HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-04-12, Page 1111 llaThe Star gives the The Star -shines. for i very best res. t for tityi, citt�ulatlo N40i 5 You In Quality*, Quaniot 00% dverflser$ The Official Newspap,im of the County of Huron. MITCHELL. TODD, Pulalsvills li-OR,pybBLECOND YEAR GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 12, '1901. #1 & YEAR -IN DVANCS kVH N No. 17 V8 A URZAT TEAM. - The genuine Volt BOWLERS. -The annual Son. OAL ce IT1.111on Was received from LOCAL IMPROVEMENT. Christeys' London hats are I lie stand- lag of the lawn bowling club willfil be Unto a�h. Godericit Township. and front Licashurn, the fOrtlier Pril YUIg Reurember. it U OIL five yeare, ti got ard Huglib hat.s. The Dunlop is at field in Mr. Llne's 4471ce oil Saturday 11A be wepaiated front Hayfield and the hend of fit others In the United evening at 8 o'clock. All lovers of 87httuy and the Inattor from, Man Town of Goderich. a reAllY Opel Company to StIlteit. The latter bell for not, letm bowling On the firreen nre Cordially Hill, aud,both to collie to Goderich. Thev will be here than $5,00. The geoulne ChrysteVb' invited to attend, &aid help jxplarlze be Fe-UniU4 Into Ono istoral charge. on Monday. April 22. at $150 and $&W. and Life corret this lizeeltent aunituer arport. The prayer of the pet Itlion wits gran L that the Cc acil of trut Town at Gaiderlsto will undertake the can- TAKE NOTICE kitrito Ion ofu artificial Manse Sidewadlis on the fullowinfir streolt, COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD.- COPY Of the Dunlop hilt at 41173- call "PEUK'SBAD Boy." -The old an ed. with the, sinderstAnding that no a be obtained at the lt^dlnR hatter- lughable play of Peck's Bad Boy" grant lie mlked from the Aimmakfuta- kuownw The regular monthly meeting ot the %V . C . p1U,HAM tion Fund tot Bttvfie!d and Bethany STUX RT — - FROM North ......... TO LTNOTH INUMS Mft 57i TOTAL VUOUAIIU SQUA" FT.: CORT. 3630 S M 00 Nuh.ou North Waterloo ...... ...... WaLearlo Fast ....... Brltrakskdsls� Caledoula - .. =0 3 135M IS5000 ter on. - Iva to Vi. West West- ::, Kingston ...... River Bank.. As pier . .... 2700 5 3= 1 LUM I= 04 19380 193800 r1a ... Victoria : E,tbt. ..... . qolacm .. ...... , 141 . EP a .. ... . 1720 010 M 00 ... Walle-A West ...... 4arnhk, at a good pace, land it said ....... - that they were sure win net 9. Miller ...... A 120t) [lark corner, by Tbos. A. Edison, in L -glathottee.... t98 6 wi 90 410 68 Do htholours-e-'. laiex Soutt TOWN 01' uODERIGH. I Wellesley. ollogest daughter of George Bates, ukenting favorably on the work of the Rod Lorne MLI)OHRld, fOl'tl)el'ly (If Churchasa whole. The repoit bull - 46wo 442 Ili ........ Scott) testinioriv to the pt evious and present Wingliani, lHot flow it resident of f lie Sundav School, Norfolk vs. ador a of wtlo Contained In cort ain eltv and frow Loodon wits olituined chief Pit its was tbiLt lo-rPeeLor Tom, ct iticizing the Wellington. cat power Ik mortgairat (roan Rolhart Effisatt a-1 wife, to Mrs H 1910 a am sm (10 thoude.. 6111111"Illa. North. Kitaye -4outh.... 330 S 90 W 0) HIS to No South... North .. ... V Ictona . ..... Waterloo.. . Albert.. :.:::: Colborne. ...I 1589 5 I 434 1 6 7191*1 M 00 9 1.1A 20 00 collegiate Institute board was held presented In Victoria Opera and 4 r,�ductlon or 0 be aid To Tux OricastGoiNo PuBLIC.-Harry was . $10 Aak f.); Thursday afternoon in the secretary's House on Wednesday afternoon and Leeburn and Union Church. Mr. office. Frettent. F. Jordan (chairararnan). Videsan, the manager of Victoria Opera evening, and at trActed it fair audience. Anderson ram appointed tuoderator of Judge Masson, Shenfil Reynolds. John He—, hall secured at great expense for Leebuen and Union Church. with In - Acheson and Dr. Utv. The following The Imperial Khaki Hand and Orches- structions to moderate in a call when Monday evening, April 22nd. the Lyceum tra Paraded the Sq Hare after intent and tire conitregatious werta ready. Rev. accounts wereoidered to be paid: lAe& Opera Cum ny of New Vork, who will evening, Rod wei e much admired by it S. Acheson tondered the resignation Shephard.01.10. McKenzie& Howell. I. C Celebrated co - f large numbr of people. Orra W. of his charge of Kippeu and Bills pear m1c I lChol 21; V.Stoddard, $1,90. Moved tiv JudFe Wal I=" This is undoubtlMyrage N s. the wonderful ttice. bicycle Mailsou. seconded fly Sheriff Reynolds. Green. A a eci meeting of P t hat D. Stoddard's sidary tie 4�011) per beat attraction ever in Goderich, and an rider, gave puhlic aft Indoor exhibi- t will be teld at Brucefleldo oil annum from Ist, April, 1801. Carried. the local management is at gnat expense Lions and well sustained his reputh- M trial.. to deal with it The no t The board their adjourned. in bringing this big organization here, it Lion. Miss Theltion lAwls, acrobatic is a egul r kneeting will be held at Clinton 14 to be hoped our people will appreciate dancer, Pieria ruled ninny feats of ui et It on July Oth. Tuz LATit MRS. JoHNsToN.—Tbe the endeavor to - e them a reall first and was well recelar -The Bad dt, — - y following from the Cliatbatu Planet class attraction V; securing their seats HO I it to the three acts. The usual meeting of SL George's Vestry Leld in above sidewalks are to be constructed under 7ho., like Luc improveanuot BVIaw No. 7 ol 1898 of the Provittions of the ManicipAl Act add We municipality, and unless a petition agaist , ear y- e�ich i� the only plac of2ftn tilt.. will be read with interest I God e outside the larger cities this Opera Company will was the school -room on -kill 8 Ust Al A wave had the best of MondiLy evening for the pit f the Joke And created ioara of laughter. each laparairti likk i-rovainient Or work. signed Ilya to W actsstaswel.tak rainjorityin numberof the owners ropresentimir presented to Ike Council within also monsh by the ,,,any friends of the dectassed be seen. The prices have been placed ILe company c4unprise fifteen,people. electing charch wardous anrs"Y-sohl air lentil. One-hall'ot the sent prortirty front the last political I a of t b notice. the progooed a 1;�r.for will be made y lnur�voknents or works will be undertaken thu ell. lady hereabouts: "I.anst evening fine I within the reach of all, less than half of Chathani'll highly esteemed ladies The stinky Is' leiiii tnt Itiq: hour. told I ne delegates, #and discutakilikiiii, Matters vt In I he Interest to thu ch"lch- herta was a und special W&O-8111OU Is t ti -to raced off together, and its he I I 10 itom: 75 Qiiefen's Funeral Procession In hat you would have to pay to see then% Wi6th, UghAt'ale P' ki to 11.11 worth Adolfo— Including J, 0. At A RTIN, Board of Works. Wals. MITCHEL!hw va Clerk. pamed to tier long rest in tire ppreon of in the cities. Plan opens Tuesday, April 0hristiana McNaughton, the lwlovvd $lot'- to say nothitiag fit tire opieAdid good atleudance, a numbal oichestia. the excellent vocal a'( the linger ittembeis of the con - chairman 0 saderfeb A pril 4- h, 1901 97 -21. at Porter's Book Store. wife of Jonn E. Johnsilon, the well known King Street Illotellant. Mrs. SCHOOL MATTRUS,-The Mail and pro. rlu gramme and other wot thv features. fit fit. Afterpraver, followed hy A SPRI-40 WEDDINO -Oil Thursday of the nutintes, the Rev, piers. A few old hands landed soine 4arnhk, at a good pace, land it said ....... - that they were sure win net 9. Miller ...... A 120t) [lark corner, by Tbos. A. Edison, in LOCA 1, IM PROV El M ENT. Auction Sale. Johnston, Who land been III but it, Buspire's report of the nannal convert- couplonfvareeks. was thifferingfronis Lion of Ontario senool teachers and Al. THinlikill rend III" annual ieliort, evening of last week. Jane Eaton. And runs - U(­110N6kLE0FVALUkBL3 VkltM' A t ING ZAND IN THEToWNSHIP OF a bERICH. TOWN 01' uODERIGH. I Complication fit diseases, And for the inspectors in TosontoLhis week, says last few days had been slowly sinkirg. . 'The ollogest daughter of George Bates, ukenting favorably on the work of the Rod Lorne MLI)OHRld, fOl'tl)el'ly (If Churchasa whole. The repoit bull - hall started the foundation for A. Hudle .. ... .A 183 ll.W Lion of the �.rocession from Field or- M ITC 11 ELL E LLIOTT. The best possible medical slid in tills of the ltasppctor,'� Department: in I department testinioriv to the pt evious and present Wingliani, lHot flow it resident of f lie Sundav School, car vs. ador a of wtlo Contained In cort ain eltv and frow Loodon wits olituined chief Pit its was tbiLt lo-rPeeLor Tom, ct iticizing the So perintendent o I Goderich, were united in marriage, conorratulatf-st the highly TAKE NOTICE power Ik mortgairat (roan Rolhart Effisatt a-1 wife, to Mrs hot 1,11 efforts were unavailing, a0 of staff. otHike .,,hat the cOolleil of the Town of Gaiderich Martht Lulthwaitia, and bv hera,isigned 6 she passed peacefully away lapt even. authorized ilpeller. The piesput. spell. rchesti t Rev. Jaspar pallor (if North Of Sunday School 0 servicee, Ih the c-astruction of Artificial thavoodor, thorewill talsoffered fordais by Ing At the faruilyiresidence. Victorin hig book, lompector Total hehl. was Street Methodist cliuteh, Lying the And showed that the Average Attend- %I titadvirta,lao to Sidewalks oil tile following afreets. inarectioldKettys street, publiCILtICtiOn, by John Knol,adiationcer. at ClUX1,010as IIQLel, in the townaaftloderi,ts. I Avenue. M ra. ohnstn was lite Interiorto that Issued in 18M The chief objections were that tire "UP'd knot. The Ceremony too, ft"Ce wits $is large AS to nereasital so extension to the school hoose. The S. kiO'wo�aoSLDavhI1w oKI,-9AtOP fh,roet� WEDNESDAY. TUE17Lh DAY OF APRIL eldest daughter of the late J. me. partition- - Naughton. township of Stanley. Hit. ciation wall Hot Indicated ; in ))art I 1. phic. at tire remidenco of the bidit's . Easter collection was shown to he luillresence of ahout forty o,C., ihe r3inall., gido of Hl. David's street, feet in length, to at It o'clock In the forenoon, the folio Ing V luable lunds, nmely: Lot number 23 hawth, of, county. he deceaqed lady leaves, and followkng parts tire words were I ent down, haphazard. the treatin ii-irenw. over twelve dollar a. And the it go relatives an personal friends of tile Vera Attendance hondred. The to be rivo feet fit width. 2.062 Get abou 1. 01.031. 2nd itannic"lon, and to' . it u in bar 23 in the 3rd concssion of the township of Udder ich, in the 1weldes her huslataud. three children- Put at Mrse Mable, aRed 15 years, Master of verbed distinctions wits inferior to over one contracting parties. Mt. (Jeo. Bates work of the senior said Junior Guilds ft,ciat. along Key,, 2a,d Front Irbomae . Oak .Lreoi to Britannia Road. the woA it do, to county of Huron. Harold, aged 8 years, find a little thattof1he old book. After full die - gave his daughter away, And She was and tire senior and J,inior Auxiliaries A bride. In Hinpream beLlirkic futt front ThORIAH street to Raglan The firtit mentioned lot fit aftuated upon the Intliv boy hut it few weeks old. Mr. cussinn the matter was referred to it pretty giiwtied Was favorably mentioned, and Lite th bluish Mass Florence, ,Ueel. end four fuel, frvM Bugled girect to I I length of IA -0 feet, lrlt�kallhl, Road, ft 10 8 Hayfield road, and ha long been used for Pasturage purposes, for which it is well adial)t- final Mm. Johnston were married in committee composed of Messrs Tom, June, 1884, and lived in Port Arthur Robb, and Irwin." c of grPy. workers of theme eat alds to tire tl%Oe bridestral H I .31 add, wove A charming Cos church thanked is I tth r labors. Tire to cost about $462, The above uidewalk" le to be constirki att oil A,I( ed. The antectid mentioned lot comprisits Dnl Of for six ears. Tan years Ago they re. SponTiNo NoTV.-The neiv baseball tuniff of white and blue, And both financial statement for the year endinf bride find itinist carried boq Hets (If : it f the flitunicipal lititir the provisions cr and tile i.oeal improvement By -Law, No, 7. unless - poll Life best farms In the township, with excellent t1welling hou", burn, etc., and a large and moved to the Maple Uitv, where they rules which have been adopted nifty be hdve Since resided. Three brothers 31,st March, 1001. wall I hen I end, I white and left respectively. kdrowod receipl it $W75,rA And expendi- lim, of ,hill Municipality. said improvemont or valuistilia orchard. And four sisters are left to mourn the so ultuarized as follows -.-Abolition of K. Linklauer, of winglinni, who its. I u I es $Z70,11.30, leta, V log An overdraft of final likknit each separate K a works by a nitaki.ray [if numbor of the . rho lots will be offered separately. , departure of tire deceased. All reside play called "hit by pitcher" will count f masted his old nend. was one of 'he $8872. fit the penditures there is higned, owilem representing at leastone -lift f of the lot be admesse al. Ito tireiiented to there will bo a remem -c bid, Poss"xi0on Cliff be given at once. In 01000Unty of Huron. One of the merely AS at hall- no base will Ise given. beet of best ineu. At (tie conclusion n itein off $71'.140 for Interest find of Life Ceremony All prest, t were nive- real property file Council within 0110 month fromthis last of this notlee, the proposed in, Th,3 puretw"r wilt be roalaired to Vendor or tak solicitor Left Per cont. PoLy tot)tulan of he st8ters. Miss Kate MeNaughton, wits All foule are strikes unless there tire at hev bedside when the end einq. aiready two oil the hatter. Uatcher overdraft front Haster, Ift), leaving tittle ly entertained. find it is -atialit In Actual 41eiteit of $17IT2 for tLe PaM publication proven) be hodertako.,. mark; or works will therefor will be inadia b a a[. chRme money fit I lie time of wale. and its hout ance %ithin thirty days thoriantwr wl I I Two brother d ill c -9. John stud Davi niust stav behind the hat for the en was spent viewing the Ilially tirphents - The disburbements however, the bride received, Aniong which was rreel It it and spaaAai assessments by the Council. WNf. MITCHFL4 int.crest. in other reapecLa the opOdlLion" of -s. will be the standim conditions of the Naughton, of Bavfleld, arrived in tire tire gatn� when his aside Is in the Hold. city last night. Win. McNasighton. of Pitchers must deliver the b%ll to bAt. I d 0 $159 . I K) for Interest, And $INX) I it handsome clock rron, the groolik'a on principal of tnortgalge de floderich, April 10th, 1951. Town Ciork, 1798-2t is Court of Justice for niarlo, kor furth,r particulars ap IV to thelA (it to the Voullor's Solictors, at thdiurcolffiloono- in (iluderich. GARROW GARROW. Illis city,le Also a 1protheF ofMra nian inside of 20 seconds After Life hat. Johnston. The Ieceased lady was it ter has taken his position. Should tire HIPIUber oi the Holy Trinity church pitcher throw the hall Any other n1a e ffillow employees at life Goderich Or- these pnymentit redoc� tile hear onatillado f Cory. Aniong I hose in Attend- n it hurch t)roporty to PKX).00, it If c were Clio lHide's sister, 14,11ce M ". of $ 10W. W I 11 I h ree y elk rat. 0 no. Porter Becliter, Haiti brother Albert, both fit Found Lost or & Dared April sith, 19ol. Vorkdor'l; Solicitors. 1798 It And always took fill active I Comet in than the plate it will count a hall fc as or clitirch work. Her- earneet, effort and each deliverv.-The horse races in ,11,1 1). Holt werewie-tippointed as ree Detroit, find Mi6s C'mitinings And the people,H tirdens re8pectiveiv. have same FOUND-A for mit; owner can lay applying At THE STAR St. Patirlok's ...... 310,9W 3M.0go deep interest, Find we extent] it heal-tv the residents Of Pit, less- ()It tire or , inelhod I oule- er ruwili be held oil [)right Christian character won for h Winghain this je the high esteem and Admiration at all Wednesday on h radav, June 28th Misses LinkIaLer. of Wingham, TI)m midkialfinei. appointed were It. Iflur- Bial Fiasu"Ka IN lioas.-Monday J. 8, Flatt. J. M. Shephif,H, F. 1,. H. Newton, Musical. or label .......... 0 0 Bay, per ton ........ ... . ...... .. 8 9 to 4.1 9 Wanted ...... part It'sabotil. time 0 W. 'it. Gen-go's ulitirch held n, large con. with whom she cattle in contact." and 27th. The Goderich Turf Uuh Are THE HOLIDAY. -Good Friday was a extensively Advertising their two dAl,s loveiv day, tte still shining brightly races, on Jtfly 17 And 18. when six S. NicV. laoL wits the day for the usual we kI 0. y Jos. alkeld, F. Jordnn, W. 1). T'Ve. deliver y fit hogs at the G. T. It. stat fork 1). j. N,,ft,l and Mr. liosken. Tito ANTIND.-By third w ek in April, cold. W GLEN CAMPBELL W. potellf,weritint. APVJIIQ 17N -Lf s. WIDDER, Organist and Musical Director of lVorth St. Methodfat Church. Teacher of Pipe Oriffain, Pianoforte and events from mail It till eve, And our will tie (in the prograin, with citizens $ISM off -red. took advantage.of the real spring A RACK FOR $200. -The other day rows Bros. & for the Wni. (bialichil st alentpilt. it, And boing read find Day;es Co., of Tot -onto. I Po give an A. Fowler, It, 8. W11- idea, (if wilut, title trade means the 11ADIR, C. Widder find W. Proudfoot devise, ANTEDFAn [ended Cook a.- A W ZZ"Ap,17 to ;ood it t,chka. MRS. SWART& fluron Hotel. Th itweather. receiveopupils at his studio at Music H use, West SL. or their homes If desired. As might he expected, & three individuals. said to be of the fair noluber single fAred it, to Toronto Company thAt manipulated tile and other points and many visitors frilowing list wits taken by a STAR were Appointed it consinittee to r,,�, entative, while Like dellvecy was find toport oil it scheive fur the en - ".ad,. Th. price paid who the largernent find Improvement of tile , ng Sunday 8( -hold and Also for OTII'LES WANTEC).-Jaines HOLUO, Wei- or Or f 5 000 B leslay street� will pay Cash oil h as are bottles. 4 and 6 oz., c For terms apply at Enterson's B and House lyr time in, Clinton sending a pretty wheels of fortune" rat the races h el gh one of 6J cents pet pound live reartedying the defects the On there Hand used for shoo dre 1796 3t 8' salsir, " Music large contingent. Maitland cemetery last sunstuer, turned u-) sit Hensall. attracted ujany visitors, and as it con and one all them called on A well esinain,. .,,any g,.,.. were be -strewn known resident to bori ow $2W, hich weight: sceus-.1c of church, NAME No. WRIGHT AakroUNT the qneotinn About to he raimed in �he Mclivialn.. 2 $?2 37 Synod of adinittitig ladies to the privi. "A 311. 2.5 lege Of VOU119 HI VcHtI'Y Metalling", the girl, to WANTED. -Good. dining room to issue position durins April. A lyde- f,)Ilowq I Rel-viceq were choral, Awl llilv:-Ity,was I heV tire Ro Moir, I hill ninviv Wave AIRS. GEO. uUX rON, Colb rise ".1.1m. 1795-tt Victoria Opera House ith 1, ve I the Said resident refused to hand over. w taofferings, find thase that I a , The man then explained that lie Stramail Cox . ...... ... 5 911 68 711 delegata�q woke inslyocted to vote yen. rich. House Cleanln�,- ING NOTICIC.-Now lit He 'UslPtl kneLittui Npropare for house 01 ea III as 9. We can clean, relay Iliad ritnovilite-t hot. Is, e. afford all gratue 8polia, &c., by special gricess, (if your carpets in short order. All it nsim of house cleanlof done and satiRfaction guaran- toed. A postA card will reach hit itilil will be �ptly attended to. W. & A. E. 3ONKS, 10-lonx bt7ect. Goderich, i7W-IL Notice. OTICE-The adjourned arinnal meetingol' Nthe sharesiolderis of the Uraderich Curl - !ng find Skatintr As�clatlosk will be held In he Court House on Mon.igy eN,maing, the 15th inot, at, 8 o'clocit. for she election of directors and other general business W�J. CANIPBELL. secret Ary. Godericts, April 9th. 1901. 1798 -It Public Notice. TANA NOTICE THAT A SPECIAL OHN. ERAI, MFETI1O of the Sharallsol,loria f .Hd-on and Bruce Loan and InveNtineal. Company will be he'd at the offices of the said Oil North 8 reet, in the Town of Co- All.'ut OukhP. the countirtof Huron. on Tuosd@LY, the 28th day Of Mosr. A.D. 1901, at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon, for the purpose of taking into consideration an offer made by The Canad-t Trust Company for tile purchns-i by them of the abassits of the said Huron a ad Brand lAan and '"veltryn". I. I'll. 11 , JOHLIAN HORACE HORTON. Pr.�Waat. Manallor and Secisitary. Drit. al this litb tiny of April. 19 I 1793-7t Notice to Creditors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of tile Estate of the late Moses McBrien. TAKE NOTICE that under chapter 129 of the Revised Ststute� ff Ontario, 1897, all persons having claims as creditors crotherawleat mraisket 'he estate of Mosts Menders. late of the town- ithip of uoderich h In t it county of Huron. yeat man' who an or about the 30th day of November AJ). IM are requirtiall Coffered such claims, duly tar Tost,grepald, or dell ver to JOHN A.R HEL'S sq.. Dungannon p. O.. one of the executors of the said do - ceased, with full Particulars thereof and a "I'mrs"Insit of the securities, If any.hold talent. On or before the 20th da of April, Al. 3901.1 'A'sid further take notice Chat after the said gtrilddy'bUA�rll; 191111. the oxecutors of the 1 WA" eff McBrien will proceed, to dtA- il the Assets of the stakid estntk amongst 'fficit ent I tied thereto. I )a having regard only tonl9c clairm; of which they shall then have had notice, (and will not be liable for such malsits or tiny Part thereof to tiny person of whose claim they stiall not then have had notice, Dated at Goderich this 21st day of March, A;D. T901. PHELIP HOLT 1gripir for the xecutors. Y. M. 9.5 fit a Is and Robert Davidson. aFor Sale or To LeL MAg,HIPORSALIC,-7 KMrs old 17 hands gh. oco. W. TITO Box & �ON. RSAL ex I A "clud. mille and 06, 0. of Golden Wynn, rott.1.1, 13UR mud bite horkaq, it. C. and 8 U, Black: red Bit Rocks, Dorkinati, Bieck Spanish and C. Legholms. Eggs for Anle aCling. 793.1t COLIN CAMPBELL VA008 FOR HATOR1=20 Per getting, from Pure bred Be ks and Golden 'atidattes, grize Winning stock. Barred Ron with T. R. relch cook, Gold- itpan male yandotto pen with SwaHow cockerel. IL LENNf)X. 1797.2t aSaLford, Olt SALE -House and lot of A acre, situ- ated In the village of Sanford. Fruit E'. and all atecklikkatfuh J7 uotbatialinfarK. Apply to MoINTYR IIWIMO SidtforM 0. LAND IPR SALE IN TOWN OF GOD& RIC Fair kiwdsa� on arkafrowlannible form the propeal known, ami the tointillory land:: being part o block **F' In the town of God ka. rich, CWT1161111119 about 33 1110141aft. will' building, and wn ter tiaglit"n the River %let tland. For terms fkl)ply te GA14MOW&GARROW, ltbS fball"the Vaindar. IO -Ju A IP FXIUM rQR 8 L 'pi, 21. Ob Ion 14, 6k1ch Town ailtitnted '!leaf in' 0 1 V1116. & M I Itbu Iditagra. rences orallkmar'd�,Wcll. fill 0 tills A flaili 9t fai I wb a 0 0 a aut to ,,y t1saulfirs A I T N esor. and, c iR LE — J'Ca of the best tell Age fifirm, it a.. Inallioderle P., uron Cryfinty'lat 1, pt. tion.LsIxtagral one-half miles from Godel4X it miles from (11100. The farm contain" , 11,11IMal" and febesit;fat well watered am god agal , ; Ilk a inake.brold sairawl iffurder t gres and otal"if d6rc would mal th bar lilloa. fit? Ns WM. UOULI o n I ''. or P. I 178&tf )it RAM-tAt ON, 16 yPatio OLV. Barrister dalkaricb. I ErLqf I own TODICS. a lowe re.ent n ernients were vim - by all cookers. In a few cases floral B It... I ....... �Ia 1160 or im Philip Holt,and L. Ell wanted to bet It with line of the risen ri,,elllott ..... ... ii I'MO M.00 iot were - Rppo t, Led if rop esent the congiefian. Rofidau, flor1l 22ng tributes that had been ed on CA weeks before looked 9' t�h t An on a race he was to I'lln wi th I he Jennings ..... . 6 14KH OIL23 other, and on Ids stating lie could Cook ... ...... 7 1411) 88.7ji tion at tire Synod. 'the o4iial votes of Joi kit A .. ... (I 110) 6:1.70 thanks to those who had firely givell Tire Godertch U uglue anti Blerele Co. 'ol. showing thiLt flowers will red heat his (a ponen ?ftsi I P I, the gentleman . .....7 11") 67 2 bet their tillso ?laid for I lit, Ipplit-111 17 lots 00 11 0 run Road, town of Goderfells. tain form find color longer in the open hanTed over the cash, thia -ns n,,,),n ... , . A 724) 11 4' Sim) 5,s 2 fit the church having been tenoeted. chento of seed dtills to Wizalipe it air than in warm dwellings. The at the harbor were vit5ited trinde And the raee began. To the ClaskinbLrw - 5 . 9 (ilehil .. ..12 2 130 133 N Life ineeLing adjoorned, ti�rprise of the tender of Like $2(X). the 8 450 I tri The GREATEST EVENT we have ever had tite pleasure of offering to plets ny pedestrians and Anglers. Th, ti -to raced off together, and its he I I 10 itom: 75 Qiiefen's Funeral Procession In tile public walking was good, bit fishing was t not, as scores ot the disciples of Sit lender. could Hot otitpnee I hO thre� ,'�e ...... .2 IA 11 fill �vpllt,v ...... I HUI .13. 75 obtained the assistance of the . Living, Moving Pictures. The Lyceum Opera I,anc Walton, returned honse Hqhl ess, sheriff, but at Life tini2 of writing he 13 1 190 M 12 Kirk ....... .... 2 410 27,50 This mrgsaillceni pageant of solemn three racers were inaking a B line for illi -vin.- 1314) SIX at Mr. James Yates' bootie alit liVent after triffing the whole length (it the . .3 k2randemir has been photographed at Hyde is Burk 7 1230 7687 I D (lux sv� auctioneer. piers. A few old hands landed soine 4arnhk, at a good pace, land it said ....... - that they were sure win net 9. Miller ...... A 120t) [lark corner, by Tbos. A. Edison, in ,,ompany of NEW VORK, I. the oerch, halt thouLch the water was clear. MeWhinucy .2 23-75 moving pictures, and will be shown In ask lot 4. Concession 9. W. D. Colborne. "me"'Do'nig rall I O'clock. THOT. CAMP this flgh And herring were either not BUILDINo NoTEs.-Janjieson Iteid N011118 ..... .. It 1750 109.37 all its realism, including all the mainjor. Cantel'In L �"S 78,1 18.76 ---comic OPEPA— on the bite, or were in deep water. hall started the foundation for A. Hudle .. ... .A 183 ll.W Lion of the �.rocession from Field or- Cycling was revived and the fettitre was the large number of the fair sex I FOugvie's dwelling at Lighthoose Bailey - '' -0 890 b5.o2 shot Earl hearts to life end, Also, Prowska ... L-4 970 (10-87 scenes of the war, the uest di ter of 'ofs car jon wheels so early in the season, Rol- .... .. 22o "" 5 Galveston. Texas, and is scorn other point. -Robert Sharman has started M '�', 7 1185 7406 M , b� "SAID PASHA" kating was a pastime. and ,-knuckle down" monopolized consid- 'e' - .... 1A tire stone work of 3ames Yates' office Harollton... ..2 370 ZI. 12 subjects, ins king a most in 6ornati nai and in. find residence on West strt-et.-Bll* ARkwith 8 1230 78.12 structi,iff, programme of refined humor, Wednesday was delivery tiny In at able of the side walk, but the most ....... IK5 11.60 chanans & Lawson have the frante up McNeo pathos and tragedy, :ntpropermed with I's.-Illittle IS preparing tit Prect a hearn liveiv Pplaode of tire day was a game for Win. Green's Ii storycottage on Hondarsou....11) 1.530 W. U music and song. Opera House, Godcriah NleBrido 9 Jim 98,75 26 PEOPLE IN THE GRORUS. t I)iLli on the conanion near ­Levaris�' 'P%ark." While this in ....... Trafalitar street, and Are furnishing MWilion ....... 2 370 23. 12 Monday evetairip, April 15th, auspices oi for frame dwelling, M 6125 ralso lite Haiti pipta, and hascontuienced paule was pt 0 treqs shouts of the onlookers could [so the titateiial it near ogic ......... �5 St. George's You4 Peoph,'m Guild. Plan the Star Hall) for J. T. Goldthorpe. tartan ........... 6 01 5187 Kirkpatrick ... 9 1620 101.2) at Porter'o book liters, fOUndation See Bills and Programs for Partictilars, card all over town, and at times (he PI was so excit,ing as to cause Haiti- This flrtn is putting in 14 to .. I flow 465 Mod Angus McIver's residence on West Graham ........ 6 W20 5 7. W Brief TownToi)Ics, Chloholm. 7 )Sao 80.87 'Jim Mr. Frunk Treiliner had I.Whal ties between the more juvenile of the gatheting. The game was an street, tire puttin on It new roof to Win. Proud foot's 5 weiling oil Water� FCIIlott .... L....2 380 21.73 Regirlar Hiesiling of Horkin ChnDtor, Plan will be open at Porter's on Towed my exciting one. and the interest mani. Cracled to pill, it Gamey 2 .120 2044) No. 30, R. A. M., next Tuesday too street, huve con -.7 1 0 69.37 eve, I 61h, 1901. fesled by the crowd -would indicate 11 a verandah to Chas. Seager's new it vret - Wallets ........ I 5 9.0 ning. Ag!:1 fit it Ouderic It friend wtvs, .11 he Grit barbere had to K'O otat of Chat base hall will still be the leader in ling on Elgin live., started the foundw MePball - -5 1010 2 s,,meorotit, sirceis ate ninch dis. T1_R10:E3 50c- sumniet games in Goderich. tion for We new residence for Win 251 IUM 26,7.16 Ilgiired I�v lhiing placed on t heto The Young Hurnii'm basin hall Hub OvER, FALLS AND RocKS.-On Wed. Cox on corner of Kingston street And during tl' I I.r. inesday Re.e-e your Refits early, Captain Platt And crew visited Elgin nve., and are preparing the fill%- of the Engine nod terial for an addition to Win. Ask. Among the ChurcrAes. nonths, when John Carnphell wait Goderich Markets. Auburn And launched the three new ks, wits ill NViRiton this n fth's dwelling at Aulmrart. wo I Next SHriday morimisc sit8t. week of) it husilless vi�it. (connatcTED UP TO NOON Or THURSDAY., boats ol the MaWand River Nava Compariv, -'Red, hlfind Taw,;'sf ASSESSMUNT, bUr(-Il the 91111jeCt rd ill4tt-110illo Will The poople Imam[ It,wn iire of, the Whorat weakened atoristallarably the pa fit to' They took Life water exactly at noon. ArRessor Reid having completed the he, "Libeity to hre)tk fill Off, haws, or look mit t.,r (lie f1ving goided Aays,nnd It looks as though itmigh,drops and in it few ininutes were far beyond Assessment fair the present year, we not, law, of the clikirch or one by inine howl (if the remainq it ortern her is rel ig lou,i a im ruh Y, pointortwo. Oat8fand peas are fiteady, but the ,Sweet Village. " pas,ong over present, asynopaos of his work for the It is said Chat Air. lint (If not teligiolls At, v there are no signs of fain advance. a "Falls find Rocks." The timew snot In fornintittia of out- readers. There to ,The Old find (lie New Lucknow aIf $NXI s it, e flutter has dropped snother stent on Account Increased offerings, a nil -)wgs are still 9 to 10. Its fast its that InRde by the fleet hust it redociion from last year in the for his fitst trol,ling some All)(din. the inspired word of of Live hogs are higher and firm, and me dealers think **four dollar per hundred d my" n Year. but the slow Lime waq tint the y fallit. of Life boats, taut of sInggiii1i assessment. the cause being the lowpr. What fare fill 114, tiltyr) ing of the Big mill as,tesianient, nftvi At the meeting (if the 11 if re tie PoA I s, I%- for I lit, wa of thell) are None for ever. teatu and low water. The fleet air tile roll was tOtAlled tip l"Pt Yen#-, front League of the No,111, St Methodi9l. inany fine tiesis fire being deNtroycit. frali wheat. Standard .......... S 0 flit to 80 64 chared At 7.40 p.m.. just off the big $60,000 to $25,0W. Following !A the church (III Toesday evening nextr , The front. of (he Cevil ral school ham -3pring Whosit. Idtandarill A 64 to as tracer, per Had the-. Patent . ... ... 2 35 to 2 64 boarding litHise, their Arrival being 50 I result by wards, And for porposesof Mr. Will w'119've a Task" beeii nicely Roil let list IOW "Our Voontry's Family ...... 2 00 to 2 13 w itnessed fly it large number of comparison We give the asseqs- on #after, hope cows rind (It ivers will keep clear Strike. Per ton ..................... iti ou to ib 17 00 to 17 oo friends. Although the water was ex- 0o talent which the subject will lie tht own open fit it. 1001 shorts. per ton ......... Screenings. Per 16 0014) 1 5 Onto ... ........ 0 29 to 0 ceeditigly low, the only mrsbap until 00 Lhe fleet wits within one hundred 30 I" for a general ditictuorion. Thief 1.1 a St. DAVIA's ........ 8299.11M W206,055 subject in which we ishotild All feel J. 1. MeMatli, Mist street. linif Fiven a GoAlerich .............. 0 35 to 0 36 rardH of the landing stage. was the St. Patirlok's ...... 310,9W 3M.0go deep interest, Find we extent] it heal-tv the residents Of Pit, less- ()It tire or , inelhod I oule- pass .............. ...... 0 60 to 065 Rye I .......... 0 35 to 045 raniersion of the Captain. who was thrown nut when the vessel strdek. a prover St. George's ........ M1.216 iffli`AO invitation to Fall W he preocot at ana I th St. Andrew's 2SUA5 W5.R25 take in the diSt ussion. vardit g P town. or label .......... 0 0 Bay, per ton ........ ... . ...... .. 8 9 to 4.1 9 50 00 snag. When tire boats were near the ...... part It'sabotil. time 0 W. 'it. Gen-go's ulitirch held n, large con. Butter.9fir 0 14 to 0 9 to is harbor of rest one of them struck a 10 the hont tone gmLliereirm theii Appear $L198,1(15 $1,221.714) 9,,gation fit the toorning service oil s Par ?Ozen ................... nod. 0 cord.. 3 71; to I rock. which triishap aided And (1) threw the three ocvqpants into the Don ................ 180 192 Faster Day. find I ho 8 it. fit. Anee, as lit 11104t O" the rarf)m%ing� on 175 IN) ('Attle. t he Squrti e there is woi k t o lip done. fnirly cattle. export. . ........ s 90 to 4 cattle. tier III, ordinary . ........ 0 21 to 0 25 3i water. All the botttA passed fill the ....... nicti and even4ong were woll Horses .............. 101 215 Attended. The edifive was ralade It is niver Io -ee Hasler hnt4 wor a) LarnhH. sawli ....... ... ... W to It I 3 Im falvi in the river, and passed thern -'Lll 00 Birth . ......... 52 48 Hasterlike Ivv P plenlihil diqlday (If hyourfairtmeq lhan (,it Phow io like .. _ 00 to I e8p, Per, (p-e,t,,7 ....... 0 a3 to 003 safety. The members present at tne Deaths .......... 30 Mi millineCis. lie(noge t.hev look sweeter, pit- fit natives ivi L 11 flowerfa, nnalth I the ......... live weight ........... ..... 10 to a 3() annual noting in 1901 were I Captain Population .......... UM 4MA -nibers of the Guild wi s 11.1 . s6 k, ant x , et. T On to 7 [jams. per lb_ 0 14 to 016 2.5 J. S. Platt, and seamen B D. Grant, Harry Hutson, Giont Uo-per, Fred Thetolalapseusment Is made tip as Am is u4nal (in chni-ch festivals, flak, Itollin-afe plel'tif'ot Bacon, long el(Ar 0 to to 0 11 Shannon, Jae. Masson, H. Jordan, f,)Ilowq I Rel-viceq were choral, Awl llilv:-Ity,was I heV tire Ro Moir, I hill ninviv Wave .......... Al to 6 75 Fred. Shepharil, Chas, MegFtw Find G so. I( it killed hy c Real .............. .... ...... $1. 1 HUN) given to theni hy I he int rt It - I( if of -almpnits and ,,lone 111tow 05 so to 0 o3 to o 78 fit Allan. many think the trip down the Personal ................... 51.425 lirmits find reed in vonnec Ing. Bov�, it is illegni if) kill those Ta Chickens per patir ... 30 tc, 0 9 , 00 `IO' 40 Maitland, when the riVer to in spring income .... .... ...... ..... MAN), tion with flip ,onging Alld ofre-r-tory. hirds. —_ I The rectim, Rev. Mai it Ttarnholl, Atthe rorrii�r (it the 1)1,oka per pair ........ . . . ...... , FRUIT AND VEORTARLICA flood. is a new idea, but the trip on Wednesday was tlaq 13th made fly J,S. lilnifoilo At Total ..... ............... I ducted the three fiet-ViCeS, still PIPHch t here 1. I � Oranges I" ozn—.. ... TO to Lemon" It ......... . ... 30 to dc Platt, Find there is a well aut henticated 40 being From the Above it will be seen that I pit at I I A, fit. and 7 p. A). The I man ies daniferiiiiA e at gimift there. Is an mettral Increase of 0 in I he Of coAlmonicantai at each of the be pl.lcpil. mm prvventiots im better than Bananas ........ ....... 20 to potatoes. nor 2o to e of one tried over 2 go C" Z yearq 25 ago. On that oce,tsion W. M. Sav#,ge population, and of $5 =5 in the Assess- ing thervices was larger flints, I . tit I wo, �iitiirv. and another residetittook to the wnter Fit Aulainarn, but when neat Berarnillet anent. and aniong them wt,rp fieveroil ii.ow I T Goldflinrlie Iniinched n rnfl of ARBOR AND Rivitu.-The TAptain residents. Tire Ringitig, bill 1) I H 01"I's R Ingm nt the ­Hog'm Mack ' n Wednes )It I oil) was III Chn- NeW Advertisements. the current carried their boat on shore, of the Pchoanies, Katabdin Ionia fitarted ,laid Pvening, Was a rivdit, it) leader dar, ))fit a, mring broke it tit) hefiive it P 'go. Milre for Snle__�'. W. Thomato If .......... . I and they left it find rptotned to Lown. And choir. And I the Httinx not of the -seel.-Thill lie trio,iie hy Otgani.1 for totaling, will Uuff- and lile,asin Ilari-Id 1`31"cit-lone n eared sallfird. ,o)'t Ill.- logw, vimp Adjourned Annual Meeting -Wild CAMPbell The next dty two well I known county residents niade for the Itanit. latincIved Mylakka, wheat ready h e find liv. Coff, III life mornivig. And beached all niong file rik,"r, load 40.(XX) hopheli of wheat At it , on l5th of ArRy-stralth Bron. Cc ......... .. Walk -Over Shoeff­Ii. T. Unit* . ... ...... 8 a It And floated down the liver like it And take it to Kinglaton.- MP941's. AV- W- Havold Yesterday J. Brophi-yo& Soin re, Hill rd III veived ftorin London ;in The And north.we,at wind Iraq Bln( ketone And liv. Coff In I he PTPH Display of white underiar"ar-Hodge." piece of cork. but when about 300 yals. through the Saltford h=,1ey mpt north t,,. in crusket wfaigoo, Rew thn-itlihont. The driven thiks lonive Ica to this ashore. nd Ing, coold r.ot have Iii -en liet . naroat ...................... .. ............ with one of the most w 'I par : ratio estordity there was ice enough to fact the music woold liltvp been a firm now have onaaf the arno.t coni. T'lock the largest plete o%ttQtA in We tern Ontnaria, Newittem in Ullifitery-W. A. McKim ...... river travellers ever had. The borat the hartaor ag far ip the end of credit to of wetrop(Ilitim The E^mtorr Day CollooLialiis The departineraW Toronfli Perfkames and Toilet Staiiiiii-S. IL Rick Was pagaritiFt between Altrili'm and the North pier. thougli the harbor churches. starem of Io have Hooded the town ,,New century- clothing -W. C. Pridlantin Oil Cloth -W. Aclkh� 4 Platt's In pretty dee water, when It %arru; near ly free of congealed wit I er, - (devoted churclk purpoilesi arxiourill- with to the hit ed to $14.r, [Ast our rpaders lw luitriotic final P - _-. _._ .-.Ailing* end aliddenly stAipped ansappeakraid for the Perch #its alit t more on e and 1wrillat derall son & go ..... L ....... --1 .... .. * 3 moment to he sinking, bill the sinking herring ate takinsar hait more freelv­ The Farrialiviery nf fluron he, I I I inem thev Cliff etpially 4 The Old Story-Hatiterson's .. . ... 4 soon ceased and the bout ,Carl. it@ well with (fair iiwn hirtull anta, Work at thn dock nai 11peR directed regular meeting at Cliellf-il last Heo Local Imparar,,ement Notice-wrtia. Mitchell.. I ed an upward move, and While on the vesitVle ralerit lolled in IAk,.t week* (lay. A Int-ge strotiont WAS The prinrip,il (If larfairreass f;aakle Itellister-Thos. Gundry ...... . ... I the " two Men In I -he lookkat " $T4 %it of w1lich Are In it worn 110T' I transacted, rpporl as were rpreived 1"Cloe"alk' that ArIv f'x 411141�111- : f I hp �t the. Intatiltile hAppen hit%r tirkrike mud Cattle Spilcif- F M Dunhi- .. warted urp Widder 8 v .1ere wipindering What IlvA ha P state, and cosallarka week whti Hilty I, We frnin the vAri,)tiq i-ovantinifteea fill Shia. tier Fionip of those (in Like inland hooks 6elonsfitict I., 11- I , hin I v qen-ant - . ........... I pening thpy toting their lipallt clean out Platonist hath Schools, Chorch I,ife and Wmia, Poultry for Rale -Colin CAmphetl t of the water. T toy looked Over it) In (he wrtrpv anti most ni thotie III the y,on P 0 1 1 Siielif;kk. The.F1 will rrf III as I 11'.11i l" hm, ('11,P seekbi A. J. Cooper. .... ...... . 9 see where I fitly werp, when thev ap hat hor readv for sell. The pnf;t wpek nararegeonk'nil't teesp hot i I ed f 1,11 nie I; 'r it. 1niT w,%- lm.y' -h.p Thfarifies&Varrinfes T-hos.Guildry 8 peared to he con an immense silver wam it Inuary, ooe #it the Mevilftorp, And I"t P41 "Cate Inent 'if file fill!'"(fl "I"ir !i* "alf) "t A I I Ill, ' fit Mortgage rinte -Garrow & Gria-row I Held, which thaly soon discovered was at trip hill hot HIM, the Intior having rptornal fit conarregalicinq within the i-41 fy,mi III@- Ilial atiti lwl. Li,ing rictur"-St. OPPralte*8 V P. Guild I made uF, of Taillions of surke, it. It ptitarted iltling kip so as in Ise ready hovitioit. Rev .1, Arulprunn wn� c.ol,t of I­ii,i wi-te ti, Oki. The her day �nvpt)inted Sbarelsoldprial Meeting- Hatrace Horton " pears At We school was pa3sing up for the Roa*on'q work - of enrivener 44 the ll,,n.e wr.-lk, III,- h�lm ... t0 caught a 2J 0 ... all Lyreerm opera company CC river, but Lite lenders being It gonClefroan visitor lilipolork Oommittee for lbs, ets-t,hist hamost flistri T the rth -STAR Office frightened I)v life shadow of the lPoland ck while niar , year The following were appointed (lpo (t, itinfl, 11�1. 1),. pre(Iv wit) hc bridRe, stopped, but those in rear still ptish,ing on picked the whole school pier, mand'a, hrother of the anoltil'" h, rotation ma t,, lh(' ,- ... k, 4 n reports itashilivIrair herio in excellent Opnerni Aqw-tir.bly. ^,h1rh aranoriq in a fig,tre ' Imit 111fle 1,1111K hill, it .1111ar Hill)) If Clinton New Rm . It must be thut close as to' form a solid land the V It A condition. The e tell r wall a W'nR- Ott,w, ,,t Joni, : I 9. liendearlion, %V e % I P *ori y to wire I 1- anitmil le irr the servicem of W, G- CAMPhPll. 08 whole width of tile riv,.r. A tow , ham resident. -The ri vor is lower than 1. A. flaosill-n, S. A. Carriere, rin(I C ,,wn. Fall it wait I.f lisp 111(im Organist of North strest church, Gode. have been appreciated thlo past minutes nottled"Che matter. taut one of th that faccasion by ItA usual ftPt I I v6l, the range being Flelcher. mlniqtprq. and I be repa-p-lin istv hash hr-pq in I he c- ni v. Irich, the Shigence traholn.-Nost. varpsek perch Ltiveeldera from flap ectriarl-k-gAtiOnli Year. as he hits been taki-earigmad - voyagairs on (who. for th: hlks, froldifill In Punilantion.) tiny@ land herrinq should he plentiful off ,f gesiftirth, Vifeter, Varnst and Grand Tho glife elvilt, gn- rat cope�vt III bor. hesse fifth their fill f�llnd,kv i.1411.1lano another vear. had he would surioner stand I he tiftnireare of piers and in hirst anti an I flood Thv Rov. Dr. Ward"n "m rest experience I" P Ifief'orgman, piano anot her Pl"tion context than &RjLln b@ stram tooth In excellent condition. ont "n"fitaff,al a rim,lPrAtor fair neirl find the dFiVerent brZifirtless of theory Clinton to he cringrsitulatied elevaW mam be And hill companion were ;11l anglers may he expected to turn out. (4eneral A-qerAhIv Tbi delivers, It wn. a lookont wfIetlai lal�rfinsr to. aq niid qtn6r mind to having so thattron,%hi a musiddin Visit on that occaflition. IN. B. -The Marina, Editor fth this in roodly numbpria.-Kepp f the Preithyleary relaftin In the ill."'IfIg for the lantrablating of tressels from the inall were alove trip ordinary run 0 Rev. Robt. liendemon too our town mch wee amaym. as a story, opens the seaskon. I of prop(riaed Umber follaud. &"Vrerj�nW by Rev. JAm. A. Antler- Club music. I" , I ErLqf I own TODICS. Sale ReZster. Be prepared fur vollitse bast) ball dauty. I'myttaq getting "to bills prhgg 4 subscription .JI it Iclut) MI -Ill Tire Godertch U uglue anti Blerele Co. 'ol. week 9 I tiroo Oflashi. SAIC"Alf, Apart, I$. -All B%&WO-0 IIQW, god air engine to Port bbip 17 lots 00 11 0 run Road, town of Goderfells. Iterate to week. and sent large ship- formerly the homestead of 11lars late MUL chento of seed dtills to Wizalipe it John Mifich"I'll, 6160 tire lots 1331-1922. during the matue period. The luamae running $04'. Aud A 5 0 &ad 32 in Batch. ger reports repeat orders fill, biciravieg, hion'sSurval kL R. Uwas, saillcitor toe do Corning in freely. "acutir. Jous Knox, auctioneer. Mr. Edward Shannon hall just com- 19ATuR.Pur. April 111th.-Auctiou aide menced his 45th season of contracting. Ot he two, cattle. b&futs$. 011O.. &I Guildrykas at Mr. James Yates' bootie alit liVent warli. commencing %11 1.30 P. M. Tlrek street, of which he natid his brother I D (lux sv� auctioneer. are the contractors. add not U DVIcar and Sharman. as was stm= two April 1716h.-IlDressorafrad weeks Ago In Tum ST&u. auwzpNwway. otion sale of farm stool; and implecareptis Frank Reed, of Winglism. Was; ask lot 4. Concession 9. W. D. Colborne. "me"'Do'nig rall I O'clock. THOT. CAMP placed III the couutv JAI Tuesday oil a 30 days' - BELL, proprietor. Tues. flumesit, raticsiou. sentence, for cars y in volver and trespassing oil this Property In that, COW u. Ithirinuoured Sodom. Lhat when his present Sentence ex- pires he will to tat rested oil Another OICN1gIIAt.'1)(rM-QoJtC a sit )hAirialo. on lisk rats al if being cauah,t along I he Wednesday was delivery tiny In Sable fly our local tiaPPeir.-Mr. John Joderich fast the Massey-flarris Main, I's.-Illittle IS preparing tit Prect a hearn inplaka nente. There was is general this stoomer.-Mr. Samuel Stanlake Invade, though good I v farmers land It if Hit, lkor of on.ti helpinf, laid, to -veto In town to rocelvo AVILICIeS the y ralso lite Haiti pipta, and hascontuienced and oiduiod. J. P. Brown. the old sawing Mr. Win. SuiiLb has engaged agent, now of Stratfoid. was In town Lai win k oil (,,I us an Ustiol lie the Cola. 'or the delivery. 'Jim Mr. Frunk Treiliner had Although this Is said ill lie it "grow III" 11114fortunt, it) lose It foal on Satur. day. fail little." Nort-li Bruce dott not give he I,old around here IN drying Roole it itch proof frorn oni political ovpon- t-0 Preparing for spring work. tits. A letter from it northern vil. "Ooo PERSONAI­ Lionv Proutv Is Ag!:1 fit it Ouderic It friend wtvs, .11 he Grit barbere had to K'O otat of peodolat, At IeW dlLyS visiting her article, lusiness since I. tsfile JR.'s es Green. Of 11ILY.-Our teacher. Illiss Ft-l"911"ut'. le spending tier Jrlt faces alithe so long there is HU noney to shavilifil Client," Vacation with her parallits In M an I A. C The Young Hurnii'm basin hall Hub fair. -Mr. of live I,o, Joseph Green Life tire Cal agile. deliverea hN inaugural ield a meeting (III Mon(lay flight It) ulklrcs4 oil Undav evening. organize it team for Life Skillolitr nonths, when John Carnphell wait ilected innnaRer, 1101.01t, Callipotill, Port Albert. aptalu. Kenneth Macleod, treasuier, DOTS. - -Tire For re"tet to husy lercy Snail. secroutry. ri,ho "rat are (air- stage, gettill lHatP, I'll talk tire ground iractice will lie on Monday evening, for their hill , which will be,, Solid vheil they will he open f,ir engago Nick oti-ticitite, two :story high.- Hents with any other lottior leans In I:it-k is 1111SLIJIlLK I lii 11,11 ILIlatl's 11,111. H, otit of town, Why not alol. it sIloVVI itild huildo that oil ymir ive, of- you will soon Dungannon. 94" his look fol it. J. It. Hawkins left last Dr. G.A. Naterton. Dentist, talks It, r.,11tholed ,I" trials to Dungannon will belilwso,i it) Illool, wtvit I" Cunning. haill 1from that neighborhood whoinay rct �lfiro 1,01,iforviefasat Ilome office Ukukhow, w eve Uland Bi'lid, is hoille for the holidaye. -Walter llawkills, at will be found overy day in Life week fastoopt 'hur,alay,whatis Mafelsing.tia spending his holiday for lie Itiploy ' 8placirl at, ontloas pald to preservation oft.h., natural tooth Rafiter wi h his porent-j. bliss Lottio 'town and Bridgework, etc. Nawy method. i Betillett, WAS confined to the house cittractlow. the Plant -ve-k. -him. Robt. Duruln DISBANinin-The "Piccadill�y Sisters'' ,%fill child. of W. Witivanosh. are spend - lave disbanded. The,recipient of their Ing " Nw dUYS With ties- pitlerals. Mar, list visit lias becti I I ever since. No ,o)(I MI -b. Jam, Crokwford.-T. H. Haw- 10AII)t tile Sorprise lie receiva:d intin(,cil kills. Godorich, was In tire village On lie sick heallache lit falls endured evrr h ince. We to gee him ret-overrd in ho IlAs Vi4itlog in W. Vain- itne to take fit) hisiltities after the holl flooll, IN hollita Again. --Brionficl Itot: lays. I '. A. flawkins talks tallf-clitiapd An PROFIMMONAI., - Dr. lliCe, Of IlCrUill, , I hio'cle from A, Conley. ;inicoe Cu., has purchased the busitiess %V v it I wave knew there wits something if Dar. NIcRac, And will move to our dour aboot tilt, but if I I bull been ,file Ye in the Hear future. lie con""" tho IA%t livo IvLter,i of the fleeting crentHre we woul(I linvii liked it iigb y mcontinenfled As a phyHiciai a - dr. Lowrie, V.S,, of Clintoli'llim' 'I'- trpoet ineall ? -ided to locate in Dungannon. It Is all Jf Wales Ila lit: Plesent wtailkinip, me I Young "tan ant' al"A"41 "o ,it ofI it 'I flew piece to []its half), lo ninke itiore mont.-T, A. NetTlerce.- Di. McRae Intends taking it I,eigh. Hatilt Hit, Marle, inIs In the iticcial course in a ineflical college, villnge. find tilt, I t11110111 114 allOcat that GIMURAI, DOTS. -A number of the liqi is Utkilig ,I lift, part tier tile coming 'rewe Itoys were fill before otir J. 1'. last week lot look After his fliture wants. - week for creating a (list it rhatice during Jito. Hordan. Pickford, wits III the livine service, Air. cNair entered if villoigia it fewdityli. vkititig his mother, )lea for lenic ev , fail theyi.,pnill the I'll r". k 1, I I lghst( Miller, ,�osts and wery di.111is.ol. A t I 11rhatice Satiation], i4 tier nunt, Mrs. raisol aftt-r llit, trial in t1w viitirt ils. 01iier. at U4.1d. the culprit hving recalled and finvil wa4 fit tilt, Village fill Still. wall number if ,fit %oiith� fifty. %Ii4w Loodoll. was ' ire taking mivantage of fill- gmid road, Imow r,,r aim Mrs litigh 'or hit rarIN J,khn I tiles Ifni s,,I,l '�ttvlo t, wer" In the �re here. The new villitgrt' on IL Cuiming. w r 'A iii the nvar 101. Slindaveit at lionse. - �iitiirv. J of). INI(Airldil 114 (011tilled L41 Ili,; 1101180 If Phila )It I oil) was III Chn- lelphin, has left for holne %-in St. t0[' fo L few davit thk4 week. I'lionias an(I Toronto, after wperailing a few days with relatives here. -A, 11 (30derIch Township. Dnvkon, of Goderich, 6pent Good Fridav with friends in life village ­ll. Durnin Whilt, fixing it fenre hurt ind S, Draper are hunic for the Eamer -11111111ty BVIL DAVI,isoll hail till. holitlays.-Jas, I)Rrnin left for file rain a w6l jo flat, foot, which this w;ek. R. 11, Sqoldq :full f,LIIIIIN' are hill, 141) a few ilays­ igs %i,iting friend., in AI -litter aml IN 11"Hio HI)PIldilig the Mary Crosh%, 44 Belfast, is visit it litittilwar if 6ig frien(is in fit,- villagv Walker, lfweeding. E,ritewt Duff and Yotifig left Mon. cenAtis ,tay f,,r the Praline Province. have hall gleat off'! y III securing tiny. Cm-Rcii f hing like ,vt III FIN If thohen of Nile eirenit, will Aer%itel ''I froit. al),t a,, it lelopily wall the Methodist clitirch livre smidii� , 11i 11- 111oriling and evelling The Epw,,rth Ititiltiff"' t 1 fit" ii"'- f"r "-eift Hilton Leagiters journeyed tio the home :if Nlr� pit'4114' ifig (.f J to Con,pel Milligan in(Ilief,11 1('es I tl,,%V I'" if' I'(10 it, d at Lotheir there, after which :a e\cning I'V114 )it' 11,11tottlal w f,trg rf,claotier. was spf-lit in gattles llit Itlustk -()n Sun- iN litmH -rlwrt- is more ,I;t\ afterm,on next NI It, II- berg lireaching i ' of ll,,W, R 144., all t r,,),,r .... .. f t1w I,ngh,h simiKine, ii(l 1( is 11, I., �1119 At Halite Chtmh,' fit Paul's thim-11, Dilligaill fW 1"'.1 11-i 111,11 1111. llrol. 11"11, !at 3 Ii III h... W. "r the Mayfield H,hs'rati IN 'IT ,f f If,- I] .... I sorce.,ifol if) hright and In �-,t kiwiv .r. years he , hurvIi IA,t Is(I- ,slid rt,editig ti'm of -1�-I mite I'm and a4 n remult Ito the t hurk-li at it, to li,,I, Ifrom attile 'riie )1(i iogi, phtf(writi, prn\vr 1-ko, If of fit,- firm. (),I \I,,t1tlAv .1e,k and pidpit, ,fit he flim -ight 1114111th" ,if ight, alful wert, 1,N a 1�,wv , wit) hc t hat it) If, cat in the pra�er tv,ili ioid m1w Imit 111fle 1,1111K hill, it .1111ar Hill)) If the eliant work (if Mr. McArtlmr He kiww� ll,�w t., feed skilled innilif vic tiet-rat,i)nq Ih­ "I'l-IlIt"t find bcAutlful, n't ever0mid N ikeetliell to'lov is g" it usight, Will, tlrl,qlf, -I tnke it prolt with the Altered of like (']fair interior. The servi(e was he -IN W,� It.,,r r-il. %It. knowlethre. the 44 the v preakhed fmoi the He i, 1, -,k alie .,f li. WIT) (Stil herv. lie is ri-11, If\ -,,k \,- five h\ '' 111� Knie. lifead �k 1, " 14 l r Fr,, I Ifaitthe illilrill "A,i "I It said 11111v t"IN , if, I .,r ittav, I'llooled with Matter% h.i%',- 1,.T. f W, 11 si, of ,,, N![ WRI 8 41111(- Off- -11t fild�nod 'nw the kill .... 1.1 qqlppirl,�l tihi,; liari�h wnh ­rcle-ti� ­rf, iiV 111m t%so lit (it her.0, When' I ho I if IV le, t,.,l f, t III,, , 1111fig .(i 11; roill0f. iii -re, ionde ne file �enr, �ii, Ilevir, a,hifT f,,r rt-,t,,r ;, if, collipottly 4111 (Itlwn to A ol"At C � limwri f,,t thf- I-) Ir Impr-t- Oi-sanot (baffler, sifif-r w1orl, the 1,11410 Hientii rt. 1". - Tirw It., toi­� awl file and tlicchunh hed %ill al., Im-, fiefi-tv Its id gro,mito,,en, I,ft for long, an at in, t. I he vlatinn t ClIntmi, with hormeq de. Oil Frid-,y,-vvning. ­11flephlitipqrindriltkiing ,evo,titirof Mr. fiieml,a Iikild Iwwer of ries, atid old ell,t toOp 1,, neightior. Assembled sit III. I Ilev oFit 'rii,, from whi(h 14-1 I till, IAIAL Iirsioleak, play. all.1 towards I he fornalt h.ur. nn, I her p,,ml freely Indolilpal III. It %via. IIIW The nee Roane (If I tie oldpr p.."10t, 1, A g �h,iwinw ihe .hake thpir feet Ail they did I-oly ,i in h"ll .h'. wn� hy hol liflyyOAr% AgO, Dortog f1w ... v i liv fiollowing tddivop ivits tertJ 11, %I Born. M ­h Jj1h. To *.I,, and Mrs area., ,,,I 1) a Alt FRIlkoffis IIiIhr iMs. w. yi, 1.v 1- lo .... nd I,, r 4'h iItifhy IIh IN 111, h. aIO­,-m ITb,,-. ooaout I as, fII PUIP %l."d.y I ha" all 0i �kv,ril Risk Is to r.h after r- h- da.ohl�r at If. -d "p- 1.ttsk. i'M from -r W -I N I h. A,id A a-d in V-h.H f ftw takplthb." U I., 11111 A .., V -V h., of "fish , a , 11 I h %Ir ilkarpqriev, thontirl, i�kkpn 1w Q%ir 1- .111 1,k, f rej p,,.p arret1v wiflif-cfar4l l,v thI� kmd h n-4 of him fraplithl,orm, inade a very, oApril 12tii, at'LlSft an, 1'et-'s eh=�. (",,rleb, thence to lawUng and sitsitiablas reply. the tenons, CaLhoUcceenf,tery.