HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-06-28, Page 2I I I - � I . � I -_ !! .1 �! � , , , �, 11 - ­ - I . I _ i - -- M. , - 4 - � . . I .1 I.. . . 11 - - , ., . I I . .1 _N 1! I � I - .1 . ­ ­ - -_ , . . A- - ,�, _, 1�1 I � 1. _ _ - - � ­ — F � !!t�r��r-,11!!,!!tr!t!�!��-,i::iz -1 ­ ­ - � ­, .. .. =.! _ - ­_ . 1. I .. 11 1-1 � - ­ "�,V, I,," lt�� -11 __11-_ -.i.101" 1��1101­__ I -1 I - - ,- . _--_% 0 r" I ... "I "I , I I — � ;i illill ta I W . 0 - I � I I .. IMOAU ' I I I I - 1 1*4m ,4AW41 I I I � . � — I I , , C 11 . . � � ,,���= ��.., I A sib - 11 __ � �, . I ; , � � 410MM � , , : , . , -0 W404ft. : tv , I 1 tit I ! i st fow" 804 - L�,J . . - . I �i � , I 1100,11 'It, I I. V" V* . W,A'�w I ; , . , I T� , I I *a* wip.41A � X if I J , I � , : III" - .0 ,111. I I I . I I I I � � . I AW.1n;Vat" - �4 I I. � � � � . � I � W�rYW4 = I , , T,M*, "II" � I .. borfor J4 4.11,_ 1. . ' -11 _: , , I � , I..; I I or ;; "talf, � ff . I I - - r, I Oki,, M40 criod., o . � "6# � , : it. 14.=M*,�M = 444"W'. , S , -1 � � � Is :1 - V= 441 11 � -, 7,= ' I � I , _­­ 1 ,.� - y1i, , t�_,,� ­_�­,�-__---_--_-r_,�-:� -,.---- -_11 1i 1, I � ,- _7i, . .- , .� ! ­­ 1, , . ��JC VAU t�v. q*11 . � , � � P - I'," F � ' �_, I P111 T, , , , *: A - Sv - �­ 11, Tv 0, Fu � ==x"It ,. ". � 1: - I , W-1, '* � , . , , *111P I �. - " I I �# � 6m"Mt V-000. 11 I . . I ­­ ;M!14 MW -_-,� **& V** AAW . I -.1 11 11 - NFPF � _10.110- llyool.x**Vv� 11 I � . Z -soloall. 14tF""RIq"___1I111_­­ I --.11 I I I I . � . � , I vow w4w Awit*4 Witut oxr~ nowt rK = � , r I Vi*_CP7 ,,UgT , alm - X$ , � I a:k11%,t01C1A 44 %ve Dr, T , *e, TWIS 90W � we I ly to, 0-91 lubri�ri A 06 *04rW49-Vw� 0. 4" 00" kAV# AV I 4 4=,ZO*80 It I 1� -: � : . .1 I .. . tu* - I .1.1 I T, I I . , , . '"Oft I "I I= 044"PaIll ­ W�* P+ . I I ,.,w 140,x0f * �, . . ,to . . ==, �, �1� i �iawx X ini'l, '' 9 'O _ A 41U.41*0 44ppeol I x0s, "I I ., , VW *140 1149 , , It. 44004110, '4,4 r4b, - I J I � , . . ,�, I I : 04Y4 97 114, X 'J 14ir-lt,.44" With. Am 40" , I I I I 11 $09 Wits; I L;Z�= W I 0MAN"A0400i, � ' -� : *""- P014",* I � I I I I , . . . , r *4 '444 onw, 'MA4, Vor J,V� girl uta � . , Zkv . t, � lao,W4�#t,4 .1 . , - - I . ­_ v 4*43=4�ig, a ]RAPPY11 ' , 09 f,hk* 9f . 96r, .44 .-_9U* -, h *010 I I - 11 ,WX04,'Vh*t UWW * __ � , , -0 ,. � U CAMPTOR, % V.- 9471134 -4104 . - I . . 4 thl . . -1 1, , , I U ". � - 6*� . oi=. t4l�� QVW _*�", I 090'11* - I � .. -W-11 � , *AW -4 '4* 441 4 ., Z, VIA* or 09" L . ", 1- 4 11 3%4". I 14m,".110411i'A"i A ,. 0*11010 , I 11 . I i , . wj, 4 T , In 2 lu *4 11140*0641k ,� I 'VOW 4) J" I : . I 44AW.A1 '.. 0414 g , Or k4ow'?, , ­Ff - - I , * P 4 t4! Vinw 1 1 -Xii0do 4 . - V I ` A de3patch a .,;: V* I I . , *4% 04d,qIiqi*ot -b .*O, ,,WW .. � ­ . A40N,XQ9xtAW­ III ,:;; I '. ,xv, 0041044WA101K '' f, I � , "!'' ­ � , ", , ' I I ZaV19"" - Y.; .% L ' � 1U. , Iroal Waullpagliou sawv .1;: I t roughoA04 1A ho " . . , ��WOIO � tl%4 V_ ft * ;� I - ri.Ly 1� :, 5 , I KW14 , , - - , "q slitwow'-e w � zax* Irplyosell rl 4 4 polo W111 I'll A-4 , Z 4� ,. . = Talmage Pro #044 *0 VO , i . AN;;;;;rW""1Qtor* tile ., . _4 ,is X*Aob*g ,OV*p 00 I I wri'va"EXAN"- — -Uov. Dr. ��ti,w 14 ),914 his, I., 4 110-.1111 W* � t�. KOO fro* 4 _�,*A , irltQt La XN# ,%r Oust U, bw­fiul� 4,9 ,JW VIWA --cwd. V " f,mm"reoptlon,pi, '' A 1A!#L,#4 1(1* *"' - ' fl"Wd Uft *Owl Sind 1611114 $0144 to '" 'I 1, 'lee jqqs� VII I ,I . . , '0ALOW Itor *00*w 1A, tho, -0m;0*9 VOU'V 44*40 % P00 tuil W4 I I I a at no bt,* , , "V,Q LyQ , _.K 'o I Cow -it, , . . ob'.0 � .; , ; I= 41:64 1" u " � 'Is � - ,_ , - ., . .4QXY tcxb I 9 �bil -WeAtlivIr #44- A44t VW� # V _*&; i " . , _ , t4itlo)$,�'. Selt, one, � . 9 , 1,14, , ,., � , ,, , 1, 2 with =11111191fs,as Y40 4,*yo.'��A*. 0 0 Lppg ,qjr AWy, - s4q,w4u; PA ).W. ,dl*,P _ i. f i - � I �; I , : .41 haVik 191terfill.oAqW. ,tb* *u " % . I ADV Alas".-.�sxifk *Aov 4t tat t,004' islilli iiato it VIA% . , , , _ _q r, � �44 � , "=J�;ty Lit 4IM4, . W."14 # N .*­ ,4TO#4 TAIW brow , , - '(4, bA $ag, � � , 1 4ust O.; '9 V". , . L I.W.-I.-.1111 1---., 13 xill, 5 4 VOW, 0 lzlit� J0. the- *st, bqv* A 1 *w up that �* r. TV41, � .v � �_ fook,tir I OvetrulOt" 1K,0*=or"­V*sI1.rff, #g, k IPW- , , . . . - If . , 114 - ,4 - � I _ 11900t,. �" i . I I 140 L 14 � 11 -_ . I lu .10044 at, Vit lbott�� "rob In* % L �__, wit 101, Thii first rensom tlai6t I =q , ,,lot t 0, # ..CU9 , V� Filer` #44"T baVQ'*VWbu*d 140r-b0I*6r*W' � -f IOA - -14: v gb* *01 109 .0 "'ItA , t , utfo, ,t 'to. you C , , " 1:90, � _104 ; I . �# 1;0 quick t-oppa . - ngti#w 461" tor"A - PAW of, Ar. " T%* � ii , . (1**t V** I I I i IvitillOg .to .this spirit qdv1w4 In, the b ...... 01 , I AA0 ,,,,,W",.r,,,,,, CAM treoura of 4'r - � ritboriop 0,14, "40 qW "Wet 44 Y 1 4, W, %� 0 1 . , ..0ourali 't, 0 O,OW th - I � � � . ,04, V� J al L I � " - NVI h*'-PVAPftUr444*0##�,, 1 11 I � 11 � I I I W." I I 1�1 L � I I G6 .. �= - I liligratJoIn tbat,ori you tile , Iro)v ot'ar SavialtrI 0I, 4a laot .004 . .'l -the, � Sh $qlj hich h0i, i �_,"111 !V111i"'W" *%RM44 Vou"A** 0,�*k� *u Vau-t "L. vr ,W,0:KCi1If`AP4 #09V 414010t. 17�s- � . I , 4 , , vg )V� lkp , .4,0,00" . . . 494, 40, tho CPU# _pW#_ t#j you . . QA � Quou * - if . OV 9 __. W t��', . . . . - .pourcat of us bavp All tlint is gRojor . W01114 009 04 NO liable at iA, girl iU the,oagp, ` ijor alI YA 9 PPA, U40 1 CIC, ".0, 3coy, I I I bg* t4 I I I T W* ''M 4 � " _ 'with IiO I .11.11"..I.O.".., , I ta�ot �w A,"�Xaw,yo,Aqw V, 11014, 4M opr"ik .1, � 11 _ � I A - ^ir t 'y . IIIA�q _ 'rIght" - , bv � f4i _. W , , 0 , , I 9400%lif t - 0.0,49"R _xx 4 . O�'� -4.,4r ., PW 0p, Qt , riderotand that 9tir trials sisv, the" manths"', $141104 uuw" A9W1 YOU 'Will WOO I W" ,*Aft I" L�' , , h , - ��,fnomu, to� lWit 1A #1117-44 X44Io*J1w,k9 � 1A wulpublq in %Ve CuaJ4O IL gra'At -amid r . p4r" . A .04 , ��:,' cing.'sputorit. . tile. wha, L I . , W 'qiitm I . . I 1:', V Barrister, soulufw. "a twoo bot'ho,w, the ver, .Out tb1ps t9p us. It We was 41ttinir up the 4:0rupr of $4 Ak , A1, yo4? 1 1 . , I I ribbon: 4r,uroutv, Wiwi ' r0w oat - ,= 4 . V9� It "Os0"W . molint.; , � � , . li= " . . � I , " W 00,tp " ;we 4 - . '* 4 Pro, ygr light, al_cvp - , ,;1.14"linli� , , : I I .1 yu Figgr , Mo. r4lboling ;hqwute�orequ,�. ' ' , - arw . .. . � I .. I . 41114 V A oil 4pOF"lixtion of tlla� truth, I to 0 * - - (� � , .* 1) q, * T for, sou, wa, I , 1161 t44'.*PA1 ho� , W4. , , L 04,14 W13 would -1 I IP941t ,, YOUVI � ,;. I , tM 00.qioi. Goiter"= 414 COIL We talk of our blesoApgo, b, 114gliew's OY94 brightioU94 "'.4 ,., Atr". 04" AArd, out vi , " . I i. . ON 2T.. �. litt '"' "' "s' � � I " NO, , , 1 , , 11 ""'ZVON i;al rujj�d 6 L , I I I Ir'. ;' . t � I* .A = 94 of bodys Which IS g,VC4 L,n And he 41"Plilift 'Into tho F*aireb*ld,Q'fo741 % . ,. or 44 ,b a . .C�)O. kup-l*'Why It' wasIthO. , , - Anti Miss. Patty ., �qe:. -- . , ',� � , -1 .� 14-l"POPAN10, I .� � John Kay* thv , I . � I I .. I- t,,-, I I ""_, � 'Vk , , � . I .. -11- 11, I -", ­ -1 I— I we e, As $his . 4 ,� I ,. , ,",t' �;: �. ,_ , � q I 91 . . W 0 .0104virilitor.7w0i; never 0 1 .1 I -"M UP, 440, � � ;, I 'Pot ., � VIN" I val"t 61 tile am l0tly Wit n thii tidlIM - . , - T , - - , It ��f � � � Parfet A, , � lest quantity to &hope Who ,have 0 luurt�yr. in tbe'Vory , ir ey#brg ,4cr, Aulto foricoquit of hIm*sIf for tho. ­­, it�, I !L —F I , , I I 4trl , . ,g , P . I '84_do,61�0! � I -8044W L (114 , the s. , wift I � I �, , � , , ,- been Petted 4nd fondled and I a rvoJi;lted,4ownvW I b3q)M pr ,; 4 . - , - , hIA � 0 , na'* slim, amscvtlil�e. vwf�- But they wero iA , X941* kt lilin­.404447a�'� - , V -i J U, for la Uirm a', a .,A *943.04t, od, � , wmwv�, T.99 tvgw , owq#koa. C: �Uef rotos, , '" I ., ,, QX00- ter of course. . L , . - , - ,"ohd ;*, cnt� ��w 04key 90 P"lled of fortune, we tuke as a miit� picked tip one of the faggots that gentlom . , ternp . � 16 _�,N . ., . oiya 1. - 'y :1. , �. - _ _ RathOr have this lux, was consuming him and kissed it, ing"card. . . voice a-ayinw. A you %W-:* to* Ii.wY, thooPitly, I � Xglth ,, ij r be�W .. I . I 84"I;1 " � . Ing I to,,, + � oo wo, ot� long 049#gti,to V I , � ,,I L the t�if , . , And , I . � ;tvll - I 1;` - 'I,` , '' I I I 11 k, , 1, - , thA;y 'I d V #44 tb , lll,�:.46�.�. � __ 11 "Ob. here you Art, " - 44, bowt, b -ow OInkft'Aw. 14 , _t nntiLlbil �4t V!bi , -_ ., 11 - I I I -110 ury and have it all:tnc, than withj;lut And said, "Blessed be Ood for the "Why.,..Betty, has hqi rQoy _g, guelit , is lltfj��a"�L�.*4 .0 P , "Do .14 . , " � , — L_ 1, , "Iled 404404 W_ 11010 V � 4"11' r k I ' 'I ., ", 4'-9 , 0-, I � , " I I ftkbt J3AAAI0WLk It, 1004' out of & Palace window: up, tlAle when I was born to this prefer- 'on you?t I've been b0qtAng, �Pver_ywbers flair a pr.0VW 9 i It" , Cot* r , , . * "; oo� - I .. L4 , , r .: t4k � . ,. _4b 'I � plpfit.11 ."They who #ullor with him "40, lie h4salt, Aferely you," Anil a wellrm '" , . M 1" VOO.'04 - $4- j4 ___ ..I.p . RoE �,dtwti pter"s t 11r..p.s."o-Z .,a parku of door &talking betWoen jA ILIV-941 Pal _esladla I I'- '. ; V but. -ior UPON* WWII, r I , # #1,41�t _- I., I I ,1fflXl90,"W§AtIJWf,0t� . � ,�b _., thgak biv4r 31untutau and statuary. These Poo- eavon,,�' "DO c0at,Qat than with PA. I fPul;d that card on O'fl llb� VPPortune youth evrelit, Miss - .etty �0001p**,V, , - I . I I , , , � RO-M-W a" I _ . ')� if , ,, QuAte of 09-4�- xoop; Jo. lox as It og� 011BUNI I ­ I ­. - -, " - � . , I a the 00,3W , 1�114 X9 , - �40 , '41. to tolloP inch Aix % Z. .1 ", ,, .'' � r, 1. 11 I I Sul Ibiliga us you have. ratar--table., My love for the draam, away. t .4 AV4, '' Iqp�ving 10 , 4 iliw4w t *oi% - iai,4 - , - i " 4, 0!alf, imik I i! ,. , , 1.9 111011. PIP sloop bounder on a Straw mat, 00 kA'a"joet 00,;iii iom�.041­§A? Age- - $4'qlapa, � 0 Is, , I I.- " � '17 , , . r "vf P01 �a XY I 1491111gomspri?, A Other consideration *;. . ailed 4 11 11 , .. .1 U , ue� t .1 *her to can at Cress thaD n ading us tic, -an Hghes to somewhat Absqato�nl ­�Ae, 1,010: r d:4 Of . . At : , T 0, PIS * art. ' ftwillonable, invalids on a .1 ., � 4, ih'p P'#940,* -, �0 : - , I ' ' . iii , 0 . Ri I I rw To t.ts AY1,6 mt.m to the, apIrlt of the text Is litio as- bring it here'to .Create this little contguiplAtiog, of the bdo-)1, I . 'aiii, ufjt�, L e . N, XIIh § . ,, . I . mom emosio Asistalito CAP" coud"Of Ivory a -d eagle's down. L -To Th�- "a ,,W ,-,., _ - _ th ,t too prvoht L ... ti"gku",L -ika,t the Lord Will provide scene. " . I -lei '' .. *iir� � 14 joe 1TEIIIVXvPI44 I I , , .0 *M� 4 � ". L'' __ 1747 The dinner of herbs tastes bettor to surailoo I glanced at hls,'wa ch ott ,jgth, was 1,g t�. , .0 an rinse the moqt4 ft Y' This I$ � , ,. - —9 0� Somehow. Will he who holds the "I was Wondering how we . Ised tO flall f, 04 , . I t1lQuilvice, of A p;omllleat New Yorki I., . ,.Spld ourp, t 00 144'. an4' dA- 1'TApP4,v-,t0ht5p' A'OrAiid ,tile OA Oilutipt, , who, *0 . . T* . _7 . I ," said Miss Alice, VoAq cided that Ile would go. bonx.A. I I '. bi , , ye the Wide Use 9f.thip _XJ 9$� $4# .'�*o , - man's axe or a reaper's scythe than low his children to die of thirst? of us tly. thoi;4, I (O1,9*r#­,ft0l 946ton- We Would , I I . XXOXQAL , cited waters In the hollow of his hand all- Invite him . rl TAP 4_1 T, the appetite sharp � I . 114,111 mat him outside th ' 'out #r . e Schap 8, with DR- V0. "I 0111 4;tfiies , _ I He assured his h9stog I dliev%I, and ,�pAvpI4 I I .p. fba,t I d d'k46p alalq�t 74 , I I I I . _­­ wealthy indigestion experiences seat- Will he who owns the cattle on v. roam. Iltit , la prof I O�t of qJi*r,tvlrlI� itiv, -,that, tho'OveldA _ a,,vo .4 plan I It your father kno,#s common warintib., '. .g C"d b,QQ444O­bQCEIuSO t W" bl�lsilldqsa, for,� _ be . aildoe! 1�wo dentists Opr, V,4 44-,o , 4 BRANNON AND GALLOW oil at a table covered with partridge thousand bills and all the earth's him. of cours it is All right." , had b your, ­ . . Dm and venison and pineapple, 0 , sell delightful, Pail ,mas so 11 I .1 �� �, . — The luxuriv.0pp of grain and fruit, allow "Yeti. it � Is all right,- X.ppegled oupled with pleg , pq� yofll.4tpt , I I . . Roy 4j, 1- .sing tho.4gll.4 taut The, litop �4410 wap 114 ctd �tljat an gboolut, bF tko, I � j , � grant _ . VO� A49U.4 d9old, .. ... 0 I. he -Way home before be sud-11 AV Cie ,I �Ootlt E. dt . Cannot 40" 'tC,P14g*'1 �, AND SURGE 'Pith, , In her . , _:, PUYSIC14N lost luxury Unit Over gave 11, his children to-otarvil? Go out to- Mips Bell shining , - 1*04 now we must he was half . L 11 I . Wo,m flu who tradea that Morrow morning Lit five o'clock, Into bring our,ti,kid's, to bear upon the denly paused, his hand soWng his �Oyep naAli- city. q a, A ity, be added. wiro .1 Itto?,gift ]Ullk Of alameroo SuIldixg. man ,.Bq�t7.3 hil 6i , L ,PQ I deaf Square, Off to'* all the Palaces of tho earth Is tile woutib ,old hear the birds chant. subject of refreshments. I&P tregus- pocket. � 04 huskily, -09 you is one b, ' reve.atives oI upko;f - t, --!P* . In 'e4ruest? paalt-dcmft� plisy with - LLPki x'XIT. 14*s, ,;-.�, ArNiglit COU stlioeldeape. infinitely cheated. Bless God todity, They have had no bruakfast�, they arer, it is my . - "Jovel I forgat to Igit � 0 patt, 'L 111i � 0 . t 4 serious com RAVRON. DR. GA - unhappy duty th do ve itit, Ile me ,, Rigg's � j, ElStO . . , . L' plaint which to 4 In embryo at *T, got lIxor., A' ,:, 8'. _ ,V... , DUN" W. that thoqgIl You,kuotv not where they wilt dine, t4e,v clure that tb . 0 inside of the fty Not ejaculated, � And then he analled in - Sliq lie% � , ho' " , 0 atall, 0 woniall � 1.�, may be shut out irom tile works Of have no idea where they ivill Sop; Qlub are low." I I the darkitess. "I must 0 , JtL her hqAds to him least 4cad.11 - T P o4kr _ I i PRON9 " pRoNs go a church, and 4L 131ort . , till on the with . PA I I " 'ji'heatu —in Almost every mouth. - I tadt arid a Ito- but _mpu give ilIt . go of � 111L hear the birds chant at five "Never mind," observed Mile Alice professor within, a tiny or two, and ; I I -1. L �, � ''. L �, �*�', - - and victory, t 1_4 1 1 I il boom and a 14LIPIluel, Yu O'clock in the morning. "VeliNd. cheerfully. suq.e4 er, and i�s ha e4ifgbt thqui in I .11 u ...... t "Lot us make it list. carry,out my Plan of leaving the War ,V I drew h,q , . 4P*.Z. Whitt ,Re $42 free access to it gallery I' hiZ lie fowls of tile air. they saw Apt and we will order the things wbjen Purse. ' what He OAYT4 3 �­ DENTAL. imndiur I , I� Ocqistlllgly� Into INEXPERIENCED MOTHERS ,',, the Louvre or the Luxembourg or I neither do they real), nor gather into we go into town. TheL Malley we So he did, but the p�ofessor was hip arms the bit' J pasteboard flur, as tion which lieved U19 wotiliij , � , - the Vatletut-tho Up -ed I � Ualleeded to the lagor.-Lon- Women cuter tv p I I , M 141CHOTAON. X. D. Woutal Surgeon ro "I gal lory of the I barns, yet your heavenly father load- can raise litter on, it nccessaj,,�. Givq not at home. Hughes was turning gives into their hands direct respoil- VI"Ought Vdfoe,%V� ,. . don Answers, . qy, hii '' 8, nounday houvens, I. Kttig'8 gallery th theill: Lit" , t inuch better Ina 06 scrap of paper Louise. No away from the door, whe i he on- I sibility for the life or illacith of the the thitd It ".. - DOMappo Ito the lit Oftloo. Gola r. I I , , I ofifn 0 it au idulght sky. itchan they?" Seven thousand people matter; this card will do." countered Miss Bet4�, frOstilil.pil win- . .'..'s, I . who] hummA race, with neither hrlat4,�L,1� . : , a Ill arown and bridge Of tile tit so C' , F wwre"Iso: ity. itty-five year4l* exper- . . . � , , I 'a 141110116 � L Another consideration lauding us to After much thoughtful debate, upon some, just coining ta the gate., stud' or experience, with no shadow. 11.,',vd ' In Christ'u time wunt Into the des� ocal 41. wog& I i ,�',C � This *ffica Will be closed On NVed- it spirit of contentment, Ili tile fact I ort. They were thn most iMPruvi- tile subject it list at necessary Put- "I'm so glad 1 got home," she said ' QUAINT.CUSTOMS. of preparation cir guarantee of abil- , or Rio resot� . " seemed an Idle tqt, I — ty. So far as they give it vk thought I;Iksaox 11._j�, week from ,,poll outward ell-cumstatwes. You THEY DESERVED TO STARVE. the card, which Miss Betty then Hughes I " they fondly imagine Chat this MYS- 1; =64114Y OfterilooriA each that our happiness is not dopandent � (lent people I ever heard of. ables and drinkables was w,r#ten on cordiqlly. "DO Coale in, Mr. .. . I I t'�Z May to October, itnelustIve. , Lee people happy and mitairuble amid Placed safely In her purse, .1 So what could he do but, follow The Widow's Six�poiice and the terious maternal Instinct will See (J6111i xx, 11-18).' I - __ They might have taken food enough Norton's was the only Confection- her, as though he 4&4 came purpose- Widow's Bun on Good Friday. them through. Instructions they is, " elivid, f q,y I � al Circumstances, "' " flintily with them to lost them until they Ill .1 III. 11ABEE. D. D. a., L D. S� t^I Unbel at brings A 81Y960n. "Mat and approved ml, odA will pick up when the, time comes; L 6 .1r, who the to t loat is oil tl a table er'B in tho small town of Kingsbury, ly to receive. tea at her diduty � - , I I I at got buck. Nothing did they take, A number of quaint customs Pecu experience they Will L : � b all 9,1tal operations. 1-mervatto ftodre.h. ,,,tn Ick of woodlon the hands? I dequire as the blindness and koe' �, � I J� of A lad who had more wit than all of and it obtained inest of its support liar to Good Friday ate observed in c the pre9quco 04"lit, "at= too b a @Pool&lty- OMOO-L'Or- Odb fire, you sometimes find at cheerful from the young ladies who attended But the purse ILLy heavily an his hildren appear. "I guess I know I , at. the square. them put together, asked his mother London. and other parts says the think that: It is 40 ," �� PRONE NO. 30. confidence Ili Clod, while Ili it vary that morning for Some loaves of that Contra of light and leqrrflng� mind. He did not target it this London Mail. Thq orIgi4 of many of how to bring up childrim,." cries the elf. Yet Etc love L i �r � dil- broad and some fishes. They were School. Miss Betty time. Once, when Miss Marsh left . . resentful old lady. "I have buried um sounding )lei- war -whoop aid . r as 9 Thin office will be closed oil Wall cord Kingsbury Bigh them has been 164, b4 so to ,# , nee and takes it line place you will sea und hear A I.. " Inesday tatternotoull eachi week fr put Iato his Satchel. He %%,out out had called there in the evening just the room for ,it book, he actually two that are observed In the wetro- Seven. The record of untrained in- am He pofrii� �, ,-� May to October, inclusive. hohliltulity freezing to death I t" it into tho desert. From Chi,s prvvlie- before closing -time, and on the.jol- took It out, o,nd laid it behind a poIla arg conqorapd. atinot as a materniLl faculty in the r.'ther and your ' � choorless parlor. I believe real hap- jet,, I Ing morning the sholl-boy, while photograph on the table, ' Than � . , the, events lead- human ra:oo, Is to be read in the your God." I � � I the soven thousand were fed, Q1 Ing up to the* axe well known. They raw, Stories pinolis OlLcuor louku out tit the will-. ,lad the liters they out tile Icu ougagod in the dual occupation, of a horrible thought seized lit&. Sup- and rows of little tomb LESSON lll.�T`] -gor tile are "The Widow's Sixpence," and which crowd our cemeteries -'rhe .�� 111 . SUL D,D. .),t D. a.. Dontal itow of -ovision that cleaning up and whistling, picked up Pose she found it after- he left, and - The Wido.w.is Bun." * (Luke xxiv, la -m _,j) J u. to orl assatilaLed w Lit Cin . loaves grow, until tile pi MI, " _ " = � - As& Ala—m&UL. ,, fill mommak , "== , . - ,, � 7�1 00 - '�' I - I I 1"m I ;k )009 Ic F � '' -, I r L 1VW kn"M ou othWax- 10" UVIII114001104 I h=vull Z - - 11, 11.1'.. � . � �'70*qqxy. Itilaitkir ,"to I A* . - YAU*AUNOI "Aw = Q_�"" p. W J,%94:%AU1* -*`- 10 W ,?�,t,�,J I f on . A I b 0 CA oft a a- A HUMBLE IIOML the boy brought In one satchel ", "mail grey purse- guessed that he put it there?. Cold With mgitid to the fora;ier, it Pout— experience gained' by practising oil xxlv, 8% "Did.#6t P to I With, lot us hope, the righteous in- chills rAu up and down his back at tile child is frequently buried with us iihife H tulkoA ­) � tic .1 ludng I anproaa, than through tile opera glass of the was multiplied so he could not have or of oar wl,,owd apsIew 11 a � Q '!t� L� �� . d brld a worl;. P at a Quo carried the fruguients home six torition df discovering its owqer, the the Suggestion,, und he quickly re- urc ard of St. B , holomew. it. Here are still ot4c �. Ivan to it 0 re vation t natut a . gilded box of it thentre, I find Nor, r covered the little purse. . Charlotte Perkin Gilman. . �iql Malt to Is NOW a growling oil a throne, I find Paul "tChols. "Oil," you Say, 'Ptimos . .,VoIIQwiug it, perVic I 4114 ,a n the ghurch ed-ilikes becausq't " . , "A fiverl I'll be jiggered?",he ex- But the thing was getti I This office will ba ahmed on Wed- singing In it dungeon. 1. flud king have changed, arid tile day of Mir- r a old eopla, banded by -.ate sell- ----* lieve all that w4ii i nesduy Afternoons each 'laimed. "And u. lot of 00 pers. constuat nightmare to him, me T, �j, - week I rpm .p to E made their w sorry for thOmi nu� - , . . Ahul� gulmg to bud ut noun. through acle4 has gone," I reply that what Now, let's see. . feared to lea a the purse in r churc . dqa ity to N�XLUE, QF BLACKBERRY Jul!CE. , I . Kay to October, Inclusive. molancholly, while nour by is'Nuboth God did thou by lutraclo, lie does If ere's_ a his the tombstone selected for #ho pui- told them bt Ribb I" 'I ___ ' ticket, a couglid rall1ray" roonis, lest anvover-inquisitive land- �� I � contented Ili tile possession of " now lit sonto other wuy and by no- a car ,,, rop�, a dMendar, and liose, and there each recipleat picked It people understood how valuable self to thq= lu t � I ii iii tural laws. "I have been young," it. " took out the 4tt of lady should find it, so he carried It up her sixpence, to which was ueded as a Medicine blackberry juice -not and they g1mo beqa i "I "I I MARRIA04 iiO iS _6 vineyard. Haman, prime minister Pasteboard, and read tile 'aame wit'll him constantly, � them- and a dellre tp'te! i , I . Said David "but now am old t this year through -tile kindness Of it Wine -IS the- �vauld besti� , � . , " " I i 't� ; - � --. , ,' ,,I L ' I � 11, .1 ' � , . . I _`_ " � - , 4 f , , ;; , , t� 44 , , �'l L I I . , �f '�, " , . .�. � I , I , t :', J I I � , . I . , , , , , :" I �11 � , , I AN , , -,- 1� * - � , , � , I � � . � ` ,?,, - . . V; .� . - � t ' , , I � I I ; a I I I I "" ) I �,il I Z I I 4 - "l I. , , !_�� �1" " , I - 4 . I - , '! - " , X" "' - - W �-� -1 I , �, , ft�� �­ — : . X�­ I, . ::1111711�_111. � 11 . � � � I Y (4� luat 'Moki . ptow W PAO I - "I I � 11 4W. 14wit 11 t . we I '41 = t , .twot, - " � K- 44t. 'r. - *+ - , - - . ;. vad, mix all, . L nmaAA, �0* I ,VC 0 ft 1 4, 4.44 to 0,11111111111, loW A 114 buttle, 41" `i AV30410-01,4 , " , � . � _", I , ,, 'O ,,- N0,11,91,1APITM 101, . � ,Wtivk4y'� ,,, , I " .,it,�*­­ t" �L�r '. I �­� - , 1� � I '. I I .., . .1 of Puisia, nuts himself U.1111014t to hove I neve I r seun tile right , - aloud. - The weeks passed by Swiftly. Per- . I with then ` - , We LANE. ISSUER Or MARRIAGE dellth becaust, it poor Jow will not I POPS fal- "Mr. Edward Hughes. haps there was tie change in Betty's well wisber at Westgate -Lori -Sea, a selves to preserve as much as possi- .4*,, , License&. Goderich, ont. Haken not, )its seed begging bread." ThMvs 'the hot cross bun, a lialf-crown and LESSO1441-Jes" 0 a ble. In all sumnAer complaints its I X UP IiJm liat, and Abithophel, one of Ow teacher up at the school.* awards him; but he was so shawl. . qual cannot be found as a food and — the groitt lawyers of Cho flible thaep, It is high t,lino that you people who n � -Queer mannOr t des (Jolui xx,­Xq,� -1 the These sixpences, (tv 0 John xx,129,."Bleiged,'� are fretting about worldly olrounl_ Sort of purse tot- it gentlerrun�L to be altered himself that he felt , venty in num- medicine. We have - known many . AUOTIONERR � through fear (it flying, hangs him- ga:Z a tit Change must affect her also- Lo-te ber) are Aow provided for by Priv- children's fives paved by It. There not seen and yet.hilive I 18tances and fearing you tire, com- carrying -this." And he 0 one afternoon lie pass but formerly tbOY ,are two wayp, of keeping: One is can- - -.----- self. ing to want, understood that. the It reflectively. ad a small liar- ate individuals. ones gathered in ud�0110 OXIN KNOX, Nowunto atreat t1odariall Atiother 1-038011 wh,V we all Ist's shop, and a Jak full Of glorious were provided Out, of a tuna left by it nIng the berries and straining -It out resurreed9d, blit IoVall a . nooppoatto Istotpa's Hotel. IA108101001 Alto Ould oath of Clio eternal God is Involved An. hour later Mr. HugVes Wit crimson roses stood in the window. lady, who, in the early days of the led. and He sell 0 0 d, rand Agent or i he Noxon 11ros. Agri conke to this; spirit inculcated Ili th(l'hi the fact that you tire to4havo walking briskly towards the school, you need it; the ,other is straining .. denly I Hughes felt that. these rosesigrow IdiM twitu'lliv,voeds� cultural Imptamont-v, Parts top loiehrmed text, iP4 tile filet thUt all tile difteran-jellough to Put and to wear. Ili$ thoughts on literature bent, Reformation, bequeatbed a vortain antl bottling. Boil hall an . hour in .11 . Adaw9'Wagone;0iiIAu,ihIia Carr ago Com� ces of earthly condition are Cranst- I Aga.1n: I regiurk that the religion When he 'W". stop by a brouth- for Betty. It was extravagant, UO sum of money, and directed that the you." A week lator-ITh gk%, Oshawa a otiolir ititt Plow Company, pod with cork Stopper t4 bottle. When a aj I doubt, but he went In and ordered Interest oil the Sum left lieving, Is presenk,abo,�i L�', tford.au all other Ines pertaining to me tory. Tho houses you build, thtilof Jesus Cbristis ibe grandest in- 1046 34)ting man. who came flying out them. As lie turned away., the flor- should be dope press $topper in tightly, tie a be too, bellevcs�. o44 arming trade. In-nds You culture, the places In flitionce to mo.ko a man contented. Of the confectiono,­'- �!a�rway, placed on her grave in aixPeuceS and cloth over It and put away In a. - t ist called after him: "Will you not given to t golden text aiv,',�da4jej which you barter, are soon to go�il.nu- 1.1,1,1,,,,1ty "I-Jn-t .11 il ... vial and "Excuse me, Sir," he exclaimed, "I -d, Sir?" he. poor widows of,London. dark place. It would be well to throurb him t6.all doul HOMAS GUNDRY. to other hands. Howover h it pi,qtu ba,rm, It calms the spirit, think you must have dropped your put in your cat ,This charity recently' was ififtP- take the vessel irf which they were Ones.' Faith Wioi� 0 of by the Charity COMMis- bolted train the fire and let the wa- ' L T or dwindles the earth into insignifl- purse. In out, shop yesterday. I Smile, sioneys, end the monei was direqted tat, get ste4tlY grieves 11W . Uve atack and 084cral Auctioneer, may havo it now, if you are a Uhria-. Hughes smiled nit inscrutable pri)vod cold before taking up the 'HOMMOU Streek Goderich. thin tt:0 Scene will soon and. 114ip, cance, and swallows tip the soul found it this morning, s1r." "No; I will not put in ray card.- t Lnsom V.-40ms'und % trial , orsocution. never knook aq iho I with tile thought of heaven. Ohl Mr. Hughes gazed in helpless be- he Raid. � a be spent in other channeii, bottles. as the cold air might break Ir,22). Golden Text. Jo � Sales made everf where and Ali 91111tirts made door of Clio grave. A Collin ma,do!YO who have been goiug from plo.co wilderment at the dainty thing in When he went to his room after The second custom took place �n them. All kinds of fruit juice can 4ut thou U,67" 'goIne 11 . I Wgive you pattsf!60404. out a( pino boards Is just as good ft to Place expecting to find Ili change cient presence of mind to call after supper he took out the purse, and I the cast end, iLt what might be term- trouble Is nobtillef.,,,n . Ad ' - Jkralaiis'#Ae�notes discounted. ,., - rusting Place its one inade out of oil- i of Circumstances sothething to give .tho retreating figure, � it ed a wayside inn, and known by the - Self Confidence L whj�bL Of - I looked at It. He had not opened L _ �� . . ver mounted Inithoguity or *Vbsowood, 1 Solace to the spirit. I commend you The boy paused reluctantly. ,, .. Ign, of the, Widow's Son, in Devon's, 8 , C I Z =Emg6mnrmLV!L" ica since that first day. It had seemed A A HIRTWAIST BOX. cowardice. ,Feter's, th, - - I I Go'down uniong tile resting places I this morning to the warmAitiarted, "This is Pot mine," began the indelle-ite to thus pry unbidden up- road, Bow. Precisely at one o'clock . ed the LorWa,,iltrool. younuay of the dead, and.you.will find that'earriust, Practical, common-strise re- ter. holding out tile purse. on personal property, when the house opens, the land'ord The department stores are* Show- - though people tholi-e had it great dif- � ligion of tile Lord .Jesus Christ. "Excuse me, air; but as your- card placed an or'dinary hot cross -)on to Ing'L a shirtwaist box which is SiMP- C-01,�"%"."dotabla.dri,exb"�o""It'� a IThere Is no peilce, saith my Lord, was inside, I th a bunch already blackened with age ly a fruit crate, about 80 Inches never- afar off up in r4 W. V, CLARIK V. Ek. graduate at th feroncd­uf worldly circunistances, ,ought 11 Now, however, he glanced Inside .t InAlt D"butarlo VetarQry colter, Toronto. I for fno second time. , ,� 6 ii reapeotfully Call, the attention a horse owner noW they are all nlike unconscious. I ror the wicked, and Lis long as you "Aly card,t" . "Dear girIl" hanging from the ceiling In the bar. long, 15 inches wide and 20 inches 01,ways fatly. - s It was Mr. Hughu,s's be % alspered, Then he lifted smil- There was at one time an element of high. It Is lined with white cloth LEssox VL -The -v 16 ra thothlid at operating on It The warin hand that greeted ,h,'Colitinuo In your sin, you will be turn to look surprised; then ills Cal- ingij, the slim card whereon was ell- Seriousness About the ceremony. and the top Is padded with cotton (Math. .xxVIII, logo I . Go I of veterinary Itnedt nbs senator atud tile president and tho,mi-wrable. (,Ionic to ood, f4ake our began to rise. He slipped the graved his own na.me, but It alip- thougI, now .'.,.. ), ` Ill it. oa and stables-Nowifsto him your portion u4id start for heav- debuted article in ills packet. mur- it Is made in a measure and neatly covered with a pretty Math. xxvill, 20. 11,v. r L t�' stro*4 a I hitill Is titill tin the hand Chat havdail- �cn and you will be it happy man- touring indistinctly: "Th ped titrough )its fingers. Stooping' Chintz. A valance of th� chintz Is Waisk even unto thlf�ein �'L . 4he ed oil Clio urochanics' haminer or tile , auk you. I'll to ta,k, it up, he observed writing,' I cus "of - you will be a happy woman, e origin of the custom dates back tacked around the top ihe be Unless we Are grittettil "��L,�L"�:, TOUBOrIaL nictaufacLurer'S wheat, It does not soe about it.' And turned quickly on the reverse side, mnd made haste many -years, wher, a widow kept the and allowed to roach the bottolix for Me lovb,to usjius,t� i�','t�;'c make any differedco now, whether Let us all remember, If we are away. to hold,it beneath the lamp. Then house. Being so close to tJie nogh- hanging loosely. This and the bars things to make Him i 4 1,�t Christiana that we are going. after 1414 Mind had been occupied with L wil �, �, WNSO�l ROO � L ��S there is it plain stone above them his head, trembled, for this Is 'It bourhood of the docks, her only son of the crate allow a free circulation spicihiLiv tit thosO - he "L, L 40fil O a -out which Clio travallor pulls aside �.awhilo, whatever be our circum- I lie subject matter of his lecture, and '. %� n , 'L,I. " U 01 ? a ok . ro later M ft he read � DDT p u "ll tances now. to come to a glorioutt he was annoyed at tjiis interruption. chose to go to sea, and the last let- 6k air twit. keep the shirtwaists Him we are apt lovi ' a W" D7 IL .T, If to read tile naine, or a. I L*&n# %%§Llil�"�Mdtsn, 17io io Woods 6 doz. macaroons; ter he wrote home stated -so the "sweet. " Made peettity, th6 box should. All who havoLt4 tall shaft springing into tile hoo,­ vacation. As Ili summer we put off What could It mean? How foolish 6 doz. ladies' fingers; '� L . - 10111, gurinents and go down into Uio he had been to keep the thingl His ;_ , story runs -that he would be tic -me forms a. vaLlutible addition to one's halrd been put: i1r,trust :�., Z=.�Lw veils as though to tell their virtues C - 'L 0 1 .001 stia, to bathe, so we will put off card? What was hia card doing in I doz. lemons; to cut the hot cross bun on the Good room and a comfortable seat as weW' for the betiolittf Woo' ___ I Mdean' S 3�X.&.3n:M:MW_ , tithil. skies. Tn that silent laud ithoso garments of flesh, and we will it woman' . lees; . Friday if she had. one. Shtgot one, The best thing a.4o t these boxes is it and we like to, speak I .�'�_ L tit ve ra no tttleR felt great Men, i s a purse? There must be Fruit, etc. bqt, the sop. c u . 'i�� , CORNER EAST -ST. AND SQUARE. o don. We will some istake. But lie could no Ild not return, aiiI thti that they may be made at home. inim, but God twho.trft , zty;' , - unit there are no rumblings of chat- Ilook around for some place to Iuy stop t in t He flung down the offending card, mother, believing that her son would The family green grocer will gladly T,htbs. it; . 4).4 ,�', -� - ,,.,,,: fathom it now. He . T. � I " tot whoels, and there Is never heard must and leaned back in his chair, with a, return later, he not having sc,ipulat- furnish the Crute, which has V. hasp tusso'N 1, � . 6 a � ,; _,:�,- F4011Y 01012111 A SPECIALTY. down our weariness, and the trees of compose himself for his work. bitter laugh. ed anj particulax V -o d Frifty, an- that may be gilded. an ( uke =iy# . �L, j� ,�:% LL � ,;, . � !'�'�._'L ' vaTUdolt In Bass= and firlaosalwoe right. there tile foot of the danco. Tile i the grove will Say: "Como and rest His lecture over, the total- gather- .11 . " L �1. �L , . . Egyptian guano which is thrown on 0 1 ' ' I - � . e� �:,. - "So thpt is why I was cherished in nounce4 her Intention of provliing a an a LU40 i Y', . �,� , . luilder our shadow." and the earth oil up his papers, And walked quick- her purse?" he said. "It was Marc- hot cross bun elvery year, until he ell them W iul4o�-P . L L'i ,� , l,,�,�,,; , " . . the field in the East for the enrilib- ,111 say: "Hushl while I sing thee ly to his lodgings. On ly it memorandAim for confections. did come home. This she did to the OVEN-STEAMEID BROWN BREAD. Carried UP 'into bea"fou _ ,L,L in the �,'!� , � , mout of the sollI is the dust raked : , cradle hymn," unit while six privacy of his study, lie eseat down ;, �:�D",. �'�, out front the sopulchres of tile kings I strong men carry up out to our last before the flre� and Some housekeep I 1. PeareLd Unto tlktfA'Aahf1 �L.,?�,,,­,��,.. We With Gra%ifying intelligencel Oh that I day of bar death. I " , took Jrom era dislike to or .1,41 -t,; !%,; � I . and lords find unghty man. Ot theiresting place, and ashes come to his pocket the mysterious little artl� had seen the reverse side of that Than the sign of the house was 4,, establiAlolf. , 19 , L I �',� L'_" �;L L I= chagrin of those Mighty man it they ;ashes, and dust to dust, we will see Cie of which he had bean can. baneful bit of Pasteboard the first changed to " The Widow's Son," and atellin brown broad, because of the many� InIallible Pjob #L , ,�'t,,;.,�� � SCIOUS attention and trouble involved In the . �,�'. , V, ,1 1 I �,�', - L . , ' � had over known that tit the after ag� I two scarred toot standing amid the from the moment he -had PI time I looked at It I It might have every year this cu9tom Is kept up kingdom �t 4�9d: i6l �_', L � I , aced it a 11 , 1. ','�, 1, 1. HOUSEBUILDER as of the world they would have boon broknii sod. and a lacerated brow theve. mved me He Rallied ruefully. by qle landlord, of s6inging t bun caring for the bread while cooking. the egrth, *;Ill llo,W'� iti . , ­�, , A simple _wAy­ -and--ona,41TAV, &lr -frojd��c4v. �"'11­1':Z,�',_ and GENERAL CARPENTER. called Egyptian gunno. �bendinq over tile open earth, while a tt was a small purse of grey leath- "Poor happy little Bottyl I dared up to the one placed In position the .004 " _ .. ,!,�_ , � ot i0liv I j­j,�L "" ,I- ''. �;­'-"' ' 'dream she had cherished this inani- previous year. . will appreciate, is as follows : Put as He goes, fia#[A"J� , Mouses remodeled, and general repairs, Another reason why we should oul- vqico �andar with All affection and or, with trimmings of filigree the brown bread mixture in a swall hft to be His *IWeig 'j"!". ,;; ass is the In., silver. mate card because it was mine. Can- . I ,.L'� �, * ��. '' attended to promptly at moderate lure this spirit of chaerfuln, ighty with' omnipotence will de- In one corner were engraved the ird- .0. I pall and cover tightly. Place this tarry-ta Jet 'In 11 t, I ,,_ . , , J."��,, I 1',_,.-�,, prices. fact that (;ad knows what is bust for clare: "I am the resurrection and the tials E. M. In one of the com- ceited puppyl pall in it pail of a larger size, whi . ell aLt Oilld - I IL :"`ry,`�:"�,L � satisiliction GulurAnteed. his creatures. You know what Is I M. STANDARD Tr=. endue hexii with . I ��,` �'�,­ . life: lie that belleveth in me, though PiLrtments he found his own card, "I shall 'not delay another hour," Is partly filled with hat water, tight- e tell Vith tbe- Hold % ODI . J;, L. L�`�,..L''.�,, best for your child. He thinks you; Ile were doad, yei shall lie live." He looked at it wonderingly. He — ,,f,, �.,­,, , SHOP -Mn ton Street Goderich. I . 11. L , L,,;, �L L 0 he said firmly. ly covering the second pall. Place rAg86I4 in +*0 -1 ' . . I "I have been walk- A Table of the 31our Reckonings in the oven, anil leave for throe (Atts,11, 1- ).,� d4i! 'L "L�', . �.'�. IV Lira not as libe-al with him as you ,,Comfort one anoth r with 'these had not called on tiny woman, young Ing, In a facile Paradise for three Ill 61 . �; ,,':L �;',',,,. RESIDENCI .-Huron kond. . _"�,�,� otght to be, TIP critictses your dia-1worda. or old, since he came to take up his I ,�,.. _,�; �,;. I . I monthal I,mUS of All Nations. - hours, if the fire is moderate, the 13, "Mea %, the'a'j) :-,.'-""L""_' . L — cipline, but you look over tile whole' t *elk out of it now.- UOLW]a 4� I I � 1'�, ,, 1. � I., ­ duties at the school. t1ow, then, broad will need no tittentiori after it earu% LiIiJ46 OAj I ,.t �.L,,�:, ,:, field, and you, loving that child, a He went swiftly to Professor The difficulty of appreciating the I _ i�P­ 1 h � , ";_ ��, , L I . Should any lady come into passes- is once in the oven, Ad the water in While tho#.we � tat.. ��",L , I j( "I differencA in tima that prevails be- the larger pall never bolls out. Decting from day to 4 , L . 11 1. , what tit your deliberate Judgmen LrXZ SURGEONS. Marsh's house, Yea, Miss Betty was ,A,�,.:�t',,�;�_; ' sion of his vtsiting-card? And tit home. XTdr merry laugh greet- tween different couqu-Ios is very gen. '�*.'_ �',,44�,` , VU.40W61 NOU00. be.t far him. Now. — Should she carry it about In- by Puddings can be st.ewned in the thlel SpIrlt,,Cillia 4a,".n . ,. ',�,L;�Z, ' I � 'a . ll.er ed him aft he entered, oral, and the following list is printed 13 � ... 11 I " - , k time way. filled aeli of,Aeia W6 " .,,_� The proper tura[RhIng andoinauctlult GOD IS THU BUST OF FATHERS- 'Some Birds That Skilfully Sind Up Poo 1`7 ITO noticed that she wore one of his for the purpose of a ready reterence . , I -1-11611.1. "'A I - ITO had heard of such things- of 'he once try this 1:610 w6a O lit,* k ' R , ' ,�.!­ ". � V11111111RALS fit a Past wlifoh dotis Th6ir Own Wounds. P. rosebuds In her hair: but neither guide by Which to calculitte thO time . ft U. , 1, �Ij '� � ' " `� of I Sometimes his children think Chat, Housekeepers' * � tZ ,L I; ' IL �"""' .. not Im"d ita burdM sia art with nit. -d oil them and tAiat lie In foolish girls cherishing a fancir for method of stoarning brown bread or Rate d � 92 . _ V Do. a. 6, _ , I hd Is hill that nor her cordial greeting could of any ,occurrence in another coon- aerAd(, -'e'U, IIijo(L4 1. I .th . t) .. I � . 1, , �__ not as Ilborn.1 With them its ()no Is 'lot accustomod to think at man. and carrying about with thern Puddings 'mill lie sure to ad6pt.lt., � ­ . � , _ dkille! . I � 1� . J. lanoxx"Ir & SON. he 1, lift the cloud from ]its spirits try. All nations, except Spain, Port- .4b� I L _ .0 � . I - , _ � L might be. But children do not krraw'birds as surgeons, but It Is true that trifles portal.king to him. Could It ' 1;&300 iI , . , �, L! � . - . ; ,'� ��'., - ,L the loading Ubillirtak4re abd Eftiball*- I be He Started up, asharnaid and He dropped into a chAfr with ugal and Aussia, Calculate their time I exxialliall0em' sv I i _L': " , as Much as a. father, I can tell you the Woodcock, tile Partridge, arid something of a suppressed . , groad. from the morldint. W Greenwich, ac- SUGOL%TIONS TO VOUSEKEEP- , 7w, , I I. �, . I , .. I I dipt -,sted with himself for admitting Bot � L 4 Wix-s"dous ad � . � atrid Rome Other birds are able to dress t:y looked at hin% curiously. The cepttvg as standard some oven hour ftfeli, ii,A1-14 'LL , '.� 1 �,� I QODNRIP", ONT why you aro not largely afluarit, the thought, And resolutely wont on . ERS. hpii6, ( . 1, " " �",," � I �, I :tholr wounds With considorable skill, test 61 the crint.son, roses were in a meridian, east or west of Greenwich, I I Taxt:_Vdb�,vilj;�M f ' I �L 1-111, L I .1 11 I . . . . . . — why you hw-o not been igi,taidly guo- I I �;';, , ". r . eagstul. It is because van cannot A French naturalist says that on with the search. In the last call'- bowl art the table. She touched F . 110011p;ritto", Is .the outcomo of ne- . , % ­�',';��"�­ , . 1. partment a little bunch of Snow I or instance :- ailivitit6folooldiC4,00 ,31 1 ,��'Li,,,,,­, I . I I attord. the temptation, ii your path suvoral Occasions lie [Ili$; killed wood- *V v E, them caecs�lngly. Western European time, or that of glacted cellars, and many outbreaks 4,*A ' 6sC`,4At4f *-Sb , , . ':,L- " - `�,�, , � . fix Ukvihli� I ii�,'6 "" � ""I ;r ; '�.,_, . . 11 I � . I 11 )lad beat% amboth, yet% would haVe cocks that were when allot erinVates- iting-cards greeted him, find I'!$ he"'*� "I thought you Would come to- the meridian of Greenwich, Is legal of disease and ."malaria" may be ' . WLL4 1, r ". �, I depeuded upon your own sure-footed- Viliff from. wounds previously rcoolv­ itatilig gaze fell upon the name 61 night so I brought these down. her*. in Vrigland, Belgium, jEfolland and trAced to it. The, Vc'el�j, ! Aught, to be �Atf t � ,,, ,,,­,.� ,, , I I 'y Instance he found tile "Misq Elizabeth Marsh." . OW kplikfat, He 4tid, ,ailutitui . . It Was very 10'VWY at You to, send Luxemburg. 41110ftL I - 'l, it' d, t . , . ad. In ovei "Elizabeth Marahl" lie repeated. whito0radhod once ov ' �P&r. 'iVed ov- vow J�'t­f�' I. H E L, A 1 40 ' I .;, I'll, , I . I old injury i ssod with down, ,. 0 '#16 L"TrIl. L 4" �6� - ". on tly tire. , t1 6 .Mr., Hughes_ How, could :�ou Central European tii cry bit, bf rubbislt� 'dtcW31g lvdgel�R_ fil',' i ,14.14 I , I . . " I . mom" � ­ . . _­­­­___­ 11 I. I pinicktill from tile stem of foathers, Xc2sX`hbIy know that they were I I I 11 r IVV '040, ,. , �� �, "I � 11.1" �p,l �, I I I . That must be PrOfestior MagAVa 1) my hour.east of Greenwich, is legal in- plematter And ftCCUM1AIA'tl6nSrbt WW '4016m4whiliviiiii , . I I daughter. And the lurtiats, E.'M., ` �, i Wio,l I , . . � " -, . I , . I I - . ".. and .Skilfully arra it or Clio f4vorite, flowers?" Ciermany. AiintrimAlungary, Bosnia Sort, cleared onC , Reraemlbor�th4t ills Vitnolixiiq 6ii'the-464t, ' . ��.L ,­­` L �, The Old Reflable i wound. evidently by Ttto IOZ beak of on tho silver here, agree with ft." He tried to smile, but her banter- (wit Herzegovina, the Congo litroll the air'frdm, the cellar ts'diffused'all - , � II.L .�� the Wed., In so '"" t6 Jt*,*1khtttif. � fW4*lid�Folf $'4`,�* "' � ­ � . 91AOX AGAIN I was Ike to return tho lost Ing tone disheartened litin. .e., o4er the house,. ;'L# � � � , , xa�%y , �L . �0,lklkt , k.'"li(I . f ­ ' , _' : " I �AmXINI)SO,F JJVAj(,dJ' ,*�*�.�!'JhLj'k, _'��f6t�&,&t"4 a d Ifl OU State, Delantairk, Iftly-i Servia., Sto " 14 fluid , * L I , , . 11 I 6*i&1 M this 011.0 I I I tA A holasakelf0dr says that a p Poo ' kko Ayd � ,� ,, -,. ;'�, - I . � I ; ii, -1 _'& L I 1 I In the Old Stand, lRedlord Block. ­I.wlsh ,_v6u would an Serious ter don, Norway and. Switzetland. reod at , - , Vd6g 96V ,:, i ',��,:""L­ I others ligaturen had been Applied to juncture his eyes fail upon a inilrdl ft tow moments," be saidi "I have tL n, Astern E4 uropean time, or .tWo an old felt, --�-,Ilat. put between' +'Wot ) MJUJ�,'�Jfild � -jio, U,�**Ing. .",,�.,� , ' � ' .L, � ' �- -, � L — , Wounded.or broken litabs. envelope lying near Ills elbow. Thank very awkward ta4l., before. Mo. and hours east of Grebiowieh, Is Adopted. thin, layers of wadding and thbft'-1doV-, � I I.,Uit, . 0 , �'_ c#t#4 Ito&. L Ma'lk L 'L' -Out) doW he killed a bird that evi- , tK " -6 "_­� '' " - ,� . 1.1, .", ;�., , ! ful for tiny diVersion, he Picked I I t an unpleasant confession to rnAkOj,1 by Buloola, Rtlutaftaint, NnW Anid ered affusildl "makes the bedt,libld6t, � Whou,�iai ifi. _,04 , 11 ently had been sovoroly� Alrounded at - - -�, � I 11,�' . , C 0 L r Cornell & Son it up, opened it, and read: . , t; " h* 'ij q . d Turkey,� in Europe. � r, I , f$ir hot, Irons you ever sa*� " , - ' I ", L, Hi, bta�d,.rd aho looked at him, We* X,:-4A*h ii) " L; . I � I , . I : some eptent rlorlod. The wound walg 4 lf� U I" 6 .� a ''I C I", �­ � ' The members of the Why Not I . .;:, . Club request the honour at Mr. InaVe come to I right hours eiLn of reeinvAelf ' A 00160t olive Is of 9� Yallo�oih WO, 3*110, W), 49 1 � Practkeil budwUltolto stul Kniholotorw 0401- I " ;to) �jjj;, "$,W L , ' ­ _ ; 1� , L. , AL%V&Vg ON 41AND �:-OVekod and protected by U. sort of reti to you .0i'at I 'Whir - &e6h tin 151 Oft " , I I . , . �. , L ng .h y6u the Philippinco. � , �&, bOa, Arid when , it .- - I daule- I otirg east L _ I ,;, ­ ­ i i A41111 . . "I . , Trugh"'Is company at a small lost long Ago'" . "ll"Inet"I, of Grim , irly., nft V fr 1. ahr,,W: 1� "", � , ,, , , 11�i , . . : , tot I 'not*ollk of fowth,ks. AvIvith had beilu Ing 11WIell I the Mobtfifta I$ ' 'eft� 4 ItO , � - � � 1, �, , "" lodem Hearses and gasket" -it from its party. to be given at tile bomb It ' , "' L : '4 V, 'J.� 1 I .L, phiekild by tho bil uwll "Ohl 1.4 ,that 6111111 Alle suid, lq� adalitt-d kV &ntrai 'Atistralls, - or sp6ligyA ',Phil bitiohe ,A pill I- r L 47r. �$�,,u , 11 , :�, I. . I L � `1*14AY 4049 You Worts jyphig, J'almn. . I _h JIL 0$h 1 Aftt�ft ,4 *,..t' I : ­ �,.: "�,.�. 11 NO Bed Scrantoll 111tild W89611. � ilmay two flo, atriva"d Us to form a of I rotessor .Margh, . an i1ext k wondered how .. . R44 il'olfildith ddl`di�, duttlEh , , , L �R *'w I "I. �; 1, - — , , rt had see daylight ahead?" exclaimed to keep It.— I Tell hours east at GrellhiNich ;r of- I'd 900taAc'. " � , 11'', W.— -a 14.1 -.,p . . w. �.* � I . I - . I t6tSidg the *60ndod 611tiAce. . .1"I'll""r. 4� , �, , L %% I. I.. ' What?" he criod. "Then yout ficI&I Ili Victhria.f.Quee4sland, and ili eiilte�b C Aw"Alk"tilftit ,,, 11 , . �Ii 1 ,.� ; lVV dtia, you Wi tottlooltot � " 6 _.�44* '. ��o , V � 11 � "I � I L , to = K I . .� evening. R.S,V.P.1 . . _�T , , - C I " �1', ra .1 PIAStOr, Completely c6VOring And lira- ?',,.I ct 0 IoNme I I . f ii f .1 i . r �' , �, 10 91116 Us It " 01111Y atted Ali boivtogtatid In Cho Hughesf as lie laid down the kaow,00 . , Al , ot it 1, �br. - - t blat L5 ,...'t � I . , 11 Wlf AS 11 k RibetfA , "�, �: f, , � " in tho , I ' T I I I lffj��tL , 0 , . ,ItI`C�,J,*, 4, ­ W,IX, ' .1 , I'' � � , Us , iirkot faVASIK - -1 1,1111 --k-.-. ­­­ ' .- 'I -11 , ,�ilrst Aur, and Aubttquentiy'as a, note and readhod for his Pon. it q, - I . % .. I ., ph 1 , 41 , I , " "L' 1. , L1, I J� "'Baric' ' - -Of course I knbWI1' she returned. "AlOZ6 aba,4juar H649 4'"t has; . " fis, ::,* t'W""ll.gq -4- ­� � , I . , I 1d6VtrIfi'g the W I , . _11W . . I 11 lr � I . �� , �', he Ing parties aiL6 not nkv euiltom , L a , . �:11 1. ;_,; I - ., 4, r. I *W** �, I . ... khtelit . 0(iAa� T dry dIL the roguishrieliN creephig� into, lier, I kptta by Nd* V4069d. , " � ; � W 'O *040 id .,g , 11� 14, - I W ., ��: � I . . '': " 1. ,�' L ' ' ' - .r 1','A , 0 "', I f0A%'ft'*rQ f4lift noft0d topther. Wrflltln� but I shall accept this, JnVi-� agAbIt. as she glanced At 'bid Th6. Voialtdd Stlitft Cliriadh 4utt, 1 . ­A,�tbhg i!RA .1 . . . *�, ,� I I I "L I I I I ,ft o*1 welghiiid oil 6a Market "'. I I , . . "I . , . , 2 �"::­ � r� ­ r "WaIL14S WhLere � 6bo Iho for a ! L " , I LItAtI4109 tatteilatoly Undev Aud obova til -tion. TU 96�ae sultablo corner of 01 & u a of, I - " 1, ", 0� . "" L'[: , t: -, i4o gmit a � 910 face. . 11 Was Auro I Ualto haVo, Adopted, tho fIttil, sliitb , Whau Otting'. fOao, 0 1 * V -4014i . , 1 $ ilkeh Othe'f.' AVid 10MIng r4 ttaiijIli the hOU90 It Will quietly lay down , I it Z10104 �1� 1'#*,� I , L L '' . I '. : I � , I � fb�20)�,�,�6�61 � ... I , I - , ,� I'PtIj . r ,q *Cs " ... � � � �, , . I Pill In On tlb,w Vat, I glith, �-h.oull. .thor thint* L � I 14, I I I , I ne Who 1 fil"t iftofth* to itiquieti, afid. Groofmit I 16W Wbuld delfA -0.0". V. , nli J �,� , ' I . h L ' "", *tiJ6, &I � .. ,� � I— L . ­,_ , "ftft - I . wAt * v , � to I I � I - ay 11, be 410) t1l4t IMPUdblit UOY told the tie NA 7%. RaVraflao' Waililp Ad 'Pr4w � With Cattle ld, , .. , jIldo ,, , 7, , . Protecti'vo tiq*60, this trou'41"Olde little, ftietloner,4. It sevtnth . I d leh� t* Pop'k a*'0,V , : , . L, . � *%` I tL , uIrat W* blft Mod *h6RQ limbs ario 1A by, No!itt 'd . I VA of t of elts jkx,* T � " flum MY$ 0 tooll of oe, Ped KV tho e6d " I IDG , ph ) t ' � , � , �, ., "' L . . lij%.%,1�0,11 btoLlbn �y E ".t 06 �,�Vil WAS be a -11_11 _._� I . I I � . e.in%ift heA hat, Wlth tile COV*ted and All the ,n Of the U )*h,4tg .Welit fihtl r,.hapjlth�f. __ , � 11 'r , - I .. �or'gAjjhol _ : 69L �fukrs t , tly Joladd an . . . - I I I 11 Idt *i Ub , "*. I elift,by iWITtighal'ay ototllll�ok , t int She AkU f6-011 j6lik ttlftldfuA of tft arld � � . L, , � ' t#", ft 14 It,, fulaily will tell; 413H, 17460FAIIA it Ut 3ft) , I I I �, . I - - 11-1� VZ** L 0, I . � ,: "WW"Ibi, We 'I . � � I ' . tolive 'p"Pt 00 040^ *Idlvdi,041 ett - V V01406,01 tolm; O't a Ist a taroloils, girl.' at -d stw rfalw� cultd, 11,04MM", - I *ftt� 1*11146% Y"1.1*4111_14)6�1"V I: 1 "&4 ' * ' L, - ',:� , (tt4t*,� ** . _ " , " A)) L tf� __ I I I � tljoikt, IE', , ot&,# ghfipprtWIA 1, 60"Idof A! 111411I 1 " I t '�,* -- . , I I I 1� . . . . . I 'Ittfol"'Wl�&IV"Ulo'�,Qqol",.�og L�' 0, I'$�* �L, I 1, , .1 1. __ - --- r� -- It I I I I r It i Wetlela'o$# b"N4 And-, 1. , l, � . ' ;, - w, ,,,1�1. . L - 10 � 41q,ifltlko"Aalthov". � I "W,h 1100'1*00, f0ty4filY i 001104 , - .. , - - "UNN , �%ttz I was 4 toole. 1f.6 , ]rh ��40afn� tbe­J46rjd�aft 'cif fittildL, 11 , f� � I ; . I 1: - �' , ( ft e6i" , tio , ,,' 1. , "... A I I , � . , L � I , I . . ", I I "I , I � f ".0 I J.'L4, . ' '. �� �' , , ....... L". I I I , ""I, '��011 *4 � I lost It at all." .I. I ; lniiiiitfitowd , '' � : - � ," , hL ,I 0Z, I . . - � I 1,7 - , , , , �.' 1, � 7' -1 . 1W V110 IIIU4 ,Set At ,rest, x .1 4, 8 I I � i . ,j,%, .%I ... I I llift� 110f 4,!0`6114 *46" �" '1*01od * t tit i"W10 A, V tui, t Vt,:" lit' aildlilofeoto� � I I "I h, I I . L . 1-1 JX Loll elo"t.. RE #,. futit'h'o It , , I I , I I t *** , arl, Ali,. tthat of''LlAdn':,01� twIn'$f4 _* " J -JbVt . IT I I � I ;, . 11 �. I , .. W ,� L. . 1. � 1*0*. ITU3110* vall'ablor to.v, ,A With , 4 - Ill #, ; I 'IT , .� , 'L � . . . � , I . 0614* ""O"' t", "' t, " q- 11 I . , ,� "" ,. L I " l� 0% "' t"111" 61, th 'I, h, ,.�.� L � . & liftiNg I I I L L I I I � � ", 1, , ­ . ,� . I I 1--ri** t"*6014110.1004414"W" I" "' At I I 40-� 1MIlkift fthfortAh4 , . , jftte�c%, ,.Oft ', to, 11, , � I �, , ,. , .1 , "i I - a Vig. , 0 "W�44j'� *Jot", :0JJJ4* �j ttl�f I i I I . _ I I � - 14y"00K 4*14ft.w6*00*. ." , , M i ' . 10 !, a V.4 'tolf, 1, Jol . Ip L�, :: ; I 1 4 � , 1oh , � ­ ,,, I 't� L, . I U L . . I "holli", V *.'L blli�'ytjuL akiii ' . §61A, 4�hs& oft,'Ot� 1�0�069fst *6�k-',,, ,*'- *01 .,"O V Is, L .1 , , I I 'L , I 11 0 ' .P , r Ai�ktii ' U 11 L I I -��,�L , 1. . � 1. , , 'L I , " I * "I a W ')3 .4 " tit "" 4*k4W 116milo.". _ #iInut, thirt"I _ V'6' ' , *�' J.. � ,� . 11, L I L , ., 1I*"0kA*1V4; . ­ It" &.110161h "P, I ", , Vi Ig", s-"*kIkI1` , ,� I . , It, �, !�� , L ' ",", . ��`, I . L tt 4-5 VIA 41) .Q- ..­:­q!��tl.�' L I"'...; �I� .- . 11�11­ - . , . ­... I "it III" 'I I , 1, ,*k. !�Ptiiblt$ al � � V1 I Who � � . �001� , L :g!�# ,, LI ,- _ � I �el tid ut. xcolulir�t�nt, I � � ; , _ ­ , ,� 4'. , " I ­ . ' 11. ��' , � .,:�, , . 11 I I 11 - L . I. 0 � 1, I I , �­ L, ' � I I I ­­ ----'.J**'", .... ' , _ I 1W ,_ , ,"Awm*ok.g�w,%%IXKWWAFMMW,i�i 07- , V = s ,, 04k Ift 4V40A," I , 14 I . I "''i: , � " I r L" : , ! ". L I I . � 1 - 1� , , :. , .. 1 ­ . � -1 . . I I . , ,' ,,I L ' I � 11, .1 ' � , . . I _`_ " � - , 4 f , , ;; , , t� 44 , , �'l L I I . , �f '�, " , . .�. � I , I , t :', J I I � , . I . , , , , , :" I �11 � , , I AN � ,L *121 = *-*#a , " =44. *" '.; . �,., *4*044* *40"4" , , , Y"A*,, 4�44, A "J, I -*1 A #*k*`W*0k*-W4kI4,***4 - I , �' . . � � �. I I : ­ , I I I � ", , , If, , , I . I - W I � I I I 10 " . I I I , , e�� , 'I, , . ,, . � - - III k 4" 0# ft*ftI,*4ck1*6ki-'. ,*'J* 111*_ , = ;.11 I-, -1 I I . I . I �, ) 1-v i ,- 1� I .� , I . 161 . I � � �% . � " , I � I t&MV Oft t* Z**1111046*40110 �,"." - " lfl%110�1 I ­ ; :1*.0,6*wtA* �.006�114`n.*%,, .,� , , I , I 11 !*1 �\ . ,� 1 I , 'I, 1��­- 1�. , � . � . 1�� : 4 . �,� 1.11 ;0 1. - I .1 _` �__'_` - - Aid"NO , , .),. � . .4 lft� .. .1 , I—— . . , L , , , , � I 11*4"ft*** *ro1W*, �44 I I .1 � I �., 1$14 k 30 00*116*04*14""'Aw. I k I '236 �ftwu"*Wfok.*,�,*�i 1. I'Vi I I I I 11 .�, ,,, I .1 I )l 0 �Wot*44 #604010, 1, � 1, , , I �_ . , I 16's 1 4 . 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