov;:VVV4;115;�:�VW�Imv ix�,��,V-:V 04r�Z711-VIV ., I � I I � every 014e. tribil,te to Canada. where Or nge- Coattimo rAce-.)V. Weiner - 116nr,v, highly recommended rouiedy, for - Wo amid 600 31:AtIon.) . 0 - OhO application giveg,relhit I - _ . Thtmarket triA.)gle was the fentrer ism 'has such a firm ho a. ty W. J. Cleland I . I cabariii. mthma, bronchitis; &c., we RX018 BINGLISH FRUIT 8 Ice Cream,Freezers, Its tiny � k164 of,p . owArA* which the'variong streams of V, ALT . ,� - Surgeops, Antiseptic 011. . t here -had. become win hing wore Utnbmlltt;��A. it. SwIlli, Cleland, atronglyadvise out, readers to try it. (,es.to per Bottle.) �.. . . . � ., ,.�kjq, . . " I I . . . I . � � . . 'People eonvericed and atall early hour than a fib suldect. tor After-ilioner Worner. . ..... 6— I . Refrigerators, I �, . IT 0111 &aldo, Vleerats # . " . traffic there began to abow sGa -or i5peecties, and Oraogquj�n had bad a , Oingre ale. race -Moore, Datterabyt By, the recitab, bilphing of their I F�*-;.Rjl SBIDLITZ POWDERS , - Eavetroughing, * ,� - iT bUI 1338 pih�$, Butno, ons � L . 11 � congestion. lloysernon had to drive, greab�deal to do with rhe fostering Wetner, . plan- RTC., -r!1TC11 - I " , I '88 Woundn nn( Brulaps. - I . ' Imperial - t1kPint. Remot Nomination �'Ytvde�Oelv . ' I . � ald moorin, Ing mill in Bleter, Al"4ra D.Ter And . . . - . .. .1 I . � I I � . . . ' IT OUI TAKI1011g, crobuticleg, Felons, . . ., .. � ,� . � . i r " . . .. I -this I Howard lose tki�twecn, $0,000 And $7(W, . ofini, "d ' Blowlyandbievilist4had diMeolty Ili, Of . Metal Ro . IT VUHA'S Inflaineil Or Caked Breasts aujil gore N es. , � ridingntaU. People simply, got in the, Ove"O bad drawn Ciaadafar,icloser Dr. Steelt'. - . dwra bojux no lasuranp. and an offer . . . IT (301 28 Halb Itbouni, Totter;, and All . , � . wAyand woulalur geb out. . than before to the dear Motherland. Po4tillion tdco-Varrow. Werner. ,� - MVe Skim - I Thefew acts of friendship of-toj*F (11,onsolationrace--Dr. Steelej Weil- to negotiate a loan by tile ,village � . t . ,ffect thnn t-heatost thorlwo Henry , ­ - . council, to help Client rebu(id, h;to Thet there was the noiso. It w4f; had ht0 more t . S.S.H10K, - -Chemist - .Cheap at WORSELL'S, fV1 IT OUI ES Rhoornatforn and Neuralgia Patna. . I . . . �J PRIC10080c. gold bycLildrugp,totboruenbtjy,tliMloure . I one of those things ttiat have to I", priottisepraft,gsit,agofyeiiterdtty. The Theaffii be n declined by tho firm. I Central, Druir 1�totire — I I , , . CeIllb of price, . heard fu too apprechifted. Also. to : wereastollows. Stitt- .e 1. � - . - The .. -Cheap St6Ve �'Ilnd 1 .. Antiseptic Chemical -Compan I TUO3t people it was like the bag pives &,th African battleffilds him! eettled er. Mv. It. Porteous i judgeq, Messrs. ' I -t ----Wo-,_ Gorixitloir, . ... �.. � � Y1 . * I _ our love with blood. "OtIrcountry Win. tarkwortby. It. V. McCurdy. Ilenii,-ill oh.ser�er4. It. Cantelon. I � I ONT. Purnqe,e man, Goderich,'.. . 0 1210 UASONIO TUPLE, I � 1 4 . "Alwaya tho trot nt Hickla." . , . . . 11 . -to U,ut-jpr, better at a distance. The, It nob a paradise;" sald Mr. #'jc- thoo, keeper, Mr. Chas, WAsh. 11 1`11 CUCIAG . tLL . � . Ilewn of all this was that, at latge who has during the 'oaso vear tion. . I . .. . ­ I . . I ... � -- , lifillan. but it is a' land where Vjvizk,,s were offered, tky the 10infige. ducted the .0onimemial llotel with- rnt i., I vz;,-It-�v,v4,,�,-�,-.--,�V,17�-V--�v;-�vo,,v,--�;,-,�v-v I- . . --- _=______ ­.­_____= !:i=�T , � 1. naniberofbaudit in a confined space . ____ ___ 1. . . like the ruarket triangle make a great tile King reigns. where the peq. men lor the be9t 41re.,wed lodges tit marked abilitv 4tild succesq; leaves on �rd. . . I =T__M__�!!�� _.______ ____ ... L . . - I I pie fule, and wifere all elagsils Aro paradcand the liest, fifa and druin Sgtorility to assume control of ther Vall Term Opens Sept. I . . . , * . . deal of noise. proud t6 say, "God Savo,the Xinx.11 tnnds. ThocomfilitteoloAlecidethege lintel 431%rendon, at Clinton,� Ilia old . I Masgeyi-flarris Warcroolms 7 1 — ; =:===;t__1 -_=:e ::`:=Zn-.==. -, I But the big point In thego -celebra- wem cow posed of Messrs. M. X Irvillp, honle. Six years ago. Mr. Cantolon A nu,j, "� Coutco ruell an Yoh can q I tit : . Lions is to errato entb uslasin and, tf vere, Ue ltev,. Wm. Walsh, Grind Cliefil- of tit. 51%py,$. W.; J. Thortipson. citool will trala van for buoinc,3 0 our � f I . was certainly all kinds of that -to -day. lain of British z;nt tli America, was tile I,Ogrtn, and (�?Dunty (jouncillor 1). took charge of tile COYU0 I'Otl$04 . � Hainjitoil S't.,. (;0(ferjCfi. W e re 'in, . 'it, too le , I I Or&ngabrethreaftonj all quarters of dext spoaker 4nd litarted'outwitha, BOUIS Mount, Forest. which lie conducted . . .. I for tile liest dremck]t led (It with matked succee;q. iLQer which tie ,. I I the neighboring country Milt Anil awitAtion, "Tile Olt! Oritrige Flow," Alev,ra, IV. Slifer. Kirkton, and fV. Cattle to IjpnS:XlI,wIjcro each succeagivo .. � . I � . . '. . i which kept, hi!i hearers in -an uproar 11_�__�_ ­_ - - Headquartera (or tho ekilotraltd Dratifford I 11 I I . abookliAndt on tile market triangle Tit foe the tand These week brought him new friendq and _(Z:=/-- ffr Lk . - especially and also on, the other main ' � 'i ",e �V ' . of laughter. The speaker then pro- 1.�d uo0t'fr',P:8t0v2,ea a decision. Y�Sterday business. His ties fatudir will also Ile " ,� . . attal King stud Ideal Wind MUIX; r.Dr*,4,d. .- I f he town. Thete didn't, .eas tlje andlenco along _. I �.o , . "", � , _'� strret ! , ceeded to *ddt nfiterfloo". im ssed. wore especially Miss Gantelon. 1;�_ . ,j Aho DIS'Layal crikkallut "Op4j'atop. ilio I . ceeto , rtlere of 11�31!ee anvivilere. rd, who was an indefatigable Worker Ut. nna ­ I . � Loodon. nttylux Ti!kolst, mitivelvtbotest HEY & SON'. . . . I . The -did .1swereout for a good time land. Scotland.. Australia, Dingda, and wall the prize for being the oldest 0014unday Sabi-ol, Upworth Liague kkkk&"goa to.5". Pr -A I .11, i moro serious lines. f a England, Ito. Mr. Retillen Switzor. of Blansan ow "Ch,p'm "tit J. BROK . 'itilyflievIlad it. 'A feature 1:k I fo""'o any fit t110 nlmiL'(14,90041. rctlAblq, iifi,to-dattl I I I , I , I , 74 - , , , , * , il I I � 4'. ,i�, , ..��, t � � �' 011 � ! , " i4w F',� ,.,� ;.: , 4 � - I _-, " I �� 41 1� , , M.,-,,�. F,17__ -�*' V, K. � 11 ,� L I ��t - -1 11 �. 1, 044al '' , I F�W; CnnL , � ','� ir - : ` I ,eY I .1 ,On �Yt 14 and'M 'A .r 4)f the United States there werb "If 3 Orangemen In Parade. 110 Is 83 VeaW and choir oftbe Metbodint, church. I a "I""t' caftlagew and I fail 11 1100 kell in ilia r, URNITURD and UNDURTAXING i�) . . -0 no of incilem. Am -A. - . of (bo'kathering W&4 tbo flunilk tuillion Oraligenjen. They werti ft sit age and has,boork-71 years An . .._..,.11.1 ­ L Central' Business Co;lagei cultural Insploolkiintmi, buoincoy for many cars, and dooiro to thanIt tljo gonargil ladiespreseut. Therfairsexevidently vital force running through the ltrelit Oratigemall. I . . � takes kindly to the We nuil,druw. AngloSaxim race. Theyllitilablood __..4`____ White Tdan Turned )rellow. talmg J� STUAVFORD. OXT., ovor tweAll and lwlp�'d our 110C3 b0fora vorcha�. I publie for the very iiboral palronago extonded d ' a. tho � ' ­ boughtherits whichmanir of them , Great, consternation was, felt by the .Wik, 1-1 t1larmtr[i fircirrivatfolk" �j r , The itcelip at flip G. T. It. depot thig botatoln thollutor,V dtofir collegollavo olle Ictrob,6whort. past quattoft of a century.' � morning baffied 'I%e appifeinted, T"heOtdorbad conic to 00ril TOMDer frielldg of M.A; Ilagarty of Lexington. 9ttlattat07 liten JU17 4ueecalful in c0urinfZ ti.n. I I . - ' 1, degeription, Just aq trying to tim nerviiiT as ternper TO CE M DRAM, widt our frionds Wo havo ateidea to give tWina were met bv tbe.1-18th M*ikrkeut Abide by the happy nielium between XV.. When they �sttw lie waa turning cc lent latuationa 1113111adhW17 on leavita . , Ivind, which did yeonian igervice emi tile frvilaw of wants will and the gen- escitt--d fir otbor etewtog, Haven't; yon yol!c -tkitt ADWIF clilauged collct:o,nodtlrit�;CtL-ol;m�tmtyc�ar. , - __.. . .., ,, Dert -Pritsons, . qXceptionfilly low prieca (m F URNITURE" f6r the next ilbirpy I L . ing erai sovereignty or Goa. Goa used tsil heard of Vatucten PidnI015 Cova and col,,%, His e auffered 16RVr;t0aZI0nd4CWkt1JV flerb0AS;j!0I00l, , SarolatoStraLlord. wica tit$ regular 'r ailtakind, aq Wart Rxtratqr? Cows quickly and k,rrilkii Ills inala4v ,waa veliow . stoattcnd tho othot . . . � . I thedrv. Pasongprs Ott the main line. forces of amiet v to bettc so his 6yep, and Ij N, . Itze doin p�ky land Alcorn, dayn. If you warib snything in Cakyolies, Loubpa, Bcd-room I the Athlete Used txereiso to bnF#-- hb painlesily- ,others ,pain -make Mon A- Irs C Write for ptau!lful catologue, ------------------ - I Anit.0a 1VOAr n*111 1I.,q;" T?­� M, . n ?, &I ,I L ,I I morning accommodation. arriving Ili I jittIn Col. U WAS troal,vu fly tile eat, . 11 ­ I ��. . VVY .V .401 I 0 0511 a, . I phvsi�al condition# and God was Using sweat -the, ladies C0111111011 -110t 13(v iloctorl, hub without benefiL. Then his .. I I I � - W. J. =10W. Vrlvcjl�af. 1. � ____ 111, ,to,, tho rrke�a Wo qq 0'401d:not detor yon friom boying" , I the Pity '%t 8'3R a- m- SMie"t's were OrAngemen in 1116 world t0d'16Y. with Puttlant's- Alt dfugeisits sell was advised to try Electric Bittern, the F. SMEETH , ,... � . I e� . I "' ) . . I - due from Lend on Anil, Suit th AL, 0.47 it. There were ten vowniandoleum. which Patnan"t; Or It -PIM Ile 8 tit by X* J0- wondefful stomach and livor remodv. 'Tilp'j. GOODS Oro all f"00A and - Wor, -great at"al, Mom 1 ,,, i, � Ira.) dud I"Aftnexamn and north at 0,25 thempeaker (Ited, which orangir-nion Poison & Co., lCingSto", Ont-., L40 ally and 10 ivrnitls. "After taltina two MeXIL ilell lmd than other I?COP16 0103 at. Pat not I.' � it. m, Themiki both itnived shortl ! Jo, Iti I I etsb � addte.-q in Canada or United SOW% 091 bottles I was wholly cured." A tt lal conix Planing Mills lan %v, ai,-= wfore 10 welock it, ill. The Goderilelt �i ' wir e . Ph � r" , , - - a to bl rVilettiloineg . receipt of 25c. L proves the, matchleso tuerit for all k I %down(Insopee original t�uo, left be I buy untit you ace our r,toeU; to in6pool. ca3ls, you nothing, " , I line, corltingent carne W I Z- - - - --4p � Mutual Fire Insurance Co. a030vn1C_,M. rind Vill' Vill bO P1000d tO 0116%7 'Yf)n onr good% I V noon trAin. 2. Be WFail to country And"con-3tv swillot'll liver and� kifloov troublvQ. I . , te � A larst* number ofeity People ivent, �futfonftl government. The 91GOod J?rUW'LNW. ,-, Otllyi!�: Sold byjas. Wilson drug. TAW01 aild lsolaU Town Property I to the depot to sP6 the art iv,,d of the," 2� -Via not ast for what Vou wilt ljot ou juIV, first tile 6pw Illomloton gist. ,� .- . . Inatired, . . UN DERTAKING 'a a Vcaie,lts? with ft'a- wo . gpeViu,19, Atillaudr0terbAnd got out grant. Be tolerant, rittit Marks' Act, came Into force. It, thorAughly Understand ourbusi- . ojj�tbe station platform..and, Nuitter 3, OC4 V - - to promote iforiest picking. Atp, 1), !,. T116 , V41tio of Pro ottv -tnaurod. up to Contractor aith Builder nwi find bowo rCoowCa dat athooling and dfolb" tit ilia, � ,_ A4V e An V Ate Ice ClirOtti is aluited V inson jr3l.."oneoftho Itt"ustry1flol. $3.0-18.975.()O, jp � I --- "I .r 101ruil]Ig. In OVery cAda %VoguAraknieo the tijbil � , , a r , If t'l _ after banner appeared, the geene be� V iaritil. . and applies to bolh opea and cloeled most hitioetittal Liberal pouticiang Beat Of - ' . crime very bright slid pretty. The 4. Unite forprotmiloij tiona pitraii. packages, As rogards closed k. ling l'iftered a priltest agalljot, Lhis, 01"vit-,uns Am) byrt=0na, I . . Weil= anil boat Voss0A$,.soWieo at the lowest living pricos. . . � A unifortom of these b.,%odq Were diver" Itution. Ag", for Instance. closea batri.41c of fitilarearthe Provincial Goveln tit J. 'Yolzi Peep,,- T. Vert.,er, Vice pr": � � . 11 , 1� S. Voonoll '. G, )file. W. O.Dral.1fdob. la No Order too Large Or too . . � I . I .1n.1 aonfe,of them, vory natty. The r,, A )Iettloreoveried boxe.a of 'Anv kind Loappol"tj. Short e fidentle Pit Y.HvAnt. . J.11A tt, , A I I I , Ilow t6-411 libeftir ot conscitnee, 'kilit � - tiavr,.Jl.utiymuwo:i;.Direttor�,. . .jt)cAl fifer And drum. band wu .quit,-- offrulti'the nswo itind fuldretv of the the Surrogate 1011 t"I aticces,310 to W-6-11tradrar'l &Wtth'1n2PV"o: of Im-ctig, Sniall for otir Capacity. . � .. . � . . . . . �Gtrong Anil had ftme.4cot. ,fto fjoys 0, tucoutage education. packer, togethtr with the ,grade df the Hon.A.S.11ar . Jr. c5fag r ad - , ckYooEL:Illortll.LOLICZ�t..)�lr,v-Tmo-iQrer. I .. were 1. Fuster indivicluat freekloto. ft nit. must he nl*rked Ito, the harrol or sidefinitepromisoo tit (I ce flip re "' XOL - . � i dreseetl in blue paknN stud whitw ,X,r,;. . 11 . . eo.%t4-o"-Praitilrietitweteootue or 16 8. X"1141m constitntEr-wa libeitv. box, Nobod,r is allowod to sell. pack- Bjr. 11stray'kil appointment, and attiod .T. 1Q.,Vp:I,1fn1fq(";4VIHQ, jtm (Immint All hin4a Ot I . 5 i il �, . " I '� ki -1, � . A )Ell^ o ultirke hil. . �grafinflvizlc;ll.Ateatillan,&Ie.ttql!tl%;It,L�tmI . t1i, I : l 1. milvertoll boys, in untfotin't of ff. Expand the P"weto Of Self,gov. = ,ft, 16 If. Thus It inferitir aside foV him. and his frienilb were 2111ock. , Lumber, Lath and Shingle . BROPHEY .L& � SON$ � and oranxit .1 ,"ant. � - it'lavacked. the relpausi nt C. J. McCabe � � 1, In gu�jjj The Aitterent lodg" amared '0114 it , " , Policy holdalrar . t . � came Itent1l, tip townt An &I* ity can be fixed. . And n L' _4ul,P.X5r &t�tmjoiutsaod got .0� I The latter is n; ( �jr la itod., molt continnal streAt" of olell P siflit 10� D",UntAlt(kH0gtydev0teat6 etm- scradett as tlnt�clasi, o fruit aliall be 1�,ollj IRIP �;�tda rerelvied n�, tv. U)A-ra, ClInt'ra. of, . ---.----.- -_ !!& '�. 4 along Diwillit itteet, �Tho ct . o ",cd some i4trongl4i fit Wd ling- At ncltZA*j n,:Gw VAT,.Acrj (;t,4jljj _.. . I owds Itittitfould governlMont. "Unlesq snell fruit consists -of, we'll Xpibo in in g,Wko 60404ch, ., 1�.,P`fy` A. Dry -win pl.,41m,lardpperincl%tir,r.otc,r , S tlivz elrn�111 to(! ka,x "(711r.1 I I . %_.,�- wore very Orderly. rind ortiv.the ordin-, fit vollclUgion tile Lopeaket, urgila grown apecimpos of bae' varletv. ,,,to fa,o P�ollltfljallb df Air. ___ - � ., - - . � I ! Ik lele"ta of tvar�c _ - ---.------ ___ _n �!_ k!�� ill 0111 : C � , ---- ary Polito fW6 WA14 fleed,A. Lbat, Orangeolets bt6 chjjqjjqr I I ev jon W I 090MOM, rutolmhod. -, .0,1_1 "I 5e9e_)"_.):6)e0" . . ­ �& Ile sound, (it nearly unifertit m1w.. good, McCabe n coin t Ith eviltitit In . " . . . . � . 4, -,:�n- . tiklmemtor;b ",pt frow the Norill Was notsk true juembey of the orler color, normal nbsipe and not less than that rongtitsitency, and the re0owina. 01 - 4 - - � � � , P !!!�"-! .- 4,�ff,� ,-�,�V � I -twe Iran), acith, Ivor", tiqu of Mr. Ulb3on for it. / - 74 'x, ,,, . I � 1,2ZOP.%"Pttgv-9f;ottle(iN,!rleit re'gulpir who Wits Mind rtugillarly in tire lodge nillitty pet cent ft ­ WE MI, So LLInT I ­­­-��"-' . ­ ... �7 1 and spitc,ml traintt no lesa th,tu 1,430t rot)m ^nd not even once a month in tiolest brulses and other defectit, And _­.... 11 9 VAT � 711 I . & I . . � _0 I �V - ik""t � . *bile P*tkhill. All" CfAfg. L01)(11011. God's b(iu*. I � propetly packiptl � VQtOW4ql off ing AAtociatlon niltdo I � Mill Wood ' . *4 . :*- ... , I . . I Up. Thoulaq M&gWj)Od. pr "; ftait rot, In Ougell or *..If1La0r000dai_' 'WHEN ,. 0 U I List License tispecto I � and ol.bor train4t brough t In vrrV large M, V, V.. Ale Tit t 11 r for Ndt-th rerth 0 " . . . ; , , � . ; outulkers by rsil. Ted t4iiasstild would Wag HIM next opeaker. lie mijid that covered p,tckages. Hie law sinjilal-ly their secrefary'audliquop flowed Ilho I .For Sale � I '_ I , . - I to& Vi-ry milow,frAtives ol-Wroxtot-1 the the Pt eiient s�elebrs,tjon Wit* ill" KrAnd. alto* tit eo8ore honeAttInality throogfi� , i� numlit'r of visitorit. It Wit snow thn6 I M in the history of the county. lily Out, ThetxctaAYakCr­ wator at tJtejr racca, Ovkr big own Ge -DAP I � signaturtlie, now pultliqluii the follow. ex al. Grocal"j, Jrllour The 00vt ia ont Itilo,afow, 11 . aft a�- L to form; the w"mitin aft" dioloor-- � Paid a ftibute to 8ttatford, j1hich he Wood " �. Is a 1 . . 'n "-7' N" ""On $hit" 'ell' or offer' Ing letter w4 sit excwrA foVhio inaction I I -V I ­ and all bAd a good dinner, ­1111t WhL 14110ttithf, one Of thor finest initie* in' the "' ' r have in Ills posso,4"ion for Aq a Government ifilleial -. "A Qi'Ate. r length ma will be d6llvorod to tiny , .. .� ) . I . , lined tip the 2ftli Regiment Rtud wit- Dominion #s;ft,1t,Vfruib pit,ked in x,y packstire Plitt of Iho jowti tho fificao asy as I ­,� I I ., I . t Of Orango-risin ho "I it to in Which t1115 fst'rd ()r 411OWn r fkUtfiif$ MeAtfrolft the inspecf(lr!r,�gpee*�inatjto - T I � in tile if -lid, the attractive niouatei INty, that ;W0 Im" neW lib Afraid of its , and 10111 � � jj H A11VE8 ­ 1_ � I'll, . . I . gives a falo repre""t-ation nf tile coq- sale of licloor withoubli �etksa at trio to- hed Stolu: , . offted, . . 'if:. , � . --- 1. *" t "ace-" "I 8 ------'�'-'------r.-.--____,..___. Loot* of such ptit,kage : Aild It ithall, ho "L I And Licitowel . 0 .. �____ ___ _0_ft_ ",!��!._!!!!o� �­­ , .'­ ,r 1� ___ - , , I I i . _ (nay re'lljove same "114apprego."Alon aq Ift BrOderlckla, 61d bt�n�i Wore recfIV64 by tolophono or L 11 . � iloaid0red A f*1*6 reptesentation when - , � ,�_, .­ ". Jok f � - � . . I AS* ILI to the discharge Or,, JIM dutlea, Tile HA,MIL # left sit 198, camliris St. will rtcoilfa C . � I .TOM ST., . (4()D.t,UI(),q, , I L:, IL M I Vlarnmocks,l Fa " Inirtitctor fit not 0i bLovint, arld, oil wifits ofil, r . _.,� '%� nig more thmut fifteen Per relic of such Prompt, attenti � Y", - I � , , , , , .; al's . . -I I I ft -nit 1!t substantially Smaller in 114A __ , � � .- " -, ­ . I " %if 6, X a , . . ,,�,,, ,��.., � ��,, 12 " r *r- of lawatt'.5 underadvice. On this act -Y ", �,_;, � - 0.0 M L 11 � I- than. or inferlor ill grade to, or ditf, , F" I — Ot", �, Till f he fsted i)t caoitin he was adv1,v,,,,l that by a do- rvorvibiop*111fienewAndfroall, Tdor "phone 08. I . .1 I - � " � -_ - M Cr yet ,tit ins, vitrietir from. udX6 McDotogall In Tdrk)nto, r1k1rouittesolidle4. . I . i . It', I -"-Ir I -nnis , "o "' t!fW.-!­ . I I . A � I S" rA.Iz-, - Z, ' . 6 I , 1. \ slikown: sot" of such pitekAlto. = 0 hw'i IJ ! � ____ _� Peter r1cHwa r '� I � O., "I �� ' ' 't" This vlowvs Upon fruit deAtem the illeoho,48 80 9"'Alt 6, Verc-OnL4190 of 11110, � I I : _ 66L to I* 1169400;iCatin ! � . T110ro will to a nc enity for taAay. d4iflgif �. I � i ... . i ex N 0ould I eich, Nov -not, ift ' 1. � , HArnnIoCkill Ytmv1llft"dthw rosponsihifify4of stetting hon pack. 4, Mde I " .�, C I . I - th"o 1""ths 001, t IN A lWoOld without po r I I V#m1*dxk4wjALwkt,, tm idP400. iftwhich thot IWO** la.yer of _,natty and about the farm, CaVeWlY for * : ., : .- : 6 I . .,k � I I . whj wilt bay y I I I 974TY I - . I � of 11"HWA Hed 4"d J r ft" "" truit willbemotoothnWhkotb I officer itiould 1* hold for &AIllagoa t'i't'I'l 0ANTELONYS witwo0w.'i " wl i wtt�k � . I I �� 44_*�_ with ItIllow slid rt , e . WHIN, It ,10, L* "' seNing liquor Of that plans., It is '­----- -77 � . "T. !Mt , Wrenches, Nuts, 0119t Oil, Cans, Vorks, � - �,�,, _ t f� The law titims very, well to toned, g .1 !4 ;-,�, VAIA"#. Wdsl 1W , 4 at 'try, ossf?!r PAt , � 6 I ., � 'dal IHI, � 41� . ( -25 maithed thot both At SlrAff(lrd an Short: tiet, Tat6, , 30 f. , I *,.k, . 11 BrctR and �!Jtftft jt0jl$'r � """ tik""ie"I' "tilkf� th&t 1L 'a a Voltowel%wcial brewinke were made HN YULE ­ . Scythes. Binder Glo;ve,s, I.-te,. ?` ,ary on- o ensurpi 0-alikir iiatle. - _ . * r I f&VI �1 � TM mwt 4a tAt very ftiso )sit f & f*er to J*Wil Witiull tljP'Pr'6VJV � . � . . I 1, ZF*n* � [aug 9 .1 1"01 .:=" aloit Verty ~%- H aft � �41f � — ."A" they* luk", ,,, "husVel, Irm wl I 11 a the, parrhoo* 'Of finit lly,� oUf jhM J,,%* t _ . U'lle6' 1"itsaO Laill, 1'"Angers, Kingston St,kj� Godol-jo,it. : � I I I I ­ factlo holdi or M . fterpretina b7judirki ­� r IrI& hoito iiho� pro otion ,V# fr Xisset, Af *111rilong, % AngtIt's, -.1 � . %% .—I t-- Ito 11 ­­­ 1.11.11- & tA) WM causdian trait 1114108 alittAd , 6f' JteN;uxjk1f. The lusliertill-raddo cpatTh I - . � � �. r . 'urnish � A �;�.�. _. 0 skf� It— Tii All tho, romo"hir ",kkkP%'jft nowk- � - � �� _­_ kind f he only liqtior found thatbad,ittly DrAudy BoAr"Ar, Ott, � Nve are Prepared �to Ft ' . �, APIM.411knCeAffielag jobMeathia Wa.,4 At 6 em gotill " t1to bent ' I . . - 11 .. � . 1. r I #t*. i0*411416* CNIMfOR'A ;�M,, Rnifor No Mofs!.­TV"to Are Motu A hoor W& from kilAij nnd� ortinfit ftw alade ts Alay � A High Trade Pure Alallill.1 TWIN13 at r' )f: - ,r:e­, �r � .",�,'^V* %%floti%it TI,l@ft,ttr"*jq 61 -Ir 1(14'410_,Ut'l� 11. . V`040-1),Ile Moyelo Vvfq�v ? and. 5t -, *­-*_,,�, "4W, --W " ,rw-, I11*etk*fLJRA)1-�. __,"pi. *4114a whn livo jI)f4Pf,%1gT(4 lifett lip(,amw dest, *dvim. lie did bc)&,M.jko a frmlor-al " . I I I fl � I _�� r dyqolfl�A dafl1tt fh*�* k4miltiott nn#J *0 ; rur*. folf, tat)k,x.jnjn1r-1 tit tha 11 -or f_Nntclon leitftj t1le UMO oil 1. Itopal"Votuo, Doali,f* in 11Nh;(J,r1tdV �, .1 ... _____ . " 1.� I 0. , .- I . � . lie, per PP1111d. , _______ 1�1 11r,4tfi,v, firmk *I " dowd1t�X'sJ11Vnee W WV11tiM '4 BICTILIVA. D&Vf1c t4andtioN , k 1.1 - - ., ,rncTxjAt'r-*m4-- PrAl L I" I Am �bA a"I it' __.;�� of ., I C ti6sl4k; Ali the thimll s4 finin thokfX ftato W11jetorit, tV. ,�JnZ� f4l 1`1 VIA V 'Cli, �,0,1 1 4' It , I I I A . ilitritim-4.4nin./ Ofuli .Way to, dimpott the iti)ld Wint. *lid inido enti,fial nrvango- T Ot Saj)Dlic.-, 'Pte, ote ( , , I I- , . - . I . IF I - � 7h06MVP414J4k,A*_0r1ft,.mk 11`r,,1#_tVkk,Vto. . 1 l*0Z1r;"4""4 1 I I , _. � V0lF"51-r4b.0,b0,,,Irt'thP VIC6111411 of fbf* tno,ntw,ftkrlt#l,�rnp(lec.u"tftll,7nn(lrjqil;6r- ,* tint -y Ile,ji?p 0 .. : �� A .-- 4 Jtlqllld�r okkaoll 10ek.0VA, ,jqV,F ;!, t%jz, , ( j,,i_j;, I % i I . 41144414� I "(it'�jjnr N"JaIM4100 j4fn�' nj�rta�j Q11i'all f4olp . U 0�4r . V, - If. J� I j f Cl ef delp t,!jPro ft f4luf " Pt #j1`Wftr, Mew igraf wa. TIAn aelion T D1 andfilillot'dVial , (44tln 11141 Ala cadrip . 11 'k�,*rA,tt-,F"fl,vo-�fi,t,llllprnll"f,ivb'ith strok the fn*jwt#)rw,-t,.§ato:Zf'fl fVP01-j�'ll fro ftlitj ytjflr �1 �k- A , I � ,,jtj$kfAjtjV,4j tVill Ito wttur,ld. 0�16 C4114, Uncew will av,wayLl t�o f0foll(I I *nit"ilt thpi b"t P014 knowri. ,1*4bq Ow Vittlot,r VrotVII Attrinev find to � I I . No Do, R,Q VIE. I TIA11111rc-nic PAnV QTdAD= Am.. - : A% ALI r VV561larile. ._ , U p4dty I . � I Is Owl T*146w**Zfa� "to X"" *An* *#4M pifleito I I 11 , %, 0 I - I �ki;�t�-i�,.`, 18JEA AUR fum MoMl, lb ;("* 1110 Itifft" ARIPAIrthAOM4 W1 u are� f 11. . Art"i, - A trial tit tbom 'WIN j%;10,00i Initt InIft"Ctionj atS, tt) ftItthi,it � U* 4AVATUOU 1W., ktiaftl* I � . f � I ,. , W**T4Wr. 0"amitatt. I . I I I r r ", � , ­ I - ,� r ,I . , , lw �- � I . I � I . . _� 11 : I .AL ., mi Nis It, a A", I - - - - . I I I JOHN YULE, . I CASH HARDWARI,�, .