HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-03-01, Page 6- .- ­ 1r, , %.-ro1]FW---" .. 197 %11 -7 - . *.% , - , . . - '­�Aw��,' -T-9,010 ... . �, � -� � PaWl.. - -, -3--11.1,-1- ­­­ , . .;14.� - TM F 4.* , . I I I ­- .. I -1 I— - - - I ... ­ - , -- " -1 , - I , ---!--2r��"�r��,��--,,�-���,,���--�-.---�-- ­­ - - ­­ .- -­ ,. -... � ... - - . . ,,, � I - I . � ­­: ­ ­.; .:1 ­.- - - ­-� I - - - - � I ­ - 1"`rP%1"11 - � I -,.­..­­­ -- ­ .., � .- . - .-I., ­ -1, 1.1 --4- ­ -- -- -, - - ­ ,!i,jj,jlljllj,=- .. I -W-111'"4111111471 . , , " --.-- . � ­­�- . . . ­­­­­ 4T � I I � � ­ I " - -­-, -.-., 1-1 I �, ,,, T-7 -I I . - . - . --! ­ ­. -- I I - . . 11 . I I . I . I . I � I I I " , . . . I . . � . .. . - �­ . I t � .. �. 1!:11::=171:1:: I � - I == ­­----­- ­­., ­ - - - - - -- ---:-��.;­,;­ -- - - :: . -- ----�- - -- ----- =' ---- - -- - - ---- - - suan on earth.- he saW. "and the do- 'rHAT DRIJ010US jrLjkvOfl -- '' I =4 122C ==== ==*= At riation of toy whole life liball repay . U � you'" , 'I will do my beat to make you RYLON AND INDIA TEA, P",RS`,,0AuLRAw,,1-THBU `!,NN,G,LSEN80AT.1.1 "w" hs' -ado , .. � I THE WEaTE ROSE, happy." Agile auswe:XCJ4 ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. . I . � And that wan all the Wooing that GREEN OR BLACKO . - LUD ELLA � .1 I -- =­ --- ;a at M ever passed botwecii them. Lt was ffelilliburly interest An mis alaing4-wo4ters CRYLON TiLAJust'yfaiuoup-.imthor4multofLhooxp-r(J'---i-dg--f "'a'" I -- - -- - - - - -- -- ,nough pti I Cent- 'Wq,� 3W"C3jbL - All wwre&p fibe bweilt it you use ik 11 L Somo�thmg In heir voice seelpod to I L -rhaps for reason an4d _*3M*3 3Mq;303.3.4b C1 -1 -an.., and istink Gathered Frosu Load Packag" 25, 30, 4"' 50 ..a Oft, I CHAPTER V"L man -dense; but, alius, for the gixIllah ­"`ew�w min 11ccords. --- I It wall all avw now, Dolores told I disturb the 1:3quIre, for be raksod his Bank depwLtal In Montana have -- - - - - - - 411101111-V L, I . . berilielf. Tbare was an Avad of bar h"4- &Ald- In bla turn, drew the licau- dscam of love and romance I How " Thanks for the tip " DRINK CEYLON'S GREEN." more than doubled in six years, I - - - - - - - - - - - -- % %"%9&j&'%�'ft'%e%'%-'" L '"' . . I dream Some one else had taken bar Wall taw down to bJ96 Lie loo]Ltd tit would it end I I found it whoicsorne, sweet and clean. While In Wyooming tboDy have trebled. I Old .tyle- If ­.r,r 0 d- ly: even to his Now that I'm bound in Limb and brain Thu new ceimas showa that the I PAINT painl,, Tb.,c t'- i,, 'Ln "-,.d I ,� p­i�� j�. g Lt" . platie at the piano, and a beautiful Lt long lind gnx"Qu`* CHAPerM VLL I'll never drink Japan again." I I i, ,�e � , �'. � - -­ --- v wam filling ttw room with melo- d" oy'* there was ii wonderful of progre'. ; I was In 448 than two days the news Of centirq Of PORIAlat.1oll has moved but . past c.al-W Y� -01r. in LL Tile bgrightne4a ; PROGRESS. Paint ,,g I— .... n, h, lid . d at alightly since ten oreara ago. I 4 0 d,T. Just than she was hardly cap- 0 haugo there now Dolorta's eagaileatent had spreA LL GOOD GROCERS KEEP ITA, The State of0h.io expends @14.0()O,- Ury MO ..'ng able, ot a clear thought. She did not gone; the Light that ahnue i L r than of earth, om-r the country. It gave I � I know that Six Karl stood watching was of heaven raLbe T====== 000 annually on its 1.200.0()O school ; $' � bw with wistful eyes, eyes full Of it Wan the calm 4�f 0outent kar'dly wtinfacLUNI, for every one lilies anj A free sample of delicious SALADA Tea ,lzent on receipt of obJdxun- Of t.hia fund Cincinnati pays RarnsaY's . I Patin and wonder, that lent "good -by" acquired; Lt Wa4 so expreadle,ti quite esteemed LAxrd Rhy8worth, and of 01.000.()00. i . tingling in his ear& and stirring his different from a-mything be bad acen Voloren Cliaden the whole cou"try postal mentioning which you drink -Black, MiXed, or Green Philadelphia has Secured an or- I Paints. . an " daughtar's face ,before. was proud. Sbo was "Out, of them;" Tea. Address " SALADA," Toronto or Montreal. divance p-hibiting the throwing of � heart. Hecould not belpoceitligthat I � I sha bad sung It vAth a purpose; and "Dolorion," lie cried In a allarp voice. tolao had grown up amongst them; she ciTculara and adviortjiscan�uts about Do you wa,.t to k-- 'hV � I- belouliod to a famaly that bad once '----------.L-- - the, streets. . %A,,,I,i y.. Ike 1, 1�­, -1 � I Mat purpose was to bld farewell to "yon- you happy "' I bookitt -W-119 I ....... 1`1 ,1-1 � lihin. -Too latte r- A1 I Lt waA in- **Quito happy," alle answered- been fLrat in the country; she was *'W'%,W'%� ­%,Ikv�� 6 from a twia ewe all the better for According to .a San Francisco L 9 h rne� ? I), �P ­ � I " , ', d I I I deed too late I But If Lt would be ,,,I!I,L- in no -a you care more for beautiful aud lugb,-bred. One agd all 0 rapid Increase of the flock. paper, ob"dren of James Watt, I,- 1 ,ad -k I., Lio'Lio"i . 1,�_, I,,,, I I for her happintax. he must be con_ tib- LAErd Rhy4worth, is there I 1'ell rejo.ced Lin the good fortune that had Oh thC FaM The highest type of beef steer in the ventOx Of the a"m engine, are now I . 11 P�d L f ten L ma the t.ruth, Dolores f I would not iteration tier. True, a few al to- - - - estimation of the packer of thin ,it Y, Living In California. - - - - As- The Government revenues for e . "She does not look like a girl who Let you ma"Lfioo yourself for me; you he,asted women who had married for I ithout miming all the charactes th I I A. RA ve, emselves and believed there I tics. is rather short, wide and deep fisca I W% I would sell herself for money," he Muilt not do that- 'a there any out to th HORSE COLLARS. iW year were $507,240,8512. Lhe i . . PAINT MAKER5 0 t1baught. "She has the face of one YOU Lka better' 1-1 would sooner wasuothing 4kelove thoughtthedif- Broadly speaking, ,and of atruise thick-flealled. Th' �Al Largeat on record, and there was a M, every 'AnPlement It pe is all right, but we thin a little 8 . tn dead, my child. than that for my fercuov of age too great, said amongst designed for the use of man is provided y 11:17101119 of 1111179,15-3,060. . I . who could gi,m box life for the man hard to malata'AA, because it seems tu- Tbi(i latest atatleti.s .how that t he ( K,* -d 1042 1 � I sake you ishould ran ry a man whom timmuseli,ts that Dolores was young W" a handle and this handle is tie cline�d to grow too alLort and blooky - ,o,,%,%,%1W'%0f I % Rhe lov,a&,, y!*wOrth's ma � ,Wq%,,%WAWJ%ejW'% �* ji � I.; , Lola was quick enough to am tha t you do not lom and lose one whom drI to be Lord Ith to f4t . the head. It Is about a certain I with consequent loss of weight. United States has ovv.-x '-'00,000 miles 'W� W,WFq1,'ghWWW,&b­%-W,%WW - ... there -an sompeth[ug amlss; and the per Ila p* you do to ve. " daughter, and that " was a Pity he al2e Is rounded, ainooth and hard, at I nots ailoul of railroad, andless than �0,000 miles ---- --.------.-- --- ---- - � . - I wals not far virroug in her aurmlao. He aevex forgot the strange aut.Ae waA so old, and woudere as they least it La never made soft with the ea it have at least Seventy. of good WaggOn reads. in � 4 face s4 she lai.1 kitised the rody [Aces of their five minutes for eacli meal. It they fWhatever is worth doing at all is The River jUf.j,li III— 'IS �1'61" ,� I . Dolores never know how the rest of that came ovex her children view of being e"Jor on the hand. The finish In leas time, as they probably If expectatione5 axe realize,d, the Out- worth doing we II- ­Chest or field. one of the Largest �Pj,,gd ILI the � 1, .4 Lia Put of copper for 1900 Willi reach _____ world. �. (.14 evening passed. It must have hey Ila" upon his shoulders and whother DolorL lot""d Lord Rhy"' QUalLfi,CatiO Just named should be will, noth Big will W lost by giving 326,0(jo.000 poundfl, raluad at ­ - - - -- - I . I'll b0c,l) a vlery pleasant one-, for there Looked at hint, worth. They were only a few hap, present in the horse collar. If the, tIlLein a few minutes' rest and diges- i 042,250,- - . I g and � -You may bellere me, dear," aho pily married women who thought this. collar W JAQ prciper leag1th 1 000, the largeat on record. - well plenty od laughteir. dancin - � tioa will be better if it is well under Some 100,000 frogs are daily . We believe MINAR,DIS LINIMENT Ninard's UAMP'll, (ur6 Utfg, etc . �, musio, alud the charades were hJgh- said- "There In no one w'ho cares Jor rtv.� glx)A envied her; there was hard and fiul LAO animal, and is way before the ammuts work. Fifteen sacri- is the best. - he Jap - I ty ii-pplauded; but Dolores &at in a me; who ijklould I I do not see manY ly one In the country who would not Stuffed full and round, it may or twenty minutes longer given the fiC,Bd to gTatify the appetite of Matthias Foley, Oil City, Oint. More than 90 Per ­1�r 01 ,I 1 A.'s. I � : , long painful drau,Bq, as though she peopic­ I am, *too young to hAvv, have changed placed with #". propo�.r length and fits the an:mal, � horeL at a meal will be Greater New York, and are served at Joseph Snow, Norway. Me. anese public travel, th,141 I I thought of suith thittign. No one oaxeB Lola smiled when she heard the and is Muffed full and round, it may ' its hotels, restaurants and clubs. . ,. we" taklua her part In a play, while � for me; believe me papa." news. be as hard as iron without danger at made tip by 'quicker and more, vigor- Rev. R. 0. Ar-=,�trong, Mulgrave Minard'8 Liniment Curis Carget in Cows. I � her thoughtia and heart were ela, if he had been more Shrewd and "That its L) t what I thought," She galling the shoulder. Of course, the, ous action in the field. The horse Theire hae been started atStotiben- N. S. -- I . The Eskimos of A abli I TI, Lke Wa- ll, , � where. It had been a proper test, us that has seveaty-five m'nu'es for Ville. Ohio, the first American manu- Chas. Whoot.on, Mulgrave, N.S. I he skin I tft&t little Incident of the rod and worldly, he must have noticed that, Said. ­11nd I ay On hames Must be drawn up high enough I meals can, and will, do more work factory of glatiN marbles, which have Pierrre Landry, sent., Pukemouche, I terproof boots aud db�rts ,f j - .1 ��,, white roses. It seemed to Dolores aEf although jibe repeated her statement which I went ovur to WhLte Cliffe was 80 that the draught will not oenLre on than the horse that has only forty-five hitherto been Umporte,d from Ger- N. B. or the salmon. - , 1, .r I - real so though Lola had said, "Which that no One cared for tier, She never the day on which the offer wati inade. t1walluttiderpotnit. 11hologicofLiliais minutes. many. Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N.B. -- , _, , , , A 1-1A. , � � L� L. 1� o,f us two do you prefer. Dolores Cllef- once said that she cared for no on-,. Dolores h" gionictIALng on her mind, a,mple. It the handle of a manual im- KeePiag the record of a large pare- Edison. the inventor, was born in 'AVENUE HOUSE �i'.N I J� EAL . . 11 , I , � don or myraolf I" and Sir Karl had ans- Tho Squire went on: I knew. Bud it was this. It will be pleinent galls the hand, It is because of I bred herd iB v'ery tedio,4s, exacting and Ohio, on llt,h Felckruary, 1847, higs - 11 11 "I I I", ''I I I wered, "I prefer you, Lola," whereari "I wati a coward yesterday, Dolores. etxazigo if ph,e is L,gidy Ithyaworth and toughness or impropir ahape never be- I I 11- Ily "I'll, I", - ,,1110 form of .. I Intricate. The value of pure-bred father being a graindealer of Dutch . Old age comm4nd% ,nipaci-except All moths produCe �, � ,� to him Lt had besin iso unimportant 'I'lac Idea of poverty frightcuLd me. I am Lady Allanmore. We shall be causo it is hard. It it is to be coutio- I breeding stook dependis largely oa the extraction, an4 his mobher a Scotch- in poultry and Jokes. silk. I I , I I LbA the rod rose he had chosen Still I could have cried like a child t.hon; greater ri-vula than ever then." uall) used, the Man does not pull on a I J-1- and philnuaphy arg sworn W. P. C, 1065. 1 �:� I integrity and authenticity of the re. woman. enomles. ";I lay upon the floor. but, now thAt I look at you, Dolort,4, No doubt name to her mLad that She mitten in warm weather to overcome I cord of the breeding. In'.cuding buy- The vuluation of copper mLae,a in - - �, , -�- . , . 11 "I "she might hamv said good -by quiet- in the light of anothoer day, I feel should not one day be Lady Allan- a defeet in it ; neither does he demand 0,8 of purebred bulls do not always the Michigan penintsula has been --- -- I - . . '11'.�- IY." he thought, "and not hare eung braiwr and ntrortirtr. In the courso mare. Six Karl had evidently had a that the lia"le be made of tjoineLiling ne m�Lne alone Ninarfi Iiiiiment Ures Diphtheria. OALVERT'S , app,eci.te this unlit. they get same placed at ,101,"10,110. 0 : .1 ­ it 10 words that miAst haunt me un- of natuIre I cannot live many yeara. pawing famey for Dolores; but it saft, but simply that it be shaped and understanding of it and are apt to this year L hats declared diivid,nds of --- 1. �L �,,,,-; . tit I die. She trung them reproach- What does it matter, if only you are must end now, and She would soon hard. The collar, which is round and think that pure-bred stock comes too 05,000,000. Massage, if persisted In, is Doneft- CARBOLIO 0 1, fully too, W4 though It wore my fault happy, dear f" taku Miss CLiefolon's place. "A sen- hard, rolls on the akin at every motion high U 0 In Ch ge R c ial to the skin and helps to keep ,�­ . A shor tim ar of The Adirondack Mountains eanbrace OINTMENT. , - �,` that I am hw lost friend. Ishould Them wall a faint qabvor on her eibla aliturriago," Lola called It. and of the animal, something after the y %vrLnkle& "L puxe-bred herd wal convince any one an area of over 2,800,000 acres, and awa For all skin ailments. I , , � , halft been her frleud until death, but lips; and thiin she "- she knew well that the manner In manner of ballbearing, admitting the he mu;Bt have some pay for a good in th iia great area fully 300 moun- I , she in rying for money and pot -1 am quite luippy, papa. In the which she used the word "Sensible" air and thus cooling the parts, but the deal of carefuA and exacting wo FOR OVE!R FIFTY YEARS J. 0. CalvAirt ji go., Mannhester, England � ;,. fir on tuin peaks rise to altitudes ranging ----.-- 4 �, " I , - focr lo4r yeara to come, when you think about OOnv'cy6d more than a volume could. flat soft collar Bticks so closoly, that the record. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP h.s been � I j 1, from 1,200 bo over 5,000 f"t. used by mothersfor their ohildren teething. It woolhe, %SiC ! 0 To send for our � .,� � The m1wiralble night came to an end tolijiti, and about my ma�rrluge. always Moiat people who heard It thus em- it compells the akin to move on the . % th..h,ld -ft.-tb.gu- �aid - ­ ornifl.to Oata- , . - - David E.Thurapi3on, oneoftlie lead- and I o iiie best renjedy for ai`.,1`17,LP.ft9'.`b'o,Ll. Said I of shoot , I.." at last. Sir Karl wont away first, reinomber that I Was quato happy, phasized amUod, and went away wlth UndellYing flesh in Such a way as t I lo!;uo ;,�.' 0 Ing candidaten for United States ,b.y, jklid.rV roughout the world, Be surs and -k I g,lo ,ad 80oks I .1 1h ,­� I and Doloregi was driven home in mail- that I had no rogretfl. and that I was the w'"d "mercenary" in their minds. poduee irrritation and deep sea ed I O.'s Soothing Symp." -,11 sp.olai mtee . I � I I S,ir Karl waa One of the first to bear galls. Senatox for Nebraska, has maintain- n 401^ of discount. . I I ',, ame's carriage. The girl was thank- mckat grateful to tbo generous man t A FARMER'S �.! - - L ­�,,, ful to be alone, to be where sho was tho rumor confirmed. He had rid- The above contains both sound Sense ad for years asystem, of relief work om consumption in Teac. i 'i- I 0, WHALEY, . , ,�i."� � who rescued us." mong the poor of Lincoln, Neb. Philadelphia are now One-third less I L : not compelled to extille and talk while Ile lintoned wttentively. don Into Deeping to attend eome and good logic, but the analogy be- . Frederick Winklemann, wno bais than they were 16 or 17 years ago ROYCE At Co. I r, haT hoart felt ready to break. The "Those otre pleasant words, Dolores; mecting held on ocianty buoiness, and twooL the shoulder of the horse and t . � 168 Yorg* St. ;,�L been Sielected by the Now York Board - - - Wanted . I ataxia were shining, and the air -as but they ba" not the right ring." there found arery one discussing the the hand of the man shottlit be carried - � Toronto, Onk �,:�, . .L 'L of Education a4 Lecturer 0, s -- . ,. 4 . laden with hwoet odors. She was "You may believe me," she said. 00miug alliance, As he was riding a I; t tie further. They n ran Ic Minard's buiment Cores Diste, RSD..Wlts Br s.. ;�� both SHOiff, STRAIGHTFORWARD, EARN. has neveir been able to trend a note CX-' 124 Ad.1.1d. St, , vlory Young Ile -- m"" METAL ROOFE I '! : but ithe said to herself 'you muAt ul,arays remember that I away, he mot Lord Rhyaworth, and. require , louroAu� uslage until EST AND TO THE POINT. oLpting with hl,a fingetrs. was born I - -A,, XT., 0 ter i �L that all was ended now except duty. am perfectly happy. If erer you See after a few wordgi of greeting, he said they become hardened, for no matter - 1A i lid. The game of billiards first came r,o�..Un C.Saig. I'— ,, � .... .. 1-'111. 31-t Fast" : how smootb and well fitted to the H, Jofin Pletcher, of Grauton, Tellh Bair into fashion in England and France � �h.-,-p -d A..,-- H.K (' -0 ­11.bly-ls.t , Never again would the sound of a a( cioud on my fiLoo, tell me about It; bet'lly- Prai-rie chickens are sa be n,ht inio... PARK, Bj,AvK 0 ELL it ('O, 0mr40- . VOtOO Or the fefll of a footstep make if you find my spirits M,g, then you 1*1 wonder if I may congratulate hand the implement may be, blisters Via Was CIA".41 of Lumbago by D.d.1-s id to ,a in the sixteenth century. ----- --- -- I I I - . you, Lord Rhyaworth?" There was are sure to rise in consequence of too Kidney Pills. more abundant in Weartera Kan as A tri.) p-aul -1 On-'- PMU" .� her heart throb; perar more would rinay believe �:h,nt I am Itiq happy. - PILE CURE her pulaos Will at the touch Of 6 lous, look on the young man's close application on first commencing G,ranton, Ont., Fob. 26, (Special),- L ban for yl�ara, and the farmers show � - Care, f�, Pile. �'Ll be .at her is .. �:* Klein Mo, papa. and tell me you believe a Our a disposition to give the birds a I TO ClInil A COLD IN ONIR Wk Y I say sdd� on ren 11 , , , , hiltrid. She would livu her life, do her Ann... fitoo, a paling of the lips and deopen- work. And right here is where a lit- Tabeire are fe,w 1people in this coninty c ,ejVt0ftwo0,,t­V Nolizolo.as I hence to finultiply by keeping a check r -k- lAx%uy# aroma QUI.i., T,11,10- Ail dra,,fs,s : 91 -WW- Add ­k THE HU'rk'HING FREL I'I� �, duty, start at the end would come He kissed the sweet face and laid Ing of the lines about his mouth. tic neglect may cause a great deal of who do not know Mr. John Fletcher, is MEDICLNZ 00, T.M.L., O.L., ,,=*,.m ... 7 It ft Wt- to onore. IL W, Gro ­t � I� on thn hum Leiria. . .% sockbox. Mo I ""o dweetest rest. She had nothing to hita hand oareallingly on the golden which did not strike Lord Rhys- trouble. The green colt, and even the faxilrer, at Gra.nton. Mr. Fletcher ds I I" r�� Cliticago now contaJus a greater - IT "You have carri,od off the old horse after a few weeks, lay off, hi not only well known but h4ghly � FarMS for Sale. :, . do now but lio write to the generous head. worth. I William McFadden, a Hardin 'il. i ill population than all the cUieo of the M.- 9 .n.l.� f,.,. 11-,,!1,,n, frll,; At�tli�t: in I . mmm who had laid hl�i fortune at her "I ballove you, my darling. and I greatest prize in the octuntry," Said must have careful attention, until the r"'Peotod, ti.nd iv�s many friends ,jv UlLited State,21 contained in 1840, and county (O.) forger, was severely 00,,k c,r I oo. .I- 50.or.- .t k) n- 11.an,n; 8 .it. '. boot and tell him that She had�decil,d- am quite happy too Lin the belief." SIT KaTI, "If It be true that you are parts become hardened by moderate Ivioilue to bear that he has entirely paddled at the penitentiary because I t,.,. ll­ltoni. J. A. CULHAM, HAMlltOn. �� New York new has a greater popu- 41 41 ad, and wu4 ready to marry b�m. Then ahe rose from her knees and going to marry Miss Cliefdon." work, not only must the collar be recowre,d from the very severe vittack i he insisted on wearing creased t I � lation than all the nities together - � When ahe reakohod White CiLffo, she busied herself in arranging his papers. He wa a profoundly touob,Dd when smooth and well fitted, but the bar. of Lumbago, whinh almost prostrat- era. He demanded of the guard"toluant I "'Yo" Buy a Farm , had in 1850. VIANT TO �� : heard that the Squire had Zone to "I will wrlitto to Lord RhAworth to- Loird Rhy,sworth raised his hat as now must be taken off d u ring t he d in- e4 him last year. fie ,has given out he be supplied with fresh I !,�,-,, . It is vatilmated that (be arcrage 1 a reseed in W-tera Oq.ri., "Th, c.r',n � f C ... d.,*'.r to ""4�: bod. She was rollovuct to know that day," gshe suild; "and perhaps he will ttiough he would do all honor to th, nor hour, and the shoulders washed the following Statement of has Casco b day, and becam I Manitoba. .and r�r oiir v, 0�d UatA. WESTERN with salted water, and rubbed dry be. and its cure. titipend of am Azaeorican pastor in So as. 8 REAL FSTATE EXCHAINUE. L L gibe would not haw to see blm (hAt Como OV10Y. Papet, grant me this fav- narne. t hiv '..:I because be wa ��,,,,,�� " � .�nll li:� a not furano-I ­ . -- -- 1,,;o - inight; by morning she would It t v,�, r,- or; if he corn", .ice him for me this 111 hope," aaid his lordship, "with fore the o,,Il,tr is pill on again. 'A, tit- "I ham been troubled far over a large Atmerican cities does not ex- ,!.��`�: isbad with the dudish outfit that the 1 JUBILEE OF 1931. A I'-,,, � .1 %1.. i.6 :,.-,-.at- �!V �1 . gatined her composure, find would be once, I will noo him to -morrow." the, blessing of Heaven. i;hat I am go- Lie care and attention at , first may year wfibli Lu.mbag-o also Kidne ceed $1,;.'00, xvit to in the country $800 - I .w " � - " I ... �d ­­ .11 1.,�i� y . . guard reported him for Infraction of ! that le P, oful-Ita to ma � ill(; - ) 11 , N11�19 ,h,, ]�­flrs ' .�� Irp, able to meet him with a smiling fare. Thin the old Squdro promised to (to. Ing to marry Min6s Clict(len. I speak save a g,eat deal Of annoyance and Ttroublt�. My urine was of a rer is an outside figure. I IfVii,311,1111 4n111-,--,,1- ,,, ,,r,,,,,,, 1, � 11. I.. y l­t,.tod Ed.t­ .. Vh.t, 1', New York coronem, with hundred, pwt-paid. D end J. � A 1) I I ?, R & ('0 , hi ant, -L I ?. �.11 . , It wao hew own fault entirely; aha "Dear Lord lthyawortll," Dolores to you. more frankly, Six Karl, than. I probably loss of time later, and the dark red color, and my back was their -- ,,j- No ­,, ,7 W p , - ---- I I Y �. , repeaked that to heriself again and wroto-"I haw boon th�nklxig well should to amy one else. I am, the hap� Para liiifliot.d on the horse will'a yoling fearful bad. I could get nothing to Ot'ff9, are expensive luxuries, and $100 Reward, $100. 1 - I I pe to frequently makes him unreliable, and hoolp me. Dodd's Kidney Pills cuired luxurie-s that kirlight readily be dis- ­ again. She ought to havii bad more over the question you asked me, and pbmt man In the world. and I he The readam of thtq paper will be pleased to � YOUR 1: �;,, - many a promising colt has been.per- me- I am well, Lumbago . I with. TheLT department for )ae,rn I hat thero is at lesin one dreaded drie"s - ., amino them to give even one thought I haro come to a decision. I thank make my cear wito the happiest of I 11 . all gone, pens' 1. I the city costs the taxpayers m,r, that science h" been abia to cum in all jtA 4 'i", . and faded Sult. wonhl h,ok botro,r,lyed, " , 11 manently ruined through the neglect and urine natural color." it no en, � A, �,, to a man v&,D did not care for her. you for Wour generous offer,,and. in women." stawea and that to Catarrh. 11-11'a Catarrh ! of eon in Yonr t ­n. write direet hforot­l, B.,t i5a. � "Ill � than $150,000 a year. Care to the only positive cure now known to � � , � �,-:. All that kho suffered Was the just re- accepting It. aeolilre you that It Shall sire or your and carelessness of the driver. The remedy that cured Mr. Fletch- Lbe medical fraternity. Cmarrh being a mn-F. BRITISH AMERMAN DYEING 00. 'i" I eir Was nerer faciled in Kidney Trouble. There is such a great demand for titutional d1heme. reorulro� a constitutional � � . �, , I., ward off bar own foljr. no one could be the one on4eavor of my life to make haart may be realized," responded Six - far= in sections of Ohio that rents tre tolent, Hell's Catarrh Cure is tak, n Inter. ,�� pity bar; uha ocAuld only feel ashamed you a good and faithful wife. HArl; and ho meant V. "Shall I Pr- MAKING HENS LAY. Dodd's Kidney Pills a,re the hope of are ext 'high; often two or "ally, &ctJn6r directly upon the blood and ou �, 4 .1, I , �, � . ,.�. y sufferer from Lumbago, Scia- remely inucoussurfaces of the eyawra, thereby don. ­ low berivelf. SM knelt down and "I am dear Lord Rhyn,worth, yours euma, If I ask whon the Wedding [a to A breeder gives his mothdd of mak. evc`r troying the foundation of tbo disease, an(l t.e.n.t2..l1y­P-1­t.th. � ".: 4;1 three applicanitA. Men and women are � It Will Pay Y L ,j I prayed an she had nevw prayed in very sincerely. be I" he added. . tica I ow Litaitto Back. Tilley never givaiff tt�* Padent strength by building up the � ". � 4 �,,;',' '� Ing hens hy as followti; canottlaillom and assisting Dawson 4001nnliS31irin Co. Livnited L I '. fail. contemplating going to the far weist nature In doing Its L bw Ufa before-. and iviten ahe told her DOLORES CLIEFDRN," To Be Continued. work. The proprietors have so much faith In Ow. Oolborne wnd West Market Ht , Toronto, The, I . 1, , ,,,, �,, � "First, make your hf,n nr poultry . to take up homesteads. Its curatilre powera, that they offor one Hun- - ill get Yen highast Pinun bl. 1,r,- '�' ,.'�L �', �� 14o"'.": head orn the pillow, R wats with the It was not a rary enthusiastic love- ------- 0- house warm. This can be best ae- drod Daars for may case that it falls to cum ---- - 4 Mary L. Oren hais Just been ap- ,Eond for list of teatinionial% 11�', " ,� , ftialing of wearied relief which one letter, but true and homeat. She co-plished by making.it double wall- ANIMALS THAT WEEP. pointed manager of the South Florida F. J. CHENEY & Co., Tolodo 0. , I I � : A I I .. , �,,v,,��';' i,V,� I - r,.: � - plant Ill d iota, 76a. - ; ,,�, ban who halit fought a good fight and mir-ant just what she wrote, that she A GIRL'S PERIL -- sold " I ,�. , ,,,�,,, , O" 0 ed. Coll It inside Wi�fi Inch lumber, Telegraph Company at the Hall's =Ffils am the beali jo m S ,'�,',i�, quexe& would ondearor to be a true and -good filling the space with �cut straw or 81"' "' Whirs and for Reniouft That . 1�1��,� NO." "use fluman Beings to W�rp. system depot In Tampa. She is prob- LIEF-1111JIM-3111 � I 1-1 ,� ��.. '% Early the next mornlng she went wife to him aa long as she livvd. In A BRIEF STOhY OF INTEREST TO fodder or forest leaves , make It rat IIIIMII ­ I- 1��­ , to the Squhxi. He wats In his stuly, T,aughLng its beliered to be peculiar a bly the only womrim boldLug euch a The letter X only occurs once in ------ - __ - - � :;� , :%. hvx own heart there wari an unuttered p roof. Make the roof double and fill position In tho. world. 1,000 words in the English language. ( �EE N V I I: I',' d bW favorits room. with a cup of cof- ALL YOUNG WOMEN. ' to man, but th,e same is not true of � ", I �� : I I prayer that her life might not he a - it in the name way. Then paper the virceping, whtch is a manifestation of Congressman John Sharp Williamst, In French it occurs five times as ICTORIA. - � 4,;,��,�,�!: tw before him He looked up quick- rcry long one. She waa not quito Paller� 111failacbe% 01"luess and a Feeling e I ' I %1�1 , : aides with tarred, %r,other thick lipper, of Mississippi, was a classmate at Oft8n. I I . I � ''I ,,� ly am milio entered, and she road In his aware of it herself. of Constnat Lasatt*r Overcom-nope tacking Lightly exid ,closely so as to motion that iri mat -with In diver'S -- ,F ­ - , , I .; " the anxiety, the hope, the fear Lord R,h",worth recol-viad the letter, ter similar sufferem exclude drafts, ' #rovi�e a ventilator a nitma Is. hL Henri Coupin. writing Heidelberg of the present Emperor of !"�-�--- ---- -- - - - ---- - - Her Llfe..dt(11orlo,,, lt,ign -k,. the lf��eej ­ in Ea Nature, quotes numerous au- nal WAIMD FOR OUR N-F,W WORIL W, , " ' � � ��, ;��. I O.- " ,,r,, J­J,hi�'ij.,��,­' I �1, ., Getrinany. The two were porso 9. .a1z."..r". .,i�,-,, It,. Z'R=�,k� . - ,��, that be did not expreas in words. She slut wan transported with dolighl af- There are thousands of young girls mado,of a wooden tube four inches is stil Beentif.1 lAf. end L11 u.t,j... R, go or Q . AGENTS oblylow -f­­h­w�,fl­rtj­k N­.pr,leoft . :, "7. � , friends, and Mr. Wi-Iliams 1 a v ­e'n , ,V ��i ��,.P.'t -­" j 111-1-1 �-nitit (-; freight p.1d; 11 went alad knelt down by him side. ter reading It. He womt at once to th,roagbout Canada who owe their squar6 Iasi -do, long eV6rugh to' reach thorit" to show that many animals lotorts - - the book In not yet -- ol.t�d, hat will be V- Any )JI'an ­kr frail, 5 to SlOr i .,. 1, W bi� J�I,Ni -1�&C-�,Pllblt.hor% on,arita. .11 .. . "I hame oome to it decision, papa," White Cliffe. where the Squire re- good health, If Dot life ltsolfj to the from the earth floor to one foot at)bve ellod real feaTs, arfd for the same Tea- great admirer of the Kaiser. -linedy: oll th.­nt, of be, Af.jn.ty,. life end ,difn Unrile quic .,r day. �, �., �;�' and a full socount of her Ion nunnentN (it -nth b"rl.,h ..d. 1. ,w . � 1�li , nbe as" "I thought I would case coived him with heartiest welcome. timely ulas of Dr. NVIlliams' Pink PILLS the roof. Bore holes all around with- sons that cause human beings to ]Kobel Oitwa, a Japanese electrical .M, .ill be given: this wdl be a mlimble wo�k I -11r. engineer of considerable prominence rine ""To Mal illufftr,wked, well bound, and the - 1 I law for a �Yftl octaro bo,k; only Dominion Lino steamships . I ,, your mind by telling you at kon". I He did not ace Dolores. She was for Palo People. Among thwe is Miss in six Inches of bottom and Same at t"el" 1. ; ... Four name tied order far an ontilt. Montre, I '' Ln his own countxy. is travelling in which Is n Ing prepared a., mwe.111y Pat to 1,jverp�[. I �1111 bove decided to marry Lord Rhys- fatigued, the Squire said, with ber Maud Patterson, w,hoso home Is In top, covering the top to keep out snow Among the oreaturega that weep M�, _- rl�,,:J",Ib'� 11­Wn,to Lt,- � , I d 6. 11 I e sent to ynn in o on Po' '- -eil--Il W Li­rmof, v . Que, .. . I , , worth." � . long emning at Beaulieu. If he the vicinity of Stratbroy, Ont. To a or rain, most easily a" the ruminants with the United States stud3n.ng water so r 'might r to-. � .�,. - no ch ., f outfit, if yap T- Intin­.; I r. t 0 �.., r .nd r � . power development with a view of in- Aild; P"tStearnslupm 4arrior ,ocern.ed.tiol ,71 %-9l,r;L don t wait to think a] lo'.1 .1-e.arg'e-ue- 8� � ­ . d 8, , 1. �� z, I Tho Squire onabedi his cotfee-cup would ride orer on the morrow, Dot- reporter who Interviewed her, Miss "Second, make a scratching pen, on whom the not in so yvell known that troduoing kinprovemettits in Japan. I or get of Y".. kre.rold.hip. _­ 6'.=-�g , ,� ��,� "`�'-i It"Int­ h- be , I.. I ". aftide, looked at hts daughter earnest- ores would nee him than. Patterson said. "Several years agol south aide It possible, with plenty of L't haq given rise to a trivial but ac- WILLIAM BRIGGS, Seen -11 S -W- .ad Th.rd (!I.. �--.. .ties, Pa. .� � 1. � -t- -f P --go and .11 p ­,,.j.., .P,l, '. 1 �, �, ly, laid down hIA papew, and ant for Without having gatnod a glImpose of began to suffer from headaches, was light at ell" and In front, with wide curate expression, "To weep like a ------- 0- 116thedlist Book I 4 Publishing liouse, Toronto. ,,, to any agent - "I" Oft OCODIP,ny, or , . . I '' . - . '.., Alomis momenta in allent delight. the fair face he loTed no dearly, Lord easily tired dut, and could nee that doors which can be thrown open In oalf." All huntem know that the SOMEWIUT, COSTLY. - Al'a.-rd" Mil%& On' t.� D To-.- a c­ � : �­ ',�, I , I FN`PS-'1L[f,. ..ND TIMES OP JURFN Vl(), ___!7 dt- MOntrnsl end Portfonfi. __t L, B. .'.1 � 11% 'Ira # really trua, Dolores I" h, ask- AG --oo ... I.Ing. fwl .,en..t of t o .­' inue. ­ - ­ . , - -, I " Ith"worth went nway. That same my health was not what it had, becri. fine weather or olicalid in bad NNeather. Stag weeps, Lind we are also assured Let's kill time I exclaimed the fair torl. t . ,� I �� ". . . Aid at lailL he tri -u- 169. to th histol of th, ,-W, In.luding tn'do THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. , ,. .� "i-1. ulng from DcoV.ng Hurat came a At first I did met think there wea Plenty of litter, such as cut straw and that the beittr ,aheda tears when it Young girl, an she gazed out of t .. , early life of her fanj­ty, or no - I n to the throu I I �� "::r,:, � abe Iiat Itim arimA round his neck "" magnificent bouquet for Dolores; and anything Serious the matter, find leaves, must be given so that they will Stecis its last hour 'a pron. It . ; onerriage Lo Vrinc,e A bart � Mat events . ,�, � I i1ilild dr6w tbil white head upon her .p O Ing window on the softly falling feathery d'u'ring:"ths' brillwa reign pem,n.%j traa^ .nd nh.r­ - I a t,rt,t,- tha �ndes-j h�', to th� People; gi­.Phl� di� ft., . never day passed 'afterward with- tbc)ugbt the trouble would pass away. be compelled to scratch for all their The giraffe IM [lot less sensitive, flakes. t , cript .. 1191 .harnni,-g h... J,jn;�qkq. ga, ill" - E P P S I S i� ,;� .��,�' bDOOM I COM_ vrif...doUflOther; WonderfUl growth - 17, 1 '. out proactnts of fruit and flowers find- In thin, however, I was mistaken, for grain. Th:& gives them the c"roise shot regards with tearful eyes the Kill time I replied her steady h. rZ.h Ere I pi-, 111gethl- -Ith a .kenh .f ,he fit. of King , . '' "Ycc pit". you stall livio at White Ed.."� .:: ,,, - , , fla -a hunter who has wounded it. Gordon ,rd . � It,, -'at-oi hy A. L Merrill, B.A.; the taost ,�, Ing tboSm way to White Cliffe. The time WOW o I became wenker� qcaossary for Mg prodmot4on. Arrange pany, Inclairingly, GRATEFUL COMFORTINCL , , , . ()IJM vAtil you die. You Shall neir, maildt-to and ­ hen t a I to ,t Eng and's almerionni .�:j, ": I. . , ­ .., - ld Sqalro memed to gro%v young and The headaches attackod me more fre' acata under the platfe,AVA�, also lijong Curnming (jays of an eland -Which he Yea; Sleigh It. ; �Id -,­ " L . . 0 . Qn".; ..bnl;l.h�l with .., th- lor .,,p.,b rol: , , 1, :�­:.:. or Ittit" it to go amongst atrangeraz I flit � ""t., -re., P­tr.l.., �,-: ."arg, �: %.d �.. �- , strong agaln under the new Influ- quontly, my appetite failed ; If I sides of sariktah�ag pon, AAaking tbom had pursued for a long timle- He bad to, do It, thougb It took, all rTP4", Prim 61.75; otatit free to expe enced naw 11 " -nd you "ball ha,m all your oanxtort ,nm stoopod I would grow so dixxy that I as dark as possible, as hens require *'Flecks of foam flow from its " ­: we Pay freight; give credit, pmrnlnrn,� .ad COCOA . � .1 1. & hia nocrumulation, of pelf since Christ "!!;­ I � I 1� , , lib ­1 oa,amls�i­; no Prona- broken. The o snd " .1:;,",!i�,., d"jr. You will be rich again. mind Next day Do4orm saw Lord Rhy�- would almost fall over. I became e-IdSiOn in I&YiDZ ,�- mouth; abundant sweet bad given to gas ' rell-ble onou,sny, P4rl.h Poibil,libirl On,, T,norda, , .,�,:,� ,:.,. � ,� RREAKFAST-SUPpaq. ., ­., , , - ­­­- ­--------------- ..", `�i;, bA" maney to do with an you like. worth. He kiiised her hands with very pals, and always felt tired and "Third, as to food: In tue morning Rol gray %kirn an aishy blue, tint. Tears - --- -- 11 ;�:. .,�;� � you will be vwy happy, my dearest old faishloned gallantry. worn ant, I was advised to try Dr. givs A Malth Of the table learings, tell from its great black eyes, and I � --.----.,-, I � �'��,'�,�' I lomdolQilmi=oolcsos",d-'Ap-dhdr-Arua,.w%a��ll�ill� !ill' , I'. � �', I t'mn PU bara ever been." .. - - - 6011ilprurvjppq;� �, ill 51111!`11!11`,�11 ffl�j� , . �,,k�,�­ . I You h&vu made me the bapplest Williams' Pink Pills, fi=d Thave rea. Small Potatoes and peelings thickened It was evident that the eland felt 11 Ill '111 �:�el",�*. I � �, , , , i ,I . .. .... � , , ­� .. UFIQ" � � , �: = eon to rejoice that I follilriVed tba Aid. with corn maial and 1;ran Mixed that ItA last hour had come." . �j o , -;; I", �wi:�. 11 , ., ., . - . . ; . I . irks. and as loontinued their use,it crumbly, not sloppy. About 100�elock DogA w,4,p quite easily. The same I , , , .­:,,r�. , ."".,,;­ seemed SO tbough day by day they giVe a pint of millet or other small , is true at certain monkeys. As for �-I­oi`­,.. . Diteases of the were Imparting now life to me, 24 grains. sorconings or wheat Will do, to the elephant, there ia abundant ori� NO CURE, NO PA a � Vit! �1'i .o.,�,-r �1­ I I . 11 �:­, . . appetite improved, the headaches dis- every twelve hem Throw this among dAince of the ease with which it weeps. . 1''. Throat and Lungs appeared, the pallor left my tan,N the the litter and kick it und6r. making Spitirman amiums us that it itheds Dr. MoLaughlin's Elootrio 881t 18 gold on This Basis tO Men and I I dIninasa thalt bothered me so much them scratch for it. This will keep ti,arta when ,grounjed loor when it sees Womeas Everywhere. Not a Cent to be ft1d Until , I I 11 11 I also disappeared. and I talt altogeth- them buay until 4 ololDek, when they that it oii'nnot escape,, Its tears roll I I , have parched corn. kicked I a I e t e of h an the Cure Is Complete. .1 . � ,Z , . or like a dIfferailt person. t feel that should from ts yva ik hos a um IT.. I I . Loliild to Pneurnonla and Consumption -Dr. Chateolb I owe my renewed health entirely to under. If them lis danger of 'overfat, being in tifflibition. The Dr, McL"ghlin Electric Belt is the only I q�.; I Syrup of Linveocil and Turpontine Cures The** Dr. Williame Pink Pills. and an I make tha 6vqnlJ:%q ration one-half Tennent. Aspeaking of captured ele- L . rernedy in the worl , I I . know tliat tbsra are many girls . "hich can be S11d 01 such a plan. , � ,:": I AllynontiL who wh-t- Wire them &If 1116y will clean phants.sayl that "atimp remain quiet, I , , � I - � It is the only never -failing Cure for Rheumatism, I'arne 1. . . fluffop as I did I woul(V utg. tbam to tip Avadily of thilli aboUt A Pint in tsll lying on the, ground without Instal- ., . ..'. . 1� I 1� 11 *�, Back, Nervousness, General Debility, Losm ,� , 1. .;. - .., ,�'�M04V it -in Only a cottiab; only a used. When t1rad of new -tangled lose no time in giving this medicine he han by � -1 � � 4 Of Power �., - I 1� �­" JIJ4L lit aiii, iteording to stile Alimill'bXted. dive IbMtibg tbWr I;rkf othar*lse t ' � I I . :11 �-, '11�,,tw the thridat. To,,morr mixtures of uncertain merit you can enough, and keep it clean. Don't t�he te&" tbA in Young, Middle,Aged and Old 1, , , , . I i, I I ow a fair trial." Men, Varicocele ' � . turn to Dr. Chazeit's Syrup of Llnsi�tal t bal'he their eyes and k. Weak Back and Kidneys, Drains of Vitality, Wa I I ,..� orenesa in oompel yoar workers to drink ( ' - sted . � I . "! -, P44 6awti the Palm and a and Tuxpolittria with atisdutti hablor- The olise of BINS pattergon caftaln- illhy tA4,,QoA4tAzUX dmm!.,- . Energy, Sleeplessness, Pains in Head, Back, Chest, V, "I r , I !�.. � .. . '.�', 06 i6hist, the biromobial tubes and ainee that It in the Safest, surest, and ty carries with It a Ivitson to others water. They will drink, Iota of it it Aquatio animills. too, am ablie to I - Shoulders and Limbs, . ;1 I , 11 .1 I I 1:141**. 0stle again is repeated the old most thorough cure for coughs and clean and not too cold. I— . .. Female Weakness. Bearing . " I � I � , � ; � pneumonia oolds that was brat discovered. Who may be pAiii, languid, ea.sily Wwfx ,Utio idtiiltllors Ateret lu my- � \ a I . Down Pains and all those ailments IfOrn which wo� , , I I . I . 11totT of Oonsukupum or I �ted cold. Mrs. F. Dwyer, of Elmsdarrille, tired. or subject to bftadfirohss� or "Fourth. elearillnew: X"p 111eir Colt tbAt "blAil,U at tha moment of It A .� - men suffer. It cares after all other remedies have . ' .. � Atl,inljoW from a neglex quarters clean. Vick out for hce and delitx itirvii, 4 : . . failed. _ I �. I ,. 1. r . saya-,-"My little girl dif threb years Lila other distrisming symptoms that too sigha and abed tears �� ; ..., 4 Why? Because I I .1 : . 06ifiA I& go uAb giving up and saying, bad an attack ad brombial pnearaoinia. mark the onwiArd progresig at mikea. 0&rbollo "K Ik44 whitewaall abktbUllift A ylauuif female mat dt .% �� I I It restores nerve life, animAll ' � � ,�, 1. � . . . *N0A*k to to be will be," for you can husband and I thought She wa 11 ." Qb cl�kn t6ivo��Uaf h's h.008N while . � I:-_. � Vitality, warmth and vigor to all weak parts. ltrnakes , , - . "I , � . - : Inta, Ak a.s., or this land nr."Wil h&4 itho"1*6n Oita titi,weep ,whon team- t. � ;: , 6*4 Imsen , a" cough linit 9 to to&" the world, as her cas - the aoid and immit powder will keep 6d -� them strong, it restores them tO what nature intend. , I � . �. I bly ourit the cold by using Dr. realsted the doctor's treatment. I ILabAl' *Ink Pill% will aisle more *&Alallor. SLHIIaIm;AzA4CW1t!r 0 .� . ed them, health, vitality; and You krlow, dear reFider, I I 1011'r- them Oft tha toww- 1, � I - I if each organ of the bad), is strong , � I I , Oftup od Llafted slid Turpen- bought a bottk of Dr. Chase's Syridip tAilb inA spisq-4y res -alts than any � � .i"- , I li*** us, bri The autburity of the and acts vig,r. I I I Ax f�* n"rly a third of a of Linseed and Turpiintine from our other modkinti. -Thsy Rot promptly *IAY*, tbAt wbm a ybUng duVng Ously you will be in perfect health. I , Uo NoSti the "stand-by" In popular druggist, W. G� lloht6r. At. � , � I , 1, I .I- 6t;0guadlitin licknea, as a tet thio first two or three doies the and dirtatly, making new, rich red LIVA ST,Q= xoTEM IN diptom, tli* lis4tticr Is turtif to be Any man or womAn who %im s"ura mo can haVe . 1, . � , �', i I 8beep Atkir 1. MY aPpliance and , �, J. 4*16* pneumonia, pon- child began to got beitter. Atod w(i art blood, and strbngth4t�til the atirvaig, "d Ilk Wt1it" Will bav# til,f�ft *%a% 1. �U%ttlj, lb*,W�,tliela Alry ' L , . I I , : I - � I 11 I stA WIoU IiMg troubleft, I thankful to sa; in &11 right to -day at. and ofirrtat all thoS Irregularities in- weak spotAt to th6l ir ii;bol next' sprine. tttt iiiA,44 W*& Theo ttArSt'orb PAY WAIREN CURED. � I I I I , 11 I ttkV_t0tWrtS bold long b"n ter slsy6la w"Its' sickneu." oldelit to this flrlWil plirlod. Wh6111 11 bbtbb 21M 1"A VkIrk6d all colUoW, virlth Aiav4s bt tU IfAlays, Illid . . . I I I I I L' . ;WAN016 as a rwMI&I XtAr)W tvinry Arugglat has lime day It aboold be ftrllfall� groomed at ay* Of4ilirija jA j *thilttiti, t,hitt in oer- � ArayoutrIck? Ateyouinpain? Are you tiredotdoetelling without result ? Thencorne 10 =M r E R =OS E, . � , , I " e"..'31 = � ,6,1. 1 1 1 1 1 bei ark.bly 4 in ow be .. .i .rge . . -it win".. . y �";1'6' = � I= I � .= I I I I 11 , tog1jilliftatilatlo.4 Of th4h sklir Vs$- 6�rt Of a ea%Wb mixture to offar you &Id lb�l all f1salarti at Sent post I I SAM I &An ih6 OnlY 01111A In this WoOd Who has C01116dAllf1ce enough in his --edy to wait for h;% pay antnie, Or VAirite to 1, .� . *0A .It aix borits AW)AL , ,� wA ttv* lil it 3,0 . � Jlw*� **kj#Ntdf6r Dr. A. W. Chilm k4 04aea of *h%t you ask for. but It Paid At 50 cents ft bor. Or � - , �,Uv& aoftubl Tast. I know *bsk Ucau d* and as you do not you cAin try 11 fIrst and I will wait ro, my pay until - u skre cured. I _ !, I t6 "i hav,. Wil- If rAialft sheto for lditld(" #A100i tat. I 9l", � - , evred .tfi.boio "Opm in the lx*A t*" years, and, though J danot cum every csSi% I aro Wynn are cured I hs,AA l 1 �WiltitiiiiI6 k *Ilk 11illitled", Ileotloto �'*'A)A to be cured imlat on for #1XA by addreasibS th-6 Dr. ' i'� , I -1 Ca' � I I ­ -k lm� ,�� whet* il. ,%coMe"U'Vitnew. Y- have nothing to lose. illing to ,,..d' tha IOSIA .. ,. 6*Ain66U6t %dients oA . I* )b4% Clialla'a. It bria stood tbp tast 11mil, Medicine 06, grackville, ()at. the brW* *bl*ls 66* ' rap',dly AM " �:l I I ­ .., �, 11 *" -W a 040i*t tillit 'allid tb�, *"� halt no worthy rival. Dr, Cbam'll r ,� I g[VC ft frtb (C&t to fill �ChO cAlt, If YOO CA"'t Cali I W;ll send you my beia-drifully Illustrat,d ho, . �. . ," "kil ,*I ' *,hV ot Linseed and TurperAlat, 14 4. - 1111"rill 1111111411y� fttUf 446,46"'WilA � .Ov� WIA"10 oeoft I 1, *ArkLw 160AOUft Vreparatift f0k � � , faftitida fees. Otill bt "th now. Don't delay. Ok with fall in. � . 4 The subactiptim tar the nattottaki pittofte6. 6 kftvy thwA, 6f Ift6l. 1 ltbv. Mt�o !&)�ttia* is A gtiod 16t. , 1100"W10 0-Ailai,ii"ildildrod all 1110. . , tobitil a bottl6l, family Ase, thr" I , � , . . Q j 1 31AZU-4 r , **A' Willett as liftrich, M mrits. MI dchl. weddittig presib,fit t6 Qlaten Williefililftil ITWO tbAt 6MIllt 166* "O thilit 16*, isti'l k* III ' lr,ft. OfIlAy'Oky M is . I 11su"folowd" I ,� " � jj�,, MIA, Da McLAUGHLI No 1,30 yonp Itto Toitowre, oNT, I . I -L =At trc* Ott Oft. or samAbsonii 4t6a W Dww It h4w #140.00, IL%Ad the titt thay be a hattli obfita fiM (*#AAA *�jjj bil More llkb�& "t "J$ L., * th" "It phij6r. but & i I Olf*t" notm.q! l, ,ft I, kaliIa. I A , - " �;lft oft, � I � I I , . .. - - I I ­ .­ .. L 11 . .1 *M*09 A" J*" I ~# 41'4� 1'. -,.---L -.-4­1­1.� ; *** 6row*. �. .., , , '. , � � � . � , - , I - . it i" has I& A&..�,. I twilki A% I -- a . . &' . .i I �v .14 .46 . % 'A *4 ' � L, fir z -7, b7- � A IN A A% .,,FF,a . I V 14 b..% .% , . . ­ "Mm -W,�T7-171111" 1 'Twe"', � . I I -1 ­­. � � ­ - . ­ -0 - -- . , ­ � I ­ . . � I I - I . ­ -- ­ ",,,""I'll 1. . I I - . . - , - - - I ......... "I'll, ..................... "I'll, - 7-77 . .......... - . I - � . -1 � - - I � . 'L � I . - � , I � ......... "I'll, ZVOW.-W'' -% I oj'j"��, - j*� - ,�-*, 'I : -1 � �4 ,O)