HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-04-12, Page 7. I - :111,.: 11:1=:11;1:� I . I DISAGIRETAI � - The Rev. Dr. T;ilnl Annoyanik A despatch from Washington Wlys- J%ev. Dr. Talmolge preached from the,, Mowing text -"The Lord thy God God will Bend the haruBt."Del1t. vii - 20. In finly text the, hicarliet flies oult on its mission. It is a Species Of Wasp, gwiit in its motion. and violent in its ablifig, Its touph is torture to man or beast ,we have all, Been the cattle e lancet, In boy -hood we used to stand oatlticimely looking at ttre globular neat hung from the tree branch, and while we were looking at the wonder- ful paisteboard covering, we were Struck with something that seat us Shrieking away, The liornot goes In, Swarms. It has captains, over hun- cLred,% and twenty at them alighting on one man will produce certain death. Tile PerojamA attempted to oonquer a Christian city. but the ele- philimbe mud the beasts on which the Persians rode were assaulted by the hornet so that the whole army was broken up, and the besieged city was rescued. This burning and noxious Lusect Stang out the Hittites and the Canaartittis from their country. What gleaming sword and chariat of wax could nat tiountimpliSsh was done by the puncture, o;f an Luslect. The Lard san,t the hornet. My LrLends, when we are assaulted by great Boliamotha of trouble. we become ohivulrio, and we assault Litem, we got on the high-mettled steed nit ouir courage, and we make a cavuLry charge sit thenth und. if God be with ust we come out stronger and better than when we went im. Buit alas! for the imsectile annoy- ancea of life-tiatese foes too small to Bhoot-these things without any avolr- duLpoLs weight -the gaiats, and the midges, slid the flLwi, and the wasps, and the hoirnets. In other words, it -iis the small ,iLinging annoyances of omr Ide which drive us out and use us up. In the best conditioned life. fox some grand and gluriums purpose God has sent the hoirrieL. I xemark in the first place that Lho8e small and StLiaging It""UtyaUG06 may come in tlj,; shape of a .sensitive nervous organization. People who are prosiLrated If-ader typhoid fevers or with broken homes get plenty of syni,- pathy, but who pities anybody that is nurvoua f The dwtors say, and tile fami,ly say, and evexybody says, "Off, she's only a atle nervuus; that's all." The sound of a heavy foot, the harsh clearing ,of* a throat, a discord in infusic, an inhaxinciffy between the shawl and thei glove on the same per- son, a otLrt answer, a passing slight, the wLad from, the cast, any one of ten thousand annoyances, opens the door for the hornet. The fac.t. is,that Lhe vast majoirity of the people in thio cuant.ry are overworked, and tbeiir aerves,are the first to giveout. A great multhtude are under the strabn of Leyden, who, when he was told by his phypicirma that it he did not is top working while he was in N IT poor physical heal't-h he would dIe; "Dop,toer, whether I live or die the wheal must keep going round, and though I may be disappointed in it, J before I die I don't surpass Sir William Jones in prefound Oriental liltexature, may no tear of grief for me ever profane a borderer." These stiasi-tive persons of whom I speak have bleedLug stri.ii-tiveric-88. The flies love to lifirlit on anything raw, and Lhese people are Like the Oaaaawtes spoken of in the text, or in the con- text -they have a very thfin cover- ing and are vubrierable at all poltiLs. "And the Lord sent the nurnel.," AgaLn, these nniall insect annoy- ances way conati to LL- in tho.obape of f.riends and acquaintanctis who are I always .gayiag disagreeable things, Tho.re are .some people thal, )ou calh- not be with for half an hour but you feet cheered and comforted. Then tbe,re are other people you can -not be With fiv,o minutes bcftyre you feel mis- arable. They do not disturb you, but the) sting you to the bone. They gather up all the yarn which the gossips spin and peddle it.. They gath- (w tip till the. ,adverse criticisms about your person, about your busLuess, and they make your ear the funnel Lnto which they poux it. They laugh h,earL'.Iy when they tell Yofu, as though It were a good joke, and you laugh t on - on is id.e. These people arc brought to our attention in the Bible in the Book of kLatn ; Naomi went forth beautiful and with the finest old wuirld�y prospects and into anoth- or land, but mfttir aw4hile she came back widowed, and sick, and poor. What did hew friands do when she came to the city? They all wL'nt out and, instead of giving her common senso c-onso-lation, what, dLd they dol Read the Book of Ruth, and Und out. T boy throw tip their hands and said, - Is Lhds Nwomi "I as much as to say, "Havrawful badyoudo look[" When I anteired the mimistry I looked very pale four years, and every year, for four or flTo years, a hundred times a year, I was asked if I had not the cionsaimption I And passing through the room, I would ,sometimes these people sigh and say, " A -ha I not long for this wo,rld !" I resolved in those timas that I nemr in any converse - lion, would Bay anything deptiresaing and by the, help of God I have kept the resol,ativel. These people of whorr I speak, reap and bind in the great harvest -field of discouragement. Some dayis, y-,ou great them witA a ITUar- irAw "g,nod-morning," and they come buzzing m1t You with some depress. ing inficer,mia,tion. "The Lord sent flit hornet." Perhaps those small insect anno ances will come in the shape of X mmUc Irritation. T.1he parlor and the ItAbohon do not always harmonize. T( get good aexv�feuo and to keep it I.- orno of the gTent questions of the COUAtry- Sonaell-Ames it may be the ar. frognitoy and inconsideratenes" 01 PmPloyf%rts, but whatever be the fact we Willi admit there arc these inseec, ifninr3yatnewA witionging their way on, from the culinary department. If tb4 grace of God be not !in the heart a the bousekeoper, she cannot mairrtaii her equilibritim. The men comehomi nit niirht and hear the story of thes a nnoyvfflcea dria afty; 'Obtl Qw"I be,frio truableA Tire 'very littlethings.' 'I'my ri've small, small as wasps, btL they atiatir. I havt) notifeed in the history o some of MY CougTeguttem that thei Annfwartre-si nre folinktiplying,and tha t boy have a hundred where they use, to have tent. '11"he naturalist teliq u that a wasp scemettenes, has a famil of twenty thounand waspis, and It doe seem ri.s it every annoyance n Your life brooded a million. Vy th tbelp of God to -day, I want to act h n cauxiter current. The barnet is a no use, Ill Oh yesl The naturalls tells us they fare very finiportaint if t.be, wAvirld'a ftondroy; they kill spiders and they OleAT the atmitialpIliere; and really believe God sends the annoy ances at OW 110 uPM 144 to kill th apk4eiris of Itliel 810'all AU4 to clear th ntmosph,&b Into the skies. Vito, all , I think, t wnka us AMU otir latbftirgy� Tber is nothing tyAt Wxkm ft aim so liviel as ft Salifilt a "W16W. jbaitilif!W and . . � ___ __ - - ' ' I I I ,' - 1 I � , ,. ­ , . � I ... ... . -T 'I � - L' V 0 1 1 .1 . N A13111111 ILE THI - 0 ' a . ge $Peaks on the res of Life. ; t1hin that these wanoyances are tended to perauade ua of the tact tl�i thim isill not a world tar us to stop In. U we ,bad a be4 of everything that was attracti.ve, and soft and e.4 wut would wo want of liketivient ,W� think thut the hollow tree seado the bortuat. You think the dev,11 aelfuls; the, hornet. I want to correct your theology. "The Lord sent the bar - 'It.. TIbefulthink these annoyancesI conic to us to culture our patience. In the 1gymmoolmun. you find uporight parallel bk . . 4ira-uprig-ht ba,,,q with holes over ouch other for tht. pegs to be put in. Then the gyumA& tak" 4 peg in clach hand and he begina to climb, . nine In" at a time, beginning, or two or three intchea, and getting big strength cultured, reaches after =WU,le the ceiling. And it seetuff to that those annoyances in life are u mural gymnasium, each worriment a peg with which we are to climb highteer and higher in Christian attain - want. We all invite to see patience, blint it cannot be cultured in fair 'welather. It is a child of Sterna. U you had everything desirable and 11heire was Sillo,thins more to get, what would you want witilil patiencel The only Iflime to culture it is w1hen _you are li-ed albout and cheated. and sickg and ltalf dead. It just takeal etc much txouble to At us for usefulness d hietwreal. The only question is, WV111. thic we fsha I I take R in the, bulk, or pulverized and granulated. Here is one man who takes it in the bulk. Hie back is broken, or his eyesight put out, or some other awful calaralty be. r3alls him; while the vast majority of ' people take this thing picioe-meal. it I Of course in piece-limeal. Better Which way would you rather have have five afihi�ag teeth than one brok- en jaw. In this matter of trouble, I like bomfoeopathic dosea-small pal- lets o,f annoyance rather than small knock -down doee,q of calamity. My friends, I Shall not ha" preach- ed this oxforning in vaiu if I have shown you that the annoyances: of life, the smiall annoyances of life, may be subeeirviont to your present and your eternal advantage. Polyearp wag condemned to be burned at the stake. ']'he stake was planted. He was fast- ened to it, the wood was planted around the Stake, it wag kindled, but, by some strange current of the atmos. phi history tells Tie, the, flames bent outward like the saili odf a ship under (I Strong breeze, and then far above bbey mine together, making a canopy so t1lat instead of being destroyed by the flames, there he stood in a flam- boyant bow,er planted by his perse, tutors. They had to take hig I ire in another way, a,nd by the point of the pon iox d. And I have to tell You thite morning that God can makei all the flarates of your trials a wall ot defence and a canopy for the dotal. God iE just as willing to fulfil to you as Jim was to Polycarp, the promise, "Whex IbhoDu passiest through the fire, thou Miall not be. burned." In heave you will acknowledge the fact than yet nereir ,had one annoyance too many and through all o,ternity you will be gTate,ful that in this world the Lard did Send the hoarnet, "Weeping ma3 exleittre far a night, but joy corneth It the morning." "All things work to. gether for good to them that love God." Tile Lord slent tha sunshine "Th,v Lord sent the hornet." ----.O- THE S. S. LESSON, i -I INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APRIL V - "Jriin- Aiipeatm to libIr,v.-John 'an. 1111-1111 Golden Text, Rev. 1. 18. PRAOTICAL NOTI�_S� Verse 11. Mary stood wit-hout a' t,he sepulcher. The tenele of the art, ginal is imperteot-"Mary wag stand In 9. " -She remained after the tw< disciplea had gone. She stood weep Ing, for added to the losq of her beal beloved and most trwited Friend wilt her supposition that indignity hat been done to his body. The only al loviation to her sorrow wag to b, where she had last seen hina. Slit stooped down, and looked. Eviery t,hing that had to do With her Lon was dear to her. J?erhapg she to, o,ould se.e the linen clotlwi and LIT, napkLn that was about bLq head. Do a womanly timidity kept her fron entering alone. The sepulcher wa probably a room ho,wm out of the si& of a solid rock. Ital entrance ma: have been of masonry and architec turally beautiful. a 12. Seeth two angels. In our Las lesson ire note that, although Mary' name is gimn ael one of the groul who earliest visited the sepulcher and who afterward delLvered to th apostlea the angels' message, acom I parison of the four accounts; makes I probable. that before the angels ap peared site had hastily concluded that. the Laird's body had been Stolen an, she had hastened for Peter and �ohr so that she bad not evien heard of th angels' appearance. WWte. Th livory of God's Servants. Tible on at the head, and the other at the feel where the body of Jesual had lain. Oj bho table or slab where those wb anointed him had left the remains. 13. Woman, wthy weepeat thout 11 as %re suppose, shoe had not as ye hemard any angelic releasage, she hat good cause, to weep. Her agony a grief precluded fear. In norms conditions such an apparILlon as thil wiculd ham overwhelmed her wit terror. They bare taken away m. Lord, anti I know not where the have, laid hint. That his body shoal be stolen wag a nc.w grief. Her on great desire in to recover that bod3 Sho line no expectation of a phys6ion resurrection. 14. She turmed herself back. Sit again stood erect. turning away froi tille, dark bole which the a.ngeLs ha . illumined. Perhaps her terror w -a I now beginning. ,%w 3esuff stanit � Ing, and knew not that it was Jesub Saw that a mom was about to addres I her, but was so grief-stricken at i ! cared not find observed not wilco. I 15. Woman, w1hy weepeat thal I Nv-bh)m seeketh than? Jesus repeal the question of the angrilet. ,,Th( -T L are d wort wilatch Jesual spoke after his resni ` rectiom., and we Tway well iinterpri . them to mean Something morn thn I. the sense which they imlfftediAtel I convey to Mary. Henceforth let it I believing soul orraw- for the dwid, t 7 others w-hich ham no hope; for, t 9 their Saviour w -bo died. I- risen a gal r area go them also which sleep I f JeAng will God bring with him " I ObUTtOM. Supposing Ififin to bet tI I go rdener. For who else would I � at that hour Lna that sUbqrban get k dent Sir, if thou bare borne III I heenct& Theme are wardii of Unidd ITIII I rather then of deisPftir. It it it% tI . gardener win has tutored the remain i vilen it wista at loWa a friendly. r i moral. Tell me where than ha8t Is, . him. and I will take him away. 9- ) affilipat-hy outruns her sense. I 10 wornan could carry a dead man awn r gut she has a halt fear that his C A boo is in Stivaboo'n way, and t I I . -1 I I � I I � � I I 1 M4 , .1 I . �, � . . ., I . I 11, � � I , " � " , ,. L� . " . 1) ,_ AllillikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiLift. ii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiilililiiiiii.&."A- - - � - -V 1-4 to to* 4y a 44410t, xit*04 14 of; eviii brilitMag,. wa Usilogio 41allack of Hebrew which was Spokou In Gains". Wbich I* -to Illia, miliattil *IDA tbolreffore preilitana" a retuxu to the condition of the old life -a mililittaken. ptraffunilptiep, as car Lard presently shvive bar. 17. Tewh me not. ClTx_q apt to me. This, otaxtimalmd by itaelt to not hard to explatim..-but our Lord's explanation cd it is not witAmt. difficulty. I am Shoilt -vat ascended to my Father. He- vi8ed Verolou, "the Father," a change which emphasizes the beauty of the sentence. our Lord's meaning In brief is-. "Old a5inditious have passed away. You are Slott to look backward over my life, nor forward to its contine ounce on earth, but rather up�vard to W life in heaven." Before aur Lorrel's death the center of the dls- olples' hope Said expectation was an earthly coronation Sit Jerusalem. the reign air Jesus as king of Israel ; after the resurrection the center of their hope and pride, would nexturally be this miracle Itself a triumph more wonderful than any earthly hunour, Hat Jesus kutintates that the true cen- ter of their hope is to be loftier even than the resurrection. It 114 to be the thrione of God, to wh6ob he Is to as- cend. Moved by ainallemout and de- light and full of adoration, Mary re.- vetrently attempts to embrace our Lord, perhaps flings herself at his fact and clasps hie knees; but "hei Stead of clinging to him. now as if all were secure, she is told to hasten to the disciples and announce that he is abolixt to ascend. "-Dwight. I as - aced unto my Father, and your Fath- er. HIS fatherhood relates to all be - inanity. Tba intimitical is that the resurrection is really the beginning of the ascension. 0 ITEMS OF INTEREST. - rhe climate of New York is abating. Out, Indian population Is not skillful lit any line of manufacture Save Its own crude Industries. To copy nature seems to work well. rhe Holland submarine boats are built In the shalie of a whole. A piano manufacturing company In Ontario claims to have In Its shop a plano made by tile company's founder 110 years tigo while be was in business in Buffalo and sold by him to General Grnnt'S Mother The .Ninssachutietts Frog company bits just btwn lucorporated In Maine, with a cal)ltal of $5,000, its object be - Ing declared lit the application to be "to buy, sell, breed and Import frogs ant] like animals." In at least three American cities there are athletic clubs In which the membership runs far up Into the thou- sands. This is claimed as showing the marvelous development of high class athletics In this country. In Sweden they havealand ttrraDge- tuent of this Iflud: The farmer will give a tell ' ant so many acres of ground, provided the tenant will give him so many days' labor for so many years, lie labor to be pnid as wanted. A little more than one-eighth of the ailiount annually expended for pen- sions goes to tile south. Of the nearly 1,000,000 pensioners of the civil war 179,653 were residents last year of the 15 eoutherit states, Including Maryland ft'id 'NI1,480111-1. Tearhig tit) a %vill Is supposed to re- voke it, but a Brooklyn wounrin, after Touring ill) [let- will, placed the Shreds Ili fill onvelope, oil which she Wrote, "Thl,4 vrill Is fill hevo." The fragments were posted together, fill(] tile will was lo-ohiff(d !if rt,gular forni. 1�ae-t,i flint came t,,) light after the suielde of n .voting Itussifin In London lost welek give some Idea of the Tells - cry Involved lit swents6p labor. The nufortunate yo,ith "as poll] 3T cents a dozen rot, "finishing" Shoes, it process That comprises nearly half the work of making the shoe. -.-,--- STAGE GLINTS. . Thackcrny'q "The Virginians" hits been dramatized. Sluart Robson NN -111 revive "The Hen - HOW* next season. Olga NOhorsolc intends to produce a stage version of ,Nirs. Atberton's "The I)atighl er of I lie Vino." it is said that RIT-linvel INInusfield, one or tile grentc�*t actors of today, has singe fright rind has It bad. .%rclillmid (Invering Gunter's new novel. "Tangled Flags," will probably be draniatized for Henry Miller. "'Ililoin Faversham line recovered fron) his recent Illness sufficiently to reappear oil the stage this season. The charriefer of Ophelia in 'tHam- let" Was originally acted 300 years ago by a man, till; wore all female char- ficterg in those (lays. IP. U. Sothern and Virginia Horned have a new costume comedy by Law- rence Irving. dealing with the career or Lovelnee, tile poet A bid for notoriety in endeavoring to name a new London house King Ed- %vard's theater has been nipped in the hnd. file lord chamberlain rerualng per- mission. ,Nfr4 Fishv's new Way Is called "Syl- via's Ilintighter." It Is the work of Hen- drick Clirlstlernsou and has been sue- evasfully played In Stockholm, Copen- lingen and Rollin. London theatrical people expect that King Edward will pretty soon confer the title of sir knight on an actor mnn- a ger. Sir Holley Irving Is the only one 'low holding that distinction. THE GLASS OF FASHION. The charming English imitations of polut d'alencon anti point d'arnbe laces ore In great demand, particularly In life brownlith zrny shades. Veils are no popular no ever, and the garish colored kinds have disappeared. In the newest designs the dots are closer together thrin last year and fre fluently tire n"ringed In dlnmond shop - oil clusters, Satin foulnrds in small, nent designs Find In sort Yet gny colors ore to be tin mensely poptilar this spring and sum mer. Rose, beige, ton and reseda wil be tile rarored shiodes. Lace will be used In profusion for trimming. A revival of n pretty fashion Is tile black velvet ribbon bracelet which Is being Worn now by Parialan women It Is simply finished and behl tagetbe by n dull gold slide. sometimes Jew eled. 10gyptian firmlets. too. are pop" 11r. although their chief beauty seem to lie In their Mirbarle offerts. Beware of stiff collars It yon would follow Dome Frushlon. Soft pllabl milk tolds, flnished with dnlnty velve and Ince "turnovers," with perhaps a gold Italian gleaming here anti them are the correct things nowndays, TIT stiff high tinelhiii find doX ears linve en tirply distippritrpol - Qrstad Rapids, Web, Is partly In- " . I I - L " , I 11 I L , � . L I ?�, �, ffibbit...., , I I 1i . I- . " _ � I ,� (I . "til I I - I � I , T* Urlti"" ALUMisidolitit. . . I it, , vmw 1?�'U." ro"ROUS, much anoil, I � "d , , - ,� ", , , at witerobits IU1=@it".y,=IQ - I 1 1, - 4, bmql . wbalwo" Y9 bila bomw". Ometia, � I I , � ­­ - -_ - -, -,-. - . 40 baste to late"o - b.wlffit To 640i * _ % � 4, -, r , ­... I L � I � , ' _' 1*6 ye *49aft4t. V44WAULF. SURET. 1110101114 *4 I 101:1111 woll" know Wit" I - msu*a ot xalcroba% W. ptradveature. ft* Wass"T a" Vl"t*IA*d O -V I asuffle tbeip dglx0y. intent yonder oftineolifirp wow sixty-jkve 7rissim , - , ,., sr., book I Sillice I= all the machings by which "Ilookworms" quoth ye attendant. pogt4ga stamps eire c*aceIcd and ca- wb% Booth to "y' had been grlovoliely V.eigpes marked with the came of tIIQ firriltute'd in couseWence of ye, frequent po4tollice, the date. etc., have been irepetlition of ye qupstion-Chicago, made by one family. In the year Raw, Tribum ad the postmaster general entered Into - s contract with Benjamin Chatubers, a eir"" mvw Thina. ciltzen of Wilebington. to furnish a davilce, by which Postage Stamps might _� be canceled an that they could not b- used again. and, although there havt _S - been a multitude of competitors on Bev eral occasions, that contract has beet, -1 I � I 1. renewed year after year for.65 yeam I I � , with Mr, Chambers, his son and hh, -, . *1 connected with the Institution over 50 grandson. who have a secret procest %. 11 by which the dies are made of tuallea portarshousa steak it Vou run short." 1) hie Iran and carbonized Into steel at 0 alad his Acirdshly speaks as confidently George W. Putnam, a descendant of the famous 114701111-10narY 13 said cost of frout rio cents to $2-75 each mill though the poor. harassed wife of general, it to certainly the only government tile bosom raced ouly go to tile back - ft contract slid probably the only can door mud pick that fine steak oft the ,�� tract in the United States that [tap buittics. Beefateaks and chops are. indeed, , been renewed so often and continued all very well. but they art) among the - - so long. The department buys about . $25,000 worth of new cancelers evel-3 ton. year. Bids are advertised for annually A. 1, and every now "d then Same Rib 'I .. * - 4 tious manufacturer who thinks lie h - .. fj� - ,_ a gtiod thing'offers a proposal, but tht quote his own language, he in not am Chambers family are invincible. The3 Fair Maid of Calro--Is my jar on have improved the (*evlce until It I� straight? . now almost perfect. - - The stamper Is a circular cast steel she AiNsWered It. box with if screw thread, one end of An Inspector was examining a class which is closed, and Is provided off In religious knowledge and asked this the outside %vith a square -shank to question of a little girt, Inteuding It secure it to the hard wood handle. The for a catch: cover of tile box is a disk of steel. A "What was the difference between portion of Its thickness enters life bos Noah's ark and Joan of Are?" by menus of it screw thread around Its He was not a little surprised when periphery of almost 20 threads to lift the child, answering, said, "The dif Inch. This permits of a spaco bet Nveen ference was that Noah's ark was fund(, the tuner fuee of the die and tile hot d was Niald or woo . while Joan of Are tow of the box, while the remaining of Orleans.' thickness of tile disk forms a thingi --- with the edge, which Is coarso milled. go Inconsiderate of Hint. so that the disk niny be tiTrued with Married Daughter -oh, dear: I don't the hand or if wrench. Off the out" have a minute's peace when my hits - face of the disk are characters of tbe band Is In the house. lie Is alway.4 body of the cylindrical (lie. Those com calling me to help him do something blue the marking and the canceling or other. devices, one being oil one side of ill( Mother -What does lie want vow? disk, Inelosing the name of life post Daughter -He wants me to go "I office Ili a circle, There are thre, slotb stairs just to thread a needle for bill, for removnble type, tot, mon1hr, datem so that lie can mend his clothes. hour and half hour. Diametrically oft Nir. find 111re. Kendal are rehearsing in posIte the circle Is the canceling devive . tile side of Which Is parallel %%-Ill) III( A Hot Time Ahead For Him. edge of the disk. Any required nuin "I want you to try to like me' " she her or letter Is cut lit relielf Ili the cen said, addressing the motherless child. ter, while three grooves are cut LIT "for I am going to take your rinalninn't, taglio. The remornble types are of place. I am going to be your ne%i steel nnd have on tit(, ends opposIt( mamma.,, "How can you be new," the Inno. their faces projections front their outet cent one asked, "with so much gru� edges, so that when Inserted Ili ill( . slots the projections call be claillpec hair and so many wrinkles?' and held lit plam fee, and year breakfast will be an- Joyed. Stewed kidney with a very Until 18,40 Captain Chambers niflnu . .-43 10-111vapopola. Indler"tion. Weak Sumuti,oh.46 1 1 --Supprefised or Painfu I Portods .. factured the crincelors hery lit Wa,4h That Is Different. ington, anti lie Is still required to main Mrs. Crimsonbeak-I see by this I'll. lain a repair Ti In the neighborhood per that Some statistician discovered of the postotfive department, but 1), that the average woman carries 40 to moved tile factory to Nortiminherlam! 60 miles of hair on her hend. county, \':I., oil a log of ]fill(] tit lift Mr. Crlmsonbeak-And then she mouth of the Potomac, where lie hits I, upakes trouble If her husband happent; little village composed exciliqiVA-1.). 01 to carry a couple of yards of It (in hit; his (-toployecs aud tbeir rainilles. Nt coat sleeve. one can enter his grounds without per --- --- - mission, and those vvhO have tivell Just the Place For It. there say It Is quite an ideal little vI[ Custodlan-This, Indies and gotitle lage, safe front ill(, fiplog Or competl men, was the prison of the castle. toru who would like to get tile (,oil Through Its walls, three feet thick, tic, tract away front hini-Waslihigtoti sound or gronn or outery front tit(, Cor. New York Tribune. prisoners could be heard! '.. .U. . or I�j , =V' ork. Tourist (to his wife) -What it lim. Morrs That Will Z-�c,r ST. place, m3, dear. fo,­ �Oor situring ext -r It Is $aid that a carlon(I of evapornt clsel - - - - ed eggs, value(] at $14,000, wnq hilcl� - A Likely Yarn. shipped from Sprinafivid, Masg., fo, Lady -1 suppose you got (flat red Son Francisco, \%hert it Mil lit, Ithm-4 nose from drinking runi? oil IT Steamer bound rot* (':file Noult. Sandy Pikes -No, mum. I stnck iiii, The eggs ivere put In one pound screv bead out ob do car door, an tile nosw top enns, 60 calls 11) a onsu., and \vIII rubbed ag'In de brlckq oil do side ol� answer any Inirliose lit the culinary ]it 11 de tunnel. except bolling. The moislore bvillt, taken out of thern when they tin, pn- - Doesn't Seem Likely. pared leaves nothing to *ooil. "And just thInkI They say Nflss; Old The IfIrgest ogg evripornling v , (III, a , nodd used to be quite n rimlchlesi� lishment 11) the world Is located it beauty!" Springfield. ,nic process or vvali(�rll I "Really! I wonder If that enn be tit( Ing Is done. with hot air, find It I; kill reason site never made a nintch?" eight 110111", to thoroughly eVal)(,rillo at Therili'm egg. Aliout four dozen ore vqiitil It. I. pound or the pi-parnt1iiii. The Spring, Hie Cruel Wife. fleid faclory en.lAoysi 75 ponpIv, find lt� The Count -Dear me, baron, your capacity for consuming (,rg% 1TT-nITOtlI facel Dueling again tit your nure :tit(] 400 cases it day. so recently Married? The goods Tire shipped to nll f,wolgv The Baron-Ach. no! It If; my Amor countries. find lit Elfrope vspocin1l, Icon wife. Shp makes me ent witli it there Is 11 hig dul"Reld, as the E'101,1, rork. gOV(,l*lllll4,,It IIIIs placed tile prepIlroti,11 ____ on the hospital supply list� The Mon Onickly Adjusted. - dike country Is a heavy user or tbit, Reporter-Tifere's a newmhoy mi the �rnnd or p�nporntod eggs, as ,to Inatt(,T street yelling out a lot or w�n.,olti.,11fl, what (fit, price (If the fresh hen frull stuff that Isn't In the paper. mn; be (if- how scarce It Is the evapo Great Editor -Oce Whi(take,! Then rated epz rMnIns Its old price Rod is tit pill It IV- . Ways off hand And reedy for hiishioss - - --, .o( Now ElIzIllild (;I -of,. His Fervent Hop*. ­ __ - . Mrs. Sleepy Ize--flen ry, the alarn, ]False of Pomp. Nock just went ofr. It Is said thill tin tiltillarch lots evo bir. Sleepylze-ThRuk goodness! ! had su(Ii ;I goolus for the organiz.,ition !1ODe the filing']] never vortiv I,nf k of pagcmils To, the present vinper(w of 0, Germany, and tit(- reeent eolohnitimi, -_ --- of the bleentenary of the crvation i, The Day on the See. the kingdom of Prnssla bn vo hPoo VVI I The I oy t0o.d on the ,�k, of Ice Impressive ITS Well 111; VVV�* gorgooll, F-m which the ,eat h.d Gd. "W,,ll -, by Ank., this heir,,'s a ,.ir, The order of tit(, lfln,li Eagle Is I, Old ft, 1'. in I" he -id. modern institution (if chiviilry comptir N ?d to the Gnr(er (it, file Golden 11opee, And ag lie drifted from the lead lie cried, "Say, hth,,r, my, the two docorifflons which rlink it), Why do you ,land .or lift . fund highest of nil tit(, gront orders of Chrk And let me blow itur.) I" tendom. But no ord(-r of knight,t ha� "lify child. rev chIK" the father cried, Stich tin improiRive coreniony at it, "I"my do not be a fool. gathering fis tile filghefit one ,ir tit( Don't bear your weight on elth- id.), Prussian kingdom. The heralds IT, Keep met, my son. keep -l!" their uniform of the patt,ri estnl)llqh The boy, to heft" bear big ,bi 1. od 200 years ago, the filinflirefff oil lift stepp�d f. -.,d l'urt a iniu; great silver trumpets. the king or Prn� The ,:-ke tipped o,er. and the 1.4 sla. for the kaiser for the ni,oiwnt Well, he kept -.1 .11 right. sinks the emperor In the king, ,ivnt,,( MOnA& oil the golden throne, "hh his -ciiih-, ne boy upon the cake of Ice clooked knights ranged before h' ... Would not b? them 1" havri secret council- all this has life ti t- , if If he - one whom ro.i .,I,i,e ('ould in-er help at ,11. uf the tradt(lons of chivalry. ------a- I 0 - , Tho Leghorn Cifickerel knew anoth. - ANOTTIFR ILLUSION DESTROYED ev. I wish Vou hadn't had your hait Why does a hen go over the road? cut so short, Harolql I exclaimed ILI( tic aske,el. young woman. turning from him in. Perhaps, o4folextivel t lie Illyninut IT voluntarkly, flock, whinan notionsl of prroprinly were What difference doeit it make,elpar. rintui puritanical. she haq Atalen eat? askeA Harold. with tender anx . a nestl - iety. - You -you have d"troyea an Ulu I AFTFR THE DIVI-40N fiflorn, she nifirbed. That 19 a if. 71ankling-The Chineste are sure to You didn't think I waq a poet ,it, get tho w,nrst aC it in the en.l. you, Clara, because I wore troy haii WiAti-Wel). Ilhey olight to connid- long ? No, I never suspected yon of twinj PT themselves dend hipley in gi-t any a poet. Im r I of ii. - Nor via artint IT r .- No. THFUVR ON IT Then what illusion havit T dogiroy 8 Uncle Josih-UWan I. tell me That MI he demanded. Perhaps I should may, Harold, Rh, w.hir'n I sif in n draft and 9't "ld, answered with t6ars in her voice thlitnt Nid is ret�rsrd by microbes? that you bard MW66=10tialy reventei, e vinel. SiloR -of rrru­r-�P, IrR caus- a Iset I never suspected. dear. You t ed, 1hy fritieT011M that like ill -01 in a nairm don't matabl- ftn ft. ___ WOt114JU HELP Tili0f. e IROITY OF FATR F"Irst rr"briUitinni4i it might b Jinfixtin- WILitt become of That main thnf n pl�apny suffrage re,ril r ie I in whin lind 21 mirdain fn -r gaving people wavild hir.1prinT ran,to from drownirg! Pwt,o nd Probilm(ionint I Imm ri Dock Workitur-He fell in one day doubt It filicald. U peoplia V/Lho driat whem he had them all ark, and the ww's not vLllo*pd to vote I think ,a iffinolfirlyt at 'am inink him w Id have a fightina chatim . I . I . ,� I 111. 1 . I I - . ,­ . . �e� - � I I .. I " � D " .,h -km 11 " " 0 49 __ 1'r I .L � WML VL 0 Tirdtillb. mom 909 IWIMAX"t � ­ * :m 1. Home CTh7� 3 ­­ - I - I)r. Jetine C. GrecQ of Wcat Ci4etiltair, Pa.. 34 ,furs old. 6 eald to boi tho'cildefft I, 'at cclull activ an lu the country. Ten me, ASIA4 kiii 44 woustow LISATO flIT111141114 UAIt 11114W 40.0-01W Well, I owt 4" 0 at" 1* it 0*4 __ --- , - Dou, 'el Work. a Dumbildoo scuator trom , "t lettial t4a $M� Int li,* -a *0 BOMB X"Z L a". F "Cricton. N. ll� Is sold tr be tb* oldcat . _4 lth,,t if tbey P-114 4tQd144 0 , ,_*, its, *6 tviblator In the worill. IAo was ,Ire on ... � Glaser lilley might bay* I*t i'Ot.". li: S."to iloastakeapgrit grow ,WWI is plant. Feb. 19, deal wore money totti, t" . atim tb,o justaIii. gair it tihould be we- Pormer Govieraur Routweli of Mwiss- hia,iiab" tUt t1kiii pans WoCk ba, 1"s,tts in the only livilits won who wao - --_1 . � to be goalit tbrowix wUk 0xiiiii Umod the executive of a state 00 years Eft., was only 31 years old wlivn In I'a I 11 . each day. and frequently when than In but a slander pocketbook U01111 he was Inaugurated governor of Massa, chuscl tIL HELLOA1 which the la,iowilisery supplies mey be Frivoller Chief Judge Lo;uui 0. Blectiley furnished. Beefsteak* and allope am of Georgia has mutdcrulated at the Statir twiveralty for It eourtio In watheemoill I l� t I . af course. the pritiala favorites with the He Is TO years old and engaged onest The Old Reliable majority of flasia, &ad It fill filintoat book. part of Which trvats of a branch of e k at despair to wbick as he says. he bar, ALL KINDS OF Von t1lite face& of the holders at the ktor"Wil 4citifflifir pocktift books, whoul 'esthematleo grown rusty." Timothy T. Bowyer, the prcold the Bunker Hill National ba cut 01 .it at COAL through &heel, Oesparatlatit, the tOrds Charlestown. Mass.. Is the oldest bank of creation arc lippesillid to to furaillib president in Now England. Ue has be" ALWAYS ON HAND L tILUt &A to the Aer.t dWs breakfast. connected with the Institution over 50 "Why. I don't oaxo -* give me & tize years and has been Its president since IfM. 110 is new S4. but attend* to all I Sistaw , I � I I : portarshousa steak it Vou run short." ids dutieff at thq bank. The Bell Scralflon Hard alad his Acirdshly speaks as confidently George W. Putnam, a descendant of the famous 114701111-10narY 13 said COAL mill though the poor. harassed wife of general, tile bosom raced ouly go to tile back to be the oldest railroad mail clerk in the In the Market for CASH door mud pick that fine steak oft the country, He was appointed by Uucotfa in 1801 and has been In the service ever I I , buittics. Beefateaks and chops are. indeed, since. His home Is In Westfield, O.. but tile "run'* In between Asbtabula and Oil Ali coal weighed on the market all very well. but they art) among the City. an a branch of the Lake Shore road. scales where you get 2,000 lbs for a most expensive of immeats, and not to During a recent speech in congress ton. be thought of by the holder of the slender purse. There are many dishes Senator Morgan. with a brief Intermis- WN. LEE that are appatising that may be had sion. was am hie feet for six hours. talk. lug steadily. Etc is 77 years old; but, to Ordei 9 left at Lee & Sheppard's for one-quarter of the money, that, quote his own language, he in not am Store will receive prompt attention It judiciously presented. the steaks and lithopi need not be brought forth on rapid In his action and speech as his col- league. Senator Pettus, who In 60 years on the rarest occasions and will 4.1 be missed. old. "I cannot keep up as closely with Let us suggest a very altuplo break- the processlou," he said. "I only Stagger along. 1. Princess Tablets fast that need not cause anxiety to the worried housekeeper, and will, we axe sure, cause satisfaction In BILL OF THE PLAY. Are w ba t you went for stlJorins of female Lroubles;ftntotelli Create- fiturfalto I great the household. Yet a family of tour. Charles Frohman is Interested lit nit)@ dy di -covered by a toreitioso apColf,liat-NU11tru,111,45040alf, ritive estab hilm the get a fine Kip axed barring, which may bobad for filli canto. ftroU it care- New York theuters. cure; wUi Sio,aitively nortual furcithouti; used eno"I"'W" tor fully and serve hot, garnished with Paul Potter has never seen a recent w000lodies; mule .1 I, gls�:.r..:Vteur& roocipt of price 01.0a, parsley. With the Kippered herring performance of any play front his fine, Aetna Druz Co. Windsor. Ont. Can. serve some country fried potatoes. Put 'nit, new play for Andrew Idack, "Tow a tablespoonful of lard In a pan. and Moore," has been completed and adopted. -_ when quite hot add to it four larger- Kyrie Bellew will visit America an a allied potatoes ant Into dice. Turnfre- quently until the potatoes are cook- star next season and for two years tot. lowing. Dr. Humphreys' ed through, when they will be in Olga Nethersole has sailed for England, quite small pieces. Now brown them, having given up all hope of playing again and serve Steaming hot. With some toe a yeur at least. Specifies cure by acting directly apon rolls, hot ,coffee mud some fruit you Nir. find 111re. Kendal are rehearsing in the disease, without exulting disorder Its , will find that John will vote his London it comedy by Egerton Castle call- any other part of the system. breakfast a success and will want It ed .-The Secret Orchard." repeated. It will aunt scarcely half aa much as the steak alone. In the short space of 11 yearn Clyde Fitch has written 24 dramatic composi- No. OVIUCIL FulcuL I-Feverii, convatinins. trullammituous. .28 13 At the present low price of eggs serve an omelet with a little at the tions, find all of them hilve been pro. -Worms, W -m Fo,isr, Worm couc. - .143 3-Teethins. Coll.. Cry ins,Wakerminess .28 cold ham left from iyesterday or a little quince or arabappld Jolly In It. duced. Beerbohm Tree hits arranged with Ste 4-Marrhes, of VhIldron or Adults.. .2111 7--Ceuithii. Colds, Iltrouehicis . .... .23 some corn muffins, tin orange and cof- phen Phillips, author of "llerod," I-, write I% poeticol drama on the story of , 8-nleur.lgis. T-Lbach., Psoe"bo-... .SIG 91-Ileadach.. Hink Houdwif.. vardiro fee, and year breakfast will be an- Joyed. Stewed kidney with a very Ulysses, h1r. Haddon Chambers has fluished it 1 . .-43 10-111vapopola. Indler"tion. Weak Sumuti,oh.46 1 1 --Supprefised or Painfu I Portods .. little Sherry wine as flavoring, some wheaten grits and some bakers' rolls one act play, to which he has give -if the .144 I-.l­%VhI9...T*oP-fua.P.rIu4, . .143 will tempt the family another morn- title of "Blue Roses." The chniactet-91, 13-Croop, Larvustais. 11mituou." ..... .%s Lug - are three fit number, and the story IN Ail "&It 111h.- Krytivolso, Eruptions , .1.13 '.-Iahr Ask your butcher to chip you some a neglected wife. I .... Aftiltit,i. Rheumatic, Palm.. . .23 beef from the round. Have it out just Another monarch has conic Into thel 10-fifiiil.rl.. China, Y.wr and Agua . .43 ail carefully as the flatted or dried field or dramatists to rival Emperor Wit I 10-4!alarrh. Inauenata. Cold In the Read .!13 beef is out. Have the fryLng-pan very liam. The Prince of Montenegro hiks' 10-11II11hooping-Cough . . 1�1­­.. .23 hot, and Just a tiny piece of butter, Written "The Empress of tile ljalknll�,,,� and It may Soon be acted, � 97-KidnevDI-n... ,.... � ... ... .... .28 1814-Nor,ou. Debility . ............. -11.00 find when it is finelted put the beef in the pan, Cook it for about five I Sir Henry Irving ham bought it lihinki 30-Urineiry Weakness, Wetting Bad .... 23 *.138 minutes, then add a halt pint of milk. Sit,. until the milk nimmors, lump verse drawn to produce after "Corl"In 11 I'lls" to London this spring anti to New , York next fall. It Is by Fergus Ifurne, I 77 -Grip, nay Fever I .., . .... Or, Hum rajolbanttoa�i of all Inaea"s as your Ifill DrUglat. fal d Fro , ii , _ r,., MZ g"orij =Z9L M. then thicken slightly with a of butter the size of a walnut rubbed in author of many seriantional novele. I '.. .U. . or I�j , =V' ork. a heaping teaspoonful of flour. Cook -_ until the 1gravy is of the consistency --' ­ ­ . _. . - � of rich cronin, remove and serve at - once. Seanou with emit find pepper, Some butLared ton8t and stewed pG- - - LZ_=e1__ C= Not Sold Anywhere Else. fatties are a delightful acoompanie- ment to this dish. . Try to go manage your meals that Therili'm only one post office in Ihi4 town and the left-overa dovetail. In this way onir one Slater Shoe Ag'ctwy- Y-, cast I. buy _ many little dishes may be served with- ..S &tcr .8 from any other dc,aler here. Shoe s hat of time, that The manufac. - the table may be greatly Improved ture" make this __' � - ... "I without taxing the Slender allow- rule go that tha% I , snee. can keep t 0, - an their differ- / N PRETTY 13FDROOM SLIPPER. . * ant a in and // 1 The oomfortable mlippers crocheted . ., - I alwaya their qedections have I ., I from wool and sewrid to fleece lined � up to (tic dimes. soles are familiar to most women and Ali " Slater owq )I are Indispensable rot- comfort lit co d Sim Shoes ' are weather. "Motherhood" explains a . ­ GoodycarVi'ett- way to make a pair of 8lippors for hot ed, perfectly smooth Inside, tacks, hinips or thread)i I I ; weather wear which is entirely new. t. I It is made from gray linen macrame To be a Fenulnc " Slater " the sole must be ­�% cord in iiinriple single crochet. Each stamped w TIT the enskem' trade mark, . , a slate, - I - stitch is takm up In the back of the ­ (ranic with name and prko. $5-000V$3-�o- y � loop. Begin tit the toe of a number three slipper by making achain of Wm. Sharman, Jr., Sole Agent for Goderich 11 stitches nod in the. contro uf each � -_ - - alternate row add two stitches to wid- ___­ ' - ____ - -_ - - I an untLI there - tire 43. Commence the side by taking up 12 stitches, and af- ter knitting 4even plain rows, begin 13LOOD POISON. to widen at tile top rot the beol,which It you have thlffavrl�ul dimeauto you are In danifortintil compl,qPly ruml; the va.rim's must be four s(itchois higher than the Rympt,outayou notloombould hon, warninutot likko itnuirdiii,to treat nient. Dent out itoll untIlLoolauti, milt continually Weiii worwn, ,Ifyou ba- ­ru thrin't, 1,.t4-h_(iu tongue or sides. mouth. mwallun giftodo, hair fallingoul, hi. .-Two ... t body. lwhftitc �k n. or .th-,r-Ig-- -f After widening mufficiently for the thb.uwful dixon.ae .wit of, i1o. We I, 1, o y ... I a wnitm, iiiiaranteo 1-ure you IA our 1,A,r heel, which ioust, be don., villy grad- EST htf,rritol]l fitit ATM ENT without M,u­,-,iry oir 'w­illul, -1d YOU my When IV Cured. Each time you enli � mi son fir. I;oIdVu,rg pe"orsolly. ,0 ... I.- 18 Dlplotlaall� ually, ILnit 1%si) rows ithout widen- vortifleatcm and livemiem rt­�ilt-eft from Life Narkouo ('ollow-, hu�pitals and StAtt­ whiell Ing, and dmo r(-aso In I he same proper- testify to h in mianding and abilitleit. tLorT until thi-re rtrf, but 12 stitches. The original testimonials can be seen at our office : $600.00 reward for minyl Knit seven plain row.4 an(( crochet fast we cannot show ; at requestof pationtm we publish only the initials, to the other side. Of cour,u, the work I ant fiun)v Ing every day. I nc)tii,(, if I i-iit or oi-rattift ui�,-.elf the .or. will must be trit, imured awl gradrid ac- heal tip. hojiyo you will riot. stnp (ri-at.01F fitc, am l,,,,,,,,,1,.aA,i ,,,.,-,r I ", that w-rrlblo d --ft I out more, aff-itid o it I nil (I I�cl I" 4.1111:11 cording to ft)(, sole th�it is to be thorlihtmettleinotorthedisetwo. I let.[ Ao Thankful to yolt for I lit, yW,�.',d),,.:,, A used. have onome-liaratiaterfecturrenk Nylipol c1tule t1)V1i11�oud­tA­1 IhO -Ide. To ina. o a fluro thinir I -uld, Ilk. 1,� ­nLinm, ,% ,,hlic 1�y I A shell boidr,r finishen I lit, top verg. of. tit, . and an cla.sitc anit bright ribbons are longer, so That it will not return. Very risto,ectfully your,i, Nlr� I � S. CASE NO 248.0M. '114, .11 - " 4& run through it nod I ivil wit If a bow I am happy loitay thab your rft,,4iohui9 hnIPed uty trouble Intirc "mum on the Instep. A strong cork sole, thing I ever took. `?%.. IV. 0. Lined with ptfiy lin,-n, hhould be used ('ASIC NO 312LWi. Oct. 1.1 I sell. and care must tip takrin in sewing the Your Treatment has holi-i nio 1vonderflillY 1), slipper and stile (ogother so fhat tho CA9F, Nil). 248,11(l Nov. 19, lAw. 2 ' ' ' ' ' '.' 'TV". J' ' ""fill. -A stitches may be ,hidden. I have -riffilence in you sk� a ti -tor, for Toli lwli)ed Too nifirif than �ui) oni, oko ha., and I feet that you cut -ed ni, It. F. rd. SOMY, .qI-A,I-'CTED RECIPES, OUR LATEST METHOD TREATMENT � Blood Polito ('hronlr, Neri­m-. linrit,n,rit-I. Vari-velo. Strieturti Pumpkin Podding-6tew the pump- CURESKIdom 1111,11m, Lli,er. 8(,1m ­'h. ot itl,- mid. ltc�tal Trouble,f: ' - " T"I kin till b,n,ler and quito dry. Hub it CONSULTATION FRI31M Call ott or writo for hiank for hotur treatnictit 13"M � Fit ICE, fluar,i Onto t�, 8 I, 1-1 Sund.y- 11) � In. U13 1) 11, perfectly tani(ioth TO one quart of 291 WOODWARD AVE., il�purapkin add (in, pound of sugar, a DR. GOLDBERG, DMTROIT. MICH. tetimpriolilful (if bulfi-r, one quart. of - - mUk, the h�ntrin yolks of fli-e �ggn, and one tea�pwliif,il of vinnamon Beat ---- - with a rich rru4t. and pour in thp - _____ --- - pumpkin � li,ilte in a m(mlorettely hot oven. Applet Pie. Quarter anti liare, eight apples. Cut the quarter,; in tworind . fLII n deep pie Ilinte. If t lie spple,i are quite Hour uRp two-thmiq (of acup Of - granubItM sugar, I( oalv Inoderate- ly A., b.ilf a cup (In,- fen�p(u,nfol of 01"ID R I.ANS Tom cinnitnion. R(,II The und4-r rru�f very I S1 I hin. The uppe,r cruitt should be punc- tur(-d for the escape of slearn, After mOlAtoning the under rru�t around the peign,I f,,I,l th,- uppor cru,it tin- der it and press Them together to keep in the joice. B"k(, in a inOtipr- Doctors find ate Oven from 1TnIf to three quarti-ra of an hour. ('r,mberry J,11v C -1c nne quiarf of i crifritterrieq ivith ono rupfui of water -ood in a p(virenletin anuenpan for ton rTiLn- utes; add two boap-nir ciopful,; of A G light brfmn sugar, and cook ten Olin- litem longer. PrAqs t1bi-nogh a 41,,vo, pour Into a quArp. sthallow triold Rod a I set .n a cold place to hnr4m .14�rve In difirity hIoek9 or rubf-4 The use nil . the light brown mutilm inqtnad ofthe PrescripU011 vv,nftfi giveil a most delicate flavor ! Indian Parlding-SIvald one and a half cupfuN Fellow cornmeal In two quarts of milk, add Anilt, ano trible- a 9poonful of filingor and lot It Pitand f IV IMA . lu's" ty minutes. Then iteld one cup- For =1111MAML ful Of molassom two egir-i and ftpiecta , of butter the ,ilzei of rt wrtintit Bake I ifilorwly from torn to three hourq, serve I with cream. � . Beer Haricot. -One and ono -half WARTIED -A ea. �f b.d h-Itb that R I P*A,-X'l�M pounds of round Pionk ; dredge with .w b_.A1 Tit" bitribih Pat. and O" Ral MA. the -,it R I P'A NT.1-lunt== flour and tyrown In two tabimpoonfulif .11odiot.. A I PA N 8 ,. (or I E I 4 -if e- T- ii�a,Xt ..a m7*= lard. Into thia poor one pint of hall- t . L: -01 be -a" he -7 pdd� to, 11" fasift, 0 Ing wfktpr and mid ono tortaporin malt, f-,vd.d '. ,b, lkfp-- (li-kal Co., Nii, . so ri nne,-half tenaponn pepper anti turnip lz�t Kip. v_k. one carybit three Ritallint of nalary ri cliappip-if limp nee friblo natural rine- Cover tightly an*X it gar. I Cooke forty e minutes. Tvildibilf affairs mrsteir It Sio- ___ - __ - oedg"T. __ I , A * OF � " W 1, '\ J I I " - � � ,, I . , " � ,� I I . , �, 1'� I � � 1 � . .1 I " , I 11 I .;, I I . , I " I . 1. "'r I * . I I . , k � - � I , , -") I ,N�� � MANZAbolliftia, �� ',' .iA1111111111,10 I I I � � � � ­ "I . 11 ' ,,,� - " I -, .111., I 111 - 1, _�.,� _1?1�­ I, ivbi..�, __� , '' is..��� iL - - �_.Wkw",,_ss�� �:-�- -, J , , , -,:,,A ,,,::,. - - -, - 1' I