HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-03-22, Page 6. I . — - I , 11 .1 � I , =:::-;l. 1, : i ------- ___:!��14 _ !:, " I I I I , , , 's I THE Wkffl ROSE$ I - .... I.. � ­ E:: W: 04CA­_ __ "" - __ __ _ riffillbon,t another word she went answered the girl. with a careless 1, Laugh, "I am -tire that amongst our - I away, leaving him alone. He hated trio" the bores outnumber t1to plea- � litimnelt because of the posltio4l lit sant ones. rAr Karl is decidedly an . I was in. He said to himself that no agreeable companion. He understands .1 rns,u n o look 60 one without the trouble of entering � into a Long explanation. Before I contemptible before; but tie felt that speak be very often seems to know I unless he had spoken at' be had he what I am going to 4aY-" would not have been an honest man- " That is the guick intuition of uym- . Lola do Ferras evidently "oil him, pathy," returned madamo. - There " be did siot respond to her Likiog ; are persons who hardly need to ox - change two words ; they Boom to read I therefore It was lbest to lot her know h otherits minds at a glance. Whom - . the truth -yet how hateful that cao she added does Sir Karl go, Lola ?" . txuth seemed to be to tell I How be " He did not tell me. He said that , I loathed hinavolf and wished he had he should not be here for the wedding never seen Beaulieu I He did not wait feetivitiem ; and, as Dolores is to be Calrried La a few weeks now, be will I to see Madame de Forrag, but rode go soon, I should thillik." " off at once, land did not draw bridle Madame do Ferras bad often said until he reached home. Then he tried to homeli that The milater of Sears - by eve* meams in his power to per- dale waa above all othcr Mail, the one sho ghc�ld ohoobc for her daughter's � I . I gunds, himself that he had greatly ox- huz,bamd. bhe Liked his frank man- , aggerated the %,Xkolo aff ir. He was nor and ate Debility of character. . too true a 0 4 a too noble " I would grieve no more," she would 4 t � ,Rd the Limull Bay to herself, '*for even to y beautt- "NA"IF" - fat France, Lf I could leave My dough - I a man to 0a go "I"34R . ro "t liation of � wane, ter in the t.harge of a hus .1 I I Lola wile In a whirl Of Crinoline- 8110 Sir Karl". I . had gone to a pretty white summer She had never balid anything about I I I re she silent Lit to Lola ; but tbia. ha,d been on 0 of house In the grouladei, whe of tier life, unit pleny of box leisure hours. She could most probably bad been thu reason I . L, not have trusted lieracif any longer why she had sent for him to give her - in " sight. advice on every imaginable subject I "Cold and Cruel heart I" tibe mur- ShO had begun to believe and hope 11 that her wishes would be fulfilled; mured. "He Must know that I love Sir Ka,I twoulted always He happy arid . I him. that I care for him as no other ainulsed when in company with Lot a . 11 :, I woman ever will, that I wouid give - perhaps," she said to herself, "it , � is not the women who amune that � toy life for him I He must know it, are alway8 loved. Lola is not Beall - I 11 � although my lips have never uttered mental, and those fair-haired Engli8l I . the words. And why cannot he love Mon love Bentiment. If Lola had r . . � MCI ff can outman him, while Ihave little more twntLimunt it would be at c, ­ ., - the botter, perhaps. �s kills will hal . I I seen him tired and bored with oth to marry on Unglishiman." I era; I understand him thoroughly � Madame tie Forms, who, in hergon I I . why cannot he love MCP, tie fashion, thought her daughtei 1. w .1 , She Bat still, looking at the broad wanting in Bentillient and romance - � Ir", had no idea of the dopthB of tragi, . . 1 I landscaM the dark woods, the pur- passion in tier ticart ; and, If any ow I .1 . pie hills, the brood winding stream; had told bur that Lola wits capabli I � . I I i; and. lovely as it all was, sho said to of each self-sacrifice as to give he! t, �� 1: herself that without him it would be life for love or revenge, sho went( -1 I have nei(bor underatood nor liclieve( � .1 � � a desert weary and wretched. Nothing it. , l ., I 14 1 could make up for the pain of his ___ ; 11 :P . , , , absence. She stretched out lie r arms CHAPTER LX, � , , , I 1. I and in her face there was a very term- To go away frout Scirsdale, awa� ,. � - � I . - peat of grief, from tile faLr and gont to girl whom 11, I I . . . �1. 'I, ,,Ob, my love, my love Ll, lithe sob- loved, away from the beautiful Fremol ' t- 1, I � , L . bed, " will ym never care for me 7 girl who cared rio much for him, wa - � I . glow tile one witill of Sir Karle heart I , ";i, ,�� 1, Shall I WELLt for ym all MY life long? He Moot act 8oilmibly ; so be Bald what , 11 ;. I , - I , Shall I cull, and bear but the echo he took himself to task. Ile had ro 4, �4 , i�' voloo I Shall I love you mahiod supine while another came tin, " J '. ''"� of my o-%vn I 1. ,,� . no nearer w000d and won the girl tie loved ; I ,: I is own fault, ,ind if lit, had rea I J year after Year, and be I " ` I:, tri, if waa I �. � . ,.`;': to you than I am now I Oh, Kt lized her value at first, all would hav 1. 1, Itt be in the power of woman to win been well. As it was, be must 9 � I "I � 1, I ::. , , Foc� I will will Won I I will devote away and not return to his horno an � :, � '11". . ell hot tLL � , �' (Why should I hi -a duties until hit bad forgott I my life to (be task. He Must learn while he was away no -1 I I . I �. .: . ;�l , , from the whole world have chosen to to think of her ne Dolores Cliefdon, bu . :�_ � �, h .1 . : . love this one ,man who will never love only as Lady Rhyawort . ;5. , �:�l� me 1" Ono day, the Squire, feeling bet - I ;1,3,:.� I : ,� .. -11 . And then and there she mude this for, walkod into Doaping with 06IZ67-6) I � -:_ I? �.:" � tbnd they were engaged in a roun , � .1 ,��,� I " .'I voav, which Influenced her future life C f shopjimg, when Sir Karl, whowa .. r. ,-,, and mado of it Ono long tragedy, She d-rLvi-tkg through the town, met thou ­ 1, .1 " a ste ould w1n his love, InhiB state of mind then,it was par . i, " , �:, , I.."'' haps tile most unfortunate thing thn . i. �", I tint hot' beauty and the gifts nature V _. � �� I . . I , 11 �� � 1, , I be Could ha c olocurred. Ile saw that ill r, - had laviBlied upon bar, should il . ,. 1'.�, Squire looked tired. and he Insists � �?� , , .�V� used for this Ono purpose. Eve" us ()It driving him home to Scursdali � � I I ., &he had undying love so ulle would ,saying that after tie had lunchoo l I �L �,,�,� would there he would drive them back t I "I I, �i ,I; , have undying patience. She %i, ,,­ � never weary, she would boar till 11113 White Cliffe, Dolores had not' see I ,� r � coldness with gentlones8 - but site SLr Karl, since the evening on witic :"" ": ,, ", "", , , �� � , would win him in the "it. All the she had Being tier farewell to him. A ` ,;;;� :'l wild, Impetuous, passionate naturo tile Squire felt fatigued, he was oat � �:: 1,�' �? �:� - wits roused. ,In that lhour and in that too thankful to avail blui of th ,,,, �, Baronot's offer ; but be would hav . R_ I mond she was Capable of anything, i I , �, , ��i,, . She knolt down upon the graes and declined It had lie soon the paine � . Sh i,. '' �, ee u '� ... , I a vow that he she Id be look oil his daughter's face. . .1 . ,. I I I I.. I bers,, that she would, tin spite of all would have giveti anything to refuE - 11 � : ".,�,'' to accompany Sir Karl. As her fail 1, I , 0� ­ obstacles, win his love, and that, rath- � ., ,;, - or than he Rhould take tiny other or had accopted higi salrvices, it wc I � � ,. - of Sears- Impossible. 8ho know that the moll � " , ,,_ woman home a . I ��, a a miNtress 2 , , I I � ,� two, mu t be full of pill I �' " �, -1. (tale, title would kill bial or kill tier- hour or ,a � for heir, but she must bear it paticntl� il 1, I :11�. self. 11 I �_ l " I aball be successful," still said to Site looked the very pici of pal � :, ., "I'�. .� �., , � , ,, � "., herself, as she went back tit the house. liviloo while tile light Carriage rolle � , �;l ,�t`�,�:, "it may be long yoars, but I shall along the road. At 6rat Sir Kftrl Bat , " �,�_�,L �7 :t, _". . It, as of being wit ": ��, , ,�,* win in the end ; atilt then -then I oball bat little, the haP Inc 4 .'�F Dolores was so proat. He talked I ` , � be Impity 1"' i�, "., " , V, I ,,, I �, , iShe pondered long and deept that tile Squire, and know Instinctively the l. � � � . 1 . , �. il tion why he dfd not overy anillo lie broulght to the ol I_ - . , I " . . r I love bur. Avid she ,came to the right man's face gave pleasure to tit I ,�. � , .�� I i:, �.; �, I "I ounclunion at last, that he bad pro- daughter who loved Iiiin Be well. A , l , . �. ,,, �'-!` forrod Dolores Cliefdon. Well, when length the Calm gentle beauty of th "I , , ` � ... I � _ ,, , Dolores was married, and be, tired of scenery begrin to make its influctic , , 11,- 1, , " felt : the fresh air brought a fain ,., �", ,.�, . wandering, came home again he would I I . lovely flush to the tollarmbrig face, an " ,, ,,,,I I be rilmout aure to tum to her-unloss , I 101 . 1� 'I, " indeed he met uome one abroad. But the blue oyes prow brightor�but Si , : ,�i,,� " h et her; she would Karl ,could not believe that it was th 1,i,6r", ,,� i� keep berself Constantly belfore, hill filce of a happy woman. It was no I , �11�,�. ,�; �­,, � � ��,,; � mind; she would wri'te to him, give the first time that Dolores had boo - ,, , . � I -s,dale: but Certainly, an thC I ��,,)�_ ions to to Seat i 11 ,:,,",i� � him Continually little commiss � � �. I il;!,, � oxecu-to for tier, ; liho would so on- drove through lbe old gateway, all , , ;1i; '' twine herself with him life that III) had never dreatined that she shoul � � ..".'. .�, ,�. I , would nover be able to loosen I lit, pass through it In Buoh Circumstance I . I t,. I . , 1 , ,�, -, ties, slight though they wore, that it" the prosont. The house was a pie � .� '� bound them togettitur. iShe t1oved him turosque odlfi,", built originally I ' %Iiii, I .I.: so well tlint lyears of pationt waiting the reign of Elizabeth. rind, althoug � � - ,_,, seemod nothing to tier ; site could look it had ham altered, partly pulte, ,r,__1;,1 beyond them to the time when he dawn rind robuilt, many of its prin I 11 11 ',�', ;; - : :'' ,. .� . should find that the real happiness cipal foaturea worn still unchanged. , - , : 1, ;1, , of his life lay in her love. Until &Lx Karl had reason to be, proud o ' . �;, ,," I L:' tlic.n---and the time would come -the his beautiful home, and his hear I : � : �, ,� very greatness of her love would tit- warmed toward it as thevy came withii ,,,, I tract his. sight of it it Ito could hnvt) mad, , , ., .1 RVIth a resolute look on ,tier face this fair hatred, sivect-faced girl It I.. " - I ,!1;, which was never to leave it agalu, mlstli he would have asked ni , , I- .. . , 11 she wwA back to tier mother. greator bleasing from Heaven ; but I I , . , � . , I . �, i i. 1, I " Has Sir Karl gone,, dear child I" was not to Lic, At Luncheon tie wa, .: ��, asked rAirtilame. "I had not finished all t1lat was most courteous and kind �,�. � � � I I �. my business with him.11 and when it %vtka over, (%nil the Squirt .1 1, ,�' "� " He was In a hurry to -day ; he 1.9 seemed inclined to sloop, Sir Kar 1� . ��, going to Paris, mamma -to our boau- placed am ensy-chair for him, arid ask �, � �� ,,,, tiful France, and going Boom." od Dolores If she Would like to see tho . I - , I Madame's countenance (ell. grounds. She answered with a from] � , ,. " Going away I" she said, slowly, and smile- . , �., , � -�� then she told her hands lovingly on "I should like It very much, I bnv( - I 1. the dark head. never been over them". I . I ,.� I " Does it gTieve thee, dear Lola, " You will not be cold III he lnquLr(3( 11 "',%, , 4� that he is going away I I have often anxiously. . ., � ., " You forget," ethe said, toughing , . ,�� I I I , - thought that thle sweet face I love -� � I so well was the brighter for his corn- " that I spend half my time in till - ;� Ing. Am I right I" open air." . I I � , , "He has been a pleasant friend, And then they went down the great . rind I shall miss Itilm very much," she flight of steps Into the gardens. 11, replied. "Lot me show you my favoritc - I � , " "Nothing more, Lola 11' said ma- nooks," he said. "Perhaps we may nov- : ", . dame gently. "Only Q pleasant friendt" or be here together again," , , . I I , I ,. " They are scarce enough, mammia." She wandered a little at the gravity , I � I � , , . � � , I I � � � . . '­il SPRING LASSITUDE I � I � I y - I I � �)": " � And all the Debility and Depression 0,11 I " I � l,�, I ,, -1. This Trying Season can be Avoided . . I , : 1� I .1 4 by the Use of Dri; Chase's Nerve I � � I .. ." , I Food. _ . purifying contained In Dr. Cibasa"d Nor" Flood, I I . and enriching tho.blood and toning end honco the popularity of this fara- .11 . . ous food cure. Inistoad of t ring , . � 11, I I L up the system in spring, or after a down the tissues of the body, It"truilds I I long illift" none can ipproach In I , ". - . them up, renows the nerve cells, forms I ! . � I specific medical action the wonderful firm intimIcs, Increases weight, and , (I L, properties of Dr. Chase's Nil Food, gl�w color to the cheeks and elasticity .� , , ..i 'I, � the treat blood builder and nerve Is. to the movement& � . I � ,� % storattv's. ' You can keep well this spring and I � . , . �� I uldlike say. rermedy you ever used. avoid the, feelings of lassitude and de - .1 I : It durts * natural and g,i­_ntIo lnflu- pritisaion by beginning at once to lost I I 4 . 11. I 1. - 040 itil the kidneys, liver and Dr. Ohase'o Xil Food. It is the . I ,� .1�0*elm, ifeittoring them to a condition most common sense treatment that 4) , . .. � . I . lbf &tt6ot health and regularity, and solence, O"t devised, and on Account I I I *bkoldgli, the medium of the elretfla� of its gantle, and constant u0build. � _ I I ,� � " - 10" of t � 1* Noold gives how life and hig influence can be used with plea*. " � I I I O*U*14 00gy to each and every lit" and tionlitort by in". women and , I . 11� 11 ,V0,t,*f bis liu)nwn frame. children. I I . I.; IL % 1, ft, Ay IA,ft TAIlde the miatti of ftara will be to limpled. humorA . I . I . I �. ,� ** ".. . � . . " - 11 11, ,*4*� 01ti or -btfiek strong and weak- or akki limptionm Tit you keep tke I . . I � �_601Q JAir ,A In tbo sprialt. Stith 140d Ours, No craving of that hlood . 'gitive I .. . I I . . �fttdstbisiht 0*4 t*Ver build up and AttrX,irwrvon t6t incluitebment It you lase I ,. iir"ibuoit , 9 *06kahkil and run- thth ftftrlt#�.Oomiflotlph of Dr. A. W,, '. .1 1 40*10 ayo(e*h, 'TU 'habitual use 6C 1 Cftlib� TM, i Ww, athtw#4 *o kt , , tr 1�1114"= C, , " 'pfw Wsbort0th 11(6 and iind 1frogulif t1## 4,t 60* . " "ItIlt 46iss ,* ' � " , I , i " , , . � 1 , , %4#6 06 futh 4i tlie 11lit"lifig Arid will be *9khoi to you If YOU r"k� I . ;� , uorou)l #r4*A# tu* ik'Ay owoft I attimi MCA4 itinvikoratit t* Oysters, I I � T" 4" stabW4 . -, - witeryr, 113 itlib jib I thob Vior 6f P M6 Va" Is LV �, '� A, *LAA.,* ,FT �t. Vb&*Ix;*jtg,h4d, � , , IF UY *ftta -*TA06 At -AU ZAI r& Allill ;�`-� 7-,-17- -,7-' . I , ., , �, .1; I � I � � 11 I/ I I . i I . 11 11 . � . . 1 661i,.,.i,.._, 1 � I )f LI4 words. Wl,1 bould tbey never tio hero wain I "Aull 0s qffemd no . watmovit; silence seemed to be IlAg" . mt. � He showed her every nook and V,or- tier that wait dear to bim's arid tbill's was nothing but roveiome in W11 hQu- asit heart for her when Ile "id— L olUall Love Dy"cry place 'lie mill" for bailing ,men you there." she could nut even affect to be angry ; there wan nothing but the greatest respect in Tild value- -, You are very kind," gibe answered elimply. They came pretioutly to a bright lit- e In t of which 0 fountain w.L% playing. They roused under the dr,coping boughs 0 somf noble trevi, wbore seats had be,64 Placed. ", rhid, is my favorite spul_.� t4"� marked. "I brina Lay cigars and pa- 1pery here every tiny. The only thing I mi;ss is suclety. It its very dull to be alone In a large bouse, like this. I cannot toll you bow I long for a Corn- panion. I %botad have been outhank- fUl to hFAVIN had My Mother here and a house full of brothers and sisters." Her lips virted with a faint bound, blut whether it Was of Bympathy or pain he did not know. Thu color rose In her fair face, then died away, leav- ing it white as a rose. f a told her thin some weeks ago I She rose from tile seat where he had pI ,to- ed her-hii favorite aeut-and walk- cdonalowly. Elefoliowedher.Hadhe grieved origurpritied her? Ah,uo, it was Impossiblel Thorn wad nothing in what he had said to do either." ., you boo the little white gate therell, he said. "That leaddLutoul mood, where there is a shoot of water about which there tire many strategic stories. It Is called the Black Pool, Would you like to bee it Ill " Yei, very much." she replied; and they went thiough the woodland un - tit they reached the water - For year-% afterWILrd the seenO haunted Dolored-the black silent wa- ter, ahaded by somber -looking tr000, not a lulVt of life near it, mytiter-lious, woird. "If you thrZw a stone In it," said Sir -Karl, suiting the action to the word, " it seems to make no sound, and scarcely to cause a ripple." He turned away with a Builder. "It is enough to make one melancholy. Come away from it, Miss Cliefdon." A curious sensation, for which she could hardly have accounted, took possession of Dolores. It seemed to her (is thougl this Black Pool had Bud- donly become part of tier life, as though she had seen it before, atilt should see it agaLn-a curious feek Ing that made her shiver, turn cold and feel fnLat. - Do come away, MLau Cliefdon," he Implored. He had walked on a few steps; arid Doloroo; atilt with that atrange feel- . ing strong upon tier, rejoined him. He apoke without looking at her, .. I total have this place altered," h a sal it. ,' There is a disused Coal- mine near bore. It hats long been clos- ed, and almost all traces of It tire remo v0d; built once there was ater- rible explosion, atilt since then the ground about bore bee never been qu . its safe. TW� are deep, treacter- ous li which if a Mae fell into he Must meet the most horrible of deaths. Some of the openings have beon filled up; otbere ano terribly dangeroua, as they are hidden by long grass and cannot be Boon. Somewhere about here, or at the other sWo of the plant, ia tile mouth of what was once the abuft. I have never seen It but I am told it Is a torrilil 0 place Whom I have time, all this shall be attended to. I sbould like to Chang the pool Into a plousaut take, and thi place-whioll iti really boautiful-int � pleasnumoo. It would be a grea Improvement, would it not?" I " Yes," she answered, "it would b �very much better. Let us got awa from the pool," she added, hastily ; "I I Makes me melancholy ;1' and in mderic they walked on aide by side. : They went then to n little woode edifice eituated on an eminence . from which they could 13 c , one of tbo prottieSt landscapes I I 1)ngland. Dolortys uttered a cry of do ' Light. Sir Karl Bmiled. . " I have different spots for ddle'r . edifice eituated on anf,j eminence from lwhich they could Be to me here." A lauddem passion Betz ' ed him which he Could not control I "The drearn of My life, -the sweetest I I ent Mooda," he said. "When I want t the brightest -is realized when Ise you atandlxW here in my favorit haunt.1" . She shrunk from illim with some - tilling of distress in bar face. k�h must not listen to such words, now but, it be Iliad said them we it go Cal a how different life would have been Site looked half 'longingly at the path they had left. He caught the glance lentil said quickly- " Nay, (to not hurry I I will not say me word to distress you. We shot never. in till probability stand here together again. Do not take from 'me the only loam of 'happiness that can eve r reas me," I A grent fear came over -br-as to , w 'hat lie meant, as to what be was going to do. He had sold before that Lhoy would never be there together again. Fear overcame prudence ; t4he turned and aooked 'him straight in the face. To Be Continued. ALL ABOUT THE MIGROBE. — BOSTON MEDICAL MAN SAYS THEY ARE REALLY LIFE-SAVERS. — Doctor. Are on the Wrenn Traork - Dr. Polve 11-ratioundA Me Theory Th -if Ractillt A" senvenvel rea0low 0aly "Natter. Dr. Charles, & Page, of Boston. has pronounced time startling theory that 1xioilli are not the causes of dia- ll but am natural aids to Its cure. "The longetr I consider the subject," he say's, "the tul thoroughly ,am I convince,d of the prnotical a colXraoy of the position that in ovury instance of discalse, qr rather I should say, of sickness, which should alwnys be re- �garded as Nature's Mean,% of Curing disease, the so-called germ is natually the product or result, and .not the cause, &nd that the germ theory is at pr*nimt hold is amothar instance in medicine of the cart beCtitro the borso. '�Mioro-oqrgalrllisms are found overy- wattern, Myriada of them enter our bodies at each breath without doing the least Wory. They are scavlon- gors. Ill Icgitimate work Is bo, clean ant thol sawalrb of our boi Whervil there Is decay or, doolixta- posing mutter there 111"avlerg are engaged in Moir 'business of noutra- lisationi, stanitation and purlfjo- Lich. NAitURE'S PHYSICIANS. *'Ucy feast upon the effete animal end vegetalAc Iftattar. Ift" nil in - Jure the boalthy, and axe the natural ftiltindo let the dlsoai�6d- They are XA_ tllt"'A pillysloitt" conAtalittly employed ki �We"atllsg detiompilialltIg and worn- * c -At tuatteir fmart cloggiag the machin- fty of the bomfiAl M*6XIsm The bm- man, TA01ttit. ok&t. st6liftach, Int,61- tin" and 1"kh 0* Wbal by roll- UOVA of tb*aib little OhmItUIAZA. arl6i u6viu says It toisly be , pWitilt tbkt We W111 16aft to 019OXI 6*1 6Xt;*&&hto) 0M 00-AWIcd ttokftls Wit $4 4MJ4 0 we %q kill tlifli "- oti,&4 I IIAt atatl6tliiilk of iihc, JUMA Uodl, 0 101iftl4*04 - - � 1 7 - . 1. � IA.," 4i 00 """""` � . . It . � I I . I . � I I . � I 11 �l . I .1 - I . � I . I I 11, 1 111111111111111111111111"_., �.�, , � " I., � 1p .. �11 � - - ­_�. 1 . 11- .. � 1. --- . - ___ _ , , , . .ne, ,1l1,,,1&_1l1W1ll1,,� '960,%4W ­­ livere not in any tea" atiKuate to a - Goo � , __ I . pinlaul was doltywei0i by t frsln� wilivillix6 Who spoke WItN g; ao U,tal r I large export fr4it trade from the vies on tbo reWlaustrut b�tl 1; � 41teo .9 thit, Irlidi,g. 1W.gui.brig the " sewlt al ]methods tot treatawat to 0% *9 Fm fwerpative madkina. He be;ilua by � . posivibilitlieg inherent in the fruit L I I E" � Mix that Fa4tourlis preventive, =11 trade a* a mcd�m= tox richwUlitsiting . I 'W30.9L. . it , atjong are based an errip,rdi and are their moiribittad prosperity., Mr. ClrAm­ . to Illo.0 � I Tito rew�til w add ­ are the oubcogme, of Illogical ividiloticilas usra OF Xd6L btwlain. with that quiteltucaa of per- 11" pAbileved a celebrity vuloquallold by other& , =,clil flive it your a-� The value, of irnmek tow ma4arc bas im, tow Which ho is remarkable. t1to =Lv= it. X=tniatiold W tb it, one quIllity iinwry one at tbaull, . opt on r tried It and 030. "Tbe few disea""elvii ll�r- beem. mviell, diacuslood by strong adviot- c Lead P44*09" 20131), 4a, 'a robvis which bacteriolosista have, dIX­ Ivied the idea of gublaidizin; a — =_�_� Oates amid gtMng opperecatlii, both conce "l ..a. "'a, ,Q114, covered associated with haman ILIA- new fast direct lime, of mail aticam- 0940, ead Which they cava isolate and parties speaking trQm expIcrieXLec. the Went Laill". . � -_ V %e*9W%,W-----­"g, " ."d oultivate. are those of tuberculosis, This is because of the muck our black ell to THE INA.,UGURAL RUN. And hole It Li ­x ,'III g . I diphtheria, clutterio (ever, cholera and deposit in awarmilidt, or at the bottom . plairiter 'but these,' con.tWur Dr. Hence It comei about that tho t Paint Paint muo') 'P, ... .... 'h ­P wig of small ponds, ban been and ever will P'i't 1. lub, ,uJ the I�bul Is Wilivoi 'a" found assooiatc,d th de- 3licamor Port Murnmit loft Bristol re- lost. BUY to. c�-1 l-110 )LI. L�ll baAal. 0,yed tive,mos, anA it is Open to ,il be variable in quality, and partly be- i Your House geL Don' P-1 "O' , cently for Kingston' Jamaica, on the 0 . Is �­L­ P, 'e. meat whether, inatead of being label- cause of thin mazuex in which it was . u lie t�l but P,) I.— tb led the unconditioned causes of those used or the &W on which it wall put. tua gural run of the imperial direct 0 W For he bo -1 -1 I—— P� ... diseasciii, they may not be performing A muck may contain Much vilege- West 1­iPd line. The new service, . made. 7 . a benign function in changing the Which will be a fortnightly one, will D"Msay, S decayed tissucA into harmless pro- table mattleir the result ell plalata be Maintained by four now ateamexiB. -1 1, � I IN'" ducts, just as various kinds of mici that have irrown and died tbk-,Te, to It its hoped, and not without a good I I osganisins are necessary to change which cast it should W valuable, be,- allow of reason, that within a abort 11", Paints " lt'�­ filth and all dead organic XtIatter in a -t .",,J I- , I 1, G use of the humms in. it and title nitro- Are the pull g ,,,, h ­1e. to harmless Matter.' gen that reisulte from decay, ati well time . , with the advent of the now - Lifying �nd,p­ 11 all a,-OuL "The bacteriologist so dominates Bervice, there will spring up in the Do you ­ It ill �".",: �Iile the public press that we almost seem as fox the micchallical effect it will I % tould ip,o,lia,l -I'd �1' l'­,'t_i ? to live in a baculue,-IstXinken woirld. have in tightening up Or making Indileo a great export trade In fruit. I .a.L Ill Iwin", �rl, P', - u Into fresh life the dy- I Solid u. ll I—[ , --j , � d ,,it lor and so far as preventive, medicine is porous the heavy and Compact sell, or which will to l concernod bacteriology has rat,herled it may have much of the washing from Lag emberm of ,,,,,area Wallob. Of late out Bookie( - K ' "" us on false lime,,I in assuming that the the surface or surrourlding higher years has all too godly, languished. disease developing microbel of any Land, wuoh may hare I been One advantage which it Is hoped the A. RAMSAY & SON I disease lit the cause of that disease." well manured to add to the value of 0 the muck, or much Band to make it viewstavize willeonfor onthe English PAMT PAAKERS L. putrI But it is of that which is tilde of the cool is the cheapening I MONTREA hat we Of fruit, as well as the multiplica- Est'd 1842 It FATHER'S STORY. tw-cLu1Id0fspvea,gkotnaobw10 noutteLcr, t -bo most 1, . I — . vuluable when pirloperly used, yet am tim. (it the varieties of fruit having I * "`-0 -,a movil,wevel *,% lw 111011411,"-W�,%,�- - — I element of danger when not treated a vogue in that country. From the I .. --- I I a Tells How His Son ]ELOgiLlinted as it should be. 12 it haB1 belon. water West Indleo will be imported under Health and Strength. soaked most of the season, the rege- the now order of thing -4 all the ortho- table matteir will be but little decay- dex fr1lite, to which the Britibhers ,fad His Spine Injured and ed. and it will W so acid In its Char- bave, been accustomed to for genero, The Federal Life for Two acteor when first taken out thkt no tionia. such aa oranges, bananas and Yorturs Was Unable to do Any Work vegetation. will start on it, or grow pineapples, but, besides these, they and for Most of the Time Was Cow where it `ia used freely. it is a vulu- are promiselit other vuricties, which, duad to the House. able absorbent to use in the stables, t,hough delLoielue and popular In the M -r. M. D'Entircitnont, a well known hog yards amid. other places where United States, and other pi of the Assurance Company there is nead of all ab&wbent If warU, are compurativ,ely little known farmer living at West Duibnlco, N.S., placed under Cover when dry in the In the British isfe�. Iii'm Instance, writos;-"l believe it is only right fall; also vuluable to mix with man- it is proposed to bring o"r such rare OF CANADA. ` thati8hould lotyou know the benl,­ ux`fx`m poultry houses, vaults ,lid a" luscious thinga as the grape fruit, ,- -_ to Mix with fish. 80— have I he shaddock, the custard apple, and coulpan) w_ h,11 �tt its head fit your vuedicino-Dr. Willianw' Pink oven to Correct the the M, "go. Thu nineteenth annual meeting of the shareholders of thib advised the use of lime brought Pillb-have been to my son, Constant, effects of acid in it, but the seasm- Mon. on Thurtilay, the Itb indtant - Is Illic abla,ricc of 01- I'""' "6 At the some, time -and this, -after 011106 In Ham ,,I .ad x4r. Davill "'LL'Or. sixteen yearal of age. r sum and frost, which ell all, bi the primary object sought to Illness. Mr. William Korns, Vice Pr,i,iddent, wasappointed Chaim, . years lie waa: almost a constant inva- be behilied, in its wark by throwing be attaimi,ed. by Nk. 011amborlaim-the Secretary. lid, the rwult of an injury to his the heap ovetr La summer and per- people of Jamaica will be encouraged DIRECTORS' ItEpoirr- . hails in the late fall again is profit- to build up an Industry which, in a � spine while working with his brotherH able. The muck that contains much Commercial sense, will save their ,rho directors Presented thourannual report, all follows: - On t lie I a r-nL lie grow weak and Bond is worth but r directors have the honor to present the report and flearicial ,tail of tile company little, and will country fxom further impoverish- you ,goo, duly voueliet for by the,,u,lat,m for the year �h tell closed on the alst December. listless, had no appetite, and for live ant repay trouble in getting it out relent. For the parurpose of thorough- ourbeen hundred ,Lad forty �wu "I ,,,,tlons for years was unable to work and was for "ad handling- it. ly carrying out the idea In an or goo- The now ImAne-ts of the year consisted of f thirwon hundrod ,,ad ,,,,,,I,), upp,t,a,was, for ized businesslike way, a fruit core- insurance, aggregating $2,094735, of whloh hor informa- the most of the time confined to the $IM983 wereacoopted; bripiloationa for $98,760 were rejectedor ht-ld fur furt FEEDING FOR BUr,rgR FAT. pany has been formed, with a capital ti�., ' ' and the house, and (Or a part of the time to of a quarter of a million. Asin previousyears the income of the o)lllpanyehow4 a grRtify,119 lactu­'- It is bed. He suffered Considerably A fat animal contains within its Another advantage which will ac- aesetsof the corn pany" have been Increased by $2 i IJX 12, and have U,W rOILC1ILd 11,1271,340.W, from palms in the back; hia legs were own body the material for creating orrue will be the throwiag Into closer djohnavoof gu4tranteecapital. Lh�I 1-1010 Of the The accurity, tor polietboldem, including guarantee capital, amoklitt'd i'll weak; and liv had frequent headaches. bee t * If the food given, Is not saf- touch the native people of the West year to$2.149,055-92,andL ollabilittes for resurvod and all out,nollor; ,I-,,,,, $i,1.13,738.07, I ficient for this purpose, it cal feed Inklies with those iff the rolothe Cull- gbolving a Hurplue of $1.0 317.8& Exclusive of uncalled guarantoo , iwit"l, OW Iiurplum to At different times he wag attended by try. lillr. A.,L. Jones of the"Erldo - poll holdard was $147,6021 the ,,laO,lIt of sllA.W7,03 of two doctors, but got no bome,ftt from upon or aWorb and assimilate the DempetoT Company hits axran gad a w volloteR on sixty five lives bc came claims thr,,ugh death, to the treatment. Then I procured an fat of its own body, if the digestim scheato for bringing omr native West hioh T19,500 wa. rehl,l need In other corn pan to,. � Inc oiling cal dividends and dividends applied to the rocuction of pr(,,IllI­IH,$2:1,M.28, I t .(I to $17 0 8 1 3, 58, electric belt ifor him, but it was sim- With annuttice. $ l) ,, fu,i,l,, larg% on Illy Money wast(A wl it (lid not do organs are in condition. But Ny,hen Indians,whomay be educated, at low �, 029.66, the total payalents to pilloyholderIl &nioul -i b) ru,oryom. Ose him a particle of good, Ono day ralore 'heat is not nooded, it has the rates, in the umiversitioEf of Great lool).refulattentan bee boon given to the invo6trnout of ttw ,-'T, Britain. rtgall"ecuritos and loans oil the oompany'm r,olicies. nallijy ­­ , CO com nice while my non wag reading a news- same power to convert this fat into - a,veatments h3,ve yielded resultl butter than he average r,)MI1LII of ln�ura I Pa paper he ca.mr acroaq an article fell- t h, Iyu t ter - - doidt; business In Canada. fat of the milk The fat ";xpoasos have been confined to a reasonable liolit, 00110iia,ellt v, ith duo oforti for now ' Inc J� (In itl to Ing of a cure In a sorno'whiet similar will produce milk with, MKIr The'llold .tB....d agents of thecompany aro Into 11hit, nt nod 1O)a). und r(, L ed case through the ust of Dr. Williams' introli credit for their able representation of the conip,my'" Intor­t'. 11 h, nicinbortit of the I Pink Pills, and he then decided to givic it than the loan cow whon �otlhlltar,: FIVE DOCTORS ,'),u,,, ,t,,,,,6,, also ioroved althfulinth000mpany4servio i 0, capital to $l.I,,0,UoO, 1 110 amount thoin a trial. After the second box receiving rations not sufficient in Having decided to Inorc Ih Fitarantuto or sul,crilod all, "corkaet on, your directorsiI,sued Ol 121th Novotntwr ll',�t the balance 1!111J,�D of borized by our act of Incorp, ore allotted was taken there was a marked dm- quantity or an to bar requirements 3,000 ohareit, at a premium of 40 per cent. on the arriount called, I'llo, e �harOH W proverneurvt in his condition. ' He in quality, but she will lose flesh in 1i I and taken by the oxi.ting ohareholdere. Though thocall of $13por,,liarv, w- required only omtLnued the use of th-3 piII8 until in bi-monthly Inetalments, tile gt eater portion of It wail paid b0fore t 11-10- Of the y car. he hall taken eight boxes, limit they doing .lie. When we put fat on a — Thomhurancosotirriedbytho company now ,olount to$12176,28-1,20, upon which the com,Lany hol-is reserveli ta the full amou at rolia IrLd bylaw, alk (1, jo ,ill d, Liva oicroi o, a coneld- WE have restored him to health. His all- cow we are feeding fat into her IN A SEVERE CASE] OF KID- orah on 'u" as above shown. DAVII) DKXTEIL� JAIL H. A IrTY, m,­agiag mirector. % petite has returned; the pain haq left milk that will be shown whom she NEY DI,I-EASM AND LAMB President, his back; he ha4 gained flesh; is able Lo ride a bicyclo, enjoys life and is is on short rations, ana we noveT BACK. AUDITORS' ItEpoirr. able to do a day's work ag well as any Claimed that we Could Inereabe the - thex To the President and Directeirs of the Federal ute Agsurarico ('oe­P,,,nY ! one of his age. ThN letter is giv- butter fat In the milk In any 0 Dodd's Kidney Pills Corn Mr. Anderson Gontlarrion: We have made a careful audit of the bo,'ILH Of your counrany for tile year en gladly so that others may Warm WO unless we had a co,w that end nd have cortilled tothair oorrecrn,liH. the merits of Dr. Williama' Pink Pills, would not fatten when giving milk of Waterstdo, N.D., After Five Medical Ing 31st December, 1900, I% ed with tilo lo(igev a. I, tni)tj nild are found * Mon Have Pronounced His Case Allen Tito securities have boon inspected and camper ; and find a cure if ailing." LU that case fat-producling food will to &free th or" with. - lutoly Incurable. he tin Inotal position of your company, as on 31st DecornbOr, IH ItIlica o -i by the accom . Dr. Williams' Pink PIIN care such show its rcs;ULts ia the milk il� the ying dtall.emaiii teA abovv because animal can digeist it. If she Cannot Wak6­rs_id`e`_-N'-eMarch 18 -Special. pal Ro8pooLfully subinitiod. ' It, 13, STEPIII"-S' 0 they create now, rich, red blood, thus it must pas.4 olff in &ome other way. -"I ball been No often induced to J, J. NIAIIIN� 11 strongthening weak and shattered The ofteal-quotetl tust of feeding try patent medicines by the reading Hamilton, Ist March, 1901 AtidlLortl. C nerves. Thill do not purge and weak- tallow to it cow, Bad finding that heir 0 I oil like other medicines, but strength- milk bed no more fat in it, do,, not f the wonderful Cures said to have FINANCIAL STATEMENT, 1900. en f roul the first dov.. to the, last, Sold priure anything. The cow is not been effected in sitimilar cases, that Premium Income .................................. ...... .................... $ 4i ,,704 76 1 by till dealors in tri,edicine, or sent a lmeat-eatLng animal, and wc have qowt when I feel it my duty to write - " i'.' .io, i i 4 01 y po,9t pai4 tit 50 colita a box or six m) reason to believe that she would Interest and Rents ............................................ ­­ - - --- -- - , the story of my own cure by the use Capital Htook ........... ............. ... . .................................. ... :11,villi 00 t boxels for $2.50 by addressimg the make an7 m,O,Te tallow or butte(rlf4t Premium on stock .................................................................. 15,600 00 e f Dodd's Kidpey Pills, I ant carefully _____ Dr. Williams' Sledicina On., Brook- � she was gimn suet, lar,d Or castor 0 $ 511,093 97 Ville, Ont, . oil in. Ill food. Bnt giv,a her fat- a�voiding any comment Of 'my own or llaid to Policy-HolderN for Deat h Claims n tyroducEng food that she can digest any complimentaYy rds. I simply Endowments, surrender values aill profits ....... � .. .............. I ....... I ... $ 17o,813 58 I .... � ... � .... 116'.55.Z.35 t I - 0 and assim)AIaW into her system, and state the absolute faci's of my Case ��xponses, taxes. dividends and reinsurance prointurna .. ­ I ..... 0 KING EDWARD'S HANDS. the fat inut I go to Milk, flesh or tal- .alailoo, ............ � ..................................... I . .... ... ..... ...... 11 ... t93,728 04 - - n An export character reader at,tes Law, and whein in either of the letter as follows : $ -- , m i, --gi-il: - that the hand of King Edward VII, is 8 he can 4'raw upon it to add it to " I have been treated by five differ- ASSETS, DEC. 31, 1900� .... I ...... $ it 7.75t so the milk, (,,mt doctors, and ba,ve taken a lar NbentureA and Bonds.:,:.:'.:::::: .... :: ­::.­ " � ..... � '' * ..... 1'. � :: ............ 4112(1,404 83 - W truthful Index to the character And 9" ,NIort;rIVge8 L ............. ' " .... . � ..- - .. ...... . ... 2:0,:114 69 ' amount of patent medicine during the [,calls secured by policy re orveH ............. ......................... .. � .... 249,808 81 , I tondoucd,ea of Queen Victoria's Battles- SLIREADING MANURE IN WINTER. Lasi four years for Kidney Trouble ("h In bank and other assets ..................................................... -4---- ' sor. It is small and aristocratic in its After 50 years' experionce I think it and Lame Back, from which I have 271,340 92 form; not womartiall, bat showing tin , be(yn suffering. I was very bad. My Reserve Fund ............................ L . I , A � Ill . LIT . I . L . 8 ........ ... I ................ $ :�073,902 67 . is bes t W dra w mia nure oq t an (I sproa it life at times scanted a burden. I got 0 !aims unadj list ad ............ ................. ............................... .... ...... 25,I)m 37 1 unusual harmony or proportion Lia, its it as fast 49 n2ladc, w,rites a sub,scrib- no relief until I was porBuaded, to try ProAtont, valuo of el,aijon paid by tn3talMOntS not duo .. ..... . ..... ... 1. � ... l:;,889 93 0 bony structure. The texture of the Dodd's Kidney Pills, I cheerfully give ilrosentvaluoofdlvidenasappliodontoiiipor,tryroduotionsotproiiiluiii3- ... 10,013 08 0 i s sign of a na- eir. I ham had better crofps from this unsolicited testimonial, that I Finvii ..................................... ........................................ 147,602 95 0 land where manure had been spread _____ have received mere benefit from six $ 1,?71,340 92 ture not Inclined to Intense mental so- on a foot of snow than on atijoixting boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, than Guarantee Capital ... .... I ..................................................... � .... 877,713 00 tLvity, yet by met mestits weak In men- land willere the manure was not from anV and all other eourcos." - -.----- 0 tality. The King of England'a hands S I i.� Accurity ....................... .......... ...................... 1-1 .... $ 2 149055 92 pread until spring. Whore the av- Mr. Anderson is in carnest. His I"" .11OI'a,, wort) 1, �quod wtairing ........... ........ .......... I ............. .. .. i995:985 50 ; tire very white. The palms are soft 8 8 straight -forward statement of facts l'o.al As�u rance in force .................. ......... -1 ...... I ............. .�..�� . I!,176,282 20 . farmer makes his greatest mi . . On inotion of Mr. Kcrn�, seconded by Mr. T H. Micphorgon, the port was adopted. 'Igo - carries convic Lee 1 and roid, showing a warm, lov- eT' tion. Lame Back ,"and Tho Maikical D,rocotir. Or, A. Wottivarton. proAuntol an InteremO g Wl&.81,10al port of the take is in not saving liouids. We Kidn" Disease do not seem ab to inortali y of the company for the paot and peovious yearll. . ixg and equable nature. The palm tali- are told that liquids are r ichor Ill exist where this wonderful remedy is The retiring diroctorl,; were ro-olected, and at a Bubsequent nic,lot ri� or the o rd. Mr. Jes. a era slightly, and the fingers ere full plant food than solids and yet 75 por used. It bag been made very popular L Beatty w(w ro-clootod Prosident, Uout�-Col- Kerns and Mr. T, 1. 3,11t p 1� on, V too - at the base and taper fit the tips. The cent of the farmArs lot all liquid go 11'e,,aidonts. 11 finger nails reveal pby%iO'AI tondr,noles to w in this commuetty by the hearty an- -1 as to arid them wonder why their dorsation of Mr. Anderson, who is a ' -------------. - - _. - -_ I toboart trouble or apoplexy. The new farMs grow poorer every year. For weal known and wery highly respecLed Newcastle Scots hare dociAled to asic DOUOLA13 OROS., King's bands betoken a man not Bag- solving the liquids nothing will equal Metallic SKYLIMITS 124 Ad.1,1,1.19t., lly vexed. . s citizen. The success of 'Dodd's Kidney theWar office occe more to let them TonosTo. 0.411 ,waxap muck, as it will Bleak nil more Pills in Cases like those of Mr. Ander- ­ - --- - - - -_ ____ - 0 ham. six times ali Much as sawdust son, has created a demand which thp forr-in. a Corps of kilted. rolunt-1 AIUSKOKA COTTAGE SANITORIUM. ow loa` It 'a useless 'a Its rawstate,,. local druggists have reported as un- other ciaxpe object. — alul should be dug In the fall, drawn precedented. -_ to ,,, the high lands rind spread two feet 0 -d f -d -d all" -Uld I..k b0t,,2n,l, it no il A (orre,iriandent relig or 11"' racillitt's do p where it will freeze, Pluard"Ainimeut for sale everywberb 'i oen in your to-, wraa'aj­-t ,,nt,, Provided f,lr live rutkniII. The Duke of Argyll Me been col ld. Doi IV .4poing it will be a fine dust and will BRITISH AMILRICAN myalNQ 00. " This institution is dovuted 4o tit(, soak up its own bulk I would have paxing landed proprietoirs to landed The value Of the estate of Lord treatment of persons in tha, varl) it it I had to draw it five Miles. A F-,, imn n. Tbey are Ill says his Kensington, who died at Bloemfontein _ _ ___._ _ _NIONTR EAT,, ___ - --- ,stages of consumption of tile Jungs. Irl of it soaked with liquids Is, fat as Grace, at the,Lr last last June, has been Etworn at �C`711,000. ROOFING and Shoot Metal Works. In fact' ROOPINO SLATF, In rih,ek. "W. J, It.," in a reoillmt. issue of a much value as a 104d Of the best &ta- it is largely a questlRoaasof roKI,% and IletiorCirlien, 8LATEl1I,A[KB0A,l1l)8, 'Toronto daily, after speaking of the ble maxiUM porches, Public and High School. Tnrontp� RooflnsZ.*.-PW beautiful scanery and handsome Cottrell 4001l'i (8-N" 0ityliluild. ­_­ -1- -I --- ­ .--- ­ Insit, Torillito,donaby olir arn,) fitat�lcelllnp,aqr. buildings he found on the shore of THE NEXT SEASON'S WORK. lrlbilitt� 1-tlMW1f,i1nl.hl,,d for work wripl6teorrior Lake Muskoka, flays: .."riatil 0.4 in 411Y Wt of the ,.untg. Phone l9ft "In all cases the patients occupy iThe plans for the 'wowk f 4d 9x �erm�,.ii..,, , D-PUTHISISONkAdelfthISAWIdme ts.,irarents separrate rooing. Tit*, table board is yo -ax should be made lifter due Con - excellent, and everything seems to be Dear Sirs, -1 have ,licen a great suf ThU sillIastayo is On every box Of tb* Vdin" _______­___ - --- sitICTati0m. Wore the hurry of work", torer from rheumatism, and lately Wative BromoioQuh9neTablivis Dominion Line Steamships See- lilo.trom to Ll,�rpqa con,dutitivt to their happine" Facili- begins. One of the first things to have been confined to my bod. � so Nodift tbas emm Is so" aft me ties are vrovided for all kinds of N%,in- -M dtay floston to IA- , - Po"l- Pitltliald t- I­,,1p..L Vi- Qlut,ri. ter and slilmliner outdoor sports. The study is to learn the crel that are Ing your MINARD'S 1LINIMENT lid to-. I patients spend from eight to ton best adapted to the different fields, vertised, I tried It and igot Immediate Jill - lind F.t st­1i 4" 0.11., h�oiinod.thlj C ,.1 , In 1839, by an ae(t ad Pair�lament -,-­ .fN­­g._ ,,,r:, hourn each day in the open air. to r lief. I ascribe my restoration it) , n. _11 Saker.orq In and scarcely less important is health to the wonderful power of your the use Of dogs in London to dr -ii ar...,1,100p. "�l,li.tt�.�t,,�n..Ib.�nqi,,�,.(N Beceind 84I.." .ad Thild Cl.. ­�oinm.d.tj,.. P'li . zero w,cather I saw men reading, milli learn the pirdbable demands Of the medicine. carts as beasts of burden was abol- mitaIr.-W. 044 .11 m1tic.i.., ."I, to il .roatil ping and playing games on the piazza market. Do not bo In haste to plant LEWIS S. BUTLE isAed. ofth� Z-nylol and laill" doing fancy work and wr I t'-* R. ItlehArd., Mills & (3, r) T.rm... & (yo_ Ing letters In perfect contentment. largely of Lh,l which seentell to sell Burlin, Nfld. 77 St.t. 8L, 13.,lt.� litoranni and Fortiquid. The sunlight, ,open air, rest and medi- lit (Ile highest prices and pay tile Milard's Liniment Waves Neuralea. —* --- cal treatment seem to be yielding greatest profit last year. There are I TH2 MOST NUrRITIOUS- wonderful results. ()tie patient told so many who, do that that there may — 'The latest and most impti,rta,lit pro - me he had gained 22 1-2 pounds in be an oversupply rind 14OAv prices the - r% I four weeks, Dr. DeWitt, of Wolf- next year. And in planning the A statue of Admiral Blake basbeen ject On foot In England is the ,on- E P P wu S ville, Nova Scotia, w -ho came with a work it is well, if there is need Of struction of a canal from Sbuthamp- patient to the SanItoriun, said he hired holp� to be early on tbe look- `r`ct-i by public subscription in ton to London. GRATEFUL- OOMFORTINO. felt safe here as he sam no posaibi- out for the best, rather than to wait RridgelvateT, whiero be was borm - lity of contagion where only oases in and take. the cheapest, wbo tob often - AVENUE HOUSE "'ell 'I I � Colley- A ... ul the earlier stages of the disease are "Leave thl wages behind them" as MONTREAL. admitted. He Claimed that those the� saying iss in work negIcci Q, ftard's Liolsout Cares Daudruff. Panifly tratel rum st.50P."I.Y. 00C 0 A . I -_ fifty or more patients. gathered from mt prope-Tly (lone, in waste and break- --- The British succession duties ----------,-:—. ___ ----_____ all ovor the Dominion of Canada, and age, and In animals uncured for or some from acrods the sea, -,,vor� not abused. . One can still reckon as woodlamil brioruglit a revenue of nearly 00i - 00 . LL WRAP- , only sarLhi; their oAvIn liv for ur ------.4— three million acres In the United 000 in the last fiscal year. ' ther usefulness, but an te g tho, san a Kingdolim at the present day. W. P. C . 106S. " PINC PAPER of precious lives from ation. oat I PRINTED In one or Intany colors I — of them will ratutrill to their o es NEW ERA FOR WEST INDI 8 POR OVER PIPTV YBARS or ST111PED mt I.,,, pri.s,. S.M_ cured rind will become rulaslartaries of — F wim .,a ma, CALVERT'S Plast furnished on request. Special ", 7 healtil to their families and friends." . Ith I, eh,,rj las , 7 I, =u .. �e tr rra�"I.j - A COLONIAL OFFICE SCHEME TO , ,.,.., to, ,., '.7 quetatI0118 for car 1084.8 or letri .The doctors tell us that from one I ". "I friont, ul. ., OARBOLIC 10118- WrIt0for prtne,. sixth to one seventh of all diChths.are RESUSCITATE TRADE, � , W , tl,m� from 1:11berculosiF4, Ono cull of or- — 11 . Ib.. ��tdir s ,� OINTMENT& TORONTO WRAPPIXG ery four of those between fifteen and Impersang Developaiteat" Likely to - - - PAPEIR OOMPAX Y fitty-five years of oV result from Arise From Kitablialvaticat or a New Rev. John Rdbeirtson, of the "City For an skinallmentg. ,75 Adelsilde-St. West. this ostuds. It in astonishing how Colmlotritial tint-11ftlitterini Rteam,tl Temple," Glasgow, has entered on the J. 0. Clkh'W�k '00.,-Mancilisator, Inglia"nd ------'------_ _� . ._ !!, I --- ] man diseases spring frotim, it. It an- Services. charge of East London ,Baptist Tab- I I � nurZ clalbs more viotiml than A happy floWulletlon of effort on ernaille, Ourdott Road, To *one ftr over A smallpox, diplitheria, t phoid fever Goterileft Carts. Yellow fever, Asiatic Ever leprosy' the part of Nk. Chalruborlain,, as the - . Music Itisfue at Sheet P rorl i So merliales and whooping rl�h co�: head of the Clolonial Office, rind of "as luduat Cores Burns, MUSIO land *"it@ Prornise bitted. In Europ3 the State munici- MessTs, 1;,Iderl Dompste tit speritall mt" r & Corn. I Of cls000"L palitles, manufacturles, Itisurrince pany. whiialit has resulted, in the "­ — I . companies and priv,ate agencies tire I Tie Itriglish ovo,win weigba cynty 30 Teachers "' united In bottling with the ravuge.s tabibliment of the now Impftial dl- oil. 541wt., tbough it comprises precti- WHALEY, . To Pay of this discriso, All praise is due to rect "Wott InALIL mail service between cuts stomerf to the value, of 'em, ROM & Go. A Debenture Of The Canada Lord Strathoona and Nflount Royal, Sir VAgkthd and Samation, Uds fair to Wanted in vswo It 1`41"anent William MepWitb and tho4o awtonlifted dx,w on 6 1 Tortatti. ont, anti W69tOrn Canadsi the dawn of a now ova In ftATili Or 01110401-tif bi Totimo, 00ftagg Corporation with them Who bav',o statted thi'l the ohnflutyr6d. tibininprolAl career of 1;120AS COVNT'r� IS& litilial I is a promise movemi6tit it Canada, and baV0 pro. Juslut Or 6W A P.W. = the sum named thereirimblich that an 10 P`6V V*AXVt J. CakSlY Makes 0 e 0 ilit *'itai in a tilladisivied .V 11 any sum not I 0106116""I"t vided e0b eXittellent fllt)ilitits for the the Islom of the Will Indim The r6- t , I tY 16 rOW94 tit* blittedt. on the date " 0-1111 than $too 4 Wit wirlaot In tho, d1tv a - , Q, V . - ' Citirs If M1,401% buffiveiii in tho, ditt of I - Pecified, Wbich sUtolsotiul oblifidUct pf the Nmrk, cent inauguration of the crow 8"vied 14010C 0"bitIr of the Arm of r rat U4, TAI a . in one or mor --ty b; � . , I I Al ikim atiltaittatileald'hu at sta P. ZLIOOW I years, as the love I . 114DRX 11 I I . LI]M& AXX - I is an event of national momrint. of J MAYPrefer. Thoe�uponsatta ILULWAIZAVE,19D. , LA14F W tel Md er case Of CATAftit , , are promises I,, Pay TZ � _ 1, , late reavil the atiatar pliat6ril of tM alt. oviatrat, ?a* fti y tb6 us* of HAWis 10(erest on the Wht;l4rA"IiAg an A railway ru West InAles h&,ft b6m, experiencing PIA0)"M 4x Im. It Will Pay You I amount half y"'Iy at fo � . I . I lip"N't J. afixtzltly. Or an ur per cent. cab tell bow fast the Oslo Is "a ve±Y hard tIMA0, Orl largely tc, tM ... t " ' I*' i d ftb**iU6'(, SOW''At barawltrodeeelolits 11161M. The entire virigell of * N t A �)t O'l, 'he Complany, amouhtin to $,.J.. . . , isith la �Ib& A, j4 at 01*60 0611illAbAlon Oa. Limited 1* I 883 are security * I* � . I 0AWAtit IA'. Tiolen 11filtnertil of ... %it"' *1 0 t0v to bdr ill foll6*10* lfk*6thqd�, The till System, of baropit*h �6"tltsd bill ll**t ; A I , " in uti I , 9 JWrow" (* is, %%* &,Pro Ise& stap,fi posts 0&* Ok .tawwhy lim Mt%* ftor. Stan.# ivit thbit ha" it i __ , , �r�,�".-�-'�!4'"r'*Ift*'40'W'%VIW$t � I puftA W to t 1016. �� I . lbfit attentloo , t6 bmt 'clolitift7; al &WA Nt ikt4' httfii,ay saa .. - -,.,, iL. ­T-� I I .. - L I. � — , 0 " " 14W . - � 1000 ft the fin liftboult'll , I ftt tw,v It = f I , 14 tit& as aft A7011(fts, to ttytt�talsux, ot= .I 11 . ""OND'NCK INVInL ot fnf 06101) 'I ,� ; A vibbitte W, tft, I 44CX101'V&h'Vlli4V t. li 0A vosult #t , . I 11 h1Z - = 6 1. l �*bu klilis 11riopw #A WhA #* toit tit Itm - tawylge'l .� foll1tw itrak I 11W I I 11 - , h, �� 'l , , "t�-�Uoutih *bi,4**� a - - i � I . *Vok oiii, bau U **Ukj� , I ,i� ., � . I � .1 I'll, , nil . �. .1 . I I ,* I " 0'. . . � ; . . I .: . . 1. J I I I I . � " . I . ,� I I I � L .1 . . I I �. � . . . . I I .1 I � _ � ,� - . V. L'� 4 1 461�_ * I . , I I � I'� I I 11 I . :. . -1 . l'. I :, I., . . 1. .�. I I "I ._., I �; , `,.,�,, . � � - - I ­ I f:,) lill�,;, I . I I 11 1. - - - 1% 1. 1. 1. 11. . 11 .. .- .1 . lo i I I 1� I � . ! I ,� , � I 0 1. .. - -1 � I I .. .1 1. . I .. I. � 11 . . 4, l� 11. ,, . . I I I �, , , I . I i, 0 ; . I . I I " . . .1 ". - I I I , ., 'Af,a�e,.ta.&-.i�-,,&��.��&,�-,ilil , ,,�_,, ,� __.�­'.I, -sl � " r �AL�a�-.1 11 I r I &LL.l _r ­lIl � ",' � - - - - - Idt -A".*_.&1A__ ­�__�&A.A-U-Oiiiaak , 1� I _ftN."A _AA&�Z,l _,lll",e&&,l , r .... - _� .. . a (41 0, No