HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-05-03, Page 4. 0 -74 f 7_ �1�t� tv�` 1_4.. 1 w 04: :1110 F41 q 1:1:111111100 '1 11 '1 jit Our W ea n bridn"U0 I Tke EMUISIO Porili Albert. 10 15111,11ir St. 0911 0 stota. Aubijil Aff - mt. IV,,*** li.. l, I I - -* ussul of Cod l" I Ill Aub It 11 -OqrAste.� W eurpiyAm an0prIt" for, wal,*V Ow ,pro Follsh's, lachra Plialpiti. West I e Mt 6 max forn # W V049 sod 1PA"Or Liver Oil 90,t%ga �ffgt',, for so Lsictil �wsi orcludents-.Wtillidd. Kill 014; br# L Ir LIX6 N6W Oft shown. mt; S. Jan. 11. 0,40ner. La-lisitsovi 14, 'D amomall,$m -FlooWrolsh. LT. 0, Cirdivirt and Va"I R40, equal tO MAO, I..Ikn A. behowilivild. 11,4111 Aillowl, 0, vZ,-.1W *05'. tool e puLtillsm a way. -0;4je, buttow hol0i 11, out t It. jo t wotrit., - Pt e- itria C;0j4r$t 1010 1011to Ittlelt, hatll Xi Is Aa i4V gill any in the, Tb ko. 0' coutior. John ariflin. aftig -, )f _4 A�jj or 5 0j $QC a jamsm Itpoe. LiKirkl0s; 7. wav�4 W&It� Hatioll tits. Ambles Ivy. W) t!"A lVdIlat" v4stuol4ine. Wt have wk 1aT19*. V -11' market. 2 Joseph 0441tithorlse. a -Alt- hi�;'* maut yot'Ohl"k 0 old. Ammoms, . � O�Wo T ........ ........ "tO *4 . armw4*ther will, o4d Chridelit Seeds; Y.17'sitst. flatilliton. FAVORITF, PPESQ0PT_N W It f nX r: it t)ndler�vr-' -Welvlve*�11*laj r Al ....... .... _r air ar0esm. rvv�arf gi ..W so. Tsylos, U111110". ankful foc .300. t4 y We guarantee `� 1', offtry t0; 'argatrsv ou. I T'her 50-Y Knows Goilertulls ett itin so tll� V�At W. b - __�Vrass thwtv od;wdSt6msch Bitters cb Cluip iptlft t, Nat el tit dartch: 2. John N 111111119 1111 Pierce$ Favorite Pre,= bA las P;004,Woot, t yegrjQ ive $04 $41 in. find kJoritcel to b's 13 iss. 3oho Cox. Portes -'a 111.11; done for me,?# writes )fts, 1_02 T�' A flEM18T, Wher's avoissis of a I 111fivitt, ullutitin: 3. TWO. Smith, Of sloean, B. C'f %X V, 4:a lie hurebill, Ch"Lon, 0. Adult) 04tutillolt, 161 it cured me of a 41se.aso wb".: 0 1!�o4d" ftlrliq $trio! po AUR, Clinton. NUMMU-Boattlo West wawarsoub-No. L D. a. was taking away all my. stmirt GOODL 6 DUO P WHEEL Dungautiont Ill Jul") WIN, helped me throligh the long montlio. Aublurn.11i Will. 04111wron. St.- Lt vervi,puzzled in selection Joynt, St. 110 1- beiOTID baby came and; I havo 4 VC tit chat 4. Thos. lenfi; 1)" _'Ot_4444' 6 * leave It to your Nvol. McQuillan. at. Helena. strong baby girl, the ma � hedtlt�. "794t:f 11"(y Are j*Uir-& e 4 e Bast Wiswaholill-No. 1. John, H and happy of all my -thrmm � 10' 41' 0 r the resulk. 40thes a re M900 16,64 if Ca J'a4 see gy m0o th,04fit without any axtr�i trip. A Hills. BlyLhi 2. John Scott, Belgravia- the gowsand got PpCV4 "Wo -40111."pec tp #,ejl �y un j"s g_pp give you erf t f n, our 8$ZT-BZ*TTlLS _A � ,.W � _ p qct is 4�111 $vii and SM a. Joe- Brandon, Ljolgisovel 4: WES THE D1100"Kil, y'"ES-330 and 336. JOUPII4841haulney, Maenock. We Xro,1001 . ca� 'ii Hats. ;4 � -4 -f . r tba)Qen4T## Qn iG bfisityi" tn-J. Cut ter and Andrew sf�'�jj y � Me Nall NEW STORE Wy. jugharn-J, J. alliott. Hullett�_No. 5, Joshua Hill, Sum- U7111 IN THE OLD STAND. note!j 0. lamlic Barr, Loodeviburot 7, J Patterson. Atibutin. Y EITOCK is now c departments 6114� Eme: son'8 V IN H AM onsplete in all the After choosing the Executive OW111- W. . " . 0 11' - . 616UGIS a 1AUSIG MUM a mitLee and vice-piesidentis. the meet- M tell waorted with up-to-date Goods kultable (or tha ElPfillit.. N.0 --our 1Avg7tju#r,,0g�vuv closed on ing took up the inat4er of the exrected Men's furnisher ap..40othler. and Summer trade. ----Doos_ as bye e -ouiptly decked to agi lect lon. and lit neonLept,thesentin the Lviirlvla- i Everything new this Season. tore with Hou. 3, T. Garrow. �u RNELL- & $ON' VAdertakers Major Back. w lie had been rainquift). st, export JUST #6 word about DRESS GOODS. The stock It Declares- pealetst Are ..bock Again in ed, and with and fancy makes lit unt-urpasiled lit town, lit), 11 for (if l3lacks In plaIR IMPOFtafit tO AdveFtisers ated tit the annual meeting I 4P an CO tier, IM, wad antlers U quallty sad cheap, kit 1, length. 00 two standing vote and heat tv che.. ever -------- ---- otd stand, M40r4l B119ck, WIltb"t it 1111es e lit Kingle iliess and Atiahanitas of ativertlaminents for the cull man presenL Pledged himself to his ti peas. The betit makes it yours. 0ollorea alike. so that your neighimi, cannot lo,ve title like 31alov Beek tit rent issue ot Tnic arAn trust lie in the hands Of I Illo9t offorts to vlacti of upoto la.7, 000ws it'And P re. r t a printer not inter than MoNtiitif sivioN of I the hilitil of tho poll. In Homespun#. Cheviote, Tweeds and Serges, All shrunk. each week. Advqrtt*cry wia plestal govern r Beek briefly stated I The best service apd, best goods are guarantge : - st lie alincese d at of To Cure a Co:d In One Day 'Eip Black Silks. Black Stairs-, Black Mervil-, in all Priced fl0m lillic, themselves accordingly. expression moderate prices. Call a�n­d! s e e us. CONTRACT ADVERTISING confidence and esteens f, oil) tile Center- Take Laillativs Bintrin, Q11111ille Tall- to 1111LOG. ' You should see our Taffetas, they are RIVAL voluel, ,Vative-botwest Horon; he vald lie lelis. All druggists refund The rooney Colored Silk in waist lengLhs tit endless varioW front We. to 95C6 The figures for ill) t-ontract advertlaing In- b.id heard the opinion It orn friends of lit it falls to cure. 4c. E. W. Grove a Unddrta, pts in WIIIt4jl evoryaddIL101181 there was unit, signattire Is oil each box. to All tile new shades. both plain and fancy. Shirt Will Mr OArTOW that, Its -ON, Futnrt:�4 0" 1 think you will elude twelve cluingooft Year. OORN�LLP & 01. .bangle will be clutiged for ext.m. the actual ()Ito* session tenialning for tile present and black, up,to date both lit snake and material, owt ot conjistation, teem 15e. W 76o, Flonse. that gentleman ought to lie The Irboviahtlem. reirt'ller. find them the nicest lot ever seen lit town and lilices light - An accounts are rendered and collected returned lly Reclamation; h1lL, conaid- Rube bought 6 list, belleving 11.149 Muslins in colors and while, in gieaL itriely It"Y91 litob Monthly erlivir tile facto of tile last two elec, 'Twat Just the slite to wear. but OV WALL PAPER BAUGAI N Ohnitles at 12je. Organtlies equally chem p will in elegAnt voloringv- Lions, Mr. Oarrow wits the one who Just arttr lie had hought the hot should withdraw and walt for the 1111 got tile YCIRLY billit VUL ersea and pattell no. Pikits, too, it choice lot mt light prives. general electi-.111. -pullattelpite PMA We have just received a few SNAPS In A=ftIVAN WAU PAPM which are selling See the stock of Parasol-, Ilosiory and Gloves, Zbe Gobertcb %tar. Resolutions; weto missed endorsing Mt-. Borden, the acle Conservative TzLitilnotim OALL71 leader In the Dominion. And express- 'lob rov I how yoor complexion hits (117, onibo-Red Papors. to "A. blue, green. bufr. Patin in, plu',c. gTike chmolato. ato., lit Ito the tutinout confidence in Mr. Improved. Yes. Miller's Ctmispiviand coats. a r 11; such Border to inatch at 12o A roll. These Patient are SPRO AL OVARSt a by this TERMS J. He COLBORNE9 itnev. I I -Zap tho Main Istactureirs, hq v4ni: you ril b n Irls paper IAN , 11 ne. 0 bard800 W a at 12o a HOJUL4 IJO a YA 0. We can o0oply this 'Iraver. they are making anout ron Pills did It," Those unsightly border. I, N, F FRIDA7K. MAY 3. 1001. 1111ples can he euttreiv, renjoyed by cash or Produce. Telephone 86. Goderich, Old Soldler's Experience. rho use (it Milleeti Compound bors M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran. Pills. 60 doses 25 cents, For -ale by You cart"t do without one, and Remember. our Prslera are the iatolt American Patterns. 8 yards too a roll. We ciii turnfsh V TILEIR DEAR QUEBEC- of Winchester, Ind., writes: --My all druggists. if you are not already 'supplied 9latibles,16 (noh ljorder, with nearly all our Pasicro. ,tilde of tile obtaws wife was sick it long thus it) spite (If 0%10 0 Tat tendec solic it will pay you to call on 0jr ISP.1 .1 ruvo loot front. Inarains all colom 14o a roll. with Border and 'acgood dortni's treatment. nut wise By the Cabman's %votels. matai� . hod, tinted to match any simper. Government for clor Ft anch Catual an wholly citred by Dr. King's New Life PlInks-I hent, tile eahnien are going fellow citizens kno wit no It lit Its. Even Pills. which worked wonders for her to strike for shorter hours. HUGH DUNLOP --as it. ben g#thereth tier chickens health." They alwavo do. 'iry thent. ,,to Only Mr. at, J its. Wdson's drug store. Militia (who soctictivilea rldes)-Why, Anow..-KIDD'S BOOK STORE. Do.7't Scold under her wings" to not a coulp goodness (UP, their hourr r- tilt 'Y'll' and see some special values he has Illustration of thelralIxtety that none According to the recently completed 40 minutes long nowl in that line. Your boys and .hould be oVer looked or neglected. assessillent roll or McKIIVp township, WANT911)(di"TUNLIVICAND The appolutrodut of Mt.. Ovite as a there ate U1,10 acres of land. The IINI&N or 4URSW Vkt:TURIA, ill. mmesatrient tit $2,007,710. The poptilk- DON'T MISS THEM. iCh �Aulnst istectal tuilmortol trunitedl froin the ppciAl commiasioner tit direct the it. irlS becauSe tion is 2.015. These are 7,273 ent-11e; Corns I Corns I Corns I The Goder Star and " rho tAftl of ;C.Ing Edward VIVI '3C."10 9 :ensuR taking lit kluebac, and his x 7j. abi0al. 60 it ' t, jr 111111ALVAtted than 2,027 sheept 2.028 hogs. and 1.850 Discovered at !asi; it ri-irsekIv that is 1110'MY SPRING STOCK for made 1t li botbo -age once, mg0visIvrork. 'I rittooZ, Vr.Jn6;0ms1 their Shoes don't fiderstial" efircelar to the clergy and horses. This allows only an lives salta 'land painless. Putriatu'a to order clothing is now complete. t I�Wndflnl Zest, 1,112' abratod 11itittuM the French Canvidlait newspapers, of 14 head of cattle to each 100 acres. Painless Ooin and Wart Extractor tied Journalist. ana John A. 0doileir, alliter never falls, never eauses pale. nor is a Leaders canadholi'mo stand the strain. =111,46. 0. PrIviel'ouly SL76 "king the i1ollelit pAttiC1111111-8 regnrd leg a oexront even H. DUNLOPIs -view b.,ok 1* cover. Extra larg i it saved His Leg. tile RlIghlest discomfort. BuV cotninbution redit glita"91villo"tus from to Absentees of French Onnadian origin Put,narn's Corn Extractoi- and lieware on c I ing Co., Guelph, Maybe they that theV might lie included aq v P. A. Danforth, of LaGrange, Ga., Next door to Bank of Motitreal. nVa"Ors. Wotld Pu -esl- suffered for six inontlis will) it fright- of tile Inany chean, diingerood, and out dentsof Quebec, ar3 the prod"Ict of ful ru.,ning gove on his leg, but writes flesh enting substitutes lit I lie inarket. were not good wholly this solicitude. Le Solell, it Liberal that Dopkien',; Arnica Salve ulcers, ones. organ in Quellec. explains tile otiject cured it in Jlva duvm. I It is one or tbt, pectillaritles of Wall thus: The population of 41le Province wounds, plies. it's tho'bobt salva In tile street tooloov hqk ittip 'it",he are al. The Finest Line of -.am& Inspect our line world. Vure guaranteed. Only 25c. bulls. of Quebec forjjje�j tile hasis of repre- Sold by Just. Wilsont druggist, ways of school boots sentation of I All the othet provinces in You can't convince a main who hall the Dominion. 14tlebec's -PrOsenta- A quiet hot very prot.ty wed"ll" dyapepsla, that crime Is not on the in- and shoes. tier, in the 0onsisions was tI&vd by the wrig celebrated at tile rvisiden't. of I'll! constitution at 05 inernhes-4. -If the Walter Ewing Buchan, of Durban). Cnissx-Philadelphlas. Recoa Buggies Madeto rptand the wear and tear --goods, census showed Quebee's population at Ont., oil Tuesday, April 16th, whess his eldest dixoghter, Margaret Fisher Gentlemen, if You Are Bald, 1,750.000.' coutinoed Ln Soliel, "Lb3t 13ochnni beesine the wite of Dr. N inlan a stout leather, flexible soles, strongly would be ad nierago of 2O,W22 tor is, W. Woods, ';of Baytield. Tile groorn ee Prof. Dovenwend's art ccrt in %vigs and toupees, worn on thon- representative., It outurio. for ex. was supported by br. J. L. Turnbull. sands of heads. They tire R protection stitched, good appearance. of Goderich, And the bride by All" acraintit colds, cathrrfi. etc,, and give a simple. has a population of 2.250.000, Margaret Stinson, of Strattord. The mostnacurnlatillyoungn. earancoto and Mpiderate in price. -83 bridt, was beantiftilly attired lit white tile fatee� Trying on rind emonstrat- that divided by,20,M1, will give hoL py, members In the House (if Oommons. mill, organdic. as wits also the bridO-9* ing the supoviorty of these woodsfree Lasting quality. as W4 so that by the ruald, and hoth carried large bouquets of charge. Be will he lit Votel Bed - Ontario now 4 census she will lose 9 ropresentatives', of lovely roses. Tile tvrenjoriv was ford, Goderich. Tuesdav, MuV 7. AGENr FOR THE . . eiformed Parqu- for the greater tile Is Earson. of )y opulation of Qae- D1urht111%`m.Rev' Win Carriages "EMPRESS and SLATER SHOES." bee, the less thepumber of represenw- SCRAPS OF SCIENCE. tivos in , the other provinces." Shudders at His Past. The elan, earth and Istars are all made Noiluchsoocildtretttwent,orettre to -I recall now with horror," says of the snipe alementis. WM. SHARMAN, JR. accorded any other Province or section Mail Uarrier Dtirnett Maher. of Levan- Luminous paint Is usesole by mixing a An Mr. Bor- I na, o.. "Iny three vears of suffering small quantity of calcium otilphidu with of the Canadian people. from kidnev trouble. I was hardiv ordinary white Valut. To be seen in any Town In defi, tile Conservative leader, pointed ever free from dull aches or acute -out in reply to the contention that the pains lit my bitek. To stoop or ]lit In a luirricane blowing at 8D miles an Ontario is at . . . . . . . . ABOUT SOMETHING NEW IN OANADA FliI*nrh,,tanadIasrs were a migratory ranil sackis made trio groan. I felt hour the prea3ure on each equaris toot of THOUGH OLD IN 13RITAIN tired, worst out, abont ready to g1re slurface Is 313h pounda. ipeople. the same reason would appiv lo with oual force to Nova Scotia,'Irotn p, when I began to use Electric Many chemists regard sulphur, carbon, Bitters, but six bottles completely arsenic stud some other substances all ale. "DellcIOUgsill Snallings whIcb Province thoujands went every cured itill rind made me feel like a new meritill U. VIttlecti a French savant, however. says that arsenic In not an cle- It A`- .1 A J� year to take put in the fisheries in the man." They're virtr1ritilled to regulate liver, kidneys and bowels. toent. but a -compound at phosphorus. United Statim If Mr. Fisher had "Itormich' . TEA 'TH Perfect antlAfaction guaranteed sly probably with oxygen and oltrogen. He eclughtl to got the same Information jits. Wilson. druvgist. Only 60 cents. has obtained arsenic by treating phos. HOPS reltatdingthe English-speaking popa- phorus with a large number of oxiditing On Hamilton' Street, ass Goderich. lutlon. there would not have been the As an Illustration of the magnitude tigents, such as nitric gold. peroxide of ANO EXAMINE THEM. of the business inVolved in the pur- barlurn, otal Islightest crimelsim. chaste br the smaller powers of war j But there's nothing too Rood for materia in Europe, one has only to A Purely Vegetable Pill.-Parms. WE HAVE A IN Tartiii.'isitys Sir Wilfred, and this of look at the, number of men employed FULL LINs op Tho, C %On e Co's .0,6646. , ,4nada Cardag course mqludj% llour compatriots" of At such great pqliosto as tile Krupp of see a egeta e , a are compo.. HALF Germany. tile Crounot In France, and front roots, herbs and solid extract it of HALF lil's'Go s, Quebec. those of the Armstrbligiss rind Vickerej known virtue In the wisatment-cif liver W ns , and kidney complaints and In it The in. Gray &SO %do od d. Vill If sons & Maxim of Raglan I Knipp "blel Co., and, NOW employs something like A000 misku tons to the'tgirstesu whetbor oulle POUND lit overwolk West Muran Conserva- or dissrii4nged thrilsftb udho rsri4ge the two Engligh firms emplo pe , I "'*"' dic, Ivelv about U000 mont and 1 Q'isiu, rea -in liviest. The The T require no &I. T sip expe I Illat qualittes PACKAGES notplantabout 19.0a No t"lcaalllk toot won PACKAGES have tives Is bole Made of the fainduil T 15611:* S061 Londoitil, wo ka of Berlin, or 6? Italian. Bit 131M, #And thty rasild .411risita. tintuttimus Fisefith arms, fill d ptieff art Cho" Itubjebt, it too. lilill) jTOMIXATION the exce'llitloll Of, 10140 the jjjjh'* W bl I tint" who'A quest of a 20c. e taltsa estith1h4hments 0WAVIVIV 000111 00' OV MA.10a :81103K therfivelvika to 1111109 f6AItto driftft- l(ttly tillimIllies who Uft -4 fougtt Vor Uft tAtek 311110t, PoWdek0or all ageek lit AAd 311lact Ofheft% at Thfair An of bill(wittle" iiiiij -4. my fisithor atij. 416ter, J)d 12um Mftttiv. , I �; . coussamitioll." *Vvr too J To t4,40k1ta at =311 a 15han firtI040.1ithior Wedlelob. w.._6 iotto, sL40*#;jh isifisilfsIly sufficient tb torrett Waste livVisin ont India Not even the oreaditio demands of W ul�e ihill WIDIA" C, JVVr 4410 bY KII&II1199WIltbl, wit Is.4100 1kiftfill, [top Picker Ton pkker q*6# witirk' kelit a Jisilp humb4t of on,41 by e. 'Ore NeW "f0lify. 14 uVeft of' Weals Wk 12%ft 04 vk�k% bh1jista twotle "THIlt QUINN " NQV- Sib- I be" found it in-niabl..ad tu Owwasiti, 00inserfm jt-" 1111014446 co 1110to -110 Alelf 41A tit q, I Wot th -Poiso lAtim frolo attenditilt the iiiiinuid ftnble, en A0, fteallilifiti A 10 V d to %kil. metli, 9"U691t Pdftt Bland Hollimsd Tea. OneVji'11WIlhIM64616 t tk k ficAtoubu bw Ass %Vjj are hiftoddelvig Into C& =LTaW, *# fit t a, "ana] 7- -slop 111911111" Patent ]Resad of it, It (rain you lt, small trial otillsit, *blob Milhii torts�f4M Z ill, 14Vtf, bliAV014 ti�� A. ur Own IL"r. _d throdgh. jo 10 To Vila lun 16i"t Enrage it it,, 0 DIP. T. V. WAklis thown it* fOl 60 41141AP41i " V. 01166WS w4I* ya evcr o red too -1111 9 1111; untgt nout. U t U jawdill wiWit a t9'Wlh,1hii T will -*,ori; joilowit �at o r 'old willfully yourit. I & . P 4., 11V T1210 HOP TINA CO., Lbslitsa I 11ASTCHEAP, LoNo" to at A eit 0" x1aft A0 "S -PRICt 400 PER PouND. his witsili-A it'i Joatnsilllifi 't 'UNES' sta im ;i Aftbr-itwIft 'k CO-, Grocers, The Saiusirla. rand, oelft"aso-Seco", 1W P 4. N� NWENO­.� ro DS ART;. 10''i 6 _�Ml 7 l.,