The Goderich Star, 1901-05-24, Page 5n (1 iy The wouderfili, Inteincee that 044 !alit nate. (i.irptlt pap i. Litreut, forced u' toeit'l u7,P. alis .Afore; Specials Y)�L iaa 80!aches.cvidk.:Irtivvy,txtVs0 e1111aL'6. in 1400 t4tk1yiulga, pelt's •fir t ileo . iautltxiiu'riva,r ut ` 41�%a.11t.' 1nclvel+wl61fl tisli Tapestry 41 A' r I IPI e'O.rtf�lb!QRltlt'U i tor tparlOriT, itallst oleo t t pq,,, Ttd ' , il bytere weft re VIVO'IN I x.4.• 1. I VI 'dd11 1..-,-1la x 9t,+ tttr. owse a,*, x' "'4ll''ao��trt r. Mr. iv R o* 04 200,Q Brant Io awl Imo° idot11e1!fora US 2 tai • w ut 4(48,4 Jr: It iii'Itl attA iFa 1 tvnl: '100 yards EORIbI'li 1So. riy Brusgals 8V11111):1,0"1,deJrtilt co!a lti2 ,tit E u1.; T d '� Ue.ivi' fidtx'il'.Li'uolenrxla #tlRl" at "MAO htlrt,tre yard .. " aspect on invites: • • d¢ y g�p�_ Ay rD Q ,/,y0Jy0 ., 11.00 t. L;'i/r�.�'.}� YA�5p!Q'/r1'�C',7.LA(R�Wv�.n �`Mange r. o tie DoanIn " p+.1ii Co. G1'.OR404.0. Cawnv,, ohs*^0 to ciel pk ., .gine Cg,:. '14Z084, Moil TOSlif y' liak:.o Goner klt f utohttr Co;. D. MC.G47.1CUli)DV,1,'reth eter of The Goderteh Sigpal ,.. ION* JO1 N '0ii for o •Chdthaxu Q$11 Co. .,. • • r13i4 aPilg 0 0I.1 EAE Wr root Aare liarll.-Wlta., TOM'Iit'ise. t .$ Wf . TheIVI'attiat�ioi Rioter 'A*e.r. t$>ttpart, ' (t.ttrilte+d) W. u �*, h of l00 Q00 worth of stook iia aharee! a n So n Acheson # of $100 each.. ..•-+ • 'be ` '.beriCb tat. Tsterrtaxa OALr. Tl FRIDAY. MAY 24. 1001. • Terrible Jieeicerit. RAILWAY TRAIN DISABLES A MANFOR LIFE. 04444.4.00. Andrew, Brother Of Dr. Taylor, GOderlcll, the'P'lcatnl. Andrew Taylor; brother of Dr. Taxy- iQt;'of;Godericb, was returning to his Wine in Clinton from a business visit to Tuckerernith on Vedne.aday evene ink of trust week. when he was caught by the late train on Johns' crossing. The crossing is a dangerous one, and it will be remembered a year ago u roan nuiUie(1; Jphna *was killed an this surae crossing. Mr. Taylor was driving. and it would appear the rig had reached the cross- ing when the train was appioachlog, and in the cxcttenrent Mr. TTaylur with. thrown on to tho track. both feet being reword at the ankle. Messrs Layton and Townsend were returning Laura from Clinton and Wet the tuna. way hcrosle. and in 1.hei .endeavor No discover the caatse found the u nfortun- ate men at. the railway crossing calling lor help Ile was removed as speedily as poseihie to Ur. (iunn's hospital at. Clinton and .all town doctors were called in. Dr. Taylor was notified and drove down from Goderich. At' the time of writing. Toesrlay. ttghe patient was tusk favorable lir Taylor h the prospect to well and.f+avarabiy known to agreat many People in.the county of Huron, rad while keen syinpathv ie expressed for himself and •relatives in such a terrible nfltiction, alt rejoice to know that las .life: bias been neared. Ile ear- ried it. 85.000 policy .In the Ontario Acoident Company, and' Also holds poli- cies In the Maccatrees (whl`c ipcipdes disability claim). the I. V. F•, 'Wand - men of the World, Chosen Priendeedte. foothill d'rentuer, olllera as *wary, cap• .� iLu1ist. He pursues his ,path with'i unerring constaneu. ax rt'tl iwcefut', sileuC, rnvsterious,ctutn. How wise or how hawkish his plan may be the Years to come will show, hut he *111 always he blessed by his own people. f'v be seems to have infnied them with his own energy and vigor. and 49 he gives' then, work. and the obligations of pity day ale regularly of a grand idea, whether tt;pe or false. It Saved His Leg. The QOn pp,rty proposes to. supply electric energy for the realer.' work' and.ligbtiug of. the Town of Goderieb, from the River Maitland and its .tributarieo Out baa it, contract with the Qurporatiou of the Town of Goderioli guaranteeing not lees than $8,00q per annual for 200 hor3e•power or uvular' for a period' of ten ears. Th0 Col%Pa11ybaaalso made conflate with 'the leading industries ortbs town, whic6 will-oteate' a dernal fobabont 20 additional Morse pew. r ,at ftp simnel rental of'$tM per horao.power, thus sehnrine an additional it- cotne of $0,000.,11or anngm. P. A. Danforth. of LaGrange, lift.. 'The Co j'f3ANy also holds an option on the eleotrio light p an n an suffered for six' month® with a fright nRinnnnt town_ winch,in the. event of iia being taken over, world increase fl menhir/ sore on his leg but writes that Bucklau a Arnica. Qa y u tuBa glee whoU the annual returns by firma $4,000 to $8,000. The Great Pan-.Ainerlean Shows. Every man, woman or child who knows anything about circuses, and who ever saw The Great Pan-American Shows, will be delighted to know that the big shows. In ali their magnificence and exalted - gran - dear, 'atlrely exhibit at, Goderksh on Tfieraday:litey 8004 end -preqeile both ealdbitiona. with thew, 'reedit trorninie rearatie ever seine etude 'par des were first exploited. Le the great shouis will ,be seen slaters! neitlattirea'Whielrealmoltir monster Boyaliwpos pronounce it the grout - to which the deep'beean ever gave bi The sheggy, ikon though beautiful, horse- riding lioh; Reed). the biggest born ot brutes, taller. -longer, cost mote Batik the world-Own:Me Jemho—the very lord of beasts, and is worth the prtee ot admission alone. The Roman Hippodrome, an exaet reeroduotion .of the Corse of auctient Rome, and thasuodern mom ettanhed am it. ate ale once exciting.. all' things equal p..? thp, bestraces rew pp amid* Of one.butififed 44014y ourotigi.' acts, given by one hundred superior /ironic stare, requires three full hoar* Match to give them. The Menagerie will be a delightful study for all, because it eciroprisee more wild, tame and strange besets than our people have over before had on opportnnity to see. The show is great in everything and small in nothing. Catarrh Easily and, Quidrly Cured. Poor temedies have .given catarrh the reputation of being incurable. Butltis curable, eaeily and quickly. it the right method is employed. Snuff - mg an triitating powder or ointment up the'nose, won't, cure catarrh. neith- er will tablets, douching or stomach Medicines Sere. .Theae treatments fail because they are not far reaching enough. They only affect local condi- tione, but do not rerpoVe the cause. which le igerto fife established deep down in tbe Wogs,. bronelival ttibes and nasal paSsagesd Ordinary remediea do not reach these remote parts, but Catairhozone does. foe le ,breathed through the inhalee into eVerv air cell in the limits. into everY etc passage In the head and throat. Iqo matter where the catarrh le,' Catarrhotone will reach it.. lb 101(s the germs, heitts sore spots, chisii.s Hie throat and nose Instantly,. 1Am/en:ally used; pleasant and clean; Oar antsed to cure or mon- cents and $1.09. Druggists. or Poison LEtaVes Home in Poverty, Re- turns to Build a City. There are Many families who use Miller's Worm Powders for all tares in cases of bilioueness and claim better results than from any other medicine; one dose is usually stiMcient to curl ect the trouble. For sale by all druggists. There Wita written on the Hotel Grand register In a plain, triatter,of- fact beech M. Confine, St. Joseph, Ont., tit gointlenstopottta .s...10014t At Wel* Ofirt EOPorter. he story of M. (tontine's life reads like a ro- tnanCe. Ile vs of French-Canadian Pivrentege nod was raised In a- rretde- mat of fortnich-Oanadians. half farm- ers. bail Wiliam, on the shorea of Lake Vara In the tonthern pert' of the county„of Heron. The rautlentent has JAR itkirfie the name of Tiniterville. Frotn heris Contine act oat when is lad to seek his fortune:, 1,110 r!offirrsittlI2,,a few 'eat* tato. tralcil, .44! Wealth " an. Ile made iworelloses „of land. Thor AvIuks heVedr. bit* nod laCet,,Illetti44V01114 sesmilike Mist The Stook will be cumulative, and draw interest at the rate of 8 per oent. per Bailey]. The Opening of the Stock Ust to the publio is in accord- ance with the desire cot the Town Council of Goderioh, that the shares of the Company should. be open to the public for purchase, and not to be taken up , raymetitW,„00 5tctols :-20 per coot. to be paid on notioa of aod three additionUl payments of 2f) per cent. to be made in two, jbur nett MOStile,iispeotively, from date of ellotment. It is the intention of, the Company not to call for more than 80 per eenL per share. i• • L'Aviiiie▪ ;ations•for-shares and other partioulare may be addressed to the Secretary, at the Company's. Office, West Street, Groderioh. "' Goderich, May 14th, 1901. JOHN E. JOHNSTON, AniOs 00110es A new Shigmenx of spoliate to hand last week at tho Central Drug Store. If yo I are in need of a SPONOIC for any purpose, we can suirelY Y011 at LOW PRICES. General Purpose. spouses -very eheaP. Cuba Toilet Sponges, from 50. up. Unbleached Shttepawool-very durable - from 100.1,0 75o. Mediterranean and Cuba Bath SPonges, Eta; Eta Telephone No. 90. On Jellies preserves and plekles, serried a tuna coating of refined PARAFFINE WAX - ,,,,,i,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,..y.ms.bprotridtrylestot:7,801,1 er'''fitiP"aly'sboutu.07.1r 11..a 8010 sverYwher4 IMPSIDAL 011, 00. If the children require physic none acts so nice as Miller's Worm Pow. dere: very plessant to take. When children are pale. peevish. and ,restions at highttthey requite a dose or .tooti! Miller's Worm Powders. For sale by all druggists. Master Cecil Hodgins, second son of Res. Rural Dean Ilcidgms, Seaforth, Met with a serious accident. at the Collegiate Institute there, He waa playing toot ball, and was run up agalont by another player. injuring him internally. At first it was /thought there was not much the mat ter wtth him, hut be gradually grew worse until Thersday evening his ease VOSS coMildered serious. Go Friday, however, be took turn for the better, arid we are pleased to learn that be is now in a fair way for recovery. 114,M*t_tdel tisk begtev*Y11011,116:44 'that ,be aces- vlaftbefOitrWilint`:IntloW,;Thlt title Irogtilslb *nth yo Wart 110,Med by Sid Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolited Town Property Value of Propeity Insured up to January 1901. $3.048.975.00. W. • 0. Boadroot, Beaforth. Inspector of losses; T. E. Scatorth, Seoretary.Treasurer. Bemondrine; R. McMillan, &Marti); D.. Smith, Policy holders can pay assessments and get 'heir cards recelpied at W. COATS, Clinton. or at MCLEAN BROW PALACE BLOTRING STORE, STOVES STOVES STOVES Every motlwer should see that her daughter from 12 to 18 years of age taker. an occasional °our of Miller's fdonipound Iron Pills, fatly young ladies who were simpose to be going WO decline have been restored to health and Aga by the use ot Mil - merixter40. one ler'e Compound ron Pills, 25 cents. ' characterize tuk, a for 80 doses. For axle by all drogelgte. Wall Paper and WinflOW Shades Nor MOM— Gontatteasc rid viticiator 1600,60 IOW* Antleartbat Sof daft reettlefifti OM ids acroga Worn, att Win iv* role*. tot 84,00u liooriI w133. 1310 ft* AVI4 The Pearl Silver Steel Coal Range, and the, Art Am- ., herst Heater &ace the best stoves in the market, for sale only by J. H. Mall Business Knowledge and Everlasting Push WIN Who Pays? hy burn more fuel than necessary—and put up with the disadvantagee of an old style range in yout aitchetif, The now IMPERIAL OXFORD will make dollars' worth of difference in your fuel hills—is easier and quicker to regulate—and offer@ cornfort, conveniences and cooking certainly mot fonnd in any other range. Its improvements are patent. ed features exclusively its own. SOLD SY LEE & SHEPHARD, Agents, The OURNEY FOUNDRY' 00., Llm'ited, Toronto. Winnipeg. 11110114111111141111.1111111 i laud is hand. 4 PRIDHAMI THE TAILOR. fin 600 to flafiLopob. AT MUNRO'S. Wail HOUMA Satin Under Bifida, up -to -data in every respect. Lace Curtains to yards kna. Lace Curtain Nets per vard lbio and 20c, (Artistic Deadens). All over Lace Embroideries. (Floral designs.) Valenciennes Edgings and Insertions. Series Embroideries, (a choice eelection.) New Prieto, Ginghatue, and Ohanibraye, together with many Other new and useful lines. A. MUNRO Draper. That Touches the Spot MacLeod's System Renovator 0114 Weak & impure Blood Female Complaints, &c. Ask Druggist, or write feet to J. M. MaoLEOD, Goderleh, Ont. nondenoe and baboratorr—Neweate Street. tho Old Stand. in rear of Knox Oburob. SEED CORN.--"Nallow TURNIP AND MANUEL SEED. We have in stook the Learning, White Cap Dent. and Early Compton, Mammoth 5outhern Sweet—ail reliable Seed Corn. In Turnip Seed, we have Jumbo, East Lothian, Hall's Westbury. InMangels we have the Mammoth Long Red and Giant YeUovi, both too well and favorably knbwn to require comment. We are headquarters for all kinds of Seeds, Flour, Feed, die. WM. BURROWS SON ?our Grocery Wants C....S._Cau Best be Supplied at this Grocery Everything FRESH and IIP -TO -DATE. oar CALI:. AND SEE THE STOOK I 4 One application gives relief IL, The Seed Emporium, Hamilton St., Goderich 416 Surgeons' Antisepfic Oil in any kind of pain. 2 IT CURES Piles, Bur ne, Scalds, Ulcerations. IT CURES Wounds and Bruises. ilj i IT OUREs Boils. Carbunclea, Felons. 1111 IT CURES Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. IT CURES Rheunintiern and Neuralkla Pains. 1 IT CURES Salt Rheum, 'rettera. and all or, dt ions of the Skin. !il PRICE 50c. Sold by all drugeisis or sent by mail on receipt of price el) a ii-iim or i 6a n shows.•, AsoNAIonTtEiseppLti.c Chemical Company, CHCIAGO. ILLS. 6, ki It has paid others to attend the Central Business College, and It will pay you. Our etudents are remark• ably succ0001111 in aenu ring and holding excel, lent situatione, De careful In your Poleetton of a school. Eivarndents of other bustness col. legee are now in attendant.° at our echool. Come 10 Oda concise and we wilt guarantee to thoroughly prepare you tor business life. We deal in genuine businesa education. We halve nothing nide with theaham article. Write for our catalogue. Stutients admitted at any time. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. By Prompt Attention., Rewash% Prices wres:estot workmanship Walley only the goonemenoractured. roor order with mt. We ha VelveritO idpenial Bargains In steam:amble Suiting& We sell them to you right. While the gismo Is here to wear them Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing stMdene at lowest *lees. No work ts toe great sad none too smell for us. Massey -Harris Warerooms Hamilton St., Goderieb. Eleadousrters tor the celebrnted Brantford Steel Ring and Ideal Wind Mille: tbe DeLaved Separator: the in the market; good. reliable, up-to-date Carrisses: and a foil line of modern Agri- ouitural implements. itarCall end inspect onr lines before porches. ing elsewhere. Nest to John Britlette. Practical Tenor. Clinton and rife tO cketerw hitch* An interest in the me fist the. tenting anon. There 11 Ideal** nritriber often' members. u• tittoitwince.1.11. w. zeta y4,ocks. Dealer in Itloh•Oradie ice. J. Menet; canto G. narItt see, '1,41,4114e. drat, Sundries. Electrical COOth arid V., natateipi tinge or too tomtit tot `41‘ will aleraya be found Theta ear& adifforente of Oit_ most sobjeettv. bet there'll, on 004.01611 01.01 Ihilt Bert Parsons, THE GREATEST GLORY OF THIS GOLDEN AGE 1 THE CiREAT European Menagerie I Triple Circus Hippodrome I Oceanic Aquarium and Congress of Living Phenomena I WILL SURELY EXHIBIT AT Mill Wood For Sale THURSDAY, ItliY 30th 1901. The abovi is out into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part oat the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at 128 Cambria St. will mere. prompt attention 'Phone 98. Peter ricEwan. Goderiell, Nov. Sets 1899. RAJAH ! Largest Eleobitnt that walks the Earth, now with the Greet Pan-American Shows. Taller. Loncer, Weighe More. Cost More, than any Elephant ever oapturod. The Moat Marveious Monster of the Mighty Seas, Biggest Born Marine Wonder. JOHN YULE, Kingston St., (laderkh. EDNA COOKE, The Girl Wonder The only Leal, Snmersault Rider In tlie World on a Bareback Morse. A challenge of 110,000 te products her egoist. Were in it, too! ANNA COOKE, The only Lady Four and Six Horse rider the world bee ever produced. ?or woos and Weill dm has no equal. ULE. HAVE been in the FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING business for many years, and desire to thank the general public for the very liberal patronage extended during the past quarter of a century. TO CELEBRATE with.our friends we have decided to give exceptionally low prices on FURNITURE for the next thirty days. If you want anything in Conches, Lounges, Bed.room Suites, Parlor and Dining Room Chairs, Rockers, Sideboards. ate., etc., the prices we quote ehould not deter you from baying. THE GOODS are all good and worth a great deal more tban we ask—much less than other people sell at. Do not bay until yen see our stock ; to inspect costs you nothing, and we will be pleased to show you oar goods. UNDERTAKING is a specialty with us. We thoroughly understand our busi- Dees EMI have received our schooling and diploma at the seat of learning. In every case we guarantee the most modern and best possible service at the lowest living prices. J. BROPHEY & SON. HEADQUARTERS CAPT. SANTIAGO, HIGH DIVER, The World's Ripest Diver ; actuasitzeranigvamtifiroffiself. bilekward from 1h. Mewl* point atom Than Alt The Adam -Planned and Mosh-esoned Igultt-leamowa goalostaal Wonders Herd of Trained Elephants, Tainted Javan. Titers. Ltonii, Leepards, Bears. Lynxes. wild Cats. Ortsdiee. Cetentonete. Hamm thellickna Walken end Peeks,. 100 EX ALT D CIRCUS CHAMPIONS • ibeflUPItEME Aura. Grand. ridden, °Merino. Mlle -Long Street Paradt Evru Dau at 10 O'cloGIc a.m. Mtn Dive 10.30 a.m. and 640 p -m - an Yeas ere weterproot. Excursions Oil All Rellneds. Irmore open at and 7 p.m. Petircarmanees 11 and S wet. Setnething More Than re Putgatere. ssTo pnrge Is the only effect of noon" _la now on the maritet. Parnielee* alteitk other pdfir They cleanest the blood tidy regulating the liver and kidneys. an they stimulate Where ether Pill compounds deprent Nothingof an trijuriOns, nature deed for suweiv pat ire powers. enters Into It may he only a trifling cold. trot neglect it and It will fasten its fangs in your lungs, and you Will epos he tar- ried to an initionelt,:grave. Itt . Ole country we NOW ailendafet thank* AO expert to tame renew and craft. We cannot avoid them. but we can effect snmptive Syrup. the medicine that has never been known to toil m outing coughs. cOlds. Inonehltio and ell. affec- t/0M ot the throat. IMO sad Spring Things. Garden making requires garden tools, Anil spring house cleaning end rrairIng makes other hArdware Garden TIM:lets. tivad ea, Wham Barrows. Pruning Knives. House Th Inge. Brushes Poultry Netting, Barb Wire, Galvanized Wire, Thorold Cement, Portland Cement, Nails and all Build- ers' Supplies. TEST THE 9 Best and Cheapest at the Cash Hardware Store. N. D. Rougvie,