HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-05-17, Page 3- " r ­ - - , - � .. Is - ­,-­� - ; 1. 1"71�­I, T- - - I - -1 .19" , �-Mw `7 —7—T-41111—TRIN-7— ­ " � '7��,� 7 F A., I.- . .111111110M.W.""sir I—— ­ p" , I I- - I'll, mww"7- . - - I . 11.� * , I � I - . - - - � I I - . I � .1 J � �. � ., F,"� � � �- . r I � . t - �, I I � , I I - � I - I I . � . . I I I I �. -- . � S. . "L= -1 I 11 I ­­ - I . - I I � ... I I 11 � -­ I- I I - I � I . "� � ---- in = -.: ;': : � ." � .� I .1 ­ - ,-;l - ,.- � '. I I � --���- . - I - - - � I - - I- I I . I . , ... - I, - , ��� 1 - . ­ I I . I I I I -.0,M .� - .1111, 11, 1, : �: � I :! :� 11 . . I . I : I , . I = III I ,�.": 1 1 1 � � 1. :: I ; � ' ...", �- —­ , � � - , , : . N . L ,� , l. I , - ;;,� - , � .11 - -1-1 ­ I - I � ��� . ... I "�. p,,r oo"a suad, toil � ,4 servi" , EW$ "Atild. ilaiitv4d. 000'4 to , od, To-doy I hat% tto I *Kw I � MARKETS, IN in , , ... . I I 4T 'OLD OUR THE �� -r, - � �, I ���-! 1 ,, yau fair I , to � ; �� . � 4;* 4k yo,% , riigi-" to — � .11, � X olly ,, yr. . 1 HONE . R�. o 7,� t", OffflIuMON8. Me* Z*MrZo, imilil c*u ,: ��,t LEADING ­ - - . " ,4 IN ,, R�tu,e c4,,tw.,,t a.suille.d the I — .1 I _-j 4 - I 414y"T" hfft� tq. f4give. T 0 1, ­ , E0 . 3 I A 1 4. Asia Pt beilet & 14d0limit Man. Thetis * ;gi�, , , �� . t*,A� iswqj" -q --mm - , �,R � . It. ai ,- *4 by --,--;A JT 40" XULL UPOM IM" , � '' , W beso Pert ' -- VIURP Ay XA1F- A101 ,W� of W0401, A - *tnil no, more 94 01A, 4 kalligir,vou, to Words, 40 Joint 004W. A 3U4.1, thif );W*y-Dt1m(�mit-r ,CWPW­9P to *IOU. ft",� ift I ­ 7 --, 'T',` � I � ,� AX0 1913, PXOPAZ � 11 i : . . 1 41" advice, in, tural The ,,V* ; an ics� but wmt sw I W QPW* , ftru 0-1 *1 0 � � ." ,We* VA ,-told, � lOw"1111". A" p I I I I I , � -, lay the ixat;er , wmm- �w of the �st, lAwiviii0i isevi- , lit"I , , V"" , L -1 , I . I � I ." as ,%tit U—Rw, .PWA 9�L'Ahie Lowell b"4 , fplit�iqu tul weer. ,U* isaA lsit*0=4 11 0-W N"" , _ �. . I .1 Of ypitir pops!44� VW4914 .. � - , oh _m � = , ' t Wq t W 00 k1fe"r is still wIth Its. 04114,*r libl"'Ag btfir. he to4g- " st oftwivap Ow Hviust La"'tftr that the sarv-,ce I .,,.,., � 406W4,vir .DOXXXIOX, � I WWWWWWRO y - L with is great Joe � S, 'A'" not =,=M%1-"==4 61iihilT nebulous. ,!Qpoi4 4Uit *bat od �glulg to take this 6stlafg t1yQ4 by Lt. � coang'"y � BREADSTUM . , , ga;*X. "-4. ekthpitwu be �w ubilemi Park at lk"119.94 10 $0 lit '", 11 I � 'Powt does he want OU404 11" wavan'ti Into bils *�Xfx- THE P14AJIN�$ OF ARPAHAX. , i all at Toronto. Usy U.-Whest.-TOMiLT, = J � L - : . . ,, t4t yw forgive tbank I" t,tq* willitio to make ell 444 01- The Wsr Office has 04wtio-4 ths greatly 441sted. , , , �­�I, " It la perhaps hardl� �-Qunxwl that -Tell a , , I A deputation from Quebec, beaOd ttx I . L *$ .4% - . ( , I Agnes Beaumont wait, 311u4ir 419" be needs. Let us qiy' bq wants a -1 IC It vgt mikka 4- any happier- lop" on "'Colitut of to* war. b. kill 'a firm.. Some red, sm"d ta.4 tjwts�atiap Ot two now mist corps ip it in timmi�.*.Ol tut 0A 114010*110� � . . bLr. P&rsfat, Premier at the la"Wa � � 02 , � :�� In tb boufluir of bar c�tlfarmk4g little worldly-wi" opinion " If I do cortai .1 " by Hen. . was compolled to *WurM tbolu that, ft middle freight% oa a IQw rifts to �iro�*b�.. .t the 0"U"�X$Qj'JOLJOW , � . .� guide. To a Y. , I , ��, L', , 1� flat. "In" . 'in ape .1 And nOw. before yen go. will You province, had an interview with Sir 1 QutA 4L mill. Red and -white for sT.port at* "' bar hand We@ I , q let- V!xt tbo matter In 4L nut#bell. to It; � UAI443 LUOM ,we RA -OTMF-�-­. - - I , ter. w lig for too ' � "10t. justifiable sad oaparoble for ataxwe I r Allp a gusad"I" It � A, 1wooden coal dealer stamed, Cohen moutire4l will 0044,40^4 ta, 40�, , It Wilfrid Laurier to-daY. wbOu they tl�: MratZAPt w0Q,ld, be ltr=aste4- TJ - quoted at as I -so on a Is I*,"Itilfght ' - 00+ L. ' '- - _ _"_ � I . -Wore you go" throw Im 1100 eMsf A� I 4 hicit fAbo was readi , a Poor man, to ask a rio)i woltran to The words I . Is in t&v,. fi�wtuaateiy, ton Wer,b'emip0ter PPQ- Wo beavily fined for working a lad torialili the 1)ukli "a DUC. , r I I :.11* - fifth blik lZillard, &hd be answered mada strong reproseutatlej - to New Yor . J,UL4410 0010kc wall. tftl�' I or sixth time. marry him I CtLa he do 4t3ch a thing, him Ott . � in& Pis, altholigh they, bad di=t, well �a Itiours a week. 4 .." 'O . ,- . , I Tile letter was Upon LIUSIrtes* P4Pcr- and retain his litelf-respectl Above readily es,040 In th*-aftirmative. or of aa, early purchase of the P141 - Way Ott freight were gut able to Game wheat is 1110011W111944 kt llgt�tQr ot 14 00 Alqx� c4lujibell, O"" Ot t,k= I - ' - . 1,30 The House of Commons I48t Year bell 91001_4 fit W4 '* I I %t ­* '' , ,,*�. llfftd�AT It. a 1) Of a all. would the woman respect him. of Abraham ter 480*000. Press repre- &�Vnliltovl;, (be pa4wggzar WW uilail Ier- No. I and we tor No. 2 on a 13 144 L" ' , ', I and at the top bore the a .40 :: Truthfuil.yeupua your banner V newspapers, 9100 'Do I �1� -L I even If she accepted him I About out- Truthfully upon your honour." to dead t rw. I l; " I ( � / atativan were net allowed to be Pre- vi�oe. The ctAi,tr,Aot Ilmd. thVirclure. " � � - b firm of solicitors. Lt nw'. siders, he doesn't care a rap. Now. mounded more sorlayls. Still he tied *a treight to New Yor4- Sprilt wheat is PPOPt 4180 on ' . I I 11, I., lf�� " Dear Mrs. Be, man to t tion. sent, but it in understood that the -been texmin4tvd, and mi uc,w. contract steady at 690 to ?W for No- t &at, '131C 11", sea 47M for carpet bblitiug- The Advertiser li,)i� L,* -%Adz"', � , - . ,* 0 s r -*0014 ,,. .1 I �', . � 1.�, aUmQDt.-A am a woman of experieugg-oue who promi"d answer . t, with Mc,3,.�. Allao. who had car Thq Viverpool City QQUWU f4vour- %tic ") 'J � h �tbat the mad Manitoba wheat is tit*84, at Ot. - V wbom I know, just up from tile coua- knowis men and women wall -what do whatever It 1419,bt FM4 ..Zubl.l.l. deputation gave asaurunces agiroed to suppil,v a class ef beats, ablt- eatectakue4 a pfrw."al to don a gikftlfslar� Vf%Xe,l t . �� done that, he must, of course, adhero ,uh,t .1tkAr I,o these wbi�,h NQ,,, I hard. ft for No. A 4ard, -0 Tickets tW _ � ; � , � try, Wants a little ad4ico which my you may f" price asked was ,act excessive, but was 613cr 04KI: - 45 at Vancoulor Ilk " , - . . She made no reply for a moment. to the truth; so again he replied: a. fair yaluati.oui The laud is mitouated haid been fliapplp--d by the Elder Domp- W tar No. 5 bard. lake and roll.' and 411191691imll, Over 1,000 unsanitarY houses 1, firmsin unable tanupply. The'requir- Thou She got up, and, laying hold of .Yea.,. � , I " thousand five hultilted school � . . . 4, I ad advice is quite unpmensional,and I in a good locality. and will greatly sti�x LaiL. 92 1-* tot No. I hard. ", 1-2a (or No. tho nertbenli rate war, , ,L) ill tongs, poked the fire vigorously, - Was it pity. or-jr-" 0 th exhibIte(l Q ti- 6, G. -Uumt and ,wUa haro;.1160 mould. it seems to me, be be -at furiaLill- el neat: spitefully. . med kinfroaaa tit v,.xlue, as Lima goes On- ��T a hard and 78 1-2a for, No, 4 hard To. chiltiials of Tarmoo , . -14 E -It waa - - �'.. never droa. %he* of hyacinths al, the town hall. coultuttged for trial,tt W1144i I"� flave no patience wLthi Loan like of Such a thiai Wilfrid maid the Government would GREAT DAY FOR AUSTRALIA. rento and West. . "a, " I ad by a woman tharoulghlY eouve�suut " I ' . argell at &too so 1, Its ',,� 'I, �. t with the ways Of the w6r[d. your friend." Shia aald at last. "it I She took one of blo hands In both consider what had been Said. . -- FL6ur-Xa timer. A ,at of I*, per , Ths King bax appointed Ur. s . lq-�­, � i; �fi � a man, and loved it girt, and of here, and laid her soft cheek Ike pedeggil paritsuieut ftenell With 10- � The berbers of 4m* 1 .0 . , , May I venture to iUrTUdO Upon YOU "" STEAMSHIP DISCRIMINATION. press4vit Ceremonies. cent. pat*nU Sold to -day aL 82-65 mid- koth. The Rookery. Southport, to be ad a U4100 and 1�411trvd it Aur4r " . ould got her, would marry her, rich against It. 4 for a few minutes this afternoon, at c atch die freights In buyers' bags unit th5 sheriff at the County Palatius Ot,Lan- from the Interuakt9nallUal" 09,** " or poor. As for the money and aelf- " And IS the other feeling quite gone Some new light was thrown on the A Melbourne, LA,uatralia, desp easier. .. about five o,clock in the hope that you respect, and all that nop,lieume, they now, Maurice f Don't you know' that malue was bid for more. Choice brands erLq. '-, �� inarojigrakim problem when Mr- W. T. %aya-.-The openfing of the fir"t Fed, Personal estate valued at 9I.W0.000 t" ' 4 will lead a kindly ear, and give me will adjust themselves later. Things you have be4 breaking my heart held l5a to 2W higher. Mauttoba Brantford Public School. abilo,rivu 0 of that sort always do. Tell your these past *1buthat It seemed to R. Preaton. inspector of European Im- eral Parliament at noon on Thursday, afte cot ham been left by Sir Francis Cook ribute towAirds the, 044th . the necessary counsel t Ill y. The ('ear 'a stea"ity at 44-15 C of 6f Doughty House. Richmond. He wi will (1114t tea thitio. , 0, -P , friend to marry the girl it allewill me that if you dkill not come I abou M14frant Agencies. was examined by was a most impressive caremon, A,tTican suemorial to rpe ergo " The visit being a business one, have him," said Mrs. lJoaumout. am- die for I to" you with my Whole Soul I the Committee on AirrIoulture and capacity of the Exhibition building. Hungarian patenta at 43.95 for strong nothing to any charity. Theme% W. Watkina bat Leon 4- � shall not detain you iong.-Vory sin- phasising each word separately by a Won't you take met" bakeree In Par tiots. bar Included. T- Tho Scurborough town council has -at of the I knock with the tongs upon the He opened his arms wide and took Colonization. His evidence e-XPI81"S, the scene of , ��Plulltas I the oerealony,',�ls 12,0DO I slacked pre;*bli . carely yours, . hearth. - and then to go to work like bar close tip his haart.-Loadou An- why Canada has not had a larger persona, and the available apace will ronto. shorts adopted plans for tile erection sad branch ,of t4o Victorian Order of 171 �z Maurico Carie"'Ll. MUlfe&d--JA easiew. Care of turnishinigno an intactiotto diseases Nuxacs. � 1. 9 I An answer to this epistle Inviting ifl man. The work will bring respect GWera. share of the emigration from Europe. taxed to tha Utmost. ,Iiho decorations bid mad h"I"tAl, t a oust of 417,000, Dr. Lart the ,,14#dlc�l,�,` , 0, 114, t g. Aid. Ric ,-A rem them both." -z ------.41,.— In the courea, of his eivideuce the fact caraisted of regimental standards, ,,ru kluoted at $14 to 115 Units, the first Officer at, AlectifeelifIlaiya 1461�4 I to , -, the writer to present himself at the "Thank you," Said Carleton. "The was elicited that W 1893 R combina- trophies of arms and floral festoons. bran l�t 012 blid middle froksh hard WiIli ) ,-4t,. % �%y at Wedue8bury, ,Who I* in him OVOT 1.000 caaspoolitlaud outfi0fiXis � hour named, had been written, and adviob is clear and sound. Nkiletlat'r Baxley -In atoady. No, 11 is quoted that BEAVERS MULTIPLYING. tion was effected between the traus- The doors were opened to the ticket- year, has just celebrated the die- that city. ; I , . despatched by the WIftiting madman- the mail will take it is anothor qued- at 45c blid eaat Quit 49c, to 6W f.a.b. mood jubilee of his wadding. :ruebe4 to dii&Of tfon.` atlantic steamailLp companies, by hol,dexa tit nine o'clock In the morning James Hoban was c I 0 got. "My the way, I auppoes4hero is no They Move Couvilir;;Z Mante, into a Lake which the Canadian, British and Aak- and by 11 ,t�%Jock the auditurium WAS vessels lake points; No. 2 is quoted A lamb just born on a farm near by a train while at work on the now 41 Mrs. Beaumont possessed tbFe@ doubt as to the girl's man" I She has as Aliesquilp, rark. arlicani Ham were only allowed to get filled, except the royal ditia. This at 44c middle treights and No. 0 extra Best Grizatead had selven logs. eight C. P. R. bridge. ovar. tholi RrW'lPWW 10 v-4) qualifications that rendered aer spec- it all right I" The report at the Geological Survey a per cent, at the continental elni- ,as located bencathi the great dome, Lit cent team. feet, one of which was double ; ons tit WinalpLig. � &I "So far as my limited knowledge Department for 1900, just is ad. in Uu*wheat-la nominal at 540 east head, Quo fail, and two bodies. The Royal Human@, Society's mod ially attractive in the eyes of men. extends, yea." an nil that the other 94 Per It held a Single row of cOaLrg, the" arvii I W middle tredighte. A workman named Moore was crush- ban been awarded to Captain Kititts .1 Item � Site was young -four -and- 1. Be addition to a good deal 16t other valu- gration a bill. Item! cause," said she, going to her able matter contains a report It cent, was compelled to travel via the largest, 4p thocentre,'beilag surmoput- Xtye-la st,pullinal at 6D 1-2c east au4 ad to death In u Belfast timbux ,yard for saying life, at Kootenay Lake . i Bri- - T . twenty last birthday, true writing -desk, and pickiqg out alet- Y -Americtin, North German ad by a Small gala Impeilal crown. 49a middle freights. falling on bim tish Columblu. Item; She W" ter train a pile of oth "because, Prof. John Macoun, of Ottawa, aato Hamburg by a lo She was a widow. the Corra-La steady at 42 1-20 tar Can- q of mallogam rf A queer pberioniallon in t4e 1hago . aer - a an r lines, which land The whole was, overhung With through' a crone put ey breaking. exceedingly pretty. you know, money is a ver�uncertaiu the condition of Algonquin P rk d Lloyda, and othe ly af- in 'front of the' ad& yellew, &act 42o tar mixed West The original pastry cook's ahoP for of a lady'a band, appears on a window No, '. pretty," does not adequately quantity in these days of spe,oula- the work which is beinic accomplish- at American ports. Immediate Royal Standard. t American No. Q yellow in nominal 4' pane in Kingston and all efforts to She w1as I ion.'- She handed the letter to Car- the ter the ocimbinati,an was formed tbO royal chair was a small table. on 5W Toiranto. "MSI48 Of Honour," sit"Atod at the remove it from the glass are futile, describe Mrei. BeaumonL leton, saying: "Here is a case in 'it there In reforestization and continental tin" reduced their rates vb1ch was atelegraph key. by Which Oata-Are firm at 31 1-2a for"No. � toot Of Richmond Hill. London, Was -atlon -t�MPIOAIOiA Will , better than tba,. There was a c,er- point.,- preservation of the natural varieties to,%utb American and South African � I t 1 rth ,%old bty auction recently for 93,010. 0 I ta W a I. 0 orpal tain "go" about her not easy to ex- -- of wild animals, birds and fish. pawls to 80 marks for a distance of the Duke of Cornwall and York was 'whito east ; NO. 2 whi a. 4 a a the t ty for vt4jen. A Judgment and West and middle fireights. After 17 week's strike for the entah- suailld mcan thut they Waal have to six thousand milea, keeping the fatefl, TO FLASH THE OPENING SIGNAL we - press. and it would have been diffi- Ili. As regards the progress of refores- Oatmeal. -The marketia steady at lishment of an aveirag6witalmum wage seize city propltrt as there Is no cult to find a serious flaw in form tization, Prof. Macoun uaya- " The for the three thoumund mile vo.f,age throughout the ComaticurwOOltil, When 83.5ar few cars of bags here and 0345 equal to Ila. per day, Burnley miners money In the' t r Llary. Carleton read half -way down the to American Ports at 189 to 140 marks. �abinulfau- for barrels, and 20o more for Smaller old conditions. or feature. page, and then went back: to readit forest within the park is still largely Mr. Preaton also stated that it was the Union Jack was to be Hamilton orrocerm, Asmocilation has The little French timepiece Outtli) over again, as though he could not in a state of nature. except that the the practice of the Canadian agents, eoualy raised in every Settlement Of lots. At Newchatle, six women were oom- asked the CJy Council to pass a 4,y - mantel Lad Just mentioned that it make out the meaning. After a lit- applied too by a certain class Of the Federation. Peas -Are steady, at 60o middle Allitted to an Inebriate's home for two law prohibiting the use at' tradinig white pine hits Loop out more or leas when freights. , tic his hand fell, and he stoodlook- intending immigrants, to magnify the The majority of the audience was years. Irwo declared that when they statups, The trrocers will try "moral %-;as five o'clock, and almost as the Ing at his hostess in a dazed sort of completely everywhere. There are difficulties of establishing themselves PROVISIONS. returned they would be as bad as tivasion" an the cit1sens to? early offism last stroke died away the door.,was still quantities or uncut timber, how- In the newer bectlons of Canada, rath- "`npcsed of ladies mostly clad in The mair k of is If Ir in sad the volume ever. Ing I Ivay' BrIllkaut of business ru thrown open, and Mrs. Beautitout "Do you mean that this letter re- ever, on many limits, and many years or thiLn to Ininbinize them. for tb,e rielit- mauve -coloured costumes. is thetr large. Prices ate While a circus procession was Pass- The Copp Brothers' Compalby, Elam - lose to great her visitor fare to your own property?" he asked will elapse before all of it can be re- son that incalculable harm had been scattered groups Of army and navy tuniclia allied. heavy Uig through Stratford tin elephant ilton. ham mado,wrrangements to ,or, "Punctual. as usual I" 'she exclaim- at length. moved. On BurntLake, Parley Lake, done to Canada and much prejudice unkfortuA gave colour to the scene. A Perk-CanaAa "art Out, $20; � finding something irritating bift tinue business, he chief oreditor. the " I do" she answered, soberly. arouvied by the letters written home 'I'd 6, Merchants' Book. has been Until its ad, ke, young forests are great orithentra enlivened thri auto- mesa' $19- - rubbed himself against a ' luLap-post c " Had -had you much invested out and Catfinb La by Men w-111> I,,ad come here with the Snao,ked and Dry Salted Meats lalm of 640.000. unit the receiver will -yea; punctuality is the amne of my there -in South America I" P growing up, and in the Woods along idea that all tihey had to do was to meridian hour with operatic Mrs. Lctp,g clear, tons and cases, 10c; break- with much vigour that he pushed Lt lie withdrawn. existence," replied Carleton. "My brother had put every peAny these lakes the problem of reforest- take up a homestead, put a houaeon The formal proce,-dingsawere begun fast bitiouta, 14c; hams, 12 I -2o to 130; Over. Tbe fit0druer I'tilgian of the now Lie was a tall man, possibly five or 'If his Own and of mine into the ization along latature's own plan into Lt and become millionuirea out of at 1.45a.M.. With the re ding of the roll, Ile; shc"ers, 100 to 10 1-20; A Slough barber. has been appointed t,ey"ad Line, willed from Quebec for F mix years her senior, not in the least bank." hand. proclamation summoning (be Senate ba,L, 13c; gireein ukeat.4 vat Of p� to I I I . progress." and reprea?utative,9. Noon was 1919- .? to out the hair of and mhuvu tho in- � Engi,and, wit'li, grain conveyed ovqr , , , "Good heavens I Mrs. Beaumont, do ENQUIRY INTO COMBINES. a.re q,wutL%d al Ic leas bhwo quat - ., , mates of the workhouse at a Price the new rou�v from tba North-West handsome, but with a keen, strong A curious feature as regards the Utilized by Li fanfare of trumpets from Lard-Ttlexces 10 1-4c, Luba 10 I -2o whiial, average,, a farthing Par Jl,-11.1 6 ,,lake tiloamtri to Parry sound and. you know that the bank is utterly Mr. Maclean enquired what progress the military handsi outside. ' I r a to t4uvhs�c, face, wherein lay'pienty ofquiet de- gone -wiped out of existence? Its preservation of game is noticed by wao being made �n the enquiry as to and puAls 10 3-4c, For 40 lrearm Mark Uorall has do- Maj(yr Bell, of Brockville, of Bell termination and latont energy. His shares are not worth the, paper they Prof. Al"oun. xne mooso and deer are"alleged combine to raise the price ROYAL PARTY COUNTRY PRODUCE. livered poatat letters between Swin-1 movements and Way or holding him- are printed on, The evening bulletins are found in much larger numbers of news print. and wam conducted to the dala, the ' Dutbeir-TteeTe is a Plentiful OUPP'y don anh purton. and it is estimated Farm, Indian Head, N. w. T. tame, self, suggested ltrini pliant musclec have all got it " -r near the line of railway, than In.the Mr. Fielding Maid that Jusx;cc Tasch- orchestra playing the National An- of,dalry rolls and trade is fairly uctive that during thut time lie has walked has scoured from the British Govera- I "So I learned to -day. The IoLte wore an admiral's but demand is unsteady. Quotatiquis 220,000 miles. ment a 1,awse of Absoa Island, gals lof. went at remoter parts. They appear to seek ,r,,iu had intimated that he would them. Tho Duke Ono would have fanciea to IOOA at came this morning, and I be readY to enter upon the enquiry uniform with the ribbon of theOrder are uric,hiaotg-ed at 124c to 13c for choice, i the largest of the Bahama grosf�.. to rather than to shun the presence of . John Mitchell, ment to prison for 21 cu t timber. There is a folftPue in It. him, that be could (to neat things over once to the City." in a very few days, and would be of -th,e Garter. I lots said 10c, to M far low-gratill I miath for stealing apiece — "And with this burden upon your man in order to avoid the ready to hear whatever evidence was Black Rod summoned Lhe two Creameury b3 QC41VU read steady; prints I days at La parallel bars and from pendant rings. mind -In the face of this shock -you attacks of wolves. The beaver are as al- offered. Houses in accordance wiLih the strict btri;ng l8o tot 19c and salids Vo to ISO. of beef, utild, "I Shall have something FORMN. - So you,,have not quite,.gLvlon up It, ve listened to ail my rubbish, with- tiplying fast and building dams in Mr. Maclean -Have there been any formula of Lhe British Parliament, Eggs�,-Iietavy ,iAfeiritaga and a RQ 104g OLA I Can get it- I am not go- au4sLa will borrow 420.000AW IQ ut mentioning your own affairs, or it In. The my acquaintance, after all I "old tile ,� new localities. . They have built a he modeirate dema,nd. Prik,as are an- Ing to starve," Pa riq. dam over Six feet high on astream other complaLinta of combines? a with lady. "I am gia4 to 065 YOU." allowing me at least to allow my discharging Into Cache Lake, can- Mr. Fielding -Not of late. A year Hundredth Psalm was Sung. oh-u-niged at 10 I -2c t,o Ile far case lot,3. At Peterborough a traveller asm- The plague rLoLs in India haveletiou gain ,U the syrups thy I" or so ago there were mome complaints, all present littanding and t he I�a r I Of Potataeo-Maxiiet i�ii h4her and , ed Burkitt, who Look vermin poison, 8u - She se2teitr herself al Carleton walked slowly up and down verting a marsh into a lake. They as but the Government did not think that HOPel-Oull read a tirtlyer, after which dvaltyrn adte a scarcity of tupplies. pp reseed. I g w a ta,ilotterr to his wife thatlat - Mrikea are, reported in Many allies sofa, indicat n a Asir for Uarletou. room two or three times, his oil as mink, fisher and marten may a prima facie case had been made t1he Duke of Cornwali and Yurki Load CaX Lot -i on traok llexo are quoted at d 'legr a .1 r be expected to increase largely in f u- maill t nuis from hill firm had the term f Fhanks," IsAid be, ,11 am glad to be hands clasped behind him, and his y yroceed- a lengthy address arid declared Pur- 33c 35 bag nad oAt the 11-Inited States. � ture. Eighty-�ix species of birds are aut- and declined to,take an to peir potatoes driven him mad, "'he American army in the Philip - here once more," � head bent down. At length he came liaravint open, of store, sell at 45c. � told theMort- - known to breed in the park, and lngA- T THE DUKE, SAID. Baled Hay -Market ',i steady to A veterinary surgeon Pines iq to bi reducmd to 40,000 MOIL - What hays' you been doing with and stood in front at her 60(a. , Dr. Sproule mentioned the leather WE A ..Have you any plane," he asked, twenty Species of fifth have been not- He beld that the existence Duke olf Cit-,rui,wall and Yocrk, in Ormi, with prices michaag,ed at 49,75 lake coroner the othLw week that ameo "'he German fruit atea Sohles- iii the waters. in the lakes two "'cat yourself oil these mouthst" '. ad of such Tbei to $11 peir ton for car lots a,, track I the war broke, out it had been impos- wig is a total wreak off I Maria, - slaving." in view of this -this trouble ?I' species of trout are common, the great a combine was cl&a,rly proved, his a4dresm at the (Vetoing Of the A'Us- ;; The feminine eyebrows w I She made a gesture to indicate that lake trout, salmo namayetigh, and. a arid the Gororianaeut should do some- taruL,ao Federal ParRument Thursday. here. Th., top quotahitun Is for No, fiLble to get nualified assistuntB even Jamuioa- . eat up in be had no apecial plans. , brook trout, aalva-linus foutinatis. thing to meet the situation, ishes of the Queen, I grade. foT 10 jl;aiaefts it week. Harvard University with confer, a manut that might mean Gurprise, S .. Please pardon my insistence, at ielding maintained that the who before her death signed his com, Baled Scruw-QuIlitist n,nd, steady The Surrey County Licensing Com- LL.D, degree on Pritaident at unbelief, Or boto. Owing to the comparatire shortness Mr. F McKinley) ''Fact,l assure you. Gone ,a work this inopportune time; but, it you of the brooks connecting the larger leather combine, if it existed at all, mission to open, Pa.rhament. , wich light "ffeirings. Car lots oil with a will at last, trying to annex don't mind, I should like to go back lakes and rirors brook trout tire not could be ticialt whbh IlLy the court,*-,, lie paid a tribute, to, the generous track hore tire unchanged at $5,50 W mittoe refused to confirm a license in June- Urns give tile P0PU- my rustic for a .moment -only for plentiful except in such rivers as the and it wit,% tfh�refore not a caset to Ile aid I-ern'dored by the colonies in the 06 pe,r t,an. granted by the Chertsey justices for The cerk,utit ret enough shekels to keep myself in to momen t. Tbere. is one question I Petewawa and Madawaska. met by lowering or abolishing the South Africco,n war, the Splendid brav- ck botal to be erected ,,ear the 5W and lation of M,elbourna, Australia and 81hoes and other delicacies." aant to settle absolutely." I Prof. Macoun made it careful exam- duty. ory .of Lhe troo-ps, and the services tM tiring Point tit BIRIPY district as 493,95[l, A smart parlourmaia brought in w She silently signified her permis. Id permit Mr. Henderson failed to see the dif- at the squadron 1-n China, and ex- Taro,uto. May iii. -There W -as uttie of Chnrttou, There woe it plot to kill Prewdent tei, arranging a small table quickly a ination so far as timel wou ference. He had been informed the 1,wte,rasit taken by buminess on the street ma.rkets When Josbuit 1,andly, with t Cue4tan. of Uruguay, but It has beta ion. into the flora of the park the total 011 pressed and quietly beside her mistress. Uns two er cent. be(re to,day. Dchve.rie.s were light and wits charged at Greenwich, ' a ipped In thr� bud. 1 "You distinctly believe that amen number Of species collecQ n bar- good authorLLy that if p, P= Didn't you see by the letter -paper w . of 'tbe United State -A beathier output Edward VII, in the Australian I t the there was u very smaLl kiamand- bigamy, it transpired that the wit - Ilubtic achoolsof Gloucester, N. J., ho honestly cares for a wom it was ,his e&rna9t prayer thi I first rmirrkuge t hat I have hung out my sign I" he . an Is Ing 862. i Prices of grahn and bay were firmer wer ght in asking her to marry him, re- were seut to thii market, the combine union, so happily achiev", would a "cases to tile a have been clowd to cheek the spread asked, when the maid had left the rl ------- 0— would be broken up, prove an imt]:11atruent for the further adentraw wwi ea-4,er. Other "no" dead, and he wait ilLarharged. . of smallpox them. r CIO in. gardless of money on either flide?",_ CAMPED ON FERRIS WHEEL. Dr. Spirtoule &ugge,f;ted that Mr. Jus- udva,rroing (Yr the welfa,m of th Aus- ww,r nom...'aia 1. A sealed bottle picked oil at Felix- The sannon's total catch of seals off .. I did see your namet on the paper, He put the question with great it -- r be empowered traEan subjects of the lkiog� Lie ,,Wb,eQt-100 hat. of while sold ill),- e to tilt-- of- the Newfoundland 00341, it 350,000 liberation, and stood anxiously watch- tict-Taschereau should nd the but' the idea cot associating it with Two Tramp Families Found In a Queer to investigate the leather combine, tie coma . lianged, and 200 bu. off red I -2c Iligh- Stowe, contained a massag work -real work -never entered my ing her face. cosaillus riser. wall as that of n5w6 primt. hdation, of the OmPuv. ex tit 73c, and 100 bu. of goose sold 1-2c -feet that the, schooner Wildfire, of valued at 6600,000, mind." . "It seems so to me," she answer- Then the Duke read, the following Lighex at 69 1-2,c. IH,,Ill.x, lilurldere,i will, ,ill Land,, In One hundred an d ,'Illy sta 'UP -1111 Carleton laughed pleasantly, ed: Undetected for two months two Mr. Fielding r3phed t1at each ease telegram from King Edward VII:- Barlely-One load sola to ,laigher at the Bay of Biscay on -Tau. S. are now in operation in theJubu[11166- . Mrs. Beaumont, that I am n poor �Ieven would have to be dealt with on its. ,,My thoughts fLyLo with you up,Oathis ­ One Jump or two T" asked the has- 13 on gh man there is no need to tell tramp families, comprising merit�q. auspicious occasion. I wish the Cut 47c pew bLL The Rev. Tbomaq Smith Vicar of burg mirliug tregion. ,,f the Reading less, holding a second piece of sugar ' persons, have been living comfort- n� Ilay-S)wrce and i,n good duriand ikl6y, died recently. Som 'rho entire phrit - you, and utterly unworthy of youin LOCK TENDLEWk monwealth of Australia every 1111PIA, Six loads Sold $1 hiLgh-ex at 813 to $151 I" to [Foil Co,',i Tube Milt is closed. About in t�c tongs, balanced over acup. an) way; but my whole heart is yours. ably in two of the swinging cars of ,Mr. Monk wilts InfOrLm,d by Mr. ness and pirvaperity." pax too. ag he read his own obituary in lk I,Guo uv.0 nre out On strike. " Two please." that it � " Milk or cream?" being my wife a the the great Ferris is oustormary for th,e. lock - apereflutud - Led will you accept that and do m wheel, says a de- Blair - Straw -Three loads sold 25c, lower I X1V%j'P next day pre"' Another Italian ItArnigrant steamer Both, please. The motto of our great honour of l" � .patch from Paris, France. They tenden.i on the owfults to take turnq in KEPT 400 BOERS AT BAY, # , L $8.76 to $9 peT ton fro the t . "Can these bones livey" I k,i nrrlvvkl in NOw York with small- " She was on her feet inan instant, . a supervision over the locks �2 "Dong the pasw-ailers. house is, " Take all you can get ; and, first entered the oars one bleak keeping - Wheat, white ...... ...... ... i " * '0 Mr. Richard Webster, Who ham just if you don't see what you want, ask with wide-open, defiant eyes, her night when wandering homeless in ottl 6undays. Tihey are not paid for Wheat red ...... ......... ­ 73 -0 died, at the age of 94), 'r he U. S.. is a f Le r OU e Of( t Ile Azores Kitchener's Report of (laitsiat fulence of a , a t Obinnor, ., "O brea(h coming quick m d fast. his RervIce. Wheat, goose, ......... ... . 1.2 ('0 is[- it." " Surely yen must have mintalEen or the Streets. One of their number LT FOR WEST HASTINGS. Zululsad Town. Uxfordshire, wait tile oldest licensed Island, in ill? Atlantic fo,r a coal - Having handed the tea, Mrs. Dean- WR Wheat, spring ...... ...... 72 00 comfortably misnamed your feeliLgf For three scaled the Surrounding fence, in A despatch from London Nays: -Lord victualler Ili Urigland. lie had h e Id t tic Lug st,,tion anAl rendezvoux, mont settled herself months you have not been near me. search of shelter and conic upon the Mr. Northrup was told by Sir Wit- his appreciation Barley ... ......... ...... ... 47 W keenseof tile Royal Oak for 05 years. I varrplete celigus retains show. among the cushion. -I. (I to frid Laurier tbat the Speaker has is- Kitchemeir bas Nvired Rye ...... ... ..... � ... ... ... 61 1-2 00 11 " So you have come to consult me Even now you are not pare on your deserted cars. These N%cre full" is warrPot to the Citrk of the of the gallant de,fence of 1141thlabil- Backwhest'.. .... ...... .. 55 1-1-1 00 ,rho Hall Watch Commitive has de- A us trah,i tDhave apopulatton -,vf 3,- wn account, but on ueb,-!f of anoth- be so comfortable that they remain- "eit b � increase of 230,000, about (his inan from tile country,and a rown in Chancery to make outancw tini, in Northern Zululand, by tile, Oats . ....... ...... ... 00 cided to purchase India rubber gioves, 845,713, a n Peas ......... . � , r, My vanity is no.t &a great as Lo ad and apent their nights on tile C ,:: ­��:� ;), apparea tlint I am ­ .. .... 00 !*b, A, nim Government insPectOr Of it is to Lim, Lly a of course they me- NVriL of vIaCtiUll for th,-, dlittriel. of magistrate of that place, together . �� for the u%e of till, police Lu a �pairtman- the delude me into a ',belief that You love cushioned scats. . IO ,,� 15 hutprol"I. "10eilc,' I l,h',, burnl.h lail"Y'ly I irldobted for pleasure of Seeing but pity,that the lowest cars, but one. day West Hastings, !4ir Wilfrid added Hay ...... ...... ...... ... �. lill )-� 00 I 'July, so that th�y may u a me . NO; it is not love, lacted thaL the writ would be issuld with- with hit; "ta" and it detachilleut Of Straw ...... ...... ...... ­ � " � 900 phono or telegraph wires wit liout (Ian. nounv,� lrh,t 4, noticed feet In u 2, i, "' you feel -pity because I am suddenly two engineers who were inspecting He Says that be Butter . 11; I IR Amvricqn icwwriotivea. "No; I should have coma art I. undue delay. the Natal Police. ...... I ..... ­­ .. I g e r. . - N%lyr" left almot3t a beggar. No, Mr. Carle- the machinery made the great wheel Oil LAND.� heir heavy loss, but Eggs. boiling, al .... .. Ill I 12 'I'lict Rochomtoi Town Council de- The stateemprit of the Ift-Aish Board , 'rho lady waved that remark airily ton; your rustic friend has his pride, describe a half turn, and the camp- COAL greatly regrets t . Chickens Iwr pair ... 61) 80 of rrad,o fie the MUDLIA of Apri,l shows aside, as thorigh it wore no and I have mine." ing families, not daring to make a Mr. Sproule was told by Mr. 9uther- [ra such it brilliant action lo,ses aretin- 'riirkeys.' per Ili— ,.. ' 12 ,, 13 (.11nv,J to 4tincti.n performanceq by I iL3,711.000 in imports �, , t worthy "That friend," said he, "is a myth, sign, found themselves in inid-air, If or I)" , 31) InCIV111144 Ld of consideration. land that an Officer of the, Geological evitable. lie further asks Apples, rulk-4, p�r bbi. 20.) ,' 27G �. bau&i in tilt. rt,creation Wroutil an �u,l �, d,ecrvu%, of E058,100 .a export -i , aubje�t do3syou coun- You must surely understand that it Since that night only one man, a Survey ha.,s made in examination Of names Of any inen who runy have d is- Applcq choice.. .... . ­ , 200 ' 5 00 4iundaym, in summer, alth (ill gh (11 - C ��pon what was as y Own case I was trying to lay former sailor, has been able to reach ��, coal land train which the(Govern- I I r it y 'I'llo Au.soal-ii Industrial -ouncil ttv friend require onliglitenmeritt" before you I" the ground. Climbing down nightly ment is to select the 50,000 acres to tinguished themselves in Lhe defence. Asp,,Ilrngu�., Am., doz. 90 no Mayor offered to defray (be expenses w�ll d�vi%e tlloalril W Off"t .'tile d40- �Lgain Carloon laughed that low, Tile slow, indolent manner wasgone from the giddy h,oight by me�ans of whiol, it is entitleAt tinder the Crow's Details of the, Mablabalkni LiffaIr duCan., pert- doz. .. 60 75 himself � ger.4 ,-f ,he (merwhelim-ag co-iPati- ej"Y-going laugh of him, Somehow peo- Artichoke,q, per pk, . .10 on I in the industrial ple always felt better for hearing now. He spoke rapidly-impetuouSlY. the girders and guy ropes, he would N(�L agreemi�-ut. Tlw selection has show that the BoerM, Who Were UVer d" p,er hag- . , ­ -�q I ir) t..on of A me,ric, a gathering earnestness an he went. bustle tar food to keep the t1votribcs, n,t yet been mal -de 'Elle C. P� it. has 400 strong, eruo9sel tne, Zululand bor- Calib-titeq, gr'n. 1)��rdz. 40 to JUDGE TASCHEREAU'S ENQUIRY, �Lrkl " C,rletoln laugh. I Ml-, Boille, wite of Ctimmandatit- .. My country friend is in the die- - it is true that I atayock away, not alive. He iNould steal enough char- not itit any request to W allowed deir, during thp night, ind surrounded ,1�, I..r Ilk;Ddr ... I .. 300 5 00 - keng of a mental muddle just at pre- daring to trust myself in Your PrOa- coal from the river barges to make to ,3,lect any pWtion of �acb, area in the torwriship. Bef,,re 4jaybreak Ow do red, per doz. ... 75 (10 Will Investigate Alleffed PsPer COMbInO cn uvarr.il ll�ytba, Am br,..kan down in tent Fact is, be Is in love. I ence tar fear that my resolution would smokeless fires rind prevent thelleo- advanew at tbtt� Government. I'locra attacked on till t,,ides. Carrotg. per bag . ...... 50 00 M.y 28th, I he�llt b o,w,ntg t, wurry iiiiad h6ir can - .1 he (ate is most interesting. LoTo fail- I have fought a great fight with pie from freezing at nigh(, though BELL TEIA,)PHONE CO. There were only Lv) Na(al Police at C,vlery, per doz . ......... . 50 I U0 A deapatch front Montreal says.- 1111LO1 yourn*�s bot-l"n bar husband myself during these last three months the least sun would make the alazed on tile first Pagel Pray continual" . Mr. Clarkk, was ieformed by Mr. ill(- station, but tibeinagistrnie'RvIt,rk i�-ttuco. 1�-r d(�7. . ... 25 tit) .in,t 1,�,rd Ki.tchener. and lost. I have loved you longer cars like bot-hou,"s. 'rho provjs,�nm Justice Taschereitu, who ham been ap- - - - hoisted up with a. rope, Blair that ill,, mileage of the Bell nnd the court officials %%,ere ail cravit Oriion4, per kaw ... ... I 00 125 The at- shipbuilding t,rust in the it. than I dare tell you, and day by day were was existence Is a ted for Telophone Co. of Canada k:-Quebee- shots, and turned out smartly to as- dogn-en, J,.�r doz . Ili I'll pointed by tile 1),imin,on (iovernment t ni­�l S�(tites will hav- acaPital Of your image has grown stronger. Ag- Their curi �. 4;0ft the deferice. Parsley, 1),,-r .107 . ,. 20 00 to hold an invemlization as Lt) the ,rs Fell- 30,000; Ontario, 03,000; Manitoba, sist in 86"000.000, ataxi at,met L.) have Orde .1 We:l, then. the (arts are these, As nes-Agnes, I cannot live without two months undete�cted. and orn up North-West Territortei, 1,000. TotAl, The magistrate htm,;oif shouldered a llarsnip.�, per lxig . - 40 rvi paper ccimbino is now oenrling notiers (in hawl f�r tw'(Y uAlt"003- with MA nearly tie I can make thilin Dut. MY you I Don't you know that I would ruary 22 a baby girl was b sh e I,, 98,000, Tlt,2 mileago which the com- rifle, and took comaklind of the de- Potal.aeg, pc,r Wg 36. 40 it(-., advitting "S'Lluate,l in-Odat of wvOn ra'"'Ons. ,,,,total nequaintance is in 105'0- barter my chances of heqvea tollear there. in consideration that i,A nofAv propo%ing to constrUeL fenders. Phub-irh, p,er doz. ­ Ili) 1 20 to tile Interested Par ,jL gun ,,,e*ghLog 130 wrts and tb,row- ni.,(ily in love. The girl is ricb,wher- You say that you lov,e ma� Must I a healthy little angel tho Commissary ?a'aY Latin, 5,000; Mani- The fighting, which �Nras wry mev,-rl'. �I,inach, per peck ... W 60 t1will that lie will cumnianee to oit Illy frien,J can Only morapa togeth- go I" of Police released the whole party. is; -Quebec. 2,000; On lug Zk pfr())�ILIV (Xf �L370 fl,ounds 21 ,13 1. -about For answer not only refused toba, 299; Nort'll-West Territories, 25. Lasted over six hours. At ill(- (n-1 pl�lu.,�h. w.r ,toz , - I (N) I 50 or, the 28tii of May The Carlad,an rn.k�,,, L4 being completed tit the e , ,i few hundreds per yen Mrs, Beaumont drew The wheel company . The cumbv.r of subscribers is:-Que- of that time the little defending foi- lurnipq, Per i>-tg . ...... Ba 135 Press Association IN the Plaintiff in \%ai�rvl"t Arfi,,n�i under the �Ibf`04- pilough to keep him decently as a from the folds of her bodice asmall to press the charge of trespassing, bec, 13,000; Ontario, 23,000; Manitoba, had been reduced by five killed and Wnt,rcre,44, p�r doz . 20 00 a .r t,arbelor. And, being by nature, an handed it to Carleton. but offered the mother and infanta North-Wevt TorritoriO3, 302. two wounded. Drvq,od hogs . . . , - 850 9 7r, the came, an'l will be represented by t,,.,, of ch- Xk�r Depart,mient, SaYs paper, nail espa-teh. tn(jo'ent man, he brim nev.crr made nny it wag one or those flimsy papers salary of $60 a month to exhibit them- 2,0,00; OUTRAGE ON THE F[,AG. Eventually the Boers were beraten Revf� hindquartea-9 - 1650 13 00 attorney. it complainii that the var- �S a s h, niz Um d attempt to increase his in- - selvea throughout the coming season AN it across the border, do forecill ,rierg ...... 4 (50 55() loom paper nianula,turet-4 have form- ,Iin&e,� Carnegie wh�. with. his serious nut now -now he that we all know &a well, pink in cot in the. car In which the child was Mx. KaitAbich, of Luin,-nburg, dr(�w Off, rind retreats rived In Paris, France, , (,me. wants to our, with heavy crayon writing. They carried away several killed and &, rmrc;tA­. oho,ime ; 650 700 ed tin illegal combuse with the t)l,- fnin,ly I-ve ar So you see the fix he in ill ." "Perluips I ought to havo shown born. atteinGon to the case of the ship Can- � t­14�g ,I with pq.riswia� seiekbIg in,a. r r y. ounded, but two wounded prisoners do e,Ommon .. ­. , 4 01 4r,) Ject of rit .4 -ng tile price of paper The Le and -dduca- Pardon me, but I do not see. Did- You this sooner." she said. "it came .0 ads, r4wrantandpA by Capt. AicLibald w Wran � ftxr Ithelavill.ruP wt,.re, left In the hands of Lhe defend- IAMIA, yi,arling%, 11). to I (;ovf,rnmpn' will not engng� counsel n't you say the girl ban moneyt" twenty minutes before you did. Reid POTS DON'T GROW. Ocirtrad. Ln.sft Marc.h, this ship enter- e:9. do spring, each . 4 50 550 in tile ciiso unl�%m it def-ri39 it advis- t,onal irinqitution�, tinJ has given "Tons of itt" it. please." od port. Bahia, Brazil, and was flying - Mutt,m . . ...... ...... ... 7W 8 ro ajllt� in the course of the inve4tiga- " (i-fi to bi- hotel protecting Ium-Af ,,Well, then, where is Lhb difticirt)- Tie opened The telegram, nnd read: A party frotin the west of England ill, Chnaidiill ,,,izn when the 13r!- Veal cnIveA, light, t I on. ag-lial (Ib.aL I Y I" ­ To Mrs. Beaumont, The Mansions, was be&nig shown overr the British t:,,,h corlitul brxi,rde2d the vessel .and SALISBURY SERIOUSLY ILL per lb ...... ...... ...... A 1-2 5 1 -2 Th, p'�. ,.(,,,,, 1,,.k.rg "VI' 80ML idea - 1 The difficulty is that the old dul- Hyde Park. Bank all right. Wrong M,usaum, and in one of the roomg the ordered tho emilrn to be taken down - do rboioe ...... , ... . r, 1-2 P I W 11 I n- .4 to tht- Porte rharacterls- for is one of LhOSa uncomfortAbl" name given In emble," Out & collertkon, of , t ,n,, I hr, en tf,ni ng t a Ltripost, a ii� n- Ala -10 Report Teittifiraphed to a N.- --- CONSTANTINOPLE IS ALARMED ,aA itb. A­zilr� by the Oltoul3n POAtal fello,,s afflicted with a conscience, Carleton quietly laid the telegram keeper pof,ated DA t y �(' I R.Wo if Lt was not Aone. Vork Paper. FUROPEAN GRIAIN MARKETS. -- .j u I b,,r t Iv.4 �f forPLIrrb n0latl ball," as a lie doesn't want the girl's monty. on the table, and, without another antlill" vaseLq which had been re- Sir I,ouii Davie,q derlined to express .,onca .f tho E%aba-l� Pigs.. L..d. to 1, ­ h ,� f t h e trit, c r na t iona 1 61 w, a lad ceritly unearthed. any tvin.ion on the subject without .1, cable to tho New Ycxrk World I,ondon, May 14--Opening-Whe'at, Appe Strinretnt Messutre.. 114,141 q;( th' PO�Le rv�4vomik>ie for the .,nil--*' word, startel towarlis the door. Afnize, CLTI 11 d eftnu th�ey were dug up? ranking an inw,iligation. ixorn. LondOn says: - on passage, rather firmer Don't you think." inifirrulitv "Mr. Carleton I" Do you In rntho!r Parvier Weather In A dompatch from Vienna sivs - Re- c­­�quc`D­" N1, s Beatimont,' 'that that sentiment No reply ; and his band was on the echoed one of the party. "VIM)RIA" DAY BILI, PAgSFD. ­AI­a.r2u..nq rel-r(m "I'aut ll'ord 1`0851age - - 1, a little ancient for uV-to-data pub- knob. Yen, Sir. In tb�� Senate Mr Milk lo-ve4 the S,ah-4bury'q eccridition nro pr,� a ler I Yngland and in France unseLtIerl liable reportn from Conittantinoplit -rather a bnck numbert" What-olut of the glToUnd? I,',ngIIsh wheat rourri" markets qu,0 - 'ra t ion, - Maurice I" F�c,ynd reading otf tho b,ill re%portin . q trite thn� the r"ent outbreak nf cHAFFEE SPEAKS HIS MIND Carleton beaitatod it Moment While -Yet;, Mrs. Beaufflontl' Uadouibt401y. -Victorlin- dn). He .�nid thatever 9 Pr Art) A, ,1. Rilfuir, Lh-t (. Yv,,rn- ,n,t mt-vty, FTen,K' country marlt,(q plagun in that city has vreat,ii gr, -at - he Atil. thinking. Y- tl.�nt leader in the il�Al�e Of L',fllra1-n f , rri it -ii Will N-" Pace 122cb "Will You came here a moment I I Whdt, just as tll�;y flow aLre? b(.I,y m,c,jId rippror, of the PT:wiplp " ri, ---C1n---1t1`,nrk Lane -WI -al. ribirm, to It 1, ll'iti.h end Aw.r 1\ at length. "I believe have something To a It U ., Pe,rbaps some lIttic paLos havp been I 11 ncph- (.rf -,kl 41�1- y J ­(I :1 1,�don approachmW po n ic Oth., 1. th. P1.1d. N�,­ be gaid (,f Ill" V.14, %�Iii-h would keep aliv, fi,e man ist bonoAi." lot 1! 0 - foranin J4111 pf"'al- ait'l-Tv'' "Ith .1, Kmg "l- h forei,rn and EngLisn nimin-illy tin ri,�rpd that tho plaltlw itt�rru% -11 Re walked A wly balk, .and stood taken in clesnintr Chem, but me,m-y od the late Qup�-n IIv -pitch from Pekinsnym�-Some man who did not were ,It t bi, . n -a-1 1, ,irintred ; oorn, Alinorican and Dnnu- � A d I Was there ever n the ehimneyplace leaving his el- othex re�pecl-9 they d I h,141 irr�­it Plenqurc- irk 7RlK1%'Lag Lill :' "n,de,rsLmy,1 to ha- b� pread through the city by ojp 1­�iw, Nfiniqter i f-111ing h-ith btin quiet but ntmdy� flomr. Arnort ,,vening4 .6ro Gen�rcll 0aselee gave a ,,n, I a womrin's monsy, and who, at Low upon it in it tired, ilejected way, a., you see tbem� one of ,,t.,(,nd ren4ing. U, Was, 1,, h�,V,, 1,1.n 11 ­n�l­l (Ii �11.1.lLnd ortingliall quiet. w�jh a �11)311 ,rh, Snnitary CounriLl. after ,on -- ths same time, did not try tocheat The life seemed till gome out Of The cOul,ntx-Ym"n turned to ' ,I'll,, ty,13 wwk r,nii nseecond I i�m,, Gv rm i ny. sniok nL( roneert LU lbe Temple of 111niself into a contrary. belief P' him, 114.q compoinAnon and, with an Irle,redul- . I?: ,lay bn� ki, h,� n ... Y-1 left lit, ,,u&iiness. sull,nx d,,I419ate- f rom 11 --ii, �n h,�nour of General Chaffee, � ,;oppose, we leave that point a me- (lug shake of the liesail, whApe,red p,)q,,r I t h -(,ugh (­rnra I I - r,f th� R � ­- -i re, i. I , n, - Liverpool, May. : -' ­('10q(v .� "" t France, AoRtri,t rind Italy. hris d�- .,ff,,crs Gen Chaffee made , -A few minutes ago y6u timlrPd rac " h,tAl. rewi I hr, th,rd lirme, and PaA­d . ill. ­14�4: - tilt i - li,.r, � \% b-il f rm , No I ql andarti ('alifor tp,l th.if tho In,ml or,n,r,-n1 mra an't h��s ,,,ent. and. for this sakill of argument, to be your wife. Are you still of I be lie may itay what. be likes, trut he THE A 0 F. 1011,1, E,a�tpr left h -L ,xirt-un,l) �-nfrebl­l. ,), ,. fk� L, I -P to G% 3d ; %%'(I I ia. fi� I't to rf� I Rpeech wbich caused com- � �-nrne that the mliblis Only end and s-,Ilall nev-prr percmuldn MP that they dug rh�, Arit rmqiper,t.in,X tho Kuh�iditiry IV­t.� "I " �t­li qar,oln beet ;ken to I)rpvpnt the Rpreid a pol, t i, 11 game mindt" i -,I G,, I I td , No e rf4l � in t � r. n ,) le P, I int its [a not inoney," mid Carl45- - No." he replied. bluntly ; - I am np ready-made p6ts out of the nmd tit,, ne- fT,,n, ", 'If 1) 8 The Aullan ba� pr,,mip ment ,Iwi ,i,ivergo criticism otitillids the fill Just ft t4nh0h . a roun,d: Iligh (�,)crrl (if tho Aurient 0,r&r of in london ,h�%,� thal hiq (I 1p,111� j. N�� I northi�rn. P;pr-ug, � 14) 1­�d 1�' #,J to enforce ci,"�Afons -Mn, W of dtadain In n t. - Ir1,7eqtPr,., referred 411�k h -v the II(AlRe ok"IMOIP4Y 1`PAI-JtLng nit f'' 'I'- n' 11, .'i,l , ro''IrOR qui -I . Jilly rVA r.1 I % I 1, s f�nr-1, bo--. I hat �nv cn�m Itr.(,�h f-Ttrip. Of 'Ahich the (ollowina - .. , C(irnmerve Corn- an,[ li�,� ti-, - �, I- I -p, �rnt),-r, 51 lip 0. 4,1 Spol ,orn,­, t�,k,n .111 111� or slight 'Aill'. ­r",on ,,, his vc,`lm. -Of c0urf0t, he may bri sup .;., it was pity. after -ill T- - t�o ill- Bank nq n n4l , g - - 1, ,o, ,ti,- i published in the official ,,qPn,qjtJvc: but there is Ono thlug Carleton straightened himself UP 10 QUEENS' OARS AT WINDSOR ,, in Mtn- ,.hl ii id In 4� i 1 44, ,i- 4- 3 1 2,1 1 fh. hAt (,otbr-ik of t it,, ­,.., ,.f the British Lta�tlon. and �rtnin, bA (loon want the wa-girl, his full height , , and, looking bor in lee � il 11� tik,vn 11 Ty - -.1'. ; �, 4 � 11 3 4,4 , f it I i - � ,I if , e I 1,,%Iv 41� " ', Z . o r � t , er v n 1,re I v ,,as ."­pted on ,.ill sides as -IoTrect - mil tee it linii J,.,en contended in the , I I p,l 9�nlilar f,r(lo­ -re rn�rs than nrt3rtbing in this world. or squarely in the face. qu d: It may not be generally known � lGi r, 9� in the next, either." I'll wh did lo, -al in- THF SULTA14 VERY ILL , 9,1, .,14-pl�mI)er, J, 1 4,1 , g no,re d L, t li,nigs, minLFiteTH mind politivialfill, I.-sibly e an 0 t hka t fanny of the'QuefIns of England It on" that V),rl,nl, . Has be hinted to the gin th2t no it who, . terents lind Itl .1 liven prnperly - to to-, Rd ---..a-- i,y ,hat they MY," 60111 G011110rfil t want A woman's monsY, an have been in the habit of choosinw prntpvtp.j A plauNc had b,en ridded Report rh.l I .,ki.h p..l.r i. i. . Pr ... ri..4 P, r iii. Mal 14 ,()pen1n,r­1,1v .,;N�rtl I,e eares for berl"' at the aamt, timn. did not try to whi '11, ... :14 19 W0r . .1 1) I V �nd kuilo,i ,it, HEAVY FIRE LOSS AT DAWSOV. Clh,ffee, " bill I 0,10 tell you this,qAt .. lievor a word.- ebeat himself into a carntra,ry bAipf?, oaks in Windsor Foredt to Ob thPY i. th,- hill in the II(yCV`ir ill the Offe-t L�.�dlll­ n,,,P- ,,It you see Americani and Wi- I Thon how dam be know tllllt Ili' you have your pride. Thrink Heaven, have given thebir name. This, will) the 1hat rwt'�*rkg tit tile Act sh.miltl Dprr- o� ,t ,21)f 1;u, . (1-j,. 1,me f r 'n - egob other In the . da t e ,.f choice has been engraved on ate to prPvt-ni iany pending cifiirm he. A despatch from L,xndon ,iy- r he %1-1,t- up 01" 1-1 2174 ."�-', In'l -101V �'[Nl 11..y I.Ildl�ff. 0­tr.y�d Th.t W.r. V.1 -d ' 'h ­q, f."lig hA. any chitrift4l" . I have mine r, rind fasif,nen to the jr,q proceeded %iih. NIr Inar,im now Alberta correapt,nderil of the It"ItY XII.C110 tip 10, ,� -�I,f M, .1 57S .... .. f-ld I I For the sp3r,p of a minutt, ther 'Ou r no t t( I to stftr le -doe,hrPt", . o was a bra" rinte nal policy Imay b, 'lance the treA. Hance, in the most beautiful prOpospd ni an ,irrirn-imen-t onr e -i At,,l elaimi to hn, -, rec­� �d r0table 11arin ( i(m, - V. hp it firm, Allay 191' J9% - In the room. except for . I . Olin. July -ur"I 'ki'lZu., -110f 70P. flour X , .porh f -mi Ta,.ma� W -Ah. ,I�Ak of rit"nationail corripil"Itionli, 11 111-1�1 I EEIN lil , 1, I � .11 4t I. =11 "= �� i � � MrsBa:kutnent shrugged harellarlai a. Fronnh clmk. which ticked off part Of the torcksit mny be een with t0n,(Iina Ih1A Vr"vl�'"n nt all r"ll"c" 'f infoprin,tion th.&, 0o ,Alill in of T or k#y NI.V yl�( &1� July .-I Acign9t 20f ­v� -Th,, -f-m- Dolph,n b,,nsrq i,w �h,uld ,,feugistairl"s artirs, in ;ng sh,ioldeiriii. The shrug said Olallll� litilp d thorn trees b"ring the ftpt' n P'trie0im, mi Jon,- 13 190F, lkfr� -,n I h,1 b� �,, -fill In , What a poor thing your friend ill* oteeondA difttinOttv. AlOwly-very sAnitit roun '" . ,,, - "i -` f miko a obaleft. out lit -l"'.1 very lxk, , n ­,A of .nwh,, ll -,-on fire. ,ith ,n " h - v r* � glawly-Mm. Do2umciat ro", taking namen of Qu; -^n Elizabipth, Queen Car- Ingram a ri'm�ndrn, nt � a� l, qt ind,l ll� � ., prevarion,t ron,loion Pilrick (arv­ ,3A vommitti,f] rot' pstlra(lt�(l I(_ ,,( il,.,� F I , I ,n,1.. -1--n 71'll'be with lTriti*h6rs.` rn,10 be Charl6tic. and Queen bill reported hick %%ohmit orr, ry,d- (" ,vory bt i . Arn I t6 understand that the two or throo steip3 forward, swayed, oline, QUA" orne's 06AL mentioned in m,,, w H 1 refuses t� iind-g , ,i noremalry - - 'It the stumbling block tottereA and foil upon her knees fit VictOTta, IT cp.ratio7l. Ile haq lo- n1l �n,rjry,aml t- em -P 4 F-, ,n4 1-c '"' I v,,ior,, to evOrT ll,� I Rt it, --f. on ri,h­g� of In brt.z front ("firl"(f � p""I " , he r - m�,r. rubbiiiy I ., the -Merry Wives of Winditor" so be- ATILANTIC SERVICEE .ad r"�au�� Fn4glin,l Laft 1121 that 06 titry 46t at hot litinil'illell CarlatoWs feet doi-4 not liandle 1;tnto affni-Q, �htrh flicting lgri�vmi� 1 -Illy harm on a v'rir 0 2^ksrs- pre"Tits The man ile0aring him- -Maurice, will YOU forgive those Ing in Wiladifor P,Ark, was dostroyed The Umme di,rpo-wd Of all -t-trashiP are left to bi% chiefs and a ch2rubt;r- man nam,d 0111 -pr by lA.tLsA.; off a tip to and riclud,rit; Pairrhild*s hotel rW Of hvr Pf'Pub'"On, Fra C's ,,If r, � words I They were spok6n in blind- by the wind on the &let at August, dulareaVooft- On t.b* mot- of 3150,- lain- poirtion of this &Dag ... vvl�v burned to the ground trta, but e2, and Sivoddlo only C . Proclivity.* - . k I no" abd now my eyes halve been open- IN& . A , .. I .. A * � . - . I . � . I I � * . I ­ . .. I I I �� I , 1� I � ..A . �, �11 I �, ly " .., 6 I - " ,� I " I I ­ I , , I I 11 � . 11 . . , - � 1. , -1 L. - I � ., 11 ­ -AL I . 1, 41 ) � , I ), . I ", . . I I .,r . I ' ` � . '. � . � � , , , . . , , ilkiiii, cl�3 '), ,, .1 ­ I 1, I . . " . � - I 11 I . I I . ,,, , , , - ' , ., �' '7 ' �L.,, . - � . ­ . 11L&-&:iA111— � - I I " .. I ,�,,L - . I ", 11 1. "Y' " ili,,� - I AA - -.;.�,' lost . ..k.mkihsm�'I,i.-.,�. -la­­­ii&.-,A-A.0ftdA� .&Ad - ­--&,dssh&-­­­­h.1 " I J1.1 � . � , ­­-­..­gsme­A-sm—. � AAA = � �