HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-04-05, Page 4* �� ------ _ . �-,;� I
=.71"!1i 11
Etnerson's i
: :
131cycle 1 �
Warerooms - I. . � 'i
90990"800"awillpeo""", I
NNILI, t,-,v,u it, 11,
few days %vith Old larg(st
and best ittock of . . . .
sLv,r siown it, God-oll-
WATCH il.tA i,pace for
future soullouncementil.
Bicycle and Music
__ _ _ - - - , �
Important to AdVOFtiSOFS
All chanson of advorLisennintil for the our.
rent J"uo of Tux &I'Alt Minis he in Lite hands, of
the printer &lot I"Lor than TUK8VAV NOON Of
each week. Advert I no" will please govern
holluuil�sia ace.rdiinirlY.
Tile figuren for �111 Ountiact arivertimilig in-
OlUdo L w ,1,,,h,,a,-,,wyo,,r. K�oryaddrtionrd
oheingo w ill be ohariced for eltm. tile mLulkl
cowt of 001"po" itkon, fl,oln 150. to Tile.
All aw"OuLn are rendered and oollooted
.. __ ____
Cbe Gobericti 15tar.
TimitelloNe UAI,L 71
__ - - . _____ __ _
7-7--l. '�
Anirgo title discreditool politician pottos.,
on, be luorcrono I,, tire oxtstirf,i 4,t bacon,
Inner an, choLso to Out it uo La tile farmer.
It IN all owing to tho (lovortnuoul., and no In tile
anlariked output of lite luian,l- Not ik word hurt
he to Ray about libi "Wpoiltod p"coll"o. w title In
Oppoaltion that, "-ricu lit) lim, (tie powur. Ito
would rartudo oxpcudlt::ro, I ,or tiksooA And
begin to pity off tile 1) bit,, ,14. '11.0 u'Ra
who used to declare I in Villa P ,tie trader till to
th I hit t , and would 91% 0 tile , ,,inLry it rot Olson
tariff, tied not, a word !.O,Nfty idi ... It thin gavorn-
ruent, of which lie Is % Outillig InOulls0r, I'll I ,
inir bonnao,, to Iron inanufacturer". All him
declarstlorni while lie ocoutiltl(: tire P0010011 Of
financial critio for file Oppo-It oil were the do.
vican of a lie 'toll to obixto 011100; not tile
pronliges of I!V�411, floons.1, fault who t1loant to
carry Ilioni I,,tu cirMt wild" 110 WOL Into
power, The Infamy of deceiving not lAboratis
'lone, but tile country lit Inrife. romts ov 11
capoeial fares, oil the heart of this alit Or .:�
w tie has oxiihanged the high honorawardod
th("O who tire if tie to thelP word, for gonoral
Tills Is tile comment of all honest
and consistent 1,iboral JoOrnal-the
Huntingdon Oleaner-on it dishone'A
and ineonsktctit Liberal statemnla 11 _
Sir Itichard CartivrIght. And it ' is; not a
word tooNeverly,forifeveritinail proved
himself untruthful find falne �o his
public pledges, ( hat. man Is Sir Richard
Oart,wrigh t. But lie qniets Ills (-kilt.
science -if tie has any -with (lie cons -
for tablo stint Of $8AK)0 it year.
. I ..
Comments on the Cook Charges.
London Vroo Prom.
The meanest Insinuation olliode
agu, list t lie Into M. 0. Cameron in cow-
nection with tile Oook vIiarges is that
he wished tho $10.000 to hulPtletraY
his own election oxpeosies. April I.
from it -8 meanness, this is not likely to
have much ittiprosgion on thinking
men. hit. Cameron could licit snake
Such a deal oil his own account, lie
could not deliver thil goods.
Montreal Griaritto.
H. H. Cook has lindorgon, 0 a long
cross-examination by 8, H. Blake, I lie
Laorrier government's counsel. but
steatilly unaltstnined the truth of his
stawment that $10,0(X) wits demanded
from him as tile price (it tho senator.
ship ho desired, And Mr� Cook wag it
d nou h - an to ot Sh- Wilfred
. , ,.
. q,
I �,
;goo e 9 I M
La6urier to ondorso [tint its it parlia-
� �� ? �
iuentRry candidate its lato as 1897.
I ,
Hamilton Spectator.
I 11
� �i'
, 1.
` �
Tile evidence in the COOK case Is tint
flattering too Senator Cox. Take Sir
I ,�,,,"
I �
Richard Cartsviright's evidence, for ei it.
� � ,.
1. I .
I ,
I , :�",
I �',
I � I I 11 '� .
L .1
I , .
I . I
11 'L
I �11
� �1
I . , �
I - *
��,, ,
, : :
is caused by weakness of the
- . I
stomach or bowels is likely to
yield to ScoTT's EMULSION Of
. , .
- 11.11"
Cod Liver Oil.
I L:.
0 -
We don't say sure; and you
t -1,
may not be sure that your, or
� I I
your little one's trouble is due
I " � , I
to weak stomach or bowels.
I �
Doctors can't always trace a
I � ,
I I ,
disease to its cause; and -you
, , .-
e �
ScoTT's EmuLsior; of Cod
, I
. I � . I
� Kingston. � .... It a a 01"Itursts, to
ittivorkirrita that a new M ettit imile of
Liver Oil is the easiest food for
. I
I MEArithtwaftstiot to ri,eiiiii, ravi outillot 11% avisow I
a tire4 digestion. But that
isn't all; it encourages stomach
I �
1� I
and bowels to tackle their
,, "
P11 I
work; itgives and gets them
strength from the other food
. t'' �
# they are able'to take. Give it
, ,
. ,
Pood is the best of medicine:
� " 1�, ,
food that sets the body going
I �
�� �
� .
'This is he4lth: give it time
I �
I I I I Thogenulne
loll I
-1 ,
I 1111111,111111 thilill Oldt-
, A, .11 00 i6h Ittri tAko
I J'o
�'. I 1, " — hb, idithet.
I .
� . I . I It You. hittva
. I ,
I .
- .1; I hot 0104 Iti
1. �
�� , I fiili for friiiiiiiii,
� 11
I I �� t , . "MP160 46
I � 1.
_ .
I it
11 -t,r,***b1*
." I . .1
I toAtO Will 1,61116- ,
., � I
-.11 I . - �Pou.
I 1.7
1 11
�, , 1 �6 $�,".
, � I I � I
" , . , ,� �", .it. , ,� 0
, I. .� - .— ,,�W_4 - � _�Ltoi
I � . —
With - 14 -
Gril �
Will ,�go,, until she dropa, and think
she's can Very
k. � rather a fine thing.
often he uturd shows her that she was
laying the foundation for years of
UU When the back itches,
=Ippa"I'le.r.is irria try other
I ;Vlarity of a
womatily ill, then first dutv a woman
,Owes to herself lit to find a ctire for her
Tile use of I)T. Pierce's Favorite Pre -
Berl , in cases of womanly disease
lollipit"I'su"re a prompt restoration to sound
health. It rejulates tile periods, stop*
sualicalthy dra net, heals inflominiatiOu
and ulceration, anti cures female weak-
ness, it makes weak women StrOU&
sick women well.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, free of charge. All
correspondence absolutely private and
courfisicritial. In his thirty years and
Over of Medical Practice Dr. Pierce, as-
sisted by his staff of nearly a 5c0fe Of
C'icians, has tresteill and cured more
yn half a million women. Address
Dr. R. v. pierce, Buffalo, N, V.
-I will drop you a few line, L -day in lCtima
knew that I .. r"lin.1 well now, - writes I.*
Annie Stephens. of 13C. leville wood Co., Weiss.
v.. -I feel like a ue� weassa� 1 took ec,,-1
botul" or - pavoriLf Prencrtlition' ¬ .1 the
- Golden bd.di,,ai Disco.cry I hrs�r no head-
sche now, and .. room pain to Inyth,.ldc
beariog-do t t�g
inedign pain any snore I thI,%ouns,,.
I. .0 lie like x)r. Pierce'- ine
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of 31 one -cent stau'P@ to Pay ex -
K= Of customs aud mailing oldy. Ad -
Dr. R� V. Pierce, Buffalo, N - V.
-_ - ,
arnpie. lit) diatirl puts f...".."I
lite expenditkire of money in behalf of
tile alit party by Mr. Uonk as tile
rrinciplo roa8cui why that gentleman
iad been promised a sonntor8hip. Ac-
cording to Sir- Richitid'd OvidOUICO the
government did not ask Cook for
$10,iii(x) It),. the senatorship, knowing
that, lie had alreattv pald for it. It
tbelv'8 any tooral Jiffereness between
Lh "No two Lir*nluicllorus, It must indeed
lie Olier(n,cOpur, But Sir' Richard ad -
foils Lhat UoX was Illorositntititul to Like
8poittolshIV thrift Cook. and Lhil only
po4si kilt, it, k-rence Ito that Cox had been
likore InvIsh thrift Oook in tile contritn'
tions to Lilt, I spi,ile fund. it, Is it had
Mess, looked at, hom an� direction.
anit is highly ditic,-editab a to all con-
Apohigist.4 file (Ito (jovernment. take
refulft, lit tile deficat". Atitr"OSI)on that
Ml., Cameron waH tvadinflf a4 tilt fill-
licensod lJoceltriver who w1blied ill fix.
LPUCt $10,0(K) IOU Ilk Own purpoise'.1 from
Mr. (look I,y the twe t -vice that the
0overninont. evolild deliver it seriM.or-
ship for I 11m, Fruit'. WI)II41 it, is not, to
NIP. Catnei on'li credit if ho. voliforint-d
to the nsage which has winked lit the
salo (if tu'llator toll 1ps under It 11 gove ra
mont's, there lit Ito leason to belleve
that kin wits (apstblo of I lie hase crime
imputed t,o Itilin fly apolo - I lie
rtlasts fill
(lovernment. Tile awso ong of Mr.
Cook tire, kir,der to utis ifornpory of
Malcollut Colin Camorlml than Itta vs-
pinnuk,lons which are supposed to t4ike
(lie edge OJT tile $10,01`01.) isuggostion.
- , . - - ._ -
' '---
To Excuse the Party, Liberals
Let the Weight of Coolce's
Charges Fall on the Late
Id. C. Cameron.
Ottawa Corrompondonco of Toronto Toleirrani
Ottawa, March 28 -Ii. H. Cook's
charges to -day oncounterred Life rt;-
poollatiOtl of every living inan alleged
Ito Ile his licated in tile jittroir. . Sir
NV il frid Laurier unequillocally dis-
0alined till knowledge of corrupt prea-
is nPe bro right to bear oil Mr. Cook
Sir Richard Cartwright wasa.; dlrec�
and ornphatm, In afflinling his inno.
cence, find W. T. It, Preston Swore
that Life accusation w(ainat hills is
falso. Acceptint( in theirlmost co m-
grwhonsive ineaning tile disclaimers of
ir Wilfrid Utuder andSir Richard
0art,wriFlit, Adittitting that W. T. It.
131 o8torl is stol V of tile interviow with
Mr 0ook is rigbt and that the coil.
sti: fiction which the latter placed up -
oil Air. Preston's word" is wrong, the
Liberal party still refits beneath
tile shadow of shame. No word
of evidence involved tile 14 irst
Ministor. Tile accusation against
,Sit, Richard Cartwright Is dia-
solved, so far as the cloth -of -one- ef
Canatia's most cateentled public men
can be considered annihilation oftbe
sworn statement of H. 11, 0ouk. Mr.
Cook W,xv unable to produce a particle
of evidence to corroborate lite allegia.
tion@ against Sir Richard Cart.vright.
It IN a Cattle of Oath against Oath, nallic
against name, and upon tire Senate
Investigating Uoimrpitt,ee rests the
delicate responsibilitsk, of drawinF just
conclusions. Anti so witil t))e c I kPass
against W, T. P_ Preston. Mr. Cook
swears that Mr. Preston crime to his
ill It, ite office and offered him a seat In
tho Senate for at consideration of lillo.-
(Ok Whatever conversation oc.
curred In that office Is exclusively
within the knowledge of those two
men, and alkallif it Its a case of oath
agalkistolkiLli, of
A �11'1 list the man who has gone before
a I Igher taitainal H. H. Uook'R ebarAp's
found much quibstantiation. Not r.
Cook's word alone, but the testimony
of Hot). S. C. Biggs goes to show that
M. 0. Cameron did suggest to Mr.
Cook thoir, tile contribution of it list r%
sum of money wag I he only means
securing Ilim It seat in the Canadian
Senate. Liberals who, IndiRnantly re.
pudiate, the accusations ,which impli.
cate Sir Richard Cartivi Ight and W,
T. It Pieston concede the strength of
Mir. Coolt's charges, so far as they
assall the character of M. C. Cameron.
But they will visit admit that All.
Camerol. wets acting its fill Inteemedi.
Ary between Mr. 0ook and the tAlaricir
Government. [to wa.4 operuting on
hig own richalf. they doclare-st state-
ment which reveals Mr. Canieron in it
blacker light than as if his offence was
Par g tile dirty work of his party,
'. ndM livin will tie slow to Ile.
heve tl!At M. C. Cameron proposed te
secure $10,000 from H. H. Oook anti
put it in his own pockliL it is not It
reasonable it.terenco from the evi.
dence submitted. Mr. Cameron could
not have hoked to lake $10,000 trom
Mr. Cook unless he was able to Kiiisrs
him A 11AXIA101'ship by way of compern.
asitlon. Mr. Cameron hs4 not the
disperillation of seats In the NVA4kite.
It he was relegated IRICh power It Wlikii
III order that lie might eoncludis orir�
tAin negotigitiolill with Mi,. Cook. The
nature of tile" negotiations tile evi.
dence plainly ludleatess, but asl to the
or peroons authbrizing Mr.
9,r,1.*.`r.A .. Pertozal this mission the
itsirfrorn testimonlir Is rague anti uucer�
Itain. Notiforainowenteanithecon.
tAnded that Mr. Vatinevoin was actiffist
1. If.
XXX00*01tV 00*ft6tMt
- I . 11
� I . �1 - �
� � " , -% .
__ , - —
ungenerous and tit) sL b is a Islander- To Cure a Cold In 0110 DQrY
Ing tit the dend. "luf PIDFI,iot, Willie Till)-
, ra X
rf�' iv� I 10 in
were only &live " LI1x,)l"0"%v"1"; Tlq*t!� IMN-20 ou!,v
t.,.�.. Avub:t. -
it dity or at. nit I, I, itocure. 2irk- XW.UroveroTho Now URUFU Brand
rits, ifit
la class which party rutbul � . if ilis
repeatingto-day withansi, degleO ,if ingop,ture in on each flux.
=rnelituess. Mi. 0amerou's %yord A counia oi-G.- -
could hardly COMbal, the evidence fuel) el III its, ytl�lwlllln�l I IP1:111t.1111.0jallitt -Mago -610thing
, 1*11,11, 0"" IF, 51i ol Roadu
which has been stibisilLted In so y Red 17i rords of wtsind
s accusatlol Ii. _T
tintioll of Mr. Cook u. vire!21-' nnd they waut to know who
w 0111d Ill) hound to adalit and explain.
il iA explaAbLtityll. it LJ snore than pro eiiiii, beat it, Is dispelling this prejudice that In existing its the minds col
bable. wonid convIc.t, part " ,,,;,,,v,r* . 1. a many, itirgilaurd to I-Rcisody-Mades." So much vh,ap truck hab
whosoi characters wo go ..", es.. -I was weak. scarcely able L -i drig:
an I It, would mitigate this offence mv%elf 11,I)OLIt. Pamily worried, and been If Oil the inarkel; and merchaintsbave been oulkina -price"
inuacar �
( -ugett; Sliller's Ouropotind �. 0 " quality." a few doyo wear causes theria to f'p &ad burst.
which butio bePtl oladO a nionninent, (it (Itilto tilvenill I buttons 1.11 off, m1covipa shrink up, and there lit a Instill dog look
unAltis, liver tile glave Of bj&lc#,Ilu Pon Pill* inpidil, Inmimbl, aboatt a "'
zuin change." MolliglitLliilph,..Sic4titketl%ity about them, that slicers a futile attempt to sisivill moncy by indulgifug
I Calocroll - . - - . __ are piodefecid by Mvllpir�'v Compoinid in a cheap Suit of O!Othrul.
- roll Pills. 25 cents for 50 doses. For We don't attempt to sell that kind. we boualit our stock frokill
ExperimentalUnlon Flel(I TOSiS !.ha bi all druggists. wrinufa-iturers with Now Century Idears. The Goodo ago goo up to
For 1901. -_ � _ look well and wear well, the out Is on scientific licia, tile work Is
— A PalinermtAm dentist, irlys; "I lake . dtiva by well trained mechanics.
The ineroboi s of I lie Ontario Airs i- grent, pleasore tit jecoinniending Mil �
Ctill on MI and Experinjunull Union Me ier'" Voitilamod lion Fills Ii- anvorns, 11
Dleivwd Lo ut-ILLe that fur 1001 they Ill is Peclusiring a ionic. H.ivt, used tbom � just One Price For To -Day.
again prepared Lh disitriblolle, Into with good resultri. As an appetite - - --- .
every township of Ontarin mal,elial producer they w4* unscu passed " That
for experiments with fertilizers, fod- faced feeling will disappear; i5our up- New Century Brand
do-#- crops. rclut.s. grains, grasses, and petite will improve; your I estion Ro�sal Oak Serge Suits, of Boys' Clothing.
clovers. LIpwardsof I ree thouNund will bt, pel.fect. it Von will late rdil
Ontario faritters conducted the co- ler's Compound Iron Pills. 25 conts They make a boy look like a veutlo
operative experimeatti, upon their own Lor 50 doses. For sale try ull druglilistis. SpIt ridid wearing article. good weight. man and feel like a king. Tney are eel
farms last year. French facings, well trimmed, pure indigo eoted with a view to make both parents
LIOT OF EXPURIMUNTS Fort 101.11. Mrs. Alex. McVonald, 4ib con ,Grev, dye, stitched with milk and exceptionally *u d boy our friends in every way. The
.............. ..... $1 - Qoy w
I Thl ee varieties of calts. has it beautiful Banter lily. Lbe stalk of we 11 made. Prico b ,onts a Suit to look righs, the parent
i Three vartetisca of vix-rovired bar. which measures 21 Inches. and up
I= it . no That Goats r;&ths. The combination is
ley. are foor bli-iniontis. one of them ut I guaranteed at this store.
3. Two varieties of bulleas barley. to bloom being Rhout live inches In
4. Spelt and two varieties of atirlog length. Who can I twat this ? '
wheat. -
5, Two varieties of but-kwireaL The great demand for a pleasront. Wx 0. PRIDHAM,"
0. Three Ysorleties of field peas for safe and relifti.110antidoto for all affec-
Northern Ontario. It lons of I lie throat and hingis to fully Men's Furnisher and Hatter.
7. TwoVariLtieu of bug -proof field inet with in Bickle's Anti Cousump- I
pens. tive Nvrlyr. it to a purely vier,otable _____ ____ — ___
8. Cow peas and two varieties of conitutiti . and acts prompt y Ito(]
soja or Japanese beans. mag cally In Nalludilipa 411 coughs.
0. Three varieties of husking corn. colds. twonchitia, inflarlialioti of the
lo. Three varieties of inalogoldsi. lungs. etc. It Is at) palatable ilint h SPRING M ILLINERY
11, Two varieties of angar beets for child will not refuse it, ^tilt Is rut sit a
stock feeding. y1ri)(tne ,that ,will ,,lot e clude I. so poor
12. Tlu I ree varieties of tivira4ish turn. .( ts be letit's. -0 — All the latest and best designs in
13. Korl'Ralil and two varieties of Accol dinfir t-0 the report Of I he 1311 .
fall tornipar. rents of Industries, tile follosiving is the trimmed and untrimmed Millinery and �
14. Paronips atuf two Varieties Of ankoant, of Litz exempt lons In I he sev-
vill rots. eral places nanied in lite comity ; ready-to-wear ttats.
15, Three varieties of tuddirr or albWe Brusuil $0,8501 0 6W %nd
corn. UM I farm to I 11er tire Inside Call and Inspect before purchasing.
5-1.1 will"ll,
10. Three varieties of Millet. 11.1. corporationi G.d.-ich - 11.601.1; .
17. Three variellee of Sorghum. Seaforth, $4.000i Whaithalln, A11379.
18. Grass peas and two valludes of
yetches, ISS OAMERON, .,
10. 1)wn,rf Essex Rape and two var- A. Certain Remedy for Corns, M
iotleu of Kitle. and one alwavis to he iefied upon, 19 Apprentices Wanted. Hatnilfon Street.
Ll I. Three Varieties Of CIOVer. platiltill's Painless 00111 Extractor.
21. 8alufoin. Lticerne, and Burnet. Safe, sure and aiways painlesH. Near- . - -..--------- —_
41. Five varieties Of grasses. fifty illiftaLlona prm-o its voilue.
23 Three varieties of field nenns. 1;nware of such, Get Putrokini'd at I -A
2.1. Three varieties of sweet corn. druggibts, Or it your cantiot get t we
, �vj,Lili�t�!-a with corn. will send it to you by orill upon re. WALL PAPER-ssrkwwa��- .
06 klitiNorm wilb 44fin 91olds. (01I)L Of 25 cent4, I)i)qt Intid, to Unnada Lask w, ek'd advertisement bro�wht a numlisir in Jq seq oqr inImples of Americst�
27 * Oinwing potatooks li I,Jlp leyel (if- Tuitud Steil". N C. Poll sun & CO- Wall Papers. &!id evely peratp l;o,mmI990 thotil thif prostigal desigoa ever shown it ...
and in Wild. lt',Ywopil. unt, Goderigh,
28. plataing potatoes Clio saille day —1 1 -4w --
and live days after being off(. Remember, we don't have to carry those efillenoive Papers in Stock. and can affoid
' (11puley Hillerprise I A nomber of to riell them at prices to enable )-on to put the Udell Paper,)n your kitchen. Embossed,
29. I'lanLing cilt potatoew WhWb IntpPrIl Ill Oiltallo we atl,acki 119 tile Oillip, Ittda slid filues. at 12a a coil. 0 11 I Papers at Ou a toll.
have find which have fit)( been coaftid I I letho'la Or I hu Wilder I %% iov factorles.
over wIth land plagLer. Ths, Wit1kvi,ton laul ogl. fir laken as an Wmenthor, it orill pay you to see our Samplea and Prices before buVing. You art
3U, Plant.ing costs its rows #lots] In exitairple. " till. -h cost, $ NU and Lbese not at tire invroV of one man title year for your Good Papers.
PtItial?P0 flip excelloat vitriety of early InLI)ePS nolilltnio that, the Fitnity factory See our Sampitus Varnished Tiled Wa6hroble Pa*pere, for baAh and kitch,ri.
corn will Its itsvil I cimid Ill- dillilleattil for halt 11110 SURI,
Mi, lerial for vihlei 1)1111;119�' I.Welolv- 'I'l I o (111yerence is suppo�etl it) have , Dugraini, all shis,ista, with hiridr an I Iiiiii %qq t I in %tah. We will o,,nsidor it s
five or flamber Lwelli v six expel link'lit hvpn ppi. lit life. pockets sit lite pro slornpitm, fit if )vu look at our Papere, buy or i,o,, We or- only out for advVirtlillin
will Ile L-01 t by exproupi, Itilli. If . ,Is- eavii look . P Pa. WO all, looklog til Omit to this ) vii-, . I
I I It' F
ofthoothe'.8 it will be forwAided by Allutlifig ill.clirgulves rognit lig I
llqail. Wulketion B iatlei Twim, Facility. S�tnpl�n Into n In ) pur hoi.ai it '@ ;rcd. P,�p r liting 10, % roll.
fda(Ai pr) sr�lf lit Onta. I'l who wishei" I
— - --4b.-- - — 1
to conduct, an expoijinglItL and is wi' How ill ClennRe Life S).lent.-Pavill. ,,, ro B E.
ling it) title great eare unit ILOU141-ILIJV Ill L�Iae.ys " UP1,011le 1,111,4 tire I lie refillit W Ao,.- K I D US 1100K s
the work rknd ieport tho rogolto Of tile
test 44 806h AA JI308sible AfI eP IIIII-VOItt scienAle wtuoir I,( flue elykiplo fit P�, -'!�� mmm�v=�"!MMMM'-- - , 'O' , "
should select the ticact, experiment Ll.ne tH of certst ill rinAN and herbs upon \�:,CV�W",IWAt�."4r.dW-,Nw".tW *,-l0""-1'* 0--V'-, -,6.W" 1�'��-W-"W,40"Aw""'O�",
destred find arply for life suine at an the digestive oigans. Their free title I . it relief 4
, dernonstiatedininauy instances that In silly kind offludir.
-al will It for- they Pegala
warded in tha ol-dvp )it whiel Life tP the action of tile liver 4
eallvdatp. 11101tiatel I , Surgeous"Antiseptic Oil ""s a"'ll"clollo" give' k
applications fire res: ived utai 1,I)e and tile kidneys, purify Life blood. and M, - IT CU [IRS Vih-s, Burns, Scalds. 131cerations. �
:)t"lited Supply is exhitsisted, It I %iuh'L Lit" , ry t4T all Inorbid nectiontlIaLiollis IT C I; It IJS NVotinds find Bruises. . k
a well Jos each applicant to fill kof front Life wysitern, They are easy to I
.Oula take, and the;r action It, mIld find ben. ); rr CURES Burk. C,t:,huncleg- Felons. �,
tn-cond choice fov fear tile first d e 9 A Brvasts and Sore Nipples.
not be granted. ficial, IT CU RES Inflamed or Oakt I
C. A ZAVITZ, - � IT CURES Salt Rhenin, Tetters, and all eruptions Of the Skin. t
Agricultural 0,41ege. Ouelph. Ont, co MeGavin Bios., Leadburv. hare se. , IT CURES 11h,ptimativin and Nouraight Pal
red, lit a long tigure, $18W, Air. T. � PRIOE 50c Sold by all druggists or sent by mail oil receipt. of pit ice k
"Ilialph, March loth, 1901, J. Berry'8 fatuous Oivdo ,taillon, k
-----.S— "Suillight," weighing 2.240 notinds.and ,I Antiseptic Chemical Company, �1'
Pain In the Yoints J)ged e1g) I Tills tint- Itnifind 1216 MASONIC TEMPLE, CHCIAGO. ILLS. 4
Mis beell l;&'1J'J'J'Ol�"s'I "I'l-Plitly all It Rt ICk ?4 1W IV .
I11RV hO rotISCUldr or rheurinatic. The ,'or lie In lite Old country, wliere [lie V,,NV�,W,�W,W,M 4WAWAWA&V IWAKWAV 0 W-sW-�\-'Ao ANIMARmw".0 .Xv.io IM2
Jollas tire hard to got at, and It i e- progeny tkosv conninsitid Lisp 111gut I
quires it powerful, penetrating retriediv .
to reach tile the affected parts. Pol- GENTS WANTED for "THE LIFS AND It Does Pay to
soft's Nerviline exactly weets the re- A Raging, Roaring Flood AHEIGN OF QUEEN VIUTORIA, lit -
lulling special memorial tributes from the
flunrements, for it is both powerful and Washed do) 711 tolegraiph line arlost eminent Britipts and Canadian Atate,iturin.
Vnetrating. The pain is expelled as which Clina. U. Ohs, of Lisbon, In and "The Life of King- Edward Vll." Size 10 .
f try mogiv, for one drop of Nervillne I " x 71 about 00 paV9, better IlluaLrated than -
eiltialu io strength Ove, drops of othe �a� to repair. "Standing wai3t deep Trl %,al work. N ritten by Dr. Jun. Coul tI1r OIL
r in 131water." he w0tes, "gave me a lo n the celebrated Hlsl,orbl� I
remedipa. You won't often IcAll 'lie i,,r, is cold find ,,ough. It, grew and.lournaliqt. a4a John A. Cooper. editor
(IOCtor it Nervilinis is In the hollso. worse idaily. inaliv I tie heRt. doctors Canadian Magazine. Toronto. Price only $1.75 OL
Price ?z couls. g -now book from cover to cover. Extra. )am )
in I �rlu., Piop* Uity fill counnisslop ; credit Oven pectus fresi to O"
Ornatia, said I hall vqnstImPtIon an oa vausers. WQ114 P41fliligimm.1 Co., Qoelph. And many of the former pupils of the
The Tariff Not Favorable to Eng- could not livia. Tbon I iegark Lifting Q01
land. Dr. Kinit's New I)isvovery a!ld was Canada Business College,
wholly cured by six hot, ties, posi I -------.------
Tile British preference which Is Lively guaranteed for couRlis, colds I CKAHAN - ONTARIO
represented its so favourabie to Bri- and #ill throat and lung troalbles by who have stopped directly from the ColIT t(
tain, and an given In retorn forall the Just. Wilson- PricO 50c, 'OR That TIM FOCIIHO :omi Rood position In a businevii office or fill
great bleasilngst the British constitu- ome vacancy in a. 0ornnuirclat school m terich'
Or. are ever Pettily to t,"tifv to the fact that It
tion find the British Imperial rule ]fall . DOES PAY TO ArTENDTHE JIE�,T.
conferred'on its, Is part of so tat LIT Spring Term OpensAppil 1st B.ve you been III this winter, or do The following extruct fromaletter recolvee
which works against the mother you feel run down or ily librad as Spring from a mmeac usatte Rusinerlis poilego a short
tichle appetite p etc, time ngo, in only one of Roores of it similar kiru'
"Ou"Ir Me. Borilen, pointed out. Central Business College app—oties, with . "I's that we havareceived fromothil: Buillnes,
that, Sri Richard Cartwrivbt, Willie Try our . . . , , colleges, asking us to imprily them with torich-
Conti asting the trade of I lie past four Stratford, Ont. em
years with that of tile prev.ouni four "Nov. 6, 19M.
yeas -8 preceding, forgot to show this Beef, Iron and Wine Dear Mr. Mcl[Achlan: -1 am again loolking
for a Commercial teacher, and would be plans -
state of facts : oil to know it you know of one. We want 1,
Imports to Canada from Great Bri- Pleasant to take, nourishing. strengthen- voting man. singlo, not tinder twenty-five, of
t good address, treat in a
lippearanco, tbnroughll
tain- ing, and ,,Just whish you wan ." K ookocap,
. ,,!Ivc ,and well up In till, arithmetic
Fout years ended the _�� Im" Id k iglish�"
BUth June. IM ......... $14NO00,000 i PINT BOTrLE, - 76 Cents. Letters such as the above toll far more than
Is the goal aimed at by inunt joung men Drives of Idle claims Lo Rtiportorltv. -
ForarTealls ended the U
19W ......... 1A()()0.000 andwomen,andone wayoffroart n
'A it Is by Or bring your bottle and get any quantity There may be other licit
30th June, moons of it thorough and practical ticAtion, you like. more convenient toyoBnusltnboasngeeohllactghor,sinmbtiI
such a8youcangetinour bustitution. Noth- thnot should be no reason for your attending
less tta . I ho best to given to our students, anythins: out the beeL .
J)ecrease (Igzact)... � ........ $2,214.ODO 'tia% that is one remon two sinifor such a large We pay the tralIvy
Doll In tho saq?e period attendance. our students are Ratialled road M fare of 8tudents from A
Cerittral distance, up to , and can secure Food
our fulports Irsolp I fe they toll others. Propeire now for the a' board for joutlemen a $9.60 per week, and lot
United States list. tiring that will be open next taoll. We im- S. E. HIGK-DrULP Store. ladies at tv W.
many of our students In good lowitiona. 8ther
bulaeft. y to no for our gradu too AOME CATALOGUE Isimed
creased ............... $11 For HAND.
4."1900 s - ONT. any BUSINESS 8 0011, in Canads, write,
— 001170.1l.s.-Iloachorn in their RchOOIgL ID&McLACHL 14
. � , to =Iwa, . .1 GODERICH.
W r Spring Circular, W. J. ELLIOTT (A
av their Retion on the stomach Rif- Prinolp;j. "All-ravis this IMXST^t HIJCK'13-� tn?;5 tit
n -I bowels Miller's Worm POW. I
- . I I.". .
illerar.orruct all Snell tioubles as Iften .
of appetko, .41 liousneso, drowBinesa. -
sallow Complexion, pte.; nice to take. �
For sale by all druggisits, I .
- I
Thos. � I Iflof .
t 0 � who lives About four I ..
miles tit roxeter and i*IA years
of a$ I walks into 118 Village for
exererfle. , .. I � I
- "
. �
A (lose of Miller's Worm Powders
oreasionaliv will keep the childr#n
healthy. ff your child b1 pale. peevish I
and doeflo not thirivelwa closle of willer 9
Worm Powders occasionally will cure.
.. �
or One Week Opening Sales-. —wmwL
For sale by all druRvists.
Andrew Taylor hag sold his IOD acre
farm. lot 1% 5th line Morris to his
=er James. the price hehn� 84.10D.
. . in the Town of Goderich, will be on exhibit at our Old
. Stand, consisting of
nsop pp the look out for ahather
I �"
L .
A. Barrio waskinaft gave, t1`11ars
Millet's Compound Iron P lit
4;�i. .
w on
trically rutdolfirti, and ato pleased
ro"featify to t ri great ppoid they have
dmiris me." Broken down systems,
�shattoered nerviso, and ematialed
f( .1 fire mtoted by Miller's
"' I' ra
_W411 4 Ipt 0T_=_
� rid ron' Pills. 25 cents for
� aOdoaft Forealeby alldiruggists.
-4mlikki-s-Second Wheels--maAks-
W. Brydorib sold the Jamieson fArm.
CMIL410111, 100 aere% on the Oth con.,
I ,
of various makes.
I'llullett., 1) 11. M. Snell. for about
$ZM it waa oftireq ioi isistle tinder a
We are not in any cornbrine, therefore you Can depend of getting ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. We mean
have had in business, We have THE
mortgay, about it tre befiritIang of
to make this tile best year we ever and, ask your co-opetation.
March. ut waiii (
on d privately
to M;. Snell. John Ralthilly sold his
IQQQ,QS YOU WANT, and you have the filoney, -
IODactefarm on the 12tht4,neesslon.
ranging in prices from 25G. (o $3,00 a )ard. ��
Iesilloo townitil to his brother, Georre
RAIthbyi, and %ton binfight W. D. Wil -
siam's fairkin of 183 acroe atAubum for
I a tui, Its the nelfhborbaW of $7,001%
' It trid
I im near
Aft. VII.,sovi hati ksu'*hI;, a (A
sft us, or qrqp us q card stating what y�u want.
I I " It I
wherlik 116 111111 flooldis.
8DWI&I ft,016 x1aptono antolo.
Our Repair Department Is completa and under the supervision 61 a First-
� Kingston. � .... It a a 01"Itursts, to
ittivorkirrita that a new M ettit imile of
9"s Repair
I MEArithtwaftstiot to ri,eiiiii, ravi outillot 11% avisow I
-1 11- -11-L., -.-.. _11-.1,."issis, .
� �
.;,, -
,Geo ., W' Tho m'son & Sonill, I
#1 �
,,iii,0114- iiii! -,, ___11'. -
�_____ - - '.",, ,,, ,.%()If)
DO YOU USE L ().\ �, [ �Nl I 'TION
W EL L W A T El I t "
�11 11110,1 U,- tiald on
If so it is likely to be iink,ury mt 11118 t�lllt Of III' �--" I ,, I I U� 11"Por.
Word 130 tbSn jkb .a) OLl,,,, LO". 0- I
� I
L I's I 1.11 , Up AND NOUR1811
SPECIAI, Fit - lL - " "'Ll.,
" F E, It (, I 1, I \\ 'N
0 Ii I , I
I I )I i i �,10N.
For ob. in,,u ill front NI AP( 11 '� I- - . I I . . �. . I , ,01 to any
an appruxi.i-tv antil Nor, �,f )uuf ;1 .. I , . I " , 00 block.
of all obarge. Qu lie ,�Jlj, �t, I It, -, ' A III ,,-
or not. 'I'll, usual �J.sorge for 1,1116 to . I kl%1:1:1 � to I w r li,Ni( FOOD.
UNTtL APRIL 271,1r.
Wo 6. 600DL,6flLM1ST
JB IE T-) _Y4, C) i::z 1:) :8 T- 0 C '�,- - \'o . do it
It will pay you to insist on having your pretIcrlpt'Oln I ,,,�":,r, I ��, I I I I 1 m,n"01
well. We claim to have the best arrmagoulerlts fut i"""11, P - � , I
of drugs in tbis rouuty. I __
___ ____ � ,
- 1
,4wery th,01'r go!
a7 "law
0 * 0
All these odds and ends.
Our policy is to clear them out at any old price before
they g,�t stale.
B.,tter to sell these odds and ends when people want
them and get part of a price than keep them till people
don't,want them—and all the time after"nand let them go
to waste on our shelves. .
That's not our way. \
We keep our stock clean by carving " 1price3 when
we want to see goods move quick. 19
Prices like these show what We meailt by 4ilcarving"t—
Men's Long Felt Boots $1,50.
Men's 4 Buckle Felt Boots $1.50.
1211-0§06696ift -%9% mWa0m
That Touches the Spot 0-%%
ftlacLeod'.s , —FOR—
h-t Tou -
' 'S t h �
, � � I
aCLeod , Weak & Impure Blood
5 .
� t 'Liver & kidney.Diseases
Renovator Femalz COMplaints, & �
I Ask DruRgist, or write direct to J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, i,�
. Q.:
. V#W_M#-35g tacka fi�rf- __
Residence and Laboratorv-Now' q idzi`�_. @1 I
— I gateStroaf, lhoOld Stand, in rear of Knox Church,
Im It Pays /
to Paint,
There Is nOthing that adds to the
the renting value of a house �qelllng vrdne or
like 9- I pMnt-there
is nothing that makes home more home-like than
good paint.
It pays to paut. The better the pattlit, (be better
it pay'll"
. '"'
pays In the begianing bccagge
� it
the end btcgruge it 1=0 long, ng"074 §* far-PR319 III
long ful it litsm 'I) is no i looks no Well, AS
and durability, fdr ,,,,,,.,, point like it for beauty
and satisfaction.
"No D* Rougv*
1) - I 11 . . - . �, sp i
___ .
-----. __ !�
HAVE dtar ttd tf�uro ,,� iu� old stand till I 'till Is.
I ic�dy to d,) bubllit,43 wlL'il a COLLII�' " ��
. 1�9
I 1
stock of Stsp'e and 1,'rtney Dr ' y 6,),ds ''Ki� ` - 00!
, -4
tile oolllin,, seasoll 8 t,rlde. I 11 1% � not i.li�,, I i ll�
0 4
Offtel but now, fre8li goodti bought ill t!" h I,l 11i'll - � Ilk
Lot _0
. I I
_.' .',L��,' - -, . - � - - _ , , __� �'�'. ---- � � � �-
It , , -' I.. -7 -
ket and which I am prepared to (aler ,t rwl, 11st
tom prices for Cash. lit tiohcltitl�l It 1�01t`l it" lip -
your trade, I do so with confiJence that I Lilt' -0
satisfy you, both in quality and price. It li n0t
D030asary to quote prices just now, but I wi,l) to IP
call your special attention to my stock of 111a, L 10!
and ColoreJ Direful Goods (Blacks it) patticular) :4
ranging in prices from 25G. (o $3,00 a )ard. ��
Silks in great variety, both in colors and 1,1A,-4. �4
Remember tire pItLce_('0I,Il01(Nl,�'S 0;a Sta-1. �41
_��_=��_- - �. . . ,-, - __
T E R M So J. H. COLBORNF,, �*'
Cash or Produce. 0 Goderich. Telephone 86. l0k.
Wy MA Mr -A W UZ MAZA N hZA EX I Uv VA �A = D LqvJ —
,4wery th,01'r go!
a7 "law
0 * 0
All these odds and ends.
Our policy is to clear them out at any old price before
they g,�t stale.
B.,tter to sell these odds and ends when people want
them and get part of a price than keep them till people
don't,want them—and all the time after"nand let them go
to waste on our shelves. .
That's not our way. \
We keep our stock clean by carving " 1price3 when
we want to see goods move quick. 19
Prices like these show what We meailt by 4ilcarving"t—
Men's Long Felt Boots $1,50.
Men's 4 Buckle Felt Boots $1.50.
1211-0§06696ift -%9% mWa0m
That Touches the Spot 0-%%
ftlacLeod'.s , —FOR—
h-t Tou -
' 'S t h �
, � � I
aCLeod , Weak & Impure Blood
5 .
� t 'Liver & kidney.Diseases
Renovator Femalz COMplaints, & �
I Ask DruRgist, or write direct to J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, i,�
. Q.:
. V#W_M#-35g tacka fi�rf- __
Residence and Laboratorv-Now' q idzi`�_. @1 I
— I gateStroaf, lhoOld Stand, in rear of Knox Church,
Im It Pays /
to Paint,
There Is nOthing that adds to the
the renting value of a house �qelllng vrdne or
like 9- I pMnt-there
is nothing that makes home more home-like than
good paint.
It pays to paut. The better the pattlit, (be better
it pay'll"
. '"'
pays In the begianing bccagge
� it
the end btcgruge it 1=0 long, ng"074 §* far-PR319 III
long ful it litsm 'I) is no i looks no Well, AS
and durability, fdr ,,,,,,.,, point like it for beauty
and satisfaction.
"No D* Rougv*
1) - I 11 . . - . �, sp i
. ... - - -, .j , , � .
. .1 III — , - , ___1
_ - �, j" I ,� , I r , I I',- ill
�) # _�, �
� � �
� 4 �
. �, 1. ,
11 . I , .
..'. 1, � -��. 11 # .
� I I
I �. 1: I 1)
I .. I � 11
"im. � - 4
Adii"', -.11, 11
. I I . . ., I .
. � . , 11 I .
- I -
" " I � I I ,. I . I " �,
.1 � .1 I w I � I
I I I , I
. I * ,
, . I. I ,. r ,,, . " I
. " , I
I - , 1-1 I " . P� \i . I . . 11 ,
, I . �- .1 I I
. I -.;",,", .
, I . ,I
I.. . " -1 -1 � '. . , , '. � . . . . � �, I .1 ,�
, �
,,, , , . . ,,A ,. , . � . " ( �,�, . . , . , - - . � . .11, I 1.
�- Q I I - I ;, , .") , I . � I
ii��t-,.���MIL�-I.,'�-..�Al-A,L.MU.&"'�--.-!gJ�� .---- . -,
. I I
_.' .',L��,' - -, . - � - - _ , , __� �'�'. ---- � � � �-
It , , -' I.. -7 -
, " .
r -, . , , �,��_ -:1. ". - ,�, . �. � - � _f1 — _1 ',.- �1_ 2=.,�__ -I.-L ali.
__` �_' ,f .� .. I
— � . I Cgs,h Hardware St,bre.
-1. I
TAX,40wintoll, STAU bae 0, bttgar i
. 'thm A0 ou%t ge*& divealition,
00 0Dtity Of ,,,,,,, Oat'" ,n this bebuion of
. , . 0
I I . I
I . I .
-; , . � , � I
tllenisk_� 1. � , . . �
I I . &_ 1� . I., I I �,
IsAmm"Ll lllwllk"� 01116
'J� *
Ap.,l /4,