HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-05-31, Page 4I . . - --n- -W , 701�17 , W�-;, ,qw,
. - ____.._ __ �. 11 - 1'r . . . . . � , - 1TWI,
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. .-I.11-11 ... I—- Ilio" s�ofoa, fogoot Ox ONOW. , , I " ku,!* . ila"i'r , ,
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�' . I . *-OW4 4*7 04y so" , ) ow , " 0 141'ry. .. 0 00111jo$ . C P, ir ct 11 � �
, 816 es LO1W.-,H1P,b1aA0i-:0Ax.-*` , , I 4,w 4*144* AR " . " - � . r
I ''in, 0, a 4'a'd 4, assaim—W, VW,.k,Opw4ol , W.-ICA041111 Qr 4900 . r
r killoinavy Will' tim'm 4*A ,c . NAW -141"t 6,44,lox. _tj*l Ifoollowiti'loo, $$..00J $7., 4y# Ills Packa ,01 I
"'Y" , '4114 � Vx1oluilap stookia gq,wx. Xuat will final it wlif Pay, 700 $Ind ymay vou Wall, . . . : ,I �S � .
I ,,tali V star laid it aid inade tilalk V it heat t I dri,es un .1 . . ato My ptaiLxe of W .th's 11 I
. , .-Boatties , till biza LIU 8114 0 en- . I I 00outury" bralood. yw; will have no o4,140�, 44peolool free at rattrIoTtio.,kPiat telylvAA 0 .... �� I I Is tust Wo , It . - �7
&Burney . 1tbIQdIIftJLnco. The new A-1 1, I in, dio" check pastterns, lwoad$ so IOU] - ., - flat $.4 t-r-lobleo, 2$ 0.33. . . Rv I ract L
I Gatolsda's favorile — Lila .nutiful loCiL.Jull on Lila Corner. I in) 1; gild, L I * 11 . � I . I � I , I .; � r
: - 7 L ld lighwo-1. running covering Ujo old as well its new ulceration, ilia In Men's Furnishings. And Hats Tbo Duke of York Tlei.s. : , L ,.
er, Tito LOwdship, tire RI I t makes 11-11 Tton will And the let"% and onall& up,to date goods Ills, tun be For lost. , flodl Lg r . 0 ,
. . Week womell secured. _s , � -_! , C k-xOODE,, C1 i M'o
. " " ., lit L6rUOUn lit last, wook first held cola- woollen well. Invited to consult Dr. Amer can Hits. straw tjats�, FAI ". AV,AVAV*VA
.1 � 1 $40-00 to $,3f)-oo arrilatlotj service in tire little fran't Sick women am the I R I r . - I Fti;l i 1. P� �J . . L �� ... 11
, � . church which had free') ")lived, and rierce by letter ar, and so avold The latest and most fai!bionable lists ins$ arrived. Tile gall These are wilhont. doubt lite noilablesoo Rids ever shown I . . I I
NOW Is the time &old I hall in !the Indelicate qu-4--inse, Offensive ex. straps Faidorot is very twipuloor %file peallQ12. We 11 kan" theat III Onderich. Xt will how worth your while-ttking a w a L I .
-, - . I : : 3 I he laving oil of hands. religious east, ', ofiftknations and obnoxious 10-1 treat. L - alk airutillif AD 6.1 . * 0 1 .
I place to get your wheet,a. ; — clees .and tidvice to the casididule ;a deemed necessay by some physt- pearl and black. Price 32.50. Sea wotto. They, 001 ,be in the wir,40W. I argains 11 �
I . . 'L were of At Illost. Itupreallive nature- All corrsrnd%uc*'0v*%e. Ad- 4111 I
.. . L' = , a and = I I Spec al B
for" 0 F80 n � 8 The etas"s moveral young filet tX HUAI% N. V. r
I . I I er.wor Via We On PRIDHAM,
I calaed tilatwo Lite 11trae C111191TIKAIA1011- k,julfi Btow�e. P�c by Co., Texan. =2`1 it Solit Agent for Chrioty'a 114ta, MQLF4A9'8 BLOCK. Ntxt tc Lee & Shepharl!) I
I I E Ill eve. U, It. p. Owen, ittid M. M. Gold- w tit besirlat own minek In -& 1; and It was
� I I:— BIGUG10 and �MUSIG R01166 be'rg, took part it, Jill the proceedings, I tried hr.n. I Vel end six , , - " , � 120 Yde. of Atuelienn Drpvs Itinslitis ut ......................
L . ire too, the I,AVItiv, Lit the IN'tai elated me. I reel Role a new per
I . ""§"@"O----- cot -net, etutle Of tile Is, uralen we any one without health. I have told CORNELL &SON, expert Under
..7, 111�1 wits slipplia stood digoilleal I'lle " of y ftiewids about the CM4
�:, I � f.rd1cI.soUoj1t'�I;.- an 10 and Furniture Dealers, are backagain in 180 YOU. of Anierlearl Dress Afns):ns at ... ................ �
- i� " ell ,fit, in presporIce of a lorve nottiller Dr, FItro;o's Com -0111 ,pernal �Cdlcal UNDERTAKINGs. FAST COLORS. 0
.1 -1 Important to alldvertisers o spectAtors. The Stone W11,111 ,already Adviser, I I I Ip the old stand, Bedford Block, with full lines .
1:, .1, 0: kid. arid had All Opewlln'l, AW I Qre tILCIV feCtipt PIP P One'Ct4t stern tv A? of up-to-date Und lastaking Goods and Furniture. r 180 yde. 'tar Aineiie,in Drosq Mt,411wis lot ...... ..........
i . �, � ,, Ali changes of oadvartisonstuals for the our- chbilad tint to La d3pop if custolus 1IU4 tik'4 FAST COLORS. I Oct.
mat Imam of Tax STAu man n ;, a The tocst serviQc and best goods are guaranteed
'. � the printer not later than MONDAI MOON of Church Hecord. k 01%"1%4r.!Fkl vilurch* - I URNITUR-Ell
I � ; i . � I each warek. Advertisers will kileasse govern man. The %voinAll'o Aggillary WWI- I �� � W�._ .11--- moderate prices. Call and see us. , 41114114 100 Yds. Printed Piques, Fast Colors ............... I ....... I oc,
:� , ,; CONTRACT ADVERTISINI Tum alb. 0 undertakers, Eml:laim'e'rs and 1320 Yds. of Print--Watranted FkST OOLORS-Regular
-1 - The figures for all tationtracat ealvertiotoff far- - r it fill 9 vitro, Wo V`sdponPF- OORNELL & S N Furniture Dealers. -
. , � allottle twelve clusuglairso your. EveryaddlUonal now Sentinels colas at t d 1260 Yds. of Prlitt-.1,Varranted PAST COLORS-Regul
;, ,�, �. i: change will be charged for extra. the actual ,and ilia to lowina n ,111go; In conileption __ . - -1 - - I . ; air.
�," .. � faciat at oomilloaStion, front 15o. to TU wittt the aliural) not to 01-90011 I- Tho POP111410" of the catinty of -I wait ,weak. seat -poly little In dralt Oid soldler's Experlene'e. Are you not wplf ? A10 You Janke. I I
�. .1 I All accounts ars renderiod and siollected Arzlittect. IJ. Ayloswarth, Tolonto; fitioupqatorvailloottlipponsti will fit Illyself shont, worried. find M. M. Auridn. a civil wair Veteran TlveRe Gooda fire till this Eeason's ninko anti at Sale Prices,
� ... �;, Monthly con tractolv, Ste wart, k flaria, Luaknow; till probability torn QIA to 440 Atakilit quitooll allragpoll Alillep's Clornpound of Winehpgtev. Ilia., wrltev. ,.M
.1 I", ittea. Messrs. T alwilta 05,0w, � ;1.4111 Pro rapidly Ill-Longht albunt a ; EXTIL%. VALUE.
. " I ., building conim, , wife was bilelt it long Little lit apaite of vou litell t lint Isuoy,,,,,n,,,y ,,,f ?1,1
,',,'�:.', :: foods. Willittill MrQuillan, TIlut"Its � I - .q. , - chainspi I novel (Lit lootter Ili my life goill di,vto0a treatinerit, tint Wits cative sit rd.lonst on Just Thev tire le" (])till Wholesale Priceg
L, I ,. Phillips, 01141-100 Durtill), Hdwavd it Lila cklid Is rostlaus tit, flight, has 4111411 I till nowl" till t.11 to f1`41'e"Ll"' ",Ito IV enred lay Dr. King'm New Life try Milit-t-'a(141tiipr)itsidlrolipiliti. 'J:Ile� Whedler Vital watut to buy or not.
:!��q Ube Goberfcb Star. w committees Robell conked Loctirtio. sallow complexions a heard. 25contufut-50 uses. 1-ortiale pillp. whieli worked wonderti forher
.t� '. ", ", Hones I finance will build vtsu tali. totio tip vour tier
.. ;, " , Tnaurnoxic UALL 71 ipes, 'Richard McQuilit'll. Harry dosie a( Milivor'li Worno Powderg Is whot by all dingglets. heith.h." Thevalwayndo. Try them. vlluH 'y"W111- ScIvO vote 0001.9v. and�
I'�'L "" — i;UJ1,#n I 0humh Waldem for 19CO, Isrequlied; V - epv pleasar 1, and pet-fout - Only 25c. at. Jus. Wilson's drug store. niake -,on frel like Is liew person. W
I � 'L:,� " I Church lvilartutess. Pot- gifts try alldruggists. On Sunday, 111th Ittaky, Williant D. llot.es25eenle. Fortutlehy all drug- TERMS # J. Me COLBORNE,
�L , I ,� �; L' Wardens (aiv I ;, William M Quill -1. ___�r . Webster, Sol) tot Roilert wellater. ex P. L. Marden & Company. London. gistil. I C ash or Produce. #
I I George MC -11 allot La. Fruit grnVVQrS Should best in mind reeve of Astalleld. (tied in West Were IMKIAO(l the Cant T #let Vf mot lailtim Telephone 86. Goderlchaa�
11 'LjL'� IL EdItorlail OoWweiat All these 4OLutuents; wasta p)ri ad IN - sit 35 years And lite new giatiolithle sidewollas air L,nek- The ExpoAltor forges the putting on .
I "L it In with IIOAV. '1110 price was; 02 cellist Pei- Of till autontoblit, passenger line he
(1� L. Tas Signal recently deplored the Lila otone anti covered by -plaxe to Miss Marill, ' 141090"T VA UNA" %"
:,�, 1 IngyLltv, JI;st provitoilit La which hymn other pplatoloona inixitne. unitied lit trial tht
- !'�-� is -t. as it reproach to this riding of W - 11.411:1re f"Ot 'trial Mille lowest Lhat fia,A I Wet'n SPIL601 h 1111d HJLVfieId. $Laid I L
I . _ ir Graham lit 1891. neice ask Risk-& . I weellivit by tiny otlito join .�(.-pal U"e'll, OhNervel wilutio it line "Lai)
114� ,eleventh election it, thAttitativ years. V
I " :� '. I I "Tito p1l,aamb,spup founditt Ion By their act lop on, tile alto 11131 all. I;V- !IV in I he Pi 4svitice, land ns the (1-mit-il light-($ liet weell thatt, villaup land Graud . I -
� �vr , ,:, TheSignal. however, ouilts the fast is Jesus J 'tit t to 11"11141' r nod howeitt, HMO I NV ,1111 Pow' farnied till 1898, va-lipit lie retninvil Im intentlA to bitild about, 30.0uO f -'e -L ,,f Bend, I —
''i, , Wall slang witb ev.0109,00, 611 ruch � 11unbl"'. 11,11 luck walk lists minniners It tilenlis it tativing . ---,at—
..,; "; ,ttint this extrevitgant, record hits been When tiers correct a -I Yang lit Ill 11'.001,111. which 41P. at. -wor $5W on the t)llv.P vilid tiltst a
. JIF . r $'178k` I'#' ypill-, 24tol-quil k Cil� 0 00 %'orl,, I ' Scold
tits 10tordubi 91 *P tipo, bilioltianevs, (Iloweineso, V, 'I- soot Ymi tiood tint equall all night ILI d
West Huron. Lhat it its on tile eve of Ito milvept,rowaia in lono,progap"d: "Illjo oppliblil4n. 11to Ifirp pl? laaks�., le It. 11 N, il lIq 0 , Iflill Ills .
TIL;.�L' ptitiler, I I Vol, ill tit, I# yonl- triendo, I lit-, a is till taut- - P007"
� � P" sworked up oratorically by the inladeeille "in LIM Ijasnas of thito It .9" Poo aide uy W 41'44W� ,41.1 yp" KV -11 -_ �*_t___ -!,m 6.1 1,611 rtkollill.if the likk of c", - I. 100%MNL I
. . a taut loot that blilid It. i ff T," �. 41 T314 tirea IP411"t aillope" I r 4JI(JI14111 tif JA11fJJ14VFIQol (Ia., , .
� . The member tor West Huron bile b;Js1laf ; - -L4 air*'* 1win tie NYIIII as, le,gok. It-',, A,,Ii Dan oultaliNe SVrnp. TIA. .,
, ,,; their labor I yoIll. jopppift lial I uIpupliv; ..Aar di- at, Too " . - 4-tirt-as r4lialho, rold-4. 11,11'i" . ..
.,':�l 1,�� I years advocated the abolition of Our help If In tho WILY P Tpol Ilk p w6' , i;##t ra� t girls because
for His Lutoship- I gp§t,lI)1I gl lie polp-it, amil stot-d rook ruonio alaro ill), ]ill lee I book wrliv'4 "I"liviot
� �.�i 11;�, Life Senate, later a drastic I nVon aovflti? 11, 0 PON ,11 I 11 t1le to rlilop I h V4.1o, Salve Nythowla , ti'0111110N.' It Il"ltDA-te4 N frOP anti I .. ,. '.
, ;'. �,,�, j, � � , that useful bodr. Wheat he voted for a &1swer-Who hath made he vpor 1111011i fill"18110 11411,111.1,111V to wor. Mirvil It in ove I Itya. r4l.r utwavi.;, "ll"t . their shoes don't
SM extra to Life thembei If —.--.a— , R I 14 . ", . stand the strain.
.111, �ls�, I I . praver. some and distasteful, )-oil ntrat not WvIl. For sale by arl d ruallisto, I . I . . O'.. . . . .
I I I 1", , to birroself-it looke like allialoiltion or Answer -And tot ajw,cry come Onto Minerals Compound Iran Pills IV It . . . .., *1
1� , 1� , 4". L grefoatin with a venveance 1 Hill Lok,dehip-Blessed be tbs wW. 0 intake It 4 pleAsure in attend to lauxle I �
,� 81a, a faith far 1101-1� "I 'IThe Finest Line of ---Ngft L
� , ,drawl; $7,(YJ0 a Vem cents for 'duai#o.. Fp; viklo 17 till . I ones. .
"'! ,,�;, he at one tinte declared to he absolute ilia LO[dehjp ,And people -Tho . I � I .
, ��� diat, It was ,la utonsittowe shaine" to too upon tie. pruspon- &frail Lila wmi,4 1, 0 1 I of school boots
, � � ,:,;,,, . �elrnctt ilknoc),000 annually for . Lite ')tar nands upon no. 0 prosper Lboo , �, e .# lopw (ullis )p1oIj an .
I ", Goveramerib of this coolatry. voted Tire,% followed roverently the Lord's . L
L �i7,� fly Cast anillton, and Connefirl; Bt�ggies I
IL " � 1 , I approvingly this session for the expea. , , Hie Lordship saldi %Iui. atineron took the ujactolne front Made to stand the wear and teargoodr
�11,,�,� ditureoC910,M02). tov the current everlasting Uod. Locknow station. Thai I I I I
", L ,. 11 ". Zion a precious tire great labor savvrit and tile work 1, ., stout leather, flexible solest, strongly
�L'j�, " �L, V~. -11 tuade with hands, they do, Is fur ahead of tile old systeon 1, I I
I �, �, ()a. Ellj�
, � -es thit; house to lie erecied to Lite Glory of road inaking. . 4nd I
,. �,,-�,�4�, Tait ScAmoaTo Expostron declas stitched, good appearance.
��_L ,;�,�,Z_ ��, Tan ST&lb traduces HagRer Preston of thy Holy Nattle. find gralit that allioutilless Burdens Life. - Tire \, I . i
,: , ,� �' , 1, � . when it sairil "he line nothing to lose they who strall taithfuliv offer to thee bilious man Ia nevei, it compan lona kilo I I Moderate In price.
,,"."L 'L' ,r��_�.' 11 fair of t))eir joubstanee (or Lite furtherance beonnse Ills allinent, rendism follow 1 4,
I � ')J. I � in the way of reputation" find Ataik *A 0,10 ppal work. may lie preserved noun 6, 1 . I
�t'�- is bill of Particul, L ralgilli through Jesus Christ not so dnagerous as it to disagreeable. is
, I , !,�., ��"., J Yeb no one need suffet from it who Carri\a e
� sevidVaice recantiv that someone who Than Ills loordstalp ok%14 � van procure Pairruelea's VegetAtble ..
9��,_',. � know hion-prettiP well mdd he would [a tits falf:4 of Jesilis Obrist, Vp lljF Pills, By regulating the liver and oil- ____ - 9 . 1, I .. I "EMPRESS and SLATER SHOES.oIv
��','�. mot believe Preotou on oath. find S. H. bills 1`01111damoll scone, on tho oftWe a Flt�tlpq the ely,apts of bile Ili the I . _. _ �
I I -111 (led thr, pother. 0oli tile I,Sun, 4n ti Btomao4 'noy reoppin, "Ion to e4eeFroJI- . , � 1. -
I . " , 1,�. erstwilille machine hUgger. declittell LO 'Here let trilif faith, tbs fear of and, _ .0 _ To bo seen In any Tow
, :., I accepthlaeviftencein defence Of the and bmtherly love, ever 1-01110411 thie The tra f f - . N Orris, —
, , � vinat tits Cook charges. place Is dedlea d to raver, and to litive let the )oil for extenelve repaire , EJUD I
��'. ',:',, -, seenfas tq IRS Buell a reputation 4oes not the pralae ort our rojoer HOIY Saviour to the School house. which will intolude �-\ colulk, ABOUT SOMETHING NEW IN'OANADA
, I _� . I 019110th with 1,1110 FAM161' and the Holy, tiaces. an%, fitting tip recreation roonis I THOUGH OLD IN BRITAIN
`_11,111_ tell us vrhy 1preatton did not go on wit -It Qloagt., one God, world wlthoul� end.' arid patent cloak ratiorn Ili basement.
r, , , I, World. whi!wo it made some pretty All joined hauQ)y In hymnNo. 5M.— tilation. Jas, Hill, of lyth, has the G\U N D RY'S —assousbo— 44DIallefouse" snellings ,,
,, ��,,,, sairecifto th Argos P a theo In hk gh yye lay, contract., at $1,02D, not including the \L .
11 - it daV duping the holidayie. This will be Lit We an so -"--]L
;;'/� , �'L ;. I Tax AarrATsov for a siodary grab Ia 'to guard this house and scautAisory., , - ANZIO
", j:,", , Parhoment halt oucceeaed, atkol We Ill Bishop Baldwin. in sphooll lit the);iJet #urt?n hispectorake -COME! A�J) EXAMINE THEiM.---,----Nw I I �. �, I . 1, �, H01042
� � 1. �,,:��:, .1 egret to 44�7 that Mr. Borden, leader conclusion, okora4 prayer as followin- I , I . I
� , ", , .0fthe 0onifervative paitty, supported 1,6 God. without whoof nothing Is To Prevent Is Befter Than To 4e. WS Vfflc A � I .
" �', 11 the resolution' luttoduced Illy Lite strong. hothinct I , A
, :1 Pont,- Ittlo fred clue the shape
I -,,� �,',: Premier' ralsing tile Indemnity from build up these wa In to thy honor and of tile wonde'r1lil . all lyinch tire 11ft 41149 Of The QmW4 Carriage Co's Goo,ds. � IN
2 ", ," - .", glory. Let tile light of Thy, hoIX known armelee a e a � \ I
tole Pills I I
I , , '-, .,�� .,4, , $11" to $115M a session. Less than press ge barer shine upon them. An Admillitilt# 'At the p time ana 11 . 11
�L�,;, The Wm. Gray &\Sons. 'Co's Goods, ' HALF �, HALF
I : ,1,1; � halt * dozion, 'Members voted olgalpiat way hV Holy Church, bullt npon the with the directions, her to often jitge r Co :',-
,�, � ostles find Prop. prevent a setions attack of Ricktoe.as *
!,� , e"C�('. i which slecto".of both sides shouI4 hoka . The Tudhope Carr ., and 11,00ho .1 I . ND
I condemn., 41; to 01lattited that the �xos th a 4 1 1 oy that which dis I I I "
� �'�,"`i?,� Maitit likeilple Will agree with Us tbat Holy '10'Pi rd. Amen. blood they bletir the skin of linper. Thompson & Son,,o London. I.
I means IiiMia Months of, vor Flio, vto h?, .
li � � r4i IA onifialloyed to tb a bu Id. ,,My father and easier both 41til of . . &V
I .. ':1;1% �_ `wftk.'*hh:W*ontoii ill r tra ali. tbs. *L6tTJJV 19thetly hand ever be conefum tions" writaost J. T. Weather. L ) - I . . I .
I . go down 10 OftWA bould tard $0 a d I is wuk PLt itillelonlonia 1w,en at), ' -4 I I
. I .,.'; week hiAve bu,44itair In which vob VP sloatare _U to faijartlift alif 06 slash" troularle, , aft an agoollont docl%r � I . " . . ke 1111101111111,
I I . could pat theatur The grab lucludiat I LsIonva a Talbbils could %lot Blips, tatitr no is* luorottkol Ilse . I I . � I I lw� Picklikil, T*&,Plcker
1, . , 0161061411 h*eIrl , I i1olif I f;"i�ALI%'A'dI%l1lRt*ou616. Trial � 1. : ,. ON Stienines
. and rotao6nittio d'ol, doodi(4 lit, t , 00i W- I H0180 . & S 4' 1 1
, �,�.� �.,� '' " - on th* - "one.4 : BULY"Cles-4 I , r .19. "I'd -to to 9 W10111 -a
I - 6 , his but 14tailio � L Mas, th, it Total WiNhuft it ,.,, .r,.,. RMAC YA. art, h .
, a .. I I .1sad a . * L
I., 'L� .. X`L�'.. I " L ,., I 1. :, 'L, Whith 1hir t II III f(k* utolp pflioaoik� , I The tOison f6t OUt SwcesiS to fIlle qjqcla, Trade is eas,'liv, ds. sainottilLft xcollfift 4 .
. .11 _40"'- : 0! M�IE p6d Ll 11 ,I �. . _;.�. . _ , !!" POO "I '"64 STI RDY & -CO., Grocers The Squgre
, . Lh.lko:B61Jd,, I * L L 11 " �, ," . . le . _ 1� I I � . I I 1,
r I ZftuU161 , a C _oo 'Loo "foUidiftloilk , I "..'Ai ;:i . N I .1 L I I L L IL , 1 , - L I . . � . 1� . 11 I .
� ' IL � - C ,�
I I . I j I L t 4 ,4$� I � , :, " I I . pp. L . 11. , , L . 4, , - I
: r, ,, 'I, I 't - t'is hutim—AY4 I torAh'"'Routtwo,riti ! , �,�, ",!,; !�., ".L L L r L I )"Ir " �, L 1? .JoL, - a ,
I L 1#"t1*%=J41X'"I401f1t6t4.&-� �qaw ' W J,
iomfi�,64;i AN, *
1: , ''I Of toba I � .. I.", ; I I cyc 1, � mcent H , Aft##U1.1NML *"Ou 0%,6t*AV"%W 1 .I LINt, , '' -
� L bf 06 " I I � I :I .1 Y�i
'I" ` I 400
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yb - I � - �,! - r: �, C:�
U. �tobaflgyykd .1 �.: I L f - Un , G` � 6, - �` ` , -
I , ,
, , , , �� * �, , I , nb d � , 1k 12
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