HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-05-31, Page 5. A ,� I . , i ; . � � - I 11 I W. A,Cneson-, &I - Sion I - _1 0MI. ".Owi,; , '' -. � - - 1� I vlitti�"*��,P40, , I I I . , X _ , Ah'"1001411 , I Awv .. � 1 14141 : rl "X*!�� I W 000'r W � " IT, X ..: � , I iiik� :,Wiik� . 'm � , ?:'r , - . , 'K 1� . I., I I �,;�, � , .1 . 1, "_ � �, _�: I 14� I . � ­ 11 _� - ,X*X!1*0 111,4"O'Moskia'a� I �_. - Itsmoo"""00, I I `* I"s I -; I ""4 11 -*00,0:� -t- , , 41"d. 4"111 0*10- I . ,t: N 19W �CARPV - I 1 I i : "i. � I ' I .�� ,- . � ,� I T" $4, , ' , � ' lliftwqftrel 0410" ',�".tik_ In *X "414 0,04, � �Isruls� - * A U OMW,, kitskdri* , =4ror! tz's", 'Ott'.?s W"nis I 4#%k4"0Wt*11dr_V*tl,14=-. Z rilit rch, d4w 0#.;"",U%k1k0":f"�* ­ I I . - I I . I .1 ARGAIN$1,4 �.­ , I � � - I I I , . - ­ I - A E 3 0A P I actustil =tb*,"r0`4 1�41 U 11" 01"� '"'Im"B"tru, "W" , ,. , wo, I � - -woved 40 r Z21�1 i0i 4 ; I . I 1 - -'Vet It"frl, lio'U'l I I . - 11.1m I-— th, - de$0 ,"ter A* 014 - � -, . - , I - , , . 6W , I � ( ": " - iTw'k� � ko�tA' *. t: i 1"n, t . `h, V, in 01:: e lip : 11 �, to V� v!,nv',I ,,, �111111 -I" xt It (Wros " 7, h*(l T vm"doko 0cftomic vAint for adl, - I *t1XrjM­WhI*IA jiriq 'M I w;VIAo4-�h.ikk,*i4eF f'.4t4r, -a I II I , I � , , ,%sit . - ,, .� . , , �, " , wfltc" ,., � : � I I � I I I .1 I I '.. I- 114640,01 spw..�a�I."4�:,,I�n,,c43,,rpot$4-r ".. :v�t'x ,,, *%tb* I n" II'letw"o ar- W I , , 0 "In X"U"d 101 the futtilwitgf*4 , � : ty� t4h , (egdo4 4a, I , "I 0 111T, ",t40r,i*o";4011,111U"A# pum"t .. , .. . �, , illvib, .. . i I I !I I AW4 iwy,oq'kvit",10,iii,;n� , ., , 11Tt114iI4041qx ,, .1 � , =--T­T"� I � 11 11 W livebe% W410,4 b9owy erif 11Io4-VArNW,-4A"�g4V dilt,1101 . � - test PQ I.. - I ." , ''. , T! byla - Ark I'A 104ROf *,,w V "'Iyo-r"I"'WhAreir-1 ;! I . . l0q,104, rx *.pr4qq. i400_ "Wo tkil svW,- ', -1 �,­ :4_ � . - 1. , � �� )�, - �, .�, , � .� .�', . - I --- , : . 1400�4014 � *1911f 00"91i* � . - ,, , . I . l� 25d'ie 300�, 400 0045 wo, � I - '_ " ' 1. tw . . , sj*pia os.t,,t49 , c _ "Imor *14A, 40.9.V "*t24:01 to View., 411 througilt I U -z o,111,11tilk"0011V T t� nee,# Qr optlovskirw# 14, t1w �m*14 08cs *ere,riltmerp - guil- tbp So juchos. -wi,40;, glj� p0ro Vopl �evergi�le, Carpets, 444 coltlirw , . , � - : 1 vleil)ro, 404,prIjf4,lk44.,WAWiA0ea for, 10* , , 4 , , - , , , ryar . , d: , , IU4 w on to, falifilk 110011 144, tfke� ". "at , . , '''. "I I , . I*If lon'"1411151 �. PO ,q@i � ljjjk4jri� I , I _�nttrk vi�(, lilpiptojil. L Thq lwoqmt livoks AW9 = tale 0!� I . 1 6 1� 1 $$,1111 ,-,5,d;An, 7$c, , C � : I . 0- L I .,V!k3vhr,%wIdP:An !;hT4pestry,0#rpet9,.good qcskg"k%kl.ct�Ial,,j _101A11,10 .;, ort, r1r ljltw the ".Vlcej#., , Th4, la pam., , , tories- Z;040000,00,4aupplvi, gr to � , � #,* - � " , . -V*0A*7m!!tbIkt! 4 ttk,sliiy� ,kncOpt *lfep * not. 4plY prwrjb(-d zhya kuov4t pityid. ri, tv.plar cotud It he In.4'. q b *19as, for parlp* dining roonis. dmQ fla.114, etc.# at, per, yard � ture is. stor4kf ,ter. th to 1 V 0 low P4.41W . , -14er. ,:"� ''I -'11 :, '' . - 'I", .- , I ­ I I , t1ilrk-i9c rep,tkj:fttj!a,Q- *oil ereq -th" 00 I , . � . � -1 I . 1 35C? 40� 4M4 SOC, - ' -Alt t4ril,%)Xtj� Oo �#;tr 't , ,*O, � , , M woot44 , . . of 1"'i 0 town J.P.1% gegisterille name I _ a terse to r Who klk� fliell I 1900 English Brody, -Orqssel-9 Oarpet­ . VpAs A ya , . - .* ikely, 9 . pd.lu � If, We00AA%fw,bA#k*,A�riB melting 4=4-� , kfatjy� Ilk srlcklt";Afy�ams, they koadl� . , 'r" - .. , I 4 , '' , � 0.4 vplitalelpl; POIS96, wo . ole, , ­ ,. _,,4 . k4l!h, devigaqo Apaconablitation poloritigg . , 0 per yni,4 , � I -1 I L. � 85�, 96p; . tnd $i,00- . : ity teed *frog, wAlglixt* Alley tlow : , 111141 . � - Ify r , An pokilshiltilp ItUvwhire., The I , OL41P A for drugging )R;4, witi - � " .A Ileavy Scotch Linpletiniq JP great variety of deoignb. at I per square Tar4 41510- . I thrIluipAi th, va;IPy*1'4lv,VfIIh:R4 fnrjr� Vl;qtlop. , 19,418 w9latlam fell sto ralk; It would'aim"t' Intmoliftely "311: -it p , I� It, , , od Also that of interior drucatiyory,apothecsq, TatirwrItie . I I I "I I . i I L down through, -the, rivem,whicil would , , , hll�self (unless A doctilir could pot be � f0ur4l: � . - . I Inspection'Invited. 'barilly be red' 0 All JuL, the suipottr., , wl�!a the crops Atost,U0.00d W _ . a�e.r wilis, an affenaL . � puulsbatiliik� T a , wb1prillim An4 nII'prcparAtIR;kp - , ,8,91� by . Q I , - 7 liese facts -gre so well known " t% I . Wit 44 tolle made up In the pt ' ,resellce of tbadoctnror-f another a thee -r . Will, Acheson and Sono " �_ , Zbe Gobertcb$tar. A MATCH FOR A MILLION. TzLxPnoNx 0AU 71 Winning a Wrestlinji; Dout thr Penn,- - tintion of n Fortune, "Had I caught my train that night." - FRIDAY. MAY 31. 1901. laughed the man who line find nothing to do for a quarter of a century but to A CREDIT CHECK SWINDLE. sit and watch pine trees grow to swell . __ lite bank accounL "I would probably be Trlolx by which Ono Firrix Got Dol- a farmer now trying to raise a mort- l.,. without sellilits: Shirt Waists. gage and a few other things. I bad That there Is no end to the ways of gone 10 a little town in lower Wiscon- Imposing upon the suffering New York 91D to see a colt that a man theiV %vant- pillgle was Illustrated by the failure col to sell. I was a good judge of stock ot.4 small store recently. The newly and pretty shrewd on a trade. but a Appointed receiver was surprised by greener country lad never broLe Into a having ninny woukencome to his ottice town. I would have walked back to ,wj;b credil cbeeks. Irlietie elitTka were the farm after I found myself too Into tot- Oulu It alkloull". ranging from $1 W for the train, but I saw a handbill on - $10. At first the weelver couldn't no. flouncing a show that night and could derstakid IL but upon Invetoilgation lie not resist the temptation to see It. learned the details of a pretty system though It did cost a quarter. of fleecing. "In my hilarious appreclatiop I wit$ The firm. it s"itim. had made a spe- more of an entertainment than they cialty of sill; nod cotton shirt walats. bad on the stage. especially as I wits Theae were. wl t It few Pxceptloua. utterly oblivious to the fact that I did shallelelig. III fitting gartueuts, and not look like any one else In the andl. , - when tile unfortunate wookkeil shoppqrs euce. Towned the end of the porform.- �, got houa� with their purt-hatu-s and ance a huge fellow came out. tossed put them oil they were obsgugled to cantion balls In the air. held men ont find t1int the bargain sale willsts were I at ,arm's length nod IIft4,d heavy 11aggy nod puckery and altogeliter so we qbtm. After this showing of his . poorly fashioned that It would be prowess he offered $10 to any one next to hapoitsibie to i-nnl,*,, them ill whom he could not throw Inside (of even by if complete ripliltig tit) fill(] two minutes. I was the e.rtwk wrestler rvinalitua. Such ['#-Ing ill#- Conditions in all our section. Itiouglitione limst-tit th,y Invariably took thc goods back knew It. nod I felt as t,hough the chat - and demanded other waists or their leage was aimed directly at Itte' I moucy. it was contrary to the prin. turned hot and cold during a few RPc` riples of the firm to refund intiney) ends or extreme silence. Then I spro ilg ,and ns they seldon, had will , sts more up and aii I came out of my old blouse becoming either In style oi- Shape that) .shouted, *1 *11 go you. b'gosh I' / l lie ones returned , they were driven -There was a roar of laughter, and to the extremity of credit Phecks. then some of those about me urged me "We ,will get In a new supply of not to go tip there and have 113Y neck walsts In a few (lays." was tile suave broken. But one old mile told me to assurance of the manager tin(] his go In and do my best. It was a tough %veil trnlued asSistatifs. "Your check joh, but I finally throw the giant at- -will be good at any titue. and when we most through the door with a hip lock. replenish our stock Pot ran select a There was a little hesitancy about giv- waist that suits you.- Ing me the $10. but the crowd shouted I But the new stock never arrived. and until I got IL The old man took tile In spite of the good doi trio received home with him, and In a week I had from deluded customerb withodt de- charge of all the teams In his lumber creasing their capital of waists. the cauips. In time I became a partner, firm become Insolvent and then the and be cleared the way to make me women began to come with credit rich. That vas refil?v it ulateh for a checks. So for tile receiver has been mill1lon." unable to compenRate them for their teas through the swindle whl�ti. In Its How Us Flarnood Breakfast I must have walked the streeis (of way. was rather neat. mchmondo till artor midnight. At last I I became so exhausted that I could AARON BURR'S MAGNETISM. walk no longer. I was tired. I was hungry, I walk everything but discour- Us Coadloserod All Feminine Hearts aged. Just about the time when I Wltb�itkt an lairort. reached extreme physical exhaustion I I"From the time the beautiful and came upon a portion of a street where brilliant Mme. Jewel tied been it young the board sidewalk Was considerably girl and when Aaron Burr was only vievotted. I waited for a few minutes a captain In the American army she till I was sure that no passersby could had been more than once under the ...... tile and then crept under the side - spell of his strange fascination," vrrltes walk and lay- for the night upon tile Willifint Perrino In The Ladies' Home ground. with my satchel of clothing for Jourtm), "Burr had Introduced her to a pillow. Nearly n,11 night I could hour the celebrated Margaret Moucrieff, had tile tramp of feet over my head. desperatefy flirted with her and had The next morning I found myself Implanted within her an admiration .somewhat refreshed. but I was jvx- which was BUD ,allwe when be was tremely hungry, because It find been a gen aged social exile. She had written long time since I had bad sufficient � of him In earlier days that lie appenred food. As soon as It became light enough �11_ ­ - to lier to be 'the perfection of man- for me to see my surroundings I notic- , bood.' that his figure and form had ed that I was near a 'large Ahip end I bees ftabloued In the mold of the 1; � . that tbl ship seemed to be unloading a L � graces And that he was as familiar V enrgo of pIg Iron. I ivdnt nt once to the �. %Vfth dw 4rawlng room as with the vessel and nsked the captain to permit camp. me to help unload the vessel In order � "'In a w4rV she said. 'be was a to get money for food. The captain. a : � embined model of ]&$fire and Apollo. white man. who seemed to be kind � [Its eye was of the deepest black and hearted. consented. I worked long ( sparkled *1th an incomprehensible enough to enrol nioney for my bkcat�- � brl01Anc1,v wbe,u he ,%jpjje4 but It co - I ter- (get, jand it seems to me. as I remember � tit" Its power was absolutely it now, to hnvv been about the best , rifle. lato whatever female society ,,',,� he dAfteked by the fortunes at wnr or breakfast that I have ever enten.- � the ViClasituides of private life to be Booker T. Washington jn Outlook- � q cast. ba coqfiaerad all hearts without � �I an kffiirt. And until be became 4jeeply ZvOhrfid Ill the afralro of state ai)o Tootbacbe'Cured In One Minute. � � tbQ Vexatious Incident to tbe political Not onjv tocith,tche, but anv nerve I � AMR& A 40 hot believe a female eap;k. ain Is cured irstantly by PoNon's blet Ot tha tentle, emotions of love, ever 9 erviline. Thousandq have testiflect � look�d upon him without jok,lag him., that im powerfAil, penetrating, Pain - I �. Wbereytr he went he was pette4 and subduing properties Make It An abso- � legressed by her sex colica,. e i ,. aud, butiorg4a lute core for neuralgia, rh ul artism. � VW� irak r 4k0h ofifee fin a, 40odallo" toothache. crampR d othor trys and itches that beget in kind. � struggle In ujr.ar Alm some itestimonl4l . be world is challenged to e4umal Ner- � Of dillellrVitfilatiOlL S4WeqtlehtIY UWA, ,little as it hatiaebold liniment. Large . , I -141111ell WAS WArtled to OW, *110 WAS bottle 2-5 cents. . '� Varif 80 n04 she nearly 60. The unir- - 4 IV IRUV W4A '*Of,* hsppy ofla. Audi tile The Henjall Observer regrets the � . . . . "' tA I 1, lt,ira 424b.40"POt .4'.. removal of Mr. Goo. Smith, (of Smith ,� . -0 I 0 Bros. Co., town). thus : 1,0uting his � ­ residence in town (Jecirge haq made �, � Illeow. Well 4 usedonald. clothing 11 imself plimilar as a hualnesa rumn, r I honorable and atraight-forward 11 flrtn,onfilt��Ik4,li have received iikcrifl. ADIVIX ' , itfut, fWr74rAiahjng,the Mrd regiment in him dealings witiv the public as well ` with bAtA,WW thitt'i 1:6 be in nee while its courteolina,nd obliging. He Wok a , , I the hWa jO* at J�oodon camp In J U ne6 live Interest, In evertthing canducing r� the turttrAtt *Ill Ataotrat to abolij to social and public inforesk and waa ,� � 4,�.,�­_­ I . . tin ail -round good eftl7en," �� - =1 6 , 1� 1"I'l" - I , i I i - I 11 1 � �11 ­­­ , I . . . '­'. .. - I - . . I � I .1 1, 3UNE PRICES. ­ � ; ��.. �� I .. I . i� I � r-& � I,'. AD I . � � I., L WINDOW SH US _1 5 � , �7­ 1 1, I . 1; r . , " . and I � ,,, ''.� 1, _. I I , I111111. WALL PAPEP. . .1. -,j "I I " ; � *. . � . r'Nutd, rnnnth hil"Inne 1*4 Ifit'n;14 offlorift ear cit. � . I J, � I I #U4Wk 44 Windiest t3k4cs &44 Wall Paper fit Ltlft - � .6 ,�. higpirleass I . 1� 1� , IL .. , . _ . � �. . I .�, I #fLahadso Winches W"comirletowah tow I � , , , � '_ , *HajithIl6r, ao�:, It" I � , 1 I oelkillne oil opaque Shades. suindi sixe. cm0lista � I I I . � , I P . I - othor Bound shatts, Willi tub or friat. aftpUts, . I PIA � It! � W . I � I ,, I ,� - I . I , , "'-,i�,� ;", , . 1 ', , .... , .. 1. "Ll., 41111111071 I I . 0, booketat line oleouta4laok,wallrokfioritiillw�. tler . .1 I— I ) ­ 11.01 .. , , , — .1qPqa1P9Il1Pll1F_ J.A with ftroler tonst,th, 111�i pot Var0, Oil its to .� � , , , . � , I . . � 4 ing,job, skills pries AA Wall. 44 Otr MI. i . :.7 Aift"# "Widt PA000.,�dwollL " " 1. V *0kl_k"jk*04*At(4j0,XAWAkk�W4 #,,Waited 0. rall, *11tiltMillfig and Bardler to �.,� 1, , i "*0%1 I . ,, ,. I .11 � ,� I ., I I I . . , , I 9#ft ��, V"M 46�* , I . . . I I * , I .&Or m0deld-361040 detintmi. Nafti"I"o 1W �­ 11111"040""6 OM6 ilk %*I toll " . . � 44 ;WGRIlormolifft) ,�� . , A cot And maAa *11M01 fa '04, �� li�,N V #110*11111[u "Ibwb"t #(" t Mill :�dlkl . -1 'a =" " . = ;;" 4,11111"01 11111" L� I 11 "A"to *k0d" I ? I I `6 ,� fillitfit"" I , . , � P , . - , I � . 1-1 .1 I .1 � ....... .... � -11....."_ * � � .� I , I ��­ U, , %, "! 0- ! , , .1 I - � Mini � I 1*1 I I 40110U." * ill 114, " I I "I'll, "a, . 0""*k% � I I I � ,, "I I � I I - jk= 0t*0j;o-*jj4�*.;, �, " I . I . " 11 . � � '. be o�onkrkkotkplace, In the Salt Lake V01- A barber surgeo !ght only prescribe tqj, and la lite subarld regions of the 'for exterior applalemationa "According to , west geikorally. They are not so well surgery " but we are not told what was naderillood to lNew Jersey, or Ohio- the pe�alty In such a cam-0entle- Tr,lietv snow [a sometimep a pictur- 10 agd eoque. soiaetluiva a disagreeable. tea- M40 M, zinc, , I tnreLof winter. ' In all parts of the country the notion There never wa- an ftevor will be6 e oulow is of great value a universal 'panacea. in one remedy. as a fertilizer. Scientists, laoWever. age� for all tile to which fleall Is licur-ths lbelliked. to attach less Imijilrilft.fice.to jta very nature of wany curative* being serviev In soil 0iftrillon-for some to- 'inch that Wera the Merms of other bare no L And differetittv seated diseases root. gions.whlcb snow are exceed- ed In the system of the patiout-whal Ingly fertile -than to Its worth as a would relieve one Ill, In turn would blanket during the months of high Aggravate the other. We have, how. winds. It prevenis the blowing off of ever, In Quinine Wipe. whelk obtain the finely pulveHzed richness of the able In a Bound unadulterated state, top so[[. This, although little perceiv- estence and strength, by the Influence ed. would often be a very great loga. which Quint -no exerts oft nature's own . In nature's every -form, there Is in I can- restoratives. It relieves the droork- Ing.-Youth's Oompanlon. log.spIrIts of those with whom a ehrou tate of morbid despondency And 1=6 of Interest in life is A. dls- Just as Good I ease, and by tranquilizing the nerves, Perhaps! Don'b you run tile rl4k, disposes'ek sound and refreshing sloop L I I-mikil. but always buy the lipst-tested p remedy for many And grievous lite. and sure -pop enrn cure-PuttilaniN frailest s"tems are led Into conval- Painless Corn Extrmetom Sure, sale -Imparts vigor to the action of the sudIjakilless. Put.nany'o removes corns blood, which, being stimulated, cour- painlessly in twentv-four hours. If ses throughout the Talus, strengthen - your druggist (loins not, &ell it, send 27, Ing tne healthy Animal facetious of celits to N. 0. Poison & Co. Kingston. the systiam, thereby making activity On�t., and they ,Till rend it to Von post a necessary result, strengthening the paid to tiny aadress In Canada or U. S. Irame. and giving life to the ollger.- tive organs, which naturally demand A Daingantion correspondent of the Increased substance--tegult, Improvad 1,11clonow ,Sentinel says: "Robt. Me. appetite. Northrop & Lyman, of To- Le"n. of Goderich, who is %videly tonto, have given to the public their ktmwn it,i it horse and ratile dealer, rate, and. guaged by the opinion at was here Isipt, week. and. we arn In. scientists. this wine approaches near. ftwnwd, pRid out to the fnrniers ,it this est perfection of any In the market vicinity upm,otods of $1,400 ft,r cattle All druggloca sell it. which were brouiglit herti toil, shipment � r j. , " Lr j ". , I ­ � , - im!l pastaritig. Atimna them WOUP (little jk number, of excellent looking Seasonable Goods 'll.y.rN111 till I Ilia Is." - �AT TnE— You Ouglit to Know Thisi CENTRAL DRUG STORE. Bronchitie itstimin, can be cured by HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA inhall Oattarrhozone. So says Call - pe of Kingston, Ont... fair] 1, "Donald. CEDAR WOOD DUST who was positively cured, %fter Tears Ifor mothsi of 4tiffering. bv Catitirtiozone. MOTH-CAMPROR BALI -9 Mrs.Dinsmore.8hultenacade, N. S. CHLORIDE OF LIME (3 sizes) Rays: -Catarrhozone cured me per- CRUDE CARBOLIC ACID fectly of bronchitis and catarrh of the HELLEBORE noise and throat." " Mr. Will. Pollock. BMb. Ont., says: "Catarrhozone posidwily cured file of PARIS GREEN (Imported) bronchiti-.4." SEA SALT (4 11). Box for 15c.) Catarrho7one relieves quickly, rures IMPORTED WHITECASTILE surely. is safe, pleasant, and guaran- SOAP (in hars) - ceed to cure. Two sizes, 25 cents and $1 , W. Drllgglgtq or N. U. Poison & ANTISEPTIC FOOT POWDER Co., Hartford. Conti. ETC., ETC., ETC. A hjipr)-?f event took place at thil CL . - residence oi Jos. Brown, B,tyfleid. on 0 Ell HICK, Chemist WednesdikV. Mity 15, when his second Content Dpuff Store daughter, Ml�s Ileritia. was United in marriage to Walker AIntray, Gode. GODERICH, - I . ONT. rich. The ceremony was performed "Alwftvs the Best Rt Hick's." by It, v E. 0. Jonningi4, after which ' — the cotnpitnF. It few guests, repaired to a daintily prepared repast. The voting couple have the good wishes of their mativ friends. M. S. ELLIOTT will in a few days .__ ______ - open a, . . . . .... In every town General Grocery, Flour .f and village and . may be bad, � t ta In Bro(jerlck'q Ola SI;4nd, I . ... . RAMIr4TON ST.. � aOPERIiC1ff. I . - � . Evervithing will be now and fresh. Your Mica pabronage soliciLed. . ----'- - � - -- --' LL Axle' * .SPECIAL Grease FOR YOU I Nooloo that makes your 16 " It. 'Ist sa. 0 C. horses glad. — __ -----. , — __ - - - _ ____ — __ When the Chief Coollc Leaves. The Importance of a chief cook be- comes evident when the time for his departure arrives. One day last week the proprietor of a popuinr restnurnnt on Fifth avenue decided for reasons of . hl I s OwTi to part with t4g? services of the man, who had for soml? yelira looked ,after PIR kitchen. The che r retired and with him more than 20 of big 4s- slatAnts. This numbj?r included his as- sistimit cooks and every man In the kilchell, oven to the unimportant func- tionary wbo presides over the retriger- atom This etodus did not surprise the proprietor. The cbef had brought the others with him. and They were to a way more closely, Attadligi) to his service than to the proprietor who p4ld them their ,wages. When a substitute was hired, he also brought the some complete corps of Assistants who are supposed to know the wethods of their chief b,pt- ter than any alislat4titin not directly employed by btM. ThIs manner of employment eirlsts In all the large restaurants. where the head cook Is ab"lute funnier In the kitchen and controls all the branches of his department down to the most unlmportaaj� tie In held responsible on this groupil far all that insy happen under his direction er6tv It he was not 0o w4tter. i� ., The report of engineer Ob roan on a sV41,0111 of water worge for If, ensall Is betore the council. who are getti rig 0 midberintAtishalieto present to tie electmot at it public meetings when the matter will t* I horoughly gone into, ok , It has cost fit legal expenses $9,000 to Yicttle the finestitift of the ownership of a tnt.re worth $20. The case move in tile County of Orford. The V*aent Kitar of the mars declared that . ?ZT ,,,,, it. The elairOwt mInt. tAinied that. it had been titolen from himk and that, he know it berAuxe it carries its tail to the left. It* true in botroesso, esis snitar., and sops on the tot) of a hill with a load. The ware *eem* to havo5 inciltrAd baliltactimm'"', (a (be class. Halt It was not *Mth ,that It cost to claiM IL Both ali I tidold M#o saved money b:p fietiNin-aff i thillibuft "6 apt W*Ul . 11 I I . " I �,, �, J I . ,� i. 4 I . �. . 11.1, 11, . 1, I 11 .1 , I I Ll I ; '.1 . � I . . � I I . . � I �, . � I I I . I I . ., , I" . -1 . .� I N It I � . L, . ,�, � . I I I I I I � � I -, �,, . - ��.I, 1 1 1).,�' � . Lima! 1. I- I 1, �; a *&._.C.�­ -,, ..Abo�, . I . ,- 1�_' I The Goderich Star is up-to-date in every depart- ruclit, and we want your support because you receive big value for your nioncy. j5o Cents will bring Tirn'3TAR to YOU Un- til the end of i9oi, and THr, CANADIAN ANNUAi—which re- tails at 25c --is lbrown in, be- cause we have only a fevv copjc,5 left. If Vou Get a Dollzkr fckr shout half that stim, YOU 04" . well lxor4 to allow us to clo the kicking. We want your half. dollar, and We want to i you the best of tht bargarnve Turt STAR is your's for the asking, 5ubscribe now. Mitchell & Todd, ­ I-,------ - - JOHN VULE, 1 Kingston St., Goderich. 'Ua-tot-DA(e Bicycle UvPry and Repab- Works. Deafer Ili 14 i,iti-Ornole Bicycleu. Morale k3undries, Electrical supplies. etc.. etc. NO job is tOO bLf gP or too qmall for tin, and prices will always be found reasonable. - , � ____ OANTIELON'S PlItstry, Oyster Patties, Tarts. Sbort Dread and Cream Itolls. MinCS Pies and Wy Fingers. Rimen, Macalroons, malangties. Brandy 8naps, etc. Am as good as the beat made in any City in Canada. VAntolon leads the tradti in WEDDING CAKES, ,in lancy desipting. and ornamentinjif 1,,,,,,,.nd Icing. Give him anorder arkd�nurastiitftctlort wit) be assilred. I0* CANTELONs %va".0r. "baw*H1. . , L .� , , _ , , . . I I - � . I , . , r I . -.j . . I ; - �__ . I �.�L�11� � I — , � j 1. I I I I r , �' I " I 1 1 �� L - ' I ' ' I I , I . , . , i, . 0 , , . F�dj D�U I ; :,. 'a �� � ­ 14 00-1. W hi � `, to. " Lwolii, , . 11 I, � , �,L, , I . '. L.: I I � � I I . I I . "04; 14 � � I .. .. 11 . '' I' 'L T, b, Is * a -, . . L'.. .1 I . 11140 X*t I , � I , � � . I poot '.., Av "I, 0 F1 , � . - I rr , I 11 - .. . I . lo Ill r I : I . .� If � Willit In '. I I , I - I i .- � " I I . , , .1, 0 .= L 10"X01 , , th-of"AP0 ", LL . ­ _71JA I "I _­ L -_ � Ori t, h 'L � . � kez't , t"Illoo - 11 11 11- .� . - I., W I 1. I qolckpw 'And Im . . I ,,, . , ' . . � _. I'll ` - - dAyoi I I'll I 11 Li. - " , 11 L ... L .. . � L, .1. . .... , 01110 tmo lastra. � . - I I . �, � 11 011sand WbIto Lead �_011111111114� I We handl-a the very 4eali,gradis of j3a,ZU.b1U#6*a Olt, 404 thoilit as - filling Ilia LQ6t quaUty. ilboula sivo us 0"00 , . I White -Leads. �& . . W4 Wive the . . Elephant Brand, Robertson's Chemically I . Pure and Decorator s Special.1 - , I Thtse are the very beat le.%da pa the turmrkel. WE ARE 11BADQUARTERS FOR Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Rubber Hose, Sprinklers, Nozzles, Hose Couplings, Varnishes, Oil Wood Stains, all kinds I I � of Dry Colors and I THE FAMOUS COMMON SENSE BICYCLE. I �� L�,.; - �ox -�:, -,T%x�,a 1: �` A �` x�,_-,_�n �T- a A �ftl - x ff �- P; $- j Waiting for the Oven Isn't on tile Programme when you use tile new I IMPERIAL OXFORD . RANCE Tile Oven Thermameter shows the be swiftly regulated to keep it at, ill construction not only ventlitttes bu oven -An that evervthing bakes or i Why not call and ties them ? SOLD BY LEE & SHEP The GURNEY FOUNDRY Vancouver. I SPRING MILLINERY All the latest and best designs In trimmed and untrimmed Millinery and ready-to-wear Hats. Call and inspect before purchasing. MISS CAMERON, Apprentices Wanted. Hamilton Street. F. SMEETH STOVES Phnix Planing Mills,l STOVES ,C3 , -01:)M31=ZtC=_ STOVES Contractor A.20, Builder . I No Order too Large o: too Small for our Capacity. — All kinch; of Lumber, Lath and Shingles kept in atock, A Dry Kilia PI.,,. and Sparfilcation.fo, ,,,, (.I,,- of ,,ork in .,)nneotio I ProMVt1y"f`Urm10­l, - - Business Knowledoe and Everla8ting Push � WIN IF- 4-� ",e�'r� _ It has paid others to attend the Central Busine5s Collcge, STFZATFORD. ONT, ag�ltwillklnyyou. Our etudents A" VemArk- It y Ruccesefal In seenring pno bottling excel. loll t al 1,11attel"S. liocarefUlInyour-elootlnnof a Wheel. EX-11117dentN Of other b"Ptnegs Col. 100ft Itre now in ationda"re at our pwbool. Come to thbo College and we -Ili guar*nwe to thoroUghl), pr�pnre roii for biwivies. Uto. We dnnl In vo,,�tlhl� bwto­. "'N"wInti. We hn�oi oothls,tr fnd� wilh flip, -hstii nritele. "riteforl oureAtalowUe. 81 tit' ow� a4 iiiii t edat ntiy time. kV J. ELL101"T. 11raicipal. Al c'K- I 1, LOP Mutual Fire hisurance Co., Farm sill 1�olalwl Town Propertyl Ingnt-pil, I Vallie of P,,,t;;,1,v In-orril np to J,.",. I Iry $3 (48 97 UX). I ()Vrl('Vlig AND Dirtv(-rotns J. Ft , Alvix,on Pm -T V�-r, Vi�e Pr-.: J. Co".01 0 b-te. 1��. 6. Elr�-wfo,ot J. " .ti, �KrnroVI.- 0. (Irleve.J. llenttewfA%, Dimetom .. (l. Read I rth. ln.liecl.i of h..e.; t; T. F. tiny., Sn.. .".1r.10ecretary-Tre"urer. AuRNTS. J. %V, Yen, If ylll�j J,t% Ctimminor, MIX.11" Illel It =Ian,Sonforth.11. Sailih * � "' s - Pay K.""Ment'o sod a a tb (10A`rQ..("llnV 0. ,,".I,,,,�,�,,�,.,,)�-,,,r..O,,.,,i,,., ,w 'a CLOT11 .. .;4.. . 04 arich. 1793-17r. ­_­ - ,Mill Wood For Sale The abovi is cot into stove wood leogth and will be delivered to any part of the town the name day as ordered. Orders received by tooloorhone or left at 128 Cambria St. will receive prompt attention 'Phone 08. Peter 11cEwan. God"ith. Nov. 2"t. ism. Ift'n4wen I The Pe,,irl Silver Steel Coal � Range, and the Art Am- herst Heiter are the best stoves in flie niarket, for sale only by J. His WORSELL� Goderich. Wssey-flarris Warerooms � I Hamilton St., Goderich. 11caoqijarters fnr thonelobrated Brantford Steel King and Ideal Wind Mille; the OoLaval Oroinna Floplaratom. the Landon I -laying Tools. po.111�olv the Im,-t I,' the markol: ir()nd. rellablo, iip-l�date 1.'artlaize,i awl a NA 11no of in,dorn Airri. oultupal Impl6ments. . 99 -Call Rwl inspect ow lincA before porchols- Ills 01.0, !,Ore. Bert Parsons, Agent. ______ _. .---.. ._____­­___'_ -1 . By Prompt Attention, Ren.onable Priedii siid be.t of workme'"If we have built no 6 ,plandid ba.1ne". We buy only the beat finoolm mann(",turod 'rheretare you eftonot'Zo amtray by plapinj VU,4.order with un. V e he ve mine Hpacla in. In ft"onable Sultindc We .of the� to you right. While the �"xnn IR bore to we.Ar then =ke A lonk in ftntl ace im you cannot of Cleaning, Pressing and: Repairing gtillilo.e .1 lowe.t. prtra� No ­rk Is too wre^t And none too ,tonal for noo. Geo. M. Mc,Sweer Neitt to 3-110 "'Itif"% Protetical Tailoi on Pqo­ The Goderich Stai is a Leader. I 11 � I . I . I ; .. I . I I I � r � I I . � Yout, C(0,t111he%?1 I , , , � I I 11 .1 1. I �, 1� .. � ", . � � - I . I . I I I I � . . , , iib# ,voll, Ar"04. *liw �is 01we'lii 000*4" # **110 , 4" J400 V44, * * * ,% k, * * .j, * , � . . - � # * 4 � �g , I I . 4 .1 . . . 11 , . . I � .. I . . It Y, ot,".0010 1% I I I - W4144 44 (401 444 know that 144 Vit 'Wita *4 a' , difilis 1, 10 r" I , cWtheri fralu I . I . I . 1. I . � � .. ' r Pff4,k .�: 6, .' ,b " " � ' . ' . ' " , � � PRI-DHAM, The t'.1 - `0 ... . al I 1*0 I.. . 11 I I I I . I � " � .1 � � .. New, se"Onable Goods 41ways in stock, moadira j4" in I I tinakeup. style Rqd fit alwayor assured, prices and equ li 11 �11 E , , 4 ty ;1 1, . I band in hand. . � I . Call on -,o PRIDHAM, THE TAILOR. NOW 60098 to flafl9'1"%is1IlII"I4I� I AT MUNRO'S. I Blat It Itionlan Satin Untior Skit to. up-to-dal,e in every respect. rates Curtains Ili Lo 4j yards long. Lace CurWn Nets Per vard 150 and 20c. (Artistic Deslopria). All over Litco Embroideries, (Floral designs.) VoklenCli'llues Hd9luRv And l"lloorl.10118. Swiss Embroideries. (it choice selection.) New Prilitm, Gingliams, and Chanibrayu, together with many other new find useftil lines. A. MUNRO, ______ - - Draper. I - — I Q That Touches the Spot oms AlK MacLeod' ' —Folt- 5 Weak & Impure Blood System I as Liver & Kidney.Di-seasjes lRnmovator Female Complaints. &c. I N.V ' dii I rAsk DruRgist, or write direct to J. M. MscLEOD, Goasirich. Ont. mw .. -------.--- ____ __111111111111111M = litAtlenooland I.Aboratory-Newgatz Street. thoOld Stand, in rearof Knot Clutrell. Youi*�Gpocepy Wants 4&—Can Best be Supplied at this Grocery Everything FRESH and UP-TO-DATE. "-CALL AND SEE THR STOCK rr- G__ rX1:P:1j111TG7, � Hotel Bedford Block. The Square, Goderich \,-Awt-*-Aw.�=4!�v �Vmcxzo=w 1NrA=47w0MFsWAW" � � One application given relief A Surgeons' Antiseptic Oil In any kind of pain. ,� IT CURKS Plies, Boling Scalds, Ulcerations. k, IT CURES Wounds aria Bruises. 6 IT CURKS Bodg, Ca.-buticlos. Felons, V IT CURES Intlami-I or United Breasts and Sore Nipples. ,� IT ('13IMS Stilt, Ithoutti, Tettors;, and all erut)tiona of Lhe Skin. R IT CURES Ithetinia Ipm and Neuralgia Poking. ' "'w " "" 'w 'a' *v I h 4' I I �� PItICE 50C. Sold by all, druggists of ment by mall. on receipt of pt lee � Antiseptic Chemical Company, ;j , 1210 MASONIC TEMPLE, C"CIAGO, ILLS. R 0 114 ,1,-V;4NF,5rAQ-�W,V�1W,0W M-�W--IWAW*t!VA'W.-�r,WAVIZ��AW"AW"JO-S _ __ * W e I re in it, too! J. BRINIOPHEN & SON .... HAVE been in the FURNITURr find UNDER*rARING business for many years, and desire to thank the general pubfic for tile very liberal patronage extended during the past quarter of a century. TO CELEBRATE with onr friends we havo decided to give exceptionally low prices (,it F URNITURE for the npxt thirty dayst. If you want anythinit in Couches, Loukkg�s, Bed -room Suites, Parlor anti DiniiiR Room 0jokirs, Rockers, Sideboards, etc., etc., the prictia we quota ohould not deter you from baying. THE 0001)8 are till good and worth a great dral alorq than we a9li--much loge than other people sell at. Do not buy until yon see our otock ; to inoppet. costs yon nothing, and we will be pleased to allow you our goods. is a "Pecidly Willi Ufl. We UNDERTAKING thoroughly understand our bnoi- ne�s and have received our schoolitig and diplonts, at The Beat or learning, Ili every ease we guarantee the most modern and bee. possible sorvice at the lowest living prices. J. BROPHEY & SON. . . . Fot . . III - ,� $ t Poultry Netting, I - Barb Wire, i Galvanized Wire, Staples, i: Thorold Cement, Spring Thi s. Portland Cement, (;.Arden making reolvit Ps arden Nails and all Build- tool-% and spritig house clenn rig ri.nd telt,to-Ing tioake" other hardware ers' Supplies. lle(101 . Garden Tbinas. flotige ThInIza. S #kit A Tneks. � , W.P.P, Al"P' Sherwin-Williams R&APP rlrf ... " . Hhovei.. I,, Nal g. C Trawpho. Pikint", Wheel Rit""w%. Brushes Paint. Pruning Knivf-x. Best and Cheapest at the Cash Hard%ram Stom. Nis Do, Rougvie. Ged-e-rich4a a � I . . 1, - I � I I 11 I I . . I . - . . 11 I ( , , I . "I 11 � � � , ; � . - I "; "111 '-d " j '. I I " _'.., , I , , ., , - � I 11���1. - , � _ _11�_, .�,�,,�� .A&-��"-_ - �� !at ,� , 11 ,,�,, . � IP��;� I 1, � ,,, ,., 14 � 11 I �, ,k ,� - . � ,,,, �, ,p ��::, I , jV, 14.,,-i - � �- :4 ��."� ''i .3 �. 1� I b., ��j� '1� 114 I "IP I �1 ".1 ( lhj� ,� �, ... w ", "I W � t . . , " I " , ` , ` - ,) I I "t I ," I .; I I .. . .,, . mi � I ­ . 11 11 .. 1i I �, T j � �� i `1 � .,��,, � ,, i:�',�i, j , :: !A - . Al �: V ''�, : �11 ,� � ,r " , I. ,.,, ,r� , , I I I . . � , I � , 1.1 1� I "" __ , 11", " � . � . V�� - � ,,;, 1, ��, , ��,;) � �,,�,:� I I i N'� ,U � " - �: , 11 , I .fI 1� 'i I A I , , _�_ �. , . .t�,�. �.., , j � I ­­�1111 , _1 — . I I I - .. ... I � I . . . , �, .1 . e:,,, I 'r , , , . - "" .- - ­ .. I , I