HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-04-12, Page 2Is
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. RQUIllroom a HAY4%ftarristars, Solic
14ro,Notarical'ut'lic. A0, 011icu--ca
9EQuare atdblartb I,L. near Registry QMQ
Itladitrich. Ar Private funds to loan&& 10MIC'
X40. R. C. ILA 11 I
W. Pysouvroor. — -
ARROW & GAIII)LOW. Bacri3tC 80114
c�" C..Hswflt.aSt.=d1,,uaI
. Our, JJ "G flow
C - "'GAR;W1. L I
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MO. JOHNSTON. barriwter Bolictioi
I&INA7 &Q. 0MCC, 11,1111OUtZ Stol*
ECAMPION. Q a Banister, Ouliclu
. Notary. E" thlice -Over Jordat,
Drug Storr. Uaderich. Money to Loan.
- � __
16)FTILIS E. 1) � NOJY. harri-Lor. Soncito
&a. P, octor in art that: Oo art, .,to. &
loy W to" at. lowest MLM , dicell - 1110
LOS . 4 Ulock. liamiltols atmet, 41a,lerich. -
M0. CAM XRON (formerly at Casnorda
. Halt & Cameron). Illarrister and solls
Mofiffico-Alrimiltou sLreek second doc
MOSQuaro, tioderich.
__ --- - - - - -,---- -
HAS. SEAUBIL Barrister, Solicitor. N
C =. and 'a yancor. Oftive -linin
I' live
tolls Gad.r.ch. opp-liv Colliorno Hat.
Private fund. in lend at I per cenL. intesent c
tuortuage. Fariner,'noLesca.shed.
__ ____ ____._______
EN,L1316VIS, Barrister. Cotive3oacur, Pro
I r in Maritime vvurt. ale. Molwy
loan ftt low r"od, PrIvAW fund.. OtIl.c.
H."Illwo bt.rcot. .
— - -, . _ . --- _
USolicitors Notaric. Public. &a. Mo.,
.n. Offict) Wc.t btrtaxt. K L Dinkinact
Lindley Holmes. UI?
3HILI 11 fi0I,TJ1`AI(IJi4_TN1tb0LICl, U
Notary Public, so. Me to losin
A0wrl"Of Interest. Ottlece = t aid.
I,...' square. 17 "17" I
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PH V41CIAN8. K'1110 I ON 4. IGTc
Oyricti ALLIaLholl StreeL
S.-rNight-IL an.ttered train offico.
TBLEPHONE log . . . . . .
J. I.. ITH's ill I.L FRANK 1) TURNItt'l
Ovi,I,K In li.trot 'A"u.nollorce Bundle
West Sid. at Llq,i, r'.
Old Ito.idonve Zigin SL %
Nft;A0r St.
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31. NICHOLSON. L D. S. I)onW Surgr
I ..III. opp-W if.. Ile'L Oltire. 11
fliong. Por-inin and gold crown -d brial
we, it a 'I it I, Ly - It V 0 3, oarm * olipt
ionve. -peoialty.
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LAl. Al.kilmic, I). It. fi., 1� 1). S.. I).. t
. Surge n. IAIIUAL and approvoit inotlio,
for all dontal operations, p,a_r ....... I,
natural t-tu it opooinny, Office Cor. We
tit. &nil the &lue'a.
i'llONIC No, 31).
1 .
Ill. T U RN 11 U 1,1� 1). 1). S., 1'. 1). S.. Don L
Surgeon, lormorl) lot-iffilLod With Ll
OX -01). of ,viontro.d. Ali twouch"" "(the I
fomt,lon practiced, Including gold ..I,, P.1.1111.,
crown an i bridge work. spounu attentIll
given to tile preset va.Lion of tile natural Lost
Office III Mcl,ean'-Xvw Illook.
IV. i,bvii,a-, Goder,oh, Ont
OHN KNON. NQtVir-0 htreot Uodurk
PPO -nal lillxton'� It -4-1. biootwod At
4.110,0'r and Agent for tho Noxon liro�. Air
vultural lniploineio�, Pm'i.; Lne ,,ol.brso
Ad-ln-' V`iagoinl; XleLaugloi. _Oo-riago (',,I
WillY. 08haws : tile Co4-k,ImLt Pow Co-opain
rantfor,d.and all othorlino" pertaining to u
arining trade.
___ _ - .. - -
Live Stock tied (Joneral Aactionour.
1111,111ift011 Street. Goderich.
SaIoA inade every where and all vllbrt� 1111%,
togiveyou satisfaction,
Farruvre'sale notes dii,oininted,
- -
__ �_
_ _. .----
DR. 'W. F. CLARK, 1'. S., graduate of it
Ontario Veterinary CAlof a' Toronto,
respectfully call the ati-mlio, , Iior�o owne
to air upproved moi had tit oporntingon bona
t-cotil A fro,11 sun of volarinary me.divin
,_�Walwa3 A oil hnind, lf,,o and otalflog-Nowg%
attract, Ouderich.
—.- . - . � -----. _ , � - , __
I . I - - -
0, SWANSON Wiveemor to .1. Brophe
proprietor. M,-dern, casy. oloml �haveg. list
venting and �J,Arapoollur, It,%,.or,I sharpen,
.#III hon. d.
Mdean'sm A. IR, 3C 1M rr.
ver) I hing in Season and prices al ways righ
- .- I-.--.-.--- - ___
Geo. 8111ith .
.. -
Houses remodeled, and gencial repai
-it tended to promptly Ill moderate
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
SHOP -Kingston Street, Goderich.
RESIDENCE -Huron Road.
Funeral Notice.
Tile Proper furnishing and conducting
Of FUNERALS st a cost which does
act Lanka it a burden, an art with us.
the leading Undertakors and Embalm -
-1- ___ ____ .
Becker & Myers
tThe Undertakers.
Cmduate of Massatthurrafte College of
I Embalining. I
I White Hearse and
Madam Applianoes'
Try iw�. Sati,faction Gunitanbe
BJCKJR & JyJR3, Reeldim,,a
South a I
, , . ; , : -*SISKXI
:1 I
0� .
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1 �4. Goderich Planing Mills
� I I
11 /Y. �, .�. BUCHANAN & SONI
I 111. I Contractors
... �_ and Builders.
. "., �'"'.
I �: L Manufaclurers of and dealers
I , in all kindIi of Building Mo -
I . I I terial, such aq Lumber, Doors,
Sash, Lath, Shingle%, &c..&c.
I .
. X Plans and estimates furnished on apfi�'
. I �) . caticsil.
� tramuftbosivac)
. ,. I � Buchanan & 116n.
IL . 1, . __ -- --.---.-
�, . Tawpiw= AILVift.
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, I I F4* tb& larld'a wake, $Aid the w6main
0 In 0* Mile ,V&her Hubbard. as she
11 I tOtttOd (M 010tiltAlthe to tht divi-
I I �" 460%, *%at do yon think ot them
1: . Oftl#6644KIW Wftitind tbht thrI bur.
*160 *6t $A thiAr ho"" SW Stoic, tho
. .- , L ftilibiry ikiltfty ninily hiloorl Hillim
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,S�S�ov,w�%,%w%,IWAM,VWW%qv%,%,W could not be duplicated under heaven. gasps& "I am Polsonill-4t. a- " ' � ____ ____ a Whining. Uvttul cry is not a be Ittly
-_ -
Aloud I said t antidote Will not act 4fti' 7 op. _.qw-ewW_ . one.
"He has ispPioirn of you, brilt U41 10 now erate .ago. and It 11 It .. A W114 . � It " WaLWA that 4L baby Cannot
near unto death, 90 to "a You might look came Into him is bars too usach oxygesi, and tirbile a
A Usson , ly. ills WOF4Xx sta- L , 0-1 . 'Hom a
taxelte Idut undu ,V*dAIt you better come - my _0 0 , Irwy, youlag inUat oullitV n t to be
am 9� � . -11 With one fast I to
901 , ,
hap- has
oyes. "Tom Tors-
th word -
isafticuls, 07 W ____ taklm Mt in the own %LT. yet the
"", ZT�7_, P7�!,
a Her syres IdudI*4 end she lookod. ,%t a Quiver that shocil; the room he L L -*,""---- air 14 tho DUS450rY cant. b6 changed
11 me It . full.
In Affinitiks..... lercol,y "And yotti love him too I brquently. at least twice ovesy day,
Ah, not, �t have Unowilk. Ton could Tom never rogdnod oupsclausnow. 0X8 FOR STA44N BREAD. .
nd but passed qu$WY SWAY about Old- EftryO.110 INS 'hia Or her crnFU wl,- thd child can te taken from the
or Topper of the lenteni. forgive you." , night Next day t ' he two bodies we" id -8 xvowl w%ae the bud air is `blown
There Was CID exquinite pathos in her claimed by elders from the SeAsull relative to the Limit,tim ad hours Out" through open windows. if tile
Voice, and Withal Such CODIA�tfcltl that bond. Charlie Eliale recovered almost or days that mark the boundary Liao temperature olf Ithe room Is Lowered
11.1411111�-11611%�� for a moment I could not dad words entirely. His lungs are4till weak andi too mumbi. wirap, the child up in a bla.-
without any perceptible entities. Our wherewith to answer. She went on be spends much of his time In tb* witflich credits UreAd fre.4b ,or stale.
EL success. The slowly and doggedly. I awth. He bas never married. and still ket W17Aele returned. until the right tie -
all was anything but 1 The Problem for th-3 howow4fe ist, to gTeo i's ,reacted.
rater was ('aim, Witt the exception Of "I see I am not mistaken. But be is earries In him heart the Image of one
- mine. He is all mine. I will w4tch by Ters. and a certain Count Ghogars- kubw how to intake bread acceptable, A most importaxit Item in the baby's
tang swell, the remnants of the after it is my right. for he called king of the fiensint. to oil after it ousises to ba fresh to training is the bath, Which micans
con cea. The moon was full In a him alone.
1,89 sky, and the magic of her me and I answered. Leave us." The night began to got chilly, and imore than at little sponging off once
load moved Into the house. but Harry tho" Who all but acorn any but hot a day, The child should ba allowed
ght transformed our tumbled wake I made no movement, and she tapg.e.d we
3 o churned mercury- I was nervous her toot lightly and Impatiently. T MacPherson had learned another les- birciado. tosplitah in a tub of water each morn-
nd I ritable, Them- was no mirth for her wood changed. son on the trub" of types. Breud In 793 case Wmid, be wasted. ing about an hour after feeding.
3e in the songs. and the convermation "N"ere is the King ?" she asked. "I - 0 blowover stale. There are wany ways r soapa almuld be avo:ded, a pure
=at3tilo or whtte soap Wing the best,
cemed dpiritleus and insipid, We re- have cut seen him." lid amtrexting it into delightful. at). O
turned about eleven. hL.ving cur- I thought the woman had become PIGEON OR LEOPARD. Petizing dislitai btaith heahliful and d tha mastelage of th-� muscles and
,) "The KIWI The am
filled the length , f our trip, suddenly Insane. clounta,mliable, to the pulate. A few -rubbing Of tke iskin which a bath
rooin feel- King ?.. -
.nil I wont to my "Yoper, the King"'.18e. Wag grow- 31111r. 11,11eyd's bhungredable Experience to receipts th thl-A end, that bav�d been makes necegaary bear a large ahare
rig that the day 'had been the
I could Ing excited. "Ay, T.*per. He was In Darkest Africa,. found "tisfactory froju all economical towurd Imaking tho healthy child.
. .
riost Idiotic Of my whole life. this house. I would know where he Is, The advelattiores af travellers In standpoint as well us whdolesom and ,0—
,or si,,ep, however, and I opened the
I watched the flight for I would speak with him. I have delightful. will be welcomed by those
Andow. and sat and ke, and he will answer. "darkest Africa- are offten of I& 'hdgh-
intil the clock on the mental struck two a charge to ma who have .not already solved the pro- N'. L� M c J--. Oysters jln%-.
'hen I closed the shutters and crawl. Do not stand so and stare, WOM6"L ly dang�corfwi lund. E-ven the Sports- blelm, hchv to utiloize, b1t* and crusts.
d beneath the covers. Afterwards Can'st thou not answer ? I seek the Y011109 110114ewived juay not know lir. Wiffinui Robeits in Ills hitcru.,
00tateps came along the hall and en- man with the black buir and the brown Wurn in Picarlah, off quail and pigem is t h digebtive ft rane, I
ered Dale'S room, which stood next to skin, and the shoes that shine and Elie- Unit W180 if be WaUdOrsi f dX frank Camp hat bread may be fresheined fit as
nine. Tile thought struck me that he Len in the sun. I seek Yeper of the o never ttD ,be detected as huving pass- writes: "Our practice in iegal-d to 4I.
vam retiring much later than the Secant. He has struck Lit my -my love. W 111�0 COMpla"iOnsi. as Luore, danger- ed thlrough,the art Of steurning. AD _ oyster Is quite exceptlotial. and furnish
py and soon I He has killed him." Her speech ended 01133 guln" 1A likely to 13<� near, at 'hand. art that eng.vaee,s only the spirit of es a striking example of tile genera
there, but I was slee , In a dry sob. _ the 'wtyrth witelo," that urg'ea the correctness of I he popula�e judgment ot-
lozed off. d and the Count did Now I knew the girl was mad-istark Mr. Lloyd, autbor of "In Dwarf ideal practical hz)wie-maker to make dietetic questions. Tin. oyster is al
Thiep days Pass(* mad. The Count. for she could mean Land," narrates a disagreeub,lo ex- d
lot return. He had gone on to To- ther, had been out of the house for tibil beat " every th%ag, thia com,bime most t4e only animal sultistance whicit
onto, and Jack had received a wire 00 0 piwisance Whioh cialleae nemir to proving w6dh the aid Of a steanler and u pot Of
rom him regretting that his business s' week, and had had no possible com- builing water, works the bread tranA- we eat habitually and toy preference tE
night carry him up far as Montreal, monleation with Dale for two days at oveln wortee, t1han that. tile raw or uncooked state, and It is lit -
least before he was taken Ill. The Hobild Irons off alone, carryLag only formation.
'hat was all. Count's servant was also absent. To 1'resave Bread. -In the firet teresting to know that. there is a Sound
in the meantime Dole had fallen Ill "Come, dear," I said, "you are ex- his shotgun With No. 6 shot for pig- place, gat!lam all the armts and brok- physiological reason at the bottom ol
Ihagars departed Thursday evening, cited. Calm yourself. The Count Gha� eo=. and bad got Into EL Very wild I this preference.
nil Sunday Charlie failed to present gare has not been here for seven days. sort of JaDgle, it waa well I en pieces and having placed them In "The firwra colored wass which con
An inquiry elicited I believe he In In Montreal. But see. you n 4 In award -arm - the oyster Is ilk
ilmself for junch. eVenting, and no, after daring a deep An, put them in the ,w - stilutes the dainty I..
he fact that he was not quite well, have awakened him." A movement on -
rhere had been a burning sensation In the bed had drawn my eyes In that di- about flor smits tiMe and seeing notb, Lug even, leavizIg t1helm, there till liver, and this Is little less than a heap
its throat, and on rising to get a drink rection, and they met those of the &rig, te beXUD to retrace his eteps. criap and brown or better still, keep of glycogen. Associated with the gly.
ie had turned dizzy and weak and had sleeper. 171113, he Soon found, was DO easy mat -
leen foiced back to bed. By evening I had taken Tera's hand In mine, but t-, and Lifteir pushing first in one di- Wbem. there bill ineeded. Many who cogen. but withheld from actual con.
L Cough had fastened upon him and he at my words she sprang away from In reutim and thou suffear from hilidig,estion have foand tact with It during life, Is Its appropri
the chest, in the "' 'a another, he be- birelad thus dried thoroughly, of great ate digestive ferment, the hepatic diet;
�omplained of a pain In d before I could restrain her had 9" bet IWO UP hope of getting back
egion of the thorax. ills respiration an hygieuttio vulue and an excellent sub- tase. The mere crushing of the dainty
vas impeded find there Wits It plight reached Chartle's pillow, and was bend- tio camp that night. BLitute for rwieffback. For cooking
ough Ing over him. with Infinite solicitude It w1as ablaUt a quarLetr of ao hour purptiaeq, remove the crusts from the between the teeth brings these twe
Sickness vomes upon a summer bell_ expressed In every curve of her body. before sunget. I was In 'UM9 my way oven and roll ligiftly, but be careful bodies together, and the glycogen is at
y party like a great dampness. The She crooned softly to him, and brushed along a na,=16w trackro . once digested without other help by Ilk
back his thin hair the while. which I be- not to powder. This particlets should
�Irle of mirth, of wit. of song and dance "O Carlos, Carlos, I know now why liared Would eviantutally take me In resenlible some of bhe ciereals. Only own diastase.
lecomen quenched. and gives off stiffin the main road, When suddenly
urns. breeding melancholy. 11 You came not to me at the tryst. I a huge roll what you need for the day. "The oyster In the uncooked state or
We a wal te_4, underneath the willows until the leopard sprang from a tree Jurti, in Dyspeptic'o Broad is merely bread merely warmed Is, In fact, self digest
noped about the house like so many morning star had gained her st frOAt Of MK�.
-lind mice and jack Wits in consterna- ,Yrength
and the birds stirred restless over- I I-oveled rutgun, but feared lot pull dried as stated abore, and for om- lve. But the advantage of this provi,
ion, touched head." She stared at the fa bo- the, trigger, t inking that the putting Irk,eatence, out into cubee. Td pre- Gion Is wholly lost by cooking, for th'.
Monday morning Charlie w 0.8 fore her, and then started bocce heat Immediately destroys the allsoci-
vith hemorrhage and a doctor was Im- k with Of a bundred or so of NO. a shot ilato serve regularity of form, it is well to
nedlately called In. An examination at wild cry, for there was no answering t65 beast would only earago him go out the bread into cubes before plac- ated fermeat, and a cooked oyster be.-
ta. made and the Physician came out look' She struggled with her fear and WIth qUY 9- ut WY 811PUldew and, my Lug in the b von. to Ile digested, like any other food, by
drew for breath hard. Then sh be- eye fix:ed upon the Leopard, whichhad ,
,r the sick room with a grave face. gentle. "Carlos! Speak te Empire Plum Pudding. -One pound the enter's own digestive nowers "
--Whnt is it 7" asked Jack. and we cam and analle a'. "' ailigtirted .on the ground only a,bo t ten
Carlos. Look at me you . u of ralsiud, one Pound of currants, one
,11 echoed the question. used. I rim the Home Tern, as of aid. Yard's 4n Croat of Mo. I ,gradually
"PhthIsis," he replied, and we held Remember how we plighted troth under dXenir back, amd bne-Italf pouncis of beef suet, four
,or breath. "Consumption," he erm- the smile of Pleiades. Carlos I Carlos I The OrOatilre jtL%t crouched upon the ounces elf ablopped apple, eight ounces sloinallorituff the vooiI6
Inued , "and in the last stare, too. My Godl He to. dea,d-deadl No, no, ground Ilk,-
Vhy was I not valled soonor ?" ' 9L 'huge out, lashing its of mixed oamilied peol, one 13ound and Here Is something that a woman
it cannot be! He would not die till I tail backward and forward, snarling eight buncels of bTead crumbs, three who knows Rays Is a sure diagnosis
-)jut he hap only been Ill two daYs," am," She throw her firms outward, horribly, Shawing all it. -I fa,ngs. And quarters i(yf it"pacmd of moist sugar, of the status of the cook. If you have
2�clnlrned Jack, ,,You must surely be '
clapped, and her head fell forward be-
Wpinken." tween them. "Oh, Revolt," she moan- thus I left it. eight eggs, one-half pint of milk,
-I am not mistaken, sIr. The EiYmP- ed, "why hast thou brought this upon It DOW LbOgun to got dark, and be- wine glass and a half 'of brandy, on - it good cook. you may be roore or
olos are only too well marked. Both me ? He Ili not dead, but he known me ing mudh nlatrmPd lit the pro,spect of half bunco each of Cloves, Cinnamon, less sure that she will look too fre-
ungs pre badly affected. I will speak no more. Me -Tera." She sat down on staying cut all Big-Ilit in - wild and nutmeg, cloriander seeds pounded, quently upon the wine when It in red.
Ininly, for I fonr there is no hope. the bed and mutterd In a dull mono- damillea-tials a quarter, I began to grated lonatolia peol. Belt six hours. It Is an unfortunate fact, but if the
Nip enn do little mora than retard find tone: "Toper, Yeper, I Bee thy hand blow with all my might the whistle Chl3colate, Bread Puddiing.- ,One Cook Is less than a $40 cook as
ase the end," In this. Be sure that my vengeance Which I always carxied in my belt. little annoyance as possible may be
We were bewildered. rind I for one will follow thee, and oyertake thee at After bit pitut of milk, one pint of dried, crumbs
Rome the last. -L.ng for saime time I heard * expected from this weakness. Possi-
uppected the whole thing Wits But, 'tie a strange way to a call, and making olff ill the di-reo ked LID milk, boil another pint of
I found myself recount- win the love of a woman. The gods ticin of It. suddenly found myself en spin bly It will never make Itself manifest
allueInntion : milk With teacupful of grated choco-
ng till. events or the past few days to shall prevail against thee, 0 Yeperl to Ing a vilin dd enough to be kif6Wn above stairs. But
nake sure whether or not I was In a The Dragon Is no more In the ascend. r ge. late, mix with bread crumbs. A
rellm. Dale-Conquiription I The two tint. By Rftvna, but thou shalt eat dirt. The, nativIcts when (hey slant me y1ol" of four egglil, me cupful of su- If the cook has risen higher. In the so-
vould not go together anyhow. The I shall not forwet." fled Lit all dI,;;,-otIon9, anti I could ni� gar. Bake bne-half hour. cial scale of cooks than $40, then look
nd of our dipsatisfactlon WILs that 0 The woman was plainly demented. I get near enough to make toy request Delicious Bread 'Pudding. -Cut the out A cook who Is rated at over $40
pecliallst on pulmonary diseases came would call aid and have her I ken for hvIp known to them. I wandered bread in thin slicesf, spread without- tuay be -pected to smash things.
from New Tork In answer to Jack's I moved toward the door,abut about in the village for a little If one chances to make a morning
elegrrim and a substantial fee paid In away, blew my Whistle ter and place in deep diish. Between
there halted. Charlie Dale was speak- while, tand then call at the house of a friend and die-
dvance. Ing In a thin, troubled voice. again; this tim,LN With h,qtcT sucoess, each layer, sprinkle Nvell with fresh eovers the servants crowded up stairs,
1 -le. (,cold (in nothing more than en- "I do not undtiretand. Who Is this 0Or (Nut of th� thicket enav,Tged my g -rated cocoanut. Beat eight eggs
orse the opinion rind diagnosis of his I tablespolonfulei of sugar, frightened and trembling, while from
nedlent friend. True, It was ft most woman . She Is strange, though she cook, Who, ra[vlsimg ra, in camp and virith four
ecultar rose. Never In his whole, prac- tooks-looka-famillar. Yes, quite flaaaring that I W*ILIJ LOW, had &A off to mix ,WIth three pin.ts O -f millti, tuxn below come the sounds of ironware
Ive had he @A -en the disease make such aml-" The last syllable was smother- r1rid ma, and heaTilIg th[- Wh6tio Was this on the, broad, lettilng it romain skating across the kitchen and pottery
. Wan the patient debt- ,ed as Tora threw herself forward sob- Led to ,me by that. d be-
. rapid oours� a bing. till one-half of milk is ab.slorbed. Bitke crashing against the wall an
listed, Intemper is or greatly worried ,c"I am Tora," she cried, "Teral 0, my V -y thankful I was at 'last to got three quarters uf an hour. 11 00- tween times the voice of the masculine
n mind before Mo attack ? No.
The fever wits . ve, remember e. Thlrik! Bee my into MY little oarwaa tent. It had coanu-t is noit aufficientlY s`%vVct, it is head of the family gently expostulat-
itrange, very strange I yes are the summe to sciattor powdered sugar be- Ing or commanding In would be stern
little high and there was an entire u that used to look novIer seemed ifo muqh like home. And well
b"rive of diarrhotic symptoms i but Pon you Flo fondly. My lips that spoke I had learned a los%on, Which has tween tayeTs before baking * tones, then It may be known that that
to you are stili the same. I am all the stood me in goorl Omit fluiring HILI my Boston Brelad Pudding. T bree-
uberculosin was very apparent. Noth- prime. - household has reached the dignitv of a
nir could he pirtIner'. The grent doc- . Love, remember that I am your traviets in Afrift, naraily, never to quarters OX a Pound of crurabd, one
or it ecided he would remain n day or only 'I era. Think of the moonlight by ulandor otff alone in a country t 1 $50 or $60 cook.
%%,,I find witteh the case. From a sclen- the ldke. Think of the white spray do not know, the an d one-half pounds of outrrants;,balf
rind the nodding reeds as we sat side
Ifie point of view It was most interest- by sJde. Oh, darling, think again. 1 --40— POUMA Of suelt, one and one-quarter Huxley, and the cler4ryuamx6
rig. lie believed it Wits tin entirely am Tern, your love, your -your. -J' She f modat angler, brown, four eggs, A rash clergyman once, without fur-
- had thrown her arms about his eck, two babicapolonfilig of sweet cream.
iew form of plithists, which he felt pri n LADY ROBERTS AND HER TRUNKS. o tberi equipment to natural history than
Iloged to be allowed to study. Ile and her face was close to his. Slowly -_ Griatpd nutmeg to ta9te. Chkop suet
%,rig pure It was not pneumonia, nor she drew away, while a great subduing lllvv Abe iseau".1011 Tifirouak Consforta iror fine, add to cruniihs ith currants and tome desultory reading, attacked the
van It any vombination of that affec, fear sat upon her. She gazed at some I Darwinian theory In some sundry mag -
Ion ond pleurimy, though symptoms Of object, fascinated. As I looked a small the Sirk Soldiers. otheir ingredients. Betat well. Steam
-e present. By Tuesday a red . buttered moulds lie made him,
,(,ill wei serpent writhed back from the neck of There Is a stOry lgoing In four hourg. %zinc afticles In which
Ine showed along the fringe of the round about ejars.-Cut stale bread self uncommonly merry at Huxley's
the Invalid and crept up her arm, and Lady Roberts,and hor trunks, for the Spanish TaT
ontlent's grumq, the fingers began to so into her bosom. expense. This was Intended to draw
truth Of which ,it man re urnmg eggs, add One pint of milk, Dip . we atter-
hieken and the knuckles became hnrd I stood horror-stricken and shrieked. I . moderlately 11hick. Beat well t the great man's fire, and as the b
th frion �b les remained silent the a4bor proceed -
,nil knotty. I%lr. and Mrs. T)nle wore Then EL blackness seized upon me, and from Bon A vouches. sline. into egg and milk and fry'1113
ent for find everything wits done for I Wits about to fa
he young fellow that brnins could con- me, and I saw a face-tiae face of Count h anSPOTt dif- miapI6 syrup. No butter. ed to write to Huxley. calling his at-
elve and money command. All our ef- Ghagars. I recovered instantly and ficulties, Lady Roberts carried eight To Conk Sweethirciads. - Having tent Ion to the articles and at.the same
(-rts, however, were of little Rvall, struggled to my feet. time, with mock modesty, asking ad -
to grevi, gradually weril(er. anti it np- The Count immediately left me and trunks front Cape Town, to Bloom- scalded in %all water, remorb stringy vice as to the further study of these
)PPred mily a matter of hours when he shot over to the bed, where he clutch- fmtcill, in the vsr�Y teeth of the offi- parts. Then stand them Into vold Jeep questions.
vould have left us forever, Thursday ed the rigid body of Tern by core. water ton n-Anutes. Drain on towel.
norninx the "great authority" was the shoulders and twisting her Huxley's answer was brief and to
oreed by pressing business to return about, spoke briefly In a Ian- Everybody wondered, everybody Dip into egg and broad crumbs ,,Ind the point, "Take a cockroach Find die-
�ome: and the "lemser light" repum,d guage I did not understand, mria,mbled. No one but Lady Roberts try in butter.
ontrlol.ruA trained nurse carried out She turned upon him like a wounded could have taken the things th-rough. F'renah Toast. -One egg Well beat- sect IL" -Argonaut.
its nst ,Alons. tigress and strained to free herself. But The transport of stores had been M. add one plot e -f nwilk, a generous
We till put forth our best efforts to allegars was wild. and caught her stopped for tho time, the sick lacked . _
Tip In ,some Final] way, and occasion- more closely to him, He had forgotten every comfort, and those who were plucib of salt. -Dip slices of stale b,read
lIV toot turns tit the bedside. while the my presence, and I could see his hand not sick wore balf-stary 6�-ilk and fry( in but- Calition the Doctor.
,rorepsional help was resting. The maching for a knife,the handle of which balf-el,d. Therefore, od, and only into the, egg and U A good story Is roll] of Dr. X., who it
nvnlid grive little trauble. For the when a fa- tem. 'Serve with miaple 13yrup.
!iopt part he InY still and either slept showed where his coat was drawn t4" party was told off to fete h more than three people are to be file physician In charge of tile reni"All
, aside. I screamed for help again. and th0a,e eight trunks from Bloomfon- sce'"d, add more milk and another wardt; of one of onr best known chfIrl
� stared weartly at Alto relling. 141 hurried feet were heard approaching.
allied very little fts it awakened the Before they could reach me, however, I tein station, some rather uncompti- egg. trible Institutions. Otto evening III)on,
ough. and with the cough came a lit- saw through the gnthertng darkness 9 mOnt(LrY things twerAll said abou t wo- Oranberry Batty- Cook Ithe cranv 9 o'clork Mary, a new Irish servnnt
le of his 11fe-blood. You could see look of the most deathlike fear come men travellers .In Igencral and this lift- beirrides rich with sugar, but do not girl, knocked at ill- door, saying,
hat it was all strange to him. He Into 0hagar's eyes, He flung the wo- cat transgressor in particular. "Doetor. the bead nurse 'wants yot
krol never been Ill to tiny extent before man from him and staggered back, one lot theim jell. Place in a deep dish
nd he could not realize that he 'Next day hcveA of the eight trunks a layer of orurnibisi bitti of butter and to come down to sppper,"
was hand pressed to his cheek, while a small were uxlpackeO, and their contents
veak and that It should require an Of- head and forked tongue withdrew distributed among tie Isoldiars. (The and layer of cranberry, adding more Tho doctor, swelling In Ills pride o
ort to move the thin hand which lay themselves Into the folds of Tera's r- augur to evietry layer ef cranberry, A]- 411perlorlty nt)ovv the nurges. rent. it),
ri limply on the coverlet. The whole ments. Then quickly re 9' tPlever lady had snapped her fingert, esRog
a c Hooting him- tenrnate the layers thus, till dish is IrNli girl awny with n etirt in , (
hing was an enigma to his mind. self. he plunged Ill h..Od Into an In. a t rod tape, and had smuggled through full, ending,with thO OTUralbs, butter flair ,I,, hour 1,11(,r tile hmill ritirse efin).
Then he would fall into a delirium side pocket and pulled out a via], NN-Mch comforto for tihe metc. one
,rill bts cheek would flush and pale. and he unscrewed and Placed to his Illis, trunk contained ber personal be am" and sugar. Bake tlh'trty minutol in to Ills
M . long. ev,on, buvinig first cove,red the dish. , I,00lll looking vor), serious.
tit; pulse beat I"egularly. He uttered After that I reme bored no more. untirs. "Doetor," site said. -No. 8 14 very be,
trantre things, too. things we could I regained consciousness In half an ------- 4111— 1� - - - Indeed, I think yon ought to we hern
iot understand then. There was a hour, and found myself in MY own , I
yOman, one Tern, who caused him room. Anne Leader Wall beside me. NE[VER TAKES A NOTE. I FOR THEI GARDEN. once."
nany hfirrassing reark and hopes and and as soon no I recovered sufflel. Lord Saflabluiry is urns 0 bb,e com, These very firsit; wiarra days, the ro" Why did you not let nip know 114,
nuch postapy and despair. We learned ently I asked what hall been done. Anne re?" was tile reply,
he was dark and that she had lithe was a woman of few words and her Parritivir,ly foxv membarg of either tbireishold (if actual spring, remind us "Why. doctor", stild tile litil-qP.
,ets that curved sinouslY through her statement was brief and to the point. British 11011*8 Of Parliarni�alt who that a little laiteir Will counle the pea- sent ,Von Word by Nlnry lialf fill hoo
ands and anon laid their flat heads "Nothing has been done as yet.-, she In. ,
,vingly against her velvety cheek. She said. "Charlie is sleeping quilitty. and vYar makle a note, no mattex willat son Of bud a.nd floweir, and ifi we -havle ago."
.ived her potL%, bill she loved another the gypsy woman to in a dead faint TDIMY be Cho nature ar the debate, Or not already done so, we -hunt up our , "The rool!" Sold the doctor. "Sh,
otter with a love known only to wo- The Count's face began to swell and he lh'DNV intxiOatla the subPet which ha3 seed catalogue and prepare a "fiat" 101d "le to coine dowii to suppere'
ien of her hind- He was that other. went to his room.'* ,
n some obscure way she was a prin- "But Charlie Dale," I cried. "He was to be spoken upon. W,etrybody knoN" fair the suminew'sl gurden; foT every "Why." said the nni-so. -I rent yel
OSRI but of what derriLlmo WO Were bitten by that reptile." Ms remarkabLo imperturbability of housewife, however numerou% her word to come down to eight,"
nable to discover. The cry was for "I know," she replied, "and then I a praverlix Whenever he has made An Inquiry made the jillole thlm
'ern, ! Tora I Then the sufferer would don't know. Come and see. Can you wormeT, f4V it 11" allmalt fire" into cures indoors, gives solixte attention to
else himself and strain hill ears to get UP?" clear. Mary thought It more polite t�
UP hi.9 n"d to lipeak it is quite easy the exterior of lifer hdm)e, th- plan- say "Come down to supper" than I,
atch the reply. but nothing ever came, I hurriedly proved 11117 alillitY. As we ft t1ho uPeotator wilito knower his lit- nimg Of flower bedal, the planting of I
five the phantorn -110 of his tortured Passed the Count's half open door a tle trichus to be aware of thelfact. A benutifyin 91irrubs, the training elf 'Roy "Come (low' to ate,"
-cnll. moan came from the room. We stop- 9
.ve life-lang ohmniclor of the parlin- vines and oven this OUltiVlktiOn Of
Yes, there Was more came than the ped in trepidation. This was no time
the, and It 19 of that I will now speak. for prudish notionis. so I rapped on motntry annals declarefir that when the small frirl,tfil, if shb has plenty of( gar -
1h P was the key to all this mystery the door. A groaning voice bade us Prim,� Ministor iEf listening to any- den space about he'r howo- A Sensitive sent.
,hich I had dimly felt brought to the enter, am to whow spiecoh he intends to re- Elvivry lover of flowers will put A sensiti III Rent rehukes the Londo
ght and revealed. Friday had beell IL The Count was on his bed and his ply it is pcl�rsthda to'sm hils knoes, mb,v_ isweet pefla and inasturtiuw first on Dolly Chn,tilcle for Ra.rIng that la�
Diet day for the patien,,L Ile had aP- body was convulsed In great agony, He Ing up and db(wm through the, tin- tha, list, for no geed tbht wity plant re- vountryinen pronounce man "111011
cared it bit brighter 11 the morning, stammered out a request� and I fient Pul- Of the Wel, a Mtrvtomont ,Which in pays ab gwnorously a little care and "The n1mird form 'mon.' he writoq.. ";.
nd bilt cough scarcely troubled him at Miss Leader to bring Jack. When the
11. Ills father had hopes that he captain arrived Obsigairs w atill In kept upalmomt uninterruptedly, rind attention. Giv-ein not Wd rich a act I the hall mart, of Scots, V-Prim-nInr I
light yet recover. ?.Test of the guests terrible paln, and his eyes were rolling .u"hicli in rmlly remiurkallyle. and an atundance elf sunshine .abd Written by a o-onthern pen. and Its 1:
Da departed rind the house was silent in their sockets. A messenger had al- ------ 0— wilitc4r, they vrill send fortb continu- truslon 11�9 Wen lent nrldlilonnI sn(
ously a prolfusion of beauty and color.
be nurse was on tho front verandah ready been dearIltelted for the doctor, N SAW THF ORROR OF HIS WAY. Tb2i bouse moy bo- bright all the(sum�
)r a breath of air. and I took liar place and Presently he entered the room. n neFiq to comic Journalism. evvn. nlar.
i the sick room. The day -as one I Of There was no hope. The man would To said the missionary, mip-x vrith their lorrely,, flowers, for the to the Pages o� our chief linnioron,
lose warm surnmer days when all na- Probably die in an hour at the , think, F
most, earnestly, that you should bellow in mom they are pickea the bstter they 1-110divill. in tl,e north of 'ripland
,ire scorns to Join In offering incense However, antidotes were administered pritygamyl blIcam. If nwItturnfiturrisi fire ton gen- ,nion' certainly occurs; In Seottlsl
ad praise to her Cmtor. The gay Ind anti-spasmodlets Were Injected Into .
owers nodded reverently In a small the body. ThOY OnlY served to Calm the WellAxitween you and me, said the o,"uts with their leavo$ pick thomi off qpet-eh nover. It) Acott and StevensIo
nirden beside the bouff% and the birds mind Nomewhat before it drifted Into bempecked Nobstw=edan, I don'tl by grent hanfiftla, aq thol sun and air one mity look ro., it in rain. Th -
[pea prayers In tiny voices tie the twl- the IfLAt coma. When he had become — can got at thia 3yud;s and sitdNum 11 hrrind. soft voctillm ion or tile word it
ght grew about them. I sat by the -ore %ulet he opened his eyes and ad- 14lo Herat viartety off the Claims, IN -(
Indow and watched the shadows. The drellse Sket, He spoke rapidly. as it LTICKMY, RE ISN'T. Lothian dinleet ll#-% sornpwhel - Ile
ivalld either slept or had fallen Into he Ifftrefi he would not haVe time. extq*mely beautiful, its large and I tint as 1*
. Mrs. Arlington -Is that young man grneaul lotilres ranking a fine border t"I'll 'union' rind * tunin.
cornia. and the silence in the room was 'Mr. Standstills. I m going -go �..Imlot Ile literally Aymbollm I ill,
wfect. T was absorbed Ilatening to the going to that bourne. I must ay tnik'- that Ethel Wingate [a engaged to plant. 7
irensong of the crickets when t heattl NINO betbre I 96. I ha" abuseill your anlartl AA it is so ,hardy and onsy to raise word %hould be Apoll In dWect pop
is floor creak behind me. 'Turning trust am A gentleman. but my blind Wa. IA.v,;ngt.on_WeII, If be ,Were " no yard affiauld W w1litbout a Lilaut qn;rps simply as In Fill 49b."
,ddenly. my eyes fell upon a stranger was f6ftea, 68 700 shall virefiently ee,& bright an she thinkal he lit eretrybody tree. TU f1dwilirs come early and are
tnndlnx In the doorway. At Arel, I I 6,1111% Count 011118111IM but I am also aroundbero would have to wear blue delightfully fragrant If Your neigh-
tought It raust be one of the house- Toper, kin Accordingly.
0,0� of the girtat Nenatill tribill 9.1§1u,"" boerla yard ks without a tree that y1ou "Sho's; well educated. Isn't sit%,?"
old, but I was soon undemived. MJr vartiou aid man is in this neigh. can prtocure, a root fraim, t1ban order
The figure moved forwaird Into the bothood. but I did tiot 61"at the 6V411lits - "Weli, she's one of those women %A -III
Addle of the room. and I quioltly re- that have follow" since I beoliftnit a TOO LITTLX one, and bEy isurds it let the old-thish- "nu pass at; heing that way. When pill,
3,fintsed the costume of h gym vie", guest under your root. This D616 won ' MrS. Do Ranter-Olith, you brute; toned varie-ty, an they Pro the, al-eet- nipets any one who (,tin %peak Frt,liel,
rim danear. she would have itpolten, the love of a Mirtem ot my tribe -it e"t.
at I oommanded silence by a g"tilre, P1117111068111 In her o*n r1kht--antl I tyx- Mud all or" your clothes and your Tem ,had lbOtter send for a Waigelia and tint Gerninn, slip can speak (Ier
Did stallyptil toward btr. 008tul!%il Vdth him all In vain. I fkcv,, ,rhal and a Snowball rind Hydrangea " nnin, and when she rneetq nny one who
liked hl fill sorliltabed� That*g
171,deb, I" I *htspareo. "Wbat do "u m and Might have 681:lMsed ble 0,4W" of too filiAlinh llq,40r fw6ll, for it,liffly tire all hardy shrubtl can mlimik (lerinfin rind not French shc
ant ? Why do you come here ? The cause bitid he, bc4.6me one of aL This mr. D* Icanfer-W m., dear. It lab and "ill (help to wake the garden a onn sponk Fiviach."
hilt WAl"d to do. I pleaded with the , place *It beauty.
Ian ellcm and You will mWiske him. girl freft-thIs obatinate-th, b6siltiful- cau." I didn't bilitit 'nought. It I'd had —
% to Idek Not only -in tho lioul" Plane I-
L but alke Wo abdarilitits. I loved her frilly. Adw Vm'm drinithlb shey's 'a' had to 1.111,011*d I life Mlafmk*.
fte looke4 toward the bed. find I bad "" but I VM14 have Oven her up ls*ad mis hfte ilhato an, shitimilid in a by "Is plitintilit,g of hilautitul
it op rturilty to note the perifillet pro- had 11116 ClIft 04V her loye for thle cab� an' *Ush wa'Uldlin 'a* hlspl�olned. shimtlg, the w^Vmg Dif f1mver beft and "llow loveret are given to freakq of
to rher face. Tho eye W&P deep%Y Man. The Softhfil love but ones and tho cultIvAtIon of SmIall ftlaim but frincy!"
it aind, the brow w pericilled In a that 466DIt. The lAwSl of our tribe t6r- tho tabolret as well N lmw6,"d. Tbero "'Whitt's the case In pointrl
Ni"tal adit". The mouth vms tf*mu- bade and illroeiudeI4 h6r 61111,611, frutir- ftTATO T110AIT, 19 no ro�Is to ItIftntital &IN tM iodo of "Here's It story where a fellow callot
fts noro "d tftrs Were not far tit* 01ft, IWC% To oft"tit Wbkt "A ftil ' And tbM6 "08 b0st KXOW lin lit girl's hnir golden. rind th pn
r thr I
is a 11
Ilt r603 orbs. I could Wark 0 SOA I 1110 to 10111"ft tO UUV?-hO?k- ThO 0011=01111 1110tAtOt whOn dWOM- tbftltb j* sit and aunlight and through p 0 accom
bnftth the Imorlou look. The lin- Ov*d cubtlyins With U* The Ott was Plifting. glvbo ll^T�sriaulibl to read by tilills nying picture ahnwis It's only p1nite(I
- tkalrbN1 ok2eVbt%6. .
k"IV# ft1tures "emed uhnsturhil? tillIfilebed In our WWI, but the milin-ba --a I*bt kb '0014 that oftIl a cellar �.
Ilya. 20 10ekkola V61%had at f*aAbn Wfkt t1lbbIght to be on .
,w 6
"I beive tome to him,,* Isho "14 4111li- b#001lilb Witt. thd 114 " I tooed tite *Jjoh I lillngi WIIIA thS pirDsphor. NVP-qFAV IIYG=Nru 111ler 111111"t.
ly. "I bearahlin cry m* vinme in the lit title *In. 1,13wok 40" t ild"i tommt6 of deto"Pftlit p6tatoets. .
atolie: % tb6 night." 66 81)oke With I ='a ftlitirviiialkha , t;h* TW& mftt bftt&I*I t1*r4bl" ffir a giant Alan (whoo appetite hfia been
11401 h5ktion, though h" EnifilIfth WAft Will jift � I bidlika- baby t:o libdililgib In 1101 a good, 1witr the ,efivy of his f0low b6ardtirs)-4 de.
ato *00& he" 0. Mo RAV* him 06 61111AIMOM01 " it aft * t SOCIAL PIMU AMI =ft& tly
'Tut *6 do iftot klhb* "U I tV It 7"t b0ft " hall a*. T1* W&C. rAot that an Want Chlre I 11.1're three bUttOnS Ott MY vPst-
"X ath Tem That to aill." WAiliCt That""0601%,602 Com *441 t Th,ft Tou dOn't oku ybuir tolik "the alistress Of tho House (who has heeirl
ab"Ated in'. Mt* 64 thilit r , VAt fto Matti f", I 111105111thm ad bot twith; tb?a Itifto
Mini VV IMO thA aebIng 16 ItIvilI, him 6 hInt)-Vou will
.1— .
041T. T"" ft?k onlip be On# Saw I vefl""W_ 1. tWb 00 I " OW& Xh6 tftlaAlt atibmit to nomilit bo, ftvs*4d. 111111a MA bokithy pnbfiW f1ha tbeih In thill d1affig rooni.
ut ft"ftl foio 0krA T411111,11 w1fla" Vok"t A�ft Vft'tva witux-te **, It VJW*v #1 4xtt* * *")L - I I op h ti% tuw SALftao toi " Ac Wt
a J *110--ftaba"16
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A --.A.: --deaf �, I I;hdeJNaNhddLA,L%r ,-,-��,.j6�A.&MOM.ifigui.�lf.,--..I,-
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. - � 11 I .
1� I �
-A.--` I I
�� " i
" (',,)oil bye Father ; . (live Ili% Lo,e I" ll.ol.l'i""'
I 1', ;"! �, J '' ! J -i of \ ork
J\ 1,.,�, L ! ,ip,m), hi,
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A --.A.: --deaf �, I I;hdeJNaNhddLA,L%r ,-,-��,.j6�A.&MOM.ifigui.�lf.,--..I,-
" (',,)oil bye Father ; . (live Ili% Lo,e I" ll.ol.l'i""'
I 1', ;"! �, J '' ! J -i of \ ork
J\ 1,.,�, L ! ,ip,m), hi,
is already a keen linlieriah,t, ilo'f \%,,.I(i
his parents to the cololliel,
_ __ - ___ —
- ---__
.V.,V,. ,
�%fIr*"i..WeVW~,%N ,
. .
,.(,],,I I"Al I, f "�l 1, I,: .� r1i, but wit
i,,:,i and rlpen
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b,lllg to III,, I__
I 0
el, ,III 1�,-1 w1 11i I 1"' lig less Ii-
,,,, l t ,Ilwiglit; but
ab v o ,uff�'! fl,�
there ih L11"I" ill t1o, -0,
if L.u,. ,l. ,,I, ,,, I , ., I,iodor chick -
t,as for lin4,1 ,,, 1'� Elk I 110 sooner
It wilt give bogs with bone. (;0"ll
11" gVt, 't fl,�k �'IL 1'�J_ hrod fowl,
bone is Wv;tnted to enable swine to P48-
(lit, bt-tIt-i �,Ill 1". I't, "hallev for
lure well, to keep them on their feel
au(,(�k,_�. ,\\-,, kj L.1 1111110 that
�under thv theavy pressure of forred
iwilicch ,,, 1,1-11 h - 11, ""I "t a,"
feeding, and to ke,PP at bay suCh I "Ou-
ciLily all ig'.. .k, th'. Ii.11"i Illyluouilk
bles as rheumatism and gout, more es- I
lt��ck, Ilmugh 0,1 ,11W` (11 6ilv6v
pe,cially in heavy brood Buws ,lull:
I,.j(.,,Il N%,.N,,i1,jot1,., -1,, �. ,y noar it.
sires. You cannot ruake 11 11,1COn PLgi '
Bol.l�' J'Lt111.t1k-' " ll' - -1 I I I earlier
,without givi.ng him good boil,,. 111,1
Lo .1PIL13g, 6-1- h, 1,�i ,% it hstand
food that is essential to inake goL),l
fl'(X�L Al �%11111'f', 'W- II, 1-s affe,ot'
bacon cannot lio oth-vrN%L4e than tol"
I i,�. It i,,Ilg , w.iia-i drought,
- liulti i'Lit 1,1.1 n ,vison, some
produce good bone, write.,; Prof Tho.,
jkl't, ll,orll HL11111-LI, '011111 are aluoll
Shaw, of Minnesota.
I Illolt- JVIIAC111111 IIH L 41-1�9 'L�V(l There-
It Will give Ut3 hogs with goo(i lj,.,.e,i_ I
(()[I, it Li,t�, J�. o,,1, li[I I Mixture for
Ing propLi-ties, by )Ahich is nlo�trli I 1,,
I)i-I'llIAM-111 no',11111- nd not. dupend
� 11pon i1n) wi, k,t ol
property of breeding regUlUrly, fITUII-
. Ch,eken maim I 'I"i "ooti ashes
dity or the power to prod tire inall)
, �till Illako .I g-.1 I f I I1Zt.( for all
at a litter, and good milking 1111,1
L'I'01).S. 'I 10 � 'I'- 11 Id 1�11 be Inixed
nu-rsing properties. All lilrough (he
lugvl h- v, .J,; 0 I I.- h]Iw of apply -
Ulg. ;L.4 HIL' %%1-1 t-;- li.lve achein-
QOIrn belt Ahe lament is going nil ill; it
il..tl vff�.ct tit, .o i i .. i,,n i-inuro and
the sows do not 'breed regularly, that
SL -L fille f1 -11W 111111-9 11 11 forlu, Ufam-
the litters tire small and uneven, �111�1
LII0(Hi;L, %%I111 -h 11 111, 11 h� t".1t. Coal
us do not sufficieniI3
"' lies ina.N. Iit� .�.tft.i� n, \,,d �kith hen
nourish their broung, How could it
�MMUI,V. Lind 1. ,, i,,( -k ,it, even
11-Y VRI-th NI.Lk. ,z i d-oberil.4 to
be otherwise, siance the itains ai,,
u.,e with I(.
s(raLned to sogreiii an extent oil tho
' Too 7111101 111-111111 ill Ille, soil is
never-ending diet of vorn ? Now Nvith
� ""' undesilahli. ;1� - �111e. Drainage
good breeding qualifieti as. with g:)Od
I it4 Ito- rciovdy (-,; --I -ds. If the
I ,
p, (,,�),,�,,�:on, ,,,, , v ,,, of fuoi,,ituro
bone, you vannot grow good ba,on
1 t ,. I , ITIH:1.111 --I 111)(11 the ex -
without securing both, for the food
tr;l qLiaulily i� W ri, llo� drainago
that produces Wood baron is niost (,on-
("t"'i ii,, i,i frow below
,ducIve to production of good brvetill1l,
itn't i,;,%%,;t�
, k , Ili, ,% , ,,, 6; I o voter.
and good nursing qualities. The he-
Whvii 1h,- 4,,il I ,- :,- ,, ,mi �he plant
havLor of the Improved Yorkshires
I f, "),I J� olot". IL, ''J, � 1,,1%e,I ,,nd Lho
Land the Tamworths sustains the vie,,
, f'iafl, of plani, 1, If- lool-V aeLive,
just given. These itre tit present pr-
A �%t'( ij i, �1" ", I I
. I.Voli ill suln-
eminently the bacon brpt,ds, and I hey
are pre-sminently distinguished hy
Strawbvri. ", L""', lej�(J'r, all'i
(heir good breeding and nursing qual-
nved plenly of , rin... if you n(,-
glect-I llluk-hin�� 11 ,i,, ,�oh -traw in
Another reason is thitt it 'Aill giVe
1110 f3l), VtW' Ill".;' :11-�' �litll fresh,
hogs vvith all -round stamina, III:kL is
coat'- Ilor- In -111,11- kw �%iritvr and
to ,say, tin aninial that is activv on his
.,pring rain,i N%il� � ,iry (it(, ferLiliz-
feet, always ready for hbi food anti
U19 vlvyllent, d--��n I. 11w roots of
able to, put it to it good uge, one that
Ihe Wallt-, (Im� n --u IL slong th-cril
wilt .stand forced feeding Nvi(hout
nilliTemoving til Ili. ,h,ie(oiuII;IbIv fell-
brettking down, that does not rendily
(urt's tJ tiuch ;i ( ,�V� 1,11g, !Ind loaves
fall a prey to disease, sires I hat are
a bet tor HI)T,iog mlik h , I han if light
active and usvful to it good old age
straw had 1-vo :wid -I ;donv in ill, -
awl dams that will gladden I It(- lienr�
fa I 1.
of theix ownew.4, by the aburvianoe
T11"" Ile%(.[' ��11 I IiII10 since the
ofthk�it,i)r(>ducti(yn,�indii))- the linn(i-Iflays
(of Atlitni �01,11 'lit, farmer wit,
, Hwy nourishlonas
solne -way in which
laigh a Iiii- -lilly or evono-
inically. ;t� I,., �i,ltjl, t_lj,),, 1)(.causp
That cuir p4s are weakibrigs in the
I here never ln;L, ,t I -f .... %,h,-ri fartners
COT'll -belt in complvric�on with what
%%,(,ry such P'1f'I" ,'', k-flt"4 ,4 their
they cught to be, no rindid Iona
bu�ijless, rind IR % , 11,11e %t.11(,n thl�
will deny. They are not till we;tk-
prpf,rity ,�r tl,, _.,,1111%. depended vo.j
Iiingg since all breeders tire not in-
iouch mi t1w pr,,,.Iml� condition (I If
ju,dicious. Marty of them fire not weak-
tht- fariner, an -I tl f, ,, , her Nve :Ill-
li�ngs since many of the
inci, in lin(A%l "' �r in I in ;Ihiliq to
not injudicious in breeding �.nd feeci.
imilirl knm% I'L'Il", . : 1", hv�t(-,- w;II (I,,.
Ing or in general management. Mit
former,; lj(- 2il,131'., , ,',,I.
many of them are iweaklings, ;Ind di,,, -
ease is ever present among them to
a degreell that is �simply appalling and
Oppressive. Hog cholern. is it gerni
disease, as everybody knows, and will
im consequence attack the baconpig
I'll,, INlilint.- , r fil'. %,i,(, :ire Lbe
na Well as the lard ,hog. But will it
attack him as readily or will he flill
only riches om pi�,,, y onnnot squan-
It prey to it no easily I I do not think
de r.
T)i L4
no, It would iiiot be refusontible that
e re ol)1% ,�n, I hing " hich
he should', else stami-tilL is n Ill f
N% ills :1 l"Ill" �Inll Imt is straight
izufLrd against disease. But it is In
some delgree a safeguard agairnst (lis-
I t R bY I"'I"I'll", of inind in un-
ease, ow thei testimony of all tho cen-
t.ii,-d vipvrgellj��_ I,, ill(, nalive me -
Curies with reference to this matter
till of :j ,non �, 1_11�d.
has been Inoet delusive.
lRat are inot pligsl of the bacon types
11, Loring riml .% .... i ,%ill (I'Ver wint
harder feeders than those of other
for love ; l)0 hUrrIld, ;infl you will nev-
types ? I believe they are, The ex-
v r '" nI for ir,li,lilie,
perierice of all the past has tended
N ' aniouw , r � ff -I ion nvi kPp op
to show the blose rein t iom bet ween t he
f - t 11 e I;i,- k ,, f I I ;, � , I I I., 71. W P N I I t
t is to say, the
to be lundorstoo,i ji �vell as liked.
forrin of the lard bog and easy-ke4,p-
-Find 11 A, -tv , ,nak, fine, F,very-
qualities, The inference, there-
fore, Is legitimate, that the more ills-
thing is ri ill(" lm,ller or Pushed. Tile
taut the remove frorm this typs, the
world alway.,
will in Ilial. "'o�l to a fuln with a
mare food relatively that will be
Used in making a pound of pork.
The betilItv 11,,1 rifldrek,�RP,4 it,self to
So far as kno'ern to the writer it has
I h` "" 14 "'n I 'h" SPell of [be mo -
not been demonstrFLtAd by experience
meint; (lie pyt.%f the body isnot .I -
that the bacon F* is a harder feed-
way" "Int (If "I" ?"'IJIL
ortham lart � hog. ,But in the ni)-
sience of Puch demonstration it will
If a man (11-4 not make new ne-
be fair to concede this, We must not
quaintances :" fi` IlIvnneon (hrough
lift' he will '"'i'" r1nd
to the r,onclup,ion, however, that
hiMqolf nione, A
baciark swine are hard fee dera. (�Ood
norin, �;ir, I,houl,l kl"T his friendship
digestion is a matter of transmission
in constant rr,pnir.
as well as form, boince the feeding
KO Man ,nn 101 11hothor It(, ia rich
qualities of the bacorn pig, have been
Or poor Ily 111r,org to his ledger. It
improved by gfterations of careful
N the heart that
breeding. ale mO3tAhRt Oau, be said,
makes n, man rich.
He Is rich or
therefore, is that the bacon Pig
pool. w,ording 10 what
hF' "", not M'rordinsz
tbough Probably not He easy a kee p-
in what he hns.
er or feeder Diet the lard Pig is not
It [A R high. ul0oorn, almost awfill
a bard feeder.
thoughl for r%,Tv individual ruan that
he hre, stands
thus: The bacon pig is
his earthly infl, o,npe, which has hAft
a commr`lael�aient
away ahead
of the lard bog in strength of bone
'N'll never thrnugh
nil ngPq, wer , �" 'he very
and in the triplicity to graze well,
mennest e.f
tie, have rm end,
a quality which strength of bone
brings with it, in Igood breeding and
------ *_
nursing qualltiM and in all round
stamina rind vigor, And the lard pig
is probably somew.hat nhpnd in the
qualitY Of sally feeding, Ili it not true.
Is your lintlg)fl, r 10:1171afrig to play
thO Piano I)y
therefore, ont thP 111WITIP growers of
C, rtainly 'not,
these United StnteA will be compelled
in the light
Anqwerod Mrs. (!Ilm-
rox, spvprpl,r NI -P alwav%
of helf interest togrow
inty capl,
the bacon pig, But thpy will nlqo
9TOwing taste in favor of leaner
MY, the house 'no"
meaL Evidetrice.4oft-hiatirrowingtaRte
I'll-Inged Rom e
way, $,ald the lady
are found in the dWrimillation
who had moved
out a Month or two before,
prMouttoodly abown, against the ponso
and re-
tume,d to ranke
dorons steer find the ,bAavy lamb. And
a orill and pert what
kind Of turnit ' 'lie
in the Ihigh" price thht deal,,. Ire pay
bad. or" new tenants
oven now ,or por,ki of th'a .... or( type
yes, 11PT hr"'llon"
" CAM legitimately elrpttot that tilai
repliod, We've
c4ned it up
difformea will be increant-d. Even
tboAWIL our relations with the Brit-
ish market bboutd remain (is no,tv, is
it uOt Ovident thorefore that our
They tell me that
rorarers of SwIne, will be comp,gliod
f1d WOW th#3 b?tc`00 Pitt, at least in
YOU have been
travelling abrmd Rttid the young ,vo-
I modified form I
who trips t- snake conv"sation.
And ill, man W1110
III04265 the Rlight-
ost Pretext to be dipar
04: . ahle 1111111wer-
Prof. W. 3'. Grwm astys applbit will will be kind anongb
t6 61011a bow I could have Sane
� 0111irl" VA AL W -i *"ty 'lilt "US. Will I *broad Withoet traveling. I
.. . .� . 11 I I , I � I � - ��
I I ,
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