HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-04-19, Page 72 0.► t f TAR '•l'ts 411.9r to ;teal: air Loliiltle t l;lttnlnude Itave found t. Weeding to tEhe. ttody its Dt Kinfq'e New ilk .Piga. whkh pwttttvgltr sur hope sttp$twon, .ick bt' derbe. .dIxzln jauri4itr e,. ml}1t1tN►,, #erRNttlul "Ism #la •0041•04,,40,0041.4404141151•410,110.010004' **041,91144$1,414111• +ail t4vprJ4ltddtotn,arlr ttntl!sik er) • annual t 4 .� The n t tl 7E e West �'„""�tll�l"'. • sti .in i!I � yrs :fveltef>tlzieR rover-geipo of weaken. • • gttly. 2kat hill qq drug salve. a/: Roma Liberal Association, fit the r " election of officer* and ptlwt r }ifWtne+w, : • Will be held at Diurgan,ilvn, uu Tuesda�. y,, ••st$at►.Qtrte•�Aal►Msl�11t►4ra•tislat! ass,,olwstatiios»tNitsatlls•wswAretrw Apr11:�3rd, at I o'tapCk u. m. Iu asst .. At to Extraordinary Price, „golf., April 26th&27th. Two Days' Prices. As never before, from one end to the other, the Store 11 is fairly beaming with bright, new, stylish goods, Silks, Dress Goods, Muslins, Ginghalms, Gloves, Prints, Carpets, Curtains. A variety so vast, so complete, that to attempt a description seems a hopeless task. Our extraordinarily large stock suggests to us two days' advertising selling. Remarkable OfferinOs for flirt' 26th an 27th. 40 pieces Dress Ginghams, New. Bright, Beautiful Goods. New Colorings, Stripes and Plaids. Regular value,, 12ic to 20t a 8C yard. Two day's pr ice et per yard 6o n pieces New 82 to 34 inches wide English Prints, Fast Coli s, and in Immense range of patterns. (ods, at. lteguhu i lou and 12icC pieces of Nev,tWool, Dress Settings, Black Lnstres and 45 Sicilians, best. quality. 44 to 40 inches wide. small neat pat- ter ns. Regular prices range from OOc to thin u yard. April two days' sale price, et per yard pieces. 30 to 38 inches wide, all pure wool, Heavy Suiting 30 Singes in all leading colors and black aria cream At per yard, special p,ers 50 to 00 inches wide and 3i yards Ion{;, Nottingham 70 Lace Curtains, in a vat rely of new sleigh,, tine, soft Cur- tain and vety effective. Regular price $1,60 a pair. Your choice pairs Cotton Blankets in White and in Greys, with fancy 50 Inrders, full double size. Regular value $1 00. At per pair 5 25C 25C $1.00 69c pieces, 36 inches wide, Heavy Reversible Union Cai pet., new designs and good, fast. clear colors. At per yard, 2 days only, special 29C pieces new, extra heavy, well covered, 27 inches wide, Eng - 10 Ilei Tapestry Carpets, in designs suitable tor any room, hall or st.lira. Regular value 60c a yard, and recommended for good wear. At per yard 50C FRIDAY and SATURDAY, April 26th and 27th. W. ACHEO.N AND SON the Gobetich Star. TELEraoxg CALL Ti FRIDAY. APRIL 19. 1001. DOMINION EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. 'Uniform Co -Operative Dairy Herd Test Record. The attention of Canadian farrners interested in the developrnent of Can• ado's greatest industrial factor, the dairy herd, is drawn to the following letter, recently sent out to a few farm. els in each province of the Dominion : Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Dear Sir, -Your name has been handed to 1110 as tent of a farmer who is particularly interested in the pro- duction of milk. It is a well known fact that the great majority of (laity herds. if we may judge by cash returns alone, are losing investments. 1t is. however, certain that this need not he the case if sufficient care and intelli gence are exercised in selecting and feeding the cows intended for milk producers. So. in order to be able to wcrk more effectively towel d improve- ment along this line. I am desirous of securing some exact information as to the methods of feeding followed in different parts of Canada. I should, therefore, he much indebted to you if you would write me briefly upon the following points : 1. Kind and quantity of roughage ration fee to ypur milking cows in winter. 2, Kind and quantity of grain fed your milking cows in (a) summer, (h) winter, $. quantity of milk yielded per cow yearly. 4. Do you use pure bred bulls ? What breed? 5. What use do you make of by -pro. ducts (whey. &c.), tf you have any ? Would yon care to carry on a ernple dairy herd test during 1901 in cunjunc tion with dairymen in different parts of Canada and us here? The only expense would be a spring balance for weighing the milk. We would fur- nish urnigh you with blanks each month for keeping the records. If Canadian dairymen are to raise the average yield of their herd and make a profit It must be by Chet finding out what their Individual cows are doing. If the cow is not paying iter keep and leaving a good ptoflt for the dairyman. eithett the cow Is no good or the dairy- man is not feeding her properly. if yen are really interested in the dairy businite and care to go into a co- operative test as mentioned above. I should he pleased to send you further particulars to the same. In any case I should tike to hear from you on the aforementioned pointe. Yours very truly. J. H. GRIRDALIt. Agriculturalist The replies elicited by this letter were of allele a character as to indicate the advisability of making the matter more public. With such an end in view, the foregoing is given for publi- cation. It is hoped that inany of our dairy' farriers may see the importance and necessity of,keeping such records as are suggested, and that they may think it advisable to join in this co- operative dairy herd record or test. Any farmer interested may obtain full particulars by addressing "The Agriculturist, Expel oriental Farre, Ottawa." All letters so addressed are tarried post free. To Cure a Cold 1p One Day Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grovels signature is on each box. Seaforth council will submit a hy- Isw to the ratepayers to expend $10,000 on a system of drainage fur the town. At the least Division Court in Sea. forth, Miss Kate Purcell, of Egmond• villa sued rhor t uatees of.<hs • „ ,I n ' ai Hibbert for damages for terminating her engagement as teacher without giving the requisite notice. as requited by the agreement, and thus prevent- ing her securing another school. Judge Doyle reserved judgment. A Chatham man says: -"1 treated for four years with physicians for pains in niy back 'end stomach trouble without relief. Miller's Compound Iron Pills cured me." People who are debilitated and who lack energy as a result of overwork, care and anxiety will recover quickly by taking Miller's Compound Iron Pills. 50 doses 25c. For sale by all druggists. Why will you allow a cough to lac. crate vols throat or lunge and run the risk of Idling a consumptive's grave, when, by toe timely use of Bickie's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the pain can he allayed and the danger avoided. This Sy: up is pleasant to the taste, and unsurpassed for relieving, healing and curing all affections of the theoat and lungs, coughs, colds. bronchitis, etc., etc., The Delon, Dyspepsia. -In olden time it was a popular belief that de- mons moved invisibly through the ambient air. seeking to enter into men and trouble them. At the present day the demon, dyspepsia, is at large in the same way, resting habitation in those who by careless or unwise living invite him. And once he enters a roan it is difficult to dislodge him. He that tinds himself soossessed should know that a valiant friendpto do battle for him with the unseen foe is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which ate ever ready for the trial. County Items. Free Samples I Free Samples SEND FOR A FREE SAMPLE OF CATARR- iIOZONE, GUARANTEED To CDrig CATARRH, BRONOgITrg. ARRT- MA AND HAT FEVER. in order tont, every sufferer in Can- ada may test the marvelous curative Properties of Uatsrrhozone we will mall free to any address, a twenty days trial, sufficient often to cure. [enclose 10c. tor postage and boxing, and address, Polson & Co , Kingston. Ont. ...MORE ... Wall Paper. I1 it a pleasure to look at our WALL PAPER. The Patterns are exclusive and the Colorings harmonize perfectly. We have taken great care in the selection of our stock, which is not sur- passed anywhere. Over 400 samples to refect from, and all carried in stock. No matter what you !MI"'+w► want you will find it here. P'ticNeil ratite fOrnie+fid `'*r roll to 4Oe per roll, Wti tltatkel tl ttpeciteity of showing papers from 180 tri Milt, .oak to ses Itntt' Ofeuagts ftt.ripe and P*nel Effects, and keefiynetreye, Onour Anse window for balance Of MOO, 'S ill kper St �iliitt . Bell Telephone 3,a'. White the "dead Bead" (a MIER yn r •TTelephone. pre war be rosins a vat. ashle eater. Refer hire to the Peblfe e1epkeare (Mice, where the chaste le sea eau i ... porter, tion to the culinary business .of the convention a. candidate for the ap. poaching bye -election to the Ltleal Holts will be selected A prominent btidgocontractor. Mt. Brydges, save, 'I took Miller's Com- pound Iron Bills for stomach trouble. froth whish I suffered for two yearn. and ,noon felt like a new man." Hood appetite, good digestion, refreshing eleep,>and httoyancy of spirlte follow the use of Milter'e Compound Iron Pella. 50 doses for 25c. For sale by all. druggists. A correspondent et Blyth says (.blit owing to the recent frequency of firer. in that place. some of the insurance companies are belittle todoing bualneae there. and have refused business sent by their representatives. Whether this is due to concerted action on the part fIdivialttiytesulf Individual action simply in- surance companies, is unknown. but the tact remains that risks are being refused. Jas. Sterling, Palk street, Chatham, Ont., ways: •'1 was run down, and my naivete; system was apparently brok- en, nuking life miserable. Miller's Compound Iron Pills cured me." If your every -day duties are a burden, It is bemuse you are not well. Millet's Compound iron Pills will correct this condition. 25c for 50 doses. Fur sale by all druggists. Job Could'nt Have f tood It If he'd had itching piles. They're terribly annoying ; but Bucklen'e Ar- nica Salve will cure the worst case of piles 00 earth. It has cured thou- sands, For injuries, pains or bodily eruptions it's the heat salve in the world. Price 25c a box. Cure guar- anteed. Sold by Jas. Wilson. A great deal has been said concern- ing the Beauchamp creek, or the large ditch in the south part of the township of Grey. where the dredge has been working the last two summers. At A. Stewart's bridge. on the 16th con., the velocity of the water is 10 rods per minute or three miles in one hour, and a little calculation will show how much water passes there in one hour. At present the creek is 22 feet wide and five teet deep, butat one timethisepting it was 7 feet deep and 40 feet wide. Ten millions and ono half gallons of water piss in one hour, or about 250 pillion gallons in 24 hours. A new cut in A. Stewart's place, is 7 feetdeep and 34 feet wide at the top, and still the earth is three or four feet from the edge of the creek. The boom of the dredge is 30 feet long, swinging from the center. "I was weak, scarcely able to drag myself about, easily worried, ant quite discouraged; Miller's Compound iron Pills rapidly brought about e change ; 1 never felt better in my life than 1 do now;" this is frequently heani. 50 doses 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. John McCallum and Jas, McLaughlin are farmers in the township of Mc- Killop. McLaughlin bought a pig from McCallum, and a dispute arose as to the weight. The plaintiff weighed the pig before it was delivered, and the defendant weighed it after he took it home. The bast weighing ,rade the annual some 19 pounds lighter than the former. The plaintiff refused to make any reduction, and the defend- ant refused to pay more than for the weight as shown by the last weighing. Hence is suit in the Division Court at Seaforth. Judgment for she plaintiff with full costs. Are you not well Are you pule. weakly. depressed in spirits, melan- choly. tired, nervous and irritable? Do you lack that buoyancy of spirits in- dicative of robust health 2 Then just try Millet's Compound Iron Pills. They will build you up, tone up your ner- vous system, give yon energy and brake yon feel like a new person. 50 doses 25 cents. For sate by all drug gists. Among the assessor's statistics In Seater:h, the following items are of general interest : Total value of real and personal property and taxable in- come Is $1131,035; taxable income, $6.000; personal property, $50.750; real property, $567,685; total population, 2,3811, or 46 under last year; number of birtbe, 25; number of deaths, 14. The town assets are atomised as follows : Waterworks, 513,000; town buildmv, and weigh scales with grounds, 515,• 000; fire appliances, $2.800; public school, 59,1100; Collegiate Institute, 319,000; public library, $2,000; total, $538,000. It the child is restless at night. has coated tongue. eallnw complexion, a dose of Miller's Worm Powders is what is required ; very pleasant end perfectly harmless. For sale by all di uggints. • I, i, KEND*LL'SIU SPAM IAd !UM rellasterft.. oil IA earl" asseaasasrotWaite 1reeratra.taaass,s0alte t. Shpt tfatti_tatW &sosIwotritie..Herat` til '�uaysese seera ra N`r we assesiair toyea ~a1i ns T•a1""'a N.iRi v. 1esCatilda f. la* *SAL litellattlt O.. tNe 0 111 11 4 114 . t { terfllmekI1iet S : s •Mills ftwin pholeal flaw. SULK PP,1<taFs'U#4 >i;hsv+u1** ytie1r.kendat,a.. Central. T, Drug tore • , Amonit Them • • "Oi7F4u'la�► Vfii9tet," 'Whits Humor. e o d litsiPaseo 1414r..4 i4 Cologlpt••' Brion thatI<'em ewpty rfue Bottle along and take yot4r chows, Also, ace our i4esurtnlent of .. , Fine Toilet Soaps to band tills week, from 5c J. E. HIGK -Drug Store. GODEItIQH, - ONT. The Famous "Coke Dandruff Cure" in stock. Mill Wood For Sale The abo'rr is cut into stove wood length and will be delivered to ani part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or oft at 128 Cambria St. will receive prompt attention 'Phone 98. Peter !'IcEwan. Goderich, Nov, 21st, 18110. 17273 nes STOVES STOVES STOVES rhe Pearl Silver Steel Coal Range, and the Art Amherst Heater are the best stoves in the market, for sale only by J. N. WORSELL Goderich. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts. Short Bread and Cream Rolls. Mince Pies and Lady Fingers. Kisses, Macaroons, Matangues. Brandy Snaps, etc. Are as goodes the best made in any City in Canada, dantelon leads the trade in WEDDING CAKES, in tancy designing, and ornamenting and almond icing. Give him an order and your satisfaction will be assured. D. CANTELCN, WEST_43T. OODERIOH. Over- coats. • You can't do without one, and if you are not already supplied it will pay you to call on HUGH DUNLOP and see some special values he has in that line. DON'T MiSS THEM. Ser MY SPRING STOCK for made to order clothing is now complete. H. DUNLOP, Next door to Bank of Mol,treal. A GENTS WANTED for "THE LIFE AND REION OF QUEEN VICTORIA, In• oln Ing special memorial tributes from the most eminent Hrtti•h and Canadian statesmen. and "The Life of King Edward VII." Bins 10 x 71. about 600 paged better Illustrated than any rival work. Written by Dr. Jno. Coulter. from London. Eng., the celebrated Historian and Jooroaltst. and John ... t•ooper. edltcr Canadian Magazine. Toronto. Price only $1.75 -new book from cover to cover. Extra lora , oommisslon ; credit alvan ; prospectus free to canvassers. World Publishing Co„ Guelph, Ont McI.ILLOP iMutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm end Isolated Town Property Insured. Value of Propetty Inenred up to January 1901. $3,048.975.00. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J. B. McLean Pres.; T. Fraser, Vice Pros.; J. Connolly. O. bale, W. O. Broadfoot J. I0 aft, J. Evans, J, O. Grieve, J. Dennewels• Director,: W. O. Boadfoot, Noaforth, Inspector of louses; T. E. Hays, Bea orth. Beoretary•Troasnrcr. AGENTS. .1 W. Yeo, Holmesvine• Jae. Cumming, m Egondvflle; R. McMillan, bcaforth; it Smith, Harlock. Policy holders can pay assessments and get their suds recelpted at W. COArs, Clinton, or at MoLrAN BROS' PALACE Ctorrnwo B'rosa, Oodorich. 1795-1 yr. Massey -Harris Warerooms Hamilton St Goderich. ALL kinds of rare Machinery, and Riryetea with the moat modern Improvement, nod a reputation to back them up for solidity. liahtneea, and reasonable prices, Rlahe.t award at Paris 5xhibiUon IfE9 ruts A tail line of repaint for Massey-Harris-Pattenton- W1®er h niesseot. always In stock. Brantfordasd Palmerston Carriage*, good.ro- Ilable, up -Us -dale. 11 yon want * carriage ..` implements of any kind, It will ply to call and see MI. Bert Parsons, Aunt Hook's Cotttoan� B�osootr��Conlon* for Cialra fes w all Ilitq wM leek tempessule.swat.* ot+tis fNw�sW to Qat idsh W James Paints, Oils and Varilisk's !>i hat the ttaecortatelet £�. lerwo, of PUNTS, 9I 48I11Sa ti 41W, WUxt' :: SAI,,, ere uell st >po..i 1. psic+r. M..X4 Pants ROBERTBAI�I'8 a y-Mixila Paint' are the best in Canada. They 84 the farthest, hast the longest, aaa art put up in the itiutl sttraetive shades, I�oy them and gat 1~ T7trrra um 1ltxarwan. l Dry Colors. \Ye bee thitbtwt Grads. or Dry Calors, snob as Vennilliaoe, IT-1411'R.c�i,. Bed Ilead,l'renslt Green, Brunswick Green, Golden, Ochre, Yellow Ochre. English Oxade, Canadian Oxide, Ultra Marina illus, Umbers, Siena's, and many other popular dry MI colors. I who wish the bast goods at the but prices should give no a call and we will do oar best to please you. Garden Tools. We carry a large stook of Hoes, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Garden Trowels, 1?ruoing Shears, Pruning Hooke, Pruning Knives. Prolong Saws, Hedge Clippers, Robber Hose and Lawn )ifowers. Only a Few Cut Nails Left At lc Per Pound. A. McD. ALLAN. The Leading Hardware. Hones Goods at Honest Prices. COOPER'S Seed, Flour and Feed Shore. Hamilton Street - - Goderich. All kinds of Seeds and Grains bought and Bold on the premises. Just now Farmers want Timothy, Clover, Alsike, and Seed Graibe-we have the best and most reliable in the market, from the best importers in Canada, and p.ioea are always right. The Largest Grain, Flour, Feed and Seed Store in the County of Huron. Goode delivered to all parts of the town, and freight order, promptly attended to. serGive., us a Call. A. J. COOPER, Sloane's Old Stand. 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 .4 T. J. VIDEAN IS still at the same Old Stand on East street, Goderich, with a full and fresh supply of FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS Such ' as Alsike, Timothy, Clover, Grains, Etc., Etc. Myers' Royal Horse and Cattle Food ► in large or small quantities. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. Goods and Prices always right. ► ••••41.••A A 5. 5. I+ ► 5. ♦ ♦ A • "A Decided Success 1" Such was the verdiot of the crowds who visited tho Millinery Opening at this Stora last week. Our Miss Nickle ha° proved beyond a question of doubt that she 1■ an expert in the art of Millinery, and abet we have the goods and the taste to supply Iho most modern and fashionable headwear in the market. On merit wa ask for inspection and solioii your patronage. Call and ace what we can do for yon. MRS. COOPER, McLean's New Block, Goderich. GODER1CH SEED EPORIUM. We have the largest and best selected stock of Seeds in Town. Our Clovers and Grasses have been bought from the best importers in the Dominion, and are pronounced by our numerous customers first-class stock. We are leaders in Mangel Seed. We have in stock one half ton of fine selected Mangel Seed of all varieties. As the Corn Season comes on you will find us as usual with some of the best kinds for cultivation. We have given our customers the very best satisfaction on this line, and will earnestly en- deavor to do so in the future. All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds kept on hand and sold at reasonable prices. We sell the best brands of Flour, Herbagum and Meals of all kinds. Your patronage is respectfully solicited on the merits of the goods we sell WM. BURROWS &SONS h. Smith Met Jong At, Pxitihtita.'* Store alt((. propounded Um fJllowing conitndram, which Tones could toot anlwgr, but *mesa that it Wale a good one when Smith ex. Smith-- Jones, why is a man with a $15 suit bought at Pridbam'e, Lite the father of new twins ? Jones - I don't know, Smith ; why is be like the father of new twins ? Smith- Decante he'd got twice ae mach as h. expected. Moral - Get your Spring Bolt made to order here, and, like the man with the twins, you will get more than you expeotad or bargained for. r. See what the best looms of the world have produced -to be seen in Pridbalu's windows. 4r1` _PRI DHAr 1, The Tailor. t°111111. AT MUNROE'S STOCK -TAKING NOW GOING ON and when finished will mean a large quantity of ends of all kinds, which will be disposed of at ptices that will ensure pack sale. GILT AND STEEL BUTTONS just received -all sites. New Yarns in Black Colors. Men's Hosiery -extra value. Ladies' Extra Large Undervests-generally a scarce article. A. M U N RO. Draper. -, :, R . n _ _ .i • That Touches the Spot Mac Leod's System Renovator .--FOR--- Weak OR Weak & Impure Blood Liver & Kidney.Diseases Female Complaints. &c. Ask Druggist, or write direct to J. M. MeoLEOD, Goderich. Ont. Mil CCM Residence and Laboratory -Newgate Street, the Old Stand. In rear of Knox Church. : ta ' :r 1;, Your Grocery Wants L�,Can Best be Supplied at this Grocery Everything FRESH and UP-TO-DATE. idf-CALL AND SEE THE STOCS T_ G_ TSPL=NG, Hotel Bedford Block. The Square, Goderich alil07'..LX,A iN•..a`S�Cf✓ic ".a14.2ffi1' arne"?.4•7&?1e -A'r'. '.ffi'v',LY:*: c�io.«3ir'ci'"r, '4'��'•f t. Surgeons' Antiseptic Oil One application gives relief in any kind of pain. 11' ('1'ItE4 Piles. Bur ns, Scalds, Ulcerations. IT 1 t. RES Wounds and Bruises. IT Ultiti'M Boils. Carbuncles, len• r clone, IT CURES inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. IT ('I'lths Salt Rheum, Tetters, and all eruption, of the skin. 1T Cl:R SS Rheumatism and Neuralgia Pains. PRiU1: 50c. Sold by all druggists or sent by mall on receipt of pr ice 4 Antiseptic Chemical Company, 't 1210 MASONIC TEMPLE, CHCIAGO, ILLS. e vAtiT R,A5 wds5 anon. avA r dente teAw• CSI'LS,-,• sp' J .e.c dt9 St7,se-,; .y, if't era 4 5 4 We're in it, too J. BROPHE\ & SON ... IIAVE been in Iho FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING business for many years, and desire to thank the general public for the very liberal patronage extended during the past quarter of a century. TO CELEBRATE, with our friends we have decided to give exceptionally low prices on FURNITURE for the neat thirty days. If you want anything in ('ouches, i,ounges, Red -room Suites, Parlor and Mining Room ('hairs, Rockers, Sideboards, etc., etc„ the prices we quote should not deter you from buying. TiHE GOODS aro all good and worth a great deal more than we cyte -much less than other people sell at. Do not buy until you see our stock ; to inspect costs you nothing, and we will be pleased to show you our geode. UNDERTAKING ia a specialty with nt. We thoroughly understand our busi• nets and have received our schooling and diploma at the seat of learning, In every case we gnnrantee the most modern and beet possible service at the lowest living prices. J. BROPHEY & SON. It Pays to Paint. There is nothing that ends to the telling value or the renting value of a house like good paint -there is nothing that makes home more home -like than good paint. It pays to paint. The better the paint, the better it pays. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT rays in the beginning because it gtreo so far --pars in the ecus because le lasts no long, and looks so well as long as it lasts. There is no paint like it for beauty and durability, for economy and satidactlon. N. D. Rougvie, Cash Hardware Stori.