HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-05-31, Page 1TWIT 7177"14,11k qwl_
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toKill, 4110thels, r. AMA P) ivals NOW boa*� A eit ll_o jt�* died ''W tvk
tON1444-Aim, to A 0 eto. so over, eve t . -41 won" li0 _#kubtV
-.0ow, ,love*, iisilrom m .:Ok LL 0 Ott,
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00-1; joijor . lr_ * 0 11; to.
Pik 'A 1I - , 11141, NO Olt 0
sdqg 0 Lor
aI I ;aLill"a".. nsIM
44 salit Arots, 1). Cal slAled 84 Ilip
tnow -W, lot
find A. "rollit R
lip *40 f0ftl ov
josepli'll tioryte" during tile wok oRleg- w4rick VA to"jol, saill,
aW' U ITe4 he f4ll§�W or*tlP- Artur.wholliul, orwholaing Opp
u4t wards ot MIR tornh 0afiti
Ohl 40"00
tine oil, Rairrowke on Fr*
'Ma- meeting Will toko Qftls
U im.111 old his H
W. 01. 1W
tightlo, D, 1), Fl" a T Qlllbl� us
-i th 9,1K ltwv" w till
I 0,17h
iLittle Ial
t& IVA veis 41
tbe) to be expopoil- The select one rit ot wit lit toe mallogersis
"pop. jut,
on 'thil'a WA erehildhood had haill savrod and of it high class. Adoilsollisiti, Kafir started lit with 0 rmbii�K
6. an' W, Intel at4eq seeis-ent, San Opp oft to
77t, =M
Q] 1 0 1 j VtjXsi1L4 of loclibig for (lei
%v obod',411 UIA4,4 (it Ilu, t9a loot time all one who Was bel Te
p i too Tire fullowtoR ottistiettca wort) pro. =1
NTROZ-002' -the A tot' rususils tithe wilit), kriftay bel, oapielt.1101 Rated at Clio Wingliam District hitpt, I that Wq 4108047 41.1 w� "I
W9,4.sf, '#tie t -411 ApproprIwIte woubluirly fall t *I I, t*tloo of Idleard"01, Ant
tape of recovery had slow touch
Iwo jq�qoiiheil!14 gel-Itinald lVittling firteo %if
$or .-,,tbg -ollao over tile plovious year despite
-SC- t tit members of chitrell. 4i318. it smalj� firld to Mo. whWit I Was 04
c' jile, Vo Ing (if tile Methodist vililroll: Nuinber Reliant the wattilt an aThe took
ntie Ir and 14*1111, Stillailty, an I trial roarponoo,a' thiall, %ft OR&,
T4 64d;'Ile ie oil the .2 It.h. the tun- hlul
eral taking 41 t Wvx it"15 toarty romovals Arid deaths; of teachers
I t AN 0O.-Thila-ph 11114
Ohlphohn,* $bill*
residence. Ce 111111"4111 "W
Tiuwars, pelylkta Yfl
#Wthl 'ilsvot JTI Ve ftle;+ 'tile "poilevt her soul. to Sunday ochools. 400; at achol"ift. ,
the Hit nd Was- ad jitev. Joativor Wilson wail Chi uMcl- Of WiVint ljkj,� 4c two 0
2.11 ION III& *XP*hoio tub V*
oral4irl eaconeiked at bito pot. it, In it[ a it
'Is. .1.
litlog ollalister artio. An,
LL .(and Inveramroetnit coum he it 4.218; tit inembpre sit church lit Sun. Mite IWItim andIthol
-killusigiets a" ;I other dootignsfislin Slotetst The followkifig bi.r.
iellPitoaotiihit"Wft Elio A� r t Theolleceased's c
tieUAW suilliiaw *1 so Z vlPt on , TtRosday And discussed wring covered with flowers. An Worth of t. Arlsepla. Mika blegans. W.. ripcpsentAtives Wet" plPoted in (junior. h"VeX 111106- &0- Can"011 to 11a Ik 411 a
ittil."Rots OAVeR th a
.4 4 a [Oak to the Person, who On
matg fillat tho PC Irvin the etooloyiIiis tit the dodierlog, Ann, Who a
K illy, Mrs. A. M. Mismea once; %ViTagisaan. W. Posant. H. Park work or lit$ rationt,'. t'll I kilo.,%
1 t thoo, T.Y. to Ior iisaffOrltm'ot well Able tble �Oer tunde, Iry the 0awatalon to factory being especially beauti, Dean Ji -due Dovie, M- 0, CAmOro". arid J. Kerr I Kinctsrdirle. John Hilo".; matter to that Nit, ;his opis w4ayso4ell.
9 r IV that wit* halldv
W A II )p a, 77== to pay for poison Bad tile Trwill Couspany. (it London, for " I
Mrs. J. Kfielti, Stractord. &;nil Lnukriow. John 11111dred I Brusla,-1 B. loolis 310 too. ]%nil 11
Pro or tile town at) "4, A in
the, tmolatrO f the bUSIness. Tile BoonL-Alexarider Bogle died fit the others. till Ili thoughtful ropriettlop (14 rr, Teeswater, N
troy P I OXOP W14R 07 PeoLS oil, the fi, equal to 1p I rl'y' W, tl. K V. E. stairivioll's they tun$ I to.
a1411doated the enter
son thodollor with interest, from leolldtince of J, E. Brydges. East (if tier Battle. eamed waii It, Orr I wthel. V. 1(ing , Furn monaiti jus4, 1,%
oil Tuesday,' a noon to curia, er a jailtual V Atit. The soeeting did , not, strefit, on Saturday toortaing t aged 19 Vesta, 8 inooths and 0 days, Do-, 8 price and J. Downeu (tirrio, wl
f -om, can- and besides her fattier, leaven three F. I tlon at. It to 4 1 0 ino end . % W. St risen; wraxeter. .10 11 ray ; curial
ORD a loth
t curia would hav Lit
Portland Cement oto objec- Lee, Deceased had been Ill sorue time, ultitaits. and two brothers to masurn her- b@4;kft*It1* on
the ItIonsattaeboat Illuuvalo, J - LoPell i Ashilold, R. Wail, -
744 06447 760 'sa I ofa ell 1. tuodgli an operation had been I auft truly
Is ., ster�s Saloon. T. 5tilvio ; Bethel. a.
-oporred to romove-the he had
a thilLt he Would polio up 4 IL delaved until too [late. T is operation J. Praser and H. 0. As )step I Wh
Council. The gentleman was present to the W01"And to the fact tlIWt they
heH' d
awY4 ra,ulic �Qement were asented tit, � the meeCi tax Ilia Pt 4rulth ; Ripleyi ohertson I
st40 4001roffer would shortly lie Runde May Weddings. "'*"Via ThIQ, Is Mayor %V111son'rs repl* to Tun
buildnig III. ti'd wits pet formed a few days belbre death elitirch. W. Wellwood I 11olaritye,
r .ro Lepf put Ina plitist 0,qrth- IA18.1m.nn coolit- through directors of tile Huron & came, and a post wortern examination. �;.* STAWS commentm on Ilia former ReXplan.
Wr%. Roproventative L- Mialasnary ation Inild the stXelissent emade,by ,the
Firebrick tbut Ole. tow. it logo ilia' III ins. $14.0w for- .11ARBO% Lkii-it AxD Rivan,-Th at which four doCtoes were present. re. MAPES-KnNNICDY.-011 Wednesday BoiAl , jullo joynt wilba, W, passn"t comusitIkee " In tile Sly"al iscomis Weeks
��'4 PR asoralk onji'T lend,
F SeWer Pipest. &c., &c. iwerity yen- witboati interest. the surn e vealeiI the fAqt that the otioration had Aftprnoon Emma Jave, thiril daugh- as alternate. The other, aleLtiona rp-
of S1(9)0 tug Frank 0. McAuley arrived lit port been successfiA, but that deceased tied ago, How far It Is a Proper Ap4dinut-
I I , li$ ' ispylsail
41% Qt,,*� fusider, AT -to* 11 With two
aAll of the b -quality kept oanstiontly on ter of Jno. R. KetlisetiV, (and Louis nutted in the choice of Rev. W.S. Riga-
elat, earl , )Ri, Payments to become too weakened from t lie disease Red position for tho,head of the town.
11drian) 0 Ith"IF1 toll IrrilisTI-01. lorlok, house, Rm olottv with a scow lot9w. on by I tile titationing Coustrotteo., Rev.
?0pal pow"
,00 *04 solid Sit I0We1f%-PVLOOR,, 11 lis, I fail yen oncrid Af.Bor to (over (,nine the shock to the obbeand JoynttotheRpwntth actingi to catch Ili % public matter. tirk
W011.904 44 srin 1 system, Mapes, of Rock Island, Now York Ft.
a and which Ch(ire. wits air engine und tooder Tire bite Mr. Bogle wits buried on Sun. State, wes-o unlW in marriage -k League % Rev. H. J. Gairbutt till(] 0. F. view tht" Unden iiLble wrong -doing. �"OWVMIIIR �11 o ske exerniattors front taxes for a tug that will be built by our boat day. Clio funeral ljikinR place front thp tire cinemonvtikking rolaceatthe re. Falvvettto SundaY School Committee. left 0
F. BARLOW HOLMES. f . #tier. a Council come to no builder, Tlae-tug left oil Sundity on reandencoothir. Bryd as, There wits We stio
V)ABU or; Quiet 4 2 oTIII coviblo4lon. otpr0rolved to lot the her rejorp to Southampton.-Ddring a large at ldence of tire bride's parents, Goderich And Rev. P. Swann and T. V tile public to jadge.
oAL tondance.
kiliplican know, meet- the papt week -thq Goderich' Ele township, and Rev. Jos. A. Anderson tile Suatentaitl6r; Fund Committee. think that Mayor Wilson. front liIs
room 4441t .1111 unto It, ith
nopa:! 1111"at , .,n, GoderloU Markets. ;tie to 4 ;ew ohayo. PATrEnsoN. - On Friday DlLnlel being tile officiating minister. The
or. 9 Shipped "'lit = Cars of grain. the Ming H. Jeau, Scott, Noperintndent DfHCIAI Position. WAR ChAlrblAn Of thl
tboy, ticuarit I J� Wheat Is not as'firris am Itwas hoott,week; Town Tao"hfrai-Proud foot and hiliger portion holit whet. During Patterson d IERI ft our the effects of Ali bride was atialsted by Mlsa Hattie (it the Deaconoss Henke, Toronto. gave committee. rind he must share respotl*14
peas have dropped a little, new #coding is over. Hays brays savyed a wrib on the own tile sailie period ' 10.001) bushels. of accident. He wits working on one of
110 0 YA64 11 uou, and Lite best, man was Jroo. the W. M, Society of the ethodist bility for the wrong-4olngroaromombej
oftl[OlIT' 'PIANO ron and cats tire Armor. Enned. firritherof the bride. The church, Winghain DiRti let, the fol w-
on, behalf OX Mrs.,Cathering McDonald wheA6,1ware weighed Ili. the Advance, the grain birits and had to shift front interesting Information: Tile of that corninittee,
91"luditrumont, has bordly. Live hogs are� litill good stook and Arm at , I d6liveri" recall Fort Willinul 45.000. bride arid bridesmaid were churn ngli, log
ad. wilflaIsolik at iii, quotationm In other live stock there is no whoplahno epulpennation for jibrokers the Nees 4 01.01 oil the John H is t, instead of wn , arid carri Wallis b L ltrsiakls.� Ap at Climbeeto thenther. has ucts.
StAR Is - - , 91 arper kaysioto Is "Servants of Christ"- Mr. Bill). In answer to out requests
noticeable change.
ratiollsks she 101.000. -Tire Goverhintint Survey Ste. passing round the stearn tabovol or nlyrelatives an4porsonalfrieuds of servants of the church and servants makesthefollowing stat9ment of-hild
AND VDIL $Alt A_X )DIC- Ray Is firopkinsing fil-coqRolmance with antaido epiltendo, of tbq side walk on Noutre-tj T 'this barhr till Battle- under the rope. he tiled to pass over the crintraeLling parties were present. of -ins Another. There to also the part In the matter r aid ,.a
ILI _X.dr �!_ he -theceremony all partook of tender tie of sisterhood. Deaconess
IP Z )Q l9vins' markets. though the fact that, six lat&* voissolot Rtreat not having been k6pt rpal from r Jilits. Homer arrivetj It, and wh a croaking the a tight. find Ratios
Ott 'Known fr To the Rditor of TIRE STAp.
tit 6 J.11" tile SATIOUS,
woo a. ilow n( ice he mayor %Iota been rof ry from the "dual weddittameal, Mr.andlilrg: work is 74,%y
have been chartered to �vvvey hay to South . (it corized to Inte day Afternoon with ened and t9rew him. The I, li vss old In Canads and
a is ails dad fall III 0ricii. rView'the town soll-
tie it Is Afr[oal may Prevent any deal I to to the lat.,
f:n n (a W") I have to olatii,03111110
104.000 bushel* tot wheat frdto Duluth. the euntaci was tit so viorlons a nature Lotils Mapes %Vill reside sit Rock Is there life so women regitlaty sell- Wil"i p boy a iostodgis to ii, lat
s0`1 VA at former figarres- in.t. a 11ttilln-Mr, Gairdw hits and left agaln'tror the same place on its to require ail Immediate operation. hand. for which City` In Uncle SAID'a ployed In the work and. in tbAt time gon jr Jiuk 7
3jutter and age& are statilft
vive Rolf e dArtropin qt Vubblob Friday - andwhile It was In progress it was dorninion they lett yeateitiny after. the Deaconess Home, Jarvis street. nox 1 3, In
at uxtin
I their niany friends. let which Tile 1 a 410 t p SM
lei IeTh. r;,,,t evere me to Almosit preclude the oss valued at fruit) which sains
buttbore Isapparentlynapignot imoulvanco nfterdidthargingst tile Gode
3 Ito I ori (qojLssqT.oB. up To Noug or over tire t on Wright street, that rl Ill ell Ato Just as the Harpr :e is that the internal Injuries were noon with Lbe he"ItY good wished of has liben established and a 'the fence+ mo0d. and the place 6'. 7000a to I Olt to A r nos, end then my do on fle
of the elevator all' fjotelolatmirStarvait. at when 4 p4 ............ *0 a to so cleaped,'and that citizens* bts protills. struck4tiorri . ething lightly. btft she onlon hilstv of I ecovery. Tile deceasex was $TAII lkeltrtily joirm. landed over No Use the lot Cc tot suite . Ina ala that from that,
rihy to i nil& I..
Fola God, It girs,"a 8 It 11 161 to. plea red hem urch. Special attention is Veil to too I fa re r Or ;!ek I. I .. patent. is 35 to Ilea howltising I tie place for deposit. . ell without damage. The butied in Maitland cemetery on Still. O'CONNELL-DALY,-Acting reghs- c 11 b it,, vo,l%o kilo 11 -1
2LOO tO Ing Tubbleb. We understand tit Whet 9 she struck was it little out, ally Aftel-110011. trio funeral tulthig Place City misalun work. and tile 1141,05 who y Is to 'It. "..it
ff. W. UM
trar JARR, D. O'Connell. and Mitt a flu tout
....... is ou to if all is de the tnapke Miss go to the foreign 110)(Is no* opend 8 ilour to .... ... t"Its to come Idbun7, but to prevent from his late residence, Eight ave.
P Paz ton ..... .. 17 00 to 17 Bertha, daughter of Thos. Daly, of nionth" Ili the Deaconess Horne In Pill. Chisholm. Also In Answer to out,
0 art ]king SAW u4noill. per to 34 A* I those who' costs- 4 like mishap the -spot was located aild BsLL.-On Friday last Mary Ann,
flun -v s; vla died of wire of Mr. Willis Bell, died gulondville, were real ried In St. Jorroesi training tot- their future labor, The request, makes th
in 0 to
.............. D.. plaiiiiiii of the place being used as the nbstinctionremovPd. -The steamer a following state.
ails ad t .......... t ....... ........... 0 35 to ' i0salfritge. of the Undeoich. Windsor work of the deaconesR to divided Into ments
duinping ground Got, rubbish. . clinrelso. Senforti), till Tuesday Rev.
Ili Ilk I it, 06i ........... _... nd Sault Ste. Marle line. called'in- on suddenly at the residence of her- ... visiting ilia poor. nursing the sick, o if,,, Hintar of Tunc STAht
riop am wi. t 1% water. Q- ...................... 0 SIR to Saturday on her downward trip but In-law. HoliertJohnstan, nearthe Day- Fathers All c0also, (it Seaforth #and West, Instructing tile children still rescuing
ts �rgx Illo FIS% The papers tit thi Vill or 10) 1 ckwheat. per bushel .......... 0 40 to 50 Sir -The stAtoment nutdor t4o me by CaVL
end of the province are giving Geo. so she had, not, been advert, tied Goderlich, perfurining tile coternotly.
a j t r I there fleldRoad, Tholady had been In her There wasaverylarge attendance at tion with the Pred Vietor Mission. I waA to rocel vo halt the Cofteds, tj ter %I
loot 8 00 �1 Sao the depraved. 7 are busy in eonnee, Oriont, regarding tile entertainment. W trial
:Ili.. - t
4 0 121 to 14 Morrow's catch of a 92 Ili. fish, under wita no one to meet her. She was In usual good bealth, having
Imcgo so oIlon ................... 0 8 to iparently the function. and mods intweat wits Children tire tanght to met that liable. exaMmulli were paid. hit. I tanicy Ilrown to
Wood, oar, cord .. . . . ......... 3 75� such headings &a "a big (Ish slory." port again our ly Monday. And took on recovered front a winte a I linens, manifested in the celebration by tile epually w1nrm& The $13 frolos the
a numboir of couttle. shipped by Frank a sweep, dust. maike beds, care for their "I'aro
t Motory boys Avon blinded back the
The 410 farm, onegf, t4o beat 166 earn farina 04100, e:fOrt. 390110 another nil wits Ili town Attending her f
Ili, ordinary . ........ fish GWPV frolls Ooderich-" Allen for Sault Ste. Mariv. - Toe dough- friends nf the bride land bridegrootat. personal appertiance, and to those thopisoontAtIon sit Mayor Wilson's
In Godorjohl 1 gilt 0 Count),, ter. 17, Vt. A 04314- to toe. Mrs. Johnston. who wits Ill. Tito tiridesustid was Miss M-In"le older losatine in Cooking Arid sewing roquo-1, on the grolid l6t niter paylow for
coil. Olt front Goderlbb, Lambs- 044 .... .......... to 0 ett., at,(!. it rnilatters not flow they steamer Myles arrived In port on Wil lie conversing at the dnor with Mr. Dorsev, of Senforth. and the best niato 0 d d tho wstch nnit other tiolpanwoo Mr, Knov
to I
llokg in jitaltip. r he (Are L&iyg SIR or Ort J., to ir so head the item. as-Lbov Cannot contro* Sniturday frogo Fort Williarr, with alt- old a . The Fresh Alt d It
VI con ...... 0 03 to' 0 03 Vert the Aitterrient that, o ZIA Johnston. she tell over arid expired at our citizen, Jun A. Bit,ke. Shortly Pat*(, i,.,i till % halance fnan his asollel
1 djolnoq 'Zweuw terbuftura C'C' u- nient. liv which an effoll is Dladtt L
R)r 0()o and thio would be handed to ouil wit&
0 -A%n'rd and garden;
Hogs. dreaded ....................... 00 -Ili. fish from richelevator. She'rolopleted unlond- once- Med'ell Ala' was O"t"nto"ed, but after. the Ceremony. ir. and Mo'"- send the needy clitidtt-it of Clio city for 13. 1 rerequil about three wooko after.
Hoge, I va walubt ....... a 76 IQ 027,1 0466. Mort ow. landed a 02 41. bushels of wheat for tile Gode
I I, It at 4OR aprool, with or witir, to
t i as a o. Appy, to WM. GOULD ; a to 010 the Maltland on Saitutday, May 25th, Ing on blooday. and left that night for nothing cotild lie done. Tile late Mrs. O'lionnell left for I ilia town. and have t wo weeks Into I'lle country atu Ing Ito %favor WhRon nd Nit. Knox the ft.%
ortch 174tf IQ to 941 without list 11 P 0"(1 $48.43 so part of mr,diare at the enter;
on p in a 0' nganet. InsecuringsLone Suparlor.-The steamer Pat- Bell won ilia old-tinie resident of Gode- Cason no their rosidenze (in Market sullitapt 111"nols, wits doevibed Ilk it tainnitint, %vith the th4t therillwas
...... 5 (Ill to 676 from -the tied of the river he noticed Lake Pat rich tp.. aired 50 yearR, and was In street. Since tile wedding clir acting t
"aaa I
fild". .... 0 50 to 075 sildena, with 88,11)(10 linsbelA of wh ales ntill a forther "ma not yot returned by ticket
S 0 03 to 004 he from Duluth, for the Ood"Iels no Nullom ti- 0QPL UrauL, 'this to nil I have rc�
the monster, and drove the pick Ele religion is Presbyterian. She I"ves a registrar has been busy recivitur co
ftbUe 96ticea - I t. i. . . .. .. ..; 11 1 reated lant, year to thein) holiday
0 Win 040 was ocking tb rough Its head. It ineas- v bereaved husband and nine children, gratulations from life inanV friends 11;
Oblokens per pair ......... e h this harbor on Tues- Miss Scutt has been 12 vears coil.
Ducks per Pulp . . ............ 0 40 to 000 ured five and it half feet 16 length. To day. After unloading lert for Port live daughters and foot- sons. one son Geller felt, all of whow wish our new1v nectiml With, this Work. arild" QILVe Capt. Grant's Rtatement to Tun
TIOJL--ONTAM0 ST.&TVTES, IrUMT AND VZOETAINIX19- outsiders such it catch seems rongleal, Huron on Wednesday. -The RtOAMPI and four dativiliters being worried, all married residents it loiig slid happy tonoy li)tereAling and tonchinic tie- STAB, when announcing the arrange.
0 2D to 40 lint to Goderichites living beatobe the family being grown lip. The InAttill3onial career.
No ,;Dnges pe"lizan . ............ a Advance from Port Arthur, with 45.(W c mnLsi of work done Ili Ills nanko. No
The, idler .., ........ ... 30 to 10 river land take tee-ning with f6b. funeral took place train her )late home,
tutof the Piiacis is In receipt of the ments for the entertainment, was that
Ofitarlwata, nits 1001. for distributlogto the bushels (at wheat for the God rich Ele- one bill, (111VOLVd. Ohl-flitilko young Air, Brown and lv. Chisholm would
is Magistrates, and fail Persons entitled 20 in so big Bab or a big bag of fish Is no nine vator and Transit Co.. arrived'! West Wawanosh, oil Monday after- onien are wantod Ito this work and tit(,
?ottstom oar 20 to 2S In Gode-
Q.0 I., a 6 a in a. IUA wis'Peace. Huron days wonder. rich on Monday, And wits unloaded by noon. to Dungannon Cemetery, Rev. Sporting Notes, speaker iii -god that I he know class of Miaroalike. land this wars Clearly un -
43111:k of Mr. F irbairts officiating. The obse-
Goderlah, MAy-26LIM, -TnE OnNsus MUDDLM-An ObtAWFL Tuesday noon. The Advance bid to work be lovnh4ed. ne tilt its It wall I u- klumtood by of hora lit the thito. Mayor
New Advertisements. quies were largely attended. Pat McDevitt, of Lock now, has sold ilultvd. by I lie yoktt!g i,nnion of Illivoto, WINon should explain how Mr. Brown
depplatch of May' 29 eaVs: The AIM- fi tier electric light plant, and get her
USMSESHOSOFT1 . JEHUR0 COONTY pajre� eulj�les between the census Commision- rudder strengthened. and oft for that HICLL.-A beautiful life that Ills Sorel cot(. Florence U., to Beattie and neighboring localit I"m so thl't.
0C)UNP L4_.� r- Aftc
Wal� Paper-rJdd St Co .................. 4 prpoe in tow of the Passittlena. file wave promise of a useflil And honor. Bi -os.. Whiglastru, for the bandsoine ei,fol-tti wollitl bt. set o'n foot, in Was 84) pf olliptly paid $80.5 0. halt the
Pra,and the census enumerators con surroof$9W Till- (-tilt wits sired IIV lit fill I ten it 1) tilt- worlit, grolis proceeds of Like inatince, and conj
rpomdon ottha�Vtnststlr Paints &c A, Men. Allan ............... 3 '" ort. Hitron.-The Ing Bowman. ICA' ble Career. has been early terminated
June Prices -Porter's Book Store .......... : s cerning the rate 6f pity is leading to the Bruco Peninsula. with Ft tow of I'llalogn. Danj hlillv," owned by will heitwiLkeriediiillitil)pnci)tit-,qt4tvtii,k cert, nboot 11)nInIght o(that evenlng�
of Upon I matt Q t 6 onto ham r n on eat th by
the owh . tie at 3 RiVock ou."Pro the Stepping Out -%V, C. Pridliam .............. 4 sertoils deltay, tifid may retard the three scows loaded with cedar posts the death oil Monday Woo. Irwin, of BelfilAt. I hrough the visit (it Allss Scott to t1ilm TurL S-rAtr Itigaill units, And Insits oill
fin or in a next. NX. The Brow Tit. Dunham ....... publicattdri of adthoritative and re. for Wallacebur sought the shelter of night last of Philip Harold. second scin The Bru,%sela Post, speaking of the 0wilvontion.
Dated tit ooditirtch Una 92old d of Y. I. Prof, Wiltiz-Dr. G. Smith 0 old ........... 1 liable returns for oine time. The this port on tv-ednesiay evening.- behalf of thp public $&aid all pitrtiev con -
a , .8 ill Mr. James, Mitchell. of TPIE STAIL recent football wateli with Itev. ivj. A. Anderqon, B. A., cloped evilol-ti, I hat " tho committee " pubUnh jtr" Calf -Win. Moore.,.. .......... law provides that a entarnekatrorRiliall Three largestrainlaen veisele are ex- Though not 'yet 15 years (it aice, he says. "Thev have IL big team nad when th, thirteenth year of Ili" IMAWPOILO ill
A Tobacco Cigar -The Brunswick ............ lie Paid at the rate of $3 fbr I% day's pected Ili part to -day. was ot universal favorite owing to his they c-une in contact with our light I(nox last Sabbatt
-ovra7w., I M r. Atilt. an audite,l staLouient, #)hewing (1) the
Millinery Halt Prioe�lh`6 A. McKim ........ work of eight hours; thin Fball be to- VICITOFUA DAY. -For the first tine in loving and romiable dispositions and weigbtn, three of whoin were juniors. t'"1111 has ItlWaV8 preached lit I hPsQ collections, lie that each person who
It Wit Ao Announce to my, trl sideand (be Etagltsh�Cottdns-H�Ageus Bros ........... P!-ekenled in rural districts liv visiting his tolanly and conscientious Character. our leads went fro graga. Oiir bovw sity-thtee years, May 24th paitsed Ili oltile"' contributed rolay knew where Isis
Chile to throt-larabo.watilb to attand cheapest Bicycles in cauada-Etnersonk.:., six families and six forms. or to cities and in the weeks ot his painful Illness were well looked after by tile Goderich- Lhe of revipwing ill
bu_*1no ser-oarore mfiecont, and ionic, inno 0anstdrowithout cheers for ViCtAn'llt. o 1'"t illonev went; (2) ilia contract with Mr. y
&qdIwjPbos-a4Djw6dtoaIvo� inlitandcare"* 4easionalim Goods -S. 14. Mck ........ and towns 12familiag of *in average these qualities shone ail the bright.. Ites. A returb inatch wili be played led itfloulliting to morvijiligpult etror�
'1111 ILL] I all orders in a line. Thank- The.Sgults goilga_11. p f fivq persons each. This pay Is to the 14neen Empress of Clio British er, accompanied by an abiding in Brus"els oil the evening of MOH(Ittv, ill ill(, piosent. At the njorning Set'- StaillPy Brown '. (3) All tile eXpOnSP.8
Ing you for psixt,pstrtmtwe� afe, land Christian fidth, th Jime 3vd, when o YN h0l)e Ili retill 1) vicii ho spoke on 1irowing In incurred arid paid ; (4) the 85 compli.
r*gratefu Girl or women Wanted -Mrs, Geo. toll. I he given when the work has been Empire, and the tiring of valutes In Col"Ic at You I - WarningNotice-R. C, Attrilt ............... I "faithfuliv and antirpli performed." save illutuined tile last Isnurs tile COrnplinlent both ad to victory and ottid ill I lie evenlog oil Powor and Ow ekets alleged ; and (5) why
T, ji ulortasm honor of her natal day. During tire win' mentarV it
Stovos. Thowaria; plum 091 Ets which is. of' , eolVe. InterpreLed of ail aged Saint. Surely a lloffier'e h0sP1tAlltV." This important pf-rflal
Masi* hon SL. Goderich. the balance, of at least $10, as shown
Ila Including the Nrulghing (If larger half of the nineteenth cent urv, prayers and Christian Leaching wofe Emerson has arrnged for several Ili Mr. paittorato Tvits not
the 24th wits WerserallLy tine. in fact. richly honored In tier octal. The cause of bicv Cie races on the Agrictiltural Pxrk, ovt-r-lookpli by 104 for tit tile (,, loy if)(- mtatonient. is not
I .,eports to At peas-
'Towu ent enumerators all over the conotry May 24th and fine weathot were twills death was vaivular heart trouble. do. tile first of which will Inkt, ftt, IP Inv oil ruomdav, I hat, fio�ie vet paid to Pie, 1308holin. This will
LOAL IMPROVEMENT, m4 holding back r6turns until their during onr late queen'i; reiRr. This eloped by inflarrionAtory Pheurnatimill. 7.3Uon Wednesday ev(�ning (if next pret4entod hinj with it met of Itov. An7 contliviso a complete statement."
TOWN OF . GODORICH. W. W. Sitults bad received a Scotch claime for pay Me considered. whilst vear the 24th was not Queen's wenther, The funeral on Wednesday afternoon week. in all there will 1w Ove handi. IL(.W Murray'A Wlth seripm,
tl' 1 11 under the law thS claims Cannot lie In fact a pall was qyer the land its ft waspilvate.Rev.JamesA. An-lerson caprac",opl-non1vto lj�lf�jk of Mr. nd at the clome nf the Wednemdav which. its Mayne Wilson admitA, as
TA -KID I;OT109 collisi from the famous kennel of Harry rerninder thrit the one whose birthday a
considered until the returns are in and bad so long -and of Knox Church, of whose Bible clars Burney -Be tile wh' 14. The first, will evening ineeLhig, the battles, Ili the (only tair and business like."
That 66,,6oftiiall ofltlio,TB�Irnoidtiderloh Llne.of]LcIndon. The'suirsial Is very the work !'falthfolly land entirel per we so -P narlie of the joyfully Cale the deceased Ltd wits it con- tie it three 111111i cot(", , Ito "Itta I,(
WlIlL sandarlikkoll)(sonatrection of snarUncial formed." Asaconsequencoitisreerol: litatedhad pageedto 'the world lie ducting thc� service. The floral tri- ft-onr ndninaston ovaluable'. )edigreed and to. reAl beatity, yond. The day was Chilly. windy, arid -harge. lPollowing hini With ant-ws4ilk pulpitivown, The Brier Town Topics.
butwhatoftbodogtraoisoner? Sense ad thatthere is notone eimpleteroo- hates Included Ft Superb wre%th front ,,-a tile coinniltlee:--Or. Whit-elv, 1), lit Lal lollwai loado I VV At PQ (lit lit ILI n
howerR. And
oa determ Riled step should, be taken to run turn Ili the whole Dominion tit) to the there Wel sunny Tus STAR employees, abeantiful otie johnfittin, r. NAirrs, N. B. l4inith unit and II -4 Nin.t. mevpral rnerchantFt coinplitin of dull
length, !150 fj6t�, ;S L real isrjllfll� A (51AW a 2.2W down t2e dog linurderar. resent time. rallied in Godo,rich long before there ef roApe rind lilies front Ilia claRs tes J. S. Platt.. tornier fit roovt allPrOpliA10 Hill[ Mo' tiole% f0c this 9(-4010n.
t� tho probablevosit, to be ;V3. Trilit SAULTS lRousu.-The hotel Wail 11, &(lint Of hght ILI the east. Tire 1111nilsO. Ox Ttic OnItu.--on Haturdav (here (pimit wor(14 spoke of the nrid Oil Alonday we had no lovely a Run -
of "A" room lit the (Jollepriate
The4fsisM walk. to to be constructed under A BAP FALU-7-On Tuesday evening day was a day of disappointments. for Cute, arid one. from Ilia vouthful was n challenge game al, howls fin I lie minktrittionsof tni-ir tiqqt,or, L it. eye coold Wills to soo.
the of, th Muni* A41 Ind opposite the 0. T. R. Depot that was games and picnics had been arranged companinnnin canaping last innirrer. West sitept lawn. betwepti rinks Till- County Council will commence
ongineer crijoley.'antsof the crew on atid expresed thia hope that ho woold
6n Whaw, of 8% of tot so many years known as MaiLland that Could oint he carried out. Tile" Thestorrowingre tivogdesiretothnnit kipped by Woo Lnp and John WVTIII,
this blonifoloolity, ad, tholms a katftf�n isitidift the Ste. Advance, fell down an open long continoe to labor Ill 11wir litift,il,
'It III ned whope k1nA worda 4 Fit, lit-(. wilh tilt- such lr House, is L Iw open. and will bence. GOderich Ott" t 11) had an thp sonny friend. ill,, Jitno oilting on Tuesday.
alt. war alanod ' by it
ly�jorsaofubssr of ilia I'd oil that boab, Injuring him- shoot for 0 'a. in . and its tile pals theresultheingawhi for tile counly -illy glory. and wvar tile ci oivii Ill-Wnlar inpoting (if Ptiblic School
g r6ptalrent- I had r
visla,half'of the res In o be at the proposed hO"r earl devolro 'oft lie brave arid pi ties] I, Dowd tivit Mondav ovp"ing.
0 -W t1hecouncirwilln one Ben J. Saults, only to. some sixteen Inernberit were at Lewls tented gaine. The follo , wing wvre (tie t,f lire Ali. Aoilerson afim dorinhig Ing at JAL nbalwh1tv ally and breaking Itiwo I ibs. ceased for a time and yinpA,,hv we a cAled forth Ivy the clerk ariet, at, t�xcevdit gly well Coil. "
tie r I R. M. forth lie known as the Sault'i HoUssL f heavi
He'wall takt-n to Ovaig's hotel, where The OW"er
li-hust ptiblibliation of this notice Cent,11V 00VdIIA86d the PI-OpertV. and in youthful sufferer. lie hanll�onw Robe, teplied in a few (I. A[. rtibott 011pped eggs and
the lit i tim
he is said to tier doing Well, Park. arid the annual match, pre Players
if. all rants or visoirks will Q
�001rkl Is A ounlewilletaul thebiottif the short time he has ovviied it. has vs. vicepresaidont. Wa pall, through,the NicWTON.-Wednesdav afternoon sit exprosRiog hia upisr,,ciation of butter to Montreal the Pant week.
A. Farrow, A. AlvD. Allan thia a-lilition.1 token of tile love land
aCANTiN Vs. VALLEE.-The plAifitill Tile, shouli Ing tieing uriod considering the 4 o'clock, Homes Newton, one of our Ij. Mcf.,pao. jilo. Oalt, Whit Sandoy wai- We cold to allow
s4toy.4000411611- wade,vety grols. Improvements.
UITCHIOLU east IA? Conipol. dotbriclastits 'who - wilee hbuib cinitA.InM' ' tied routua, bartrom wind avid that t e8teonl of Ills spi Ing millinery and sprinar gowns to
obWorke. Torras Clerk. and 'bittli atital tip stal),s, sibil * the the members. lopground was now to hoist known citizens, passed away aftei Will. Lane, skip. Jets. Wvnn. skip. lie worn
liolst"St proprietors Of the 'QW -en's Hotel, The following were 17. 1 (1.
G*jl* loot 'ground floot, id tokoft kill 'With offices. the shooters #wild Lhe genres - a obort Illness. from air attileg fit lip. rliv in the General A I" here'Will lie acelefiraLionof Holy
Mont At, for 66.000,,, This was the dining room. Oitting dInd . sample poplexy. AlIthemorningliehadbeen Jno Wynn and 1). Holines skipped a sienittly of he Preabyterian (Inircil
w p gree to w r - ran gaino 0 -een Monday aftrnoon, now sittli I A In St� (ieorve'o at close
ista tt r _r ce p toomp. a bar. and sanitAry cobvemen- Presideril.'s Team. as oat's working round the house. a patently n the go I K t PhIladel Jill in. vote 1 01 roorning get vice next $,today.
116 h so tho lot 49 ho to b lit Mr. C. Garrow 8 R. nolsork 111rd` ces. The honselsfinished Inaltrawle land. after an exciting contwit. the down an amendment to digniks lie
monds 10 inbis usual health, rind just before Wynn rink won toy 0 shots. The tot. :Ioesit Ion (if it revision of tho (1,unreasion Tenn'o Is now being played dails, on
all end abOd. the U ell'S k "Phl the bed rooms being commodious, ir.11 S7
atid A o'ert 0 pird 8 W' RMarNilgon 13 noon his wife found him its I he blase- ]owing too matt the rinkm f Faith, deciding by can over whelinin-T the W Pitt at reet lawn, land oftentimes
0011616,th ventilated, nicely at,poted, And J. Andrew
lil iSe *9 1
oaten 1. L labArmingl suited, and the Pattern D- I 10 ment. where he hail been working lat Rob . McLean, F. Jordan. ninjorit v to continue consideration (if tit tile court oil the Park House lawn.
a" se eiral not 8 a t *On tire the ecto of Che bed rooms. The a9 It. McDonald I I he furnace. lei it titnto fit A. �44prow. Jno. Galt, Ilse groat qiiPRI,Ion after two dav of Jno Tott., who was ao seriously lit
Medical toll wAm sit once obtained. bill A. McD. Allan, Wro, Ltne.
Is is It I t Lire ifil"Ingloom willseats, in 0 number, i3 BF debate, durh,g which loading Pxl)Or)- that be load in ondergo an roperistion.
V990SPA, W" 1s9'ft9O91VgP, appoe 6 tie 0 a �Vlg top 24. tie When the rain let tip do were It was of no avail. Ili% the stroke wits no. Wynn, skip. D. lialroes, skip. estt,# (it Ilia Prembyterian doctrine I., we are pleased in litate, doing well.
41na LIM. idinarily, ourative too severe, Triv deceased gentleman I to ruout I lie coun I rV I horou
1. ZZ, theb" 8 We c Lim ZX 119 0, Ithe ta ell 1`1476 1411 Ofthtl xtefts!Oft holoWd. land though most of t9ow had -h r"P,Cted, $Ind his All kl- The Ooderich FlevIttor Company
felat "iblIvIg onto ohs, air tit was It man Runt aide columns last week from ins kind, �ha offlcea and adjacont rooms t4 be taken down early Ili the After- I yvi-d the rreed and ave the r rpa A"A elpvated over it tnililon bushels of
reidden call hail Cringed It wave of so hoir positionq I egariling tile swib-
Iwo tols 1 6% Hevie* Wits Incorrect itatingr tbalt lire ConVerliflifit, And the sanitary wet ks notln on account of the storm. Choy tow to Perviodo- the em"nonnit.y. lic' Brief Town'roVics. grain. from vessels, during the present
Pea e6ohl. jLmill-ketping with the rest. Thehar- made thlrows look holiday like I
afit his a n the no boato would tun dh tblit ithifte this wits ilia example to all-industorlous, While I% boy was driving Thoo. Tile ronliove"ev ieg Luilin I on
room Is W, is Arid nice Ortinted arid iijormn LOMPPI'MP, it strong respeewr cot the -'a two cows nerosk file rail- hits lid tAw the fivisonlii Th,- Provincint 0overnment, has
.4 Canadin tl,%Fs were hoist -
aa Ver the
OM sturnosiV.. Ake. 1&s. ilia halt" In, P =6 r
flar - e a tf y d t county build ng, PO"t day of revt� and Ft regivittr attendant at Warnet IthetWed app�vhonding tramps.
rho T#9 8, 'his ail 0.1hm"t 16etog ii'le. f0f 9A111 1146, t steAmst, r Wily track at the dork oil Tue-dav grvolm attiong the MO coo having sent out six detectivois for the
'09 �, 0 01 Outside. office. the Bedford and rt� Rougvle's Divine aerviee, herseo lie leaven an px. afternoton, it train caoulit, I hora. killing Lobtri'l will coulfteno her tri Clo
iti e 6bition. If$ 111, convenient store train the now stAff. Theta was amploil wort fly if torsions ion. It will lie
iion droili hod arid A well 1101110111" a big display of bunting at the Bank remoteilws4-gl I lint lie hold hopts but a Tho Youvig People's %clety of Knoilt
dlv nie one and badly injuring the i. I tie v it I, P gi c.1'
An l�d Saugt. An4 the talge. 'R Wist tAble. And of Commerce, the Union Jack flying The equipments and clothing for tile
few Inner hot on his new houso on Light- lo j,V ('11oogO WhAtever
thil 0 1,06 ynal teno- to the hciu*e &to isuntile lot a lArge in the breeze fe"In the gtjtff. while %rd roginient, artived in Rowe (In of the ('horch will hold a garden party in*
i Week Wtisietin VInJisor ousumertrout lot patronage. from the windows rof the second atorr litsuse, ist.ropt. ottod It was Willie engags�d Wednesday. and were stored Ili Ili, Ili,- de- :�h-d week of J lini,. Further prarticulars,
Djr,- In pill Ovittf It lit #)?ties- for Mot family he
Two YnAm UM 00i DAv.-On there flow tire Royal Standard, th�6 Rem call hottar. In tonon land town. apmorV on Weqt stieel, frorn which 411 o%34 4'r ia-1 I Ing nol-11. I Ili. roores,iloll will lie given Int,er.
they %Vill be issued to the severe, con, offLith anot, trillbr.iiiv Binghara'A rn�rnorlitl. the Chestnuts,
hr mu %VAtt'vIX0Att4htIoft in call- W*dn&djjk* Johli W. Wbtt Wadi before Royal Arols. flags of Scotland. Ireland idilp Lite rewa of the death of Home ilitlrotond tho whom that our one.
b Od-10 III& W4113169 11110000 In Out' 8dVtg- Ills, Hovori]rudge� Wylefi* sentence Nwtn wits booted with feelings of I Inle rhairniall of Public Works knew
itsid Wallets, the red, the white and the
t JA, treislitilfilt hills onaijifi, the crosses of St. George. deep sorrow. rind all who knew him The Stnitford Heiald of TneRday. Ilie rentript. %ho f bile �blutfihor tegitledit fill; oil r&Atir" Cot tottfs rRt#jjItjg $an ;St. Patrick and St, Andrew, and 111.1 Vvit -a flow I(, lwant,itv the trown.
with hit,1110otr 11w re t lisithotwhich he thorse of Now South Wales And Viet, nod wh.� (lip
grieve at him Icalp and sympathi saysi '*W. W. MeVicar, tit Ooilerlro,
his bereaved widow and her children was lit she elly yestordiovmnnd took Floch,%nnnq k L�tvvvon havegot the
Alftow6clit PArk abd *4*66t few modifi(
ets it" liatt Plft= At the uplifting oelit. Harty In the day anglers of lint la block with him fonr I)oxe% 'of thp won. it j*lty. RoRth 6WO ork of tittine: lip thearniory on West.
jiloiliante" In their foliation And grent loss. Mr. Ing f.,ttll Iho imly... t.
4;� 'd "hol'irAnce bY lok the Court this, VOUIrtr AttOftldr ank- soves wore at the Neseton lived otil his life in Huron. big aut - loct I nod N vo.tr 1.-1 1;11 Pill
it$ Out, to egpernies A�j IiiiI Harbor. and"A the derfol Matters Powell hat-. that A It. ireet, nn,l have, contracted to sent
lsfitI ft Xr� JAWle. old I
D: - W1110 e&Iesr It Proper den1*n0d for tho crime. train Ceased tord number Increouted, so earlier =,belln the far - love iSmith Is mailing, for, the Huron Itegi- school near
inL ir ifid beetv proposed mittly parties ft (ins the tnilroships had And In ire. while for more
People sparst, on lIOLA merit." idand ns tile woik of till, Iloly
ki4tith4i And hiW4thr, the litiat the Ire net. AIIO*4#d to on come in (tit- I% dim's f1johing. The rain
In Ali to thAn a deaside he It red retired In Godo. An ronsuoing Incident neenrred On spiril. 1). X. R.rarhan "hipped one of his
b t tho rich. Hamilton street Clio other vistv. Twn ittotl ranvio4 wnier carta to Listompi on
ombat, jol fid D, er idthe w1kid had either driven the
"t 11 111 answer in I he nng sob"i
-Wefts. -bit lio a L � 'Awt Ktonttaoth- fish into deilpstattor. or put thorn ff
h thb 86tAlt, th6"
0 _44brii, Vt ad- & eva wftt home fishlaosili. There arsgel of derat-h carried to tier eternal and A-aellibiv to 1114, streets. a
Aj(jIjj I I lint 8.4 hoth h 'K
6tvtht" who Before Iii-ing ohi tied it
*r file# a I Ill it bite. and roost of this virleiders of GlIst"ne.-On Tuairdav, May 218t. the mons, Thus. Beirrowitand hichat in thp Pvevhvff-vo. n�krd Ow SlitivrilftV
9,3*94 0. swell, were ot"king each oull nd 9.14 the
VA + AT1111tv 0
ad heen rprentiv i,ov w tp onderWed, fooF maid t b(,V 1,. I.,.j I f %%tit
t mot
L r. 'w"* othitir,fixtifto along the creeks, reward. Julia Lilian Victoria, second a,. 're%
6tooli 'A lerso but the* all ed 411 beard, they knew not thP 1ther a -ision nor a inippi 'rhe atote probibita Sunday Phav-
n o co Of t*0
Xk;M _p#ckldd ones wpm As canny dughter of Mr. Jos. Griffin, Unnier of other, although they wprt- old ft lend-. 4tnt,inent.. nor !lip of Ing, the I)# -%v law Corning into flu"
'4 the take. And Clio
d [lit d the n 1'16r Mo, theft of n* fbo
-it Huron. Neari four A team tit horries ownir-d Ivy I.Re & t lie w hole qiibjeet. a till o r I. ho '=`1 P, r- Ativotio roav p Ing )LnuelpAted thInt brexAfArit did not the Closinity roolec te
4 W4 hr%ofij Iond 'bo$tki. the "titilitflen eventuate. flositing, was lint as plea- Ifilitithis ago d"Romonlid contracted ft cold. Shophard rveprilly went dtl%vn at 6vterieQ, 15 n tho l'i 14taten od a, qvid it. 14 �alti local nethooh"
iottled on her longs In Clio form EARst oitr"Pt &old 9fillArP foontAln. And I0 in fo"ign Ineil- falled to ri 1i.,wiv taken.
lRitio #04 $14 Lite elements, And there of prien-miontol, and fitlaills, t lit alleged. its a reanit, one of Iliern Of trip rproinining I"i-Pubyl--t w., 114-41 IV It ti,tq h QmZj:eAt e4i that the fenm
'of Auted ilItish *Mtlofte Kfid" n C0116tirtoilitlY. Mid. to In Alit Ofurtline in wind #told rain. hi�st A which
to I ftli 1 01 , loot widro It fe salloyN out. The 24th blais in her death. When It wait resslivAd Tile opin two thirtla
46 Thv%w Ce t'ho tijill. I Aiktod
b and its lie phot 'bill wpek. if I lie whol-- ill, bi- t:tken down, but
thif '0*04LL $1 Is "it" kilo 6 61 11"a the oponitig dAy fOP that r"RIVOry wits Itapial0lble. her Ion to I hat there Is groo nd ftir action for itotoe rhav,ir-- III 'tie q1 if,, nihelher It Inne 1,11114 year In
ft Of th tifis voil
bl,,. but rin V%d#LV, frily be
ollitl� 0#10 the 6&el(,o6Tv 0*006406aj shod,sts dt 01a Ing friends hold the go ellat conika- rigarnait tho town. floor rhrz srAR IP ri,,nt, 17 ih0W_ 11 , *hjjj I, lie P, W. 01111111ittep.
"Y" quall.
the chill (-hr I wind, Arid t y jittlon o
t h
Pat# r.,
i6o the altwWw th ilholtii sed or ildvent into her Prellifli'd- I rpvi.i,,n Mail in Th- loral lodge C. 0. F.. will attond
RIF ft
hot It Mo �*qter. 4f this 6resroti pictilew f6w
rV0 f knowing Fho would be well 111401"'Iftl the mallet will not I.v fpi%aton, 11 nil eitt0arniory sit
6*6 wti C.- wailt wore the biburcle, Video I honip. an oil@ land horrid her The Con;j of f, or Ilse tow n -ervito in Victoria 9fripotAtoth-
tit" Atol ort to,
ploAr"Jillt. dorieb to VN606rCj;RA if, Illness with almo0 ifluratirliumnin wits br-14 (in Wwlnegday mornin t next Sistiday men,ninit.
bJIM 100 1 e f-4 Visiting art, cordially ail -
1w, ft 11 had a rotor vlailthlia. tweitl omit catit, ois tow. , Is and -ealknottion to the Will of Aleoqro. Naftel. Allartin. Knot and
901111K to M Itchell to, woo, Msk#t. and whpn thp end "d In- Morney twing preize"I,. All the evi vitegi tit loll, in tilt. pervice.
The earetaker ot tile post. oftles hall
were fleed off dW "mo. of knowing alis, divid as elip Asince connei I Pd ith tho appeals wmm I"d, 6tow *A tho 6 Ili #tot, Mary."
6tit ftwittatlilig kltlh Allat I III*] livetti a 4 lie ,child o hostril, arrA the coort. nalionrneil till 911111P change not t ho plet to front of the btilding
fill hr. Friday eveninir. wlipn 1he oVidonee brig pilift floull
Als"t, W, sn"k fdrtlii tha Ithdrilt fmiiiii, atlitt. will rain suromed tip and a decision Mnrrow oxhipped egg% to Montreal making a twit of the belfusco of
dftftsdod waa a ftlomber. usada In each cassis. on Wednesday. the spitce inside the "Ovilolit.
1* ft