HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-03-15, Page 1'WA;mita
The 5tar gives, the 0
very beat results for pe
di. advertisers
The Star shims for
You ki Quality* Quoit*
tity, Met*latioN to,
The Official Newspaper of the County of Huron.
WASTMS -Reliable. enerzetto new waur
cd La repreaent ita in Gm mealy or
Huron Sekindle opportunity to tight party,
Addr.ss. -P. If. 4. We 18 Weinp10 Buttang.
L adore Out.
WANTED. Mame Mal& (Seed wows
to the right help. apple ee once te
0 A W Montreal. street,
eel. Victoria. AUS10114-4110 QUOlta ROME.
Dr. John Coulter. front Landau. Englitude
John A. Cooper. editoe of Citeadher Megerhie.
*remain nbout 700 raven griallty Mixer
eqaelled; price only 11.7i. west other advt. tu
Oda paper also two reviews Oda paper.
Worni Publishing 00.. Guelph, OM.
Los; or round
rilou N D. -Some time age, a hunch of kees
r on two elegy. Owner CA11441170 mune on
inuring property and pasties expenses. Apply
ut Trim Svaa o Mee.
$25'Reward_Thia amount will be
paid tor the Teem,
ory anti conviction of the pa ty parties who
took from the British Hotel. on or about Feb.
23 last, a dark robe. with dark green Bohm,
If taken by mistake its return is kindly
requested. THOS. TILT.
From this date termed my sirecery bneineas
me 1 be conducted on the thirty dam' cash
beele. and 1 respectfully Ronan. patronage from
eld and new patrons on this line. Values were
et, ver better. and we can do better I or custom
ere under thme conditions'. All ledebted are
requested to call and armee° settlemt
T. 0. TIPLINO. Grocer.
Bedford Block,
sons having any elnlina 41E8111.4 Ann Mc-
Manus, late of the Tewnanip of Colborne,
the County of Huron, widow. who died 1111 or
about the Mat day of January. A.D. 1901, are
hereby required, on or berme the 25th day of
March. A.D. 1901, to deliver or send by post.
p-eptild. to the undersigned. *rottener,' for
Hamilton McManus. the Administrator of the
atroperty of the said late Ann MoManue. their
namea addremme and descriptions and full
particulars of their elaime, a statement of
thole accounts and the Indere of the security
anyl held In them,
And take notice that on the mid 25th day of
March, 1911, the estare of the said Ann Mae
Manus will be admIelatered, he vine referettee
oely to the Wallas of which notice shall then
have been given.
Dded tide 1.th day or March. A.D. 1901.
',student:rater s eolicitore
1793-31 Ooderich. Ont.
NOTICE-Io hereby given to the public and
policy holders of the (Sore Dietriet Mu•
teal etre Insurfinef Compeny that it has de-
elered another annual refund of twenty per
cent. on all premiums paid hy the members of
wild company for the year ending Dee. 31st,
1000. The Gore him made thim refund for about
wenty yetire, and Is today Ole strotigest and
eheapeet company doing buelness in Canada.
General Agent,
17W-0 Goderich,
For Sale or To Let.
117A Olt HALE. -One leatioue evaporator and
)1 feed boiler, eighty sap pelts and spout.,
a I nearly new Also ono cook etova.-Apply
to R. LENNOX, SaiLford P. 0. I 1.
Lot 21, coucession 14, Goderlch Town-
ship, situated ti miles from Holmesville,
miles from Canton. ,Ooed buildinge, fences.
ember& wells and apring creek. A good field
of fall wheat. Terms reasonable. For par-
ticulars apply to THOS. GUN [MY. auction.
cur, Ooderielt. 1791-1f
"'the Gale farm, one of the best 100 acre farms
in Godorich To., Huron County. lot 17, pt. 18.
con. 8, six and one-half miles from Goderieh,
aeven miles from Clinton. The farm contains
good buildings and fences; te well warered and
undeldraineo; large orchard and garden;
wheat sown and plowing done, Would eel]
either 80 or 100aeres. Apply to WM. GOULD
on premises. or Ooderich P. 0. 1788-11
LIOR SA LE. -Lot 95, in Hutchison a Survey,
1.` in Ooderieh. For particulars apply to
PHILIP HOLT. Banister.
Organist and Musical Director of North 81.
Afethodist Church.
Teacher of Pipe Organ, Pianoforte and
NV111 be _pleased to receive putille at hi.
audio at Emerson's Music House, West St..
or their homes if desired.
For terms apply at Emerson's Bievele and
Meek, Honeo. 1746-1yr
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Farm an1 Isolated Town Property
Value of Propet ty Insured up to
January 1901. W3.048.97100.
J. B. McLean. Pres.:T. Frasier. Vico Pres:
J. Connolly, 0. Dale, W. 0. Broadfoot J. Watt.
J. Evans. J. G. Grieve. .1. Benneweis. Directors;
W. 0. Boadniet, Seaforth. Inspector of karma;
T. E. Hays, Seaforth. leacrete.ry-Treasurer.
J. W. Yea, Holmesville; Jae. Cummine,
Egniondyille; 0. BUM Man, Senforth; R. Smith,
Polley holders can pay amessmente And get
their ear& receipted at W. Corm, Clinton, or
at Meletax fines' PALACE CLOTHING STortlt.
Goderich. 1795-I yr.
New Advertisements.
Clearing March Sale -Geo. Porter 5
We're in it, Too -3. Brophey & Son. ...... 5
Wall Paper-Itidd's Book Store 4
To Farmers and Horsemen -S. E. Hick... 5
Gen. Wm./teens-Faille's Celery Compound 4
A New Booklet -Diamond Dyes
Sour Stomach -F. AL Dunham
spring Term -Stratford Business LNAlege 8
New Spring Goods -smith tiros. Co 88
mercerized Sylkesse-W. A. McKim
Agent Wanted -P. H. A. W
articles for Sale -14. Lennox
tesurance-MmUllop Mutual Co
Spring Millinery -Miss Cameron
Iowa :topics WISP STOnie.---Tee wind alarm
of Sunday did considerable damage ip
toWn and townships, and just &heat
NONE:vise-There died at Seaforth
On 8:99utchtv list, Isabella, wife of
Alexander MeNeyie. aged 30 Years.
The deceased was a eritive of Selgraee,
an.4 Watt nine years ago WAR tied to het
beizerived husband., arid leaves n baby
bny Duly two weeks old. The deceased
wire e loveable and kind woman. mid
a staunch Preshyteriam ale" leaves 10
mcturn, it kind bualiand. widowed
mother, and one sister and brother 10
Wingliem. The funeral took place to
Wipgieun. the Pall betters being six
cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Nevins,
and Angus MeNevin. of Goderieb.
attended the funeral.
MONDAY NEXT. -This is the date for
the elocutionary entertainment to be
given by Miss Flora Kays in Victoria
Opera House, under t he ati4ices of the
Ladies' Aid of North Street. Methodist
Church. Miss Kays has the highest
recommendations for her ability and
the qualities that, nia1 k a success•
lid entertainer. and Lhe ladies who
have brouicht her here, confidently
assure the publie that nothing better
in that line has been offered a Goderich
THOSE LAND Ili itANTs.-The Ontai to
Government have tetken a tip aud
hey° emended the bill protecting for
the granting ot nerei of land to
the South African and the '08 veterans.
Imperial tooldiers s Ito were statioued
on the homier in 183d end now live to
Canada, the residente of Ontario who
were in the body known 118 the Chi
eago volunteers arid the war col re-
spondents in Seuth Africa are all enti-
tled to t ne gra EIL under the change. The
land so granted shall be subject to the
reseevation of Limber, mines and tnin.
day Edmund Hogan, a one time resi
dent of Colhornerp„ died in London,
and on Saturday incrning his remains
were inlet! eil In the It C. cemetery of
the tt,witship in which lie had been
Once a 1 esident. The funeral took
place from Bi•ophey & Son'a undertak-
ing estatilishment to eft, Peter's church,
and from thence to the comets!! y.
Six residents of Colborne were the
pall beatere, and deceased's widow
end ditughtte were present. at the
cetettiony. Deceased's age was mit
given, but old inhabitants of Colborne
say he must have been nearly one
Cruikshank •vill appear before His
Honor Judge Masson today for sen-
tence, on 0 charee of shooting with
intent to do bodily ham. The prison-
er ens sent. up from NVingintin by
Justices Clegg and McKenzie last
Week. for having flied a 'evolver shot
at Wm. Geo. Sanborn, and on Fridev
he was before the County Judge fur
election, He elected to be tried wtt
out a jut v and entered a plea of guilty.
The (ewe is a peculier one, the defen-
dant having' tit ed 1 he plaintiff while
he, the plain tiff, was walking with a
young lady Along a mild c street.
a full stall ikt the Kensington, severe!
finishers having been added the past
week. All hands tem k, full time. -
Things are still lively at the Doty En-
gine And Bicycle Works, in f.tet
lively that at present all hands are
working fifteen hours each day. -At
the Goderich Knitting factory all the
knitters ate et work, la grippe havipg
lel t ihe establishment. -At the Organ
factory wotk is being pushed evenly
and steadily along. Piano stools, bath
furniture and organs hey° been
etupped with regularity this month,
and Lheir distribution was to nearly all
parts of the world.-Buchanans and
Lawson were running their planing
mill this week, preparing material fer
the contracts they already have in
Lawience last Fridey evening con-
tained some thirty guests invited
to spend the evening by trit,
hospitable owner. A charming pro-
giamme wait presented. which in.
chided recital by Miss Duffus and
Miss bellows, a Scotch reading and a
grainiphone selection by Geo. W.
Thomson, a epeech and MI041E1(10118 or
hypnotism let R. R. SalloWS, and
dancing, with Messrs. Geo. Stewart
and J. 13. Runciman supplying the
music. At 11 p. tn. the ronin was
cleared, and a little later all partook
of an oyster supper, gotten tip in the
well known tempting etyle of the
hostess. The delicious meal over.
three cheers were 1)1.8.110y given for
Mrs. Beck. with niusical honors, "For
She's Jolly Good Fellow," and Auld
Lang Syne, and God Save the King
clesed the pleasantest of evenings.
A Huth GRADE COLLE0 E. -The Cen-
tral Business College, Stratford, Ont.,
is recognized as one of the most pro-
giessIve commercial schools in the
Province. Within one year students
from over one hundred and trurtV •
seven cities, towns or villages have
been in attenditnce, and this wide-
spread popularity shows that the
instituterin must be doing snlencltd
wet k. Business Colleges in St. John,
N. B., Ottawa. Ont., Haverhill, Mass.,
Dover, N. H.. North Adams. Alass
Minneapolis. Minn., Detroit, Mich.,
Hudson, Mass.. Savannah. Ga., Hart-
ford, Onnne Alpena, Mich. Salt Lake
(Itty, Utah, Akron., Ohio. 'Waterville,
Me., Sp0.1001e, Waq11., Coluniluie,
Ohio, &c., have lately Applied to the
Central Bitsinese College of Stratford.
Ont., for its; graduates to take posi-
Lions as Leachers in their schools.
This shows that other colleges have
strong faith in the work done in the
Stratford College. Mr. W. J. Elliott.
Prinmpal of the C. B. C. states that
many new students will he enrolled at
the opening of the Spring Term on
April let.
BOARD OF DE. -A special general
meeting of the ouncil of the Board of
Trade was held tacit Monday evening
GOderich Markets.
Wheat haa net moved from last week's
q notations, though thiLLeport from Englani
that the regletration MIPS( one shilling por
quarter was to be re -imposed. caused weak
market.' in many Mamie.
Coarse gratin are. fairly strong. bta there are
ito prose nt Mow of a substantial advance.
Cattle are at old quotation's, a toMtorarr
rine. the Band° market being Abottered by
large oftbtirge Ude week.
Lire hogs have dropped two points the mutt
two weeks, and there ere no meant signs of
an advance.
Butter hat gone down a point, and eggs hare
dropped at least three.
Fall wheat. Stilatdatd 0 62 to 110 63
Spring Wheat, (Standard) 0 01 to 0 (71
non lel lbs., Penna. -... 3.5 to 2 60
2 00 te, 2 13
Bram per lobo.. ........ . 15 tio to 15 00
Shorts. per ten. - 17 00 te 17 00
Bereenhunk Der 13 Ite to 15 00
Oat*, . - t7 to • 28
nosier 0 33 to 0 36
-- MI 10 0 57
stnekerheitt. rev busk 1 0 40 to 0 50
Hay. per ben ..... .48 en *a it tie
Better, Par lb. ..... 0 18 to 17
Sega eiir ...... ......... 0 13 to it
Woo& ner toed.. 73 to 4 00
grue'itte. elteirtiu."-•Wiierr:-- 83 721 Wto 09 ;5
tombs. ease 3 00 to 3 7
wiesiti. ler twit..
sheep. fai. per 0 03 to 0
3 so to 3 00
Hoge, illre ti to If
Hog*. ...... 7 90 10 7
saw, wo- lit tin 12
• 1041% ..... 1 te 0 lit
.114111..1 ••• (114.L te 01
sae. . aa 02 to 0 110
Tatinte• 0 at* 0 °I
glektm#POpitt.........g,• Os w is
eau iser 11,12r.46,4,.• • .... 9 NI tes
Wild* ;17i;ildrias.
Oraeges per 011800CIEWiEta..a.... 20 IP
Letliefie .1? I* 90
Meted„, a. 29 ter ii•
vet in 113
in the grAnd jury room of the court
house, with a good attendance. The
0. T. IL station and the Merket Day
questions were diecuesed, and ilie corn.
inittee thereon instructed to obtain a
conference with the Town Council as
onion As poseitile. A deputation from
the Bnerl will attend the meeting at
Carlow this evening to further dtscuse
Lhe establishment of a pnt k prick in
tory. A letterfrorn theOeSenSound and
Georgian Hay Steamboat 00., propos-
ing A subsidy or boners of $100 a trip
tor it limit canine at Hee and other
Lake Huron ports, EVa9 read, anti the
secretary instrneted to reply that the
Board were of opinion that the traffic
for such a line was all that conl
prarnieed. Mr. Saundere epee n
inter -lee` with Mr. .1. D. Beatty. uf
the N. W. T. line. rind the secretary
was authorized to reply. giving a
abitement nf the fact thntiatge vessels
carrying up to 134,000 Imeliele of grain
entered the; berbor tritely Net fell, and
to forward A plan prepared by Engin.
ter Brinier. *herring the depth of
water and width of channel in the mr
prestehes and the Welber itself. A
revolution favor of the wood sub.
sidy to the Manitoulin and North
Shore Railway. Was adopted.
noun it carried awri.y the smoke stardt
hnewleanutnsgaitettioArewodrea I c t46410.14fcet;
were blown down iu town tied country,
aud considerable glass was destroyed.
The wind being easterlse it toot the
ice out from the shore. megrim with
it a few nets and several trout hooka.
most of which wete lost to their
A, New Fonts DOLLAR Bier. -A
new four dollar note mil be issued
abortlylry the Department et Fineuce.
The face of the note hair portraita of
the Earl and Countess of Minter. the
Governor -General wearing the undone
a brigadier general of Yobtriteers.
which rank he beld before coming to
Canada. In the centre 10 the Ballit
Ste. Marie canal, a large steamer being
in the act ot parising through the lock.
On the back of the note is depleted a
scene. On the note there is a view of
the Pardainent buildings and Ottawa
t iver. taken from Majoes Hill Park.
showing the bill, with the whole of the
Lemurs- and House of Parliament.
AN Otis LANDUARK.-The old house
that stood for so long on the cot ner of
Montreal and Lighthouse streets.
opposite the market, was this week
removed to a now site on the Huron
Road by Joseph Jardine. who had pur
chased it. The job was a big one. at
least a dozen teeing of borses-and fermi
50 to 75 men and boys doing the job.
the latter by ehoseing." pushing and
shouting and the former by faithful
tiling. The eiti house is perhaps the
rust venerable landmark in towir. and
removal called back to mind Many
an incident of the early ditya when
Goderich was little more than a hole
in the woods. for its erection dates
back at least 6.5 years. John H. John
setae the well known carpenter, Rays
he slept in the house, then a hotel. 57
years ago. He believes it wits erected
by the late James Elliott, and in its
long cttreer the one time popular and
well known hostelry, has seen mush
of the joys And sorrows which have
marked the development of the county
HowriCULTURAL MitErING.-..tt the
weekly meeting of the Horticultural
Societ yil last week, Architect J. Ades
Fowler spoke nt some length on the
ollistory of Alitchokes." He recount-
ed the hietot y of the vegetable, and
the timely it sprung from. giving Its
palatable qualitiese and explained how
cen be improved, "tor," said the
speaker, elouking at the first state of
the cabbage. turnip, celery, asparss
gus, tomatoes and other vegetuble,t,
compared with the forms continuous
and careful cultivation has made them
ittiMillne, there is reason.to suppose matt
has not yet arrived tat the end of the
long list. of vegetable productions em-
braCed in that kingdom of herbs for
the food of tuan, over which it pleased
our Lord to place him, to use his pow-
ers c f intelligence in improving, and
fio to satiety his wants.' Mr. Fowler
said there were two kinds of aril.
chokes, the globe, little known here.
And the Jerusalem. it native of this
hetili inhere, it the first requiring too
much care to cultivate he would turn
to the one which *Mould bave for
Canadian, a peculiar Interest, as it was
int roduced to Europe under the name
ef potatoes of Canada, by the first Jesu-
it Miesional les to this country. Shortly
after their intoduccion nil English
paper had the fullowine; 'They may
most Otte be called the potatoes of
Canada. because their roots are in
forme. colour and taste like unto the
moat ee of Viiginia. but peeler. and
the French brought them first trent
()Amide to these parts," From this
notice it is evident that they were
well known in England in those days.
••In this country," said Mr. Fowler,
"it bad become by neglect in ite
cultivation, a weed like the horse -ra-
dish. The plant is propagated from
tubers, and 1 grew thetn so that they
were not it plague, by confining them
to their bed, by sinking A 12 inch board
ac01.11111 the plot. The soil does not re-
quite to be too rich, but it must he
kept free from weeds, and should be
a loose friable. tether sandy soil.
NAThen the early frosts come the tubes
should be dug up and stored, in eami
in the cellar. the smaller ones being
used for next. year'e crop. Fall plant-
ing ie the better plan, hut if put in in
spiing fair crops may be dug up." Al
though t he vegetable is not much
appreciet ed. Mr. Fowler contended
that a little cuPivatinn and attention
to cooking would restore it to the porti•
t ion it once held as a delicious adjunct
to it hot dish of nieaL -This evening
Mr, 1Vin. Warnock will talk on grape
cel t e at the meeting of the societ
in I he Court House, and it is likely he
will also explain how good ft nit iney
be kept trom spoiling. That grapes
grown in Goderich may be kept le
good ccndition till the 12th of Match
following their gathering, the mitre
cnn testify, heving personally dis-
cussed a heittitiful bunch on that day
All love's of horticulture are admitted
Lo these meetings, and those who
grow grares. either for family use or
ehipnient, or both, should hear the
man, who trom practical experience
kiiows how to select, glow, and pre
serve the grape.
- - -
Business Notices.
Oyste re; get them at the Victoria Restau-
rant, West atreet. They receive them regu•
larly and always fresh, Ice Cream, Con•
frotionery, Fruit, Tobacco and Cigars.
Telephone 70. C. BLACKET0Erit, Prop.
NOTICE. -Every per who ptirehases
erooeriee for cash to a .enns of 520, 515,
510 or 37, will receive palm, Fern or other
plant as desired. T e sales to run until
April 27th at 8.30 m., when sale will
cease to be counted. Bargains given in
groceries. Call and see Geo. Srswene,
The Lenten Rea need not prevent
you taking a look at ,he 'steel Photo new.
elides in Brophey's indict, and if your new
hat in in view you .11 know where to have
the best picture taken to send to your
Miss Donagh returned, after attend-
ine the milline openings in AmeriCan
and Canadian c des. where she has sa
cored a NI I se of the tritest and beet in
millinery. and ill shortly announce thei
date of her sprii2g opening.
W. O. Pildham had en interestine talk
foy STAE readers on the New Century
brand of reedy made clothing. bat as it was
handed in too late for this week he asks
yon to call and 890 for yonrself.
W. Acheson & Bon would like ea call
tention to some lines of dress goods and
wash dress fabrics. They will give parti-
culars next week, but don't wait till then -
yon can see the geode now.
Negative° .5 Howell receieed large
consignment of American Field Fencing
Iasi week. There was 3850 rods in the lot
end it took two cars to bring it here. This
must be a very popu'ar fence, for they do
not expect this will be enough to onpply
their customers. One day's Wes last
week wete over 200 rods, we are told.
- -900-
Mies Flora Keys is one of the yery
beat enter miners' the Rehr ol of Oratory
Ileis predzwed. -Robert McLeein Onm-
. nook, director, School of Oratory.
INerthweetern Univereity.
Her tevirk seemed ithsolately perfect
and took her Audiences by *term.
Rev. W P. Peek, Pres, U.V.S.A.. St..
Limit. Mo.
Brief TOWa ToptcS.
You may sport your shamrock oo
Next Thuzeday wioter will give way
to spring.
Knitting factory motto ; ••Dcit
bands nuthe warm feet."
Ben Allen abippecl a ear of horses to
eisiult Ste. Marie on Saturday.
Andtews Brost 1I.; 0o. shipped a car
of live hogs to Toronto on Monday.
Regular nieeting el Huron Chapter.
No. 80, R. A. M., next reseed ty even-
• TheStar Mill shipped a car of the
now well known Star brands to Mont-
real on Alooday.
liadgens Bros. have placed a tele-
phone in thee. dry goods store. the
number of which Is 2a.
A. J. Ooldthorpe, the contractor,
has completed the delivery of cord-
wood at the ward echoole.
Come and get it flue cup of coffee,
served free for four days, commencing
Monday next, itt ST001311 & Co'n.
J. II. Colborne hits put in a tele-
phoned) his dry goods store, and No.
80 will call hen up If you wieh to com-
A large, quantity of ice was packed
this winter than is usual, and it Wan
of good quality. aud pr upet thickness
fur keeping.
There has been some talk of a dog
trot on the Square, but It looks as
though the sleighing would dieuppetti
befoie it is called on.
The present season hae been the best
tor skating for many veare. its front
January until this week, the ice wan
never once soft in the evening.
Satutday was a rather busy day, as
more than the usual number of
farniere took advantage of the milli
day and good sleiglung to drivo to
The bunch of keys advertised le
Tuts STAR fOr two weeks IS still Whir
out an owner, and yet they appear to
be a lot of some value to some one.
Call If you have lost any.
London Free Pt ess ; Mi. William
Shier, who has been engaged in the
barber business on Rectory street for
some years, has left for Godench, to
open up a shop there.
Some plan will have to be adopted
to free the side walks ruund the Square
trent water during the spring UMW:4,
for in front of Parsons' Fair there was
quite, a lake all day Monday.
There welts many fells on Wednes-
day. caused by the sleet making the
walks like sheets of ice. The Meet on
AVeduesday stopped the town clock.
It was the first tittle thie winter.
THE STAR is indebted to Mri. 11. M.
Lay, of White Horse, Yukon. for
several recent copies of the two lively
weeklies published in that Ott distant
city ot the Noithwest. Tbe items of
local news are lively and interesting.
Subscribers who have paid ad
vance. and have not yet received THE
are requestml to call or notity the
office and a copy will be given or
Regular meeting of the Town Coun-
cil t hie. Friday, evening. The
Specie! coininittee met Alorelay
and Wednesday evenities, hut et the
first a motion Ras made and cerried
that the Wednesday one be private.
The latest in syndicates is one to bey
up the apple evaporators and Canning
establishments in the Dominion.
Ve hether tbe proposition will come to
anything. time will tell, but mane
cases ownets have been asked for, and
have placed a price on their establish•
tuent s,
The reenter monthly meeting of the
Collegiate Institute Hoard Was held on
Lhe 7th inst. The board was organ ized
for the year by the appointment of
committees the same as for 1900. A
few ccounts were paid and Principal
anges teport of attendance was read
d filed.
In the list of new companies grant -
charters during the past week in
Ontario, nppeArs t he following "Lek
Huron and Manitoba Milling Coin
pany, Limited ; share capital $400,000.
The object is to take over and develop
the Olgivie and Hutchinson mill at
Last week R. J. Henderson, of Gode•
rich township, trapped a magnificent
baldheaded eagle, Lite finest, IL is said.
that has been seen in Huron for many
years. ft. J. says it was caught. with-
out having been injured In any way.
and that it, may et no distant date
figitre in Lome rntiseum.
lie°. Graham. our well known cattle
buyer. has purchesed ex • Wm fleil
Ceok's prett y kerne mare, by Oliver
Wilkes. She is a pi etty animal, and
though not tried to her utmost hem
made good time on the rond, and
where shown at agriculture! taws she
has always been a prize winner.
Many bets vvete made about the
house that was being moved on Tues-
day, One well known resident, when
the building had had it rather long
stop at the heed of South st., bet $2 to
$1 that it. vvould not lie moved before
dinner, buena he placed the two in the
holder's hands away 1 he building
went, and the better said -well. we
won't repeat his words.
Marine Matters.
A walk round the harbor these dove
provide, varied entertainment fot the
vinitor, though the scene Is not a pnr
ticulnrly lively one from an Milted rial
standpoint. If the wind ie not, too
raw, he can epend an hour just oft the
piers counting the perch and herring
hooked out by the experts through
holes cut in the toe. Then a visit to
the water yvot ks will warm him up.
and while gathering the heat he can
learn the history of the fine coal monu-
ment thAt has given our fire brignde
so much exerciee, and is waiting tA
find ite owner. The Richardson Mill
will be found open, the employees
weighing in grain and shipping it ont,
and Lhe shipping out prorees will he
found going on et the big elevator,
At the dock of the (lode, tch Lumber
Uo. cars will be loading wilh 1 ber.
tind teams will beldiehliveting loge for
epring cutting. A harbor Wand
Marlton and hie staff will he found
busily employee huilding wn new
tinge and tepais ing severel othere, and
here the visitor may learn a thing or
two in naval architecture, and how
ships that go down to the sea are
The Northern Navies', ion Company
hits decided to diseontinue t he L.ake
Superior line frow Collingwoed. I n•
Assad of thie the whole betimes-. will
touried on et Sarnia., the City of
Collinsrwood going to Glee port to gad
In consort wit h the United Empire end
Monarch. The Mejestic t* 'dared
on the Soo route along with t lie steam
era thty of Midland. llerisinnic Red
Britannic. The Atlantic will again be
on the North hihore route and the City
of Toronto on her red run between
Peneteng and Perry Sound.
(twines. In Colborne, on rimy Ptb. the
wife of Wat. Glidden, of denghter.
Ingettohose - In Oederieb. Marcel 71.h. the
wife el 11. IL Reynold* a Mu.
litittemegv.-In Colborne. on March gib. the
wife of Hiram Brindley. • domed**.
Otterine.-241 Ooderiek Toenteblp. Mare.
Nth. the wife at *ether Beaver* et OM.
CaftElf.-fn Oaderfek. ea Saturday. Wash II„
the eMe of Ottereld Carey. et daughter.
• Et1.011$ Clatirenell. Ns., oderiell ,HarboF.
Rev. Mr. Turnbull. ot Georges.*
iarchauged pulpits last Sunday with
Rev M M. Goldberg, of Dungannon).
The meeting in the Salvation Arnie
Barracke on Saturday night next will
he a "GOSpel Spelling Match," and on
Sunday night Ensign Crawford will
give an address on the aohject of
"Ghosts." 13oth meetings commence
at 8 o'clock and ell are invited.
The pastor of Victoria St. church
will p each next Sebbath, and contin-
ue I ries of talke on the life a
Jos ph. Morning subject "Ood in.os
per g and keeping Joseph in Egypt",
ev :ng subject, 'Cottle and cart
rupee". a set mott 1,0 young men. All
are welcome.
The people of St. Peter'e ar-e well
pleased with the success of their forty
houis devotional servites. The sing-
ing wus gond and the nertnons very in-
structive. There Wail a very large
number of 131/1111111111 lettnitt. The Rev.
!lathers McCormack and McMenamin
aniiducted the mission. 'rite Lenten
lest! melons for iiee I. Wednesday lin
Paisley eveninge will he respectively.
-Prorate) langll tga is Ungentlemanly
and 1111ChrieLlati." "W hy all men, tree-
epective of rouse, color or (steed, should
live in peace and harmony." Every
Thursday evening question8 front the
question box will be answered.
The Cote t of Appeal iif the Alethre
dist Church has Leen called to meet in
the board root'', Nettle y Buildinge,
Thronto, on Fridey, April 12. at 10.30
0. in, Alining the cases to come up
aio Lite fullowing, one uf which s
int ereet this count :
Pring Va. Ptitiene-- Purstinnt to hale
omit lit Coolie of Appeal gi ven at King-
ston, October 8, 10110. in the eerie of
Pring vs. Hannon, to the effect I hitt
the appeal from I he titling of Dr, Pee-
coe, senior c Intim min, given Gotle
rich iti the trinl Pring v.. Bend.
ehould have gene directly to I lie Court
of Appeal to determine Ai to the jilt is•
diction of lite committee in the matter
of the chnrges notholuititintiation
brought agnitist Bev. S. Bond, chair
n of the Committee of Trio I 111 the
case of Mot low ve. ing -the ruling
of Dr. Pascoe having denied such
jurisdiet prerent action is
brought directly to the Court of A p•
peal Against the said ruling of Dr. Pas-
coe given January 11, 1808.
Willinms vs. Witehigton, president
of the British Colitinbia Con fere nce-
President AVittingl on, hewing on ap•
peal eolith tiled the decision of Rev. J.
C. Speer, chain:mil cf Victoria Del-
ta ict, In said conference, in the vase of
Ve intents vs. Rev. W. W. Baer, tit I he
said B. C. Conference, whom \VII
limns It td charged with the use of
tobacco, alleging t he Emile, LAI he con-
trary to diacipline, which role of disci•
pline fund J. C. Spec,' decided did not.
apply to mitosteie,
Sporting Notea
The Colleginte and 11 itrinonv hockey
teams ineL again on NVednetintity aven•
Mg, and idle, some very rough play
the fernier won I,y 2 to 1. The gitme
was stopped helot e time because one
of the student., hail 0 badly britieed set
of knuckles.
The 0. C. I. and Elite Hockey Clubs
will tent' a match at the rink on Ition•
(ley night. This is elite to be it mote
game, /15 the Elites consider them-
selves I he town champions and the G.
C. 1, hove are bound to ari olf the
laurels if possible. A side bet of $20
adde increased MI et -est. to the game.
• Torma o Tidegrani : ingliain has
organized a baseb.til club, and
will endeavour to get lirtissels,
Goderich, Clinton, Palmerston, \Vali:-
Nilo!' and linrrist on to form tut
amateur league wil hei, These are
all hall towns of fatitm elude, and the
circuit is one that should be pat 1,4
tory, always providing t hat rividi v
does not get so keen that, -borrowed"
batteries get worked itt. iV hat lutvtiv
a battery of that veriet y work in
village hearts and pockets ts beyond
des 'ption,
or several llti.Y4-1,kie t ro ng powers
homes owned in Own the toile 1,
ect discussion itt Mote Bed fool, '
Lhe result being a bet of $2-) that. May•
bird conld beat W ood wn. On Tiree-
day afternoon the match C.01110 oil on
the Square. the (-muse being three
dines round for a heat, and the test,
three out of five. The animals gin it
good genii tilt. but %Vomit/tee' get off
his feet ninny times and
never la ertking she crossed the line it
few length, ahem'. The sersind heat
was like unto the fleet, with ,i little
more bt milting, and the (1 was bike
nnto the others, t he race was given
to May bird. ;
On Tuestley evenieg the Elite
hockey tertut suffered its first defeid,
and though its opponents, "the
Scrnpers " won by wo goals to orw, it.
was no d'isgrncii, its the gA me wit i well
con) Nord nuil 1 he winners have one of
the beat eleVIIVIS ill f 1 10'011, fit. anywhere
else. The Merit pets to e light itt weight,
lint limy nre active. rind being much
on the tett i hey have had coneelernble
prnetice. In the first half. lifter hig
tight. t he Screpere Off olle, 110(1
the second lite Elites 1),unit/oiled the
Scrape's go.il successfolly. and the
garne was even, but pist hefore
was op the Styli peta fiiieed the puck
through the Elite goal And the game
W/10 won. 1 Wfl9 A royal battle lind
1 here were %confuted on (mth ti,a
the injured were all well yesletil.y
Dan, Mel von WAN All 014.'111 1 efer
What 19 kitown Grittit'a hockey
lean and that 1.1 the Het lenity chili
merlin croseed st telt s Thin,alny even
ing of tarn week, Flom he slat t the
play WA9 19111 ItOd. lint the Collegimis
had the grettler %laving 0 wet E. And .
won liv 5 to 1. On Friday VVVII Illg 1 llf. '
victors met I he Elite chil, team for the
second tone, anti syn.re downed. Theite '
teams placed hockey art it Ehotild he
played, and though at the atm t nff t he
game was peel y even. nt the crill ,
Mill lime lite Elites had mem orl two
ensile t heir npponente it, and et t he '
finielt the game /41.04 01 2 to 2 in favor of
From the Auditor General% Re-
port and That of the P. W.
The following figures from Me Auditor
0etteral'. report 10e the year menu* Juno 31,
1000. are of public Intentst here :
RECoNgrataTtatu DultAKWATEP, ETC.
Sinceth and McGillicuddy, dual
eetlinato, Nov.31, WOO -
Amount of odainal contract TOO 00
Plant $100e; $833.01 retund.... 1131 36
Reduction from original height, -
Tinnier. 185100 ft. at 820. 3.71,3 02
mono. 418 cords at. 111.60
Paid its 11.402.1 ........ . • , 301.6121)11
Paid lu 1835-9
Total... ......... .
Forenton ; J. C. Forbett, 1221 d mil 311" (41
Ka:argaed oaf, salmi .. . . d at 51;
WI 63
glneors. da al 51.60; F. Mambo,
18; IL Iabeete 16 139 60
Laborook day ti lit.50: T. Flisern
mons 8 0; lt.' err 116; J. Melfin,
nun 15 N. elver 8; Norman
r 71 • F we 1 74 II
Inherent. day at $1. : 10. Humber
Laborera. day at $ 40: F. Humber
91; E. Linn 6.11 ; Wileon 57 .
11168)4 00°1
ail: 0. Noir 191; 11., Sprung 25
Watchman. W. Robinson, 115 d at
760ed tve7astehing aud lighting ecowe.
59 25
'ream, E. Reid, 114 d at $3; Stoat hire,
J. Buster. d at ; 5 Inuit blaok•
anithing $3.70 13 00
Roll Telephone Ca.. chances 90c ;
MALI., Jae, beat hire, 8 d at Gal . 5 70
Cainpbell. , net cent. 50 85 toe.
et $3. ; Cantu. 0 milouding
coal, eti 65 tone at 7e . le
,1111 Brett. plumbing and meat*
fitting. 0.51'02 ; Das I., 41. N., hard•
Lea.. W.. met coal. 1 tonal 81 fill-.
Goderich I Lember Co. : It x 12 hain•
leek, 880 ft at $13; liondeek plant.
1330 ft at $15; sawing lumhor, 430
ft ot 93; numb,. :10 ft 45 eunt . 20 et
H million Powder Co. : battery 025;
di tomtit.. IMO lbs at I2o, 0 Val I4c;
plata Moe. evil flat Ift, fl
nee ; thawing ean 43; wire *CVO;
teaming from Hamilton, 2 trios att
8311 • . . ...
lionderoon Bicycle Co., grate team
ete, 55.33 ; Holmes. 10. LI., coal,
.1,tek. 4 tons at 3.80.. .
Humber. C. A.: lin pipe, 19 ft itt
45c ; bolts, 237 11A at 5e ; sundriv
52 Id
IC MOM,. Alex.: drill., king 5,
M. sharpening 31, $E2.1; work on
drill.. (1 Moo 2 bores, $7; Hendry
entlihwork, 52L.71. 37 ei
Lee, W'. non coal. 8 tenant $4.60;
Lee Shepherd, eteattirliting
tinplates, pi.03 , (41
Marlton, .. x 8-10 maple, 912 ft.
te 32.: 3 x 100011, 202 ft. al $20 22 21
Meoers ff. a Co, 0 ply 19 ottani!
'cool trausitilsaion cable. MO ft. at
McIver, N , scow pine; 25 x x 2, 2
111 4115„ Bet bottomed skiff with
re tvlockS. •• ...........
m..K 11Z1 11, 1 %V.,.# In round Iron.
10 11.s, al 210
!twig, le, N D. : dynamite. I00
22c. freight on Atone, $11.110; f inte,
;in ,t 30; Iran pipe, IS ft. 0.5.86; seiner
1,:oel,.. 4. $4.2.1; rope, 151 1148. tat 12r,
31 ao 100. 11 at I 7e; roam' Iron, 292
3. to; stmon h 11 ft, 33 90;
tool stoel, 11.54 1.11., 1 1 11,•:
8:01,011 . . . 109 70
St'lillolos, A. It. Merl,. Co., 6 x
rock drill refitted nod tested and
trona!, 8125; steel gale. 11090.
71 ft et 70e; 2 (toe Melee for sumo,
$1 NI 135 3,1
ltrnegn, 311 C , Assistant engineer.
at! MO to .luee 30, at ; troyul,
Sines; taltre [mit 12 11100 le .111110
30 Hies; ev ere.. and freight,S32.10;
telegrams. 86 It; stiedry matey,
112 23 . ....... 1,503 45
LIS tlo
48 32
28 81
661 99
65 au
0 10
. $ 23.2se 27
Stereo', ',rode' tie 1.'0., services
of dredge A rooldl and plant, July
1, !tee 2, 1890, 7131,12 houn., A pH!
J line 2. 534113110 Maar., att.$21 ... 39,933. 01
\Val NN't.i., nem lecu Inspecting
dredgiaut. July 1, Dee. 18. 1519,
tilt April Id, Julie 3e, 1901. 66 II.
nt 1121 in
$ 10,377 01
THE [Merotiv tie Tli 1131411On WORKS
IIY THE Puma(' Wonets tilIPARTIttENT.
i trirre/fien t y of Huron, Is
situate on I ne east allure of Lake Hu-
lot] he mouth tif the Maitland Riv-
er, about milee nom Sarnia and Oa
miles front Loudon. It ts the lei minus
,f the Buffalo Mandl of the Grand
Frunk Railway, ned is a place' of
considerable importance, partly on
tcconnt of large deposits of salt (timid
in its icinitV
Cotortroction.--The construction of
harbeur thiE place nem fit et under •
tAken 1835, IA, lit, Canadian Comp.
nny, who lucid the right a Imo*
from I he t'rown, although a eunsider-
aide expenditure was made on the
works, they %veil% allowed to fall into
decay, lit 14,59 toe Canada Company
tin/islet 1 ea the'r claim on the harbour
to the litilialo And Lake Huroo
way I...lino:thy (now part of the Grand
Trunk system), who in 1812 were
granted a new tense from the Crown,
under which the Compatty &fretted
extensive harbour works. When it
was determined by t lie govertitnent,
eta 111,11E11 harhotirE tif 1 elitge on Lake
Goderich was 1/1 1 11 1 1( 1 he points
NeleCt1•41 11,1 1110S1 Silit/1.1111., and a survey
wail made nod phtns prelim ed for me-
et tee a safe and comitenliotis harbour.
The plan adopted itiny lw 141141 des-
cr ilted ns beitig hat of changintit the
1'11 1 1 :ince to the lint hour by cutting a
10.1V cMinnel through the twitch lind
pt etre I ing it by crihwork built ollt, to
tt (lent It tif 17 fret at low water of
rensideiitley increasing the nrea of the
how hy dredging, and of diverting
the I 1 111 1 1 11'1 14 the MVP!" Maitland by
1 he el tee tim of an artificial so
t I I, • t leer 4110111(1 doe:barge Into
Lake 11 liteti thi retell lite north beach
nod not 11.,15 1104, the harhotar at all,
WIII k 9 were commenced in 1872
and ectopleied in 1477. the ,•ost heing
$1117a,71.1.41. si ifi41 rind Per2 dredging
t Ile, eel et) t 31,714 watt dene, nrul
itt lite2 $2,247,06 was spent, in protection
k at he beach bet w ern he nort h.
ern pier end the I wertk water, which
was gratlictIl it being witahed awn v.
The loin? IIX [Wild 11 111 ito PM, since
confederation was $171,521,01 on ac
ttf f 011 aria1 dredging,
In Reel 3 the 911111 Of $212.300, wits
tiwn Med he the official firbilralors,
and laud to Mr H. Platt for Multiage to
his ta "pert v in con fleet ion with the
hitrbor works. On aermint ,ff the con.
'factor for 111.• corort ruction of beach
protect bet work,' Alesteletning eon•
tact. he Government was obliged to
099111111. 11(1 prOl.f.49i1 51 ill) he week,
I he expenditure dm Inv I he veer on
Account of cottut o.t. being It 1,014 01.
Tlo. hem II 111 1 1 1./-1 1 1.1 1 ‘11:111 CIIMpleted
1 11 1881 et ,111 expeiMtere ef $2,403 In.
1 ti 1,042 3 t at 1 0,09 eittered
with Menars. tif ewder & :41i• Natighlon.
of Ottawa, to exitoull he nort het 0
pie! 410. and the seer het ti pier 101 feet
tn lettgl b and to 11redge het l he for the
1/119. The. work wee ononenced in
Alto, h. Istne and the tete k rornmeted
to Not ember, 1495 In Mar.:11, PM a
rotor 1(1 WAR let lo laike Madigan, tor
a loilk nom of $541.1100 to reconai rile)
he 0 hole a th. break water impel •
ntiort foe. ft length of 2.400 feet, 0.101
V0011141 fat X t 3111(20 feet. And rune
i :tax211 feel ; he rot mer I o he 2
feet hurl) te he Lille, 17 feet high
,Nfier A meo leo ro dein v., lie he port ail
e ,•1 111 1 1 0, 1 ue, "icier in council was
pss.aai 49.1 low nrole the contract on
A pod 2.e. end nothortEing the call
tog of new politic lender., for 1 ho corn
plei 0 411 of I 10. 0, k . The late f mot rat-
roi .na 1 he V 1.14 1 1 WT7 et ripseel s101
„1„„.1 ,rti 1 feat Of the comet
.1 , tit I m e At t moat end of t he break
is der rebuilding a port ion of the e
loon 12 feet bleb. The fininhed
heated in I/1 feet Mai..
On ammo( 1 I, 1404. the Contract to
rel en t he auperoat rucl nre id the
break wafer . Sloe piece. wee 1 elet to
P1011-11. 14111PP1 11 aiff nf
ifluderich, for the sum of frit7On.
the Elites TEr teams were :
Er. rres. I) 11 t sees.
H. I) St radon, goel P. Elroy
J Nichoisen, rein' C Line.
1., Peewee+, (e'er* p't S. Peet -here.
11 Meeaw, It ,
H. St Ord V, W. Wedge.,
11. Given. 1 .1 P firown.
E. Scewart, I ""'ng° 1 W. ,
Referee Dave Tnompaon, umpirev I
0. D. Sallowa, flan W.genne. Allen
dance bet ween t hem, nod four h ndreel
In I he series of 1001 the following
games have been ple ed :
Ftirnit ore Factory I Ormin Facterv a
Grant's Team 7. Farnitnre y 2
ERN* 4. Grant's Team I
. arrmaly
2. h Or. Fat tory 1
11. trn,,ne 1
Orern's Tenin 2
11 will Ire ...ern 1 hot the Ebteo won
every pomp, leaving them ril,arnpionE
The OeiCan Par tory tenet "Itopplad 0111
after the first game In t he fly e game.
played by 1 he Ebre. t hey at ore.'
fifteen menet. while the 10101 made I.v
their opponents on the earl e were lint
bliss IC nye gave great an 1 eif It-1mm
every number being encored. She Iron
*charming prevent*. end a ph ;mine
style. fieet.A. W
The general opinum to that elle to 1 he
herd. that aver appeared here. A 1
WThiOn. D., Sec. A.0.1 W Piat ta-
villa. Ont..,
Nothing but a Wog scrics:of delays airs
taken awe billet" the date of algning
this coutract. the end of the Neal
emir 1800 the Bunt of $2,891011 has been
paid 00 the contract.
During the fiscal year. the first sub-
merged crib No. 20 was sunk Jute posi-
tion on the 1811, Outober, 11300; another,
Nit 17, an the 21st and Nos 18 mud 10
on the 24th.
The dreilve took from the 17th Octo-
ber till the SlUtli November preparing
foundations for the submerged crib*
No*. 0, 7. 8 and 0.
This dr edgis wets at breakwater trete
the 8rd Octobet until the 20th Noveur
her either removing gniyel from f •
dation of uew °Mlle or redredging the
gravel from the river which bad been
dumped there by permission given on
the Oth October.
The work fur the remainder of the
season coneleted of tilling crIbe with
stoue, building and Offing superstruc-
ture with stone, excavat mg gravel end
pulling down old Dallier from the ex•
treme west end over cribs 1 to 0.
Deepening of harbor. -The deepen
Mg of Goderich lierber was decided
upon and instructions were given to
that effect early In September, 1808.
The purpose W101 to give a depth of
twenty feet. between the piers from
cneckwater westward out into Lake
H uron,w here the saute depth of twenty
feet la reached. and hi the 1 II ner
bor from check water eastward 04 feet
below low %letter mare.
These depths. 20 feet between pi,
and 18 III Ilarblir, 0111 g11 neatly '41
anti 20 feet reepectively with 11111 vail•
ing elesvation of water.
It was mit. the intention to excivate
over the whole area of inner harbor, 101
a depth tea weer; 15 and 156 lent. sive,
the utonatet mut rem be procured end
vessels drawing that amount uf watts. -
can reach the ducks un the 1101'1 11
of the harbor.
That which wan ctrAidered neceseiti v
was to deepen a channel and fol in it
basin leading up to and in front of lite
terlitic and elevator docks where coats
oft he lerge, typeadrawingeighteen feet
of water mild come lit re all times
with wifely ; especially its Gedie lcu ie
etipposed to be a "Harbor t I Refuge,"
but for some time back WW1 1101
able for Ude purpose on itectiii .t, of Re
On September 12 last the Marlton
Dredging Company wart employed to
do certein divilging the harbor and
channel approach, and work was ciiiii•
menced on the Ittb of !lie moue merit h.
Operittions were continued until No-
veniber te, and were continued in the
spring of 181/0 until the end of 1 he
limed year, when the stun of $9.(tea41
had been expended, including ittiperin•
tendence, dm Ing 1.111Ie t he Went
worked He 5 It horns. which nt. $8
dollare per hotir, coat 33,350 011.
On October Ilth. orders coffee given
to make some slight repaint LO the
south pier at a COW, not to exceed 8st.
The work Was at. once done, the leittint
costitig$45 20 and the materiel $15e07;
total $70.17.
The expenditure tor the fiscal year
1800 was as followe : •
Dredging 410,632 II
Itebuild Mg etipersti facture
of le eak teal er
itepalTro,,,tinkoi.nt.h. pier 2.i4501 11
---- - -
70 17
$12,591 119
lienalre --In lieti and 11481 the break •
WIl ter and 8001 hero pier w ea e repaired
nt. 0 cost of BMOC. l'hese reiteit e con.
eieted in renewing euele plettking nod
retard timber art 1 plileing motto IlallitEl
RI one iii some of the crilltl, Fl"4/111 Pitil
un to 1807 min.,- reptha Lo the 111 leik
water nnd piers were 11111.1 le nlitiost
veto ly, eon/fist Mg generally in renew•
ing 1 Millers. The expenditure durieg
$4171e.(14,i.v/te 1 s on e cum 11 L of 11110111i WWI
Descriptiisne-The harlimir at Die
preeent Gine compriaes an inner IntEl 11
about 25 acretl in extent and two par-
allel jetties forming the entt mice
from the hike. The northern side of
the basin is formed by tin as I Mein!
bank 2,500 feet in length composted iif
very strong cr•illyvoi k on the Mail bind
Itiver side twit of A pile work on the her -
hour side, the space het VI1Pell heing
filled in and bent -her a spur track,
'1'he hoe ot esibwork set ver, as a 1 rain,
ing wall to prevent the Manhunt
Haver from diecharging 111(.0 file 1101.
hoer. The criliwork ie el:111k genet ally
into 17 feet of wider. mid itN 'might
above low water level is 18 feet. The
north eiltrililen jetty tit 1,700 feet in
length, width varying from 2(1 to 30
feel, Wit 11 it block 411 to 45 feet tit the
heitd. The R011th jelly ensiling !tom
t he end of t he curve formed by I Ile
harm an 1.000 feet. 111 lellgt 11 01111 the
width varies front 211 to 111 feet The
Jellies' itr•e parallel and 111 feet nonr-',
excepting at the 4,11(4.f. end of the
aouthein Jetty, where the elitimice is
285 feet wide. The intIer angle 1,1 lie
harbotir for about 1000 feet iu length is
consideinhly shoaled tip, I he at erage
dela it of wide' in 1 lie test of a Po 6.910
in 14 fret, mid et t he ern ram* channel
it. vitrieE front I:1 to 15 feet, 'flew C10111
111.1 14 p19.1010ed to be dredged li, A
depth of 20 feet inchitlitig the soul la
ern portion of I he h.ittol.
Otedeing epee:" I Iiitts Wr re resumed oil
the 101It April, Peel, 0101 0/01 1. combo
;led until 2m1 or 0, hiller of th 0 MA me
year, when the dredging tompeny
were given permission 14, 1110VP 1 heit
plant riettel 1,, t he wool h of the l'IVer
MA0 1And to remo% 4. µMoe 01(1 .111,
merged rt i las for i he tont factors re,. oti
4.ta tict 1 ile t he break wa,..1 .
The dredge rentatited it, trie I 14..1 1111
t.11 t 111. 211th Noventlief, wheti if 14.1 Illond
to the hat how hut i mild di. vei v 1,11 1e
Windt, only wotking intermit! lowly
from I he Viol to Anti en me.,,,,,,1 of 1 he
fall slot Inn 111111 tinnily closed down for
season on 1 he 2111 It NoveittIntr.
The Medge ch.! compel to i Vod y well
at rot k %vie k 41111 ing pal! a Jim,. imi
event nnlly came to such I i i
i.eep aaii. 1,e 1
which 9110 Was iallahle lo ilioaf• W1111.01 1
tt theit better 1,1,1.1,1 ; li1A1 tIlit, A .... 1.
111.1 1 1110 1.11.1 ing.hail I ii he teen ted lo
AFI filin•IIIV ino 1)04Allar 1 o AlloW Of 1 1
narfow channel at least, being 1111 41uni
on 0'1 1.1 I he 111.W eleyntet a it Semi on
tier 1,0,11,5 111.10y.
T1119 blasting was done do, iiig .1.11v
ttrol August with I lie ,t....1,,, ,,, ,.1 ft
tem turret y eon ttiv 1 10'4. I mum olog a
chitin Mall wot ked Ito hind from 1 0.0
e"A"vn.ttiea of Owen fel X :,i1 ( eet And 21
feet der n VVIIR t 1111/1 I PITI'll...41 A 0.1 A .41
fllof chAnnel Ins -teed lesiline ti i b..
elevat 11r. Th19 hlant tog iv., 1 1,1 Id 1 1 1 I 1•1 1
1/1 1 la ren I he 51 h .1.11y itrel 11' 11 .1.1411.1
and font *lea 70.
I Nein, INSIP the follow lily work 1\ 1,1
per f woled hy t he 411,41(0.. 12. 1.12 .- i,.. I.
of knell and Fp a eel were 1.1", ...1 . 1.0111
e. yd.. ef I Ork WeVO removed N.ol all I
"Th'Ilre5:474.1r"ii'Xi.fe h:f:ndl Pfno:i I 71".::;1711,':;::11 1,1
?MVP' 01 1,1 111 111(I IVA. 11 1'1'1 1 1 1 1 2 , ell 1 1.. %I ,'. .1. .1 AN tutht dr,,re down feint
loi i eta 57 cent a and for It .1.1 lot 11 ilti 1,1h0.: li'ntko,r.at ii;:it4:,..rina ,v,4;Itetrti,..a..y,::: twhe.)are,.I.in..
'' i"),."...Ler„:;',1:.1,,%V:::;,,j,..., „,„„,.,1 .,, a 1„. 0, 4.11...,11.11, 5ae.:i1i, 112 0.% V ce.i,rt,l..,9q, 1/r009.....1:9..1 thfotre
lodowing %toil( 1.v the Or I. . I I .o.•
De h A ford, eon. siel o. I , pi. 1,..1 the 1199 1.9..o1 la09911.1e.
2..47t r. rte. of tevoi e i. A. '..'.1 1 J11. 1.' IV W.19 11/..1.1 1.191 eVetpitar and
471 l V.19 ..f rot 4 •,, ,,,,,, .-I
V: :: v•';',),Etv.:::•:',1'.11, :: 1.::•-•41'Irwv.pl any' 1..:1:1PitZh"17
IN tg.l. Vti• , ef 4811.1 al t . ••1 A
, ,•".I lb". 14,-11, the Merin,. It Ind
....%11:1:k'isn't::ili'i'f'11'111::: v'il,'41"-it'ltro'....1' l'2"te,f.iete•rtheT . Pots t 3, . mil pet...nal too nre had
E.4,...1 era vet, 1E4- , 414 01 $1 "1 1... ro. k ,...,,,,g11, 1.111 hot 11 1.31 tle9 1'011 101 he
"";1,,12,1;;,,.',111,1,1";„.tei.;:ed„1., 'ini,.. e et k tn , I 1., 0,40 Ito. Appointee.. rno Elea' the
n oil pertuoin I e. On I v a 41 overnmenl .
, nr,„.f. EAT-1,,,,ir tea 1 he ,,...1 are 14. IA 1 V.... ..1 Merl 0110 eAn mother lot hrilwall
mot, e it an noon an feeinthh• in t /1... tett pernonateil 0 rel .1 and Torten
spring. 0 gleam Maur ph,,,ol on A ni 0 hAVP I heated and hrihrinl. Ina ItIn On -
f et m stand tills on the in,. ,,,441 1./1 11 toxin. (loyal nment thirmah it a apathy
ready and Masa ine eommemesit , n 1 hot , tomerele "filch"' reecalit y. wrote iteelf
way on I h. Milt Veronese.? atone t he ' down a pat tiller in the veto* of minima
wire continued until tee Gth of April. honestly counted.
deck tn f Milt of new PIP 9 A t 4 at pa I tvel a eeespireey arrajmig 'he etghe 0 f
house for a distance of 00 foot out. and every honest voter to have his voti
when the work had to be tenspeette1
evened on accomit of the 0133414
Lion of the kr. In the natant/Mit ta
towing rte0W was arranged arid Las
plant wars tratisferied ton and
blastitin resumed oo the til3th .11011
continuing on up to the 00th Jong,
The cost of the bleating between the
lfith FebruarYi 00th June was (0.770,311
including the steam plans, Ike. whieh
are /till available ow well au about
toils of coal and MO pounds of dyas.
The area covered was Aland 17.000
square feet. holes being drilled about
3 to 36 feet deep eyery 5 feet Apart,
Total exnenditure to 801.1r June. poo.
West ,Huron
Again Vaeant.
The Court of Appeal Declares Mr.
Garrow Was Not HOneetlY
Before A rtnour. C. J. O.. Maclennan.
Mess, larder. J.J. A., kJ AcMahon. J.
fte West Huron Election Petition.
Seek v. Oarrow.-Judgment on ap al
by tespoililent from judgment of Os r.
J.A., and Rene. J., two of the jut
1111 110 1'01 itssigned to try the mat
of this petittou, ordering that the el
tIon lie avoided and the twat decla
viten:At. Wilk (.00th. Held. that the
i t. as 10 britet y and
itgency were amply justified by the
evidence, and that having regard to
the emote ef the acts proved and the
imiiiii majority (133, the ariving Cia110e•
Nee, 172. of the Ontario Election Act
cone! not be Invoked to uphold the
election, Appeal dismissed with costs.
Watson, K.0 , and A yiesworth, K.C. ,
for appellant. W. D. McPherson for
rm. is the official repetrt of the pro-
nouncement made last Tuesday In the
long pending appeal on behalf of Mr.
Tr' EVIDENCE." say the Court of
Appeal unanimously. and their Jude -
merit Is In mimed tvith the opinion ref
every one wile heard the trial or read
the, report of the evIdeace.
Tho appeal Is declared to have
been unjuotillitele, and If the °lec-
ture of West If tiron feel that
the riding ehould have been repre•
eented In the LegIslAt tire during the
peat wo sessions, they can only place
the blame on lion. J. '1. Garrow,
ministet witliont port folk. and with-
out beat, and the Government to
whom he hilts not, been, well, ndt
wer of strength,
Twice him Major /WU been defeated
by fraud end riteralki, end wire have
the electers of West Huron been de -
m tete! 44 the right and privileee of
retying who- shall repreeent them ite
t he Legislit iti it or tree Province. Mr.
Gamow shoidd have the decency to
diem out tif publics for a while, and
let. the (love! time n t hear alone the
otiiitin id' 1 los disgravelid and dist-erne
table laisiness.
Now, Air Link later, you can come
home to Huron 145;00. You have Mr.
w'et perm iss it m to return.
W the Signal hail tit lett heard
from the Court, of Appeal -- how koes
the ititIgIttent. EttiL ?
PlItIbIlElt 18085 Woi ked himself into
fsenzy 101 Tuesday night In defence of
him govet 'intent's condoning the ras•
unlit ie. of 1%'eet Elgin, Not th Watei loo
and N1Otet Huron, and hie was the
111/0 II stay tif that defence the Tories
are its ! Holy litaleatnaolint e, how
digeilied ! %A' hat a e plete defence
A Print ALI., would It. not have been
cheerier have let Ji dm T. Lin k later
4.415, in I own long enotlith to Kiln bie
evidence aL the %Vest Huron election
trial, itistead of keeping him in cool-
fert over it) 1 fled domains. only
tir ha Ve 1 he 1 '011V1. decide that even
v, it bout hie evidetire there was enough
shoe 0 11191umes1 and corrupt elec,
t it'll
Eineordifie Iteview laat week
reemotted the facts itt reIntion to the
iltsinotaal of Mr ff. D. ilefuleirion, for
n brig postmaster at, White -
ii. The 1'. Al. Content in the
lions., gave a stntemeot in which he
stud the rem.% al liar) heen recom•
mended I,y the 1114.01 10.'0 for West
lit nee, 1V mit 1 1 tit iind Ea et Duro°,
leo the Rev leW nape :
"It in lIntlerElootl and WAN Ntated at
1 13r. time that :11r. I I. ilftle.k AL P., Was
appealed t.. and it. a lel lei 1.0 one of
1/1 Other/1, stateri that
he knew nothifig hoot the Mat ter
o nil IVAal Illat ill 4V111 hy Wit h Mr.
art ion, leo that. on th.. f011•
1 IA 1 10' 00111,1 110 01101. he could to
1 11 1. Imo reitisInted."
.1 1 31 1 4 a e 40 ef playing dotible, !Lob •
I et( 11 look. like it.
(30 lerich Township.
1191 /9, al.. Mrs. David Cox, of
Pot et 's 11,11. le ft tin 1A.edneeeley to
IAirs It:tin:1rd Flat rin in iseriouely ill.
‘isit lee mother la 9151 pi in Dolt.
ND. lien Pertroon i- in /1 critical con•
delete /14 lie remilt of la grippe. ‘Ve.
tem. to congratulate Mr. Arthur
Bee v ere en 1 lie t h of It 5101.
1, I r. This e eek we hairy to report
the .1,41 It lir NI I 4. %V J en n
tele,/ d Met week to be improving
I op onew lit 1, dent h coo. ingilltle midden.
1 v oo Tuesday. The uneral took
pia, e veEterttn v to Clinton cemelet y.
ho so, owing hit.hand end daughter
13,3 sympathy of MAW( t lends,
w 1 1 1 V1 I I 111 1 1 1 /OF Eerthe
II Spot la The are .1, it in on Wed
pin vett ha v with the WIlt.
along the Bey field Read. and they are
11..0. all rung eel... ito. road in many
1,01 9 fer horeee.