HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-03-01, Page 1I
Or"' Or c"W"'900" 0 be $40QU4 lvictorl W, -it Brxos, The
T ill#W_ ... lop q uslifted
..I C90PArry—To Ila
tAtA, A.A low R-motyll, Quo T 'I 0 QQD "IC M PIC 'rho T34 V-* 090714iiRlll lo WitatlMiarm-plitaTe to other 40' th disteuW4.04 th hk-q Allt
I10 11110, k' e CIAO Walletv Aiottiler aw A)aa. VRIV 14 vomit qt 4uglee to —1* It trallP thKU ling W All" ell Unjust *�, 0 t tnit ti r"pec* oftned. Va TI 00, -boll W'OM to the 'Qq ater%riceia"wero put 'a Pr"Weliti of ptla h romals: re've"Lial to e4d wNtt Ur, W11114mil 619�tlopo�
fa� "ArAtkit fir bon" lix er, hirajillar rnav�, W
athe towri, afigi, Twing All, exonjt0a ?L
illknoitti sTilitplAttio, F4. Itailit, loralty to us avek varlao� Word W#$
fell true that aloilial of our 0 .4 woklk�:_ tIt*;!IQAnI,6g #A to IA the- V ment a4weired prm 96 P-0 nu repared to hs;u4 over 4111 '011111,00Y, t ke town!h Inter6 041Y tot, the sake tit v ialtor% S WWII. noti My t but for thelp Own rialleol, Thai to*i 44 WftUd �1, lob he U4 "00 lit"so iseevIces �Qif 4.1terfal, of ten vexxv. # . L kpa, which John Gatt Planned fieverati y them is jei little ft
paylkia thosaf company live tholk- nothing 00411, SeOXOPIII; Piler ffal�4titlja:4, tAnd dollars ationalf 'Tirstral' sago so tayinalletrieftlIV, #and wbltb kQQWI1 or It among man
fZ410 �to _V for that I
vulliop. thus I'S Ul# RIELP so love) I -0 tAmflitAr Itiona, 0.0 biitliem TurnWarry I Qeo. Murdle, U Iving over ofty thgtlsnuu us. araL4 "'Itallifoulff or site. OF& The report says: Atqo r. Di 04 11101011t Or Q Ft Ought to be p9villeatIly it model one. - I I $tot*, land Jim A. U lit) t44-PaYer'111 10PROY 0weaY Is
th weight of lGodersich 14A*0$T4&TIQa`;"*T RX$AWVX J)Q4,y PAIL ntile flopelli at hand to Frank S. Mcoraw, of Buffiaot
I'm the fractnrq� 404sid. tsettle tile above. hutIllilvethefin U -Ou JArk. 00(blat lauU101PAL MATTE". has Just put through an trnfnen$e�
4�rdovhlp having ar ning be fl;4�pletli Over on pilot no. Wei$ Call statettimt of 10th Dec., and from A letter from a taxpayer In an- Oropertles, In the Doinin!
t1rolo, chereg% S. fullf?0, RONVI ' OR tile I cot.. i[%,I t k ti followng, adding t deal, by which all the Solt nl the. onaucit H, tile cusio.-I " "' e v come "do botior to* THE DE&TH ROLL Pair tat glayes to, allow th�t there lou,.�d tho' V.,,, C "Is . other column, dealing with the ha 0 on of Citti.
9blY rOPectoottefacther fix thepiiilr*o no virlull"al Offences TatoreL the IV " e ada v "I tl. question0the Power Comparty"s McGraw h been consolidated,, Mr. pfa,vr as been workin orAd(llv8$eA3 tilts Grand tury pariel 11 ervkces. It will be afeen proposal flow before tile Town on this atag f, h i
kPart to to Resldent�s wtio. ,,jom lutio ures, that white the consolidation for some t .'I, 04 lao, Rave Croased loll their t(tAlrding duties. vidd sil glow, f, .
1, I J 2 town Council, show3 the necessity for Saturday evening th. As;
01ch, CtI41rartan, Wtvr fig trilauts, to I III. lite (it Good .I� a Oil tile � ce"Le On the the 1 me, and
dritieta VXiAlootiv the River. at, eA I' A I I I
A -A -Par "11141116ve fill (I oYA&I".t It, 1Y XPLPIU It r VC 101111 r 41111lio"Ur4sbip I hat Inging the cheap power sit tile to the public before 4,on =;ICO W.7V% MoLeau. Und atildreesta, songlit, 'Inuillo 1A to Ed- X its own Property, Maton veing given incorporation was filed at the Dom.
aIxty veals (it Ills good solid anottier half cent attempts to deal definitely with the 00'. MvAellp a, aft 6TUUT II b. the Council Ion capital at Ottawa. ZIP ray pn fentdl 1111tiliS.—MV& Gavial Strutherov Power meeting of the Collegiate Literary $0- wit I it beautiful allium. the following One Of On oldest residents. alleil last Alki-Atice Luunt wax aht.ut to call, tb� AProromine. The 14dr, Was presented Infithel"S reign 10 Robitt bills, A, Ali, it) 010 daluAtill tax, making it 8 conts matter. There has not been the Revirard., r The Canadian Salt Company is
clety oil Fri(Lly evening Was olie of address boil Ivad Iry Peter
I - ftoold. to 04turdAY. age4 78 years. Deceased first caRe oil I lie tit citiol. slightest disposition on the part of the name of the new concern. It the best the friner6bers have mnented which 9188 Mr. 041 -low Permanent expenditures- This ISSIQUIAt Will lit) reply — the Council to give to the taxpay. $:as Reward— elsh Iffeave tau eXPTrs&"Iy`e had been twice married, tier firit rose arld said lie was deputed Power Uo will have a capital stock of Sa,00D.. Paid for tb&recov- forsokne time. the attendance being blind having died In 1855, She 1waft ill piesent all ............. 5.0110 00 cry it nv tIgm of the flank. Ce ParaJ9s wit" miss F, E. woub address �'tv His Collegiate .... .... ... .... 4") 00 ers the information so important o00A, Of whIC one if ar d 0 11091. the journal good and the numbers afterwald" ""field till, Gavial Struthers. Lrdehip. Where— tile courtand the h -Ila has I ea
fro so t b I been paid In, and of which 5 p y
aIt A r), on or, Albano, Feb. Our Qiivod teacher. the one time %veil known Official at tile nineteen barrisLetti t rost., and a440 OD kind far-reaching a question as this Of the. PV091amme exceptionally as,. &Qp� rosti,ex to -Fee LYOU take 06 ati4don R0X19tr.v nince. and who r
ark green lining 1. e I ell a I RarturO tZ Our Olsolsk You hava, catair- issed to the 11 cent has been depOSite TITO T I a lot such f naly relattaux fitifing Debentures atild 5,13M 10 demands On tile contrary Ad with tile
o. terest .. .. 7,Ow 84 r 'leaf lit 'ke4,17 J'be f011OwiDg took Part in tile enter- Outfurity Ili 1887. T e interment .;.,,a d of the Bar fit the tile DQmlnion Auditor I A - f taltiment : Miss Florence Connolly. of qleveli t III . Rink inteie.it. .1.11 ........... 771 17 matter on its first appearance wa, as required by
ear* amoijfst us. wh ch raguTobe took Placo oil Monday front ber I&, 0 county of fluIOU dotilre to it I 0 solo; bliss Trov, I, tation sovered w it vail thern. Elevatur inLerest .... ....... 2,25003 at once referred to t le Sp c a C
dua i fel Tye. Plaflo Isad calk-ItY as a toachor hu limit I the Dominion law. rtnd Mitstet- fteaeo' !sit , hout, aus hit us treat Palo, or residence, Huron Road. In presence of 9el'Ves of ywit Lurdshlp'-i first offielgi e I I om-
marked with great grosioeig. gqd tater;A IS 0 'OtL & uL . mittee—w
PUblIONCit1ce. Oliet; H. 1. 8tritrisr. B.A.. talk; Lindsey flaw durin all relatives and many old friends. visit to the Countv To) it Lot offer shelf. hich includes the whole BIG MEN IN IT. thoso years.* that BAXTER.- cordial and silleept, c(pilgrat Illat lolls, (,011 tr(Ill, I I u Igi Tot al ................ $V,7W ill Williams, Colle to Journal; Mills boon me we I spo t� and your III J49- BAxt8r, Jr., who find L CuUncil—and as their meetings are The n Elise Tye, solo; PC on RET XG OF 4UA83k Cooper, reading-. th . sells of 910vat the been ill for some Years, died W it ship', pectut app ex IOLDERF3 influence hatt been near pon your Lnt - a me oil the petition for In- Y itdeclared to be private, and the gen- on asr Mee lit of Alls, old irs min .......... " 00 ne, chairman of the There will ao!(). I , 0 nesday, at the residetti6e of his father, You are Ito its. Well4ve N lectiolls ....... ou 10 expected M r. Br dges, solo, Mr. Jordan. cornet young Polls) Lott h 3ortitandardoflif ed- lop4it to the Bench. n 1,_$1,120 11 e those of Sir William
cAn Pay wl bqut licactlen tkat you hot eral public are neither notified nor C- Van Hor
"On"I groat fltrldes In the aide of still 0 0aptainiatio. Baxter. His death wits long known yon as n indu�iti.10u;. to ttend, there tire no Executive Board of the C
a trous of the b .0 Air a an i lit %Ivhlch no other teacher has over Hot
an eturin 0. Lt, INDUSTRIAL NOTES. , Tile Duty Itwerve, arnads on I on LILW 4`091-91 .. ........ OW 54 anadlan n dt of Marc t 'I:dt or 'Q folios- Engine and Bicycle, Works unexpected fly his It.1prids as be wU4 I)aInstaking and otallneill IV fall. Crows means, save street rumor, for an Pacific Railroad, M In oil" soollil gatherings you have always reported to 110 getting ationger. but it 1 Relief ... ....... .. 230 Z Ontreal ; Richard Ing he I I Ints itire being been the first one to offer asistanie. Counsel at niany Ams:izes lit Godt lCh. intelligent and full discussion of the 13. Angus, Montr J. lot R, U. OU rull heir full capacity these dayd, Sunday FC11001 you bave taken D&K Willb" too is pausible that tile preloadjul PPI. YOUP eallnetIC0 ALL Ilia Bar, 'r I 85 00 eal ; Georke R. R. and there aMorders booked to) keep it re its rot' C. 0. find 0 ........ W1 41 roposal by the people who will Cockburn, bank pr I (Iring zeal. In the revival meeting a. isi"" demic added to his old comp aint, 'any pars One ef its . ledder
running well Into tile stunitut hown yourdesir. Is bring our people o the oil N 'Lott' Salaries ............. 2.445 00 esident, Toronto; 11-IIVL The 88aviour. and you inny boassured that you have Young it The goar g and experience its ave to foot the bill. This is cer ch. 25th, 1CM. . t caullea Ills rather sudden call 9 H. Vincent Meredith, bank mana-
OTICE-19 have "Pany will inake-abigsh talent tit it warin place in ourness,ta. an wits well known In town oficitor. 0ouriselaild l'i,gislator. inade WN) 0i) tainly wrong and the Mayor an' ger, Montreal ; A. public and grain drdis to Mauitoba to nyw and 0 I vntir eleVAL1011 It Inoott fitting (lite, llpk)tl pt, bralvers, to the To We Athall miss Yea long after v u have and big boyhood Col,, Pardons. at I .... In 1 58 d D. Bissell, vice- 401101 1119,11191"14 of the Wore Dhitriat Mo. J ul�t awthe fragrant nowere of 'the acid son iome which not you al()Ile, nit tile Province. blic works �I,Lw 89 resident of hear with sorrow -a being tihipped to tiff Council do noc need to be told so the People's Bank, tits Are miumna-3 Compiliby that it bag do. heels at and distant, will PI.
clared anotheir annisul re it of twenty Per f tile Dominion. -Tile Goderich parts (mdGwG Iniss the sunbeams, And wherever of his lilting ............ 92 14 Almost every other important public' uffalO. Organ 30ou ma be, out- t h ral will tace Is tit Ila congratulated. Cemetery ........ 2o:l 2a cent. on all Progniurs pald%ln the momber3 of toarta will always be with said company for t". Dep 00- Shiriped It CAP Of orglAna to tile Old Von, am, Pray thus, Providence will lead vou to place this aftern * 'IOU to Maitland Come. This Province, has Ill- question involv ng public interests A majority Of tile ,oAf,endin, . allt. country Ott Wedne;dav, anti sent out inore pleasant paths of lite. and m hen this life tery at 2 p. m- to whit wave In tile past. Atiorled with good IIA20 28 men whose 19W. Tbaeorebasma atidaMitut t9riabout -h friends and tor years the strot It 1, constivaw its ptd4es. NVu feel Ilece,pt yeard� andjq today it 103-90 ShiPulelst is( liaLil Otting III,&. please accept these allicht tokens of remain teation it, tile illgil ellalacter and
I I enda, may we all meetin heaven. acquaintances are invited. j3-5. past has been diSCLISSe names are attached to lite petition H HAUILToN.-On Thursday 7(1�__92 at a public meeting called fur tile for incorporation owned mines pro gr I u,ldnebs in 01111=1 tePial the Past week. -The Godericti lornace.
a.* IV Knitting factory ban a f(Ill (Signed. I of last that It Ili not haing midtily till-011e,hilt f erL Istaff at, 8 mialte(. water PUrpose—why not this ? if th dticing 80 per cent of all the salt' 1703-4t work All Present. and the K sington PWrER ROIDD. week Mrs. Jail. Hamilton. nee Minnie merely expressin and light rules - has not beef) an intentional effort produced in Canada. Now theoth- Qudgi�lcb. ILI) honest eptivic
Furniture Works are shipping to nil F- W. JACORP, Green, crossed the river sifter it Iong Lion, based uponflong soralowill.1t Taxes.... $27�347 (W for Secrecy oil tile part ofsonte line, er 20 per cent have been brought UBLIC NOTICE. GE0. and painful Illness. Intarb beloved by I the promoters or tile Council, there into tile consol -All, my son hilatiols to P11 Is of the Dominion, and all Ildrals JA intimate assoriati()II witil yoAt. whell leave rui, there will be it good obassice to lure IL PLAIN.
iratanyth b4lsilv employed Preparjug tw y that we rect,gulzt. In vi)tt 1% fit Non*iesidelit taxes Inficill my llud� ALI book angI state A FEBRUARY WEDDING. --On Wed- all who new her. Deceased was mr. I81% 510 40 idated Company, cal r 110cou ate Will hav91q be paid &to to I ade to - Nova Scotia. nesday evening th- led ilume tat. Teat's since, and lived in and worthy successor t() fill, aftle anti Licensee ............ 752 la has Certainly been no apparent de- Tilt- consolidation carries with distinguished JndgPog who have re - v ... ..... Z111 60 it ar residence of John the rood old township- of GoderiCh ceded Tots In tile High Ciyu t Bet. If Market ... ......... 20 ill) conversant with tile GRAIN TRAFFIC. -The 1`0110wing Bahl, Britannia road, wits crowded until a few months since, when the Ling pl.,,,'i made hilly tile actual purchase of, all the pro -
G. - f 1. c sire to have the public
dtatement of grain -I raffic for 1000 Wits with relatives and friends, Late occas- famil moved to town. The trite lice. Pines .. ....... .. W N) merits or de- perty oil which the salt mines are 1-Y 11seftil years fit 29,975 03 prop It Paterson In answer to Mr. Bennett er. Berma. to J. S. Sampson. anatine HeV. J. W Robinson, of yournew I y For Sale or TO LeL I made Ili the Dominion House ivy Mr. ion bein t k I ment That ytal Inal, Ile perIIIItt I it merits, or even tile details Of tile locatt!d. The mining proper ies are
g the marriage of his daught. 0 P 'too In Maitlito(I Cemetery oil wous ...... 35 30
AGOOD 80 AURF, IPA[ . tM LrOlt SALiE- Saturday, vidence to pend osal. Tile Ma or should see in good shape, but additional ma- %VI It IlAtIlUld #V(]Vtln- --- that till$ condition of affairs -ch. von- tage to votirs is at chinery will be s upplied to meet4he Lot 21. oncussion it, 0odor!ch`1!1'oww Victoria street Methodist chut 11
larept, "'
"hip Midland - From 011icago, 4,742,147; engineer, of Wlarton. The ceremony docting the funeial service. and C. elf and tile I'lovince, is Deficiency_ 5,700 21) once remedied oil this question, and demand for salt nil �a from . nton. Gfood b.u.11dingi. fences. rroln. Duluth. 2.229,048; from ,Jil- perl'o' me by Dr. Ure. D. D., who Newton, Goderich Lp., Edward John. JAIL, hope. $35,705 M2
Orchard, welleand spring cree A good field wankee, 1.400.600; front Fort Willittan, rmed the same ceremony for Lite our fery for export.
offall -licaL Torms rinsdriable 'o 1.783,( AfleJltdge Lount. ma(le it Ile must "Of al uw it to be repeated
ticuldra affilr-to Tf1O8.GUNDRY.`lac`o,ffn. )44' total. 10,214,941 bushels. and christened tile atoll, Lurknow, 0. McDonald, Gode truly, I cot. 090or ch. LTD; -Lf Owen Sound -From Cbiedgo, 78.170: bride, a trio of vents rarell, Calabria- rich P.. id Joo. Gralintis, ino feeling file', ti -I I 119 his inany TAXPAVICIL, on any fUtUre propo THE PRICE OF SALT. OR SALE.- At the cerent Newe an 'Ig, tb� visits to I le counly, (lie awlity or I ' 'T I
Duluth. 07,000; from Fort. led by one divine. 0 lie Sal involving S I It Sells in Canada for 87 cents from d Rubt. Johnston bell the town's interests. William. 1.014.M; tota), 1.189.810 Miss Andrews pall betuelvi. HtIrOtI bar. And I 110 gi-eat 'Parry qlaved the weddi g attailittlellLs PaSS Lhe Cow By law. for a barrel Of 280 pounds, f the best 1100 acre; (arms . Solmd- From Chi- iv
'he Gala faronsigne 4usl3els. march. The bride was 'supporte f Lite Judge whon, lie had been lip tile same amount Of salt brings ki ca I] ENDERSON.-The Rev. A] I.. Render While Inaodor'lobTli... fl,% Copuly,lont 17 ,go.11.010,018, from Dviluth, 2.jo5.371; Miss MOPY Campbell and the groom 1) 801)- Who was Lite recipient of many 08a' He C01101111041 Ily Illanking the ( or,,
even At Olinton. The farm eontains a and tonceR* is W 11 it slid a �A.A, n Ard ,
w ore erich, Melton Lturence. of wlartn". The kindly greetings trom susif,11-8 Hill and Boil- of Huron rot, tile kindly jiddl.ess Sir, --At Like Lillie of the munici Pill bylaw Is it tile purpose of tile consoli- cuts. 8o a x and ona-b It ull es from 9 Fort William. 70,313, total 13.302. bride 7 W)II Led to t4ti(ceed -(Ile lato EdItor f Tu% STAIL Another correspondent deals with $1.10 in tile United States.
Ar 0 nil 1 327 bushels. Collingwood-From Dul- wits Prettily costurried In 1% Auburn friends it few' aientLd him. AsIlli) then election last year, the People Elf �'le Council's action on tile cow 11 0 t ra ore 'a " ath.153,180. from Fort travelling gown of navy blue Ve ici n I III w William, 297, It a days Ago. as Ili -o 1,11, question, and his is Ouly a
0.1 - lb. cloth, trimmed with Duchess noted in Tian STAR took the (locket, lint w4 I here were 110 (,()d(,, sample Of many tomplaints made ted Company to raise the price of fid'V, 1 1 074; total, 450,782bushels. Godetich- , LD of or I a ty, I wid last week, otir %Vora asked to give an ex. SA I t in Canada "' asked a reporter on.. m I 0 0. 1188- From Chicago, 604,025 ; from Duluth, and carried it beautiful houquet of rea(le, a cauties readv lilI)res4ioll of thpil. desires with respect
it will exceedingl on. all - from Fort Will gret to the court, tu ll:so At.n sincethe vote taken two months of Mr. McGraw'. 151,100, igm, 911,199; white b0dal roses. The bridesmaid learn, died at Airbus.,, Voll""Tuesdav ago, Councillor Knox is candid It is not," was tile positive re- A RM Pon SALE. -The imbsiorillf! was dressed in blue organdie, trimmed evening. He was relieving at Hells),11 for sale hisarin got MA sterep of g f0tal,LOW-3301nishels. Saralu-Proin WIMNII-SDAY. ood land. Chicago. 2.536,030; frorn Dilit!tll 927, with lace Insertion and black velvet on Sunday, where Ile pr -t opetled tit o.,,Io c')%vs I" I ['(A tuW". Six majority of tile P, Ewg lot; 15, 011.6th concevalon. Goda The cout to permitting tile running tit large of enough to Say that Ile favors bovine rich Town- eached. Ile 204, from Fort Williatti, 423,01115 t baby ribbon, and a "Salt will go no higher than HbT, oil clearad unit watered by alAring otal black reached Aulourn gin Monday evening, uld5ilkojory Wa-4 calle�l to try ratepayerq voted against tile IIthrough OUr streets, but when lie 2 It velvet picture 1111t, an never failloi well. Theroare acree'soaf 3.950,070 bushels. and carried and While inshitching the horse too, v -e Pt ILI. Tile wits for attempts to argLIe that the vote r It is at present." Y'All Wheat AM fall PlOulthina done, large 'Misallet, and tyranny [)fell tit) to If of vink e* bouquet fill, lie ell y The salt mines of Canada are to. orclard. alsol,liftlistry brlokho�seaqd collar. HOCICEY.-Thr. Grant and the Hor- Is soon as the ceremony carnations. suddenly Ill, slid gradually sank tit tit hijury lV taken was not a correct ex" W11111. Little PITVILils, No Into,iii bank barn V x 50: 91tonta a miles from wits rom. gleatheame. ThelateMr. n W011�1119 (11, the weakwal,ev worlog foil derichand74 r0ol0lititOlst willbesdId oil 'dAIl block hockey teirms played eluded and congratulations tendc'-ed had been.in pool, health f,.)r a consider I " It appearR Lhat t)IILIII- I would tole PrCSS1OIl Of Public Opinion and cated in Lower Ontario, and lie c I ton -JO, aev tortne tasusittite pusrA!� a &PP to a pretty fast game in the West is about 18, to I ,,agslar IT "or. For Phrti Street the bridal Party Partook of a sollasp ab!e Lillie. and had during the past titoich ?I filthy Order of thIng" within t'A dwrefore ' Should Lie ignored, lie nearly in a line between the west- tuolls wedding supper. and at its C( it- few InOnths lost Water. longs WAS aft"'Wilids eni- which LIk0y takes liberties that are tlot llowable ern end o Lake Erie and the west. V .vell tholigh tile I, pavors hall ll()t cvell In , 11�
rink on Monday evening. the result cluslon Terpsichore reigned. Dancing ensuing front perforation Of tile I On file gravel triick,i, andit wasl epl, consilit"'I WlAtfl`l ern PETRIt 6UNN, Godarich P. 0. - fleqh rapidly. 'death f
2 mo. 1787. being it win for I he Oollegians The lasted until ttle still was well tip in tile ITown Councillor. He end of Like
rVoWN P40PEJ�TY(OXILSA.fir.-Situated Q�ame started at 7 P. In. nd lasted i Ili east,, and ever, ther, tile stoinach. Thpandnewswas reePived %vllilP at) el"PloYeA lip fell and ivtok in- for t c"i"I declared t tile norz�ination inecting Ontario. It is fr And It VPI ured. The I ill tf;jt) I I 1, is Lhe duty (if tile Cot 11 generally necessary
Janghoulte anifrAm?,,stable -a still heard. About One large circle of to 'y when I t waW IV -it I A) t I,(, j I, py. wit 11 eer I 'I
On AndictioY At Ne 06derle Two lots. ight, ai)d from start to flnirh there violin wei pipes anti in Goderich only yesterday. to drill down hearing Orchard. "fits Play. In the firmt half tile Calle )told to isrotect ti'M if ther ma vote Abo,lt 2,loo wil and conntry (Rill que.4tions to finsovel., allot at 8 tilev Individtinly, 1111t Ali) to against free public Pasturage Ile t ,,, 1) C IS jorit
good It. Wit betwilreitionable. Forpar. - hundred relatives and invited quests frien 11 rivi-ty or y feet, when rock salt
lirs' ds express the deepest p(lfi,3il)le illill'o 11 is f0LInd. Then water is poured in I I.. lians Were two ahead, I he score being were present lit the ceremony and 601 -1 -ow fat- the bereaved ones. -ettirned W COU11,11AVI'lig tl4werod the ly permitted nulann, "Ile %VOLI]d be the first to move if, tile an the brine is oto VRA� Goderich CIA
ch. to 2, and at tire call of tittle the score most ,if them remained to dalice to qnesdons favorably rot' Ilia vlaint.iff toto Pumped out, and by evaporation. Vey. played ell together a feature that AnguaMeRay. of Lucknow, manipu. J. P Ile 0 ad the river after it discussion Lite Jtiry were ,�ellt otIf VALUE MORE THAN S8,000,oclo. OR SALE. -Lot K in Butchison?a Sur Piper r es stood 8 to 0. The Institute team the music Of the pipes or violin. POLLRY.-011 Friday of.last week T. with d"'lages uf $100. A ler is silos I t citizens LO Is, Council for tile passingand enforce- '.lit produced
Fin Goderich. IFOrr Particulars vs them the win, for y cr as 10"t they mCnt of a bylaw. His action at
Partial- RoVk. llarrl6tdVF,,- Ortolites played as well Mass his tIto Pro- 9 pply �ta- WL had the Jordan- lated the kist a' whuRtles with his rather long illness, neverth to Answer the qnestiotl, "Did aa% last Council meeting was certainly The oiltput of the new Company to each II-Liftl a bility. and the fiddle wits In the III tit was a surp P aintiff know the work oil ate ol' things. yoll -a nwar
li�en even. Tile following ts dangerous boll laringly inconsistent, It is to be wbe abOLIt 2o,ccso barrels of salt GOd6rich- Other it islikely bonois would have hands Of A Inan will) could haudle Lite an rise to Ilia many Avg lelp
11lat tile Owork F" nd !it fi%.e replesent W plavers:- were the bow. Thebridewasthe reeivientora friends, as he was around only a few minutes retont-ned to conri, %vILII (lie al I. %vishe hali bet.11 hoped that the reference to epy large number of useful slid Vatill. days before his call came. (I to carry wIt tile daily, tile principal mine being at Institute H orton-Jondan I Les able pregent.s, The de- swer, no), addPd to v�rdjet, tile wisn' Special Committee does not rnean GLEN 0AMPBIELL Bryan thus showing how ceased was born in tile city of King- 'i's I(IIV 11140416LY, and for that reaqnn Windsor. It is stated that the act- ed Lords"'I" 111011 RaVO J"(19111clit for woold aik the peoplp to vote tip a it) the farn Kylie point Rohinbn circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sinip- Dungannon, a farm K.C.. RPPeAred to" Lite rilaintiff anti J. I (('['A [list atsaid Cow" sliall not to comes round. Or A -nitjol,jtV If t Is' till another 110mintion Season Perty ii in excess of the $8,000oocr
W. goal Hyslop greatly she is esteemed by tier large atoll, and mov 1 near Plaintiff$401.)and costs, R A. vv Aloe fill t all ttempt to Shelve 'tile LiLlestioll LI a I v�llue Of tile consolidated pro-
anVu cal Dirtor of North St. Pri tchard cover- point Naftel son left by the &15 train for which the de. e
tot chultaX Wlarton Patted owned at his death. &nne T. Ourrow. K.C_ for defendants. I)erinitted fly rtin at at which the Canadian Salt Com. Lano forward McLeod Yesterd,ky, and were seen o 0 Th, "')
Toacbelt of Pipe' Organ, Pianoforte and Williams ff [IT a large seven or k?ight years since lie moved c urt closed lit 8.20, adjotirrilng to Lf:v) lint olar Theory. Nevins circle of to leads. who wished them a with his family to Goderich, where lie a. m., ThttWday. argile that, the pany is capitalized, The principat Will beploIll"d to "delve �UPITP,gitt hip C"mirlsell Given long and happy married life, ft wish in resided until death. The late (,`,`, P41 t V (tilt not, tinder-tand the Brief Town ToL)Ics. or their homes it 0eigired. Mr. THURSI),ky, lit t #Ind had vote(lyea whilst, they ittis Offices will be at Montreal. flandio at locradn'" MUSJOL HOUSO. West St.. Stiel Megaw which Tux STAR heardiv Joins. Polley, though Thit the first. of inlell. and many ,uppil at Junerson-a a Umpire L. Parsona not an old resident, The U0111 -t opf�lled Ili I) �0), ,,fill 1% jol y 11-1 inlended voting?,,). Those wim Wish w its file In4t.
Vor terms nil little many ft lends of tit Mr. Cockburn, seen at Toronto, MURIG HOUSq. Referee Alex Mclvor SONS OF ENOLAND.--On Thursday P -Ing his sojourn Wits CIIJ144nellvIl to) Iry INICOol mots, vs. the cow ollisallco (If ThO col(I spell added to oIn, de,ttll Pr ctically corroborated the above Ili the circular town, as Ile was one of Lanihkin, it ait whi' a
evening oflast week the members of ('11 (111.1111igf-g Wei -p %'()'ell its Atli intelligent per. I Ate, tile past wee rk W. 0. T. U. NOTe.-The general he most obliging and courteous of clAinied for aqsf Solis would (Ili it tory, lie said th2 deal was not
e'. ng t. Al Ill., whell NWII, at tile last elec.
Ho 9fi0ei' charact;r of W. 0. T. IT. work is such LverPolol Lodge, Sons of England, men. it man wflOIU all Ilia neighbors our forms werfel"11winIC Made tip, [lie 1 1-1011 tile Cow (I'livlotlon was voted Moll'ow ")note It 81"Innent of buLLer COLISLIMMte 'that the more work on hand, the gave their annual seciatt &nd enter- respected. Most of his time in Gode- case had not I)een the jmy, agai oMontreal thili week. d th0IIgh tile applica- OHSELSHOkING, RT0. gi%ell to and (III- nifilority Ill more interested and in earnest are the tAillinebt, find like all that preceded rich was spent in the seivice of Col- (if beef) made for incotpora- horne and Burrows, and he ORANDJURY Pit Fe's deek-licy and J114tice was greatly in. Andrews At (,,,. sillpi,,ell llog, tioll,
members. On Mondav there was a it-irrasasucceati, Therneetingtook WAS it this little tile to,rolonto oil rtionday.
faithful servant. Assoonashewasor oWetheGrand Jury of(he (,,.,only
good Rtteradanco at, theregular meet, place in the lodge room, Hamilton etojoinheniffed himself with the does Re,jillsir meeting Of (lie Town A special to the Mail and Empire
Having enoged.' N. street which was clos f Hist-wi Vol, olloll not lo' -w hoar it hall volpd, lint that
'ly Facked with Wife Orallgemen, carried $1.000 Itigur. preforment (,it ))(,Ing ral;ea to III,, high cil 11, 0, Friday, evening. Of yesterday says :—None
D- MUNNt ung. Thefir9thalf hourwas devoted meraillersand their failli sea and (lie rat #it Several of the
master horae alloner, I will open a shoe- to praver, several requests for special vited guests. The program, Ill- ance, and retained Ills membershin and honorable position on lll� Ile "I �h 111111!,:1.!1Al-11'1f No rot 80 1`111- (110 winter Ims been it fair Montrealers mentioned in Connec-
I ng shop In Connection with tray, black - prayer having been made. though afterhemovedto Goderich. H W Of the Iligh Outilt of Onta llot who had olle foil otir Coal dealf sarith and machine lousiness, Consider- a long ( trip, was interesting from start also a member Of the Rovn I Tat a 419 w.11(im dfd not, know il"ith tIle application for the tolinish. Lite excellent supper being though he wasnot trust that yoti I) III y lolig I e Foin '3()ft In'tPlu trees were ctit dowl, IlVov Calladian Salt
able in] ortant business wits discuRsed, in the Insurance add Itistre to I lit, high alld 11111MI-11,111P � (111011gh it) poll their '14 oil streel,
Special attention given to, interfer- after w9lch. it report was given of tile I 'rile visit (Ifl,4 %v(,( -k Company are
Warrington, a Past President. wits tile I11 V lit one ll::Jr
very successful parior meeting held at solved Itetweell tile two 1)"'Pts' R- branch of that society. The funeral Posi 0 Hen Aliari Nil i of stock to
ing and.,had feet. . took place on Sunday morning fro, tev,, atlailled I)v Voll' o[('('('It' tlll�(�atell to wreck the Uoder. 11 ill'-.1111ed to be communicative. The the residence of Mr.q. chairman, and an efficient one he was, ills late residence. East street, to [)to 11 As , "arld"d josliCe tit all lidgWIIS imperm fly orgallizilly it boycott if they atill, S(v. Nlarip ,I, '1,111,ptla llv�� company is to have a capital Your trade solicited ; satisfactiqn Ross Rastall. and the members Present assisted n. WhO MAY I)t-fore volt. V.
Tile attendance numbered 70. A short it, gantrann We thank oitinued (4) ligitate for it Pow I)V-IILIV Regobir Inveling or tile I'llillic guaranteeAl. Frograin Wits rendered ns follows: tho proceedings in cemetery. and wits under (TiAllfoy tilt- high t1il,lille : ll �'tock of $8,000,000, half of which I a manner that tile auspices Of the Loyal Orange So- praise pai to) inp IneIII,AIv I lit ig not tile galne r boycottont. teadings from the lite and sayings of tended to make It the success it , om id"Pill has been Paid, and a 5 per cent. de- wits. which t wo partievo can plav, D. R. STRACHAI�,' ciet Service at the house was cost- :,Ite beloved Soverelgii Queen , I ust let Ith ill Orninion auditor. Franrea Williard; The niepting opened With I -Praise God ducy of prot e I-)
thestory of what Q try Rev. Alally �)f 4)[11 iav that P)'t No'
J. W. R hinsorl, of nd also the exprelomions of loyal de(-enry and February Victoria Stieet. enn Ile accomplished Ivy wearing the floral Whorn all Blessings Flow Victoria street Methodist co His niost gracious Allijegly liillgtyf�.!" 11191 ive ligainst, Wal It (fill[ 11101101 rot' hitsi,
hin-ch. And if. will) re every [less. "White Ribbon Badize." Solo by Miss short adds es from the chairman 'rot- the pall bearers were Bros. A.M. Todd, ward V I I. use@ lo abolish ting A few t'-otit hook,4 have I)een st,t rHE MCDONALD MALE QUAR- 13toddart, and a short speech by Mr. lowed, and than the Blackstone or. With Illeasuro we II.Awitt Chests P. Mrs.. Miss, Harold and R rhos. Hawkins. Jr.. M. McDonald, Ja. It wils I injostlee, ali(I that, ,re will
Refreshments were then Strongh. J. J. Mcmath. and Will, the time ionored ctistons Of tin, shpl-ify 4.e 1)4tr.tlt.g cuilloOl is worth out, hilt till- 11411 %vele not tempted to TETJT,..
Page. served, and the remainder of the even- Y ge take their bak.
being the excellent quat tette. land Nevins. and half wav out to Dunstan- Rouncillars who Three Days sore-staitli nros, (Zo ..... ... 8 Ing wits spent In A social WILY. rhe pInyed so wall that they had to rAi- non, Robt. blellwain and Hugh Ling YOIl It Pair of wl"t-P it, f-tvor of LARL werk ws,; ills% (.0111pgf, ong, (if thp TO Again Visit Goderich on pond to it lood encore. A. B. Cornell lonini lit glovvli, indicative, w�4 ppesonle, of v. finallong the cow by. O""9""-0, W. BLINK .... . ........ ........ I . next parlor meeting will lie held at, la% All pelil Ill light season so fill-. x,iglit I,elow zero Celebrat)[114 gan took the plare fit Messrs. Todd the, higli Inoral slanorill-d 1111,1 law ttilill- IV, I
-W. A. MclUm ......... ......... 8 the residenceof Mr. W. R. McKenzie, ve an old English Ron&c that brought Laid McDonald. The day W" far from ing prii,ciple1 (If tile people of this I Ille, pl"Pop,f, not t ill Saturday nigill. Marcta I I tb.
Meeting of Sherificiders-1k. m. young Ewn the house. Miss S. Nicholson tll::. hV filw I ill 1. . ay P Ono of ill(. it. it _. I on March 27kh, when a sPecial effort heing a pleasant one, but a large ourn- great Comity of Ilovon. kvlhat einpl,,veeq got, it The entertainment provided ill the
Nd Plot, Iftesibr-0. Tilt ....... _: ........... 8 will be made to provide an mterfairs- gave 4% pleasant solo On the organ. and ber of friendq and acquialsitances we-ov We visited tile Ind and hoind i IPA'1111illing Cattle oil foot injored tilt- otl' Notice -C. It. Abu* ...................... i ment, not only pleaqant but intellect- then Messrs Chits. Doty and A. k'. '"' 41itY fly t III- f tit Opera House art Tuesday evening by ually prolitable Platt Introduced their tile %I'
present at the interment., when thp ceedmitly cleni), viell kepo, ntidt,t!"' leitl114 it for Of it 914119 plank, the McDonald (Insirlette was one of superior AuctiQaMOle-t.0un4rys ....... . IAdmission only 10 ligramapbories. ohiv service was that of tile Orange ventilated. The in noe I hem to de. ho(-kpv iX q, and all friends to tile cause 0 Iroy till lisp l)nII Owints
AA:ctAriiV_J.%yArAvU ...................... cenL are During I lie ev6ning tile ormerortarted Order. The lateT. J. Polley le ber, tande no �4 h(, no doubt to bad ffa.i Re*Aird_ aj.riltL ....................... I invited. many trines and pieces ard an many of tuoul al him it widow and I hreel"yvOefillit") the number vve wei I- sorry i (I mile 111011111 of and otit, Clinton Thlit-4day or week stri(I weather and to flie prevalence of sickness enildren, two girls and it it ivoiltill stiff and t -as, P toy thol audience was AmAiAll, but the Wasters hor. all If tied I hei e, tnev 1)(.illv gtlllty of Snow fell in tilt- (!oIIntV of I !lav(' vOrZ, kindly conovented 0 tile sympathy of i he CIA I ional-ilt? Or Ili ble, Oil op J3fttk6Wft*.Aebescn & son 5 PORK PACIXING XNDUSTRY--Tlie good one the atidience was delighted whom bay tiny offence. Imt 1411 to a return
c them were new and (he instrument a lo4t ill a very tallw fight.
PrAirge's ............ 4 meeting called for Friday evening at with the treat. Won. lAsham (o rvery day d(Ifil)g Pellrualy, All I in
oinoiry-P There i- t Wo. ....... fOl* munItV Ili their bereavement. and were confined for safo of fillip friiiii May 14te on , larch I 1, when it 19 hoped le Rough Skin -8 5 Callow was not largely attended. the lowed wittai it solo and did very well. LIM k-011oly lown eVpr-y day 1�11L (IC Alper% flonse v!ill be packed. The pro-
.................... cold spell apd I lie III ifted fro t he 4 remnvPd to a in,re tit Ht. 1',4trl(-k'4 Day till) week- from 9 by tho quartolte, which we@ BOY's 00thing-W. "dhang, ... jads being not,widistandin liefore May 4, it" every,) d withOmblele *-Illa,roh ofth@
the fact tha start we tl,%Iqt thAlt Illev will gloor Ile fulp I no III
of ay give Clio words Among t1le Cburchesf. treatment. Inday. LIAM wevii. Ihe winter mad" intich AlfAl"n c, a tod ,not an encore called , thecause, Those however song, and that his beaters M- flay if WAN F
Tomics-pi. jordsajfe�_ st.; tell he woul on] ff ne
oil fre,r Mi-PI&M wb(h were -lie "fig )l know.. Sk ......... ...... 4 presentwernatronglyin favor of the mightgattheniroutaide. Miss0ladys rlteo Lion to, he lslt�t ,,)at IV,., tile I, day. 'I tile numbers by the qusrsette The Y. P. Auxilliary of St. Ge We deAre also to drnw ynin- Ill fell. 11 TI IV At lf.-4. for, ALL )re
This PictuM, .... were sting wishoj3t instrumer.tal &Ooom.
I'Ved"I Mk 4tdrt ' - - - - 4 erection of a pork packing establitill- Plttgave it Hue recitation cle,verly; nold their Lenten sawing stesaions Jutor's of this tb(- IBoard of Trade. t hig wickei, paniment.
Akvtt &,80v##e4.. i ............. The door i�l,! ill
This Week's &Orr Odpall Ilrolk ........ , . I ment in one of tile towns in the Hotrold Blackstone gave a solo, it comic weekly at tne residences of (he ,near,. occuril,d by I Ile JaPor In I i I A I I n I I t it I r Goderich a 4 A 11 11 11 I) 9 ""lf came "c"t %vith a solo -The Wolf. -4
-ir . County of Bur Wotio, nil, it lit, * - 4 hl- 11"thven McDonald him. K17.1 P-3uud--:1rU8 irAti ot&e.... oil. The soneeting was one. In his usual clever manner : Fred hers. tile pill ponie for . %rh wh I lit y tire ulted, enoligh to keep olit of Lbo 'Clot(lips of Mr. oDonald in not At 'strentier to ... . .. resided Over by Main" y Lmprev, Accompanied by Mrs. Hick The Rewing circle t,f r5t. Geniffels ills From the him,0ary ThrioK.
oung. and on the org lamily having to noix xvitli, all(I tile law. Oodorich andipnoe and his "jecallons
S. Williams, Joseph Beek and Won, An, gave a clever example of Churlaworthan's Anxillitiry had (lie araphell the excellent roll Pnsa aniong the pristonet-H (laily in Oil 11111 were present to revreMent music a month organ of their Lenten apaillons in the School lv("P valight the past L1110139hont the evoiiing amply sustained tile Goderich Bonrol of To ILI Rood forth ; It. War 1-illgion gave Passing Ili and mif of litivatf, 010 alinital lowering fi(;;1dpI:clI week liv anglef-4 11411-9 thrmawlt th, lil4roputatinn. lielgill, Posserpsor Of a (CORIU10TUD UP 9911416111 Of TUUNSDAV.) -ade, and A.- cut' room on Monday afternoon. I aPAI talent, anti it akoo I,t.ing %(.I.y i�,PWT III$' at) bit oMeD. Allan nd J. T. Goldthorpe tile ballad eff?c(ivelv; Aind IU Knox Chill -vit. tile of Ti adit, I III, members tIh 'a" 4-irrarnmit of dnin Are r46rt6d brut at a Citizen's CommitWe. Themembersof J..N-bIes,ngacmmqsnng that put I It e at) freetv. arf,lopflinsof the Board of Trade and Mr. Allan "it pr..."t 1. good tromour for the np -))left is Ic(`ImP%ftR. Itoid not only does he a" is well tile Limits Slipper will Ila dispeoped AlFof %% tire Phowing to Allot -tivo. illlpl.(..t ill The offerillgq 11i,, in lo- -infitne. bar Ito is Man a splendid it trensirist rise Iii, We" CIlC'd 011 to -xplain their views - appeLixinpr meal th-.t the rat xt Lord,,, Day morraing. Tho ser. 0IiN A. S. Ills, wni it of �ucl, it b(,dV linn been "t wt-tv IIIII I'll I0 tit(' 11% 4-1,1g� Ili#- I I Nr, N9w&on L%rap tenor, hey iridividtaially then served. meml)p vice prepatrixtoov to t.he evidinance will I . 1p ('11 -rnle, The rethitiv r4,w week -i. ill.- Im I"A' li-s rA romarkat,ly else. voice of' 11mo., Lf ve Millis lftri %�j t a, 425 this week, hot , held tbat Godericl� . When all hall done he held this (Fridal) eve.illig, when in 1', 11 vinlimated caPabilatea. and bn, solos WAS the pinpar location for such nif lstice to Ilia agent bV It. 14. Wlllilllll�, de- I inle. being not dol it I Ise were
idles, file nine pi epared Lite new applicants for mentherilhip, will WAasketilifilli considerably, eaatahlisbrnent� on Recount of its mArAv ketono orchestra gave t4b PAL-kerli. the audience another mil,deni tfeat: Ile received. and communion cdo; dis- Ovit North street colitenirlorar It 1-1191hy nildream. dpoiling not William Carpv, who iiqt -velved with arpas appleasn, Mr. j. C. advAlitagea. posItela6d by no other tributed. The collertion will list on does not take vpry kittill of Lond ... A, 1(� it %,e in tho quartatte alnifing and equally so lift V W11 11 AfTAirP, LAW 91411(ing week,; since f his,11 tenor voice wall very effec. teacher LOLIVi-ence. of Goderich town. behalf of tire poor of tire corigregn- STAR'S criLicistill; of tile 13-ilig desp,itch it hiliq ot I lie conntry, Soo P of bi in, ll':rdu-tA with lr. McDonsid. Mr. h it t 01 fir 03 town in the county. These fire rail y 14) I'l llc,at I bp c )m inpre ial I nil I ron. join It,,
W I d a& tier, Powell'o; f rte, r
'to 250 communicat Ion at all Comes, and water ship, gave a most Interestin c onc Lion.
.4 I., . (ill 13 communicALlon with all parts during whichillipearf-d in tit(. roronlo y F., G dner h
erot, I he reading; Masai Whitely rendered an rprvark,, and recornini,ndatiolIR art% baritone voice. Arnong 1110 slectionor by
11tran, Oat 1599toa ##Aeon of navigation, giving I'llre0t And organ sola, A. 13. Cornell gave anoth- Lenten devOtiOns at St. Peter's Until well worth heedivig. lie vpry JIIRIIY "A 1110"OultillY gond
hartak, Viar tort- 17 N'tcr 17 cheap freights to er old time song and 11,11ark GladvAt Platt Easter Sunday. A short, inottri and savA to) Tht-se neorile %vii the 14orth Went AAL ction tire nevevioty (if o,ilplitqt to 0 11TIVA, aquartette were -The Water Mill" by will he given every Wedneridav "it lie," lite Politor of file Hilzrial. their -A-Iti- menilierw riont tile 41116(. Ill".411( I had NI-ev. -0,1ward" by Oeible, "Until the .0,4� 166 0270, t140 105 0908 141, Ontario and Sault St. Marie, pleasing recitation I Horace J. and Friday evening Fit 7 W' "llftd orritt en fir ingpireil I he Ili I lele In in alro, ,tin ' AAnA --V/ Old K,vittuckv Home."
"Arley ........... 0 on slang an Old Iir .,,i,.Iy tlip, ol mw I'm 0 0 ow cothIpy song, F. Thurado, Ineniber"hop of '%fly Oil Water laYlstem. supplying an LampreV gave .Ile and every Sundati, at 7 p. in, J,be x;it,: lie wolild not Nheltp hiintlefr .,i 11,1411 rains It -I lhnev-o -o Preeiv Th 1441 ki'vis vary Ono. being monlit In the 69 to 087 twedra tvater, th#' ro-Arypen f the '%not et (toln on ItIAV Allf"nit. ill I lip 0 40 to 'O N t 11mv lie Called 14 IV I in %4 I& enqr violin with vtc&l Black ...... 0:83 I'd 043 Big Mill to grind for exportlAtIono thus again brou C.1holles and -the, Cht-l.clans laid a know of thp (Wirl rnQ,,, the 1,111 Nvilhoill ilith"ta vkc I mouth norgan land flarald Blitekni.drip Ject, next Wednesdav will 114a, ,Hqsw behind a denial. aq. fr(oll W11.1t %ve now Ier cattle. mo
HAY, Pot 700'.') SM gIvinj a 9(mil Inarkat, for grain. and it down the hiloAt. by the fa Mr. Joplice I,niioi, a1l.l,_*.qqoIW Ptvwlvl�nt. A -olo part for h1r, cDonsfil Butter. "r, 4., 0 17. r_q, IS f Inor re dition ArA atinther comic song; Joe Penitential life;" Thurohlay. We movie were alwolotply ( irr(.( I fliell Will the whole tette d TOVi Ito breea Wit polvol. "ro- (nr olProvid.4,
0. 16, d '17 eed fat th be mr Pnersigievi told Ille 1,;-I,�k in fin chorts ()ad save "Ca"Kinal ...4 lip" e to Ilia old Cline $Lyle: Harold armilliAll" Friday, "We Fillould preach colostro di(OT,"l "n ILIA. (,Igo Ioke satronel 4 I lip ('miri IIS TA to 4 23 township sp I lien Ile i j. II:it.qpl ved I ehoke ov I Ise P II)e delightful evening's tntertivin- aa 75 to 4 00 from thf, f f&ke e sang "As Beautiful as & Butter- should in our lives latilate Clu isk our Pirst onar rontemporottv iol III
Ion -Isf� and Him crucitied.11 ,I hzy f $inch n IMAY All Cattle. Vft. art, the eresalty'.. tit starting Aneg eks a alritin oblilied with & solo. Chi Ju.lge, I bought wits it lit Ilf-:111 me it I nd we fopi enrot tilt who we" pre -
sheep. r tpd!� establishment, and itfl.. losses thought nve the X list" firbught a Cardinal Vaughan. of Lonstan. bag whit nerept, ntill PethnpR benefit I'V whih- w -,kin;o I tip 0"A'"ina will wi-h to be ......... Wrint,I) I'llft 0001l'Itit'll KY fall .�nl o 2 Otto 3 it'll the bobst poisht for it, oil lie- oit I qnt itailin on the return date. M
Shealit, At. Goditr mAst Ill even fast's efitertAtninrat ag^inqt tile Anti- that lie w`Q not it I knei rl Is onday.
Horits. Iftweilir -444. larch I [ill Items. itin, &I-00olacly 1*00inge elf the feed the progistrame were eneorpd ,Ind count of its fripight raellif leso. hut "into oil I lie Aria the 6crArtion of his Accession te the Afe(lillicit,filir dorinrl.q "file pinternent" Iola toward, ow ,it a -lice .if I lip lit 1 14� o tit c . Most tot those appearing Ottholle oat b taken by I( Ing PAward nothingaliont it. whil,- thiq week I)an 11 u4m.(.14-1111"Il. last vvlil
Fieklotilsiv, IW!I.l r31 nearl fill tits encOrOill w6ate grontood. throne. and "with the norip of repair - Work 4 lhe lifilml, I ,jow i,nnoj. 'rite Mill when in Ham r rdh*IlW awd6r. a made werp gilmnitilely entrect." Read IAftelf, fulltr die. Blackstone Was 011toartod rdt#& Ing and cantelling the I Jnrles thrift Of fall will Ili- lit il'.110 ng,:1 'I :,I ik nuurwn 1. O.A.rieh Folk Overy wonat, AS was the 13hollittfarre ColtanslittP41 lig4in I., .1h,
form it "At 4ftiftled of the divine blojes gror (,(Trip HTAU nn,l th(sqP I)rpgpnt at i ,nt,I)If . i -I "?l1lQl1c,A tit ninkin a It tOwn 4111Y4 I 1411. Palo 11,Aoll.r.'ir RAmd 30 to C?fl k6fill star 0 *fail tb@ nervil roramurs- the Court lintole r,11) �apilv living 1110, 4- own lvordpt,q arp On opetaina tile raoope The uneral allitske it to flikeetilif to be hold Ott Carlow A-1 4 it Ill'Uto 110 , r 'ell it on Ttie "Alin the evv1d nee of Jait. "Altel, Rr rmalft 6ts Filu WO11% organ #0101st and chatleri Doty be relehritted In own opinion as tot I h- I riit h6sinetiq nil I oiel v ; n nd ivp a ro If (I to learri from oty rolurt crier I 91 I
leMr. IrAh InsIt., whi
Or I14 .k", 4D
I A) III not rmi root CAT) cridal, Altd, , 6d a"I grartToghone received tbe"t" eires 7, 0 Church within -11thil' F, entorisainivitl, ciatift. ,ond Sanda3r, of robabilittir of Conr erring ronietarpornIv, :h;Q To -rile that I of chided hiq part, of thp epterannv An- to MAILIvond &I 0 h -Ini7�d otlididtift the liet 00del-irl, Onlrilf,v to, day it larger utan will% v h6 cost Of filitt6b are deststvitif salt thanUll or tho tati, and t.fislaill, Ill future the words nin lips- of lb,II,(Iq I ban ever I,pf,,s P. 4 The He Raw Ilia mi,itAke. and no gic.11ht. in Married. littit"Aft LVent 1provI ed, and the UdIft I'Alif1driattIft" libliall live Prefixed and read "TOO much of the beallf Oat" is what I h Oocka npon It forided to rpetity it when lf)qing (110 "Awicr"M FOJrMFL- At 'k ioparag - Air 1,ankrupt
italli lWaLtAblo 4kiiiiiiial bill6m the drirlitais pialse, WdWall ItIfter many tarmerst living on side lines com. limited rnarkel, he Onds, lqrstp fprpn filing. halt be again cried "Aijod .4&ve A lbartjr.b, larb, hzitho 111 thOY NUPPI164 t6t this SUPP er. .7 , !rm"Iftlyll.. naka ary behadlet". plarn Of this winter, with legitimate tarrade and dernorralizes t"his Queen." a