The Goderich Star, 1901-03-08, Page 8PRO" MARCH 8, 11114')1 "KING)f (41JA 111,1ty S,140ES"9 sto the coly slivc 8 for wear. Tit 11 havo comfo", 11, and otylel wtribiacd, and that so Why wo blivo ouch As, dom6­1 for X.m. You b)ioul-j due our Hot Shot Lines—isislaiiiiiiii, for mcu and boys. Utoy aro utilliubLAiv 1,110 boat of Ligoir hit"I oil the Inarket. NVAI are 60Lh A OENTS for site - - - FAMOUt"i STUB rRoof RUBbERS, which arc onag liroar. Long Boots, %-11 Its— lol-rud tho", atvay 111 Price- as follows A W (10 110-t. I IF 52.50 A 52 75 Boot - foe 5!1 85 A $2.50 Boot. lot 6�4�20 A t1a. 25 Boot, let $-A ou A t2.011 R.).L, for 11 73 A 6 1 IL 1, ju . for 61.2 1qEjrI.Y DONE- SOLE kUEN'I FOR J. D. KPi0'8 CO- ST. GEORGE PRIOE. disr-_ -..Tnm- St,­11 8Lrull ,A 141. Iasi, 11�ulk for 0411"""Il. ,rt Thurvday to visit "id,kivvs in A. 1-4 been kopt. In tile hOutic Ir t BO1111!I11J,1;I111II.1 �t L lit Air Ly bAd att..k .(Itrippe, %It', AlrX. lutifidLon returned oil Wednes' dny fi.ni a w.wit'. Ill �,�.AL visit 111W f0hi* Rho It. i I -Y N tlyes Ill ( No coutiti That , a what a holy told no 1) K �w a` Oacked $ WILI, "was I.Id about out ... up f.r � w k'). the pm-ent %,!Ok. MI. Kenni of Brampton. after spondiplAr Ind -­­, Oil- t:v K KA,K White Pine Compoi ,. li, !itio.rdino frien", ('I'll will, -t row w.okm . NJ,,. tat. llatrl�k'- street, With Tar. Is A'. W I I. III A' Uo-AI- (1,10 jiu,1­111%, 14a. suits, Itonto Like tioldier'd It oures a cold quiolier titan vj.nt o tj,8j;;j, A'la)r.s light, between 1, to slid " a (I mr.und Bull Anything bile ever U80d. 11 ,.,A,,. A little 1.11"L Oijad, -ft-s Captured 4y I. A. . S. artily. Goorve W I It -O.a be nillo to it ill­euto tI_t11;sI with C"'I.AU.8 This Cough Syrup its made slid 6"Id only by us, 11 hat V.Uip,osru. and every bottle is guaranteed. ip. Bel f m t. 5 OIle evening of last wi�,'Vn ),,,l if ..... . illagers. and Iheit 111ti it drove to mi. J. FADUNHAM, PHM,u twiti. I"Olg4ide, whero they Y., rell"It h'4vIIIg spoill ILI) enjoyable DPIA661ST. evviolig lill,ping tilt, lightfatildaticto R. MA"ST vr. ANDSQVARl%' V tit IlVest Hl,ieel, t" 111111self it plitlAner tit pnr- vI I, Ill 11,, jo� s All At 4orrows - - 1, 11 lintk m Iho (If E I and s"' 11 ovi, I,, heing ti,ed, " L i'. ese tit. 1.11 1�1,.ch depol Wo trost it Cbe Gobericl) 1w,lo.00d ,f lwth horol-0 [)Ili TKI.KI-110-NIC CAI.i, 71 sill ing Lili ' I-ollildiLlon Would It,- a gl,-,t , 11 V I I L- vitrelaket s \% W L, \Ve It-givt to It-Imit thlit, it FRIDAY, MARCIIS, IIN)I. litill0vt oftlit, ItIvat ple'vilt silly"Illigf-till It gr 1W. P000le Wo Know. Potor 8vulth.ofLuAttow. \%­ it, (10(lorich oil Friday CIII'lu'll. ()It SkIII'Lly evening Roy. Mir Bert stiodgen., of Itro. , wits in \V. (ilMl;(I plom-lwil all exet-Ilent sor- Tomilto last week. 111011 Ill Ill,- Aloill.idist rhorch.- Oil mi" It. AlAddork,of0twiph I'matloile, "I SlIjj,I,y lift Rev. E. 13, Sti.ith visitor tile pass `o. It. -oiml for the Air. Sdwa rd y Iijjq� % lio Ims tiven .(,,it for 1,14"Ach"d a Itiolil"Ilal got "011ie tituo.l. no� llnpro� lllsl� al.t. All�. Saillklul sloody In St John's MW C. Loton.'A A,f Il'ins"ll I't !Ill, , I " I sulidayodaL tile olj honto 1,, 0"'10, Ks. Wo art, sort V III hear I hilt Mi- wolsh SOIntr­1 i� NI hit's tile typhoid midence Or 1;0", W. T , I,\ r '"". "' N. 1). Itoinrik, retitri.d ft,thi Fm ­t list fill I son. (If Cilium), visit - week. suirbrinsir fr.fn a b!%d atw ." it L% it ' I 1�1" ., I Od flil-Ild" 110re ')It 40111111Y.-INII, and hire. Alex, 0.b.nle and Am, ('it A,Iio, )r 11 1 1\1 I S A. 1-:t"o (. of 131-ticelleld. wevo Alr�. T-dd. 1AVIIII caPoi,; kt W. lflaliley'4 )It Ali liday.— hou.. tilmot. I Mi, and M 1 4. \ V. I 'I A, k it I i I v is i I ell Mr. and Mrs. J,ioflosoi� lti�i,l rouriied ,it fl.it,11,1s ill III, IjAillihilorhood'-Atev. 3 sattininy fmit it t-, w,�A. Vi,i I Ill thowtio,k., Nit. Gc-'). Toblitlit. N1184v, fEW04,v,�J toid llorbea, akid ot�ior m-1,01\vs , �l VIIII; ,,A I'll re 1'ehhult tilt] Ilentrive Grevile, fill III - 161 "' Jozob Shevv,trd, it piotioer re,10vtO Of tvtolf"I the Njimni I'leaRlOwe Church Goderloh town wtil 1,,wn-hip. now ,( Oil opel)iog, Air, 11. Willson returned Lo "Pringil'Ont. Is vi.illng roInI.Ivos I,, 111,,wij Toronto on Monthly after spending it .."t "ahzhboAitiod. Thils. N110CAnney. of Ifolill 0,i Villo, Ihv ro'l. VVI'Vk lit iti, dottuAlof tile to,%,shij, %Vill be sorry I I hi-ar, , 11\11111TINO.- Oil S,khIrtj;tN t so"Iro ntj,;i,j( (It 1311 l"ild I -elling the n"erno"n Suitor tog roin fever, arld a brothor. who 1,, .1,,o ill, it Is f,orlld isattackod wit.1w the wone "ontlilaint ;,A',,,,, velilig� in NVilIqlm's Ilitil. These Brussalq Ilorcld , W. 3 Do­11na, .h. ro n1felided Very well. The stienk tit OV0111 front UNIOrl0h 110"11 .110W HOW 11WO, "I " I Ili' 1110l"idelil, Nit,- JI%A. Snell, All", hits been wrktag fur John 1) kloson, I M A . McN, ell, If WAIlkol Ville, M A ss will I Onvq Will, Iii,A family for To­itohi %hmit IM,tdock, Ad (leorgetowt), and Mrs. C. two we it., Mr. Dowding \, lit be inues, mi.,mA In 8L J`ohri'm Hittroh, whi-ro lie m its an iwti�o :iOophell. of Iloderich. A Woninn'ti inenil"rand lotidoroftheoho4r. titittite %\'Its founled here. 3 Bargain Days 3' March 7th=8th=9th. 5 PRING stocks coming to hand Aaily are crowding balance of winter goods for room. And we intend to clear out all winter lines if Prices will do it, hence these Special Days and Clearing Prices. The follow- ing list will show the trend of prices: GORS' New Spring lar 500, to clear �t ......... ...... .. 850 SPECIAL fleeced lined Cashmere Gloyes at per pair ......... ........... 15o LADIES' fine black wool doublat mitts, worth 50c. for ................ Children's Underwear MEN'S WOOLEN MITTS to Suitings To clear, nice plaids, checks and clearat per pair .... ................. 15c ...... 8,5c Underwear, 45c. MEN'S ALL WOOL SHIRTS The new Dr(se NEW Lt AMBROIDE RIES NE W GINGHAVS and DRAWE48, worth 50o, goinR NEW VEILINGS Costnme stuff$ to NEW MUSLMS at ............................... .......... 4r) Tito best fast colored Shiijing in batid arid the style, the market at ..... .......... ......... 120 all reduced In price colors and weaves s Maki.og,R MEN'S FLEECED LINED KID are ver y pretty. sWift On Spring 9,LONIES, good shades of dark wn and reds, worth 60c, going..25o N E W FRE N C H .0111tio rAtistaction. _kBOYS' CH E V 10 T T 8, I End Heavv Hemp Carpet� fancy FREIZE, I'lain shades, in Crash Toweling.pure linen. I'desis away do Wo visslols, Browns, its MEN'S OVERCOATS F st w it 4, Greens, .......................... ...... Prices away down B:ues aud Grtys, a handsome cloth per OecO 290 up to .............. . ........ ... . $6.00 Small Wares... at .......... . ........... $1.00 and $1.28 girls? at just hall urice. NEW CHECK TWEED STUFFS A lot of will seconds to clear at a laving L&DIE S' fine fleeced lined two NEW BROAD CLOTHS one balfto yju of 0 -le tliirJ to or a beillutiftll Linen Nap. kin, dome fastener Cashmort) Gloves, In NEW CORDS price. j tans, browns grey tind blackla, reg McKIM's Celebration Sale begins Friday, March 'and lar 500, to clear �t ......... ...... .. 850 SPECIAL fleeced lined Cashmere Gloyes at per pair ......... ........... 15o LADIES' fine black wool doublat mitts, worth 50c. for ................ Children's Underwear ww� TOR GOOPIRIOU '$TAR _ZZ -11M.- 77". Carlow. 11111 . MI" NoTL4. - III Ittiv. RubetTt 1111-1%111CI�11111 atitendt,11 Iy 1111-1 11011111r, 4,411 i I Ile"'. . �V I n If fries dA3 tro ,v,.,...Just'8 D",ftny_ weeh in Atiburri.--hir. IL Young. ;i hilt, np AIIIIX. John, gn title. miss 11'. John3tors. of a. 0. V. Suadav Ast home. —Milit$ M. [Juvill- 'Itian hats ret.urned to 0"CUICh.—Ulss valcou is able to Ile ulatitud ,tg,lilj. S. 81118 W1 b, OWE I A. ".I front au al of In and thl' G�r`ed Coiborne. days this Sp_�cial tiearing, StIe of th.- Robinson Stock will come to an end. and the store will I�ATL Nuvirli - -Wo are 15orry N eight , 11(.oluee tile "f..1 ious 11hoetiS 411 fdrAl. swing into line for spring business with Stocks of Brand New Goods in all departments. I"Prgubon, of Citi -low, Who h"A, under the d-lellins-'s care the I— 4CO401 The Sale has been a success, greater $alr than we had hoped for, and to keep up the Interest r!ght to the of iiv�eklj. We hope to bearal her'i's, covel y tioors.-Mr- 34-J. Jenkins I" it,,, end and make brisk business for the next eight days, w'o offer these extra inducements to, this week's valitable hoime to Mr. ltuAit Alcllea.u. shoppers. Stocks mu ' 5t be got down to the lowest possible notch to make room for bright, fresh. new of Godeilch, one day lost week, Imit. goods that are beginning to arrive already. I hese will t;� ready first thing Friday morning. Read the list over bw,,re being delivired the Assolinvil carefully, then come as:�oon as you can for first and best choice, die,i, it nehiic I,, biq loam to Mr. Jenkimp. - Mr. Nal I. Unitize had a bee d1lawing (04MI11=11=111 -1 NIP ice front Auburn on Wedvesday last getting about twenty e loads otorwi JUSt 4 Skirts and i Suit away. The boys will g t cool di inks Left. oils littrumer. - Mr. and Mrs. John johnsion spent Saturday and Sabbath They are the last of the Skirt and Suit Stock, and must be out of the way before the Sale Is over. Five people will get a bargain. h:.t, a I Ladies' TallorMade Suit. d rk 2 only Tweed Skirts, all pure, wool '&iron misteV st hard Onlithed verge. . :,y line,, th-ughout,with beat lin'sanett4 Sl! t,.Ilt worth It costuille. that will Q'Ivo excell- lining. velvet fuel A capital Skirt !t1jr per vag, line, with good Prion - Rheumatism -IT77; I mg. vet facing, I d it ent wear. size X It lecild at $10. but for spri wear. 11hey sold at $3 25 1 fisswa check. They sold ar�, r7yo: 14. we have tuariEwl it down to. 85 We in& ed the last two, each, .32.2Z Bithvr I Nobody knows all about it; Last . Call For Ilan I ties. of th ast two for ...... $3.25 and nothing, now known, will always cure it. There are not many of the Robinson Mantles left, but what are here you can buy for a fraction of their original price and value. Doctors try Scott's Emul- This Season's Mantles IS Mantles at Children's Eiderdown sion of Cod Liver Oil, when Selling for $2.00 -25 Cents Each. Coats, now selling at $i'tI 3 oniv Children's Eiderdown Cuts 9. they think it is caused by im- Thera tire juin, 10 of them. and whVii This Is the last lot of the old W)Ilj- twat liality. trimmed with white fur t he sale Is,( verewe would rat her have sou Al itrit les. We want to start text and Wised with gAnd sateen, bey NeAl.,1111 w 00 perfect digestion of food. tile M th Lt:% Ili Muntlep. Tloil why Lve,. It.1116ut a single Mantle carried sobil tit 4a75 and each. Bel.... we have rivirked them ...... ... $2.00 That's why we are nearly giv- they are slightly damaged. we have ing thein (imay. marked ihein down to .......... �$1.00 You can do the same. 10 only Beaver Mantles. 2 fawn. 2 15 Tweed and Nigger Head Mandeq, Dressing Sacques, $i.00 red. 0 black, st.yInall, rulentit, 1 30 U, long, large 610eves, There are only 3 of them left. the ,es th'y bl� inches It may or may not be caused of thein lined. Tito Wohinson I at couple of tiellssion's old. but colors are pink. blue, red. Mado of vtero $7.W to $$M Yotur choice would be good for rough wear. I'll .............. ........... $2.00 Choice good eiderdown. lined with justeers by the failure of stomach and of tile lot at .............. 26C trimmed with lace, They sold at *?.OU I Your chniro nt)w .. . . .... $100 bowels to do their work. If it is, you will cure it; if not, you will do no harrit. The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If Ton have not tried t, send for free I ill sarnple, N agresea e taste will surilinse Bargains From All Over TheStore. W11%,mirs, +16- oil to ck "Ja kl,q=g SaleOf HAw"WARU WE are taking stock and find 1� "011ie odds and en&, some t,1191111, etc., etc. These lines, with the remilil,1,1 -11 "tuck of HOrSe Blaaets, BeRs, Skates, Leatl,er Hal - Urs and Mitts, we are injkw,� �Xilj 10 clear out. Now is the time to give Youl. Iii,icr lor our American Field Fencing. We sold miles last year. It is the popular Fence of to JJ�, McKenzie & Howell. THE PLACE TO BUY ALL HARD)tVAhE cifl:�A? Not Profit, �ut Cub! This is not a caRe of a, lling to make a 1 r, fit - it "It'Llas WO must have MONEY and ROOM. In certiain lines we find our stock is too larize at t1jis ieawn oi h, y.,fkr. I To make room for the new Spring Goods, we tDu,t turn u ir suppio, ,Lock into Cash. If such values as these are any inducement to you t,) bu.% jiwl, we w1l I be pleased to see you. 60PAIRS OF MEN'S, WOAEN'S AN1) SHOES, re?ularprices fiont $1 to $1.75 per pAii, 3,our (1— for 75c. These Shoes are all right in every way, but 08 we haNe OLIV it lair ur two of each kind left, decided to clear them out &,, make rcoiu. PAIRS OF GIRL'S SCHOOL SHOES, otir r2�illhr ,,1 15 Q5 0aud $1.25 lines, but a, we have too mviv, Ltl'r Ilion, I)r tit) next two weeks only, at 88c, a pair. Never milld h)w cr wh N, w, eo these extraordinary 11�111',S UK c-siouall.y—that we do 111,111, Rild TRAT THIS 0 that )ru benefit tlieretty, i, Qil)ugb. U" Ar T" Pepairing__, K lit IS BRANDIED !ON RVERY SHOL Art In Pe T. HALLS S Shoe, hoemalking. Sole Agnt for QUEEN Qit'ALITY. Reid's Old Stand. MOKIM'S Goderich. 0�_ or- 13V W ve A, SPBCIAL TABLE, ofDRESS GOODS New Printed To clear, nice plaids, checks and Cashmeres.... plain coloriPgoing at per yard ....... We 8,5c Underwear, 45c. NEWr PRIN I'S Look like wool challies, and we NEW Lt AMBROIDE RIES NE W GINGHAVS want to tell you these are part' ion- larly nice goods for Dress Sacks, NEW VEILINGS Tes Gowns and Waists, fast colors, NEW MUSLMS P" per yard ...................... .. 20c Tito best fast colored Shiijing in Furs and 3ackets the market at ..... .......... ......... 120 all reduced In price Extris wide and Iltivy Flannelette rogirilar 12jo, for ...... ...... ...... s Maki.og,R wartment t Ift 11ow in full F_ sWift On Spring rAStUffit making, We Can 9IVe YOU .0111tio rAtistaction. olv-b us a trial. 11 N 00 i I End Heavv Hemp Carpet� fancy tj I THI I a C041�1 when Mr. Satilluel Freath, of Maitland concestoon was, 1, d . - f- Crash Toweling.pure linen. $14-00 Robes, $8.2,5 stripe, wl�ill give excellent wear. Very special valtia fit .............. 17C its style, and the best we be I at $2r), for ww� TOR GOOPIRIOU '$TAR _ZZ -11M.- 77". Carlow. 11111 . MI" NoTL4. - III Ittiv. RubetTt 1111-1%111CI�11111 atitendt,11 Iy 1111-1 11011111r, 4,411 i I Ile"'. . �V I n If fries dA3 tro ,v,.,...Just'8 D",ftny_ weeh in Atiburri.--hir. IL Young. ;i hilt, np AIIIIX. John, gn title. miss 11'. John3tors. of a. 0. V. Suadav Ast home. —Milit$ M. [Juvill- 'Itian hats ret.urned to 0"CUICh.—Ulss valcou is able to Ile ulatitud ,tg,lilj. S. 81118 W1 b, OWE I A. ".I front au al of In and thl' G�r`ed Coiborne. days this Sp_�cial tiearing, StIe of th.- Robinson Stock will come to an end. and the store will I�ATL Nuvirli - -Wo are 15orry N eight , 11(.oluee tile "f..1 ious 11hoetiS 411 fdrAl. swing into line for spring business with Stocks of Brand New Goods in all departments. I"Prgubon, of Citi -low, Who h"A, under the d-lellins-'s care the I— 4CO401 The Sale has been a success, greater $alr than we had hoped for, and to keep up the Interest r!ght to the of iiv�eklj. We hope to bearal her'i's, covel y tioors.-Mr- 34-J. Jenkins I" it,,, end and make brisk business for the next eight days, w'o offer these extra inducements to, this week's valitable hoime to Mr. ltuAit Alcllea.u. shoppers. Stocks mu ' 5t be got down to the lowest possible notch to make room for bright, fresh. new of Godeilch, one day lost week, Imit. goods that are beginning to arrive already. I hese will t;� ready first thing Friday morning. Read the list over bw,,re being delivired the Assolinvil carefully, then come as:�oon as you can for first and best choice, die,i, it nehiic I,, biq loam to Mr. Jenkimp. - Mr. Nal I. Unitize had a bee d1lawing (04MI11=11=111 -1 NIP ice front Auburn on Wedvesday last getting about twenty e loads otorwi JUSt 4 Skirts and i Suit away. The boys will g t cool di inks Left. oils littrumer. - Mr. and Mrs. John johnsion spent Saturday and Sabbath They are the last of the Skirt and Suit Stock, and must be out of the way before the Sale Is over. Five people will get a bargain. h:.t, a I Ladies' TallorMade Suit. d rk 2 only Tweed Skirts, all pure, wool '&iron misteV st hard Onlithed verge. . :,y line,, th-ughout,with beat lin'sanett4 Sl! t,.Ilt worth It costuille. that will Q'Ivo excell- lining. velvet fuel A capital Skirt !t1jr per vag, line, with good Prion - Rheumatism -IT77; I mg. vet facing, I d it ent wear. size X It lecild at $10. but for spri wear. 11hey sold at $3 25 1 fisswa check. They sold ar�, r7yo: 14. we have tuariEwl it down to. 85 We in& ed the last two, each, .32.2Z Bithvr I Nobody knows all about it; Last . Call For Ilan I ties. of th ast two for ...... $3.25 and nothing, now known, will always cure it. There are not many of the Robinson Mantles left, but what are here you can buy for a fraction of their original price and value. Doctors try Scott's Emul- This Season's Mantles IS Mantles at Children's Eiderdown sion of Cod Liver Oil, when Selling for $2.00 -25 Cents Each. Coats, now selling at $i'tI 3 oniv Children's Eiderdown Cuts 9. they think it is caused by im- Thera tire juin, 10 of them. and whVii This Is the last lot of the old W)Ilj- twat liality. trimmed with white fur t he sale Is,( verewe would rat her have sou Al itrit les. We want to start text and Wised with gAnd sateen, bey NeAl.,1111 w 00 perfect digestion of food. tile M th Lt:% Ili Muntlep. Tloil why Lve,. It.1116ut a single Mantle carried sobil tit 4a75 and each. Bel.... we have rivirked them ...... ... $2.00 That's why we are nearly giv- they are slightly damaged. we have ing thein (imay. marked ihein down to .......... �$1.00 You can do the same. 10 only Beaver Mantles. 2 fawn. 2 15 Tweed and Nigger Head Mandeq, Dressing Sacques, $i.00 red. 0 black, st.yInall, rulentit, 1 30 U, long, large 610eves, There are only 3 of them left. the ,es th'y bl� inches It may or may not be caused of thein lined. Tito Wohinson I at couple of tiellssion's old. but colors are pink. blue, red. Mado of vtero $7.W to $$M Yotur choice would be good for rough wear. I'll .............. ........... $2.00 Choice good eiderdown. lined with justeers by the failure of stomach and of tile lot at .............. 26C trimmed with lace, They sold at *?.OU I Your chniro nt)w .. . . .... $100 bowels to do their work. If it is, you will cure it; if not, you will do no harrit. The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If Ton have not tried t, send for free I ill sarnple, N agresea e taste will surilinse Bargains From All Over TheStore. W11%,mirs, +16- oil to ck "Ja kl,q=g SaleOf HAw"WARU WE are taking stock and find 1� "011ie odds and en&, some t,1191111, etc., etc. These lines, with the remilil,1,1 -11 "tuck of HOrSe Blaaets, BeRs, Skates, Leatl,er Hal - Urs and Mitts, we are injkw,� �Xilj 10 clear out. Now is the time to give Youl. Iii,icr lor our American Field Fencing. We sold miles last year. It is the popular Fence of to JJ�, McKenzie & Howell. THE PLACE TO BUY ALL HARD)tVAhE cifl:�A? Not Profit, �ut Cub! This is not a caRe of a, lling to make a 1 r, fit - it "It'Llas WO must have MONEY and ROOM. In certiain lines we find our stock is too larize at t1jis ieawn oi h, y.,fkr. I To make room for the new Spring Goods, we tDu,t turn u ir suppio, ,Lock into Cash. If such values as these are any inducement to you t,) bu.% jiwl, we w1l I be pleased to see you. 60PAIRS OF MEN'S, WOAEN'S AN1) SHOES, re?ularprices fiont $1 to $1.75 per pAii, 3,our (1— for 75c. These Shoes are all right in every way, but 08 we haNe OLIV it lair ur two of each kind left, decided to clear them out &,, make rcoiu. PAIRS OF GIRL'S SCHOOL SHOES, otir r2�illhr ,,1 15 Q5 0aud $1.25 lines, but a, we have too mviv, Ltl'r Ilion, I)r tit) next two weeks only, at 88c, a pair. Never milld h)w cr wh N, w, eo these extraordinary 11�111',S UK c-siouall.y—that we do 111,111, Rild TRAT THIS 0 that )ru benefit tlieretty, i, Qil)ugb. U" Ar T" Pepairing__, K lit IS BRANDIED !ON RVERY SHOL Art In Pe T. HALLS S Shoe, hoemalking. Sole Agnt for QUEEN Qit'ALITY. Reid's Old Stand. MOKIM'S Goderich. 0�_ or- 13V W ve A, lined and well *Wo, at 28c not lue able toget moreatany such prices. I-ce at rer yard �c. Chemists, Toronto. 8,5c Underwear, 45c. $,5.00 Caperines, 6oc Carpet, WE ARE CELEBRATINC 50c, and $z.clo ; tall. druggists. Men's Fleece Lined Shitts and $2.90 40c. 10 dozen 50 c Corsets to clear at 3ft Siz-?s, 18 to 20, 10 dozen Linen Collars, turn point. Driiiiress. extri, good quolitv, #ill 1 8 "I" * Tile Robinson pi ices vvere 76L I Ind 85c. onlY Caperines. dark fur edged 150 yards Jute Brussells Carpet, 3 handsome to select from. Hose. Skirts. at theil uncle's, Mr. will). J. t1ftinil. ton's.—A ve wedding took now RpIling lit ...................... 46C .2 I I h light, round shape. The Robinsimi prices was $&00. Choice now.42,90 patterns Tile Robinson price wits 00c. now 40c The becond Anniversary of our stat ting businesq ill G Dderich, Will regilect- fully y plikee Oil ItUd=y tit Inst, week, Crash Toweling, sc. Heavy Home Spun Skirt was $7, I End Heavv Hemp Carpet� fancy invit0vou tojoin its; we promise voti a gootl little. A ytiaritg.i at. thepild when Mr. Satilluel Freath, of Maitland concestoon was, 1, d . - f- Crash Toweling.pure linen. $14-00 Robes, $8.2,5 stripe, wl�ill give excellent wear. Very special valtia fit .............. 17C of our first yeat, we promised to do more busine,;i the sec,)Ij(j V(,o, itild Ive did. E _ - .1 1 1 I.I. e In Ill#%. L %17 Miss Elvis Williams. Mr. Foster drove them to tile Parsonage at Betimiller, where the knot waa tied fly Itev. K. A. Shaw. The driver had histeanlandrig handsoineiv decent- u,d with white ribbons and rosettes. Theyoung-couplewill take'up their )tome in Maitland Valley. We wish thernsuccessair,s], prosperity throtigh life,-Wearasorry t; at that Mr. )o "Isis working Jim Straughan lost ( �e of hotites on Tuesday-. It Is a big loss to Mr. Strauglian, it being worth over $125, Dungannon. b,Dr. 0, A. Newton, Dentist hall discrintilustod s tx,- to Onnifantion %Vill bo plit,isout to meet ally front that neighborhood who may require his servivoil, at Horno offlw, Luoknow, where lie will be found every day 4n Lhe week excerit ThuriAday, when he viits lugloy� Speolpt at- tentiolipAidtopregervatiorto thortaturlitilteals. Crown rAnd Bridireivork, etc, &toy inethoda of Extmetinst. OnvitcH.-The Rev. M. 'Turnbull, of St, George's, GoIderich, will (D. V.) on Suntlav coming. cecupy the polpita (if St. Paul's, Dungannon, at Ila tn., and of Christ church, Port Alhert� at 8 p, tki.-The Rev. M. M. Goldberg bets to th 's nk his niany friends of 0 rist ,hUrch. Port Albert, for their kind donation to him on Monday, the 4th ineL, in the shape ot a big load of oatik and seyeral bags of potatoes.- Tito ties so will mgftle on the former while tile Farson and his chickens will enjov tile atter, A few friends met In the rectory sind spent a pleasant evening. RoY.4, - L Baking Powder Makes the bmlid awe ."thful. SafVm* the food 0 against alum.. t Alum balitp*m" aft the Vallevit ram"; man 600 alit A tu Iftal &7li Vula,ftle. NoTm-Mr. Mi heed is lilic, h7g, gilive h tort, on the Sout O!An war In the F=w'e Hall last wwneildiisy tn .-s who bit$= stillonglit Isslowly, irnpr;ovw*,-4Am Henry AiAhsolle 0i the istariv wltbh onithe on TilwtidatIr at last w" A, as M"M Hist hutisaind pftd her 5 roarit%jilittertbefilt, took Oav4 (It BlutVAIC.— M )Lo"rVA, of Wrote. for, to visiting bee dikirs4litat. 14m Room -j"Ift Shisell .1 1 his $Atstdly tftovc�a Ilids *�tk to the fAtAll rtc+ritl� tzb f will bwiligtv Will boullie, tacial. tisd 11*y thtrA�- taft lani'a Viiia" Agar. put" X6104 to 041fortht I* --t w0k. �abdotloh XJK"2&t1=PW#6 McNeil, 6f _jb* 'Uri will, valllotsr� W-6 11oh to VIA ftulMm lit A Alum 1160 *04 7, llidii Air r1111r*4 , W009 ** 1 is wide. Special pei yard ... 5c I only Black Goat Robe. thick fur. 5 Skeins Wash Silk, .5c. 2o, in. Glass Toweling i2y2c soft skin, large size, well lined. The 150 Skeins Wash Silks, elivhtl 2D Inch Glass Toweling, overy fine Robinson prices was $14.ft Now pet feet put up in 5 iss-sorted shM."Ilm, qualltv, heavv weight, a el th worth marked ................. ........ $1125 package. Choice Per -package ..... & 1&-. Special ett ................... 12ic French Flannel, 38C. Silk nants, jVWM 2,5C. We want all our Fancy French The big Silk selling of t6 past Flannels out of the way before this few weeks has left us with a lot of sale is over. That's why we will Remnants. we group them in one sell them this way. lot for quick and easy selling. 1%. yard% Fine Fiench Flannels fov waists, asserted 75 ends oi Silk Endq of J to lit yards, plain colors patterns, regular 50c and We. To clear choice.. -.380 and fancy patterns. Choice of 104 each ......... 26C ONE PRUCE, CASH OR, POADUCE. Hodgens Bros., ,Zobinson's Old Stand, GODERICH Westfield. Stotherst, Roy Girvirs, Janie Willittlin, Ashfield. A nrift CONCICRT.—Tbe sacred con- Leilliss Maher. eectil Ectilini, Eli& Rya'n. council met Feb 23rd mem- Joele, Young. Lucy Elli6tt,, Arthur Elllott� Roatt Taylor. Gordon Young. rda" " ;revio nt given by th6 choir, under the hers all prevent,. Mi. t of Imetion of Mr. W. Glen 0ampbell. St.' 111, Myrtle Ryan. Daisy it an, meetingreadand appr-ov . Cheques letbodist church, Goderich. was held Maher, Gladys Pentland. Ads Ell t tie Kirk, Battle Ryan. P-0 ble wetal issued for the following amounts: iioir director of the North street Bei -,�t RIrk. Lizzle Nivins. Adia Auditors each. *111. balance due Huron k the Westfield Methodist church on Laura iott, uesday evening. Match fith. The Clatiollitwil. jr. 111. Liza Hutchins. township for work , on boundary. rogratirnme. consisting of some fifteen Reggie Ryan, Willie Campbell.—Miss $3 03, A. V. CurivIl. repairing road umbers, WAR excellent and wull AP- SPauwo. teacher. can. 2. $3; Donald Hendomn. pap reciated by the audience. Tito choir jr. Divis, er sis wisloted by Miss Mand X. Uood. on—Jr. III, Geome R for auditors. 40e. On motiomof Bark- ,j,an, Nellie Rvan. Misdford Elliott. uth ley and Stothers the auditoN' report In,elocutionlot otChathithiand Mista H,hlln. Willie UIrvin. Everett Elliott. was aempted. A petition waa pre - town, sopmno of Godiftich. Owing Sr 11 Him, Girvin. Melvin Oorey. lient0d from the irateriaYera Of Union I the aevere4orm that was irsagin6r, C ke tburch was not so well Vied as we pOWIniaUatneillsivalu. Lults Stothers. Harvey S. S. No. I askinic that ohe council ould like to have seen, but thosiss who Pearl Hutchins. David Wil. appoint an arbitrator an mquired by son. Dav d Nivins. Jr. n. Wilfred stuh. --- 1. of section 43. P. 8 A. On ere bmve enough to face the storm Elliott i ijoyed airich trea% Every pairt of . Lulu Durlikeld. Willie Wilson, motion of McIntyre and Hunter, law toptiograrnmewast dlyaps=iated Stella Kirk. Roy Here, Willie Nivins. Andrews was appointed. Pyl^w No. ur very efficlont choir sang utiful: Part 11, Cefha'Ectillm. Estruest Moll- 6 was re^d appointing rialtawasteve. and too much pralse captiot bes given wain. Mah e Wilson. Leonarill McIt. fience viewers and pound keepers as ­ 11 ­11--li— ­ wain. Lennalia nunmid--mvialit un. follows.- John Parkii. A. Kilitsastrick. to Illftuliftilit and *ell received dieum WIlk can Assure a that- it t1ho ever come 'leatneld. they will be heart - 3. A verybiesifts, vote of (Itindered to Mi. Uaroptiell. !ectifiN. and also to tholie F a6614444 hims. Ulm SPONGES... Maly to "of In quallity--itowe a." liskma, 110 b*, of wilm nallthetwel a also"nolli Irld as It" to in IiIiiii quality of sitillit. 75* Itiesep obill—thal is tA weir wan--st. 4litionsm mutt I* liopt in a pro"t Plats arid 0*4 1141twoftirlift in the blom 'We hatto aaA14 *0 "r skiris a spedall n4iftX6 oweis to kviiii this tawwatarit at a osistlisaia beat sand bWAsift—ltba only wat I* I("# *POO& pat4tall itart "a. eall lb arid "it iAr wo still kokpitig *potigits 06h issita ciieft". , Whittir attal a 46to it' stristall Iiiiii istils"L'*61*1111[olisis"J"a *&W dried *Ili liteals, 'Thay I#A **a " *ft isihits tresslissil Ia U19 tliativil &11 arad's" car t4w, it Y" bit** A &0*4111111 k*eWyllio" us fwdipft,60�, *04o %lao "Osift 0 Isk All *010, i4o" .. ­ _­ , .7---- 1011i'llit,1111,111111 that lswiltI MA'$(O,*hN 6% Mdm M v ZW.117A K X *t A*q L Joss 4ot, Gem I j ion i o . se second Year was hel ter than tile corl t-sp"Ildil,g 111(int 11 of the first year. and it waq not done by fake advertking. N)�v, Vill, vi)k1l,holp tLndotirit-tinel)usiiie.qsniethods, vie willdo Inorethe thinlyeal thanwL did Lhe second year. HXro1W­are a few of the reasons: 86 pairs B.)Vsl Nvy Short Pan's, I Valleticienties 1,fice as low as per doz. lined and well *Wo, at 28c yards .... ..... .................. .... 15G 24 pairs Atlen's Trousers ekiestlyouiEverlasting I-ce at rer yard �c. PAY 900 and$1.00 ilr,aQ69c Torchon LIU at p r yarl 2C i"P. 24 Men's; Suits, navy serge, fairly New Century 1, te! ..... .. .. & t, 1'2G gooLl linings and well made. In- stead of $6.00 the price we ask is Corsets. $3.30 10 dozen 50 c Corsets to clear at 3ft Siz-?s, 18 to 20, 10 dozen Linen Collars, turn point. were 150 each. Sale price, 4 for 25c Hose. Skirts. 10 dozen only at t1lis price, , It ey are Ladies' Skirts, we have a In,. to clear a fine black cag[imerv, full fAshion- at half price. Heavy Beaver Skirts ed, ftis: color and pure wool. Our wag $10, for ........ ­'­ ... $4.50 SP 32 P.. r4f, 3 - )!,, tilli J)t t,) clear at Heavy Home Spun Skirt was $7, per eair ............ 20G for............................ ... g" 50 Caperine. Linen. Vue only Fur Caperine lert, A. 1, electric areal, satin lining, newest We have another 10t of seconds an I mill ends atone third style, and the best we be I at $2r), for an] more off, the lengt) 13 art, If yards up to .......................... ...... 4 yards, and he Price Jackets. per OecO 290 up to .............. . ........ ... . $6.00 New U -To-Date Jackets ladies' and Napkins. girls? at just hall urice. A lot of will seconds to clear at a laving — Embroidery. A big lot of mill end.4 up jj 5 yard, long, one balfto yju of 0 -le tliirJ to or a beillutiftll Linen Nap. kin, at one third Off the regular not porfect go.d. at the price. j of a Union. price McKIM's Celebration Sale begins Friday, March 'and ist, you are invited. It Will be money you accept. Saved if Wa As MOKIM wilgon, Writs. MCC0111111011. Pence viewers —ino. Webster. Jno. Dotilligh. Jr0s. Hackett, IL Finley, Mid: Wounitislot, JnO Black, H. Clufr. A. Wiesner. IL A. Camck. T. LATInAll. This ragriatni. 1, W. Powell. J" I.Asne, ry Ist. I libe genuine 04 NeXistattle. and Win' mem"'A"- lAxative Amr�' A! 3- H. Sullivan 0'Quinine Table. ke6iflet*�_Jno. NeDonagh. pani, tile trisimady thei env" a eord his one 4" Reid. Jas. jWcDdmjjd. John Sljoenhaji% Frank Sc'btk M. Flatfies and Mr. Wountaln. 9 To,= titis. y R INfive lost tjjW Od 111 new P. Aglak,,, � JXI A All A. This is A. line of 01101ft UnAr,ornade Tafn,,. 61,0611:1. J&bA0 U 1 1. Also n 11(rttr I,10's, If 0 "4 46M tleffi`� rang" AIM cirtitt, J". Nr 0j­Rter,, i T11", W iwag lY Xthlr= FW10'u, yolit **tit is f4ptit, BALMORAL CAVE 468 lkvw", W* lift W1 Tobsicor Ufie� ft1I All =41 IlrbPolln BLOCK. tt, this ... ft * '10, x T, V. T, LT, ®r W*406'jw", ;p It "Itv 041. I.A. 114 Olt its Ulm iAll, 00derich Stitt, r 1 MMLM W� mr WAA out Whw''O"_4 - is a Leader. 6 I It