The Goderich Star, 1901-06-14, Page 70 , , -7"�--V-- _ . .1 . '-7- - ­ -.101r.w - . 1; - .1. . 11�� .." I ..." _,, . 17111F% ,.7, . , . , - 11 -7-IT I -, ... � . .� , p I , Mw7c I , 11 , . I—' --- I ',RMW � 4F � I -.11 , 4, � . � ,I ;., - "I I I W, , "' . - - - : ­­ . 1 % " "NIPPRIT7 .., _T, IT , 't. T .,,,, ­-� . " � , � . r I � - I - 11 I . . I .� I I , , ,� I # W ) . �_, I 11 I - I - I . - � I - - I '. " 1 . .,) , � :.1 .. ! I , 1. I I 1_' 47, , I � , " F,� f . . - , . K_ . . I P, , 7 1 ,; 11. - -_ ;_ j, m'.-'� .... �, r �,.., I - I . �, -_ . � , -_ . I 11 . I 1, I - I ­ '. , _ I ,." - " 1� ­­ I 1. I . ; I.. , I., ­ 11 � I � I . - , I . " I �_ _�,._ , � -1 . ­ '\ ,. I I ­ �� " " � . � f � .; . I - � I. _�. ­- ­�� ­ I . I , I - ­­ I., ,- � � "I - . - , I � 1, . 041-- .. __110-.1 - � , _ I—- -.0i.-m-wrlmoi il 10 i, "... - N i ... i � ----.,.,-,, -1 - I . iw— -_ itip" m_ -4— o 4 , , A! ,, __ ,�_­ - - - 1� I"'. -� ­ - I � _� I - - - - ­ I . . 11 1. . I - � � .:. � - - I �­ � ­­'­ ' ..", I-1 116 1 11111. I 11 11-1.1 ­-_ ,- - I . I � -- ,- ­­ , - ­­­­ I - I., - .1- I I . ." - ­­ ­ ' , ­­­ "­ - - ipi A=,' 124 A , ' L I , 11 I .11, I . . . � . I I __ — I I I , rt pa 1; 04 4L,t*Wr*4)LU! 4 009,60 Aqw. a" ""4 tut" V#v*4 wX tif �� . A" 004 AW4. **If. W 1".... I ­­ — I 1. � , I I . y *W IM, T14. . �;,. - I it , '" ' 1. -1 I .. . V - I SUNDAY SM004 HHVAM� - 6 7'Al" �' T _V oiliIII'lle ft*w UK *0"7400 Allia , 6-10 I po,tthq!�.k '4- ,- L . � � . I � � ".It tko AotAlo � � I . I vil __ � � # 11 Wiill It" At 110 , � _,_ , , , , , ; , , I t� , _",:�', I , , ote. : � - , , . 0 , , =fo A."tb* Imev" qK $A114" I � I ,,, . � � -1 I I i� -- " %AW vj*W60 11*6 AW -441- 'A# � � , , .= 4- � I , 11 I 'I 04 . I U� , '? � - I 1 4 414 8�rs*" "01 tks u � I : r � givisims .. Ist'N ttipwor � X. , 4, otosrow, wrf* I , I . I w . � . W,q.. WOW 1 "WIDY 140 I ��"I* if, �� J'.- .. " s4w, it". at* - , Isilk, , 0! %%**""*4#*"ft , -I'. , "01,110, 11 , , � I 1, ­. 11.1 � 044 ."'M . I , W# O"11*, , tWE I I I � _.. 1-1 li — � . . I , - d A " " � *I.&, - ---,I-- . 11 �� 4h* *10ii, get *t I I I � 11 - - -0 to I t'.Iori",� - I __ I I . � = = . , . "I I I ,E , � I ­ I , ''; A T , , � , I 1u; , ,,�K . AM-"— I I - - � �, . . , 10 U - — - -0,0,_ ls�,[ ,. " � L ­ I QW1*t A* 70".**.. * -&a 1 4" list: vs"Oeo . I -11 I I I : *�Or & , I 3allft-4m * 11 I . . ­ -..--- It �_� I , I 1. � ' _­ I 4 P* R" - . V*19* _ - , " ; . - W _r* I - �0.t.*160r000* � , I 111r.1.1 v _F _T- � . I " .4, --,- �i, �- .1-._-1.._-. ­. -1-1.1- I - . . "" I " , , I .11 I V **wow " I , ,W""* � " 1#04 � It is Aa t*w " I I a W It""', 9"' ­- - - - . - � ON = - Tbb8i *_'� L.ugh, % w1mat �tha 0mv, - W" Vic I I I "V I W ft"W . " I �. I I C,Jqh^GGt _W L : ..... - i 01100*4 * ffir"W is* OWM4 VOU X traitoo. &W ,,, I 0� 09 Ad* % - � �, I ... 4- , I I ,10, _­_ ,T� -_V��_ 44 ,- - " , It . & - , *jiot�'W'*Wl At 'jitill, 11boo, QiTo I , t" Turk Wrt , � 40"W"000411-01mvio 4 't - I - � I , "' '*q t", 0441k—lit, - .'V*t 't* 'T I . _it . It �4lmit "tittf"' -%"% _0-40 _ , 1, kAft � #"f�" ** J"Lxo* 0*11AA ""MILf, . � , ` , a - - I .1 0, I It, I*q, . �to **. � I 1. . ,� 9 . �. , 111V 41,00: .11. " *UVIM,:_ . , I :11 , giaw , � , I I I *4 , mhww, tottly 8*4 , . ,, _ A*Wlit W* ot"00itro,* 14 60VWA tit 0M . ;Ga - 4t� "tbo, -iiwdl�-. , ,vo,ir* Vw *- : 40% - � � .'"m , 0, - Of �, '. -1 " 0 "T. a.. '. , ioatv , V#Xfoot 401t)t � �, i � I- - I .;*My L, - t* 004 0, 000ts _" Im* I _6� 0 I I . - I , " (A ,.� N *Assa 44,.l sin I ,rl, gloita a - *Ak, # - 13r. I N* 4*1 *nv 00 s -00 --*4 �* - 4 * *si4m;,. � I . _ -W"t st* ,4 .00 - "" sot mw , - (847 w" 4�4* ,* 10"t"t 011#*t fW., * 6#70"4 og., I oftlyr� U -*f iwig: 4%, an 49 v"tecl! O'k, Au _ " - , . I,- , I I . 1=7 kv*x I Adit � I � a s' -1 - 044 04 W A# iowio� � I . . 9 , A � J# roa.ux a , 0 - f"AA4`b `, 4*t klo ,1W **4 4*04, tr A* toi,w =-!114 V(#A*""io*VW - '00044 in , ... * fr*lw 'W"itilpst9A wpk, Yo, that. - vzoli 44W. for, le 0.441t, i 41. k 0, that_ tnr4ilr tki'la, 36#wot, O"At* 'W.1*_* - 4--g , � ; yor mils"Ita"A tig", **-04"004441 , - � _., , � I I 41011114t* , , q SA 1 4,006� 10, A44 " " i I a, I 414 Alo.ti'"W V0114,WT-- W4* give, It Is 04*4*0*4 t*44,1, ***,W. wwows. Xot 4 9, ". V_m. ist a- " . I I , , '4 _04lal I ,*( - , voriou'Rin w * -1 X" 4" - t9w , _* _ *_Uoirl �Vr- WIAW40, pro,04 *00t.", 010, MALV me kAu*,pq*k# L I ; ,"" ari AA� 09"t. xi*444 ot Aowlow- 40 * it 4X Irist ,. Continued, I 9"110.01 - Isalm � 010-0 - ftlig, � I � . � d Quir t _ t, kwft. - - pg�ty�g, - -- lue, With 4, thsok W144di -p�44 *4 ar"., WX li"Alft 04"k W "#I, 11000 ot luvoilittI04 011410 '"W I I W41 -Y 041wo- Pro 140, 0� Open 4RUNW "Voill. � W1_ I.W444. Y00.4"24 * ta.*Q, 1,411 1. . , obo lioua,w�.*rcw , I �, At 4-1 to- Is O*ftbL )IO4 0$ _. - WA44 Ills, A , luw* A li.e4voa. gtn&,g 104j�. xuq4lek 4 11 r C114 , # .9drs * of'Xi& is , .1104404 apoeab 4"Aw* 4hJI t4isula m, oso*g wt* )if It, 0*41i 4 ouw 0* i - a,- , , , . - , 0 -Aft, we,* � our pogth, 4411.4, Witla iitpthp The ftp2 na'sitiq Lg, : . 14 T.'', , � oft pt,04: �)AiAtool*w.k4tii, *I AmAo katag - W 044 4 110", botwi, W 4 1 1 1 -_ _#Jj*4Q 4 , ...: , , �.4, q4 1 . . - . woo4o). *� � I I I I , I . I , - I )N , A** U40 , IM, 44XV4 ,591-w #AT*=* Jil, WAT* "ok 44 *iai "A44: 1q, 000, 00.1ft 404t Whether 914" A*; wilgilows vhu� **4- br**;him4.#Ad *%Jt�, To it Q*i pooadf at 10004V ft 04, ", W_ -, plidi, 'hvoow,�._, vs# , % tlojig of hmx�a 4,40 i9x4p people A 414*04 aro, *OvAr#t up to Oa $04 � -00.4 00.0. 004*4 . I , L, � I - � I -42oou*uy,�*% ,-Ath Ava,. ,4 ''a - Or f halt th"o f4 - " I I 111"S , , to T614S waraw- I (4 vo*",qut $A t- & - .or %t 1040 . 4400" 004*44, tust h4v* 40, bouot to- "geW oo Jxmip, wwoo 4,444q, �D* 141L,6�9,bie� , T� oloAmew A.4. � W lit * a tot ,*% sli4vv , ,,it - 00.00019A4 Ani gled 4n9W thp�t k _, A. ,y W M i4*1 ulghtf, 41t- # �k $; 44.4 I'M , ' " ' hc� hpoiyo t tri I , _* Una Lj� , R� 41, , �Is 0'WW'IcAt0 *04tlt , MA ., � Vi 3 2�0049, 02 , � . 0 - , I i � , 16-o". mia,q � 4g; r _ _ � 4i, 4 0an 41W14, the vriw, -.,*,I J*4gls.'#��?Nai* it. 4, , . , _4 0, p bcii�l %aA 00,Wgilt, worlavAlcu, 44 tit, sea "ovie'v. � 'Am either V It dook, Ili qovv be G, l4w i "to. lt*� dw, istwted XIMA pvtomod throi,4 * ,*4*)7 !'� , "I , . , , , � mv*04*�w -of lAQ11y " W#4 "oeof, vvm Alt JAAG, " , t '141my , ,00,00: 411144i I . I AM, 41010 15"�Qt only P. p)40� belecim li.__ .!� dAwpa* t9 you bow, .444ht, uAlgim 10. Q60M at look"it"m . 4 *1 VIA'. 4011,04l'T with. Vamiljl* � It 11 - T1004*gbt tw-Ag do* I -ho '1410 - usto"tt 1 �- .444, . �. $I �*� itm. Wat. 1 , o 11, . C. i. .;4� V -10-4o, tl* tfloolour 91, ro. W41ts" 4,44 ,mknhry na.&*. suit no thAre In that 911�14 st- IP -A Wit 14t4owo 40I i ,i1,*o1:kh1b but ,4 T­"Tn­ht- A -14t. . . 1, I low, I *I#** jWorm*4CO, fp. ki-PYR, W�, IN � 1� . 11, 194o'k, p,4 OtW ,- now, 11,4444 wad 411"eirtod, � I , , 1, - , rA , ftons. 934M in 4744p$ 4)q#* wgw � OF14ek.'�ax,ptilglou, Dp, "*111,the, rLO&O � "*as that Are a . � A,W,ki�. umotes orwN , 44416, 434 - 434 , - domats;v , 4,ttl* of .q & AO ­ � "What."t-gAza Y, IrovieF-A of A 'i ortAT. $."V. -We V-ffltb gor VO4 lit layw"Witu tw *0014 i"41, .. 1 �xijxptpr. lAmgA­90 Ori"M4 the gircIA of, t,b#. . �(440-14ty� The, marg An, ).pha, * A, �WAX& $A_$ U.4 T. It 10 0, g4ka, 144t it tg*sil 00- t"A,Ilm si bQ*4 ova.tard. '000" , . , � ., � A*".0 ,, , "t , ,,q I I - . _A, d pf, TOVW targets ".1 I lk94�AW#'Ok'l,*'W*4W*§*'W#A'*V'" - of . . -MaaT !s V44ttro W micro. r- Otrdtva weir - Wig out over , : - tl� t1lat ; - W 'Alm, "T 411K -1 T say 5, pure, two'ghtpr ,, M "WO .4 thst, Air. I 11'1� .", 11 1 ,�sttlaqfimto. ­WV4T , swIll - , *; qp*Ivii; lq.tliklk snA Ust; ZU 401"�, 44.1, W44 it fo, 10100104 Toy Play* %U49A . Itto, "d,wo, 04 . I is. r f - , -4 Us; k04,4W . A" - , I - ..-. '9qAl'Xla.M whao 04 � ,AA I i - � 0a, 10ir 4ji 4fte otrt� I . I I u, PQ740- 4OLVI 109r4ter- Itewilt be P, I.a.ugh Wet* ;"a Isitit' tboolga .4 Glatty mo,04*104 wsisi 41rah, W& got 4,kick It' TO -0044 9t WOO Wear too 061qr r44 womit%timsit pto4u,"'W 144or- tw-19 w%0aAAq'*U4 of 0* V.AatV., at I �A 0: lyii. 1. . - � , I , - - - ._*�K .4 ' i!, - ... 11 ­­ ." � ) , .* . OZ, .44" 0A QQ4 .,&­ , - qu, _ oft, I I bmixer of Coothult China, fountain% Upon I � e`.T4ohq-4a0.4Jl",*W out 914 Jfo,.,b IG At ow 0444 -_ J6 71 I at I . 4q)),3F,4).44et,,A , �& ig*k claitt,jimg. Th* tblick lasevs at uma slucts up" th eisis. V0.0 � I " I - it 4t O� � V?, A! 9� , gt*r tKoga. a rod�� at !MV";dW1jt$ Dodo th* 0-014400 kiII111 TQfTOagh'," Kto " � "S w4m lit thileldt- 9* Alsa I 0 . lou. -so Qtll 5i � ,�_ 18'ameiie, frIR4!4i W.b m� sit.. '. Aly, come it,$ . a I with - 1% . � .. �.. 'tp 4� Whttt 4154. .UO' JMR40. 4, man XUA- . a , ati . , I � 14'm A -.10 4 lata, ,I " i . t day 44' boo 0,4144, *4 4: tro'kil"T is = .� .0101AIft provot tuo *Ir fmm m-oll" retiscuittawtiatos' writdoigbrol* - 1A,W% pf "j,snlgad 4bou 4 sit , I I I le, laugh*, fortune, or who hae,got aver same 4, � '. I r 4 blaulp. twolld � Or," 4 I - . Wke I I ,to .0 1 -4 old, mo�ts 1 Iql V110, It , 1� I 1 ,01444 it,flying oerpibpt; wiht, tl;e h4q, To , Like, 4 fgpip,, !4* the body PmA M,veat the body dogy a* %A ayonling *cc As of A, trampik. Boil$ 11% No -aft , . . � _. im, , it $�mp,_Theg do wfA ,. ' 'I, , I Tit . *, , Mt, ,, ,"J. �&* tbrow1u; off the w 4 . , , the ,, it e POAAA11 to , r � #Is- Oire:*Okawsu, do wp n^ shak- hands. partlaft I 9 A 06 lion. Acialus a logi Wwo At at the %avation. T*k 1. upg,t" 604 , . $Phta .11 - men bad detumit(l,ild all or nothing, 4adL i 0 WK,4 GM0. man 14t* matter. tot lub4tit,44 Xgkr it grown. at blue, not litudex to 11". Jul *** 4 ; , . g. e 19A 't Aset getting bejaI04 it � 1XIOMW" , . . - pot laugh with h4n? , And 311AW4 W4 tl*,* . Min,# I I M X �,.Wevjkngh, 'A"'Y wlie*,;�O 04 to 11114%'01 AWL GOO Our toa a wbil* - 41di4vica bollot 1p�14 qtHrQ-. A. 4 , orquad. � I I bly led to, a aftatii tallmow 0 the - " V_ . �, , - I The bath U a y4fiAsible, istil to the, which am bsliarod to he beasticla.l. . I . , 4 . .,r . gro* ,TPA 14LU . . , 4-. . . r, to tb(oir positigat. . I . hen o IW44 bod four *0�)riit -�arx pur A good substitute for tho round by whom Alults me "A sto'dir w4va , i'It­ �0�,t4j�� jp,pg�,, q0Mq - lud,ro ,'his. Per., , . 11 Up la"a, Tbs. flirim, 4 Or9ttoo, BAYve.a4il CO. _ at and or Isso to guy # " 001L)w 14h it ! AiAl* 14UW,�w frionds tbogv, some of thein having, - - led by g *JM4tlI ot Oak 1 m", Ity, but Ilk* &II, other . I , out t the -wwka t6,r L , ef great tKnulation, the fvXr corWa at thn bmuar Ilia, 899 "u 01Q00 _ , . for 4X th , It. Is. Ulolqk top qitniqqt� 4 warm %and.with leaves of brioad sold At Many the tbbW* I 'ho'11019; Awailj,N . .� , ,,, , . , 0it thil . t � � I pay- J1# ,*bat -of ocipt"Oopq; 04 � . 41TA Mz 9 Mt .0 . Niilri taui� , Mon, , 4. why we will say io one of them: jug sAliTlet, ' . was 1%ratiticalli 4yme4 by the BaTno, maint � , sad 0 af tba bat [A moXom la$urkAw. but the Ant- bakerloil Way be mado at bome T#y tko volPil Of QW. a I pirlwiit.� -ex* I 4 & day" to this yet" MOW, *1 first or. 00 01' ., le st ' Ud XIAPA, MFAOA set la , to l' "tire last time I saw you, you had It, therof0ro. $Iiag..%, Are sia Indom to family. Thirty ,yearg ole.Jobvi B I � 904tM .914 ar a q - Ateazaltilt any white 104f so Beaten wirl . 4yulo , , ,qlte cold Data hils others think Oat I t4lti -1 " ka(WO , 10,09.12F L�ee4 m.uffering for six weeks under a a qae,tkeils� gripatne* the Tialon JAck tb rat put us , W again—*, 0Aly A sheit dape, al:WAK be allowed terown bres.4 to cookad. The steAm- day at the weak. w I 64, the i , � . 0 hor, had, with two partuerlmp 0 *Pftd phrase 4W� of jintol piqr4utent,- 90's low intermittent," or to anotiter we 'Can to ow The tea wa ver finished, tar ,tar the, bath, 4lit the dryling should ar Ja u#A sad the broad does ,not see It la the OW010 09 the -tt - - 'a I 'or t, � . , , to up.494b.tedl . J � . hy re*ah the founded that bu"egs whiola was. in, At omen foe -boy Outtr` Iiii vl�orluug V,W thorough. After %, the even At 411. , da$ cc' the ) lAughl, Or I 0,10 of infinite, iiiind0*41111e, wilt, say-, "'You for ton years were .'4an[dard cif efficiency in every Ore. . that in _ t t el I the 014 Teatitmen"4 "the � Vgh, 193.:i, Ab At litnp,jng with the rhouin,trAsm, and s�eot, aimplipit ti . uses, and the fulut)" Of tIMA, to become one ed the roam." bath - _ts agree that carrotg Lord." W4 Oculit be Is 1X6 800i 041' fl4i�, -geawn"a 10 " In %)old -04tog an hour's walk Is All tood 9xpor . ,irlump4 ,,u orle � naj� distiuo To " Yaw wife has seat for vou to vory beneficial It , thet clothing is are a valuable good, ano are seen too day, tar 0417 t1tus 10 WO "a c4trls tits � �Gtarogi ., scene: 4 t ,you woro full a, complaints when ,,,, carrectnosia xvioptod, � of the, bigge"I fir'n's I. the three king- come home, MT. Bayne." he said to L 'od "dom, an the averago table. J1 the 910140411cs Of the "t dity Of the Lord . , - te I A -'The oce.11P044, 014 'AbX4901A Raw You last. I congratulate you .131, 9 410d wazin. , :­ ,,.��,, _�b. perhaps XOTA'0510d and on this eternal recovery," Yeshall I I 0, , dams. the young 014110 isys I'm -When very tired sponge the face family refum litowed carrots, try car. gir of guy other trql;% or 111a tM lite Of 4 S4r . The modeat little factory bad grown to tell iron the, Ury Its war.a.. .. , " 'if, " Tla9tr.- throil - guests are with warm %vator, making a lather of rot croquettes. A do2on small are- 10114514 tdo;ep laugh Yes, we shall congratulate 01" WT.fp JVEDV � ' . JifxlglitY ' I - On m,ndc QM argo 11. --I sim A)pba aull OM0114 Ad ant _' is 14t � steadily ail the, years went by; but George Baype turned with whiten some good nouA with a tow dirops of quiett" a be fir four I tjirg . of D. 4111 .11)ITHING, face. in and the lot." Compare 4 41.17; It, 8- . ,4; Apgols, tilq.,Lortl A so who have come up out 0 * "' , In, rottan,'for thebospital- great Ofinuncia in when a quarter of a century had O�. glyoeriqa. Pines the lgk4ber and dry carrota, Doll them till tender, tire - - , , , it , V-001 . by the Old,people, Q,od .1 emtr;irrassinouts Good heavens Ill he cried, under his the Akin with Outman 1. A a4b, the meal and wub throuich a %Lem Add out oup- 1XII i is; ha. xllv, 0. xlTI4.12. Cal, 1. IT. , , , ,V,, tj �Ow% - , this World, because they have be- Welled by two of the weary builders breath. He a all thAt can be told Of 00.0 with all , piozajsqj� Saroh, '�Llr * I IF ALL THE ;11 Q SOCIETIES off with clean ,wafm water, and fill of think white %auoe. using far 1! _ tlint she lihidl b- I coplo millionaires in heaven, Yo had laid down their tools to answer " John," he %ad quietly, turning. to n ! - . - ,esg of the Lord D THEld-WiM th r the face with cold water until It two heaping tabletaptioutuls of tke letters train a to a, tot 11 Ulm dwell- �� ,c q * the ane.esti ., - It will be a laugh of HA the inevitable summons, and to John the foreman, "come rou,nd to my,o - Win is firm. .flour, mix, uses= highly. and when oth R I th �� , 0 , ctm shall laugh f a l I a tallness of the Godhea& bodily , 1. ughs in the T � Him all 111il Th is,'C h . JOAX. � whrint. SArith le; , � reassociation. It is just as natural __ . �. . Bayne alone waa left the pleasuire of ties in the meaning, and we'll talk face L3 the most exposed part cold and firm. shape and finish an for (Cat- I- 19; 14 0), By ,*.gqs 0, Ood, she dQ1eS not believe it, for us to laugh when we toeet A Great Navabor orTkem in Grant Britain this matter over further." M - I of the body, and, tlL,areforo gets more other croquettoa. were created, and In Him, all 1 44 1'�, $he ja'.4irright6d ut what obe has E6 friend we have not seen lot, tea -Has one 094ets the other and No seeiling the Went result of their hand- thijklUe � ,. The Mon borwed silently, sad with- oll 4 dust t] - It will bf WO tot, Da , ' ' "I : years as anything is possible to be Movie Results. Lwark. I drow. Atha, E'�.y, cortiliequently it needamore water in which out flowers are put done. She denies it, She Says lian, avy"other part of If a little tamphor Is added to the lit consummated i ,, � , when in our daily lite all tlillsga W b*- , � 1i 4141i't 4augh", Tbel.1 004 retotted from whom we have been parted ten, - lamb U,,Ilu winter the water should the poKlud of their freshness wl ivith,on emphasis that ellenced till There are public, societies to abol- He wan now tire cha4ranau of the "You'll have to yield, George," To % Ill ii� gau, coutinuOd and ended lit Him, when or twenty or thirty years, will it not ish practically every kind of prac- company, but allowed his sons to ban- in, �ed Gates. "They're in dead earn- not ba d, aua sea,) should be used considerably extended. we begin aotldn that we cannot boalls , , � dAqputation: "But thou did'st be with infinite �onqr,'Lod"Limr?, Uur ties and Institution we have, and In dle. the business for him. eat this time." . burt coca a day, and itaTtloulat at- While fruit Jars generally rectelve with Him and wit.. 8, tit with 4. first . s, the laugh of perception quickened, our knowledge careful attention 1rcim house Wes d last I ile6pgoibin in all the ages Is only tile each case there is generally another "I'll not concede one penny, If I tention should be devoted to the cod- teal' to see the voteet that improved, we will know cach other Sao Young George Sayne was manager have any say in the matter I" replied a w 'i . "And I turned iety to abolish the abolishera, eirg. when canning or preserving, the Mat- egh;ft of Sarah's laughter. God says at a to talk su o urged, I he� Wjlk accompligh a thing, and men ya a writer In London Answer , f the iworks. He wail a big, hand- the manager, firmly, as he walked Great care Rbould be taken in the ter of aterilLstag the covers before spake with me. And. being t I over till that has happened since we In the first place there ar ten sim- some, strang-limbed Woung fellow,im- out of the room. drying and the atroke ishould be made using Is often overlooked. Theso may saw "even golden candlesticks." What a cietles in pstacius and rush; one who made He went beloriv, =it got Into his car- upward. The face should be thor- have lala fair a long Lima upon the good thing that be turned to no, else we It , , ,, 0, They has been ten years in heaven telling Britain, the biggest of hich-the . might have misted what follow*l It was ii -cannot Lip done., A, great mul- have been separated, the one that portant Anti -Royalty soe ar , ugh a,t t4 mirealp" - riage, waiting at the door, and drove oughly massaged while the skin is top shelf of items closets and should Ion Lord saw that Moats turned t tndul- ll s happened in the ten Republican League -includes about home-thwe to face the hardest trial soft and mo!at. say a Y tiLis co,a*ary to the'lawd of many mistakes, but who arred often put Into cold wateiri and this brought when the natiord' , �'What Is a IrW of nature? years of his heavenly residence, and four thousand people. It these had air from pure good-heartedineas than of his life. If wamon knew how fearfully do- to the bobing point. They should aside to "a the burning bush that God It Is 6od's way of doing a thing. we telling him In return all that has their Way, we should have no more from faulty motiven. His young baby -boy Axthur-the structive face pow4or is to the skin them be taken out one b called unto him ud @poke to him (Ex. Ili. Tile next laughter mentioned in the happened during the ten years of his sovereigns; but�. on the other hand, The other, and elder son, Henry, Idol of his haaxi,-was dying. He saw they would let perfect cleanliness and i a. clean altimmer and each slipped up- 4). There way able many a burning bush .Bible is Daviii's laughter, or the absence from earth. Yo shall laugh. there is a huge society, called the a vice-chatirman. He,had the same It the moment he entered the room. Plenty Of 190od, refroahlag micep do on Its Join They should not be hand- in our path and many a voice callinit cXpret3dibin of spiritual exultation; I think George Whitfield and John Throne League, to counteract It, WIL The child had boon Dillow for months the work. Fatiguir makes even a le,d with the fingeau except to screw UH which we think we have no time t Then was our mouth filled witt I I Wesley will have a laugh of contempt and do away -with Republicanism, quick, impetuous 1patu,ru as his bro- and tired quickly Into place, nor ba left on the turn saide. to see or stop to hear. an ;, Hegot vory much down and medical Kkill and care had not youna woman have a drawn therefore miss many a revaiRflon of God. Augh"r, , for their earthly collisions and Top- and this really has the nation at its their. but in dealing with those around birought the results bcped for ; and look, Which ages it, and rest can only table, incir witted with towitle that soxactImea, but there are other chap� lady find Charles Wesley will have back., him employed the discretion of ma- of late the, anx1otu% parents had seen remove this. have been hanging In the kitchen. 23. "And in the midst of the ters where, for four or five times he a laugh of contempt for their earth- Then there is the Legitimist So- tuxer yearf6. a gradual lessening of vitality, Dist has agreat effect upon the Any of those, things may make use- C*Ddlestleks one like unto the 81 O*vlb O'n 4 calls upon the people to praise and y misunderstandings, and the two ciety, which wants to bring the In ante h4tur the committee appoint- George Bayne had built the dear- complexion. JBImple tood is the beat. 1 less the sterilizing process, UA germs Man." In verse ' .0 we are told that I fexult, ,It was not a. more twitch of 1 maven candlesticks Are the *even cburcl� the lips; it was a der.gonsVation farmers who were in a law suit all Stuarts back .to the throne and od by the strlkiirz was to meet the di, get hopes of his life around this child. Moat of ns eat too much meat "it motr be picked up In this way after the seven mentioned In Terse U, 04 their days will havo a laugh of con- abolish the present line of monarchs; rectors, and the latter %vote nbw for- The only boy In the BVne family, the not enough vegetables and fruit. the sterilization has been accom- ell, that t9ok hold of his Whole Physical tempt over their earthly disturbance and against it the United Loyalists, tifying themselves against the attack father saw In him the. name perpetu- Perfetit health Is better than a , plished. mama to whom the seven epistles of ch" nature. "Then was out, mooth filled I re it and lit are addressed. represent My friends, this about a line fence. Exemption from who make it their business to throw that they felt was coming. aited the buslueas -maintained, sad the face wash that can be produced, Tha bent w4 to dry tun umbrolld, it' 1. with Inuiliter." a sit the gatherings of the salute then A5 world w . Ill never be converted to 11 annoyance, Immersion in all wet blankets over ail Stuart -lovers' "It is a confounded nuisance, thi raPWIY accumulating wealth maltl­ otaismedo may whiten the face far a and no preserve it, is to leave it ow and till He come. The gnat thing gladness. Ye shall laugh. Christ manifestations and schemes. strike I" remarked Henry Bayne ,%T- plied -all to the glory of the half tAme, but It can ot clean tile comr- apread on the piaxxa or in the hall. 0 God until Christian$ cry less and says, "Ye shall laugh." Yes, it will Then there is the Vegetarian So- patiently. =,it of the namej he bare, plaxion nor me" a lasting Impres- ,When thexe Ja not onough room to to notice Is that He Is always 13 014 laugh and sing more. The hoqofs be a laugh of triumph. . Ohl what ciety, which wants to do away with " Yes; and it will be u, good deal But, alas fair human hope I alum. allow that, ,reverse- tho Daunt method midst of His People, whether In tholl are a poor bait. It people are to a ;atheringH. In ordinary life or Is thl .be perhu4ded to adopt out holy re- pleasant thing it will be to stand all meat -eating, and even hopes in wores'before we have finished,," re- That night about ten ociock - and stand the umbralla in the cor- f2runce for Him (Math. xvill, 20; Jobs ligion, it , will be ,because Ahey have on the wall of heaven and look down the future to Make illegal the slough- plied his bwother. -You haven e RELIABLE RECIPEIS. ner with the handle down. The rain ,,.v, 19, 20; Dm lit. 25). He In our Great, mAdo up ,thoir mind It is a happy at Satan, and hurl at him defiance, ter pf any animal and its consump- Wwat of it, by, tiny means. You don't broad vemadah of his beautiful home. I drips quicker off tho pointa. The or- High Priest, as Garment and girdle lad[ - religion. They do not liko.anultm- and see him caged and chained, and 'tion as food. This, though quite a blare, to sit In the office all day and Ila -wanted to be alone, and to breathe Roasting Meat. -Not ,every young � dinary way collecta all the water tit cate, and a previous lesson tells as billous Christianity. I know there we forever free from his clutches. young society, is a very large and bear talea of complaint and diseatis- the fresh air. The baby had died at housekeeper knows bow to rosist a l one place, where the cloth dries slow - eat, and intleed there are 'Iy and therefore rots the quicker. 6onlothing of the me-ning of this. tire fri�rbld people who enjoy a furk- Ahal Ahal Yes, it will be a laugh busy one. It has an extreme Inc, faction." eight o'clock and since then the house piece of in , Never put several wet umbrellas to. 1.1-10. The white need anti hairs nor erQ. They come early to see the of royal greeting. tion who believe that even eggs " Put an end. to it -put an and to had been in a state of mournful dis- some old ones who do 'not, says M-179. gothair In an urnbrella stand. gest intense purity. or possibly "the a - should not be eaten. The main doc- It, them I" advised the pther testily. order. lent of d " (Dan Tit 13). for He Is friends take leave of the corpse, and 40 Ewitag, a western cooking teacher. , Keep the Ice cheat clean by wash- a Ilse' Fattier. �1[18 my". all 0 Uaey steal a rido to the cemetery; trine of this society is that meet- "Put an end to it ill repent ' ad the A shower, coming late In the even- Lug with %oda. ])a not lot the waste one witb R - eating is unwholesome and unneces- younger man, scornfully. "HOW are Ing, had cooled the atmosphere, and When it "cins necessary to W"h a flame at Gre,tollt'llis how He starches a but all healthy people enjoy a, mar - L riago better than they do a burial. EMPIRE BUILDING FLO, sary, and that the slaughter of ant- you going to do it It' EL Light, noft breeto was now blowing. roast of beef, dry it carefully before pipe clog, tund never connoot it with e uts at the heart I . , , " Give them what they ask this All nature was hushed aqd reverent. the diralinago of the house, or the (jer. xvil, 10; Hob. Jr. 12). Him feet like :Now, YOU make thd religion of -_ mals for food is Placlag in the oven, aa searing ak worst reaults may ensue, Keep the unto fine bruss. an If they burood In a Christ sepulchral and hearse-liko ABOUT THE GLORY OF THE GOOD AS MUCH A CRIME AS MURDER. t1mo-that would be my policy. It before the rv�qn of imperial Night. mwt Instantly the out side of the butteir and milk In a separate com- won't break the coanpany." Fleecy clouds floated noToas the star- furnace, make us think of Him as right- , gad you make it repulsive. I say So pushing has this propaganda "Not finandialLy-no; trut it is the pricked sky, and the air was filled meat prevents the escape of juices. PLIrtment. eously,trumpling down His enemies who plant. the Rose of Sharon along OLD UNION JACK. become, that of late years a counter 'y to Dry cooking tins wait before put- bal against and trample under foot His — precedent I am Clghting. It isn't with the odour of %wost. damp gross. As salt and watwr have a tondew wit), Woodenware nbould not re , I church walks, and columbine to society, called 'the Natural Food So- that I want to keep' the men down, George Bayne leaned bearily against lialrdon and touglion meat, basting Isi L Ing Ft *V- c. precious blood of which the brazen altar . Clamber over the church wait, and History of The Meteor Flog -Most Con- ciety, has sprung up, and already fair, goodneaq knows, they need every one of the large white pillars of the ta. proccas not to be recommended. In be dimed near the fire,, a it Nvil, warp teaches. tits voice as the sound of many have a smile qn the lip, and have, the spielous in the World-Flng,t of other numbers some 3,000 members. it pe,nmy they get in this World. We verandah. He was suffering as strong trcas,ting meat& of all kinds the mail'- , or trick. waters takes us to Dan. x, % where we nitanth- filled -with holy laughter. Nations Compared. . fights against the campaigns of tits paly better than any of the other men suffer -with that despair, tear- ad adopted ,should boo the one that in 1 0 read that the voice of Ella words was .There is nd man Ili the.world ex- Have floga had anything to do vegetarians, and advocates the factocie.9 ; but there is a limit, and law grief that friendly sympathy Bel- the most perfect manner preserves 1 TARGET FOR LEAD. like the voice of a multitude. and to cept the Christian that has a right wilth national greatnessil From the wholesomeness and streng-th-giving we've reached it now." dom reaches, because it cannot on- the juice inside the meat. To roast ' — Ezek. x1ill, 2, wheralwo read that His to feel On untra � nimOled glee. Ile is properties of meat. The vegetarians "' Can't we compromise an this ques- derfitand or penetrate the mask of beef in the begit manner place the ; voice was like a Boise of many waters, promised that evm-�rtbiiag is the beat earliest days the fleet af Great Bri- I An incident No tile Battle of preerentelm. and to Ezek. 1. 24, where we read that - too have offended some people into tion of wages I" interposed Gates, the icy calm, clean-cut side, of the meat upon a Sotilh Arrien. here, a zd treasurer. A man, walking with unsteady amok'ng hot Van, which must be ov ,c he is an tbe,way,to a de- Win, Or England an It was then, raising small societies which violent- the noise of the wings or the cherubim light W joh will take alt. the proces- has sabled under the areas of St. ly oppose the anti -meat people, In- " Compromise I" ar I sters, i, *he echoed George gait, came altawly up the alone pave- a q�Lk fire. ,Press it close to the piln , The British officer, says Julias was like the noise of great w sions WIth palm-braikeliel, end all George, wh�-Is on the battlefield the terrupting their meetings, and up- Bayne, with a little, half-acornful ment. He, paused tit the atepR, and until seaxed lied slightly brownod, Ralph in " An American with Lord voice of the Alm"lolity. the volVII, of ,the orchestras harped and eymbaled holding the right of everybody to f a hosk­�d,starn to express. 01 rejoii;Vevermore. banner of St. George for Merrie F.ng- tough, "No, six ; no compromLae with Bay,no moved forward. The moonlight Reverse and let the opposite side bil- Robexts, IA likely to W a high amid speech, as the Dole t eat what they like. The principal those follows. They want all or noth- (falling upon the visitor's face, pictur- come aimUaTly seared and broWit. in His right hand tell us that the men - land was always in 'the foremius naighty person "Iron you meet him songers of the churches Are In Ulm hand You lii6u, how It is'in an hrmy�an and most earnest of these leagues Ing - and they don't want the addi- &it it, white- and haggard. Then, pust it at Once, in the oven, the brist (11 Car. vili. army in encampment. If today, rankts, has a satirical title -the "Amti-Cab- ti;�;al ten -pence a day any wore than .. Oh, it is you, Anders= I" said the heat of which should be fi,rm anti first, bat lit% "tons in tone Into an (verse 20), the glory of C news comes that our side has had a The history of the meteor flag bage Brotherhood,'! they want the satisfaction that comes manager in a dull voice. steady, but not too Intense, and leare, , exceedingly good fellow. Yet at any 23). oue.of the beat things I know Is to defoat,- and tomorroto another par- ha,s cme slile of it that has never yet There is a "down -with -cricket" so- from getting the best of lus. Yet, I " Yea, Mr., Bayne," answered the it undisturbed until cooked. The timi, moment he may be expected to per- ,be "in His hand for His pleasure" (Jer. ition of the tidings comes, saying: ciety, called the "Association for the don't blame them a hit," he added, man, in strange, uncertain tones, "I that should be allowel for i,cioldng f in a picturesque uction in a trul xvili. 0: Rev. IT, 11). The sharp sword l"we have had another defeat," it beem emiphisi-zed in ocameotion svith I)igc'ouragement of Cricket and Fact- with great reflection, "I would do the came to tell you that I cannot meet beef In this manner is 20 In inute to Or Y from His mouth Is explained by Hob. lv, flag bal R that the word at God demoralizes all the host. rt if the Britain'a greatness. The first I," which claims that the time same thing if I ,were in their places." you In the morning. MY -my little boy the pound It it Is to be rare, leas lu,,jr , BxltLah inannor. , where we read news comes of, victory I ,Ly and ,wr4,5 the crow, the emblem of faith; and money of the nation are wasted John Bay -no &at quietly lookLngout died to -night. 1-1--" an houT deducted from the aggregatk- , At the Hattle of Dreetointein a - is sharper than any two edged owor(L avictory� tomorrow, the whe. army to th,i.3 .,1,113 added the lion of the by its fondness for these sports, and of the window, taking no part in Hera the wan's voice broke. and a tims on accourit of fietiring. In other I oral officera were u,nder a shower of A Ailditional light is Siven In Rev. xlx. Is impassloribd for tits qontest. Now, Kingi of Eughand, the emblem of does all It can to hinder them. the conversation. lie neldom intrud- sob escaped him. words, a five-poirad roast of fiteof will . 15, ut of Elio mouth goeth a shurp I , bullets thut eame like water abot o sword, hat with It Elm should smite the in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus The "Barefoot League"' one of the ad his opinions tiowadays, for his The deep roice of the manager took frequixe an hour and a quarter, a aix- Christ,. report fewer defeats; tell us 5trength; t"AY the Etons of F,ng- most eccentric of "abolishing" bad- sLghty-two years lay heavily upon up the broken thread of the sentence. pouTid Toast an hour swil a half, and I of a incedle-buth. Thvy were all pros nations." w Him, I tell at His . the victories, Victory over sin and �atud and Ser-11and A3till fly over the tea, wishes to do away with the h ini. " A similar reason prevents me from so on. . . .When the oven [a tit the Ing their bodies down, as If hey I 7. "When I so death and bell. . Hojolce dvbrmore, Royal Pulses, while am Admiral', wearing of boots or stockings, A knock at the door broke the ail- meeting you, John, for my little boy, proper temperature a-nd the cooking 'would have likod to press them into foot am 'lead.,, If John, who Issued upon . and again -1-say rpjoic.o. , I believe tkig ,1;, as It has always been, a red which, it claims, Is an unhygienic ence that had fallen ,apon the diree- too, died to -night W jLq going on all right the meat will � tits earth. Suddenly one w ry tall fat- His bvsom, was so overcome by the sight there is more religion in a laugh habit. There are over a thousand tors. fa response to George Bayne's For an instant Poch forgot his own keep up a gentle sputtering in the ' low began to i ise. Firmt ,he got on at his glorified Lord, bow can the On . wit r than iili a groan. k Anybody can I-rc,13 upon a whiLe ground. members of the assembly, and they invitation three men entered -the rep- griet in the realizaticia of at the pan. If upon opening the oven doo,r 1 his lctww, then ho at raightened up ,Aved bear the sight of Hills when' they groan, but to latigh in the midst of It WEI ba, fcand thiat the leading really work very hard to got people TeSeMtativen chosen by the strikers. man before him was suffering. Such this spluttering is not perceptible : to hits full Ntature. and stood In that have rejected? Chapter Tit. 16 -IT, do' . banishment and persecution and in- Weas of the designers of flags of to go without boots in all weathers, The epolreanian of the eonimittee is the grandeur of human sympathy more heat ia required. But if in ad- japrity of lead, the only target on the scribes how memo will feet &Dd acL What describable trials -that requires a Chxksti,, Ing o dition to the 1puttaring any smoks , field. I and wea,r open leather "moccasins" was the foreman of the cast; do- that, when uotrrow faces a rrow. the n adness not to accept Him now as He X) av I it i� , ti Daniel, a Paul,, a mode -nations were the cross, instead. The members are nil partment-John Anderson by name. shadows imea-ge. its one. Lq discernible In th43 oven, the boat lie funibleA for hi,i oye-gians, found offers Himself and His radernOtIou to all , ' bound to conform to this rule, and More progressive than most of his George Bayne Wowly descended the Ll too Intense and should be lessenod. i it, contortt-d hin rheek its a man does who will react" III lierobie. . I i: I =,bar and a combination of three ml now comforting I His words to Jolin am He IBM EBB right The Woxt laughter nvintioned But there is no flag that some go as far as to wear wooden fellow-workerFi, he bad studied the stone steps, and toold the hard, knot- unle," the beat of the oven Is too 1 to fit tuch a:n ornament Into him face, hand upon him, saying, "Fear not, I am the Bible thfit I ,shall speak of,istho I has th,- distinction of the Union Jack sandals. labour question, until he could defend tedhand of the foreman, in his own ; great, the drippings in tho pan will 1 and then drawleci cut. � .40101's laughter, or the expression Of and though it has many imitators, THE "HAT CRUSADFRS" his position with more than ordinary and there, in the quiet night, social not burn and smoke, and ivhen tho "Aw, I tiny, I wunilah whore, these the firtit and the last!" Ile 16 always thO very same J6ux (Bob. xill. Pit, and His )nerriment. Solomon was very both in devign and colour, there is seek to dbolish hats, and believe astuteness and force. bairriers were swept away, and they meat La cooked thc,re will be a thin bullets tire comtrig froint" "fear nots" from the first onelta, Gen. xy, . ;quAck tit simile; when he makes a that everybody should go barehead- The, ot.her two .men took seats near were man and man, with a common (xylting of brown jelly in the pan Ile cohLinued to stanit anti stare tit 1, until now should dispel Wi four and 'compatison we all catch it. 'What no flag that COMIXne-3 th3 striking ad. As soon as they become more the door In r4mponso to the invitation causoand a common sorrow. where the meat rested, which by the the kopj,t %%h,rn (be Doors lay, and fill us with I'lls peace. If we can truly Is the laughter of afacil like? lgn with the powerful, no doubt a "Hat -Wearers' Of Henry Bayno;abut Anderson re- ar, and his addition of stock or water makes a do- presently lie drawloil again, while the ,a that loved us and -ash- Ined standing, ap in hand. voice wag steady, but his lips t.rom- , Y' "Unto HIM says "it -is the crackling of thorns barmonioui bl-ending of the same League" will arise and oppose them. Dial Licious gravy. nLr was tatte.rod. witN shot and buzz- d not from our si.114 in lit. own blood and tinder 9. pot," The kettle Is swung, colaurs found upon the French The "llorm-Traction Abolition So- 1. Well, John," said Geo�ge Bayne, bled and his farehand was rigid with How to Ume Cold Ilo"t Beef.-BoU Ing with 'noise: bath ande us kings and priests unto 004 ., O. bunch of brambles is put under it, - is a well-known and really pleasantly, "you hare come to speak outstanding veins. "I shall not be " Aw, I any, iran tiny of you follahn , therb 18 nO Dutch, Ru,4siiin, Norwegi n Nort� ciety" or the strikers ?" down at the factory for ft da y or two an z,,n potatoes, add two god M Father" (verses 5. 0) and there is a great noise and a big American. Cirilian, Liberiaa�n` Para- strong body of agitators. It wants f " We hare, air." replied John quiet- -maither will Drou, of course ; but you tablespoonfuls butter, salt and pop- see -where they come from It" room for fear It, such a life- ' The other "folln"" squirmod and blaze, and a sputter and fe quick cx- guoyan, Algerian, Co9ta Rican, and to do away with the horse and don- is, "I am tie that lireth and was tingtilglithbrit. .Then it is darker key as beasts of draught and burden, ly- may send word to the men from me per as daBixed and two tea(vupfuls mr'ggle,d aaJf they were going to dead. and, bobold, I am alivo for evet, r Portuguese naval ensigns. " And your men went ten extra ten- that we will make the concession ask- so 0 up am -help him look, but not nno than it was-botoi%e. '001's laug liter. You c�nnvt po-Nibly mistake the advocating the use of electricity and aiding milk. Slitead the mixture, 9 and hare the kfo able thlng-on earth motor -cars instead, and firraly be- pence a dayit" ed." -London Answers. I r1l ised his head or 1kis body an ( 11 wore,eamen. , The most minor' red, white, and Nue combineti in the "They do, air." whio)i will be quif� snft,on a fhat . "' ' and r d,sth." Having sit power In Is a bad Than's tun. Whou I Wes d flag lieves-or, at any rate, -ts-that I ('list down, Reggio, you silly fooll" heaven and .n earth. ever living tw makc lad, a book calne (jut entitled "Dow the within the next fifty yonals7it will got " And what If we won't igir,a It to a Union Jack. lh,� grand ol. . - - pudding dish and cavee it with slices id ono "You'rn doing what t 1w otrikes your eye in it moment as qu of cold -roast beef. ap a apnonfu I of Be,ows w6 playing IntereettRinn for His People In His PIOC4 . ItIr's Patent Sermons.— It made a mo,t coaqpi�,ucus, even N%,,h,?n pbacod parlitunent to forbid the harnessing thern ? Or what If we can't" cried NOT DELIVERE'D FOR REASONS �y on each allce and set it in thr Is', ant, and that Wn't at -he rather's right hand and ever with great �Sitlr, a,ve wide laugh ail with a coore of others, tru:3 amblem Of IL hri"ie to any vehicle. Only the manager. I STATED. g.rav tbo game " . thpin on enrth 01ath, livill. 18-20; ROW- r3r The man's face flushed angrily. oven fair five to 10 minutes, or until I At that Reggie a-djuaced his Kluss v ill 34), how strong and victorious Fus . over the loottatty, that book did. It of the untarnLihod, straightforward horsc�back riding is to be allowed, "You can it you want to," he nn- That, some of the postal officials the meet is thotroughly heated and a I amenv, and afteir one long, hard stare . Was 06 caricature of We Christian might of the rind that discouraged as much as !nvered quickly. " you tire rich en- in country places display an urine- little bruWnid. Sarre it In the dish I at the im,j ible D�my, I I ly return- people shouid be Bad wonli be if they minidWy and of the Word of God, possible. except in the Army. As it ,. a " A (yw would nee Jesus -aly aft not ptoolo at OEPRESS OF THE SEAS. tile -.go- ough as . E; . cessary amount of Interest lit their in which it In baked, moncealing it, ad, to ombrace ')is mother earth. t allow nothing. 4md of the day of judgment. Ohl set-off to this agitation, - That isn't tha Point, John," ID- duties is shown by the follow ith a garnish of calory tips or eircuinqtAtilem! We ra We had a great laugh, Y.et whem tbp tricolour of France, ciety fat- the Improvement find En- 9 .0. - latitudinal, iti flying alongside tb terpoeed Henry Bayne, kindly, "But story, which has the inerit of arsley Mutton and veal can be serv- . neither poesibilitles nor probalitilition DO' .1 - The com- beliln, pw I T111-1 BEI-I'Elt WAY. m0ntarY on the wh6lo"thing is, that :1 coaragement of Ilorse-Traction" is . 9 s(qualitles, to come between Him and us the author of that mereandla trieol_�ur of Ra,sia. long 1- body quite able to take care of it- you know, we are not the only steel true. (,di Ln the same, manner as the heer - 91epbeo� look up ateadfaatI3 not long c4b, bat. like . ook died in poverty, shanie, do- 11d'.mal, and thi, en.,ign -_4 Holland, nell, It contains some 2,000 main- manufacturers, in the country, and ]it a certain village the postage Baptist Ciiketi.-These cakes fire I Ilickii-Are ymi ev.-r troubled with Into heaven and see the glory Of QOd , eaticAl to the Rw;si.an, it is on 'y bars. ,,,a must, of necessity, follow I the busineRs Is trnusuctod tit the general simply piceen of b*rea;d sponge which 11194)"Inial t . and J�srin (Acta wit. W51. auchery, kicked, out 4f society and an export that can tell ,the d�ffar- The "Anti-Tobftcco League" is a wage -laws governing "ur compet tors shot). at which a particular family his been mixed its stiff nA it can lip I 11ilcks-Nu. I pay My 11014. 111.20. "Write the things." Notforhim, cUrbad of Almighty,, Cto,d. The laugh- empA, wY.'a tha fi,t,g �4 the GormAp ve 1. y wide -spread and - koen Institu- in the business." tire in the habit of obtaining their welt, btit for others, was J-hn Reelaq and ter bf. gffch men as� lie jig tile cello of Anderson go" the speaker a sbarp, stirred the night before, Fry f 1w ____ thOlil 6Wn dalianatibit. merchaq-twan, black, whAa, an . d tion, counting over 100,000 members provisions , I 1110,101"ItHEA) 'I'llEM AT Ilr.sr. about to see that which God araclouldl Thi no*t laughter I shall me' red longitudlqat stripas. can bi slat- on its roll. nearly halt of them of abdo-glance, an if questioning his sin- On one occasion the usual weekly ankeft In boiling hot fat for six rain- � - pot revealed tn him. Not nnto ou"elv". but its beillig fix tho,131 DtiOr' ly nr'4i,taikea for a �rench or Rus- the fair sex. It works very hard to cerity, and then turned. and faned order had been given. utes nod serve them with sugar syrup Vwi wmit tit, ,kms 1i) rwi itv ,,un t,, nirn who I-reth ris," aro we ex Gbdl,4 con4l bib Is tile laugh of sdan Ilag. abolish the naughty pipe and the the directorv. lit dut, course the goods wore deliv- air mnple ,�YrUPL The host end rheav- ! and down. I wipi ....... .iwd f1w tnilnr to live If redeernod by ITI, Pre L - ,,He that sit- "It's till r,7 lit to tell us that," he No, mlt% thi- Irritahb, rumtorner re.. peeted � Then again, Italy -4 c,[Iours are wicked cigarette, but somehow does 9 il eved with one exception -viz . ii. ham (,at syrup for vniten is "1114P tit home I cions blood. Verse 19 9 lintomb -y a Ives a threefold toth 'In t 16 �baVbjts, shall laugh. " greon, wh,to and red, Belgium's no t seem to have much effect on the Ra called tit To mnko -a galloo or ayTup take� five of ,blo book-chaPter I the thing* . id, speaking quickly. "But th, plied I pr, -for ntatim,riry povket. "a n:6 qmoklng world. On the other hand. tell the same story. If they at, - 111 the shop to Inquire the reaso J�hn saw. cbhptp" A I " Vtjid1,`,t3*ord will lomgh at block, yellclw am�' ""I the i,k ninke tl�e .�Ljtk perpendic- d """lon , �, 4 AkAfj� . �)#, I Vill laugh At tits flag red, yellow sind red, with a up far our rights ns wolf as they farully bot water. get on the luirk of the ular, h(mi-ver, a x1ii thingi h n o I the pounds of pugur, ad(I (Ano qiinrt of YwA inav It Bud Ill the thlogs It AEA01"'ItY." With- such deVaorthttal oastl,, and 1�cm surmounted by a there is EL small but energetic body of do fair their own, we'd Iget more. But ornission. and was tiornewhat arnused �hi,i, nm rhartt-11 1v t tioli� *Jft;'#.�4 #ittet every. kind of sift I with about 1,000 persons, called th ,vilti to licar the proprietor's explanation, _, ___ - - - - . wbich shall be hereafter. cm%vn on tho ye'L)w .vtrLp,. I 'Smokerg' Protection Society, I I it aln't that way. It'rt us poctr d( I . " J 8 Bad Inea, build up such yta,gg " tirk,se it is pnrf ily who mak(, good all you*r losv�" In the 011. said lie, ino anil my wifo read I I 41J. , ar which makes it its business to right . ove postcard addreqqed to you. snY- 11 I I I or and h'IgUde.* Go d anx,y to confound hundreds of o1hirs ca -v"- ­oft business. When pr�ires .. 611L. all interference with smokers. and to ; Ing that the friends you expected to )1,1) 'rliv, I)OCTOR� ... d", , 1, bat 06d because boots known only to lh,-� expert, but no down we got a cut in wages FINS FOR SWIMMERS, SlIE T4 I , 11 . ngitate ugninst any fresh taxes on 91M you [rive a big cbeque to some tea couldn't rotne We thought you I It fiAlt by.,Xnefii' �Stid- man need So an expert to recognme _. - __ __ - __ ' � I , 1- . . I I r6P 6d 6 1 , 61 the, tm- th,L red, white and hine do conjunc- tobacco. cha,rity doings we pay for it. Thikl'q wouldn't want tile ham, an we didn't. folilel positron, rin�l Irlio foll­ving �tory to t­ld Of a I - 1. , - send it! iiij, tif,� I 6 Adde Greatly """ assum"A a I, t Lie U111 'If t"', Sho 19 I I 11, .4 _ 0,, intfi, oil .p, secret tion %jilth the Union Xack. tbo way Iron meet your competition, The Novel Apparattle d(w,s not Lnl�rfery with the ,,,t�nn (if Vrl'c"( It"A" is 6 * ': , YOV"�'h#1('4got, % thg to rpor D?um3rk and S%ilzerband bare and It's as that's gottin' I he warqt of Jiick flerault (with unwonted en- Mat, in th� nrinA A- the fra.me VA VXII�L nw I v the da,ighl�.r , f i� well-kri,,wrt lady '.. t'd � , In ,, tit ... I I ''* A V7.NTMA6TOR. ihtjqiasm)- By .) ove. I see that to the Speed of a light the r;wLnnm(ir i� ermbli-4 topiare "f -1,4 the . . 1 61 ' Tillig is d6- wh'ite croi sea on a red,ground, whi!o I It all the time, not iyou." ,harrn�. WhOra A,- r . t'I'Ll �11.1" & `11 ,?6n boo,9t flags ihht To make a venfilator in a bay 11 We pay be0d.r'wag" Uh c,or ivorks .W.rno jej?oo s,1cli;ki%1,, wbunt-intro . ­ I ­ ir'T'lWifiniter? , it I 1�*iway and SA Water. hL4 hands In any -rafor i abl� post I ion f I', ,1_,_ w- %,,ttiug im in- *Ilt uhl ,� - ., wilUt,itte, loaftkr I$., Worn a,t first sight very on!ourable mow prepare a squarn box about five than tiny Other firm." snid George ducing a bill into the House making I th,� iripparaluts ,vill ­ipp­f him I ll,. ,�t t,- pkjl�e a -L LL �1� ejNkL I t, lit to '61bly file rev imitations of the Union Jack, being Bayne, it n nilsideguvanor tio send annoying in this 11- an' 11 I � "A . ra,ely ­ ', Ljfo�ti of, or- or six test long and 16 or 18 Inches The, pair of wLagR worn in the water ast long as d�ntr­l I IQ,,,!.., �v h.,I,iing lier, wrist n1ter "'­­ ,_ : ''I I ' ,. : I orbames earn white and "Then I p!ty the pow devils thitt letters to anybody V�ry clever ,lo ., 1, t �, _ 1,, X 11)-11,,-r ,�( ,I la(UPR* , L 6 � � .1" , �,jlitxl hW' ,., , "I' b # L" � .- pounded of red, lustr.tiou are inot the rpRult of nn � "" I I 1. I I ' , tIIM46'bett�con blraq� oad yellow. and It i,4 the yellow square, of thin boards, and place it work for the others I" responded the ideft flint ['11 have my tri'llor lock- Pvimcnt to ROIV4' the prnh­ I I I I I ,,,,,,, ,,� p_ ,.,t t, ­d., hor in th4, A�':� 4eii i-, ,, ' Jack wh�ro a flue is to be made in a mow, faraiman, qWokly. "Tom yearq ntro." he a *��..uo L�, "hi)li stbite. Jilt$ tll*t gjT,.1 tbi lie to the Union ed tip for Mx trionthq, hv -1,~' other PXp 14 U i I As 1,v ,lid w, h,l Vl� 164k�., 41-. � 11 o gk� � o �;' . .�n I 01W 110'amilled r notwlt.)%F�tanding the fact , ad draw it tip as tb* mow is built. added, turning to John Bayne, and .Johnny -1 naiv n- light ft�-tweoo t, lem of human flight. They hnv� Vx-,-n + I dt­7,� i ­_r t- #*4�." I � , 1, 4 '. comper,iition of the Nor- half-addTessifts him, "I mqdp twelve eat and a nit. today to ine.trease the APPod �( A I I-— . '""' H- ,t%od ii.,tl hor 1ph�,�, ? 6 � lia k 4i4l flaim claip­. , Copte ihz! of the ventit3for should be -'4 It 11 ' v flow designed ;1-11 f,tq ,.f Inquir,. 6x- �"A � "' '� _. _. *4i��&" L . .. 1 . 11 -1. ..i . - �_ �.LJ4 �', " L rlhbih wtgian and Swedl&h ensigns are Tb� top shillings a day in your m-orks; bu( did it end? .Inlinnv- After ihe s� , ,,in Kv�­, " � I P;wl � 60 is, � - 20110116 Tho tub -a inity be kept r, me.r, and prored highly Off"I'vP 1-1 "'.." I ,111 N,,11 diin't I,n,,w xlhnt U 14., -; , Ot � l;4b ' afid PAul niucti the Force as ,!iurs, with the Jack left oPeD. you bove, not me down until I don't cand round tht- cat witAn't in it t trial, whon tho inrentor, . I. -11.1 tbo m- 11ral itinn ' priblikP16-di 4idlAlk, i1ndled With In tM left-heind top corner on a flng from dropp!ng Into tbt, flua by net[- got much or#T half that now. Tber, Sally-NonsenRe .Iohnnv-Nt)t nt at a rPcOrn I m .. .... 1, &ffift�l offo *;Ujimij, 4ild, .*haff aft$t $*Ht up rritla a cross like tbdt of St. Ing a piece of board near the bottom hoa be,ep no diffevenne in your way fill The rat w,%q iti it that is in wpaTing his pitent wings, -or. rither, Ila' 1, I I— 1-1111if I Vf% -h -in" ls"' 'L , . _ N i N -i � - I.- ,1,nt,m�lLv , - 3niall, i Aq"`b,h11t4P 140 And does, Ge6rV. when mow Is done. Then P;la hay of livin aa I can see, You-" tile cut fiUS-011911Y Otit-Rt"'Pt"'d all ea`o`Pot'_ '' ,[,. 1._�11,q 1"", t') illy I ,. )Dut th-- Rug,vian Ack is the near- 1, Our 'Way of living Lq not a enge, r,,t-1 � It *W, ,X1114l, 4 I 't it ,(;, iihorf'jn4 around the tubs until it will stand , Mamma, F�nid n "Triall girl, 'Thy (,T,, i,, . hrilf-milo s,,imming race . � C 4 - ,J - I . .. " � �1 I V I 1; , 1� . � i �, 11 . : L .. I ( . \ N I I , ,�, "�-, � ,, I - - bfoghi#g ani, �mk ,4 . � rojldg�*�,&� it I$ 116W#A'Airlith- ��:*p0n,%All, tho bell* #it,appl-weh to our flag. At first olght it might be the Cnion Jack. a lone. By this rnean:4 an efflobant will be fornied. in pointil interrupted the manager testily. can't we have n artind pirtnol ll� cause we can't alT,,r,i it denr. hor The Apparninq r(tuskAlt. of a light n., - '' - � 1. � . - 4 � , r�'�Zjjtlt.L '33�t.4- - I ' � W 'ad liter- 100 It 06%*' te U, It lo 4mly n cloge inspectlop reveal$ th-. fact that thp. colourg are revers- ventilator ny thus letting cool air into the at a mow, or stack, bay that " It is ti, case In point," retorted An- decrann, "Ju.st aft alush As MY a prep mother answered N',)Ai must wiAh v golden eggs frampwork of t1amVx;o or niuml-num. gnppoirtinq rin psi,ll�qs% wPh �f rfinvin. . r, � ", : \ () 1, ,io i,'I'l 1'. A R 11 'Talt tu %,LZi'-0'6hd0yfifm- , . , - t1l6ti , JP ,6* aft , , , It, is, vt *oitltl � ed. Tha ar-nitIVIOrk of our Jack ig i dark�bhw, thm Russian in scarlet: we middle wootild otborwE96 "fanw-burn" will be la IL "Aly wilet Illives to case In point. have pretty things, at% well as your But. mamma. prot,Rlml thit; literal tho wholo h*imst q04,ur"I tO thO firms n'. 'v""d I 11 9i'rO if % ­ I 4t,ht ,0I 1�1 ! � I I . ' . * 9 K mit'. - W O)�ais* * thiihitti4A laft ' , lit, 101s, lind, tit, �W r ,04w, . #"10*4 lautyk hSV4 a red arbis In 4 White f1bla It' - � In a oave well. A barrel is == a:24floyed for making a owife. She's a wornan just tba same. is young lady. whilp Y-1 ar( . al)O"t Why not winh for a It, n I hot can lay ltr of tb,, swimmer hy .t rnpq The bra,-% form'ag the frinip sirp pivoted tit their I I ... . ..... I we"I R,ld th� lafiv "r � N, V � 'I , t I- V ... .... 1 i 1 , I ,. 4% 114, 1W We be, toodit Wo, ftatfbt toir Ugland, a white it�altlro iftTon i bl,no field for Sclittand, and a ylsd I " ntlilating f Lie. Tho barrel rMuvt 6V6a if Ohs lliucm-" ng George He advaticAd toward you a grand plano9 linnor end% to n �ctkimal has, run- P'N'-4, 1110. madarn haughtily ro ) ; � i ,I , - ' thit X*W*f4lftt 41"WA Ialid"11011; h4t � 004161*11 A" **,;ii;Lil& ft& 6$b6b, Ak,ttire OrOSS an a mvblt,a field for Ift- b dr, Win up a few Inches at & time tie tble hat is litored Around it. Bay'n�j and pem'�red ill) into his E110P - - Nowl pwed - Th n t in our now Ding parnlit'l �ith the nrm, i�nd the 0 a rmimmor ,idjiv%tn the d07in AO th t 4 ,,l_,, tj_ NTIII(lpror. I nAvet t,.�)qtn ,, � . , I with ,% chop � � � , , t4 0* 1*W:=g6f11)W'0f6PW$ r jjin,d; thcA Ru,r,jan has a blue saltlre ttf,b�s on a white field, ft WIlitti1i gftlttyO - With ark defiant*. ­ " And: my children have to be �%Wrs. � hurglar alarm ymi Q�. it n hurpriar tbin has- is al tho b-Itek twf th. nrm tb. �hr�.,kf'­It. i , : � -----.a- I . Is *10K 0W , - at 013' '04W .4 , 1 . , I i6rdft on a red field, find TOO BAD. 1jL*Oughj, fto gral edueAt,bd to go out ahould act Int. the ),,wer pnrt of the in taking th� st-ke A,, soon n.q the writer in the hnek- i � �, . I � .. I �'X' *111 boo, at yftr 406ilti I ho tit , " ow 'Weintlonett, I A WHITE CROSS ON ARF,D . V MUL MY husband had had dyspepsla. Into the world, and TiA otiizen4 alorg- Itido of potwa, too I" he cried harshly. hou... xnat w,,uld ring I let- Mr,ther -0h, and scarp them o(P hirp New- e", raq eltrhmq ward stralirn it Pzp-,tndn and riustrit th4, f��nrn#Nvnrk In opmn not flat. th-q t, I F-pli, nro n -t iiahle to 0ev. r be, ;� I I— , f I 5 ettid '-'() -4)$1 . . ltwp�n th, 'k, " t U110Z , 1. = -b'W I AW 4*Aek 0 is, 0111, , � =W5 , U lit 611rid" drendfully IstelY. go has b6m such 'borer, The liglit died out of Georva B:1Ytra*A I words that r4me lywed. (doubtfully) -Vvoll it rhight. but it would Clarence n nd nip offord ,n lf f h. '4WiMMOT InCrA-41"d I�PV 0 I 3�'p ca,*Pq are - I th it , "' 4 : 1�', I 't of ­­� I , IQ Un" ' (1vO ,):I I 0- am-, **A, I I r , L,J* VNI:M - __ L 144 =4*4V*0=1'-rF, �� a "' L yif bffn thd � t4ot filk1gs bare ft� : is #u r A,A Sorry tn h#ar it. I bard no ey'93, kild t he AnV. y to his 1104 wwe. obeckod. go turned give pltnty of it,tine to hide In the at :tic . 07,tgq% cm thp vi-ater. blot as soon an the forwo rd stroke is began the frame 'i IT,- The,,, - T, � . "I . 1 � i , and two Oror 55, . . 4. �.i. _& 16" W,la . : I ftk *Uft W"it. " lo"AW � k M - 1�4 , b*V-t alid tIL3 Mcst f V1 § d. Ill f�"� (11ligs of � '00 L44 tle ummist k1bris )" , Idess, tidst .Vot **4 Wlthout ft 06K jVllddilillilf W *&Ikod atat to t he Wift- An9*0t ".1" ,'�, ,, .1 , . , _ , � . . :, I - ,� I . . " I I I I I . / � I - � I V, , �� 11 t;�� L L I I I I . ." I . � I 11 9 � I L , I I " I I I . . L - . . I- I - ­� I . 1. .. r ' ' I I I =,�., ' r " - - � I , ;, " . . 11 . � . 1� I? , .� I 1. : . , . , � ­ , , , I I " I'll 11 . - LL � " . r " l� ��,,'� , I v- .�, , I I 11 I - � Jokm � - ... I i- . " . ;1 I 1, �. " . ,Y� , 0 1 1, I 1� I # I I � I I 1, 1 1 rr � '. I I I . I I I I 11 I I 1i I 0 � . � .1 I . ". I . rll� "I 1� I r � L I .� , I . I I L� I I . .. . . � � , ,,,, I. I I ri I I '. . I ; I ; ; , , I � ansooi_.i&L1 ,�,,111 , fiffik- I I - I I - � � 4a.-' ,_,WkW klwli& I. � I - _­ - - I 1 . ,� I � ''. IL I.. - I I 1. I , ',,,slat'., �, , . - _, . I . � 1* ,� k,* . . 4 I %L04 - . �t�,� � g .'� ,'-,,' *4 IL5 1� -�:,LT � 4­4'i,�*, *'*&4"�­L .4 A, I - !&� I , I � , , . _ -, I , "� .- 4*"* , � e� , _ �,L, "(,� ." � I I , &,!", - -* � ___ ­ - � I � " , � I � . � I &adaft_ __� �11: dA .. WMIA - "I ��