The Goderich Star, 1901-05-31, Page 3. lw_� J - ,:- '. ­ - - ­W� - I. - ...3, . � --,7 � . , —_ 7W � ­ 11 T+ Is _�,;, I . '10 . — ,� I � 11 I TIW7� , . I .1 I - 11 t, I � . Q I I I , I � I ­­ � .. - Ps"Wil'o,"Im""."" I - —1--rlr— -.1-11 � ­­­ - � -_ _. - _ - - , I -I - . � I ,. I . - , I I . I . " bVit *We sot *4 'of I I.. - 1-11 ­­___ � ..... . � , , ' I I I rj=w toorw 0, , 11 - A I , I . �� , , " , ; 1111,II1111111 000 *41001% I 0* I . . I i : - I M, .klatot , -1. I I , . I 'a, I � 11 I 11 I 15�=. ZiE.X2.0m 13 It I J , � ,0§11 � I �� I � .1 � . , A U - - ? �� . I . I'll � . ' P0 . I ..� I . � ;V,#i �,Ii I I No =7X,*w"x;7 � . I I -1 . , - 4" a, ILsstw*,t** 14 1 ' ___ - __ W" �s JOW104 W-4*06d J4 jV41,` � _W f*V ov W I , ,0, 9 6-0d, t. &* � DaW I- Wow T1W )Rio - I., ---.111 . "", ­ ," .. - , "041,4. t�,O` 4** 44,41111,00* P1104 11V I �� I � I 11 _ . I , ` ", williilpllol =Jr.��,09 0* I � * . I U. W" 1110,01 0010"d 0 1W -PW* Aw$k* bm A^ �%,t , I .: , , " I., I �! . - , ka *lk I I I'' - mobed . .1 'I =, "tke"st *0,at , I I . � I , " , . � , 11 BW Not, B4 0 r) �90 - , . 0,4*44 �ioa to 4�0,T toillo, Wd-0- � , - - 11 - ,d �. �,� B �0: '' � I - �O -1 I. � . I .. ,� - .t ,� . � ,� 1- �, -, - ­ I _ - ­ '194 � At owio, �_. I WA% 00, *0�10 it 00bik- - � �.�,� . . .00 � .,I, I . �,�, I 11 tim sp� , 4wspoilus. XiOtVtral" Q9 , I � . T#A*6W*, , . I - - som, I VX4 , . . I . � - I ,�.� , I � Viollv*46 aw*W, , ** *#X"0P,Wwl: I . - , I I - ! , I . _1 : -, � I . I . , I . � lvoo '*0.4, *_qf ­_ , '., ,�' -0 ltr-;isk, 00 ad � . . �, ,� bAl. I I . , , . I . - . . 11 , fts,'"thk 79,1W UT . .11 � . 1. , . 0",I;� 190 lato, f.4 t1so tratp, waiii Jost � �1 . I I I 1�1-R I � � t Jim MR 04, t:6 " . , ��, s, . ,� �,, . ;04 _ rWP1V,QWslek4b,csn ,f " X 1W , osit*.St. 'I I giv, 04 J,,o4XW,q* on �� I 0 11 " � - " , , 'j., . 11, tols 0o0'W.,aWftqt"#s7at a ;WRhty a '41 .­ 1400 Y, 'icies - t , �, .,� A.144. ,. 1. I . . 04t. $6w.tiniass,roo . ioft to, 44 ilo - - ftC*__s,, "*iN%A*V#,#V,A*,W,A*,#**"*1 I , " , . � _ . . 004� , � Ur6am 114 w I I " _0 'it 0 " . Sol* . , : ,�,viw._, Tais"9@ pra#4*4 ftom this ltl�*Jx , . I AT eA I 41sotAd J**" �� �__ I)- , ,1 ,t._ , �1 I � -11 'M W"It RPL � & I Of up A,% pr teo " I - '. . -, Z )w 0 ,. -0slialliA -4 I'll, tf � _ykr . r. Thexis IV'# , s., � ;,, � t . A I ,_.A -, r 4 , RX',AVA , . , � � : �, . ,0Vl*Z, tc;t;,�,,get; dath'. 4,4; 0.vitie, PC Wed dosw* '�Ivsr fro,$_ Adf A,-4 . -04 ,,",hilts, � 1001 P.,O�*""*,k.,�',w�l#,.A-ooswrd = 9 _ " to � : , 00 '.. 4, . W" )OW I % U#4gr4fQod-14*..6"� - I logo,' . , *P* that ,�kta bg*k 4J4 -not,ox, , / � I . - , 11*411111owling .Nlu 40wr�, 0 D _ ,.!# $,ii* .,"t,,s.,] , ,,1. I I "I I tw t, � IN - , . � **iare - I y � rWah WbA '9*14 - , , , 0.1 eal�* � , , _t 4, 1. " V41,04 uum 144;111�4 $04. xtr0t- I 'zingg is-, 4w,­kt(posuao I , . �, . I I -1 , I I . ­ Ow "I ot 01111r. A ... OA I I I :, r I - 4 I ' e Wigg, , fio.`.�rTto I OV -414 00,04 not. 'too, *91I.X0" $bat pagiq , , t.4 I # fase& Aiaw-Awas. -,'It tim , ages ,I n,_070, XW 1004. 11*011 Th4ra , * * 4 rl , 0, I , 14 1 : bo",,v ' I, I 1. -, ' I I; tq - . . � .1 � ­ f, W 44 t i , , ge, wk1ity.4tisd to thrvg .Qtf, refliLop � . 1. ­ 0-wrl0lasoy _q 4 .1 I IAA-1ft,w,e*Jr- T46WL , ., sig. , ,4, impronl4x%. It, guvia, , T- 0.4it'gilvot, . "ut ,set, t NI .4'" . , ­ -je, , - , , ^_ �r � th*';",oto� .� trp w0aian"Ot TokWit OW thlo" in Jal pt�vsi thtit ai whowthesr'Holy $JgX1.t , . � I a b . *44: , indon, I . , , �affwlko*,� ,� sam, � t. wX ou-PPMA tAo h40,47, U*,fi;s il wi.ai. I � lowt. � I , .." ,,ii*wkk� , , *sora � - - , ' comesix, to, 4 sun '. *'rt,he dotAi, ' -- , - " , , - We, * -",� : , - - . ��� � . #*4jW to persuade DaYR � to, take, jerigially, 10, tbi I ,,, , dams!k iom*w�y,�,O�w,*% J;o- 44_Pt40,TXO, Our.,tu trnin, oiev*'tso bwvv-ry� ,, : � , ,.� ow oft, I* 44#xv*- , ' "Yea, W, ' , .. , �;tql; his beoutifull" but xsioreAtit �Poel 9,�04, AxI4 ga, aqr*tiin�ea ;w , A , , . ,YA t4o $-;boo* crsi �biro*klsm I -ben t4A 0 , is. X.olWrA w")l,14, 044aw - . I , , , , 1p, , tore "104 449"0" - o"WWl4% 11 Trio"VA , w , p�ar-'exxiig ' � I h , antt� il;it4t T �wl# _ Aill;�'#t4tego,� 0- Spirit vcm;414, Io, 4 m", A, prayo,; - PA 7M "Ok t* I DO . . , _*,*W0 , I :; .1.4410M , , A a tho W � , Tot, IW_ W, - - . , , ae� you'. , .? SW but t),* caugeh *,eooxe;y,,bOUt_UIaa W wa 04- VIOW"A *At A I W me to , , 1:6 � . . ,A X'04 0,40 -MOO b,v I I'W40 r;' el X4, _#* Aw Ata" Out . 4001, , s� , - .i;4xi iI.. no. equaA 4 , i i0f. 'mett _,V,n��* ,, , , , Holy. Spirit i1wAys:cOmps with'ans 11� losp. soosarlly Warr .1 " , � . . , I. ' I � Itt eon 4 pUl.p. t1kna'And this t _94, 04t 144 W-044 44"JbQuot' I0`Vtb7 T%471got 4010 this Tains. AIAd , ". the � liarwhad b I Was, Q. t4at ii'tO, 67�14VV,-, mala tb4 , � I - Iota be �#ken back: tt WO1414 b4T9 "004, tath dom%im,A " ' tini't tbei i'tiq at ao@q;lsn;-.,r '_9 ,, twupip !�ha tT**'WxA ale f0kat Bristol , I CQU W a , ,' 211-414131 � 11 , : � . Alma . , ,a* Q IR . :w . , 's . . � Wt,'4W,d1_q,04T 46 But whu 1 was, i ffectilial'imt Oka, omaltio bg,u4ity,d, bs � - , , ; �. bosp:bio I am'- 4 -Apt le 0404 iftom. um 11 rlxby� "I . , I ;a�,,� at .1104. Sp.ltj4i�14 ihis,housa t' Out JQW4g wrt*r, tto pas"n - . Or% . . poapd, A flotioq wbi9b ogmiplittoly, r4 XJ - ,,4,r " _ _ . , I O# , . - p, �, . I I ..., I X0. , 1144_1 1 t attaftosely ever :1 r0P-QZft!)5cd tb* IdAt "O ker'li,k 10AN what 9 u outog is do but � L si'ttlem y, goo -4 "4 ,� ' 140#4 GA : .. toXed'DaVidsa thsart. $lioi,w1n,ds up the , t. .rk al .r L, alinpo -yo:.Xvp OW t4,a W9Zm1#1�04, I, 4. IWA44,114 bWn �AIIOAUIA! 04 I thill Aqg�, q I Me into Jb4 r.oQm_TheT%r . ' tiieeio 'opt'!ir . I All*#' be Q;t , 04mbow 4240P m4a- g 49;y, by am"s hina tOlcAt4tc 08 6 ro Ur ".UI t kL 04iii $&a,( 11r, " ix , avii Myer been ci, , _ mQ*t'JI,3RP itt '. Yet �d,?,ty, po".1. h 1. I � -0 An, yo , , !k4t, � _ io� X ''O, OA71DU -, .10 . �ici� Iia . . Iviis dj* �0 1, had oslxi� i m ,W 410,74A ponail. Yotit. . . r , JAL* .4 vio# . b ' . p, b4t, I gu�u therii'll 4 t . - ,� son bor 4'oa*f4 lro�W at P&ddl'PXLQ3L I've ,be not expeil, 111citigle4ag IV31 �. ., _ r all that Ilia bantishoif , 0,4 F4 i�m coma out to mT,old Wend, ]Kra, Deiimeris. SIW_ � - of gO 14", � , r � at the _Iq�13t. YCP4 Bee - that the's'l. .. . tako'c' f hso na-mieO �)Pe of so=- pw 04 ;xom him." I I L - tis, , . Clir!stlan peoplo, are On, a read that'144 li4wi,ted qse .4 -the hope, that ,4, that"a o" qtimitoc . N , , �, - , T go 404T ,r ,Indeed, then, are we all b4altibod yog are not travesMug, and tbough M."'gbt .renew no 04 love q,ttaix. With alid twy rfttrai4 from arall- ro God. What do Lvou mo4n by- bart, not. adm�t -tba words heaven .gaggba Bond, give, yeaxa,, eptill" low, Tlw 9W guard's dl;igusit aacI the I JJ(h*Gait v Well, It meauto'beingsdrivela Y�L . ,41 acew I pki,aired at the Loia� a 10!11A . ��Ua your,minsil, you are, soorlsol, 1� WAU I'M lad �PTACTIO doin. tseirtminum whie, the ,,,, P, 1, Ir �. � OUS Of t.)U3 far,t that there mast be � �,*,W!p Xt'04 me In? g,d , I 0 . &"y and wea,ring fetterA. It measna -9 deatiales, two calmer%, two con, rY a rich brewer, #e qbM - thimposlives saddled _ tN% , , giggly Imp � . -agnm Onsaind b(tipir absence from boXAP. It means d1tiow, two teirmAni, two words an-MId ilixese years, liatei� , w1th the W40AT luggage we're aimios " . . , mod. Mra Bsla� t I I In 'Isalme, places andt on some octcasionts tagonib-tic, Wid evextaistingly %wung raome, thoUght that 'weV m4lit rq"- toto gruipb for ing, even though I might I , N one Ott the uggT4yvvd parties. a , . On *expatriation to Siberia to delve up"'t- 0, wIcat Is thl" suPPrellsed 9U,r old miat'joins. Bat any oxpecta- Oaddesally. an duspiration coma to 44 1 1 ass-tationt What is this awful fill- � , tho minas and to be fastened in a owel The 11cily 9I.Lnid The infinite tiloos tattit Lwy liaivs6 been formed wore mg. If I really WlIeved that Mxa. isk I co)x1ti-gang. Yes, the ftole race is Sp,'rit! The eterinal SpLriti The 4`11ZIDWIF dwtzuYed, as I speedily be. Bond had takeA the Xuby and conceal- Y b4ndabqd ; our first pareAto from Divine Spirit I The light,nnig-footed c-mi3 a captive to May York,. th, ed k In Amr, box, I might take ad- ia� . li pa�ad!sa ; the recreant angels bunish- and firse-winged Spirid The armed chilitiXeWs igovexi�a unit a distant re- vantav3 Of the schoolboys' ta(Lssoblaf Spirit! The all-Galiquering Spirits and s4ely take paiaseasion of box prur an a from heaven; the whole hamen T-bJ3 Onallip0l.C.11t Spirltl Hc comes latitim of ui. D*=;Qrc� PeTty. t , � . I (axially banialled from peace. Whore down upon your stsul with an aval- I On tb3 vwy day, ,itu, whiplis I found , "I wonAeir U my Luggage is all Ih igi,the worldly man who'has anything ant,ho of Powex. He jurnsna,adg! you, that I had guliud May's love agreat rIght," I said, aeaTeliLng amongst a ; tby of the name of bappluessf to rePe"t; h`3 b`gs, to believeZ he mj:istWtuZ,a f,ii Upon, us. � The valu- t4o hearly istuoked boxes sad cases. h I WOr I asks you to live. q.uvo ye received "That Looks "s mine. Yes, it's quite d ! ,What aire theme anxious looks of tho th3 Holy Ghosti" w n from 2,!ght; tha yclaxag rascaka have, not brokers, of the bankers, of the mer- Amonig the means that "God has de. the Jew,�l cab�met, which was looked meddled with milise." . . chants, of those men in the club house, v1sed that thas boulshed be, Act expel- and opened by a,seer�t dev4ce, known ThB. ctn�y d(iffeireme between m,y I bed tram him," I notIce also ChrLstian Only to i,ts Own,,, box cad Mirs. ,Bond's wa,s a dent in " of that great multitude of people I heir husband, and to one WA% Mintuined during one of its lGeTrOMadinga. F�rst, there is the in- , Who tramp up and down Broadway? fl,aenao of uncestra,I plety. Wee MaY. .Whea the Lo3s ww% discovered jownsys. WUbout much dLfficuLty Banl%he,d from God. Banished from tbeire not a good man or woman in tbz latter,liaLi'Isted on her poiseessbans I 4ttscov%airssd t(he similar box belong- - peace. Banialied from leaven. Sin has I Ymr W=,eatral Linef Is there not an being searched, and. hidden away In 109 to Maggie Bond. a . broken in, and it has snapped all the o)d MUG at ound thtc house with worn Onia ett heir boutees. a &A--morlid ring be, "If I can only ;fliad am opporr'Unity." b . L, ' ' used turitted dorwn leaves, giving Laos to heir employer, which had I thio(ug-Ilt, "I'LL Untitate the isobool- Y atrIngs of the heart; it has untuned yara it'ha Wat that thexe was soma one been taken Lrom the cabinet, was belys end inteirchaugo the labels." all the instruments of earthly accord; w-hD Prayesill Was thare a famAy founA. Although there we& no sign And a chance qu!.okly caaue. There I Gc'v it has thrown the, whole "rth Into I altax at wbilch you used to bow? The of �Lbe,ruby, thadiscovery of the ring was a sudden shiri!ie,la from the ea- y . it jangle. An old writer tells of two I 0ATP,31t Iftay have, been, 1vorn, aut, and was not antiensonabLy, pexhap% con- 911ne w1l" caused the guaird to put . i th-� chair may have, been, acdd for old Sildexed to be pxicosk of May's gnat. an Vb brake. and, with a aeries of brotbar4 who went out to take a walk . pux.niture and the, knee that knelt on The shook of ,the accusatlion brought jaxics, tatio, Long ex,preas was brought to In' the night, and one of them looked I thsa one �ad beside, the other may on, 8, see-eus Attack of Illness, which *4 stsind tio up to the sky, and Wil, " I wish I had never aguirt be pliant in carthly- made it impoissiblia, fox the Delaimeres "We shall be veiry late," the guard d I I worshlp; but you remember, to courry the Cilivestigation farther. grumbled. as ho swung himself on to 0 a paetaeo field aei'larqo as the night . heavew." And the other brother look- DO YOU NOT REMEMBER? The ovildeame was so clea-r that, had the Lime. ed up into the aky, And said, "I wish Aba Lt been other than May who was so- Now was rely ciltaince. I squioLlY I had aav many 9xein as there are that ChIrdstian libmestead, the 011SC4, M,V own common sousse, must slipped tilia, label trom my box and as , Memory of it to -might almost awtamps have made me acquC,esco to, the belief swittly placed it to the holder of Mrs. - . staxii In ,tho, -a*',': " WeIA�" said" the YOW soul. ,Wh,-,n the first death that she wan giulbty. But nobody laoind'a. -Then, just ss the tTedp begun g ,P 11 � twilt, "h6w'wo0lo ,ysm�fdod uo rgauy came to the bougie what was it that whD k,w,w MAy_.og6 I foad.V imagined to mow slowly am I succeeded In � oxen Is' Said the a�6bnd, "r would'hirn ei�nicirtesd thse- old peopleV WhM 11 did--sotwhic to bellove her to be placing Mrs. Band's Label In aiine be - theta into Vou:r pasture. " " What I Yoth stood funding thtexat .in their last auilLy of a base theft. fore the guard again joined in.e. whether I would or uiot0l' "Yes. wile- hour what was It that gave them, I Undertook to be respsomis,iblis to the At Paddington I dixected is porter thex y4u. Wcald,-'ot not." And there courage,'tte dear, old deparUng &oulsl Dehimexes for the vulu,3 of the ruby. to collect m,v luggage and place Lt at arose a quarrel_aud when the quar- 0 You bata6slied cates, bear the voice cl Iia order that the whole alfaiir might once on a cub. As I was ,wabkLv,g I rel ended one had tililli the othir. the Ohrd'slian dead to -night, bidding be kept qex6et; but I xeserved the right down the plattocrin I met CAtIonel Ford And so thers, has been a xidletilous You Come botne, I remember " beltg of mAk!nq inqu.ixies mysoif. Unfor- off sny regiment, conteat in till agas of the,world, some- wAh mov father, ctrie day whets he was tunately, I had as yet succeeded ,'n "I want you to do ins A fiorvice�" J � times about Immat,orial ,things, some- liou"T!Td In EL ce%V ground. It WiAs dlic,oviering no cliuc- Now, howevox:, I exclaimed, puitting my &rm in his �� timeei about supposititioua tbinga,and " I a PlOugb-'uig, a ad I remember the coin,vexisa,0on between my old and hairTyling him towards my cab. if thierawnhaid all tbomight heavens how the sweat dropped down oil the flames Mrs. Bond, and hex maid, Mar- "Are you free for an hour cis two - i forr an estate; he noult1ript be happy, Plough handhis, an I A I remember at On, iseeimed llk��Iy t4o assist me In my but," as the thoug,lat struck me that many oxca noon hearsi,sis mIyL mother als able Stood hinquixy. bia was tot Likely to be waiting at ail them Are istare In the sky he would I not be happy, A,t the ceirser oft the house fur.,hway, ,Waiting uintil. mistress and maid Padillngton moxely for amusement. I BANISHED FROM GOD. Llimig us tot come, 1110MO, that the had settled thei!ir lqua-rrel, and the "axe you hem to meet someone?" I table was spread, laind Me dining houir farmer had ratstrated to the house, I "Yes, I wuis to meet my uic-ce, buit I Banished from peace. Banished from had arrived. And some, at yan. are strodo out of the shrubbery nod faced hex wire -just like most womea's- heaven. Nlow, if my sermon should down !,a Ws, and, You' haVe a hard the staxtbed g1tri. left it very doubtful wiliether she wa atop just bere, it would be as though t1me. It is rought plioug-hing, u.nd "I overheard some of youx conversa, ata.rtiing at two &'cicolz or arriving at r, man should look tlix,ough the wlu- thaale Is the eswoat at roil .mA the tion joist now," 1 &aid, steLrnLy. "Is that Oins. I reckon she won't be in liet of a penitentia�ry and flay to the swesa,t a matily isturiswIvs, Doi yopu not It true that Mr3. Bond understands now santU four o'clock; so, Lt yot4 re- incarcerated, "What a hard time Iyou. ,heax to-adght vvie" from heaven., cry- how Kra Dalam,ere'4 jewel cabiret is q16re me, I'm at your servioe till , have." What a small room. What poor tinig, "Come homi�t the Uble. is sprmad, cpenedf,�f . ilea." taxes, what a,hard pillow. Alms %or the banqno,t is readT. Come, homeg,, The giirl, reftwed to aa�awer my ques. "Jm3t get i,nto mry ca,b, then., and No. six, I will not go to the wicket Is there not In your present surround, tban. wubt for mia. I iha,v& to see someo,no of the prium, until I can Isay. ','Sire, Lags it Cbris,tiam inflitisnoot is, there "Clseitirly umderotand your poa�tlon, who waa to en,2-ot me hexe." I doyou -know. whAV thisdocument is? 'not a Chiristlan, vKilla, or husband, or MaLrtblis," I maid. -owing to MIss As I wao mak�Qg, my way down the Dan you read that aignature at the chilsis ou! brother, or siatex? Through Yorke's Qlness tha kravestivation into crowded platform a man came, for- . foot of the page 7 That is the gov- that influe,we God has been calling the loss Oil this ruby has been post- ward. , exmor'a signature. You are a free a gxent wW.he6 Ohs Pon must ,have poined. It has been understood that "Captaiin Tmemaynel" be asketi, I man." If my sermon should stop at been a pexisistenit Gave too have with- only Mr. and Mrs. Delamie,re and Miss It was my detective. I hurriedly � this point it would be as though I stood so much) sad withstOod so long-, Dolainerse aind � M-liss Yorke were ac- told b4 le d of my , im. thia ,a dMig points went Wto a penal colony, and I should What will yoa do next? What will God qualtat.d with the device for opening case, but did not inform him of tpe I wZr to the alaves. "On what small lim- do rjaxt? He willl somAow,break up tha cithisipt. Front whax I heard you excibunge of Luggage. I advised It Ila you wrB kept. It is most dread-, thts injobotonly. twill it be fire, Or say to Ma -s. Bond, your m,i;Vtrgss wits to shadow a un Mrs. Band As weLl a he 1 ful that u a -To never to be allowed storm, or the opening flUxances Of the also acquainted w-i-th the secret, al- could, And I wuI3 able to point out faxe,wharo. hard pillow, AlaafDr youl doomed wurld? What i1ext? God though she has allowed Mr. Delamere tha Lady to him, Then I retyu,rned to I YOul" NO, 1wIlIn0t 90 to that Penal w -IR not be fairever repea,tLng tibese to suppose that a was unknown M,V colonel. colony, until I can any, "Sire, I have nnss.,ges of laritations and alaTm, her. If irt should turn out that Mrtso ,,Now, what is It?" be asked, aq 1 9004 news to tell frou. The queen 'Whoft noxt? There will be a ,obange Band knows whexe,the ruby is, it will jumped bil, after giving the cabman has taken lyour case, Into especial in youx ease, 0 soull On the road be awkwa,rd for you, si-nc,o Lhe Law this nalne, of my hotel. olemssincyt and in two Or three weeks yua tra-vel. there, is & turn just ahead pundisbes an accessory to a crbne." "Well first of all, colonel, I am yen are to go home to your wives od yoLL This night tby soul. may be "You don't t1iiiink =7 min,taves stole runns�a� off with stimebody's lug- , and chiltiren. Give =13 your toiled,blla- required Of thee, Secto of YOU ha,vo t1ita xuby, air?" Martin asked, breath- gu ge.,, Wred hand In congratulation." A man beGa called by the gospel for many Lessly. "Bliess me, Tremayne! What d'ye . who tells only half the stary of the y,aairn. Do you suppose t.r1is:,t Ged will "I don't know, imy gixL, but I meani I heiard one of the Porters 6ay gospol mightbette,r not tell any of it. always keeP on 6n that linel No, I tell would as soon ba,luovse hex guUt,y as that a, lot of milachbovoug buys had W.,311, my fri,�nd, whit are some of you plabilly, My dear hearer, there will Miss Yorke," I Pa9sionittelY exclaim- alffted the Lnbels from some of the the mealu-is that "Gol has devised that be m, clitEngo Itt yoUr case. ed, "In any caa,o you bud better let Luggage, but I didn't r3uppose that . the bauLsh&A be not ex;polled from hilu V1, In the Ximt plac,e, the foot- ------.O— me know what Mrs, Band has had to you were the culpnit, and you look pith up through the rifts of skull- - FAMOUS SHOEMAKERS. do with the jOwei c4hineu, sobex enoughl" shaped "I only knaw� &Itr, that my mis- I laughed outright at the colonel's Calvary. Constaintine has -_ tilass in able, to open Lt." pexploxitty. 71ben I told him the facts . . %�esignatod that hill al; the one on Some Trn,"erst Mon Who Worked on "11mv do you know thiisl" I demand- of the casq nind Urged that I had made -which Jesus died. Dean Stanley says the Bennis. ed. use of the boys' mi�,wbief in wder to I.. there are on that hill shatteredf frag- 1.1 was 611 heir dre3sing-roponn. on examinG Mrs. Bond's box. The col, . "I merits ad lime -stone rock cleft evi- No one but 9. shoemaker Gould have Tuexsdi�ty afterinualls w1hpii my mistress onal looked grave. . dently of the crucifixion earthquake. thought Coleridge serious in his CaM3 hil with Miss Yorrke. Th,e Lat- "I think you've done an awfully in - And, my friends, it is through that strange saying that the shmmakersg tex put the caWrvat on the table and d! fltaSurse of the rock that our path to bench had produced more eminent w1ant off to iber (Avn room to fetch soreet thitrbg-mot to uso a strong�, is parden ILes,'through the earthquake saxpiressicins. 'Tis a felsorty, in Iz.w. my I men than any other handicraft. Hang a book tibat inLy m)3tPa,a9 winted to dear holy, and you, may find iti awk- I Of COInViCtl6n, UU1?T the dripping borrow. Through the crack of ,the wa,rd to exphiLn mattars." !" orlia-mm, of tho cross. Ali, do you not Christian Andersen, who needs no In- dow I saw h,qX take the cob:iiat, and ,,Tho,ja youngstets have m.qdo my like the smell of blooil Neither do 1, troduction, may bead the list, and by s�omo movement, I can't describe � . but without th-a shedding of blood Hang Sachs of Nuremberg, who, exactly, she opened ft and took out path clie,asr," I retorted, tritaraphantLy. I 11 there Is no remission. Our debta are Bat Lhe colonel was Inclined to be I never to be pald unless fro7V the clov- though be made shoes all hiss life, yet the ruby," g.rumpy. T t en arteries of Jesus Christ they are also made 6,000 poems, plays, farces, Lb"But il was not untU Tiburoiday that "It's a question, wbether I'm not ex - liquidated, .3 ruby disappeared." sse and rhyming fables, may be put next. "Yes, I know that, sir. Mrs, Bond Pming UIT&Af to till sorts of psLns and I , Coming up to-mlight through the Sir Cloudealey Shovel was a Penalties for addiag, and atvtting you. flastureis in ths rook, you going by; she put it back Th3 law--" I , ups 4 Christ coming down, you -will meet, maker until he 'listed in the Navy, into tba cabinet whan she board Miss "Oh, si:ir, I don't wietitt to put you i and there will he joT on earth and and go was Sir Christopher Minns, an- Yorke returning." to i!aconvenienoe. It is cost, I usiLmit, "It's strunge," I matrinured * "She qu.. ite tibe. thing! to ---oh, hanig it. cot- . . Joy in ha%avoin over your,souls other Engligh admiral. JO)m Bew- own soax"Ity roqiairre to steal the din- on -31, I'd do anytUag that wasn't ab - PARDONED AND FORaIVEN. ism, one of Cromwell's colonels, and, a mond, wild thore,'63 of coiur,� the fact NOW the Christian trackLI tho blood signer of Charles L's death that ma Of Mrs. Delanaere's"'ri soliately mean to saive my V,ttle girl the .,Do warrant" y'A -ng(3 was from the diagTa,ocs th.ut confronts her, all around the shelving of the grey Samuel Bradburn, monthenes found �ui Ma box. Is it p,robabL3 lithestono rook an Oalvary-Lbe blood wad I t1imight tho,t you would see me . that Magg6o Bosad could have put it Is of the great martyrdom of jcsu..,� of Niethodlim," as well as a bishop; there? through this escapade." . Christ. The spring rains came, and James Lackington. whose catalogue of "I &hKALId L.'ske to look through Mrs. "And so I will, T:mmayno," the old they washed that red darnn,o into publications reached the total- en- BOM's trunks," I sa:d, forgettLng follow excla'me,t]. "It's a mad pro - the ,valley at the foot of tho nin un- that ths rwa�d wwi still by my sado. "e,ding, ly.it I tiadeawtand your feel- toin, but the ChrLitlan easily ormous for thitt t1me-of 3D,000 vol- "You wouldn't find anything, si�r," Eings. I'LL do wtbnt I can to help you� ftn& th3 red mark on the rooki and Umes in 1787 -%Il theme were cobblers 41 p�2,d in eon' but. to be btm�_,tly honest, I don't ,� a began, than stop I ".1sion the glimpse of it in song or sermon, at first, if not at the last. "Oh, than, you're Looked ,amongst' tb�nk you wibl AndAliss ruby." stirs all big vensibilities and crowns Continuing the English list, Wil- youir ln�t%trsesslm possessions?" lqueri- Axriwd at thie, hostel, I ordered the . I all hiw pftyers� - V it were needed ed, a l[ttle sa-rdonloally. liaggage to be brought up at On". that till the 110!ft Of heaven Should Ila= Gifford, whose memory is Oro- -Yes, azir4 throug.h. ALI her boxe's ex- "Whiat'll, you <10 A you ca.rb,t un� reat battle, served by a complimersta.ry allusdou c,a-pt one that N always looked?" lw-k the box?" the colonel asked. thera would be only one name that in Byron's "English Dard-i and Scotch "Dws ahe bnvwtlabl�, keep It look- "Saind for a 16okaniab," I answip,red. 001111d Mlly tho, univarg-e, and that in Reviewers," and who3e body is buried edt" . &h,w t l,y. the name of Itc-gust In Westminster Abbey, George Fox. ,.O,I(y rk, "ll'in-tiliat weiald be a coal pro- . _cee�ly, sjr.­ Ataosug the Imi"wo that God has the arch -Quaker; William Carey, a There d6ri inrit app-mr to lit) mitic-ti me�'ngl" devIbed that the banishod be not ex- missininary, famous n century 991, charsoa of d.'noovesring more from Mar- "WIntl Hasn't a man it right to Pelled from him, I notloo still fur- and who read the proofs of the Bible 1:4-n, so I turne'l towards tbe house, I foree open his own box when the rail - I thert Npipitual influionets; I do not in twenty-aeven languages; Samud ww,, q&jte sure that neither Mr. nor way company's employea have rwried . . bilp'T Ain, Jh4titpee , gore "VP f�'Ora ,Drsi.-T, "tb'N "�ta Pf !�ha ninotafin/b M", �Lblmiitqre would tdkoi tln� notice t1li-i lo&L, by.xualgh tr,otmetitt" earth M1 othorealized, but tht) Dl- century " whose experience "A an of an acesuistatinn =43 against their "I rAe", andi th,Z colon'I's eyes . v* spltlt. s6rm,vill bird the Corn- author led him (6 fornitilato, the sad gn-Vt on aueb sUlglit grounds, and as tw1inkled. "Yora appear to be rathcr , fOrWINt to bodt for my pur#on to- truth that "the mani who makes shoes Mrs. Boad waos leaving At onice,, there a de,agertorus ,sort of man." . lailight fha� I tall hfr4 tito SoUl-Say. . is an re of b is wa gelli, bu b the ma rx w he would not W mu,:�h, times to makis ,toy "I won't lose a chance of clearing itig vosivor`of 06 �atfts4& Whists inAkLs books in never sure of any- furt,b,3,r in,vestigatioa. May far n little Panotilio of that t1rat IAXli�00, Oofti'a ispbriA in" how thing;" Thokusili Itolorott, whose came "I'll go " And sev� a pKeirato detee- a ort," I retorted, lot..0ng my temper. 04k."MAji-tia atts, noorlos� he from- i% no. nearly so well known as ,hat tivo and get laimi to shadow Maggie `O,h� weLl, yox meedn't get exo.tod , I b* -t* he 81�1tAhIligii MW d6u; things of a single one of his playa "Tito d," I dietextritned. "There's no orvow Lt," Last aotarna chuckled. .,I.11 � that litil Yalifitittal befot* hg, ooitld flat Road to Rain;` the Bloomfleid hTo. B- , Piz" I'll Cot At take Ycia. timb to VIN, You don't find I Vm3 like t1s. ,, at, acd hive WiJ,,1%i**J64,6f Ured tb *k3l, or thers, whom Byron thus apostro- once and vv;��a to V'enton's to sond A thn Mby," ; do, tbz ,huthiin houl aria reltgldn' phized;- - I I I , Nlepents, but thj* -ful cobble a 11 our notes smanxt man to r&W, m3 at Fftsilding- scl Was -90 u0XV01". thn't could .1 oeent tAtilikoblAid e Itt', .tune ra ti y tor"', oircely put my key Loin tbk- li,�k. I V. 41*ltid *Isitlitablitilm ,Ms._%fA,4 th13 bsf-� prolong. "Hurraill, it turns ail rlight," I ex- lnlsrtitlu#�� 6im1'%tjy thilit birlilliks It- Compose at once &slipper and a Mi"3. Band's lagglaga vfts already In , to coAti tbe..sw opobAtig elemottt& mug; . the lismil awablintg tbb carriage, &tid fis c,hv1m?d, aind thrsaw open, tht, box. � Tb-_ �It6d,okifnWb,.of lh':) holy gpltlt�41 John Pouaft and. lealler ligista too I glacced tit t1a box" and packages, "Now fo� a dt(millp sight," amid my I IS ill W16bilAg YAMI&I lh-AE hkb Ottok- I�Uxnerous to mention, were English !,=" by Martinla dewription compati6on, wi*keAly. I � I* 14*4*4140tv, shA th#u miaktud ish-mmakers., I I whoch, bid Olten liept looked. alt to ow� surprLo n rather un. - I I , e atly an[Ata,T to cule of my t1dy cellacticin of imanly asixmistatn Met I t6ils� thilf Igipo 6f ChrjAtIa*-'Asd6ut,, in the Urnited Otitteef. V;ogti? fter- It wais ra it, A -t a f4it, in *#1mttd VL �tamih 6W"Wd taten. bft@ of fille *,jA"1m,r& 0 ., l#aAs the Owsa, -1. for a. otirim.3rit. I ItIoudered cw go-. 11 ; u0s 1:0. AD04d16e*,sbkn4, and 1�614 whs.�theX I M-4bt TAstIt WM mine I had roan A,,ftr with m,v own lug - L fbts, last in time, but Vitli-PrWdent 11"ry 61f npon Bftt I � , 06tto-414V - �Vcvo 111if willItin in rank. negam there were ae and "annitk" hera, anTel 1, � I ,It ' N'Vbs3n the colonel fully rt-nBitsel that . . flfdb� ,A okt,*) "Itii4iil * I C"grem-ttiftl Sw6k *44 XMAh Web, mo " to cIbUll7a. ft the-cauh examina- " . . te 6 ty ,--u �O , 1 not tht lexto hot. but the Mon 01 Ito Goertantl. On hoit was fade*d witne, It.) rat down itruo, lat ls,ii4 Mmin fin� .1 grao " tb1t,*Ai4Wii , 1 ,�, I - t1i , .2 duct ,is �J L, 400004 , W 1 1114 d 6ts of thot VA4461i0ittof N&� MI. tke carmity *ii* tit th atel exploded, I thAlk h� wu rat -her A I tht� k1#44iftla, bkkif. V*t`r , * *tit 'Society. And tX-0oveftotis it, P. and Cbm Luagago 6Ld'h*4 RW&Y bt4wa ta�vrd to find kitavAf gufltlew� of . 1.1_1-1 I 11 �� ., I ecraW bit,, upon a tomhibte plan, ftss�lltlat In 0 ftir-nY. But I 'gas b6- 1. IM*tUA* ** tUs ,1110,04.1 11 I thrOw Baldwin, of, 16obt W" " thil, WItItiv - mas"cuaii V (M A. - I 4- 2&anwl9d@, I lim4t.11y te.d Un. Dels- 10,113 n4stif with, d I"ppciat went. Ot olt .k., � A milgiih: ftku til6e; ClOtlih, of t Ot Iab*� ,. � "' J* S ' L.t j4 AW6 rami abl4riA to leava b Tbow yeutig f5crza,Wl I angrily et- . L 11 `W% 'It'vit t � ",Ofiaod tr mAde Imbeeiis. at it , , , that I % 0 "Theq stalar4 hamp mitered � 01 "I .0 I I I , to, I in eAlrlter trala t , in I �WNS . teve, a � 110 � a A uAtely mckisu, to, be 'bd= .14 � , t h"Intsendel WItied. ,.�: la"k-, V V,ioo�rl*ie I - "Ill -6, I � ­.., ., "Vien .,W,d mdU b6 going tip with tbA lAbeJA6 so th,Nt I uterely r4lited - 1 **1 � **** I Lt, ­* oAte, -kotilmed, bat tb*y& (18*110. What .9k f I W : = WJkL At j)4oft"ItIll.tei tl* , ot *01 " Clot I I e � ol, beat way u of t titc, . tsi Maggl7st" ow bmtesf& , " , ".. � . I 44�:,J* A"'AlA0V �W" V. to W10hiWk& tu *flfith it Wit,* . , 1'J*g1mt0md a zinaintail, oilits that Urs. tO WAI06 AWS, Wlftl �, 'L. . � . .1 " ­: � 1, _. , , _ " � I I . , , � . , , 1� I I 1. 11� I �. I I " I � . 1, I � 1. I I fi, 1. . � � I L . , 1. I . I I I 11 , . �'t , . " , I I .. I I , . . �: , � . . . . �1% 41 .1 " I :.� ", _., - I I I I . , , . . . I .� I ­ I " ��� , , , � " I. I I . , ,,.�, ?. . , I , I . � I -1 - L I , I , , 1, � – , . � I I s, . � , . 11 �, .1 -1 , . Z, 2 �, I . � � , �;k.�_2&w& e I., I 4? . , . . ­ I? q ,,, . I I I . I I .1, I " . , - �. I � � � , I I- , ,, . - �i_ ­� iiL'i, ,� I . , ILI ""I � - , . __ li�', I . ,3 .11 . . I � , - I - I .� ... I . 4, I , ,,, � " (�,�.,-,,f'. ": , , � ; L_ A 12�mkllAfiksl I 1# _.Ot�_IL —�'L, 1* ,,, �� " - __ I I ill Is — — ___ - _ � I -1- 1 WA 1 1 � .1 It *144 I *91, W, W Alto* . 4" . - 11 . W14" Ilsoy . A . I =440MY641 04 V = 00its. I�Mmtlrvol at tniss, KIII:Ii3l�. , � olit 14111-11 al Ma M, = em � I . 11 I I - �. _* isrio* 0 ro= Al - "4 tift 1111107 1. - ww""'. "kr " ra AN I I L I � i I W I I I , I � . e) � 7r,.= i" tw tow ol 140t. As,%-+ I -4 , . , ,_ V "I %_1 iw"=� 41"W'"at, , ; A or IM, A13M , . I VIVOWt I . I 10% rt.w=*A "Nor ~ :$k I . � I *qtJ0I*%t"VO)4WAX w1loww" I 110� I Aw, at" AM . rjobt. Tolt "Wmwwo, IKWAY, 10 a." , 4 I I � t1wir JWAAW T, alm 1*000war. , 79� I- r - 40w, A 1 � i I , � UXAW ,%:134 - I . , - #10w -01.1, 0 us' [ H., L IA* 4 . r a*' ", : I -7. 00; yok = I � - V 1�i M . aw, 'riest ­" I n 4 - 0im, 4, n I k 44*004 exi .."'Itisa t , � 11111111liesaallilio . , I I - W ,a - *** , wirs. `n *609" theasi tg 11 �. I , 09** VwX404"74111411114411140 � is, 4011 L Ur **0,4, O." $t �* Vol; J4 ,A- is , .- 4000* "49U411atoft 1. - - I I Acl 11 - .W."lu ft"`%"� 00 `040"X , * -1 I , � Al , � I 4004"t t"U4� 01 44 Naotls�l . V oby,0401septoittim - ' V'Okowsooro � � . � : to il�,O,, W. WAY,%.WrX4 A ` , ' - - I I ., AUIPAIM ,1 % � =,=i . 1044 14 wall " T - � , , , : *V**:* At AI4,09 "4t*W"04f,*oA "" .. I 11 , , , oot ti. �f * P � , I 014't qW.-I ,1 .1 V* 4 lk,t,� loviowch, Akw­sr"l 004, � t .tho . No.. _0 L,e pmatoo. k *0gK *4*0404 0*9 I � * - , - , . . � , *04 , TOM IWARIV. 'Pouits"P11*44 WMA 44 0,a'"" ili�" - I I I at,,., 1 qt =. 4111L I k . al , Oct iii,oh **#0 pm.t � *W ­ - 1. I's WV&,4%r,Wb0a*, W " 04 .WA ,v, ,#I*— with 0404 o"% " � � IJ W.Vor Aw* I,& ,Xtl wa It -pon't forget to OTIt'solfit OAROXY Out Aboaatq, 4 Totorsn' 0044 **"-, : 94�144 ]�"41111111! OPWA t**_*",WAQ:1t- thaA I 94P 0jKlf t% t� VVIP40U0. and U* ( Ak i4is, bw , 4* AeA ,w4lk oji� t1lip- hi"t 04. watir,vn* o4 000r 40, 4044 ;91 ",,# for Ott"O A, *_ , - , , OvA 'of =4y' voly 1PAgu9b water 'tq ,1000'.� it tr V* - _= I , * that b* box , , 4 004ti LOOM V& 419 NW,!,d*,W*VttWX k , 'ah, OW. Wk,,. w,Vlt*4 a , , . OW .--- r bUrsiar. 14kt tintil Ailoo-vorva. with � I - xra� Awd,40t thist 14 sabealru Q104a Ills cagsti ofixy 04yv JK_"V Vatott"XiLoirs, 4, usually un -m -P : I . 4 OR wl'ati*a 20sesl4loppita to A , 4 - - 044 W *@OiJ1 1 *44ad. ti,:xpond- sitIft froth WIMA.; I � ttatik"sl Whitt him out 44 the hot sum asta the, IrTose W400 Iitorttm. lig 41040411'T'Sa.1ye,it"A.: � . I � . I ­ , . � '. - - , , , , , , . , � , �. � � , . Ity, " , , � :0:4 ,:11, it intual � a wbv* I- , I � . �, I , ,Nm* 90 %.W jmy* WC4 kho, unk, w "o it ,4 *,*r 00 a Ot 118b.4 *111 let 40A 14ATO *006 by J,p*�o liatp tovoXiAlk 44ro* 010 , . . : . ' � I , � . . � t 00,*O�oss - I I re area 11-404 VOW,, *tlnshine. Talk tot, hl= tau to, Ulm natIM0 ftomvy 14 boing X04604 %71 : I � . I . , 4.0roduesod orle wlk:,vb At , UUUh,srU IDubil, t� , . . . . I , YAopw , . It ,$ift 2 . clApt flour . � ,2".4. thie Qladwtoae. wltb a k144 v**. TAt M!n 94 . . . "It * At* ButI4,411 4 exc4imoti, at* WItu �R I#IA"poqq* Ukipg' POW40C the C(42V QCoar ,t at mt Ron, at, inen or W4104t **_� 4wo . 41nss4a I ly� 'W's, $1 Ve Uy bay ba" ". I : A 1WW1A Of kl#V;r I � 0 , _T*4 b_y 0".11T , ."41 � I , I "PW � ,A� "'A@it, 49,0 -119 t ' Jodiolfti,t mint . , � ,.. . . 1)" . bAt a, t , - I 94-Viilots, 044, U44, LA a tik- aTumbso 0 WM14 ousakid I& zpilk% lot . , .1 44 10 Itt 'VA r, _ , .147., _ t Wa Its 1, do .04 , t A *lr�;� 'is , I " a I . . : , � I . , �. - , ,. ma . � 1, � , Ili',4L Xay Wmooas .battoi. B" vy two, clitickvtodt 6, little 0-300; of wilix, . . , I—. ph A11111411. somptimeli A little tkults, a Ant 444 o4as at tt,,A pr*lliet *s'-pe,f"i OW1.0 t L �; I "A. 04WAntaxled . I &`gV,r light and Add It to, §-1k cup -a I � ., "L ,orlim;sIo4 � , wkkt We at good,thiAgs. mind Act him a i or wsatot 4a un.d ,� 'O , (0 U911 - 1,"I . , , . . - . up. Ax. I -1x4441A e, it mtlk� Mix V#IJ:A the $104r,-ari4make I . � Ik t ,, he tos, . .: � . , i , P slasm coct d"por b. 1911 04 the to ,'Aott'dc�ugh. Lisin tboi., Agdont at vi Visk" 04 he 1 .1 . A0414 , 14&, "An- 04004 RN4 to 404L-0 tip , . b Ile. look dish wilths the OrUst. Fill the Iiiemetabor to is a prisoner In ce`47' 1 for our Is=0Atab10­d41kqA4,0$, ta air, . I I . . "Thin ricb. Is' we, #*xxtimaeously ex. sdish�g "' . fIvAnscut. dependent on you every I � ty , vIth rbubarls cult 10 "It pleo'ca . I , I tillary. The Immediate cookasivo;t0a 41144MR04. 4'stim and reatly waso the thief. then " t quart gwooten with Soupis sugar I do to fruit. Cover tbo� top of the at y for MAXV11 QAU AULVt RAIA 004411MA- X rive to make him happy. A little at Ittils h&A been that we hiliva ]POI . 01-0 'Forell ob_"—di,. " I MOA cOA1 d4 wktb� Qru4t, q,At a. smAi op*uIlag Io o�at looking gistills, will greatly add tbxwgh tho, no%* for 4 larget, aMb4s; , "I 43 I Alwalt thil.nk It w"'14 60 t"213 In the oentro OVLA I*kQ for halt an to hiabappinema. Take Gore, that ael- of guns which c,Xri never become tb* � t, 'I'V44=74IN but I Auk glad the b,our in a niel orate OT Serve with ther "' sun or other light reflected shall pattern of our Britillb, artUlarys and I Zurl. you love twill be trice trom. fjweat,�Atd . Whipped or plain Groans dassle I b1m. whogs Introduction Into the AOCVI*% arat", flavored w4t4 lemon. 0 � "And VbN leitteir," Sar It was wrap- has destroyed. for a time. at any rate. 4 up iisa A letters, "explgii,g ,,, of fthabarb Stior4et-84mmor I qt rhu, L that THE SUNDAY&SCIROOL. ativoluto beimageslialty wbich, 19 . ra- BQnXA re.�vsoaj fai etealing t!he barb out In Inch pitcesi wIth I qt wa- such an Indispensable 060ditim of all by. You took an tihousgb you th,lak ter ought aot to xsead a .:Ztter that I% grated until perfectly tender. Add the rind at I lemiect and loop white LESSON ­ IX. 89COND QUARTER, INTER- � true military efficiency. I.. t ad4n4aile.4 to =. Bat VIA not sugar, stirring until the latter is nil NATIONAL SERIES, JUNIS 2. Lot It be aal.4 sit one* that the ne to be idicit encei4sh to 103`1� may dieg,I,ed. Oool sad strain. Keep on . whole defect of our proxent artillery huwa of freeing MAY from selapli- Ice uAtil time to serve. It should be field qua has been a deficiency of ,on. very "Read l,t� mx buy," my compaulozi. cold. Text at the, Losses. Rob. 134 11.14, '"-2*­Msxnery V*r***- 2"til-00"g- range In South MrIc.a. whore, the acivi­ elvised, Wilig-b4tig, "The, led ,x- . y lit Rhubarb Foal —Cut up I qi t rhubarb ask Text, Mob. vill, 23—Constaseletary dition of tbb atmosphere allowed guals _ If dQuil Unit um"x to oij$for from and put in a baking dish with I cup prsvoxgll by the Boy. V. X. iliblaring. to be traluod. on objactim which rapkis, and, besides, I would clot tie ,water and sufficient sugar to make � ­ ­ _. Would have beau invisible in any dif- on are doimgif I were in your very .. igivect. Bake until tender. When � - "But torent climosts. 0". done, run through a coarse sieves the 11. Christ being come act hub . I IV43 Us . then, It's It" answer to R set away to get very cold. Just , rlQst of good things to come by a greater Apart from Mimi. the luscontestable, queat which she bad ovideatly -at tore %ervius, stir In I qt rich sweet and more perfect tubtirriaclo not mad* fact.romaInA that the admirable we* - o hex uncle b,,4a�ng for Monetary oream. with hands," The Holy Spirit in this Pon and varrtrao. with Its imost-r000ll IV. He 11tioll'u2s vory dlistinotly, Ad blamw hex for gambliug away Ithubarb Ple—Line, a pie plate wlth epistle dwells upon the excellency of the Son of God, the brightness of the Va' attachment, which the Royal Arsenal 3�r ow, large fortune. NOw I Ulm_ good Great. and fill with rhubarb out her's glory and the express Imago or His at Woolwich --nufa@tured, has, for —tend bt�r rno�bjve.', in small pieces. Sprinkle generously person. better and higher than anifels, simplicity, for endurance under the "Yets, I wanted the miciney badly," with sugar, some small bits at butter than Moses. than Molebleadec. than moat violent taste, and rapidity of firos Ers. Band admitted, whaa tbe Gal- and I teaspoonful flour. Cover with a Aaron, than Joshua. th4U'tb* tabernacle equal to all the domaxidn of warfare. ael and I returned box ,property. top crusts out a hole In the cantre and with all Its ritual. than oil the NaCrAticGO, And I was nut unwilling that your bake In a moderate oven. Serve with for He Himself to the true tabernacle shown itself to be, absolutely unsur- aragoin, May Yorke, absould be dis- sweetened whipped croam, flavored and the true sacrifice, of which all others passable. ced. I did not Intend that tell- with lenien. were only typical. A high priest on the Indead,go wonderfully has ourarttl­ ale i=g to go wit'a ray otbf3r luggage, Rhubarb with Rice Border—Cook I -g right hand of the throne at the Majesty lacy carriage and equipment stood the ad I have been ruined by the care- Its asanoss of a stup1d porter. Yes, if carefully washed rice in a kettla of 14 the heavens, a minister of the true tab- ernacle which the Lord pitched and not weax u.nd tear of this campaign of ou will peromire not to proceed fur- boiling water for five minutes. Drain, man (chapter vill, 1, 2). The good things octastant movement over &rwagh and Ilatir aga.linst rao I will write a con- turn the rice Into u double bolleri add to come, of which He to a high priest, iroadlou country. that artillery offl- caskin—brut you must 111430 Pledge I pt milk and 2 tablespoons white su- are also mentioned In chapters x. 1; xi. ocers atrongly deprecate the abandon - our wo,rd that ,the- letter shall be gar, and cook until almost dry, stir- .0, and shall be fully soon and enjoyed moat of a pattern proved by such ex - hewn Only to the Dejamiexesi amd to In the ages to come when He will ishow copstinnul teats for one which threat - lay Yoirke." ring occasionally. Pack Into a but- he exceeding riches of Him grace In His ens to be Of grouter weight and com- T&L3 I pxomalwd, bAng, only a nXI_ tered border mold, if this is not can- kindness toward us through Christ Je- plioutiou, and of far less strength and rais to return to Borrodalo Ns-Ith a vertlent, asubstituto may be made by sus (Eph. 11, 7). durability. ocumeirt w.bich would compt otely placing asmall moldluside of a larg- 12. "By His own'blood He entered In Such. too, Is the homogeneity ofoui er Lear nity daxi!iag from all disgrace. one, and buttering It -the small once into the holy place, having obtained existing equipment that its various _on the outside, and set awuyl un- One eternal redemption for us." Everything parts are Interchangeable through- -------- 6— til cold, Then turn out on a small about the tabernacle. which Moses Ayes out. go that the damaged portions of NOT THE AUTHORS. platter. Fill the center with very repeatedly Instructed to make according one awn can. If necessary, be made sweet baked rhubarb, and heap over to the pattern showed to him In the tip from another. - it ama Books WhIch Royalty Have Not .sweetened whipped croam. mount (chapter vill, 5; Ex. xxv, 9, 40 . at Therefore Lt is not too soon for Me Written. Rhubarb and Rice Pudding -Place al.), spoke of Christ and Him sufferings nation to realize the fact that a real a layer of plain boiled rice in a but- and glory, or. as it is written In Pa. xxix, "In danger to its military efficiency 10 A few years ago a book was given 9, margin, His temple every whit Of being incurred by the panic expondi- o the world Whi.011 aA the- time oreat- tered Pudding dish, cover with a layer It uttereth His glory." The blood taken tore, into which it ia being rushed 4 it considerable sensation. Thlil of rhubarb out In small pieces, and within the vall once a year for the high by the quick-firIng erass, �soak waa a novel, smart and original sprinkle thickly with sugar and bits firleut'himself as well as for the people (verge 7 and Loy. xvi) pointed to His It la tho expreasod. opinion of the beat artillery authorities, that the no, n every way, and many woref the con- of butter. Add another layer of rice own precious blood which fie his shed limited orders to Private firms for ecLures as to thra authorship of it. (it should be, sweetened). then more rhubarb and f;ugar, and continue thus once for all and which takes away not the sine of n year, but all sins forever, qulok-ftraxa to which the Governmeni hais committed itself will result in tht At one LLiale it wa.a wriDUSly thought until thL dish is full, having the last for the blood of Josue Christ clemasseth service being saddled with a now cum - by severid w',ho, were really "in the layer of rim, sprinkle over the juice of from all sin (I John 10 7� Rev. I. 5; John brans artillery In which the lightness now" that the Prisice of Wales, as a lemon. nome sugar, and bits of but- silli, 10). He has not obtained for us re- aLimplicity, and endurance of the Ar- k he then wias, had written this. boo - ter. Bake in u mod- crate oven. fC0`av'e'rm1f'auitt"browns too demption for a week or a month or a oenal batteries will be replaced by a d consequently H. R. E. wait daily he quickly. Serve with creaut or any year, but eternal redemption, He gives to Ills sheep eternal life. and they 9131111 ponderousness and delicacy of nice - I bantam d1rootly Inimical to the well asked wiliether was the author of plain sweet pauce. never perish; neither can any Pluck them 1 known mobility and efficiency of our the work or not. - � out of Him hand (John x, 27-29). HO I artillery arm. One day the Dodos of Connaught, GOOD PUDDING RECIPES. Himself Is our redemption. and &Pact from Him there Is none (Hph. I, 7: 1 Cor. AN UNNECEiSSARY (AGITATION. staying at (SawirLtigbam. at the timse, Orange -Peel and pick to pi;cos 4 1, 30; Acts ly. 12). The charge against the Government said to Lhe Prinoe of Wales, Ilia bro- or 5 orang�es, according to size, put IQ 14. "Flow much more shall the is that, whereas increase of range anti Lber: "Many people think that you Into a Pudding dish. sprinkling sugar blood of Christ surge your conscience sufficient rapidity of fire might have have written this novel. I wish you b,tw-een eac,h layor. Ile carnful to from dead works to serve the living beau obtained with a ancrifloe of the would tell me -havo you written it?" tuke out all the seo't', as cy give Lt tit God7" There was a ceremonial cleans. Ing by the blood of the @iscrillcos, but characteristic simplicity and strangtil of the Britian batteries, they have H. R. H. smiled and replied: "Now, bitter taste, Taka the yolk of 3 nothing ever took away sin but the blood weakly y6olded to Influence of long - do you foi- one moment linaginis that eggs, I tahsles�poon oorn starch, I of Chriol, to which all the sacrifices 4tandlng, lately eulminating in a well I. have V, ou p augar and I qt sweet milk. Iloil pointed. The ashes of a heifer take no engineered, decrying of the Arsoual "No; I don't" promptly repliLd tha t1hisi custard. Wheat done and while back to Num. xlx ond the wondrous and most significant ordinance of "the red guna, which -if we, except the mat - tor of rango-have shown sucht splon- plain-spoken Duke. "I ahvuYii told still lio-t, pour it over Lhe oramgos� heifer," which should have a most prayer- did qualitLea in South Africa. my friend,i :Lhrat, YOU never wrote it. Beat the whites of the eggs, to a at Iff ful study. But the only real cleansing. It is vAry ovidotat from the aerlousI3 Why I The book wA,s written by a froth, add 2 taftlespoonss Powdered either from Ain or from defilement, by the detective breech act lose of the 108 guns marvelbously clever maial" sugar and put mixture over the Pud- Way, In this wIlderness journey, is by the recently imported from Germany that A pol-itical novel. now having a ding, which iiet in a pa n V water to keel), the oranges frDin burning and blcdW of Him who by the Eternal Spirit thisgonorai craze forquick-firing me offeted Himself a sacrifice to Ood for our chanism has outstripped the dictatoa great sale in Germany, is thought by place in the oven until tho eggs be- mins-a lamb without blemish and with- of expedLency. A -ad iL is now freely very many Of the Fatherland'a great- come a. siplicato brown color, out spot (I Pet. 1, 19). Do let us trivo whiaporcd that the now artillery cat. authors to have been written by Kisg-Beat the yelks of 3i,ggg and earnest heed to whQt Is here tauoht that which we may expect to haro shortly the Linper,or himself. This novel is 1-2 oup sugar very light, add I 1-22 we are not redecined to be taken at onco on our hands, threatens to exhibit called "The God and the Kaiser," and cup sugar very light, add 1 1-4 table- to heaven, but to abide here to serve the living God, or. an it is written In I These. it serious weakness In this very direc- tion. up to the present t1me tho author of 11"On" corn starch, stir thin into a I. 0, 10, "to serve the living and true God AL any rate, I am able to certify the book it) unknown. pint of boiling milk ana cook on the and to wait for Him Son from heaven." that it is tho confident expectation "Of courge Lite Fisaperor never wrote A tovountil it thirken,,. Pour into it With the wicked works of the tuagodly In the inner circle of the artillery thig book, "The God and tho, Kaisvr,' " Pudding di%h, Bea t t1w w hi Le.4 o -f I ho the believer to Rupposed to have forever witirld that a serious storm threatens said a young officer to somit of his ,,ggs to a stiff froth, add 1-2 cup su- done, but all works of the believer, how- to break aver the head of the Govern- &cnio" it few weeks agu. gar, spread on Ow top .trid brown in h' ever good In themselves, it not wrought by Holy Spirit dead ment with reference to the manner In ­-%Vlay, how on earth (to you, k,nowl" t "e"', the are only works, which they were i-oduced to place con- qu,erled some broLher officers to whom Clottage -One cup pugar, butter the they profit nothing (I Cor. ill, 15). tracts of much value and ounitaquenco the "young one's" statement lwd been 5 izo of it walnut, 1-2 cup Milk, 2eggs 24. "Christ In entered Into heaven It- self, now to appear In tho prosence of to the future efficiency of the nation - defence. made. "Well," was Lhe reply, ­�iny ouffer, beaten separately, 1 1-2 cups flour. God for na." That we, having obtained al Only a weapon and ca.rriage giving I think, might know that the( Lnipser- awl 2 teaspoons baking powder. Serve lift' it' HIM, shnll continue to live I: bo- the highest efficiency and satiataction wrote 'Tbe God and the "'ILb IeniDn natle�. catise he ever liveth to make luWrce ,,,iOn to our artillery mea can justify the , Kaiser'; if lie had Nvril.wn iLi he Nvisuld for us (chapter vil, 20). Am Ile maid. action they have taken, or silence the have called it WITH A CANFIJI, OF SALNION1. "Because I live. ye "hall live also" (John xl,. 19), or as It Is written In Rate. v, 10. I by no means pleasant storLos which be told Lit this And ,THK KALSER AND THE GOD .... If pogsible open 1hp can and re- "Being reconciled to God by the death of . might connection. much perfection it now seems impos- W licit a very (lain tily- �ritten tit. , move the contents 8(-veral hours be- Ills Son, we shall be Raved by His life." a1ble. to bop" for. tie boak of "I'ove Songs, came out F,ome four or fire years ago, and no . fore svrvkug. We have in lit -area a (]real High Priest who to touched with the feeling of our CHANGES .IN OUR LUFLE. one could guc�.%i thks author of these To %ervv unci>okwl, remove ail hilci Infirmilles. having been, In all points We are on the eve of now thlngA lyrica. it was for a time g,houratly, 1�­,of b.,, and s,kin, drain off ,be ,,it, tempted Illio it" we arp, yet without sin, In rimall areas. liLv(,d that thv Duchvq,i of Cornwall a nil arrangs, un a hed (if 1p;luc'. and,to,111m xvis May come holdly anti It In Pie longor doubtful that the and York was the " rit(,r of the ' Po 'aw' 1,,aves, breaking th,, moa t 119 ittle find n lim always the merry and cracti i Leel-'rifield lion not bee'n all that It A lady, it %Nell -known woul;xu Of a " you, can., Garni,h thv dish %,ith that we need (chapter Ir, 14-16) 1 'et uti should be either In leading or light - t letters, by t,he way, who w a 4 14 a y,,n 9 t.hw ol ce4 o ornon. I lay up In our hearts nnd hold fast these �IV. Bat aa a guest at York House, id tu b , preclotin wordn, "in the press Tho chief merit claimed for our � Duchess: "I have carof Ully read Sandwic.hpA No. 1-1'o each cup- for .,", and nho tho wordn I magazine ayntorn bas been that a re - through this book of pos-m� which is ful of 1;oIL,I mi,at add h%o tableqPoon- � 34. "At the right hand of God for trip." I s(,Tvo of cartridges was Always held in auw being so greaAiy d'80"-9o'dL and fuls Of thi:!k, sweet croani anJ a lit- 25. 26. "Now once In the Pud of the . ! roadineiii (or an emergency, and that there ig One isanne, in t It(- book which "' an I t. Wisrk to o A,mo,1th P,fll�. � world hath He tippearod to put away sin I alngle-loadbig usefully restricted the I mally think your lWyal Highnvss� t ' Spread thin idices; of I,read lixhti by the sacrifice of Himself.— Y - We hav expenditure of ammunition. has written." NN I t is bit t Le r, a nd be t ween I. wo ni ik-,-q of i "' these closing verses of this chapter Agninat this It in urged that the "Indecill" replied t1 "And bread Pines, it thick layer of 1h, , pr� - I %;hat some have enlied Ilia three Appear- greatly increased difficulty of fire dis- much surprised. what is 1111a Pared meat. gs--in humiliation to put away isla. now in,-,hali c,plics, Makes it a dangerous thing particular saimet callk,df" the prosence of God for its anti, as we � if) roly ,upon the invariable preserva- "The sonnet is a delightfully writ- .Sandwic,hv,,i No. 2 -To each cn,f., find In the Inat ve"P. His appear- tion of his magazine supply by the trn one; It is the one called 'Knitted f at add a little mail, one table- n me hir to brins the fullness of Ills salvation. soldlex In action ; also that the thee - Souls,' " replic-d the lady of letterN spoonful of lemon juice nnsl t hrp,, ta- Ilis kingdom -two appenrings on earth rotical readLtieg3 for emergency is lim- dreamily. " 'Knitted Soul%,' indeed I" cx- blespootifulg of butt`cT. Lot thio last and one in hearen. It was ot the end of t Ito ago firoveding this and at tb* begin- ited to ;in expenditure of ten cart- rLsIg", and when these are done with claimed our merry. practical Duch- "Knitt,d be vaft enough i4o tho wholi- can to, -imooth Sprea d I 9 of tills age that tie came to Ciro n,n aLinglo-I(m(ling is all that Is left totali ess laughing heartily. workprl to a pamte. I Immelf a mcrifice for sin. At the PnJ back upon, as the existing magazine Son I a' I Naw, if it had N -en any- the hrrad with thig paste. using " of this isce Tie will como this seronil casuatA be loaded with anything "a thing to do with knitted liock 8 you bu L te r. Oine, and during nil thl,, tire Ile Is In sufficient rapiditr, might have thought I had w ri t ten S allopod Salmom-fleaL one cup- ill" i'VeneDcO of God for us. We cannot Ag,%Ln, tho provixian of a clip system it Ill cry long ago the Duka 0 , Not so v � ful of %weet milk. and %%hen it compq dw 11 too much npon the great truth of the "Pacrifice of Himself -film own 3411f foc tha sungazins,B Only would most un - dosiTably Involve the cartridge supply Cornwall and York was credited with to the boiling point fuld to it one ta- bore our sins In tilm own body on ths, in tho field by m000nsitating the car - having written a book of poerng-all blespoonfu) of flour end one tables- tri.Q.," "140 wns wounded for onr trants- nagi, and i"no of two different Pat- lovo poems, be it maid-whinh worn ,.Ixmnful of butter which have been iss-pNislons, He was brulmod for our iniiiiii. tt�irn,s of nmmunition packets, a con - considered at the Lime �orthy of '110 rubbed together unt.1 smooth. put tien." "The Lord hild upon Illin the ti.ngonoy to be avold'd at all costs, greatest attention. the rArntents Of is one -pound ran of In](tultY of us all." "Christ bath redoom- 6,sidiars who hav,o used both the 'rho Duke of Teck, them Prince Adol- %almon mintia bones, Akin and oil in it ed us; from the curse of the law. being Wtu,icsr and Lee -Enfield in action do- pbuq of Teck, an one ocoa%ion siid to baking dish, and p�ur thp Anunwisvi­ made a evirso for tin." "Ile gave Min olarm that not only (3an thAy load and tho Duke of York, his brother-in-law. it, shaking the di.,h to thoroughly self for our &ins." "The Son of God firs, the former %vith as mutah rapidit "People cay that you have wrWen � mix thp two, Covor hair an inch loved sea And irnre Illm-If f -,r me" (I as thss latto�- wi�h magazines, but tb.1 this book," holding up t h, book , f � sl�p with crarl:­r crumbst into , hivh Pet. 11, 24; Ism. lill, 5, 0: Gal. it!, 11: 1. 4. , this Man.sor nyRtom of loading allows Poems in qUC91i0n. 1,1.9 there any onough melted butter has been ­ir- It. 20). tho (yyo to bs, kopt osn the objective. truth in what they say?" red to flavor thern. 13nka In th(- ovon 27 28. "Unto them that look for Ilim W11116 flTing, With much greater facil- "Trutlif I should think notl I until tho orumb3 Lire a rich brovsn, ahall flo tippear the ses�)nd time withont Ity than Is possiblo with the Lev-En - couldn't write a love pa,,m. to mavil my and serve hot. win into malvatiou." Only two. go far an I f,old, This iA an impartant fact whh,b litel" said H.R.H.. very nuipbatioally 9,alinesia-bosaf-Make a Reece ag %r,, know. bave thun fur (-Aeap-I or been J undoubtedly woes a tong way to ac - Indeed. ­Why not V' tiuvris-4 Princ,n Adol. ah'we, Rtir In om;e half dozPn crirk- oyrui,eo from the appointment to 4le . b,! � ,, Ii,n Ile ishall come to the Pir for If,, t ootint I- the accurate results obtain- ed w;th the Urnmor weapon, pbus: "you kmcm whiat It iq to hil love- erq crumbod fine, nnd jugt twforel people nil the red"moil thon tilivo (in I Al th. pr-iont moment the Gorern- sick, I suppose, the HIM" as 0111c" ttiking from (he fir, (our w-11 I -f -I the s�nrih siball. like En"It nn -I Pliiah. smant f,ictor,em at ftriold are hard A PPOPIP fl, on eggs; then stir in a canfu , f Ail- be talipit without drin[:, ('hnT1JZ­I In n n10 � work upo,it ,i conversion of the least ' "Yes," awmered the D,uko, Amart- men prepared as nbovi,- ['on r Into � ment il T*im),,. Iv. 14, I-,. I Cor. xv, 51 9.1t.Afact,,ry foatur" of the Lee -En. I ly: -and I know what it h4 to h, �a-, it bakinir di,sh. p�wdvred with crack- ,"2) In ,lu., time nil .hn:t come to Judff f Id bro-h mechanism. This, bow - sick, but tht-� iq no r,,i9on why i' er erumb,i, and bako a light brown. rn,,nt. Pither at ths, Pidirmont itrAt cf :1 ,'"O, N uttonded to provide only tot thoold write it tso�m about it I" I ChrNt or tho great whIto throup. " ev* , tho rnfnPdLats� future, (Or alread3 - CHlI,DRrN`4 EATIN(, AT ALL , t alro ii-ont of him- sir, one of ;iq mo% to Go4 (Rom. X v. 1012: Rev. x,,. 1 th,�o i4 stimathimg olsp behind the AN EXPLANATION T V%I K -; - ,0f 1 12). This PaIrtitIon for mlibis Ili, � scsin,vq, of which th,3 secret is known � to th�, .,it*T Mi,a. Brown -My bu,;bancl nevs,.r Here aris come rssawpnq that children %, ill ­mp m,,qt tip that of tho hodlo,i of sayn anyth*mg to rn,� about this way v.hou'd not boo indulgad ton much In Flip anints from the rm,or of ih� grery -------- 0- b1s; mothsss,r nAod to cook. or the stalvots,on of ail lssrns�l aq a wition NOT THE ONLY ONE, � Mrsq. Gre,"-Thai'q -.orrotWng tin- . tho nalittor of promi;rnous, orkting In i P, om v 1: 1. I 1. it 1. 2fl: rm It � ir x 1. 2A) - Rp I- Tlb,re'q qcfttso�h�iag wrong ,vtLh this usual. I wondor why hes doesn" I I the firnt p1qc,o, if you alloW thVM, to rittlon. the forwiVpnVqq Of siwk the life b-nnot. �o.d ,Milt. De,Stylc, as iflic, nn- Afzo, Brtwn-Rho uAad to kee p'.mg a bos r%Wng b c-aso necinirp (h� lisstAt you PrPonf, th0m mornni. Iq ths, popnp,44ion of or"y tme Is liover row: wp are (lay hy (lay to work . wAbascod li^�If ready for th,� theater. --- to i ffroat ,leal Of disicomforl, upon a- (' Miss ef ,,,it or makc the bcnt posmiltilts P,qhdw! lin't 1, pa,cavokiii-,iZ. It mnkqs Airs. Banlr-r F-� 'Ar,q- D�okrkrd hni , , Ingtono casiong tvh,,n in trav,ling, (0 tho xalrittion. we vm1t tor the redomp- nZy h, ­111d tLtlposil, till h,--(,- monoy? Un't 'I �nd I Mrs. ace�" fmxl Y,I,,y no: hso Inatantly I 'ibl:lost ti.n ,,( if,. 1,�,Iy, an that our pprinual -pl %� - CnnisalA y6ibmolf, r<� ,4 h3r hue Gromll,y: 1, ,!a mdozil. People sisho to lZralltv hn eapricloui appetita. �isltsitlon mnr Issi naid to be, tbrPisfAlo hand it can't p(nsZbly rrnk3 youir bead ared to ,mxy oh,,, w.99 1111TOM MOW (In R�crniiy, )om �ubJilt%t YGnr�­Plf 10 But thern IQ nNq the nalration of all I� rui cirvd an it will maka 0" nftk Of not besi�tste to &Pi,ak of hat aq be.- t19 ohnno� (.f quibarranamont. When ritel nod Aft,or that the SMIVQtiOI2 Of On- thi Poor follow who happe.ces to jt�-t ii�w AW.q,AVA'Wh1W 01s- I you take th, little oenas shopping. OT tion, r Flov rxi 24L I h%bialtl TPM 'aaaaaa 1 .1111.1111M�111 I t . .., I r— . — I I . I � :, � . . I I I . . 11 � I . I I 1. . 1, ­ 1. � �, I . , � 1i - % � . .. 11 I � , I I � � I I . . I . 1, O� " 's.6AIQ f J� -, �,, ­ - � I , v �, I , , I I 'I ­ .1 11 I 11 �, � . ; , I , 1. � .. 11 I . - _ I iis k'aaldlivillid = 1,��� : �', , � . . ,� . , - , ;1 I e. I I � , '. ;, � I . I �11 �'! I . .11 " " I � �1. - 1 d4 . � � I . , '11- ;;;;I ,. I. , , 1 , , , , , , - I, � ' I I , I. " � , I � , 1, , Ili! , ,e , V I 1. , I I _ � � �Dl . , V�, � 1 12, , I i 1�� , . 4�� , , I ` . , 7