HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-06-21, Page 3I 1� t� 'oIg-V - Ak�- - , -, ­� X , � .., 3,�, 11 " . . . ,, "�� I . I . ., 4-1,ialsinhe � !�, � A. . ""o W. A- - I 111111101114Wo 10A I 1. .. A I � VIMMA 4 0 �. - RX -44 , A �­ . #W.Aw ta 0* , , , 11�e I., 4001" Rn ,� 1� - 011001t tiw,m - � � 11 i�� I.,. 1. � py ,, � � � A Oo -= I'll ftwuy W � I � - I �. ,.. VA - W . -11 � ,, ; � �. ., I , Or ­iiop , . �.. ,,,, ,.. ,, . � ", �, ''. I..'' ; I ;� of � ".. . I I ## � . , � 0 d. -.� ,;�, V 4 4A, "I 1 , � , - ,.�.;, , 1, ,- 11,�.�",� I .�ois. I I I 1�1 "I'll '.. l,,�, 71 ,, ,: , . �..� �., �. I , , '­�,11­1­ , ,-� . � , '' ., I.- - 1. , "� A: Ili' � "!:�' �!:­�: P'', ,,-,, ­;..�,"'. �,,�, ,�i�­,-:,:­,, 4, . �, ,!�, , �:, � "� ,,��­ �',,­.,.� ;," -,,'�i,'.�.,.'�-'.:1:'.;" �, 1. % ''; " ,.. 11 1. ­. 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J1 7 1 �, 1. � . - 11 ,� ....... �!, �� i , , I ". , , . , . , . , llil " ., , � , -��, �, . , C.. + . , I I . . 11 . . .. .... .; . - 11 -. .., , I - ---- i I . - . I , ­ N - I 1,11*4 ''. - -­ ­­ -- �4 P , t 101,100 VW" **00* to "ll"1011101, 1 111- . I 11 . , II 44 00 *bW slook *+d,og I , - Pm &"IMF. 46 boolit xiliktia .�-Vf �­ ~ to s, tuIN"- *V- :,*� A. lowwo 6 �, "I It 4" 00 *0#04 - 11,11"04i't!"W"30ft'A -, 0". 44 4FK -" ­ ffioikiit I I IS, tiwxorn I �'. f 1"' �tumz = to, ovow A"� alls. . .. I'- . � . 11'' A . , -kr - ­ , limsiN, 1 747,V7,1VI! �Wzul wywd �1' VIJIXVZ� 77 ; i 11 ., ,,, I . . , or"" � I - I -, . T`77%1&11� . � :-It q,07.�1,7 -r - 'TIM r;t -.. , I ­ .i , I , . . � , ,'� , , .vi , 11 I '. .q!11111 7� ", ,, ­ aw, !i . , ,=tl­ 11 � � - , � � , ,,� ,� . .i I 4 1 1 . ,� "I � 4.1 - 1 �4 , - . - I In -2�T . , , sk:�'. . 1. , - � . . I � ­ -P ­ I . �- I , 37 ", I I I c, � - -:� I I 11 I � . , 1�� Q " - -� Q "I � I ,- - � . , , - . I 4 � I .. I � � ­ i ­-­ -, I,- � i I I I . ­ .- -- ­ I ­ I) C , -­ � I I i I � I-Iim-palmiplm--,4, 0 I - OOAW...Mio..",� fqpp*Awxo -�11110.44,41160- . ­ 11 I , 11 ., - -- I �, �� � � ­ - -- 0-11-- -1 � ft,4 wqm I Inki --- FWNPP 0 %4 P I 8 4i; qr 1111"W'. ill* 11011111111ft IN0941 * * 0 1 � I ;-, 4,- i� , 6111111I... v ak At,e I 1111"Im ,� . tagau- . d1lilb ; IM is. if ­ I . AAW-,4-"�- , 11 4111101 , Tso -W -V- riol"r "'Iff, , -- -- I - 'I-.------ � , ,�­. I ��­ " I 16 I- - . !!- I 11111, . =V= (M - � � .. . I I I . I I I . I I MA � ftm, # I � Op Imi We *60* C, " *4 P.M to 140 W L, if-, 110040! 44 bdIll"St I"* 0 ctt IN I . ---- � =10111110 I . ,Z�;-.�- I r-. �. - 1 - I �� - ... ",;I. � . , % :-V ` 411,10100. �, 00 at 1604% %, "'; I -,­­ #00 VO4 *a wook I 0 fi. ,,,Moo, 11 2*0 * *440 - 9 . W 060it, .I ". . ­ I . I . ,ft *,Ivk AL *U 4WPOW4 op 11olu, 0A, wr 4`"qWP0VWV1JVFArF"FrVAWW .1 ----C, 1, , 11 , 10 Nok, It , I *11, I =000o'n..'. T -K - L I —-1 I . I � � , � 11 � I I - � I 1.1ito, 4%r = �, � of I I Sim . I Vft �q " �1 I , . � , =1 *ft "44111.11sil; 4k.Tk � AM if )am** ­ I � M1k&A1=X1t%"1* , I - I I 0041100X. . I ­ � I � I , ftAwl Ilmw t" *WA, O". 0,( - 77 � .1 To"Illiloolk , a; . �-Wboo- 1% 40MAX ' A Vk*V � . � 0*44.* 4*4 04 sookowt; *so* At Su OUA;M 3i40*T4,, ..' -X0 Vto liolot bot 0" �1104WXJPW- I I I I &A, � I , - ,i t�t 0"N tlitilftr,' I I Z W MA � rN., I'At4olit. JoiII --, I , I �, I 04 -,*r V" A I ma. , - �wk 'it. "Is, %dso"t n�# . .-"��l-."7-1.11�l.-�1-11.-..'� 1-1--..-1-- '" vbb* WVAI. 4*4 . .4,=. --" � ..; A 4001 V, � � a = �. WjW , S � I -- #A % I W,W AAA, 44,00 " I 4100004 -- I � I �- - � I 11 , 11 . . ' , , r4piwili, 111olig � I - � I . � .. 2og TWO 1 41111i - ­,�� , � " to I tWW iv A 0" A , , � - *" *#*AU" " ISPA 0 - , I 0 "i4sio j1*4 '0" -ft , ,M7A " � 4 I, TrO54,4Z W � . O&M I *04 J,A OISAY O*d 49#110*W-4kko i0w q ,.4- 4 W, ~, 11114. I �-- 'I- ,A# *09JOW set ow, � 1-1 - —- #Wt ilu*04 FW100-, IAPA X"oVs#014 bjttw' $irati ao"40, �. -,"�171­-, 1 1 1 1� 4, Jair XQ. 4 lootloilloit, fftiotak." 0 ", � 9"Aciii 9%*,. . 4"WWAA0, wtiq9t $A, W00.0004 wilt b* 00*14--.1, I 1111,110A � � I 4WAN .440 - I I UUd9*-w0"-X0k,XA,A,*-,%b"t, *,ir,lIlid.to, . , : 0 Ftly.t. . I , WAt. XUAltellea, williatt ltstolksk!4 VAIT011"lilftw, �ftu',, xigxish lIoiow '04010C.; Fillia.1.0.4 It, , 1866, - - *.A--. Ottmvw is 40""T orviriarlica Mo. i I - -- � 04 4"00yi, I I *Ww pw­ .. k . ... if I � � . 440414 $4 4"'Wir 0 40q - W41 *W xo.� . . 1=11 Mal � WA 11&1(7� JW "''. I � .� . I - . - 'Awl'. 444 1 .. 11-1 C , , i I" vfo�� "W"li, 0"Ill *-w XW- A1400w, two, V10 ft V9, 1 * , 11 , r, - JwtIr - VOrits, #IWU%O #144 V441,419" *Q101*1 t*111-1 ­ �­"­",.' -,*, , — VOULU14 fof, Ill ,wPlJosi oft- , IoTlot"Ao­ k -j ,- I-— I � I ---- - , V,WVr#X.* At low " trfii�oilitivg - r mo - ,, r -k � *4 'W� Q*eV . . .7 rw , �f 04M, ; ##�.EITC for �Xo. *� , " _ �8 . . 1.4 . wopg",Aq W 4 � 41W4 Awhwso� 4,ogrk, A-PA4, 0191" r #IK4 ow �",* 9 V41"WAII; I -- - . . - I � Nillo � ,#, M I I - 4 *4 '14,11, f r - c "T- � . T4. -wr.v If* � r1riel **A is�Wk 11 . Md avoi L L� ,� , 1 - I . -*;;��. b"OA - I til* I otuo -.4 , j*W , In: . . - 10"L -1, -UrA. *A �- 1"o �* ... -, -1 R -W lisit X 0 "Wi, - . Atr 110040 $=, )*�"sf*, '01% IN Amity pq4tia go," ^ - L 1. . I � - t%kow ji�', . QvI4,* *;0.1w g4u, A) , "" . .. , , 'r ­ � - _ A �,Ww 1, I IrNw.-A44t I# 0031", . to 10� I . 10 r 4%, t 11 � .9110 , -1 " ll* : ......... . AU 640A Jitirivisitfaill-dr * ,*Ft - , .. —11.1 11, I -K � "I'll I - I , J*..."'Wlit ' , r 1C.', -41, Vad, 1011*4 , lZ ­ - uyeroot on- 014S.4. ,*- *4t W. , 4 Aw I villikillur of i W -.1114 tS ..... � - I "%to of tsisis A rr �, sif W ,9041-4. .. 1) O" ;o�=:; I I WW"d , .ska , .074' W*siado, 1 1 1 W#,4M* �Iknllil tQk, oe;,Tlcq 00 19 L ' � I , �hio IX�," , _ "A, , ",XQ"I,,* I . I t_0^44YA., QS, .4,- tio- "" , "' ­ -­ I � I I "' I r � . I 1. - jilijt4,Wkilf sees" - likent fv��p r . ' I . � Iftomp-01), MA , , , . I .. ; , [!,No., # I., . " I I � ,r 11 , lillorssiIII0 Lt% 44 9r, -A I*X* rr URCRk, v,io! . I Of" "Vwtion 0, �� - -44 4y WoXt U $& ,-t � a � "* A.,-RO"'. , -d ic**Ivlotood� � W.444w, ,.Il#dr f0til .�b = . , , 1; 1, , . "*1�.41-"t4!!i?lk* C :toli't(ir OS. 4$ I !"s, UTily' �00,V­T,"4A0.*,9M ,0tt , .0 -V* sidoil,,o X* Qrt , 4;'WAAA, III;* t*44. Jill r1oxii. , � .1, , , W= I I I W111N, , " . ' to x p 2j, "Ilt W14,toi�kk 44 ..Lq '4it 10, Roo .4 ,V - ,, It . I W47" " . I ,,. I . AS I r I ,, bi� . I , - , i . - I � le , WR _� , :[A. ;A , ;ivoio,� ' . I -44"A VA - T#" - UP r4 cou t"". lorix"W'"N340 '.Lar spf$ , � , 1, , � � to 00 44 ­ � - . ­" T "I Aj'#L,rX "If -''* -,-. - Vft*4 W� 0041.� Oft'" '0,[-. tWLA$W . rft, I . 1 ,4 -A W*0 i*JJSd , _�_tftll b T it * ,t'r ,,,,, Fotikr� , �.ok , 'r 004t. 2 $1itt"tw iia , 'Ve, 'L": 'A " porthell. L . , 4U"_ _ , w ,I*" 4 011014: 4*4 ,4 4w,be " old p,oak�-toi--4& , .4 _ � I* 40% 91" 11 *940*1 Its W 10"i 44* VAI . 000 I%= tb - �"' , ­ .- I � srato lllorthell'.Lar VP $4 ill *V lAii sop, t"*#1.%)At4,1 of. - OW 1k. . _ � A . ,, 4% 9.Ji. � 101 . 'i f r. 4W, r, vrli� 41 AN" I , I � L � . a , _ _ilt "ItiKoo , tipoe " ;*, . �. .- r � '' " -bra$wa corw Clix, 4 V%fV#A"% up atrmlw- VU19- , PD-4-Phytillolo0wal, Ax.sitIaiii,M9al, 1.4 " I -1;* r .. r . , �� 00 v� � itfttj�`Mlat J - - .PtIq)IJV . _ t1*;IU "1% ­:kep� 't" T I #* r r pr�,W #A,R"A, , _kSiii ,#cIte'd tV . , � liabo r � r � I - N A, I , , WX #f '*�lsj�­ Moo � Q'Itioll .4, V,g _ " io r . Pk"1"4* - � 'Lt 'y . t . 1 4 - 11�90 -`tvilkikk'#TL� 'UVWkk r , u..'a. to, as 'Alto; tktio 0 I . r I ­­ - " ­ I -T, NA44 '"R.�V11111AILVIIIA *W# 4ppr,q� ;W­,�Jtft . , i -, I I 110' Aw l*cA**­M.V. 4011940'r .,* . , r #P . , 4,ttlei'sclisoilloils. too, '44w� lislot, 1"Ill � 1'elikeilt-Mil"0146` -�;�rl, . V . J 1 L I � *a"Wsl�qk4", . , '10 , � X"ito" -010" rs QX 40- . . ,P 14 0* .f,ft � - L . " t,IJU414� 0"t I ,j... ,r*,,.,, I '- . O* M .. A 1 , '. . ,W. gotf V4 , , 00 , �� lforpA- Ila �,W . �Q,*JiVklipto da - It �Staitolliy, 06t 044, for Roil W,1*4- Pat!- It III' 010: 414Y 04 M4 go I 0 1 1 . O. I , r )"-Q , 0 , 0bt4vUV$. It: $*VI%,tI,,, ot, th, CIV X ­, �111 , k)%,, vatArIeC,,A, ;a ,, � , , , ­tlo , ps"W X . -- I pt, p � A" ­ I 't - .--- �Vlkiv vmtor .-,", U�M.v ACI4 844,114'" IcIr *tX"V. '41S.AsIlra" 14 M111 1JW ZX,tolt Puyll 'A I *"�saf V.-Vilkli, . #411116", " IV- I I - - . . oqlxh%� cot icoa;$ 0 ,= _ _ XAV�1:Sosqs*iy . t".ris , m ,'liti,W�, 17*,'V�4 .#; L AM AWr/ aptiv, ­ . , . F� , " � I ..... I, ... '.. , � P , r. `W ' M fleir, L�' .&Jt 1:,�Wi; '�W r%''*,,Q, ' , IkW *,"_r ,W ' r r . '"%�,` r - 7, . -7 � � . 14 . I I 044, 01110 Doke OU4 vovbvoi�, Of � W -N I ' ' r ' 1, r - , . ­ .440 " - "VIIIIA, th . I.rf--- -­­, . - I- -1 I "b,,r,. Iitlli', 0- IQ, , 401 - Mo' � "'jq,jii". h . � . ' .' . , _ , Ael 1=011 '4;,ttr lot$, JvsIf$ Ingle -T ' t# JW - ' ' . ". . 44 ')u4t.lif ,.� 40 A .1 `JtW .41 _ , do�'. " o",fifto . ` ' I Wai'M 0444 Zak** aft -11W01.41 C � I � _ , . lty, 10'W . . � .4 I . � , : - I r., Ill _V r Ar _ f# . OPIllillAAW, skit- - -W , yor tolsi . %vit'r 011.01 their ill" I— I ' 4 'W ! I 1441oliti . I I I , TIA-00 to - t , , firat V,y4ciur �V, 4 "� r � , . 111, , _ 'W� , *4 .1 I qw9t, �9%,. r � Asilist, tnVA , owi . � , r . , . WJ1 .0 UcjjPij.�i, Vlh W , '44, To � ., WaS,r" , Uf" W*tI.W r it 011.1k, VA .,t*c - _�W Joe, ftkl, 0 A , .41 k , `W I pr"4314-40.' for, Aw, .'Ad' � to'lo ato - i .41 L 'Q � 't -tVJ'$N ­ . . 40 tour I i, favora, ly, Co �,. . I . 11 ..... rfe. ill P" A0 - ,Mk , 3 . a ft *;�, , poll A " ll bl - ­ -- rop ­ a 2 11 0 " I _4JX - 04 11 I ,40 . OAky Iiii'm A 03 � Roll it'rit sillisek .117 A _ L . ,. . ,f . 4-114141474 a, I)roivA,ue,r(, 14'l I ­ , , If *111 9410 11191`9 I I ,. . , . iy�:^ tp, -re- 4P 9, 04 - A& W SIT tj . sma-­ 0k,.1.tL . W., . a t- if." , - .. 46 I Z� I . L . .A. 4�14m:tIcla,, IrAin .. #04; , , W*A, 14 WL lotto vooto, r I cinllkbor- iwom.ig" ati IC,P.elo ftni 9.( 19 I I r' I �� , 4WSIUIIVr �#.',Opqcipii ' ' ­ - t I TZ 1w.r. ,ona dol'.o­kgo And, stvrls I - I I ! . I I 1. , A, ­01110"Ofallyr "'Vep'Aaa �"­W �M�Jp.'�k* 'A,ss',. h..r.a. ,A � rollift w", Jenk r, _"W , ,$Jj;� 4:1 1114\,ttio course �. . 0410#494� r -or 40'"w U4 I , 'N 'Jo#t' ' 11I4SrIeyr'q.a�-AtiR^d . s . - to . 'litoady *no UA- helr pately 0.11 Ittor 'Period kat uavful. � Wit * VP 11 r - . 19 I � , � . � y . , kV:,J8q to , =)r V 11 , . r the _ ,4 . , L, xq. *lIqk I . 4M. 317YAW-W, UILI-nisr 'We , ,.'f' . -s Uq fie VI]oDli" WIIJlJ.% $ 4e44 91, Orm. ,of; V� X*#44 _��, rtoT%; q I.WJPlItJJW,of T, ek. Wa t . wve,"U, , It I � 1: � , ..410 10�sgsv% And 1A "" , T I .79q' :n'qPtV1%0*,r poss" A lilitiq'Inirdship at tMa'Cirl't - ' " % . � ­ Ar"4 , r*,� L, , - - 17, . 1::0 St y'se #44'r 11, , -. � �� 'M -r .�-J*a . '. . A" � 2*� tj;al ilhoo OftealL Victaklas, I'sando", roln U I I I . I � Vl*",i�a'40 , �, 1,�-� , illi, �. I MV01% I . I ,* , -Air;, 44rdy�61liP64,,q �'" "4 " '4 L r"', I , Wd " -7 . I I � 1_44 , " ,IAJ4% r dicirlaf, hi* Q5 O.'ext of 0% 06 .­ *" �: ­ ­�'. � ;"�' . . � ' , 'rp villuilois trouble i 4.".,"10, 'towb-444.4 " , - .# _ Ile . �,q �,( -40 1 tnaltes her Iiiisis pr*At*ble through the 43c rAWAUbIm. Three Alvers, 51 ;J4 4 -!kVq304 I I I I , . t %f , � 'I ;V I' of, 44.19,0 ho, AVA"'o , , "fP,WA ' IC _V, -.-T# r steady' sit, * I a w : � . .. . NXief'i r ` simlion. Also. " � —­ ­ —­ i I I , on( 4-bo4?!1A�jjj.­%So;rf$. being filected -0 SAS, iallow and 49.A foi Jintmid, ­ � in,, �;d I , pd-tocbB , I r 11 14i linibktfw� Igo 1)4 Ir WO . _ )JrP tor _.I. L " . e,;W#.*I#. r. rq 4exiinit L � I to tttoft�, Alir's" , 00 by � 141401Q) - r . 1 441 I , I , ` , 41 I' 4 A � At,,,,,'� ,,, I 11 -­ I 'r r.. .11 1— . .:, � . , , , . , ,IA, that r.aus,eis all tile, % 07 , ." -, Villm .1 1� I 04 IV, A�l Uwryik, xiho� - in - Tjaab� wit, Tot Ju. , it, , . ".. Dt4o, r X 4 4ft � r , t�l I rl; 7 In , q hW sk jA V' ' Vout.g4ei Yellow Ikk quotoo I Nt. far F� ��'.",, Aith , , " Adqu, . r The logicter it. I ., _V�r ,Ltl 1�1;iikturq as -the repr90 . TO POL '10 � . I r tri I � , �- , lipm 0 1, lvicrlw �r I r9lible In milk loultipiles vw-y rallid, NO I I I 1AU . .'r, . r 4.r$QIJUJ��­X* o, ­ I �'cf:.RoXlo",V.,.0.'�,qkAhq iJililllp, 'oi t '44 , t4 4mulgo .. An ys�wv -��, -A: ,­, , r . r I 0 . Vas �of pptfth; B�Aag,'�% ,,, r - 4-20 '011 ""LlIck , " ,,& I", 1� � fa �k to ,t4ol-tcrop out,* , , I , 114 . . � , . -- rr �� .* 1Z - , 040", Alto . lqlll,�. ,,,, tr4ek '' '� I 40 � � . —� " . � , Flushing. 14 *.�`bO*.wrJth am nu,"011A., Ly Ala a temperature beviwcon w Aook this season, & WI ,; , a A " 1. , � 4. ,% r 4 kag " apts'Philsol tki* I ' #Id Attskitlis, j�lidr, 8:1 till% , V4 A . " I . 1W ,� J,r 1 r � . - , � lit: Pruwr R. but not pulpog travO . 11 , I lr� '' goi 04" V01, lit �sab,ng � , '!� , . �� I L, cl$arg. , ,4�' . ., X, ,,,, W. , � lo* . i y, 4,41K ''. , �!� .Atfilse; ii Ciller Justi-oot WAV ordorb4 Vin . L , - r , 1, NO, ADO"W, . , �`,:,r - .1, � ... Aftudtqbu�";gv, a, 'A so"Nottg.m, _ I po � 1 4bou , I �64�04 ,:,,�,,,ard L aft I #**' 8 and XOO degree DW. —��"$Xf 1 , ­ .. I r r �r� '', , t9l 1, �, Qft*la Wkk 4, , 4 d - I I -, � - "-� c0ttillaW to represent , . 1,11'. hat POIUt. UJIk should, 'f � ­­ � _,LT] ­' ,, ,­.�- ­ r the salas 310 duty. , if . A afilk -from' Cha,tbam. O -vitt., I . 11 I � L .� o 1. . . 4.71; t )g �4.000. for tall - I . , 4" '. :­�'. ,!�, ­� 11W, Until ,, �Itxqblq, , i 0.1 t , loca,10. IkWq4 quot' desp thereloft be strained "Uri coo � , .1 P , . , r "I ': � - ,- 1; . In- 1191.991. 'I.Va, A" AV, �-r I , '. � a limmillserilli MR111, I L , - r, I , tion, , he V414101W 1110,04 QA the AOY- : a. 4 will a `40 attempt Was made rapidly as possible after Wlpg tu k - Q0 I', Cratu*- vg& - I r,�,,, � , ­ hilil re0alia . " A � sett as "ItAlyspiry " y I , , r ,;r , , . IJI I will t age and No. 2 ,,Whito says; -4 dAsPol I , I L . Hile 'ahl � , ,:r . _11ty soon -told ilk the, toegis, 4a � a'h4Vn'bdear W , W- lolios. I , . lAtUre for to 1877 he W%4 m4de , 'P%IUt#d With for �00 0111"Xill; I ="41"U�."4N I 1. tit '84 ddlo freights. but export- O.KA, PrOtoger to murdep Jusilgo IWI qu from the cow to got its tqUippr, ii�i !f . � ' I new \ -4 - " ­ 4 . ' . I - :'�, r�� i; ­ 11 W, 'the 'now - Roy.4 141;i4s, 1q, R. with oil, , say Ifile'y could not pay thqsq in the,County Court oil Thursday at- Situril, b0OW 00 deaross% mark, Tito IsolhAo. VNI tv . V,W a . '.. r' . ", !,­ ­ -4p , *ito' in , thiii I jw ­ �. I I , ,� ­� , � � ." I he - 49" r . .:� ,:, : .�. '� .. . 'r, , '� I I- doe. 44 Commissioner of CroWp' _ r . , ted With , 0414,elal�X% StQ44Y at 4701 "' Pre r$h -event maltiply- , Sol* ft I ­ � ' - � , I= , . - ,X it I., ; '. , Vpavivike'lal Secretary. , P'lilito, VVV, R. prices. ' �' I I . I , ,�, tornkloit, ". AAdrow-'�lppscravh V110 N0 b*ckorliv. Is alWasyl, presont, the only ' Hlh-1 It" 06 - , , Woo � d,4U "" 'tck�ri` �kiv _ , ,,ka'rt' ,;Qkitre on tile '� ­ a b � I , r ase4cNded the IoLt* Von. T, B.' Pgr� _ Cro y III I � . "I ,.,;�­. r "�, j. , �' 'XiIiIsril P , 9%, preaen v-4,01119 served t61 -40a (or stgbol Conduct 4 a'. Manage . eat * to �L �� . . . W' L ,t ' ' I � r lot ,th IS to do Is to pi r . � r ',,­ L ­ .'� I `tbo'(reQdQm of DaUdge on the I I;*% �1 ' Which Under le'Verable sc,reent or.' Order ,Ali up hill too . I , ,; , Leads, holding that portfolio Un . Oat— �Caiks of barripla ansi$8.05 for ba aS. "AR a' It, 0 lar 41 atiobbloir MS ,in. _ CaSo. � r . " PRO" Ile I � I se ran r " I .r �� .. , I L. c,". Pron t! I Slo Octo, q0trJots Toronto, .And 2.0p '10r PlarsitmOO, . '', I r � a olf his Visit t,Q the lgiy in 11 , il. . July. 1096,'whe.n he be 4 . � ­ I ";======t 11 '! The jury AtRuccu goes on with lightning rap- . Constui Convulissioner Berton, of . I I r i �., I 'And Attorney -General, upon. Sir ,Oil r ��bor u9xto' I '. lot*. r to � ' " ,,,� re 10an' I �'. I � � , �� -, 1?, � - ,. Amrailleir � )led r6turnisit st, Verdtlet of; J;UsHy, and ifitty. , . I ­: , "R Ot. John. N. B.. catime,tes that t VENI'AL ',,�r I , I . �, ;,�.: ,� -1 '; I-, ,.' 'Ver'Mowat resigning to enter, the � �. I oillio—io, , . - %*�A,re steady fit (16o north and tho Prisoner woo remainviod, for scel- "V�rl nee Is o. good teacher, but 00pulatioll of St. Jolln will ho. . .. 1 � rr":�, ��, , I � 1 . I . I �'r !,wse4t. 67q,mid0le freights and 68q tenest- A few preliminaries were be- v* Uttlq a ow,11 show a - � � . � I I . I �,aurlor Government. Mr. Hardy Il wisely observes a slight Increase. The population is O. , , :,.r �' :, *oat to the country in March. 1898, U NUAVAN XONTAS", TH � cast, . I #X9 gone through with before proi, gri"d. "I am anxiokus.­ Ile a' 141911OLSON. 4 A I L 1, _ �, 1, 01�1 1. , a gw op itso hj�';��o M � . I., .. .1 , ,cceoftriig with the next cases when Ep- "to learn butv Val little Over 41.000, an Increaso, of . , `- I PROVISIONS. I to care for cows so vis A 1110 pj* rd 'I Its 'T, , -, -1 - � I and returned with a majority of five ' I . about 1,000. - it -7 I i r% UP was ailing at the time and the litetars�s'havlir Roult'i'lls bitiksisolh Mlave 'The market is arm and prices sire person made n dash fri5m the prison. to get tile largest flow of milk." -,.a �71vkllaklllltr, !I1!h,4='."`7= r.,Dor. '. � 1. I I 1�� � I I labour of the campp4grk was no Proolisi* R*TW ' unplut,agod. There IR, A goij9d demagid er's. doe. tow4rdo Jullgo Bell, the Sensible Draw And it is wba.t many Mr. M. A. Buchanan, who stood at ­� .1� '' � K I . , . ,Aoubt an ordeal. During his last , I to, a I cIaAsqs 4),f hog )product itind senior 00tuity. juftq. 4 'AU This tgfice will be closed on Wad_ It "' �, � I of MO 114L Of the graduating class at . . A despatch from, Vittlawa. I .usk in front Of us ought to be desirous 111104day 41tcXftdQVA each Week from ,� : A apssion. that of Js9p, it was mgms- The rem . stocks -0 ma0vilag, Qut,r4tber qA'ji;'k- of PiM the University of Toronto in modern t,, �� , arkAble feature disal ­ - w�0 lyiof the razor, and learning. Nobody call nisikke cows do Itay to 06%pber., Inclusive. ,� I ,� osed I languages, has beef% offered a follow- � . . ; Mat that his healtsi'was broken and the trade returns. for., the elovel, I knives use as ekh bits In thr ab; their *beat unless he is a student and I I 1�1�� � .1 , Y�ork-Caaaklian short out $20 to bing.caso. Epperson seized th !�. ful, painstaking practitioner. ship Ili romance luaguilifes tit Chl- —:4" I - ., ­ , � I �, , that he all r a good deal at months of the fiscal year is an in- '. � , - 7 E%9�1 re 54 A11A " .11 � , , , , � �� times, thoul; 0 was as vigor- crease 91 $2 $20:50; heavy mesa, $19 t; 519.50. 'and rushed towards the Z. a cago Univeraity. ,ya , . 4%D fat t ,JXall. D. M. D 'I'M lit 4 9,90is,Q00 Ilk Q devs n e or book will do it. LA. burg I "' V 4 g , V side � . ,t �sit infrid, as ever and exportji, of produce pUthal = as, his itian is going to succeed because Sault Ste. Marle is makit ar .11 dotit, opera a" =rVat n at , , dup valid uses Smoked and Dry Saltod Meats- stable 'Charles, R, clape T ig rapid or, , . �,,�� ,�, , I . � remittJug in his parliament- cQ hs� "�xportp .fui I � � I . , .� - � as un Long clear, tons and cases; 140,ic,aild, hAd made Ian effort to stop ! tire In- he is *'anxious to learn." which some Strides; its population line increased '"'fer"id t"th 0 OPOOWtk. 01111 Weis , 0A A . , invarpil with'. �, . duriicg,� 13L and the Square. 6!-(,W. , � 1. � . au duties. �He resigned the 13remier- Oie c9rrespOAdfal; � small lots. at 12c; breakfast bacon. Hated man, but he was Inteled to of us are not, frout. 8,500 to 7,500, while property . I !,� �:: . - I, period of 1000. How should the cheese factory pay has jumped front Isto to isuill pot, toot 1,, IIONX 14% W. .1 X.-� �1 I I'll ,:( swP in 1?�tober, 1890, portid $8J,1110,900 JAc. to 15o : hams 15je: -rolls, 114a the door. Seeing that his attempt I , " ­ 1 accepting the There. Was 4ox: I ;,��,,�,,� , ­ , - for mllk? The mlest valuable parts and 170 new lunitHes This office will be olds : *,. 'k !,'��`,��',��, , I �� combineo offices of clerk of process w mpax at inurder waks.about to be frustrat- stood fifty stores .,11 .. , , ; � I . orth, as co ad, With *11i"412 _ to 12c; shoulders, Ile; backs. Jac d ped' Ott Wed- �­, -�,,�"` , Ian pre to Ir3c green meats, out of pickle,aro ad, E of milk for choose are fat and attro- art, lit the process of erection. nos sty afternoons each 'Week from , �i. and su.rkogate clerk at Osgoodo hall.. 002. The exports of Called _ ,pperson turned on tile consta, .,�, I � I way to October, laojuslv,j.� . , �. I ,, , , 1091,;.-IfAmilm in hW letter of farewell: to his can- does of thq flatteries, $9,31)6 682 quoted at Ic less than smoked. ble, and was about to attack him ,,, Tito retiring allowance of Mr. Miall, - 1� . L� ,, T "P.1, "I", ,`V . 'gon compounds. Including cauln "it L ;:,:, ,� . - I � stiViiats, Mr. Hardy said- oi�, 0�-' Lard-Tterces, 10*c, tuba, 101c and with the Weapon, when Sheriff Go lbumen. Casoin only Is coagulated Into Coln,,, , Ile I 1. s it docreaBe of $625.0 . Ott to isHloner of Intunk. — .� . � .", -� .... .... ­ X.TURNBU " �, , ­ . .I.. , ,how in- by r I t. Most of the a1bumqA Is $2,480. Lie asked $ t r 1.4 D.D. I I , I ,,� subject to a Is, .. 8, , I ) ,.,.`:� ,� � , , 11 g Sure wt . .i ,,� �, I I �� ;', prk,""��e�thg,. � # uction a ran t . " I nors, formed � ­�. - - N , .Vbr some time past I have been ports at forcit products were i2s.- polls, Ile. A lUtIl, Crown Attorney Douglas, High Passes into the whey. Hui oatod this wits refused. Mr. Miall hits bee vion, of on reak h 11 " . , 0, be I 11 . , " , i at years In tile public'sorvica. Ills Coulon raou net of �:, Oro prq,, q,otg of which I can, for tile future animals and their products $50 879 - Torouto,June I.S.-Deliveries of pro led the in n beat on murder. R. L. 0 f fat increases tile quantity of " L 1.14 -," ' 4AIX , O'Adny,' "A' bxpeet at most but temporary relief -1.19, decrebact. 428'000; agri-Ituga'I duce on the street market hero to- Brackin, a law student, find Charles successor, W, .1 . Gerald. receives at "rown I lit .., Doe 'A ,,�, ,:. 1,41 T " I , � n ailment from the ef- 093,110, e, decrease of $1,289.625. of FARMEWS" MARKE T. Constable a Coogan. arid others tack- tests prove that as tile itrod' as p , I 4' a at , ,11,ven ,a pr . Is a on too . " �;:. " ,#titi�orktidailios were And which I cannot conceal from my- products. ,42%829,560, decrease S2,_1 day were moderately large, but Goodall, it reporter, seized the pris- salary of $11,200. Office . Is I . \ ,� ' , cheemo Increases. until it limit of four I rVa r at t t v. oner, and the former succeeded in ,,�� ,:, ,pW#'60AWAy i'vAt 104+ ,self impairs my capacity for the full 2f7,895 ;. manufactures, $14,649,348, there wits not a great deal of acti per cent, of fat in the milk Is reach- I ,i ­L1 ,'� ,,,'.':,. . This Office will be olmod on ' . . 1.1, , , , I and satisfactory discharge of the Increas ad whon a portion of it begins to be FOHNION� Wed. -, ", %,,Pj*W­P,W. 4 . 0 $SoOSS.660� coin and bullion sty. Grain and hay, constituted the wresting the razor from his hands I ' atisday afternoons each wook froul, 1\ . ,. ,., . ,Mft ty of. 'a alif- ' oat, and tile yield of choose suffors i. �, . � - . I., I �'Auvl I , gZ;: pneroms duties of ray Ipiresont posj� show a decrease of $1,159,788. lax- bulk of the offerings, as usual. and as Epperson was about to atab t A new rranco-Runsian britik with a HaY to October, Inabuosive. I ,,,�.,. . I he The yield of cheese IN greatest when ,t,, � � ,� ­ -I �=­ . -T---- I 1,4. - , tion, and which also compels ins elusive of cola and bullion. the ex- ther lines were very quiet. constable lying oil the door. The tile anioUnt of cissela equals Or ex- . f�, 1, .119 ��04' "Ipa-�' castons, hereafter to lead a quiet and retired Ports of home produce were S155,- 1�0 capital of 81,200.000 will be started M� T� \ .or Oc . . f" 1, . f" 1, .6 I- - I - � I", �'.f, ";01.�ikYAJ404hp, ' 1,944 Whedt-100 bush of white and 200 coutt-room W crowded tit tile time eceds the amount of (,it - it Is alleged the Pennsylvania road MARRIAGE LICENSES 1� .� .1 , ".1 1 V60 . I '17ho more , ,# that he life., . . 118,252, an increase of $17,772,600 bush of rod sold is; lower at 71c.l.and and pandenicin samo reigned supreme. fat the less casoin is N '�,��: ya..; � In 9 I an figures lit J. 11. Morgan's 5150,000.� - . A, 'IT, t . "",� ,� �, line the common factory milk. tile tilt 000 okikintliatition. Wok LA .. � ill a saw . On December 12th, 1900, Mr. Har- for the elovea-micrIths. 200 bush of goose ic higher (it 64o In a reinktrkably short tile rule. Ill .. tio, 149of �,wkprov,amant dy was presented with a purse of For the'raonih of N . the OF M"RIAGID . I r; �"% lay the exports I o 64 le court was cleared, the prisoner re- L6"'�t,'!OQU.do,Rlcb. Out. "'i"", crib . . . ' , , , I a 0 c I 9 I . , I . ,�wcku d revive the $20,000 and a silver s(Tvice by his of domestic produce, axe u stir of a n t Oats -Were firmer ; 200 bush sold moved to the calls below, avid tile and (IlialitY Of tile choose, hanco tile cidtal'that hoyentts, III ek lists and --- -- ---- 0-00""WAMMw4m, 11 milk contains determines tho, amount Jud a Watermark of Chicago do - .1 era ano. encourage co,ust,ltusants in South Brant and his flkn�q bullion- were $10,597,849, tin, In Ic to lie higher at 87c to 37je. court adjourned. n — N ** � ' � . , �­,Qidt Vi. Hirdy, friends and admirers in the Province. crease of $718,142, The chief increas- Hay -12 loads sold $I lower at . ATJOTIONUR ' � 1. 111 vl,� only just way to pay for this milk Is strikes are legal, 11 ?1WO rilatoi,ed to hQ4Itb,! In replying to the address, ------ 0— by ascertaining Lite proportion of i4, F'*h4 ho Atas able .to he sald as during the month were In exports $11 to $13 per ton. fats It contains, I , A dam, hi it Tyrohists village buint OHN XNOX Nomp tickdortch �'S, �' I that the office which he held was one of produce of the mine and In manu- I Butter -Market is firmer; the beat MANITOBA CROP OUTLOOK. and sixteen hounem were swept bo- I late stv 1. I .. ; opposite Buxton HOVL "asked All* ell� I oneorandAileatfor M. a, 1�: � ."t'b Is y1tiality,,was of his own choosing, and when his $Attureis. Fisheries, animals, and I offerings of grass butter sell at 16C , . son Or ah MAC ­� � .41dJ1 ltu!!�l platne1% * W the slefe ,'­, . -, qN' Ii ' at Wed- I friends at Ottawa had suggested a their produce, and agricultural pro- to 17c, and tile supply is rather The Wheat Acreage Has Now'Usisceeded the THM CODLIX0 MOTIT. hile 41". �� '', �C,WU61 ,,,a eaquel -- fore It, wrid many drowned. 4. 'u , pxi`,�' I 8 General Doeth caught " chill w Ad VW go , saug n siarria ­, , ­W,odfiasday he'pasged post of greater dignity and amain- ducts show a decrease, mall. Two Million Mark. in tile Houth of Fralloo. and has T"y!r0�hvkw4L1% 4- i _go Crom. ��,-;, S*' nAd' iWeatisfactorY I ment he replied tilat it was not I re- Irt: 0 it an I. arkI uttlotowodmany. ..� ," 11 'May imports for consumption, a try -Quiet, with a light do. The Colorado experiment tation 11 at 91, 11 nee pertaining tit* I "" 44 4i " t sinking. L lion, amours Prices are unchanged. 11 ev 1111loss. �11 , . h6, map After his release from public cares, ad to $15,802,642, of which $8,754 Potatoes -The r,earcity of supplies says :-Tito first Oovernment prop 'Jubject of tile codling inoth, arsd �i; . - I ..P.0dul 'a L the tor"o'd . it ,se4,4 Thursday, the doe- his power to accept. X A detipatch from Winnipeg, Man , has issued it press bullisti to London Ott aCCOUht of his .rating trade, 14 :.A elusive of coin and bill 11, after the usual ocommendation" ri- Tito aeration (lovernmont will fit F . ''.1 . �� � � 0�, 9pnoea iliki State Mr Hardy appeared to take a keenei; a55, were of dutiable and ri,048,2k e ket and prices bulletin for tile season was Issued garding sprayinig', etc., has tho fol- 4stit till expedition of usiners to open r " �� 1. ""44, ,W�14h had been " . . . . enj�ynvent of life land as a citizen of of free goods. Compared with Ma,y are firm tit 4 5o to 55c pot, bag. Two on Wedne8day, Although dated June nonchItIOUS fOV other ill) till) lail)4.18 Ill the how U(sralalk lAve Stock and (latteral Auctioneer, , - , ! � 1 � , � , , ,4 ­ pg ts,'dily b a a t�, ". , ,, I d a a fly falls functions in the city. He was �296,714. The duty collected was price, land more would have been 10th, Every feature is most encour- v , Hantilloon Strear, Goderiala, . P., - Toronto was a familiar figure at vavr-v 4900, there was an Increase of $I,- loads of good stock sold at the top ISt, It embraces reports up to Juno 'owing 1-cooral 1`. �. . remedial pro entivo ineasurea, which PONSUssiollm Ill ( 11111a, ­,,?,�,� " I 1� �;'-,!� i�. � I, I �. Pedeefully Ono Of the committee which met and $2,850,476, an increase of $21.043. taken at the same figure. The first aging, The total acreage under crop are V)o often overlooked as ulds to Plans lot- till, glop station at Chi- . , " . � ". lit, advocated the erection of a great For the eleven months the im- shipment of new potatoes was placed tile work of spraying: go of the Lake L , .',baro and Rock l3allook made ever7wherill and all. oftrts made ". , t r, ,", ; .11� � . organ ill Massey hall as a memorial this Year in 2,961,4Q9 acres. Of thim, Bandages of burlap or other "a to give You gatlisfActlon. .,,�:' ­ �.!�� , , 61 QA . ports for comsumpt on, exclusive of on the market cheap JNhLAd reads have boon perfected - Farmers! sale notes ollocount44, ,�Jlil. . . , .. I ; they were foreign total 2,919,201 acres tire under fabric placed about the trunk Of the The structure will cost 61 00(l.floti '' � jr stutg1s, uArdy was Of the late Queen. coin and bullion weto:-Dutiable. stock, of good quality. avid were, , Srsiln crops, and for .the first time till --�-ogl-----� I .;�,� . in the history of the province ,� "', i. , Mr. Hardy Wits married oil Janu- S95,160,484; free, $63,582,'578: total quoted at S5.50 'per barrel. trees from tile middle of Juno John L. 'Uraig. wanted tit Wilt- ,�".!, 'Mt ' Plea Near 0 t" SePteiriber will collect large numbers "Oko. 1111, for attempted Inurder, wan VETEMARY 1, m, AV sant, ary 19th, 1870, to Mary, daughter $158,745.062: increase, $635,800. Dress d Hois-Raceipts very light, � K edembiii wheat acreage has exceeded the two r. I lt.�­V ' 14, 1897. of Mr. Justice Morrison. of tile On� Duty collected, $20,174,771; decrease and Ili .rket steady at $8.75 to $0.25 1 million murk, being 2,011.835 klelles. Of tile I"I'vae Which gather bulleath ,;.;%, , st#� di'thd late 4115SO11 torso court of AppeaL Mrs. ITL-rdy $440,810. Including coin and but- per cwt. them for tile purpose f changing to "haRed naliede Lit ropgh tile woods I)( ---- — I �,�I' � , . 0 '. Tito total acreage is over 800,000 is that district Ild 111111111g(A ft) 0144411pt' It. W. V. C;�ARK. V. S., rduate, of the lf�,�: am 9 �. ' � tile pulin arid ti to t ,. Moth D Ontario aterhoary oat er. Toroilto, I I,, � to 4,01 tU Stliftis. and three� children survive him. lion. the imports for the eleven tell I t ., I . THE CA.TTLE MARKET. A minister tit It.river, in Illumtrat- 00ilivesittully call the a2elislion a horkso, owners V, I more than last year, and over 500.- stage. It theme hands are removed , � .'I M, . . - - I I " ­ � . months show a falling off of $2,598.- dell -very at 000 more than the record year of once Ili is week or ten days, quite it ilig it Psyvilological lecturts. onitt : 0 1 , yaxprovadmath 0 oporatlitigonhorsesso , , I , (". ,, , . 1 662. Toronto, June IS. -The 1899. I= suP89 of voteri,%ory medicines .,L- " ich commeneed a few weeks . the cattle market to -day wits heavier kirge percentage of tile worills inay two rouii1es fit niarriage . I ." � -- 116 tiona wh -----4b-- The bulletin states that the seed- 1. which III(Y IF.'"r-on Ian . cc and eta log-Nowg%te �,:") � �� O orlel I'll, 010 . LAND. ago another fireplace was unearth- tha.n expected, and business was a be collected and dentroyod. A bass- supposed wits at farclual cureniony. ,sireat, Ood . ,�,',�' � ,,t : -, , , , time was early and almost perfect I - *.it.*. J,', ". 11 4 I - of May caus- t,wu '!�-, , ed. Thtl Ettone figures of 'a knight FIRE AT BRUCE MINES. little slow, especially for inferior arid tile warm ovessithet , dage foot- Inches wide anti having Tito Austrian (lovvs-litnent will �Uh �" *Jj6j, ' and his wiffe, which were once re. quality of cattle. For good quality or three thicknesses of cloth JH Tonsiorlsol. . . . 4, V -- tion, while the rains arion be called upon to consider tile I �.-., 1. 1. .. I ITOHN moved from th3 chances- are now isup- trade wits fair and prices were v411 �� 1� , , ; . :.#1S ,PX:0PiE. Mein Shaft Building Hall during the earl� part of Jurse cturke ------ - - - - --'- - ---- lj , of good size and may be held Ili adVISILbility of COUH1.101% 11glilil8t, tile 19111FOUD BLOCK 7ONSORTAI, BOO US I - , POksed to be, those of Willitaixici de TAn- Been Completely maintainod. Good export cattle sold piece by means of it singlo cariket- Ulliteli c, 111I. -C.1 "�,,�,­ 1 .1`114 �� "" ll� estroyed. well at $5 to *$5,25. Good butcher in a twoded at 11 '* 1! just ,iihen they wet, id tile )11 Lk L I t- -C.Stivartivourarletse. Modern.asslay. n,��-,­O,- I �, 11 calster Ill. and his wife, who died over D tack thrust through like overlapping ,.itatem Ill , . , I " ":Ila " , vs. :haves. bit of ng and isha 1� � ,, 1;i Harare harpened and honest. no I '' ';�-,:l 651 years ago. A despatch from Bruce Mines, I cattle were worth from $4, to $4.45. short cold soup is caused I. to grain ends Into the bark of tilt, tree, A ters 's Peals .1. .4irvii1e, wil, tit., nee 117 �,44 [jouf�ebk,"41�wii in the Land Ont., says -A serious fire startlkg Medlilm sold Lit $8.60 to $3.70. to stool out. well. Stock of till Kinds blind thus livid ooty tm! 41ilickly tLilt- Mr , .,.��,t sjS­,$,rUpJ#tae in the 3JTS. Stroud, am -ember oftb,F3 Lam- during the noon hour on WednessiltylStockers were dull. Sheep and w hatered fairly Oil, aild � Chlv;kgo fire aLurmlial. Is glad that "' I . e. ... Lis 1, lo" an off and replaced. :M.&W , ikkVoila beth Boaird of Guardian.,,, w pasturage, Guithering and destroying her forlY yetirl; of anxiety for hor 1-1 I . , . had re- destroyed tile main shaft building at lambs fair. Hogs, no change, The has beets abundance )f One fallen humhund . 'll tolift-ty are I's end, through 1&.1&n1K30lr. 11 . .1. ,�,, �% .- - ,� Ported to lite Bourd that on a vWt the Bruce, copper mines. Tile loss Is offerings were 72 loads, with 1,329 a fruit, either by hand tit- by itionrim Of -etireirsent from tilt! fire depart- COItNZR EAST -ST. AND SQUARIL , . � � ", . they are now tit good condition. McLean's ' .Iyl'-;'!� �,�.�O,Vjellikah pennies has she paid recently tothe Prince's upwards of $85,000; insurance $20,- : head of cattle, 282 sheep and Iambs , result. will be it great increase I I tit hogs or shoep terned into t, � or- film I 11 . I �k-. I I ,� Road Work -house, she there saw, to 000. The Bruce mines Were from 800 -hogs, and 96 calves. output of the creameries and cheese chard will ]tell) some to keep tille - 1110 I . on., I. I � d It FAMILY 0111111118 A SPECIALTY. I her, great vurprisie, 35 female pan- factories of lie province, -if which � `:o I 4""-awwrf" tIvT 1846 to 18713 very famous copper Export cattle, choice, cwtS4.85 5.2*5 ling inoth Ili check, bill, most slif tile hit - ItockIdil, tilt- Americtin mpechti .RljbjatlI�46-,;� of' ' " Pets 11.9.ged'i. oakum, picking, the producers. The plant destroyed was Export CILWO, light, cwt. 4.25 4,50 there are now 29 of tile favorter - ilk China. has it trall- " I I . 75. - .1 r ,, �,O, I , '� , L " ,ft .01r ii- � son" , ars "000 Go and 82 of the latter. Farm labour- --­— re4slo-it ,beting that there -wolls no one of the best examples in Canada Barnyard worms lonve the apples before they ('01"Inishiollel i upparenth. verythhog In Seristion and priessalwa" right. �. - i4sisat)l ' �or I;; - I I ,��` _ 'or tatem to do. Mrs. of a modern mining equipment. Butchers' cattle, picked ... 4.00 4.50 r, have been plentiful enough to .. I )X vleedle),trork i Iambs ...... ...... 4.00 4. 1 fill I - After apl)lem have lain on tl;,, latlurl of all ('(114't whiel ,Icp,�p 0, 0 m ground for three or foist, days almost proves ll,at, the library Ir tra. , I trawd th.1hX3 it very sad that women through the heroic efforts the bell- Butchers' cattle, medium 3.00 .8.00 meet the denint.d fit most localities, -h was Oonilt, ,It Ba wo bi,,.�.��,,:",),`. Go. Smith i77. , ,,;, , . '. . �, $ilttfte FAVUld be engaged in such rk. The , no wortim civil In, rounut In theill. hidden City, Will( I I ,,Z��,, I or,, warehouse, end other buildings Bulls, export, heavy, cwt. 4.00 4.251".nd few incru will be required till Protect cellitr doors and window, VentlY, was wilft'IIY Set oti fire for I alatt r [a to come up ifor ditsousslon adjacent to the scene of tile fire Bulls, export, light, cwt. 3.50 .4.90 harvest. ......................J I M*0 C4ils�MIDAI;iavol Lit tZe Vext meeting of the Board. with screens wherever aPPICH are kept it](, purpose of destroying .0v ar- ------ -- -- were saved. The company recent- Peeders, heavy ...... ......... 3.75 4.00 Tito bulletin closes with quotationq so that ii%4)thH hutHilug in tile cello,,- chives. CONTRACTOR *, atav&l t�'j 46416A1110 � bly Mr. E. AAh�neesl-Barthtt, who has ly completed a large conecutrating Feeders, light ...... ­ .... ...... 8.25 fl�50 from Government corro9pontimts cwara t4o, othatoptcD � '' t escape to like orchard . , — F HOUSEBUILDER ' #*-' � . 11 4; I iu��w ! I I ful - , o - A 9 I - WN , I I 1,'�, Vital P4 �, I - I " \ , -1 W461 1 'u" . . 404 . I I" Ti =1 I � wt ri.lolk Am I I I � I j i ! . - � . i � I :�,��,:,� , - inined, This Stockers. 400 to 800 Tbs. 8.00 3.50 which are m1mo4t.-without exc coin"() By a4i Order Just Issued bv Pollco Ivy4fo I jm-,t resigned lbig commission In the inill to handle the ore ePikh5l' Clean culture and Lit(- removal of (,onIfoiqsIooe and GENERAL CARPENTER. I I . Grenadleirs, wals th-is unhapill victim started on tile first of May and Butchers' cattle, choice .... 4.00 4.10 of I r Murphy of New Vork. ' . I a very encouraging apd )opeful ,,,, rubbish In kind about tit(- or- till' `t..Jim) o"Ifol-Ine'l 'own on the po- Houses remodeled, and general repairs ".joiSt' 0 3P " .4'Il5%'-ftsJjiitWmen 16f so isevete an attack at ant . I I I . . 'Vidollodi 4 . 9 I Vildo' t erika favor shipments of copper �onccntrateos had Butellers' clattle, good-., 8.60 .13. 75 character. - �hard will inake it more difficult (or lice fort -v of (Ji -outer New York will attended to promptly at moderate 0 40D * hat- 'in South Africa it, to render him started ; 250 tons of ore per day Butchers' common, ewt ... 8.00 .4.25 lite wornis to lind suitable hidinK be'vonipelled to provide I hellikielvem prictim. I ,b& tiol),O'balVe ,t for ad ,ull,fit to rok*in Ws battalliton. For were being treated, and about 250 do off colors -and heifers 2.00 2.50 UNITED STArES COMPETITION, places for the moter Satisfaction Guaranteed: . � e . n qtW6 aorviAk. flte solold moutiti h3 w�ls I ' with hottotim gilded with 24 enritt ,V4,'', . ,i - I a It pital. men war,-) employeti, a number of Butchers' bulls ...... ......... 2.5o 8.0o I . ,14craping the loose brit. I� frons trunk , . g004'Villit , Ot A'rd"8b6t T1,* seecad son of Sir E, Asohswead- whom will be thrown out of w9rk Light stock bulls, cwt ...... 2.00 3.00 -- gold hi'lead of ill., ilwaliva, oneq SH011--KingntonSireet,Goderich. iom'iolinVed �Aket q B�Lrtiett, M.P., I and branches will also romi)lve Mills nd ,*.,Ill he is suPPOSed to temporarily. The plant will be im- Milch cows ...... ...... ......... 8o ()I) O, 5. 00 Mr. Arthur Chamberlain Is Not Frightened It safe IlhillIg I)Iac for y now In use It im e-tillott"d (hat tile RESIDENCE -Huron Road. I , . sikinl� brd,pt. TSO�e '46 have furnished the latter with a good niediately reconstructed. The origin Sheep, export, ewes, cwt 3.50 3,85 . , By It. a wt ,ins dur- ,.ont or tlie slow boItoo..A witl uIlloulli , . V, I , ., . . inK Winter. . , deal of the information ,hat lately Of the fire is unknown No lives A 1, . In tile aggrt-kilto to ,990 I)III, it year 5k6obil, W 0 naiLou. I I , �14&t,iilw%iisg Won 'y of cauwd Such a aansaCan in th' c coun- try, and led to the appo!intm-�knt the . . were lost. 0 Lie S ...... ........ � ...... 2.v() 0,00 A despatch from London says:- No onto should be discourio(ed he- Sheep, butchers', each .... ­ 3.50 4.00 Mr. Arthur Chamberlain, addrussing caLme lie dot -4 not mect willo its corn - . �ifik6f tsw 40deo. tit N�W- go*tw�, iiiisy address of acis,pltals Comilfilssion. . ......... 0&---- Lambs, each ...... ...... ...... 2.50 5.00 11 tile sharehassers of Kynochs, declar- plete succe49 Ili tile iise of tit. above do cwt : 3.75 4.121 that American A MUCII-TRAVELLED I,(XA'r-CARD , , 'W' t . Pi"' tbVilliti authors- With reference to tile coinage . ARMY POSTAL CORPS. per ... .. ...... ...... . ed competition was remedlem its lie had holifid the 11rott Calves, per head ...... ...... 2.00 S.00,a bogey of Politicians all(] journal- year. Ile wilt) persistently and Ili- A Loindoin pape, ha,, recoiv,ol ,I po,ot- , I fib,;k7,0,a1-11L1,. I . , . I I , I . 011;:," Alt, I '60nittinarian. " of King Edward, which has been tile -- ' One May be Otgosvitz'ed to 4tryA in Camp Hogs, choice, cwt ...... ...... 7.00 ....... Ists (if de,structive tendencies. Mod- telligently times them through a .r- Hogs, light, ewt 6.50 legislation, fie ,bv card w1i'ch Ieft L, vision for Kong Kong on Fpbruary 81h, Airriveil there oil qfo , . " . - , �UAt Wood eit ship- *�')q subject of so much conjecture, one 011319 may b- safely . in September. ...... .... ­ .... ­ eru added, had more ies of years will almost c,rtalts' Grain -fed Iambs ...... ......... 4.5 , I 01 0 5.00. terrors foi him thaskii all foreign coin- a degree of success thttt wl!I (,oil- Mirch l3th and on the Rivaso (lay wits , -bb. 'J'tlgt.'ofJi0Iy0ars. $bo predicted. On the new coinage the head of the A despatch from Ottawa says:- Yearling lambs..- . ......... 400 4,50 Petition. EllgliSh Lliallushirtlirers, nl- vince lom of their value rt-d'oopatchrid (o Ixoticka. where At vkaq ; '. d (in AVril 11hio. As the repk% � � & .1 , � "'. , plod Lit Wit- , I " 'p?. King will be turned towards tile The Postoffice Department has aV Wheat, white . . . .$ 71 (jo though Illicit wvry iiever more return waoi rnstd-� by way of Varissouvo-, ill,, 1 6 well alutbon- . " : '. ,!.� I .. , right side of tile coin, whereas the plied. to the Department of Militia do red - . A m . . . 71 01)- confident, i-nore energetic, triore PHACTICAr. POTATO CULTIA(It'. psstkf�-ird'haa naivally mall(% it)" r,r- � � , . � ... . , ,�o J60.ifd6ka 0, sea -otter . head of Queen Victoria was turn ad towards the left of the coin. it IF; to have Mr. Ecelestone confir d tit the rank of Captain, to whInicch lie do so . . ... . . 64 (14 4 sucecs-9ful , and troalthler were koo -, 1 subject to do spring,. .., -, o silank dioluilvan- I 11tive found potatA-A a prontable ill silly _four, kill cult of tha world. yAt willch is sixte(m leam t1vain Jules Verne - �J'�,W­,.41vlit OrAwAirk 011k,zipt Ikerverally known that the head was raised by the Imperial militia Barley . . . I . . � . 40 oo t a ge 9, Including heavy railway rroll ful' 11 tVr"' of YOal-8, w"Iteol Mo' dreamecl of in what. not Flo many - -------- -- - il�­�IM,46s io 'Pliticie, of of the new sovereign on new coinage authorities white In field postal Her- Hye . . . . . . I � . . .. r,i i (lo ch,arges, strike-; and entisiant Inter- F I16. surgeat I select a PIeCP Of yearm ago, wass regarded as a most �11. � ,400Aer cost bf tile Is always turned in the opposite di- Vice in Soutn Africa. It is the de- Buckwheat . ..- .- . , . 551 ()() iorence by Parliament and loral au- mod land where water does not stand extravagant romance, ,�kih,�10&11%Xad' tbirty-Six relation to that of his predecessor, Biro c! the Postoffico Department to Oats . . . . . . . . 37 thorities, They were inspected to or rather where there Is visitural '14", � , . 871 . HELLOA1 .,.I' put the experience gained by its ex-111oas . , . . so . 66 0o death, and hampered at every mtep, 41rainage, anti plow It (; to 7 in dim,fl, — - - . 7: � , - I . . , k�� � :� We understand tZ . a - I ,- I . Says the Dail- norts durin the Doer war to -rac, The'eledtrl-f J-dus- h d I limil so I i I i , I �1)0f, &glaxd, vig IbZght ry *id; "'at a "ry tremor. title . - " ' - ."'L v0 MeWs, 'that the King has approved of tical account in connection with Straw . . . . . . . . . 8 00 the - I - ' a � the to be borne I : "" 18 00 0 oo it gone 0 tile UnIteq State,; because it hold )9 Il I OW W t I a jO nter trust the edge of the furrow may be Well . fil, -ro, they .L, ­ V0 ".0,4,4ppol-f, ,ho Vii'r;ari arms by the Duke of Cornwall and York, An official annual training movements of the , Butter . . . . . . . . Canadian militia. In Mr. Mulock'S,EggH 14 11 17 14 bom strr.ngred here by the-mischiev- I oug activity of tile Home Offi(c and turned under. The land Is harrow- ed very thorotighly both ways, fIrmt a*§A. li`t�, 200 ' 0 - about 60, and -Ii iU I � 1 X- description will be Published. It. is understood that the arms coinprine . . . . . . . . . . 'absence this will not be attempted Chickens, per pair . , during the Julie camps. but as the 'Mrkeys, lb 60 11 so 1:3 local boLuds. I with n'cutawaylterrow. then with a spring tooth, makirils, the moil very t 121V1 I , '': I ,., ", - � ­. '"1100 those,of England, the familiar lion, per . . . Postmaster-Goineral is booked to mail Asparb,gus, per doz i 60 75 I ' 1 Inc to a depth of 4 tit or more. , ,� ,drtr . E101, i, I �Jlkbat-bf tft I I I ' ' unleoton, crown and garter, with the t moto Dieu at Area -Droit, slightly, . from England in August on his re- Bepts, per dozen . . turn from Australia, it is not on- Cabbages, now, doz po 75 00 1 00 MANY BOERS DIE.. . orillm sire then opened With ft small furroovitig plow 5 h) fleel, �klvl ;I flo y been delft- I, � I , s . k V been sciescu- vicited by an added device. ' .., . likely that an army postal corps Cucumbers, per doz . will be organized for with 1 00 1 71" -- Enormous Death Rate at the Pre- i'c twcx�n the rows A high-artide brand , ,� ; I I ­ bgs, -whisch, � � , � Petticoat 40310 as the thorough- , fare, re -named by the service do small, per doz. the camps of instruction to be held Lettuce, per doz . 40 25 (10 30 tolsla Raea Course. of fertilizer cotitaining I0 per ((, I "Ill'.1 leo,k�o i. ,1, t�il­',,l in 11 � � . 11 13 of Sonday. , ,� , �,� " authorities Miodlesek street continues to be call- . . in September. Olions. per bag . . . . . deso - - 1 414) 1 25 A despatch frotis Londork says-- till' 111*1118 sit tht nits, of mw lon it, , 1,1*�joo��po,olj Blhoban4jLst ad., in shortly entirely to lose its 4 a green, per doz. NEW I I r, The Daily Nown, prints Rt.atim�tjco, tile acre. tseattered io, ev-i1v ,trid (Iogl\ ""'t'l 1, I- 1 1 1 k0­*1,,-4v,-.kf1.,,,h&*d wil- tio.,Q I t6fi. North- ItArtttliediftiC Stintirty th6raing sale 'of old clothes find curlogities. T It ARMY RIFLZ Parsley, per doz . . . — Potatoes. per bag . . 23 45 oo 55 with names, showing tin ,,normomm (loath trito among tile Door reftigeell i, - i ,.- mof,r to c(')v(-r the ferillil,or it hitle, nl- I . ,*At I 1'lwjtlf,.,4�as�,)�.h6ilry and street has test much of its b2 The Simpson Machine dun has Been do new, per bill. . 5 .so 00 at the Preloria race croursip. The thotigh" I hardly ev,,t- go to that, , name, for past years, but its Sun- Chosen. Radishen, per doz . . 1.11 20 race course has hem used tin a re- "'Oubl" ,j', j �ig� (rob US Vt tIle ,to A Rhubarb vier doz 2:1k oo in since the ocru I For see([ I prefer polatoe, of ined- ' ' The Old Iftellable ALL KINDS OF COAL 11 ALWAYS ON HAND I � �I The Best Scranton Hard COAL : . , In the Market for . CASH 11"i y I . P n so I ii'LUb�-01forinkIt f nky morning sales ore still one of A despatch froin London says: - Tomatoes. per basket -15 00 i;A'torili h, film to mmall size and fit) ow believe — All coal weighed on the market 00 most curious and Intaresiting y the British under Lord e4tu I . It to Untauthatitattlkoely mtiat6d that Turfifps, par bag . , MI 95 Robrortn. aboot. it year ago. ' The ro- 1" ciatting them too lioe Thf- I I , 00: f 01-* tbo wor., . tdatulrea of old Lovid6n. life. the War Office, after extended test9f Watercress, per do% . 20 00 port alves the number of deaths, at pieces are dropped till Scales where ,kou get 2,000 lbs for a ' - � * kW'Oft -T�d a adopted tile Simpnon machifie -. 9 25 the ramp during till) past three 9 ton, , d; ", , ftwayS - I . al � ba. 0:11d, 111�11 le", iomMea, to t6rd Lorislondettry Insis a gree t ar, Dreamed hogs . . , . . 8 7: apart Ili this furrow . . .1 I . , 0 -it in wet rifle for tile British infantry. 0 * "#y,:kIlho� whft. Vist . of sub-postintlAt-ire apSer It 'a Beef. hindriont-torq . , 9 00 , 1, sism, slostribed as a bijou Maxim. ad I 1) 50 weeks roospectiveiy as thirty for the with it cultivator with lh�, wtnlos; Will. LEE ,,. - Riot, 0, tho Imn- Who. Want to filavoll st, w%n4':olvv aptes do forequarters. . . 5 (Ili 6 (10 lirst week, toversoty-four for the, Re- turned lit anti with a roller nitnHil- Ordet,i left at Lee & Sheppard's , , W,"tioi, we 60,��`-- !tV1Ader-II6:ch,1,1:, ,�q 1 tho"' .far hand carriage, and dapable of do oeareftne-st, choice 7 Ili) R 00 cond week. and twpnt.v--mfx' fdr 1110 m4nit Before tlit- potatoes ,,I,I,,,,s,- 0 A ahouTs , I At ­rh6(t,AI.irkif#I pumping a hills of lead at extraor- Ili ... ve g -round I go over like lo -e Store will receive prompt attention 0 in L �� t*,sd1hIf t(gh't 0%slifit- to blodli - POO. 'it. Wilt? do common . . . . 5 on III 00 third week, a total of eighty I'lle w, ith ,i weeder. anti an stool, ilk, Its,. Witch Hazel Oil . 'r ' "' dipapr speed.,, It Is used In ft prone Lembo, �yearllnirm, 1h, 9 In nutobOr of rehoTtops; at the c rip fit plants art- %v,'.' sip atart tile coillvii. - I - '611 41114',Abilliks the Wtllb� ffbl,�od to ask the PoNtintutter-Gen- poilsition, Ad: 1400lir W't acrosivii it anti- as. ... I drie fii`af4o,'tho,,,WoI#Iit,o�1vA his THE PILE OINTMENT. : fo�ibil " *40tabldit. qrstl t6 grant tilt fatervisaW to it d . *� do ifffidalf, onch . . 4 50 5 -5 0 A,1'0. Thank the ath rnteals 4815 ter kind run it cioito often, groidsi.iltv -- . . , . J! " ' j*d ,'o* 04-tilition. Who VV.OVIId.,fM)uAInl, rn body Mutton . . . . . . 6 .-,4) .9 00 a thounsidd nnnually .1117 " I* 'IWO W01 , he h' holding, ifie weqpotit lit position. It * I trettififf contiflierable earth around ill.- ,6t*h thl, allui. With t I t IlL"I"hill's te- is Intended to 1"tto flft� of the wait- i , *R W � ,to;��f it dtffliiidtlt�s" Is*. Vew ealv*R, light. its. 5 G - 0 1 - plants I ime the hand line it r,ccem- One Application Gives Relief I Z - , _.h, L f h,6 slibithibillitlies And low. p.&,.,, do Choice . . . . . 9 0 to , Mi - I - � ,y I Vinfig f4b each Infantry osittaillOn. . I PnrY. as wePdol Insist not ho allowed . "I't-, Rof Auttlwy�- ifol 'JAdy . . CotMTRY PRODUCV4, MACHINE SHOPS WRECKED. ts) grow rinksong the planta it Cares Pius ilt narnsk,orh.u- n.t.'a m Int.r. Goderioh Planing MON. : i= � , it AW or v- "a. . livoyn A 4610$' U"Al ;;­�F LOGA. -Offerings I , , no. Mind or lac.dint. Itching M Mi,ral.a. Vne. � 0 16 ft On Of kW"tifi Vh1v — , , f6to 114 Butter of grams butter �r it ,ollit, t. lik,'#o.�, 4JIto, 1 ,dik, tor lgngl�b�, will Owlwl tire rather beavy and the market Is Accident In Dominion Cotton Mills Wfn Keep Home rally think that n ton of and l7letsilas. HoW Inisnodiss, rtal- ", 11 0 -- J t lblo� i(tiott 10 t I I ,'t6y With fitr SfAt0,Ih-l&W,1Ady Mil- A 4nattrifiak stif 16g* -t ft. of fprl ilizer I n t lie acre ton much to, It curomo, Borrask. aceld, assid 121,101'sulon't Ann CM. . I l.. I '10,j 44','fi&' J(!fs+Vdso ,Offd, Will M90 tholta-16 fiboUt to be to*#d lkw�cisl tho active. Prices are Rteady� the best Them Idle for Wefts. apply till in the drilloo, Inst I ovant to, I I I � tracticomtrilostolvisruji. The Relief jartast-4okkaning A*bw 10 WIN Noll readily at 14c to I fie. The A dioapateh from t1rilifax, iki�g. have evorougli righl whers, this ronin Wonderful. TtOkw , , . I "'It too I'" titthol"IA 1*111fid. A similar 006ttlailitif trW stocks of low grade butter havo beon savis: The cylinder-hend of the 5" ft soursis Tom, Out sior lAeklirstiml wounds and , ,',!, - ,, , :1 ro"I'Al dhig, V � , - , � I , . ,* lokw seladow6l., Arst" tyaldrolin . noetl it Mont, fol' the i,tstrilo In roth- NUNN - 9 AN I , , , � ft pvii"tk. , Alotolittifti ZII id' -At i� I , _' ra svg&ftsvfat� Welt cleaned up nd tile market In fit I II6661mower engine at the factory 6f er it poor feedor 1110 method of r,31- im * , , . Ob 44 ,W6 d646to, All In the,AtleAtild aotilke f" ' a Drawee. C 1, , - U '"444 W. ir � t66"' 'tJiJly*t*­,af 14410. fi" ils,oa Vafy cd in a otbriny. slnxlsb�do that left good shape. The medium grade but-. tile Dominion Critters Millsi Compolly tivnition IF; Ili ko-sop the roolA froas J111 isurilik Points, Cartosuielm ftlossna, - namemson.,­ I , so , 1" - VI -M, old soorea. It.hi.9 Erstrusiono. Smarty or - � I , , . �� I 001, U . tV A#,ft 'Chem ,, , *A4 0*,V*I1 Peal. dkor'" OC unliblik tlicidtft�bfil thir "- ter now offering Ili hold at 13C t0,Iilk thillf city blow out on Tburgday %preading river thop hond too mlich and Buildem . , , te ��.&", , I , ISO% " tatit. 411A 0* 111611ftt" 1106 06th- 14C. Creamery in "five and toadylAtivartiodn, wrekking the mliale nia- I bit%,,- found from P,cpe Scam if"& Matinfitchi I rersk of and daialers I . � I . , , 04 U k 1�, lifii�hiliik �w 0* - - rkorieto I hot 1. It Cores faftemed or not,jimil Vresollook and Sar, I , � , ���� I . , pany hat, Wto ".tY 414totigsNil 16 tt 18c to 10c for prints and 111.0i(dil. 'chino Atop. A loofm gtrall cu*oqq soro inwit apply more than tilt, analy- wipplikka. Ift'shualte, in ell hindtil of Building Me- t ' slikiv,=01410'eii ,, Ifid,,bWi,�tk, jk�Klt*, At Viomby, 'IrsoffW11 thhUtor fil0ft bi*jift (* ** ftg*-MarIa,?t Is stendy avid prJL,0s,0h0 head of tllto cylluder can.kqed min ,,( lite plant W011111 Room ft) Poll , .,� 11 fto It Cares; Salls litbillem, Tativelos ftelify Fjopeakesto terial. quch ain Lumbotr,Doero. I ; it I 1016t 6, fio*i� "!I904th , , 'Atd bSr V1*06hido, -soft; k ibilk 0646.04itta? W, iltre, unchringed at 10ic to 11C far ,wtideht. It Itill keep tho looflietill for 11v favorite hisidsI ore Marty chopped assistak F*w" Jivin"., P.P6 Lips ,st Saills, Lath, Shinglemi, &c.11itc, 11 11 pots,g* 'V ly 11 , �� � It - -iilwtow it *X#,*0A6ht , 110 oe, boaldor veivittrea In - 6bft# , ft , I ft" l6ts. . I r Jifil , . tr J,40, f4*& It Idle for four mr fivo woollism. n6w. 14unri,,o, tor early Crop. and ["a- Nostift "Ifts. 1huskinis. So" &bit Cbsted AM4 '.1 � . l - " r ­­ r Wil*h , ,�;, *W:56 sittio*'A 'ri!fghty' tilit(ft., - I tft#,# ;. POULtom-Car lots are very se"ce hIg ago handa outt(If MpJ,iyTlNr.. wa- I -P Into I pre -for to got tin r- Nth*% of TA00ts. 111164"Ito Sitake old Itillaboanip, Plants find essitimale-o ftirrillitied on skppli� 11 I 11 0 ,b* IJO I "b beM *" fiI �N I Ito& ig � Is 0.66 "t aud boydro are offering 49t P& bttg Jillit *111 ba the first ,ougpeoftAlt,ri .,(' thern irrown rped every apring, na it Th"a six". W.. No. gma $1.00 : - I r ft.,00611", illki rlift t, $,Id r'g it , I 11,49c, --got , is � I, if* *kut, .Pfti- � it . I , 't 6K, track herse. Into supplievii ft"stat tholf, factory for avilvon vearn if,,x"t M%Prn- to have snare vitality than &VIvyOng i ,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, cation. . I . � lilfs* *#s 0,0V 00,0' 11 I . I ­ � . " I 00" 0" *044"thd 4A 11 , I 11 A 'bf tdd 10ta picked rip b.* trwIftlillng oti, V_" oilicil!S510a, when it %trik-4 'Zo. I %;Vvd ffrown anti rtponed tit our ex- glitisp - as"Unilheiii t1sw ! � � �,doyjjlor . I .� .' I �k dV 11 . "Ump"Noys, Mao. Co. I "I 1, , ­ � - 04. . JAI *", It, *414 -V. -f.- . � thedogholift, the P#16*W#. Po;ir eVlioreij. Ito One was hurt treavely hat Alloftlost wPatbor bit. White" & Jabs etc. NKw v3otsf. 811,110hanans & LAW46n* ! , - I I . I � , J�,��,, I.,, . -1 ., , ,'�l ;0 1, 4 "I., I 11 . .buy*" I . I % .� 11 � , � I I . , I �,;', ,,,I - :r , � �,,, ,I ,, 1. � , I . I ", � . , I I � I q-� o`.?�L. . 1, ':111 I . 11 6 � I " , rl�, r, I . . I a r I I T� f ,I r I . I I ­ . 11 . I � I . � I � . j . . . I I ; I I �: I � I I I 11 L , " , , I � . . � I � . I 11 � ,!, 11 . r . . . I I I I I I . 1, . . � I I I I I I . 1. r � � . I r . I I I . � I . I "', ­ , . � I � �� I z I 6L".. I 1 4 � - - � I 1. I :, -1 I" - . , , . .1 1. .''. , "I 111AA � I I , � I � 11 �� , r-,'.�, , I " ", � " - ,� U)r�, ,� I Elk, 14AMWU A"�& . � - —� ''A . �­ . . "', I I r rim I -A" .ot-�oikiokk ­ A— ­. I .. &.A"L ,�� I — 11 1. .1 Llwai, . .%- — � W� - - - �, 11 I . I �� I 1 ." I ", I r I I r . 11 I � L ,:i, , I � �, J, . � .1 I 0 11.1 r 11 I .1 � 11 . � I � , ,!" I '. I I I r I . 1. 1.11, -;_r, I .1 �- I I I . I r I � I, r_ '' . , I I �, � ' � r. " V & I 'I' ,­ . I . , I I I % . J " . . � 1, , I �� . � � II& &A . 11 � � _.��, " J, ,& l is'll, lahk�l ! iitilullskal�o,,,if I I _ 661ii�� � . �,-4­.AlihiI NEW. -o"1111 _ _ _ _