HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-05-03, Page 6W, 77 tTU MYN TWO POW D LO '24 "No WLANDS- 44,0welk,* Soar *",*,We ititliligi 49 1VW M, Ogff To �O&VOW 10011101A 149 V" 4 *low" JA tU" SP low. 1111141AM rtok later, 040 ON* a* guru& k�r­ lkat_ 1�2_ twos of 3141 T, to lot A T ADNADE 41 #04 OUVW %%% - ------- W." Aft 0 law hall t Wanted. Clerk in # '4t 40 Wit A tice. must be under uty- of %ratAgmattal ap a DR. P to a sow ntic Now. 4mon Jklad "Illoor A. oo. He ekeep 72a Jim gate Street, E.C. islaul brialt -lack ro "Top thaf clec or"B" r. r. T� thq cp 04owwl - IeV*tkg - I ZAI tq 4QA!f" Jumets (11ALIA aT ttractive adver -timement up. fellows, but tbeoo I 414,*t et, ob* 4, 11th ill peared for a Monte# t 4* p tw 44, xp*ty be" 4W. mLondon daily W strongest point, ac, 1898, and the reason for its Uidly I fixed Upon 6 sleepy 41," 0'QC.' FOL0010 Of tiny City in the Columns of a leading tote an a@SiSt4UI WbA*g 'OLK§d meh 4w *4 -*N* Ukww- �lko qlqagaw hau IVU newspaper one morning wag h all it 14" .0 idlo. =9190-4 go'erly of Oesseron, Insertion, and what came of it, I will young man, by m 9f �k An Arrain cHe was certainly the nW4.t go- lRay egg. caulaalklul; -i a**x aa,* to tassitsell dAm tell in the lines that follow. clerk that the mind of man cant ­ I her Blow for CeLve Of lj�s beam He was rather 4"gre, 14, a#44tJ J* tek fluminess bad been rat 9f A"".w t tbelonged-the brotherhood l_.00qs 441riv- for All which I replied in fatuous momqsr 4 rq tw iv*0 ot the, @x* Niarray' CVWAlL'!W= Barristoz, C.U.11 No 20— timC with thin fraternity to hand to bib ear viliken I addreaAhio Unit Cleavoy-:14 offloo- amil- sad altogiathij flordo." V*o .070 t� 4 to OPPold Colborne Hota. various queries. rich%Vh al! a&$4psro9nL..IUf;8MtOa like the lilies of the field, "wed himself to be tbv yery Won at *JkllL$ Sleag wjq$ PoNot *9 POP W be lThe F"i Of Nava( aIM Nk UMIM, Barrister, Conveyancer, Proo- cept when under the direction of a ItC40monials, were %erfs, V00W XAct And POW woo, "toils not. neither does it mplu," ez- fill others that I was seekla, His 4114644 UAw Jac causill OtIr jltisfalciw Upon What, at glot Aat,, 4'"Vo JIUI lair in Maritime Court, sto. Meetly to They sta the be wag 1% tbq- a toty' 09bl"t 01at- 94 4 9 At At* i0t.w. *74110 utLendaut in H. M. the hat I-- rattia. miniature gardep iPr1rate ru.4111, OM.;- -tern-visaged low, but reliable, amid that his In- 01 4 **Pit, one# .4 ApAt Won- P;011 hotels. and we had come to the un dustry wan unbounded.' au VIOLiter Inspectloo. wrps 010k itl 0$ X T�, 0,)M A W__ 9. KOJI 0o �40 Oat 114 the U4QP- robed 919.000 10 i�rooitvtxtlon, It tteil lot N that we must "You may consider yourself on" a Oust. )N HOLMES B 90jotilry ton h* W ARRISTERS. animous conclusion l�L%N Only, 044L Cu on 31 as A"414 084otw A4 IT It hit ic. 0 ell achieve aome brilliant stroke in or- gaged, Mr. Jones." I said, when I had us Am you tlrew,, Dearer. you arla *0 `11* tW ot the -3s; lit, Che =y Houses. 1717 perused the tentimcnialto with much so moiny 0,40. ),1; 1% 4.94. X04 wlsoot oat — der to act us on our feet again. anorpriond. at the 4"eptioq W Imizontly amploysid. To to olm hilf, O)OOL-ouk wad b gravity. Will give You 262. to V0 It atw(lifoath, LIU of iu.0 wjlgo"t or .J,,,CARR1STERSOL1C1T0R, We were discussing the state Of of- you were istibijeot, $or this m ek to Commence with, al It was we .0 ad by the late Money to loan . " hip Opp (,wpbell t( WTVf bteME7 Ohioan Ustside Cox;t fair& one evening at my dea in Saba, salary will be Increased If y6u give reality, covered with a waao of 0-1 Iqp� W Jt Mt, L' MXQ Who* y '0%40104� �q'A11AmtqT_ 1717 when of a sudden Hill Sturge, a satisfuctiOn- How will that Butt tatiou fr9lip atent to ster;4 Oct' im "so; 4144 rious Edinburgh youl" Rob, bq tim i.t.rtislow On 00-9 U4 Notiost. dres- V, co)lqspq�iw', thick -act. ruffianly looking follow, no Is thic that, in son. -042, 0" �LXaw - jW . t, 044 The Caakditiun "Thank you very much Indeed, ex. hs, n was UAO0_ Careful Y any of the hull of the vb9mal Am IZZDIOAL. confident. tq"-A* halm A ialppi,*04 tar the The #44, 1.0 09 q!t*t",t 444 t sanity burst out:- The � " *;'Wag G�� tiko� j#, " , j, � consideration he replied, speaking more 4trPolp; the ible at all; and you begin to wou4op 44;004�49zvom B11 SHANNO AND GALLOW "Wot's the goal o' talk4i' o'crack- ly than he had spoken until that mo elD "I will do my best to afford what as be the regoon, fill, TfitatkWa go are nearly doxed Us jo4gn uol t It Was not Rum i her well, in' oribe an' sich-like, with the bloom- U every satisfaction to my powe boat tu'a purpose wholly grelgo 9 all W`bw br4akl f1rojilght or 1110 t04� W10 Ain okuoricy. and. t1le yin I'lectrio yo r 1.1i canal. PHYSICIANS AND SVROEONS. in' coppers a-watchlo' yer like hanny- to Cabinet's ;VQ0rd in are suppi "You can begin year duties art 009umort 11411ge. . But the XCA1111114 14 it faeorE - t , forn,, *t .9 thow being as tothe hial"I'­tel Aga" 40n .��boty,� 4 aran OrFrCz-IO Bank of Commerce Building. thia,l not far to 0eek. 0 AM 0444 POOP Ilk presettriog a grto W o off E are if yer do succeeds in hev- Monday next"' I went on, "at 9 a in The canal boatmen of W. OlAdr 0 hey felt sato olubrat- ,WZ, T9"*O. t1kilk 014, g laW bygo, resiguatiailk 9 Bristo obtarcil, udin' 'em, wot d'yer get for yer painall sharp. Now, good morning; and*be* Holland sure and be punctual." spend the greater part of their 111vaj tihat 4W4 week oton.o. Or three M04011L (like #"Tot #"nk pVb#0t:y, JA 0 littl1i while- ad It I it 11he loth never hot a 6ar DP_ SnANNoN. Do- GALLOW, A fe%v quids' worth a* silver, p*r'aps, on their ve4ael lkings, kept 4349t. One, Or the Tot- A= Old Residence Elgin at' W- or a kid's mavin'-box stuffed full of Ile left the office with glad step, s. On them they eat, $0 th" last.gueo., It1ti.lapt D; oxen. 4tattooman appeaved st VAW4-. howleveiT, tW9_ , qricAua wore dia- ult., wife, Pr.mc Pit Napier 8L drink, and sleep; and ;to( a . t iciou eigatimet. R Aaktton(i 4 led tq be. wtmring hard fit thlaW, Thilirty thmut-i-i JPnONJ0 ailk FHONJII 90 turthings. No; bust Like it I'll lie evidently rejoicing lit his success in lojo Work. tarlroigu .1, .9 all� 4-irbir but their wives and families too, hi1?Ju9t4 thn 4 h1m And,10 ver having obtained the berth. Poor and totes of aleop. llook 6C pro r C A7 Olt. 144 faMumetnt quickly irosia be- itery okaginemen , I_n.1N3h,re urst _or . _111% 10: 1 lilt- Is go on that job again. I've ad enuff deed it lit their only home. A oultinji obapl Little did he guess, I reflect- boatman from him boat is pre and exomolse, tlw:t are really t r 0111d likit' 1-4 bUr 500092tyle twilon thvi T4ote%A s to the !do- out an Btri-ke, upsilon would, like ty much a presidod, over'tho dalibega, ..1,11 spreading. DENTAL. of it to larat me my natural." ed. that hits ace billykey a (lab out of water. disposto 0 v k"d UP In We all smiled, for Hill had just re- Othello's, very soon be "gone." From one o%r'x end to the otbor, be g causes, a"a well a a tiong of bla 001lefuguies. -had come to tity of me of tbo 9thear couple. MNICHOLSON, L D. Dental Surgeon Monday morning came in duo is plying along one or aiaqher of the "king and; d;1pk1uff_ bid them %arewell. He know It. bet you a 40,1111404 dollars It'.1, the An 1806 If 1,5111 Ult.. . Room$ opposite thoUsf; Ovice. Gola tired from the obscurity of a certain counsel and with It arrived the new many canals which eeverywAtere lAter. A G99AT WORRY but (he outsidia world wag Ignorant prinsia'ot Walsall' Amid one, DaTolloross kirkyard �u the allies. porcelain and paid crown and bridge institution ut Portland, where he had clerk. I Invented mom work for him iyes ki The date is the Y-31 koo�. f;e_ work a specialty. luirty-five years' exper, Will of the fact, and ept in, lgnkor� sect the land, carrying goods to all it bareavemout or a at replied the other. oW it wan then do church was built. been engaged foi- five years in can. to perform -postponing the qheque once, in grow December to, at4ed to drawl the . pilluarry's atten- parts of the country. quaintly bring on an attack ge"h. Tse., ace I no when the, Igat has do - 'F AL MABEE, D. D. S., 4 D. S., Dental sequence of a midnight expedition business until the following Wednes An s g . it to easy of this Sheriff Hull. day. He discharged the simple dut- to ess why he should make big vessel mart. especially with. wofaken� The in- farewells were said to the Council 11:104 SA4 ask him, Politely to gratify cided that the tha(l)"ll `­"f� 'Dust go' JLA. Burgeon. "Loat and ayrreoflvgmethods which had brouLrbt him no greater re- ice which I intrusted to hink onifortable " possible. and not arealfoo to opeA air sports for womea, ity 04 to who his comPan- Thus per*41ae,4 ill tar ali dental operations. &Uon of With chahlber was a most pathetic one. , 'their ciarlop . 0: pictur- natural teeth a specialty. Ofiloo-Cor. Woso ward than a small monOY-box coil- great accuracy, though his work an esque dwellting'4. St. and the Square. b w only that, but. it he be a lover Off the however. to largel driving this com- AN EPIl5OM Jin Was. A4' cippartsudit presented taining the auto of 2s, 7 1-2d. certainly distinguished y Pat ul beautiful, try to depeorato and Won- plallit out at the"gankinthate categlory. one of the WaIggrq, propent QP Italaig, and the eqftrry was pleasant- Alex. Adams. i4r fl.teeman PHONE NO. 30. . � t "Then %vital do you suggestl" I slowness, tify It to the beat of big ability. And Quiet rest Is the great and golver- that historic ocouslon narrowly eace"P. asked, ulklitzi his Indignation had coal. at On Wednesday morning, toarilo to that end, he will have the forta. sal cure for neurasthenia but unhaP- e some time previously Inadvarteint- IF 00flugaulkicative, "Certainly," he In the Edifeburgh T 8 MD.&. L; D. S., Dental even o'clock, I summoned him to part of the Drug I friend is the Earl of rible death by f,,il,llg Surgeon, to rly lin,R)CIOLed with Dr. t covered with Belli pily In cases that have Wen allovrBd ly revealitDir q Cabinet 00104vt at on- oxiilalmod� my lzounif Montrili All branches of the pro. ed somewhat. my side, and said carelessly:- and planted with gilt kinds f-ga to advance quieft, is the boon denied . He 'wispit to his, Obeato." charge from a furnav, a "Suggest V Why, jug' this. Let'a "Oh, just run round to the bank 0 agg 9 practic . including gold Raldporcemia flowers, turning it rit the sufferer. The nerves refuse to, be- club to write 4 totter, dud lott on the A gratifying deerva, crown mind bridge work. snects" stiout4ou fly it bit 'Igher than wot we've done with this cheque, will you, Mr. Jonewl flower garden; whiltst the deck or liv� come calm and ag sleep comes to rest table the secret dtaft opy at the LD BY JOVEI" of new .�Lsr, given to tile preservation of the natural tooth, bring we the utit in ;C109 notes, buirst,out this all�uumuilikeeting You. bar Cos in a n's Now Block. fare, and It -i's tackle a cheque, job," nod don't be amo lug -house, situated amidships, will be the QlookwcKrk Of the brain and nerves Home Rule hill'pritittail for the nab of Iwo who th might be bad seen Bag- ported by thi. il Offivvi, of longer "You mean it forgery, I presumel" than YOU Out' adorned by a plent5ful application 'of so Platriontaly bound. the Ono to the the Cabinet onal.� s4oftly �tgftkar his help.,- laud"O fatuare KlqW, and big Ignorance Health for ill,, kilf�gtlw- I asked, quickly. red. green, and yellaw paint. oth4r. Brain lesions come laind the departlre 4t, low Xtitemlier of the MARRIAGE LICENSE He glanced at' itic cheque and But your Dutolunan Is not only a result may be fame,of the many forms clu. I b tkad cooJIL.4ton'tin ties the same to- cast him W hundred dellars, whtab The IWItiburgh if,! Water "Thut'o juat what I do mean, guv'- reached for his hat. As he ent to. lie docilinbut lying on be paid on, the spot, WhiLat the equerry Trust has silt -a- l) A:5,000 and IssuElt OF DIARRIAGE no,. You Yourself are a mark oil wards the door I called him back. lover of the beauti:ful, he has also an of Lasanity in which this awful 41114, his aladoland 41 turned awa7 w�tth an amussil smile. 90,000 In It% onW. LAIn6es. Goderlich. Ont eye to the needs of the domestic do- esso onds, himsolf the himitatin' anything' under the inn- It. Th let the King immensel with the Clippea, ()it "Stay," I orled. In s is gentleman a Catiliq partment. And thlitrefeire he ban the Paralysis Is am oft the most tre- privele geoilot4ty to dt Min- What allial*& from Sir 'Itury Hirvin) down to the less tone; "now I come to think of. fterplart of the boat convertqd Into quaint of the to the atriet kedervotion of any in- directoz results. Affectlons toter. He ealized In k flash the Ills Mr. Alex. R AUOTIONEPR u on. And a it, you had better not bring the a vegetable garden, where all planto optio neTvsa are comsmon; the reasom is conaternattillie that want be caused 430pi-tio which lie way assume is % blill" WaA bloke wot can mimic voices can mimic money back to the office, but meet necessary for that pot are cultivated. weakened; sonistimes the wind be- If -the comberits-of the. divitiument got ocupIsIte qow p�nd, of most Ettropean of Grandholm OHN KNOX. Nowffato treat Ooderich 'andwritin', too, ses I.,, Iguriligges, w all in wosit cases he mairdarously ;�,kii i,kbbed 011 me outside Charing Gross Post Of- On some boats also: even miniature comes permanently unbalanced or the a oppotito huxtou'o Hotel. Lloortood Auo I made he broad, and haoloolki; the ptiper In an "it does not always follow 1, fice in an hour's time. I via to 90 tarm-yards likely be seen, with beris, dreaded laskotmoter ataxia "to in, speaks with a perfetatlynativie accent. th,3 lifth lilt,, IY) tioncer and Agent for i he Nexon Bros. Agri answer; "but at% a matter if envelope and carefully scaling It, he pac-tally is this the case with, his A Moffat bailio k, I fellow- CUILurallunplarneutt% Paris- the celebraLlad foot- I down (a my house -agents at Put- ducks, pigs. goats, sad hatyaltooks all ervous prostration has no eat called a cab and drove at once to Iti'a &dam*' WagonSt McLaughlin Carriage Coca� believe I have a certain facility with ney and make a large payment, so complete. rule of approach, It takes Its victims Downing street. One can Imagine French, aad-H,i*.Xsjeaty. who is -ex- a the telling the otack"hutt P rnyt? laws; Coa)PaDY, my pen, A sUbstanLiul cheque for- for a coumcillar 01h r'OLawining to the that the notes will come in handy. effiedlogly fond of sojourning -t ng %i:ls no beti 'it. and " other lines pla In various ways often by a complete, with what relief the Miffister receiv. them that "their mt., arming trade. gevy-filty fur 1h` .4um Of 93,000- Do you understantif" phlysical collapse as In the case of ed the missing document. Zew day in #ATW in aboolitte, disguise ter than I he IJaLL9(' iWould certainly be an admirable ven. He nodded slightly find, without rarely experlianqom any difficulty in motors who tat -at on the stagic during hess uf who wat another word, went down the stairs. doing no. At these t1roes His Majesty The Due T HOMAS GUNDRY. "Not 'at(, And now, if you'll jig. Ali had gone admirably up t lit a p�rturpmace. Stilaide in often the adapts a little airtifloo which makes Mistress of the ill Qul!Ou Via - ten to we for a lilt, 1*11 show yer, holy ouldilon culmination. RICHEST MAN IN ITALY. Live Stock and Ucattral Auctioneer, point. It was obvious that ]WORE XEN TRAN WO1211 "The dangers ad the disease," says bilet sconq1ty In this respect alm It toria, has becin appuillied 11, the sanksi Hamilton Stroer� Goderich. ill, Job can bi- worked. You've 'card, piston suspected nothing as to the' perfect. -He to an, officer of the peat in Queem AlexaodrA'� hutisehold I suppose, of Bartley and Bralitim, falseness of the big cheque, and a phyalolqu, "Ila in the fact that Or Income 0 French LeStan at 111caidixr, and when hu wgA If atThe Pope Ilm ME AnnuM Captain J, Bay,] Kin, tales made every where and all atfarts made the big slissitors, a, Lincoln's Initill the bunk people proved equally In- STATISTICS SHOW MILLiONS.MORE PIO gin an disregarding the warn 93 gwar Three Wilillion DOUR=. hoe goes aboul; he wears the roso tte tualre you satisfaction. Now, you pop off to them lawyers. nocent might rely on having 98,- MALES THAN FRULES. which they have flashed to them from Italian (;ov- which only such offletams are titled killed in action in S-iiih Africa. Walk and tell them to write me a letter 000 in possession In the space of the tired -out nervous system The proposal by the en th eldest son f Mr. liallidt011 King, Farmers' sale notes discounted, demandin' Payment, say, a- 620. dog anothe;%.0 to. He is at, once taken foar a French- late ad lbrox, Gliaguliv, uwl formerly r. THESE WRNINGS ernment to impose inheritance taxes Mal). to YOU." Nevertheless. It was some Kea must stay zKoholor"ursym, There was one tififfir, however, when in business in Ayr. with a heart Is ts, 0My Contlamat in Whilch Th"o are excesative nervousness and Irrita- has resulted n an Investigation in - VETERINARY ;'Go on," I said, woodering what on that beat somewhat more swiftly The Scotch coal trae la In strong earth the to riving at. 1-1 t Is a Ifteponds"Mike of 111111somikka. bility, theme beingi the first symptoms to the distribution of the wealth Of Him Majesty, through a utost aw-k- How was d ban usual that I took up my posi. and often otiontlatkinfp for years before kingdom, woch bas just been ward combinaion of circumstances, contrast to tbut of a year ago. Then R. W. F. CLARK, V, S., graduritis of the U1111 listening." tion outside the large post-offLoe at say breakdown omuxs. Then there Its w There aLre 15,300,000 men in this th Dontario voter= calicefe. roranto. I hat came slatzgetrional* near to revealing prices were bj�jrh awl ridlancing Now tr-,iti owner" "Don't be in a 'urry, Whelk I gets Charing Cross and waited for the world Who W601d have to remain in- a genewal cariflittlon of illuessil loss of completed. It has been found t his Identity at a time above all others prices are 61, wr lon & %%it said coal- r6spectfully call the tion ho their lotor deniandin' this are sum clerk's approach. Presently I Was gle even though all women oil earth aPPOLito and instinilkla, depression, Sicily, although g to my a proved inat lied of operating an h enerally supposed to w he reest hatied to, avoid doing masters find tb- difficulty In tooth. I tro�h sup&j at veterinary urediark7needi a' hraS4, I goes UP to their orifice and joined by Stur and the other two tend have been.ruined by brigandage and &a, and the way 1-n which bet tiaved li always on hand, A co acid stables -No wiffito pays the dubt In gold. Wilt 'sPPenB men who complied our gang, an should becorals married. In other ibucy to warry over trfflea and to street. Godorleb. d the thetil Jug' this. That Bartley and tour of us turned our eyes anxiously wordio, there are 15,800,000 more man these, kinfore starlaus Symptoms add occasional failures In crops, includes himself is interesting. Tho late Six Wi;fiaa, Fraser, K.C. Brahnin writes to You, guv'uor, thin themselves as'the disease pTog-reases. in Its population, comparativeli more It was shortly alter the close of the Tonsorial. - towards the post-offloe clock, watch. than women In this world. "The heart frequently Is affected. rich persons than any other province pwaric"arma'vrar, and His Maj- B., writer of .,f several closing you a cheque for A:20 Instead Ing the whaute-hand creep slowly The total population of tbie earth Is the bead 16 heavy, hot and achlug, In Italy. to that island fourteen esty as vory-desixotto of going over mucient and noble families, asendin' you the coins paid In Illy round. th— the speech becomes jerky, can- families puxv EDFORD BLOOI TONSOR(AL ROOM& ehave fortuneso tiggr6gating the left X25,000 for tia, pul - of crect- B Npriator. Modern.oisy a bit late, ain't le?l stimated at about 1,500,000.000. Marc ol=ehaves, haircutting and shampooing. A follow that part of your plan Sturge, when the clock registered than one-half or them have been ac- fusikd and uncertain and the move- 850,000,011)(1 lIre, about 25 cents, and of BATTLEFIELD OF SEDAN; ing homes far poor per.,uns prefer - ft I ments f the body ofro spasmodic and these, Commander Florio takes the 0.11" to be glih,va tu authors and sharponed.andhoned. 11796-11 most easily", remarked, after it fifteen minutes past twelve. "I tually counted, while the oter half ot controlled by the brain. Ec- lead with IOD,000,000 Jim to his credit. but was at this ome time very much Rbme have a might run atints. "but what in the world has all 'ope nothin' ain't 'appened--' is roughly estimated. Stntisticians c The death it; announced at Bourne, 0111A.r this got to do with our proposed tatkEricity off speech and action is not- Forty -tout persons in the risk. ad "He may have lost his way,, , I re- question of ad and vtlictlentais is the next stage of fortunes exceeding 1^9,000 llrs.� The tll offendling Rxencill auseep- McLean's plied, with a laugh; "he is idiotic have investigated the ilitieks, which Were naturally keen mrAuth. England, if rq Charle Mae - CORNER EAST -ST. AND SQUARE. "Guiv'por. there On't a new-born enough to do no." tile numerical strength of the two the complaint. Then the patient who richest of these are Prince Torlouilk at the time. He did not wish it to liver, widow ad th,- lale r. Charles babby as ain't more knowin' than you. I , but. I confess that involve I - has Ixesistd all the appeals of his with 20,000.000 lire. Prince Odescal- appoax that he gloated over the Get- Maelver, ad Calderston-, near Liver- spok Box... Rod their stiukateat phafficiam to rest from big work is obt 80,00000 lire, the Duke of Cae-� FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY, Don't yer taxable? When once you,ve a a I gh y m&rk victories. Ocusequieutly he de - got the firm's cheQuo in your 'ands, slight anxiety was begin- 288,000,000 souls, or about 188 pool, who was so lon pronaLwatly per cent. oonslemaliked to a sanitarium where on- tout with 6%000j000� lire, and Count ning to assert itself Jim my of the total -populatioll'or this earth. aided on a little trip there in, the very associated with the Wnard Steamship vitrythtog In Sawn and prices always right. You foaa set to work to copy their being. tamed idleness is necessary for weike Caprerar with a fortune of 50,00 d What had ocourredl Was it possible oad% sometimes for m6ontim tire come next. 3141an boasis 150%.Ire a Company, a According to their estimates Europe es signature, and at I I hat. Hotherwiso, that closest and strictest Inelognit' the b uk had suspected the 'Pea mix exorcise is a great No- willionalres, Genoa- forty-nine, Turin facontailkesiaid Duly by Genoal T dale. 'ow d'yer expect t ork the gamer, The two put -up at a littlea hotel forgery, oommunloated with their hoe a population of 834,000,000, with otntive f nemvefus allekness. "1 understand, said in a voice of Tan are' thlitty-eligh millional customers, and detained the at .,and ]?A theire, and bud decided that no one erk? If 8.666,660 more womer, than men: Asia baths, the p0winw"o show t og to the admiration, "and, what is more, I so, immediate Inquiries would be has a population of 616,000,000 affeettlita spraltilkxkfuld b the an� lCilankiligit of bitj�uthas, fifild"116 In thb. should know where they were and congratulate you on your suggestion, with that no hitterta should be addressed tu SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM, Bartley and Braham must of neces- made by the police at the Moorga to 00, Africa, mets of the marawl 4151 ion'of Afelklist Depilfty to a male plurality of 16,000.0 thelin ditariblig their brief stay. V*4 4 , 00004 sb; W igHOUSEEIVILDER ity keep Street office, and rejoiced to think those diapomed to e"ouistlesa even nor QuIntleit, Wttlj about g00!;(J!"1110_ 'Ali wen What the World aye Xts "Gensraft"- In a huge balance. in their sllirhtly� It is w.rar mise and GENERAL CARPENTER. that I had acted in Sturge's advice with a population of 217,00%000, has wall watil the tinkle came ban'k, and a cheque for 93,000 would to adopt live. ' i t place for about 1,000,600 mcire men than -,wo- harall or isuddeal itimthads In this Obld litany bardinals. have* largefor- fair their departure, and then the very Houses remodeled, and general re I excite no surprise on the part of the a 4, the British Colonies. the reception, of the money. atex treatment. If one is actcastota, tunes. Among, the Cardinals, Cos. ditsittiliatiog discovery wais made that Pa rs cashier. We can go to work at once, men; In Anieffica, which ILSA a PoPuls- pLal. On all sides coompWrits loud and attended to pro�iptly at moderate find this very afternoon I will St. Martin's Church pealed the ed to warw. baths the tomperatuxia, of gotta owns, more than 100 large eve& between thein they had not Butt - of 102,000,000, there dre also itkitalit ready cash, to pay their hotel deep are heard as to the scarcityJ of prices. In- Satisiffiction Guaranteed. street the firm to write you the let- half-hour, but still W. Cyrus Jones tiOn the %vator fabouid be chasiged gradual- aces skid buildings, and is wrth'at hey entad not did not put in an appearance, and by about 1,000,000 more, men than wo- least 80,000,011)(11 fife, Cardinal Cos- hill. T telegraph for servants, and various re,medles, wore SHOP -Kingston Street, Godarich. ter that you have ouggested." this time keen anxiety was depicted menf the plurality f all del Dralgat III a fortune of 25,000,- any, fox tl*,W swrit' Would then.be or less practical, have been suggested The rest of our little party express. men in Aug- AN EXCELLENT PLAN mt. Ultimately they adopted the RESIDENCE -Huron Road. oil their delight at the bold Plea, and on "'It oar fuloes, tralia with a total population of 4.- is to fill a lairget sponge ith 000 lire. far the alleviation at the liclusewifeA luter in the day I called on Messrs. We held it rapid consultation in cold we- THE POPE'S WEALTIL simplest 0.114 least orig4nal way oat 000 000 is about 50000DO of thelir dilemma which suggested it- trouble, says the London Dially Mail. itlow tones, turge recom tw uA holding it at the back of the i r ey an rabarn, introduced my- aelf by saying that they had been re- we should abandon our porition out- aide the post-offitte., IN VARIOUS UOUNIZEII.E.S. Ao cording to the eatinkates of the _ aego it 60,tlat the —ter Stfil trlalkt64 dlows, tind, AP1111A, repeat this Papa 10 PtOD0,01y t 6 WeRA "- T for- last wan in all Italy, having a self. The Gemeiral went to the near- est pawnshop, and tb-e pawned, not The Impartation of Chinese servants commended to kka�, by a City firm, and thereupon instructed them to apply "For It'a like this," he atild, em. AtAti3ticISLAS t ere are .0.401�000,000 oevortkil times and thie subsequent Wine e4th4lit0d At, two milliordo (if lire. His. perinual totals only his own watch, which would not has been suggested, but this seems a veiry improbable solution the diffi- to '*WillkRm Sturge, 93q., 322, Acacia Road, Winksworth.- for the sum PhaticaltY. "It helfanythlu* has gone wrong—and the clerk ',,%it given the Men and il"Ad% Woman 10 thig world, giving the lualit a WiJoritY Of ah-ack of cold wateir art the rest'of the body In 01tht. Wisk friction 'incilk 12-000, Coli Ure, alinat 403ruw a.- ' Q 'have His jtQR have realized atifficlent to meet a isson,%wilint beAv 3r bill, bat that of His 'Isof. 'hotel, of unity. Of course, the trouble really of I A20 aterling, whi" I it legod was ow. gain(- away—they'll not only send a tot round to Moorgato Street, but 15,800,000, Enrolls jig the Duly can- tinout, with wrivulnoWlikel preflolatinfir- With a coarse to, 'I follows. --Abkpive all emogalse—not W" bells nually. 14rions brolaq1tit b10 9MA fr6lA 'Oil% bArts �*f Majesty The. proprietor W44 obitz with, aid His Majesty, aria" from the extraordinary sprea4 Ing to me by him, "Pitch y ur lett,�r ap strong as p as- they'll start takIn' hobservations since falf women. � Slott ist,00 Jim Nlik` cir pulloWn.ha t1a the opean1r, With tile World Valued Bit psawitio, lire, The asoll rederve, at the Italy See is feeling cedisiderably reheited, went "I of education durIng thv last faA J and the 0 Bible," I observed. "and no doubt it round this spot no wall, so th-3 sooner We chucks this 'are the but- rope there are rommy cokintrilaittvirbare the men outnumber the woollen. That e0 bweith"a fond plenty Ott wslk- I.,* atiol milignifing, -if poselible. W611 , flibout 2W,0CC,,0W, lire, invested for way, the wa tab. Of couTae, being left behilid. years preferen.-e of yournit women to enter a mure :kideplaudent will elicit a sallstuotory result, The man has the money, hut won't part position, ter." There seclued deep xv;adonk in his Is the case In Italy. Gtriasoft, RollInIA1114. fiffilgarla. Servia, 331isania atid V4;A*Ijtod 'bedittokoults foria a n000sskt�, Balluses wou olaw In that they b0b the most part in English, American, Italian, 11,01191an and FX'Ouob Govern- , The Xing' has also found it possi- bit 'to imskintAln a complete disguise sphere of action in illopj'and bouse( t with I until he is compelled." M A cautious suggestion and Ave were xegavina, and In the small jiffritiol- 00 16k=o f6r eXcrelgia ilk th'D Open $IT, ment aLlourittes, . Tho Antitielit on L fix the streiets of Ldmdt)n itself. at business than to confine thenk, we ays Passed. On the morning about to quit the p, I law when of a polity of Liesillittenstelim.. The 1993's, %kUt!I 4.kkCiW, havo a slulabor of pittiftta this, and his.starptilf$ 1#60MA, Ju ve den. ' TLY, selves to the c4t-artA-diiod rules el of the third day the postman brought a -Wla tb I Ultbeg' docinihioatiot for t e r4ft IA#OntY-' NVEN JUST ltECEN Udden of small but arnart-I king gate Of the POPU19M011111 Of thmile b0ilkh" whiO i;salk tolt and h air o dowentle service. me a letter from (he firm that ran boy messenger strolled up andosterut- trios gives the men a majorltv,911 each dA'Y ft -am, fotswu bblued. '16 thdan0lat, 00lits imivadlutellty an his keturp from Ger- thus:— iTtW atliti H61Y Sah"waillilloVeOmdre, millay, be paid visits to Westminster How to obtain good "generala" u bout 500,000. Portugal, A'W04411 "Cold, 0oW6TA Utli Of the 11i'm0st Lincoln'.i inn, Mty 20(h, 1898. inized us with intelligent eyes, '-fIfth;0t and two or three othet places in the untioUlatedly a problem HELLOA I .'I have a note here for a gentle- ay, Russlan Palmed and G]rttai benikoit in att*6 trouble. cooreatint adtibfidtoty. The Ilrer 16 111,11M Which will Norw. 1kur Sir,—A% Instructed by )-on -we man dressed in a grey frook-coult, Britten show a prepeod6ranat of t.hn� to dollar, bU4,zonsidefing' heart at the Metr000llig .6it the game aroliff more dtfficult to olve than I( oug, in all, -Alight �Attaft%' the Aulotictil, duly applied to Mr. William titurgo ligh hat women at the frate of 1k,040 Walwo to the cost ot, 111figo .1p the it 0 0011IM" day, witholat Its bli6aukiing, knowu at: is at Present, a and tan gloves,, r y. in aq=v t bib In England it may be taken tha( tar the amount of x2o owing to your- w0firifflig , palti, a he said. addressing mel "and if yo�r 1,000 men. In Gemnany there aw. iatw,", V it. tridat, 04V _)Ial 11i4b may, rock- the time. exotalpt to t do Ift'immedl- ifelf. He called at Ur of(ice this 91 481 WT coca tA a times WE 46to attendance u0n, 111flift4 HIS bulit- he average walife.,, Of it g The Old Reliable t* 10 then, Wbila iiii to Wo crieral Ear, ALL KINDS OF afternoon and paid thoo name Jig 3fir. Vincey, air, then the 039 Women tO OVOTY 1,01 ift"O oy" �1'10ktel_ it. *Mk!(_�. Stay amount. which Deletes for YOU." the majority of Women In ItUngl4it'Y't quoted kex�tilkh,546 #'alugo latest -.Vxs in couftectibilin with the vaint are about Lij a year, oomLk A1144iiii tiif� bo'deV6 i4 11.1 . 114 , I I 1� " .. times more, sometimes less, but thill Ift me, W '64 we now send )'On by obeque. Per. war. Ruxialia. France and Uelg,mm Is cowt dfiwk * -miam0T1ql.�1tb the. late ()idetell. haPs You %v:ll s,,e that Mr. Sturge Is "That is my name." I filade ans paratIvely. insiq . 04, � _ 1 .1 1 � vabo. '' n1flilkaut, er._ L1. ... . And His - Majoikity his vwy fro- ."Vins a fair price to pay. Ili Francs Put in Poss-­qion of it receipt In duc Who gave yolk the (lottimunkcat loaf" loa�o L k.b.Ktq,:"' 'Whufftit �to WILLILLOikifig�2 00VACH& it "boinnia-a-toot faire" ituently dtivien &boat � the Loodifin expects 0.12 a SO= CAOSE1. llfeat" t 10 96"'i course. Yours fil-thfully, "A gent wat caulks up, to our office, W, I _. * il ia - t tWicf�' L ­ � W I I "magd" a Ilits atraotA Is a hired hilksockfu cab, and It yeat, nod a German OAL it at, women of 10fi�ost.fat tysino A#gali 'that he finfild doing Eat onei of ftm- In Rusisia, Sweden, Denmark Varthy Brablank. lid said we should find you waltin, it has 1*0111 found th closed was drown on to than Intent, an (I k '4 "'A .'b A th # A ti ALWAYS ON HAND t rbe chequa In outside Charing lCriass Poit Office.,, more soolaV that his most plet4turablo oxiiiiiiarie tes. lie oud*Narway, thr- average may be put -lox Bank. Templo 'Having added tba't 3jo, answer was avoid countries Where the I 'it �Ikdhavtktl jMt Like h* i0itisom but al. lip, London and Chit down at telit a year, and a like amount .10 1 Nona I Bar branch, and I perceived With do, r6401red the meat tiger strutted is thinly Scattered ever a 10"re. M 0 intako er ot t1k;0 Chi,* *4yE giveA, cabby -half -,it sovereign fit is a fair -tirnate foT list),. light that th? nama of the firm wall ANVOY, and I broke the Beat witlik ritory. Hunting And lia. toIrsit )0gir* a(%d fst 04 ahbrStatyl his. diallov. the and at the even though , 10 Switzarlan4i, mving, perhaps, tia The Best Scranton Hard not printed on top, The next move trembling hands. pies and 01,0111 those In like f� 14mby V '00.- th A the 03110rcems floating hat.q populm. jiffied t wbei�bbiy thili litibibut owly have, (Itivew from the e Ar6h to Viclosirls. would ho to obtain n blank obaftitte. 1.114t=dlike J.one&l handwriting," of agriculturikI doMopluailt, for th, tion, the price risen to ClG, bat, the, COAL book fro -n tile bank. and this Pr6frbd halt to myself and halt treason Invariably UVO love men, BYNUM, Way a When WavAtirtAg bu fact or in hark. an easy callst felt .Vith Swetserlakid Is caught eltic but cone mattei Driving ub to the to my 660apoulabs. "What on earth than womom The rok J1JoWL'Qh'yS1cl1�ne4�'0A' Saw tbtoU#4 thiasatfset* Of the at* algailitio hotel far In the Market for CASU *sbuor All to*. 116p*olat �L� t, the Convenience of established In a smart halkillow, I can ho In06 to nayll" t1lit gVellitedt AxkdlI119tXJ�k1 fit tkl u t' t muffilb tallkily '11#& liky, ki ;A t . way; -he travellers. Crocisiling the Atlantic Wo I someone, J opened at Small nefeaunt tbort, itind Thl V.Plaft'd over my shoulder at it Proportion to tholit firea flow th I I bla artWgrly in t pp 4Jt 6 k 'ind, all 'llitow4bb 4408tyLaftell makes W N ­ C, find that in the United States of received its ct natural tho U'ritlue., land then a low gq!ku itreatost kellmiarlolkil V400114 deii is evens &6*0 All owl weighed on thc ittlia 0ormatflal logos, Ivhiah he ales wlAera you get 2,coo lbs for a t hi- oh oft of my purault. M, .4,tkqx burst truth the lips of mill of US, L ffor 6 a iftlk* It Is e, oh# %liffiftlon. Othor ilmobil t 4,if 0, t e7 III t I _'ho#A, Ahu oigr4 a glocd vewral servant ex. We re to a obAld not At A pects'e3o R Year. 01191 in Conatift abolki; SIC dentinal If* every Ackto,11 With this Is what the letter said'- groatly lufluitgoo the 0 _A$'o W 011ie. Thufs, 111tildit �xkft 601 % 14, fte b4V', �,tt S414dritigham, those ounkin ton. go hulk, '611M. ba-tlu* 6 il� pounds 1'em, In both instances the chwittue that I had rmbtvbd fro U L lot at L . "t, t 11 tollaw. kit ly kind oludlut tho lnkwg­�f 161hid I u - airyd, i, � fi., , At , thill ortlient ti ji Avibbilld talklog Y luarrlaw& _lk iloll A kz04"1uXtu, 'Wrot WhiAl Ia.. Wwphi of ifto of Boy Mt-sionger Office, Ta;olb par. %tomed liate their - lego, 6' ma be offered freely I&ASVS. Battler anif Il Utirpaii...4t WaLillexickeelfts %gro _4j, t" dli, it to ..'slut WN. LEE without obtaining any response, be� "($thing reakilkin(st for mv, how bldt to Ot you 10 ask me to ", to tta bank FAlkisAWAY S'd#M 1446 of WO f Ottlefts left at Lee % Sheppa J's filorly their signature kintil,li U-maAhlb JIM* 1001as to oklou a chtquo tar aud, atUor seaftakilovis lul*lcul, 'to; tbp 1*14ht those peroarbitiVtkov� 1161,1110411 t 90,1130 the same r,-rcumqtances 0 lilt r 1111 the Store will receive prompt attentioll to reproallikoo It to W-41id thie VelikIly fft*table sunt of 48.0A rtghti of WdMeh. NWA& wovi I 14. 7 Sbl 0 cdlo� in those countriev a., in Great Britain r lhl Th oat 'A I th-n. 4111 would lit- etioky� 611, 'You thus pilit au, hoportuility to 01huitto aba "ttorailolgloal 0 L� '-It f it. 1-4 11141111111:'� 4" dity, WA*,,h& wtl. bilialwt thir gh -that ls to BOY, the desire forgreat- UI or ifidepeadehoo and a growing diAlik# 1110 'i4Y �10htlih 1114*6 '40% 11,00A 610W U011118 6180 1111011100106 the 0111111VIa *'4#6 01pillotr aililielildia v sood Three weeka passod. w ip J'*f*# ilt Vfttek, sud, Iiij, '&Rfm to dointestic &"viep, (JI6* to,iltlllaw. Xtiluly 10*4*d the outqUia'. -4100 and millm 1h, 116 1.0 cluslou of thttt Petted I wtil I bAt I tillid thilit a"p"S'Slik *11111014te. Z"141*120filsit touts tub WaWAV. The highest point iq touchtfid in the it T* to, It t do", th Afti. Cape Colony, tvilprp. t t"71 to write tho *14 t 4604. , C rati 4041; '144 tht 061f,4106vit willi '00vout latito in, tifuthbord, wh06 4w. (Iii 'fitotilid idli'm %vell Paid 6d tb, tao 4U,(Ij�,t t1lb Ple9#1411i lifUllill0d, Att' Ulue thit, M i ightly pyocitil * * I ". tuate 'ItUAigiflty to accept an NOMA ROOM' ]HIS might 6 14 -ku 146tiif t g try ik lit Itirnhavit so slAtinlry tiNt G�, wo nowMiViat 11*45to to 6 you-sh likability p P fted W 'w"t, 41074tb . 11 Vast. Ift Natal the y- a 40 In tivittiv-004 d rat lit A mor# thlill I Ao. wjwe the appoiltit Is thilt 0 a 1 34 SIRA biwtvOtAtu lidlt 4)IIIii$ Only slightly lolver, Wing to 1) 410 Ala tilklom, lot 0-4 th* tD. U Wlt 1 # � oult? In'toost you to khw* th t tile colfifutries With tuftl li t f, tu=dWitl1drift tdir floulip. lore Brain, t4c ZUl1* krialklibbet the -all Alt* 11MMA t6jitt, lfj�,Ptllwa �),.**U#R al Wbldb I 4101blUd to, tkill. k&.11R, -owit"* IWO Ifty to Ono. It, N - 0 ttof ot t, *it �a A Ig .0 VAN! b If, h we f�cd# lofi!� t 4t dt hfij" , I 'A i . � "' , . 'A T*04i kohlfdsf,,�� tie tvRwt, ix 100 ,r Austr allsit, totonies to. '6y 'tA*, it" I nkli$ Jkdd' it revor tt, 0"Atifit1w tim miliwo �JU50413`[W' Mt* *6o#ptkkd * Vili 161 01forkthipti, SM111111111IN6 POU PLWA actiltsouiii 44 and Ila Jokl, Nflilkill't IA*t r"Illl'rlog�' the 'Lo.silit to* ftoutilik I RQ'iN Nit is, 443 AM in grdf,t "'i*oky IA 1 14,41111 4 * lillatkiltUl'e'd, r j% **Why not 111", 1 a kv" tUti, wart, .. settiliflal, i 'Wgh * out it t 0 .48, �NiaW Eciailk Walpjq, or ln,,t4U0 611 01' *100% 1 1AUW44*161d, 0, Iiatid at J, tv** " ilt. A, 4 4 tillto Wag" roi egg, 4 w ob 1001 6*01kititill ibutasu, 6 tour. wow '114o turilf. IWO ' OpW wtWilthint, 'aifumo lot "A t A. "'Wily IndO "GOS IgIltAlit t '.f UlIk"t4i" thtil et it )h 14*A lodl$ 0 . *, $' 'MAI -Oft* rittilia, d I Aild ' Wilf *(,,A TrA46 104k AU "Ift, tW *1111AWO jkA lin1liffShiftioV, ftft, 0 this tolitilliont", Iva, ItIlkiatit lvo, lit, U10( It rLsAs 94011, it AfAft* , - 4voaw 11 L�� 1 - If' Stlind.,fird WOO d I tooft Its #000 JOAL'U to 0% Jku4 JKL �14# ftj *Qt'it' "*4 bf 4* vk U41k -W4* UW4 too. ta" -w� -bov *Ww % , _J, ta�� Myr , , , It *0JK,:. t�k+fot, AMI, With tu-160" 11114. W it .o -e - to lot' it Joko. �f,4*14 Alit,; lir" "UNk kow"a, tor YOW4 W '"At. AM ' 0. 1 . by 41 elenw!k �ftlmlll A4 6* ti"4�� 4ew 4t kilt I 4111*4 t t0t 414# ftjx� 04 '40, 1 044 'Jill, Vralka, 611,0*j AOL 16h Wi#*I** t0A tjio�l WWI. L;"�, 10-0 ffit" %4 � J)tX . t Lot 'di%ji vetfistit lit at, 1�.I% tttfsoh, x A** *)I*- "t, tuoc, 413, $1 low** 0 110t, '01a vt th0l, 00 Uftift% 100 SIR- wato to 104 tAWAIII, &Mw",*VA ki, , & to�,, *k%ko tm 0,10*01 )01*0� Cyro awoll. , #t# .,I% *LJ r * I t iq AT 0142 JANNY PgR tiffs U, g,'%4 Tft #t*A *0ftL60,A,' G* -ko* 1W #04 ItAkAf t 6 *61.,TUA to" US, 'roll, ftfallff' *OPA" 4 Z1, Atiftt to,ow mw Aot., 36r- r ul* )Nwt tu 1�611' Of W"At 0 31111"A 11114~104"* li� JeF 'Ahd iiji'd "Ifaftft& M '11001V 01itAx 111.1 1, �- I ft4s at laftd, 6fl.-bJ4 to 116fif **101111ttle ju*.4_40 F." -.**a 'tWQ 14* ftlet by 1,bli dyetiltio? '"akti .1 ; 1 441#410*4 Wit 4 JIM M11 )t*� *t tot 4 Mv, "TA"t,4", "iiiiatival� -lot AI�i tow nft fli'Jifftla. billift 10 lit ftw"ftA,," 41"4,0 ;,Okooft 04W 0A k tot I'Jgj� *10t boo 'otatt �tor � Wjkrlt thl V it d*lf. "I A3'# wofo* #V#44"'It to, is, ***mt". to ft IS i �w - ro *014, U41111tiftly. *4* jdM All T-Aft"94 I %Wow 4F WAW01*4 f-foL loss 11,1164t, 141f, *h #oAt lit# IJttJ#, ftittit, t*,4� 'Ali turli-06 14A *44 Ql tank blow", # 14 n Ui q - I bl 4 A d A U. A A, -i hbL�. A