The Goderich Star, 1901-03-22, Page 2LXGA6U .. - - F "'; �; ., ­ - �� " I PWVDLr ,OOT It 11 � � %KVIN"art" 0 cJto, ! Vellf.j CM flig I sqv&",,-Ibll.,.=�&.1.71= CoAttill, Sir I'VITS W01;gioulproo.. IL 0. H.Ayl ; - I uVROW &&ARR -I- I "., .ffJgIL .ZV jor " .. lch% I., 9 , Oak, Jill - - I M'a M .WQ. -.? L L � . . J 8TON awrinw molkd4m & I & OXotXN 0. j;A5Za. Hasiffifto; stif" I OA161PION a a BliallatcA Solicito I E. Notary. Etc. iifltm--Ovet JOrd" c Drug Sturis, Obdoricb. Money to LOAIL - - - h3 By I U1V�.,L.",,o`M1,. IN. s`=riN`.c ,&, eftem IQ" at lowest rates. Offlessr-liN . a lock. Hamilton streak Godericlit. 111. I i I �., t ��, '- ! ' L � ,; � I I I � L . ,. I L , t'� AI'.. � � " i -� I '. , ,,, . I .�: 1� w ii , , .1 L I I - I � _� L, 1 :`:., 11.1 I I "; L ,, rL .., � I 1.k� I I . � 11. :: � .1 � ,I, , . 4; , .1 "I � , - 1, ' � ' ' " I'L ' l ,. I , :" ��... I � , . I r, I I ".. " X, , , - ­�L, I . �L � i , � . �ool­�­:: -1 ff'; , li:. ,',I , I M�, � � � 17� I Me %2AMZRON iforuserly of Oxistem t,6 t Collision), Barrister brat! twidi M.. 0000. _ kerd, ton striell. ingload doo - - - . Q. -M Goderialk. ____ - - CHAS. SEAGZR. Barrister. Solicitor, N Cary. and Conveyancer. Ofdco -Hanif ton SU 0 Prl,.UT a crich. 0 PO.itkk Colborne Hoto ecrabilo loud at il per coat. interest 6 rtgaffe. Forment'notes cashed. ___ .__ AN. LRWIS, Barrister, Conveyancer, Pcoc can &Tr to Maritime cuur� ate. We . low rated. PrIvktW unit& OAg:t Hamilton Streak . _ _ ___ __ tPICKINBON &HOLMES DARRISTEW to 8011011t0rd Notaries N)Aic, &a. Mono 0 c con. 01111100-W-stStrect. E. L Dialginsol Dudley Holmes, 1717 ' rcuHILIP AdLT, ­BAfthISTXIt.SOLIC1ITOI Noin Public, &c.cmo %t. to loan a ate atereat. OIN as taide Coln .'r. Square. 1717 ____ MZDIOALi. - - , - - - -, 7--7=::-7::777-= D RS. TURNBULL & TURNBULL, I PHYSICIANS, I�LFRGI,ONS, ETC. Orrioric. -Hamilton Street. &I"Nighte-illo anawered from oflic,,. TELEPHONE Ioa . . . . . . J. L. TvHNIJULL Fia-ANK 1) TuttritIVI, . ____ - - - _. � D ItS. SHANNON A_NO uALLOW - PHYSICIAN13 AND BURGEONt Orrica-111 Haack of Colnucervo Building %% not Bid. of $qua ro. trNight Calls at Residence. Dit. SHANNON. DIL GALLOW, Old Itaiddetrail Elgin 8L. IN Napier St. PHONB44 PHONE a - - DENTAL. - - - - IN ICHOLSON, L D, S. Dontal Surgeon ROOIIIVOPI!0411,0[.110110�1,0111v� Gon Por,col(LIn .ad gold crown and bridir, L n'.. lr-'a 6110011ILY. Ituirty-five years' exper tonce. __ - .-, -,-- ____ ILM. MABEE, 1). 1). B., L D. S.. Donta * 8uraroon. Lateil, rind apgruosved thiLtoLhod for aft dental operation, ervt tou a natural tooth 1% OP00i"ItY, Office -Oar, Was St. and the Square. PHONE NO. 3U. ___ - - ­ _ - - - -, . _ , ___ - - 4M. TURNBUL4 D.D.S., I,. 1). s., 1)o.ta , 4 tin coil formerly a-utitaLod witik fir � g .01, 0 , tonlreal. All brunches of tile pro tossion practiced. including gold ,,all porool,ldr crawn-akil bridge work. Special .uolluo, V,Vn 1:0 Mth=tjnworvation a' Lho natural Loolth an in . '- Now Block. " T� _ � . - MARRIAGE LICENSES . -1 - �_ __ - WI,ANE. ISS1,11at Ole MARRIAOIC . - Liconscil'i, til*�Ilrloh. Ont. __ - - � - I � AUCTIONEER ­___ - , __ - -­ OHN ICNOX, Noivig.. ,iLrvint Lloiteriol PPO&ILO buxton's Ifolid. Liconsad Ali( 4,01lear and Agent for I he Ncircon Bros. Agr call. ra.1111-ploments, Part.; the celebrated Adams'Wagonsi McLoughlin carriage Coln WrIllwy, Oshawa; the Cookalbult Plow OliI . tford, and all other lines pertaining tbt arming trade. - __ T HOMAS OUNDLLY. Live Stock and General Auctioneer, Hamilton Street, Goderioli. Sides made everywhere and all cillirts made tOgive You satisfaction. Farmers'salo notes discounted. ___ . __ VETMUNARY R. W. F. CLARK, V. R. graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Colle , oroutio, I r1eill)(IOU10111Y call the attuntion a horso ownerii to my arrowed in t )led of operating on horses, tooth, fresh on of veterinary medicines al a on blind, ce and stables-Nowg%te a It, Goderich. � . - Tonsortm. --------- __­_ MONTREAL ST, TONSORIAL ROO,Ma- CL SWAN14ON fmaecomor to J. Brophey') progietor, Madam, easy, oloan 9havoo; ha r� out law and shampooing. Halsor alit% ponit� and honed. - _­_ - ---. . - _ - I __ 11 ZA 3M.A-W McLean -S M.A. 1-. 3 K.M �r. C0aNKR EAST -ST, AND SQUARK. FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. varYthing In reason unit PricosalwayR right. Geo. Smith ___ - - I CONTRACTOR HOUNEBUILDER and GENERAL CARPENTER. Houses remodeled, and general refining attended to promptly at moderate prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SHOIP-King,don Street, Goderich. RESIDENCL-Huron Road. � - - - le�ki --f-M-yers The Undartakam Cradiastatof t"o4aohwmtto Wiffte of livolialmIng. White 111tims; and Notlern Appillignotes. OUR PRICES ARE VXRY LOW Try no. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Reoldime. BICKER A HIRS, South Strealt. .. 1 -w3tK= Godepich Planing HIS BUCHANAN & SONs Contraotors and SuUdera i Marriaracturers ofand dealers I In all kinds of Ruilding Ma. I terlial& such an Lumber Doort". I Stsb. Lath, Shintles, ��Ac. 1 4 0 ....__.__._ ___- ------- 11 ' HOUSEH=OLD. , [H:1 ..---.-------- 1111111 i _1 1. I. AN AFTIAMOON LUNCHEON. I Stuffed Datioa - Purchass, 2 The datoo. gic-paraLe them carefully and ro-- 3 . Move the fitionem from each. "I its . space with kernels oil hickory nuts o I walnuts, which may be bought at . alfready prepared. A uarter of a r pound of the kernels wIll fill 2 IN datca. Atter this bus been done, rot . each dato in granulated sugar anti well coutioct. Serve, in a fifeciall glastj ! dish. . Vanilla OookicA-Mix together wit . the bonds a lb sugar, 1-2 lb butter I . 4 eggs. 1-2 teaspoon linking soda, and � 2 teaapoond vulailla. After mixing until thoroughly creamed, stand own. ) in a cold place until the next day I Roll vory thin and bake, in a hot oven ; The oak" must be closely watched a they will burn quickly. Do not fal -- .-- Lille mixture stand away for u . day. rka it will the. r.11 v,t-,ry mile D . thinner than it baked as soon as ulix ad. Before baking sprinkle the oak with sugar. A fa�� chopped peanut I ; and abcoando, eat xed and sprinkled . over the tops, nill add great ly to (ticl . appearance, I Crkta in t Mints -Take 2 tenoup t granulated sugar. Pour ov)Lr it I- . . cap boiling water rind stir until ill, augur J.% well melted, but do not touo after the ludicture has begun to boil Watch carefufly find boil exactl eight millutob, Five, drops of extra. Olot e0d) Of Poppermint should he atirr d in after it is rernoved front ill f I re. Drop on we xed Paper and also 'way ujlt" th" 1101t day. then dip in to Illeltod chocolate. A knitting . n0ediv makes a nice "bundle " for tb dipping. Fudge -Grate 2 aquareil unsweet . tined chocolate, put Into 11 chafing I dish or Isnuctepan, and add I cup, Lai � a pint, tpf milk, LA4 bull until th luilturt, is like syrup, then add 2 cup . granulated augur Lind I large table I spoon butter. When removed from 'lit' fill' bl'-t and all, rapidly unti a lines t 'Old- then cut into squares Italuctro froul, (he pan niten perfect ly cold. � Liclucionade-lia making Iernonad,e, I I , I is Illway.-A best to use a syrup made front I llb sugar Lind 1-2 cup water I Squvezv tile juice of I lemon into , glass and add it to 2 ta,bleapoona o ! I 1-1 BY, up. Add enough lee water to make it tht' right flaror. A large 000(i Of Ice should be put into the bo%sl if serviA from a punch bowl, - QUAwmirr OF GOOD THINGS. AlmiAnd cuiis make a foundation for viarious fa.rIcy desserts. To make ill&"", blanch it Pound olf sweet al - Mends, und Pound to a smooth paste using a Very little rose water in ti�' provess; add thrree-fourths cup of Powdored sugar and stir the paste ovvir it slow. fire, or over hot water -(i I amulet . h and thick. Milk,, little cups of the Paste and bake in a Bin w oven. When aerved the cups may be filled %v'tll ally sort Of fancy custard or whipped crealm, . A ,tucounut sponge hit anotliter dain- (y find easily made dish. To a pint of rich milk add two houping table- spoonfuls of cornstarch, three table- spoonoful.k of Sugar and a pinub of ark I t, CO , X) minutes! and lot parti- ally 11001, thicia add the whites of (I 0998, beatem 00 1% stiff froth, end one cut) of frewalftly grated cocoanut. Cool . In moulds unit servic, with a custard made from the y,lkj, of the eggs, t'h`cu ("blefil)(onfuld of sugar and a Pint Of latilk. Flavor to taato after life, custarxi fil taken from tho fire, Raisin Puffil givV a hot dessert Of an appetizing formt. Cream thre t ,a a- 1111'sPO(InflIful of sugar and halt a cup Of butter; add two well beaten eggs d .neoup Ott aww.ft milk. Sift three telisPOOnatful of baking powder with three cults of flour n,nd beat into the mixture. Add to this a half cup of seeded raialins. and put the mixture brito "Dlall OuPst and stearia half an he ux. Serve with sugar and cream, or tiny good Pudding sauce. If fruit julus tire to W had, a spoonful plac- od on each dish adds inuch to it, and is the finighing touch. For n ocicoalfrut loaf cake rub one au P Of augur with three tableapoan� fuls Of meltod butter; adA one well- bealen egg and one cup of milk. Sift three telksPOOnstul of baking Powder with tW`O VILPS Of flour and add, to the ouxture. Beat the batter very thor- oughly until smooth, then add a quar. ter of a cup of grated cocoanut and hake hall tin hour. _ I (IONPLEXION AND DR,EISS. Mitch Of the good effect of dresal de- Pands upon the selection of color, To 800 the shIlOw woman wearing shades of tan or yellore, Is to 9- )ter eyes look duller, and her hair take on a lifeless tint, ,wildle she herdolf has a yellOw- ish 11,11, auggestim of a sluggish jiv- or. \ , Sh" may wear reds to ckdva.ntga,,, if they art) rich and ri drall lit color, and all,, ruby wear oreare, %vhite at Inight. but never in the daylight; she LARY wear noutral tints, with n bit of rich coloring here and there, but dull bro1VIcia, indialinct greens, pale blue Or Pink. novor, never. An able values her good looks, never. They are fatal to it 00vaPlexiQn and coloring like her&. The florid oom�plrixlon looks begit in clear black with a creamy tint be- hysion the nook and the gown to sof- ten tbo contrast. Dark hair and fair akin take kindly to reds. aind, in spite of all the old- tinvit teachings, it to most evident that Tied Is "trellably becoming to flarken-haired children, and even to ffoulluchine blandes art Iminture yearat if the akin IN fair and clear. - WATCH THE CELLAR. A great deal dt ateknosis in families is CAUSOd by the condition of the col- lar. Not unusually thin collar opens into the kitchen, This would Lie "I'll Veritilligib It the col - 11117 air was pure. but Often is it not; Partly doolkyoti, vwIgetables or Wood May no there. 111 should bin taken to (brow out lg;� -,a 0 rry trWay all dirt, decayed woods or vV90tilLbl" and other no. lumulations. The cobweb,,( should be mmathed down� and the walls! And cell. 1198 given a good cant of whitewash, I- Old b-0- can be u3ed if a white - V4011 brusb is not to be had. Th, irlhitiewash will mveeten the atr in the Allart the parlor and the bedroolux, Lind it may saw the family from tov. Ira, . . I =:!", 1::11ZZ1::1::1: :,.:'III.: -111-1 L . � - �._ I . I Z111Z ml ::I ZZZ I �'I I'll, � I . - , �� . I.. I- ­ -- - =.-" 11 1� :1 I � - - - --- I I --,-1111111 - 11.1 � 1-1 � . V"V4jWJ,Mii;sdH*.' &W" I I Adow" I MOST PEOP161; LOPBIDID. MU Bowl TO "M uslot allituat Or COURT rRICZVENCZ pf I$ , _J,JT,' O_LD. JXffL W- TRA681111115 AVERTELL , 'a`gn`n`­i� i:1 jmffereafto Iks SWAIR 7.01 0 11114 D-5 �. - 41 cuiturat . Worn She laxop Mires, stigilt --T" mokir at* X-tomfirA or am Asylas wiligiany - sasse Caere WAsegre They wery 11'revol"I"d ri � Nors, of Men slid Waggioet, QRS911 VICTORIA'P CROWN WILL BE XM* flis Khg* W4�wxcriiipig Slow vallirl. INTEMTINQ )IM -Of JOHN BQLL Isy reir*Wksgickno Uddeallsk. EAg r i I . . The two siticat of a porgiouln $scei are WORN AT THE CORONATION. Win AsW Order Of COMIt precedence _ AND 1113, FAMM A man who had planned a murder to wa�� I . � I U-0. 4.1141.0. Mile eyell are Out 9flino. - 111 as follows. - a railway carriage, cumidualy timing FEED rilb uk"--'5 oitt)?, � I I in two cases Out of five, and one 070 its CV46 Was 610"%*Oo�-A 1011"I'lls igiage *-1. Q94,04 Alexandra; 2. Victoria Reeer4 0 4wearreacca its "to 14nd Tug his attack for the moment when the There W but i,lI-' doubt that tWg I . , of Irrocilose, 40 ArLaIg of Rus , ggle; 3, Empress . , gains-Nort she 11004% Covilly ARW, Cf, 40111.4164, 49]Frtn4e Is The rentmentall train We* passing no station and When Lucrexa. : . is stronger than the other. In "Yen 'Vvswa 40 glgvOPO - uggit" Forl"'W"' Auguste worl no other train was expected to be crop magal be v"y kaig'ly 1� ; car is velill as 0460".,fm peror Wiviam; 4. Victoria Adolaid Lord Duadousild, who went out to - out part ,if bit in yield If Plop" La" Loud. of 0111 - persons call of ton. The r*ht . of qeg,gaany; rwifo of ZW 'A. in the vicinity, carried ,oil carried out, "I !� else, " a rule, Ugher than the lott. At the coxxtuatloo of King FA-ard 0111wallar Nigivrovit of Oermany, aide ol South Africa with his hair quite dark ' a, His hand lure were aaIdeI.,L-.d � I I f Only out person In fifteen has per. VIL nZ4 Queen AIcxqfndOr , cra�wns daughter of V I . at returned wRh it almost white. I the program to perfootio wratis fid, j .1 1,1,oughne. Thor- I 1 fect Q-0.4 1. ot.,i , was on his vicitivula throat, and all of t fa� but I good deed iii, _ cyce, the largest percentage of will be limited. The obletl one, known RqyAI of Great Princess The death in announced at Lieut- ough pl,par.L111J., defeats prevailing among fair-haired Britain ; 5. Mary Of Col. Jamoo Charley Moberly. who tcr- should have gone well, when it $bout , qu"LI(V %ith an I people. ftorit might Is more com;U911 AA Queen 'Vict"La's crown, wW be tbo Took, Prince" of Wales, form inerly commanded the Royal Soots arresited hin attention, ,the train slow- I" oufficoam � 11 I I one actually used in tbc oterexagrely of Duchess - Vint erly ablandallt oupl,,) ,1 p,up�i food at �q I it) town than amongleountry folk.*A4 of York; 0. Louise or, Greys. ed up, and be found himself 3PIcs- it,, right LLLlax Ill ib, t-ca,LLais for � fl, � 1 of all people the Germans bc:ki� crotyleto the king; the --44 One D is' The Queen's private wealth lyielded oner. I g Inchilim Of Fite, elideat daughter of * he will be used in crowning the queen the sovereliggi; 7, Victoria At 11 at it busy It good clop. �uj L,o,.",t,Lu yields, a "I , ; exandra, an income of About X200.0i yearly, . A Local " special." 9LEt o rotatIULU U1 ��J,I,6 11- LIVII occupies! �� , largest proportion of short- ed consgirt, and the other two will be exclusive Of JM.000 annually from JUDIOLLOD. Was UIO cauttle Of hL4 fail - h person&. second daughter of the sovereign. 8 Parliament. rs will ; ure. This 'expreiiii had overhaultId the the la."d fur al.saut IL"t` la" - i I warn by their majostlegi during the - # " i (rho oryawline lone] of tile eye is the 8oriricies following the actual Prown- Maud Charlotte. third daughter,_�lfo Had Queen V'Wtoria lived another slower tiraila, ,,it the moment of Posts- usually lac t.W,d ,,,L�fa,Liury, al- I � ;� I l L. one portion of the bumaxii body ,whicb, ing. I of Prince Chaxleca Of Denmark - U day she would bave died on the anial- Ling had been the moment chosan by though boum 40,i� u -y u, profitably, 1 I continutecis to Locirealae in size, throuirb- These, together with the sword of Mary VirAoria, daughter of the in ' vareary of the gleath of"her father. the murderer. The deed was witness- kept in g 1 �d Lot , -1 'I I of yout"I by I . . I . co Ow the Duke of Neut. e4 and the express stopped. Judicious tup�dlt.-Mg i -all Bond- . , . . I y out lUo and does not cease with the state the riceptires and ronation Prince of Wainks, (Lad the -two daugh- iSix hundred and seventy out of A party of desperadoes, having d&- Lug ,,ftel pulat- ol ­uA` other hoed I r . attainment Of maturity. ring, all taken from the tower by or- ters' Of the Ducheas of Fite. aviary 1,000 Engit"Rien who torkulned to rob a train, greased the b,. ,, aw, t d Lia time to I �, 71 II It wish to rails on a steep incline that ran crop that ­ r. I . The smallest Loterval of sound can der of the Earl Marshal of Engla d, B ­The collatoural branch of the a list are acoepte.d. In France the . _1 of reigning familY; 10, Louise Margaret, average Ja 1112 of c through a out4ing. They were do- allow the gr�A to IL'IL, sufficilent .1�� , 1�', r be better distilliquiahod with one car are in the Custody Of the Dean ongeripts; in Spain feated by the small accident of the .1 Well, 11 I , I wlife of Prince Arthur, Duke of Con- 824- glovvth to dt'L.ud � ill ­rit, , gived 11 : than with both. The nails of two fin. Westminster during the coronation bank giving way beneath the feett of I. 114 LI spring I ; � germ, never grow w4th the same rap- Bur vicea. rf-Wht; 1L Helena, Princess Chris- It Is said Lhat in a short time Ox- , , I at, h I". daugAter of Queen two of their numbetir who stood. on be better itemuita a 1, I Vlotpria ; IS, ford Will be, in possession of one of the edge.ready to fire on -the driver of the "(30,11-119. . I :1 - Idilly, that of ,the middLec finger grow- The Queen Victoria crown, als call- Beatrice. Princess of Battentatirg, )�� ;, Lug the fastest, while that of the c daughter of Queen locomotive below. Theearth thatgave A Luethod that 1,,, 111,,"d eccaLnent- ,� , " tbupnb growto the slowest. .oil thii state crown, is a dazzlin Victoria ; 14, ffhae'l telescopes in the world. A , 8 9 muss Granciducheas Marie of Russia, Widow large tower is being built for its so- way beneath their feet fell upon tile ly bcitJafd(tUIy L� ol 1­1u�sd: Plow .. In fifty-foux ocknes lout of a hundred Of precious ff+entes, 3,og,3 in all, and of the Duke of Edinburgh ; 15, Helena commodation. rails, and enabled the engine to keep u � , r the left log in stronger than the many of them havc interesting big- of Waldeck�Pyrmont, Mr. Lestie going until the tell of the riale was ittr puLaLut- Luc iatt-i titan SepL I " right. The bones of an average hu- ter . widow of the Stuart. the composer of 1'. � resulted. . 15 if pubs.axle, aLd if ,,,I,t Lit, acid, ap- I man male skeleton weigh twenty ties. There III a mulpnificent sap. Diuke of Albany. the stirring song, "Soldiers of the 'A banana rind once a or led till 01- ply dll-�Iakiad ill"t JL ,bt late Of One - "I ; I W It pounds ; those of a woman are six Phire which is said to hum come' from C-ThO childrein and wives of the Queen,., was at one time a Ma7laches- plusion planned by arclarvohists. Pr - children of the Prilimeas Royal, now t 0 Ili L �� 1) t Uli.� pc I _,, I, , L I t LUroughly 1. g pounds Lighter. the ring of Edward the Confessor. Dowager Empress of ter organist, and was known as, noodling on EL fete day 0 the oput be- % Germany - 10. Thomas Barrett. looted, the man wh It,, I'll At Life same Whatt unruly member, the Lougee, of Then there are sixteen druall sap- Charlotte, Princess of Saxe -Main . a was carrying the inalfull '"to I f.� a woman, in also smaller than that Irene of Hesse, wife of L�gen, London fle to have a department bomb stepped on the piece of fruit tune apply tnua,_i­­ a' .vvnly as U b of a man, gilvAn a man and a woman Phrea, eleven emeralds, few rubies, 0 Prince Henry a 800 1 4 - . , , I f Prussia; 17, Victor. tore of the American type. A mom- the bomb at once exploded, and lie 1W. 1.11111 ILLI 10 to, I �a LI, of pot , �4 0 ia, akin. He tell with buch force that . of equal size and weight. It may be f which one belonged to the Black Adolphe of Schaumburg wife of Prince poss,ibit, IW I,).,. a., I . , I'. 'It soda, , L�., Y appalling to reflect, but it is never- Prince, -Lippe; 18, So- bar of a New York firm is to or- himself wait the only person kill d 't_i I is 16 line, 11 � four drop-shiciped pearls. 273 Pida Dorothea, wile of the Duke of Manias it, at ash. Liallv" WILI, ,. �� t tholoss, true, that the muscled of the Other pearls, I,WJ brilliant diamo, cls, Sparta. the request and under A wooden penholder, stuck b 'Lind LUCIIUI,� ,01111ILL.11 ,"d -11 "tutor rYe. � , , the patronage of &r Thomas Lipton. a bank clerk's ear, caught in the "hum- I, Lie U t 1. I L, U p, I a, 1, A, .1 1A a V y Bieed- , �� human jaw exert a force of over five 147 table diamonds and 1,274 rotio n D-Childron of the Princess A , � f (. hundred pounds. dla- Hesse. 19, Victo lice Of At the Exeter Hall meeting of the mer of a revolver bold close to )its Lug Is juut dc,,11 al.,O. I( ,� �Vwtlf, more d The &Y'llimertry which [a the sole, in- monds. ria Alberta, wife of . : - It Louis of Battenburg; United MOthodist Free Churches, to head by a robber, and prevented the Lban to 2A Elizabeth, ,,, plutu,tt.,u Lu (,- I2111. �11 - olligible ground for our idea of With all this MIXAS Of jamela the Grand duch pun tr oing off. The rob- u"'Lica"111 'A Crop W el,11-I , Sergius of Russia. 21 consider their attitude on out . beauty the proportion between the whole crown weighs on, Victo - oes the drink her took frightgand decamped. Maki,; LIW lal� 111-1�11 I c upper and lower balf of the hu y tbirty-nine 0 ria of Saxe -Coburg Gotha, 1�vif� traffic, a resolution was passed sta I,; Lily level, �, man ounces. It Wad leado in 1838 to f Ernest L e - - 0 SnaouLL "Illit ,I "k:,dvI, �'.d 40W time- I body exists in nearly all males, but r Queen Ouis of Hess . Ln,g that "the attitude of the churotb site and on- QUEER AILMENTS. thy u,nd ledtt,p, w ­jig titan stood, at I Victoria'a coronation from ak- burgh. 22, Maria Alexandra Victoria, comprOmlaing h tility.1, -_ tile la[o w to an,i , i itio per acre . is never found in the female American J.W.I. t F---Cbil4.rs,n of the Duke of Edin- should be one of delibor 9 �timbe are more symmetrical than an from old crowns, and it( vulueld at wife of the' crown Prince Of Roumania; Th. Duke of a' like Great banuers of Eating Too IllanY lespe"Ll""y' ILLLu ui'l very lightly ahooe of any other 'People. The rock- II1,8DO,olift. The cap is Ott orimson vel- 23, Alexandra Louise wife AXIFYII- it is stated, IsiLli weeder and iuli. Sow red clo- I [ Ing chair accordiDg to -an English ve ditary Prince of ' Of the bere- Vegetables. c "etiat is responsible for the ex- t lined with white Bilk, rind hail tin Hollonlobe-Langen- is writing his f8ther's memoirs. The The vegetarian restaurants of Lon ver Lho, tioljo�swg �Inmg III -Mairch on a eircise which increases the beauty of ormine border. burg ; 24, Victoria Louise, daughter work will probably take about three - it light �"Uv� 01 L�'Ittlt' th'. ground in of Princess Helena Christian ; 25 Xou_ yea.ro, as there is a huge mass of don, on account of their 3ow prices and perniant-ritiy Lha�Ned, tit the rate Of q - the lower limbs. The Pictish which the It is not the moat costly royal crown ise Augusta, daughter of Prinoe,,,H,,- correspondence. The late Duke was carefurl cookery, are frequented by i.3 Rb. per acre ,111,1 roll Al Soon US totes give to keep I be chair in traction in Erillope; that distinction is assert- Iona Christian, divorced from Pri Propart:uvolitime of reminiscences many persons not vegetarians. U - can be (ione ,ithuut mitillng the ated n't's all the f BU by LrUntplLng. I repeated and repeated makes Lho in- oil for the crown belonging to Portu- Aribert of Anhault �Dessa - 26 Mat ,g, r - blaldeath and his MSS. t - step high the calf round and full and lit, Princess of Connaug , 27, Vict ally they are satisfied, but a Is dy, Ityu tuay Lw tup-di,ssed ,Nith about I I . Ift makes the ankle delicate and sion- gal, which is vultied at $8,000,000. The orit, Will, Of course, be likied by his son. whose maid accompanied her bout 120 iLks. UILlate tit .Udd p,r acre after I . � th" smallest, Alice Mary, Princess of Albany; 29. ipi it La's beguin to Ljjlt�l, and a fa .11 Patricia, Princess of c aught ; 28, An act for the prevention of cruelly Loildon, was soon the rec entaof a irly . der. crown which represents * catnuon cap. good crop of grain anti btraw will t British women are, said to average trutlay is that Of ROLL I IdI an i a. It is Victorta. Ettigettie to wild animals has Just become ef- protest. . two inches more in heiglit than Am- made out of a bit of o Julia Ena, Princes �U oricans. 'Averages for the -height of Lured qt Pleyna. of BLAtenburg; So. Mary Adelaide o9f fective In England. The new law " But Mary," she argued, " the food geart-rally Ilk, riectin-d. I ol>­dreas the . women show that those born in sum- The Most beautiful crown, is that Took, mother of the wife of the heir- extends the provi4ions of the act , I grass the hi,,t ,,vaiuu itith 300 Ibis. � - mer and auitumn are taller than those of the King of Denmark. It is aim- apparent ; 81, Princess Thyra, of Den- which has heretofore applied on ly to is palatable, -you cleared (your plate, 11 i L i a t e of sod a, 80o I o,. a, I d phospha to 11 t' f born in spring or winter. Th III tallest pl in design, bult of artbitict work- -ark. wife of the Duke of Cumber- domestic animals, to all birde, fishes -and it is certainly wholesome. Why said W 11bri Lnuiiatv of putastit per P W the The fullo�tuag rva,,uns ­� me land; 83, Augusta of Took, wife of the and reptiles, not included in that mea- do you- object ?" top-dresbaig YAI It". nitrate of soda, .r girls are born In August. unship, the leaves, by i hich Duke of Mecklenbutirg,.,Strelitz, sure, and makes Offenders liable to " It ain't that bad to taste, ma'am,' , acre. use as !: As far as buys nris, concerned those circlet Is surmounted be ng curved three m-thff' imprisonment or a fine responded Mary. firmly, "but I don't 6UU Ibb acid ph-photc ond 150 Ilia. t who first 8qo, the light during autia,un and veined by precious Istones, and _-___-9- of ;C5. faturiatel of puttc,ih 1),-r acre. Apply , . . . find winter are not so tall its thOSe each loaf ornamented by a magnifi- MURDER AT A MURDER TRIAL. call it wholesome -no ma'am, not when broadcast Nvi3 , ,,,u13 early in the . 1, born in spring and summer. Those cent jewel. It is said that Lord Roberts is the they fill Et body's plate with tomato tiellson ,IS sooll a, the gra'a has fairly -1. I born in November are the shortest ; The oldest crown in Europe, W bich Prisoner Slablited - firsit man who bet( ever been entitled and cabbage and paranips and potato L,egLw to gtot%, ,o It I-twi; a Lime just 11 I a f iAll-ball before a light rain ut mhuiver, if po4ei- in July the tallest. is also the smallest, measurill g only by sk Brother or lie. to wear both the Garter and the Vic- things without any fish in 'ern, and ble. .. An average head of fair hair con- aix inches; in dialliketer, is the iron vicillis I" Court tit Naplico. 11 OIL once, and give iyou &late of 148 040 haix., dark their of 105,- crown of Lombardy. o , which throws Lorin Cross. He is the first who has goose t'himigs without any goose in 'ern, I I L 000 while a red iticad has only 29,200. The one crown which is distinguish- an interesting light upon the Neapold ever worn the Cross and has been both net P1611ty Of cti­l� I% L11,L610 food, MIP- I Fair-haired People are becoming less oil as the sacred crown is that of Halt- an a Knight and croq te things made all of mix- plied at tht, c.tilw,t po,sible moment I- of the, Garter and St. Pat- ed -up greens. Sure ma'am, it gives that the p,ant 11 numerous than form orl gary. It is revered by the people, be- t . character, has Just comi a son- rick, and the unique distinction may ,-.in LL- it, ini the sec- ,I . stomach I" rot of largL' ClUp'. ellIcCiAlly in a dry . A person who has IJV.1�0 ".. has Lng regarded as a palladium. Two ro_ eatLonal conclusion at Naples. A sin- fell . rly be taken as symbolical Of the Another domestic recently discover- season .t had pass through hills heia,rt about 6,75- bles of ancient lineage and a troop of gularly bland and mild -looking (Young unique services which he has Tendered sit aut ailmient as new as this rind �lcll ' Ovvi lout tons per acre of hole of the the Empire. -cured hay ,,f Ili,- very finest 920 tons of blood, the w halberdiers guard it night and day in than named SLmBGli was indicted at even more surprising. Sh Was em- qual'O' %%a,s lic-Ii-I Ili one instance, blood in the ,boil passing through the the Castle at Duda, where it I,, kepl. General Sir P e i The In olden times no King could reign William Drysdale, K. loyed in a household B he even ol th,. dl.y ...... ... 11 ,if ,00. kxty-tivo beats. the Criminal Assize for the murder where 8 boart beats on,au unless the sacred crown C. B., who has just died at the age eal of ta ab If tilt faruia-i I- li- funds. dif- : J170'rage, of seventy in Hungary ot one Ricci. The court was from the of 81 ' was a familiar and verry un- diet and especially about the dall- ficult to cwli�:tiv ,%Iarli he wisheel timea a minuto or 807912,000 times In had rested on hi.% brow, and if Jie died first predisposed In the prisoner's fav- b gers attendUTIL UpUn eating potat "' to ,4ced to gia,, it mjy IxN advan4- I the course of a year so that the heart ned his name or, for he made a good impressi I o trusive figure in Condon- Until and other starchy foods of which tobe , geol-I-SlY donv 1,I I, ,),� Ing Ili Aug. or of an ordinary man 80 lyears of age, was stricken from the record of kings. on in the end he was an energetic in;Ides- mistress was forbidden by her doctor ly Sept., ;i,4 ,i� .,I,,) I i (he soil will I has beaten 3.000,GCO,000 time&. The Flvcu It Pretender acquired a quasi the dock. Moreover, nearly all -the trian, who I— year. liv d on little to partake. 'As to the reason cat Itsaxt beats tell !itrokes a minute less title to the kLogdont if by force of witnesses called gave evidence di&- beside in ilk, With an occasional slice 'by perutit, turning unilt r :I heary dresEl- When One , a L lying down than when at atagem he could passess himself of tillotly' in his favor. of bread. starch was deleterious Bridget drew ing of Luallul,e. I r I lit, so I I be acid or , t.r He was exceedingly agree- her own conclusions. .4 liply it dr-,ing of air -slacked one is in an upright position. Rope shone from SLmeoli's eyes and Bible and well informed, t -bough not One Tnorning she appeared with a our' a liate at. ilk- rot,- of one or two torts Twice the crown has.disappeared ' a'" he Was leaving the Court tli�ring addicted to society. serious and alsirmed countenance and per aere, �%bich ,,houid be thoroughly ' ------.*-- brut how or where it was found the the luncheon interval on the last day There has been established in Lon- when inquiry was made explained worked into (he .,oil. I t i.% a wise first time is unknown to this day. of the trial 'he tast upon the press- don a research laborator!y for the in- that she had " cricks In [her neck " and . MAN'S CRUCIAL HOUR. The last time it ,was! found buried in cation a smile, just one little 13 precaution to allo,� tit(- lan(i to lie two - . the ground. A magnificent sapphire If gentle trLumph. Ile never stmile, vestigation of the Datuxe and the cause her joints rind all over her land wa or three day.,i 1),-fory seed;ng to re- Lled . feeling very queer -but tit cast sh" A WOUSiIn oil Ithe Propter Troaksmoul. or is its bright particular ornament, again, for at that moment two young f cancer, a disease that one never know why " move till po�sstbl., chliger of "burn- I Ilusbandlik NVIken They Get Iffolue. This ia surmounted by four beft , utiful women, aisters of the mardered man, hears mentioned Ing" tire 8ovd. A light application ; The crucial hour of the day as green stones of some unkncr%vn kind, throw tbOmselves upon Without thinking of - " And I'll never cat any more po- of nitrate of sodo, acid phosphate - punched and clawed his Silneoli and its essentially hopeless and fatal na- tatoes ma'am," bhe asserted earnest- a rid Ill"I'lute of imo,,ih harrawed In � I's lapidaries disagreeing as to what the face with un- ture. Some cases are cured no doubt IY " for 'tis that that's the matter garde, its effect upolu the man of the gom are. A sapphire of matchless ladylike vigor, -Several gendarmes by early operation 'but the mortality with me. I ate a big one at dinner "ill gi�l' thV gra-si ;I quivk start and family is commonly thought to be beauty also adorri the Imperial crown Went to the prisoner's assistance.and from the ailment' bell) it 10 reach if,,, niantire for fur - associated with breakfast. Then of Austria. i rescued him iUt a very bedraggled con- gireal, but it is ' is not only very yesterday ; and 0 ma'am: when I woke ther food a-upply, I I a The crown most decorated ivith em- dition. But Simeoh had only oacap- y,ear. increasing year by up this morning I was starched aci Sved with 111nothy a,nd redtop, at monnor on bhe part of the feminine per YM9 re. stiff as a board I" "bout tile tutruo r,ti­ ,is above men - cheerful bearing and a joyful de- blesual i-4 that of the German Eat ed from the fir i pan into the fi There are only four statues in the ticulod and it ;I livio ,-ding of bar - or. It has the figure of an eagle, four A e brother t tb�Zp of Ricci brok I h the lc�Y L'i at -10 1INVd it �% Ill ,let as a mulch I part of the faxillY are thought to be diamond crosles, four hoops support- gendarmes and dro a United KingdOlurk 0,rected to the, mem- 125 MILES AN HOUR. most effective in putting the man of ing a globe and this surmounted by dagger right into Simeoli's heart, kill- ory of women other then royalties. - I through the Ntifilel, protecLing the the house into the r4h� sort of hu- axlT their cross. Ing him instantly. The first statue of a woman erect- Six New Work Central Lacomettv Ex gra , I a. � is through (Ili, freezing and 1 19, "' lie potentate who possesses most Afterward it was discovered that ed in England wa,a that of pected to Break Records. es - ,hall eat her of ,pring. If clover 'si ed, 1301% In \Lan-fil, following, for the day. IThere are o her crowns isi the Pope, eight at least be- Sixneuli was a murderer and a Is ding Dora, the Walsall nurse ; the second Six of the largest passenger locomo- i -f mor t Sister i.ng stored at the Vatican. Many of member of a secret band of crimainals was that of Mrs. Slitilons, the third gra.4�j . views, however, on the subject, and � �illric O L Minted Iliv quantity of one of them bame from a woman them are simply gifts and here no who have for lyeara past terrorized Flora Macdonald, Bud ,the fou-Tthi that . tives in the w7,1,4,_�hd jyu8t been put tict'd 1141Y b' increased .some - the LuitY Of Naples and even the unveiled at Demount. a year or tw rvice , ,_ � I k Centrnl what- 1 "O"I'd i"I'0111111-ld tOP-dreaa- special significance. Napoleon I vio into Be �. _, is 0 8 go - .. or I n g s uv h la it (I h-' N I whose experiences In her marr it lit,, was the donor of one to Pius VII: city itself by frequent highway rob- in mcMOr1Y Of; 113urns' "Highlan� Mary., Railroad NO."2,980, w It is a type t .N ,otnowhat after have been of ift kindi to oncourag% any This ig the hasidsomeat one of all, beries, burglaries and assasination. The Upke of WestaiLlister, on the Of the AeN � ill be put it he plan RIVII1101-1041 ilovc for upland wife. having it beautiful emerald. A All his witueases were proved to be . 0 the ntcadow,4, as 111i, sort of land is of - She disagrees w,Lth the accepted view Queen of Spain was the donor of an- Members of the -same society, and per- nom ination of Lord Roberts, has BmpLre State Express one of the fast- text difficult to 9-11 In proper con- als to the potency of Igood humor in c ther. The principal papal crown is jurers. been appointed second lieutenant in eat trains in the world and is expect- (Yt'on to "'Ped uIld A%d 1h, found pro - a triple one, . the Royal Horse Guards. The Duk e ed to outdo the famous old 999's rec- I table to kevp in gra.44 as long as the morning. Her scheme is very dif- In Spain and Belgium the crown went cut to South Africa at an early ord of 94 ihiAcis an hour. These loco- possible to pro III,,,, poying crops, . foront. does not figure in the coronation ser- THE WORK THAT IS NEVER DONE- stage of the conflict. motives have remarkable proportions --- I " The most important moment of the ,ioes. The feature of the ceremony He was obliged ) 'to return home on the The engine proper is 601-2 feet long -'7LEEI11*Nr_, Q('��rtl'l.:IIS FOR HOGS. death of his . day to it man's pence of mind," she in both countries consists in the Apparent Fall. -_ grandfather, but went back and ,Including pilot and tender ,will I King's dwearing to preserve the Con- ra to Accomplish Ally seat of war as ation as possible, 50 feet. The two dr'vun These should be roonly, well-venti.: r thl .. said, " is the ton minutes that follow stitution, and laws of the country. lgntourinx Results. has and wbeeils are 79 inches high antic Illicit acid 1101(it", con ,,arm nor too " Ro .. . ble return from the work of the day. Nor Is it a ruatter of course that a "If thingg would only stay done -it ertal aides--cle-carrip. b- roof of the cab rises 15 feet above cold ind Perfevt!y dry. They must P , At that 'time one word nlay change Czar should be orow,ned, though Ni- I could look back ovor the dayl &M see the track. The weight of the e ' , ng'n' be so constructed that no c \_/ cholas and bis consort were crowned thing accomt,liatted that will not -------.O- mal can enter thent. otherwise they tris whole state of feeling. alone is 88 tons. Railroad men expeci ither ani- " He comes home usually Ur4 Work with great pwralk at Moscow. The " No. 2980 to ttaArn a spee4 of from 105 C I or the vexationa of business during Czar being a relig4orrits asl well as a blam to be donie over again, to -mor- ITS DAY IS ALMOST DONE. to 125 milete a u tour, cannot be kept in proper condition of A the day have frequentily brought him tomporal lord, the crown in shape is raw, I should not got so tired of it or A peculiar feature of the engine is cleariline.9% 'rhet"' should be two or ��o I, nervousness modelled 'after a bis1toill'it mitre. feel so discourageill" - the Placing of its ton wheels. Just I ': , - � , at which a very little thing may do- Again, in this ease, a sapphire is the How 11MILY Millions of wives and 113,1111"Iftled ThAt Only 1.1-24 Annerican behind the four mammoth drivers are three Or 01re-11 Tunre .sleeping placeal " most beautiful stone in the ardwin. Buffaloes Remain Alive. ided for large herit,I, % olde what his mood will be for the rest two smaller traction wheels under the Prov . 0 they may ". of the evening. Of 'course, the There are fire diamonds resting on a mothers havis made some asuch com- "I pit r- A recent estimate plac cab. In ordinary running these car- divide into sulat, 1�,Inc Les. One end 11 tircular disposition of magnificent rubly, torhich form the ment. as thist On, the monotony of her of going to tell here just ,,,very man is cress; surmounting the cro,wn. American bison remaining alive ry most of the weight of the cab and of an enclo.sed c;It1li, shelf parLitioned `$ ; y- fire -box. But when an an Upgrade. i ,� a it does ever household tasks I It is cot alone the in the world at 1,024, of which 684 are with eavy load t pull and the w1ere also. ,But my rule Outside of Europe the crown be- Off, is us good as [he rrto4t expensive - average man, will bold an - deadly salouriessf.7 the constant repe- n house for thit; purpose. good for the mos a rarity. The Sultan, for ex in captivity. But it is not possible dr,ivi ,*beels are sloipping away a Beware of coitl "The most Importar,t thing for the -ri coronation titiOu Of littIO duties: it is etren more to be exact in such a statement, in_ new banism is used. By the turn struct the Inlilding that the cold ancliple, possesses no crow bl drafts. and alo con - tactful woman to do is to wait until being unknown In Turkey. In place the feeling of futility, the apparent TbT`K-4over in the cab 10 000 pounds I 0 asmucith as the wild survivors clikairot winds do not blow on the bogs. At she sees some signs of his f this is substituted the inve titure failure to accomplish any ending re- weight is shifted from the traction the sarne temperit of the monarch with the a Sord of be rounded up and counted. 'In the linte ;iI!,),k sufficient ven- - that Othmam. The sabre i, wheels to the driving wherils. Tbi tilation for the e,sr;l , of fo Don't above all Ilhings, tell him . q gi around P cil air. before she makes any decided move. rtw suits. The bread that wag -baked this densely wooded region between the makes the drivers grip the track wits the pliclikinber just J the ftltan with the words; "Take It morning will be gone to -morrow, The . It The floor nmy lie of earth or boards ust Sent In a ter- Saskatchewan and Peace rivers, just so much added power. ati preferred. it luil,t I ribille with faith, for ye have received it dishes are waahed and put away only be. clean and ,� bill merely for making that at- In 3tr. A. M. Waite, afriparintendent of ionalty reowfo,l ,� ith fresh earth torati. from, God," British Columbia, are'neveral hundred motive power, wits the one who do- ace"sand. Very Iiiii, I on, or say that stupid Mrs. to be used and washed again. The buffalo; there are twenty or so per- signed this engine. Hesays that while quiml evc�n i;l the coldest weather, � Jones has been at the house all at. The Shah of Persia bast a crown, It liedding isi re- t6rutecin talking about the now house suoh it can be called, which Isl vart- linen fresh from the ironing -table hapa in the It d " It PAnhandle region ,It may ortake a new world's record for tin 81W1,911 bay I-ir q�lra i t or Irl her husband hits -bought and Bhowi ously described as resembling a flow- will be back in the laundry by the end of Northwest "Teexras, .ad in the Yel- speed it was, not specially Ideaigned for %v a bes f Off her sablies an if she was the ouri er pot and a bonneL The small end oLl the week, The rooms swept clean I -stone Nationel Park (hoTe that purpose. -His aim was to build this purpw4e. The lNitiling should be . d, I - are fit- an engine that could narike, schedule if needed, a little fresh s�crpplie(L i,: ly is open, tho other closted. It is made the other day already need sweepin cleaned 11111 31-ul once a week an Woman in town that had them. of cloth of gold, with strings( of hang- 9 ty or sixty ino d " Generally. it W best a re, it is believe . There time under all conditions of weath, !� to avoid such Ing precious atones, with here and ga in. The childretin call for endless a Hog,q Rho,114 nerer'b, I � beginnings, although a woman's tact sympathy and attention. re none 9A liberty anywhere else. ail*bead winds, extreme 'cold and snow sleep - allowed to . must al -ways be balled, III, to help her there tufts of feathiard. ornamented by I'll ITU'ri,ire Pileg or around . Out, It One of bin children ha dirlmoi rabies, emeralds and pearls. A man's work way be eivler so hard; Those few. remaining wild bison at% airlift make, up ;t4mo for delays. straw Blacks if 11 can be avoided, or .1� a just When' trains are echitxIttled up to in tiny place 1hey will conai boom taken down with ales, or the At the top Is aret what Is perhaps the it is lossi often. clatuded by ILI" sense of being steadily reduced in nirmber. In 00 nidelis an 11YOUT, as is the case of steam, , Out Of . ,men greatest ruby In the world, an uncut, liellproductirtmess. It usually brings British Coluxtribin. they are bein W.9 and BA%eafing. cook ,hest been drunk a I day and had 9 kill- some of the Central's express trains, ditions That cion - in cold -vathor L9 decidedly to be sent away. absolutely flawless stone na large as a definite reward in the feeling of ed off w,adually by the -Indians, while Irt is evident tbat an engine must be i,njuriou.s to their health ,and thrift, I " Don't talk too much In the be- tk hein's egg. something accomplished, some tangi- those in the Yellowstone Parkhriare capable of running far above sixty to The 11 ble result achieved. The architect potted by Poachers.witenever a o slecPing qllarterx should re ginning on any subject. Conversation 0 poIrkL9 to the finished building "d Oce come up to the requirements under apt-hrikled I offers. A mounted head of one of all circulngfinxices. Occasionally wiLh Black taken torrentially at the outset is says, "I designed it." The carpem- those time or crude rarbolic acid as a dig, likely to upset anybody -who is a lit- ANOTHER BRITISH WAR. ter and the mikson who nee the struc- animals is to -day worth from --------&- infec ( an i - A Konxi plan in $150 to 4200, and a akin brings a good is to Shutt s1mmimer Ile tired after a day's work, and - turn gr*wiug under their hands know price Ton years ago there were near- ANOTHER CONSUMPTION CURE. the hOgs out of their ,win- � wants quiet before adjusting his mind This lRogiliallk Are Navies flottorsit Trouble that It will atftd for years, an uri ly fotr hundred buffalo in the Park, ter quarters, ag Much as possible to.t.he quiet enjoyment of illotme, 'WrIlik the Nattvail in Brittab Somali- peachable witness to their industry and it is thought that title survivors -_ and let them lit, in the pasture an4 ' The woman who (allows this advice lavid. Blind faithfutneiss. . y rraling New Work Physician Clalms no glas under Its, rihadv feces. Nothing is � in igoing tol find bor evenings pleasant- A Brittab expedition of 5DO Men was But the t1"ga which are tangible them and) reducing them to captivity. round a Real CUM better thrill sunshm, tit; a disinfectant or thIon if she ump%lat the beginning sent it few weeks wgo inland from the are not alhiraya those which are most It is stated that there are now 110 Dr. George M. Barney, of rid germ lk,s(ro.ver and the arrange- I I l , especial real or most useful. T New York, a ty Blest African coast to ollinialli the So- pare -bred Americ-in bison outside of has discovered a euTc for consumv, men't of hog 11011�0,4 rind sleeping plac- dissigreetablic things. A little tact er noble, works beiffillded fine buildings. this country. The Duke of Bedford es in PlIrticillnir 9bould. be such as will (luring the first ifilivartor of an hour malia, who attacelited an Faglish Post Th 4 matill who goes out into the Lion which is attracting world-wide admit the Rreatest aftlar the return jitunito is war Owns twelve, and thora are fourteen antellbt Of Pun- �_, the early morning tab th all late I&at year In the Somali t6rritory wOralruncalt Itr and clean -minded, others in Hilgland. This valuable interest. The treatment Is based on light. Beware or thogo that are dark ? world when it to iflifirfulness in the and killed Mr.'Jonner. (Word has just strong In pr ciples which he no- sPeciles must beciome entirely extinct a po,werful aboutical compound and is 9100MY and damp. mes to Making the quiricd At home, and firm in the %6- � wheolar move smoothly In the hou come that the British hAve met the sooner or later, .but, judging from the administered in three ways --by the ------ 0- ,�� held'.. , Iso- lief that there in no other woman in success obtained in preservin the 11 Somalis, killed 1150 of thicin and sus- the worlid q%filta so good BIB hW mother small remainder of the Vanishing mouth, hypodermically and in vapor THE USF -q OF RPI,[(;ION. g Bur- I , ------ 40..- tattled severe lassies themselves. Vent, -4M Is a sibbler Nvork even than a Opean bison In Lithuania, there is DO form. ": � VAIN PRECtAUTION. ". Maitland was among the killed, Partbeinon or a Taj Raba]. , Arid reason WW the disappearance of the Dr. Barnely's Lheory Is that bacilli POlitle's, observed 1. is seemingly lit� the daughter who has grown to wo- .1 t I Your religion. It Is likely that the troulfle will not 88 1XIsting specimen of the Amerl- cannot exist, when the lsystern� is sat - L$ abliod w pure eart, and hands I It Was MY Purpose in be extremely Wlth thO Idea Of n&ming MY boys. be quiloMy settled, for the Somal in& - 1th a h loan ruffalo should not bit deferred curaltef) with n powerful antiseptic. The � said a white-balred itiffen, so that there are a warlike race, show much tour- trained to perpetuate in a new bei for centuries. docitor has made an exhiLuative study unkind. t this, doedis of uIlitfackwKs and comfort I could be no Alicknamets-m-hich I have ago and intell nd You are wrong I rot oBted the man. i9eh" In f4litlng A l6kirrield in t�be old"i, she less to the ------- 4l- . of tuberculosis In all Its forms, and I have a wife rind always detesited-in the family, we in nutilberst are vastly ituperlor to intor Id than brick and mArblet If A WARNING IN THE AIR. has ispisn't ranch time in his investiga- I'truir Ilfrown daugh- ". 11-A . & force the British could send Against "Do not think that notUng is ha- tions In sanitarturms, both as inedl- -�' al?d "at would th -� & I - Itst, h-amnall. the second them. PMIna L ausd you do not maciour- Mr. I- EL Dudlccyr� the United States cat Attendant and stadprit. He Is con- 0 it I no religion an IV a . JIMile and estimates furnished on apilt -------*- Edward the third Ndgar, the fourth tBrItish 8amalilaud In imst Africa ibr,bftt the whir of the ma- consul at Vancouver, roporta that O:X- irinced thatto the germ& of ,consumption I regretted my ve politics? cation. 1MWIn. it; fifth ask hard words now. I . M IPHUMO UMA. and tb6 Ri*M extends froln rienar the Red Sts far 8611 gr* cultmoll; ble rooted out by a] ad him vvonld he forgive Ime. 'He pay, hineirr " mysi Ittinry Dirittimmond. "All Pbrilnenta are being migdectill the,out intiatict 41latablilidinkIIIIIIII.) ftbat. south In to th* ftuatorlitil re4idn. The 6 chlifino ,, it might caulse the lgerms to answered that Ile would think itovAr That Su04 '*tTed your purpose, Stidbit ItIver nb*b* *"Ugh it may great t RA grow AOL01,69slY. VtV of nritish ColUMM& with an AuttiRl- rMaill dormant for a while, but it and let me know the fi_t of the � Suchanan A ton. . , HaLrd Xhox--ad you ever t1ink didn't Itt salted ants of lt,bt Ilixtomite can aft Ok UVOIihmom gr6w. but nem weak. About EfIttin, married. goilind I m bb sweaded, ftow0h'it tilldittlil Oft"fiffill.trili , ,hild," tid Isiattill, Iler warning ships Of their ctruld 'hot atimillitillety ddatroy them. . I . . ___� Not at all. "Iffied the pattiarch. if heatt of thil tatm0y. ifte . - Ammull, to dangerous tooks and Pot this MASOft be- does not believe in , 86dild Spftner�lqckt allitc6 I rhaeW irstilhoir altfinidgicedly. DeRiAbin# 8"06 _ If Ali tt,610 if, . 6 stifitlk�*heel , "61.1. B&OXIsi wbft tha Weathor Ist so bed thdt 111,11,111 Mnit*r!UYa of to-4ay. - - *)�Xt 0416AS AND CURE. 46 years of lifildritratitladitta". When brou With the itild,liAt they werb km*n as 10te r tit Or 0 th)b *111'er 4K9 - lielthet Ilgbitmc tor fieg4horns can av-ALL Complete cures have already been U'S OVILY WAY OUT. esivii *It via whblis wiff,triffinkind to te6d 'tMillo. Chiuk, hll� 86b,rk I P.9LAY " TAU2 M9 TUILIC The ine %lo- ififfected the patknit lifikining t6ftpidly 8006 toftHi6flinifititillar rhalicnicathrig, ey, mirelita the a i 6 Wi ddt , 40 allos br " 111ito ig tbiat of wirelmq tc 'What did Y" propose to bor for, . Y6)6 Of* lbothin, *hat'd bo dial mnsib k%lhd Pete- and qV ftbtberla,son_�J froth a set& 6 f6t; W- too I oo ittidh,064 to the orst"Urth of 610- V rhanin' out dat arou'd have tL6 tbrtim aw " I "., ., ­ , Ali" Whitt a6 trot dolitlig 6brol asked 0 4, fill'a t1w 401110AHOU is Auto- (n witilght and vigair In each cam The anyhow I I 01b1t$,At4Nld '16 the 11100hioli, s000d- taskib a laft At tkuppfittliffitl Ative. wered 1111ftud1ly to blit nlek� at Ilati,distrill "a tbbt"hA$ Of 001", this, pokiii6min, , mAtki- FIVOYA di 1111,64allki 66 proPtitdon Of ourcs is r6markabIN the I COUldirik, think of anything , ! I I tihia, pt flIQ At &U 610111`11116,01111 6A OV I'll, doetot clairmillig 90 per lcant� I t6. . .141h" aftat, slid ittallialt 4 . I �i _�,Ipjfi 11,te Alft theit it*bsl Uft I &O lottallfil atmWI, Kunwated)hr- polAt of I*Til, = * while .1-i"It., say. and I � , � � , L , . . , I, 116t "%e *ftr$ Ile I , . ----*- the IQ. Mho airit"'16 wliift 06% altifitritti, wit*" f4to Protgatior lCock. Of Belfft, elaijus to coming flipplitIling. e , I , . . 801"AAIT =1W. � *6*VA t0*64, lba'"� littlid lit's )16*+ mt oftlitowQ, W* *Afting &V a tvalitailddifid 6"t a Wma ftVbn miles L of 6troy bid'adrisifl. .1 I I It , 660M by Instr0w" ftftb b6th JoiL ft" lIQ tWillt,$lk J*_IJ* & Amy *1I1pl.pr6Tlde4 NoItt a we. Harbity wit, tkot keep t1jig feir. " 'L I . 'Itiltitil tht ItAtmhat, MR11 xw litiod-tA Rn trAilthyllt atiti"fed RMO rOlt AftIM& , lb'dillito ki"'tal tdamb 1111162110i, ad, aboW mis, 11h widt" � It - ' It 4t ' 61ishttkitt i I tO bb VII10* f. fti twovalkip 16 a vtse$ t6all Alkitig talt, *litrwiti;i1at, iii" totwe, aglid 0001419 wtbodolt towb,I all, b" the a few r& IWOW tft6x*%# lib6trftbiftt, gltnilt6ts4 alola a swist, but thte*6 tc, lil1*6 CAN*T LAST F0RXV1JC- I betU A . . "I i6hur ,w6ft I hire tko tittic, log Willi , 'at . , , . , tthiiiibfl� *61r.' �f'aotI64t:�`"W � " " S thu kaite, to Idimm, thol m6dkfil SiMmiation, the beitiefit of Hopley-Wimt ""M t, , A , V*16 rolvvw, tu "Y46 W& otth thillit I W41111,11 him; %U- Ilevints, that tik- .%: . I q _ -rft_*d§1l. it ilk I ft oiblisk ftttifii "y at W)w Att's ta - tbt #ft!kift1t* cif Asu r I a "Iffiq 16till w � it 1,�' . -1 , 00" AliKiwit'." wi utio. vdwo whtow "4 '"Vatic 11 - - - __ ­; __," t N '�'W 0"'W.' I � J.' �i . I J li'� � I . . 1"box q I ,; I I f I J % I - I, If zli J - , . � I 11 I . 1 .66, � L _ , , I .1 I I _ �1 I '. � .I? , , I I I I , t- I I 11 I I 11 L - .- *,69&0"."-I%i.", 1, I I " _� - - L A6 I ?� ""&\ 11 - I � , V P . L _ t%ftU16'J*'6VLWJ0ikJJA 1, LL . ii,�Iit "&" tit* 'jillilk L . Will If uslay 1 10-11160ur Ali I Ali .Z,,tJiJ& JAWIt it tl& JI*6 ."a tM,,djtfttift itind diata 11. *4, *It ,_ to ** ,Att*kft of A411111 , * � I . *ft I "I "!r ,*M aid tAteirlidt, id 66hat". ... X"14 :,.. ,, , *1641 0gii Mi* .604huat wok 16k - L �td, 6"a 1111111A Allithlik" bfto,alta vefil tit" ­­, L Ly L It n1loo* ot tud U"* ASUNowtu"Ify PI6/11161. wearily I , " b**150 A* t=w"iii,ioi, "ibw tke ldr,*46 ifigide by tokofto. blest ill, - MOM& it trdim- I , a I I bk tiiek 66"t* I , 4 J 1 ifest" . � - 4 .1.�I cail-, oies', I I it I ,I ti, . 2, . 11 J ., tj '' hill" to to think thatewflioultt toll 106046t," , I o I " I i 1 4 , L owltill " . � , I I . W # I , '. . � � . . I I I I I L. 4* 'O 01"ll at afth4 , . I � � I I I . I . I "I ­ '�'. � L . ... I " r I I . 1� � .11 �, , L, L I L � . I- L " I I . . . � I �, I J� � .1 . I 'L 1. I . . . I " I . l� � I L - . I I . . - � 1, � , I I �, 1'� . ,p I 1� I ,� I 'r '. I . . .1 , " - I I 6, . . , L" 11 . 11 11 I . " .. I r. I I I I . � S,i�. , � �, , , . , . ., il 'A..",k`.�,1­4�.- -_ _ � � - , ��­, , , L I � _ , ��,, , , , _ . I - � - � __*L, � " .. �� L ��" ' ' ­ '­ '- 'a -A ­ ­ -111k * '.--. . - - _k". , . -".I,;- .,� .­�A��. 11 - I ­ - ' .. . I , . , 6 � 4) Z * /7A � I-Amw 4