HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-04-12, Page 5-.-I....."11 _11F1.1W1,W1.1..111" -Im "' 7*0141111111 11 " I � '1�� I � ,a 7 -Ir- .- --IFRMFIPFIWWAPNWPPW�, I 'WOW �_ . * �-, I �___ I - � - ­ - . . . . . 7�o�­_ 11w,r-AWIN �... 11 11 �. 71w^ �`Jr­­ --­ W - ­ ­ .-- I - .- - .-- I F 111 IRI� . �.- h 1, ­ - ­ .71v-wW_ - . � , . q . . - �� . � 11 I I � . I 11 . - A`* - � I I I � . I I . I I � ­ 1. . I �- � 11 o I . � 11 - -alp, tq! ."ft K r G_ �, a� Am ­ I - vill!" 11 11 - .1 �_�111111111111, &"P ! ­ I � - - I -1 !t I I I _.. .- - P 10 - .. I , 1. _%_"Ih� - , I I - .07r, - ; q � i'll.-.", -4- 0 - . " -11A, ­­ . _­ 1-11--1 -1 � . . I 11 . . I -I!, i0p ­ !0. .. AIR" I I -1 -1-1 ..".. __ ­­­­­ I .1 . I 0 I ­ . � � I �0.!! I 1 !P , - IVRFA 000flubult $111AR APP -1111. 11201 lcmo I I —.- I :=.., I . .1.1 I 11--11- I I - - I � I I . - 11 I ,. . , , - '' - �, " "'.. , . � - I - - - — .. .. , _, _ _. , . � � � . I I -1 I ''' . , � , , ,. . - � , _, � 1. .111 _;" - 1-1-1111 , "I 1 . . � M 14117 to " Asu'lield. . ILW, 0004. A Few Facts -,.-w* * . W. A 0 H IE SO � � IN & SONA DOT* -Ur- BOWCI*64111. 19tb ;CQZi-,. 001010*001 t*RkslitidN 44AVO (911" 6 91, " , I I * - , � IN turning Qut the luoh4a'And abing* MaWrig to th*%64 . I lee NQW ,& I I , , j fu� ,oir On � I . ' " ­_ . -1. ­ I - these days -t$ug;,0 invikirt.f; lit Wfull Mf*, Pilh,h which "Itively cure Con- 0 . About Imperial Measure. . - ou'. rinx Good4p blo,su The froily vighte 4"id Sunny oUP h4&vho, diwnw. ...." - *tAQu. L.�ip .6stly; jaundice, "*�. I I I . I - I I � I - -, "Now , * ­ , ave gi , ituproi,94,Lber run.- _ 01% it, fe"r and ague and I 0 I - -, . � CARPET151 MATTINGS, 111vT11J!r H, Websti�r has ronted. Mrs. It. all4lykiandstrxioach troutlec Purely I .. I I I I I =====_ Webster'q farm, 13,th con, ­We � Net never gripe or weaken. There wo 160 W=oil i;a (me lmrrw gallon. ,, __ q = verta I � , gtad to learn that Mr. Jaatoi We]* 016 v HAVE anived, and we were never in a , I y 2k, at Jas. Whsou's drug store. Tberb are I" OULWO in Ono 661A Sing amsurs. 13th Von.. who Was oatiorousIv III - - .1 I with paeumol.la. is now 5:00"les"at- There aved, near Constance, on Stop ard Figure Your Loss better position to give patrons more choice --Nddwwm—InIL CLOTHS. Wednesday. Apnl &d, an old resident I k1r__ Every mother should see that her of Hullett. it% I be person, of 0. T. Date When Von lony MIXED PMN IS that ft�-_ ; . .1 bV NViow mmuts, you . L I I dsiugh,er from 12 to IS yeam of age at the age of 02 vei , re. Causeoftivatti. I * g k6 Per ceo&. in inearture, and I � . � more far goods at lower prices. This is saying a t.kegau occasional course of Ullieps blood p6Uonlng. through an abraslofi al"o 49113 POII441 Joe ar�. V Acheson's store challenges comparison in Carpets. lta,oilp ug,d Iron PON. Mauv youtoR of one Boger. The funeral took place % than you woull ray for &'better p2at put up to Til Impexial great dea]. � d 0�� were 4upposed to be' goluit to ConstAnce cemetery last Friday. I; . Whatever Is best it) the different grades we have --with a Into decline have been restored to - . i play and a dash of color that's surprising. This stock will health and vigotir by the tureof Millees job 0ould-nt Have Stood It � 0 lkl\ Primpound Iron ]Pills. 26o (or 50 doom � ON3*Q . , : 1�2>1 meet every need of either lavish or economical futnishing. Ifor iWe by all drugglet& It he'd had itching = Tb*'re RROPBEART Sp 41 *hif 7 - 17 We have room and light of the best, and the very � terribly annoying I but kleu!v Ar- ,..." A Special Invitation . � ' _ . I Sarnia Canadian i Mr. J. M. Diver aleii Salve will cure the worst cam of ,� latest styles In ivirlaud tlaw Z4111 piles on earth. It has cured thou. mativer of the Olt. and umber-Utimpany. authorizes the "ndi For In uries, pains or bodily lk RRIEADY-MIXED PAINTS _ New Axminsters, New Brussels, statement that'l.sefore fall his cowp:,t7 eruptons It!" the best valve in the IS extended to old and new customers 7' W411 have In operation in 8arnis, a t ,v)rld. Price 23c a box. Cure guar - New Tapestries, New Mattings, works rur complete as any in the anteed. Sold by J" Witspo. Axe put up in many pretty and artistio shades. They are the Net Points in cu ntry, and with an output of four - Carraes. They go the fartbest, last the longest, and are put up in to call and see the attractive, solid, good New Unionsand Wools, New Art Squares. huund'red barrels a day, The wells Wit Mv�. John MeMann. of Seaforth. FULL IMPERIAL MEASURE. I be put down near the present Briechler goods we offer in Ordered Clothing. Your � Tile finest stock we've ever had, and handsomest mill either on the property acro" the re"vitly bourght a fine four-year-old car �mcks or or% the bay shore. gelding from a gentleman near Olin - Patterns we've ever shown. Entire second floor of store for - .. ton. for which be paid SM. This colt HOUSE CLEANERS should use Furniture Oil in polithing all every want in this line can be ui)plied . - was au extra Rood one and was sired varnished furniture. We Bell it at 25o a bottle. CARPETS, CURTAINS, OIL CLOTHS .. . . . . . There are so many cough tosdicingil by the well-known Belgian stallion. at this store. � In the market. that It Is sometimes 111smarck, the property of Mr. John Largest Stock in the County. Inspection Invited. d,M,ull to tell which to buy; but If Galbraith. we had a cough, a cold or &try afflic- - tiou of the throat or lungs. we would Warts Are Unsightly. , I I try Bickle's Anti-Consum ative Syr tip. Those who have used it ink It to for That is the reason no one IF, clamo, alread of all other prepai ations re- Ing.for a few more warts -make them A. MeD. ALLAN* W. AOHESON & SON. commended for 'inch complaints. The 1. lonable avid A remedy to J"w General Hardware. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Honest goods at honest pt Ices. PRIDHAM, THE TAILOR via __ - � little folKs like it as It Is as pleasant as warts would qnicklv be made a I ivan- __ . I �_ byrup. clal success. Yes. Putnam's Corn and - tivembers, for regulating the functions Wart Extractor removes them, works ubie Goberfcb!Btar. of tier hierarchy and of their under. Another old resident, of Morris, in quickly and without pain-ativ tit ust. WE HAVE REMOVED -000% ___ — takin" tit the pursuit of her super- Los person of John Clark. near Sun- glat %V,ill tell you more about this Tzi.ximiNE CALL71 waural end ......... When tire as. shine, died to the hotne of tile erin, remedy. to out Now Store on 4be Square. and invite the AT MUNROUS __ Hellion or the defence of prerog,Ltives Alex. ClarL, on Sunday evening week, took -the balance of which will be - which she holds from heaven. and of a -a and 5 months. Deceas- His Honor Judge Doyle has Public to come and iuspect our 8 I ned 88 year FRIDAY, AP1111,12, 1901. was a vey stuart, healthy old his declitiq e here in a few days. we will just gay we have the most fashionable and wh'ch she is the guardian ftnI, dep?s - .o In the suit brought 41eho STOCK -TAKING NOW GOING.ON = tory, are in question, there is nothing vitleman air always took a trip publishee'rif Blyth Standard against best assorted Stock of and when finished will mean a Itirge quantity of ends of oil kind@, which win ,t Dea,S,611. ,hat e.. oithel. bend or shake'heN 9.tlwn to Hamilton e-ery year. A feir Win. Campbell, )#tie Division Court be ditiposed of at prices (list will enome quick sale. rlt�e Delp CHURCH is SUPRENF. woeks ago he took a weak spell, and clerk at Blyl h, and his sureties, the coupled with old age. lie passed away Employers' Liability Aesurance Co.. Tweeds, Sergesq Worsteds "Well, then, dear brethren, just qnItesuddenIv at last. The funeral Limited. Judgment is given against GILT AND STEEL BUTTONS just received -all sizes. ion her. She will tell you that took place on Tuesday afternoon to Campbell and his fluretieR and �hev and Light Over A FRENCH CANADIAN PA- =dan inarriages, to which no can- Sunshine cemetery. The Rev. Mr. must pay till costs. which will be coatings New Yarns in Black Colors. PEWS WAII. onical Impediment exists. are good Brownconducted the services at the heavy. aud valid, no matter what other In" house and grave. - that, ever entered Goderich. Men's Hosiery -extra value. pedbneritu irray he established bv the Both Canadian and Imported Goods. Says the view of Roman Cath- civil power.. All the parliamentary A Big Quarter's Worth He Kept His Log. Our Prices as in the past will always be found the lowest possible. Ladies' Extra Large Undervests-generally a ollos IsThat there Is no Mar- ' laws and ,tit the decisions of courts of Twelve vears ago J. W. Sullivan, of justice establishing divorce unist ro- is always found in it bottle of Poison's Hartford, Con it., r,cra Lched It isle wah I riage Without Sacra- niain valueless . ce of the Nerviline. the best household liniment a rusty wire. Inflammation anTblood 6,#,—We Still do Pressing, Cleaning and Repairing. scarce article. F 11" W ment. divine words whi the hurchrepeats knoi%n. It,caresthemnatism. neural- polAriningset in. Pot- two Yeals he - . to the world-Quod Dens conjunlit. gla. toothache. headache, tviek-storn- suffered intensely, Then the best doc. Remember tho place -Next to John Butler's Book Store, on the Square. A. MUNRO. DrAper. ,Montreal, April 3-110". Thomas home n.o%e - ach. In fact Is good for everything a tors taiKed amputation, "but," he - , ,Nar�t% let no imin separ ate wh Himself has joined to- liniment ought to tie good for. Moth- writes, -1 uqnd one bottle of Electric ___._ - . - __________,___,____ Ui ' Inpais w0tes as follows In Le 00ur- gether. On the contrary. all union era find It the safest thing to rub on for throat. Bitters and I� boxes of Bucklen's Ar- Salvo leg MC,'5Wt.LN The Tailor. i BROPHEY rier tin CanadA: ('011ttlicted with tin Invalidating tin- their children sore cold on nica and my was sound and . bu ,Inesg colleire- apply to un for onr irradu%kes M - t'O take fancii I That findgment -i,eversi tile, tnank pediment, for which competent au. the chest, sprains and bruises. Never well as ever," For eruptions, eczema, I in our eyee, an thority has not gi-anted a this ensation, F, lie without Poison's Nerviline. It will tetter. salt rheum, sores and all blood --- . to - God -constitutes, actual atLempt against our civil 1% I'd thotigh the civil power oke upon (e2tchli nnions as valid arid 1?gal, must lie cure the par no and aches of tire entire family and relieve a Va9t amount. of ditiordem Electric Bitters has no Aval on earth. Try theist. Jas. VVIlsou � - - - - - - 11 FAVAVA WAVAI M :1 I . sum ot $1,41530. It is a pashire lot, an A there bre no buildings an it,;� � i - I ' I-eligi4ins rights, and we won Id be emisiderctl null and invalid. This is it suffering every year. will guarantee satisfaction or refund - , gnilLy of cowardice wel.e w, not to nse ,ill otia. enet-gy to resi�r. it, to d,Ntrov it . it) beek the annabilliLion thereof, bY point of doctrine that cannot be de- I nied without thlit the faith be ship. wrecked." Blyth Standard : Last November there was a ditch case tried before His money. QnlyW. cents. , - - The Farmers' Co-operative Pork Seeds I Seeds I till tile metins that both law 1111d con. THIC HOLY DECTIRE, I Honor- Judge Masson in industry hall. Pocking Co., of 41almerston, will hold stillition place at (War disposal. A good d mu- fellow clt.izeki-, Fm- the prevention of clandestine drawn bv Five of the witne8sdfl swore that 'the while Mr. Jaines V�dtet'ran eastwardi. 3 po 1plic rivepting in l3russeip on Satur d.y,tIA 0 latli, The object of the ------- ___.___._. _____Z�� ftill"Iber Win) vel indiffel-ent on queedons of principle and doctrine, will tfilnk. I 111:111111tgeg tho decree up the IIo1V Ginned of LnLeran tinder Inno. Stnith alone's%,Vore that it r%n. west. - W'"- Mi,. San* t h v yft� it ly 0 t 7 ��at tuee T4 is to induce the f%v-mPr8 of that vif.inity to t4ke an ititereqt in the pet .11;ips, that we fitke �t very tr,kg' ,c lik;kt. we are too cent ill, cotnur ,�,i,i,J,h,i,� priests t(y an I 1101111ce the bAri ( I ch thrbe'tirub's, I I t ,. . 'I +er �9(10 was fi�e 'Ps I i��t tin o ki, r(11nVnnv`o factory tit lValmerston. Tile ftct0FV 19 said to he one of the To J. VIDEAN 4 0 0 view of things, anki ,,,,,(.I, inclint.,l to st-e t1i6 dark side. 1,; followild li� tjifi sfeerclil' 'Poljfi�il' (if � T,-v1jt_if,.Nq 6ppqsiti61 hei A Ise I __�__ 11 —_ — - - . . - — #)eat in I lie province, 6nt I" not being -twt,ye tit I Ite Ali, %ve would like to dt I -�int, niontel) L t, the r+i)qrh (if e*_ �)l r, 11 a11�S,an1o1JJetJ.-Jt­ 1,1, e I n' $Lie at. [itiel'tV tt'4 petrT.-in 'he I I - coreninny. insti i ingt ­ �, Some Reasons run (0 itS full Capft6t,V, owing, it Is c laimed, Io the difficully of securing stifficlevit, bolls. IS still at the same Old Stand on East a full and fresh n �ggj.palnk. lilt, V�Liolj Is Weft clent. 0) wido."40111d I 4. I "%Vith ippaid tn those who marry - street, Goderich, with ) �vllat extent our . I I e1not,11111 is In the 1!-11111ellollf what, 0un. nthel%vitwthan in thenresence of the Parish in -43t, Oroofta Priest %vho has Why Y4W Should"nsist an h4vins A Cure Pot, Cootiveness.-Cogtive. front supply of filstillvd, placed on the twwrow or ion -P we hiv perunission. i but of the otdin- ft' ,y. and lit the of two Ol- EUREKA HARNESS OIL ties comes the reftrual of the e s cretory organs to nerform their AN, " FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS Altlt( ibald'8 Judgment it) tire Del. Mr. Pp, preiience t hive witnesses. I he Holy Council ren. U nequallcd by an v other. dfuties regularly finm contributing canoes usually disoi,dered digwition. pit atfai U-14 AND STATE IN OONFLI ders unch psi -sons Wholly incapable Of eviders hard leather ooft. I -A Parinelee's Vegetable Pills. prepared I Q h act Alsike Timothy, Clovqr, I LAAThat Touches the Spot O." MacLeod's I FO It— That ' Ma' Weak & Impure Blood System � 'Liver & Kidney.Diseases RDNeonovator Female Complaints, &c. ." Druggi8t, or write direct to J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. OU" - Mffl­ __________________�______ cm cm I lto.ldonueatld 1,aborabory - Nowitate Strect. the Old 8tand, In rear of Knox Churcit. oup Griocery Wants 44%, Can Best be Supplied at this Grocery __ . contt-aci.lou of ruarriage that way. and "c y prepar . "� I I I . We ittv in (lie f,tee of it deplorable drvl�ires the inart,inges thus contracted keeps out water. . on scientific principles, are so con)- I Grains, Etc., Etr__ Everything FRESH and UP-TO-DATE. cotiffict 1-t-011 010 civil bidi(iitl nidland void, as the present diocree A heavy bodied oil. pounded that certain ingrediumts in nowtir antl die eCC1Vs1ft911Cal Jndici"l disiolves and annuis them " them pausLivrougli the stoninch and . I A t- ++I� pnnd SWCALL AND SER THE STOCIK power. heiween the chm-ch and the . actilipon the howei,s so ag to remove lylyers. KOYAk ii-lico) C a" " NO WAY OUT OP IT. HAR ESS _", the r ,orpor and arouse them to proper , . , state' The chm ch RAid: . n excellent preservRtive. in large or small quantities. Bv virl oie,,f i lit, holv ennons and (lie "Nothing could be clearer. In con- educes cost of your haruesit. 'Iction. Many thousands aTe prepared council decrees, the Delpit nia"I'lage SeTlence Of this celebrated decree, in lever burns the leatber; its to bear testimony to their- powc� in is titill. The civil powLt-, oil t.he other ��r el, tliat a inm-iinge between two Efficievicy is iricr�ased. L108 tesuect. . Flour and Feed constantly on hand. H 11141d. has sai(l: 13Y vil-We of the CatliclieR be vidid in placpq where the Secures best 6ervice. i -7:----- --T-,- stattites arid put,lic law of I his P1 ()V. deca-ee t.f the Council of Trent has Stitches kept from b7A , , h5er,jllo for TIRIC EITAIrt-the lead- Goods and Prices always right. .- ince the Delpit inarriage is valid. been in-oclaini-d. it is tiece,isary that I., 1. I , _�Wip ix�Lperqf Huron �)o"nty, Now, its regards CaLholics, tuarriage the pt-oper pariph prieat and tw 0 -It- MIFIEFORN-, - it - __ �_ — �_ _ -=� - _ =_ � -, _­� 'r , =======� - ,�� . i i I ! � )eing essentially it Garrament. if tilel-e vi,sse4 he pt i�sen t. I herq�)rp po .1 r4sp *A � I . . ier w4at '4iq , I , � . , � I�p I- p. fljjq�i�it " 9 % therb to ho �nar . Ifp of q6vLIi#"- mountretaw bT , �sa0o,meop. ,,, r1age. lc'*! L 04", IT . A 'chibald's the civil laly ill s"Qh rpattere, q war- if � Ll 6. I pFe I exi,�ts riage avlebrated before a p L IVAIRev-1.1 all compam i I d g F i 11'."p'�'�l e "t!0161 11)p 1')1Vr1'"Vqe is not the pao,tsh priest of an ritiat who __ __ - � n 4 ..g, ' - , I'linint of view, wbeltier 01, Over- I ," § Is" )ot the; -e he 4L e;kcrament. The dom ') f t lie contracting parties, or a priest _________._. ==i,F. __ - � T 9 J e VIDEAN 41 1 IN th(In w1de open for- civil mar,111'age, c"Intil iR'3i0u0d by tile pal IS11 pt -164, or over ottered to wager anv inim of IT I . - . -_ -_ Which tile codiflol-ii, in their wisdom, the hiqhnp, is entirelv titill, Arid with monev with the other flve witneRsev 4 hought proper to exelivie from ont wreatpr reaw,-n wmild it. its so if tile that tie wag coirect. His ntfer was a coats. FA _ 4 : I LL;v. Theve will henceforth be a "I'll �. :Ji:rtTri,tg,e lind taken place before Accepted. During the present week it , , 7A#V*V*V%"A, A"A AMA A - I § , I 'I OffiCiAl, or else a Protes ber of people who 8111ill live it) cOnct ("T (11vi ("I.. t, hae neen groven by the water it,%elf . . � ­ k hinage, according to the C11111-01, RIO tnt, mini.9t It inust be horne in that Mr. mith was right. foe the 4./ according to the CaLhOliC C01)86"t)CF- '"ind that in stich matters the good water is ronning westward: ." "A Decided Success I" � arid who. nevertheless, shall regiflaviv "" 1""I f"1111 ot the -3ai Lies coklnLs for - be bu,.41vand arid wifo, accot-ding t- `)I llillg-" To Cute a Col,q A4 0�e D4W tau can't do without one, and law. That is what, ldi% Archi I t4 t 1, 1', V lfp ,V,rpniv (4uiniue T�ah- if you are not already supplied OpAut" &% tlits Atore ! , dgment leads us to. It gives It fat"' Drugging Will Not Cupe C%t ,T�'t' e�� t 41", r I Such was the verdict of the orowdi who visited thO Alltik%"y tit qrr.b. i � rO� is a ref" l,he money It will pay you to call on ow to that grand institution. ruar- 1, . if it fit a to .F 19 , I it 0117 provirry of uebec. It D -10's say up. Victims of anuffs, c4ke. W. - W. Urovo'v Isat week, 9 th . signature lit oil 640 low, , �J i'; V41 ITI*p ,fttlitin qh(l henellcial ,)initnents and tablots tell 0 same : an E Catarrh iq a Werm disease, I - HUGH DUNLOP MqMfo has proved b,eyand question of doubt that she I 14r.movvy hetWeen tho two powelb, 401-Y- a ndthat wehaIr it's V, pan which, 111) to the pievent date, The gertus excite disonso in the lungs. 11 ohn Savage hAN iiold his IW acre Qq,r Mk*I; expert in the art .,Milliviery, a our matrimonial law rewto, its upon lit) throat, naval passages and bronobbid 1`11111-1, lot 22, c0n. 3, Grey, to George Ind see some special values h I go,44 ,ad %he tsavo to � upply tho most modern and fashionabIG headwear In the indestructible rmsis. Th�tt InsusPiciou, turves, 6 ei me are hard to got tit. ))tit Armstrong, tot' the snin of $3.-qU I .1 10 market. eat Tnerit we &9k for inspaotion and oolicik Your patrouvige. 0all and see JudgMent atbicko our lie lftw� an(I tlestv,ov I hein, and you cure the dis- � - i"A. ��W timil, -, , , what we "n do ter yoti, I lit- religloaq iibert.les; '", Howcanithedone? Bveairv- 0 It que'Itions Lhe ease. . Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm k authority of our nId French Iftws in ing Powerful medication with the air ExtetminAtor becatioe t�f� 0 - Is lg% DON'T MISS THEM. ' civil (naLters; it disregavds the letter- Von brealhe direct to the diseased a safe nied �1 tp 4na MRS. COOPER,v - 8. Yon must be sure, also, that n I Of and spirit of our code-. it constituteq Palt It e%ect �j ppqiAC. (If worms. a deflance to out, Jurisprudence. in the uwdication will rise , I . III&'MY SPRING STOC,Kfar made 4 WOVI, b itself lid I 'T its resq1ts. ve Al �$irrtinVp.d ,ed of to order C1Q,thing is now Complete. McLean's New Block, Goderich. 44 Tot I gn . , ­,�t­ , , Mr. Win. 6uncan has dIspoQ . . , I I !: , . it id to . 1,%y it has created -acre farm in Ushorne til mr, __ ,P�ti. lt� ; tt,wiys n e � - ; , 0 �)i ,� " 6 doplor- site a 90nsa ton i in e4leal world. h" ft fty I __ , HIM i I , Ml Is, in e . H. DUNLOP, ) � a; ( � 9 j4 al) e t a th'p Otis Ind nts You siti)ply bfe4th Vqtar' tv rie - it Wm' At"11,Pq;l 0 . pAp toWnship, th . , p . 'To' i ! a corisiopp, 1 d t �V�hs-it - 4, . , � re'64eple�!q tqq ee1qV)y4te4 R�tzrd Tp �ea 4- p - . ,�� Next door to Bank of Moi,treal. -mill WQQA , �P�%y eVery, . ­ --- .. - ale? e thl"4 4 'T10 tio �14 i eq,419 �w4 Fn, q to 000000 , P , , , 1�1-7, P Perfumes& Toilet Soaps I . 0 prm ,� 'I .y .or qs tiling 4 qqt 4 'w" 0 q11 , eNcept Where can I got some of Holloway's P ;b4t, call je%M.hy 4q1nq it Ca- Corn Oure ? I w4s entirely cared of I - - 44of Wh' YP4 Pop Sale , � tarr qi�.Otie vitiver Clitiapp(AT141 41111 it; my ocirns by I his remedy Find I wish 8nme choice ne%v HVLK VF4,RV.V7f4- �M r . IqFfQp 1JRUJPqUkJ1 fiPSAX91 � lilont;ml, April JJ­4+rchbis�o,� Hrii- I e more of it. for my friends. So Spring Term Opens April ist I�s have latel,y eori)e �0, 4s7"Ej at : , , , tiararjt9i)d tA 0MV8 Osittirl`h-r Price s0m � bov( is cut into stove wood choul. of Montreal, 114o issue i pas- I 1.00, .in till stirs 85 cents, at d ugKint writes Mr. J. NV. Brown. Chicago, The a tortil letter In reply to the decision of or at. Pollb'on & Co., Kingston, Out. - Central Business C01WW The* CT—Atral Drug .5tor e- length and will be delivered to any Judge A,chlbald, which declared valid -------- 40-- Mesars flawden find McDonell, of Q - ' , - — � , Part of the town the same day as arrig.L the We .1 two Catholics by a - �t r4tfqrd',' Ont, . . Among Them . . Pf otest ant minister in the now famous East Huron License Commissioners Exeter. recently sald a flne Shire stal ordered. , at the American Hotel, lion. -Desford MaVlls� 11. i 1� ,,Cqts6vinft Vlolst�', "Whi" Heather," D t case. In this letter the Arch- will meet t .t r N� . Vq e:- - - ly." "Lila* Cologne," b12.'p reiterates the doctrine of the Brussels, on Wednesday, I7t,b ipat (it Mon. I 01V I ., -r----A. ­ --E&etor Lt Orders received by telephone or �id I I D N9t1r.`I�&1Ako_ ','- "Wild Ross." Roman Catholic church conceciving 0 0�cloc oraildn V1*74w�;-Mw ! L 'At ,it 128 Cambria St. will receive I I *W -------*:-- _Q� along and take yotir chnico. , prompt attention 41 .1 1 �14 14' Ift'tt! A " P $ - Bring that emptv Pet -Nine Bottle )Oft 14701 " O�P, 1M. .1 ,,V the ""��� I , Is te, n ar c tit 64r. 606 w0b IR kenses Tb 13 T"IEV PM,04 'WhC1 1pr _L I ' I�sxVeq adt ye ' iii C414 v -11n; and � AN I , 1.1 . , J%" " K th&T .T'O ��To ripbliF iRp� llp, I . � t V, �' taT 3 e ' ��'Mopu'lj �e'% Phone 98. L, "ANAve Eied[Vi0f1l. I " '11 Alan. sco our assortment ,,f . . . r I 7 b '61 � ,ounit men 0' I. , " 9cm W erq 0 11 Ages lit Is tha a"Inimed at by mnnf,7 Apen ag cases Of lAiltopstj(iss, and olatm hattar and womim and otie wmy of reno i ng It [a by I� 1; . " , , I Thp qf% means of a thorough ans praotical odileation, Fine Toilet Soaps �� * results tkan tram any other me I Stich as lou can C in otir InatiLuLlon. Not,h� r,,,,,.,. 4M."VA-1,110 Tpi h e e - I Peter 11cEwan. � OlVipFhp 4no. 4iin fort dicine e ved lot lit 4 101P)p 4. or � e: one (lose Is us?Aaliv sufficient to correct an LhO - u 1). Ooderich, Nov. 2kat, U" , pt f'd 4��inq liven � i"i ous Ing le" t CNt ib Rlvsn W our atudento, to hand this week, from 5r 1777,1 � cA e for t1t, w f'reg4ge topri ) , Qff!(Io - j no. , " eq� a 9. tho trouble. For gale by ail druggists. and that to one roason we enjoy such a larve __ 0121-ip 1 Vet .*e VyaltqT11 4PIJ F 9" ii non "ttandanco. Our ottidentA are satisfied and I I rr-, (3�_ r_r]1_-P_T_,11-q-(3-, I otel Bedford Block. The Square, Goderfeb __ � � � ___ - - . . - - _ - ,--------.--- dr*i,:eftr,w,,.V,,www_,6Nr" tv,tv_,w,_�v 9.m...w,w" *r.4r:nrArjw,ffAW4WA1 Ono application gives relief Surgeons' Antiseptic Oil in any kind Of Pain. �, 1, r CI I I t M� Piles, Burns Scalds, Ulcerations. N IT C t, It ES Wounds titi(l B"uisev. IT CU RFS BoilR, ('11.-bancles, Felons. I IT 0'lt PS inflamed or Oaked Breasts and Sore Nipples. rr (!ultps SML 11houn), Tetters. tind all ornotions of the Skin. IT C U KIPS 111houniatiptu and Neuralgia Pains. N I ' ' PRIC11q, ,J()Q. &old by till druggists ot sent by inall on receipt of price Antiseptic Chemical Company, I :;=1210 MASONIO TENII'LE, CHCIAGO, ILLS- �Wr,W,W,Wr.4W�475WAV 9 WJrZ$:v1,1,V .Ar=r,Mr,WAVAW"Ar 0 We I re in it, too! . BRINIOPHEN & SON .... IIAYZ been in the FURNITURE and UNDEZrfAKING busineag for many cars, and desire to thank the general public for the very �iberal patronage extended dusing The past quarter of a century. ' TO CELFBRATE with onr friends we have decided to give exceptionally low prices on FURNITURE for tbonext thirty days. If you want anythiuR in Couches, Lounges, Bed -room Suites, Parlor and Dining Room Chairs, Rockers, Sideboards, etc., etc., the prices we quote should not deter you from buying - THE 0001)8 are all good and worth a great deal more than we aqk-much less than other people soll at. Do not buy until you see our gtock ; to inspect costs you nothing, and we will be pleased to show you our goods. is a ecit'Ity with us. We - UNDERTAKING thorougmy understand ovvrbusi� neis and have received our schooling and diploma at the @eat of If-arning. In every CABO We RUArantee the wool; modern and best possible wirvico at the lowest living priceft a 1114d qQi; tip 19 ser nitt, q 4IF'or J give you to understand, no, ol brel,hron. that the Gospel which wag tagoo, W4011111 ',Q open a howl in that � 011490, _� Miss Walker has sold hor tarm on the Mill road. the half of lot 30, theY tell othem Prepare now for Wthe Ik-%.rtk A ) �. %�%.., en Mons thatwill beopen next fall. e grucae� e rna,n3r Of Our 9tudenut In good "itiona. ther ! Brut Store. ' NT. - - - -_ __ - - ­ STOVES i BROPHEY & SOND by to ,west Tnelteramith. cot) aining 50 acres. to bu ,Inesg colleire- apply to un for onr irradu%kes M - t'O take fancii I prea hed me Is not accoldIng c man. For neither did I reeelve it of A suecesqtul Medicine.-EVOTY0ne - Messrs. W. and P. McKenzie for the , situationa ap WrIO f.o! %�!�$ VITSSIMV� VW W. ,bow The Pamous "Coke Dandruff Cure" G man, not did I learn It ; but by the w lobes to be successful in any i inder- taking in which he may engage. It I", sum ot $1,41530. It is a pashire lot, an A there bre no buildings an it,;� � i - I ' I . . .01.0. in stock. -, . - � Qrrnv­I?.c.t - __________ n . reVelation of Jesus Christ." therefore, extremelY t1w tQ �Je I , . _ --- * _ � 11 - I V E .� U 44'ren =1iV.eqh * Ono � .p,t�t t a I M jl�qt,f,;4,0�ft`�,Fihe - .?191Xt1'1- I tllov,V ; McKILLOP CANTELON'S � Epv��Nl , I _ t! ­h tif - -ITR I I , j: h t�Nelrelfor to com- It so ce %Q Mill r's vo __ -------,—.- -_ 8TOVES "I r 119 . I F'd 1i d ',I ;,P",k,e,� i r v el )W- Mutual Fire Insurance Co. `M'1'1'W!Z Oie 'e gr'-'Od 1!41'-r� ,'to w jc� 7il 4 RIP Ov8 ders- very pleasant to 'take hen t 1P V T� M . . . , Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarta. " V to " , 1; r6li . T E .411 o L Xp, bless nq ol4n4to live been chilaron 4re little, poevish no ro Lleus I , does 1�! enceesfiful heynnd 1.11itir pAppotations. #it night they rePtlive a doso 0 t o of Farm and Isolated Town Property Short Bread and Cream Bolls. t'��1­141 il e Ft ri, 4ge. To tr Pills by the Miller's Worm owderg, For sale by Insured. �Jince Pies and 1,ady Fingei�s. rihe Pearl sikver Steel �, Zi 0111910 2�11) on the Poiltmot-sao 4- 1 The entlortiation of tliaQo . @tit ancli probibitive alid ;AlNioal- I fil"llp IQ 4 mftvfv�'I,pe I hat a Pill h" air druawists, ­ �.....— Value of Property Instired tip to Kinses, hlacrtroo�p, 4a�anques. foo I I duce wh ch will fulfill ever V- — Coal Range, and the "INaiments as Aro Ueernei nf-0014- 10011 PrO ____ Jannary 1001. $3.("8.97FOX). �raqjv qns'pq, et�. re the spiritual welfare of tier tiling olatmed for it, - attir ( __ - __ _­ OFFICRUR AND DIUR( . , __ J, it. ma.0.1, �N,, ,%-Ow i"N' Pr.,: C,Jro rk(m, go.o� to the twat made in any Art Arnherst Heater t t in I . ,, 11rcAdfodt,J. Wart, .'q I -I � 7" J. - " " ritelon leAls the trado in are the best stoves in GREAT DROP IN WALL PAPER Ur IS 14"v�,;'i"t... . I go .- � .'),r,_t.r.� I . o, thin 4" ."', =!R" 6f 10"�� WEDDING C,AKES, . . .% . . !14 *.p r ,V - 00911??t 9000 't�. sserv4�y T"Ouret. . . A The Grenit Wall ,?!? , T E. Bay-, , AoFNT& I the market, for sale 3, . �" latray destigning. and ornamenting I I'll, . DFA, TI -4 "' Z W TeleM0116 " � -In 6 In 0ire him an oi,der 1j's apvrb 1� JAbFa%u1j%- and almond icing. I __ §1r. t . u , tre a. W. Y60, F!") 0 Ill , only by � I � 1 mdVille; E%,?dVRP1 " i ' - and your satisfaction will be assured. , I 1P. 0 Whft the "DEAD Ila I , We're hore to ;;'I READ" h, asiviv, Y -n, it ) n n, or e IR I , " ", ""' Do CANTEL014, J He WORSELL .., IU,TJ, P F!N1,1-.t,,, Teleptiono, y6y Ina)' ba ;1 I - t d a , (,,,v� lmn4 it !qlniv�ld'oMar. Vs "') N. �- %171 ,I- L , r t, qlaevalpr' � we i . . - It 6r,701 0 . I . . - 37V nt � � a r, y 06104*10 I - " , , � I- Vkh,14 a r r,g - � WEST -ST. GODBRICH. . 2.91 Rotor h1lT Tor. , ,�$ "" P"I'A. 49�40 Public I ­ . nnd * "'" ' � Goderich, I ha, - .' . arris areroom ICNTS WANTED for "TITE LIVE AND T I , .Jvvi 11T.b. pre e 9.1varsa is . ... H"Oey- REJON OF QUEEN VICTORIA, tin. . Juat wh4t, I *I% fl=� W ==� a 11 Ing opmial memortak tr1hnWm tMM the I . 16 41 a p4rf, . M—Mmg� 5 Ao —liwq!"----!o� . � Ity for §Tplrkvrl� I rnm%efninont BOMA anii Vanftdlan Qlatagnion. I - r" : ; : I - 100tia 100111- Geo. Porter, I Hamilton St.. Goderfch. mnd ­rba [Afe of King Rd�%M V It.** 814. I x 7 I, about 6W psq�, b -t 1� r ill., � , " 1W tta 41 re 4 ,W j Q ,,�. � fteltIll 0a Pwit 0=P=Id , , 0%ir P naser , Is amalvilty it"d movithly by aver 0* , Phone IM Local Ma r �W any rival wor . ��i b all en"Ied rn Atoov * V,�Rr� I elahrht 11L-Oilaa I safe, effectual. LA4101 "It we have already re. A % A k� 011�1 1 J b , I ftH ,jn-r, &litor =. ag ;1r,e.Tor-n � I�rt onil 61-76 Irs 91, 10� M1,61= 01VA-Ad ALL*Itnthotrarni s=,STT%%qA RWW9 A ^nW . Is M.".. . I4 'dam %p,rovoMsnts. qgAd rei. 1� 11"41441rds" % I 1200402% � t , ktre't .yertawyer, vxtrmlatk'' mlivationsamilanvTOU& PrIGO'No.a.81per fild lo k4 K 6jo"% s1N4s _ _ tt will be a, alomr cape of Our city Corn- ftea% a .1ft. 'r . 104-M..."i t 'h��.rffwv"tus trr" to box - No. a 19 ftre" strovigov, I$ pov, box. ING. y - - ut4tion to , it tbe;p ,Ap for W141ty, ", (W 'Inff 00 - OuelVil- I or 11. rnatl'e� 011=11)t Of prico &1ka two &east I , . r ea r6d tiver One IDAn LOA6, avid still Triore tO (0110 I *ffel .- � � is potitors binvililft up arrilli*t a stone widi tbfn year. - ­ . . � A V, ; � ayd rjt%sonable pylecok. 111ghost �)Mv The It V. -Pony will 02 1� . r 1, t M V 9194 ot. 'N66timpirritnift. * ""is *�J vid , ,lQW4, ilk, . "9"* 0-0 A Ptarip Vzhfbi�lan 10*11% A .1danarrooto.W6 I ;.N I M ., ot i; r0t I , ft" tire 04 oqira f9r MviusyMsrri�Pattsrivsn. fttm AJUP. Tood'it PhoSpfiCalne, � respouffime umppgrats in Canada. gAr I . � W . R1114brX14" 0 1 . , 0.3 I .. to wtinnis Fiviltilements slvmys In aook. TU orr"=Jek bJ JAWW'i I at fn ,W4 al. I No. I and No. I pold in O�ierinh A02$ft1e0__ V111 _',� ,, � - , - - . I I . 4 . 0 flftntfavA and PRImaraton CAmstrim. wood.re 12 aGid Wn�, drngtript- If yon �ant a Parriftore or d I ll.ble. ,,Tv-tbA^W - sh . i "' M;101 GAMMIL .,.,n,:3..,n,Zn45,=7 -1 .==Doom" . 10. " a ft1sw4o r" I%vd=n Iniplevivents tit any kind. it will pnr to cal) and guarmitrm to oil* all b"Ne%=,9" Ic -to. , .4 The Ooderich Star " *%r,&"-1M""tr"6C jai nas Wes nou all �ff"ta -f ftbus& := no .d;��Mloa " 00 U fte U& K AW IV k !ef,w � Poll TERI'S BOOK 8TORE. "'"-w" 0 ,re I a a a. N'.11 We W st, tip , 1 .�AKJ; Ii -4, Is a Leader. V. ill low .,%!�t I I . ta, ft, ,.: I [As L ft L A 990= CO. 11403WO PA" 17- Bert Parsons, , , so 114ta"ON11 N6. *0 IML Pop"ven Zook and WaIl Paper Wkww - - W"t. - IN i 10comes'"llik"s aotmTuouem &QUAR11111. GODURICH, I � I . 4 It Pays to Paint. Ttere 1-1 nothing that orlih to the selff" vk%e cw the renting value of a hou" like good paint -there � tt�hitsg b"k m*kc2i 6ime tac" horne-itka than good pain L rt pays to raint. The better the paint. the beftez it pay'k THE 811ERWIN WILIJAMS PAINT !* u: In t'he beginning becanm it go" so hr--pa7v lid nd becan," it lasts w)� long, and looks so w*ll, to =F"' " tn. Them Let no paint like it for beanty d'.,.b!1_f'ty, for economy " satisfaction. No Dr, Rougivie, Cash Hardware Storet. L , 1: , I I`,, ', I 1,11� .�: I _ ,�, , " : I L''. I I � .: , I - "' I 1 :�_11.4 1 1 1 1 1 .1 \, I ­ , , ­ I .. - � - ,� . I . I .� , . .. � . - % . I I.. w 4.1 - I I ­ ., Z - ­­� I . I . 11�,iiiiiiis .A- I .-.: I � . , - .,�A_ - .A..J". � ill - : 11-f I L* ' I : .i�4 .;*:� ,�!_ , '��! I - , _*��"" � � I . . �. I I . - I , I � I ., , . , . 1 ,36"- ��� ft$ .. . I I " ,� t- , ., ,_. , 'I, . .. I , I I I k'' I � , -, ,� , 1� I � 11 - I ­ " , . '--- -- --Nib _Vgim :, ; ? � """ , A L, " . � 1, 1 I I I � ': I 1, . - , . ,,,,ad�­ "� �,A� k,, _�, U ii� --- -p-- �_._ "��111 �, ��, - , , I - - ___ - -, L' � ­���i4 I ­�