The Goderich Star, 1901-03-01, Page 9 , -rqp9r""WIllimplilqw,7.T,�- ` - I - - -...p . - I I � ww� _w" -- . , - . I -1 I - - ---. -1419.- - -� 't .Jrr� - - �. I 1. -1. � .
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A,: W,,",,,Q_N,, I . L . I I - wptist, the t4owsloal4oftorts. I "owe � tun .,At ,a uwww
I , ,, � � ". �. �� ,� '. � woot T4,barlmst. * _ * , 41 * 14114. irl" $'a , - I I I � tor s4t" to test* nil� tu ten4or-Mralm
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� 9de", ljsa� er , # X 1�* *A vwr. � I 4 000 I" III , 4*4 � . CT j - __� -1 Mwougilly" wash, 444 soll" with
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T h e R,ev a Dr. Tahnaige 5 ' us TOX WW'MOTA AND THR OINK. %aw. POPW "4 *#X,
I pe4ks on, 1*, pw
�* 4to.p. vo.o4d an - s,W,WQW*, W, ftly Joil" tells
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I atxotch4RA out. mw iaxo4l and that UM 40orlit were 1"etorr'00, 341, U'w,g
, , wore =ore *#uoaA%d in the ODra Fritlers.-To I cup finely
tuxed. and, , , . ,p� " �
Efflah's Pet! "ja,iRill -paprv2ax pitsm q@a *31,10. 414 *Ply he "4 le* "'41 "NA01", of W ]Iltaloobulli, they chvppod caiaa*4 ocirill add one egg willit I
1) ,tion. " .
I "� IT -1V yping, valemity il*A�jaoctk t1hat it welit As. rIgU 00, W*94 #*T, fAr moro *ttont'44 than bakillim, 1-3 OUP tiour. salt av4 pepper
at;. . I . Vr,P*W tout to ta .
h a q, y W. Qqr xpvck *"901"� W lb*k@* *41" tloy 4�40 , to th* W"1111111119 I *tCi I-2 teaspoon oug4r. Drop by
. , foot,,pomoill."' Q1 dish'",
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I& deppetph trout Washington says. calt tbe,la. hy 'name. YW bayq k"R w I - . - , , , I �, w
" _ - . , I 'the INC11111101`6 I te"Po0aw on hat. Wall greasito
i_��,*� � . . , I Ow 4are oit the Auk, 49-4 the olslaialt-
. Rev, lkr Tatmage preached trom the asking that the coWumarcial warld b,e al. Tile 00 *h" Iny, X14ther, hails 0440 004 djAh . igrlddic� Ilruwu first on one, side then
, . .1 , ,it their dish cloths
f9l1owing teXt*-"Au4 there waa a donticitrated to Cbxist, and that wall van me. shall I no on Other. Make fritters the size of
great rain." -I. Kluge, xviii. 45. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. gi L t drink tt I "'There towsli,. for there are many camei;
�=q a glittering generality. Wby 00 You � , is in tbAO6 Ymr4* a terl4ar truattkilaus illimass I �� *Ii.a.t.- .t.,�, y - ovat"IN Ralish.-SIA" crisp white
'Al., �,,,c� 410k,aay; "Here.9�':_'.'___ ..30br'* X ous'17 which robs *4 - thorouig l '-
, , _, �L �. drQught had come . ,% cop of all t4 bitter . h a w4k.-W - I
. V 'upon the 14".� kia�leuvea crumpled; 41AH, all absorbed in the woOrld; 0 1KTJNXAUQNAJ:Tfi_S§QA-__�,*4'� , ;�, Al 1% . very thinly with sharp kullo
I �� ". -, : ,#T*A=-*4hQ- *tth%:VTaTV diretr these, Ter . 1.
- , W to iaelgitiat at these. v . I k,e water, lot stand one
tile earth Irra*a OPM; the buckets Lord- ePAvtwt himi by tby grace, and In the gaXas'n-ot Gethsemane, which in poTfAAt tbin,gq. I.. I .
40 4"q.t 0;4rayev, f9bla I& 9-44 *014VU reould" * _ t, t4 UW mix with It me sweet
.me down on the otony bottom of the allow Win Cha.t there in sometimw Teii, llitsit.!tt. 44. ,k Jolin." Take the dish cloth, for instance. L
�j ' well. and fo4ad no water; the cattle bOtter for ilis laxil than tb* world." I PRAM10AL XOTJ�$, 12- The IlA114 404 the captain 04 Of- A calebratlod pb,y4lolan lass maid that r r timedly chopped and one
!-� , bellowed With thirst on the banks of I wish I could knake, ylau feel tthat you (*ro of the J'al. "The cohort and the there 1A . death in the rag, for lit left situall Spaui*b anion aliced very thin
the raviue, thiLat Was . once all a -rush are respoinidble, .. Merlin I. Whoo Jesus U114 APQk6Q Military tribuue, and the officers." careir nighi; irk a Intap without a toss all with a fork auttl well mixed
with liquid brightness. Alas I must FOR SOM4 OXE SOUL them worlds. " Words " recorded lay Aigala the Revined Veralon inakes thuroWb Washing and gesidLog. it will S"soa with salad vinegar. Serve In
the nation dia? Up the side of Mount Jolla, chapter* �4-17, J11111NIL.,
W you not suppose that wilieno you ,of clear the meaning by the use at a fe,rMQVA and generate garms of di&_ lCtuou shells*
_ ,
- ,
Carmel go Elijitb� his alervant, and come �begoiro God in judgment, he. .thoxi. =ot *` the Q,t1'qAW_.-1; cot=& atter "captaim." "The L -d ease for anyme whose breuthime ap-
king Abalb. There ia a magnificent 'will ask you atlaut these ov' The'l inolude ,the in ------ 0-
" whom ; 112 _ I ..... I'll. Md the cul2t4lin," WArP K.-Q'I 501- para�ua W brought Into direct con-
. a r 'a rocord&e& t' ova" V43rastional. 'd�rp sad the "offlocra," were temple tact
proapolot flom this top of Mount Car� you had an influleaDO1, Will be not ullor4i . with them Ruved or linty BETWEEN THE ACT8.
. " .
Mel. You can look off upon the Med- ask You about your own ollildrent ,ii;l,d, pra;r9m Us, went t0ortb.Out Q9 owtsKus. dish clothe alhould not be used, for
tterramean and oee vessels Moving up will he not say-. "Where is J91m, ,or tile city; on the said jouwaoty�whllcb Ill. When the evangelist says that the reason that ilut will collect in Name O'Neill will play Macbeth 19
. and down, carrying the commerce of George, or Mary, or Sara,%, or Ham- already we have followed In the study tbeqvled 4,13a awa:v to Annas first he thit eink spout and Imsy cause a sort- Sydney, Australia.
great nat-Jons. It is a very conspiou- nab I Where are they f" And if, In of Matt. 26. 306 the last verse of Los- implies the , t he was afterward led be- � Mary Mannering has made a bit to
one obstruction. To those whet have I. JWco Meredith."
one point. The sailor to this day, calls that how, Y9u say, "I don't know. I son VIL;At led to Gatheomme. where ,fore 0WAVIns. Annas is called Ana- been In the habit of using parts of It Is said that Coquelin wants to play
I Ilt Cape Carmel. But Elijah did not go doon't knl)w,,, perhaps God Will Point the scenes of Lesson VUI were onset- aus by jaeephuu. Us had been high worn articles of table linen or Of Gillette's "Sherlock Holmes."
to the top of the mountain for the fine and [Jay: "'Dhere, do you see vhat I I)o e d. With his disciples. Ali bUt Ju- pirlait froam AIX 7 to AM. 14. when clothing for this purpose, it will Clyde Pitch has written a play upon
proopect. He went up there to pray' YOU kn1a)w what that Is I Why, tkat daa. It was the time Of the full Moon. he was removed by the Uunkana. and doubtless seem extravagant to pur- the subject of Major Audre in which
for rain and tile Bible says he )I
cast is the blocul of their somU oil your They pa4ised tbrougo the 00ar light wail suaceede�d by three others, who abuse new. material. but that is what Charles Richman may star.
� I
bimaelf do�va on the gro,und and put gaTmAmt I- . 11 and deep aball?" of t)Iie skleat streets. 4ach -aeld the dignity tow a year or should be done, as It will do better The full title of the now Sullivan -
I 0 down Into the valley that otr�lea ibe tonal, ,
his face beOveov his knees, and cried I oremark again; t,bat this prayer I . whom Culaphas obtained it. With work and to more easily kept clean Hood opera Is "The Emerald late; or.
mightily unto the,Lord that the land Elija h was a comfillont prayer. W -11s, and a little way u�p the slope the advancemeat of Cahlphas, An- than balf-WNOrn material. Two or Tile Caves of Carrig Cleena."
might not perish, but that the allow- There was no "muy-be's" about It. of Olivet." to the gate of the gardeg. nas'a am -in-law, the old man saem:i three thicknesses Of cheese -cloth In the 12 years of his starring career
era might come. 'As soon as he had Why Was it that, when be w,as Pray- The brook Cedrim. The "winter ter- Oo have regained much of the Public sewed together is excellent for the Francis Wilson has produced 11 comic
finished the first prayer, he sent him Lug, he, sent hils servant to the out- r",t, Kidron," a. deep gully, which in autimr4ty of the office. The trial be- piti-ppee no is a soft liman of course operas, at a gross outlay of $100,000.
servant to the outlook � of the moon- look? It was boea,use he knew rain the' rainy season became aturbulant fore Anillu wa�u an Informal examin- weave. Besides these linen cloths, a John PhlllP Sousa will take hie band
tain to see if there were any signs was going to come. and he wanted to stream. Ktdrlim means " Black." Its ation OreThninary to the formal trial. chain dish cloth for "ttles, try pans over to the international exhlbition to
of rain. The servant came back and knew the firet,moment of its arrival, waters may bave been dark in color, That aNme 'year meamit at that time. etc.. mulls of wire rings, i be held In Glasgow, Scotland. thin year.
Ttkgre was a well defined rumor In
said: " No signs of rain." A -gain, Elijah do that he could get do,% a the anoun- 1. More -probAbly, lite name, was 14. Calaphas was he, etc. The at -Dry assistance in removing whatever is London recently that Ellen Terry had
prayed and agaim the servant Went to t9l in - lie knew that the rain Would derived from the -dlark;lega of the is told More fully in John 11,45-54. burmed on in cooking. decided to retire from the stage on ne-
the outlook and oaxae back with the come, Just as certainly an Carmel rose ravine through w,bioh it flowed. A After the dish washing of every e unt of nervous prostration.
'Ii ONE STURDY FRIEND. Moat the dish towels should be wash- OThe sultan of Turkey Is a great lover
same Information, and the third time above him, and the Mediterranean 9"en into which he entered, and
and the fourth, and no rain, and the lay beneath him. Have, you the same hie disciplea. Our last (,wo lessons - ad in Olean, but watei with soap, and of the theater and a student of the
fifth, time and no rain, and the sixth Positiveness of expectationt Do you have imade las familiaT with the mod- Mud House Led About, Veda ad Pro! "Ord a tow drape of ammonia or a sprinkle European drama, In which subject he
time and no signs of rain. And then believe God really means it when he "n Getbaciniane, its fences and flow- by a Touna Rull. okt washing soda added to remove the is said to be very well versed.
Elijah thre,%v bituse)f into a more im- Says: "Ask, and it shall be given er-beds and cypresses and aged Fror4 the region north of Duluth, grease quickly. Then rinse and hang Thomas A. Haiti who has a. part In
portunate petition, and for the seventh You; seek, and ye shall find; knock, Olives- But t1w ancient Kidron Minn., comes a u�bory of a blind moon the sun it "The Prlde of Jenalco," was one of the
time he cried uxitto the Lord, and for 'in d it shall be opened unto you I" or ficti * viod at least thirty feet below its that is led ailtauft by one of his posalbole. except in freezing weather first actors to play Uncle Tom In the
the oevoinith time he sent Ilis servant I,, your imploration a more matter of present bed, and about one hundred mates.taken by him to feeding grounds whom they ulay be dried indoors. At- play made from Mrs, Stowe's book. '
I to the outlook. Lo I the young man indefinite "perhaps?" Then away feet nearer to the oity wall, and it is and protected from Wolves. ter the dish towels the dish cloth Mine. Sarah Bernhardt brought her
came IbLick Ishying: " I ties a little with your prayers; they will die on not unlikely that the ancient r4eth- I.Ast twU some huntV shot at this should he washed, using a little ova, own carriage aud coachman to Amerl-
-a long, about the your lips. Coming to God with such semone was botil a little lower dud a moose, but Inatqa4d of killing him moo- mania or washing soda, as there will can tour she Is accompanied by her
cloud five or six inohe ca, and throughout tier entire Amert-
size of a man's hand." Elijah leaped " insulting unbelief, he will spurn little farther north than the present ceedlet) only in blinding him. Woods- be more grease to remove. Hang this ,own Paris physician.
from his kne" and said to the serv- you away from him. 0 my dear gaxde�n. We are �to think of It m an men have had opportunities to watch also outdoors, and keep two dish ... I`o Anna Held, from George H.
ant: " Run and tell king Ahab to brethren and aiaterti in Clirst, how olive orobard, with am oil press, Goth- the ailimal more or lose during thu clothe on hAnd always to aiternato. Ketchum," Is the Inscription engraved
get dokvxi oult of the mounhain; the can we halt and stagger and doubt solmane means "oll press," on Ills winter and have been much into t- In every household it should be tb' upon a silver plated horseshoe pre-
grendoete ,will come, and unleas lie flies with the Bible full of promises, and grounds- ed In bitL He Is a magaificciat s? -`!I- rule that the torwels and dish clatlatal sented to the comedienne. The shoo
Nknow, he will never get home." The heaven full of glories, and God full 2. Which betrayed likit. "Who was men, with antletti that branch near be put into the wash notice a week aad was worn by Crescous, 2�K in the
� servant starts for king Ahab. Ahab mercy and nivation for all the peo- bot,ruying himo." Jesus ofttimea re- ly six feet. and a tresh supply used, and those great $20,000 stallion race won by him
gots in the chariot and speeds down PI13- sorted thither with his disciples. A Moose form so-called yards In win- that are washed should be inspected at Boston Sept. 27.
the mountain, and Elijah, more swift- I remark again in regard to that a tatement that makes it probable that ter in places where there is abundant by the mistress find not left In the
footed than the horses, leads Late char- prayer of Elijah; It wail a successful the owner was h -is friend. brush. When tho food about one yard kitchen. TROTTER AND PACER.
Lot down the hill, The cloud that was prayer, that is, he got what he 3. A band of men. "The band of ts, exhausted they make another SOMO A fine strainer pan is aloulloat a ___ -,--
Sold 431`11 Re ised Version. The ori- distance away, and there they travel necesebt Early Reaper, 2:09%, will not be seen
only five or six inches long, expands wanted, which was raim-not rain I "'- r y in a sink, and through it fill on the turf until 1902.
until the whole heaven is filled with only for the trough of the camel; ginal suggestA L -hat they were apart In circles Eta before, eating the small dishwater and liquid refuse should be
. Plunkett 2:131/t, at the age of 14 to a
gloom, aud the wind blows up from not rain just enough to settle the 0 f Lhe garrison of Antonia, a tort trees and bratidlim clean of tips and poured, and the scraps and crumbs ro- good roadster at La Gotos, Cal,
the tiea to the mountain, and from the dust ; not rain enough to wet the that towered at the northeast corner buds. If al , one a,nd foiroed to shift for maiming in the strainer can either be The thoroughbred sire Kingston has
mountain to the ,sea, and cornfield, but enough to drench the 0 f t1he temple. Tbiri "band" is mon- ,himself a blind memo would die of burned or placed In the refuse pail. been Insured for $75,000 with an Eng.
THE THUNDERS BOOM forests and soak the fields, and slake tioned again ia verse L2 oif this leg- starvation. Whan every precaution halt been IISh Company,
and there is a wild, overwhelming the thirst of a whole nation, Rain pon, and also in Matt. P-7. 27; Mark 15. To this blind moese thare has at- taken not to allow anything but liquid Mettelas, 2:191A, the third biggest
daish as the clouds burst, and the for- for the mountains, rain for the 16; and Acts 21. 31. The comma ta4ithed himself a yownigar bull, and the to go Into the sink drain, there wiLl money winner on the Lake Brie cir-
ents are drenched, and the earth sings trees and rain for the cattle. It was w hich the Revt6c,d Vorsion places( at- two a,re conatarittly in company, Bay ho an amount of greasy matter that cult, will be handled In 1901 by W. J.
-"And there Wa�i a great rain." a great raint Now are we making ter "soldiers" ie; Olt importance, for those who lo�v seem them. The will cling to the pipes and clog theia, A.ndrews.
tjl,y had no connection with officers younger moose Is the guide a.nd friend unless sotmethIng more effective than Carthage Girl, 2:15Y4, the biggest
" Well,f' you say, " Whitt Is that to the prayer that will bring the same C It
us y It is an incident long ago past. au"ce"t"? We do not want rain so from the chief priests and Pharlsees, of the blind one. One woodsman who hot water is used. It Is an excel- money winner over the Lake Eric cir-
The last drop of that shower is exhal- much on the fields., but it is, rain on Who wcore "aervunitiq of the temple," watched them for �ours one day, says lent idea to Print somethimog like tile cult, Is being prepared for 1901 by Attic
od, the very 1D-s;t leaf that was washed the tender heart of childhood and tile n soTt of guards or policemen; John that the younger led the elder to the following on a placard, and hang it Merrifield.
- has al -ready mentioned them In J)o,hn beat bushes about the yard. ft had over the kitchen sink; "Dissoave Dlavolo, 2:12% , recently purchased
by it, ban gone into duut, and -why do I weary spirit of the old man that. we 7.3,2-45. These were t1he men who then been eaten pretty clean and was a by Jere O'Neil, Is expected to be a
you present Lt thita morning?" For a need; it is rain on the heart, bard . tablespoonful of washing, -soda in two dangerous competitor In next season's
� motit practical purpose. 'I want to w itb the drought of sin or wilted "" to make the arrest, Judas soom to be deserted, and it was with quarts at Lx)iling water and pour it 2:13 pacing class,
send this whole ohlarc4 to it. knees. under the sun -stroke of worldlin guided them, and the Roman soldiers some difficulty that' the young animal down the p6pe every day after wash- John Laughlin, who handled the
How To the eyes Of Milt- we, able to lead the c(ther to clumps Ing the dinner dishes." This will be youngsters for Dr. J. C. McCoy, KIrk-
I 'Want to have yolu, understand that it is spiritual rain that we need . ....... supported them.
if you will only g,o up to the Carmel to get it ? The way Elijah got it. All thew, Mark, and Lake this company of twigs. a constant remander to the one whose wood, Del., Is now one f the assist -
was a multitude, a mob; but Jckiin, 0
of prayerful expeetiltions and look off, our preaching about it and talk. Ing wqth "his exact. knowledge od till the Wolves are plenty in ' the neighbor- province is to attend to the matter, alit tralners In Lawson's stable�
you can be -hold already vapors gather- It bout it will not bring it. hood of moose yards and, the books and lit will keep the pipe from get- Jim Burns, 2.18%, has been pur-
Ing into a cloud of mercy which will WE MUST PRAY AND PRAY. incidents which attended the life of and necks of the companions mhow- Ung clogged with grease, chased by John Lake, a member of
burst in torrents of salvation upon the We must go on the ClarEnel of Chria- our Lord in Jerusalem," is sPecific in old plainly the ma,rks of fights with From Ise k of educe Lion, many the Milwaukee Driving club. This
people. I -have to tell you three or tian expectation and bow ourselves be- his description, Lanterns and torches them. . It was plinim, too, from the Ito- housekeepers do not know that ill horse has the unique record of having
and weapons. "Torches and lamps and s Ition of the woungil,s on the smaller chemical action of the various liquid's' trotted a heat In a race with his driver
four things about that wonderful fore the Lord, and than it will come. arms." Part of the regular equipment bull, that he had bovne Live chief al that pass through the pipe MakC It dead In the sulky.
prayer of Ejijah which resulted so It always ham come when the right of the Roman soldiers was torches and 'The Greenville (N. C.) rel sman, R.
kind of prayer wont up. It will tack and had defended the othex. coating On the Lusido of it which is a
marvelously. ome as certain *as there is a Lord, lamops, and these men may have ex. The blind bull has developed a won- often odorless, but is deadly in its L. Smith, will be seen on the Lako Brie
First: it was a humble prayer. Mark c pectBol to have to search the shadowy circuit In 1901 with Luey Ashby, 2:141/4,
the language of Bible: "He cast and you have a soul immortal to be In5tead of de.rful sense of smell. Even the slight- poisonous property. It is the duty and Paddy McGregor, 2:211/4. The
the reccls*s of the garden. eet breeze seems to carry to his sharp of every housekeeper to keep her sink past season be won $1,250 with Bird
himself on the earth and put his face ae t 0 11 trial on the last day. Prayer "weapons" Matthew and Mark supply nose knowledge of the presence of a under strict surveillance, and to in- Eye, 2:141A,
hi " Oh," you sa Y, now ; prayer perpetually� a detail whIch John overlooked ; they man, and he will charge up the wind mist that it be kept perfectly clean A 8 -year-old filly by Advertiser,
" the posture of the body doesn't de- I see this marning some who have s,ay "swords and staves ;1' that is, the ,
eide the carnelstness of the soul." I been back-&Iiders from God. They temple police carried, as policemen now -b onc��. It Is easy to keep from him, and neat. It is not sufficient (hat 2:151/4, out of Sontag Dixie, darn of
for once 010 somt cannot help him be the outside be examined, or that the Pasonte, 2:13, Is expected to show bet -
know that, but the feeling of the soul omr�e sat at the 00runatimion table; carry, clubs. ter than 2:15 in 1901. She Is owned
very Often indicates what aliall be the they sit there no, more. Once they 4. Knowing all, things that should losoIs all trace Of hiii enemy and wan- sink is free from refuse or grease. The by Frank H. Burke, Ban Francisco,
position of the body. There was sor- prayed; (hey pray no more. Once up- come -were coming" upon him. John ders aimlessly about, bumping against closet underneath, it there be one , wbo pald only "5 for her. -Horseman.
row in your house. Clouds of bereave- oin their eyes there came the vision calls our attention to the free, doli- trees and stuntbling over obstacles, will ro,luire particular atten � tion, and
menthovered. You were afraid you'(1 of it 1)ardoaing Jesiui; but now they berate will with which our Lord gave From these the young moose rescues a constant wat 0 It must be kept for
lose that loved one. You went to your sLand with bo,th their feet on (he himsoetf m1p to Ris ereomicit,. W"6 him and leads hina� book to the well- mculd,3ring rags, from which poison- ITEMS OF INTEREST.
room ; you locked the door ; you pray- bleeding heart ol the Son of God. 0 forth. Out of the deep shadows and beaten yard, where the two seem to aw gases Will permertite the house, There are 4,000 tons of tons in the
. Live in solitude. and affect the health of Its inmates. pyramid of C t .11
a that fiick one. wandering brother, you cast'God off, out from the circle of his frightened i heopit. I c uld be built
* What Position did you take ? Did you do you? Will it be strange it God friends into the moonlight, to eta nd, Moose are gregarloue animals, and I - - - for $20,000,000 today.
aituprightf Didyouetand? No;you casts you Off? It will bo harder for alone ; and as he stopped _ forward i us alone, the NURSERY HINTS. Denmark leads the world for thrifti.
either knelt, or you threw yourself on you at the last than for those who Judas kissed him, and policemen and younigow one preferring the society of mesa. Her inhabitants have on an ever.
7041T face before God. You lad no idea never took the first step heavenward. soldiers at onte knew which of the an, old, blind that of the herd, to Don't uj3o a cominion pl,n I 11 the age $50 In the savings banks.
polsition would have any effect with You showed that you knew your duty. men t-Ilay were to arrest. W while the hard has -dropped them mrsory. The 8afety-pin or none for Germany has just held tta first a-
hom both, is and interesting. all nursery folk-habies, mother, tional exhibition of asses near Berlin.
Cool, bult this position you took was How about all those precious scones seek ye. He had avoided the multi- . narse or maid. Don't powder baby There were over 4,000 entries.
thle result of your feeling. No wonder, in which you once oommingledl Where tude43 who would have made him king; YOUR BODY AS A TIMEPIECE. aftetir the bath. Gently pat him dry Over 400 species of trees are known
thbo, that Wijab, witIV his own sins to are they norw? How can you meet he boldly faced his enouaoiaa� - with linen. Powder is permissible In the Philippine Islands. Of these
confess, and the atus of a nation, took Ohriat tit last -that Jesus whoum you 5. They answered hint, Jesus of F1 -IV V11111 HAY 11011 ass r1SX, WIlie Te. or l baby temper. about 50 have commercial value.
. tha,t hOmble posture, and It i� most have been persecuting by a wander . 9 Nazareth. An official declaration, Ttln� a withoug a NVAIel'. ati-ly, for accidents or emergencies, If the world be divided Into land and
appropriate to -day for us. How rue lit(,? How can you look him in the 114ce the reading at a warrant; but he You can measure time, in the ob" and to be carefully washed off at water hemispheres, London to the cen.
we livia9l Within a few years-ye8, face, alit the last? Are You happy. was persona Ily known to 6011110 Of senoot of a waltlo.h, by the beating of next bathing. ter of the land, Now Zealand of the wa-
Perhaps within a few hours, of our (back-sliderill No, no; you have Out 1.1torn, Matt. 26. 55. Judas also, which your heart. In most adults the Don't talk while nursing or feed- ter.
I I"t account; yet, cold and worldly seen an hour of happiness since you betrayed him, stood with them- heart beats about 70 tilmes per mixi- Ing baby, unloss very gently and Thirty thousand women spend their
and selfish and protid. Where is the gave up Your hope and wandered off, Having kissed Jesus as aaignnl forr uts,. If you am boiling an egg, mak- quietly to baby himself. Bear in lives In driving and steering the canal-
OWMY-soat f How I-Ittle we pray. perbaps, to, please a skeptical coan, the arrest, he now openly takes big Ing too or watching a 100 -yard race., mind that we appear elephants, gig boats In southern and Midland Eng,
Where is Jesus J How little we mock partion. You any, "Oh, if I could only place annong the enemies. We should all you ham to do ia to put iyour an,Uc to baby, and( that our tongu land.
. " The most costly parliament In En -
his society. Where are t4he Impenit- get back to those good old tin," when try to put ourselvOlmi in imagination finger on your pulse, and you lia" a seems aboocking jaigon to it for n ro
ent I HOW. Iiattle we do for their res- I did serve Goill" The movt wretch- in John's Place, and see with cOm- first-rate stop watch. But the pulse bam,g time. Pe Is that of France. The senate cmd
-one. ed condition In all the world is that sterilation the "friend" at JC61111, who [a not the same In all people. it Don't give household directio . chamber of deputies cost Annually $1,
ns in, 500,000.
WHERE IS HEAVEN ?. of a man who once was a member of had taken broad front, his hand that beatA as slowlty as 60 to the minute In nor pernifit complaints to be brought Barbers for dogs are very much In
How little its raptures kindle our soul. tho church and sat at holy commun- very night. now helping to arrest sorile, and as fast as 75 in others, inito the nursery, for children, eiipe demand In Paris, and those who are
him. am
Cold and hard, ought we not to -day, ion, who has gone back. " Jesus, It would therefore be necomisary to ially our very little ones. are our expert fire sold to earn comfortable In -
you in the pew and I -on the Platform, will be just Its glad to have you come 6. Tbay went backward, and fell know at what 'rate your pulse usual- guests of bonor, having neither es- comes, They solicit business on the
to take before God the same posture now, as he we , a 'the fiTat time you to the ground. This impressive fact ly beatis. cape nccr redress. They may only do- boulevards.
that Elijah took I Tell me, are vve all started for hint. lie waits to bef is most simply told. Some divine ter- AnoLher way of measuring time part with death. In Europe, where polished floors have
sons and daughlers of the �,ord Al- gracious. Trust him. He will any ror orerpowered them, as it bad the with tolerable . accuracy W by the Don't leave soap on baby's skin no t so long been popular, It to the custom
mighty f Are We the seqla, thaA have nothing about what you have said buyers and sellers when he thrust breathing, Moat PebPte breathe 15 in his ctarthing. Baby may to Polish them carefully and prefern-
them from the temple. There is no '"t " bly with a cloth fastened on the shoe.
boon ransomed I Was that areas of in- agningt him He will say nothing times per Minute, or once every 4 will or necessity change vale , n ,
hint of a Miracle, but Dr. Watkins seconAs. Professional cleaners or polishers have
expressible pain the price that was about the days of lour wandering. So that in boiling an egg laundry, and if he chafe what more learned to skate A out t t re
uggeats that his answer, I am he. re- fwr 8 Minutes h a a grea te
paid for quT rencuelf Look over the He will say notthing about the fact 2' you would count 45 naturalp Clean water and clean and to do Polishing quickly and well
past five, ton, fifteen years of our that you he" boon sitting in the seat repeated in verse 8, conveyed to bores tjoa. cheesecloth, to rinse baby with. are
life how roach wasted opportuouityl of the scos-ners and laughed at Jewish ears the unutterable name The wTlbear a -nee o"rtormed being not costly.
Professing to live for God and star- Christianity, and oll.e.spised that which "Jabovall ... .. I un," and (hat While confined in a coal mine for Lhree dayla Don't we damp or steamy articles WOMEN AND LOVE.
niltY, ban not Our profession some- you core loved. He will not throw this overawed the Jewish officers a in consequence of an explosion occur- of clotbimg about bahy's t"y. I`h4- Love gives Itself and Is not bought -
a OT t of infections terror passedl from ring wh1de boo was attending a badly
times boon a lie, and our poartion a by- that tip to you at al,l. no more than , lower orders keep their young both Longfellow.
word T 0 my brethren and al-9ters, we (lid the father when the prodigal Judas to the Roma.n soldiers. Injured workman. Whed�hiils watch dry and immoonolate. Kindness in women. not their beatite-
must come dawn out of tbdi3 pride. cAime back. The father did not may 7, 8, The repetition of the quea- stopped he bad no means 61 telling If baby could got blis back up like con looks. shall win my love-Sbakeg.
s' h b Lion and answer makeg plain that how the time wa peare.
We must humble ourrsolrea befoere nnything to the prodigal about 'a Passing' Remem- a osilt, or roach his clothing am a bird
God, als Rhialb, did. C[hurch Ott God, poor clothes or his hungered face, they are empowered to arrest ino cvne bering that be had a clinical tbpr� does Ila feathers, dampnems would not ra
repent I repent I Tb the dust. Put but he went right away to clothe him butt Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus so on- ammeter with him, ble wnA, however, cut off vent[Intion, and ventilation i the world received ClirtartiffloLity-
I 0(a sitickellatth I Woep aloud for thy anoi to robe him rind to (On t him. ders(ands, and adds. If therefore YO able to count tile dayis, find even to absobatc,ly necessary for baby's well" Beecher.
-0) 410 1 )Vail for tte d"d I And Christ will not may .1.1ytbing .( ... k me, let these go their way. Be- tell the hour Of day or ni$ht with tot- Issime. - A fair test and measure of civiliza-
. for- the Roman soldiers fully re- arable &OOurnoy, In the following way: tion In the Influence of good women-
' '
t remA again In regard to Me ebout wbat you have been doing cognized Jesus they may have laid Ila average 'temperature Don't speak loudly to baby. There Rmeraon.
r t he Is nothing created go tender am R
Pletitim of EIIJaUx It was a definite ad long, if you will only come to him hands on sodne of his disciples, body is 98.8 dogrees. But It rioes and Ismilly, and the reverberritioms against The bmin womnn never interests us
prayer. There were fifty thimirm t,(,,,Y, and do your works over 9. That the saying might be ful- falls Fit oartain h f the day *1th like the heart wornan; wbft roses
baby's ear-dritim must seem dynamitic picisnp leas than red.-Flolmes,
that Elijah would ba,m liked to have again. filled, w1itich he spoke, Of them which perfect reigularictuyrA Ant about 0 In rind monstrous. He who cannot feel friendship to
Alad flar Iiiiinisolf. Thera were fifty T4o have been wmrned and net to thou gaveat me have I lost none. We the morning the temperature is at Its �
tibbilga hie would have liked tz have a been invited by read in John -17,12, our Lord's prayer lowest, being ant - alike Incapable of love. Let a woman
y QA degrees. Three beware of to men who owns he loves
aind for thiY p6ople;'blut he goes othere all the pleading wounda of Christ and tothe Father, "While I was with them ho" afteir breakfast It tonalities the SOME SELECTED RECIPES. no one but hirnsetf.--Talleyrand.
and 4411:8 &T " atio . tlhi�ng, and that not to hArs accepted thern; to have in the warld, I kept them In thy name; tri"n or average poict. At 12 noon it Is Oream Pats toem.- Eigliti t good-sized The modest vtrgtn. the prudent wife
, .
Ill rain. had glorlow Babbaths of meroy like tbotio that tbou ghVest me I have kept, up to 98 degreen or a little olrer. All cold boilled potatoes oub In dice; pre- or the careful matron Is mneb (more
M� ftloods. Wro okra too many this, and yet not to have lompToved nom of them is lost, but the sonof day It continues to rise, and It Lit at pare eithin white arince, 1 1-2 pints; serviceable In life than pettleosted
plitteirla# peattiralitles in our prayers. tjlero,; to have come so near heaven, perdition." The apalitl6la we Of thill Ita vleTy higheat at about 6 o-olook In add I teaspoon finely chopped parsley phflosophom blustpring heroines or
I tW% that IiI 06 remalloW they olo yet to have missed lit There Wilt be text I, noticeable; in
do blot dMoUn't to lZUoh. We mast th6 first Place, the evening. or from the I to 7-na me- and a gon6rouil grating of oniona to virago oneens-0*1danalth.
go betfltilre god WO some specific or- tjvm t bA rigst that will be said it is riot quoted verbally, the Sense ly. 994-5 degrees. Than it gradual- Potatoes; Awason with salt find it few 0 %
cal that day. you will N&Y O'no only is given. although It would have ly taild tkmugbout the alight,
round, &Ift4 00% "116ftArO i bout nto. w as am
,pyle-Rldren, & 1901018 gTaInk of, tuirn over all the FOR HtSl BELIEF.
nd God will say the other, It wittiont been exceedingly easy to have rep". T'arf low & $A- , b m t white mws. let boil np and serve.
ittr&fttrili to the owonafit of grace d6atb4 ,dobtr ft*YA this oause, end I cannot stand yaw indifferenee,
bArl" not 04ft j* Idt fin the matter. repentance yan appotar befort hilm, diaesd it WArd fair word. This wao in touching the loweez point between 0 Tud White' 4� =�Two tablespoons he said. , I f f ,
. t
0 taoild4 PAV* ittly 6UI4rOdIl1` and just Two things. Me tFY Yan &Oil One by - battl It I
. I "cirda=6 wltb the literary habit of SVA S fq I I i . Dome flourt I Ka"M kebwpai da IJWNA, , , I i
I .
. . I L
I IRVIN'S 111081 or 11"M
jss;� -1.1 I
! �
- . I
i i *:
H ,E, �, L L ^,
- '. Al' `
I jilt" ma", .
) . "Jo �V 0 I
I The QWU ur ou ur A"ity. it"
� _, R - - 11
# J# #0)W L _ . L I
n' '0 "'
a k"a equiss, of bww, ;�.%V*Ky tel
� I �
whAttill tw9 4,0904"84ANatz",4114,19wo
A&LXwo Qr .
empullis. �1111111% � 'WIY 4i"MOT11041i
109 WN" little 01OZOaU44% siffixod, t*
tho"044*1411im room shawol:94 at
-.-, "� I
C 0 1, L
thism for a awma*, tbm Wroud to
the vittexA44t (LN4 or4w*4 her to
. .
"take oft t*W vettlowletti.,
I I i pow I � ti I 1.
SAO w&4 also asnumid by the un-
Ik led Ser"toll' U4&r,d -L "
00131117tialgAik* COMM0111111 Qt Ok 800tOls
woman wU fouqA bee kuktLqg stock-
I � .
- -
, -
COAL -,'47;_.'_ - . �* I "
Logo. a tQrm of soadlerwork %ptavair.
IJAr to QXk Queen. *Zh I" saild the old
In ths 14mirkat f(K 43819 " . . . �
Wesuan. "but I'm iturry tpr Vour poor
WAU A he get^ so betteir &Liocking*
1 1 moo" I I
I i 1
All CW weighed on the market I . I I
scales where you got a,00a The for a IN
than that."
Even this criabbed Carlyle loat hiiii
ton. I
crubboduo". In speaking to the Que".
Arad be gave at le&4t one ilartioularly
Ordels left at L" 4 Sheppard's I I
happy doacription of bee, wbee be
StOrill wdl r0c4live prompt attention
wrote' TRer whole manner famelodi-
ously perfect." He addo4 later: "She
Makes you feel too, lit,you have any
wase in you. that alle Is
W�uaaoi " .Tile ,
Is O� If
worild bati telt that &he f
any 4avo not, it in quite certain that I
they have no men" in them.
A'a arleodoto typical of the decialon I
and kindnem ofthpilQueen Wtoldcou I
caraing out) of her Met royal sets, I
Sho was much devoted to her riding
mitster, Mr. Foxard, and asked it there
watt any offine open whilioll he could
fill. The xWly walk in the negative.
"Then I will make one," ml;he vallid. and
Mr. Fosard becamo "her Majeaty'a
at lirr up- holder."
On Wrea'a tombstone is the bout
known of ap"Plia: "Sk manumentuin
rcquLrivi, eiroutionploo." It anyone seeks
for a mcmument for the Queen, we
may give the name command, 0ir-
ournspice." Only he must look round,
not to single building, but the whole
Dirole, of the, world. Auntralba, Can-
ada, Afrioa-auch ere her Moon-
Dr. Humphreys'
SpWillu mro by o9zil dir"ay upop
thedia"s without *%dung duord,lior in
any other put of the system.
110. . Guam MOM
1--ftlifink. OgaNOWJG$k%199&M.&UM& .2&
%-Wermts. Worst timover, wom 0QlW_. .96
a-T-thing.coug.orybirmstaftlam .23
4111-411441,fthdolL. Of CU114i'm or Adults ..... . 99
T-CONSINA. 001dS. 111140"Utto ............. .23
"ouralsta. Tooths" raosualie..... .2$
9-Heallaelia. &%it Rooldia". vwugo.. .96
10-OvOmplep".1sid. tion,weakisonuatili.."
11-4apors"84 of raturtal Pitrielts. - - - .us
19-WhItes. Too Prorate Pariodgi ......... .go
13 --Croup. Latiraslitio. nowsmaig ...... .95
11.4-411all Shaun. trygipolsa, ZruVjo".. .gg
I 11-4ftessusittaus. inuana"101W" ...... .23
to-mularls. cill" revw am Aaua, ... .23
111110-"esta"ll. UOQGRML 0014 in t" 11444 .98
11110-wbeeptas-couck ..................... .23
1117-Ridnev Means Out ....... � ..... ........ . go
28--me"ous Dowilev, .. ................... 1.00
30-Urtuary Weakaoliu. wilmustead.... ."
11--Qrlp. May raver.... � ....... _ .. ....... .. J5
or slivill of all 111seasia at yow
u`1 , M
*__VA.._orA_*_A%aq11_m`1Pko! P" -!-
- I � 0
Rusila In sawerins From a norlows �
me,-rcilY Jolt N*W. P 0 rf ecdon,
Rumia is suffering from it scarcity U
of coal, which throato4to severely
hamper several of ber industries. I The Result of
rho dema.pol for ooa,l and fuel of ail
kinds conaWeiraboly exceeds the sup. Specializing.
ply, and the scatrolity has Tusulted In a
laxivy rim In prices. The, railway .17 * 0
oompaniset have had further conces. - -1,
starts granted to them, with U view . � This Is the
to overcooking the crihim, and ulso to 4kge Of SpeCial-
develop the native supplies, They Izing. To do
Ilavo ba,d their term lor Importing I one thing and
foreign coal duty free extended for do that one
i rw t hxvr t welve mom t hs from him t ,cisvp thing well is
ut,rablew, I d I -t appears that I he per- the aim of
to<1 will Im fart,hor incretta.d. it is modern man,
t-stLmato I that the output for the The Slater
current year of European Russian Shoo Makers
coal will bo over 1,600,000 tonu short produce no -
cd the demand. Rumma during rc, thing but
oent mointh4 has been It heavy pur. men's and boys' fine shms and
011AS01' 01 English Coal, bpt the heavy concentrate their combined
rmsio bit price at tboo hnglish product e&rts on thenu
has provorittKi the supply being con.. Every pair is made by the
tiuvot,K). A cargo of American coal famous Goodyear welt process,
luis rtiwntly bleort ,leltvorest at Cron- the same as hand made, only
-Aadt. at a fTv,i,gb,t of about $4.25vor the fingers of the machines
tort, anAl it ita titated that inquirieti
tuive boen runde regarding tilhe c(xit of never grow tired, they're made
Sbippling 1"metricAll coal to OdW4aa. of steel and have nerves of
-----..O- iron. They stitch the thous -
Mon, than 150 n-mv schoolhou,les, andth pair of shoes as strongly
hive been built In Kansas within the as the first.
last 3mar. . Every shoe bears the slate
Princess Tablets look out -for the imitation.'
Arovluityou want for all, fortas of
female troubles; an infeLalble reme- $5-00 Or $3-50-
cly dimolovered by aloreulodL reffiftle GU .
m1)eoJ&lk,a:guaranL0ed&ms cultive LCATALOGUE FREE I
, core;wIll po,litively catabimh the
- norinalltmeto-19;umed mouth by
11 over RIAV)adles; for stale ntllrua- ..flississississe
jists, or sent on rellelpt ot price st.m.
Aotna Drun Cal Windoor, Ont. Con. Win. Sharmau, Jr., mole aglent tot
. __.______,.________.______.__ .- __ .____._
-_ I
It you hare this awful disease you are In danceruntil completely cured; the various
a 'Omg you nottoo simald ha - T'a
11 "" t,,) Olt% �olln a,
' - I t"
u ' ,,Ill 0'4 n 0 " d, to a r I '
0 . ,"wo'lo ._ 'a 'I .'
this foil di. y - on it- We
E'T 'I ,T,,", It Z _TME NT w'
�� re . ��h "on. 'r.a F" "Ou a
�'.gaol it "Imme. rce"', rd I
teta." loh'....d. .. and mill"'Otem
The original testimonials can be seen ftt our offloo; 05WOO reward for tiny
we cannot show; lit request Of patients we publish only the initials.
I am luivroving every day. I notice It I cut or tuarg,tch mK-elf Cho tiolro will
heat up. hope You will not atop treatly TUC " long hat ore is ek sign of AQ],
that terrible ollsorigo, I am more afraid o it than doittfi. I bolieve you have
tho r1ht medicine for the disease. I fml so thankful to you fortho good you
havol ono me - I was a perfact wreak when I aune to you, and was on the qp
vorwo of m nickio. To make a sure thlrOr I would like to continue a whila -
longer, toot that It will not return Vary respectfully yours, Mm LS.
CASE NO. 248,OM. hIAT St. l8ft
till rom happy to .my that your modialues helped my trouble wore ta" an?a
I rig I 0 , or took. V. "it, G.
CASIC No. 312,004. Oct. I� 181".
Your treatment has helpild me wonderfully. 1).
CASE 11,10. 248.116. Nor. 18, I M.
I Ila, 0 con flolonev in you an a doctor, for you helped me more than any
and I loci that you ourod me. lono.el-it has,
? F Nt.
CURESBlood Poison Chronic, Nervous, ImpotencY. Variclocclo. Strictnire
Kidittly. Ill;Wlier, I.Aver, Stomach. Female and Recwl Troubles:
CONSITLTATION IFRMB Call on or writo for blank for houto treatment. BOOK
FREE. Hours9am-tollpat. Sunda" 10 a, ut. to3 P. in.
DR. GOLDBERG, DUTRorr, mion.
- 7
1 ROPIPANS ==8 ,
Doctors ffild
A Good
For MaAjnd___,__._
WANTWD P -A .1 b.4 ka,hii tbo 3L.012115 11al
Et -4-:1
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