HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-04-12, Page 3140 I 1 4 � 2� 0 - - - _- . I 1, r . I-, . � I I 6 . 0 1 � � I � � 0 ­ � I I -'--- 11 __,_________ POSTAL 14OXIBY ORDERS. "D`0 you "How that Lillie its gettlui mom beautiful every dayle' AW "I I 0 1 1 MiThe Rate Has a 40diffeed to the irth! Yes. I know it vvieIt And utu 1. know it ton T11pro inn't ho rt — mutt" States. I -1 -_ - -_ - - -_ - good away admirers prowling alronvil TRB VMY 1ATF4T FROM A despatch Crow WeXhijigtola say*-. -AA arrangement been, here after beir." "And It Is them All TO WORM OVM has Just am- allifled between the U.4t.4 atet.4 and cemiq 0,40 of. Valli , . take her awa,y from us before ver3 I I — Canada, under witich all pontal mousys Wag." tuterextft Itonus About Ow O" seat between Uus country and C%u- .Toor Uttle thlugl" "Yelk I Country, (Ifreat Brftdn. the Unkled ads will ka at the domestic rate of If able were to get a had bus, baftill" States. aind Ah Parts of the Cftbg. tbxG-tauths of one W cenL instead ,,Ob. I Should kin any Mau what Coadenso and Asser" ftr pA&y of the International rate of one W would treat her badflyr Ropillipisr- cent, as, at present. This conoession, ,Iorlificle Is only one Way of escaping � CAN 14 xwersied as mare important to the that?' I A general vaccination in Halifax has money ujoilar business than any go- "Ah!" said tile elder brother, with - ,,el, been ordered. tion taken since the inception at the out making any addition to the ex. 1101 Kingston will tax China" laundry- � 8"to m. The money orders annually clamation, if -a otio each. � LUL seat to Canada now aggregate about "And then." continued the other, Luation's tax f;ate is 23 1-2 mills. 12,000.000, and In the other direction "think how sad it would be for us to Hamilton Public school children a UttIO lead then that amount. The OX- part from Lillie - never again to see art: being vaccinated. chAnge of these Orders is her trotting about the house, never to The sum of $180,000 will be spent now rO- striated to four thousand 0ITLOod in hear her merry voice ng after we Biagi fur new bu�ldimtgs at -Queen's Univer- thin country, but under the new ar- return train work of an evening." ,,I is, raugament will be extended to 80.000 "I have been thinking of all that for Donald Todd w,as sentenced to two offices in this country, any money or- a long time, my dear John." yearso unparisnainent for manslaugh- der office in either being "It must be put an end to." tor at the Winnipeg Aadizes- .country thus authowized to issue or pay "Alad your planr' The Government cartridge factory them. "It to very simple It It pleases you, at Quebec will be oalled the Dominion ilt is expected that the radical -re- I sball marry tier before she gets fond Arseii,al after July Ist. deletion fit the rate will treble the business. of any one else.-, Nova f3ootia'a total estimated rav- cents'. tow $20, twenty ouiats; for $3U, "Zounds!" eaue is $1,W4,906, with an estimated - I The elder brother stood up, almost expenditure of 91.026,265. THE SPENDTHRIFT. threatening. A, no w 6 trike 4,1 natural gas has - ' "I also have thought of that plan. I been made at Leamington, the well L.stj­. -1 �.lh­ Liiil�d ;.e swept was often going to speak about it. but producing about 1,500,000 feet per da,y. '11,. tA­ktL_,i, � ­ l-e ""I lept always held back." Majox-Geu. O'Gra,d,y-Haly'B term as lut. the i -fie.. lune, .,why?" commanding officer in Carada,which Big pleasant mmst,.J.y began; "Because I wanted to marry Lillie expires July 15. will likely -be extended Torrents of music riot ran myself." another year. Across the haze girt plain; He dung the fields now liveries The two brothers looked at one an - Nearly 100 pupils Iiiii. the KLagnton And green slashed doublets to the trust other far train amiably. Then the ffigh schcool have been dismissed, Thou. stooping. from a lily bowl younger said: bbiag unable to mhow oertificatem of Drank of the swimaness, of her soul "This Is the same as with the mot her vaccination, And madly spreng away. formerly. Do you remember, James? The Dawban Px"byterian Ohurch ' under the direction of Dr. Grant, - I" In marshes and amist meadows be Sundered the stately fieturs-de-tho; I gave her up to you. It Is your turn in king a-rrangem-r(q for the erection Kingeupa in gilt army now to give Lillie up to me. You are of It *20,000 churcli. He tossed atuld the tasseled reeds Qulv',ing and hurts with crystal be&6& three years older than I." "Which nevertheless does not make The, tw�D-yeax-old son Of Dr. War- IUVA -to five named pirotainelut archi- a busbel anti a half inure of fruit. I a Some ca ses they bprayed it half of one rtmi K WAite of Hatimilton WUA fatal - And over in his thoughtless flight you very young." . ully burned by a celluloid comb Set- About him danced in vesturn bright A song was heard ascending from Ling fire to bii,5 nightdress. His minlon butterflies. Ilia plunder was the rose hid dew, below stairs. Lillie was coming back Mr. F, H. Otergue will contribute Ron lea%es the largesse that he threw from her daily shopping: U1,00 toward it fund of 850,000 pro.- At random to the aides, "Listen," said John rapidly. "The lk.,6ed to be raised by tile University Nor ceased he till he havoc made child who has made our happiness up Alumni fox their ahna mater. Amid the Insinine's slarry braid. to this must not be a cause of distinion Bian(tord's asaessiniant has do- So was his rich inheritance between us. Let her choose which cr,-ased 440,000, wh.03 building tZr- Rallied and lost. With swift advance one she likes best" . WiLs to the value of $172,000 wery is- And iaern in ,muct gown Came autumn, of the spendthrift "A-11 right" said the other. "That is sued last year. A winvaittee will in- youth By bitter bonds de ­id of cut).. quite fair." vitstigute the 'EscXepancy. Demanding summer's crown. Lillie entered, took the two men by Llamilton school teachers are i -n Here from the corcullej yews alone the neck, kissed them and, drawing a favotir of the abuliLior, of Model rhe robins mourn hi3 broken throne. chair between them, said; schouls. They also think that no per- -11.11 Mal) Gazette, "I wish to speak to you seriously." sun undex 21 years of age sbould be — The face of the young girl loohed giveit a teacher's certificate, 4111*0*0* quite joyous. GRBAT BRITAIN. At Leicester 60,000 pwrsonos are to ; THE TWO ii I "I wish to get married." "John and I were Just speaking about bu prosecuted for refusing vaccima- t i on. : FATHERS ' It:,, �� James' square. and on the cort h by Marlborolugh house and other large But you have not found me a has. A protracted striike of onginemen * band, - at the Imnarkshire mities is expect- O.x-**O*eK*gT,0*9*lb*qp*"**.*O*t "fal matter of fact we have, You od. . i ,Workiagivion'o houses to accomme- The mother was it widow, an Indus- love us very much, Bay?" "Like (late 42'0()o persons, will be built by (Hous woman, who worked late and father and mother at once." "That the London County Council. early In order to Support licr child a � Is why we wish to propost- to 6eve.ral British manufacturers are little girl between 4 and 5 years �ld ' you to choose between us." on their way to the United States, to pretty as it falry, full of fun, affection. "Why choose?' "Which .study the effect of the steel trust ate find coaxing as any happy cl0ld of us you will marry." on British trade. could be. The young girl burst Into a Ill of Miss Marion Ross, 27 years old, has On the opposite side of the landing laughter so joyous, so prolonged, ([!at been appointed junior Burgeon of the of the flftb floor on which Mine. Elf, the two brothers remained quite dam. I Aacclesfiold infirmary. IShe took high eune and her daughter 1.111le lived was founded. Then, brushing the lt�ars hiynourR at Glasgow University. the door of the apartments Inhabited from her eyelashes: Manw,hester iron manto.facturers will by two brothers, cabluet makers by "No nonsense, my uncles. I said I s0nd a party Of picked workmen to trade and bachelors either by choice wanted to speak to you seriously, You I 11(k United States to study American or by chance, no one knew. mustn't joke. I have a sweetheart," methods In the automatic. tool trade, One of those days when the Intense Neither replied. LtLke Fillies, R,A., has been 00111- beat necessitates the door being left "Now, you must not be angry. I am nianded to paint a full length State open In order to get a current of air, so fond of him, and be Is coming to- IKkrtrait Of King FAward in his. royal the prettlaess of Lillie attracted tbe morrow to see you." r.bes. It will be the Official, portrait. attention of the two brothers, who "Like that! All at oncel And us, 1,11- Wagws of the blast furnace men in were already post their first youth Ile?" �,xrk, England, will be redured 21 per cent. fow three months, and the wag" and adored children Ili their quality of "You will always be my two fa - of the Northumberland ra�jnors will be approaching old bachelorhood. Prom thers,"-Transiated From the French rvilured 13 3-4 per cent. , hat a sort of Intimacy Sprung up be For Detroit News. UNLTED STATES. tween the w1dow and her neighbors. The proposed Balmon combination Little reciprocal services passed be- Athens and the cleat. rvixmtted from ,4an Francisco will have tween them. They sometimes made a Your genuine Athenian believes the �i capital Of $32,000,000. party of pleasure on the Sunday. SO goat to be the proper milk produelng It is reported that it student of well did they get on Indeed that one animal, and be regards the cow it) ilos . . Xliohigan Univ,ernity, Ann ArIliour, hit, day the eldest of the two brothers said connection about as we Americam; do cuntracted bubou'c plague. to the other: the mare. The milkman takes his niil- 'I'lu're will be bull fighting at the "That child would want a father Dials with him, jangling thell. bells alld llaii-AMpTican Expatiiiion, with the badly." Sneezing. "GaIRI" be Shoals, a qjiivl�. Noud .anti c-ruelty left out. Mvxieo "That Is my opinion also." startling,cry, with a "g" whose gilt. �% ill Bond bulls and toreadiors. "Would you have any objection to lure] quality Is unattainable fly a(bilt Thi, gv,rivral searetary Off Lliv Do- my asking the mother to marry me?" learners and usually unperceived liy nw-stic and Frjroign Allissionary SO- ""'fly should 17 In fact I was think- them. When a customer comes to ill(' viotY stateq that .Ar. a.nd MIrs. Gem V. Tbmms will N-tob, colabribute the Ing of doing the same myself. But door, he strips the desired quantity fit Nurn of $14,0DO towurds; work in 'he since you have Spoken first follow the to the proffered receptacle before ber Ph i I i pl) iii em. notion tip. but on the condition that you vigilant eyes, Selecting one of the goats will let me see Lillie as often as I and paying no attention to tile Oth(,r%, ' GENERAT. Ilke. I love that child as much as It who understand the business as well n . s The Aw9tralian Senate is free trade she were lily awn." he does. Patiently they stand about, nrld tht, House protection. "Forsooth! You will live with us." chewing the cud or resting oil con(IgIl. China had a large increase in trade The question agreed upon, the two ous doorsteps. When thOr Blaster last yerur, deqpite the war. brothers. dressed In their best, went moves on, they arise and follow, More Austria is building three. large bat- to call on Nime. Etienne, whoul, how faithful than dogs. . tIvflhiPs On the latest models. ever, they found conDued to bed, The The obvious and well nigh overpow So far thkre have been 304 cases of evening before she bad run In order Bring temptation to which the wilkillan bubonic plague in Cape Town and 100 to take some work back to the shop Is subjected affects him In Greece as In d vo 1 lis. In time; oil* returning she had caught America. In Greece It is taker) for The depopulation of Lndia through a chill, passed a feverish night and granted that be cannot resist, rind he is faniine and obGlora is assuming alarm- wnt not able to rise In the mornlDg therefore obliged to take his animals ing proportions. She begged her neighbors to go for n with him. But even thus he 18 not Italy will launch two new bftttle- doctor. It was no time to Speak of above suspicion, for they tell of a riib ships during 1901, anti begin construe- Zia. marriage. bar water bag carried In.91de tbe cont Inflammation of the tuugs carried and provided with a tube reaching to Spain Ims appriovKA of a tre.aty Of lwace and friend3hip with the United away the poor woman in ten days, the P&IM of the hand. En ,11 thm, the S (at es. Thanks to the two brothers, she had milkman closes his band o�ver the nd Twenty TLLrki.%h soldiers not to go to the hospital, and until the del, he Presses the bag between his arm were ,irown,ed in the wreck of a transport last site was able to see her little 1,11- and his body.- Bert Im er's. I embo, Arabia. lie, whom she earnestly recommended The Russian Imperial Controller- to them. They swore never to abandon Air"ealtolle P&rtfnjr (;vneral is said to be, a defaulter in - the child. The funeral over they took charge "Well, major. goodby. Gla'd to have w-er 830,000,000. met you." Herr Kampe outlined a plan before of the little one, kissing her. They "Indeed, sub? Wherefore glad? It 11in Vienna Geographical Society to said to one another at the same time: "If a011s I take ))tile to make you glad, 811 h. " leach the borth pole in a submarine you wish, we will never get four- "It does." )�oat now being built, Ned now." ,,nahi well puL But every one says A lkxniLg.h butterkrulIker ;6 said to They went to live at Vincennes so .glad to bare met you' on leaving �i,avv di:sc.overed a new preservative that Lillie might have plenty of good new made nefinnIntanep, nnd Donne hich renders oatil-starrogei for butter fill- and take walks In the wood. They rneons If." ,md meat unnecessary, were very proud of their adopted "Nlere figure or speech To tell you On(- persoin was killed and fourteen daughter. When people stopped to took (he PKIlot truth would hurt your fcol fwrm,ons were wouaided in it conflict at them and asked In a casual way , I Saisrai between Greeks and which was her father, they replied, 11 ' n.A. major Oulv hyporl-Itel; can be l'urkl%h troop� ringing out of the .,Both Of DEL,- rcal Oro to poopto �ts n mattj�r r)f fflct� reported rintuir at a Greek lad by Lillie seemed to like one as well as - ir I nin sort N I "'Pt You. Ond I don't � ' .1"N". the other and called them Uncle John oli.r, if we npv(,r meet agnin," -.0— and Uncle James. 'Wh)' filing It. still. tou are getting AN AMERICAN MEMORIAL. When she grew a little older they put to he ,,,, h,a)esl grDthIllinn! I .qhOBI(I — her to school -to a young ladies' Bebool liku to mout �oa again, silh.,, U.S. Soct0ty In London to Do Hon- be it understood -taking bar theri " '\"% A'r If I hOPI)f it 10 see 3'On flrqt " our to the Late Queen. every morning and calling (or her In rY a jor I'll tO 34, tbe rnqliy old Soldier had Ronw ' A despatch from Loudon oays:-At (be evening. SO Lillie grew up be, tween these two affections without ,11`19 10 tll!r'L nbolit Nvw lork 1-1c�l, the Annual meeting of the American ever feeling the vuant of father or ___-0__ Amiety in London, the General Cam- mother. SWEE mitten, including Mr. Andrew Car- She cost the brothers a great deal nogie, was re,eleeted, Mr. I. R. Davis or money, did the little one, but hall. — Seveml Boers Killed and Many succeeding Colonel Taylor, who resign- ihey went no longer to the onto and Prisoners Taken. M. Mr. F. C. Vaindsizen, the president wOrked n little more than formerly of the SmietY will hall for the United rilpse supplementary hours were de- A despatch from Cape Town says: ,Atates to organize an American Coin- ro lod to the pleasure and toilet of ma- -The cobizitinn owhich left Kimbe -ley pany to work In conjunction with the '11pritolnelle. when she was 15 years of age, she lost week to mweep the count,y am , far as Boshol has returned after ac- noriety in erecting a memorial to the was ,he first to Suggest that she should OOMPRAbing good work, several Boors I lain Queen ,VictoTia, which, accord- stay of home for the future. a I wblctf were killed and a number of prisoners ing to Mr. Vanduzon, will be entire- distinct from of course, the brothers were enchnot' taken. The British casualties rwers one i killed and three wounded, Small � ly the British move- ed ment. Whilt a charming little house- par- ties of Boers barassisd the British I keeper they bad then find with what flanks, and lanipialf was almost con- 1 -411— joyful tenderness she greeted their re- tinuous. TRIED FOR TREASON. turn every eveningl To any the sWil- 0 - I � oil child never abused their goodness GREAT CATCH OF SEALS. � Gen. Koch Executed by the Orders would be saying too much. but at leAst she of Gen. Botha. seized every available opportunity — of pleasing them. Half the Pleat Now Home with 11 A deapateth frolin Bloiemtantc�la, says: Two years passed over so qnlckl,, for 223.000 Skins. 4 A storry ig printed, by the Bleernfatn- all of them that on the day the two A dampatch from St. Xoha'of, NfId.. ' tedn Post assorting that President do men brought a coke find bouquet to s*Lyt;-V% steame. Raniff3r, with 80, I Xmb, of the Hergher peace 00matill t,A celebrate 1,1111hYs birthday they ex- 000 m-_ilov, and thA Mortimer Labrador, and one of the foundetrill tit tvitint organ- claimed: I with 20,000, (Wale. arrived here om , isatiori, took a imagage ItTom tim ,,seventeen years alloll Is It postal- Tuesday niorining. T he steminfor Al- , ble?" Rritikh at Belfast, under a white flag Hot, yM It im posalble. And James gotrine, which, while returning from tlx� Ine fieldmi, with 21,000 deals. was to Gen. Botha In January, When he "tirwill tit Ocrieral BoUb,ila camp h and John thought so Mach about It I EoTocd Into Rionirivinta ,harbour laort I Inv e wm Arratifted. and was tried on the that It made thiliall SAX101110 and 011- 'Mvpn ovving to n tetTiGo storm hotel J f also arrlv�&d at . P"Waling (-b#LTgb a tresson at hboVierikal, He happy- Ten ahlVilf. lislit"h3has fleet are w`1a tainad #Oft- 1110int0itiOlid to deat-h It was the YOUnSW Wbb M04 one I now hotole. Their catches total i4000 sala waa " so " W . I . b"Ohilf to tb* otbW3 4111141116 I Is I . . � I '­ . 11 � I I I ., I 1, �) " , I I ,,, I , , _­,-­jQ: "* . . , I � , ,,, , . . " , L . I " 1, J� _. --.-. . . I- I � - - - - - - � ­__- . .. - " I . . . . . . . . . � ­ �. . . - . . I I W&W4110101W I '_ EAggricultural __� , t1to oft Of 10 -ow In *me 04wde , tafta" &ft WA tell*&* in Ituie of " ' I — — __ - . - , -1 1012,_�t ,!,,,�',�, ��C'.�i� I . - ` �, F FAmON" . ­...­ __ ...Job— SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION. � V �410_ ��,% Atib rFW1WM_.._.__.._...1 - reply to Japan's protest I � N , MN� � WSOVINISS IN H&0461146 IDOWS- __* sayd the Yokoham, carrespandent of ftman to any undertaking vast* an New CW6% for Raq(*y Order Rates I �-::::�— — 1. .I - I .-.– 6 cow simple P.roposittoos. as follow*; to the United Stilites. SPRAYING IN FULL BLOOM. & litilowtedgo of the maAblille. 4qu *p- A despatch from Ottawa says. -The lankat moo mom �utkora save a preciation of the dateds. shulty to roduced rates at commiagian upon OILY About It. direct the "orgies, sad tomes, and &b- moillialy ordorm Issued in Canada and At the --t New York state can. !lily to dispose of the praduct,, MWA payable in tho UnIttil States went ifl- Vebtloolor bookeepers Pmfegaar Beact production beyond natural coudil. to force an AprU 1. Thu maxiinuin of Geneva made an address on the tioall balwagoi to the nervous tempera. fur WIA110,111 each pr4ars Can be issued matter of Spraying troes .-While, I, full InQuIt. W12co a dream came of the in bicre"til from $W to #100, and the bl--," and of this B. it. Boot, tht po"Ibility of adding to this, normal. I -too chargeable are tww as to ' flow s. tift Luau OWS a Msumo In A,racricim bee Journal: meat mal.ug powers. the first stop -On orders Up to #4, three c-esta ' In the exPerlluvat* conducted it %-,ujl was taken In the fixing of type to O'Yvt 05 and up to .920; six Qcuts� 0" found ChM the blosaumn that Were accord with tuactions. Here we,3 the 110 and up to 430- t'en 000ts; On #30 sprayed just at the time they were in Luitiatory titep, itera the first ar ude abd up to 050, fifteen contA; on $5o and tip to flfrj� twenty-five onat1j; an , M bloolli Were either killed or tujumd. If recognition of diAtinot temperaments. *'5 a up 0 Lhkrty OCAL.S. the spraying weroudwhilatered only find their Purliloaga, and out of this 1 o, orders pay- t _! - Ik`-7 nb during the blooming tinia, the poison. have came the broods and their abnor- I: ,.tC:o.4V.P.t as eat as arders pay - ous udxtu- did riot go the right Bpot mal developme . ut. Man ties, been all %bit) in the United States, troon this in a good IuauY waimi. for the simple the while. the dominating the 0011- time forward. That a very suinitantiaLl reduction reason that no ClUster of upple blue - I souls. for example. opened out at Due trolling factor. has been made can be seen by refer- and the sau)e titut.- sume blossom, To -day the extrameit of beef and ewe to the rates formerly charged fox orders payable in the uait,d would be closed and Impervious to tile milk type are before us. The cold, Status. These were, fur #to, ten I o _ ffeet of tile spraying Iffiltlidd, and it no salt". phlegmatic on the one head. cents'. tow $20, twenty ouiats; for $3U, more stiraYlall were administered urter ilt"LlElig every ounce to lie Own Pur- thirty cents; for 440, forty cents, and blooraing time then theso blussomli Poses, the making of growth and fat, for $50, fifty conts. Th. old domestic I that were not open would not recuivu and the warni, sympathetic, unselfish rates beean at. three cents fox 12.5o, tile beileflit, und the fruit eatlag tub,.Itv highly nervous organism. striving to and ran ul? to forty aeatti fur 8100. Tha Unked status ateree to ginte cur- would then get in their work, Tile pru- reosor brought out tilo polut clearly spend Itself for the direct benefit of responding redupatiow on postal that if mprayling wem applied before othera. It is motbarhood intensified orders Issued in the American Uni.w bi(;olulug and after the Ieur eating to - In this supreme effort to feud the timid payable in (a nada. Bevis III the other would be destroyed. world. Six thousand pounds of milk --------O— - Uo further showed that the apritylug yearly marks the minimum limit of QUEEN'S MEMORIAL. inixtureti are exceedfugly baruarul to Individual salt support, 9" to 12.OW — tho development und gl.uwtil of the Ilia air maro. the range of possible pro- SoUlptop Thomas Brook to Design a delicate pollen. fitable production. the limit being an unknown fabtor. For this great pro- Oroup of Statuw7. A certain set of trues was St,,t apart Bud Sprayed while In bloom, ulld uIlly duetion there must be the dairy type, the loosely colastruotati. nervous * London, Aprid 4I. -The cotum,Lttee of (bell, and OLberb were Dot ,IJ1.1, yod. ganiam. the large, barrel, wide loins or- the Victoriat memorial has reitue.,I,d I EN ea though the bloum wam u.%eutaling, large -udder, great flow of blood, an� motra than the Mr. Thoinuts Brook, t.he sculptor, to dusigm a of including ly ubuilduilt, It Ives f0ulld tLut 1.11"ho true$ that, moro Unit sla'ayed dul-IIIII All� certainty at Intel- ligence, group statuary, a figure of the late Queen, and tu blooming time yielded from a tbird to Milk and especially butter fat, ace #he beat produatti of nerve force. IUVA -to five named pirotainelut archi- a busbel anti a half inure of fruit. I a Some ca ses they bprayed it half of one sad to be fiNitiIII through intelligent Lects to prepare deaigmv for the trea t- I tree several thues d'uring bloonling contact. The cow and hex owner must meat of (lie we,ste,ru ead of the Mall, time, 1pavilig tile other side ur the tr,co be friends. Kindness and sympathy must dominate every step. The per- whore the mcniorial. is Lo be placed. not Sprayed. T'here was u marked ,Ill - faction of dairy cow machinery must and also a gune,ral schento to Include � ferouce lit ilia setting of ilia rl,ult oil be backed by an increasing desire to It all re,hitootural ontrancili at the Tra- the two aldes of tile tre,,s, Bad that tilt. give forth to the utmost for the man fulgax square oral of the Mail, unit ferelive was decidedly in fa%or of (Lu who twice a day takes his pla an s"c"Jiltec,turai rearrangement of aide not bpruyed. he Minas her calf. Whatever serves r a - the Mail, with groups of sculpture at A certain fruit Luau %%ho bellt.ved fort or peace of mind promotes pro- ductlon, for motherhood knows no lutaxwLis. f Or raiall; a processional read. It fis estitriated that the scheme that spraying dul-Ing bloottillig tittle limits. Begin - fu will cost no law than- 11:250.000 Th,, i� was tile right thing it) (10 es0illatell, after lie laid biwayed his wbolo orchard ture co,w by educating the dam. Take committee has asked the Lord ayor ier than in tiny other way. the calf in hand at once upon birth. to open a sub.scriptdoon therefor If at such time, that lie bull lust near. and allow no trace of fat to get a the elaborate 8chemp is worthij� car- IY it tholltiulid dollare. 11to find laid foothold and dirert the dairy tention- ried out, it would ligive a magnificent 011til.19L of that bilsibitlas. alas. Grow, with sole reference to fu- affect, to which nothing in Loudon oarse manure in thii winter, which ture service, now approaahes. The Mall is a wide POTATOES THAT PAY. Begin early to handle and traln,and Lbbroughfure., consisting of two par - A de�patcla flora MiAlVa KRY11 -Flus never play with the crilves. A,llow no allel roads lined wiLh trees. It is "eal-y y1oIlle,ro, I,avllkdt11,, Carman caretaker to 'have charge unless he is flanked on the south aide by St. No. I and Umpire Mate. In full sympathy with your purposes, and hag a large appreciation of the James' square. and on the cort h by Marlborolugh house and other large Sixty-two varieties of potatooti lisivit problem. The obannel of nerve force residences. The memorial fund al- been under trial fur livu or lily. Hutvvd- must be untrammeled and the seat ready exceedis X50,000. Siva 5(cars tit the C"adiaD oxiieritnuit- of nerve fares, the brain, undisturbed rmvpu tal flIrLIlS, and, while tile 12 must pt'j), and under control,if the largest yield is to be forthcoming. WARLIKE TONE. ductho Souls havu avoi-aged during Dealing with tune- "Theme thirign will h dif(prn1sarne da ## " she declared A, that I)ertud 352 bushels I)OV acre, the tions so dbotormally developed and yet -_ remaining 30 havo given an average of to be intensified all conditions -as- gniring ).%at alpop h.l�nlrq to flip pie b.nt In spite of tie cap(wity for lie f., o sad for the market gardens . Bible, to affect production must be President of Japan's House of Lords taken into acaount. Keep this thought Delivers Inflammatory Speech. of motherhood bontLnually before you, and better care, more sunlight, and,siu- A despatch from London, Says -.- "Russia's crease of fresh abr, kinder treatment reply to Japan's protest and closer relations will be establish- against the Manchurian convention," ad. sayd the Yokoham, carrespandent of The dairyman of to -day will fail to. the Daily Mall, "im, regarded as unsat- morrow unless be feats growing with- in him a Spirit of reverence for his iafaotoxy, and furtber vigaroull re- dailry cows. Leaning for 'his support these maternal functions, PresentatiOUS will follow - "Prince ?n and seek- Ing all the while to increase the same Ronoye Atisumaro, Proof - dent of the House of PeargA, Ln the he should never forget that it Is out of the intelligence and unselfishness 00 urso of an Inflammatory speech, of his animals that he is being an- Openly disousnied the probable results riched, and every instinct of manhood, of a war between Japan and Russia, should prompt a hearty recognitionof the untiring service of those faithful and st.id that Japan wuld count upon servants whose only thought is to the friendly neutrality of Great Bri- yield to th- utmost in response to his tain and GeTmAny. He declared that friandly invitation. Study the problems the Untited States would not interfere, "with sole reference to the years to and Lhat 1�ranoa would only cause un - come. Increase of product and Ile- easiness by the employment of her crease of cost per pound is inevitable A-unameae forces and by a naval de - and no man has determined the limit. Etc who succeedo along the line of monstration off Formosa. "This, he predicted, would be the the milk -making machine will be he linait of French action; and therefore who most tboroughly believes in it, most firmly and respects it most truly. Japan's vastly supexiox army would be enabled without grant difficult to lilt) 111;01ATIX_�. --- __0_ - y drive Ruissfia out of Manchuria." 294 buBbels 51 potmd.q, all � �,,.1,a,,,, ( If 11 I I _ the top, one near the middle and all"Cl PRLSSES THE BOERS. ference In faN,ot- ()f tile la-st 1,-, sta,ts of SHEEP RACKS. - 57 bushels 9 pounds per a,rt., Fo- outdoor feeding they are made 600 TONS DAILY. Soine of tile heaviest yl,lkllug pula sunp.e and cheap; all of the material — toes, averago of sl�,� �vaib' tlilil. at,: nqui,vd for a single rack is four New York Capitalists Will Erect a No. 1, L'Nervtt, early, J)illk; 2. Caiik�aii 1.,,,nide, 12 feet long, two of them 12 monster PuuIp Mill. No. 1, medium early, wbae; :�, fw(�iws an I lbe other two six inches wide; A despatuh, frohn Montreal says�-- ter Rose, varly. I)ILII,: 4, ,\ait.l,1,.aa Wonder, late, wliltv; 5. Lait. 111�1,jtall, four mor(; of the Same widths, 8D in- Ni.gotiaticlael lhaft just Ix'V11 COOI- � medlum la(c. whito; t% I.,1 1111., �,lak�� u cbeq long; six posts. 80 inches long, pleted bet-wven the Governinent of . Inedium late, wh1tv. for uprights in the corners and the (4�,bcc and a party of Ne'" Y,,rk If farmers wuuhI (:h�oo,o lat. I_. I celfll.Pr- of two by three scantling. capAnhisLA by ,w,Wch the revi�nt ne- productive Sorts for ,,Owiag, hit, 11 ., Null thc boards to the uprights, wide quilsitiom by � Ube lattor of th, I,,,- practice gvni-rally l'ollowi-,I w,t)ll1,I I_ Ones of thv bottam, two inches from 'nen c wateT-loo,wer of Qu. ulwot doubt result In a walokiiii liwrin,t , lower end of Scantling; and the nar- I Saugenay, better known aA tbi� Grand the average croLon of the cuuntry, row bon rill, 10 inches above these ; that Lhs,hargo of LAIce St. Jahn, %"It 1� ---. is, luave a space Of 10 inches bete h tt h ai ating the largo6t pull, now to T ­t seed Corn. I The Vitall Y Of all HV011 CUID h�wl,ld btads jiD. mill in the wurld. he thoroughly tested beron, ld.altiag,. It ii a good plan to have a drop The oapitalist.s intcrestod in Ow To do this satisfact.irily fill till ordl. b(�aid (I, cover this rpaoe, hung by Project, Nvito will contmi-nev up(""- nary cblna (]inner plato it little ov,r lvurn(i hinges, so that the bay may this spring havi- de,idvil 1 " � half full of iluo clean mand. I,,, he put it to the rack before the sheep .tions Invest five millions of dIdlarm Ili "I' '%'a ter on the Naild until tile tiult, 1,11118 a are llowed to begin feeding. When is lift thoir urldeTtaking. i.The mill,4 (hat Lhey to th,, (�taml lout of It. after which file t.),tju, fri-v all ready, the drops by turning pwpose erect upon , I fly rollIng. It presseii the roots them up and fastening with a strap Nacharge are tkD Lv- rilluch mol.. I hat, water can be drained off. After biwil CW otherwise. doublo the eA city a,( thome tit Grand Ing off tile tips Bud bulls of tile val's Uf X , , z GHASTLY STORY. 00"" U119" ad 26 a. withoul I,X,O,. . W= A d-VAtCh from LMAM Illoaday, sayo.-A new"pillir hare tells, uad9tar a SLOgapoivo date. a ghaglily stoo ag Cannibalism. It Aass it was brawlit I to 910gaporo by two survivors of tho Nove Ilksitiza baxquto A.ugala. w,blub left Cavite. Phillipplao Islands. no October 17. Tbt, vusaul was witcoked on a reef on October a 0A he - a al- roAdy been reptatcd. Tbo story i,� that 17 of the, orow buAt tvfc, tafLa, . . one of w1sich. carrying tim pomous, diagippearoti the Wtst night. Tilt, other, carrying 12 parsecs. inalutiltrig 04pt. Cracker, drifted for 25 days. Thc ,,I,, W"u without food or water, and their agany was terrible. They lift) attavvecd aad ehowed their bout.o. On October 95 twin of them weat mad and Pluingtil k4ito the sea, Tho auAt day a Frunchiale.0 killed the mate with � an axe and dritak his blood. Uotried to tot the brallio, but his comrades tbLrow the corisso overboard to pie-- ve,ut U. On (ktotoox 27 the Frenchman . trAybed to kill the twAptaju with an tilt.. but anot-lie,r Mau wrested the weapun from tutu and killed Win, When eigilt fell the othab ate parts Of tit. Vronollutan's body. On October 48 L'aptain Croaker &lied and hils body was Out0b. The cuunitimlism, wast rupatit. od until the two men who tell,tho story, Johaus bAl ado, a ad MarUcerou, TiSj'�Watyd. 'v "are Lhe only survivors. PiQ411Y tilt) raft drift- t1d a-sh-Are on ,Sombi Ishuild, The Oat - Ives there were frientil.y. and put tile two men an board a junk bound for slullftLiure. ------ 40� A DASHING CHARGE. —_ Canadians Charged a Boor Position In Buffalo sill SEYLO. A .jli"patch Ixtrat I LlithrlxAn, N d (it I , �y,i�­DoLails which �rt, ariiving tlVTV Of (;vn. FrklaCh's �4%JcCeSsfel Op. ITOLIA41.1 ill Cho 141anteril rtaubvitul islatink thal, In ono onfgagelw�ut thc L C�tuud,,ttw oharg,l�d ,I Iloor pUsi . LIAM Ill Iluffalo Bill istitio, Ittring an they ga I- tolwd itong. 'I'lie 110(Lrii w-J're in It 1)�U. sitloji VVIAvf�n they could not havi. b�,eu Ii,mlic d, and ,w"vre it was Lit- LUVM( 4WpUtusiblo to disiudite Lhem, but by Lke, foiriiurd charge of tho Valid- dia-Ins tU-Y woXe Ttarood Lo yield, '-�,oir-�4-uf Boers ,wuLh their famili, s linvi- mutre,ndered, tit Mulinoth, zulu - lgind, and othmA Lit-() fut(otiviing th0ki oxattliplo at differ"D t pittoem. Tilt, pe". pli, w-hil 411 e voinjug lit tiny t hey hit I , nov,i,l hivird of thtl Britiall prockilaa- tiodi,4 un re-slawt to tho,se who sutn-n- dwa . arld. fu.1 the ' ltw I c' that th"y haNv bk`011 1.111.41VII tit rogard to the Ilo.-I pus i Lloin. ------ so— BOER FAMILIES. — Suffering Greatly Owing to Rain and Want of Food A Atimliatch (toin I'WtufLI1A1ltZlJalg says. -A man who cuint'. d"v,11 rl'an l;eUL Frencli'm colullm, status tilat the 13001.4 %%hwk in Small detached Parties arb only tot, glad to ,iurrt,nder (;oil French is nocephnv submimsions ,la I ly I The Boer wunion and chilition tile necessarily suff,wing groat linrdsh,I)AI , owung to the rain and wan ( of fim"i. although everyLbLaig postubl " i4 heing done for thoir voinforl. Our inon aro also havilig it tryttig (itne. The swazis urt. cl(�sply watviling Olo 111twoments of tho Ilo"Is ()[w mal.ill party of fifteelli of tile ent-lily Ilav "' 9 got over if),, border, tilt, S%% it,,� kill 04 SeV011 ala(i 11ill 10111 aInder fled, to surrender to tho Brio�l 1'. -------- a— BURNED TO DFATH. — Babies Were Left Alone In a Labourer's Cottaige. A d,lmpaLch houl St. rlwjnla�, out , -aYm: -kVililo Alex. McGinnis, farla tabourer for ('. it. St.tv,.a.,ri, (,r SoUtll'Allld tll�%11,411.ip, Dour Flag;'I villago, N%:t� "utling NN ­d t-d" , V, hi, .41114111.1% AW11'. to ."(In thlif mt, (­,J� fit k. IIL,4 Wit". %kill, Lwochil'Irvil " " it Ahol( th,,Iatw�, aw ky, 11�'r t��,, twolt, '-fil"Dill-"I'l haim'N boill'ir lit tho 11-1" ' The niolhor fatjit�A, mid b,,f,.I,- til, citildivri v�xubl K"t ll�.11, Ow .1cilliN -, v,n4uiiw�i and tiw 1w" lyll)".N butuvil to death. KILLI-1) AND MISSING. — Casualties Durinr the South AfrlCan War. A d­p.o, 11 rl .11, I � ,,I,,,, _�� k N1,il.-Y)"'111 "Ma ­1 by 11". NN ,I . Wt., - I— I (, 1 Iw , , �11.1 I t �'s dll,.�,,g Ill-, �4­111) A f'.11 . It It i I I ,, t 1". ,-u'l ,.f Ni it..), " ;­ 6,11,"., Mfvvt.� ktll,,,i, . . I . 6.111 M -,n k,ll,-,i . . I . I . 13 Ti, ()if I I r� a1A­Ja,J I . . I "I NI, -n In...'Ing . . . . -, � i).,.,,l i rt., ,, f,,� 11,Ttw :�.,; In �n I -I '% 'll" It if ,Z ­I k" �1,.fl, f,r dllf�� . . . . � I �, I Fill If desirable, cleats may be nailed Mere, The Litter lia"! 24 grindeiN. need corn pick out one Icel-Del from licar --- __0_ - across the end of the middle scant- ling the Tho other will have W and will turn tanA �ulp, ih,rty the top, one near the middle and all"Cl PRLSSES THE BOERS. on inside, and a board floor out 600 of w-t ar er near the butt of the car. Mix thedo — Put im two or tbree inches above th-, giround. The ends of the rack bad (mrloails, daily. kernels from all of tbo ent-B 1�.gether French Captures Numbers of P r I- better be bOaxde%1 up, as sheep at- - CANADA'S FINANCES. and press 100 In the ptato Or Sand. Turn another plate over the firra i., soners, Waggons and Cattle. tempting to eat frrAln the ends crowd out those near the corners at the — prevent too rapid evaporation lint) met A 'I.-.1'al.-Il flow 1­nd.,11, .,Y,4,- '\ ilides. These racks may be bauled up- Expenditure and Revenue for the In It warm place near tilt, St., � ,�. Ex. 'b-mi,awh frum (;vri N.t0i"n'' t.� t l" Din it sled to any part of the farm. Past Nine Months. amine from day to ilay. DO Dul. 1,1 ill,, \� 1, (iff.t ". d , 1-1 I'l "Iol � i I " , I � rhe plan is Old, but popular, never- sand dry out, but keel) it llmrou4lily M�.\ I 1 il.Ll C111 1'11� 1. I ­1�111 , . 11 I ,:,, 1, � the,lesn. A despatch from Ottawa maym. -Tht- moistened. ,\t flip end of gevmi dayk 1'-o w ,.i, -i � iu,i, I ill inikei, ri,ul pr_ ! i consolidated revenue for th, nino, loll of the kvi-nels Rlintild briveRprouled 1,.f,:(, W1111"Ilt '.1'j"Wition, WORTH KNOWING. s March 31.0 last If less than 95 sprout. dl�cnrd t1w N0141 (;I'll. 1`11-11- IL h- I When possible every garden should amounted to $37,918,017, whilml the (it alA Secure other m,,-.1 11int will t,�,-)f 1111111,1.1 ,W1,,J), I :ind ­nt nw� t(� pr,- ill, alive a hotbed. Thin is easier than dinary expenditure for th,- samp per � '5 per cent or more. r ...... mmetid� A . f,mvp,mi t ­r. al VI)h"A 1'111� "',ol"'. (�.l mostpeople think. The requisitesare: 4A was $28,6Z7,612, giving ;I sarplu� Kimmel of Illinois university. ' ­ lilt tf- on"111N , vljn� kn­,ri 1,, 1�,- n & tow feet of lumber, a Saah or two, of 49,290,05 of revenue over i-tipi-ndi- - Hollister wheut, the 14-11 1-, "I. -I " ,1,.l , , I 11. 1, �, ionic borsia manure. a dry goods box tu-ra. An increase of $1.067,945 i� � Wheat that haq been heaved .,tit to ala,, I ,k, -n , ­vI�,d,-r!,J)1'L 11,11111" f ..( Dick in the ground and filled with sibOwn in the ­M"Olid,at"I 1"Ind re- I I I Ome extent toy frost IF; gron tly l"J",l,f p,.,,,,,:,,,r,�,, ,,ka,wW,,:rl-.I,,'ir14f "00'. A , -�rt It, If 4. , 1, is , , �. ". �. i t 11'. manure, some muslin for a cover, and cello is compared with the same lo -nod , I fly rollIng. It presseii the roots flr�nw, I�V,,l Imm'TIR 1'' Ill.. rvoil, rout have a hotbed. In a hotbed you of the previous year. bent ,I",] grains bnek inlo itw -------- o— lan start enough cabbage and toma- ne increase otrevonue is i united 1), �'_'::'hii�­�I giti,., thern n , haw P 0. 1;ll,f, : T. in plants for your garden, and have increased post-offic.il anti miRepikinvoum "' I :­%jill -dishes In 80 days. Cucumber nee 4. receipts. The pott-)fflc,- re,piplq Show an advance of 0150000 for th-- mmith POPULAR SCIENCE. — Generals Botha and Do Wet Have )ut Into cubes of t ir our inalles ,I f f . I of March, and of f 119,M09 f( v I hf n inf- Mot at Vrede. ;quare can be placed in a. hat bed. months. Thi� miwvilantou� ievenut- Agtrr,niitnri% hwire wit thrit the diani ow as soon as wa-9 in Mnrrh Inst el -'000 ,T: tdvan­ -vf,,r of t1w -,noh ut Ili, �.lkjnt,,r vari,� A 1­1-o'l, r­tn I -I " ­�. -he weathear is warm ; they can be ofthaltame mortit, la�t year Fm th, 3,()48 f-l, ­ thni ... ir 11nn-1 I. n,,t ,.,,Iy \ 1-1.,1 -, ,,, ,t- I It,, f m 1\, ,,,,, "emoved to the open ground; they nin 7 months an incr,,i�p nf 11-, 0300.. (Initi-ned at the pil�. hnt mlightly .q,l,...z " I'l .0 'l, . i 1, ,, I I— h ,, � ( ,,,, of the same month last yeaj I.,o, I he Pd in the midale. 1, -,.,11.,i ,ill ,,,,,,, vUl grow right along. never will kno w 000 is evident I In France alarninium will h� matte into , , 11. , .bay have been moved and have a- (i The ex aditure ,,n t,,i..l it a,cmin! I paper. am nhoolm one fmirihnnoancith ,,f I ""'I It,,'h, 1'..", 7y".. ': " ''., 1, I ,,, 11 ,.f (.. t� \\. I h, 1� ( iumbers a month earlier then Read for the five ni"fith'i .;I, f*7­Vll,258, ns not Inch have been rolIM, whi,h will ,,,,t 1 t h,� )Ianted [a open grouna. against $6,457014 for Ih, pt��vmijy nine nxlill7.o sad lim procticnily h- ni,si ,�Atc, , I �1'11..',-,­ I rk". - h. , n J, ,, r " I It' ­.I C-1-11) I— ?, .11, o UR on I of the 7,coullis, The expenditat� Ll[)Iln Tnilitist proof rind Inflosirtirtibif, liv WIIMI� . ,1, , " .' I I'. ­ ' ' --1 - rround onion sets can be put out. is about S131,00i, 1,- ih.n f,,i tl,(,prs- ftnointri. th. ne" "'Mal. i. Ali Ohmo ",,� r! 4 " " V ' ' ' ' L '' It—' � I ,,,, , , ill 1, " 1, � . ioatter Kemp strawy manure over oll g nine monthis 00 10 ,-f irrent P.%..r llnlf n J."'It'.1 I ,I , I'll ,v , " -11 ", 11'.- -t"...'".", l"'t), - hem and Breit will soon have bunch .- mnl.- nn �:,T,­r, �iv,l , ,, . w 1,,t "' I onions. MRS. NATION AGAIN. day f- a ,iml,­, v,,- \, '.1 .. 11 '.1 , -_ Put bar-rels with both heads out I" - "fih., rr, T"I ­ f I ". r, .. ''I- ­, I FAMINE AN[) 11't-HU,z. ,round hills of pie plant and you will — ' ;,­ , I 11 1.11 Lave pie plant to use two weeks ear- Driven Fmm Saloon Named After . - "'Ift— - — ier than in tiny other way. Her, at Pi9tol's Muzzle AFRICAN MEDALS' 30 Per Cent of the I�usqiai) Pupil, Am asparagus bed should be on the A despatch from St Louis, Mo., says: — lation Med of Diseitio outh side of a huiiding, or tight lbard f once. Itabouldhe coverrdwith _Mrs. Carrie Nati,,n. ,,f Kangam,sipent Duke or Cornwall Wt If Pre,;ent Them A ,1-1.f,h frt�oo I_n,4,m -1 . oarse manure in thii winter, which another hour and a half in St. Loniq to Canadiani. lh� 'ifnn,tard � 04,�An ­­ �1­nd, n- hould be retnoved as Acton its f1ho frost an Tuesday. She visited two Market A de�patcla flora MiAlVa KRY11 -Flus -ay- (h,' d--f­lti .,f th,- (,:,, ­- ,rit 4 out in the spring. Peam can be pinnIsd as soon as the atrofet saloonts, engag" in heated mr- Fitcp1lenry hq� reepiv­1 hf- rne� I yphtw f, ,�r lal. ly 1'.J." 1-1 .11 ( h, I rest is out of the grounil A fraezp gumelots with the hartanderp, and at the of it revolver WRq fore6d age fr..Ttl Xr kWirnhe ,I, ri�linll mfatinit son. lt.�­­olim �nd J.�'Tl. -f K " I f and T till -14, Ah0W th.t III,, in,,rtii', v A I of -t hurt them after thpy are IV point from a saloon named after bar, and that (M his approaching Visit to (,,innda t ho �i)lke 'I 0)rn.,01 and . I erefripm %a.% 341 pi, (enf �,f th, In t i, m. Black seed Onions xhoul,i be gown which she visited nn her provions I ycli, ,011 ,I fbf pl.f, "'I to pi-wicrit t he rmvpu rily also turnips and muntard Ali PRA"ge through Fit Louis I Xmilb Afr-eun rnpdal� h- thn firatanill ­ � - --- b4t bpi beern written applies to "Theme thirign will h dif(prn1sarne da ## " she declared A, ­eooid Cqn,%,i,nn ­,wIn6r.nfo ThO Th� +ntvn,f­n niviong mnirnAIA nf T� Ul&ll early iffArdevot. Par the jgftfirmil garden crops a 11 F. Or me a f(fit I get Out from Unflor band in Milifift DpipartmPrit I% asked to fnr- ward tbn rvarne% ,*( the moveral Intend; gniring ).%at alpop h.l�nlrq to flip pie b.nt In spite of tie cap(wity for lie f., o sad for the market gardens 9xiiissA r1l ,a lb"s theme b6il-holas It eA recipismits in ordor that tb- medal Urd -cork. tho olaphant metelam, If1 re recommend adiffareat syntera ot I blive to come lAck wad wornasl% every ms of UMM.P may be property engraved Ware pro- evor, ill". a more than four, or ofica- AT&, AntoW RU^Us$AkftmUmii�**A)Iddl . Sanitation. wicisains. 11111101111M I I I . I .1 � . D 11 .1 I � '' I I I - 11 I., I I ­ , ­' � I � �� I . - , , -`11111161116112+- - -----4- .. __� - ­ ,I __ I I , ".r". ., �. ,...."., r . I .1 UNII& 4 - . _ 1; , � I f, � ., ­ "; �� 1, ­ --A, , � � 110, . - _., ____?_ , . I , ,'�,ii��� � , -11'/66 .. � I , -1 11 4�1' � \ . I'll � .- � -I , . :.,; �i ^_`, � -_ r" J I � � . 1, 1, . 'I, I I I ' L I --�­­Y� 1�­-�'­ ­­­ ' M,��, ..� -, - 11 I I ­" I . " I I . ? � � . I I TH UAD110 X=% " 'IThe 11WIDIF hues to orsootaffill and 100 stoo. Nbcat-Maudaba laards "=in" noadiao.11y ans;ihanged. but t*"* Ill" no bu:g4caa in them. Quotsti"f ere its failows;-Red wheat@ f7c; White whoat. cric -, mad No, I goose wit.ast. is I -So. low trolighits. to L4ow York, Usn" ktoba, No. I hard, old. 6.1-t., 96 1-20; No. ii, us 140 ; No. I baird. North ,Jay. 91 1-30 .. and No. 2 hard. 93 140. Wilifued-,Suarce. Ton tots. at tb* inul duar, Wcatora Ontario points. "Ll cis Joilovirs.-Brie, 9AS; and shorts, #16. Curu-wcak. owing to the olutalip In chleago, &muricau. No. a Yellow, an track bore. 47a ; NO. A. "- Pwa-Easy. NO. 2, middle freight&. at 64A, ' "Id vaa, at 61 I­?c- lfiarjey_J�ady Ili tune. No. 2. low rre,glita to NOW Yurk. w4a quoted at 14c, Na. 3 extra, clause f.reightzi, M JAY..-Stual,dy. cot kut- 49G. wo4% mud �kw vitAt. Ilu,:kWhWt-Qu­t- Car IOU6 West, drO 'Lituted E41 alai and ,,33t av 530. ()4 L,s - 4)ul L No. I w1hitc, C.P.114. ,,,,t iiii., bLd, arid 301-10 tLaked; Na. 2. u, � I,, nor i h arid wast, 28 1-2,D. I,luu, _Wcuh. Holdesei olf 110 per vv%ut. k,aients, baiyem bage, amiddle ft'.ghts. ask 41-W Per bobl.; and ex- purtv,ris are not Isidding Just tit Prue - on I. PRODUCE. Toronto, April 9.-Ugga­Q41PPIie4 wart, large to -day, aud, prices eaaed oft. Fresh sold at 13 to 13 1:�. All ourdarti were oaa"Y ('lied. Demand was Very active. pouiLry-kkight tstook in quoted ELM followel.-TWILOYM, 11 to " ace". at 8 to 13 1-20, obtakens, at 4o to 50o; and ducks, tit 00 to tiou ; choice cold stored ta_rkoya and iffoose site quoted Lit I Lo to 104v lb. Under bright dbut)k. put,ttues-Eary. at 0o fox car luts. olk LlAck lb,lfl. ,41vs out taf store- a.ru instill, tit 85o Floiti pluduciu, t3tc.-rurnips. out of store, ,%)o per bag , Onions, 70a per bag ; carrats, We per bag , apples PDX I)w.. 61 t U 02 ; S'A out potatoes. por bbi-, ;;�'. W. Driod uppleb-Drwd upplas 11011 at 4 to 4 I -a,. rvItPuratod (it 5 to 51-2- 11,li,) -pitin. J)t-aler. tltlutu from Ili to Ili 1_1 ["I u, to, ,,r 60-1b, Line. .t1V­idltL,q 10 .­A�' ,,( utdor. Comb 11�11,y melb- iti. §12 t,, $2.2� (Lot dark; ,nd ,t $,, 5o it, 521.75 I— cli,hiot, clover lwl doillft ­� (111W, �%I,�ld,, -S) I up Nt.,N Tull maple syrup ,� In i(I.111 lh-11LUCId I`i'0-9uI'Oa ties ,I,,- .")Ili At � '. I-v luilwrml gailon. m4i I mind hA, �,f M11all [ilia at uw. 11"Ju, ,S1­1,ij Climeo 1000 growth ' uji, tjuot�-d at li it, Wt,, anti yearklia" -It 8 to uv. B, -,Aa. - Siv4dy. Or,lbriatry WhItO b t'�"t,ni blaig 41 '10 to 01.6u, Choice lid -p'. k"d bv,ktw� ago tiuiut�d. at #1.66 to $1.70. Ilal,d ho) � , ilaw supphoii still i.gbt ('t,�Q�,,- titw0ty, oft truok here. 611L." ls�­(,M 1,,(., d,-1,vero,1, $12. Slla�� .�%1'111. Car I,,(.4of,4travv.oO i i a v it 11 " 1,�, 00 l" 86,50. I)AIIL\ %IAlUi:KX8. BU111-1 :1111ijti�',i nry large an d l'I'Ll.. ar., .,a�y D.�iuund L4 fair, I'ii,­,� ar, ai r0l,o%s, -1hitry, tuba alld J�a,I,4, ituod Io oholvo, 101-2 to 17 I 2C. lu­hULll, 1:1 Ill lliv; tx)or, 13 to i4,, d.tiiy ;miiitm. chomo, 17 to Ilia; 1"l-ge ToHN, g ­,d 11, 11N)X�', I(II-2 to 17 1-2c, (,l,,,k,,i.,r.vA, Wit"st, 20 to 210: 'Ind im,undA. 2_' to 23". (!I ­m, I ull vit-imi, July anil An- litLit JIWIEO� J4'11M :It 101-2 tO It('. 01(1,11,81-:1) llo�;.�i ANII PROVISIONS 1),.­iv�t liog,4 ,I,-,, fit -it, (.it tit., street M $� to eg..111- Car k.t.. m3an.o. 1, irlit lv,g., at,- qu�,hd tiont rially at $7.75, mi tr,k� k Iwrll. I1rovL,tm%-( are firm, Itol dellinn'l a, 1. " . QuitatIOIL4 art"; Illy P.iH-A .1vulAur.A. N,; I'mit elvar 1.w,,11. I ...... �, .11 ":,I, loti. 11w, and in ­­. l"I" 141-1 6� Jal_N" Aunt 'Acar 1­jk, 13_`� 1,. $20 ,0, J­i,y no,- pork, $Ili t" 0;9_')o Sim,li,-,I me.O., lIttivi, I,-ary. 12c; 11LI'd 11111 12 1-2 t1- Ek, 119111, 11`10. 1,�fd 1',,.L,, lot _", . fill^. 10c, Ill t�c,l,­,�, 10,. — (I;-#!,,, AlIr'l !) May whi-at clo.4- ­1 I ; - t., 2'. 1--r, May v,qu 17,80 do, u - "I" ( NL, y �, % 1 4 3- i W 7-k- de - ,I, "".., ['I .41"" vl�,%,A 171-20 tigh'' 1" 1.1" ; "' N1 I I I I I , " I -, I '-�. :k`1";,1"1 9 C i " 4,,- - �V he, a t ('.-11 -, I 3 1� , Nl,,y. 71 I -2r. July, Ti 1 �,-. ,o, t ,,,.,k \,. I lmi,l� 73 3-4v; \, � I N, a t I � ', It, 7 I 3 - ir, N, -. 2 , I a., 118 t (P I 9" i 1,,, i i 1%i�i_,r. rir,tt patcatts. 019., 1" 01. +-,­r1d do., K�.,4." t" $3.90; fi-t , 1-.iri. $--Io o, $21A5. s­­nd �'l ­, I , � I �J L � I '' S �'. fit .Ili - lit Gulk, $13 _,�. t.. $1 t.511 1),11111 ,., .%1111 . \pt I V W h,ent - - ('Z ­h, L- I ht"I 7 . I �i 1'. , "" I N"Ith- , I 11 7 t it- 1, . N " -, \-1 , I,.., 1i 66 1 i Io 7o I I.-, %hy 71 1 ic 0 -in 311 1-'�Ic, \1 " Hic li't, 27 1 1, Niffil , \w I ,I I"I.-Iii -Q,1­t. it Oil I "I \% i". � � -�p, '1�r 1,1�"r, N'. I " r "I I 1, . , 11 ,, Id. , �, ­+ 93 1-2c, (I,).. ,. . F A - ', \\,,w. i N-ohinv lmnw� N o. I , 1, t " 7 11 " �, - I ,-I, 77,- 1-1, on t, -k, it. , ff .. h� ('��1:1 1*11.0ttod an't %;, ik N., _' i-,11:�,,,, V, 3� 1,. %,.. 3 d,,., I I I NLI 1-1 , - 4 :, I to, N ., 3 ,I�t , ; . I llu'),Lgli b, I J ­l 0atm �4t­t(ly, \, ! �ha-,, ;if 1,) 31 3-1c, No. :1 rio_ -it, I _' , , 30 3 -kc, '­ 2 nJXM, 29 1.4r: N . 3 d., �."` 'I 11 ' ILI ­1ith 611I. -If If ,rt, ) -Sp,A, %�, 1,, tllc, amk--d, to mr- i �o i�l,riirw ruivilitti,in rA 1�1 (filic, lt� I V, I ,,T) 1, ,,it 890 amlied, No. :! , .9 . :0 I 2 \ . I li 4t()10� , � '9 �11 " - --I',— - RE -WARD IS OFFERED. __ $500 Offered for the Capture of 6on. I a Wet. 1­wl,­ \ i,r I .1 A Ltvpxpool iner- �Aiun- 1- pr,�m.wd t,, pty cire,aid '�f J, (I" 'I .'I Itg 1, t1w �,ff,­r coin - 1W. ,,, f. .. ml,l!�) Oi,vh mhall , " p m ''-I. T�, \%,-I -- ----*-- - ("'I"t '111? Nip,, V, ! 1, - ,, ), - , -t ­­knw- twn­ ,,( lu�, , , T 6 , 1, W % � h,- It taught t" �Y­1111f. /­ .1 ,fi ll,� -tifforinsrs ,,I ut m C' ", I , �h . I th"o, ,t, unvary. iiir li,ndi,ii, ­ 11-1-u- h- ings, ,n tlio -W- ''N ­- 1-1,.1 ,it tlieir il,in,l� W- t?,, ? ,,,, , - ­. i ,,f iro­t .n,i ba,l I ! 91-�l , - -, h-� I- --led .fter the . -� a - I - .( r . N I . I , � . I i� � b A,I r% r. I ,, I , lm it �� � , 'I H 111 � ' 1 '4 f ­- f t,n-- ,hy gave an nn, I , I , .1 1-.. - pi .ql n( I 1,1111-haht. I ,11 nW ''�, -V-1 I— plint I moral, 1:,, It,. I'd " ­ I.."ithf.'I \% ... 1 -In t %­, ' .k.- t(. -o I fight, t I I l� ' '­ -k-1 l.,etthle,;1y �\ 1,1 , ­ t, ) l ­y �ure'y you �ou,d 11 �, W - � -o ­jP1 ,Yi,,n ha,ting t)),� � I ) ,j ­ublo'l l,k-- t.) .ce p-r . .1 ­ V--1 11, di�­Ifh ( N - -d lt,,nthi -01, the thought (11 I, ­ -f o schl B?-- I qh,,uldn't lkk,� ­ -11 the h--4 h-i't , hat. he ad,im i fl- ­ ­ i eflevi -,n I %houldn't mind ­­ ng lh­o n,�n %r.. ­J \N 111)10)RIAT, V[K'W. k 19-:,J� ll'.Tl � X J,%J) "j,"', Jo - - it I ­ , - � ,,,,, it , N, in twit Im y 1,1 1--r W, -t, I thmIc ,i�v-ff, Ih.,t - 1. " I h,- fn," -r. -4 t, VI trlt�0111a'111' I "I , !. t y I "I"." ..� NO SUGGESTIONS, I munt any r�rna,kod the physi- cian y-ur buthand is in a bad way. Any arranoomp.ritit you may watitto - Q)r— - Ob doctor , aba orled. I could aov- 42 think ad marrying agates . I . " � . � �,. .1 . ". Q .1 . I 1, P ,�.­­__­­ _­_�­­.­ _­�:­­ �- ­ I - i � " 11 I � I 1. . . I "I � � I I \ . t., . I I I I , I I 1 , I I., � , , I � I . I ." I I � I .I ­ �, :� " �­ llll.n_, , , . ­11,ak , ;�_ . _, I - , ,, -4 -f . _­ Islas - I _1 - , -A., - _'JWr14NhA201011ft._.