HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-03-22, Page 3a Z - 1* I f,& -A ;.,W,0 4 Yff ift 0 1 llm'.' THE VERY LAMT ­.. 1. ALL THB WORLD OVM, I tateresting U91111110 Aba"t ow own collotry. C11'"t OW41111119 t1w UAK04 Statests, *ad Ah Parft of0w Clebth Condensed and Assofted tw Easy ResidlimsL CANADA. There is an epidemic of scarlet tomr at the Baptist College, Wood - stook. Andrew Carnegie has made an of- fer of #100,000 for a library at Win- nipeg on the same oonditload as the Ottawa grant. The Hamilton Bridge Company have a contract to bucci asteol barge and t XEciiiii busineam upon it large scale. An effort is being put forth to raise funds to erect a monument to the memory of the Ottawa men who lost their lives in South Africa. Sir William Macdonald has juAt pro - merited McGill University wilth $150, 000, and Miss Jessie Dow has �Aadse a gift of $60,000 to the same Inellitu, tion. A at. Malploire, Quo., farmer stated that during the recent storm upwards of a hundred doer, ,Nvhose escape -was made almost impossible by the depth of the snows were ulcot and stabbed in (lie south parishes. . I . The Canadia-ri Pacific Railway has made an arrangement with the White Pass and Yukon Railway by which the trip froom Montreal to Dow - sum can be made, in ten and one-half days during the coming surn-er. At EL meeting of London fircancul, I tue-n who are interested in the beet 8ugar Ladustry, Mr. Bayley of New York, the representative of a syndi- vote which is to Invest $5,000,000 In the industry in the United Statemi and Canada, offered to purt tip #225,000 to- ward establishing a $WO,000 business it] London district. GREAT BRITAIN, I -rd Paumeefote has been made a Privy Councillor. Brancheg,,i of the Sheffield Steel We rks are to be established In the United States. , rhe Whito Star stearaersi may here- after be victualled at New York 'in- 8tead of Liverpool. The estate of the late Sir Francis Mok, 'husband of Jennie C. Claflin, is valued at X1,600,000. Tile expenses in connection with Queen Victoria's funeral amounted to EM,000, .of which sum ZII,400 wasex- pended for the housing and entertain- ment of foreign gue,sts. F -he Br'itish Budget will be some- thing over 9181,000,000, which means, Unless the revenue is increased to meet it, that tne deficit will W nearly X54,000,000, the largest In the history of the nation. The Vickers -Maxim Steel Company will build submarine boatg for the British navy which will make 10 knots on the surface, eight knots so)>. inerged, carry five torpedoes, and be operated by seven men. The Dukeof Abereorn, Lord Wolse- Icy, the Earl of Mount Edgeumbe and Karl Carrington are special ambag. sadormt to inform the foreign courts that Queen Victoria is dead and that King Edward has succeeded to the t li-rone. UNITED STATES. President McKinley goes to Califor- nia April 30th, It is proposed to re -model Brook- lyn bridge at a cost of $1,000,000. A number of mining prospectors have been frozein to death at Cape Nome, Alaska. Cloverport, Ky., b %6ped out by fire.- Over 1,000 persons are bc>meless. Cook County, III., judges ,and the Siale's Attorney now receive salaries of 812,OW a year. The Ponnitylvania Railway has at- lained full control of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway. The Michigan Legislature has pro- hihited the manufacture of ole,omar- garine coloured to imitate butter. The total United States postal re- veipt s for Fvbruary lit 4he 50 larg(eit 1)0.4toffiees show Increases of from 12 ( o 20 per cent. Charles Job -neon, the cashier of tile First National Bank at Miles City, Michigan, is missing, and his accounts , are $40,ODO short. ' Mr. Carnegie has given $5,000,000 to he lidded to, the benefit funds already ex i sting in the interests of the Pan- ill�yesc of the Ciarnegie Company. Three thoustand acres Of the Hacken- sack Meadows at New Yorld arch to he secured rim sites for docks, and cold storage plants, stock yards andpack- trig houses. GENFJtAt President Diaz of Mexico is report- ed hopoles4ly Insane. The revolt in Russia in spreading among the students, The. Turks in Macedonia are,charg- ed with horrible cruelties. I A doctor in, Rio Janeiro thinks he has discovered a cure for yellow fever. Amerleans are Xeying to bay and re- organize the slevping-car system of all Europe. Queen Helena, of Italy, will present a cradle and a set of baby clothes in each baby born on the same clay ,is hers. . - - THE LEADING YARKETS, on The Ruling Prices In Hireadstuffs and Live Stock. Toronto, March 19. -Wheat -Ex- port demand continues gaow here, !ind prices are about steady. Mani - 6 loba hards maintain their %trongth, owing to unusual goarcity. Stocks of old bard wheat are getting down to a low point. Quotations are as follows: -Red Vilest, 66c; white, W; ,nd goose, W; low freightil to New York; red and white, middle freightls, r6c; Manitabas, No. I bard, old, g.i.t., 99 1-2c; No. 2, 94 1-2a; No. I hard ' North Bay, 97 1-2c; No. 2 hard, 93 1-2c. Millfeed-Scarce. Ton lots, at the mill door, Western Ontario points, sell as follows:, -Bran, $14 to $114.150; ind gbortst, $15. (lorn-Fasy, Americans No. 2 yel- low, car track here, 461-2c; and No. 3, 4Z 1-2c. Penn - Steadjr. NO. 2. middle heights, at 631-26; and east. st 64c. Barley -Holding about steady. No. 2, C.P.R., cast, or low freiglititi to New ) or k, 43 1-20; NO. 3 ClItta, 42 1-2o; No. 2, on the bridland, 43c. - Rye -Steady. Car lots, 49o, wool, and 50o east. Buckwhest-Quiet. CAr lots, went, arst, quoted at Glo. end east at &94. OntA-Firm and ift fairly good do- mand. both for local end export ae- counlio. No. I WM* ap.p., Mot, 29 . . 0 � . I . � I � Q � I I . . 11 I s--,- ­;s.:Adh.hs._t , **L; Eq. 0 vaits. losiaxtyk SA4 W.00,' 241-4Q. z : .0,1RAgo- mpTqg, lF19Ur_)ksy- 4014-4 elf, 0 par I P-** OtIRt. patent, � l4werse bag* M$dw A P"Plo . pre4ellataly" WW 0 � � -go grolghts. a*ed f2.W p" bbl.. export- , Al?psoi at Tomilm ars gay that they are Out of the marr I *USW,NT *= ket for the pro#eat. . , ratiop of a bill Ur. Cars I kelilla ga�e X Oiatmoilll--Car 194 ut rolled 006 ip , . ,, to sme4d ".0 asmont A -0t. 14 baga. on track bare, are quatedit provi4sels tW ax; yo man shall 411.25 per bbl., and tu wood att 0.35 , .one be added tO tip aaaesinumt roll who per bbl. wq4Ad oo= ot age within four months FRODUCIL oct the date fixed Lot the final return Toronto. X%rob 19--fteah egga in of the roll. Zarge supply. and easy. Now laid. W; A.UT110RXZ[N1$� GRANTS. apd held of all kindot. 11 to M. Peo � , mand in active. but'supplies, are large. Dr. Vyxiso'a bill autborijing mauioi- end getting larger datly. pal graita for the reception of the Poultry-Rooelpts light. Prices for Duke end Datibeati of Cornwall and bright stook�are as fellows;-Turkeyo York, passed its scoaad reading.. and 11 to I&; geese, at 8 to al,-$, chick- was aerit to ' the Municipal Committee. eivis at 40 to Wo; and ducks, at 00 LANDS FOR VF,TBRANS. to NO; cold stored turkeys and geeililll The Commissioner of Orawn Lands' are qusAo,d at I to Be. par 14 011344V , bill relating to land grants for rolun- bri0t stock. �- � Too , tatoes-Steady at 2& for car , reprinted and pertain toora bag been lots, on. track here. Was, out of additional cla-used have been inserted. store, are made at Wo. Those 9ptitled to grantst of land in Field produce, olto-Turui Pa. "Pu 91 . ' "' , New ontarip now included, In addition I I store, No per bag; oulpas, 70'6-. .. . . . A Ps'f`j , t6 realdent4of Ontario wiliso foughtin bag; carrote, 85o per bag; apples, per bbl.. 41 to 02; sweet potatoes, per bbl., South Africa last year and volunteero 12.50. 4 who went to the front in ISM, chap - Dried apples --Dried apples sell at lains, war o9irrespoudents, nurses, and a 1-2 to 4c; ovaporated, at 5 to 51-2. ReA Gross officials, and residents of TIOnely-kirm, Dealers quote from 10 10 I -2c per i1b., for 5, 10 or 00 -lb tins Ontario who were enlisted with the according to size of order. Coing Imperial troops or who were connect - honey sells at 112 to 92.25 for dark, ed with the Chicago company In 1866. and at $150 to $2.75 Ifor choice clovers The bill does not include non-reeddentii per dozen sections. A despatch from Montreal dayn.- Hops --About steady. Doinand quiet. who fought under fthe two latter ahoice 19M growth are quoted at 14 heads. Provision was made to in- to M ; and Vearlitagis at 8 to 9c. elude those who Yaw service in the Beaus --Steady. Ordinary white beans Red River rebellion qf 1870, but the brine 01,00 ; choice hand-picked beans . axe kluoted at $1.70 to $1.76. retention of this slaude Is condition - Baled hay ---Steady. Choice timothy, al on this jact of no North-West on track hero, SIO.?5 to $10.50; two- scrip having been issued by the Dom, ton Iota, delivered, #11 to $11.25. Luion Goveramisent as in the case of Straw -Car lots of straw, on track here, 45.50 to fG. the volunteers of 1885. DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. TICKETS, COU'PONS, ETC. Toronto, March 19.-Dreased hogs Mr. 'Leys introduced a municipal are steady on the street at 47.75 to bill making it necessary to get per - 18.25. Receipts were light, Car lots mission of an inspector or some otb,- 3ontinue acarrie. Provisions continue Or official before any plumbing work in good demand and prices of every- through to St. Paul street, takiing in thing is firm. Quotations are: -Dry can be done, and also giving muniol- malted shoulders, 8c; long clear ba- politics power to prevent or regulate Don, loose, in car lots, 10o; and In case the use of ti,oketg, coupons, eto., by lots, 10 1-4 to 10 I -2o ; short olear pork, 020 to $20.PO; heavy mesa pork� #19 van dors of milk, bread, and other or - to 019.50. ticlea of food. Smoked meats --Hams, heavy, M; TRADING STAMPS. mediums 12 1-2 to 13c; -light, 18c. Mr. Graham introduced abill per - Toronto, March 19. -Trade at the mitting municipalities through their western cattle yards to -day was of no particular account. There was no elective Councils to abolish the use activity in, the butcher cattle, and, on Of trading stamps. account of the small aupply, prices DECLARE BOUNDARIES. were firm for good cattle, which found Mr. Carnegie introduced a measure EL ready sale. . There was practically nothing doing to declare as boundaries roads running ' in export cattle; and the name is near the boundary of township muni - true of the "small stuff" department. cipalities, and which but for natural Prices are all round practically un- obstacles would form part of such 3banged. "Singers" are quoted at 61-2o per boundary. [b. and ligiht fat at Be poursAb. � GAME PROTECTION ACT. Hogs to f4ch the top price must Mr. Auld, South Essex, introduced be of prime quality,andscale nottit, an amendment to the Game Protec- low 160 nor above 200 lbs. Following is the range of quota- tion Act to permit persons to destroy tions:- ottontail rabbit, Cattle. by any means at any time of year. At 3hLppers, per cwt. , .$4.00 84.90 present shooting rabbits is prohibit- Butchox, choice, do. .. 3,75 4.25 ed during the close season for game, Butcher, corn. to good. 3.40 3.75 although snaring is permitted, Mr. Butcher, inferior . ....... 8.75 3.00 Auld's bill also'proposes to shorten 3tockers, per owt. .. 2.75 3-25 r quail by making Export buils, per cwt. . 4.00 4.50 it begin on November Ist instead of Sheep and Lambs- October 15tb. Export ewes, per owt. . 3.00 3.50 INSPECTION OF LAUNDRIES. Butcher sheep, each. . 2.50 3.50 Mr. Foy introduced a bill to enable Ijambs, grain -fed, cwt. 4.00 4.25 municipalities to inspect and license Do. barnryards, owt. . 3.50 3.87 1-2 laundries. I Bucks. . . . . . 2.50 9.00 DIVER,$10IN OF DRAINS. Miakers and Catvog. Mr. Conmee's bill provides that Oows, each. . . . 20.00 60.00 municipalities whose drains are ob- Dalvw, each, . . . . 2.00 8.00 strucited by a railway may divert their flogs. drains and, charge the cost to the 13hoice, hogs, per cwt. . 6.00 6.50 railway corporation. [jight hogs, per owt. . 0.00 6.00 13ENDER TWINE. Beavy hogs, per cwt. . 0.00 6.00 In reply to Mr. Brown, the Provin- si�ows. . . . . . 8.50 4.00 cial Secretary staid that in the years Stags. . . . . . 0.00 2.00 1899 and IKO the quantity of hinder Buffalo, March 19. -Flour -Better tw.ine manufactured in the Central demand; steady. ' Spring wheat -- prison was 527,483 pounds. Of this 4F, - Dull; No. q Northern, old; spot, 84 1-2c 170 pounds.,was igold direct to the asked; do mixed, 84c asked. Winter farmers, and the funusled portion w a " wheat -No spot offerings; Kansas No. u tilized in the manufacture of both 2 hard, c.i.f., 761-8c. Corn -Strong; twind'and rope. In 1899 pure Mani a No. 2 yellow, 440-4c; No. 3 do, 44 1-2c; (wine was sold a t 10 cents per pound. No. 2 corn, 44 to 44 1-4c; No. 3 do, In 1890 two Igrades were manufactur- 433-4c, through billed. Onto -Quiet ; od, one a)t 91-2conts, and onei at 11 No. 2 white, 311-4c; No. 3 do, 30 1-2c; cents, according to the mixture. The NO. 2 mixed, 28 1-2 to 28 3-4o; No. 3 do total cost of manufacturing pure, 281-4c, through billed. Barley -56 Manila in 1899. was 69.0 per hundred 1-2 to 61c. Rye -Good demand* no pounds, exclusive of advertising, seU- D,fferLngs; No. 2, on track, 561-2c;"No. ing and distributing. In 1900 thecost 1, in store, 58c. of manufacture was 09.23 and $10.78 Detroit, March 19. --Wheat closed- respectively for the two grades. No. I white, cash, 79 1-4c; No. 2 red, NO SUNDAY CARS IN ESSEX. Dash, and March, 79 1-4c; May, 81 1-4c; Sunday cars were given a setback July. 79 1-4c. by the Railway Committee of the Leg - Minneapolis, Minn., March 19-- islature in connection with the bill Whieect-Cash 74 14c; May, 74 1-4c; permitting South Essex Electric Rail- Juqy, 75 1-2 to 75 5-8c. On track, No. way Company to extend their line to I bard, 76 He ; No. I Northern, 74 Leamington. The clause permitting Ii -4e; No. 2, do, 69 6-4 to 70 3-4c. Flour Sunday cars was opposed by sieveril Patents, 83.95 to $4.05; second pat- resident ministerg, ansd the opinion of ents, 83.90 to IS3.95; first clears, $2.90 the committee also inclined against to $3.00; second clears, $1.90 to f2. it. Me clause was therefore struek Bran -In bulk, $13.25 to 4$13.50. out. Duluth, Minn., Marqb 19. -Wheat- GOOD ROADS BILL. � No. 1, bard, 75 l-&; No. I Northern, 73 1-8c; No. 2 Northern, 67 1-4 t o 70 The Premier moved the .second real] - 1 -4c ; MaD,. 76 1-8c; July 76 7-8,0 . Corn ing of his Good Roa(N bill and its re, &%. Oats --25 5-4 to 25 1-2. ference to a special committee. He said - the nalunicipalities annually gpent - NO AMNESTY RR DE WET. bout $4,000,000 on highways, includ- Zng the statute labour, reduced to a - cash basis. In some. 61) municipalifici British War Office Would Father the principle bad been adlapted of com- muting the statute tabour go that the See Him Killed In Action. proceeds in camlb might be marre use - A despatch from London says:- fully applied. He. would be glad to Whatever the result otf the peace ne- see thiEl syste,na actopted throughout the whole province, Tbo improve. gotiations between General Kitchen- Mani of the highways was( highly tie- er and General Botha, it in tolerably ,irable. For example, it wag im- certain that the rumouro of the in- portant that butter and cheese should elusion of General De. Wet in any form safely reaeh their marketEr. Good elf amnesty are not based on fact. roads would algo enable f he farmers to more freclaently visit the General Kitchener'& personal views of markets and make quick gales, One the. Boer lenders are not known in of the objects of the Government was Pafl Mall, but if the War Office. is con- to have the money expended in syg- suited the offioialef there would rather tomatic. and continuniia improvements and not in shreds and patches. The do - see De Wet killed in action than tak- oLgriation of the highways rested with en alive. One of the officials respon- the municipalities, It was the Govern- sible for the direction of the affairs ment's desire to work through the of the army said on SRt,urday:- municipalities. As totbe amount each "I cannot see how Lord Kitchener municipality would receive an Pquit- can poselibly accept De Wet's surren- able basis should be arrived at. If they der. if he ever gets hitra he will be took the assessimernt as a ba ll ia ( h v Obliged to try him forr his rece n t al- ricber corantios, which probably htld leged murder of PT!AonerFL I havr no better roads, would Fret morel that, doubt that the verdict of either a mili- thesix share. The idea wao to help thr i c would be detktb poorer counties or counties which hne and if ouch a verdict was carried out the poorer roads. It wag riot propoF;- there would be a horrible howl on the ad to give money to townships that Continent and in Arnerica. Anti, in- lead in the paRt three lyears rcssreive� deed, Onse would be sorry to see suoh money from colonization funds Th - a bravo fighter meet such am end. Premier Rtated that there were 80 ni Therefore, we can only hope De Wet 40 municipalities in which toll roads will either be let out of the country still existed, and the money could Ill or ahot in battle." a pplied toward making theme free. A special des(patch frolm Durban In repW to.Mr. Whitney the Prqmiei says the. Boer commanders are holding said the million dollars wonid he a meeting at Pieteraburg, in Northern spread over ton year"100,000 a yesir Transvual. to diefeuss the position and LAND GRA.NTS FOR SIOLDIE&S. the advisability of a continuation of lHon. Ill J. Davis moved the soeow the. war. reading of his bill providing (or Ian( Nearly three, thousand troopef sailed gtrant to those who fought In lbo from Socirthompton on Sunday for South Albrica war, and tbosto will ,%nth Africa. served in 18W) and 1870. In its amond -----.O- ed form it Includes nurses, chaplains I)EFY ME AMORITIES. Red Cross omminiesiotircra, and nown paper correspondents. The bill grant ...." od patents for the lands, but not th. Russian Students Cause Serious timber or minerrils thereon. Dtsturbancese. THE FACTORY ACT. A, despatch from London says:- Hon. John Dryden Introduced sorns " Serious diattirbances by students nmondmonts to the. Factory Act ociewrred bore on March Rth," says the wliieh place the anus for provi,linj fire escape appliancog on the owine of the Timcs rind not Me, lonaret of the Imildina -Many were arrested on a cliarga of also providing that stationary boiler defying the authorities. The lodgings shall be iniacred an &A to be properl: of the ringleaders were marched by inspected. and that linflammiabsise me the police, who seized inflammatory torial shall be kept In a apparatefire documents, proving the students here proof bildiding. The hill provide were acting In concert with students that ovviry factory within the moon in Kleff and Kharkoff- trig of the Act must Irive a Were "This news has hithlarto been sup- stairway with Lron doorel and witbi prW64 bWj the 11114004" c k eaxy r"o qA sit department4lis or, a - I , � I . I1� '� . I I . . 1- - . I � AWL"Ilk L . . I . - - 11 __ - -A-j&&-l'1_L - 11" I ," - Wq4Lr.q% rW jesu a UU&MW W44" PAR mt b" turAmil by 0owA bqU*r 14sur* aneor Q4m14Uy In good'standing. or. 44 an alternatiy% wItIch 1144 mat twea lAppeptid witlain one ycar by tiome oOmpettzt; In4pector. These im, provs=nta 44vat be made within G'LX ". tlis Of the passage of the Act, and tba,polliz,tar fallurejo comply with with t ormclitiabA is fixed at 45W. L&W REPOP21111. The Attorney -General introduced in the Legislature bin law reform measure. Orlefly summarized the meaeuro deablea the jurisdiction Of blues general sessions and the assizes when business is light,o and does away with the sum. moning of Jur", wilion within a too, sonable time beforehand. it is appar- ent there wUl be no buxtuess for them to attend to; simplifies the prooed- tire of interlocutory motions, and ats. oliahes the writ, of Bumintina, and ef- fools other changes. !" DOMINION PARLAMINT111 - Notes of the Proceedings In the Canadian Hotts'o of Commons. ' DEPOT HARBOUR DOCKS, Mr. McCormick, Muskoka, was in- formed by Mr. Tarte that the con- tract for the ducks which the Govern- mient is about to erect at Depot Har - hour has not yet been awarded. ROADS IN THE YUKOV. Mr. Siftom, answering Sir Ribbert Tupper, said it wasi untrue that the oLuly revenuie availa.ble for construct - Lug roads in the Yukon territory was that derived from the liquor traffic, Oil the contrary, large amounts of money had been spent there by the Government for making roads. PIWIT ER1,24TIAL TARIFF. My. Clarke was told by Mr. Pater - 8 that the certificate required fro at importers of goodsi under the preferential tariff does not state what portion of much goodst were manufactured in countries not e 11 - titled to the preference. ,Lie ton g as ono -fourth of the value is added In countries entitled to the preference the law is compiled with. . HALF-BAUED SOMP. Mr. Osler wag LnformkA by Mr. Sif- ton that on the 28th of February last there was outstanding 0538,026.87 of the scrip iasnzil to half-breeds. T him included $lD2,973.40 issued prior to 1896. Of the land scrip there was outstanding 339,261 acres, which in- cluded 206,000 acre,s issued prior to 1896. TE,CIINICAL SCHOOLS. M:r. Lngram was informed by the Premier that the Government was not satimfied that the subject of technical education falls within the jurisdiction of the Doinivion. It was not proposesd to take any, action to mettle the, point. THE FORESTERS. The bill ,respecting the Supreme Court of the Independent Order of Foresters, and to change its name to the Independent Order of ForcelLers, was read a third tinie and passed. MR. BOURA&SA'S MOTION. ' 'This House expresses the hope and desire that his Majesty's Government will endeavor to conclude in South Af- rica and honorable peace founded upon the law of nations, which guarantees civilized peoples and upon the t rue -Brit inh t roll! I ionsi oi reopect to till national and religious con v ictions, and to the mpirit of col- onial autonomy. This House further declares that there is no necessity for smiling any inore Canadian troops to South Africa, and the enlistment of recruits for the South African Con- stabulary should not be allowed to take place in Canada." Ile was supported by Messrs. An- gers and Monet, while 144 members vot e d nay. Then some Commoner started the National Anthem, and the members and the occupants of the crowded galleries stood and partici- pated. VWTORIA DAY. Dr. Horsey's Victoria (lay bill, ]got its second reading. I FRANCHLSH ACT. Mr. Fitzpatrick introduced ,a bill to ,intend the Franchise Act, and also ,it bill to amend the Dominion Elections Act, This latter provides that c o rti- fietil cheque shall he accepted for tile deposit required from a candidate It also makes certain changes in the form of tho ballot, und contains a provision whereby thoste who move from one. district to another will not lose theiLr vote. Another provision is that whore a manhood suffrage lis t has been prepared wi(bin three years prior to a bye-elertion it may be used for that (Aection, and thus avoid till - necessity of making a new list. BUDGET SPEECII IN BRIEF. No tariff change,-. Steel bouipties to be charged to capital instead nf Isenig paid from current rorenue, No bounties for be,,t sugar, but all machinery umost in ill( manufacture exempt from' duly. m gold mined in the Yukon in four years; $47,376.673, Ro,valty from go6l mincil In Yukon, $2,040,00(i). Total rarentiva of the Dominion dur- ing the past fisoal year, $51,029,994, an increaAe of $4,289,74.5. Estimated Kte4'l and iron bountiem to be paid during current ys�ar, @I,- 000,000. Oost of siontling ronlingentis; to S,ouib Africa and garrisoning liallfax, $2,3P7,000. Surplus , for thial yesar enfirrint-I tit 86,.V30.0w. - 0 BADEN-POWELL'S FORCE. � It Is Rapidly Getting Into Shape at Durban A despatch from Durban siayF4: � Gen. Baden-Powell's; police force it% t"etting Lntoshapo, It i-jorganixt-don now and untrammollsed lines. The men are hardy anti capalble. Fo r Is will lion built In the hesit mittintionst callable of rpsi4tanvs�. 'rh, fore, will be o4inplete in itself, anti %ill receive no extraneous .,id from the other army departmAntA. POPULATION OF INDIA. - N.6. F,I.-.1 4 tst 2�41.0^ 112 a AMn" %,I I., ­.... A despatch from CnIculti qqya Gomple4ts census returns ti-h,e the pop- ulation of India ns 294.0f)(1.0f)(11, an In- Preasit, in the lnqt dernflo of 7.000.000 Dodurflng the polisuhtion of th e B-1 In- rhistan, Rhilin-vtoks. Chin hills, and Sikkim territory, enumerated for the first time, it net increase lit shown of onLy 14 per morif , which is (in- I a only 1 4 per mint., wshich ist due t oim. improved rentrust methods Thus rho population is for the first time sta tinnary Ows'ng to two faminpA. mnr. tatity fTTft tikumsts, and si great tile- eline In the birth rate, the native States show "cossive declines. Theme results wim quire unexpected, " .W, , - ,� - L/ - - - ,� 11 W" I " _$- ` 114 , , 1. I EVENIMS 000tQF,6. ,4 as , . "'Am" " Low "t Sludgeo* With sleeves of no 11,0014ft"110 r" 1149004"; vertsiaii ossinst, Wb$* A" Ax rm,gmqi� The ftswva of cxtimwly IQ*. cut A dwilsto trQ4 414MItaut" Or- Jug boillves to revivirt;', ppj�ltxpo to a = 44P Alsver 0,41W,W1 say* ­-ftI004"6 querice of the rctum of varptre strim The form of the deetillet4se Taftes. It w1ke, bare latel;y Won 'ZON"04 by , 13 Squaws heart slisp.M. rouu4, deeply Genoral Do W"- * *y � they t.1kink he POInted mad PA"1119 access the top Of the *boulder or almost straight, kaving tho is a jn,dmXjk, They ever thAt the OPper part of the &em imeoveivil. Sleeves torrtblis fastlgApla he has undergone. are sometimes dispeimcd with altogether. Ilia *Axl0ti0s. *Ad 11111k intensity Of his a simple listid serving to hold thp bodice foolinlp 44ve uAWugc4 his mind. tip _"it a bow or knot of flowers being The Louis .4part from tAj* viawk of General I)o p1aft4 at can whotAldvr. Quin" sleeve In seen in various corma. usually Wet% woutwl state. some of hjA po- ctillaritis# late ttLAt Ike rarely aleops WAWA the bwAda of his camp, no draped. shirred or plaited, closely follow- jug th I 9 Upper Part of tire arm and tcrmi- weeks rest eutsido with, at towit, "I ted , f011o"re. Thutso the orderItics 'fruits `c�_ � s %to fro- I quaritly unable to tMd him to, receive orders. Ilia secrecy is cxtrcxac� He I I aollivalutely imparts Ida plans to no one. He repudiates the peace negotiations km which are going on; lie thas,declared le oplealy to the moo under his command set* that no term3 except independence will matistX him. 1 4 recout utterance attribr4ed to him is that after the British he hates the Tranavaalers. His whereabouts during the last two or three da. a6re tinknown, nor is it known whotr. 0 , or President Stcyn in with hini. 0 ------.O- A r-IMMAN MLED. r000sool Another Disastrors Fire In Montreal -Total Loss $250,000. 1 A despatch from Montreal dayn.- Another disalettratio fire occurred in the wholesale district Friday morn- ing. The blazo started in tile build - Lug occupied by Lo -e -ming, Miles & Co., wholesale druggists, at the corner of St. Sulpice and DobTesoloa streets, croatied to tile mouth side of the some street, and spread to ,the building oo- cupied by Hudon, Hebert, & Co., one of the largest wholegoicle grocery firms in the province. The fire burned fiercely from the start, and it watt feared, would extend I through to St. Paul street, takiing in ss y, loPi'lattictu, & Co., wholesale druggists, Hodgson, Sum - nor & CO., dry goods, and other large wholesale houses, but the flatues wore got "der control before spreading. The Looming, Miles & Co., building and contents wore completely destroy- eA and the -building occupied by Hu- dtxu & Hebert and Co. partially do- stroyed. together with octutentli, the lo" will be about #250,000. TAFVRTA HODICR. IP.MEMAN KLILED. i voting two or three Inches above the el Fireman Dumas, of No. 5 station, bow. Long tritusitim,ut sleeves also con lost his life by being buried under a thine to be used with low cut bodicv,& falling wall of the Loeming, Miles There are many pretty bodices for deial building. He wits probably killed, In- toilet, to be worn NvIth it different skirt stantly. The fLre in the Looming ' Miles The cut illustrates one of thelie, which Is building was intensely hot and caus- of sky blue milk with a yoke of printed ed an explosion of k.,homi,5alm In the panne. The lower part of the bodice IH top flat, near where INroman Duman also of printed ponne. The yolit, k form wa.i at work. A part of the wall was ed In a bond of gold galloon, flud the wide blown out, coveripc Durrion, with tie- belt to of gold tissue, fastened by thr,e brim. Several other firemen were hurt, gold buttons. The belt not] the got(] bor- but not .seriously. der of the yoke are couneeted by straps The explosion also carried fire across of stitched taffeta, beld by got() buttons. the corner to the wholesale grocery The collar of taffeta has two gold bandic and liquor warehouse of Hudon, Be- The sleeves are covered toy lengthwise bex,t & Coutpany, which is just in the straps of stitched taffetti, which fil,tvil roax of Notre Dome Cathedral, and upon the wrist puff or printed patim- by that building also was; in danger for means of gold buttons. Narrow cuffs of a time, gold tissue complete the sleeves. - PRISONfiRS SHOT. - Two British and Thtse Dutchmen Executed. A despatch from London says: -A despatch to the Central Newel froui Durban saya that a refugee from Klorksdorp states that Gen. Dolarey, after Gen, Methuen defeated him at Hartebouestfuntein, had five prison- ers shot. Two of them were British amd three were Diatchimen who had taken the oath of neutrality. They has! Decon previously s Klorksdorp fo r refusing to fight against the British. While they %%ere in prison they wrote to the British asking them to send a force to ro. lease them. They were shot at Wet- marenstad. One British subject who was a prisoner with there mad( - him escape. - OVER FORTY WARSHIPS. - France Is Busy Bulldlng Ships for Her Navf. A despatch from PariK sayel;-The Admiralty announce that the con- l4tructiom of a protected cruiser of 12,550 tons displacement with aspeed of 22 knots an hour, will be,commene- ed at Toulon tit onve. Three mulomar- ints boats of the most Improved style are also to be built there ii�nn ' "' "t',. y Twenty additional isubsins ns, ill eleven torpedo boats, ten torpedo boat-destroyerst, and an ironclad �� ill follow in short order. - STOVE EXPLODED. � A Mother and Five Children Buined to Death. A despatch- front Campix-liton, N.11 , maym:-Six persons Nver4l burned on Friday night at 1,ittle Cat4eapodilt, Que., am tiw result of a (,,oat oil sitove exploldoil ill the housit, of John Gnu- (hier. ,rlj4- necident occurred lsvt %% een 11 and 12 o'clock, Thie mtov,- expiod- 4-d on Ow ianding of (he mlairst. Mr. Ga ill hit- r 4-ndeftvoured to reni,ove it. lytil, finding it impossible on ac - muni of 1hie oil Im-i-rig all in flanws. juniTted from it stsecond-sclorf-y %�indoNN it) tret ht -1p. In doing an tit- locroke his leg, lout int,anagM to cra�0 fulbenvxI lit) liew. The house, howevf-r, Nsam to Nantes ls,4ore help cxtuld Ill- obkiini-d. and Gauthier's, �ifv. whii %k ;i A osiek in Isoe.d. and his fiv,- children, %%o -re Iyurn,oll. -----.*- ENTHUSIASTIC SCENE. - Deparl"re of She Duke vid lanchrom of CernwAll ror Assfrallia. A d(-Apateb from Portsmouth maya -All the warobLps here wprt, dremsed on Saturday in honor of the depart u2cre of the Dukn and Duchpog of Corn- wall anti York for Alrotralia on (he Royal yacht Ophir. Before leaving here (lie jewellery of the DuchesoA of Cornwall and York was insured for all rj�kq for The �urn of JIM.00 Th, 1)uks,'8 jssw-jl,�ry ",A insured for ,C2,(W. The Ophir nail, -d tit 4 (15 o',-lo,k Sat urd.ay afternoon on fi,�r long imir ney. The Royal ya(hl. Alhmcrta, with the King and 14ticon aboard, preced-I her out of the h.irbour Thprewsion Fits-fiirseclaelradprithiju- ticatle scene as the ()pW-r"`­aatT�T Thc naval veanela were peipled !i1ong the jetty. "hile rond-nvot %Prp rr-ded for milese with Pheprina crowi " 'rh,- Duke and Ooch,%­ of Cn,n�all so ,I York stood on the hurrief4rie deck of the Ophir in jull yo,%% of !hp rhopring crow& anti arknowl-Igpd the drm- onotrationt; of the ponpIA The Roya.) yarht Alhprtn norompan led the Ophir to the Wet- lisrht^h,p It is anderlstood thif the charter ina of the Ophir for eight months exwts the Go,verhment CKifM andthe hUI for rofurniobing and redt�ornlma her will amount to RIT2000 more This AtImiralty InedAllps] that the vFtqxpl otbould be manned hv nnvqi men ,s,ith Mo exception of th- engineer oinff 11be crew Inelin4on T7 offirproi and 121i bitrejackete. 10 warinesi, 87 memborm of the hands 99 Pagineors, and 151) stewards. FASHION NOTES. Changes In flairdresimin&t-Materinin xro� Eve"Intir weitir. The coil of (Ill, hair Is %%olu lose high than forwerly, being 111-1-11119Cd nearer the back of the head than the tog), and the puffy fullness In front surroundIng the foes Is lose ample and cot so much raised from the bead. For ball gowns till transparent, soft. floating effects aiv sought, and mougs;e- line tie sole, crepe tie chine, lace, net. tulle and liberty gauzes are Ili great rt� quest. These delleato fabrics arc sprill- tiled and enibroldvied with Jewels and isoctals-steel, silver, gold, jet, pearl, lint - (.1 spnngles, rhinestonem, crystals nod pullochons of till sorts. The illostration given todicy allows a , -sttinte for a young girl. It 18 of pvri- ,hiulde blue cloth, arid the skirt bas a 111tworell $0011AS11110 wim b" 1111111" W 91W04 14,104,049 04* .804 MOO 0 filaw 404b4 0 r=. W100 0AIII1,4111 q4 1.7 P.p _ ­ , SIA - , *. $Z"W wilik"t 4-69 rotilirp, , . is ow . boini.,tusi is W40 Gaptato 9t T"4436 94% Saab Uv* Tiollit" tp POOP. 0o oo6us- from Pekin have be** , Wandedi by witals"Is rp,bbs". 9stregs, 004 murder. The worst crimso psommit- ted by the Boxers, the worst exWes imagined as committed by them last Summer. whim It was believed that the fQrsignqrs at Pekin he allea into tholi hands, have beau dt.101cated at a more of places In the province of Pochill; but the victims were on - arm d Chinese moo and helpless wo. Mon and children. and the criminals were man who worn the uniform of the allied powers. - It In tmp�xsibl* to read the detailed narratives of these occurrences with- out a thrill of horror. That the so- cusatLoas are true unfortunately admits of no doubt. Those who make thilim are absolutely trustwor- thy. If the Boxers deserve punlah- meat, the perpetrators of these crime&, which are a disgraos to oivi- IWIstion Lad to Christianity deserve it still more. '*'- TFIE PHE�>ENT N!()'_A_ 11 1* 411 umbravlo" 'll"i lill-, areas Scott.. I,- ( 1,.I-. No one need revi .111\1, ty n. to o 1, 't ,\,-m and �ilwilwr -och aad t,n,l, it lo,,,: 1. .1-ordilill i.. Ill" .11 1p:. -d o1-1 , I-- :ittl�.. V%�.lythllljg 111"t k 1,1,11� '1�.d 1� ,-wing 16 ii,m permi-ibie. ra.litoo I,, i.w omr�- anti toort, eviv,tw. \\ lint i. is, kp� btudit,d is not %he diflervut gia,!a i000, CLOT" TOILRT. of style, but what Is Hultablis to the oe- ctision and favorable to thu Individual. The really well (Irvilmied women knows %%lint color arid what sha,les of color best become her, what type of gown best osets off her faco and figure, what tuateriala nie most advautageou" to her. . Todny's cut mhowm a costunits of dark blue cloth, The skirt has two scout cir color flounces edge(] with mtAtching. The short before In trimmed with broon oat broldery and halt sleeves of elbow length with embroidered cuffs. The high corle 1,,t belt Is of moss green velvet, The yoke and plastron of blue silk -are covered with bonds of embroidery, and the long, full sleeves of blue silk are gathered into it band of embroidery at the wrimt. The hill of dark blue felt Is ornarnentod with ;isirrow folds of moss green velvet and 14 r nimed with a bow of the green velvet.. it Jeweled ring and two black ­:�feh ()Ionic*. .- OUTER GARMENTS. -_ - Old and New Styles of Differing Cost. linese. Sleeve", Ili mantles as well as gown% linve experienced a comVIoto chaugo front former styles. Sonic are wide, full ar,l gathered Into a blind at the wrist or In I lit vertical, atitched plaits to form a cuff� others; aro laid in stitched plaits through olit their leng1h; still others ore pagoda shape(]. very wide and open, with a point When there Is question of very rich and elegant wraps, the long reding to of velvet or broche silk, Otted like a princesm gown tied trimmed with beautiful passe- YOUNO (ART 8 6OWN . " I , -1-1 it) "thOwd 1-111119 '. ,;�e �,�:,I!er nod I, I 4 nnol ba, it The bodies, hall n ij,t 1,,q,l( rool n mhort hn-,joe, %01101 lot ,I litz.11'.41 Ili two poiot,; lit flont, lind (lie . 0111� .- k flui.licill %%10i a stilin cord. The "loirts-t 1,�.I,, Ili, 4 Hoe prinne. with 41 Ittl4jo, ito'll 4 ltl%P,I,t 111'e, Hn'l a hand .1 p,un', %Nith ln,.� :,pplo-lilionN I't],41ost-4 . , � ;."" n � , .,., " e n (f, Wsid, of tile light Al.-v'ea. croirn pornh Is platted niol 1, .. n n -toned r.ros. 1, t plot two I'lind. ,�f wov 1,au-, (it(, bulloom heing gold. ,rho -ilar w ,%',,o of blut, mintif, The hill is rnvereci wAh n (Irnvery rif blop panne nntl i,, irinmicd with ChrImtnt,qq rosew nrid hot 13 le.),- �9) berries. - STAIN UPON CHRISTENDOM. Rice,stwo. by th. Allilsod Irrsoo.p. In 41oloolk I on 6 rnted. The foreign ministers at P- kin have preparA(l a list ,it high Chinf-He Offi,inig who" execution they do- mand no a punishment (or their corn- plicity in the Boxer ou I ra we s and The attack on the lt,gwiortm M the expediency of (him demand. in cer fain InsitntireA, thore may bf, ol,mir doubt ; but nf 04 nutisinalhal juslisr,e .,nnuming that tho officiate did �hstf I they are reputed to havv flone. t lip r,- r9n be no question While the riltompt is twing matle to dintribute responstibilitF and tc exact penalty for t hastc, cr crimes neither the forf-ign miniottorst at Pekin nor thoo powerR which they reproftent ran afford to be Intfiffer- ant to coortain other crimes, nill more inpreupahl,s qnd sticrociousi The firpt raIsorts of eirs-timen h) the allied troops Roomed Impopathk to holia". but thpy ha,e been �on firmed by too many witnAmisse t to b4 any longer questioned. The worl began at Take last Junes, wban ithrim 11111111DENGOM menterle, Is In the front rank. This is a not particularly novel type, but Its costil- neon renders It exclusim Among add Ideas, however, may be reckoned the loose slack of cloth, composerl of live so"_ cossive meant eircular flouncea. Elach Bounce Is bordered with a cording of tftt- tests and lined with white liberty matin. The top Bounce forini6a sort of pelorine, from beneath which the sleeves emerge. They are wide and are gathered In at the wrist with a cording of taffets. The picture shows a halt length rodin. got@ of mastic cloth- it is close fitting at the back and aid** and straight Ir front it to double breasted. and at each side of the front an two plaits lot In a" wo,enred at the top by arrowhead stitches There or* triple pelsitines and dontil rovers. and all the edges, tocindling thetit: at the eollar and the cuffs of the On. sleeves, are finished with stitched strop at ekth. Ttis ow tastens with born but tons ud to Ilmd wM bco*M mUL , I , me * - 811TA318. lu, 'of I I I I I Of I All � I. 0 1111"11% I I - MIR 3TATZW= "R 40)0�lr � WATCHING T"js­ . G,Q tft,' ' , _b* ... t rp"M I . What she IreessisaAft of poklat4w 31004^ , 162 *A-*ZW4 C4, 00'swag,00 Ovalle* Isiteirlao T**ab4. �. 4,1.4 , Now that H*publk*a4= kae flLitst Mpoo Paz 11ARA in Spain. tho Jklti*b 4stosiss � 111,041 are keepjag &a &Iaxiom qqe *A that country. all anything Nadine to bring on a revolutionary m9yeWA^t will naturally affect Great HrItals, t�s power that Guintroin tbo key to The danger whjab rulabit &rise V* - warding Britlub interests was so forcibly put before the British House Dt Commom last weak that Ur. Ral- tour promised to Investigate an w toundius ovestaight on the part of the Goveriumeat in sconstructias the now barbour and dock at Girbral, tar. GLURALTA�WS WEAKNES& Gibson Bowles called attention to the fact that the site of the new looks in tAe name as existed at the period of short-range artillery, and that with the present range guns all the) abipping assembled in the hax- Locur and the duo" themselves could I)o tendered helpless by a few lyddLts aloolls from the land. which could 3cither be repelled nor returned. He advised that the works and her. Dour be construotod, on the cast aide �f the rock. whore they �would be tree from land attack mad would have the prottsol.ioo of the Mediterranean fleet, * well as the g -ma of the took. Mr. lWtuur has offered Mr. Bowles a position on a apecial commission WhIall will be appointed to consider the matter, SPAIN IS UNSETTLED. Hust to touch upon the foundation ter all thlo precautions Donna Chris - Lions through no fault of her own. a held responsible by the Spanish ilocople for circumstances over which lice bad no control. Her position. ant well as that of the Alfunniats. has been greatly weakened by not only the lons of the colouLes to America. blAt by the assent to the marriage A the Princess of the Asturias, belt - 388 premir,craptive, to the son of the ald Chief of staff of Don Carlos. Thim A how the Atopublicatia have amansed strength and arc now saloasly allied with the extreme Republicans of Wance. All through the Spaulall-American war the whole world noticed the friendship that existed between Francs arid Spain, the latter looking to the Froach Republics even more than Austria, for dipiomatio amalot- ooze and sylinpathy, botli of which she received. Now, should the Roo.. publicaria of Spain become strong enough to throw their country Into the arms of Fraacw, tompted by the chance of recovering Gibraltar,which the French Would use am Ek decoys and should Portugal follow the oz. ample of Spain, then tounitod. Iberian Ropublio might become established In Europe. Thum Britaln's anxiety ro- gardLug Gibraltar. 40. .1 CUT THE WIRES. ' Natal Isolated 7rom the Forces In the Transvaal. A despatch from Cape Town, nays: - 'rho goneral upinion regarding pence, is that there i. -i vvry little prospect (it it being brought to a favorable is- sAw, and that (lit, obstacles onoount- orod will prol.sabiy prure Lulturmount. a ble. Tile Boers have cut ths) wired on the telvgraph li-ne ,,ozinvc t trig Natal. thus Isolating tho proville" frotir the forcest in the Tranavaill fur tics, time being. Thin, taken lit connection with Do Ni,'ol.'s report -A lackit'll Nat'ki-ward. iA "gol"I"d "` '"'I"'o". Iml-d Kitchell'.1. r,-I,oitti th,AL the liour general, Dv NVet. lia.4 reached Sonsi,ka 1, N� hi, b . is -,it t h.- 0 -h -graph lint, in an canterlydirestion from Broad - fort, whort, Its' WOL W�Lm recently re - pit r t ed. Thisi NVOUld 44 ... Lit it) indicate that Do %V(,t hati eiths,r no particia- Iar destination, or is making for Natal. SURGERY ON WHALE SHIPS. 101111ralt O.irrail(ouo, Annseslaven Perforrued Is. Inc 11ANDtalt'st. S,smo remarkable murg,-ry has beau performed by captains (of the whaling shipm in the An-lic Ocean. Aoci- ,tents ij,�juelimest ti�spp,-ri oil bs,ut,l tho whaleis, an -1 a4 (hero ill raroly LL modical tuan ill the fivo. the captain Is obligo'l to lielt. thos Injured Mon. Gunlod ouly h) common sense, some of these �aptain� lj,tvt, managed to perform even �k:njwtafionli with sue - Ile" `sk hen Surge,oll Coil of thsa rev,oun cutli-r B -i wasti Ili Alaska recently,lo, ,�:L.q much Linpremmed with site %soik or this rhirACCtor that had tooell 'Im". by Cipt G,-ofg�� B. 1'eavitt of the %sh-iler Newport. lit, asked him for in iveount of hisexperience. C,pl 1,4vtvilt m iol,ly i -t lit part an .It'llo-4. " The first of tho amputation,; mince, th4l 41111)4 Isegin wintwing oil Her - 4, lwl',, Ishrid, %v cot ... i i loan 1.s;ong- tog t., if)" Nfily 1) 111111le. Half his rikw r ­o wns t!%kon off, tho inalru- inatitm used b,-irl'K Lt b jt,�het knife and i lia, k "a w It W�ls the filet attempt ,,t the kin -1 tip thor.i and putting the Pilietif undri chl,,rob,ini, ,hich was ou t of ou r I i no, w is .t slow pro"as. "%�ss p:a,*,-1 ih-, Io,,tI,- under his n -e ,od ;kftef tie hid tak�-n a whiff "" woold �4�k 111rut if he �ole sleepy� I'llis wto kept up for halt art hour �,tlmtll ally eff.,,t 'Ass then mado a p , pot , ,,n,,, put Ill Home waste tsaturo�d �1(11 chl"ru(orm. anti tile man �ont right iff It was a square ,,ill lic,oss the f(.,t It turned out �eill. bot tit*- h,g (­-, or thoi bono tha b I 'o growq on, was a long time I ; 1 I ,r twict h.g -juiricT was taking "fgf ?je right aria of Mr. West, the hell itord officer of i he Na va rch The Irm -ts amput3lott a few Inchem be - 'r . the ,,houlder, �Ioaning off all 111.1 hu'vi, fl.och Ili putting ,, liga- 'jurts on th*, large artery, gut � am u ssed 'rho qtmiil veins were touch -A , 1, h '. I ust, in Enter I had to make i sworol operation, this time laying ,,poll the csntir� shoulder, and taking ,,tit the hone tip within an inch of the �otnt "i-lof,orm win tho only antiqeptil, 'till I hqd in ill my surgery After �o , 1. opo r , i i,, an a st t hose I not -I 1. I I n. (11 ran rph i no whiehov r I h 11,ptstie I - hive on hand. lo ,1-14. ssn ih,- j,%kn All the s;uhj­t,, -n li�,. ,,, ks�l -n hqv- turned ,-ui ,sell I I-- n,�t Alu,fied mpd,eios� no, had I -pen ii,ylhing of the kind dono owd I w,q o-ompoll-A to ,to ,t while 11 H. -h.1 Istland" - K�Fiw Folwird VI[ k� ,,t ins,mbnT af ,h,- Vhm.r,h ,,f KoaUn-1, Prsot-tant, an,i ,tlt*-n,IA 1h,- �,,tabliqhod Churolicur; -­t1:,n,,I. I,ke th,- Quoss,n. Ix -I listrAripq who in procooast�f time will be lho %54h of A line of bar- orm anti th,o27th 1wirl orf0rawford, is a so[on of a house which hal bam notan since the days (A King 84400b . � I . I I'll � � I �� . , I . 1, ., . I I . . I I .� � 'N , ­,., , 11, 1� , I I I I " � ,0 -sla � . , 'i , -all ':,� , 4, , " -.1 01 -��t--�'J"k, �,' -,! I(-- "' '' 01-,ZAI-1'11'�' 0 11. r­,_1_­t1_1.1s1.n111_.1 __ 1, - ­_ , , - * I -T-- jjIffic; " tl.1111" , "' _ ,L7 , . 7.11111""11111110- - " .. " 691i 21 �_, I— - � - 1-s-_ .. � �_' .jft&!,�.,Z� " " _-� __ _ A vl I I I I I ., . I � I I I ) I 11 �1 I I I . I - .- A \-.