HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-04-05, Page 5(4 w. Fxh 1 bition and Sale of New carpets and lugs WE ntTer our new 61,04 of Ciu'pete, Rugs and Mattiuga at fully Al per cent. below fixed market values. Because we consummated the mot favorable purchase known in the business, we mean to create it rrcotd of solea in this department. We intend to make this department the first thought of every housekeeper or home furuisber. Floor coverings of all kinds. Get them Good Exceptional values will 'mettle you to do it for very little Money. BRUSSELS CARPETS -a largo Itns, suitable for all rooms, regularly worth from $110 to el 25 per yard, at. , 900 and $1,.00 TAPESTRY CARPSrS-ail styles of patterns, and fully 105 patterns to choose from, special values at per yard 40c, 50c and 60C WOOL CARPETS -yard wide, reversible and pure Olean stock. at per yard 650, 05C and 85c UNION OARPETS-yard wide, reversible, splendid new designs and clean per aril and atdclt, at y 30c, 40c 600 UNION and HEMP CARPETS --00 to 30 inches wide, an immense range ut new geode, at per yard 120, 190 and 20C CHINA MATTINGS-Ord wide and every yard in the store new. at per yard 121x0, 150, 200 and 80C INSP H OTION INVITET� W. ACHESON & SON. The Goberrtcb Star. TELEPHONIC CALL 71 FRIDAY. APRIL 5. 1001. The State is Supreme. DELPIT I[ARRIAGE OA.SE. The Roman Catholic Church has no Jurisdiction in Marriages Performed by a Protestant Minister. Montreal, March 30. -Justice Archi- bald this morning gave justice in the famous Delpit mlu•l lege ease. dismiss- ing• the action of the plaintiff. and de- claring that the ecclesiastical court of Rome has no jurisdiction in marriages between tivo Ito nutn Catholics when pet formed by a duly authorized ruiu- 'kler. HISTORY OF THE CASE Deiplt was married to Miss Cote in 18413, by the Rev. W. S. flames. it Uui- t.arian minister of this city, and about a Veal• ago Bought to have the mar- r;iwe (teetered cull and vied by the rc'eaiateticatl authorities at Quebec, because the ceremony was performed by n Prot.estent minister. whom the Romeo Catholic o ut horn res did ant 1 t cognize as a primer Cul hul it y 111 prr• !olio such momrings, w hen the con- Ipatties were hut! Kilian Catholics. 'fhe Quebec 111111114i' lee de- clared the Wattiage null and vont, and referred 1 he matter to Rome, where their deci,lou was upheld. Delpit then sought to have the Ro- man decision upheld by the civil courts and tookitction hi the Superior Court. The defendant pleaded that she was it Prot extant at the time of the marriage, and That, even if she had heen at ltonr,u /: ttholic, the late of Quebec recognized any duly qualified minister :as n prate' person to perform marriage ceremonies, and specified nothing n5 la what religion contract• ing parties professed, and, therefore, the IMO rotge was Iiud1ng and that the ecclesiastical authorities had no right to declare the stone null and void. Judge Archibald, in giving judg- ment,. remarked that the plaintiff's claim was that the marriage bond is purely spiritual and religious, and all that remains for the •civil authorities is to consider and admit the enact - merits of the church authorities on the matter. Judge Archibald said be could not see how such a view could be maintained. In England the con sent of the individuals pledged to one another was recognized its constituting an actual marriage. without, the inter•• ventioli of a clergyman, which inter. vention Merely added the sanctity of s sacrament to the marriage contract. No ecclesiastic 11 courts were •eve' established bete, and the Church of England is not the established church of Canada. Under the common law of England, certified by George there could be no doubt, the judge said, that any 'marriage soleinnized by any nil meter in holy orders, of whatever denomination be only he. such tuna Inge is recognized as valid. This applies to Can- ada, and that stet ole constituted it gl eat victory to religious liberty, not Merely as between Catholic and Protestant, but more especially be. .ween Anglican and other Protestant. denominations. There can be no doubt, the court hinted, that ministers given the right to keep regtetels of civil status are thereby given the right to use such regietere. Delpit's action was therefore dismissed and the marriage was decided to he valid. An appeal will he taken against Lhe judgment, and the case, It is expected, will he carried to the Privy Council in England. CRUELTY TO MISSIONARIES. A Vicious Governor of a Chinese Province -A Missionary's Tale Of a Terrible Journey. ficial& We had now suffered eight days cruel tteattueut in Shansi. ane the sole cause was a vicious governor, who had set the tauhle loose on defen- celess foreigners. Vit a had now travel- led 140 utiles. mostly on foot. with vety little food and no proper rest. and un- covered heads, but from this point on- ward we suffered no mdr•e at the hands of the people. From Huai -Ching -Fu on for fifty miler we had good treat• ment, and travelled in carts which, though very uncomfortable (not hav- ing bedding or straw to pad them), protected us from the sun, and the SORES ON OUR FEET began to heal. Money was supplied us at U -Chi• Helen freely, and we be gun to hope for a rapid journey to Hankow. Disappointment met us, for at Chenchik-Hsien the magistrate would not pass us on. He said the official document we had got itt Tseh- Chow-Fu was not a proper one. So we had to return to iJ•Ubt-Hsien. There we found Miss Huston, who had been brought on by the 'lseh•Cheo•Fu magistrate, and who was ver badly Wounded in the head, the brain being exposed. The U•Clii•tisien Hlagistritte told us lie could do no more than to escort us to the south hank of the Yellow River, and leave us there to make our own way to Chen -Chow, where we could ask assistance at the Yemen. pie went again iii carts to the nuthauik of 1110 Yelloty River, and there our escorts left us al d re• turned wit h the curls, leaving us help- less, THIS H1 VER TO cRONR, with no passport. 4V it 1euotined cit, the hank al the river two lours and one night, with hut very, little hope of getting across unless we got an official pass, but itt last, on Sunday afternoon, July 2Lnd. the mutt in charge of the ferry told us to get into a courier boat, and we crossed, being put on shore about one hundred verde below the proper landing stage. We walked thirteen miles to Chen Chow, and went direct to the Yemen to pl,ad our cause. The magistrate himself cam nut to meet ns, and he proved to be very anti•foreign. He _tansped his feet as he spoke to me, aniitsaitl : "For tunittely for you an edict hits come to day ordering that all foreigners be sent under esc•oat to Hankow, and I can send you on. Had vou come her yesterday 1 would have had von al killed." He had the necessary door nient written, and we were sent on 1, cart. hot as common criminals, lodge every night to common jails with ons at division of WOODEN BARS BETWEEN US and the cbatned criminals of China This treatment continued tor six day till we reached Chioh Shan Helen where we were taken to a temple, an the Mandarin's wife sent sweetmeat for the children. At Sin Yang Chao the border city of Hanan, which w reached on Monday, July 30th, w were treated well and clothes wer ,riven us. There we stopped thre days, because soldiers were pasdin through en route for Pekin, and i wag feared that if we met them o the road trouble night arise W found that to let the people know w were Protestants was out greates Protection, and other missionaries sit the same. New we had come to th Hupeh Province, ruled over by °hen Chih-Tung, and wo wets treated we by all the officials, and instead of tri yelling as before, in carts, we ha Sedan chairs. We found, too, that THE NATIVE CHRISTIANS were in favor with the officials, an the rest of the journey to Hanko Was done in comparative comfort, a riving at our mission house on 'roe day morning. Aug. 14th, in all 49 da since we left Ping Yao. In additio to Mies Rice, whose death 1 ha already told, four others of our par died on the way. Two of our o children died from fatigue and wit and were buried in Honan. Mr Cooper and Miss Huston died i Hupeh after terrible sufferings, a their bodies were sent on to Hanko by the officials. Mr. Cooper's ha died soon after arrival in Hanko from the effects of the journey. R. Saunders, the missionary, in con cluding hie story df the terrible worney of the }}}}tieeiimark it throe 1;hin on the outbreak o (tip wat 'u the Par East, says I- A,t Teeb Oheo b'1 We got; a road pass, and, as we supposed, entitling ns to an escort from eat* to city all the way to Hankow, nut we afterwards learned it was a patter stating we were to he eon• ducted as common criminals. At noon on Saturday, July 14th, wo left on Pilules with common wooden pack srul- dles, and the torture the ladies en- dured riding those animals for two days to Haui-Ching Po, in Honan, is indescribable. There were many of the Netter classes who had much sym- pathy with ua, but dared not show it too much, fearing the anti -foreign of - 40-441P. , .. 479z. Job Could'nt Have Stood It If he'd had itching piles. They're terribly annoying ; but Bueklen's Ar- nica Snlvel will cure the worst case of i}iles pn earth. It has cured thnn- dgods For injuries, pains or bodily oruptlpns It's the hest salve in the world. price 95e a hos. Cure guar- anteed. Sold by Jas. Wilson, t-- The contract has beep let for the erection of the parsonage in connection with 9t. Joseph's church, Clinton, price $1.825. This does not include the coat of Krick, stone, etc., which ate being laid upon the ground by the parishioners, so:that wnen completed the parsonage will have entailed an (expenditure of Iwo thousand dollars or in the near neighborhood. The con- tractor is Mr, S. S. Cooper. of Clinton. 0 -TWAT A.T DROP IN WALL PAPER The Groat Wall an•0•••••••r•• •l1Nd Paper Tract 1p book- • Efaster Oards.. . en. d we proposer.* 1rIva oho public the • Raphael Tuck &Nuns, benefit.• p ARTISTIO Et,AS1 ER We're hero to roll WALL PAPER. We = OARI)S. dont ,Are whether • _AL.SO- yen wont It for your+ 14111 &Cu s kitchen or your par. 0 y� ler. es hove 'inheres • •'FOR TH if EMPIRE" Itnt will please von, • Series. rind Inn price will bo • fast what ;nu Want • PRii'ES--Range from 10 pay for that pard- 9 3e 10 35e. solar room. • Our Papers are •r Geo. Porter, all carried In stock. • Ceara Roasp Square. _ we have alrefdy 3 Ooderich. ;A te t �gn efteenlnnnggng rel ova�}} en AA$j,QA13, nd still more ict follow. it will bo a alder oleo of OW city ("m- eet rip afaalnst *stone watt this rear. Prices cotnnteries. SSW `1p1ee�, Ott 4e and 6e per roll. Pretty Colodn and I' ntir at ti0, 7o. Bo and IOo per roll. Yon torn bvr a SOO Paper 'tles yeitr for 860. PORTER'S BOOK STORE. 71s6>r1P1$ONN NO. 100 i1, Peewees Book and Wall Papel+ Atone. WOW; WHOM laquAIta, cloaa1l�IP>lt• t 17 a t iAllrt d0 without one, and II you, dire riot already. supplied it will psiF: you call on tiU0111 DUNLOP and see some'special values he has in that line. DON'T MISS THEM,. aitiriWY SPRING STOCK for made to order clothing is now complete. H. DUNLOP,. Next door to Bank of Montreal. Mill Wood For Sale The abnw is 011E into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part ot the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at 128 Cambria St. will receive prompt attention 'Phone 98•. Peter flcEwan. Goderich, Nov. 21st. 1899. 12276 ry ee CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts. Short Bread and Cream Rolle. Minae P.jes and Lady Fingers. Kisses, Macaroons, Mai ngnes. Brandy Soma, ete. A, -e as good as the best made in any City in Canada. Grantelun leads the trade in WEDDING' CAKES, n tancy designing, and ornamenting and almond Icing. Give him an order and your satisfaction will he assured. die CANTELoN oN WEST -ST. GODEIRIOH STOVES STOVES STOVES rhe Pearl Silver Steel Coal Range, and the Art Amherst treater are the best stoves in the 'market, for sale only by J. N. Wf1RSEll O+derk h. �Oook'o Cotton afoot Componad, Is aaooaufdlly turerllnonthly 6 over xO,000Lsdies:Bite eftedtsal. f east it Cyrour armors for Garai Glee !M Cs Taste no other, at :ill Mixtures, pies and Imitation are dingerteit,- bite, No. l Si 1 heti Ire. *,10 degrees Stronger, $$ par box. Nw 1 or 1, Malted en receipt of price sad two s•oanf stamps, Tits Cook cpdmpany Windsor, pnX t1�'N0a. land 2 sold aha recommended by .21 responsible Druggists InCaneda. No. land No. 2 sold in Ooderlch by JAlvv Wrrso>t. druggist.. 4 Bit ',era and 1.1 boxes ofBucklen's Ar• nicer Salve rind my leg .vas sound and Rell as ever," For eruptions, erosion, tetter, salt rheum, sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth. Try them. Jas. Wilson will gtlarentee satiefnell,n or refund money. t)nly00 cents. -es-- Seaforth Expositor; The auction sale of horses, held in l4ealnrth, on Saturday last, by Messrs Archibald & ('iidmore, horse dealers'. of this town, brought out an immense crowd of peo- ple from far and near; Indeed it is some m n4 .hs since there ante such a large a wd of people in town. This is the, tat sate of the kind held by these gentlemen, and the marked suc- cess attending their venture should encourage them "to do it again," KENDALL'Sin BPAnN x4 7, z 2217 .;7,.w. ra 7..aa.sz,a-1+•Sety t:s5r. l�kc.r list sT Weans. truss... ai 41 rrt r a Mauls! Weans. tl dosa not hurter. SITrs.aq.e.t. 0.1„ fH 14'11 1rT was.,.,w, aalr.rw A am- A tat. Lilco 1, vela S.rb �e(h5 tat; .4.r810 :lilt fuel by4 xt,o'1k !14,...111151 oe,. a,e 1OWAN111.1...1s Vey bmf y Jcer,,,.IIna e A r'en*s. moo ht,ora ler epi. Ana &g s. r.ncy 1)p.ap WI W itainl. asti roar drnaain for ttevd.11 . SOH* Dime, anuq A w,'eanwe tae 11..5 ," We bnel (1854 e. deist( 9t a J. il$IOAtt CO., MOStrtIItO P413, TT. S ,3 •t K •f Ali 0.! for Furnitnrr \,Ionil, tt, rtlt 2c4 per .311 1 2t 1 kgRl(, H,—o,ft53 lbl�l�ll� , l llt4 Ycll . . Legal queries #&o' ''files,,-Pr4414 Print..' ...,!".=.* or 3 rdllslsya: Tbs elforl of .ny news sl lands 'a 2Is,G1 04 14004 paptte'tot bisllel up a taws is ,prasllcally R. it., 6144010„utrr1`a tears'any' outlined lnilt*I ijt Is .kt)d lllp by the riglit-of"wpy at a tdlway 80 `rela.ryt 1 buaineaa num :iaf the,tuWn. A; *imager. /61011 ff he Mait)antt». r'iv'er,In the Vlpcyr turnv from the owe, eolerurie of the t,1'nton;? (2)a(Jai 'a person whose t tiSks# Witt/Advertising,t 0Acoltl1Ua Mishima bid borr d.. ers opt the river claim tto. tike garde oflthe tyilrela nts and OFOfesaiutl- Centre of the river i' (8) • Vhp doeel the el entire he Con/oe to the cuncinslon rlvcr-bed helong to lit that the Otter ltt not lip restated, flu Ane,.By uoavettrng rat '.Alit, Chown whit eeae it la it gold. plea to .keep Loads Office, .Parlleinent, ltulldinge, clear. ROM. .;iii tciwa ever gceiv with. Toronto, yoll of your solieitbr esn out the active au istauco of its papers, aseertatn whether soli right-of.way Or NO elite ppepeta #et'lpt, and kiuiltd up ro wav was originally reserved along theft loeatitiee without the s►asiatatie the hanks of the Maitinstd rtver. In Of the town, Business open should all Orown Land', surveys made since relyliala this end remember that, III1852aathe Govern tentr Surveyors have •lelnding'eupport to theta„ local paper reserved a roadway along 'eactt .of the they aro not only building up tttely banks of rivers, and around the margin own business. hot are helping to 11µp. of all lakes, '(2) The tight of an owner Port Hiatt which Is eteadtly working to claim the land to the centre of .a for the growth of the whole town. river detiende upon the wording of his grant from the Crown. (3) The There never WA.. an gooier will be, iivet.hed may have been"grttntted t.e a universal panacea. In ens remedy, the adjoining owner's or it may not, for all Ilia to:sshieb flesh is bur -the exit to..ve Y atilt ;vented net thet`Crrownod n ; elshe a 54))1 tha,tvery re of many were the germs sof s other the ownership of 88 feet for atuadway, and differently seated diseases root• ailing each side of the river. if drigl ed In the system of the patient -whet natty reserved. is still in the Crown. tiWould relieve one. 111, in turn would R, J., t:}oderieI).-.Qn.---.I tented a aggravate the other. We have howl farm of 215 acres at .8251) per yetir, ever, levAulnine Wine, when obtain The landlord sold 19 Ceres of the boob able In a sound tnladniterated state, part of the farm. Can I eoiupet him a remedy for many and grievous tile. In make a reduction in the rent? (2) frailest systems are led into eonval- He agreed that 1 should get my fire- esceece and strength, by' the influence wood front the fallen timber in the which Quinine exerts on nature's own bush. Clot I take the fallen timber restoratives. It relieves the droop - from the 19 acres which he has sold. log spirits of those with whom a Ane. -The landlord had nu right to chronic state of morbid despondency sell nineteen acres of the farm which and lack of interest In tate Is a die. he had leased to you. without your easel and by tranqu llaing the nerves, { permission. ale has violated the terms disposes of sound and refreshing sleep 101 your lease by so (icing, You can -Imparts vigor to the action of the make it claim against hits for datnagr(' blood, •which, being stimulated, emir- ' for selling the nineteen acres, and if ems throughout the value, strengthen. you succeed In establishing such claim, Ing tne• healthy animal luentlons of vou can set it Of against the rent. ((2)) the system, thereby making activity There is no reason 'why you stunt a necessary result, etrength'ening the not continue to get your firewood from frame, and giving life to the diger, the fallen timber in any part ot the five organs, wbloh naturally demand bush belonging to the 'farm wherr you Increased anbatance-result, lmprovdd rooted It. appetite. Northrop& Lyman,of To - Undo, have given o the ublic their "Prayer -Office" No Good. rate, and, gnaged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches near est perfection of any in the market Ml druggtaia sell It. According to the Kentvi)le (Nova Scotia) Wedge, a wad and stt,tnge 510,0 01 death comes front Scots Bay, Kings County. The deceased was the wife of it Dowie disciple. Ten days he - fore her death a baby wire horn, The mother remained tveak and grew worse, but no medicines were given her, nor was a doctor called in. When the players of the household did not avert, the husband sent the following telegram to Chicago: March 4, 1901. To J. H. Dowie: Pray at once for wife; very low, Will pay for answer. No immediate answer came. and a second message wets sent, thus: Pray for wife immediately; very low. Answer prepaid. That night Dowie wired : Prayed at 11:50. Trust God only and fully. Will• pray again specially at five o'clock, J. H. bowie. The next day the Nick wonan he - came worse, and another telegram was sent : Mere! 6, 1001, Pasty for wife. Partly consfous, Also pray for nephew. Devil hard at work. Three hours afterwald,.the siva wo- man died. Later Dowie wired' Chicago, March 7, 1901. Thank God tor partial victory. Give up all medicine; pork and tobacco and every sin;.tontess, restore. Will pray ut 1, 6, 9; Chicago time. Expect vic- tory. !There is confusion in Scots Bay, A lady died in England and in her will it was Lound that she had left her entire fortune, amounting to 1$50,000, to the local newspaper, the perusal of which had • given her many happy hours. We are modest enough to say THE STAR would he pleased to have some such acknowledgment. The new Brinell postal card con- tains photographs beautifully exe- cuted, with purple and gold surround• ings. of His Majesty King Edward ViI and Queen Alexandra, with the crown above: the date of their birth and the marriage, and King Ed ward'saccession to the throne are below. On the cuter corner is the following extract from the King's speech on bis accession : "I will, with God's blessing, solemnly work for the promotion of the ccmmnn welfare and security of the great Em- pire over which I have now been called to retgn" The whole effect is very good. McZ.ILLOP' Mutual Fire insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Property !peered. , Value of Property Insured up to January 1901, 1$3.048,075.00: ONFIOgne AND DIREC�16RS J. 1i. Mot.ean Pros.; T. Frayer, Vtoo Pres.: J. Connolly. G. Dale, W. O. aroarltoot J. Watt J. Evan,,.1G. Grieve, J. Behnewela, Directors; W. O. Boadfoat Ceatgqrt lnspoorol of losses; T. E. Hays, Soadorth, Seorebsry•Treatsurer. AdENTS. J. W. Yeo, 11ol1nosellle• Jas, Culltmtng, Eg•mondvl le; ft.McMlilan,Seaforth;R. Smith, Harlook. Palter holders own pay assessments and get their cards recclpted at W. GOATS, Oilmen, or at M¢qLasN BRoe' PALACE CLOTHING Siris, Oodertch. 1705-1 yr vat They Help the strong and cure the sick. Every ane needs a Tonic at this time of year. The blond is Isluggish and requires purifying. We carry a full Zine of all the well known preparations, and sell them at the very lowest prices, and we especially recommended for use in this climate HOLAI because of their proved efficiency, IIALF POUND PACKAGES 20c. N** IN; OANADA H 01 -DIN II/RITAIN Dencrowe siowns TEA wniops Kent India • nap Picker Tea Picker "T'il3 QUEEN " Nov. alb. "I bays found It latialuabl. and !murkily recommend la•" Snelling's Patent Blond Hopplid Tea. IN HALF POUND PAG KAGES 20c. As we aro tutroduoing Into Canaria, "Snelling*" Patent Blend of Bpgawn Breakfast "Bopped Tea„" wemost respectfully selIett from you n .Atoll trt►i order, whnioh can be furnished through our own grocer. Infuse It frum t0 TO IA M1NIJT)ls OGRE, then you will have a ouo otythe finest lea yea eyor had. Faithfully yours, WHOLESALE AGENTS A. WADDELL & HO., 001 FRONT ST. E•, TORONTO. PRICE 41Ji: PER POUND. THE HOP TffiA CO., Limited EAOTOHEAP, LONDON. ENO • Bold to Q)derlohonlyby STURDY URDY & CO., Grocers, The Square r- 0 e re in it, too BROPI1E\c & SON ... . HAVE been in the FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING business for maoy years, and desire to thank the general publio for the very liberal patronage extended during the past quarter of a century. TO CELEBRATE with our friends we have decided to give rxoeptionaliy low l,ricee on FURNITURE for the next thirtz clay. If yon want anything in Couches, Lounges, Bed -room Suites, Parlor and Dinint Room Chairs, Rockers, Sideboards, ate., ate., the prices we quote should not deter you from buying. THE GOODS are all good and worth a great deal more than we ark -much less than other people sell at. Do not buy out11 yon see oar stools ; •to inspeot costa you nothing, and we will be pleased to show you our goods. UNDERTAKING is a specialty with tie, We thoroughly understand our busi- Pete end have received our schooling and diploma at the seat of learning. In every case we gunrantee the most moderu and best possible service at the lowest living prices. J. BROPHEY & SOV. Your Crmery Wants 41L,&__Can Best be Supplied at this Grocery Everything FRESH and UP-TO-DATE. 4111111tl11100 F. JORDAN 5-1h. bar Premier Laundry Soap t -lb. tin Baking Powder, worth a'a, for Corn Starch, worth 70 package, 4 fur '.5c Curtain Poles, all colors, per set only Egg Cups, worth 250 per doe„ for 1. 10 2.3 2C MEDICAL HALL. IU 4 15 5t) 12 11 IIVTCALL AND SEE THE STOCK T_ G-_ TIPLING Bedford Block. The Square, Golericb the reason they talk to the masses through THE Shrewd Merchants value C1rculation, and that's STAR. 32 I kere never in a tons more choice this is saying a tion new customers ;five, solid, good Clothing. Your can be supplied !AMOR i/ GOING ON g all kinds, which will all sizes. sts-generally a RO. Draper. 80. April 6 t April 8 ik 0.0 8 `1.1 DEPT. nut Brown, nieely biev, cut to $1.75 in blue, pink Ceo1111141, W1111 ncil, worth in oc 1101 for 65 11 750 dor., nut I per do, for 23 5 have just arrived, the Christmas trade. special prices. ay lose a I, tted Ten Kettles, WALL PAPER What we tell you is no mid-summ;r dream, but a spring reality. have just recently passed into stock our sharc (di all l'ap.2r tor two It), only Paint. tii Large assortment of Paint Brushes --all sizes. WALL PAPER I Spring Underwear. hut Every line we have advertised we ;.:r,e in stock, will not guarantee those lines to last all day --so come early. And if you are late and we are all sold out of some lines don't blame us. jei Saturday 14.! rionday 4.1, April 64 111931131110 Milk Pans. 1)L. tlOr 4C IOC imENIIIMERWM111111111111111111S IN/ Parsons' Fair, Ear, Square -West SL, [lira 411 156 la fft fft Saturday f.0 Monday fffi April 6-8 10 4.11.:43.:4•Si•r".**•14?"'..1 A-14-A-vacAlcA.-;kikykoVktoki4A-14.-A4X3ki•&etN-•IkAa.fL--aai,43.3-0.