HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-04-26, Page 7-Y"
�!W:7115XIIRM TsV77
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tlbai, "On"
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q (xioAd to iso t0t: 4��Rk �k 4�wi*O�Op 0 tholi *4 lint l4nnift it *1110,
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Mblolk 14 t0 wcr" 16 1p'"''cop pao�j? d it *1.4 to 4
boi Mot k int a4y: wk 0, # I easy tio
;tb know eta., liat'y 4 ba, aft IWO44,01olit 1 6*"' 1
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tr-,toat l* that llor 1�roqkavm. ®r �O, 14
volo* 140 WAIL, t4rirrk f9ro strown tho obam
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_0 "Wurc;,
why, is' -it. that iukol , W olde"t
, Adikwo%
xlt., Y, 4114, 1" Unto
an *o4embilogo
.]ae � vsd, I -sixt
As* 441,11. wjritii , 0,0 Lle��e 'A.,l 44 0, bX44 WIPS trolA St. thot It, 411 ll 0 meloo of slath wom ift., A
4CM Ifill, all larmnsid It IS Of '01solth It'i 0#4iftsta
WIQ4 them would be so sirroy at'
Ohl, If. y,4U b%vo bteltk 4. 01*114'L#* tok Who amouttlhoa* fmowl
th�jl 44d #V�k-1*444
�j)ria by t4o."'04-14 w).10A;.yQ,4 A& form-404toteo 0,94TI t:val. ft, )a V W's
A [a It.
�0* w 4 A* $OURif 1441 "OnIgalia, tbkt 40 irgov
do JO[O ituil. 0 4:9 t 0a Vi tOO b 9 that wel kriew` Atipther m7stsrY, 44640 10,d with VilmlittlAs atlailho Ito be *0 a 404 Z
101to vt part A
Work t4it-:5. �io Ill., armishm bqz r
# lsih;i, 4 to, 00*4 Lx a
k -t 0 toot 1�94 UnLoor"410 b hou" W A R mal
"Llint tor ovi , it 1104 molant, 40 1 Tend In
# r .I blew sw Av"""Llo Just Wb(4 wi "a 9440 09"
Llil: a*
bar""*, tea t" omov^
T* men too a
WS, callitlil , . 0'
iwd U4 a still smal voice, *rld a 4cop4AV9 4"'y %VW- 0;n1.,%e4 T 0'sAo*,U of Vol, .04 TA, %bis oe-'Ixot Opt* Is so qu 0
t, be
Sol Waym risIb Ar 10 a may Us
bhizetiap sou- 1 1, tho 14.000.
by, amrt quake. vt.atprM, pA i� ' g-,�1V#
V, thai mikeamor Vhothtg tbo, uumil"t VW On 1XI us a
tAoy m64 4own. woo the I'ma w
ar a #,.A�
.004 area *Ait "it Iasi tty, ru%a, VAZ 'q to aw" pia Aft"a Ito* pq -to uu- to.
h Ing; to laAll fro of he t4fe 00 tima: Abef.4 . we XAxu at 0hat 19ft St.
thail I0,40,that , I I -toi , , '�A'Aieib r a woo 'joi ifung Into the million*. A, family
iThi ti4tractil 4w lrar4 tho. 014 4na 40" older'luie I *00t Is Vt' ir tv tvut a 41ve,
ati iinAlift, -qtJ)0A ,
fill you nive , as, St"
g, 460a,
'J�Otq flolt it I k 1 h '04a, 01461 oft at tilit a a
tb,*J�-vg4e t1lel an 0 be tolla thit belf
IA k. of ist 00 wilt InAlteml b4a attkadlo *t*r
4016 to let y9wroolui 'jkv.j." L Nium CAttroh nod &Irls, be OZ a bright.- qj,�Air wilutolr`*� alght she goug*'evnry coste, and d9s$ tommilulds On 111 look to th's; troo*"
'Poo in 'the A t plane tq� ad 1� billow. Q04. W llookk -lad talalVrAkr, Germewr. save. to the world 0'". of the
v WOOL" -go back
for tanoy work,'T., "Aftor"VAllet took 6f a wom*A
ghts, Ah at tht !door 0 un, 'Itt I AbbYstate And WNW Plisappoexed And t at, a rasp
*�solt to the 'afeAsthel Z . t th act duo retog0lad Meg,
_Lds, t 64"'Pir-TO a, tor tltul ploturea, conipleto.,.'t 410 WY Of A w4*44 lit' ogat"tia most mirth producing of brArl4i the
1411. e, you listen IVLOO Xbe PWQIT 071 =314-4L ora;ape the- I, all I tho altudb and aggregated power.
Ali;%$ alt, tills goolm., oxc9pt �,?bkj, We of the sb4maker, who pa J�g on t1as Ude
I 40b'rlat, SW the ulxxt VilLao 4actighaud dog, and Willeesusla its bad
A* *=A -IK i4AW Von V040
:*= Mop #00*
Zvot, wh& "Ir r td to dtR A010 4,1, Literallf ImItlk Means findt"j- Quo the boner of adAins to, the gayety of UA -
y have been 0 0.4 ;q#,q Iivo ut Jim ,q U0, next day, was the who - suil es or bummers. And In old
0 14 (*ms Wine pxo,! tive, that brought you. here t �w i x*A -*tot#0L1.3TLfw V*t R OvArr 14*411410 min, Ahould, 40 'ro
64 is,mygelf to, te sw�
lk I : . . krow bedstead V& 44 1 6 not at that the 961150 44.11 40 bar dgya when every bit at matal, copper, gone by turnlaV. oqt the dachshund horsa.
Ilded. and 44hilillp $11M 'to A the � b to getting blS. . rics, from then until now, of
S00,11(.4at to be. 0. fair My 48LIT whothor you, like mr preen or feet a
friends, you all protons one thing or not -this Lord God Almighty t Aver, Cold or bramis, held to be "Is waster Ispillellilf.
iwtgdi*w� t1a., AX4 9. A %oh- set. taleft oft. itau. a] end by mlxbV
in table and
religion moment rattlep at Lbe door at 7ou tW:' A 401��, o0rou I " Loose Is 06 nice. 44140 don't I u hanam There to a curious and very sweet little
A or b6o hink-flaitt cycling ta- A. few years later the aame locality rQ40da*1 a 4
X, Ve dinit
0 IWO i'll"tapen ql� True, out
the other In, ropari$ to the strokes Into armor, toolslplme,
a 6 white flace, whood fli( atisset the size of u girl's toot ob"nialid another anyaterlous III,, I imp, legend cherished by Get 413 children can -
vi !f*ra, &to agage of you Vlkb Isay yqq atheft hosillso av"'t 06'.. w0a, or Is urox and inumbarmi qati be plain y soon of twopf our lady "stomers have asked
of -lots "t, vint, be , L,
;esuia pbx ifora I got **4 T ments, there was need at c
ppearainoe, that of the Ach—of EM- Ithers. These smithers, or crutair the Baxter rAbb t. Once upon a
ILY an' %
to Point 41ltlie 0hristlau ars kept bavok by your..world aud pqrtolially 1016 i4 *40' spastics 4 ti om time. they tell us, a nice, kind rabbit,
uy, part of this room. his (0 gs til� Mako their new boots o stands 9
elvelcome and Inexlpenolvin'Sitt, stW 8 - =N. to not men of brawn alone'
women to p(1001'elqtyli of work. 68,96—ats. Yoasay."Iba,V,0403111 44adit; is 'I was bound from I we who was walking along A quiet w0oldland
t"W)WOet, Wel 01110' a varV dita;Ay, in got oveT by mallue. She botl to possess the rimad� brain 6114
but %las,
44114' tO' 194LYS is to,n1o, Whose slight In irrowinir im. o h4velilever &I
to do." 0 �my deax brat1hroo,, �Wllt niot bolteFW be:' t0r' Jobass to T -1111 -crate, carrying a lot th road came werou 4 flut.� IAT a filled
an cap a a 0
ran lot your store. powor fo:t)14,40 I! be transmit- skill to -sharpen islike an Implement, re -
I er with eggs. The, poor mother
i4m aof fisher tolk. She was soon by an- Theirs
0114- 0(69,� and J*vo no "xiet, shop. stand botween yolt and: he0ky'"o, �ad 0"T am palt at( armor or obvis a UOCAC. been selved by a wicked tot SU4. could
-r about 11 0 Xhrlangh drafts *ad a strong light a I net I o-IWJtho adoond Other Vemal.
aradeXaptioni of the people. Many 0 mar God! show. that mall, t) it W49 a xveoa�lidty in an invalid's room. 4'. iiiiqua Be" $1401114 Read. n rling nest, so this
th y., the DIA06 "nis gl$,imuest and lucrative trade, and
ati�nd 16 W44 AitargivV III eveir era through- GO1$G THU CONTRATLY WAY- every road, street and hamlet bad Its
of you have V%VorA before higbiveiv- Of letting Anything A� Corp., li e Child Was like grown life. b4p Its trou. kind rabbit slept all night urn Its and
op for . e� and an S small this entrance to B&O_ imlilig. Not only were there many 'a,
lin and heaven! Thamils pomobQ4', tib"s Neilm'.1 a 4, g _ it It(
iiists M-6 1 *u 'a blds. ah4, the refuge In In thai 11paidna- DA albe made tot
but jvou will tw tlap, Lordl�.- and rl , It " 0 when he woke In the Mom n9 111t was
VA I , 61111t x6peatAnna top to finish the acreou with aillicalene tion. ]Ut the mind be oxor4lsed. in the lien Tickles or Strait, Which filstisrate-S
kit the audleWo who, .0741 "1 km� With ut different branches of wmlth� Easter marnlug�tla& uest was!'full, at
this'Ume or ;or Jappmeoir, tasitting. 0,5. land the Q@C&po will be late a little. downy, yeltow chicken*. The
before Iet. througli". oreaklin. to- afraid some oni-will isigill & - W
At 0, it l6itioxl best be the islet from the Mainland. That cry a Udad' and
poulads,sud derivatIono at Smith came chicken* thought the rabbit was their
141g.4t, the 0*17 Spirit Will, tell You I bee,00126 a Cilarlistiqn.'O Would yolat at an*'othem that the iei�offtleffl, bed An i4ti-4overa for this stand And t- holy land. The liking for -%works at the 10, pu,, and t1to next into eX1*fAinco. Among theme are Smith- own inamms, go thoy cried out for some.
iliamilothin want to let ablybody knoW yaj wopt alooluto 'knowl, of thd -huanam i axe &149 iscleeptable gifto� Ito 'Was
a 'you ought to 46. ah4 It astatition shoulA then be. cultivated am 06bamat
ovar sint Waiaidn't It he erl A subscription to. a good magaVine thing to cat, And the rabbit ran about and
at thw infinite-, orkl,atg tar hefirt. C44auggramadeft, IvIntit normit'growth; slot killed as a weed. morning some raffle of deck gear was or, Smtg�L-tns, Smithson. Arroomith, All
nad prteots heivit not- fetched food for them and kept them
soul iflyow.reflusai to. do It. unrtifloation it awbody, ;But tho terms will qlV1)j0TAi slid friondA imainownt Bouldissfurnishl". no with resources for washed aahora� that bole the sole to" ooldsmith, SINtirsuilths Cop -
1! �tb Pro- tbL -104k
you on, -your kneasil .4postleb war 'r to each mouth. and peranilth, B
114 the, It,* plarel.boxe the *oift' A ow Of i4olkno�u or 4 016asur teelemith. Locksmith. Ham warm and fed until they were oil old
g: and An escape &am care the proof that e o n morsnalth. Hocksmith, Haakersiult1l.
"ur maul to be caustt. Inuiala a thin �clalm waTe to Ue confirmed by divine books and pia0lirt.0 are 'Alwayp wol!� best works of the truagination are �Bttr enough to talm care at themselves. Ever
trap as huarldnal ar"All CA . xl.thlesa�peo-. we 0.0*6 td thin *but -Its ondis. than mqit historical composition. They board. DrAke$mItb, Forcommith. Bakeremith. Flince then the rabbit, ban been the speethl
Xt IS vb�y pliiii what t4eir work is. ple *be laqih at Your mierlousallbis 144 2 , 1i - . set, 'one at the twelve, To'ono who enjoys( the singing. of and it was max yowirs ago that the BrI- wldsmith. WInteramith, Roffamith.
- Irout work, to',balvl me in watch- 4, Us.. DIdyL=us*4ud Thera- ninke other drives living and real - Liver- SmIlhaM, Boweramiths Worksmith, goatus of Easter time, and this holiday ls.
su turat !Cai cal little vxgo boat Caletro, fro
bIX41V the, Rift of a canary will'OL likely'lle mislead us as his- tish 1-4 not complete for German little folk
lag, this rent flook- OIC11015a !Fill bridge the aVaeilaiz between. -this world a aa&e meavilng-"a twin." pool for Baltimore, missed her reckon- Watchomith. Klelusmlth and Smithileal- 0
great delight. [give to Our In Is, *blcbL by Its selections and eVA- ut an "Outtr base's uest." coMoLL to OE, at tbene church members; and the noxf, "this, we not ith them. So only ten of W
And optio for You, a , U%tbvelp Sift$ we 1,048 hike as often been the handmaid at knif In the tog and crashed Into thq 81110"ext of all these perhaps In Few Malay a favor and serving a
46 t4viFe.anti priyufor� him. Danth �rtceivqd, this power. vilid friends let us not forget'that a promontory that marks the extent at 4.1th. sometimes, to diatinsiatah several a puroom* that =as stockings
grate Into the, oklest, It so, let " ho falsehood as of,fact-biatery. which so $11,1111
Mill oolat Into isap?p-tif the households religion of Clarlot go. down andr a the beat I;ift In the, sunshine end joy peninsula. She became a Smiths In one street or hamlet. a Cthi-ts- at Christmas time.
of L Our love, the mountalft peaks and so seldom Ba0atI1011 and wooden alkoes do
49, this congregation; -before they rialley ol.merrimant. buit t1hey can't disciples therefore presence. 1('13'Weman's MIS In the great writ total 10" and three of tier mern met dan xkame was incorporated with the -Mrs. A. G. Lewis In Womau!s Home
touches the lowlands.
b^*e tt;ae,to pu orapq on. the door help you wind have seen tialls Lord e, and to solace." and a wivtory grave. tint the remainder of
sion. to "Booth eta, al*ays, and everywhere. sin comes usual flame. Thus came Into 111090 Companion.
bail�,J'WasvtLybui to �Lts there to talk YOU KNOW TREaY CAN'T. This stlitemeat is 'like that in Our everywhere - to ameliorate suffering. up for judgment before a jury of the her imoole, inciadlias aiaai wilefulth. Helensimith t *ad
onne iv a fav, "the resurrection and women told the spos- wil made heir Way t "'all "
lemon, that the Weicaurvat all be a Florence Nightin, righteousave 0 shots. They i A Warp, to Make Smoke Mass.
Whou the eartU oraokI4 In the last ties of the angels; it Aces not mean peers at the realms and
tit Oro In a youna man who a 0 or a izaboth Pry, or ear dud -S in some way not always patent tal were well recolived and kindly treated: Incidentally It May be mentioned that Here Is a simple way to make smoke
wants to bar, - a a Chriation, but he, a, a untalials crash into. that the diciplesall tojether recited of the "Slaterw belongings. and Olivia of the other I Sea have their Smiths. Get- rIngs: First procure a cubical cardboard
the, a Ivor or a a of net nt Brat Its reward. The writer holds but Lholir
nift, and the throne at 4udgmeilt
does not kno ow. to,'sltart- His fa- in concert this tome;rkable stateupent, h dispensing comfort and the balance even. He has gone over the ship W1VO regarded as legitimate numberless Sclunlita and box with a small. round opening in two
ther Cannot "tell I L; JJ4MO shall be xst� white, fIRMLAM 0131011its", but t1sat bbe la� one'as they met 1113n 1, 1111131111S =
bar can- but the opportunity is often evidence for um, and his de-lislon to as poll by the coast talk, who look on a Schmidtli, the French have Lo Fevrom, of its opposite sides; fill it vrith smoke
not tell him. Tako hIM -by M arm, teat, Wat Willi be all We -laughing' they. tld? him the wonderful, story-. to to It V some small way, and as Is that of the chief justice. wKcok aa a merciful. Intervention Of tho Spaniards Gunsulg 0
Is street, and be and jeering of your assisclateml clear ,shtla Russian from burning paper and send the ring
walk with down 0 1 Except I Bull see. itc.i �Tbe96 wordis this we should never fail to do. ' Providenno in their behalf. Prompt- SmItltowskies and the have Gaven Into the air by hitting the palm of the
fare yQw leav e u h What do we care what the Macbeth nf
him be sure his feet are Ylouult have often been quoted' as shaiwing a
alin, .Son, giye, me thiy heart," and Scottish history was when Shakespeare ly wits the ship looted, frmn keelson and Gowen. 11,1, meaning Smith. and baud against one hole so as -to eJect at
ou ther6ad 6'belei�ii. You are not I hour him val T wroAg4pit 9, but this Aces great In- GOOD RECIPES. has drawn the Macbeth of all the genera- to truok, and everything portable Iya mcClavas and McGowan. Meaning the smoke wreath at the other. In this way
qaIW to be a kft over a nation; you I to some - oung WO- justice !tog homat. There Is a type SOME heoure bldlog, son of al.Smith. most excellent rings are formed. *ad If
tions? The great weiter is the student 0011VOY811 to 80021a
man as to the majdami,in,the Scripture: Graham Boad.-To make a very au- of pina,", While -.4but could not be eagi-, received on a piece of damp glass the
are not called to be,general n an of mind hulagiy f6y evir things to be7 passions. principles,
but 'God bas . given You the "Damsel, I say anto the's, arise." Ob, lbave. 'Thete, have beldn in all ages of eniotions,
airmy - parlor loaf of graham. broad, take a ly moved was backed Into convenient:
%1sh�;tIt94our-4ba. has put into Vour that It might he like this crowning credulous Christians, and they are which 1varB and constitutional amaud- 4woor Tress at iflaffeurs. k v rings can be caugbt and held for a few
hauoii he the kingdom. 'Be of a May quelon, as the gurlanits of ten unoharltabbi� toward those wh cup of dough, when forming the dough ments are only the dry recorded results. places for transport, or smashed In -'t moments for examination. In a quiet
to fagments for some trifling gain, 1 Persons visiting Niagara falls In oum' room, free from drafts, the regularity and
It 61titiOn attracted
God came down Upon Ian brows of quire reason . folt their 'be I let. I into loaves In the morning. Beat it -PrOfassiar Uorse In Harper's Bazar.
tbiou faithful untQ'death and Christ Ir When a Maglistruto wt%8 despatch- eye their t' duration of the rings will provide a our -
%V111 401#8,� thee these dear ybunir people. is well to emphasize the truth, but tap with half pint lukewarm water, and ad to the scene wlith a Poade Of P01100 mor often ' oeIt . on by the prime for those who have not tried the ex -
a, crilswrb, "I am too old." Chriatiai SpIllexters In clover. to the Inner al k� ly
1 hear sainva say alty puts no premium on t,.. which grow J.- . pertment.
-iKers Are, t6s� deaOduor of the church. half cup syrup. Add one cup white to oompol restitution and punish the started the
Whai ought to* be familiar %with the Alas, blow old ari thou? SevesKyl redulity. I "Believe on the Lord flour, land puffialistat graham flour to in Denmark there's a premium on offenders, the allother of the rhag-; great cataract. A trio of sturdy old
dark iines And rotteft stairs and the Elglityl That is net Jesus Christ" in itiressentiat mean. form a stiff dough, firm enot h to spinsterhood, A celibacy insurance com- leader waLLed upon the Judge with an trunks which must be every bit of 50 The Game of rroverybe.
diamp 'llarer of those citiea. There are thou can at not do any asoria than ing is, "Crommit yourself to him." Ev- pany has been founded, and between an The game of proverbs is always a sord
as, tremble towards the area if thou art cry moral being concedes there is a turn onto the kneading board. need . policy and a husband a Dan- plea for mercy: years old. and yet are graced with a tuft
bAbdrodO cat tiaffering, stretching out u weak tu-night to h;,,A thy sta Lt wall. Place Into . a well -greased Insotane's OZ Judge, don't be too hard on, of foliage wbIch seems to belong to a sap- amusement for a party� One child Is
tbktr hands for bread. Give it to them. to Its, right and a wrong. The man who round tin, and allow it to rise until '01 maldcu!s heart Is rent with indecision. tire poiar boyal" she sevid. "'Till not: ling of Is few summers, stand near the chosen as the guesser and leaves the
ea. -the cry of'that freezing if all thy soul seems to be bound dovirn with his whole heart chooses the ary light, when- place in a steamer If the holder of a policy in the celibacy 1 aften they get a chance at an 1,09, American falls.
Vo iyqu It v yth room, whIle the rest select tho proverb
Wasnan f Go give speed to ]yotir feet I with Borrow, Just stumble thy way right and declares undying bostility over boiling water, and cover the is still unmarried at 40, she in consid- Why did them steamer people keep A visit to the falls In winter will cm and divide the words between them in or.
whild 7,our buy bar coal and pay her I and Pat Lil withereit. arms arouivil to the wrong will have no trouble steamer * closely. Keep the water trod Immune and geti; n life annuity. If'oo close to the %bare. tYItting temPta- plain tho reason for the grotesque .1': der an they sit In a circle.
that oress, abid life and Jay Bud Par- nbout We belief. "If any man will her
Where splint 'thrust she marries before 40, she forfeits and tion in the wiry of poor peoplet" pearance of the trees. The mint thrown The guesser returns and sake each per -
rent and toil fast of that land boiling, until a broom policy nod premiums. In Swedpn The Judge was callous, and a
doin and peace and salvation ill came do His *111, he shall know of the doo- Into.the loaf will coma out clear of up by the falling water settles on the son a trivial question. and the player In
they naror freego and, never starve. to you. Though your Islas tire as tritle." Thomas had not yet liad place in the a Norway there are several old maids
what a beautiful 'work that isw Oh, doW]Y* Then yen for one of them Is a SENTENCE OF SIX MONTH trees 13, such quantities that they oftmi answering must Introduce the word of
the Ahvird of those who are faithful scarlet tilray shall be as snow; tboagh alatistaotory evidence of an astound_ homes, and at least . assume the appearance of Icebergs attend- the proverb intrusted to him or bar.
to tb�g outcast and the suffering and they be red like crimson, they hall I.ug naira6le, and very properly he half an hour to dry and bedome a most attractive institution. A very In the penitentiay gave the wrookere As the I Another way of playing the some Is to
be as wool. No, you amb not too old. withheilf him belief. But Thomas be- pals, brown. This forms a loaf of very ample opportunity to cogitate on the ed high and dry on the banks.
I I nutritious, graham bread, wealthy man, dying more than 200 years no ii weight of the lee increases the weaker thoilso a proverb coutalfilog an WauY
oay: "Give me more ILeved in Christ. All of. Thomas I& ago, left most of his fortune to the old ulawbilloin of giving Way to a ughs break away under the burden, words Am there are players and all shout
Then, here are the 'trustees of the I -hear "Oreli 0118 A. Nbw S&lmou Salad. -Two cans can- tomptations In tature be
tibikoh. Let' ilitm, look after the I time to think of this]" What is timal 'ideals ad been found in.0hriat, and maids among his descendants. k old season the tree I the words together when tha guesser ro-
he was as true a Christian In his tied salmon, two cans cabbage, chop- A superb home was built and furnish- A few miles distanil a large Nor- I and after a very c
hUiroh finances as 'wall as they took 1 WO wrote/ cormpositio" qpon it in confidence. One-half tea- Ild find managed by salaried trustees. weglin bark in ballast , 4 driven emerges from Its plating of lee "been eu enters the room.
IA,,.w.hat io ttanel it Is a doubts as �Pe ter was in his i a. Dressing: The trunk alone
after their own buaiAiVss. lot them, school, bg,, ped ft �w t1rely of Its branches.
at GOA backs t . lilern up in their yet- wheel, and it jroe� around 26. After eight days. We would say Any old maid who can prove blood reln- ashore In a fierce gale. The cro
know th spoon mustard, two eggs. one teaspoon and left' stands, and when touched by sprina's Water Itate of Naples.
work, and that ybat they do for the sixt those in a nkinuto and every seven dayst The event we are now salt, four tablespoons vinegar. one tea- flouship to the founder of the Institution promptly scrambled Ashore with' warm brenth it shoots out Into a very In this picture are shown two of the
nTc they do for God. to the name; timl It turila it burls Soule Ilato star- liallowing week, the next Lord's Day. is entitled to a Vince In the home. She hex to her fate, glad to escape
all nity. Oh wh9t an uncertaiw thing The peculiar Jewish method of reck- spoon sugar, four tablespoons butter. hap a p Ivate suit of rooms, a private thelir lives. When the storm abated, close and compact bunch of leaves, which water rate of Napte". They are only
of him kvho will judge the. quick and life 131 -?l ye whil, g3:o v*yagirig on aning we have already noted. With- Separatei eggs -. beat trolks. Blend mus- servant, rprivate meals and Is subject to the fishermn from the neighborhood; looks ridiculous an the top of 'such a harmless boys who have been broucbt lip
the dead, I bid you rouse up An that heavy place of timber. clone to the water. These boys can swint
JiLdfen again- for fear of the tar4 suit and sugar and add to Volka. no rules save such as ordinary good be- assembled in force and stripped her.
worla the importance of which you in lifeoi dtiesming �'af heaven, of the In. like so many rats nall are an hard to
fruits of the tree of life, oil heavenly ing shut. Closed Then- o:dd vinegar and butter. Cook havlor demands. Agaia was the Magistrate despatch- V, catch by the police as are our boys who
not appreclatiS until the last day and barred as before. Peace be unto In double boiler till thick,- then cool. ad %with his minions, and again noozolsor Pays.
w. live along the wharfs. These boys at Na -
comes. Supplies will yu ever -get. theml Or lab saine courte red "Here Is a story of a little g1rl, the
t the administf
ig. . . - will any, of you wake up at last as You- 7 my, and goat whites till. htiff, add to mixture, The Goestroom. swi-ft and guy-* justice
OQH!S RE OP13N. train -a dream to ' firad nothing but same benediction, And doubtless the cutting them in lightly. Mix salmon The day his gone by when the guest to t116 OffOud6ft- On thisi Owasioll I dauglitar of a local physician of credit
Then, there is this 61indsy, school ddrkiYes, and bun lf'a thirst and fiame, conscious blessing to the (118- and cabbage well and add dreaming, has the pleasautest room in the house. it was tha elderly father of Om Ot: and renown," says the 010yelaUd Plate
field It Ist an immense cougT09010111 w�beg I ish 1 c4uld tiatter do n, ciplear. again mixing well. Selt�in cold place Now the mother's room and the living the strapping young fishermen who 1 Dealer. "She Is a bright child of 0 and
itself. Oh"th.0, wdtk It 14 doing, fo-alght the P*t 0314410 in �t�t y -27. Reach hither. Our Lord she a tillready to serve. All measurements room occupy the favored parts, while lose pleaded for his er6ug offspring. I ban been much petted by her admiring
level. "I don't know %what the Alrailighty I friends. Perhaps this has spoiled her a
he'As livot7' 1113 knI Los had spoken in his log room and the guest chamber. Said a can be thinking of art &It,"
It 14" 46 fc�4 of your coming to God.' ' )wtedgp of the words which the desirable quarters are given to the draw
so doubting discip Valentina Cake. -Crush one lb. al- he clam"! little, but she in so sweet and entertain
id ilaim'Agismplug of those saith the 1,903A 1AV6,no"pt sure in 'net faithless. but be- -at he visitors can't keep their bandit
'a " e6t t eziar6hing at coming gen- the death of him that dieth." Turn yel
Litt 4 obsence. Bs, mande with one Its sugar, and three YOung housewife in reply to a remon- maotedi "flill send% us a bad Ing that
eriaile,'k Iti tbA lablienob. 'tha this lieving, More literally, "Be not strance from bar husband when she fishry and now he mends an a damned of her.
why will yo dief Ydia read in this eggs. Miz those thoroughly and add rocks." Obviously
fteittocin rang In 'the teniVio, I Bible that the, Israeliton were', all tuithiess, but faithful.,' , Thomas cheats for her own room the prettiest In NOTWO&D full of "One of these vialtors, n new neiglibor,
beat another pato in the hal- had shown his faithfulness as a lead- twolve, beaten eggi and, half cuprlob to love my from this view ad it, the 100tiftg Was
stfirrounded; there Weis the LAV Sea the bousel Ill may canae made a call on the little maid's mother,
IefQabil- of 'heo.Lyen. ' Ola, when before then and m-cantai-a on &jtbor r' of the apostles when Jesus Pro- cream. Beat until perfectly ftht. neighbor &is myself, but I can neer hope of no account. and It wasn't but a few moments before
you alone your ey�s in the laft sloop. poised to go into what seemed car- it is a stanigo moral coda those
Mie, and Phdrach's beat right after Linei a take pan with[ very thin paste to love her 860 times as wall. That I the little maid was on her lop.
do you it ent your influence felt them. yu am as thoroughly to" Bethany. He -11 nearly fulL. with the almond, pro- should certainly have to do If I devoto fisher folk have. There is no danger -In the ebutter which followed the
w&B' "
in the olinph and state. The lambs awrim.aded-sternity before you, then willing imast eager to die with no night too great for them to brave to resouse
ration and bake in a slow oven. tide room to her use for the a woman made some Allusion to the little
on the cti'd intivintaido' are waiting eternity behind you, eternity on Was Lord. But now that his pa ith a light frost- that she will average In our house in n the unfortunates on a wreck. The
left alive, a one's grandmother.
for you t6 shepherd 'tb'emi Do YOU tIte Lord woo dead. and he is soul Lug and strew. with finely cut al- year. while I should be living In an un. beat In a fightrimau's h01X60 !a none -- -Why, didn't you know?' tried the
right hand and eternity hopelessness bad arisen In la
Bay t1key are nothing itit little chil- on the left hand eternity nboVio whieh ondangefoil his faitb. mona. desirable room the remaining 804.1' too good for the castaway. Yet the child.
dren and, bf,no g1reut "count? Does YLVJ� eternity lienvah you. Oh, otir- 28. My lord and my God. Augustine Orange Draps.-The rind and juice of very men will then board a derelict " 'Know what, dearr said the visitor.
it aeem� 4 stoopritig , fint- you to go Table Lines. and leather wbth a thoroughness be- --Why,' answered the child. 'grandma TTIN INATS AT PLAY,
What glory and despair, tigests that Thomas did not dare one orange and a pinch of tartakie n of long practice. At the I
in hallclujahtand walliva� Wb*4 It is almost as essential that table and gotta Is dead, and grandpa Is dead, nod Anni
Za, touch and did not need the a acid. Add 6ol2fetitionerlis magar until same time they will respect the sailors
thelflet. That child his oevei�d Up h;t. Vidence ples mnke a living by diving for pennies.
in th6 ashes at �P*J,bqd Ir sp!Lrk f bed linen shall be properly bring out as Jana is dead, and most all of VaDa'B pa- When the big ocean etcamers come to
glitering of tiow a end rat of of touch when he once saw his Lord it Is stiff enough to foinv Into small sluill be well washed. If they kitbag as religiously as a sacred em� ileats are dead too V Italy from America, the water ruts nor-
itiallusl Eternity! Where will we and heardJils kyords.-TIve painters can. that they
ullilitold,.- splendor long: ;4.fter* the un balls the Kiss of a small marble. . are allowed to dry out of shape, stretch- blean.
spend itt who witt'llis cftr compan- , Venny. penny
his ;6111 alia ally represent Thomas as pressing his Ducks' Eggs. are better f At another point a large Fiench round the boats unit cry
"An that glitter at' night Iona? What %will be our coeupationt Its about Or P188 Ing and pulling them straight wants them Philautbropy. in the water, please: hurry up, please,"
sHtaruityt Eterultyl' Ch. shvit6lesa finger into t1la, wovind, or than hens' eggs, making a firmer fill- much more than time. Rang tablecloths bark, buffeted by adverse whads
to 40 go, but him "full and free con- ore. The crew, ,13ow you must enjoy being a philan- and few can resimt their pleadings. So
shall tio,e0hpt oh Ill pie. and sheets evenly strong the line, ends
brtdtl* us the maII�41ast�dli the sea. oh, InteritnivablIa protessionl oh, fooslon," an Dr. Churton sa a not ng. Three eggs =site a largg being without food, launched their throplatl" sold the sprightly young worn. toyer goes a penny and into the water all
A for the down. The warp threads are much stron-
thrashing floor. hato'dsil at death unending yeiral Eternity: Wbo can that o$, a %pan who had walle Beat thoroughly In a quart basin.have I- boat and owed shoreward, seeing an, the water rule dive at once, and soon up
ou"t thy joys? who can tell thy tearm evidence of touch. it is a confession one. plut boiling milk ready, pour over than the woof. If stretched Imbitua which six of the settiors put off and "I don't quite understand you," replied comes the lucky one with It in his mouth.
will dpee qui ker I the eaglo, lyriengthwise, the things will split long
a It in 13 t titan more full -and free than we read of tho beaten eggs, then stLr In a tin a the man of earnest manners. Then it is "Penny, pleane," again until
up sugar. the told. Indeed. everything washab boasded her, Overjoyed with their
t on ht to 'war aqn made by any other apostle to our toadpoon salt, and quarter a Is rize. they drank gemrowly of "It must be such a piensure to feel the ship leaves port. '11tese boys are
taver U ward eiving and Ahvis a deep pie tin slightly the lasts longer if hung to dry go that the P that you have plenty of money and can mostly fishernion'to sonsr-lffl. Schmedtgeu
1 at, Odi dir Hi*go,dot I LOTd while an earth, rec prick
0. 4ip'liectilhig Irea. which they found In the cabin, Sleep
n- THE S 09, Thowas, flaosion thou hast seen -in, grate natmog ower the foaming, [Out way t do- "Yes; but the only dIfficulty to that one
o, adoring111mi as'very God." bottom crust, pou the hot custard weight while wet comes mainly upon the A JAR OF BRANDY, always he doing good." in Chicago It-rord.
t it, , it gc�,uvwa.rd or down- Ill'So tESSON, -m which they awoke to can't alwnys be sure whether he to doing
trard. . I . . I . '6.." me, than host bolkqved; blessed are beady surface, land bake In a hot oven. succeeded, fro To I'lar .18bovislun."
Iftilk theito is, Ahe� pilk:�Iog direl they that 'hi6sre vot siseno and yet have Heat and awLftness are always need- A Postmistress Genevall. find their boat broken adrift and good or being done good." The leader mayst "I went Pbop-)Iag this
very �Aday nlg�t *on dao go ther ES, Afsftt� 28 believed. Believiing in Jeaus, includes ad in soaking of eggs. Few people have ever heard of a post- themselves confined on a ship which raorning and everything I bought began
aa both I% be mistress general, but one slid exist and so had not a crust. Incredible mviscry th A .
list in the narrative of his -Take one and a half From the grocer I houxbt (points
a pituak diubt6ft of life (or your Pork Chowder,
soul fit( cia ear nua & let in a quarts green lkiorn, one quart pota- long ago ve the early part of the eight- was tbeLT portion for six long days,
V$qe 51juIS Of Other, Has Apptgr,, tis jefigi to. r bol a d a moral standing In His Ovrn 1,161hit. a player and wells for trous
south century. The Countess Gildenlore. when they at ]%at succeeded in beat -
and 6,*ei #en TeXI. 20 2JL choice of these holy qualities of which can slice, and two onions. Pry half - Leg Into a hinxbor. "I'll never give you uo, Mine Perkin" the driairgist ipointn to nualher). from the
he is the anitiodiment. dry goods store. from the baker," Pte.
because ji* igt6 - U'�thcil of- yout No one with or Dorothea Krug no she wais known offi never,"
PRACTICAL NOTM ne, and she filled the of- When the big Noirth German xteam-
mind could bavis watched hire lb salt pork, take out the scraps and cially. was a Do "Ttait'n It. Mr. Flopkinst; I'd be nfrisid The respons�q must be given quickly.
Put the Gee of postmistress general In her native ship Harder was last hear Cape Race
t 'At Vehtti,111. The name day. The day %to dais of bin flesh and not fry thas ordous In the tat. och a determined, obstinate The pennIty in to take The place of the
it latilb, tbifti beA*d t 0 at to marry a
Lt and goodness OTn gild in the kettle with land from 1703 to 1711. Her methods a few yea" the untire actually
In siaMetimes; of the itour"6tintib'during I man an you are." leader and start another letter.
which he 01 cool2ed, the urit %veto somewhat crude, but from them burne W a
of wbi be Incarnation. seasoning it layers with the onions 0
bad d1rilsor alppelelrad,to, the, at have sprung the present postal system of ton to obtain light to SaVO leather
Th6mas wals iiiiiadilliarly blessed in bur- and fats and a little flour sprinkled
AN i t r, d h2lotano worth 111115,00
W, oar cup of
wiamlifa v4h&thst viaited the sepulchre, in# been Associated with this holy warm for the latter. Make a "drop" that country, which are perhaps the best valued at 20 cents a pound. When AN INGENIOUS BEM
do ,
to 1119ty, Usgdillons, to the twd dis- Ono for thtso. Wants, and he loved the ter and boil %40WIY So minutes. Mix In the World. the Asbisla's cargo %va b6nig salvaged
�J#Jiaft lij 0. three tubleapdgPis flour vrltb a little they ruthlessly smashed M pieces
Data thint sixteen cat reany ma-hinos I -r -wide Beds
033 �Ihr to C-laftuds. and to Pat. qU411ti6s for Phich Jasus %food, 041 all. rr sle.py Fliallahns'",
tire Aniong the rules given by a physician for table use to got out two On"ll of the, twenty-pno Eng1bib coronations
Or 19ttsug Indeed would it is ovowds ssw, the same milk, thsh add one, and a half Ofints Moe your fled rrom the W
arnica of the daintleat of glassware V is 'nations I a
lend t 6, y6i k uth *4 datids and lioard' the name Wordsis but milk. Stir 6111 iA the boiling palfst'dre renV,y-lvi--h,^b,t "vichine.1 fur
been it -with the alattlodsnou and seven- because with their heart$ 'they had Have. six bracilkilisra split and dipp6d In
Vj n25 cents each. beiing erecled at
loull to promote lbugavity Is one forbidding of Franob prayer books, worth about that Occurred between William, Rufu
t III, sleepy people are
AvOilt, kOld: dbilebirittlob of the flist day of made a vicious thorld OH6100 tfioy did cold water and put toorn In. Put ad the placing Of the bed against the WalL and ElIzaboth, both incluxivp, %or. Ptitkone,, theatree. parks, awl
joitas in him,'- 'although, of the 11d, bell 6naelhad serve. lays the Jacksonville Times -Union and Three man to a nearby harbor o eltb,� sroall: It had not bati Sit onto not "t
him wotl ach a
This In in aftiard with the got Amhara a piano, and having no hold on Sunday, For P ftho
slier course, thty had no dodbt About his Citizen. iin v-tr,-Ai- tylaeoi in England N%h-r.
h IkA 09 Gaiti 'fly the, Lardlel
4LOW proO 6, a rea-
her- i,i sp.P
up t i� existence. We, though distant from advice of another scientist, who demon Idea of its value or how to dispose of eppitions (bore %van some ePer, I The nanchine ii i feet
]DO And bld ftiated. At evening, sialt, by, el#btelefo centuries and an gE W AUPLE 0AINTIE& iftrated tome time ago that the layer at It, tried t(v so]" the difficulty by the on. After the days of itzab th ant
both ilk %,6.1 Unpile J&aUsso.-*ffbLp one plut sweet Mr within a low inches of the wall of Saloulon-like expedient of sawing it 2 imrhes high. and a liLtlin lnrgfr in
9011:1. Or, but bd6f6 hftd6*xb The doorb wdra may also bellsris in him, is I a sligle, coronation took plac'r' Oil a
It up Inople the average bedroom. with no ventilator into three piecee. The Granbrook gl.)rth than an ardinary wpighing mi-
-1 islildt W'h6fb dr6di0tilples Wetili Masan. hl$tcrio reality and In '-b goodness croamt dry, add to this one a, d on
and atialli war rh no When a penny L4 droppe.1 In
b po*#r. Thi4ra tire two syrup livad ens tablespoon povv draft, a ]Mg stretch of o0ast to he ra, i
but woe window, Is not disturbed by that wreak enabled the munical (elect of'8unday James 1. was cro,
-witij sibl6l itppftai�h to eal)(8-- l- I Monday. July 05th, St. 3ames"14 I'MY.
Aft6tits to, it ered
obint to Ono t,r lb-, Pint tk rom("reahlo letsill-t-
10fthl. by tnikking the OLIalsoldta choice ofhIs sugar- Flavor with vanilla. 136at all tivnted Lhroulzh the medium of a.
Wb. is ris�� a covered mold ana A*otlhew Propbeer. Charles L, With that pethetia loin of iria couac,; out of the m
goodheask diad thilrb, tIbIrly aca"ting together, put to d f Gorrivan concertions, and
Ireligious mysiticiam which was aneof
I too," 6& *10 peak In lob, with salt. $arvo in winsome. An assemblage of bloomer e 1
Ora, blatatic 0 lad ladlqs the oss of the Honovorlan In 1890 b tv� and falls into a harksioui,il folUdid (4'j&d whi6h WAY hilan IS 1, In Now his special cha ract Print ion. -nnde par� ,,n It L
Is "Inch hiore, tril 11"t, 4 a as q provid"
Maple Silgar Cako--One cup butter, Ilued together on Jan. 1, 181 provided the shore with such n stock
146sht, nap., it n d.?!I,t
4t 411 b*v,*, bdioq It t1is kiiiiiiiis of thO, kii0thkir *Ithlb the t*6 cups granulated sugar, One cup York. Speeches were delivered &Oil of Chicago canned meat that It 19,
A ang thost.jar tilt. gti licular choice of TburRday, February
11the ihie wrtp. so that the, uier can k�p
a4�hu, Uktk�` it OU for lost Ot Christian blanret, bY A&VL11119 0*4et milk, three eggs, beat the and, the day of the Purification. for ti.me I f %,I a r In in cold %% es t he r Aft -r
this 1*04% Vtbk*6,,6 ilit4 propbeellea made that the second half of maid It Is still a staple article of diet
ItitaktA W106, Awl 1100*41 xord t and tattt 0011i lova three the century *cold witness 'the C'mancl a, there.
low0, to *111teg aUd Walks separately, tion of women and the reform Of Cr hLq anointins, and at the name time the OCCUNnt Stein off the Couch it
�Infty L risilans allpe; fI6Vr thipais teaspoons baking
bf itud n6i tIst' tftjoid t ft Od thus rtv_ *4evorebee for drass and that before tbb eighteen hon- Paring throughout ibe twally into place and
oil shodla A, latlathorki powtior. lis In two or three layers, dreas had ran out the fwttleast would be ArR TORPFI)0- inabste on
=*V 11dikuy
to 6f ttll obtibeir Christians, 4 n n,
'Out one III: maple 8118AX on universally thed. The limplitey has not day rnimont that was snowy white In I y tso bristiprfit d,7wo agnin by
ILra ftlatItill 11 A new war (orpod for wto in the I
a of lho* thst 61tiatittlee Im- place of the Royal purple. It was tbLq
en* lul* -Isist cit, IiAd'' OQII atiy" and fion VII It opins to a thfinall. vern quite folfillost the inertion of another penny. It in
6vot 4'L ga . Aftor tb the
cgilhil lesus. air Is impelled by its own force .1 the name of
bAo. ILAN wftah Ult I*.,, gast the ittlifte of.ofte 099 dtly. Re- ahlitiaXibing. The carious historical h�ljqvod the marhmo wilt be greatly
eiiAmit HADbM OCCTTIkRPD TO HER. being started by a torprdn Can thisi W
tht, Mftwrl. at English rnilroad sta-
6C19A; SlWili' mo*W supir train firis and stir t0li It novel projectile flies by a force caus- coincidence. In perhaps worth knowing ripprocintpd
betitio. to too) - do not let it &0 to Mrs. *Oed�-Tbers, I have just ifin- gas that the da oftbe Purification wh-n h to wai;t
Whisn the son IA p6tiflult down Its ed by tax escaping from it. This
-go. Thbri add 06WlY t he 6919 *hd lbtt#V to mamuln. but I cubit is nerated by a slow -burning me- the -i I h- In ,trn,aq.gD00,torA be -
White iing was crowned wm .71". 1
1 t(YL' OwA ao. 40r. t#g i3oft the coolilk At Abobilky tiode I so tablespoons eftfootiodery ouSsir. post. torr, Althin the fniggile. At triulairmy day of lhe "Ation's silent nor vvi erent benefit
MsJatr&t(s td & deffith if eVet M na b
1 400 W''Oto J*
t 6t* think of aqtbing to put in the .,be la-flt �f the e(eumunity. I
a this b6twtan layoril. Pat ;a- mode ISO far the now
-vim . desofid top. 4L
s.4 torpedo has gone row of 1901 Over the remains of th
lCbuld a At d It little morill oow� earthly Savisrotgns, an als- haq boon written Intlely about the
At i he wot of modern
to NeswtA-Tbe", my dents thbre a distance of 10,000 feet. The Inven-'purest of known to thousands of r,,,q h and r
lid finit himself d ar to AtItted. Is no 6closelbb to add one at all. tor is a Swedish Major. 111r. Unge,and propriately EnqlLqh life, and tbIE; will tend to ro-
-Thfft too bt6*i at athe German Government Is pyina for bar dusky bubjeatB an the Groat Whits
woris Idlift0W I* is &1A a Ift.s. JiWed-T r lbere that ourse.
bes, time as
14w, Ot *Ad two of JUS016. Plate satit, ON *oold b5m thought of thaL pariments. Queen.
40 .7 C,