HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-03-22, Page 5n
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1 AU0 00084WU STAR _14.41
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___ ___ , . _ I I _ _ - -.- __ __ I ____
W. Acheson & Son
�,! Sun WHO$ Of Dric8s G000ss,
1, . /I
., ",
I The judgment Of f"biou bad POrmikuOutly 621,111011 UPOn the following weavell.
I latest &ad best of the leading foreign man-daoturcre : Black and Colored -Silk issid
/ , Wool Ap-olians. Voiles, Uciariettas. Vcilipgs. Ikartraures. Albatross, Crepe do Chinos.
. I �, ,,flow the present vogue Of Batt Joads and dtfiplay the Newest Tints at EXTREME LY
I �'
1� L
I ,1
'i ,�
1i "', Wash Dress Fabrics,tsewo-
� q One of the most Attractive Departments in our store, with
1, : I
� 11 Ito great astsorkments of Foreign Giraphairs, Batistes,
,�, " Sateen*. 1AW116. OrgAZICILON, Peroales, Carnbries, assort-
. -
�,, Inents that are unsurpassed for Style or Quality by any
... �
�, house in Canada.
� '11, Inspection Invited.
'. �� 10
�1, ��'
i "
,L .
dk� A)
W. Acheson &Son
j"uniber having 14, sell their unitunIA,
Ube Gobert.0 !Btar- ,Lt' tab crippling thein Ili theirendeuvoro
".... .. 1__I;I_._1
TicLEPHOPIN CALL 71 4. Thatt, if any damage hits arlsen
front cows runnioz kit laige it ham been
------------------- �- cAused k�y contravention of Life Pcesent
, bylaw, which if enforced thei a would
FRIDAY. MARCH 22. 1901. - have been no complaints. $Anti it CHo
�__ � =� =__==�� �- - lie etifnived much mcne easily than it
Ill.,-, dra,li, one.
T4e Town C6UnCjj. L Coon Mnirtill moved life petition be
filed, the Uuuncil having refused it)
take ReLion oil a petition, and two
.,,Is Cow Question Again -An- voLes having been taken try the elec-
other Sult, Against the Town- tors. Re Cliold nol. agiee with Some
of the 'Latements in tire petition. fill -
A Big Lot of New Grata- It ,stainco, its Lot lie repe,kt voters -who
lithic Walk tobe Ad- could tell how these people voted P
vertisect Then its to tire Poor 111ILn'ti cow -would
-ouiehociv tell hint that such nien ;as
NVin. Achetion, J. 11, Colhoine, U. A.
-Cooncillor Murney wits the Oniv tiloullef, "Fill ottims becould natne,
;absentee I,tst Friday evening, bell ig who owtied cow-�. were pool- nien P lit -
"'it I hitik it %Aas Life (1,11 V of Ilia -
'in '
awav Sarnist closing UP tile sale of I'l3idolleil to e,ifolce Lite bVIaW8, hot tire
Illa onit there. Allont.506tiZells weee People whoowned cow' "It 11'suld bave
J)resent, Most Of whOul were evidently observed tilt- lrvlakv, they weru flow
interested lit the petition presented on so I't'I'l,xiolis -hoidd be ent'ji.ced.
C In. Rolliber did noi like i o ivroire
behalf of tire cowp. � sudl (Ili , largelyc' t4iK �Iled Petition, it
Al,t)161MLTNICATIONS AND PETITIONS. 8houl eceive )11�1 prith"ll, ItIld h..
Front the proniote'll (If tile Manitou- I moved, seconded by Knox, it, be ref�r I"
fill unit North Shote RILIIWILY. tasking I ed It, SPeVinl Coloillitlee ill considt'l,
Its-31.tflnce in secoring thO Usual stib. � #,,,I] ippi,vt to Council, Car ried.
A report from $exton John New.
silly fl.)Iu tile Ontario Goveinuient. Co!1lIle witsieferredioUenietviy Cum -
Referred to Special Committee. ilia I Lee. .
From Phill!,� Holt, its solicitor for I CoMMITTRE IMPORTS -
itichard RAO c I ffe. notifying thp 11111yGr
I fiat, I,W lig ton. ob,ti i-te, ion or .,low Tito Public Works Committee re -
moll ice (Ill 010 Hidewalk. I lie laiLler had P00ed 49 r"Il"%ys :
lallvo land broken one (11 his it"'M 1. They find granted Nlessri. Ache
,St.,,, Lo opepiul Committee. Alto lit I ,I stif-Illig pelolissioll if) ('111
'I'lle, clerk unnounced lhat tie hall d'))v1I evulall) shade Liee'SaIl Petitioned
ainswered it leLler 11-0111 V- %V, Bills & for -
Co., with refri-ence to dials Oil Lite 2. That no a(.tion be taken on Dick.
town -clock. in ... it & HoIllie.4 (.fail]) (Wit behalf of
A Jetter front the secretary of (lie D.ivid Reid, and I hat, I lie clerk notify
fire Company asked an uII0W'11),X' of $2 thein thereof.
,)ca, ,nan to each ineurber at Lending it 3. That the roof ef (lie Town Hall
it re, Ili addition "A) the present allow- be examined nod repaired, that tile
since. Sent, to Fit e Committee. low,, (,fitcei; be chmiged ill tire loller
A letter fjotu Dr Holmes its follows: fiat, and tne Town tinli lie resettled.
W.:d. MITC11ELL, Town Clerk. 4. That tire laying of groinolithic
Salt,- I ,List in receipt of your letter walks oil Life followhig alreels lie ad -
of (lie lith inst.. informing tire thal. verti "ed : (ill north side (if Nelson
tile council to quested life to Send in any -1 A pet fvoto Nits I If t,- Waterloo ; 01)
annual report. Will you kindly its- Witte,100slif-0, both aid(',; , its wbol e
,etillo. till.. lengt 11 ; sout if side of I,flgin, fi orn Vic.
forto the council at Lheik in4 , 0 Tt)ro.t(,. sk,,(i niotig To,onto Co
evening Chat 1 sent in ,uV annual pe. Locia t
port oil Nov. 15, 19W. tit the chairman gritannilt ; West side of Vic( oria front
Air tile Boattal of Health, tile St-attile Gloocester Tot 1.11ve to Kingslon $I revi;
directing the time, nod place to which hoof Nelson ,Liver it) Elgin Avenue oil'
I he topoet should go? you will also east side : oil Welleslev stl-t, off
I flat it I. sotl(II 4ide, to Cohourg street. tit)(]
please inform tire cooncil t I howle o
Clio charl-RIAll Of Clio Board (If Health ,Along %�Ooth side of I"911 I
,who stroald, t4�!od Ili an annual repoi I I 1,,.;sex and filling sooth still' of E,s,ex to
to the con, cil, and tbnt this report Norfolk ; Niv ellington street oil west
should be ill riot later than,Dec. tat Ili side front Britannia Road to (lie hill -
each year. along Life Huron Road on South side:
.R.O. front BritannilL ROIld to tile rRil-
The clerk explained a letter from wily crossing, that; latter to be done at
David Reid, ofTerin to unlond coal at the expense of the town.
1,11c. pet- ton, allying Kit. Heid evidently 6 , That ,.he wharf hill road lie grit-
...... sed I he town would pity for un. velled.
ng lien tire cont.ract with Mr. Sonic discussion took office over the
Lee incilded unloading. No ReLion. t-hinse with reference to sidewalk (Ili
A letter front W. 0. Goode. as Chair. Lhe Huron Road. Marlin find Canto.
Man ofa committee front the Board of !"ll 11houghLin view of tile large and
Trade, asked a conference with tile frvquent, 4ravel to tile celliete " v tile
council on the question of publislainst co"nei I would be witi ran tell I if I laying
an annual repol L of the toivn's trade. ,If sidewnlks the whole way tit t te ven.
*Laid the question of It new G. T. R. evid expense ; but, fit any rate, if the
station. Referred to Speciul coal,- electors disapproved of Lhis recorn-
inittee. triptid)ttioo Choy CO till ertsilv report
A let -ter from Engineer Kelly aid. their objections find Chat would sLoti
vised tile hase of tonr lightning it.
arresters = smile other asnopli ea. Councillor Humber said the nial Let
Sent to Water and Light Colunlitt,ee. had not been folly considered in cona.
Inittee, and %N-11ple tl,.e expenditure
AMOUNTS ivils So large he wits Opposed ,o),111 prillui
Wore referred to lainance Ccininiltee title it) ,;ti( -h if recoloniendaii unless
as follows. Hugh Dunlop, Lliree it wits flrst fully consideied find ;ill Life
nionths rent (it building on West cost coonted. '
stivet, to be used for an armory, councillorlilartin bit 1,ack by sAy.
$02.5o; Gen. Stewart, relief order. $3; .11 g (,iouncillor Huniber's principles
Goldie & McCulloch, balance date on ` life%led 1110111sel . only Periods
conit,nct, with one year'Ai Interept, ""' ty, for he halt ,( ve4
call A opposed this'ec
V07.75. coloolell(Intion. ll,,t agieed to it, when
A PETITION it %ya 9 adopted ;if ConimiLtee.
11mul thirteen rAtepayervol'St. David's Rombet' And Nartel then inoved to
witard, asked the ittyinq of granolith'Ac refer Lhis clause back tit Lhe coinnlit,-
Sidewalk oil St. David St.,ropposite tee, which wits carried, Maitin find
lots IZ to 141. find anot her ona four- Cantelon voting tiny.
teen I ateptivers asked thp Inving of a Tile Special Coninlit(ee reported "
sidewalk on west side of Kenya street. follows :
Both wbre refeered to P. W. Coutillit-
tee with power to act. I The clerlc land been instrocted to
A lirgely signed petition said to wli . is Mr. A. 0. Connell Chat his pro
contain 370 unines, asked & council P"'Lion re-estatablishing a linwate
to take tit) action in prohibiting the li Was too lodefil0te.
cows froin running at large, on the fol. 02 , That cow bylaw come into fl)Tce
lowing grounds alleged : n the pasisinq Vic I rof.
I That the true wish of tile. rate- 3 That, wee 191, go to titke frorn tbp
pavert; had riot yet been oblained, Maidund Itive, Pvi%er Co., 2W horse
nitnough twice voted on, over 125 te. power lit $9Z) per It. p., with till- agiev.
petit votes having been cast Itt(liffer- ra.ent thlit we ,if*(, its get till the extra
ent wards. nearly all of whom ,tilre in I power we may require over I lint
favor of shutting up cows. and that I ul000nt, ,it saine ral P per h. p.. -laid in
"me voters vbted tuore than once on I (,Lse of lirp sill Power reqoired wilhoot
tile question in the saime word. and I extra cost flit same, providing it HAL14.
some were allowed in vote whose fnctory jigi.epiliert, call If(- inade witli
names were ont on tile list at nil, I cot anv ext rl�. ('05-( rt'gilldiog invreAse
2. That owing to the large area of "t"i extenvion of Plant and systell. be
streets In Godeiich it tile co,ws nreshut i Ing roquired. -
top the coat of keeping the streets in it, inoving itiesidoption ofilais r(
pupsAble condition would Ire very ,p,ov,t,,,(;hao,inan Humber explitined
Israel. necessit at I nx the eu t ti ng of I 11 e I a t ausse 3 was onIv ran offer to I lie
grain; to 'prevent our losinf the nanie! Power Co.. I-ot he thought if the town
of -'Gttdej ich ilia beautiful'. which we. spent Pit power sit I hat rote I hey woola
have held till a lixrgo atunih �r of years 'do weil. The report wns adopted.
3. The train tP tile poor People Of Ill; 1 The Finance ColonsittPe recommend
town woUld Ito very large. a great ed Intyn.ent of Hve account s a eferred
- - - ____
___- ____
Bell TeleDlIone Go,
I *jvhIjQ tile 11',RAII
GLEMING MARGH HICAD" 1. n.ing your
Televilo.io, you May b,
losing a r oluable order
SLE at@ 0 9 0 Refer him to the Public
Telephone Offlea.
f4A Ore. w1r.m. the charge Is ,%
rortertfs Book Wit a pall
Geo. Porter,
geveml DINNER SETS yet to clear, why not tecoro Phone 1110. I'Afral matuage
one at about ONE-HALF PRICF- I-
Itggntar 11,2.60. $its and S"; Salle Price, $7.0, $9.50 and $12.
Caps and Saticers, add pieces of China, Jalrdiners and Photo Frafrop. ONF-THIRD off
11,hve you Seen the MEDALLIONS in our show window for 25c ? They fare going fast
C.opysirlithk Books, paper aditions, publisher'o price 75c. Salt" price Me. or 3 for 61,(m.
(3loth Editions (acloyrijilbit) publisher's price $1.25 and 81.60 Sale price, 90cand $1.10
A large line of Papet Neirtils. $61e priffie too. ised 150. Cloth Edistions, 15a and 90a stsob
These PTIC49 6IS OW144 *1114111,
POVIT . . .
tA two), and &PO the #m4itpeo tziwo
tent UvTyubjj�t.ed " dimted by
� Statute. "it ir"wt,wAs a4OPtea,
al�gw avism"4
I councillor Hurailive called attentwo
� L totbartitifilthut 00derk-11 -lit# OR111494
�in thao 4,1 p,apectr as One of the jilacol
hA ,
, V,og 44 ,,tu,j,,r'PU,, Case. and *6 Wit
wits not now tr4e. uor had been for
sonic thue. tire nitayor should have it
contrill,dieted. This His Wooblils
agmett to do. .
A qu.pation Its to the status of the
antongiloestlort. for which a bill fur
Lbree urnianthat rent wds, now before, the
Council. 6rought frow tile Mayor the
stntenaeut that the contracts for re-
modelling the building wetv lot Ity the
Uovrrument. the work to lie dono as
Soon as Possible.
The kwtvur rerforlod that tie [laid
=azed &a nurlse for Mr. and Mrs. John
op, wh%i wetv tuath all. at $3.W per
week. and lie Would like the Uounell
to Say what should be done with their
cause. The matter was left with Lite
Relief cointulttee and the Council then
adjourned. I
Is Able to Rescue and Save
Though Disease and Suf-
ering May be Dragging
You Down to the
VN bile Paine's Celery Compound WiLh
promptness land certitintv Cures the Or-
alinary ills of Ili" that people stiffer
froir fit spring turare, its usediclual vir
tues and powers are far-reaching
Lnough to b1Lnl8h disease and suffering
even after the sufferer bus been pro
nouncpd in(urable by )its or her phy:
Paine'" Celery Compound hats, ae-
,�,nding in the honest testimony jard�en
try flood reds of well known Carl. 'in
People. drugged them f,.. certain
leat I, lit the eleventh hour, tand blessed
Lbelli With It new lease (if life. Mrs
Lonisn, Warner. of Montgomery, N:
%V. T., writes thus:
"For Horne ye.irs past rny nerves land
iystein weie niniost wrecked by Oat-
.-otics. u,.ed td alleviate Pat If. The
10001-4 COUld not ,helo life. find I
hought, I would forever hILV0 CA) 113-
nain At Alave to deadly drug -i. I often
onged for death its a release front any
jnffvrinj!8. After enduring agooles
[twt, were terrible, I determined to Law
['aille's Celery 0onipoond, without
mv foll hope that it would cure tile.
Whelt I hall usetl at Part (It the second
ooide, I thought it. wits doing life
zood; I coold Sleep well. find dial not
raint So often, ,,aid I (I ocided to con-
'inue tile 1140 (If till- toedscine. After
'lie title of fifteen bottles, I ilia) coal.
pletelv coved. I feel so strong find
well now, liod have Batch Pei -feet
lettith. that I sollit-GI ne'; I 11 I It k it I.
,,00 k.,od to be trup. For The benefit
If thousands of poof suffeters front
IiSeRiZe and the deadly effect,; (If nar-
'olics, I give niv tostivilient-an a4sur.
ince thAt. Paille'..4 Uclery Coloputurd
6vill cure tht. tit "
_. - __
Tho trnsl ee4 (if school secLion N-. 7.
LJsborne. have paid the jodgment ob-
Ained .against thein bV Mr. McPher-
too, I heir former Leacher. It aniount.-
,(I, with costs, to betWoen $31.10t) and
- � -
The King of Corn Cures
[q Ptit:iarn's Painless Coin Extractor.
�rowllvd liv years of Success, regal lie-
no'le owipproached anti tinapproach-
nble, buldlog sWikv of this continent
,%vilig it) its soloorioritV, PoLnalo:s
Painlesi; C, tit Aw I Wait Ex1racto'.
iold liv all ill lIggi,4t,9, nr sent, ,IV nonil
'y N. I ,. I I I )],.(,I) & 0o., Kingston, 011t.,
'm recul PL ,If 23 cents.
- � ___
j,aqC %je k '111,,nlllq Davidson , lILh
concessmo. (;rvy, delivered 11 s teers
to A, C. Dames, fit Bruggeig, whose
nggregAte weight was 15.590 potands
One animal weighed 1,0)0 find jtnoth,r
I 'i -A X) pounds. The Lidy Sun] of $7(M
wits received ilia. thein. a t 1-ifle ov el- $71
apieve. They were It fine lot of cattle.
Bick'r',; Anti Consumptive Svrop
s I.
" and -Int I It(. hean of tile list for fail
di4easeqof life throat, ;%till lung�-. It
m -Ls like ninvic if) breaking up a cold.
A cow,h I, soon snWtipd, tightness of
I lie ell �st, is relieved. even Life worst
came Of consumption ig relieve(], while
Ili recent vaqps it rwiv lie said never to
rail. It, is it niedivine prepared front
tile acLive priorijil" of- virtues of sev
ca al medicinal horbs, and can be tie-
pended upoll for fill Pulmonary Cotil-
plaint-4. ____ �___ .
Tire lito-sels papers record asald
case in which two motribrigof Afandly
-son an(i il,tughter--there, Bawtin-
heitner, (tied wiil�.io two )tours on
Satitrd,iy week. front consonitation.
find tile fainer,tivi oniv reninkning
inernber of Life fandy there, is aho In
poor health.___ _
. Cramps, Llke Burglars,
Come jo-t, when I hey fire riot expectad
and fire IeKst. welcome. one ininole
,ilre I'm crnn.pq is what you want.
Nerviline sonplv acts iostatil-asineon.-sly.
its noodvne power iq uniqoe-for itA
collit)(Isitioti expresses the boxha-vt
oledicial ptogressof tile age. Nerviline
i�,tittieeniiitottii)ti,eraiiiiiy, for in
alrdpianizeinvot.- of the stornnell find
Imwels it is an ahsolote specific, Five
tinies greater medicinal VAII)e thito
ally otber Ineparation sold, is Nervi -
line. Yoor druggist sells it or can get
___ - __ -
Tit(, assessor.q. who Also tiknv�/on their
roonds,ftte soppo"ell In Ire le eyed
I lr�it noliling ,.,..I," 1hrorlut, tire
III I ow fig littl(; I llcl(]*.
%flow that they at , aftliefouttl
witted : A well kno -.1 hile
driving in tire. count ry W, A,�,-.- V,71%Wn.
Picked up it fail on hia wav h6 ip frorn
4,hool. The youngoter wasV0kalive
ano had I% good deal to Slav find oil
nestoing hoine be Inirst out wit If - "Oh.
I lie rt-seqsoi has been here for I lie flogs
tire ont. They have been tied Ito in
Life stable for about two Weeks, for we
have been expecting him."
.P __
R. McLean. of Kippen. uses this
reine(tv for snint, it) onts, viz: -Take
4joz. I)( Flitnialin ane usix with 14)
inipojin1f;n1lonstat water, stiviing it)
mix. funnetaeth? seed air the solo-
(ionfor5lolOrninut,pti if thepeedis
part intivinesack4andtheliquid in n
lilts. or hatir barrel. a noin ran LrPoit. 8
it, 10 bushels opt hour. Fornialin is A
�1;"A and ,iselk fair alls-.3t, Vic, F,r
pon"d. One potsiull will trpat enough
seed for the average fariner In flow.
- - _ --------- -
. -
I �- 111�., �, I I I I r � .. . �
, � , " . .1 I . )"'. " ''. , � I 11 1. I - , I . . .1 I .
11 A� _jj % is I �, ,!,�� I I I I '. '. � - -
- - - I.. - � " _. . _�L� ''
There trikuy r4kollWo who use
I . 0"llf
Co. I . I ,�,Cat a 1310. STOCK TAKING SALE, 10 0 ~ Agmt
. I .... t , ovilia �� I k 'Act I .
. a 0 A. Ito ch 1 or
ul'tnit= Ole c1cluct .. -111- I Our Spring uW,-dl*
GAID ; I an c! ... It to r ctl Nva havo 4U1511 abartcd Istoch ad tkid a t;mat many articles that we
wish to tcarzi iota Cask, rand 14=11 11 . I , L. . L. - 1.
the luubW. r Sato fly all atuggivils. We ria no tetwx way of doing so than by ta"llas"Asswossariallm ,,,
- -a- __ 6141JOUTERIN(I Lbo PLUCES and Ca many camrs C'UTTINd them to two.
Messrs. VOWiAn & WaIll. Of lalyth.
have bactif alwarded the contract for i HAVE ar- ived, and we were n4yer in a
thilietectlonot a% brielc school boussel AL X030 vu WMAL31300 a
for union mbQol -tocticto No. 11. )lot-' better position to give patrons more lzboict
lettand East Wawatiosh, The cou-1 Whips sa,ffix. Curry Combs. I
I Iruct IS 41.91.1. - C-0 coneine all rawhido It only hwrilog X cut ftAv a doz. good Curry Combs. goods at lower prices. This is saying a
i Whip -i. wirth 75c . 600 01'. .1 tile t1c`*1 110 11 in sovvml diftervat
. to lioud Wtilpff, I:, us�rajls -1.
Ifyour overv-day duticall are a bur- th. uttw U1.1% .l.
den. It is tweatow you fare not %veil. i retailizIg fur fircul 35c f,,r 04. now eciling . Sim makeo slid styles. usu-
. ally Sold at 15c., your great deal.
Miller's Compound LI -014 pills Will Mr. to Stre, )our chow,. . 2 a 4 -nit, ""'.", TWO 8 IV. choice for . - . . . .. - 100 t.
- ,
a condition. and work %Vill be- Wb,:Ij .AV -Crty.A.
rect till � AXes itvoi .ft'i folv guarask I
Como a pleasuli 8 very person sllif�r Horse Brushes. 0
low front scenerdal debility r-hould take I doz- Q'It-c" Vket"ris tued, .cU fa��43, now #&W
Miller's Coni pound Is on Pills, Wduses Axte. hisad anado from I Ural) llu" ot-I'l.Nod �"fukl-
-uggists. Life vLry best of dt-i, phin, ursuall's, ..14AULlIlT� S.verrsl differrall lines of A Special I nvitation
.. I ,
25 cents. For auto by all dt fully gurtmiat.tA, r ) out. for ... .. Ula Horse Bruebea wit, ch will I
Sinion Forsyth has disposed of lit* 1 2 0311113y wls, u-.. be sold at a gremia eacrailou
tailing at 61.0 . $ I 0 A, , �Ilaulptots ISla
old for Iti 75. - 0
1W Acie (Arsu. Ottk line. Morris. to 8 HOI:IF 13919"t and 2 airico _ . .. V1 23 to clepr them out.
Jamea Hall. for the stun of $481.10. &aid Rusilell. Axes, usually A choice line of Hand -
the purchawr confies Into possession cat selling as Cloo, )our Sawa, ranging all price (ruin Hockey Sticks. IS extended to old and ne w customers
once. Ut:. Forsyth land familly intend choice for ...... L . ' . 78c
removing to Manitoba, where they A few each of the We,. $1. 10 to 02.26 tit greatly We will wit the balance to call and see the attractive, solid, good
now own Itioad acres. land Vale, Special, Aber- reduced Prices. of our Hockey Sticks away
,p " , , ficen and the funious Buf- Hotels Sawa. Key 11010 below cost, and is would goods we offer in Ordered Clothing. Your
..Oh .V I h.. your couliplexion has (tile Hill Aftes, usually Sawa, Book Sawit, Saw
Improved. Yes. Miller's Uompaund sold for 41,00. your choice Blades, I�7&w Sets, Saw be well for all to purchase
livill Pills did It." Those untatitly for..... , .... .... . 8co Guages, Saw Gurnmemak a alliciaLl Once SO WO Only every want in this line can be supplied
MITI plea can he entirely reniov fly CALL AND SEE 01111 STOCK very low prices. have a few left.
use of Miller's Coingund ,lron We licupagenorid linoo(Shelfaad lionvy Hard -are, Pulutd.01.1fi, and Glass. slid we buy at this store.
Pills. 50doses 25 cents. r Sa e by for Ca�h and soll at ilia clu-c-1, PO -11,10 marriud Of VIO11t,
all druggists. - Do Convinced by Calling and Setiug Our Prices- -Seeing is Believing.
The report of the Inspector of Liquor
Licensee for the year IRM -1000. art lei-! Tff40:"_ .&6X&XA.&6jV
suefl by the Ontario Legislature, shows .1%, .
t hernimbernflaotellicensesin Hioun The place to a" your JbIrdware ollealp. Hontat goods at honest prices.
countv Ili 1974 wits IrAf In 16W if,,. � PRIDHAM, THETAILOR
ijurnbet )laid droppei to A44 number (If I __ ____ - ___ - --.--. __ - __ - ------- � - -
shop licenses fit 1874, 38; uninber in
1809, 0. From West nation the gov.
,Pr.n.zen,t,.r.oe,eIved lie Ita share of fees,D0 Yo U NVA N T -Alfaama��- -------------,------ ------ ----- -
lie anto of $2.544.20, land
front Ea%t Huron $873.08. Tito expert. �
diture for West Huron riding, inclod Pictlily ilk-cointed hontes? If so, "I oil its and see our magnificent dkpla, AT MUNROUS
ing office rent, postage and st ationerv. of NV&II Potper. We have fail Lit "' " , hit-ving in,tile arroangenients
11 Ials� �ha 4
printing. advertising. witnests arid tie. with till Anitiient) flint to fionish ns 1171, hin'to', 1:.tirst Italy papev selected front STOCK -TAKING NOW GOING ON
teelive fee!4_ &c., awk.0111111ted to oniv , ,If
$58.87. and Ili Itast, R t 0 (lie expens'e out. sample book,, %N lilch revresent it s A, of IllaoV thuti4ands (if Dollars. and when finighed mill inean a krge (livintity or al ids of all kin3s, wifich Will
air that line wits onIv $50.WL be disposed of at inicos Illat N%rj!j Ca .,u,k, (it.leli aftle.
__ _____ We would re(joest it ymt iolon,l doing tiny Papering thk spring. to call ,tnd
Try it. -It woold be it gross injost
ice to confound that Standard henlinai see oor paper. %%'p feel t-onlitlent that. we can snit )-(Pit, becatisti uor paper In UILT ANt) fi,rEEI, ltt'Yrums just ruceived-all sizes.
agent-Dr.Thonots'Rejectric oil -will, variely fault exci-Ilenev C.Lon0l. In' otItAtilled in (IoderiCh. New Varns in lack C
the ordinary ungnents, lotions find
salvps. Thev itre oftentimes inflnin. Nve cannot find Words I. hicil will ilk) jo,iLice to our choice Papers fit red and
uniltorV &aid astringent. This Oil it,, Men's Hosiery-exi I
on the c,,11trarv, cosillently cooling green, All wL risk is "Call and Inspect " * -
an soot I n when applied externtilly Ladies' . Extra Large Undervests-generally a
o relieve ,, a). ,%nil powerfully jetne.
dial w lien wallowed, - - Ammess.- T.X:XXD304ft 40CIO. scarce article.
__ - . - - ___ -
Brussels Post: John i.eckip. of ToL _____ - __ ' - - A. MUNRO. Draper.
routes, ran old find well known former I
Brusselite, assisted by some of Ito ockle Ootten Boot Oompoubd ,- - !.%I _. -------- - -_
townspeople, bitsbeen intere8ting bloat Pols ,,c0cA,Sf,u,j,,,y ,,An�;,1,uionj1hL1y ls� ovAAI I
seli'during tire past week ail working ( Lad 0 ,�,�., "I. .it .S!Lxk , L 010"R 0 9 I &ORM donL
Ito a joint stock couipany to run it I'mr- 'our It uF As LGIn,il K001 U711111- W&AM466Y & @7411�1
hV f�r CGA ... � - "I I" , I phr- q�41`1_zw
tions are dzAz3!:.sr,,u That Touches the Spot '03
nittire fActory in [tie woolen mill I. ,Mnoo or as iiii Mixturtis, pills and _
".t. fit g F rioe, No. 1, 61 p�ef I - - � 0
buildine, which is now civned by B box* N** S, 10 degr ,,its, r, Super bo.i. No. I . Q __F0It__
Gerry. Qnite it canvits of ti -e town lina I orl. mailed on ri (,f lint it sold two 8 can% I . .
TI,. c.,Ai, romp .y Windsor Ont.
been inade and about 1i!l0jXX) (It it lie. otapol anniclue b
r= I und 2 wiW At n,i ,,v. -ed y all
-ired $15,W0 is Ili Sight, Here (he to Druggists In Canada. I t, MacLeod's Weak & Impure Blood
;0W '
Fillitterrects fit ilia metintime to give I od
;!)tire people an oppoitunity to (,I ,qo. I atil N,. ,� Fold 1;, uo,'criCh 11�' JA?4FAr � System 10 S
WILSON, (Irliggiot. I "
, 1: Al ;
Idef tile unatter and to hear'I'toni fit, n 1c,,
; I
res dents. but the inatter will not be I AN1110novator ts, &C.
Rilowed to drop. I j Female Complaints, &C.
Palpitation of Like hent.t. i 5 -fill) -1 CANTELON'S I Ask Druggist, or write direct la J. Ill. MaCLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
I ). I .I I I � I i I 0 I .- --,-- ,... . -,. - -.--
toll of stoulach trouble of, g: -6.11t weak I I � �__ e- ) I ------ _--1-__ __.____PaP0PM#UQ@=
. It..'i'l ........ and 1�%,ti.sri 14wilmo qt vi, it,,, tjid miand. in r K 0 C u h.
at-Ro. find is proroptiv enter, Iry Alil- Papirv, Ovstpr Pattiets, Tarts. ! 11rails Uturk _� �, riar of n it It to
let's Compound Iron Pills. One I ft(,r * ' /
pach uneal. People who are delbdifitled Shoit Br(ad and Crpnill 1011H. I -
� - . � - -_ - __
tnJ who lack energy Its it re-4olt. or ,%lince 1)!Pfl lard Lioli, Fing, rs I 01 I
r) % e I woi k, care and ail xiet Y w a I I reco v - Kisses, Macarnon'. Matal-gu(s. I ?1RO
ill (Inickly by taking Millet' -4 Com- 111find., Solits'li'l". I Youp Gpocerly Wa ntg
risind Iron Pilk. M) cents for 54) doses. . .
. stile by ail[ druggists. A to as good am t lie he,t made it, any
- Citv ill Call,�,111, I
A charge of violitting the license net. lt�antvlofl It-mis the tradt. In A 131pyc4i fitted with Dunlop Tirt� 4.�__ Can Best be Supplied at this Grocery
brought against Stretton litos . ef Is hel,d lit higher e,s,tiulation lf-cuu.so
Brussels, lilts been dismissed filter sev I WEDDYNG CARES" I - -_ _
erial delays and an appettl it) the De. M-1k.r put a porrect (Lni,h oil it. Everything FRESH and Ur-TC-DAra
, :�,Jj,ti I Lt.,
purtnient at Toronto. Tire livrald ,n ifincy dt"igning. find w-lial- I I You e4n li,,vo I)ufIl0j) Tit-o's, with
says ; '-The ca." has been of consider- I and ahnolvi icillg� Give hilli .111 I I "I
stile valne to till concerned. The in -1 kind yool-SiLti.4faCtilill Will 1W IISSIllell, ' --tl,,, thickened trea.l" on any wls'.01 "-CALL AND SEE THE STOCK
Spector, magistrate find othilar's linvv' yvu buy -no extra charge.
got pointers oil tile law I all
be, no�""(-"�l D. CANTEL01vt � I rT_ 0r__ rT1:P=[1NTC3r,
knew before, and AvIllch .of, " -
trouble find expense at some foiwe WIMST-9T. GODEnICH. � ' I Elotel Be
I inie. Apart altogether frt)n. thel I .. I - -_ -_ - � drord Bloick. The Square, Goderjob
g nilt or innocence of the accused, nw,l j - .
people will be pleased fit (lie failko e (.1 I . I
the prosecution. Ili fact IL neve I f . I \ 0 N X \ ,� , ",,, .'j, , V,,� 1. ` . �W4 --- W"AV A�
� i I ()lie a 1,111 Ical ion giveo relief I
Should have been dignified by ll,:Jo farmm� aiiii 'Over- * ,t�^rN \- \ \ -\ \ \ \, - -, \
nitrate of it pi osecution, as it. of ally kind ,41min.
of it persecution, the object bp""It" f""fL:: � I � Surgeons' Antiseptic Oil
Ing inot IT- k
to gratify personal spite than to vindi. �11 I I (' I' I t V", Piles, 1111111�. Scald., I'l(erstion . N,
Cate tile law." I "
. - 000000 I � I I' ( I ltll;,; Wound. and Illol.....
The Proper Treatment for Catarrh "101"'I'll"', coats. I'l (1'III1:.,4 lJoll.. Cw-boncle-, F.-I"n'l, I
RIGHT NOW � I'l 111,1111"s Inflamed m (',tk,-Al lict-totim ItIld Sill-(, ,Nippit.g.
Is a remedy that reaches all the Ili- i,; 11", liti;1"I'l "gi. ., '. lb,i F, -
tected parts. That retnedy is Catarl.h. lit" :PF. 11.111at I1(1A � 11 ,I 11,1tt IIA11 It 11 I 611/ ,� I I' Ct'I(I'>4 Snit, Ithelon, Toiler-, and ill] el opt ions or the.4kin. I
ozone, which is inhaled slicing with Life yo'i -0, IN , It 1. no[ 11h, � ,,.,: ". 11 ,,,�v of IT Ct ' I( E 4 ithetilliallpio and Neoralgia Ilairot.
ail, you breathe and perineates the 1-fick's Condition Powders. � PRICP, 50C. S"Id by fill droarA18114 or itent toy Innil on receipt of price
most minu',e air cells fit the longs, ,rilik i,ow,ier i-,, t .... �n i., �t,i� A... ,, 11 y,qj ,.i:j't ,1,) t,,,-jtjlout otle, ,.Ind Antiseptic Chemical Company,
throat. nasits] packages and bronchial oa,a,ri,,g.i,,. r,,r ii,,- pk�t it �.ik,�, ��,,- 1,
tubes, cleansing as if by fire. it is tile i oil enn't. ii�o a tit- ter on.,. I i: \wi ari., not already supplied � 1210 MASONIC T1,,'.NIIII,V. -
pleasant, volatile effect of pure, lipal- .- .- I it %� ill p.1v voti to C.111 of) �, CHCIAGO, ILLS i
. its -'N ., ,X %.' . %'L -dV .,.% ,X"_4'.)7.r' ,V"Ap
ing, essential oils. #laid tir virtue of , ! /-\ , ,\. x Is. ,*i,,X--e&..V-,V.7_^>-,f,, -A�q N ,\ " _N
armiseptic properties ki Is the gerol. Pound Package 25c e a e h, 5 yo r $1 [ --- --- __
Lhai� cause the disease, allaV4 aliv ___ - : HUGH DUNLOP
irritation or congestion of tile inucoo, L I 0
= ral � I 111,1 ,;vI. "'ane speo'd valut", he his " t , too !
trienabrame, heals raw, Sore spots, aii.d I 11repait,ti cqjd told m,13 h�
never fails to effect it perfect ct
is clean. convenient and pleas�,r,'�'i If, " -en ' ilithathile. W e re i n i
use, and contains no injut ious ingred � 15. EI. HIGK (Drug Store. �
ients that coold I, firm even tile wonk ! GODI-:1MIll. () N 11, I DON'T MISS THEM.
eat infant. The complete nutfil, pri 1
$1.00, is guaratiteed to core, or y(�," , Alwayn the 13FSTat 14ICK S.'
money black. Sinall size, 25e, sit 4. "' I " . � Mv ['all m),] Wintcr stock fur niaJe
gistsorligm il. A trial rent - I to,olkicr Ji'thln�� is 110NI, comillete. J. B RO P H E'N & SON . .. A,
11 I ... I'll
bv N. C. Non & Co.. Kingstol )' it, ,,, I 11 -k N I" I�n it if, I lie I- I'liN IT'' It I 1 and I* N r*� i? rAE ING
aaa, .or Hartford, Conn., 1'. S. 'STOVES i H. DUNLOP, I I
- I Lii.oi,hq for inat N Ni ir,, mid diro It) di,ifik the eneral
! . I M
. N( -.\t dt,,)r to Kwl< of h1mitreal. pt,11,11c fir the %,T� lib-nd patt.mago vxttndeti during tbo
STOVES I last qliaihi of it conftirv.
I TO C I � 1, I ' Idt it I E % ,Ili -1i fi,, ii,14 we bra�-i (]settled to give
; Q .
! .1 '"i", the lead (stel-ItIollill N I -N 111-- Ili I I kNI'H'Iti-, for tbonpitilinty
STOVE S ,,,`�;!:�',": �J,I,�,fl;,I'.!,",�,,, �-Imly. I
. 9 (11tv 1. If I ,,I tkillit s"t,11-jit it, 1 it Ilk,-. 1,,ilingro-, Bed-roorn
I st;IL�q, Pit,; it as d I)II)IIII, It,, ill Clinlis, It clifir', Sideboards,
I rhe Pearl Silver Steel � ttc., otc., 'ho 1 r ri., %v,. ,1,,,-t,- 0j. ill I if, I doti,r you from baying.
I Coal Range, and tile i
I Mill Wood 'I 111' (,()()I)S are fill an -d ri,id w )rth a great, d"l more
Art Arnherst Heater I than wo it k - intich le�s than (�tljvr 1)(OPIO 4ell Rt, Do not
i For Sale I Imir UtAll � -i It,(- otir ,t �( k . t(i niip(cL costs you notbing,
Iare the best stoves i 11 I if ,,,I we 11 I I I,o ["camp(I I ) Kh )w v in o 1 r goo.1 s.
the market, for sale Tho rib IV k cut into stove wood
!.,ngf it fit, t %% ill Ill, (if liv(r(-d to tiny UNDERTAKINO ]A it Flierit.11y with lit;. We
only by t,att III i1r- town tile Ertme day as tll)l,)tlV1,1y understand ourbulsi-
.)I dered, iieis Fit ,I Iiav(� re�,ei%eJ rjur Fdio 111rIg Slid 111111011)a fit 1110
i s,P.L of learn iiii. IF) fN,-r ' Y rit4o we gfitirrintpe tile moat
J. H. WORSELL (), 1, rN r(rf vvil I,y Wei 114e or 111-lell, alld 1,-t possible setNI v at tile 1,)Iii living prices.
lift, 'tt 12,4 Ctliblia St . will elvf
Goderich. proall t iftlentioi.
'Phone 98, �
�V(;;�"\ I � k\ k \ I I ! � r � Till : If �, t',l I Peter NcEwan.
1(1.11,\ 11� W I'J.\ 11 I 11-1.1 N I (;oderwh, .N,,v. 21,,(, 1134). J a BROPHEY & SONz
vind", x " 1-1.11 -r ..... . I '. I ", f ...... , , 1'27.3 � i.
"I .1 ,i,,j,,,,,_;;"�, �, �. I., _, I f ,,, . r, , � .. _ , , ,
,X ... I , 1, .( � " id" -I \ 11 -''. "
X 71 lthil fl�-, 1-11�. h-1--, I i , I- .',--! I I � I .
-f ri-I -,L �\ "I'll, I., 11 I , I . ..:, I
rr-, 1,, .... I—, K, � 11". '' ,-$ - ''i H. t, � .1, , I
a , , - ! It Does Play to
(!, 'I ") �,:, r :-I, I. "'d .1.1- % I ,� �
,A " A, It. NJ,. W.'r ' 'j,- 1. I 1. I r _ , P, *., -
� .- 1. 1� 1, ".."'..,
1.11,11, I. -;?11' ' "",:"".;""i_ ;_,,.l".,",;:-11
1.111--r-. I\ " Id 1'�. .1 -1- � I . I,- , 1, I
- - - I
I /;;� -- - -
9 Tv -i
/11 D
I I '', . 11 . I I.
- .. I .
I .
. .. I
, !,,.
- ,)),/_y-7�0,�
I :) _./ I
/ /" -
ZIE��I�_4�0�,_),J9�, � .
, , to
�Steam Boiler
" $3� , .:
# .
A -d.,- , ,,r -i, F, , ,, I ,, - ,.t - ,
� , , 'r'---
It "--Il-,' tl,,t 01111ti tothesellinorv%lueor
I'L' ' ' 1
" � - ' I' ' f ' ! ` I I I i 11 � 9orA paint---thc"
� ---.--b
Canada liusiness College,
. I 1� . -
, ! �, ! I , �. I I ,,!:;I, i:iorre hotfne-lfk�e than
9ine,ii thp 1�, ih-r \ii , i'�,A ]I I%
- l: ! 1- .
- , 1. I' I 1)6t0l�- 1:.t, IX-tter the paint, the better
� I 1
been reniovcd fk,,m G, Jptich I all,
SAWN wtuatosillut,
It J�,, �
1 prefifirf(I to do S1,stin ll��,Irr 14y, r
,0 .. � I - , ,,-,,,.,.I , ". - , " )" 1 "tA", 1
.1 1. . V ..." 1-11 � 1,� , I ,, , . .. "al " , , ". fjl�
1, , I
.- , -
- - - _
� .tig Rile alsto 1110 MA1111for 11 , - r
'. I" ., '. .
. : ., : : ; I "I �""", " ,, , :2 � " ,,,�'.; "
-M 464
_: ��
1,, -� - 1, t \ ,,, 4 rt I, N I i 11 a. it . y
. t .. _
- I
T . _Z
� Smoke Stacks, &c.
, 1;:, " �'11,� 11,4.il �' 1. . , , "'' ''" .
... ... I .
.. I .::��,,�,::� , ',,:.�,_, ..I.-
- - -
. -1 � -, ;
. .�' ___ - r-'
. I- I
,., '
.. �� � In-
They Help
D. K. Strachan,
, ... ., ''. j't:,"L,-,
, �_.:. """",�:""."",$"::".�",.,"",'I
'" , * r irini
, -
I—, if. % 1, I., 11 1.1-In""il'I"b""',
� I
the ofrong and riire trip A,irk
". I "Ill.- 11r.t ... I , , � I'd ."I. ,I I- 1.1,
P1 '"
1�,fT-12 Rn fir--paytt Id
Every one needs a
MaChInIM 011 Bd(Asillith.
. .... 6' "'f""' %\, �,
- ',',
I .1 .
I 0 1.
,I, , "I 1-k,; -ell. Also
VIArt.)PIA St. Ood.ri,h
,',� ..
V . '. I -W, ` ; ", ;�,."".%.",., ,,,, � :, �,,,,� ,,, 11 I
_�, 1:, . , , "
9 ..
� I I ; .,,,t I -L, 1, hw benuty
. . 11 4tt -t-
� - ' ' I " " ft k' :11"W -L Ill ......
... I tion.
at this Linie of vpar. Tile blond IN
" " a ., ,., ,
sluggish and requires pnriry in %V p
I , . , 1jr � i- 1, 11 r I. ..... - If—
eanT a full line of #ill I he wittil Inown
preparintiono, and sell filivnis at a he
DO- AP- Wood's Ph3alliAlz,
"'T't ... ... ' '".."-".'V','""---1(1" I
"ll.tr I,— h
:�, "._,". �, �,
J,ery lowest pi and vve especiallfir
7%, (7-t F,I01-h V-11
...I I
.1 -, _
h., A
I .. 'I'll _." ,'.h*,'l,; ...... I
I I. t, _ f- A, . ,.if
recorntinended for fine In this offirn it p
I because
plot Ist -1 - ri., n- ,
dmifsr�,,t. in C -A. or,�
, , � I,, 1.,..f I
of their pr oved atifflelsorn y.
.W� '-fl,i d- " �
r,&�q. ,:,_1_f,?�.1,.,_ �,
, _� As , ."
'a. - -b I ?. , fl,
orex&.^ fal.ntral W-7 Rveeii I .. I I ,
ba&O, opium or Ijumutanta jtjarijodr� ,
%% ' I, I ' - � 1,', I— W -f,,AI - fr � .
�11 r. 4
, I 1. ��W;11 ,,,, .""'.
, I I - ., - , ."', A, . %f.t.tu-, ito f"
,.,a - .4 I? to . I
For IIAN11-4 ?Art ATIO,fulf-W 1�,d
N D.
$ 95 0" ,,"I pl
,RIOT 11.1112.1 toorl Ad -M
1=1= S..; 4
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tiny Ill MIN ES's 8 CA-ad4l, -rtt,k
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(Asslair, bra,
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. lw�, , , I 1, I I I .�,
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I I . �, . .
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