HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-03-08, Page 3 VW--JWR-W,F,-,-V-Mr, - ,.,. - -
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11iii e Rev. Dr. Tahn'agpl)iscoum. . � Qnstiteiii 1111,43tt. MOUR W M ap4liox CAUX.
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" , Ver*e 47. And tUr that W JAW � IL04,41jile t*w Jollm
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.. . dent History. . k014 On Jesus, W W4 4,Wayrt,Q ,f*JA-
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� 1, . Dr. Talmage proaeboil from tha, 090 that'therQ i4.vae"y for the oJilef Vb � mix won Xb too Qum**
� L as W already 9o,mm1tte4 big *Olt lomoA "d w
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�, 1� 1 3e taxt."'Ther" 4ball pot aur a simsets, All the other how# welit, � to the, Policy all killing Jesus, The" at_oU at so- - XYW� add tW to
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I i be,tsible to- littivsf before thee *11 440wP host Reliable banns; that stood . v that ,d,.
- , , is no indication In the 6orlptur tlLs yofts at the OWS go *.X W0,11-
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I day* of thy WQ,,,_jo,sbuA I- 5. She repented. S , d
, he trusted in Ood. &my of the ptleats were Woudly to together; than add the whItos, aA
I . � a waa acad, 4 beautiful 0a 6omis 4afett )! a no" ut flour
� ,!it- She vim saved. Marcy, for the chief Jesus. � W,Vml in the Sauv a *; then dinat L six ou , ,
L . � - pays that God Ulanaill him. 4114 in of slarters. bodwin, axe IrapliedI. but we may can- which has been well dried before, the
I I 4 an, place to stop, Joshua jaot,"" tbsTu 0 * ba" been Joseph tire, Nour only �utst mix all togothar
io� � act draw, forth Plia soul of the IT 4 in
lawgiver. He lus.-A been buried, Prieg; "14pri-yord, marohl" There is A;i4 Nloodemiu;it. %he spriibse, and the .without beating, a,a, it boaltsel, It
'� One paLson, at his. funeral; the �tba city a At tobe taken.' They got, taldaTa�- Tilie, Sanwria, Almost roakos the coke heavy. Bake ip a
I - one who kissed tim, But God up in front of the . city when the men "'�ery 014,88 r0casonted in the Sau- -411,-buttared tin and qui6k oven for
l _�� r removeat a -On until Its has at At came 0111I and . gave Q1Lc,yeII,.Ru& bodrin, W. -been 01094sod by JesusL &A hour, but put it to the oven the
�, "I one ready ,to take bia Place- God' away ran the Israelites like reindeer, for hypourisy.- greed. ignorance, or Instant it I&
, _ , , made; Apd,,whsu, baked.
i, d seeking among a �I, see Joalitilk. coming 'Otif1bat day, of skeptiolti Were alasomIA" Jew- burn It upside down, he in and half
... not go aroun I em. ' It
� .. , variety of candidates SOMO 0110 610 eacamPmeut4 anti 'be lookisr up and ish, law Prohibited the Sanhedrin out at the tin. Or it wtu be heavy
I �11 ' .
I � 1� fxom holding formal soosious at night. and let it stand in bour In a warm
: * he Just 400 tbO Pcl)914��-XlIlmtiug, ,.a' , I
, - " +40 take a vncaut POIRMCM nd be� Apparently 014 W -
. r4*as a man to fit that particular putts his bdad to his forehead. , - oi�mal gathering PI t ace I
:,. c - qOntiriuod. until daybreak, when it -
I Vigo. �M,.aea bad passed off the prid he osa3r#j ,."Vby, ,I really I ABOUT BREAD.
. , , . fOrmed Itself into the regular court
*A' 8. 908huts, the hero of the text believe those' ' aria our Men.
, ,
8 and passed judgment on Jefts. The Tho'carelfal bousekeeper who wishes
gamem out to take big place, and puts They are running in retreat." And I . . .1
,*is foot no solidly on the platform soon the g ari � ny come tip. . unseemly and illegal haste wag due to put a check an her baker may by a
L I tou fear of an att,�mpt at rescue by very simple experiment teat the bread
, j!'blatory that ,all Weaibear tbe a-��Iio They may; "O, General, we are all
� pt his tread. He was is magnificent out to pieces. Tbose� men at At are 'our Lord'i friends. and readily detect it any &I= has
14��_,4 , 'A , 1411t.r. and he always fought on the awful people. We are all out to 1 68. Peter'followea it" .;-i off un- 13;sou 'used in making. In these days
� to .the high px1est's palace. Another of adultop�iiaqs it is becoming neces-
��Vfght tilde. He never fought for Vor- plecea." Joshua falls down on his disciple went with Pvtox, who is d- eery for , the 9004 lady Of thm( house
equal aggrandizement, and never tace in cliairrin. But how did God ton 4"wilso
, _ te.bay%,Dgen John. but to know something of chemistry. Prob.
,fought unless tba Lord told him to arouse Joshua I Did he address him L
� . ' whom many scholare are inclia6d to abl: this cocks of the future will come
40 no. In some complimentary apostrophey t,bink was Judas. By the influence armed with a 4agree from: the O.O.P.
. His first undertaking was to areas No. he says, "Get thee up. Why of thin othax di .
the river Jordan in a spring freshet. liest thou thus otal thy ideal" Joshua sciple Peter fowid iad- Instead of the usual reference as to
. mission. See John 18. M He went sobriety slid good 011AMOtst kut am
� At certain seasonal in the year, and arose, I suppose looking mortified; in to the court of the palacki, and sat few Of them ELOW.Poamenai Usis qualifica-
xt certain Points, that river could be but his old courage came back again. with tha servants, that is, the -,offi- tion the following recipe may be
poially forded, and the water would He marshals all' the Israelites, and he oars," Oho bad just arrested Jesus. rehed upon. Put a -mail piece of the
,only come, to the, knee or to the glr- says: "We will go, up an masse, and " Tbcae in the chill of the early dawn broad to soak to tincture of logwood
Ole; but at this sea§ou of which I am we will take thel city of At," He bad lighted a obax6oal fire. Slave and ammonium carbonate and if there
speaking, the snow of Mount Leban- takes most of his army and he hides women. who noted as gate keepers In any alum in the bread the liquid
on bad melted, and they were pouring it in the night behind 'a ledge of wore passing to and fia. 'Ube cold wiil turn blue. Copper aulphato used
down into the valley, and the valley rocks. In the morning he marchos nigilit air had told on Peter, and lie td produce the name effect an alum fa
had become one raging flood. The up a small battalionk of troops in too, weary aM chilled, drew near I will cause
OanaanLtee on the other side felt per- front of the city as by stratagem. .�\ I
I Me �w warm himself." To see the ladoll. the flame reiralta a.ad although
. featly secure. Tboy looked across the The men of At Bay: "Ali I we will and. ,L)hc last proof of affection. act no harmftl still giveg interior
river and saw the Israelites, and they conquer these men very soon,",iand Each wqrd laidioates a crushed blil�- tiread the appearance of the better
said: "Aha I you can't gat at u& ---we the people of At pursued this ttle loving heart. ' qua!lty.
axe safe anyhow until this spring battalion, and the Israelites, as 59. Soug,ht false witnesEr. That
freshet falls." But one day Joshua though they were frightened, Many People wisely refrain from
- t.hey had been thus seeking far Aariae noting fresh bread no matter how
orders, out his Lroupa and tells them fall back into the strata- tbne Is Inade plain by the tense of the tempting. This in particularly prud-
to fall into line. gem. No sooner are ajk the Greek verb; but Pay ha4i not noW ent on the party of the dyspeptio but
"FORWARD MARCH I" people of the city started in - -
crient Joshua to hie troops. They pass pursuit of that battalion, that Joshua time to harmonize the false testi- we didn't known then that stalonemat
mony. Apparently, Judas's treasell, In this bread -was caused by
or, toward till, river, and it ....... m an ,,Is do On a rock, and I ...... kql h I, pected by t,he priests, had tiur- the water altifUng from the crumb to
11 the light -armed troops and the flying in the wind ' as he stretch�a
a a r unex
�� I . tried their plans. the Cruet. Stale bread ham a crisp
gpearman and the archers and all out his spear toward the doomed city, 60. Though alany false witnesses crumb and moist crust, and Is there-
�their leaders must be Bwept down in and all the armed, men behind the name, yet found they none. The mul- fore the reverse of fresh broad. If
the fearful flood. They reach the bank rocks rush for the city and they titude of false witnesses does not in- stale bread is put in the oven for a few
and they pull thomaelves up its steep capture it and put it to the torch, timate any widespread dislike Of minutes the moisture returod to the
thirty or forty feet in height -they and no, sooner is it on',fire, than those Jesus. Proceedings in modern courts crumb and the crust becomem dry, a,
pull themselves up the bank by the Israelites in the city start down, pur- and Christian countries have shown before. 'Remo, if the dyspeptic wishee
oleandera.and the tamariskal and the suing the men oll Ai, and the thalt it Is not difficult even now to no moisture in bin bread he should
ZiltW until they reacit the top. No Israelites coming out of the city.on
_ " procure false testimony. Oat only the crust of the fresh and
0 giLhave they tolimbed up,,thi. high one side, and the battalion that ad 61. I am able to destroy the tem- only the inside of the stale.
bant!", ihan with dash and rear and fallen back suddenly, coming up ple of God. ;1ohn 2. 19: "DoAroy this Among,many people there is just
terrific rush the waters of the Jordan from the othex Bide, between those temple and in t1areo days I will raise now a fad gar eatiLug "salt rising"
break loose from their strange an- two waves Of Israelitish courage, , It up." Theme - witnesses were near- broad. To make this the housewife
oborage. Why did not those waters THE VICTORY WA�9 GAINEDL or the truth tha.a those who had gone may take warm milk and corit meal,
stay parted until Joshua and him Joshua'm troops cannot stop before but they had corrupt motives, mixing them to a stiff batter, and
troops could find out whether they yet. "Forward, march I" says and Mark tells us that their testimony leave them at blood beat satil for -
could oope with their enemies or not? Joshua, for there is the city did not agree. mooted by certain bacteria, always
I hear'ono of the unbelieving Israel- of Gibeon ; It has put itself 62. Answereat. thou nothing? what present In the air. The sams, batter,
iteo say: "Lord, why didat thou not under the wings of Joslatra's protew- is it which these witness against timed like the leaveo of the ancient
keep those billows parted so that if tion, and Joshua must defend it, and thee? Or "Am v,roiast .thou' nothing Egyptians, le kneaded witU dough
we wanted to retreat we could go back the people send word from this city to what these witness against thee?" made of salt, flour and hot water, the
(try shod, just as when we advanced ? to Joshua: "Come right away ; there One after another had come forward result being a light, porous loaf. with.
We Eire eingaged in a very �isky ex- or with prejudicial otatementa agn.inat (Put yeast.
.p five kings going to tl�stroy us.
poriment. How if those Carmanites Come right away." Joshua makes a Jesttrts, and he still "held his peace."
(tat an all up?" three days' march in one night. The Of this midence Isa. 53. 7 is a pro- The 'original graham broad was un -
Ali I my hearer, God never makes The CanaaniteG look up and they say; phecy ; I Pet. 2. 23 is a roost instruc- leavened but contained a few holtz,
any provision for the Christian's re- -Ah f it 'is Joshua, it is Joshua who tive and touching commentary. due to fermentation caused by the
treat, He clears the path to Canaan, conquered the spring freshet, and 13P. 1 adjure thce by the living God, useful bacteria in the flour or air.
if we go alicad ; if we go back, we'die. the stone wall, and who took the city that thou tell us w�iether thou be the Gluten bread, prescribed for patients
It in dry shod on a path of broken of A i. There's not use; he'n a terri- Christ, the Son of God. The law em- wbx) cannot eat staxtiliX foods 19 made
. bholi ant] pebbles in one direction, It ble man ; there's no use ;" and they powered the chief priests in certain I r a in dough pressed and strained under
i,.,3 wa,ter forty feet deep in the rear. ,Bounded a retreat. "Oh," says cases to admi,rliBter an oath. Our Lord a stream of water, whdah carries off
The name gate -keeper that swung Joshua, "this is a ,victory I But it is could not refuse to answer this chat- the starch and leaves the gluten.
back the crystal and amethystine getting towards sundown and those lauge, and it was so worded that he
door of Jordan to let Drou pass, bath minerable Canaanites are going to must have eLther denied himself or I 11, case you have forgotten how
holted and barred the crystal and am- get away from me, and they will have uttered what seemed to be blas- mother used to make the Johnny oaken
ethystine of the Jordan to keep you besiege us, and perhaps attempt to phemy to the Sanhedrin. you enjoyed so much when you were
from going back. I declare it to -day; destroy us. Oh for a day twice as long 64. Thou ha, -t said. This expression little and paid no attention to suall
Victory ahead. Darkness, flood, ruin as any wd-have ever seen in this clim. was a Jewish idiom of the strongest details try the following:
and death behind. ate." What is the matter with Joshua? assent. "Assuredly I am." Power here Sift a quart of meal Into a pan;
But we cannot stop hexe. It " " Has he fallen in an apoplectic fir ? stands for the Eternal One. make a hole in thel middle, pour isa a
place for Jostina's troops to stay. No, be is In prayer. 65. The high priest rent his clothes. pint of warm water, and a teaspoonful
Wbat in that in the distance? At ' ' "A formal acit expTesoing a sudden of salt. Mix into a soft dough, then
Joshua rises, his face radiant with .
the end of a grave of palms eight _ and overpoweximg ,sense of horror at Deat until it beoomm light and spongy.
nitivs long, Is the chief city. prayeC, and be lookst, at the descend what he called blasphemy . but hyp- Spread evenly on a stout, flat board,
THAT IS JERICHO iqg sun over the hills of Gibson, and critical, and used t(; disguise his real- place nearly upright on the hearth and
he looks at the, faint crescent of the ice. The judges -b� a Jewish trial for set a smo6thiag-irou against the
Ili(,, g-reat metropolis. 'rake it Joshua muon, and in the, name of the Lord, blasphemy were bound -to rend their back to support it. , When done, cut
must. "Take it Jotshua can't," say who spake the world into being, be into squares, and send at once to the
�(, ,I,. unbeliever,,, This campaign is lifto ... hand dad says: "So., clothes in twain when the ,blasphe'm- t a hie.
planned by the Lurd Almighty. There stand thou still Over Gibeou," and ous words were uttered, and the
� , no pointing the other hand to the moon, clothes so torn were never afterward
are to be no awards, no shields, to be mended." He bath spoken blas- PARSNIPS IN WINTER.
battering rams. There is to) be only he says: "And thou moon stand still phemy, And indeed our Lord'n words To the woman without a cellar,
one weapon, and that is to be a ram's over the valley of, Ajalon," And for w ere either blasphemous, or,insane, or gootily supply of vegetables that ma;
horn. Now the command is, that tweh,e hours the planetary system true. What further need have we of be left In the garden all winter and
seven of the priests should take these halted,
, i witn,saesi Here is a crafty stroke. d_rawn upon isis needed its a boon.
rade musical instruments, and for It is not yet quite suntiown In if he got any more witnesses they Nmang thin class of roots, the paranip
six days they should go around the Joshua's day, and wo,will hav,e time might contradict those already heard; h% perhaps the meet satWactory for
"alk of Jexicho once a day, and then for fivib, royal funerals. 'W[hete are but now the entire conqcil bad heard general use. Its flavor in imI%r&vod
rm the seventh day, they should go these firm kings that Joshua took his blasphemy, and if all witnesses by the action of the frost, and Is
around seven, times blowing this curi- amA whose armies he doBtxOyod? They were false (he accused had proved his therefore at itai beat when a our-ou-
�us, rii-rtic, musical instrument, and are there in that cam -the cave of own guitt. lent, nutritious vegetable is most rei-
the peroration Of the whole Beene is Makkodab, biding. Joshua has roll- 66. What think yei Not a<) much iffhed and usually highest Pound in
I o be a great about under which that ea 11 stone against it and they ,-,in- aquestiom conceraing their opinion the ma kotd.
wall frorm base to capstome in 1.0 not get oat. But before night, be- as a call upon them for their verdict. In March, the paratilpe, not can -
tumble. &round the walls of Jericho fore this very sun which I amspeak- He is guilty of death. So far as thin Owned during the winter should be
the priests go once, and a failure. iug about goes down, thes<� five meeting was concerned our Lord was pulled and covered with fresh earth;
X"t no much as a piece of mortar or
, kings aro brought out, and. according now destined to death, brut "the Jews, Mus stored they will remain good
lAaster drops from the wall; not so to the ancient custom, the major (a at least their rulers, who courted throughout April and May. Thin pre -
much as a crevice opens; not so much generals of Joshua now come up, the favor of Rome, ostentatiou-94 caution promote second growtb,,
.114 ft rock " loose. Around the city and they put their foot on the neck discIaLm,ed the power of Punishing which would reader them unfit for
Lhc second day, and a failure; the of I capital offenses." SO new charges us&
third day and a failure; the fourth T H E T,B llLr OLD KINGS, must be pressed before the Rotation Paranips are a fine seasoning for
doy, and a failure; around the fifth 1�
antl they T balleaded, and their gove.rnor. eoups. To one quart of soup stock
I .
day, ,and a failure; around the sixth bodies are put back Into the same 67. Buffeted him. Struck him allow one wall-0caned parsnip out
lay, and a failure. Joshua's stock oav,D and the same atone ifl rolled with clenched fists. Others smote intoelioca, lay several slicesi over one
11.19 down. But the seventh day a gainst it again. him with the paling of their hands. another, and out Into KWAII carrels
,,aine-tho climacteric day. At last,
1he hour has arrived. The priests Now, it Is time for Joshim to go It was not the digmffied members of strips; add to the stuck and simmer
,,ith these rude musical instruments home. He is an old man. He is a the Sanhedrin, but the "officers," until tender, and serve without
wo all around the city of Jericho once hundxed and ten. Now give Jos- who )have appeared so often In thi_� straining. A sposonfull Of Chill entice
md a failure. Around the city twice, hua, the, oldest war.rilor of the ages, a story, the servants of tbo temple, blenda nicely with the Mvw of the
three tire", four times, and a failurle. 0 hance to rest. No I Title greatest who during the performance of their ParmIniPs. &a do also clsopped parsley
battle of all his lifetime opens. He brutal duties "had fun" with their and onion. ,.
Around the city five times, six timea�l -comes out no -w against the greatest victims. To make delloto" parsulp, fritters
,even times, and a failure. There in king on earth, a king who hasmore 68, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ. bell tow or five parmulpa till ten-
mly one more thing to be done, and 'bjects than all the ptregent popu- Who in he that slainto theel �From der- re,runpre'the skina and mash them
I h at k to give a great about, Joshua an
, Lges tip to his full stature and he, lation of tho earth, Tt is the king Mark, 14. 65 and Lukei 22. CA we got vary fine. Add to them 11 teaspoon -
0 f Tez:rors, the conqueror of thous- the full force of this blasphomout, ful of flour, one well -beaten egg and
wixes the command. He feels the arxis of years. Now, Joshua, you mockery; they had blimdfodded our salt tO taste- Make the mixture in-
, ight moment has come, and be says; have your match. Nal For if Lorrd. and had berth struck his face to grasill calkats with a spoon and fry
"Sboat for the Lord bath given you on both aides to a delicate brown in
, and spat upon it. "They know not
the city," and the command is heard, tbis is JosJma's greatest batill- it W hat they did."'
) in Joslina'p; irrwatest victory. He siz2Ung W bdttex or beef drippings.
# and the people all together cry� -0- pkin.
gathers his friontbIl around him and T60 MUCH.
"Down, Jerlebol down, Joricho"I And he gives his vnle�llctary. Cio your prima donna Is going to Parecipa are often browned tinder
that long line of solid masonry be- He in a Ittandred and ten yearn old. desert you I ronat beef and served in a separate
slins ta quiver, and then crash go the Touch him very gently. Rtretch Yen, answered the opera manager, dIAh with the exception ad a few pieces
walln, the temples, the palaces, until w hioh are left to garnish this mast.
the earth qtvikeA end the Henvens o e walked Atidly. A.nd perhaps it is all my fault, Wanh and scrape the paranips, and
mro blackened with the Aust, and the the dory path of the pwted Jordan. I spoke hastily. If vary large ant them acres& Put
Phriek of the crushed city arid the Close those lipsil which blow the blast Did yen reprove, bart be,m into boilling ORIW water and
that dropped the walls of Jericho. No. I tried to be Ighy afid mmic. t
huzza 01 the viootoTiorna Israelites cona,- Fold that Am that stretched out tbe Sbn said ,sho wns koing ant in h r cook quickly until leader. Drain
mingle. a
spear, against the doomed bity of At. horgaleas carriage, -and I told her th at and place them In the dripping Pan
People crosmi the occayl to Ilea g rain. Fold it aerm" that heart that exialt- what she needed Was a boarse-I "a wider roest beef. and when the meat
Yon need net go far. Stand a min- 46d when the, five kings fell. out voice- bael been remorred, dust over them a
ate and look at, this ruittimi of this city vvhewe ,11,11 we get the b1arnished little Pepper and dalt isad lot them
Jerichm There M ant houso that gTAnito fit to bin the handstantb itud, r HAD A VARIETY. brown nicelf.
,lid not fall. I wonder that one bouno the footstous of this gt,bjtt�amit of NViaiitin your humb*nd'n favorite fla� 7
stood while all the rest of the city wex:riors I . Ob. I betibink mysolt tion f asked the Inquisitive person. A CAKE 0OLLECTION.
WI. 0 1 now. I imwgirtlm at his head It sball I ellia 11hr'4111 0AY fit Is MOMOnt'".66- Dark obacelato Caka;-One,hall
RAHAH LIV9I) THEM. his the son that stood 0111 above Gib- tice, &till the Vidleat wife, whether clip butter, I c'up sugar, I 1-1 cups 01
Sbe had baeu wo�ba Jcr liar arlin". earn, and at the foot it shall be tht he prefers the sick friend story or flour, I -t cup sweet mAlk. 2 eggs, yoll
yet ohs **A iftt*d. &-ftaae ill, had moft that"itt6od still over tU valley tbA dotalned at the office on business OwIly. 1 t*ssPoM-or6a= tartar, 1,2 tea,
basis Is treat A Wit# NO, beastob &* ig &W4alk . . 1* ifttrauvol . t , I #Von aodA wW I 114 tabloo6am 0*
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We It)* at him with 411oat Swe,
As*btoak Cloki; Take, I cap Au
T40 14PA wbo'ik stowest- late
,. .gar.
1-2 QuR butter, 2 eggs. 1-2 cup 4�16et
His record IN Wituoilat IL aw.
The 1444,09"A gover ,at.
milk. 8 vup Cloqr, 2 tsaxpooa* b,AkWg
� .
and Vt r,umei the day for many bad lent
powder slid lowtinog. Bull 6 red co,-
ile!a *Jwarb wk -0 he &aid he'd be.
wo a&* do many wondulul ttilugg
tioaput asks* bought at any candy
fft'ft a" Ise 40* you always ass.
of " pauatua,litoo.
atoro. itad'sprilakle (a as put in tin'
The Man who'k never late,
it 111
Thin mixture makes One waf.
t peoplo%*expairtopea 1provas, that
14yer Okko,, pat I 1-2 caps fitourk[,Aud
yo[t he loass laits of anse.
I cup &nor, I tcaapovu arcoul tartar
`,ThO 1034A whOl4 00vOr late.
Store will receiva prompt attention
and 1-3 tonspocts aglaratus In a dish
Aft h 11111 Promptness 12 sublime.
lands and In South America grorers a
and stilt them well together. Than
who, I
"'; , -ho'n never late.
tic. With gelatie W anipulation
break I egg into a cup and till cup
in fa6tA 1111111 life in full of ears,
wUb swest ,milk. Turn into florsr�
For wbea he turns up anywhere,
sugar. etc. and just mix all together.
The ul- who "liold most him than
I* usually late.
BAke, In 2 layers. You can leave out
cream tartar and "
. , a soar milk with
it Is
I teaspoon aaleratuls. Use bailed
Of W114t are tittle snowflakes made.
That tulublo from on h1gb I
Big Cake; Take 1 1-2 cups sugar
They twJzt and turn about up Mars,
2-3 cup batter, 8oup3 flour, 1 cup
sweet Milk. whites of 3 eggs, 1-0 tea-
I ! rt. It a tpdt I w .1 lo, So adj1d; Y -
got to them. -
*TwQtdd be a splendid plan
OPOOM m9da and I teaspoon arealn
To Jolu their games of ,,bids sad seek-
tartar, Bake in one loaf.
And "Catch me it you oxa."
Caramel Cako; Take I cap, Sugar,
1-4 cup butter, 2 cggs� 1-2 cup gra tod
I can't think how t Y got up there
But this To
oh000late, melted, I I-2 Cup$ flour, I
much we I know.
It In for little al4ldrein's &Lke4
cup milk and 2 teaspoon.s baking
They 'tumble down below.
Judice which Is hardly warrant-
powder. Put together with p der-
We love them !�Q. tuad welcome them,
ad sugar and wot with a littluw
a all"'
A With Joy and' with delight,
ad dearly so thso two 4% too,
van from an economical point of
and a few drops of flavoring.
The Little snowflake* white.
Angel Cake; Whites of 6 eggs, 1-2
For when we libild our fattaii up
vague, the expense of lighting a
cup sugar and I-2 cup flour, with 1-2
towards the sky -like thio�
teaspoon oream tartar, sift futir tim,.s.
The little snowflakes always leave
the present system naked flames
Bake in an ungreased ctiu.
u rs our cheeks a irigill.
Since it wa8 first introduced Ili 1893
Sunshine Cake; Whitos of 8 eggs,
Ab I've gueatled what snowflakes
06 WT
Yolks Of 6, 1 clip gr�anulal.ed sugar,
The UsTAtory In cleared ;
3-4 cup flour Lind 1-2 teaspoon oream
They're just the klanas thrown to as
tartar. Add a little Balt to oggs be-
Through Santa Olau3*4 beardl
fore beating,
Mrs. C011atarioe M. Low*.
Mock Loaf C41c,,� one oup sugar
ther efforts in this direction. Not- I
1-2 cup butter, 2 cups flour, 2 Iva-
spoons baking powder, luup milk, a
to 1806 Napoleon having dominated
little autmeg and 1-2 cup raisins.
moat of Europe Issued a decree from
Good Cake; Take 11-2 culm sugar,
Berlin in Prunota. to the effect that
1 cup uAU,, 1-2 cup abotrLaning, 3
Etnalish good* we�re not to be bought
scant cuIls flour, 2 spoons baking
nor sold Olt the continent of murope
powder. a li,ttle salt dad IlUtulOg
and that other nations ahould not
and 1-2 cup ourrants, flake ono bour
trade with England, England pass-
slowly. -
od "Orders-La-Council.11 forbidding all
-------- 41-
neutral nations to trade yvith France,
The United States could now trade
with neither Franco nor England and
Natives sholy Greal l"Re-lully Ill llakl-,tz
when Enel-il claimed the right to
40pper lViro,
searob American vol5sels, for naval do,
Ba.ngle*, necklaces and belti made
sorters, the United States declared
of flue cappex are commonly worn its
UTO41111011ta by the naGm tribes of
The third event in the wax which
Central Africa. Miss Caddick, in her
followed was the battle of Queenston
delightful account of her juurLl(,y in
Heights. GeneTal Sir lasso Brook act-
C-ntral Africa, describes the ingeni-
Lug Lieutenant-Gove,rnor of Upper
ous way In whi011 thO natives luallu-
Canada, bad scattered 1,500 men along
factilro the wire from the rough cop,
the Niagara river to prevent the Am-
pew. They draw it Into the finest
orican army, 0,000 strong, from Invad-
possible, 4tTawls, which they twist oil
ing Canada, On the 13th of October,
ha ir.
1812, the Americans crossed the We-
The men out a hole through a tree,
gara river arid took possession of
into which they put it piece of it -oil
Queemitou Hotighte about seven miles
with a small puxturatioll in it. I lie
up the river opposito Lewiston. Gen-
st,rDP of copper is tapered to a point
eral Brook, hearing the firing, gallop-
and Put through the hole, Ili the Iron.
ed to the Banco Of action, and with a
Tho natives catch hold of the ond
few Ine!] endeavored to drive back the
with it kinli of piniec,ra; then a good
invaders before many bad crossed.
nurnbor of th,ein hang on to it all I
While cheoring On his men he was
pull it thrrough. Thi.a proces,q is re-
killed by & muOket 'ball. In vain his
P- tet! - through smaller holes in the
few brave followertl endeavored to dig -
iron, till thO wire is fine enough,
lodge the fee. They warm driven back
All the ornaments are beautifully
an,d compelled to awalt reinforce -
made, and the w4re. is extremely fine
merits. General Sboaffe noon arrived
aM f lexLble. Same of the moil wear
with three hundred man from Fort
five coppex wire belts. "mariyetas"'
George. All Oe man that could be
as they a,Te called, whic-la fit the )body
mustered now ascended t.ba Heights
very tightly. The manyotas file
unperceived by the Americans, who
vexy difficult to buy, and I was at
were landing more men. The Invad-
firstpuzzledto accountfor this. After
era were ntirpirtaud and many of them
a thmio I came to understand that the
,are driven into the river and the rest
belts, being So flou'll, wOXO extremely
difficult to got off. The poor men
Glorious AA Was the victory of Qu n
required time, and %vere obliged to
ston, It was bought dearly Lthet
us before they
life of the hero of 'Upper Canada. the
could wriggle out of them.
loved and honored Brook. D�uring the
These mamyetas are very heavy,
funeral of the slain Jea,der the minute
and the weight and size greatly as-
gulno of Fart George were answered,
tonished me, as nai.ivoi( usually seem
gun for gun, from the American hat-
to dislike wearing anything tight or
tortes of Fort Niagara. and the Amer-
heavy. But fashion, In Afxica as in
Loan flag flow at half mast ---a ohkval-
England, makes martyrs. The wo-
'a as tribute to an illustrious too.
mon we&T thick brass wLro coiled
To commemorate the event, the Can-
n d arms from
%liblia Government built a large mA)nu-
w,rist to elbow, and in the same way
axound theiT necks in a deop, uollar,
ment on the battle-flold,
which must lx� heavy and urivornfart-
I I I IL' K IN W. -i Tl I'l, E.
Although His Majesty will be known
as Edward VIII., be ia �otually the
True hospitality is the very (L,9.9ouce
tenth monarch named Edward, whose
of social life . not of society ; that too
lot It b" been to preside over the
often, sad to relate, is a "whited sell-
fl1rIt44h people, It will be recall so ted
alchre," full of artificiality, an,l 1,,t-
by tllo.se well up in British history
terneas of spirit cjQverod by a Lhin
that the mom a Alf -rod the Groat,
veneer of good fellowship. The w a-
k,novm am Edward the Hider, asoonded
man who really means well, buwev.r,
to the throne In the year 901, Just ex -
is often defeated In her objeot of mak-
actly one thounantl yearo ago, ten can-
itag her guests comfortable through
turica, and an Edward for each can-
excOSSea. Moro women are failures as
tary, If they were divided up equal y
hostesses nin account of theLr fu.4si -
which of cocorne they were not, but
ne" and ovew-anxiety to have every-
the coincidence in rather remarkable.
thing just no, than from sheer indif-
The aecond Edwa,rd was apparently
ference to the guests condition. There
not a very strong mindad man, for we
axe many people whe could be nail"
read In our histories that he was dom-
up to boith Sd these crosses, but it
Invited by an Abbot called Dunstan,
is title fiTat class we are speaking
I died iii 955, The next King Ed-
a,boat at present. It in taken f ('r
ward was call 4 Edward the Martyr
�, - -.t-
. .
%,". 11111".4 4 06 ""W, 00i 11*9 14I
*so * tu *%Ai**� Im "
H ca"' �L �L V A I
**-* * Z"0111-9 41111441 10 fast
" -
of making them unhappy, Yet this tao
1111" 00 sw*sk 4 xvimw444 **7 I"
� mom* I A f.
X4 0111IM" Ok*04 4� "notalod-
IV ^ 0040 so b$* 010A 0* Walks
t )WV VW 1k,
h47 VU to ooft* ** * um *"*-
*Ad th" t1wr 00VU be fed ons
C 0. L.
*0 gafto.
take an early train ; this early -morn-
W100 the sunnor % large trough
raAr may lie kept Iia ths, yard and
great t" to watch the minkA
la - . "NOW r I I -L D C41,
. &QUG said "tah txvw in the
tw. .
Th Belt SCranton Hard,
and Vt r,umei the day for many bad lent
COAL , '
In the blarket for CASU
wo a&* do many wondulul ttilugg
I @now I - 1 4 1 1
an on w" Will pwm me"
All coal weighed on the market
oftnt amwiilusut. An on dose act
scales where you get a,000 lbs for, a
like TA* PlUX0 liatestal and
t peoplo%*expairtopea 1provas, that
very frasits, property, yet me tia
to give up labors most precious to her
aqueonatl through a camparatival;
Ordeis left at Lee & Sheppar4's
VOW-asaiked battle.
Store will receiva prompt attention
he ftV In fkvt soaked thoroughly
lands and In South America grorers a
6 atirmw soluition of Ame -water.
" toakils the "all vQX7 soft and
tic. With gelatie W anipulation
lather and in mied for waahLagolothem.
u it can be forced through the
row neck of the bottla, where it
Witch Hazel 0*11
in time coleume Its customary
Por,u and of emotbar which grown in
pe a,ad firm turittlelmass. No one
Id then remove it without breaking
Thot common soapwo,rt, which in in-
One Application Gives Relief.
tial, BWW of IsWedtas.lieWasorbaruLati.Fintivn
audFlattlius. Raustfunatalum.-tal.oartat..
cation. potll& to valver.01 Adepti.ft
It cum Burns. Beattie and Ulcerations "A oe.
of Liectricity-
tractionstsolutaur" Tuea4witiallant'-heau"
a next tow years w1
16 cum TWa. Cut Or LA09rated WOUS& aad
tty. &so the rapid de--.-.----- -_
application of electricity to roll- '
It ctl.MNS sells, Carbtutcki% Feto" - FLUarataids.-
Mom. Old sore-, Itcultas truptions, scurry ox
d work other than In the actual
fleald 11"ll.
pulailou of trains. Already signal-
It Cu� tuftaialud w CUkW Illvasta and sere
baMm Inlattiable,
. the movement of Awitches, t4e
It our" wt llawtun. retum scurry xrusluoas.
ting of signals and switches and
Chapped 11=da, F%,,er tjh�tc'.. sees LIP* of
graphy have reached a point of ,
No`ar it-. Coy". Bullion& 8om �d Cliate,1 Fwt�
814110 of llo�td, 11034ulto site$ and Stulbums.
aiderable pvrfeotion. But electric
Three Sizes, 28c., 50o. and $1.00
ting of trains seems to have met
Sold by Druggists, er S"t pre.pald on mcelpt of prim
h some conservative opposition or
Judice which Is hardly warrant-
t.r. willittin & J.1l. his.. %,41m.
a, considering the need of porfoo-
- . - . � - . - -
In this important detail.
Princess Tablets
van from an economical point of
Are wtiat you want for all forms uf
female Lroubics; an Infallible re,twi.
w, the innovation would prove
eficial, for under the best and
dy discove,ed by a foreul-t f,al-,
special oit: Kea Molded am a rt,ldv.
apeat systems of gan lighting, now
oure:W111 po3tLlVVIY C3L,$h ., l th.
normal fjlllctj�)tM. timed "'"Ti'l y
vague, the expense of lighting a
. 5O.OW10.140.; fur sm" l,%. ,Trubg-
Vista. or neovtoorn rocelilt of prwo sl,w.
gle passenger oar amounts toeov-
Aetna Drug Go. Wlndt3or, Ont. Can.
n ls annual. Un-
- * -_ _' - ---' - - - ____ - - �
the present system naked flames
on the State railways.
used, which compel the presence
Since it wa8 first introduced Ili 1893
a reservoir of inflammable liquids
UotLrly 8,(X)O railway carriages have
gases and this endangers the saf.
boon oquLppod for olo4atn() lightilla.
of panamigorti and property in
At the recent session of the Inter -
event of accident.
national Railway ill Pails, the quen-
me companies have experimented
tion of train lighting was presented
h electricity as an illuminating I
and discussed (ruin every point of
noy, on their finer trains, and the -
vi6w.and the concerna otopinion wad
ult has been such as to encourage �
stated in distinct torms Ili favor of
ther efforts in this direction. Not- I
electricity, as being the must deair.
y in Germany the oy5tom Is now I
able on the groulitis of efficiency,
almost universal use in postal oars I
economy and safety.
----------- __________. -
- __ .__ ,- - - _ ._
__ -
- - .
-.1_., ,
� ..� A Free Catalogue.
� I
If you have'nt reccived it copy ask for It or
send for one.
, It illu�traw4 Ow famous Goodyear Waited
. , . "Slater Shot, - in tho %vwwn'� popular shapes,
styles, teat It'..., and colol 4.
Ifthery � tw " Slatt,r Shoo " Agency in your
� town, dr0p 11 postal to the address hereunder
. I and you van or-
, - der what Oloo , -`�� -
-._.._1__ I I__
, , Tv, aA Z
- y I T-��,-- ----
I - ou want by mail. ,� . �. I , 4 I, �_ I .
I t:�"� , I
. I I., 19.00,"I. I-'%,-ry 'Slater "I q L� I
I t a Shoo" bell- [lie � 1'� , .,; _.� - , �
� i�o- , J, -
I Av riv . 1 4?,- 104;
,rkoo the , ` �, .
Hole, a mlato frame with malcer�' name and j",' ,
LS!.2f_nh2'_ �,P I "I" - �
$ �t ..-
5-00 Or $3-50- iI4 �, -:..*- i!_____M1_
: en - - (IT, �
- A%�,K' - �_ - 0, -I _k7R.
Wm. Sharman, Jr, Sole Agent for Godorich
- _________ - - __ - , -
� the precodont oglablished by Dr Goldberlr, eonge,ttiontly you Wki) no rkit, aa you need
m notbing tint.il a pornlatienL and oomplete'.m." h'o twet) *'�J,11,11�111.,I. 1'_�J, tl"" ,,,,,
M6 you soo Dr Goldberg peroonelft wh. h." 18 DIPLOMAS, ...... wi,�at,�4 ,,lid ll,eo
received fronithe yariouRcollegoA, Osvitaiaandot,kt.oti, %vlil,,h I' 6UM"Wilt glLArantoe to
his Ktanding and abiliLicit,
There are thousnittim of you tralibled aA a result ofewly ft,,ii4,,rcil,)fi4orl'OT)IMLI-t�tI Mood
Poison: ifyotiar4ttiotthOMtLnyOtIAIIOIlifI be; IfY011 fl'�11 ti 1 iii 11 ... .... ,Iog �,rtrotlll
edwith exhatlAlion. nervawo"�, d-pontioncrlolo.. of rlt�. ,, .,�. hjag 4-k .nd
kidney4, frey,,nt ptlintul urtilation. or �c(l -t in iirli, Im ,,lenry. wenkria, orl
othoralunmo iwrvono debility -od P"lli-I-To d"I'lY. 'I'll --I �11,11,11 Y-11 1111111lete
and permanent ri,re by our 1�tt NIMIl,,tt Tr.,an,ent, Wt", 1, L, . il,�IZ,1.1 . to-t 1�3i.
tivecurefortheKe e,)odltiwi�, atid you paywhen Clued,
Read what our patients say and be convinced.
The original sworn aft1daviza and testimonials can be aven at our offices.
$500 for tiny we cannot show ; at request of patients wt) publiolt only Initials.
To Wh�m It jl,fay C,m,ern. 'I.", 1.1, I"),
I Ili. J, t� vertIfy that I h,ld been a -(r- T- fr, \ -�r, - I ,,-h, ,it y. t,ight,
I ,eminal kn for a Imig t irtio, liati b n d-wrmt., t-i h in C-I.
I Ili,, roi t, wit hout re 1v Ina a n v b( 01t, all,l pIl1 my -If 110- Dr.
Am i�"""�,.-,�(,��,�"",�,��rng"u oa re 1)-. 2& 1 MIN : I n (it i--4 I a n I i i.prr, � v - tie n I i n i,i) t 0 ... llw,n in
IT: 41- thanone w -k : wa.dlharw��i etitirely; ir-I Apnl.29, UA %riot 11;-, had
/, :� no return 'If ,,,Id I-,,',',,, S ,1 11-1, 1, 11. 1, C,
Sub�ribod and oNvorn to hpf�rc V111 lilk I till d- Of J.1r)IMT-) 0yl,
_ Wm. A Smi, h. '-t., y Public, Wa)nv ( o., Ili. tl
_!�� ��
� Our Latest Method Guaranteed to Cure
l3lotA PnIPnn.aI,oChrnnIr., Private.Ve"0119, lmj�tenoy, V,lrivl�, �Irivt,irl, I(Hn�y,
filad,it�r,I,I%cr.',;tolll,�'ll, Femaloiltid lWowfl Trouhl Cotllt.,�nfl kallor write
foir(itiestifitil)tiittkf(��*tii�"ictrentry)ont- W-k4oll-�maqf Luenfroo.
11011m9a.al w8p m k3undv,y.l0al. to3p-m
giranted that no ace would invite Pco- and only ruled three years, when him ---"---. - - - ____ -
I I w4 -h the intent on
PLO, .0 air -0 ,
cruet Stepmother calls" an n8sanaLta
k .
. I �
I .. 11
� ..
. . 11 ....
: _1 I'� �
1 - -"--,.-. I , I—
of making them unhappy, Yet this tao
to stab him while (tTinking a glass of
often is the reault. Perhaps she is
w Inc. The next Edwaird commenced
compelled to rise a.t &a unusual hour
his reign in 1272 and bimtorians have
beesmse the master of the houso must
called him Ed -ward 1. The first Ed -
take an early train ; this early -morn-
ward was the Finn of the g-reatest Sax -
Ing, PaTfunctory breakfast 0 notoon-
on sovereign, Alfred the Great, while
duelve to airreeable social intermurso
tbo Inirt one 1.9 the orim of the grant -
and Vt r,umei the day for many bad lent
of moderm loana.rObAL VIOtOThl.
dleepeTs. Or pagaibly the guest finds
herself compelled to drive or walk '
-�O \ I I (' , I U') \%'.�; 0 N .1,',.14
When she would prefer to do almomt
anything else ; again, she in obliged
There are several �roos and plants
to give up labors most precious to her
In tbe world, wlkoan Perrion, juice and
to Listen to a dull sermon, or to on-
tnrk are an good to wash with, an
dure the torture of a wearisome and
real soap. In the West Indian Is -
tong drawn cNit toto-a-tete with some
lands and In South America grorers a
stupid relative or neighbor of her
tree whose fruit makes an excellent
bost,amil In whiom %he cannot be expect-
lather and in mied for waahLagolothem.
" to have the least Internet. Many a
The bark of a tree which irrowm In
truest w1bo would he both oboxmiug
Por,u and of emotbar which grown in
aM chlirtmed with her visit It left
the Malay falandil yields a fine soap.
Moon, Is literally talked to death. A
Thot common soapwo,rt, which in in-
bostess who invites people to visit bar
dig"nons to England, is so full of sap -
has two very important duties to per-
Onion that simply rubbing the leaves
form. two soKouat extreme" to avoid ;
together Ln water produces a soapy
am, not to noglocit h err g -u on t s, and
Jn0ther---QU!t8 As impor tant -not to
we" them with too constant atten-
tion. Never` Vivo I guest the impron-
'the rnink ILng vnItlable far, If you
sion of "being entertained." which is
donbt It Ask your big nifft4tre or your
mare than suffMTerA lo re,d,,e a sen-
M.Dthfff, 4111114 If she lans had =7 experl-
altive woman to the verry depths of
once In llnjng winterr wrapoi with the
misery. JXim,ir follow the daily routine
article in question she 'Will be ready
,of Yom MdmhoK taking care that
to enlighten yom Now every bay who
youir kaeM Lis neithor negl6oted nor
ever raised obtakents known that one
treated with dimarstm The hostess
- ,;y
who &Z , that she
of their gresteat fees Is the cunning
mliak whose otAndattine visits to the
the I wji"�el viola tag
lid t joi DOODY ,
Poultry Yards hove resulted so often
the fitrat-AaW 6f bluM0094*0
In disaster. Why not try raising the
Of cleave. ths. PISAMWO of tw-
minkis Instead of chickens. Illoth came-
fXieuda Oijenerany ti�"J: but ace&-
pationa ere profitablit If you pay
&JOAQ1 . it IN quite the, res, and
every attention to them. tat the for-
. *Aftlk U4011111 - kw*vat 6101i
mer hasive SA464 oum Bit Awalty,
. 111�1 I t - - . , I , , , , .
, 1� . 1, , .
I I e, ', � I . , . � . � �, �, . I 1, - a ,-; - . . I ,
, ,
.i.Al�k � - , . I '.-- -I-, "� - I? . ;. I , , _ ' � A
R-PIPANS mul2s
Doctors find
A Good
For mankind
WANTIT) -A - -1 t.d h-Ith the, It I -?-A N 8 .th
-4t bmelt. Thwy t--t-h "b- -4 pralm to. Os. 11�
ftUd. Ntyw the -t R I ?*A N 9 a. �l .I, Willie. -d
a.mr .. -b.dint. R I PAV'S .. (- I elre .1
b. W *I on, a- I - Tm lassple. .-d _0 ti:�.
t-6.1.6 .01 %: ,-fl.4 b. my p4d- r- A" tinst.,
f-a'ded I" 0,4 lip... Ch.emeal C. . N� '. %
S�4, N_ vo,l,
I I I I �
1. I �, ,;-, _--� � , , � � , " , , � r� . ".. .. " , :, , , "';
I ... h_1 ,'' -4 . I ...:.L ` "i i�,Afti ��__io-�-� - F I'll �' Ill �tL - , - - - - .� I—- ��10
1;6� , I _1RMW==m.:X_ I 11 . 111100we"n-1 1116
. I t _0 . -1 .:.", . . - - 11.
= 11A �`_ - , ,
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