HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-04-12, Page 6I.:,.�,� " , ..6,:-,. , . �11�, I � I . , I . 11� � I ":', 11 ,­: I , , I `_ , 11�1 ,�,.� ,- ,,,� . �. �1' � � .1 :�, ., I ; :�, . I � . � ,� �i , I ; �, . :� , � - ;, '. �', , .. �, I'll � � I . I .. ,� , :! I � I : . I I I I I �,,, � ?Lc>�� I . . , � , , �, � , , I � .� i, I, � , . � . r : , " I I I - � . I 1. � � , I I � . . 11 I � . i. � . . , � I I I I � � I, . . , , � . . . . � . I I I, � I , I ! I I I . I I I � . . . � I . , I � I I I 11 - M 05k ==- � _ _ _ _­­ '- � - _­ .. --­ - __ I_- - , - E�. ,;����C!g X " THE WHITE ROSE$ I I 9*"==ZC:=Z=I4 '"a"en"evoly 1P ,;y. , N01,S1,, U. l,IjEcEi,JI.N­ CUAI' You havc as hb',.P.ygi�'t to T &II.S. - I I" I" I III LOS t it il's little duuzbIG1 �� w t,',� p"a " It". .Lk �J`"ry it; L'IdLt, Lit, 1"i dbh� PA�S­i 4AAy With blia of Lnglaaw at - -d on t e blea-1. Of tbt5 Wife WhOru ,jenc. of Squire Cliefden. Hui :,,..,:u lit 1 U'l` ll� It ,d 1�,V�I - dva�ly aud Mo well. J,,t,,,,, 1,,Nr,. f-J ­J 4LId b ­ U , His death, e.0 duddeu and Unexpect- e'l lean. lj�. &. u1j, and ,. k,u3iA-d by , tit ,tit�­l of the two, 11"LLIe I ul 'I "d- conjing IS, th, uAldst Of hu tli� mar- I'thy-S.1th, t1w "eallh) lLa.lvi " f happou_0 ' and SO doon ufLuf th.paig Ilul�t at ki"A p� sit u,"a.., , I ,age, cr�atud a plufouu-I sensation in lirvp� I I of 1"all'ag'- to DA,Fvs tl,tl tile. cutwty ij,.,,ikld tould hardly be- 11.8effaut On Dolores , _ d,u� f I,,- _4U,Zt Ulg_ )�t� d�udll iLeVe it at first �t th,� ofl,�', aU,i Lhus 1),_ ,A4, terrible. IL �eoluod f r 6 .he cot boat tile coulmon tau - get t " a' ­ I VA'J�, " L, �g,d and V jiu,ll-�' f4th- Ad uLvel I li,f.)­1U1Lb till- Of life d6aill. It ous a inytitery "I ),I,�S,, g,,ed Lord 0 a tcml�ll,uig ons"or al It n pl.lm­ to her I,, ai,ove her willprellendion. al auOkel. bal to LhL. favt that hh th. o'dileu coulLug -1 'loath into the - u a%% ful w I .11,0 hing of to ,t,,d Sir 1��all AllaSauaile of Sk"I" u ­"t of "fe, "" .,alt. �, lov%jol, wntch.4he wa.;oot b- a gleat buinan tie, She tito,tial with . Iv fully d"'il'. I"l, ,w 1'.11a" , ! ,.e,.puiq eye, l,y her Ijusluandlis body, I r"11c), I,.:u6c, and a 'l..)�1"O'. ,,f - Wit, tills indeed tile eta u ,who had Inv - Liu Io I ,­ , 'l, idh 'od-day - . allo Ink,.. th 'd bet 'ilh ,U,!b lav,mb love I Where d S'. (-11I,., ­s (" ,V,t,i in" l'uht IlvAt had shone in his IVW ,,, I ,.I I"'l, and UP I - I lie kindly tender JUJU,e� IlWt hit la;j4 JU.AIIV It, t e,), -.I foi 1, e i %, he r( i ible Mystery I 1) 1"111. lhdol , ,11,1 Th'. g I ul ter nin" "' " ' L. "h1h "u'l I, d I , I -,:!-� I df:,""�:i ,he i �% 't 11 _st, slid wondet Sbe 1�.e ko-11 It.' I " had Iloth al" b(Ilkloilly 1. 'o ; if ill I lol had livvel ,eetl death b,fu,10 , it .r­� t".1.11". lu0,i,.,t "o'l "'I'll., h I Liven but ,ill eu�J)ty ,­ld to her. She of tr�- f'o, lylp., 1.,I.i I thaut an I 64-11t d,myl to IS"" (tit. .110UL lips, J,am".n ,tv 1, ,4 It,, d"lk ()I,. 11, - i I 'I I 'vv been Liu, W'y"ou, iny dear, t - I -1 bilt,11'rl Oil � I 1�;111 y In (Ilu'ught, � w d al"I (I d", �60 said J. �� , ,,It . tah� it r K,, ), I( ,. I . Si,ky we nivel tit heaven I" ol ta, rf,.t-t.,,o. of S - 1. I , ,I .. , it it 1,11 tilu,te�t aLl'i willuliawing koll'Okilti.y I Tht, funeral (PI i,md lih)3%ulthwas � . 11111 [.�,[ �,11 Kal I ,,hu,%s a In- all 1V,,L 1,)na le[Leuli,a-rod Lu the I, , '1.1,1��' Iful. I al:.�, .1t 1. 1.,.,I, N,, -I,-,i by C"Linly. Tht-tv %sas luot one pr 6 een ( . , t I'l � 1A I Ile Of I 111i"'! I n t " I 1_';�'Jli: ,liMIU healt J,�J t -L go oUL in "arm- ,I- , 11'. 11- (jually ( huwti In't%sVe" ust sluji,jilly to 11,q- beautiful Young ,,��Lh. und that It, pl,(,la l'ol., ,Ii, "id., W. slugs It ,in a path --t,,; falo"ell ��Ilwh The ,-AAullv wa% cleeply afrocted by he is at it 1u,s to undurdtall,11 ul"I a'.- hiA 1,111 fTiCl11I'8 (Ivdtb ,,epi, IA,t�i I(hy,N�orths off�r It L� .,N%,Iiu u,,uld ll,ivo be Ileved that I only when, botrothed to Lord tth.)'�' .11ould uutljv�, ,,,It,,- lit, ..%ld, and lit 1%orlh. .01'. has ft-velvv'i it dt)%%,'[ U, , I, ts heart lie knou that but fur the 1111ti �%I�,,lj plaotvj )ter father ,,, a f- (lea,i ,.an,d ,retluc, ally tied kindness, I luclive, t I,u t tilt,- 1 -ti -l's ti �a t Sig It,, %%,,uld not 11ave been aiive. )", I-— lit- r. Tit,- t1t1th is 110tt" I'lwy burk-d hito it, tile 0111 family I ' - L." It 1'.1-�..", V,kli,a��,al je,igwl- vault . wile[(. all Lhe ItIlym"artlas tot- tl.�u ,I,cjJ�._4 1. b- a tru� or , f.. I,. I.. -r 111AIly genelation4 31ad slept. When his 1�-t 1�,( l" 1, S, I 1�al I d'.1"I litl1w, lu 'S '11 WiJS I,.", 1, it ,va, found that ho I ,,.,%,.I it, Fr.iu,j w aniudekvui to 1`01- I,ft all that lie could to his wife, - 0,1. ),I., dt"al'I".11011".10, IMIA go- 11LITI),gO (;1ou,F0 ' NNIth an '"Corue of "'11"i'll., to 11INInti'l I'll" f"' 'tot flyll I IlLnI.dild wr aullu"), Which at t,: 1I 11vallhou, 1101 III,.( 11, t .1 I , 'I'll: "I ll,� dw.s h ,-r &- I ath, wi,4 1,) revert 40 his daugh .I..."I" 1"'.. t'. -viy goud-lqo. h.r. I%athl,,erl, together with a large 11"t 11 L,1� t " gl%,. h, -j groun,l.i ful I 1,11fo u . f jeady tnullt�y itail several valu- H"Flic'ng 1h.'t I., tale� r(11 11"I ftilt . III" invk'stluents, %% 11 to It made hel I., I)[ U-J it,-, Si,,. a�k� lit ,110 hi., beloved ,�a to"It'. � 14:i,. ,,,%�K.,, 'n-ot., �, , I I ­ �8. Nk mA It hy for life dy given Deer- , daughter lie ha,1 alred I I 61 : ��.: I hurst Mljll,�t., e,ith tuo thousand 1;,�',� I" 1, . P13F __ I ,luutu, tho luone) t,, accumulate un - (lit ALPI ER XII ; Ill �,11, attaitko�l -tile ago of twenty - I -11 In go, , Oil". , T�� ,, N, il � lc�d goo'. aw, I I o %V,; 1),.,. 1) i 11 g fill, ,t %N it hI its revenues, It L'I (",,ll, , ,, . ( 1, I 11,qu. 'I lie 1,1 -aJLI I I " I N_111 to ille next of kill Walter Ir. .% 1'.4-11 11M11 111�1%, 111,uligh tho gvuot- i ,,ua no%y. Walter, Lord Ithysworth, u4il,� , f 1,- I lth�,""Ttll- d-' I � I ed I 1%ho was 111 le"I" where lie had hot(] that bv %%a, tzi,m,iiii voung"I.. ha,a.as l an officu under Goverumont, A year , I ,-it ,,.,,.,I ,-Ilipso before ,he c,ould - thoroughly I'll,p) HIM Dololo, fol( I ,L(",u,,:;Lw.,- ; .,o he wrote it) Lady RJiya- vvvr� time ,ho ­., Jkiln, shv could ,oljll� jk�kiljg her its it great favorto ,It,%,,. 11,a'j, 11 .,,�.,.ifl(r tkvi(, ., 114 gle,.t r,.,,,.All, al Doopirtif Ifurst. until he re - for Iiii". II.. 11­1ouvilly olljo)ed 111� lu I to Englann; I ....... It %�as it respite it? bar. She had l,f,,, ,111,1 1).,W.1t, t , t 1kp lli4 favorito f,,It no g,Lat ol, J)�Lsslon,to love for I "I"s mil wa)ks 111, N, L4 ludoo,i a n-INY hel. 11u,J,all(l, notiling but reverence oxi't �qu,e , apd kindly affootioll ; but t4ho ,had been Sir Krill ll."I ll(,l 1'.1 ill 11"d t" I';ugr %N u?"Illy attached it) Jilm for his good- ,,,(, 11,111,1. no43 and killdiwsi ami title felt his lawl ��. %I ,,I 11., 'v.k� 'I !11 In d,,a(h keonIv. Sho know that she bad of Ihv ,vI % 111(.�, Lola, %% ho"q, 10t ("I'; lost tilt, truest and best friond that , It (v I ,­ t o I 1, I w I .... .. u.- I heN. ,v..ry al- it Nvas Possible for it womau to have. * It N%ru4 suIll" tittle comfort and relief �% a , is full � ( liv �% ., abool D"t,l).ng to her that -4)iv had not to leavo Deep - Hurst, lwmd fl.,11, 11111) oft'.11 , hu( it) Ln J; Hurst just then, It wits a boclu� nono ot hi, I- 1,- ,% ,1 HlPlo "Ver ill,, tiful boine, and sho had been very fi;nt,­( alhi,i -n ,,, 1114 voillitig h0o'O 114PPY the"�- 6ho was Pleased to think At 1), i 1) Sig lillr,� ,(,�,If (livro 1111,1 ket� I hitt hile lived not go away with Lim pim of her loss ml rong upon her,pleas- �nlo vvvlil . Dolol " , 1,;�d prvs, lited hot ,,,I that kiby KathIv,n should take hkl�6tllj �%,lha 11111., 'latighl"l, lk tiny %sith her, whon tibe wont, some mem- beaulifulehild ,%ijolu Hilt, 1,I,,JizotJ; and ory of hot, father's home. ']'he first Lo,rd I(h.N,%­.JLJJ Ilil'i I)t�r, 11r.A1.1). 1),. three nionths of )let, widowhood she passed in total seclusion Nvith her ,,(I,. 11iloself %%ith joy. Allot his Iong Child; and the respect she showedfor lovelo- I.f,, I" llivo It 8"e"t N%Jo and her hu,sh)%nd's inemory Swon for her 111f,tul jIbu,cJltt,l­it "J'rill"'I anwTvvi gvlioral approval, I- hilli that ll,,Ven Irld 1.1 '. _ ", I Iliu, t�icknv�s anct death diad somewhat ", �. IL, IoNing fmiduk-H4 fol 16.4 (laugh- 41�:Irod Lola. Sho did not caro to go liv;tr Deoping Hur.�t, for the very ter wa� hey(mil concept ,on ; thut ,,,ought (If drath ,��.u, horrible to list,. Lhery lli�ll I'(14-11. %�-iq, m cimILI ho, suoll While the three, niouths of rigorous K bah.v, ho r4u,el Io b,,Ii(,V(1, 1,1ttJ41 Mourning la4toii, sho wrote freclunnt- Kall'IN-11 %Sa� WO lil;e I)o1o:t, , . I I,v to L,idy 11bysworth, being always had (he Wi�),%N,01i facv� , I . � �- , e, . ,:, � v , elly onroful to mention the fact that she had just heard front .Sir Narl ; all,J II!,il-, lit, I 11 lzl,,o(I1 l.kt, It ro�o- but slit, made no attempt to -visit her. hod. It N%o, I, 114,11h.g (�� twe the old Ottly ik hon I ho Deoping Hurst on rriago Squ 1.1 with hi, J,ttlo graull laughter Ivid hoon seen in the tv�wn did ,,lie , " " " the place. to him sh'. ,%tN D­Io:,"� ill 11ol . sWeilt Doloros wits pleased to noc her. She 11"liflo" klf.Mry "Ner ligniti. was young, and I bo long isolation had Tit,, child Ihiivv,i, and �IVPII%Illilig b091111 to tell upon 1101" It wa1% chiter- . . I ing to t�vo a bright face and to hear :it De,ping Ilur,t ,eonwl o prututso he sound of it laughing voice. A] - U:i-**i up("Iqtl�pn��Jwri(.N all -i 11appi :nost her first words to Lola were an . n ,,,,, 11 - -.Pry , I ,o] ,I 3 eorth, lit his devot invilation to the nut . to see baby oil lovo an -I nff(,,�l on for 'Ili,, littl,� K:kthleen ; and Miss do Ferras's first ,t Mallf,l remark i%ag- dR Ug 11 I 11 V, VVtI111,I Uv, I hol.. I " What it great Pitt, Lady Hhys- is ith a hatto-ow �,-aily inemno, upon worth, it was not a oy I" - her. Dreplllf' 111'r -t N\a� elitailv(i. nn,i " WhIll. a greni pity?": asked the 1\ (�Ul,i I*(,) to jl,� 'till, "'.. if ll,i 1111,1 �(-uug mutlwr rogranolifully, "Could no son, to thi, n� \1 of km ; hut Ilver- anything be falror or sweeter than 1,1 �, lit tit, xathlooll 1", burst m4luor und nu[hnge (1rangv " No ; but a t;,jy v ould have succead- were his own. ,in I lie coul-I lonve I lien, od to his frith6r's ustates � and you to \\h,,, I,,, 111_,�,,I, ,NI;1l1v a ,les,.rip- tived nevor havo lift DqopLng Hurst." � tion of thiA %%olldwrul I'll . w 11ad 1,01a . I %NOUI,I rallitr have tily daugh- N1111. I'Voi I;W -t to S... . K't, I ; but tcl'," s�lid 1),4olp', clasping the ebild wil"11 I 11,� dit tie 1.11" \\.k� Ju'L a yeal to her hTea.4; and Lola laughed ' " ' Sentiment is delightful, but a large "'�" "I'le to t'all Lot" 1111)*`NN"Ith kly income is bt,tior. Dolores, do you n!"lle' �%"(' it) gla""e" 'lit' het"t of over think about the futurof rt Doloro-a hy saying "Milinnia", a tvl� sornis It mtrange fate to have triar- r,ble ,nd unforescon event occuited 1. it,(l so woll, and to havo lost your One Novvrnber ovening. Lord Rhy- husband so soon, Do you ever think \kOrth wits caught Ili it thick mkt, ( and, bring at soote distmw, from honiv ,f the future ? You ,have the best )I,, ,%;14 C'.Ilkpolloil to roulaill ill his wo linit of your life before you." vlotheR ; the ocusequonoo Nv it a, It,. ,,, . I I 11�tvo not thought of It." answer- v,,ught a bail feverish oo Like I DDlores in a clear low voice , but Id. her lovely fue'a flushed and her lips most heall.hy men, he laughed when V Ind. "Wfy only thoughts It DL4orols begged him to gi 0 up out- 11 0 I !if loss and sorrow and av; ha at r `:, door sports foi a time and take onve :(1aU Iful"Irl.by, I have had neither " L ,it himself. It was all light 0 - �ittiv "or inclination for anything ftrinod ; a culd Nvai nothing. it w uld e, ISO." not hurt him. The result was that ono ,lay lit) was But Lola, looking stoadfastly at -out his beal ; inflam- The best part of ,y,,r life lica unable to rise ft her, repeated- " mation of the luug,t met in, and lie before you, You nrestIll very young; was soon brou-ilit to th� vcry verge of death. Then the noble character 3,ou Arc, lipautiful aud ,wealthy, you have till the prestig without- tht of Doloros shone forth. From the first burden of your busb"and's rank ; and hour of her husband's illness until the last she never left 111111. What roil have only one child. I say that rest your future will be more brilliant 11 slit, was compelled to take she took you choose to make It so, than JeTl in hl� %oom, Aho wits the most na- your past has been." , sidnous and varoful, the most gentle and loving of nurnes. " You mike ,�von death speng sweet, CHAPTER XIII, Dolorv,4," 1w ­.Itisperod to hot-, while Fourtean months had elapsed Sine( 010 death -da. -I) gathered on his brow, the gnastor of Deeping Hurst wasbak "We li,iiv aot beeft long together, but In his grave ; and one bright Suashin) �r � � 1 �, (" I I C071 N, ";,% V t r J,np, il. 1. N for V" �'u ca, re S I e e p e r s a I I The Mystery of Sleep-Ins.amnla a Walianing ol OvCrwork or Approactilng Nervous; .Collapse I WhiCh 1.0 Not to'bill Lightly blarigaMed. '*Sleep Is (tie vacatiolit of the soul. MA irribleocrina Itractino IS the one which It Is the mind gonc- into the itlay- Vlvl�" MO -It RalltrAl satistil0tion. This ground of drenrns ; it in the rolaxa- II-MV"Ali " J,%' fie* i(vtowh asi -.J,JT, R11�1.1,,'4 N,,,rV-, ftod and has cow te tinalt of IrSuccle%, qn4 the nolare of I lie btlivo an miqVintau,% Mile, In every Part nerVes. it is the hush of acllvities� Of tbo cOntlatot, vehero norrou-1 ft.lw it is a calming ,if tilt, pal4e ; it is ft lordtms and 0,aplmts,agisla Are so pre. breAthimig much "tower, hu t Muth lont. deeper ; It Is a temporary oblivion of 113c,li and 0%mry aggffa�%r tro,n titer. all carketig earp_-4 ; it in a doetor re- i ,-,oul and p 47,11ca I t3b.'UsLion, thln, cognixM by all -whoola of madicins, 11"atelry and iMV-Are blind, and the ill. Lack of kloop pills pottlotte on Ilia I mon Wicrinnia, can h�\;Jri tho git:J ol xack of torlurD Or in the inad hou%o, lyr, Chit,qe'& ,Xorft Voro,4 w�(h PU� fm to the arnve.­ . . .JItIy4 a 1,urfinl)l tkat the rligall%r ull a 8100ple0thas 14 a warolAg thIlit Cho W1 C4111ru', food ou-NN will StraduallY %11r`#dtf3 toren 6t tile trody IS; being a nil 14--titthly build up, , 00 nd recoli. ib)&Aasted grityre rapidig thtin it is be. otlAh't tho ir-liTIOLS OMIX dUd bodily tta- h* 0*153t(-A 01134 PA a 'to UltifoOtIO e&Wq and "IiAnelltly cure sleepless. It,layakot) brinicruptor, b* nights do n,,, and irritalilti1q, AotAtep.,itr t1ge unst� of the day. &*'Me Vitirl, �Jiu%t Matt ctjXkfuSFN Dr, Oka %�Au$fU3I Mart -1131 lilk ulado to over- N,Izrv* ft,04 w'3h albr, prbduvral �* 4 �tj t a I ,01stf Oils, f.tal ft of affairri, or colltipse djW and olggltog. Ik ditt,re I , 'bit , ortalo 64CAWLtl 11, ave pointed oat &6ji any Tjlit��,61jklN $Ott oyo ustid, sud 00414 tioWtInt?4 a fillit'sirt as being iieqt�wl 02 t#.jJtJt%# dttk�% Ilyl, jillouto . 'ffifttillirly wita to I'lle nteds of an dilill dead.wrk�* t',$) ,AqVt6j It tillifts; b$ � ioltastt�4 totwui systom. Through filling ov,�Nfy 4,111 *`1k0t­h,m-# life vlg,-g 00, td.iid,44 of 00 Z)104d nOd n3i'VOW13 skAd Vft4l:ty, AA Ili slyr-,iij Glio Arid ,$"t'llft t,boro ed§t0tatlf('1�q oftry fiffliv (Alt'! . I .goy'llar It ts tilavveljov*�fa its 6" . AN .04, VIVO tbo-�I%7 to 4votty U#tve Ilt-Th, inwilint lata, W�J*, *(Wn, tired 4011 " th" VUp"m tltditomy. OkLiUln IJINH,va tho sitroft,gib, 0,484Wty, 61 , rl;i awt%tt 0 iftaft,?() fire 4nd l;ktZ;TSJ*y. of lief W11301th, A .­._ I i7 ill 2 4 )"t. 'L" X ist $Ill VGW-1901 111, is ftnts at U�e, 8 b , V121* IF' , 'AAO. deAwris"'ov Wht, Vdift V P, - N - _: 11 I �� 04$.6, , . *tdi #A rkatilot "Is" 00 -.4"'Jotwoll %W-3 St 5. 04 VOOIN't* X411111LAOIJI,A 1MtJ*'& Vila , A"TWO vetwx *00 jk�#� A I 01j;Q , %foAto, � � . , �.*� 1. , �,, cr�,,­,� " , , 1 , I ,-,) 0 , � ,��, " � - ,� I I I -, - 0i,_- 1. I A � . " . , . " . '., - I I I 11 :,, . ­ � I L1`4 1, , -7tk, ____ . , maraim bring `�i'SFI.',zet F�- '" Manufacturers Life book ti- t9 little Kath, to AO9X under a cable *i4ar. The Sin"" "a 11 e r illadado? and to smoke big C . ,9,htEr. �r-.bcughstawlglle W: 4 J1044 the Insurance Company 9. IS par him matWo 14 daughter played at his , st trl't#al g it we. Lt" that moruln, 411 Ferran The Directors congratulate the policyholders and shareholders on the substantial wbo had ridden over. Slis had 4ot ads during the year. which b" be= the most astidactory in the Coulpany's dept well, she said. ,and tauttled that prog's"i as the air of Draping Hurst would ISLANy. do There wove received during the year 1778 applications for assurances anocuritinc to bar good. $4049JR. The business actually &%ton up and paid for in cash during the year amountod Lady Rhyaworth was pleased to son to t%"094 atial, leaving Out aluxle payment pcil,cies. the drug Year's cash premiums her. During the last tow months copectild therocia was $116.78LO1. " against *L07. I" tar the inavious year, itod 1100,uls.- they had bocome bettor friends. Dal- $1 tar UK ores, was so gentle and lovable that The AvituraigGes in Force amount to 016.11*1110. an Increatis of 11111.011.3311 over ill* pro - Lola could not disliko bar ; and her ,tons year. ladyship seemed to took down UPOD The Premium Income was UM.1174-01. showina 111114 handsome incircaso, of 164.0&23. bur tram such a height of calm OUP- Tholloworereceived fariaterestsead RentaIM101.11-wakinifLulo tow lacouSO4670=13, Oriority that there was no longer any an increase of *1111.137M. rivalry possible between ' Lola Afterpayttig thopolloy-Wilors forclaftriN dividends and surroadors 4127,WL73. and fult it so; besides, the U9rdalb-ilit Of providing Wall other expeadittigna, the A#cW were luareavigi by nearly halt it aill1lon, dol. Lady Rhyetworth was of great Lm- lari. of which 0325.49160 wan ligided to Policy Reserves and Jffl.Z03.3$tQ durplus.an emiutnt� partuacei to her. Site met sit Deep- 17 #&L1AfXCtOrY saving for one y4isen.oporsdiask Lug Hurst the very beat society, so- The A,isets now amount to 01,271i,1726.91. and the Policy Reserves to 0I.M.&S7.00 *a the oiety that hiadame do Ferras, with Compauy'astandard. After cialtimg provision for all o titer lie It Illicit the surplus on rolicy - her limited means, could not enter- holdere "count is W1.0241.38, which would be considorubly incrotood by adopting he Gov. tain. she enjoyed keenly all the oo,Luforts of a luxurious home. the ornment standard of valuation for Policy Rmorveo, thousand and one things that add to AEORGE GOODERHAM. J. F. JUINKIN. - una'a enjoyment of life. Nothing Proticlent. Illaa.ginA Dircetor. a pleas .4 Lola Sucre than a visit to SUMMARY OF STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR END'NG DEC. 315t, 1900- Doophig Hurst ; so the friendship of INCOME. Miss do Ferrell and Ladly Rbyaworth Received kor New Premiums .......... .. I ... I .................. $ 115-782 01 had ripened all the more ainoe the 7.5 0 old feeling of rivalry had been re- Received for SinKle and Renewal Premiums . ..................... 4 - 93 03 moved. From all other sources ....................... .................. 203,749 1 1 On this tuir morning Lola had look- $794,624 15 ed more thoughtful and watched Dol- DISBURSEMENTS. ores with more keenness than usual. .' How beautiful the shade of this To Policyholders for claims by death ............................. $ 87,630 04 old cedar is I" she said. "Your orna- To Policyholders for Eudo winents, D;sidends, etc .................. 3034 69 mental trees are twice as large an To Commissions, Salaries, and expeoses of management .... � ..... 152,648 75 ours, just an everything bere Is twice To Ta Sees, Reinsurance Pro iniums aud Di%ideods to Stockholders . . 27,054 0 an beautiful sit in any other place. Surpl as of Income over Expenditure ........................ 487,256 6i __ 14ou will be sorry tie leave It I" $794.624 t5 " Yea," answered Dodogron. "And from ASSETS. all that I can boax I have no longer to remain. Lord Rhya=uoil-1 Municipal Bonds, Stocks and debentuies ........................ $ 854,788 37 expected home at the end of Ellis Loans on Bonds and other Securities ........... ................ 104,511 53 year." Mortgages oil Real E*Iate ...... ................. � ............. 9 18.140 12 " I wonder " said Lola, "how afou can Real Estate .... ... .... ............ .... .......... ........ 36,845 25 Loansoin Policies .... ........... .............................. 147,124 09 inention the man'ti name I Were I in Accrued Interest, Net Deferred Premiums, etc ...... ............ , 145,448 91 )our place I could not." .1 Cash on hand and in Banks ........ ...... ...................... 72,410 37 " Why not I" asked Dolores ami - __ ing. She was growing more aocu8- $2,279,268 64 tonied to Lola's flights of fancy. LIABI LITIES. - Think of till 'he will take frout you, Dolores." I Liability for Policy Reserves, Government Standard ............. $1,914,174 00 "it never was mine, and it is by Sv,ecial Reserve Fund over and above Government Standard ...... ,16,333 00 , 8 right his own. Why should that an_ A other Liabilities ..... � ........... � ............ ... ........ 321"6 s noy we V" Surplus on Policyholders' Aceount ........................ I . 0 IN 66 "I know it would auger me," ". \ $2,279,268 64 Joined Lola. "I o.hould do one of it.�. /I � �, ---either hate him or mat. I D things " r a' Millo, of Guelph, MoVO the ncloption of the report in an excellent address, hit'.., fr\oug w�i It mthme tollowirg is a short extract; � " it 18 not so natty to ruarry a man," Atu�gct:nii of this nature it is alwbyo a gi!aamureto be In a poKition,to congratulate said Dolores, those interested, and On this ooca�lon I can do so nuidt heardlY. The words were u1niple enough, and Wehaveroallymmostsati (ItotOry 51ALtement to prosem to the nbaroholdarR and policy. had no particular meaning; but Lo- holders at theCornpaDy,a 8tata nlent Nit, ch wI:I bear the clos-timpoetion. Wocanspeak la's face flushed crimson us she board w th niore(kefinitences than ev. r Ili th pa.t In .tgirdtoour iuve.,toaenta and our stand- thern. She ignew it was 11ot easy to Ins, for we have inore Infortnatton at i,ur di-pisal, furnishAus in thesplendid reportuf marry whom she would. She ehang-. our consul Ing acti,ary. There has been proCre" all along the line. Ott the subject. A comparison of JUN and wl)� le In the report, so I need not refer to that again, I " You are still very young Dol- wcutti, howorer, refer to one other point; Tlto quo.tiou of our program during a longer (was." the period, Islit to i9co, being that of the lit-ownt, management, . "I am but too cognizant of Aft r it lapme of,11 yokrA we fied intay la,lats which are alike creditable to the man fact ; why do you retnind me of it I" " Because If the now Lord Rhys- agernent and gratifying to the perqons inatill lateeested in the success of the Company, the worth should mArry, you will be the stinreholdr rh P, nd the polloy-hold, ra. � I The tailowing diruroa will 11111�'r,10 the vilgoroos growth of the Company: Dowager Lady Rhyaworth. I call that Net Income Gross Assur- nothing short of a ealagnity." tat Year's from ance " It would not disturb me. besides A-isels. Premiums. Plains & Int. in force. he,mu hot marr),." returned Dolores. Year, - ­$ 821,321 $296,468 $ 9,555,30 I Rely upon it that lbe will. I am I I'94 ....... ............ $ 6i,(85 15,4og,6200 quiLe sure that Lady Fielden Intends I C"Oo ...... ................. 21279,176 115,782 666,717 The assetsarePracticallY throotimeR %hat they were elxyea" ago. Amount of in- ,-,- __ oine froul 0 w bu4nooq shows IW per cent. Increase. Net InLocue from Premiums and In ,..at has I retoo I over 100 par coal- The as to once In force he" gr,)wn frout Ill to IOJ illions, I want also to refer to the character of our as -eta and the expange ratio, both being ing. to tit, Items In ft concern of thia kind. Our ueouritles were never before In the a did Importa, hiplanted condition they tire toAay, I tioubt it any CampnitT,can show such a record of - assets ofoNer$2.(.0O.Ll00 and only $501.30 overdue in rest, in new companies the expun+- rado is al ways large, These expenses should gradually NOT EXACTLY SICK -BUT NEITHEII decrease. and our ttoord i� An It Should be in this respe, 0" The rath, is ab�ub it per cent, less i han it was two years ago, I think that lit one of ARE YOU WELL. the gnn.iteatidfactorY feature@ Inourbus,neve. The ratio is decreasing rapidly. I thank our manager, his stuff and the field force for the results -a are able to __ report to-dny. and I do Re moat stinoerely, and I niu.t congratulate the Policyholders and Coat, 41011fineancal Durlax she Wittier sharoholdere on the pos:tlon we have rataired. Mr. J. F. Junii In the Manaaring Director, in seconding the adoption of the roporI6 .H.uth. 11 ut Lerl Tau wo�qlg, F, oilly Do' remarked; premsed and "Out ofsorts." it we took back over two yearo, we fl.d that the premium income for 1900 was almost $14o,000 mor- than for ISN, or an Ine- case of 31 per cont.,w1olle our expenses for local, (I., as Dompared with 1898, only show Sin incron." of e6bout $2,OOD. or IJ per cent The ro.ulb 'rho wards "weak and delxre,.ise is that wohave now not only the loweat expense ratio of any activecourguot y 01 0 or a similar a .., "Al 0-0 oxpre4jee t,ho condition a thousands r on the vontinent� but %% a compare very favorably in this rear even olf Iwople in the spring thrio. It is thooldestau largmt Canadian and AntoricnacompASSIC& one of nature's eigns that humanity. �--------------- - vannol undergo months ofindoor life brother. Such a marriage would be painted on the backs of the ImPle- in Lkidly VILntilaLed buildings with an utter Impossibility to me' " ments, with the exception of those i uipun i I y. Styinetirrv&q you ltav�_- a Lola sighed. She saw that that of Princess Beatrice and the Duke of Idea was out of the questiun� and at A61iJany, who were then very young, headacho; slight exorcise fatigio,syou; once decided upon otionging her tac- and bad to Put UP with a toy horse your appetite. is variable; you are ties. and ca.rt and a very i3mall barrow, easily irritated ar depressed,, per- "I was merely jesting, of course you A miniature fortress -where the lit- hU1 PR there are pimplesi or slight woudd not marry him. It would not tle princes, and prinoes;as used to fight be at all fair of ,you to monopolize miniature battles, iA kept in exactly eruptions that indicato the blood two Lords of Deoping flu.rst. Lady the same condition as when it was needs attention. W-hatevvi- th,,� 4ymp- Flelden. would never allow that." created, close to th,is fortress grows tora muky it should, bo ;Ittonded to at " No, it would not be fair. I can a tzea which has an intereSiting his- sately say that I shall never be, gult- to[ry. It is a myrtle isome five feet once, ebse yvyu will fall an easy prey ty of that luiustice laughed Dol- high, and of luxuriant growth. it to gra"x disease. W not use a pur� ores. . was grown from a sprig of myrtle g,ntiw in the hoN that It will put Lola was busLiy engaged in pulling t,alglan by the gueen from the bouquet you right. .kny donrox w -ill tell you the petals from a rose. A faint flush of tbe Printess Royal on her mar- Lbit Jn1rgntiVe8 weaken, came to bor face. She did not look .rings will the late Emperor of Ger- that they at Dolores as she was speaking, but many. Impair that action of the liver and went on hastily- The inscription under the trei, reads! oreate chronic constipation. A ionic " For my own part, I do not believe "Myrtle grown from aisprig of the is what is nooded to help nature fight In second marriagea. I think that a Princess Royal's Mary age Nosegay, your 1xittle fair b3alth, and there . again January 26th, 1858. .Planted bly Queen Is only clue alwuys reliable, nover_fail. man or atwoman who marries y 18th, 1878, in hon - I Wig tonic, and that is Dr. WillianvO ."bows bu little affection or roapect Victoria, Februar fair the memory of the one he or she or of the marriage of her gran& 113.nk Pills, 7lbesin pills hara wo pur- has lost." daughter. Princess Charlotte ofPrus- gativia aotbon. They make rich, red Itylood, strangthen tlr� tired andjaded an" I do not agree with you, Lola," sin." norres' and makie weak, depressed, ld Lady Rhysworth. "Of course, if Sprigs from the Inyrtl a bave clone c4tally , it people, vv,heth�r o4d or arle loses the first love of youth, and duty In the bouquets of other royal OW, nothvo and strong. MI that is brightest and bestilln life I brides, and to judge by its condi- young, . IS uq A,tnon# t"so who have proved thd dies at the same time, a accon mar- tion, t a tree will provide be nets II'valth-byinging qballtk,�4 of Dr. Wil_ riage Is merely contracted for con- for many years to come. ligims' Pink Pill,i is N1198 ranma 04- venience. Take a man who marries IThe Savisa cottage, which bus of- t, of Lako Talon, Ont., N%_ho � 0 to 0 says. some girl who[a he loves with the only ten been in nt n it in conneotion with P11 loVe worth having. Suppose she dies, the queen's visits to Osborne, is sit - "I cannot t%nuk you orrough for the, leaving him many little children ; he uatedi at the bacIA of the myxtle-tree. good I Ua" detblved throagh th,, Use must marry agaLn, so that they rally None but the Immediate (friends of the of Dr. Williornig' Pink Pills, I hon- have some one to look after them; queen were ever allowed toeuter the v,stly 1*11c." OhAt, but fbr them I but, naturally, he would not love the cottage. There a morning and retir- Iviould now 'W In my giravle. My Iwalth Nv-aa complately broken down. second wife as he did the first. So Ing groorn, beautifully fitted up with U,y face MG w1alto as chalk, nd If it seems to Ine there are many cases the little omamenta evith which she 4 in which people tire compelled to mar- loved to ltiarground (herself, often serv- t nutdo the least effort to do any I,.,, ed her for the transacting of the hionkgo,wark I would alvao5t falint trout ry .. age the exertion, and my heart wutald It may be so. But I would not be business which reached her at noon beat violontly so that F fatured I a second wifa-1 would not marry a from Downing Street. She was accus- NvOuld drop where I stood. I was widower," saill Lola. She spoke with tomed to attend to Imuch of bar family a g,reat sufferer from headachol and 801he little rose. COWIcespondenoo bere, for nbe was a dizzinesS as wall. and my appetite petals fell in it ghower over the grass. frequent letter -writer to bar children was so poor that I scarcely Site at You yourself, Dolores," she continued and grandchildren. all, I tri,od several medicines, �ut " with that little child to love you - t'hf,y did not help me, and then I Sin- and to love -would you ever marry - c%lded to send for Some of Dr. Wil- again P' I lianis, Pink Pills. I got six� boxes "How can I say t I bftve never MANUFACTURERS LIFE. nod before I used them, all I was all even thought of It, You forget, Lola, - %I,v.11 as I had evor been, w1th it good when you speak to me in that fash- A Statement fthlbiltillag 11preXress. Stallall- healthy color, agood hPpotitcand DO ton, how recently my husband died.' lay. "ad ,uace,*.%. entire froccloin from the ailments that Suoh an idea hail never occurred to It Isalwityea pleasure to boattle toreview � had made me so miserable. You may MO." � the financial natement of one of our Canadian be ,sure, that I will always have a "It I were In 7*ixr place., r should Institutions- e"VOW"y when that statement exhibits program stability, and success. The wnrgn regord for your invaluable never marry. You have all tar which annual regrt at the Manufacturers Lif6i moclicine", . people marry -rank and money." - pablishod to -day's lean@, to trio Which shows Do not exper$giieat with o " Is that all I Is there no love in the such unittletak4blis digna of careful in 006- � - Dillpt, combined with a .tit at , "Llis dalled tonlea-you are apt to find It ones It' asked Dolores. Do leyholders In it an to cong -==. and it was.t9 ot money And your health " You married for love," replied Lo- Lboat-propostAg toksuim"1314 it - at r In= no add[ worso Milan .before. You will not be Is , " and according to lyour own the- ' thyn guarantee a will be well protected., expaAftwht1hilt When yim� use Dr. Wili cry, you cannot do that twice-" In 8trilat In which corholitulgin was items' Vink PlIts. They have proved Lady Rhytivarth made no reply. koan is compan received appiloation.119 . t�bolr Xaluts Ithi warld over. and you . C � 4AOft To Be Continued. I lasuougalleissroroz(ViRM Thellypl= � allin rely'JulavA it bliat what they have I rejects 111, iU COW Any as not coming up to It: done for others they will do for you , itsmoill.3 na" *M the I= proporuou of over go per cent, of the ar Item ODIN re"ired. 'Sat It you canillot ant the genuine pills THE GARDENS AT OSBORNE. I The tallial volume of b neag tow o2 the frOM 3�00 46&18r ;d6na dIV66t to the Dr. Willingus' Medielilga, Cla,,, Break- . - I :in .hv,=s backs to over 115.000,0DO, while the ft nil IS A and interest. .1POIA ville, Clht.� slild they will be matled Last Days of the quewn liVe" retard at loweased 9m7=468111n. took to "K71 In Her Iraverho Itelddence. I IPA Durla5tbb hr'llie gigimmmy dbiburstd "t paid at 60 cents a box or six to litiftZhOlt am rov andilVitntatk dIrldondt. box�A for 42,00. � . It Atoms ,snprppriata that tha. last sorren ered pollelm and ArAth Olahnq., oil . u( r *0 lot to rWstfflra . -_ . .1 I � days of Queen Victoria should have ' tund fOr grit 66budity at liolleyholde" 05111�064 him tar bar oldest daughter -Aho been,pashed at Osborne House, the' ftedItIcts"adkil'blINAme"IDIS Itilt'111`0111181ill 63T.ft3& apbal& kwf him W Aut& teaft of appro. hoine tbat know the happy years of I A Wetal rairlow at the rOMPk11j*0 bU$Ilkeft batlon.le , I I ; , , bar young wifehood and motherhood. I J"arlau"a plilt OU F�aars wag made by Prot. thi. ,c as k, In w Ich he Stbowed thrit, while In 0 oftaiis at the am 0 tild to " It would be an iiii4iledit match.,' Everything there "minded her of the I 1,811 � 9 t_ ey, . Pa 1% I Re . 1. a DOW Illive A I said lAd)r Rbyaworth. "I should like anise Itself was pla'agied by a, him to marry dome nice girl from past, The h line"6412MI74k AssaStaftartIONCZ r b I v Cho la*lklotboo, it vtould bb the ftInce Albiirt. She doteld not Atop out t'i'all"to aftablift Gulf 0161061111wo all 04 , fstbi�04t exit 60, the$ "D"111111*4 4 bellit thl , b(b 'tbhld do,to Into the lzardedg. Ortitibil bl6r by a tit the viliel!", It: V4 to 0 Of 10- - 0 4 I # event lean past he.^* ah6w-n a, Ill U&I _­­ ­ - - ­ el"N lycigil,ot ifei,il lesions lot an- hand gardelfier tormerly, in the serv- dearlave. "a In 111100 %he (Awltift 1AW Olill other TAdy Rhvsworth I I should In Ice at Lord Bea6blilifield at Hilighillu- I ISO tau* of 6XVISfaft **A,, $,bout 14 Mt - No. X . 4hQd ol� ts"Ibly &IOUs let UNNA it W11A tvto ,Y"ft "la, 11r.- 6 even one t ought dta, *Ithaut being tenitritild back to ori1g9atIAMc*-t.W 'X2 .1.0,111goOkbo , t it any Outlebuld tale r, I Stitteelm.-IthVibitiltat he On vvA *I mine from ay bahy;,ttat at Mop- the tipf �Whisft heir obtlilmn were M'hv It save"" *are vregift 1. P = Ins Hurst kaouilil covet bb envlous4r val"Ift-gelgi t"Att I I'M 0 J* idiot ,11 11 Y,V.*� OfiraigiStAvUbt y tlltiuufft*k� � That R1 Lo1*11641ttid thbutht" alt�`Ibitir- The childreWs tool hOune. built by Incoldh 110TOGIad by Over $k on. thts �11 rotes," A , � - the rr,naa or Wellait and the ka of OVar4ftillr*,;6= "liew 4) ­ L t , .4 __ y "literre iff L ft' `rd" Y,cu *6'41 DO . 4 , 106114111110111deve tit% 4�ig 1,14 11d, 11 w.br,tl`6t Juar I " ,a 1064 61 "O. t , ., = P .411 *9 . . his INAmstift It 466 sk d4i. ,,, 19difilligil to IWS btill 01tainds. It Ili , _. � - "a 40,NUMtftm4s JAd* U****A r&W icr b"u. ke,ot exactly �Jld it wait when the , iva&k t1iftil"Our. !k - " ti "LefgUr totoomkAs . � bt . . aftl "4A it, *ftat. aw ir Itith. plimts &red Vrimed"s w,6ft,*ft%#,tbih ,,= , 11 I 11"sko Wd v1W la"If ,tiolst * ,Mvikh��.WtOI%MM16* ftgtlliit� ,, ka bUra,,l gad Ward" too". ,beict it Ths:M11salahalt"bit ' )ilahlkfkdl� , , �* Is. the, W,604 *61da o6f vulk gIft", , . . � I" I I Ine, Vim klot.'" an "celleykt %tato at 111t6aftiffibu. d - of vaiii W9. inum xutu% As " 3101%,"Wility.. v000eft*ll . . All(thifth Ufftr6latodtairour 1kab c1nd Yh&d a Wftwt ,04t ,a totfilm wul# . 910363W . e6oft".3 =0=11 "A r , It 111A Ill 11 I -40HA11lig ak4ttit tit" *bct" VC *1th a bilt'vow, #" wft�)Ai "A 'th* "I O.. IVI 0011isla-i* I %0W*%r$Z'r ' I"** , Us *0 bival$ a thtta o6l"liq 610 '061156 hail a *#0161, WittkA fall bbll� thm& W. I , - I Iii, *04 It to *1% of %V rsAW JAdy *H k wbkJ# W$ 4JWsW,.bft6* L41** - I 0 . " - .- I I A***' U. T* . a r ' , . _ *J ft *"# " rW I ' . - - I lkbftt. r 111", r I _ , , U , a WIt"144A th*.*,q*ki0A41*Xft 4ift � , .ft. . 11111111 aftill Illis hol, lili"Ali Aft � I ­ , I I., , ., .., 0 ? , , ,." ll�', 01, I I ,? , .� , I , ,'I � �� l�. a , , r � 4 , * 1. � . � , 1, , 1. � I 1� 11 . �� "', � 1� I . I I . I � . I , . ;i / , I I 1 11� , I - . I I I � . I- . L . - -_11 � 1, � ) . 11 " � I I , I I I I I I I � - . � 97. _____ ­ ­ __ - � a .. .� - I . .1 I , .. . I . , . . _lpe � '' . ILU.D E L LA ___ r3EI-AL __ ___ __ .aw - I ' flue6t t Comes (r.m C, ill .1 '-h-' `"J 'a -S is why . I LiSdal't. CsylgiYoTtio leads I. ,.Qjf't'y. 'D "a She angst PERSONALITIE6. i I ,,,p,,m,,, 25,aa,"60-00"'a" _. __ __ - Mine. ModJeaka, 4 no longer under a � 16T - -�veo,w*vpwla,mw,vwufb,mv�.,c�"W-ft'-w� ,,% .�WIWQI 1`0�116.11111111111` ecree of banishment And may return I ,,, ,,. 01W ) her Poland If she will. Is ul�d� 1-1 , '' �- I .1 �L '­elils� In his boyhood laziness was the pre- 11 -s NOW THIS ju�t "91 l-- L �, " Me. a .. prope, - I ''T' ­ I ,,.j_.ne, ailing sin of liftelgerger. Etta father to 11.1--11 L: "cep . it i ant blui to a school for girle an a be- i ; PAINT .1yl,";1',I, ,,,,,,,, , , n and Ac rinnedy. 0 11.1 .aN1 .1-11.11 111" � , get a Senator Warren of Wyoming In the "I'll -, . bright 1-J ­­ t"' uly inau of his business In the senate. ­ las;iag. 11-11 1`- [a Is an undertaker In Cheyenne. " I RamsaY's Liough proprietor of a general store. � Baron Armand Rothschild of Paris, i I PIC- PaintS Is nephew at the late Baron Botha- ,. ,he 'J'J­t �Ild I"" L.� k .,radn, d 'J"a-l"i ­­ , �j '1110ce, hild. will take over the direction, of 1� eta e r�g . , PrIctl as Rothschild bankin house In li'rank- � Sold lh� 0-'," I , ", " �01 lail � . ol , lie., 1, I,-, I I 1, " , t, �- p rice DrL .. you, but .0 a -4""'J" Walle. Former Speaker Thomas B. Reed -111, for the b,,t t 1-a I , I ` i, 11 I Ice Sys that he to eschewing polittles not --- I. Is W,t', to, B,)� �11! I L ­­ are aly In his actions, but In his coloversa- .. � . !,ho�%10.g W. " "" il. - d ,,od t�l­ � .1 , --t [ons. Ile In a lawyer now. and a law- � - � V rain', er only. I - ­ A. RAMSAY & SOA Two of the very greatest Ment of the - .--- _ , -op � PA ..., ...... iggeteenth century were born on one q I ��__ M 0 N T R E A L. nd the an -a day --Charles Darwin and I I sist'd 1842 ,W,W,W_.,b I Lbraham Lincoln, who both first saw 6,iblh,*�% -wel'tet 'u -'a- 1,`g;,,SW,W.�.�___'.6,1& 'w'sew'111,61 ------ ======= ight on Feb. 12, IM. ­_ - - __ ­­ - , -, __ - l­Lr,­lt.8kjIJ`-1 your Captain Nehemiah Mayo Dyer, who if You Want Lo rTrgg f.efiit, POULTAV, APPLIES. oth., f fiuj�s .nil PRODUCIN to oinmanded the cruiser Baltimore dur- ' Limited L' r. 'X- L H.rket and a wmo z T to ag the battle of Manila Bay on May 1, The Dawson Commission Co. , � ' st., oron I ! 898, has been placed on the retired list . - ____... - ... - - y reason of the age limit. I . . F. RILE The Duke of Abru=l, In honor of his . 11 ... :, ,g_,,,,.w11 77-01% .-, - :- - . Qk&M-Imm wu expedition, was the other day de- . I.S�a1y2Jd-J-ka4-S­d?-lk.d.&1ft - - lared by the local government a elti- _dLig.h k -.tW-..pi...didmi.t--ftb-,Z�,tf.l. �tl-i.ti=trl,.I...'tb.ltig.l..fth.b.i.-k- .1.1 an of Rome upon tile occasion of ble 0.wab w"ad uickat banaL tngx�r,uard and mid. ph� Lh"iwPm­d7(;`9'= .. Leture on the polar regions. T4.1�&'h� yiv..d wulaut mtftkl aad lkllwu with wrflftc rum Ind u -t., �"01' al ,b. ... an I , = tted ...Ill f. --d tb.B..d.,B.Uth-,'-L--th�...,Y..,I � ­ - Mail - ad,. 4a,.1 Tel_��A.t*. an Charles S. Francis, the new United lioa-byzzPa" Tb-�..e..Ut.s.-I.io.h.n....�da"- ead fatipply Itates minister to Greece, Is a splendid ­ arsman and In 1876, durtug-ldw-senlor Ta million pounds' worth of fartilisers Rev. John 110be-rts-� or 'he "City ,ear at Cornell, won the single scull yearly. Temple " Glasgow, hah entered on the - Great Britain ran build 2,200 loco- aharge'of Fast L'u"lion liaptist Tab- hatupionship In the Intercollegiate re �eraaole, Burdett Road- �atta, motives a year, against 4.200 for the , Reformer Rita thinks that If Mrs. Na. rest of Europe. W. P. C. 101 I ion were to use her hatchet in smash. Europe grows about 27 million acres � - - ' - - - ng the frying pans of Kansas she of maize against 73 millions in the vould accomplish more lasting good United States. CALVERT'S ban can come from demolishing sa. In 1688 local taxation ip England 0ARBOL10 brrought in ;C780000. This be. grown oon glassware. to X40,000,000. General Joe Wheeler in the course of There were 150,000 children Sit school OINTMENT. L recent Interview remarked that It in India allixty years ago. There are For all skin ailments. vas blirder work being a soldier now four millions now. ' �han of old, because there were not so Yellow fever tatne first to Rio Jan- j, 0. Calvert & GO,, Manotiester, Englano - ' ___ natty autograx)h collectors Ili the days eiro in 1849. FArice then it has regu- ______ To , ad for we if the civil war. larly "ad 1,200 a year. to cata- Ic-, of Shoot Dr. James Warrenue Sunderland, The British working man spends 14s. Music ! c.u.."mod Books 'Ounder of what Is believed to be the a week on food, .the American 16a., the � ­� h F. pacial rates world's first college for the higher ad. Australian only Ila dWoourit. leation of women, recently celebrated In England they got on an avage Teachers o' its eighty-eighth birthday at his home 32 inches of rain in the year , a,_ ' WHALEY , n Collegeville, Pa. land gets 03, and Ireland 35 ,�o t I RJYCE &CO. The will of the late Geueral Leonard Nine hundred and savant, _� hou- i 168 yonge at. tit y I anted k. Dickinson of Hartford leaves halt sand persons receive free medical a - W I Toronto, 0 - � tonclance yearly in the United King- � A his residuary estate to St. Thomas' dom. JUBILEE OF 1901- IA.iS`i.".`ao'n`dA.=­d' fv=st �hnreb In that city and one-fourth each lEn England 19 per 1,000 of the we- that to requipite to witit the laity a reat,luw the benefits 'o The Hartford hospital and the Hart- in an who marry are 6D or over ; in oftheJabilea. Flubatsati&l. cow pleto *nd prootiml- It. . 4wtaued Edition on Phow 11,q- lk -h, 87.50 Vat rord Orphan asylum. Scotland, the proportion is only 9 per hundred, post-vold. D. ..4 J. 8A D L I KH & CO., M=tflialL Colonel Curtis Guild, Jr., of Boston 1,000. protested that he could not acept the The British death -rate has droppe,d a I I : I 8 IS . . brigadier genera)sblp of the 'Second In the last 110 brears from 21 per 1,00 0 1 1 - brl.-ade of the Massqchusetts militia to 19.4 ; the Fr"nch. from 22.3 to 22 , * I . . I - I - I I . I � ind was nevertheless chosen to the po- Only- I . � ,- . ­_ - AtIon. He has now declined it, saying Seventy railway trains, of 15 wag - be could not accept It without too great gone each, would be required to fill the hold of a sbLp able to carry 10,- Gents"Suitai Gleaned it personal sacrifice. i (.,, Dy.�,.�,,,,k- I— 1, � , " , , ,�,,.,, " a- .4 I t , ll­�, ". , '. � � .I�Ll ... �, - Out of 2W,000 long of soap made (SOLD SIEDAIA,l' ll� ];� ( yearly In the United Kingdom Britain BRITISH AMERICAN DYWINO CO -Y, IN BED I UREE YEA E uses 235,000 tons at ,home, an average Mont -1, T,,n ... L., 011 ��,,, ,k Q­bm, � of 14 pounds a year apiece. . __ - - - -, �- Ten thousand French vines vield but 11A The Happy Euding of a Very 400 gallons of wine a yeax. The saina SHEMIN N CHES7!1 Serious and Fainfill Case' nutuber of vines in Cape Colony will produce 2,800 gallons. suitable for Fireproof caverin,r for Darns and StabloB -,r f- 1,.,ck��g piv 11ra. Hughes wort very I I - Bloated suit lit . - J^., 81'., �1­, �11,­�.,l ,�, 1 .,2 �,�, l-, F." .0. coust Ing 211very. $h, suffored for Fou, ,45­­h�hll­h�,[.' All­,�,�­,­ ..... Wear., befrOTT.121 U-41 Datid'sWilue3 The Blue Ribbon Tea Go., Toronto, Ont. Pills -site is now Ivell and nappy. - - Morley. Ont., Apr. 8, Speoial.-Nel- Gentleinen,-While driving dmvn a - SOLID GOLD - son Leflar, Justice of the Pence of very steep hill I�tqt August iny horse W� gl­ thill b­tIN11, ,;, _ , . soliaG.111 I ­ ' stumbled ani feil, cutting himself I I 6t; I I this place, vouches for the truth at fearfully abtmt (he head and ficuly. I . - r I ,,, ; the following interesting story, told used MINARD'S LINIMENT freely ,,It � - �",F�,,.vf I by Mrs. Thos. Hughes. him and Ili a few days lie was as wel) �1# tifull , - - I Verification. however, will not be as ever. -1 I %1=4. ;1 I � ,. . i 1, �' - i- , . �� J . B. A. DEAUCULMIN. . i_- 8 I , cod. � necessary to ,those who know Mrs. Sherbrooke. �t %.1 .Ph..rth.cla­,�t 1�­, .. i.0 Hughes, as that lady is one of the coqb-d 111; 1 � 11, . J ...�. g..d meet highly respected residents of ilft,m ..ty. �1,-Z,!,_ " to men there Zme 1"t tho ph't", $'It th'.. Nt- tho G.reDr County, Mrs. Hughes says:- . . w-�Y.-d-...,I,P.,I�.1,1.1,,.,),.,,d,,,..b-.ti.�.��ild GolAiRluff. ArttiltIPP13 kQ..1s" - T.Ivn" "I was a great sufferer for fou r ____ __ .- _ __ --- ---- . TTT_ .- - ­_ - __ ___ yeaxe. I was treated by four doctors DomInIon Line steamhlpe and a specialist * from the Unite � The latest ancl most important pro- ld-treal to Lj­p-1 I�M­ to Ll,­ j,.t o,n. foot In England Is ill,- con- Pont. Portland to M;.,wol. Via ciue�� States. I tried nearly every kind of stru tion of a canal from 'Southamp- t... a L%rfa &.,I F -t Sua�shjl,, s,,�%jc, _,.,ad&tI.1 medicine I could 11beaT of, but none ton to London. total .l.w.oga,­oo, 8-- and Stw.toa s- .allfthil. P ­w " 1-0 �, Im I., - cl'o. to (T seemed to do we aRy good. SE", g'l�.. ..'I , I'MO.(l.� ­.aun ... lstl., pet raUs �,fp_aii. .ad 411 P -M -1.m. �Pply to ,a, age, "I was in bed for nearly three years, KeeplMillard's Liniffielli. ill 1110 House of the co.lvviy. or I had pains up my spinal column, in my Rictard.. M di. & Gc� 1) T.rmtic. & va,, head, over my eyeig, across my back, - - - 77 atata St., no.ton. Mout-I ana Porus.4. ly In my right aide. A SERIOUS BLUNDER. ,----. _. . - -, __ _ " Fair three nights at a time, I You made a great mistake in sgy- .. �� .. w,,ould never close my eyes in steep, - 1� - � , I was terribly blcdted, so that Icould in' my daddy w-uz lynched fi,r hosl hA.d,­, - �* MOM W�W. I � not sit up or walle, My age was for- :itealLn'. .t�b f"'.11W., _� , . 'M 6-tIr"lly ;- 11. ty-one when fwas taken sick. Impossible! replieci the editor, .lhb�.11 $I'll. a :" 1. .. .1.1d 0.hluol Z � . "I have taken in all fourteen boxes No, air! I know what I'm it�alklrl' klhw.ir�.A, . 4a, .. � of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and now I am %bout -it wuz a JAq,to be stole, th. ..., �� .- ,,, . I strong, and able to do as good a j . - � . ,-1111 ��,o . day's wo(rk, as I have ever been. The ........ . ',� i4-,. � - - I - a The Bi itish succession dutles 1-1-... !? _` W_wt-g ........ I—— uoOtora said I had Rheumatism. They lyrouglit a revenue of nearly SC70,JJ60,- . L,dy'. or Gent'. Ore. with .t.M said nothing could be done for me. I tind. owin..4 vllabla jewelled morem-t. " I was not able to oat anythirhg� 000 lit the last fiscal year. IV-l11JPo,%1.do Ph h,:. They s.11 lik. h.t �.t- r,ai '. . 4a 'h%gTg ,� ,viawstch. peagglaiat Ar%.gul, ra th. ....y. AMU --d only corn starch or soup of some ply(;-.,Iwx f. T�.ta kind. My weight -bad increased frorn [Ahlard's Linimeiit is usell by Physigtia.-,& __W_ANTF._b IM to 147 pounds. I am now down AGENTS . to my normal weight again. I can , �. , never say enough for Dodd's Kidney One can still reckon as wookiland ... Pills fair T am satisfied that they sav- three million acreii in the United �� - , I .1 - my life." 111n4dong at the present day. ... eat . f I I I Thegre are lmaa�lr ladies suffering an I Miria. Aulghes idid, although but fe,w " VERB A COLD IN 0'49 PAT - � � 1 M87 be as law a-; she was. t1ska Lsxsdv* Brouto ihisallne TableU. All druggias , _� , - Dextiaged Kidneys are responsible W"d tit* woner it a to ount. IL W. Groves, .. for almost all the troubles ithat come lignstare In " sachlicat. So P 0 wo- H0091 hil V N 101 NO[. to women in imiddle life. and n In 1839. by an acit of Parlilainent, . U U man can afford to be careless, when the use of dogs In London to draw A good Agent wa,ted 1, ,.,.,,y town in C&na,ha her kidneys are in any way threat- ca s was abol- 1,1,�11" ft"" 61�1,"Ie,".',.' I '­ ,,,,, A il­t. W. ..ke A(...__t,.., _., , �,,., ." 1'1�� on I hI ... wk,1. dned. isbied. .".,.. St , ,�_ ., ,-I Apply to flffhat extrad Mrs. Hughes of this very, bad case. will cure amy case. THE CROWTNER-�qu"MMING Co., Dodd's Kidmey Pills are the only AVENUE HOUSE Alc(.Jlll�Volh," A,enna M NVII.AL TORONTO. r d Bright's noilly not.1 ratos 01.50 wr day. - _____ _­ _____ Dissitate, Diabetes. cir Dropsy, and they -_ THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. have never failed. Newcastle &eta hare decided too,sk - . the War Office once miore to lot them d% I STUBBORN FACTS. fewin a corps of kilted volunteers; E P P 0 S . - other earps object. GRATEFUL- OOMFORTINQ A Few 11tregs, Whliah Ton Will Find a' Very Great Interest. Ask for Minarthand take no other. The average person breathes in a --- COCOA gallon of air a minute. It requires an average at morethan The average number of medical Stu- 20,000,000 pion per day to meet the 11REAKFAST-SUPPER. A ts in London In 649. 1 needs of the British insonts. __ __ . - , _ _. � - - __ The 118 British aciontific soc%tits - number about 44,000 meltubers. FOR OVER PWrY YBARS The Elbe River falls 10 feet in every MRS WMLOWI SOOTHING 8 .PVP hu Jim 100 uAles . the Amazon only S. UM 117 Nothentof their allildr4m tat Ing. ft soenle, London gets 13 Anchas of rainfall do, ablid. soft..$ the xnw.�Xthtrspall M wind no let a" 4 the beat towedy tat. lanbe MIA bottia, a. im 14M =bo**o Illi 90te stat :4 M SAftillfiftV, *"t " =N _;4 " � _44- IA.-Iu,1Miftt61%, S, Ld - ". 90410. Gne4lfth at all -the ships lk�lli*t enter the ports at t1e world, are In ballast - of 1,000,4jotmik" families, 173 keep The value of the estate of Lord servants, against 9W In England. Kensington, whodlAd at Bloemfontein last June has been fivirairn at 4711-tim. 8rk4UWd*s avearagef winter temper- I - . - - .- _. ___ - . ature is sight degrees above freezing - point. Minara's Uninjent Lumberman's Wood O.LL WRAP. or 7W milliong of Ibitish, railway RPINC PAPER atoollF, 760 miltilonst Is hold In Great Bri- The Euglish crown wolabs only 119 PunMUD'In 0218 Or thhuY oolora tain, . � 02. 5,dwt., tbaugh it comprises PTOOI' Of STMPM) tit low Priceis Sam - British fatmerd allisil fgatilisnarig used ous atonell to the v*lue of AWOft PIM ftmithe4l on risquelst iftmolea , 1111'', 6-1- I I ­ � ! .__ ____i. it - q'ac"ttOft r0jr Ofir 10649*or large 10t*- WtItS 1br priom. . TORONto WR PING 00tali-ce ,4- t! atay PAM a .1 . 76 MAW nNIMPAS T essaaWae____,_V1e' _�3 L I ft -15t. We" - --- ------------ - I I . . . SOLID tuw 4J AG 6&&a . h oyo,Lt4 & '. ,­­. mait-allee -- 11 GOLD � ___1 `4-0 e AD J I -- Ml�#tlgli a I � 0*1 9.1., sell, , I w0ftravh� - I 13 lwgn " 1 � # , i 4" ovwr it"61,rat .. . 1 41�_ W � P 1� AWrIo'-K FAA h Im", .to -a n �,*,*.r,0*"-­*lmIQ1W. 6, P '_ 4; ts ) (4 zu ­ ___ , ----ir, ­­ts� *6 Ill . I I 4 -Na. 40* c I 4 1% I t! I �" eL t 9 1W I ,� , � $�o *I a,# 4�� list .... I . #*a" - I I 1� I � I . _� " I . i. . ,Z �� . I I/ n I - �g -.11 AM . W11, . � -.'Z I I . I - I � L � -- 11 I.,� � .- , V) -.t --Ir ­ . . � , . . L� I , ,. I ,. � I L I I I I � I � " I I I "I I � � I . "I . I I I � 4 ��, I I �� I i I ; I . . J, I I � 1, I I � I � � I I I , _-, �, I - � I �11 - 11 ", I r I I I - -1 - 1, k'. __ .- . ',__,k. - I �' .'r , I. '-'-��­­_'­�.'­­ ---1-11. L- . I I